HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200618_PC_Staff ReportCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT June 18, 2020 Agenda Item No. 4 SUBJECT: Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-039 Site Development Review No. SD2019-002 SITE LOCATION: 2807 Newport Boulevard APPLICANT: City of Newport Beach OWNER: City of Newport Beach PLANNER: Chelsea Crager, Associate Planner 949-644-3227 or ccrager@newportbeachca.gov PROJECT SUMMARY Site development review and coastal development permit to allow the construction of a new, replacement fire station, including accessory structures and paved parking. The project includes a waiver of the minimum amount of parking lot landscaping and an increase in height of the building up to a height of 32 feet for flat roofs and 34 feet 10 inches for sloped roofs. The project also includes the loss of five on-street parking spaces on southbound Newport Boulevard and 28th Street, and the restriping of public on-street parking spaces on 28th Street for a net gain of two spaces. The proposed project will replace Fire Station No. 2 currently operating at 475 32nd Street, which does not meet current seismic safety standards. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 under Class 32 (In-Fall Development) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it has no potential to have a significant impact on the environment; and 3)Adopt Resolution No. PC2020-023 approving Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-039 and Site Development Review No. SD2019-002 (Attachment No. PC 1). 1 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE2 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 2 VICINITY MAP GENERAL PLAN ZONING LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING CURRENT USE ON-SITE Visitor Serving Commercial (CV) Commercial Visitor- Serving (CV) Temporary surface parking NORTH CV CV Dry cleaners SOUTH CV CV Hotel EAST CV CV Restaurant, Commercial Uses WEST Public Facilities (PF) Public Facilities (PF) Public Parking 3 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE4 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 3 INTRODUCTION Project Setting The project site is located at the intersection of Newport Boulevard and 28th Street on the Balboa Peninsula. The property is the former site of a McDonald’s drive-thru restaurant. The restaurant was demolished in 2018 and was permitted for temporary use as a public parking lot. The City acquired the site in 2018 for the purpose of replacing Fire Station No. 2 because the existing facility does not meet seismic standards and has reached the end of its useful life. The existing station will remain in operation until the replacement fire station is operational. Replacing the fire station at its existing location was found not to be feasible given the small parcel it occupies, nearby land uses, and the cost to provide a temporary station during construction. Surrounding uses include a dry cleaner to the north at the only property that shares a property line. To the south across 28th Street is a hotel (Little Inn by the Bay), and to the east across Newport Boulevard is a restaurant (Avila’s El Ranchito) and other commercial uses. To the southeast across both Newport Boulevard and 28th Street is the 28th Street Marina development consisting of retail, office and residences. To the west across Newport Boulevard is a 14-space public surface parking lot, with one- and two-unit residential uses beyond. Project Description The project is a request for a site development review and coastal development permit to allow the construction of a new, replacement fire station, including accessory structures and paved parking. The project will consist of a two-story, 7,084-square-foot fire station building, including a 4,316-square-foot apparatus bay, a separate 147-square-foot public restroom building, and 10 surface parking spaces for employees behind security gates. The apparatus bay will face south toward 28th Street allowing clear access to 28th Street, north and southbound Newport Boulevard as well as Balboa Boulevard further to the west. The site will be landscaped along both Newport Boulevard frontages and 28th Street with the exception of the driveways. The project includes the removal of two on-street parking spaces on southbound Nepwort Boulevard and three on-street parking spaces on 28th Street. Public parking on 28th Street will be restriped from parallel to diagonal spaces, which will increase parking capacity for a net gain of two spaces. Pedestrian access to the fire station is provided through the main public entry on the Newport Boulevard frontage on the west side of the property. Two public restrooms are also provided on the west side of the property and are pedestrian -accessible from Newport Boulevard. 5 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 4 DISCUSSION General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the property as Visitor Serving Commercial (CV), which is intended to provide for accommodations, goods, and services intended to primarily serve visitors to the City of Newport Beach. Fire stations and personnel are integral in providing life safety and protection services to both visitors and the public. Fire stations are historically located near a variety of land uses including residential, industrial, commercial, and tourist areas. Location and siting depends on localized need based upon assessments by life safety professionals to meet nationally recognized response times. In this case, a fire station in the CV land use designation would provide life safety services in an area of the City heavily used by visitors and tourists in addition to residents. Development of the site as a fire station will be consistent with the General Plan Policies indicated below. Policy LU 2.6 Visitor Serving Uses. Provide uses that serve visitors to Newport Beach’s ocean, harbor, open spaces, and other recreational assets, while integrating them to protect neighborhoods and residents. Policy LU 6.1.1 Adequate Community Supporting Uses. Accommodate schools, government administrative and operational facilities, fire station and police facilities, religious facilities, schools, cultural facilities, museums, interpretive centers, and hospitals to serve the needs of Newport Beach’s residents and businesses. Policy LU 6.1.2 Siting of New Development. Allow for the development of new public and institutional facilities within the City provided that the use and development facilities are compatible with adjoining land uses, environmentally suitable, and can be supported by transportation and utility infrastructure. Policy LU 6.1.3 Architecture and Planning that Complements Adjoining Uses. Ensure that the City’s public buildings, sites, and infrastructure are designed to be compatible in scale, mass, character, and architecture with the district or neighborhood in which they are located, following the design and development policies for private uses specified by this Plan. Design impacts on adjoining uses shall be carefully considered in development, addressing such issues as lighting spillover, noise, hours of operation, parking, local traffic impacts, and privacy. 6 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 5 Zoning Code The subject property is located within the Commercial Visitor Serving (CV) Zoning District, which is intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors to the City. On October 13, 2017, Director’s Determination No. DD2017-002 (PA2017-207) (Attachment No. PC 3) found that a Fire Station is an allowed use in the CV Zoning District. The project is designed to comply with all applicable development standards to the greatest extent possible, including, but not limited to, floor area ratio and setbacks. The Zoning Code allows for a 0-foot setback along property lines abutting streets and nonresidential properties. In this case, the 0-foot setback applies to all sides of the subject property. The development provides 2-foot setbacks along both sides of Newport Boulevard and a 7-foot setback along 28th Street. Further, the Zoning Code allows a floor area ratio maximum is 0.5, or 8,846.5 square feet for this property. The proposed floor area is 7,231 square feet. Landscaping The project will incorporate approximately 1,820 square feet of landscaped area, with the majority of the planting areas on the 28th Street frontage most visible to the public. Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Subsection 20.40.070(D)(3) (Development Standards for Parking Areas – Landscaping), parking areas abutting a public street shall be designed to provide a perimeter landscape strip a minimum of 5 feet wide between the street right-of-way and parking area. The Community Development Director may grant an exception to this requirement if existing structures, substandard lots, or unique site conditions preclude its implementation. In this case, the site is unique in that three of the four property lines front public streets. A 6-foot high property line/security wall and two sliding access gates that provide ingress and egress to the parking lot and station vehicle bays are necessary for station operation, thereby limiting the area available for landscaping around the parking lot perimeter. Additionally, due to the size of the equipment in the parking lot to access the rear of the apparatus bay, the drive aisle is required to be large enough to provide vehicular maneuverability necessary for safe and efficient fire station operation. This also reduces available landscaped area. Accessory structures, including a trash enclosure, emergency generator and the public restroom also reduce the area where landscaping could be installed. The project does include landscaping consisting of grass, trees, and shrubs along the 28th Street frontage and both sides of the station building to soften the building and security fencing and walls. 7 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 6 Height The property is located within the Shoreline Height Limit Area, where the base height limit for nonresidential structures with flat roofs is 26 feet and the 31 feet for structures with sloped roofs. The height may be increased up to a maximum of 32 feet with a flat roof or 40 feet with a sloped roof with approval of a site development review and coastal development permit. In this case, the request is that height be increased to 32 feet for a flat roof and 34 feet 10 inches for a sloped roof. The project has been designed to be in harmony with and enhance the visual character of the surrounding area, including residential, commercial, and visitor-serving uses by including design features such as a lighthouse as a focal point and main public entry. The architectural design provides a significant amount of articulation and varied roof planes. Decorative metal awnings and trellis structures are also incorporated in keeping with the architectural style. Mechanical equipment is behind parapet walls and not visible from street view. The majority of the structure has a maximum height of 32 feet, similar to two- and three- story residential developments to the west across Newport Boulevard, which are up to 29 feet in height. Properties to the north, south across 28 th Street, and east across Newport Boulevard, are within the CV Zoning District with height limit s of 26 feet for flat roofs and 31 feet for sloped roofs. The 28th Street Marina mixed use development, approximately 115 feet to the southeast, is 35 feet in height. Further, the project site is located on an inland lot and there are no public views through the site. The nearest coastal view point is located at the Newport Pier and is not visible from the site. The proposed fire station maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing pattern of development in the surrounding area and does not degrade the overall visual quality of the coastal zone or detract from the character of the area. Local Coastal Program Similar to the Zoning Code, the proposed project is designed to comply with all applicable development standards to the greatest extent possible, including, but not limited to, floor area ratio and setbacks. Parking lot landscaping is the only area where the proposed design does not meet standards. The height of the building meets the upper height limit. The subject property is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. The site does not currently provide vertical or lateral access to the waterfront, nor would it provide access under the proposed conditions. Vertical access to the beach is available via street ends throughout the Balboa Peninsula, and the project will not affect the public’s ability to gain access to, use, and/or view the coast and nearby recreational facilities. The development of the fire station will result in the loss of five on-street public parking spaces on 28th Street and southbound Newport Boulevard. To mitigate the loss of these spaces, the City will restripe an existing row of public parking on 28th Street directly to the 8 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 7 west of the proposed fire station, which will add seven on-street public parking spaces. The result is a net gain of two public parking spaces in the immediate vicinity thereby avoiding any impact to public access. Additionally, the project provides two new public restrooms located in a 147-square-foot building at the northwest corner of the property. These restrooms will be publicly accessible to pedestrians from Newport Boulevard and they will provide an additional sanitation facility to visitors and residents . Site Development Review and Coastal Development Permit Findings Pursuant to Section 20.52.080(F) (Site Development Reviews – Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission must make the following findings in order to approve the site development review with an increase in height limitation: 1.Allowed within the subject zoning district. 