HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190513_ApplicationCertificate of Compliance Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive/ P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone I (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov Property Owner(s) Name Arie Haziza Address City, State I Zip Code PO BOX 6794 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607 Email Phone No. I Fax No. arctofly@gmail.com (949) 556-5021 Applicant( s) Name Arie Haziza Address City, State I Zip Code PO BOX 6794 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607 Email Phone No. I Fax No. arctofly@gmail.com (949) 556-5021 Site/Pro·ect Address Assessor's Parcel No. 2830 Newport Blvd. 047-052-20 Along with the above portion of this form completely filled out, please submit the following: ✓• A legible copy of the latest Recorded Grant Deed or Contract of Sale showing current ownership, include the Title Insurance Policy if available. 2. A copy of the latest Tax Bill and Assessor's Map. 3. A copy of any and al I documents supporting original creation of the parcel (e.g. Grant Deeds, Contracts of ~/ Sale, Records of Survey, Building Permits, or other documents). \/f. If the project is improved, include legible copies of: • A Plot P Ian, fully dimensioned on an 8½ " x 11" sheets hawing entire parcel, al I improvements, and parcel area in square feet. • A Building Permit for a Principal Building on the Property. 5. An application fee in the amount of $330 ($318 + OC Recorders Fee $12) payable to the City of Newport Beach. Please note parcels not in compliance with Subdivision or Zoning regulations may incur additional costs. Do Not Complete Application Below This Line -For Office Use Only PA No. p \\ L,,C>\ q -0~ Q Submitte/ . Planner I ext. 5 J~l19 D.Luz_ CO No. ~-io,q -oro Fee Paid: 5;0--Date Mailed D No. Form of Payment: Check No. Date of OR D:2? \q -0\ :97 0 Check D Credit Card Pin Chck No. Receipt No. OR No. Remarks: Updated 02/28/19 PA2019-090 H d ! r is Ii £99Z:6 V:J 'H:JV:38 ltJOdM:lN '0/\78 lcJOdM:lN 0£8Z: 11111• 3::JVdS 3::Jl::l::10 3AI.LV3clJ H:IOdM3N N\fld 3ll5 • 0 j I 0 ,i ~ ~& .. N 'OJ\78 .U:10dM3N PA2019-090 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Rrst American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services MAIL TAX STATEMENT AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL DOCUMENT TO: SANTORINI INVESTMENTS, U.C Attn: Arie Haziza, PO Box 6794 Laguna Niguel, CA 92607 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder 11111111 IIIIII Ill lllll lllll lll!I IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII ~111111111111111111111 12. oo * S R O O 1 0 5 6 6 3 1 7 $ * 2019000003404 ,2:48-pm 01/04/19 90 SCS G02 3 07 721.88 721.87 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 ____________________ Spac:ieAbaveThlsUnafarltsonter'sUNOnty ____ _ A.P.N.: 047-052-20 Ale No.: NCS-884531-SAl (RH) · GRANT DEED 'The llndersfgned Gram:or(s) 0ec:fate(s): DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $s,443.75; aTY TRANSffR TAX$; [ x ] a,mputed on the consrderatfon or full value of property Q)OVeyed, OR. [ ] a,mpub!d on the consideration or fuU value less value of Hens and/or en01mbrances rematnlng at time or sale, [ J unincorporated ~ea; [ x l Otv of Newport Beach, and EXI;MPT FRQM BUILDING HOME$ AND lQ8$ Am FEE PER, GQVERNMENT@QE 2ZJ88,1(a)t2) FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Paul Haws, as Successor Trustee of the Raymond tlaws and Meredith M. Haws Declaration of Trust dated lune 21, 1978, amended and restated on Aprtl 23, 2003, it was subsequently amended