HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190426_Site Planr5(l"I+J*Ilrltl.Ll6VLtJLv178r-oi$BFIIul7< Er tt Pyr/E\.Ay ./\-.-.-.,\-rrfnrNFaf*bt7g7,i1t/t4o4+Lri'11dTp2*i,-rlq2--!:.?5{')Eum^u6t EN,Esv \.-__-,/Sne k)JWe> ilccK€xlsl tr,tq ?twu''qQ s sTatcs?ettrNS(r L^1H6)40 6 Nrw Poa't YLrlo To: Newport Beach Planning Division Requesting for " Zoning Compliance Letter " Name of the Business: Dolphin Flental Newport Beach Amount of employee : 1 Dock location :2406 Newport blvd. Newport Beach, 92662 Office Location: 21 1 5 Sherington Pl #D1O4, Newport Beach, 92663 Boats available: 1989 Duffy 20' ( Fiberglass ) VIN # DAFFD2065G989 / BOAT NAME: THE FREEDSTER ll 1 994 Duffy 21 ' ( Fiberglass ) VIN # DFFD1 06784941 BOAT NAII/E: 1gTH HOLE 2005 Electracraft CAT 16' ( Fiberglass ) VIN # LDHFO473K405 / BOAT NAME: NO NAIME Hour of operation We will be operating fr/onday thru Friday from 9:00AtM to 6:00PM. Business Activity We will be running a Electric boat rental in this location where my clients will cruising the boat by themselves thru the harbor. 15 minutes before the departure , we will explain all the harbor safety regulations and let them know about all other precautions and limitation about area where they are and are not permitted to cruise. ln this 15 minutes course the designated captain read and sign our agreement. A map of the harbor will be provided also . All boats are equipped with GPS tracking system which will make the rentalexperience safer. Our goal is to provide the best experience possible to our clients. EUI arr rrla S [ [ io Rem'ta I Ag Heeumeir:t (Teffiap] DPG $\,ie$r';3oi''{ LLe FentnsuEa Kl'Eeher: 2406 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 DATE: 3-1-19 SLIP #: 3 Duffu 18 Duffv 2L Manufacturer: Duffu Boat Co. 40' Draft: 3 Sail or Power:P "VESSEL": Name: Length Overall: U.S. Coast Guard Official #(or) State Reg #: : CF2931Sl( CF077BKH "VESSEL 0WNER(s)": Name(s):Dolphin Rental Newport Beach Name(s): Name(s): ,Address: 2115 Sherrineton #D104 (lilamed VESSEL OWNER must be registered or documented owner or managing partner of the VESSEL) Home Phone: _ Cell: 424308772-/ Worl<: Email: Fernandez33S@hotmail.com EMERGENCY CONTACT (other than vessel owner Iistecl) Name: Cristiano Fernandez Address: Worl<: j ,r Home Phone:Cell: 949 433 6554 ( Lucero Marino samP This SLIP RENTAL AGREEI\4EIJT ("Agreement") is entered into on the date stated above (the "Effective Date"i, between DPG Newport LLC / Peninsula l(itchen and Bar and the above named VESSEL OWNER, with reference to the above-rnentioned slip or vessel mooring (the "SLIP") at the Marina {the "MARINA") operated by DPG llewport LLC at the above stated address and VESSEL OWNER may be referred to herein, collectivelrT as the "Parties" and individualiy as a "Party", subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, VESSEL OWNER agrees to lease the SLIP fi'om DPG. DPG agrees to let the SLIP to VESSEL OWIIER. Further subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, VESSEL OWNER's use of and interest in the SL|P shall be limited to VESSEL OWNER's moorage of and access to the above described VESSEL. TERIVIS AND CO N]DITIO NS 1, TERI',{ A. lnitial Term. This is a TWELVE (12) month agreement. The initial Term of this Slip Rental Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (May 3.2A1-9) ancl it shall terminate on the last day of April 2020. B. Monthly Term Extensions. Upon expiration of the lnitial Term, the Term oi this Agreement shall extend for successive periods of one (1) calerrdar month each ("lVlonthly Term Extensions") unless notice is given by either part-v as provided herein. The Term of this Agreement shall be understood to be the lnitial Term, as extended by all Monthly Term Extensions. Monthly term extensions subject to DPG receiving rnonthlrT slip fee payments as described below. 2. RENT A. Due Upon Execution. lmmediately upon execution oi this Agreement, VESSEL OWNIR shall pay the following sums tc : DPG Newport LLC i. Security Deposit: ii. First month's (lvla,i 2019) Rent, in the amount of 52000.00 Further, upon execution of this Agreement, VESSEL OVVI{ER must provide proof of insurance, as specified in Section 6 herein. B. Monthly Rental Payments- Beginning on the first (1st) day of the month which immediately foliows the Effective Date of this Agreement, anci continuing for the first (1-st) day of each month throughout the Term of this Agreement, VESSEL OWNER shall pay Monthly Rental Payments ("Rent") to DPG Newport LLC , for the rental of the SLIP, in the amount of 52000.00 per month. Such l/lonthly Rental Payments must be received on cr before the fifth i5th) day of each calendar month throughout the Term of this Agreement, !!r'.{-- \- 2000.00 currentlv on deposit with DPG Newport LLC IMG 35O5.JPG Page 1 of1 C. Timely Payment of Rent. VESSEL OWNER hereby aclcnowledges and agrees that late payment by VESSEL OWNER to DPG of any Rent for the SLIP i,vill cause to incur administrative costs not contemplated in agreeing to terms of this Agreement, the exact amount of which costs are presently difficult and impractical ascertain. Accordingly, the Parties agree that to compensate for any such late Rent payment, VESSEL OWNER shall immediately pay to DPG a late charge equal to ten percent (10%) of any Rent paymeni which is noi received by on or before the fifth (5th) day of each calendar month in which such Rent payment is due. Acceptance of such late charge shall neither constitute a waiver of VESSEL OWNER's default with respect to such overdue amount nor prevent DPG from exercising any other rights and remedies granted herein or br7 law to DPG. 3. TERIVIINATIOi! r\. Termination by VESSEL OWNER. VESSEL OWNER may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to DPG on or before the fifth (5th) calendar day of any Monthly Term Extension which it wishes to terminate the Agreement as of the last day of the month. B. Termination by DPG For Cause. DPG may terminate this Agreement for cause if VESSEL OWhIER violates any tei'ms or conditions of this Agreement or its incorporated obligations ("Default") by providing ten (10) days written notice to VESSEL OWNER. lf the Default is not cured v.rithin such time, VESSEL OWNER must remove the VESSEL from lhe SLIP prior to the end of the notice period- ln the event VESSEL OWNER does not timely remove the VESSEL, DPG may act, as provided in Section 4 below ii. Not for Cause. DPG retains the right to terminate this Agreement without cause, at any time, upon twenty five (25) days written notice to VESSEL OWNER. ln such case, any prepaid fees, charges, or expenses shall be prorated and any surplus returned to VESSEL OWNER, and VESSEL OWNER shall remove the VESSEL by the termination date so noticed. Nothing in this section shall waive any other right of DPG under this Agreement, at larv, equity or admiralty. 4. R[N4OVAL lf VESSEL OWNER fails io remove the VESSEL and equipment from the SLIP upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, and after providing notice of same, DPG shall be entitled to: i. Remove the VESSEI and store or re-docl< the VESSEL at any location in any commercially reasonable manner, all at the soie expense of VESSEL OWNER, and until all charges and fees owed to DPG are brought currenU ii. Charge VESSEL OWNER a daily rental fee ithe Monthly Rental Payment divided by J-0) for so long as the vessel remains in the SLIP; or IE iii. Exercise any other right DPG shall have at law, admiralty, or equity -l'rJ' \'/ Action taken by PDG in furtherance of any of the above remedies shall not preclude DPG from taking action in furtherance of any other remedy. 