2.In compliance with the applicable criteria identified in subsection 20.52.080(C)(2)(c): a.Compliance with this Section, the General Plan, the Zoning Code, and any applicable specific plan, and other applicable criteria and policies related to the use or structure; b.The efficient arrangement of structures on the site and the harmonious relationship of the structures to one another and to other adjacent development; and whether the relationship is based on standards of good design; c.The compatibility in terms of bulk, scale, and aesthetic treatment of structures on the site and adjacent developments and public areas. d.The adequacy, efficiency, and safety of pedestrian and vehicular access, including drive aisles, driveways, and parking and loading spaces; e.The adequacy and efficiency of landscaping and open space areas and the use of water efficient plant and irrigation materials; f.The protection of significant views from the public right(s)-of-way and compliance with Section 20.30.100 (Public View Protections). 3.Not detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed development. 9 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 8 4.The project applicant is providing additional project amenities beyond those that are otherwise required. Examples of project amenities include, but are no t limited to: a.Additional landscaped open space; b.Increased setback and open areas; c.Enhancement and protection of public views. Pursuant to Section 21.52.015(F) (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the Planning Commission must make the following findings in order to approve the coastal development permit with an increase in height limitation: 1.Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. 2.Conforms to the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. 3.The project is sited and designed to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas; and 4.The project is sited and designed to minimize visual impacts and be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas; and 5.Where feasible, the project will restore and enhance visual quality in visually degraded areas. As demonstrated in the draft resolution (Attachment No. PC 1), staff believes that sufficient facts exist in support of each finding. The proposed fire station development is consistent with the purpose and intent of the CV General Plan land use designation, zoning district, and coastal zoning district, which are intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors to the City. The fire station will provide life safety services in an area of the City heavily used by visitors and tourists in addition to residents. The increase in height will be offset by varied roof planes, articulation, and a design in harmony with the visual character of the surrounding area. Given that no public views of the ocean or bay exist through the site, the proposed project including the increased height will not impact public coastal views. The fire station development will be compatible with and enhance the character of the neighborhood and quality of the coastal zone through appropriate design features including a lighthouse focal point. The architecture complements the newly constructed Lido House Hotel. The project results in a net gain of two on-street public parking spaces and a restroom building accessible to pedestrians from Newport Boulevard. 10 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 9 Alternatives 1.The Planning Commission may require changes to the project to alleviate any concerns related to the design or the ability to make the required findings. If the changes are substantial, the item should be continued to a future meeting to allow the applicant to make the necessary adjustments and allow staff to prepare a revised resolution incorporating new findings and/or conditions. 2.If the Planning Commission believes there are insufficient facts to support the findings for approval, the Planning Commission may deny the application and provide facts in support of denial. Environmental Review The project qualifies for a categorical exemption pursuant to Section 153 32, of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (Class 32 for In -Fill Development Projects). The exemption applies to in -fill development projects in urban areas that are consistent with the General Plan and applicable development standards. In addition, the proposed development must occur on a site of no more than 5 acres, have no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, be adequately served by all utilities and public services, and must not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, air quality, water quality, or any other significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. The proposed project is 0.41 acres in size, is located in an urban area, and can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project is consistent with the General Plan designation and policies, and is designed to be consistent with all applicable Zoning Code regulations as described in this staff report and attached draft resolution. The project will comply with Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control) and Chapter 10.28 (Loud and Unreasonable Noise) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The project will be subject to the implementation of a water quality management plan (WQMP). A traffic analysis of average daily trips generated by the project has been prepared by the City Traffic Engineer and indicates the project would not result in significant traffic impacts. The City Utilities Department has indicated there is sufficient water/wastewater utilities available to serve the project. The project site is expected to have less than significant impacts related to traffic, noise, air quality, and water quality. The project site is fully developed, and the site and adjacent areas have no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. A more detailed analysis and determination supporting the Class 32 exemption is attached as Attachment No. PC 4. Public Notice Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening 11 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement (PA2019-098) Planning Commission, June 18, 2020 Page 10 rights-of-way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. Prepared by: Submitted by: ATTACHMENTS PC 1 Draft Resolution with Findings and Conditions PC 2 Project Description PC 3 Director’s Determination No. DD2017-002 PC 4 CEQA Class 32 Exemption PC 5 Project Plans :\Users\ccrager\Downloads\Staff_Report_Master_Template (5).docx01/12/18 12 Attachment No. PC 1 Draft Resolution with Findings and Conditions 13 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE14 05-14-19 RESOLUTION NO. PC2020-023 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. SD2019-002, INCLUDING AN INCREASE IN HEIGHT, AND COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. CD2019-039 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW FIRE STATION LOCATED AT 2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARD (PA2019- 098) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1.An application was filed by the City of Newport Beach (“Applicant”), with respect to property located at 2807 Newport Boulevard, legally described as Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment N.B.L.L.A. 94-12 (“Property”). 2.The Applicant requests the following approvals from the City of Newport Beach (“City”) Planning Commission: Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-039 (“CDP”) to allow the construction of a new fire station in the coastal zone including the construction of accessory structures and paved parking and an increase in height limitation up to a height of thirty-two (32) feet for flat roofs and thirty-four (34) feet, ten (10) inches for sloped roofs; Site Development Review No. SD2019-002 to allow the construction of a new fire station, including the construction of accessory structures and paved parking and an increase in height limitation up to a height of thirty-two (32) feet for flat roofs and thirty- four (34) feet, ten (10) inches for sloped roofs (“Project”). 3.The Property is designated CV (Visitor Serving Commercial) by the City of Newport Beach General Plan Land Use Element (“General Plan”) and is located within the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) Zoning District. 4.The Property is located within the coastal zone. The City of Newport Beach Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan category is CV-A (Visitor-Serving Commercial) – (0.0-075 FAR) and is located within the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) Coastal Zoning District. 5.A telephonic public hearing was held on June 18, 2020, in the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, due to the Declaration of a State of Emergency and Proclamation of Local Emergency related to COVID-19. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Government Code Section 54950 et seq. (“Ralph M. Brown Act”) and Chapter 21.62 (Public Hearings) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (“NBMC”). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this hearing. 15 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 2 of 16 02-03-2020 SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1.The project is categorically exempt under Section 15332 – Class 32 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2.The Class 32 exemption applies to in-fill development projects in urban areas that are consistent with the General Plan and applicable development standards. In addition, the Project must occur on a site of no more than five (5) acres, have no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, be adequately served by all utilities and public services, and must not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, air quality, water quality, or any other significant effect on the environment due to an unusual circumstance. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Site Development Review In accordance with Section 20.52.080(F) (Site Development Reviews – Findings and Decision) of the NBMC, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A.Allowed within the subject zoning district. Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The Property is located within the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) Zoning District, which is intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors to the City. On October 13, 2017, Director’s Determination No. DD2017-002 (PA2017-207) found that a Fire Station is an allowed use in the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) Zoning District. Finding: B.In compliance with the applicable criteria identified in subsection 20.52.080(C)(2)(c): 1.Compliance with this Section, the General Plan, the Zoning Code, and any applicable specific plan, and other applicable criteria and policies related to the use or structure; 2.The efficient arrangement of structures on the site and the harmonious relationship of the structures to one another and to other adjacent development; and whether the relationship is based on standards of good design; 3.The compatibility in terms of bulk, scale, and aesthetic treatment of structures on the site and adjacent developments and public areas; 16 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 3 of 16 02-03-2020 4.The adequacy, efficiency, and safety of pedestrian and vehicular access, including drive aisles, driveways, and parking and loading spaces; 5.The adequacy and efficiency of landscaping and open space areas and the use of water efficient plant and irrigation materials; 6.The protection of significant views from the public right(s)-of-way and compliance with Section 20.30.100 (Public View Protections). Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the property as CV (Visitor Serving Commercial), which is intended to provide for accommodations, goods, and services intended to primarily serve visitors to the City of Newport Beach. Fire stations and personnel are integral in providing life safety and protection services to both visitors and the public. Fire stations are historically located near a variety of land uses including residential, industrial, commercial, and tourist areas. Locat ion and siting depends on localized need based upon assessments by life safety professionals. In this case, a fire station in the CV (Visitor Serving Commercial) land use designation would provide life safety services in an area of the City heavily used by visitors and tourists in addition to residents. 2.The Project complies with all applicable development standards, including, but not limited to, floor area ratio and setbacks. a.The maximum floor area ratio maximum is 0.5, or 8,846.5 square feet for this 17,547-square-foot lot. The proposed floor area is 7,231 square feet. b.Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) allows for a zero (0)-foot setback along property lines abutting streets and nonresidential properties. The development provides two (2)-foot setbacks along both sides of Newport Boulevard and a seven (7)- foot setback along 28th Street. c.Pursuant to NBMC Subsection 20.40.070(D)(3) (Development Standards for Parking Areas – Landscaping), parking areas abutting a public street shall be designed to provide a perimeter landscape strip a minimum of five (5) feet wide between the street right-of-way and parking area. The Community Development Director may grant an exception to this requirement if existing structures, substandard lots, or unique site conditions preclude its implementation. In this case, the site is unique in that three (3) of the four (4) property lines front public streets. .A six (6)-foot high property line/security wall and two (2) sliding access gates that provide ingress and egress to the parking lot and station vehicle bays are necessary for station operation, thereby limiting the area available for landscaping around the parking lot perimeter. Additionally, due to the size of the equipment in the parking lot, a drive aisle is required to be large enough to provide vehicular maneuverability necessary for fire station operation which also reduces available landscaped area. Accessory structures, including a trash enclosure, emergency generator and the public restroom also reduce the area where 17 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 4 of 16 02-03-2020 landscaping could be installed. The Project does include landscaping consisting of grass, trees, and shrubs along the 28th Street frontage and both sides of the station building. d.The Property is located within the Shoreline Height Limit Area. The base height limit for nonresidential and mixed-use structures with flat roofs is twenty-six (26) feet and the base height limit for structures with sloped roofs is thirty-one (31) feet. The height of a structure may be increased up to a maximum of thirty-five (35)feet with a flat roof or forty (40) feet with a sloped roof with approval of a discretionary permit. Findings D, E, and F below address the requested height increase. 3.There are no off-street parking requirements identified in Title 20 (Planning & Zoning) for a governmental facility use; however, the Project has been designed to provide adequate parking for the fire station. As proposed, ten (10) parking spaces are provided for staff use and are behind sliding security gates. 4.The Project has been designed to be in harmony with and enhance the surrounding development by including design features such as a lighthouse as a focal point and main public entry. Decorative metal awnings and trellis structures are also incorporated in keeping with the architectural style. 5.The proposed design provides efficient vehicular access and circulation, with one (1) sliding security gate provided on each Newport Boulevard frontage. Site access, including the new curb cut, drive aisles, driveways, parking, and sight distance have all been reviewed by the Public Works Department for adequacy, efficiency, and safety. 6.Pedestrian access to the fire station is provided through the main public entry on the Newport Boulevard frontage on the west side of the property. Two (2) public restrooms are also provided on the west side of the property and are pedestrian -accessible from Newport Boulevard. 7.Lighting of the site and building is conditioned to meet the requirements of the NBMC to mitigate impacts to neighboring properties. 8.The Project will incorporate approximately 1,820 square feet of landscaped area with the majority of the planting areas on the 28th Street frontage. As conditioned, the Project is required to comply with NBMC Chapter 14.17 (Water-Efficient Landscaping). 9.The Property is an interior lot on the Balboa Peninsula and is not located at or near a public view point or corridor as identified in the General Plan Figure NR3 (Coastal Views); and therefore, is in compliance with NBMC Section 20.30.100 (Public View Protection). Finding: C.Not detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, 18 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 5 of 16 02-03-2020 safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed development. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The Project has been conditioned to ensure that potential conflicts with surrounding land uses are minimized to the extent possible to maintain a healthy environment for both businesses and residents. 2.The Project complies with applicable development standards and has been designed to be compatible with and enhance the surrounding development by including design features such as a lighthouse as a focal point and main public entry. Decorative metal awnings and trellis structures are also incorporated in keeping with the architectural style. Title 20 – Height Increase In accordance with Section 20.30.060(C)(3) (Required Findings) related to increases in height limits of the NBMC, the base height limit for nonresidential and mixed-use structures with flat roofs is twenty-six (26) feet and the base height limit for structures with sloped roofs is thirty - one (31) feet. The height of a nonresidential structure within the Shoreline Height Limit Area may be increased up to a maximum of thirty-two (32) feet with a flat roof or forty (40) feet with approval of a Site Development Review. In this case, the Applicant requests that height be increased to thirty-two (32) feet for a flat roof and thirty-four (34) feet, ten (10) inches for a sloped roof. In accordance with NBMC Section 20.30.060(C)(3) (Required Findings) related to increased height limits, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: D.The project applicant is providing additional project amenities beyond those that are otherwise required. Examples of project amenities include, but are not limited to: 1.Additional landscaped open space; 2.Increased setback and open areas; 3.Enhancement and protection of public views. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The building provides a high level of design including a lighthouse feature, housing a communication antenna, serving as a focal point of the development and metal awnings and trellis features. Building setbacks are greater than what is required under the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) standards of the Zoning Code. The CV (Commercial Visitor- Serving) Zoning District allows zero (0)-foot setbacks, and the project provides setbacks ranging from two (2) feet to seven (7) feet, eleven (11) inches along Newport Boulevard and 28th Street. 2.The Project provides two (2) new public restrooms located in a 147-square-foot building at the northwest corner of the Property. These restrooms are accessible to pedestrians 19 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 6 of 16 02-03-2020 from Newport Boulevard and provide an additional sanitation facility to visitors and residents. 3.The Project does not affect existing public views because the site is not located on the coast and there are no public views through the site. The Project also does not detract from the character of the area. The overall project height is below the maximum permitted with approval of a site development review. The majority of the structure has a maximum height of thirty-two (32) feet, similar to two (2)- and three (3)-story residential developments, which are up to twenty-nine (29) feet in height. Properties to the north, south across 28th Street, and east across Newport Boulevard, are within the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) Zoning District with height limits of twenty-six (26) feet for flat roofs and thirty-one (31) feet for sloped roofs. The 28th Street Marina mixed use development, which is approximately 115 feet to the southeast across Newport Boulevard and 28th Street, is thirty-five (35) feet in height. 4.The lighthouse feature extends to the height of thirty-four (34) feet, ten (10) inches, however represents a small portion of the structure and houses a communication antenna. The lighthouse feature and the high level of design of the building will enhance the area, which is currently developed with a surface parking lot. Finding: E.The architectural design of the project provides visual interest through the use of light and shadow, recessed planes, vertical elements, and varied roof planes; Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The exterior is comprised of plaster, fiber-cement siding and asphalt-shingle roofing. Massing offsets, variations of roofline, varied colors, articulation, and design accents on the elevations are integrated to enhance the building’s architectural style. 2.The building façade is designed to enhance the visual character of the surrounding area, including residential, commercial, and visitor-serving uses. The architectural design provides a significant amount of articulation and varied roof planes. The design consists of high-quality building materials and metal architectural features along with a lighthouse feature which serves as a focal point of the building. Mechanical equipment is behind parapet walls and not visible from street view. Finding: F.The increased height will not result in an undesirable or abrupt scale changes or relationships being created between the proposed structure(s) and existing adjacent developments or public spaces. Where appropriate, the proposed structure(s) provides a gradual transition to taller or shorter structures on abutting properties; and. 20 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 7 of 16 02-03-2020 Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The Project does not appear out of character and and utilizes a building height across most of the building of thirty-two (32) feet, which is consistent with two (2)- and three (3)-story residential developments in the surrounding area, which are up to twenty-nine (29) feet in height. The lighthouse feature extends to the height of thirty-four (34) feet, ten (10) inches, however represents a small portion of the structure and houses a communication antenna. 2.The fire station building, including the apparatus bays, covers approximately forty-six (46) percent of the site and does not run the entire length or width of the site. The fire station building is oriented primarily toward the 28th Street right-of-way and provides a forty-nine (49)foot setback from the only shared property line, the adjacent commercial property to the north, thereby not affecting light or air to nearby properties. The new public restroom building is adjacent to the shared property line and is twelve (12) feet, seven (7) inches in height. The fifty-three (53) percent of the building that has no enclosed structure provides open space to offset the mass created by the fire station’s proposed height. Finding: G.The structure will have no more floor area than could have been achieved without the approval of the height increase. Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The proposed floor area for the project complies with the floor area ratio development standards of the CV Zoning District. The maximum floor area ratio maximum is 0.5, or 8,846.5 square feet for this 17,547-square-foot lot. The proposed floor area is 7,231 square feet. Coastal Development Permit In accordance with Section 21.52.015 (F) (Coastal Development Permits, Findings and Decision) of the NBMC, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: H.Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The project complies with all applicable CV development standards, including, but not limited to, floor area ratio and setbacks. a.The maximum floor area ratio maximum is 0.5, or 8,846.5 square feet for this 17,547-square-foot lot. The proposed floor area is 7,231 square feet. 21 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 8 of 16 02-03-2020 b.The Zoning Code allows for a zero (0)-foot setback along property lines abutting streets and nonresidential properties. The development provides two (2)-foot setbacks along both sides of Newport Boulevard and a seven (7)-foot setback along 28th Street. 2.There are no off-street parking requirements identified in the Local Coastal Program for a governmental facility use; however, the proposed facility has been designed to provide adequate parking for the fire station. As proposed, ten (10) parking spaces are provided for staff use and are located behind sliding security gates. 3.The neighborhood is developed with a variety of uses, including a mix of commercial uses along Newport Boulevard to the north, south, and east. Across Newport Boulevard to the west are residential uses, primarily developed with two (2)- and three (3)-story single-family and two (2)-unit residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development is consistent with and complementary to the existing neighborhood pattern of development. 4.The Property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (“CBC”) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC prior to building permit issuance. 5.The Property is located on an inland lot on the Balboa Peninsula. The nearest coastal view point is located at the Newport Pier and is not visible from the site. The proposed fire station complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing pattern of development in the surrounding area. The building façade is designed to enhance the visual character of the surrounding area, including residential, commercial, and visitor-serving uses. The architectural design provides a significant amount of articulation and varied roof planes. The design consists of high-quality building materials and metal architectural features along with a lighthouse feature which serves as a focal point of the building. Mechanical equipment is behind parapet walls and not visible from street view. 6.Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.35.050 (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), because the development contains more than seventy-five (75) percent of impervious surface area, a Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP/WQMP) was prepared by MSL Engineering, Inc., dated March 9, 2020. The final WQHP/WQMP will be required to be reviewed and approved by the City’s Engineer Geologist prior to building permit issuance. The WQHP/WQMP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, treatment control, best management practices (BMPs), use of a low-impact development approach and bioretention system to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be required to comply with the approved WQHP/WQMP prior to the issuance of building permits. 