HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Application Filing _PostingComrnunity Development Department ·p1ann_ing Permit Application 1 oo Civic Center Drive Newport Beach. California 92660 1. Check Permits Requested: q Approval-in-Concept -AIC # 0 Lot Merger newportbP~i"',.. ... -" · · · C02019-017 XP2019-002 PA2019-07 4 for d rt sou\evar 2406 Newpo I Newport Beach Dolphin Renta __ ....... ~iv,ap J( Coastal Development Permit fflt Limited Term Permit..: O Waiver for De Minimis Developm~nt O Seasonal O < 90 day -.;,. -..-ucsys -□ Traffic Study A.4Q 1=:AA-.. ----,. D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Permit · ~-0 Use ·Permit-0MinorOConditional 0 Condorniraium Conversion D Off~ite Parking Agreement 0 Cornptehenshie Sign-Program D Planned CommunityDevelopmentPlan D Development Agreement O Planned Development Permit O OevelopmentPlan O Site Development Review-O Major □ Minor 0 Lot Line Adjustment D Parcel Map 2. Project Address{es)/Asses~or's Parcel. No{s} I a4o 6 IJL;\JUQotr iu&J ,V0Wfutr. ~0.CHI 0 Amendmentto existing Use Permit D Variance □ Amendment -□Code □PC □GP 0LCP 0 Other: -- 3. Project Description and Justification (Attach addition.al sheets i_fnecessary): 4. Applicant/Company Name~ J2oLfH ,·,v -~ -flJ~tXt(l IJlbw fb(ti vtll CH i Mailing Address_/ o~4 4 S 'fil1~1 N fu10JV ·f L d:r J2 40 9 Suite/Unit i ]2 )D 4/ City!.IJ~~v{krt1 ·\J.l6t\(}1 statet f)) __ __.1 Zip\CJii66~1 Phon{Rlf!\]4 {l--~4 3¼ I Fax :__I ---------~/ Emau.r.,..... _______________ _____,;.. ____ 5. Contact/Company l\iame ! C[Q.(S'i(:f\!1/ o kg\e,IJJ\ tJ ;2JSS i 1 AAS-· r-1.AJ<n . ;-,( -nc l .lJ.. J2J l I Mailing Address~ ~ \ i · __ ·'27 t ltt1:.Hv l-q1PN Y s_uite/Unit 141 ~~0'1 City I tJtZvll~oe-r ~__c;}_( State 1 CA t Zip i q~:6b3 1· Phone :Lf;JJ4 ✓ 39i1w 04 lJ Q ~ Fax!;..._i ---'--'---~--' Email l@ttd-A1Vl7/&5?13b@l,fo:f1'1flll-chi½ 6. Owner Name ; Lu ( t ® C(lVl fJ.J\ fz, t;\.}f.J Mailing Address l /) 14 5 Sr.t «eltt/v "TO&v . Suite/Unit-~ ---------~-State ;;.._f -::===c....:-·=fi=' =====l __ -_ .=Zi~P--=i =,=···~ A====b=.•~=75 =· = city i · JJ{wfpti 0 r1il C/d (if '}.U] ~. <J I, ·7"'\ ; i ----Phone\._t::L t ::Ji-::J'o-1-r v"--r i Fax; '--" \ Email_\-----~----'----'--...:...------ 7. Property Owner's Affidavit": (I) (We) i :] G fV ,Vi b t}_ A ~ '=q i-1 $ ~ . _ _ i depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s)-of the property·_(1es) involved m thrs appbcation. {I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answel'.'S herein contained and the information s::::s::ubmm:Dcorrect::::;;::;:ed9ea:n:a:7k l21t·, : . . t ,-...,----~------'--,, DD/MO.IYM . ' ' i . i Signatl.!re(s): --------------------TitJe: L,_ _____ ___,_ ________________ ; Date· i __ . • _ *May be signed by the "lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner ofrecord is filed concurrently with the application. Please note. the owner(s)' signature for Parcelrrract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Applic;:ation must be notarized. ~!\Users\COD\ShatetllAdinin\Plannirq_DMsi:lil\Applicatlons\.¾JOlicalion_GuidetinesiP!annilig Pennit Application -CDP added.do:;x Rev; 01/24/7 7 PA2019-074 To: Newport Beach Planning Division Requesting for II Zoning Compliance Letter 11 Name of the Business: Dolphin Rental Newport Beach Amount of employee : 1 Dock location: 2406 Newport blvd. Newport Beach, 92662 Office Location: 2115 Sherington Pl #D104, Newport Beach, 92663 Boats available: 1989 Duffy 20' (Fiberglass) VIN# DAFFD2065G989 / BOAT NAME: THE FREEDSTER II 1994 Duffy 21' ( Fiberglass ) VIN # DFFD10678494 / BOAT NAME: 19TH HOLE 2005 Electracraft CAT 16' ( Fiberglass) VIN # LDHF0473K405 / BOAT NAME: NO NAME Hour of operation: We will be operating Monday thru Friday from 9:00AM to 6:00PM. Business Activity : We will be running a Electric boat rental in this location where my clients will cruising the boat by themselves thru the harbor. 