5. ACI(NOWLEDGMENT OT GOVIRNING DOCUMENTS VESSEL OWNER acknovuledges and agrees to be bound by the Slip Tenant Rules and Regulations, which are attached hereto as [xhibit A and specifically incorporated herein by reference. 6. INSURANCE VESSEL OWNER agrees to keep VESSEL fully insured against loss by reason of fire, marine and collision risl<s, and shall include protection & indemnity coverage for the full Term of this Agreement. The insurance policy or policies shall name DPG LLC and Peninsuia Kitchen and Bar as an additional insured, and fully insure DPG and Peninsula Kitchen and Barfrom any and allliabilityfrom loss, injury, or damages to a person or property sustained while in or on the MARINA facilities or premises, and the facilities and premises of that which are adjacent to the lVlARlNA. VESSEL OWNER shall provide a copy of such insurance to DPG imrnediately upon execution of this Agreement, and shall provide proof of renewal upon the expiration of any policy term. VESSEL OWNtR, if renting one of the three {3) Iarge boat slips in the MARINA, tenant agrees to procure liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars (51,000,000) per occurrence. 7. EI\4ERGENCIES ln case of emergency, DPG sliail have the right but not the obligation to move the VESSEL, if possible. lf the VESSEL is unattended and the VESSIL OWNER cannot be reached. However, under no circurnstances is DPG under any obligation to provide this service" Costs incurred by DPG shall be billed to VESSEL OVVMR at the then prevailing rates in the locat harbor area. VESSEL OWNER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DPG LLC / Peninsula l(itchen and Bar from all liability, loss, or damage caused by or to the VESSEL. VESSEL OWNER shall be solely responsible for any emergency. 8. USE OF DOCIG; NO COMMERCIAL USE OF VESSEL; NO LIVE-ABOARDS VESSEL O\^./NER agrees that only reasonable, recreationai and city permitted use will be made of docks and facilities covered hereby, that no unnecessary wear and tear, disturbance, nuisance, rubbish or garbage will be permitted on the docl<s or premises, and tlrat VESSEL OWNER wili keep docks and premises free and clear of gear, tacl<le, and other obstructions. All waste materials are to be bagged and placed in an appropriate receptacle outside of the MARINA. VESSEL OWNER further agrees that the VESSEL shall not be used foi'any comrnercial purpose without a city permit or as a residence for any person while VESSEL is iu the I\4AR|NA. Lr 9. SLIP ASSIGNMENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE VESSEL OWNER understands that the SLIP which has been assigned to the VESSEL pursuant to this Agreement is not a permanent or guaranteed assignment. VESSEL OWNER further understands that DPG may, at its sole ciiscretion, assign a new slip to the VESSEL at any time during the Term of this Agreement by providing written notification of a Notice of Slip Re-Assignment to VESSEL OWNER. ln the event of such Notice of SIip Re-Assignment, VESSEL OWNER agrees that: i. VESSEL OWNER shall move the VESSEL to its new slip assignment within seven i7) days of the date of Notice of Slip Re-Assignment. lf VESSTL OWNER fails tc move the VESSEL within such seven-day {7) period, VESSEL OVVNER agrees tirat DPG ffiay ry16vu the VESSEL to its new slip assignment. During such move, VESSEL OWNIER agrees to hold DPG harmless for all property damage or injury alleged to have arisen during or caused by such move; and ii. All references in this Agreement to the "SLIP" shall be understood to refer to any appropriate slip in the MARINA that has been assigned to the VESSEL, and, except as otherv,rise stated, any reassignment of slip number shall have no effect on the obligations to the Parties as stated herein. 10. SUITABiLIT/ OF THE MARJNA VESSEL OWNIER acknovuledges that he/she has examined the MARINA and found it to be acceptable for all purposes relating to the moorage of the VESSEL. VESSEL OWNTR iurther acl<nowledges that DPG mal<es no i'epresentatior-r oi'guarantee concerning suitability oi ihe MARINA for the VESSEL including but not limited to, the depth of the water in the l\4ARlNA, the continuity of electrical power at the SLiP, or physical condition of the IVIARINA docks. 11. VESSEL MAINTENAhICE VESSEL O\,Vi{ER shall cause the VESSTL to be maintained in a clean, orderly, and seaworth}, condition at all times throughoui the Term of this Agreement. VESSEL OWNER may conciuct repair or maintenance work on the VESSEL if such work does not interfere with rights of other VESSEL OWNERS or of NBT. Any outside or independent contractor(s) used by VESSEL OWNER must be insured under a comprehensive general liability insurance policy, including worl<ers' compensation insurance, and such contractor must first be approved of bv DPG. :I2. NO SUBLEASING VESSEL OVVNER nray not sublet the sllP, and shall not moor any boat in the SLIP other than the VESSEL. Any boat moored in the SLIP without authorization may be removed and placed in storage at VESSEL OWNER's sole expense, and a lien placed against said boat for costs involved. ]rLL 13. NO BAILTV1ENT VESSEL OWNER agrees that this is an agreement for rental use of the facilities of the MARINA slip only, and is not a bailment agreement. 14. DELINQUE|!CY Ai{D DEFAULT Upon any Default DPG shall provide notice (a "Notice of Default) to VESSEL OWNER of the nature of such Default and the steps required to cure. lf VESSEL OVVNER fails to cure such Default rrithin ten (10) days of the date of such Notice of Default, may, in its sole discretion, (i) terminate this Agreement, (ii) enforce its remeciies at law, equity, and/or admiralty, including vrrithout limitation, entry upon and repossession of the SLIP and all appurtenances thereto, by forcibte entry, detainer suit, or otherwise, (iii) remove the VESSEL from the SLIP (including any personal property located therein), and (iv) mal<e any required repairs to the SLIP, with all risk of loss belonging solely to VESSEL OWNER, and with no liability to DPG, and with ail costs of storage, worl<, and repair being deemed to be included as Rent under tlris Agreement. 15. INDEIViNIT'i VESSEL OWNER, and its successors and assigns, shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless DPG / Peninsula i(itchen and Bar and its successors and assigns from and against all claims of any others owners of property er vessels arising out of any use of the MARINA, and further agrees to be responsible to DPG for danrage caused to the MARINA or any other property beionging to NBT, for any reason. 16. MISCELLANEOUS A- Notices Except as otherwise provided herein all payments, notices and demands under this Agreement shail be given in r,rrriting and delivered by courier, facsimile, or United States Mail to the Parties' respective addresses as listeci in the Agreement or to the individual Pafiy in person wherever they may be found. B. Governing Law, Atiorney's Fees and Venrre The valiciity, interpretation and performance of this r\greement shall be controlled by and construed uncjer the laws of the State of California, County of Orange, is the location in which this Agreement is deenred to be executed. ln the event that any provision herein in anrl way contravenes the laws cf the State of California, that provision shall be deemed not to be pai-t of this Agreement anci the remaining provisions to remain in full force and effect, Should any Party ii'rcur- any costs whatsoever to enforce or prevent the breach of any provision herein, including but not limited to judicial or non-judicial action, or any action for declaratory relief, the non- prevailing Party of such action shall pay to the other Party or Parties all costs, expenses, and attorney's fees incurred related in arrrl way to such action. lr/-l C. No Waiver Failure by either Pafiy at any time to require performance by the other Party, or to claim a breach of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any remedy, will not be construed as a waiver cf any right or rennedy accruing under this Agreenrent, nor prejudice either Party with regard to any subsequent action. D. Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration, conducted in Orange County, California, and administered by American Arbitration Association uncier its Commercial Arbitration Rules. judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) rnay be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. ARBITRATION PROVISION APPROVED BY VESSEI O\iVNER:L F1,n,,,r,r1 17. NON-RECORDATION The Parties agree that this Agreernent does not constitute an interest in real property and it shall not be recorded. 18- RECEIPT OF AGREIMENT AI{D KNOWLEDGE OF TERfo4S The Parlies hereto each acknowledge that they have read and that they fully understand and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreemeni before signing, and that they have received a copy upon execution by all Parties. \,TCCtrV LJJL R(s)/)t-\--l OL t^ai.'1 LJ ature) (Signature) For v-_ {Printed Name) (Date) ili)tt i lr Ile 'J {Printed Name} (Date) /, n4 PJo @ V,{$l rqnV (Signature)(Printed Name) (Date) l*l ) )aA\_ Donna's Radius Maps 684 S. Gentry Lane Anaheim Hills, Ca gz8o7 0r+) gzr-zgzl- OWNERSHIP/O CCUPANT LIST Attached to this Certification Form is a list of all owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. This property information was acquired through the Orange County Assessment Rolls. Further this information is based upon the most up-to-date records of the county tax assessor and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. Property located at: 2406 Newport Blvd Newport Beach CA 92663 APN #047-t20-04 M c*l^J Donna Scales (Preparer) Donna's Radius Maps Dated:+-5- t? Easy Peel'1"Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge" Go to avery.com/templates I Use Avery Template 516O r 047-120-04 1 BOYS JAMES 42432ND STREET #B NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-093-02 4 RONALD & JEANETTE LEE PO BOX 171 LA HABRA CA 90633 041-093-05 1 CHARLES ROE I2O 21TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-093-22 10 JAMES S RUTHERFORD 115 26TH ST NEV/PORTBEACH CA92663 041-093-33 t6 DONALD A GOULD 121 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-02 t9 JOHN & CHERYL TAYLOR 28173 224TH PL SE MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 047-094-05 22 PATRICIA ANN LITTEN 120 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 FIRST AMERICAN lITLIDO PARKDRBOX 154 NEWPORT BEACH CA92659 047-093-03 5 NGO KHOI 124 27TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-093-06 8 RONALD L JESSEE 1 18 27TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-093-23 11 IRA P DIESEL 1 17 26TH ST NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 041-093-28 EARL L PITKIN 3096 DURAND DR HOLLYWOOD CA 90068 14 047-093-34 BETTY M SWIFT 915 V/ KENNETH RD GLENDALE CA9I2O2 71 041-094-03 20 MICHAEL & DONNA LIBUTTI 5198 SILVER MOUNTAIN WAY ALTA LOMA CA9I131 047-094-06 23 SPENCER BEHR CROUL 426 31ST ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-10 26 EUGENE W OPITTEK 235YIA SOCORRO SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 047-094-21 BEACH NEWPORT LLC 339 ARDEN AVE #5 GLENDALE CA9I2O3 29 047-093-01 NAWAR ANDREW 34629 BELLA VISTA DR YUCAIPA CA92399 041-093-04 6 ALANJ PYENSON 2270 NEWPORT BLVD #201 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-093-21 9 DANIELE GUERRERO ".113 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 04'1-093-24 t2 DUNCAN J CAROL 228W CARRILLO ST #F SANTA BARBARA CA 93101 041-093-29 DIRK }IERZOG 1109 CORONA LN COSTA MESA CA92626 15 041-094-01 18 CARL & TERESA TRONCALE 128 26TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-094-04 DEWAYNE D CASEY ]54YIA MONTEVIDEO CLAREMONT CA 91711 21 047-094-08 24 KASRA ALLEN MILANI 112 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-t9 27 JEAN CELEKETIC 109 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-23 30 GEORGE J BENDER PO BOX 5248 BALBOA ISLAND CA92662 3 047-094-09 DEBORAH MCGOWEN 1595 PROSPECT DR POMONA CA9I166 041-094-20 LAURA GIDCUMB 4510 LARKSPUR RD RIVERSIDE CA92504 25 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel3, i Rupliez A la hachure af in de rev6]er le rebord Pop up r Allez a avery.ca/gabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5160 i 28 &nv se6o i 047-093-21 t3 BRIAN A SERRA 125 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 I I : Easy Peel'!' Add ress Labels Bend along line to expose Pop up Edge I I t, 041-094-25 31 BERIT MITCHELL PO BOX 2683 NEWPORT BEACH CA92659 047-094-28 SERGIO CLOPEZ 3415 JODEE DR WEST COVINA CA9I79I 34 047-094-31 37 VITA ABBONDANTE PROP DEV 216 S CITRUS ST#22I WEST COVINA CA9I19I 047-100-03 & 04 40-4t ABDELMUTI DEV CO 16350 GOTHARD ST #101 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92641 041-tr0-22 44 CATHERINE TRAN 10386 WARNER AVE FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 921 08 047-t20-32 47 RALPH A FURRA 1418 W BAY AVE NEWPORTBEACH CA9266I 041-t4t-03 BENTLEY HEIDE 4606 EDGEWOOD PL RIVERSIDE CA92506 50 041-094-26 CHARISSE M SPADA 8448 NE 33RD DR #200 PORTLAND OR 972I ] 041-094-29 MICHAELLHUST 2368 FOOTHILL LN BREA CA92821 35 047-094-32 38 ERLINDA A TORRES-FULLER 115 25TH ST NEV'/PORT BEACH CA 92663 047-110-18 42 HAMID J NOURMAND 1801 CENTURY PARK E #1830 LOS ANGELES CA 90067 047-120-01 45 MARY M HILL 5250 VILLA VERDE DR #U2 RENO NV 89523 047-141-01 48 25TH STREET PROP 420 HOLMWOOD DR NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047 -t4t-04 51 CHARISSE MARIE SPADA 8448 NE 33RD DR PORTLAND OR912II 047-t4t-07 54 DONNA A FOWLER 116 25TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-t4I-10 57 KENNETH & QUYNH AUGUST 19200 VON KARMAN #9OO IRVINE CA92612 047-141-20 61 DAVID W CHADBOURNE 17341 BONNER DR TUSTIN CA9268O 041-094-21 33 CHRISTOPHERNINH -12925TH ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-094-30 STEPHENB PHENX 2842BOA VISTA DR COSTA MESA CA92626 36 041-094-33 39 SSS REAL ESTATE 1516 BROOKHOLLOW DR #B SANTA ANA CA 92705 041-tt0-t9 43 RENEBARGE 408 31ST ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-720-29 46 BAY VILLAS NEWPORT 2912LAFAYETTE RD NEV/PORTBEACH CA92663 047-141-02 49 KENTEDMISTON 126 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-14t-05 52 RONALDO A STORF 120 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-t4t-08 55 STEPHEN & JUDITH SAVAGE 1397 S CHERRYVALE RD BOULDER CO 80303 047-t4t-tt &.12 58-59 ERNEST VAN DORN 29876 GARDEN GROVE DR MENIFEE C492584 047-t4t-21 62 LAUTHIENNGUYEN 111 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 32 047-141-06 MATINA SOUTSOS 2575 CHAMPA ST DENVER CO 80205 047 -t4t-09 CHARLES WILSON 961 CORONADO DR COSTA MESA C492626 047 -141-t9 WILLIAM A YOUPEL 490 W BLL]FF FRESNO CA931II 53 56 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel I i Repliez d la hachure afin de r6veler le rebqrd Pop sp' t A.llez a avery.ca/gabarits Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5160 60 r-tAvEnv se6o iL-) | Go to avery.com/templates | , Use AveryTemplate 5,l60 t Pat: aycr-y,eoF.t/ patc nts Easy Peel'u',Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge- Go to avery.com/templates I Use AveryTemplate 5160 r 047-l4t-23 