22 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 9 of 16 02-03-2020 Finding: I.Conforms to the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The Property is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline. The site does not currently provide vertical or lateral access to the waterfront, nor would it provide access under the proposed conditions. Vertical access to the beach is available via street ends throughout the Balboa Peninsula. The Project will not affect the public’s ability to gain access to, use, and/or view the coast and nearby recreational facilities. 2.The Property is currently developed as a surface parking lot and was used on a temporary basis to provide public parking and temporary construction yard for public projects. Previously, the Property was developed with a fast food restaurant. The development of the fire station will result in the loss of five (5) on-street public parking spaces, however the Project also proposes the restriping of public parking on 28th Street which will add seven (7)on-street public parking spaces. The result is a net gain of two (2) public parking spaces. Additionally, the Project includes a public restroom available to visitors and residents. 3.The Property is located on an inland lot on the Balboa Peninsula and is not located adjacent to a coastal view road or coastal viewpoint identified by Local Coastal Program maps. The nearest coastal viewpoint is located at the Newport Pier and is not visible from the Project. The Project complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing pattern of development in the surrounding area. The building façade is designed to enhance the visual character of the surrounding area, including residential, commercial, and visitor - serving uses. The architectural design provides a significant amount of articulation and varied roof planes. The design consists of high-quality building materials and metal architectural features along with a lighthouse feature which serves as a focal point of the building. Mechanical equipment is behind parapet walls and not visible from street view. Title 21 – Height Increase In accordance with Section 21.30.060(C)(3) (Required Findings) of the NBMC for increased height limits, the base height limit for nonresidential and mixed -use structures with flat roofs is twenty-six (26) feet and the base height limit for structures with sloped roofs is thirty-one (31) feet. The height of a nonresidential structure within the Shoreline Height Limit Area may be increased up to a maximum of thirty-two (32) feet with a flat roof or forty (40) feet with approval of a Coastal Development Permit. In this case, the Applicant requests that height be increased to thirty-two (32) feet for a flat roof and thirty-four (34) feet, ten (10) inches for a sloped roof. In accordance with Section 21.30.060(C)(3) (Required Findings) of the NBMC for increased height limits, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: 23 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 10 of 16 02-03-2020 Finding: J.The project is sited and designed to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas; and Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The Property is located on an inland lot on the Balboa Peninsula. The nearest coastal view point is located at the Newport Pier and is not visible from the site. The Project complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing pattern of development in the surrounding area. Finding: K.The project is sited and designed to minimize visual impacts and be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas; and Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The building façade is designed to enhance the visual character of the surrounding area, including residential, commercial, and visitor-serving uses. The architectural design provides a significant amount of articulation and varied roof planes. The design consists of high-quality building materials and metal architectural features along with a lighthouse feature which serves as a focal point of the building. Mechanical equipment is behind parapet walls and not visible from street view. 2.The Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan allows for a zero (0)-foot setback along property lines abutting streets and nonresidential properties. The development provides two (2)-foot setbacks along both sides of Newport Boulevard and a seven (7)-foot setback along 28th Street. 3.The exterior is comprised of plaster, fiber-cement siding and asphalt-shingle roofing. Massing offsets, variations of roofline, varied colors, articulation, and design accents on the elevations are integrated to enhance the building’s architectural style. 5.The building provides a high level of design including a lighthouse feature, housing a communication antenna, serving as a focal point of the development and metal awnings and trellis features. Building setbacks are greater than what is required under the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) standards of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning). 6.The Project provides two (2) new public restrooms located in a 147-square-foot building at the northwest corner of the Property. These restrooms are accessible to pedestrians from Newport Boulevard and provide an additional sanitation facility to visitors and residents. 7.The Project does not affect existing public views and does not detract from the character of the area. The overall project height is below the maximum permitted with approval of 24 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 11 of 16 02-03-2020 a site development review. The majority of the structure has a maximum height of thirty- two (32) feet, similar to two (2)- and three (3)-story residential developments to the west across Newport Boulevard, which are up to twenty-nine (29) feet in height. Properties to the north, south across 28th Street, and east across Newport Boulevard, are within the CV (Commercial Visitor-Serving) Zoning District with height limits of twenty-six (26) feet for flat roofs and thirty-one (31) feet for sloped roofs. The 28th Street Marina mixed use development, approximately 115 feet to the southeast across Newport Boulevard and 28th Street, is thirty-five (35) feet in height. 8.The lighthouse feature extends to height of thirty-four (34) feet, ten (10) inches, however represents a small portion of the structure and houses a communication antenna. The lighthouse feature and the high level of design of the building will enhance the area, which is currently developed with a surface parking lot. 9.The fire station building, including the apparatus bay, covers approximately forty-six (46) percent of the site and does not run the entire length or width of the site. The fire station building is oriented primarily toward the 28th Street right-of-way and provides a forty-nine (49)-foot setback from the only shared property line, the adjacent commercial property to the north, thereby not affecting light or air to nearby properties. The new public restroom building is adjacent to the shared property line and is twelve (12) feet, seven (7) inches in height. The fifty-three (53) percent of the building that has no enclosed structure provides open space to offset the mass created by the fire station’s proposed height. Finding: L.Where feasible, the project will restore and enhance visual quality in visually degraded areas. Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The property is currently developed as a surface parking lot and was used on a temporary basis to provide public parking and temporary construction storage for public projects. Previously, the property was developed with a fast food restaurant. The proposed project has been designed to harmonize with and enhance the surrounding development by including design features such as a lighthouse as a focal point and main public entry. Decorative metal awnings and trellis structures are also incorporated in keeping with the architectural style. 25 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 12 of 16 02-03-2020 SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1.The Planning Commission finds the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) under Class 32 of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2.The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Site Development Review No. SD2019-002 and Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-039 subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3.This action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of NBMC Title 20 Planning and Zoning. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 18th DAY OF JUNE, 2020. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BY:_________________________ Peter Koetting, Chairman BY:_________________________ Lee Lowrey, Secretary 26 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 13 of 16 02-03-2020 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (Project-specific conditions are in italics) Planning Division 1.The project shall be in substantial conformance with the approved project plans stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2.The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3.Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Site Development Review and Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new Site Development Review and Coastal Development Permit. 4.Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 5.This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within twenty-four (24) months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the NBMC. 6.No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or a storm drain or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. No demolition or construction materials shall be stored on public property. 7.The Applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If s uch activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of Native Birds pursuant to MBTA: A.The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. 27 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 14 of 16 02-03-2020 B.It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one (1) or two (2) short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 8.Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHPs) shall be implemented prior to and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Erosion Control Plan. 9.The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 10.Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the project. Stockpiles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 11.Trash and debris shall be disposed in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 12.The Applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Site Development Review and Coastal Development Permit. 13.This Site Development Review and Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Planning Commission if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 14.Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Building Division. 15.Prior to the issuance of building permits, the final WQHP/WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. Implementation shall be in compliance with the approved WQHP/WQMP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the Building Division 16.Prior to the issuance of building permits, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 28 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 15 of 16 02-03-2020 17.Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Coastal Development file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to eleven (11) inches by seventeen (17) inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Coastal Development Permit. 18.Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings, non - invasive plant species and water efficient irrigation design. T he plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 19.All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 20.The site shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, if in the opinion of the Director of Community Development, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 21.The noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control) and other applicable noise control requirements of the NBMC. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00AM and 10:00PM Between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 22.Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 (Loud and Unreasonable Noise, Construction Activity – Noise Regulations) of the NBMC, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Pursuant to Section 10.28.045(B) of the NBMC (Real Property Maintenance – Noise Regulations), noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. 29 Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2020-023 Page 16 of 16 02-03-2020 23.Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 24.To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Fire Station No. 2 including, but not limited to, Site Development Review No. SD2019-002 and Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-039 (PA2019-098). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The Applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The Applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Building Division 25.Fire separation construction is required between the apparatus room and adjacent rooms. 