on July 18, 2007 hereby GRANTS to SANTORINI INVESTMENy& LLC, a C811fomla limited liability company the foffowlng described property in the aty of Newport Beach, <:ounty of Orange, State of C8llfornia: PARCEL 1: LOT 16 IN BLOCK 225 OF LANCASl'ER'S ADDMON TO NEWPORT BEACH, IN THE cm OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 5, PAGE 14, MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUN'IY. PARCEL 2: Mail Tax Statements To: SAME AS ABOVE PA2019-090 Grant Deed -continued Date: 01/02/2019 THAT PORTION OF LOT 15 IN BLOCK 225 OF SECTION A OF NEWPORT BEACH, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 21, MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 14, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP; RUNNING THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 14; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE EXTENDED NORTHEASTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 14 TO ITS INTERSEcnON WITH THE SOUTH UNE OF TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET, AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF LANCASTER'S ADDMON TO NEWPORT BEACH, RECORDED IN BOOK 5, PAGE 14, MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH UNE TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 16 OF SAID LANCASTER'S ADDMON TO NEWPORT BEACH; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 16, 59.10 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER THEREOF; AND THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY UNE OF NEWPORT AVENUE, 25 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Page PA2019-090 Grant Deed -continued A.P.N.: 047-052-20 Dated: Januar'/ 02, 2019 Pau! Haws. as Successor Trustee of the Raymond Haws and l\~eredith M. Haws Declaration of Trustdated June 21, 1978, amended and restated on April 23, 2003, its wai\ubseq~~"J amencieci on~~iy t 2007 ,j.) 6v&J\ ceVLJ,z___J Pfwl Hf;W8 , Successor Trustee A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the 1 1 • document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF f\ ~··D ....::L=-:..:Ct.;..:::J.....,\.__,yu./171.._,._~-'-'Y\-.::.\l=t~.__ ________ )SS COUNTY OF V'f V\¼J @ ) Date: 01i02i2019 File No.: NCS-884531-SAl (RH) before me, c_\0 , ,:o, A: \t). R, t{)L._ , Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)_,whose name(s(@iare subscribed to the within ~ . strument and acknowledged to me that@she/they executed the same in ~/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by /her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed tre st:rument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. This area for official notarial seal Notary Signature / Page PA2019-090 C<>unty of Qrange .. Treasurer~t~x. CoUec\or 4/11/19, 10:sa AM Besrch .. bNUNE.PAVMEN:tSt $1::RVJCES AGENCY HILLING/ COLU.iCTJON!:3 !NF() /i,, flN.l\NCIAI, fWPOHTS l CON'f'i\CT HS t~TATISTlC$ HbW·DOi TREASURER~TAX COLLECTOR Treasurer~1'ax Collector Home Online Payments / ~Services Agency Billing /Collections Investments p~perfytax Ihfurmatlon flrtanc:ial Report!;/· StatfstJts How.Dor MOST POPULAR unsecurerJTax Bi.II Secured Tax Bit! Reminder l~emindor Paytnent o1 Mul!iPle Tax P:arCQl$ Pn:morty. Auct1pns ·viewP(lorYear tax ams l/Wt:Slt'rlenl. f:l~po,, SubscripMo PropariyTt;1~ Aucl(on $1.16scripH011 Char1ne pf Mriilin~1 Addrt;}ss Fori11 - RESOURCES Top to Ti;ixp.;1yQ1Jj li1sttllli'riQnt Plans Tax Sale Excess lrnportant Oatos Prnceedi. .C::ilifomii(}Qdes Ffocord.ed Prop~rtyliens ·Chartge of Mailing CtiMoo oJ . Addmss Fotrn · Owmm;;hip Forms Assessn'lent App~ats• T:aX Defaulted Prop11rlias Business Property VaWatk>Jis PA'\"/ VlE\iV TAX IU LLS Treasurer-Tax Collector PrQ))erty 1)\~ Information FfSCALYEAR 2018~2019 ·vf VleW.Cart( Empty} Toi~ plig!'lpres<mts tax Jhformati<m on the pat~el you have sQlocte.Cl .. Payn1onts, corroction&.litid/ol'ot~or agj(tstrnoms made totlay win not. be roflect~d as-PAID fot~§iness tlay~, · Pleaso note,your• paymontwJll tet:eive· same·daycr1;<lih1s·0Hhe.