63 GEOFFREY O DAVIS 405 SEVILLE AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA9266I 041-t4t-27 66 STACIE SULLENGER-BOND 2745 VISTA UMBROSA NEWPORT BEACH CA9266O 047-14t-30 69 DANIEL A TEITSCHEID 3808 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-142-0t 72 ANDREW HARRIS 2694IHIGHLAND DR SAN JUAN CAPISTRA CA92615 047 -t4t-24 i J H NEWPORT 177 N CHURCH AVE #2OO TUCSON AZ857OI 041-t4t-28 67 ANTHONY & MAI NGUYEN 17816 PORTO MARINA WAY PACIFIC PALISADES CA 90272 041-141-3t 70 MAHMOUD FIROUZBAKHT PO BOX 10773 HOUSTONTX772O6 041-t4t-25 JOHN HILLS 214 N PINE ST ORANGE CA92866 64 65 047-142-04 BEAR LOUNGE POLAR 4948 VOLTAIRE #1A SANDIEGO CA92IO1 047-142-08 76 ROBIN RTINSER 47367 STERDLEY FALLS TER STERLING VA 20165 041-142-22 2306 W OCEANFRONT 801 N HARBOR BLVD FULLERTON CA 92832 19 041-142-25 82 ROY KOUCHI 9]42OLYI|;4PIC DR HLINTINGTON BEACH CA 92646 047-142-29 85 ANTHONY & MAI NGUYEN 17816 PORTO MARINA WAY PACIFIC PALISADES CA 90272 932-84-035 89 PAGOTTO MARA TRUST 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #211 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-039 92 WILLMONTLLC 10470 FOOTHILL BLVD #160 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 041-141-29 WILSON FAMILY 10515 BRANSCOMB ST NORWALK CA 90650 68 047-t4t-32 11 PAUL FEJTEK I2324THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-t42-05 ANTHONY PERONE 2325 ROANOKE RD SAN MARINO CA 91108 74 047-142-09 77 ALI ZARRINEGAR 1806 GALAXY DR NEWPORT BEACH CA9266O 047-142-23 80 JOHN KUHTA 1OO7 W BAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA9266I 041-142-26 83 JOSEPH S BALZER 124 Z4THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-033 86 YIE TIAN 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #210 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-031 90 ORAZIO SALAMONE 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #212 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-040 93 NORMAN EINHORN 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #313 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 13 047-142-06 BEACH NEWPORT LLC 339 ARDEN AVE #5 GLENDALE CA9I2O3 15 047-t42-t0 78 RONALD & JEANETTE LEE PO BOX 171 LA HABRA CA 90633 047-t42-24 81 KOURY ROBERT 2OO MAIN ST #206 HLINTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 041-142-27 84 AGARWAL SANJAY I2224THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-034 &036 87-88 RANCHO PACIFIC PROP 10470 FOOTHILL BLVD #1OO RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 932-84-038 9t BOHDAN DROBENKO 440 SANTA ANA AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel iRepliez d la hachure afin de r6veler le rebord Pop-up' i Allez a avery.ca/gabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5160 I []nv se6o i Easy Peel'iuAddress Labels Bcnd along line to expose Pop-up Edgc Use AveryTemplate 51 6O t Go to avery.com/templates I 932-84-041 94 WILLMOUTLLC 10470 FOOTHILL BLVD #1OO RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 932-84-044 91 THOMAS INSTONE 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #216 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-047 ALLAN MACKEY 1878 SIGNAL RIDGE PL ROCKWALL TX75O32 100 932-84-050 103 CHIN HSIEN & LI RONG WANG 2600 NEWPORT BL #219 NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-053 106 RICHARD & KAREN WAGNER 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #320 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-84-056 109 ROGER ETHERINGTON 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #222 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-059 trz NORMAN MEYERS 27OO NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-062 115 EDWARD CRISTOBAL 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #225 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-065 118 KENT STODDARD 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #326 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-7r-301 t2t LV/P VUE LLC 3811 TURTLE CREEK BLVD #975 DALLAS TX152I9 932-84-042 95 BRUMLEUFAMILY 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #314 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-045 ANTHONY R DELELLIS 562 CAMINO VERDE S PASADENA CA 91030 98 932-84-048 CHRISTOPFIER DUNN PO BOX 1379 AVALON CA9O1O4 101 932-84-051 t04 GHIBAUDO GABRIEL 1555 S CUCAMONGA AVE ONTARIO CA91761 932-84-054 t07 CHRISTOPHER M BILLETT 3620 SEABREEZE LN CORONA DEL MAR C492625 932-84-057 110 SCOTT HILDEBRANDT 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #322 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-060 STEPHANIE L OKEY 978 LOCUST CT MASON OH 45040 113 932-84-063 JOHN MARK BOONE 1313 CHICAGO AVE #1OO RIVERSIDE CA925O1 116 932-84-066 119 BOHDANDROBENKO 440 SANTA ANA AVE NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-7r-302 t22 CORNELIS VANMECHELEN 22IO NEWPORT BLVD #302 NEW'PORT BEACH CA9266I 932-84-043 WEN C KYLE I8O1 LADERA VISTA DR FULLERTON CA 9283I 96 932-84-046 99 DENNIS & LESLIE HALLORAN 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #217 NEV/PORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-049 102 GARY & MARY DE PERINE 3419 VIA LIDO #343 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-052 105 THOMAS W REDMON 1620 SYLVANER AVE SAINT HELENA CA94574 932-84-055 108 THOMAS AMACEDO 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #321 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-058 111 STEVENSONWEITZ 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #223 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-84-061 tt4 DAVID C ADLER 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #324 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-84-064 tt7 LAITH BEZZETT 27OO NEWPORT BLVD #226 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-84-061 THOMAS J DLIRANT PO BOX 4092 WEST COVINA CA9179I t20 932-7 t-303-315,317 -323,325-336, 123 -11 4 338 -342,344,3 47 -356, 35 8-36 1 MARINA NPB 5OI RICHARDSON ST #C SIMPSONVILLE SC 2968I Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel ' i Repliez a la h.re hure afin de rev6ler !e reLrord Pop up" r Allez a avery.calgabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 51 6O t r-1 rrAVERY 5960 'l,r Easy Pee["nAdd ress Labels Bend along line to expose Pop up Edqe Go to avery.comltemplates I j Use AveryTemplate 5160 I 047-120-04 1 OCCUPANT 2406 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 251 SHIPYARDWAY #B NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 25l SHIPYARDWAY #E NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 634 LIDO PARK DR #A NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #I NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #4 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2OI SHIPYARDWAY #7 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #A NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2Ol SHIPYARDWAY #D NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARD WAY #1 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 7IO LIDO PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-070-09 2 OCCUPANT 251 SHIPYARD WAY #C NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 251 SHIPYARD WAY #F NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 634 LIDO PARK DR #B NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #2 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #5 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #8 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2OI SHIPYARD V/AY #B NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #E NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARD WAY #2 