HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190619_WQHP1 Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) For: THE STECKLER RESIDENCE 132 SOUTH BAY FRONT, NEWPORT BEACH, CA PORTIONS OF LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 1, MM 6/30 APN: 703-626-5150 Prepared for: Vincent Wayne Steckler, TTEE 812 Lincoln Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 703-626-5150 Prepared by: Robin B. Hamers & Associates, Inc. 234 E. 17th Street, Suite 205 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Telephone: (949) 548-1192 Email: rhamers@rhamers.com Dated: June 5, 2019 Reviewed for compliance with the Local Implementation Plan: _____________________________ Chief Building Official Date PA2019-119 2 This Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) has been prepared for VINCENT WAYNE STECKLER, TTEE by Robin B. Hamers & Associates, Inc.. The WQHP is intended to comply with the requirements of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 21.35.050 requiring the preparation of the plan. The undersigned, while it owns the subject property, is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this plan, including the ongoing operation and maintenance of all best management practices (BMPs). Once the undersigned transfers its interest in the property, its successors-in-interest shall bear the aforementioned responsibility to implement the WQHP. An appropriate number of approved and signed copies of this document shall be available on the subject site in perpetuity. Owner: Name Vincent Wayne Steckler, TTEE Company Steckler Family Trust Address 812 LINCOLN AVENUE PALO ALTO, CA 94301 Email Telephone # 703-626-5150 I understand my responsibility to implement the provisions of this WQHP including the ongoing operation and maintenance of the best management practices (BMPs) described herein. Owner Signature Date PA2019-119 3 Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan (NPP) The Orange County Stormwater Program has developed this Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan (NPP) for new development / significant redevelopment projects that do not meet the criteria for Priority Projects as defined within the County’s Model Water Quality Management Plan (see Model WQMP Sections 1.3 and 1.4) but that qualify as Non-Priority Projects as defined in the Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP). These projects are required under the Santa Ana Regional Board MS4 Permit (North Orange County Permit) to “document, via a WQMP or similar mechanism, site design, source control and any other BMPs which may or may not include treatment control BMPs”. There is no similar requirement under the San Diego Regional Board MS4 Permit (South Orange County). This plan covers both private and public agency projects that qualify as Non-Priority Projects. Qualifying Non-Priority Projects are projects that do not fall under one of the Priority Project Categories defined within the Model WQMP but meet one of the following conditions: ▪ Require discretionary action that will include a precise plan of development, except for those projects exempted by the Water Quality Ordinance (as applicable); or ▪ Require issuance of a non-residential plumbing permit for hazardous pipelines as defined in the County or local Water Quality / Stormwater Ordinance. Non-residential plumbing projects that do not pose a potential threat to public safety do not require a WQMP for approval. A “discretionary action” under CEQA is defined as “an activity which requires the public agency to exercise judgment in deciding whether to approve or disapprove the particular activity, as distinguished from situations where the public agency merely has to determine whether there has been conformity with applicable ordinances or other laws.” (California Public Resources Code § 21080(a); CEQA Guidelines § 15357). Examples of discretionary actions include: feature plans, area plans, use permits, site development permits and special use permits. “Ministerial actions” under CEQA are those where little or no judgment or deliberation by a Permittee is required or possible. Generally, the only example of a ministerial approval action that would qualify as a Non-Priority Project would be a project that requires the issuance of a Non-Residential Plumbing Permit. All other projects and activities that only require a ministerial grading or building permit for which the Permittee has no discretion to approve do not fall under the requirements of this new development program, with the exception of projects that require a Non-Residential Plumbing Permit. This plan is provided for summarizing basic project information and