-d~te ·you·cprrmteted the lransactloo online. Parcel No. Pr.operty Lpcalion Tax. Rate Area Roll Type . rnata(lments First Installment Second lnstaltment i'otril Oue and P~yabla 047-052•20 283Q NEWP0RT81..· ()7--001 . Secured lristalll'mint · Payrne~t statµs Deadline 12/10~018 PAID 04110/2019 PAIO View Orig1na1arn (See Bill Disctaimi=lf) AmountOue $0.00 $0:00 SO.OD You will receive $ame day credit for your trans~cOQn, however the on Ihle payment status wm not be updated· for two business days tonowlng the ontine payment. THE INFORMATION IS CURRENT AS OF TODAY'S DATE. Theamo,orifabove rer:,rese~tt; ttiearnourit due. f~t' lli13 current fox year only,}n~ in~iudas any COl't~CliOn!l, penalties and l!,'leS 11()t u.,flec.teq•in. your origlrt~I tax bHI, .You: rn~y gc, bactrtQ. Ule pre~iot:ls pageJor. any prior. yt1ar infor,t)c1tion1 For ariy queslll>lltJ, plea~ contact \he Treru;urer•Tax Collectors.Qfffce at (714)834-3411.ofsehd an email to ttcinfo@ttc,ocgov;com; · Pttym,nt Suajmary Installments Fltst Installment Set::<ind lnsti;ilim(')nt Total Amt Paid Date Paid 111zs12tha :oth0/2019 Assessec:P/alyes and ~icetnptlons Des(,:riptfon . . Full Value Land Mineral Rights lmproven,E3nts PE3~dnai Property Otoers Totat Values (Lt)s~l exemptions Total NotTllxablo Valye $154,592 $0 $167,466 $0 $0 $322,058 $0 ~22,0$8 Amount Paid $2,00&.10 $2,008.10 $4,016.20 Remarks computed Tax http:/Jt~x.e>cgc,v.co.m/tcweb/cletait_sep;JJsp?Re~Parcel~047•05i-2o&s, .. tixi=&City=&Unlt.~&s=1&p::t1&t=&TaxYr=2018&Ci.ltvr;:2018&apnstatus=PAIO Page tof 2 PA2019-090 County of Orange -Treasurer-Tax Collector SECURF.DTAX REMINDER SIGN UP PROPERTY TAX FAQS 4/11/19, 10:56 AM Total Due and Payable so.oo Tax Consolldatlon on Secured Property Tax BIii For a detailed breakdown of the tax rates and tax amounts on your tax bill, click on the link below. If you have further questions, call our office at 714-834-3411 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm M•F), Click Hare far Detailed Information on What Makes Up Your Taxes! Save postage and "Go Green Electronically" by using our no cost eCheck payment option. Or pay your taxes using your VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover card either on-line or by telephone at 714•834-3411. Payments made by credit card will be charged a 2.3% service fee (minimum charge of $3.95). For Visa Personal Debit Cards, a flat ff1B of $3.95 will be charged. All other debit cards will be charged a 2.3% fee (with a minimum charge of $3.95) Information is current as of 04/10/2019 for the current year roll. Nr1vig~tl ion ()uick Links Rcsou1T.c~ Connect With OC 11:tll or ,\dmi11i.-;1 rnlio11 :n:1 \\'. Sanla ,\rm l!h-d S;1111.1 ,\na. (',\ 11:!·-111 ··14,8:1-1.:,,11111 OC Home AhoTJI' lhr,-Cmmty · AgcnGics ,,:,, Dep:irlmr.nlc- Bu!.inr.s:; How Do 1 Rnsidcnls Services ',;lr·,"1,q, (')rr1:\(il! ( ,tHiflfV c:rt11!!1 I k·l.'!l<'rl c,,,vl'•rnrrn•nl /\qr?11c1,:"; :_;r.11nol fii-:lru;I·~ !'it;l{r. r.nv, :f'llll'll!i it \/1",1tnr Uurr.:111•; Making ()r<111g1· ( ·011111,· 11 ,,1/i·. li<·,tl1!1y. 011,/ /i,//1//111:: 11l1:r·,· 10 Ii,·,·. 11·,,r/,. ,111d f'/rn·. 1or/1n· ,111tl /i11· g<'!l<'f(lfio11s In nJ1111•. /Jr 1m 1 1·idi11,1: 11111\/1:1///111~_·., ·rl\l ,)k, ·1i1·,· u·g11 111ni 1mhli, · .