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 251 SHIPYARD WAY #A NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 251 SHIPYARDWAY #D NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 630 LIDO PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 640 LIDO PARK DR NEWPORTBEACH C492663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #3 NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2OI SHIPYARD V/AY #6 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #9 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #C NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 201 SHIPYARD WAY #F NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARDWAY #3 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel !, I Rcpliez a Ia hachure afin de reveler Ie rebord Pop up i Allez a avery.calgabarits I Utilisez Ie Gabarit AverV 5160 r i r--1[]nv se6oo i Pat; averl eem/patentS ! I I A AVERYt, "t5960 | I Easy Peels' Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge Go to avery.com/templates I Use AveryTemplate 5160 t 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 15I SHIPYARD WAY #4 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT I51 SHIPYARD WAY #7 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARD WAY #A NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 8 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 11 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 14 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 17 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 22 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCIIPANT 25 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCIIPANT 28 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 15I SHIPYARD WAY #5 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARD WAY #8 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARDWAY #B NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 9 CABRILLO ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 12 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 15 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 20 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 23 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 26 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 29 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARD WAY #6 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-0rc-09 2 OCCUPANT 151 SHIPYARD WAY #9 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 15I SHIPYARD WAY #C NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 10 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 13 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 16 CABRILLO ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-0rc-09 2 OCCUPANT 21 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 24 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 27 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 30 CABRILLO ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adr"esse Easy Peelu Rcpliez a la hachure a{in de reveler le rebord Pop up AIlez a avery.calgabarits I r Utilisezle Gabarit AveV 5160 i 1 Pat: avcry.ggfli/ p.tents Easy Peel'!' Address Labels Bcnd along line to expose Pop-up tdge Go to avery.comltemplates I Use AveryTemplate 5160 r 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 3I CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 39 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 42 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 45 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 6 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 12 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 16 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 19 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 22 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 25 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 36 CABRILLO ST NEVTPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 40 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 43 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 8 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 14 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 17 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 20 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 23 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 26 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 37 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 41 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 44 CABRILLO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 4 ANCHORACE WAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-070-09 2 OCCUPANT 10 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 15 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 18 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2l ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 24 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 27 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel i Rcpliez a la hachure alin de reveler Ie rebord Pop up r A,llez a avery.calgabarits I Utilisezle Gabarit Avery 5l60 i i wIERy se60 I I I Easy Peel"'Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop.up Ldge Go to avery.com/templates I Use AveryTemplate 5160 r 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 28 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 31 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 34 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 37 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 41 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-0rc-09 2 OCCUPANT 47 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 53 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 3 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 6 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 9 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 29 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 32 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 35 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 38 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 43 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 49 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 1 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 4 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 7 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 10 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 30 ANCHORAGE WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 33 ANCHORAGE V/AY NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 36 ANCHORAGE WAY NEV/PORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 39 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 45 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 51 ANCHORAGEWAY NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 5 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-0rc-09 2 OCCUPANT 8 BOLIVAR ST NEV/PORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 11 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peelr i Repliez d !a hachur:e afin de r6v6ler le rebord Pop-up' i Allez ir avery-ca/gabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5160 i []nv se6o i Pat, eveny. eo.nl patents Easy Peel oAddress Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge Go to avery.com/templates I Use AveryTemplate 5160 t 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 12 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 15 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 21 