26.An “Alternate Method of Design” (MOD) must be completed to justify not providing an accessible parking stall on site. 30 Attachment No. PC 2 Project Description 31 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE32 Newport Beach Fire Station 2 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Project 1615000 Project Description Fire Station 2 is a new, two-story, 11,400 sf facility built by the City of Newport Beach. The station was designed to replace the existing fire station located nearby. The 0.4 acre site is located in a mixed use area of the City. The station is designed to accommodate 10 firefighters in an individual dormitory setting. Station features include a three-bay, double deep apparatus room, administrative office areas, kitchen, dining room, day room, physical training room, shop, turnout locker room, medical supply storage, laundry room and the various support spaces required for a project of this type. Individual restrooms have been incorporated to maximize space as well as to provide gender privacy. Site features include 10 secured firefighter parking spaces, emergency generator, and trash enclosure. The project includes two, stand alone public restrooms which are situated just outside the secured area of the facility. The unique three-sided nature of the site allows for access from Newport Beach Boulevard in both north and south directions. Landscaping is provided on over 10% of the site. Off-site improvements will include the removal of several parking spaces directly across from the station and the addition of new spaces on an adjacent block. Overall, the off-site revisions result in a net increase of two parking spaces. An exhibit of the off-site parking changes is attached. Architecturally, the station incorporates the same general imagery as the nearby Lido House. A lighthouse feature has been incorporated as the main public entry and focal point of the station. Materials include exterior plaster, fiber-cement siding and asphalt shingle roofing. Decorative metal awnings and trellis structures are incorporated in keeping with the architectural style. Maximum parapet heights are at 32'-0". The height of the lighthouse element has been increased to 34'-10" in order to incorporate a communication antenna. Fire Station 2 houses eight firefighters per day. During shift change (every other day) for a brief period between approximately 0630 – 0800 there will be up to 16 people there. The crews will try to pull their vehicles into the site when possible but may have to temporarily park on the street until stalls become available. When driving code 3, drivers shall generally use installed warning devices as directed in their driving code policy. This includes: Activation of installed warning lights. Continuous sounding of a siren, as may be reasonably necessary. Drivers may limit the use of the siren when responding through residential areas during normal sleeping hours or when responding to emergencies on the beach. Intermittent use of an air horn, may supplement, but not act in lieu of the siren. An excerpt from the policy is attached. Our general rule is to be courteous to our neighbors and limit the siren use to only when necessary. However, If the driver of the vehicle feels there is a need to utilize the siren for the safety of the crew and the drivers on the road then they will. Attachment: Exhibit of Off-Site Parking Changes Newport Beach Fire Department Policy and Procedure Manual Excerpt 33 BALBOA BLVD TO SB NEWPORT BLVD 28TH STREET IMPROVEMENT CONCEPT15 PARKING SPOTS PROPOSED 13 EXISTING SPOTS REMOVED NET GAIN: 2 F H SIGN SIGN S T L T PMPMPMPM ST LT CO C B 4" POSTPMPM PM PM PMPMPM4" POST SIGN SIGN 4" POSTSIGNSIGN WMSLB SLB F H SLBSIGN SIGN SIGN SIGNSIGNSIGNSIGNSIGN SI G N P P COSIGN TSBPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPM S T L T CO COCOB L D G C B B L D G 4 " POST4" POST4" POST4" POST SLBST LT WVFH TSB SIGN SLBSIGN SIGNSLB S L B S T L T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 109 11 12 13 14 15 PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA NEWPORT BLVD (SB )W. B A L B O A B L V D LEGEND: PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROPOSED TREE PROPOSED FLASHING CROSSWALK BEACON (CROSSING BALBOA BLVD) ADDRESS NUMBER PARKING SPOTS TO BE ELIMINATED 28TH S T R E E T FIRE STATION NO. 2 SITE 2807 NEWPORT BLVD. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Attachment No. PC 3 Director’s Determination No. DD2017-002 41 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE42 Community Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment Director’s Determination To: Dave Webb, Public Works Director From: Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Date: October 13, 2017 Re: Allowed Uses in the Visitor Serving Commercial (CV) Zoning District Fire Station No. 2 (Director’s Determination No. DD2017-002/PA2017- 207) The City is performing due diligence related to the purchase and potential development of a new fire station at 2708 Newport Boulevard. The fire station would replace the existing Fire Station No. 2 located at 475 32 nd Street. Visitor Serving Commercial (CV) Zoning District Both Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) and Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) designate the property as being located in the Commercial Visitor-Serving (CV) Zoning District. Both NBMC Chapters do not list f ire station in the Allowed Use table and both contain the following provision: Land uses that are not listed in the table above, or are not shown in a particular coastal zoning district, are not allowed, except as otherwise provided by Section 20.12.020/21.12.020 (Rules of Interpretation). Both Chapters allow the Community Development Director to make an interpretation that an unlisted use is allowed subject to making certain findings. Planning and Zoning Section 20.12.020E - Unlisted Uses of Land Pursuant to NBMC Section 20.12.020E, the Director may determine that a proposed land use that is not listed in Part 2 of this title (Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses, and Zoning District Standards) may be allowed if the following findings can be made: Finding: A.The characteristics of, and activities associated with, the proposed use are equivalent to those of one or more of the uses listed in the zoning district as 43 allowable, and will not involve a greater level of activity, population density, intensity, traffic generation, parking, dust, odor, noise, or similar impacts than the uses listed in the zoning district; Facts in Support of finding: 1.A fire station would be allowed a maximum 0.5 floor area ratio consistent with CV standards. Parking would be provided and required for Fire Department vehicles and employee parking. 2.Fire Station No. 2 operations include about 8-9 on-duty firefighters. Shift changes typically occur every 48 hours; therefore, 16-18 firefighters would be on-site for approximately 30 minutes. 3.Average calls for service is approximately 30 per day resulting in an estimated 60 average daily trips (ADT). Occasional deliveries and non- service calls would add few trips. Shift changes would result in 16-18 ADT on days where shift changes occur. By comparison the previous fast food restaurant use was estimated to generate 813 ADT. 4.On-site noise would be consistent with other non-residential uses. The use of an outdoor PA system at fire stations is typically limited to daytime hours. The anticipated route for emergency vehicles would be Balboa Boulevard, which is similar to current routes used by emergency vehicles en route to calls on the Balboa Peninsula. Fire Department personnel are required to adhere to protocol that limits use of sirens when required by vehicle code and on a as needed basis only. Typical practice of using sirens is to alert other vehicles present or when crossing an intersection. Additionally, the Opticom system automatically activates traffic signals when the vehicle’s transmission is in drive and emergency lights turned on. Finding: B.The proposed use will meet the purpose/intent of the zoning district that is applied to the location of the use; Facts in Support of finding: 1.The CV Zoning District is intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors of the City. Fire stations and personnel are integral in providing life safety and protection services to both visitors and the public. 2.The Balboa Peninsula is a year round tourist destination. An estimated 20,000-100,000 tourists and visitors enter the City daily during the summer months, many of them coming to the public beaches, bay, piers and visitor serving restaurants and retail shops located in the vicinity of the subject property. Fire personnel stationed in the CV Zoning District will ensure both visitor and residents are adequately served in th e event of medical and other emergencies. 44 Finding: C.The proposed use will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, or any applicable specific plan Facts in Support of finding: 1.The CV General Plan land use designation is intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors of the City. Fire stations and personnel are integral in providing life safety and protection services to both visitors and the public. 2.Fire stations are historically located in and near a variety of land uses including, residential, industrial, commercial, and tourist areas. Location and siting depends on localized need based upon assessment s by life safety professionals. In this case, a fire station in the CV land uses designation would provide life safety services in an area of the City heavily used by visitors and tourists in addition to residents. Finding: D.The proposed use is not listed as allowable in another zoning district; Fact in Support of finding: 1.A fire station is recognized as an allowed use in the CV-LV zoning district. The zoning district was created to allow the construction of the Lido House Hotel on the former City Hall site and to recognize the existing fire station. The policy decision at that time determined that a fire station in the CV zoning district is acceptable and consistent with the CV zoning designation. Finding: E.The proposed use is not a prohibited or illegal use. Fact in Support of finding: 1.Fire stations are neither prohibited or illegal. Fire Department personnel are integral in providing a variety of services to residents and visitors and providing for the protection of life, property and the environment Planning and Zoning Section 21.12.020E - Unlisted Uses of Land Pursuant to NBMC Section 21.12.020E, the Director may determine that a proposed land use that is not listed in Part 2 of this Implementation Plan (Coastal Zoning Districts, Allowable Land Uses, and Coastal Zoning District Standards) may be allowed if the following findings can be made: 45 Finding: A.The characteristics of, and activities associated with, the proposed use are equivalent to those of one or more of the uses listed in the coastal zoning district as allowable, and will not involve a greater level of activity, population density, intensity, traffic generation, parking, dust, odor, noise, or similar impacts than the uses listed in the coastal zoning district; Facts in Support of finding: 1.A fire station would be allowed a maximum 0.5 floor area ratio consistent with CV standards. Parking would be provided and required for Fire Department vehicles and employee parking. 2.Fire Station No. 2 operations include about 8 -9 on-duty firefighters. Shift changes typically occur every 48 hours; therefore, 16-18 firefighters would be on-site for approximately 30 minutes. 3.Average calls for service is approximately 30 per day resulting in an estimated 60 average daily trips (ADT). Occasional deliveries and non - service calls would add few trips. Shift changes would result in 16 -18 ADT on days where shift changes occur. By comparison the previous fast food restaurant use was estimated to generate 813 ADT. 4.On-site noise would be consistent with other non-residential uses. The use of an outdoor PA system at fire stations is typically limited to daytime hours. The anticipated route for emergency vehicles would be Balboa Boulevard, which is similar to current routes used by emergency vehicles en route to calls on the Balboa Peninsula. Fire Department personnel are required to adhere to protocol that limits use of sirens when required by vehicle code and on a as needed basis only. Typical practice of using sirens is to alert other vehicles present or when crossing an intersection. Additionally, the Opticom system automatically activates traffic signals when the vehicle’s transmission is in drive and emergency lights turned on. Finding: B.The proposed use will meet the purpose/intent of the coastal zoning district that is applied to the location of the use; Facts in Support of finding: 1.The CV Zoning District is intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors of the City. Fire stations and personnel are integral in providing life safety and protection services to both visitors and the public. 2.The Balboa Peninsula is a year round tourist destination. An estimated 20,000-100,000 tourists and visitors enter the City daily during the summer 46 months, many of them coming to the public beaches, bay, piers and visitor serving restaurants and retail shops located in the vicinity of the subject property. Fire personnel stationed in the CV Zoning District will ensure both visitor and residents are adequately served in the event of medical and other emergencies. Finding: C.The proposed use will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Coastal Land Use Plan; Facts in Support of finding: 1.The CV land use designation is intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors of the City. Fire stations and personnel are integral in providing life safety and protection services to both visitors and the public. 2.Fire stations are historically located in and near a variety of land uses including, residential, industrial, commercial, and tourist areas. Location and siting depends on localized need based upon a ssessments by life safety professionals. In this case, a fire station in the CV land uses designation would provide life safety services in an area of the City heavil y used by visitors and tourists in addition to residents. 