\1T1·1n·.,. http://tax.ocgov.com/tcweb/detalLsec.asp?ReqParcel=047-052-20&S ... flx=&City=&Unlt=&s=1&p=1&t=&TaxYr=2018&CurYr=2018&apnstatus=PAID Page 2 of 2 PA2019-090 PA2019-090 l. 2. 3. • lY APl'ROVEDt NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL 15 DAYS AFTER DATE • USE PERMIT APPLICATION Ord. No. 635 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FILING FEE $30.00 NO. /0 IS- DATE. ______ _ INSTRUCTIONS: (Read Carefully.) The applicant or his legal representacive must be presenc at all public hearings. Fill out this application completely. It must be accompanied by five copies of a plot plan to scale, and with correct dimensions, showing in detail ;J+ boundaries. existing buildings, proposed alterations and additions. the applicant ~t sign conditi s of Use Permit, if any, within thirty days after approval. Appli- / •~tion shall be vok d if not used within eighteen months from date of approval. _/ A dress Involved BLOCK 2 '2.. 5 SECTION # TRACT A.#!v:&6-MoNE ·------'--,=..-'-----....; -----------A.M. __________________ TlME. ________ P.M. e-1 to permit: __ There are sheets attached to and made a part of this application. ! hereby certify that the foregoing statements, maps, drawings, plans and specifications attached hereto are true and correct. If approved this Use Permit wi~.l not adversely affect persons resid,1-pg or working~in the neighborhood. I further consent to any permit issued in relia e thereon eing null and void in the event they are not true and correct. ' ,l £,¥i...io/t 'j:,St./FNO FOR DEPAR'l'MENTAL USE ONLY PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION In accord with Section ________ _,,._a Use Permit is hereby _______ the above applicant subject to requirements of all govermnental agencies having jurisdiction and subject to the following: The undersigned hereby agrees to all the above conditions. Signature of Grantee FINDINGS OF PLANNING COMMISSION: Upon a revie~i of the evidence on file and testimony pre- sented at the meeting the commission found and determined that, under the circumstances of r.:he particular case, the granting of this use permit would not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood and, therefore, recommended approval. subject to the condition that there be no overniibt hoardini 0 £ daee JmHmE, DENIED• • """""'=::::~qO~V,ED -By City Planning Commission APPROVED -By the City Council Qn the _,_~-_...~da=y· of February 19~ ___ day of. _______ 19 __ Margery Scfirouder, city clerk Ck ~:~;;·\o ts/_ ----- PA2019-090 .,· !O 104./2' ~ ·\ ~ 9 ·~ ;~ 8 -~ ... " 7 ~ :~ er, i: f;t G t ~ 1 ~ 5 I '.1 ?O "" I ... n, .... • 4 '.J ?I ~i) ' ~l • !.' ~j 3 -, ..-- ~- II /Ml 12 /3 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , PA2019-090 .. f, I " ;,-, -= /_rr r--- - r \I _,._____,/ APPLICANT -Draw a Plot Plan and any necessary elevatioas with dimensions on this sheet, to scale, illustrating existing and proposed conditions affecting the application. aud to conform with the instructions on che a lication form. PA2019-090 Shari L. Freidenrich, CPA Orange Countv Treasurer -Tax Collector P.O. BOX 1438. Santa A~a. GA 92702-1438 625 N. Ross Street, Building 11, Room G58, Santa Ana Office Hours: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Monday -Friday Phone Hours: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM (714) 834-3411 ocgov.com/octaxbill INTERNET COPY 2018-19 SECURED PROPERTY TAX Bill For Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2018 and Ending June 30, 2019 0093411-0093411 PDFE------736723OCT013 ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 OWNER OF RECORD AS OF 12:01 AM, JANUARY 1, 2018 ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 . '. 