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 24 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 27 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 04'7-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 30 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 39 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 44 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 50 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 3 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 13 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 16 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 22 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 25 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 28 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 31 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 41 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 46 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 1 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-0rc-09 2 OCCUPANT 4 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 14 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 20 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 23 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 26 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 29 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 37 BOLIVAR ST NEV/PORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 43 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 48 BOLIVAR ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 5 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel I Ropliez a la hachure afin de reveler le ,eOo,O Pop-up I Allez b avery.calgabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5l60 i I Snx 5950" P.tt: avery.can'rl'peteI-1ts Easy Peel''ll Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge Go to avery.com/templates IUseAveryTemplate5160 t 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 6 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 9 ANZA ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 12 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 15 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 22 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 25 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 28 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 20 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 12 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 16 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 7 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 10 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 13 ANZA ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 20 ANZA ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 23 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 26 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 29 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 21 DRAKE ST NEV'/PORT BEACH CA 92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 14 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 17 DRAKE ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 8 ANZA ST NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 11 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 14 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 21 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 24 ANZA ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 27 ANZA ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 30 ANZA ST NE,WPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 22 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 15 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 18 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel' Rcpliez i la hachure afin dc rev6ler le re bord Pop up Allez A avery.calgabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 516O t [f nv se6o i Pat: avery.eemlpatents Easy Peel':'Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge' Go to avery.com/templates I Use Avery Template 516O t 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 19 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 32 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 36 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCLIPANT 39 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 42 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 45 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 22 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 26 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 29 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 33 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 30 DRAKE ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 33 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 37 DRAKE ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 40 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 43 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 20 EL PASEO ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 23 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 27 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 30 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 34 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 31 DRAKE ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 34 DRAKE ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 38 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 41 DRAKE ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 44 DRAKE ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 21 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 25 EL PASEO ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 28 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-0rc-09 2 OCCUPANT 3I EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 35 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Pat: ave ry, e-entlpatents Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peell I Repliez a Ia hachure afin de r6vdler Ie rebord Pop-up'' I Allez i avery.calgabarits I Utilisez le Gabrarit Avery 5160 r r-t IAVERy, 5960 il'I Easy Peel'u Address Labels Bcnd along line lo expose Pop up Edge Go to avery.com/templates IUseAveryTemplate5160 I 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 36 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 39 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 42 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 20 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 23 FREMONT ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 27 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 3l FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 34 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 37 FREMONT ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 40 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 37 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 40 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCLIPANT 43 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2l FREMONT ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 24 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 29 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 32 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 35 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 38 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 4l FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 38 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 41 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 45 EL PASEO ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 22 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 26 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 30 FREMONT ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 33 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 36 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 39 FREMONT ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 43 FREMONT ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel I ftepliez d la hachure afin de r6veldr le rebord Pop-r.rp"' i Allez i aver"y.calgabarits I Utilisez le GabaritAvery 5160 r f-1 tY!:RY"5960' Pat: aver-y- eorn l pale nts Easy Pee["' Addreis Labels Bencl along line to expose Pop-up Edge' Go to avery.com/templates I Use Avery Template 5160 I 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 44 FREMONT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 23 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 29 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 35 CT{ANNEL ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 41 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 47 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 6 NOMAD ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 54 BEACH DR NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 60 BEACH DR NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-093-0t 3 OCCUPANT 128 27TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 46 FREMONT ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 25 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 31 CHANNEL ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 37 CHANNEL ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 43 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2 NOMAD ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 8 NOMAD ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 56 BEACH DR NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 62 BEACH DR NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-093-02 4 OCCUPANT 12627THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 2I CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 27 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-0rc-09 2 OCCUPANT 33 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 39 CHANNEL ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 45 CHANNEL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 4 NOMAD ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 52 BEACH DR NEWPORTBEACH C492663 041-0t0-09 2 OCCUPANT 58 BEACH DR NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-010-09 2 OCCUPANT 64 BEACH DR NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-093-04 6 OCCUPANT I2227THST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peelr I Repliez a la hachure afin de rdvdler le rebor-d Pop-up," i Allez a avery.calgabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5) 6O r ; r-1[!nv 5e6o i Pat: avery, q grll,lpetcnts Easy Peel!' Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge Go to avery.com/templates I Use AveryTemplate 5160 t 041-093-24 12 OCCUPANT 119 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-093-34 t7 OCCUPANT 123 26THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-04 2t OCCUPANT I2226THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-09 25 OCCUPANT 1 10 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-20 28 OCCUPANT I11 25THST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-094-23 30 OCCUPANT 119 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-094-26 32 OCCUPANT 127 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-094-30 36 OCCUPANT 123 25TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-094-30 36 OCCLIPANT l23l/2 25TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-094-33 39 OCCUPANT 1 17 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-093-28 t4 OCCUPANT 127 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-02 t9 OCCUPANT 126 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-05 22 OCCUPANT 1201/2 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-10 26 OCCUPANT 108 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-20 28 OCCUPANTltt U2 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-094-25 3t OCCUPANT 125 25TH ST #A NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-28 34 OCCUPANT 114 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-3t 37 OCCUPANT 121 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-32 38 OCCUPANT 115 25TH ST NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-33 39 OCCUPANT 717 t/2 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-093-29 15 OCCUPANT 129 26TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-094-03 20 OCCUPANT 724 26THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-094-06 23 OCCUPANT 118 26TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-094-t0 26 OCCUPANT 108 U2 26TH ST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-094-21 29 OCCUPANT 113 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-25 31 OCCUPANT 725 25TH ST #B NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-094-29 35 OCCUPANT 1I6 26TH ST NEWPORTBEACH C492663 041-094-31 31 OCCUPANT I2T 1/2 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-094-32 38 OCCIIPANT 115 U2 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #1OO NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peelr Repliez a la hachure afin de reveler le retrord Pop up ', Allez a avery.ca/gabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5 160 r t-1 ^lwIIRY 5e60 I I I I Pr-rt, avery,eonrr'patqnts. $nv 5e6o i Easy Peel"'Add ress Labels Bend along line to expose Pop up Edge' Go to avery.com/templates I Use Avery Template 51 6O t 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #101 NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #2OO NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #211 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #302 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-110-22 44 OCCUPANT 2613 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-120-29 46 OCCUPANT 2408 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-120-32 47 OCCUPANT 2320 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t41-04 51 OCCUPANT I2225THST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-141-05 52 OCCUPANT I2O 25TH ST #B NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047 -t4t-08 55 OCCUPANT 114 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 272l NEWPORT BLVD #102 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #201 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #3OO NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-110-18 42 OCCUPANT 26ll NEWPORTBLVD NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-120-0t 45 OCCUPANT 2414 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-120-29 46 OCCUPANT 2406 NEV/PORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047 -l4t-01 48 OCCUPANT 128 25TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047 -L4L-04 51 OCCUPANT 1221t2 2-5TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t4t-06 53 OCCUPANT 11825THST #A NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-I4t-09 56 OCCUPANT 112 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 272] NEWPORT BLVD #104 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #203 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-100-03 40 OCCUPANT 2727 NEWPORT BLVD #301 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-tt0-19 43 OCCUPANT 2605 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-120-29 46 OCCUPANT 2410 