3.Any development would be required to adhere to all LCP goals and policies including those related to public access and resource protection. Finding: D.The proposed use is not listed as allowable in another coastal zoning district; Fact in Support of finding: 1.A fire station is recognized as an allowed use in the CV-LV zoning district. The zoning district was created to allow the construction of the Lido House Hotel on the former City Hall site and to recognize the existing fire station. The policy decision at that time determined that a fire station in the CV zoning district is acceptable and consistent with the CV zoning designation. Finding: E.The proposed use is not a prohibited or illegal use. Fact in Support of finding: 1.Fire stations are neither prohibited or illegal. Fire Department personnel are integral in providing a variety of services to residents and visitors and providing for the protection of life, property and the environment 47 Directors Determination In this particular case, findings can be made to allow a Fire Station as an Allowed Use in the Title 20 CV Zoning District and Title 21 CV Coastal Zoning District. Since a parking rate for a fire station does not exist, the required parking will be determined by the Community Development Director and will be based on the size, operational characteristics and number of employees at the proposed fire station. Development of a fire station use in the CV District is required to adhere to all applicable development standards of Title 20 and Title 21, including any discretionary approval requirements. Please note that a call for review or appeal may be filed within 14 days following the date of this determination. For more information please contact me at 949 - 644-3232. 48 Attachment No. PC 4 CEQA Class 32 Exemption 49 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE50 Exemption Determination Fire Station #2 2807 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA The project is categorically exempt under Section 15332, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines – Class 32 (In-Fill Development Projects). This exemption applies to in-fill development projects in urban areas that are consistent with the General Plan and applicable development standards. In addition, the proposed development must occur on a site of no more than five acres, have no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species, be adequately served by all utilities and public services, and must not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, air quality, water quality, or any other significant effect on the environment due to an unusual circumstance. The restriping of existing on-street public parking spaces would also be exempt under Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines – Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Class 1 consists of the operation or the minor alteration of existing public structures involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use including existing highways and streets. The restriping changes the location of several existing spaces with a net increase of two spaces and no diminishment of roadway traffic lanes or capacity. a)The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. The fire station project site is designated Visitor Serving Commercial (CV) by the Land Use Element of the General Plan and zoned Commercial Visitor-Serving (CV) by Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (Zoning Code), both of which are intended to provide for areas appropriate for accommodations, goods, and services intended to serve primarily visitors to the City. Fire stations and personnel are integral in providing life safety and protection services to both visitors and the general public. The restriped parking area is in the public right-of-way and does not have a General Plan land use designation or zoning designation. The fire station use is intended to serve local residents and visitors to the Balboa Peninsula. An estimated 20,000 to 100,000 tourists and visitors enter the City daily during the summer months, many of them coming to the public beaches, bay, piers, and visitor serving restaurants and retail shops located in the vicinity of the subject property. Fire personnel stationed in this area will ensure both visitors and residents are adequately served in the event of medical and other emergencies. Pursuant to Director’s Determination No. DD2017-002, fire stations are an allowed use in the CV Zoning District and are consistent with the CV General Plan land use category. 51 The gross floor area of the proposed fire station development will be less than the 0.5 floor area ratio (FAR) limit for the subject property. Development of the site will be consistent with General Plan Policies as indicated below. Land Use Policies Policy LU 2.6 Visitor Serving Uses. Provide uses that serve visitors to Newport Beach’s ocean, harbor, open spaces, and other recreational assets, while integrating them to protect neighborhoods and residents. Policy LU 6.1.1 Adequate Community Supporting Uses. Accommodate schools, government administrative and operational facilities, fire station and police facilities, religious facilities, schools, cultural facilities, museums, interpretive centers, and hospitals to serve the needs of Newport Beach’s residents and businesses. Policy LU 6.1.2 Siting of New Development. Allow for the development of new public and institutional facilities within the City provided that the use and development facilities are compatible with adjoining land uses, environmentally suitable, and can be supported by transportation and utility infrastructure. Policy LU 6.1.3 Architecture and Planning that Complements Adjoining Uses. Ensure that the City’s public buildings, sites, and infrastructure are designed to be compatible in scale, mass, character, and architecture with the district or neighborhood in which they are located, following the design and development policies for priv ate uses specified by this Plan. Design impacts on adjoining uses shall be carefully considered in development, addressing such issues as lighting spillover, noise, hours of operation, parking, local traffic impacts, and privacy. b)The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The project site is within the Newport Beach City limits and consists of approximately 17,693 square feet or 0.41 acres of land area for the fire station. The fire station site is surrounded by other urban uses including a hotel, offices, restaurants, retail and service uses, and residential uses to the west across Newport Boulevard. The area of restriped parking along Newport Boulevard is approximately 0.1 acre and surrounded by urban uses. 52 c)The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. The subject property has been developed and utilized as a 26-space surface parking lot since 2018 and was previously developed with a drive-through restaurant. The restriped parking area will continue to be used as a public parking area. There is no potential for special-status plants or animals to exist on the vacant lot or on-street parking area. The project does not encroach into or abut any jurisdictional waters or areas that support native and/or sensitive habitat. The site is surrounded by fully developed public streets (Newport Boulevard and 28th Street), and commercial development and intervening development separates the site from Newport Harbor. The property does not provide any wetland areas and fully complies with current City Policy regarding wetland buffers (Coastal Land Use Policy 4.2.2-3). Thus, there would be no direct or indirect impacts to wetland environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA) associated with the project. For these reasons, the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. Given the urban character of the surrounding ar ea, no significant impacts to biological resources would occur. d)Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. An analysis of traffic trips for the project concluded that the generated trips would not result in a significant traffic impact. The project involves the construction of a new Fire Station No. 2 at the corner of Newport Boulevard and 28th Street. As part of the project, the existing Fire Station No. 2 will be removed at the current location on 32nd Street at Via Oporto. The response area (First-In Area) for Fire Station No. 2 will not change with the new project. The Fire Department keeps record of all calls at the existing Fire Station No. 2. Currently, there is an average of 62 trips per day for Fire Station No. 2. This includes 42 engine, truck, and paramedic trips. In addition, there are 8 employee trips and 12 training trips per day. Given no planned c hanges to the response area with the project, there would be no additional traffic trips with the new Fire Station No. 2 project. The traffic trips associated with Fire Station No. 2 already exist in the roadway system. The new Fire Station No. 2 will be located approximately 0.23 miles from the existing Fire Station No. 2. The new location will remain central to the Fire Station No. 2 “First-In Area’. For this reason, the trip distribution for the new Fire Station No. 2 will not change. There are no significant traffic impacts with this project. The project will comply with Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control), which exempts governmental functions and services on public property, and Chapter 10.28 (Loud and Unreasonable Noise) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Construction would occur during daylight hours consistent with applicable restrictions of NBMC Chapter 10.28. On-site noise would be consistent with other non -residential uses. The use of an outdoor public address (PA) system at fire stations is typically limited to daytime hours. 53 The anticipated route for emergency vehicles would be Newport Boulevard and Balboa Boulevard, which is similar to current routes used by emergency vehicles responding to calls on the Balboa Peninsula. Fire Department personnel are required to adhere to protocols that limits the use of sirens when required by vehicle code and on a n as-needed basis only. Typical practice of using sirens is to alert other vehicles present or when crossing an intersection. Additionally, the Opticom system automatically activates traffic signals when the vehicle’s transmission is in drive and emergency lights are turned on to aid transit and reduce siren use. The fire station project site is currently developed as a surface parking lot with uncontrolled drainage and untreated stormwater. The construction of the project will be subject to the approval and implementation of a water quality and management plan (WQMP) that when implemented, should improve water quality over the current untreated condition, thereby avoiding impacts to water quality. The restriped parking area on 28th Street will tie into the existing storm drain system, thereby avoiding impacts to water quality. Neither short-term nor long-term air pollutant emissions will exceed significance thresholds established by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)1. Nonetheless, the proposed project is required to comply with all applicable SCAQMD regulations. Therefore, approval of the project would not result in significant impacts relating to air quality. The restriped parking lot will provide additional parking opportunities to residents and visitors already in the area, and will therefore not result in any significant effects to traffic, noise, or air quality. e)The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. All required utilities, including sewer, water, energy, telephone, etc. are available to the project site and were adequate to serve the prior fast food (with drive through) restaurant. Domestic water services are available along Newport Boulevard and 28 th Street and fire water service is located along 28th Street. A wastewater main line is located along Newport Boulevard to the east of the project site. The City Utilities Department has indicated there is sufficient water/wastewater utilities available to serve the project , including the restriped parking area. Project implementation is estimated to utilize less water and produce less wastewater than the fast food restaurant, which was in operation at the project site until 2015. 1 http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/scaqmd-air-quality-significance-thresholds.pdf 54 Attachment No. PC 5 Project Plans 55 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE56 STOPSTOPSTOP136.66 'N19°42'30"W250.53 '105.25 '8.62 ' Δ=17°45'52"L=130.22' R=420.00'119.11 'N19°42'30 "W171.79'N62°0 0' 2 7" E N27°57 '34 "W72.98 'Δ=10°59 '20 "L=96.27 'R=502.00 ' 15.23' Δ=17°45'52" 142.62' R=460.00'720.5 5 'NEWPORTBOULEVARD28TH STREET NEWPORTBOULEVARDN62°0 2' 2 6" E 30.00' 111.4 8' 30.00' 30.31'N13°49'17"W40.00 'ROH207.59 ' PROPOSED FIRE STATION No. 2 TWO-STORY STRUCTURE 99'-4" 12'-0"4"18'-8 "20'-0 "33'-4 "33'-8 "4'-0 "10'- 8 " 6'-0" 90'-0" 10 EQ. WI D T H P A R KI N G S T A L L S 3'-4" 12'-0" 2'-0" ±2'-0" ±4'-2"±7'-11"±2'-8"18'-0 "1'-10 "16'-0 "31'-6 "19' -0 "20' -0"24' -0" ±2'-4" PROPOSED RESTROOM BLDG PROPOSED STAFF PARKING STALLS PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE PROPOSED SLIDING SECURITY GATE PROPOSED SLIDING SECURITY GATE PROPOSED RESPONSE DRIVEWAY PROPOSED EMERGENCY GENERATOR 6'-0" TYP. (E) ADJACENT SINGLE-STORY STRUCTURE PROPOSED 35' TALL FLAG POLE (E) ELEC EQPT A1.1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN KWC KN AS NOTED 1 4REFERENCE NOTES8SITE PLAN 1" = 10'-0" MATERIAL LEGEND CONCRETE PAVING CONCRETE JOINT CJ1 CONCRETE JOINT CJ2 CONCRETE SIDEWALK SAW CUT JOINT TJ1 EXPANSION JOINT EJ1 NEW 6' TALL CONCRETE MASONRY RETAINING OR ENCLOSURE WALL. 8" WIDE, TYP. U.N.O. SPLIT-FACE ON ALL EXTERIOR FACES LANDSCAPED AREA, SEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS 1. SEE CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE SITE PLANS FOR LOCATION OF ADDITIONAL SITE ITEMS. 