047-052-20 07-001 DID YOU KNOW? Sign up to receive a text/email due date reminder at ocgov.com/taxreminder Pay online at ocgov.com/octaxbill to receive same day credit, no service fee by eCheck and an emailed receipt. Mailed payments must have a USPS postmark on or before the last timely payment date. H youwait until the last day to mail your payment, getyourenvelope hand-stamped with a posbnark to ensure it is timely; Major construction has eliminated close parking to our office -please pay online! PROPERTY LOCATION 2830 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSED VALUES & EXEMPTIONS AS OF JANUARY 1, 2018 DESCRIPTION LAND FULL VALUE COMPUTED IMPROVEMENTS -BUILDING TOTAL VALUES: TOTAL NET TAXABLE VALUE: 154,592 TAX 167,466 322,058 322,058 $4,016.20 4,016.20 4,016.20 VOTER APPROVED TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IMPORTANT INFORMATION SERVICE AGENCY RATE VALUE TAXES I I I I p p y ,y BASIC LEVY RA TE 1.00000 322,058 3,220.58 Property taxes are the responsibility of the new owner. Contact the Office of the Assessor at (714) 834-2727 regarding ownership changes. COAST COMM COLLEGE DIST .03052 322,058 98.28 NEWPORT MESA UNIFIED .01682 322,058 54.17 METRO WATER D-MWDOC .00350 322,058 11.27 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CHARGES PHONE NO. MOSQ,FIRE ANT ASSMT. (800)273-5167 3.74 VECTOR CONTROL CHG (800)273-5167 4.80 MWD WATER STDBY CHG (866)807-6864 11.60 OCSD SEWER USER FEE (714)593-7281 611.76 TOTAL CHARGED 1.05084 4,016.20 FOR DETAILS OF TAX TYPES, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT OCGOV.COM/OCTAXBILL THERE WILL BE A $26.00 FEE FOR EACH PAYMENT RETURNED UNPAID BY YOUR BANK FOR ANY REASON RETAIN TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS-IF PAYING BY CHECK, YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT OR PAY ONLINE AND RECEIVE AN EMAILED RECEIPT DETACH AND MAIL STUB WITH 2ND INSTALLMENT IN ENVELOPE PROVIDED WRITE YOUR PARCEL NO. ON YOUR CHECK r=H;iH=•§l!iMj=j=j;•Wfflr•!=•lfi•!N=H,,•a;, _ 047-052-2~ APRIL 10, 2019 _ ASSESS EE: ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 Make checks payable to: County of Orange COUNTY OF ORANGE ATTN: TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR P.O. Box 1438 Santa Ana, CA 92702-1438 INTERNET COPY ORANGE COUNTY 2018-19 PROPERTY TAX Pay taxes online by eCheck or by credit card eCheck m~~8""" No Cost ■ ~ ~ VISA-2.3% Fee Min. $3.95 Scan the code to view and pay ocgov.com/octaxbill yo"' •■l"e ~~~~~~•~:I~~~~ 1:.1 $2,008.10 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 4/10/19 (INCLUDES 10% PENAL TY+ $23 COST) $2,231.91 □1047 □52200 □0 □4201802041 □19 □□□020 □81 □070119 □0 □□223191000000000000 □□□03 DETACH AND MAIL STUB WITH 1 ST INSTALLMENT IN ENVELOPE PROVIDED WRITE YOUR PARCEL NO. ON YOUR CHECK •• ' =• 047-052-20 DECEMBER 10, 2018 $4,016.20 ASSESSEE: ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 Make checks payable to: County of Orange COUNTY OF ORANGE ATTN: TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR P.O. Box 1438 Santa Ana, CA 92702-1438 INTERNET COPY ORANGE COUNTY 2018-19 PROPERTY TAX Pay taxes online by eGheck or by credit card eCheck !~i%1~ ~ ■ ~ O,.;J, VISA-2.3% Fee Min. $3.95 ocgov.com/octaxbill Scan the code to view and pay your specific parcel online First Installment D DUE NOV 1, 2018 II I • l!l ... - . $2,008.10 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 12/10/18 (INCLUDES 10% PENALTY) $2,208.91 01047 □5220000 □4201801121018 □□□□20 □810070119000022 □891 □□0 □□000000000008 PA2019-090