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-t20-32 47 OCCUPANT 2318 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORTBEACH C492663 047-141-03 50 OCCUPANT I2425THST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-141-05 52 OCCUPANT I2O25THST #A NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-t4t-06 53 OCCUPANT 118 25THST #B NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-t4t-10 ' 51 OCCUPANT 110 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel !' Repliez a Ia hachure afin de r6veler le rebord Pop-up'r Allez i avery.ca,/gabarits Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5160 ilAVERY 5960 '\---) | Easy Peel"'Address Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Ldge 047-t4t-10 57 OCCUPANT lIO I/2 25TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-t4t-12 59 OCCUPANT 106 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-141-20 61 OCCUPANT 1Oq 24TH ST NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 041-l4t-25 65 OCCUPANT I2I24THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047 -t4t-29 68 OCCUPANT 115 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-141-30 69 OCCUPANT II3II2 24TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-142-07 12 OCCUPANT 12624THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t42-04 13 OCCUPANT t20 7/2 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-06 75 OCCUPANT 116 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-09 7l OCCUPANT 110 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-t4t-fi 58 OCCUPANT 108 25TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-141-12 59 OCCUPANT T06II2 25TH ST NEV/PORT BEACH CA92663 047-141-23 63 OCCUPANT 117 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t4t-21 66 OCCUPANT I2124THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-141-29 68 OCCUPANT tt5 U2 24TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-t4t-3r 70 OCCUPANT 125 2ATHST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-742-0t 72 OCCUPANT 126l/2 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-142-05 74 OCCUPANT 118 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-06 75 OCCUPANT 116 t/2 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-09 11 OCCUPANTlt} U2 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t4r-r1 58 OCCUPANT l08 t/2 25TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-r4t-t9 60 OCCUPANT 107 24TH ST NEV/PORTBEACH CA92663 041-t4I-24 64 OCCUPANT 119 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t4t-28 61 OCCUPANT 129 24THST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 047-141-30 69 OCCUPANT 113 24TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-14I-32 77 OCCUPANT 123 24THST NEWPORT BEACH C492663 041-142-04 13 OCCUPANT I2O24THST NEV/PORT BEACH C492663 041-142-05 t4 OCCUPANT tt81/2 24TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-142-08 16 OCCUPANT II224THST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-tO 78 OCCUPANT 108 24TH ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel'' i Repliez a la hachure afin de r6v6ler le rebord Pop.up'' i Allez a avery.ca/gabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit AverV 5,l60 i ] Go to avery.com,/templates IUseAveryTemplate5160 r Pat; averlqpn/patents 5960'--1tyliRv Easy Peel'o' Add ress Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge Go to avery.com/templates I Use Avery Template 51 6O t 041-142-10 78 OCCUPANT 1081/2 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t42-23 80 OCCUPANT 1 19 23RD ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-142-25 82 OCCUPANT 2301 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-t42-26 83 OCCUPANT 124Z4THST #A NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-142-27 84 OCCUPANT I22Z4THST #B NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-034 81 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 310 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-039 92 OCCUPANT 2600NEWPORTBLVD 2I3 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-045 98 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 316 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-049 t02 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 318 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-054 t07 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 221 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-142-22 79 OCCUPANT 117 23RD ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-24 81 OCCUPANT 123 23RD ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-25 82 OCCUPANT 2301 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-142-26 83 OCCUPANT I2424TH ST #B NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 047-t42-29 85 OCCUPANT 114 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-036 88 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 311 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-047 94 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 214 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-041 100 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 317 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-05t t04 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 319 NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-059 112 OCCUPANT 27OO NEWPORT BLVD 323 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-142-22 19 OCCUPANT 115 23RD ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 041-142-24 81 OCCUPANT 125 23RD ST NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-142-25 82 OCCUPANT 2309 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORTBEACH CA92663 041-142-27 84 OCCUPANT I2224THST #A NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 047-142-29 85 OCCUPANT 7t4 U2 24TH ST NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-038 9t OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 312 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 932-84-043 96 OCCUPANT 2600NEV/PORTBLVD 215 NEWPORTBEACH C492663 932-84-048 101 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 218 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-84-052 105 OCCUPANT 27OO NEWPORT BLVD 220 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-84-060 ll3 OCCUPANT 27OO NEWPORT BLVD 224 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel ReBIiez i la hachure afin de reveler le reLrord Pop up Allez A avery.calgabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 5160 r Pat: avery"somlpatents 5960" i Easy Peel'rAddress Labels Bend along line to expose Pop-up Edge Go to avery.com/templates I Use AveryTemplate 5160 t 932-84-063 116 OCCUPANT 27OO NEWPORT BLVD 325 NEWPORT BEACH C492663 932-84-066 I 19 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 227 NEV/PORTBEACH CA92663 932-84-067 120 OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 327 NEWPORT BEACH CA92663 F.lt: avery.eoxr/i pateRLs Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel i Repliez ir !a haqhu r-e afin de reveler le reborri Pop.up" i Allez a avery.ca/gabarits I Utilisez le Gabarit Avery 516O t $nx I I I [, t9 @ @ : 6-= o o (,@ o @ e, @ t 19 ,o o o ,.@ : STREET B SIREET c" $J rn Ol F I I 6 R \ rwEilrY- Et6HrH t Tw€ilry- stxrH l o o @ o I I l@ 5TR€ET STNFET o $ 3= I o : ?]I:IS:=! !soi\F Ii -d f, or.o,fr1it I l- ill- li_ E, o ) @ 5TfrEEI p i;I FS ? ri \u : : 6 s'; s5 l s;t]I 5/.-esg:-l fi"-::;*-zzta @5ra z.Ft -Ze> \a li[.J la] s3 NO N')Q q 15 ! 6 @ o \g o @ oc, -\-e]- @ @ @o o @ 0 o -@j ta,Fo- ' @ :x o"" ) L- o t, rwaufY-s€v€NfH { t5 @LAr 29t4-0oa-J5423-16o--_AJou. $.-lL4-IL/@ PARK DRqe>2251./-a.oP::,:047- n 1_c\Qr%I(tnia'%","a@L9r 6