2. EXTEND CONCRETE PAVING INTO TRASH ENCLOSURE, TRANSFORMER ENCLOSURE AND EMERGENCY GENERATOR ENCLOSURE. 3. PAINT FIRE LANE CURB ON WHERE DRIVE AISLE OCCURS. VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH WITH ARCHITECT. DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663N TRUE NORTH SITE AREA BREAKDOWN BUILDING FOOTPRINTS: PAVED AREA: LANDSCAPED AREA: 8,316 S.F. (46.8%) 7,637 S.F. (43.0%) 1,820 S.F. (10.2%) TOTAL:17,773 S.F. ( 100%) BUILDING AREA BREAKDOWN 1ST FLOOR - F.S. APPARATUS BAYS 1ST FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA 2ND FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA TOTAL: 4,316 S.F. (37.4%) 3,853 S.F. (33.3%) 3,231 S.F. (28.0%) 11,547 S.F. ( 100%) RESTROOM BUILDING 147 S.F. ( 1.3%) PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 57 12'-0"16'-0"7'-3"1'-6"7'-3"16'-0"12'-0" 3'-0"9'-0" 3'-0"9'-0" +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +10'-0" T.O. PLATE+10'-0" T.O. PLATE +12'-7" T.O. ROOF A: SOUTH ELEVATION FIBER CEMENT LAP SIDING (GRAY-BLUE), TYP. EXTERIOR PLASTER CORNICE FINISH (WHITE), TYP. ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING, TYP. +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +10'-0" T.O. PLATE+10'-0" T.O. PLATE +12'-7" T.O. ROOF B: WEST ELEVATION +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +10'-0" T.O. PLATE+10'-0" T.O. PLATE +12'-7" T.O. ROOF C: NORTH ELEVATION +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +10'-0" T.O. PLATE+10'-0" T.O. PLATE +12'-7" T.O. ROOF D: EAST ELEVATION A1.2 PROPOSED RESTROOM BUILDING KWC KN AS NOTED 4REFERENCE NOTES8PROPOSED RESTROOM BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0" DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663N PLAN NORTH 6PROPOSED RESTROOM BUILDING FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" BUILDING AREA BREAKDOWN 1ST FLOOR - F.S. APPARATUS BAYS 1ST FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA 2ND FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA TOTAL: 4,316 S.F. (37.4%) 3,853 S.F. (33.3%) 3,231 S.F. (28.0%) 11,547 S.F. ( 100%) RESTROOM BUILDING 147 S.F. ( 1.3%) PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 58 HOSESTORAGEBBQ DINING ROOM KITCHEN DAY ROOM TEL/ COMM. W/H APPARATUS ROOM ELEC WORKSHOP JAN. / STORAGE W/D EXERCISE ROOM TURN-OUT LOCKER RM (30) EXTRACTOR ROOM FR DIRTY RESTROOM FRONT OFFICE MAPBOARDC FULL-HEIGHTCASEWORKCOUNTERCAPTAIN'S OFFICE RESTRM FL COUNTERREF DW REF REF STAIR 1 STAIR 2 HALLWAY UP UPHOSESTORAGEFL FL P TOOL BOX EXT ICE MED STORAGE AIR FILL FILL ROOMPLANTER PLANTER LOBBY REFREF PARTS WASHER STOR. 8A A4.1 8A A4.1 8B A4.1 8B A4.1 8C A4.1 8D A4.1 8C A4.1 8D A4.1 122'-0" 122'-0" 44'-8"55'-4"14'-0"8'-0" 6'-0"8'-0" 14'-0"55'-4"44'-8"23'-4"4'-0"8'-0"52'-8"88'-0"18'- 1 0 "18'-10"88'-0"10'-0"10'-8"12'-0"51'-4"4'-0"8'-0" 4'-0" A2.1 PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR PLAN KWC KN AS NOTED 4REFERENCE NOTES8PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663N PLAN NORTH BUILDING AREA BREAKDOWN 1ST FLOOR - F.S. APPARATUS BAYS 1ST FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA 2ND FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA TOTAL: 4,316 S.F. (37.4%) 3,853 S.F. (33.3%) 3,231 S.F. (28.0%) 11,547 S.F. ( 100%) RESTROOM BUILDING 147 S.F. ( 1.3%) PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 59 CREW DORM 4 CAPTAIN'S DORM 2 APPARATUS ROOM BELOW CAPTAIN'S DORM 1 CREW DORM 6 CREW DORM 7 CREW DORM 8 STAIR 2 CREW DORM 5 CAPTAIN'S BATH CREW BATH 2 CREW BATH 1 CREW BATH 3 CREW BATH 4 HALLWAY CREW DORM 1 CREW DORM 2 CREW DORM 3 STAIR 1DNDNSTORAGE 1 STOR. HALLWAY ROOF BELOW CREW STUDY WD STORAGE 2 MECH CHASE JAN. / STORAGE / LAUNDRY 8A A4.1 8A A4.1 8B A4.1 8B A4.1 8C A4.1 8D A4.1 8C A4.1 8D A4.1 52'-8" 44'-8"8'-0" 52'-8" 44'-8"8'-0"88'-0"52'-8"23'-4"8'-0"4'-0"18'- 1 0 "18'-10"10'-0"4'-0" A2.2 PROPOSED 2ND FLOOR PLAN KWC KN AS NOTED 4REFERENCE NOTES8PROPOSED 2ND FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663N PLAN NORTH BUILDING AREA BREAKDOWN 1ST FLOOR - F.S. APPARATUS BAYS 1ST FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA 2ND FLOOR - F.S. LIVING AREA TOTAL: 4,316 S.F. (37.4%) 3,853 S.F. (33.3%) 3,231 S.F. (28.0%) 11,547 S.F. ( 100%) RESTROOM BUILDING 147 S.F. ( 1.3%) PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 60 8A A4.1 8A A4.1 8B A4.1 8B A4.1 8C A4.1 8D A4.1 8C A4.1 8D A4.1 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING, TYP. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING METAL TRELLIS SYSTEM, TYP. MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOFING, TYP. A2.3 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN KWC KN AS NOTED 1 4REFERENCE NOTES8PROPOSED ROOF PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" MATERIAL LEGEND DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663N PLAN NORTH PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 61 +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +12'-0" T.O. PLATE +18'-8" T.O.PLATE +32'-0" T.O.PARAPET +34'-10" T.O. ROOF +26'-0" T.O. PLATE +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +34'-10" T.O.ROOF +32'-0" T.O. PARAPET +26'-0" T.O. PLATE +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +26'-0" T.O. PLATE +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +12'-0" T.O. PLATE +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +34'-10" T.O.ROOF +32'-0" T.O. PARAPET +26'-0" T.O. PLATE +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +12'-0" T.O. PLATE +18'-8" T.O.PLATE +32'-0" T.O.PARAPET +34'-10" T.O. ROOF FIBER CEMENT LAP SIDING (GRAY-BLUE), TYP. A: SOUTH ELEVATION B: WEST ELEVATION C: NORTH ELEVATION D: EAST ELEVATION 12 4 12 4 12 4 FIBER CEMENT VERTICAL SIDING (GRAY), TYP. ATTIC VENTILATION DORMERS, TYP. EXTERIOR PLASTER (WHITE), TYP. FIBER CEMENT SHINGLE SIDING (DARK GRAY), TYP. DECORATIVE METAL TRELLIS ELEMENT, WHITE COLOR, TYP. COMMUNICATION ANTENNA @ TOP DECORATIVE RAILING AND PLANTER BOX (WHITE), TYP. METAL AWNING WITH RETURN LEGS (BROWN), TYP. BUILDING EXTERIOR LIGHTING, TYP. EXTERIOR PLASTER CORNICE FINISH (WHITE), TYP. A3.1 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS KWC KN AS NOTED 4REFERENCE NOTES8PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/8" = 1'-0" DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 62 A3.2 PROPOSED EXTERIOR VIEWS KWC KN AS NOTED 4PROPOSED EXTERIOR VIEWS N.T.S. DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663VIEW OF SOUTHWEST CORNER VIEW OF WEST ELEVATION VIEW OF NORTHWEST CORNER VIEW OF NORTHEAST CORNER VIEW OF SOUTHEAST CORNER VIEW OF SOUTH ELEVATION PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 63 +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +12'-0" T.O. PLATE +18'-8" T.O.PLATE +32'-0" T.O.PARAPET +34'-10" T.O. ROOF +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +34'-10" T.O.ROOF +32'-0" T.O. PARAPET +26'-0" T.O. PLATE +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +26'-0" T.O. PLATE +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +14'-0" 2ND F.F. +12'-0" T.O. PLATE +18'-8" T.O.PLATE +32'-0" T.O.PARAPET +26'-0" T.O. PLATE +0'-0" 1ST F.F.+0'-0" 1ST F.F. +14'-0" APPARATUS DOOR OPENING +32'-0" T.O. PARAPET +14'-0" APPARATUS DOOR OPENING +32'-0" T.O. PARAPET A: BUILDING SECTION B: BUILDING SECTION C: BUILDING SECTION D: BUILDING SECTION A4.1 PROPOSED BUILDING SECTIONS KWC KN AS NOTED 4REFERENCE NOTES8PROPOSED BUILDING SECTIONS 1/8" = 1'-0" DESCRIPTION SCALE: CHECKED: REVISIONS DRAWING NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: DRAWN: NO DATE BY CONSULTANT 03/06/2020 16150LICENSEDARCHIT E CTSTATEOFCALIFORNIARen. Date: C-19064 KELLEY NEEDHAM 03/31/21 FIRE STATION No. 2NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARDNEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 64 PA2019-098 Attachment No. PC 5 - Project Plans 65 From:Dennis Halloran To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Fwd: Project File No.:PA2019-098 Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 11:06:15 AM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Begin forwarded message: From: Dennis Halloran <hallorandennis@gmail.com> Subject: Project File No.:PA2019-098 Date: June 15, 2020 at 1:48:49 PM PDT To: CCD@newportbeachca.gov Cc: Dennis Halloran <hallorandennis@gmail.com> Dear Planning Commission Members, The proposed move of Fire Station #2 should be stopped in its tracks. It is very feasible to rebuild in its current place. It has served the community very well in its current spot and most of the service calls go off the peninsula. It is by far the busiest station in the city. Moving it off the current location to the parking lot on 28th Street would add 4 minutes of response time to most of Lido Island and that is unacceptable. The parking of vehicles for the 10 fireman is easily solved by parking as they do now in spaces courtesy of the neighbors. If in the future, the neighbor wishes to rescind his courtesies, a stacked parking lift is entirely feasible on the current site. If the ladder truck wants to change its egress to the rear of the building, simple removal of meters on Via Oporto would be easily done. There is a history of stations near residences, but it is not a REQUIREMENT. Putting a new station on the parking lot on 28th street, would drastically affect the 100s of millions of residential assets nearby, depriving these mostly seniors, of a quality of life they sought when they moved here many years ago. Steer the City in the right direction. Redevelop the existing site! Dennis Halloran, CFP Noise Committee 28th Street Marina Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:K Stoddard To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Fire Station 2 Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 11:42:48 AM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. City of Newport Beach Planning Commissioners: I live in the 28th Street Marina condo complex at 2600 and 2700 Newport Blvd. The proposed new Fire Station 2 at 28th Street and Newport Blvd. will literally be across the street from our homes. I am very concerned about the siren noise at all hours of the day and night. Fire Station 2 is the busiest fire station in the City averaging more than 9 calls per 24 hour shift. The FD has stated that it will do its best to avoid using their sirens until they are a few blocks away from the station. While we appreciate this, we realize it is not practical. Fire personnel will have to use their sirens when leaving the new station whenever traffic is heavy on any of the three streets surrounding the new station: 28th Street, northbound Newport Blvd., and southbound Newport Blvd. Traffic on these streets is frequently heavy. I expect there will be many times when the bumper to bumper traffic on these surrounding roadways will literally prevent the fire vehicles from leaving the new station! Sirens are not effective when the roadways are jammed with bumper to bumper traffic. Locating this new station on a virtual "island" between northbound and southbound Newport Blvd., in the middle of a high traffic area, is foolish and will increase emergency call response times. The current Station 2 on 32nd Street is near a few new condos to the east and a hotel (across a large parking lot) to the west. There are no other residences near by. The proposed new location on 28th Street is bordered on two sides by high density residential housing and is across the street from The Little Inn By The Bay motel. Many more homeowners and those visitors staying at the motel will be negatively impacted by the noise if the station is relocated to 28th Street. Noise levels above 55 dBA will typically awaken a sleeping person. Sirens operate at approximately 115 dBA. The resulting sleep deprivation may cause serious health issues and will deny us the peaceful enjoyment of our homes. Return the lot on 28th Street to a revenue-producing parking lot and rebuild the fire station on 32nd Street. Please support the residents and do not move Fire Station 2 to 28th Street. Kent Stoddard 2700 Newport Blvd. Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:tommy durant To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Fire Station 2 Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 1:33:01 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Commissioners: I am a resident of 28th Street Marina. I am opposed to the move of the Fire Station from its current location to our front yard. The noise at all hours will be unbearable to live with. I don’t see how it is economically feasible to take a piece of property with income producing revenue to the city, and build a new Fire Station. I would feel it’s much more feasible to update the current location, located in a non residential area of the peninsula, to spend $ millions on a new location. Our Government needs to exhibit fiscal responsibility at all times. Please take this into your consideration and evaluation plans. Tom Durant Jr. 28th Street Marina Sent from my iPhone Tommy Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:Edward P Cristobal To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Movement of Fire Station 2 Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 1:49:54 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. This proposed new Fire Station 2 at 28th Street and Newport Blvd. will definitely make our lives miserable being very close to our homes. Siren noise in any hours of the day and night will further sicken the already fragile old old folks just next door. Fire Station 2 is the busiest fire station in the City averaging more than 9 calls per 24 hour shift. Avoid using their sirens until after a few blocks away from the station may not be possible. They have no choice but to apply sirens when leaving the new station due to heavy traffic. At all times, these streets. 