stormwater Best Management Practices that are planned for controlling discharges of pollutants from proposed Non-Priority Projects and identify applicable source conrol BMPs, site design features, and determine BMP maintenance requirements. Non-Priority Project proponents are required to complete the plan for local jurisdiction review and approval. Applicable sections of the Technical Guidance Document are referenced for assistance with completing each NPP section. All Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plans must be in compliance with the Local Implementation Plan developed by each local agency. The local jurisdiction may request additional information necessary for local Non-Priority Project review and approval. PA2019-119 4 Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan Contents Section I: General Information……………………….……………………………….. 5 Section II: Project Description……………………………………………………….... 7 Section III: Site Description……………………………………………………….……8 Section IV: Best Management Practices (BMPs)…………………...............................9 Section V: Inspection and Maintenance Responsibilities…………………………... 18 Section VI: Plot Plan…………………………………………………………….……. 19 References: Model WQMP Technical Guidance Document California BMP Handbooks PA2019-119 5 Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan Section 1 – General Information See Technical Guidance Document Section 2.2.1 for additional information. Project Name THE STECKLER RESIDENCE Tract RESUBDIVISION OF SECTION 1, BALBOA ISLAND, MM 6/30 Lot PORTIONS OF LOTS 9 AND 10 APN 050-011-25 Planning Area Prepared For: Owner/Developer Vincent Wayne Steckler, TTEE Address 812 Lincoln Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phone 703-626-5150 Fax Prepared by: Name Robin B. Hamers & Associates, Inc. Address 234 E. 17th Street, Suite 205 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Phone Telephone: (949) 548-1192 Email rhamers@rhamers.com Fax Dates: Date Prepared 6/5/19 Date(s) Revised Date Finalized PA2019-119 6 Owner’s Certification This Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan has been prepared for: Owner/Developer Name Vincent Wayne Steckler, TTEE By: Preparer’s Name Robin B. Hamers & Associates, Inc. The plan is intended to comply with the Non-Priority Project requirements of the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) §A-7.5.1 as required in the Orange County Drainage Management Plan (DAMP) § 7.6.2. The undersigned, while it owns the subject property, is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this plan. Once the undersigned transfers its interests in the property, its successor-in-interest shall bear the aforementioned responsibility to implement the best management practices (BMP) described within this plan. A signed copy of this document shall be available on the subject property into perpetuity. Signed Name ` Title Trustee Company Vincent Wayne Steckler, TTEE Address 812 Lincoln Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phone 703-626-5150 Date PA2019-119 7 Section II: Project Description Please provide a detailed description of the project’s ownership, type of development project, amount of paved and landscaped area, and potential pollutants that may be generated by the intended development uses. See Technical Guidance Document Section 2.2 for additional information. Property Ownership The property is a a single family detached residence owned by the Vincent Wayne Steckler, TTEE. Project Description The project is the demolition of an existing residence and the construction of a new residence on a bay front single family residential lot. The existing residence and associated driveway, patios and walkways covered all but 45 s.f. of the 2766 s.f. lot The proposed development will reduce the impervious coverage on the lot by incorporating 278 s.f. of landscaping.. The work will include demolition of the existing residences, remedial grading to create the building pads and driveway, on-site construction of services and mains to extend the exiting utilities located on the site, drainage improvements and the construction of the residence, driveway and walkways. There are no planned improvements to be constructed in the adjoining alley. Paved Areas The improvements will include approximately 924 s.f. of concrete driveway, patios and walkways, and a 1564 s.f. residential footprint. Landscaped Areas There will be 278 s.f. of residential landscaping. Potential Stormwater Pollutants (see Technical Guidance Document Section 2.2.2) Thhe potential pollutants for a single family residence, such as this are: • Suspended-Solid/ Sediment • Nutrients • Pathogens (Bacteria/Virus) • Pesticides • Oil & Grease • Trash and Debris PA2019-119 8 Section III: Site Description See Technical Guidance Document Section 2.3 for additional information. Address 132 SOUTH BAY FRONT, NEWPORT BEACH, CA Planning Area Land Use Residential Detached Zoning R-BI (Balboa Island) Acreage 2766 s.f. Predominant Soil Type Hydrologic Soil Group A Drainage Conditions Please provide site drainage details, including how site drainage ties into adjacent property drainage patterns, local storm drain systems, and downstream receiving waters. Currently -The site is 98.4% covered by the existing residence and paved improvements. The general drainage pattern is from South Bayfront towards the alley. After Development - After construction, the site will drain in the same manner but will include an on-site storm drain system with a bottomless trench drain located at end of the driveway adjoining the alley. The impervious coverage will be reduced to 89.9% of the site area. Pre-Project Pervious Conditions Area (acres or sq ft) Percentage Pervious 45 sf 1.6 % Impervious 2721 sf 98.4 % Completed Project Pervious Conditions Area (acres or sq ft) Percentage Pervious 278 sf 10.1% Impervious 2488 sf 89.9% Watershed Information Your local municipality stormwater program management staff may assist you with this information. Watershed Newport Bay Watershed Receiving Waters Lower Newport Bay 303(d) Impairments Chlordane, Copper, DDT, Bacteria, Nutrients, PCBs, Pesticides, Sediment Toxicity TMDLs Selenium, Fecal Coliform, Copper, Sediment Known ESAs Newport Bay Known ASBSs PA2019-119 9 Section IV: Best Management Practices (BMPs) Site Design BMPs Site Design BMPs reduce the volume of stormwater runoff generated on a project site as well as improve the quality of runoff that leaves the site, and are required for all proposed Non-Priority new development and significant redevelopment projects. Descriptions of the most common Site Design BMPs are provided in County’s Technical Guidance Document (see Technical Guidance Document Sections 3 and 4). A list of typically employed Site Design BMPs may be found in the California BMP Handbooks (California Stormwater Quality Association). The following table provides a list of Site Design BMPs that may be applicable for Non-Priority Projects. Please identify each Site Design BMP included for the project, and briefly describe within the table. Site Design BMPs Name Check If Included Brief Description Hydrologic Source Controls Retention Grading Downspout Dispersion Downspout Infiltration ✓ Roof drains drain to Bottomless Trench Drain. Amended Soils Over Tight Underlying Soils Street Trees, Canopy Interception Residential Rain Barrels Not Actively Managed Bioretention without Underdrains Rain Gardens Porous Landscaping ✓ Planter areas incorporated in landscaping. Infiltration Planters Retention Swales Infiltration Trenches ✓ There is a bottomless trench drain located at the end of the driveway Infiltration Basins Drywells Subsurface Infiltration Galleries French Drains Permeable Asphalt Permeable Concrete Permeable Concrete Pavers PA2019-119 10 Site Design BMPs (continued) Name Check If Included Brief Description Evapotranspiration Green Roofs, Brown Roofs, Blue Roofs Rainwater Harvesting Above-ground Rain Barrels Above-ground Cisterns Underground Tanks Biotreatment Bioretention with Underdrains Stormwater Planter Boxes with Underdrains ✓ A biofiltration basin is being constructed on the SE side o the lot. Rain Gardens with Underdrains Constructed Wetlands Vegetated Swales Vegetated Filter Strips Compost-Amended Road Shoulders Proprietary (Ready-To-Install) Vegetated Biotreatment Systems PA2019-119 11 SOURCE CONTROL BMPs Source Control BMPs, both non-structural and structural, are required for Non-Priority Projects where applicable to project features. Please identify each applicable Source Control BMP within the following tables. See Technical Guidance Document Section 6 for additional information. Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Included Not Applicable N1 Education for Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants ✓ N2 Activity Restrictions NA N3 Common Area Landscape Management (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-73) NA N4 BMP Maintenance ✓ N5 Title 22 CCR Compliance (How development will comply) NA N6 Local Industrial Permit Compliance NA N7 Spill Contingency Plan (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-11) NA N8 Underground Storage Tank Compliance NA N9 Hazardous Materials Disclosure Compliance NA N10 Uniform Fire Code Implementation NA N11 Common Area Litter Control (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-60) NA N12 Employee Training NA N13 