15 minutes before the departure , we will explain all the harbor safety regulations and let them know about all other precautions and limitation about area where they are and are not permitted to cruise. In this 15 minutes course the designated captain read and sign our agreement. A map of the harbor will be provided also . All boats are equipped with GPS tracking system which will make the rental experience safer. Our goal is to provide the best experience possible to our clients. PA2019-074 Marina Slip Rerrtal Agreement (Temp) DlPG Newport lLC Peninsuia Kitchen 2406 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 DATE: ______ 3-...... 1-___ 1 ___ 9 _______ _ SLIP#: __ 3 _______ _ "VESSEL":Naine: Duffy 18 Duffy 21 Manufacturer: Duffy Boat Co. Length Overall: 40' Draft: ___ 3 __ Sail or Power: P U.S. Coast Guard Offidal #( or) State Reg#: : CF2931SK CF0778KH "VESSEL OWNER(st: Name(s}: Dolphin Rental Newport Beac:h Name(s): Lucero Marino l\lame(s): ___________________ -__________ _ Address: _.....,_,;;;2=1=15 __ S~h.;..;;:e __ rr ___ in..._.g=to;.;.:n __ #.;.D=10;:;...;4,.._· ___ _;,,___ __ (NamedVESSELOWNER must be registered or docurnentedowner or managing partner of the VESSEL) Home Phone: _______ Cell:.. 424 3087727 Email: Fernandez336@hotmaiLcom EMl:RGENCY CONTACT (otherthanvessel owner listed) Name: Cristiano Fernandez Address: same Home Phone1 -----------"---' Cell: 949 433 6554 Work: __ _ Work: ___ _ Jc PA2019-074 This SUP RENTAL AGREEMENT (11Agree111ent''} is entered into on the date stated above (the "Effective Date"), between DPG Newport LLC / Peninsula Kitchen and Bar and the-above named VESSEL OWNER, with reference.to the above~mentioned sliporvessel mooring (the "SPP") attheMarina {the,"MARINA") operated by DPG Newport LLCatthe above stated address andVESSEL OWNER may be referred to herein, collectively as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party', subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, VESSEL OWNERagtees to lease the SUP from DPG. DPG agrees to let the SUP t9 VESSEL OWNER. Further subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement/VESSEL OWNER's use of and interest in the SLIP shall be limited to VESSEL OWNER's moorage of and access to the above described VESSEL rERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. TERIVI A. Initial Term. This isa TWELVE (12) month agreement. The initial Term of this sup Rental Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (May 12019) and it shall terminate on the last day of April 2020. B~MonthlyTerm Extensions~ Upon expiration of the Initial Term, the Term.of this Agreement shall extend for successive period$ of one (1} calendar month each ("Monthly Term Extensionsh) unlessnotke is given by either party as provided herein. The Term of this Agreement shall be understood to be the Initial Term, as extended by all Monthly Term Extensions. Monthly term extensions subject to DPG receiving monthly slip fee payments as described below. 2.RENT A. Due Upon Execution. Immediately upon execution of this Agreement, VESSEL OWNER shaH paythe following sums to : DPGNewport LLC i. Security Deposit: 2000.00 currently on deposit with DPG Newport LLC ii. First month's {May 2019} Rent hi the amount of .._$2 __ 0 ___ 0 ___ 0 __ .o __ o _________________ _ Further, upon execution of this Agreement, VESSEL OWNER must provide proof of insurance; as specified in Section 6 herein. B. lVlonthlV Rental Payments~ Beginning on the first (1st) day ofthe month which immediateJyfollows the Effective Date of this Agreement, and continuing forthe first (1st) dayofeach month throughoutthe Term ofthis Agreement, VESSEL OWNER shall pay Monthly Rental Payments {"Rent") to DPG Newport LLC, for the rentaJofthe SLIP., in the amount of$2000.00 permonth. Such Monthly Rental Payments must be received on or beforethefifth {5th} day of each calendar month throughout the Term of this Agreement. le PA2019-074 IMG 3505.JPG Page 1 of 1 II C. Timely PaymentofRent. VESSEL OWNER hereby