28th Street, northbound Newport Blvd., and southbound Newport Blvd traffic is always heavy. Bumper to bumper traffic on these surrounding roadways will make these fire trucks stuck from this station.Sirens may not be effective when the roads are jammed with bumper to bumper traffic. Locating this new station on between northbound and southbound Newport Blvd. and right in the middle of a high traffic area, is not a very good move for the city planners to relocate the fire station On the 32nd Street are newly built condos to the east and a hotel. The proposed new location on 28th Street is bordered by a very high residential housing and is across the street from businesses and around the area will be greatly affected. Those visitors at the motel will be negatively impacted if the station is relocated to 28th Street. Noise produced by the siren will typically awaken any person in their sleep. That lack of sleep will cause serious health issues not considering the peaceful place we live. Please make that corner to be a business producing place and rebuild the fire station on 32nd Street. Please support the residents and let the Fire Station where it is located. Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:Linda Weitz To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Relocating fire station to 28th st Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:02:19 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. My husband and I are also residents if the 28th St Marina and heartily agree with our friend and neighbor Kent Stoddard Thank you Linda Weitz Sent from my iPhone Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:Dennis Halloran To:Planning Commissioners Subject:restroom on Newport Blvd. Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:30:56 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Sirs: There is no reason to build a restroom here as there is no foot traffic. If you go ahead with the parking lot on this site, then you can see a need for a restroom. What will the hours of operation be for the parking lot and restroom? Dennis Halloran Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:derektcox@gmail.com To:Planning Commissioners Subject:New Fire Station Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:56:29 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. City of Newport Beach Planning Commissioners: I live in the 28th Street Marina condo complex at 2700 Newport Blvd. The new proposed fire station will be right across from where I live now. This is very concerning as the sirens will be going at all hours of the night. And it seems to make no sense to put it in such a prime location. It should be rebuilt off of 32nd street. This will not be effective at all you will be putting peoples’ lives at stake. I pull out on that street everyday and it gets so crowded and people are constantly crossing the street without using the crosswalk. It is a bad move! And I object to it. -Derek Cox + Sharon Smith (513) 498-0888 Virus-free. www.avast.com Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4a Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:+19492942796@tmomail.net To:Planning Commissioners Date:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 7:51:48 AM Attachments:text_0.txt [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom it may concern I have lived at 28Th Marina for 28 years. I am very concerned about the proposed Fire Station at the corner of 28Th Street and Newport Boulevard. It is an island surround by busy streets and I'll equip for additional emergency traffic. This Fire Station should be located on a street with easier access to respond to the needs of the community Sincerely Barbara Etherington 2700 Newport Blvd # 222 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4b Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:Dennis Halloran To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Project File No.:PA2019-098 Date:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 3:12:48 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Planning Commission Members, The proposed move of Fire Station #2 should be stopped in its tracks. It is very feasible to rebuild it in its current place. It has served the community very well in its current spot and the majority of its service calls go off of the Balboa Peninsula. It is by far, the busiest station in the city. CEQA determination states 60 trips a day. but city says about 10. Moving it off the current location, to the parking lot on 28th street would add close to 4 minutes of response time to most of Lido Island and that is unacceptable. I have had 2 ambulance trips in the last few years which verify the actual time of service, so I know. The parking of vehicles for the fireman is easily solved by parking as they do now with courtesy spaces on the adjacent lot. If, in the future, the courteous neighbor wishes to rescind his courtesies, a stacked lift parking would suffice on current property. If the new ladder truck wants to change its access or egress through the rear of the building, simple removal of meters on Via Oporto would accomplish that. There is a history of stations near residences, but it is not a REQUIREMENT. Putting a new station on the parking lot on 28th street, would drastically affect the 100s of millions of residential assets nearby, depriving these mostly seniors, of a quality of life they sought when they moved here many years ago. Steer the City in the right direction. Redevelop the existing site ! Dennis Halloran, CFP Noise Committee 28th Street Marina Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4b Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) From:Tom Redmon To:Planning Commissioners Subject:Fire Station 2 Date:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 3:42:43 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. City of Newport Beach Planning Commissioners: I live in the 28th Street Marina condo complex at 2600 and 2700 Newport Blvd. The proposed new Fire Station 2 at 28th Street and Newport Blvd. will be across the street from my home and the rest of the residents in the complex. I am very concerned about noise from the sirens at all hours of the day and night. I understand that Fire Station 2 is one of the busiest fire stations in the City averaging more than 9 calls per 24 hour shift. Although the FD has stated that it will do its best to avoid using their sirens until they are a few blocks away from the station, we realize this will be very difficult. Whenever traffic is heavy on any of the three streets that surround the station, fire personnel will have to use their sirens when leaving the new station. It's not unusual for traffic to be quite heavy on 28th Street, northbound Newport Blvd., and southbound Newport Blvd. There will probably be many times when the bumper to bumper traffic on these surrounding roadways could prevent the fire vehicles from leaving the new station! Sirens are not effective when the streets are jammed with bumper to bumper traffic. It does not seem to be a good plan to locate this new station on a virtual "island" between northbound and southbound Newport Blvd, in the middle of a high traffic area, which could increase your emergency call response times. Moving the current Station 2 on 32nd Street to the proposed new location on 28th Street will impact many more homeowners as it will be bordered on 2 sides by high density residential housing. It will also be across the street from the Little Inn By the Bay motel, whose visitors will be negatively impacted by the noise if the station is relocated to 28th Street. It is my understanding that sirens operate at approximately 115 decibels - noise levels above just 55 decibels will typically awaken a sleeping person. Sleep deprivation can cause serious health issues and will certainly impact the peaceful enjoyment of our homes. Please consider returning the lot on 28th Street to a revenue-producing parking lot and rebuild the fire station at its 32nd Street location. We ask for your support of the residents and implore you not to move Fire Station 2 to 28th Street. Tom Redmon 2700 Newport Blvd, #220 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4b Additional Materials Received Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Fire Station #2 Replacement 2807 Newport Boulevard Planning Commission Public Hearing June 18, 2020 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Introduction Replacement of Existing Fire Station Site Development Review Height increase (32 feet flat; 34 feet 10 inches sloped) Coastal Development Permit Community Development Department -Planning Division 2 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Vicinity Map Community Development Department -Planning Division 3 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Background 1953 –Fire Station No. 2 constructed at 475 32nd Street 1980 –Major rehabilitation of Fire Station No. 2 1994 –McDonald’s established at 2807 Newport Boulevard 2017 –CIP Funding approved to replace station 2018 –2807 Newport Blvd purchased 2018 -2019 –Planning, Outreach October 2019 –Conceptual design chosen by City Council Community Development Department -Planning Division 4 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Project Details Fire Station 2-story and 7,084 SF 7,316 SF apparatus bays 10 parking spaces Public Restroom Building Restriped on-street parking and traffic signal Net gain 2 parking spaces Community Development Department -Planning Division 5 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Site Plan Community Development Department -Planning Division 6 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Project Plans First Floor Plan Community Development Department -Planning Division 7 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Project Plans Second Floor Plan Community Development Department -Planning Division 8 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Perspectives Community Development Department -Planning Division 9 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Perspectives Community Development Department -Planning Division 10 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Height Community Development Department -Planning Division 11 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Height Community Development Department -Planning Division 12 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Landscaping Community Development Department -Planning Division 13 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Coastal Development Permit Community Development Department -Planning Division 14 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) On-Street Improvements Community Development Department -Planning Division 15 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Recommended Action Conduct a public hearing; Find project exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15332 under Class 32; and Adopt Resolution No. PC2020-023 approval CD2019-039 and SD2019-002 Community Development Department -Planning Division 16 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) For more information contact Questions?Chelsea Crager 949-644-3227 ccrager@newportbeachca.gov www.newportbeachca.gov Community Development Department -Planning Division 17 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) FIRE STATION NO.2 REPLACEMENT-PLANNING COMMISSION June 18, 2020 Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) 28th Street New Fire Statin #2 Location Location Map NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Project History 1953 -Fire Station No. 2 Constructed September 12, 2017 Council Approves Purchase of Property at 2807 Newport Boulevard September 18, 2018 –Public Presentation June 3, 2019 –Public Presentation October 22, 2019 –Council Direct Staff to Proceed with the Final Fire Station Replacement Construction Documents NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) At the October 22, 2019 Council Meeting –Lido Option was selected Exterior Perspective Views View from 28th Street Corner View of 28th Street and Southbound Newport Boulevard Corner View of 28th Street and Northbound Newport Boulevard NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Site/Floor Plan Layout 11,600 sf Fire Station Building 4,316 sf Apparatus Bay with Three Doors On-site Parking for Fire Personnel Separate Detached Public Restroom Facility NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) 28th Street Improvements NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Council Meeting Review and Approve the Conceptual Design and Project Cost Estimate Direct Staff to Proceed with the Final Fire Station Replacement Construction Documents and Request Bid for Construction NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Questions & Comments Newport Beach Fire Station No. 2 Replacement Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Tentative Fire Station Facility Schedule Complete Project Design and Permitting June 2020 Council Award Construction Contract October 2020 Begin Construction January 2021 Complete Construction May 2022 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098) Fire Station Facility Cost Estimate Project Design (Architect, Geotechnical, Survey)$525,000 Incidentals (Construction Management, Utilities, FF&E, Testing)$500,000 Alerting System $150,000 Facility Construction Estimate (Sept 2019)$7,194,200 New Traffic Signal (Balboa Blvd/28th Street)$325,000 Design Contingency (10-Percent)$869,500 Estimated Overall Project Cost (not including property cost)$9,564,500 The new Property for the proposed Fire Station Cost $4,010,000 in January 2018 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION NO. 2 REPLACEMENT Planning Commission - June 18, 2020 Item No. 4d Additional Materials Presented at Meeting Fire Station No. 2 (PA2019-098)