Housekeeping of Loading Docks (BMP Handbook SD-31) NA N14 Common Area Catch Basin Inspection (BMP Handbook SC-74) NA N15 Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-43, SC-70) NA N16 Commercial Vehicle Washing NA PA2019-119 12 Structural Source Control BMPs Name (with CA BMP Handbook Reference) Check One Included Not Applicable Storm Drain System Stenciling And Signage (SD-13) NA Outdoor Material Storage Area Controls(SD-34) NA Trash And Waste Storage Area Controls(SD-32) NA Efficient Irrigation Systems (SD-12) ✓ Slope And Channel Protection NA Loading Dock Area Controls(SD-31) NA Maintenance Bay Controls(SD-31) NA Vehicle Wash Area Controls(SD-33) NA Outdoor Processing Area Controls (SD-36) NA Equipment Wash Area Controls(SD-33) NA Fueling Area Controls (SD-30) NA Hillside Planting And Landscaping (SD-10) NA Wash Water Control For Food Preparation Areas NA Community Car Wash Racks NA PA2019-119 13 Source Control BMP Implementation Please describe implementation frequency and the party responsible for implementation of each Source Control BMP. The property owner is responsible for updating educational materials and distributing to contractors and service people as necessary. The materials are available from http://www.ocwatersheds.com/documents/bmp/residentialactivities . Other BMPs Other BMPs or devices incorporated to remove pollutants from runoff leaving the project site, which may or may not include Treatment Control BMPs (see Technical Guidance Document Section 4.6), are not required for Non-Priority Projects though may be appropriate under certain conditions. Please provide details on any other BMPs selected for this project. The City of Newport Beach is requiring the construction of a bottomless trench drain on the site at the end of the driveway and a bio-filtration planter on the southeast side of the proposed residence. The property owner is also responsible for the implementation and maintenance of BMPs (bio-iltration planter and bottomless trench drain) PA2019-119 14 IV. 1 Project Performance Criteria Size LID, Runoff Control, and Treatment Control BMPs Using 85th Percentile Design Storm Standard. Any LID, Runoff Control, or Treatment Control BMP (or suite of BMPs) implemented to comply with WQHP requirements shall be sized, designed, and managed to infiltrate, retain, or treat, at a minimum, the runoff produced by the 85th percentile 24-hour storm event for volume- based BMPs, or two times the 85th percentile 1-hour storm event for flow-based BMPs.. Use LID Approach to Retain Design Storm Runoff Volume On-Site. The development shall implement an LID approach to stormwater management that will retain on-site (by means of infiltration, evapotranspiration, or harvesting for later on-site use) the runoff volume produced by the 85th percentile 24-hour design storm (see Subsection (C) (4) of this section), to the extent appropriate and feasible. IV.2. Site Design and Drainage Drainage Area Runoff Volume Area = 2766 sf Impervious Area =2488 sf imp= 0.899 C= 0.824 d= 0.65” DCV= C × d × A × 1/12 in/ft = 124 cf IV.3 Infiltration BMPs Show calculations below to demonstrate if the LID Design Storm Capture Volume can be met with infiltration BMPs. Bottomless Trench Drain: The soils on the project site are HSG A and are feasible for infiltration BMPs. Beach Sands typically have an infiltration rate of between 5 and 20 inches per hour. For the purposes of this report 5 in/hr will be used for the design infiltration rate. Bottomless Trench Length = 24 ft. The volume of gravel is approximately 3 cf per linear foot of trench. Total volume of gravel is 72 cf. Void ratio is 0.35. Total storage volume of trench is 25.2 cf. Area of drain = 24’ x 2.0’ = 48 s.f. Effective depth of trench = 25.2 cf/48 sf = 0.53 ft. Total storage volume of infiltration BMPs = 25.2 cf Per Worksheet A below, the required storage volume of the trench is 25 cf OK PA2019-119 15 Worksheet A: Capture Efficiency Method for Volume-Based, Constant Drawdown BMPs Step 1: Determine the design capture storm depth used for calculating volume 1 Enter design capture storm depth, d (inches) d= 0.65 inches 2 Enter calculated drawdown time of the proposed BMP based on equation provided in applicable BMP Fact Sheet, T (hours) T= 2 hours 3 Using Graph, determine the "fraction of design capture storm depth" at which the BMP drawdown time (T) line achieves 80% capture efficiency, X1 X1= 0.20 4 Enter the effect depth of provided HSCs upstream, dHSC (inches) dHSC= 0 inches 5 Enter capture efficiency corresponding to dHSC, Y2 Y2= 0 % 6 Using Graph determine the fraction of "design capture storm depth" at which the drawdown time (T) achieves the equivalent of the