acknowledges and agreesthat latepaymentby VESSEL OWNER to DPG ofany Rent fortheSLIPWill causeto incuradministrativ~ costs not contemplated irt agreeing to terms of this Agreementj the exact amount of whic:h .costs are presently difficult and impractical ascertain. Accordingly, the Patties agree thatto compensate for any such late Rent payment, VESSEL OVVNER shall immediately pay to DPG a late charge.equcil to ten percent (10%Jof any Rent payment which is not received by on or before the fifth {5th} day ofeach calendarmcmth in which sµth Rent payment is due. Acceptance of such lcite charge shall neither constitute a waiver of VESSEL OWNER's default with respect to such overdue amount nor prevent DPG from exercising.any other rights and remedies granted herein or by law to DPG. 3. TERMINATJON A~ Termination by VESSEL OWNER. VESSEL OWNER mayterminate this Agreement by providing written notice to DPG on or before the fifth (5th} talendarday of any Monthly Term Extension which it wishes to terminate the Agreem~ntas ofthe Jast day ofthemonth. B. Termination by DPG For Cause . .DPG may terminate this Agreement for cause if VESSEL OWNER violates any terms or conditions of this Agreement or its incorporated obligations f'DefauJtl') by providing ten (10) days written noticetoVESSEL OWI\JER. lfthe Default is.not curetj within sud, time, VESSEL OWNER must remove the VESSEL from the SLIP prior to the encl of the notice period. In the event VESSEL OWNER does not timely removethe VESSEL,. DPG rnay act, as provided in Section 4 below. iL Not for Cause. DPG retains the righttotermrnate this Agreement withoutcause, atanytime, upon twentyfive(25) dayswritten·notice to VESSEL OWNER. In such case,.any prepaid fees, charges, or expenses shall be prorated and any surplus returned to VESSEL OWNER, and VESSEL OWNER shall remove the VESSEL by the termination· date so noticed. Nothing in this section shall waive ahy other right of DPG. under this Agreement, at law, equity or admiralty. 4. REMOVAL If VESSEL OWNER fails to r~move the VESSEL and equipmentfrorn the SLIP upon the termination or expiration ofthis Agreement, and after providing noticeofsame, DPG shall be entitled to: i. RemovetheVESSELandstore or re-dock the VESSEL at any location in anycomrnerdally reasonable manner, all atthe sole expense of VESSEL OWNER, and until all charges and fees owed to DPG are brought current; ii. Charge VESSEL OWNER a daily rental fee (the Monthly Rental Payment divided by 10) for so long as the vessel remains in the SLIP; or iii. Exercise any other rightDPG shall have at law, admiralty, or equity. /c https://mail.google.comLmnawiJLllu/UliLO/u?..1&tamb-=wmID1L------------------,,-----4 ...... /'""'"'9/:-=2:..><.-0""""19'---__ _ PA2019-074 Action taken by PDG in furtherance ofany of the above remedies shall not preclude DPG from taking action in furtherance of any other remedy. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GOVERNING DOCUMENTS VESSEL OWNER acknowledges and agrees to be bouncl bythe Slip Tenant Rules and Regulations,which are attached hereto as Exhibit A and specifically incorporated herein by reference. 6. INSURANCE VESSEL OWNER agrees to keep VESSEL fully insured against loss by reason of fire, marine and collision risks, and shall include protection & Indemnity coverage for thefull Termofthis Agre~ment. The insurance policy or policies shall nameDPG LLCand Peninsula Kitchen and Bar as an additionalinsured, and fully insure DPGand Pehihst.H~ Kitchen and Bar from any and all liability from loss, injury, or damages to a person or property sustained while in or on the MARINA facilities or premises, and the fac:Hities and prernisesof thatwhich are adjacent to the MARINA. VESSEL OWNER shall provide a copy of such. inst.1ra11ce toDPG immediately upon execution ofthis Agreement, and shall provide proof of renewal upon the expiration of any po Hey term. VESSEL OWNER,·if rentihgone of the three.(3).large.boat slips in theMARINA,tenant agrees to procure liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. 7. EMERGENCIES In case ofemergency, DPG shall have the rightbut not the obligatibntomove ·the VESSEL; if possible. lfthe VESSEL is unattended and the VESSEL OWNER cannot be reached. Howev¢r, under no circumstances is DPG under any obligation to providethis servjce. Costs incurred by DPG shall be billed to VESSEL OWNER atthe then prevailing rates in the local harbor atea. VESSEL OWNER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DPG LLC/ Peninsula Kitchen and Bar from all liability, loss, or damage caused by or to the VESSEL VESSEL OWNER shall be solely responsible for any emergency. 8. USE OF DOCKS; NO COMIVJEIKIAL USE OF VESSEL; NO LIVE~ABOARDS VESSEL OWNER agreesthatonly reasonable, recreational and city pennitted use will be made of docks and facilities covered hereby, that no unnecessary wear and tear, disturbance, nuisance, rubbish or garbage will be permitted on the docks or premises,anci that VESSEL OWNEftwiU keep docks and premises free and clear of geari tackle, and other obstructions. All waste materials are to be bagged and placed in an appropriate receptacle outside of the MARfNA. VESSEL OWNER further agrees that the VESSEL shall not be used for any commercial purpose without a city permit or as a residence for any person while VESSEL is in the MARINA. lC PA2019-074 9. SLIP ASSIGNMENT SUBJECTTO CHANGE VESSEL OWNER understands that the SUP which has been assigned to the VESSEt pursuantto this Agreement is not a permanent or guaranteed assignment VESSELOWNl:Rfurther understands that DPG may, at its sole discretion, assign a new slip to the VESSEL at any time during the Term of this Agreement by providingwritten notification of a Notice ofSHp Re-Assignment to VESSEL OWNER. In the event of such Notice of Slip Re-Assignment, VESSEL OWNER agrees that: t VESSELOWNERshall movethe \fESSELto its new slip assignmentwithinseven (7) daysofthedate of Notice of Slip Re-Assignmeht. lfVESSELOWNERfails to move the VESSEL withinsuchseven-day {7) period, VESSEL OWNER agrees that DPG may move the VESSELto its new.slip assignment. During such move, VESSEL OWNER agrees to. hold DPG harmless for all property damage or injury allegeqto '1ave arisenduring or caused by such move; and ii~ All references in this Agreernenttothe "SLIP'1 shall be understood to refer to any appropriate slip in the MARINA that has fJeenassigried to the VESSEL, and, except as oth~rwisestated., any reassignment of slip number shall have no effect on the obligationst9 the Parties as stated herein. 10. SUITABILITY OF THE MARINA VESSEL OWNER acknowledges thc1t he/she has examined the MARINA and found itto be acceptable for all purposes relating to the moorage ofthe VESSEL VESSEL O\NNER fµrther acknowledges that DPG makes no representation or guarantee concerning suitability of tlle MARINA forthe VESSEL including but not limited to, the depth of the water in the MARINA, ~he continuity ofefectrical power attheS_UP, or physical condition of the MARINA docks. 11. VESSEL MAINTENANCE VESSEL OWNER shall cause the VESSEL to be maintained in a clean, orderly, and seaworthy condition at all tjmesthroughoot the Term of this Agreement. VESSEL OWNER rnay conduct repair or maintenance work on the VESSEL if such work does not interfere. With tights of other VESSEL OWNERS or ofNBT. Any outside or independent contractor{s) used by VESSEL OWNER mustbe insured under a comprehensive gerieral liability insurance policy, includingworkers' compensation insurance, and such contractor must first be approved of by DPG. 12. NO SUBLEASING VESSEL OWNER may not sublet the SLIP, and shall not moor any boat in the SUP otherthan the VESSEL Any boat moored in the SLIP without authorization may be rernoved and placed in storage atVESSEL OWNER'ssole expense, and alien placed againstsaidboatfor costs involved. le PA2019-074 13. NO BAILMENT VESSEL OWNER agrees thatthis is an agreementfor rental use of the facilitie~ of the MARINA slip only, and is not a bailment agreement. 14. OELINQUENCYAND DEFAULT Upon any Default DPG shall provide notke (a "Notice of Default} to VESSEL OWNER of the nature of such Default andthesteps required to cure, If VESSEL OWNERfails to curesuth Default withinten (10) days ofthe date of such Notice of Default, may, in its sole discretion,. (i) terminate this Agreement, (ii} enforce its remedies at law, equity; and/or admiralty, inducting without limitation, entry upon and reposses~ion of the SLIP and all appurtenclnCes thereto, by forcible entry, detainer suit, or otherwise, (iii) remove the VESSEUrom the>SLIP {including any personal property located thereint and (iv) make any required repairs to the SUP; with all risk of lossbelonging solely to VESSEL OWNER; and with no liability to DPG, and with. all costs of storage, work, and repair being deemed to be included as Rent under this Agreement. 15. INDEMNITY VESSEL OWNER, and its successors and assigns, shall indemnify, defend and holcl harmless DPG. / Peninsula Kitchen and Bar and its successors and assigns from and against all dc1ims of any others owners of property or vessels arising outofany use of the MARINA, and further agrees to be responsible to DPG for damage caused to the MARINA or any other property belonging to NBT, for any reason. 16. MISCELLANEOUS A. Nptices Except as otherwise provided herein all payments, notices ancl d.e111ands under this Agreementshall be given in writingahd delivered by courier, facsimile, or United StatesMailtothe Parties' respectiVf? addresses as listed in the:AgrE!ement or to the individual Party in person wherever they may be found; B. Governing Law, Attorney's Fees and Venue The validity; interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be controlled by and construed underthe laws of the State of California, County of Orange, is the location in which this Agreementis deemed to be executed. In the event that any provision herein in any way c::ohtravenesthe laws of the Sti:lteof California, that provision shall be deemed not to l:>e part of this Agreement and the remaining provisionsto remain infuHforte and effect. should any Party incur any costs whatsoever to enforce or prevent the breach ofany provision herein, induding but not limited to judicial or non-judidal action~ or any action for declaratory relief, the non- prevailing Party ofsuch a-ctionshall paytothe other Partyor'Parties all costs,'expenses, and attorney's fees incurred related in any way to such action. Jc PA2019-074 C~ No Wahler Failure by either Party at any time to require performance by the other Party, orto claim a breach of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any remedy; will not be construed as c1 waiver of any right pr remedy·accruing under this Agreement, nor prejudice either Party withregardto any subsequent actio11. D~ Arbitration. Any controversyorclaim arising out of orrelating to thisAgreement orthe breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration, conducted in Orange County, Californial and administered by American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules. Judgment on the aw:ard rendered by the arbittator{s}may be entiered in any court havingjurisdictionthereof. ARBITRATION PROVISION APPROVED BY VESSEL OWNER: L C/er-(h\itials] I 17. NON-RECORDATION The Parties agree that this Agreement does not constitute an interest in real property and it shall not be recorded. 18, RECEIPT OF AGREEMENT AND KNOWLEDGE OF TERMS The Parties hereto each acknowledge that they have read and that they fully understand and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement before signing, and that they have received a copy upon execution by ali Parties. (Printed Name) (Date) (Signature) (Printed Name) (Date) ~orMarii1£k (Signature) U_____ (l'_vl V1_~ _6___,.;..~___,,_~_V/_1 I ~(t, ( Printed Name} {Date) .lC PA2019-074