upstream capture efficiency(Y2), X2 X2= 0 7 Calculate the fraction of design volume that must be provided by BMP, fraction = X1 - X2 fraction = 0.20 8 Calculate the resultant design capture storm depth (inches), dfraction= fraction × d dfraction= 0.13 inches Step 2: Calculate the DCV 1 Enter Project area tributary to BMP (s), A (sf) A= 2788 sf 2 Enter Project Imperviousness, imp (unitless) imp= 0.899 3 Calculate runoff coefficient, C= (0.75 x imp) + 0.15 C= 0.824 4 Calculate runoff volume, Vdesign= (C x drfraction x A x (1/12)) Vdesign= 25 cu-ft Supporting Calculations Describe system: The BMP is 24 feet of City Standard bottomless trench. The total storage volume of the trench is 25 cf OK PA2019-119 16 Worksheet A: Capture Efficiency Method for Volume-Based, Constant Drawdown BMPs Provide drawdown time calculations per applicable BMP Fact Sheet: Effective Depth = 0.53’ Infiltration Rate = 5 in/hr. Drawdown Time = 0.53’ x 12”/5 in/hr = 1.3 hr, use 2 hr Graphical Operations Provide supporting graphical operations. Biofiltration Planter The soils in the planter will have a minimum infiltration rate of 2.5 in/hr. which will be used for the design infiltration rate. Length = 30ft. Width = 2.67’ Area = 80 s.f.. Ponding depth = 12” Storage Volume = 80 cf Per Worksheet A below, the required storage volume of the trench is 33 cf< 37.5 cf OK PA2019-119 17 Worksheet B: Capture Efficiency Method for Volume-Based, Constant Drawdown BMPs Step 1: Determine the design capture storm depth used for calculating volume 1 Enter design capture storm depth, d (inches) d= 0.65 inches 2 Enter calculated drawdown time of the proposed BMP based on equation provided in applicable BMP Fact Sheet, T (hours) T= 6 hours 3 Using Graph, determine the "fraction of design capture storm depth" at which the BMP drawdown time (T) line achieves 80% capture efficiency, X1 X1= 0.38 4 Enter the effect depth of provided HSCs upstream, dHSC (inches) dHSC= 0 inches 5 Enter capture efficiency corresponding to dHSC, Y2 Y2= 0 % 6 Using Graph determine the fraction of "design capture storm depth" at which the drawdown time (T) achieves the equivalent of the upstream capture efficiency(Y2), X2 X2= 0 7 Calculate the fraction of design volume that must be provided by BMP, fraction = X1 - X2 fraction = 0.38 8 Calculate the resultant design capture storm depth (inches), dfraction= fraction × d dfraction= 0.25 inches Step 2: Calculate the DCV 1 Enter Project area tributary to BMP (s), A (sf) A= 2766 sf 2 Enter Project Imperviousness, imp (unitless) imp= 0.899 3 Calculate runoff coefficient, C= (0.75 x imp) + 0.15 C= 0.824 4 Calculate runoff volume, Vdesign= (C x drfraction x A x (1/12)) Vdesign= 47 cu-ft Supporting Calculations Describe system: The BMP is 80 sf biofiltration planter. The total storage volume of the planter is 80 cf > 47 cf OK PA2019-119 18 Worksheet B: Capture Efficiency Method for Volume-Based, Constant Drawdown BMPs Provide drawdown time calculations per applicable BMP Fact Sheet: Effective Depth = 1’ Infiltration Rate = 2.5 in/hr. Drawdown Time = 1’ x 12”/2.5 in/hr = 4.8 hr, use 6 hr Graphical Operations Provide supporting graphical operations. PA2019-119 19 Section V: Inspection and Maintenance Responsibilities BMPs implemented for Non-Priority Projects must be inspected and maintained post-construction for proper effectiveness into perpetuity. Please document BMP inspection and maintenance information within the table below. See Technical Guidance Document Section 7 for additional information. BMP Inspection / Maintenance BMP Reponsible Party(s) Inspection / Maintenance Activities Required Minimum Frequency of Activities BMP-1: Bottomless Trench Property Owners • Inspect trench for trash and debris. • Properly dispose of all removed debris and sediment. Monthly BMP -2: Biofiltration Planter Property Owners • Inspect Planter for sediment and debris. • Properly dispose of all removed debris and sediment. • Replace any damaged or dead plants. Monthly BMP -2: Biofiltration Planter Property Owners • Replenish mulch . • Inspect inlet & outlet structures for damage. Annually PA2019-119 20 Section VI: Plot Plan A plot plan must be provided that contains the following project features: • Each facility and its intended function (if multiple facilities and uses are present onsite) • Areas of outdoor activities (if applicable) • Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs and any Treatment Control BMPs • Drainage flow information • Storm drain facilities • Relationship between onsite drainage and offsite drainage The plot plan must contain the following labels: • Title Block o Drainage Plot Plan o Project Name o Address o Owner o Label plot as “Section VI” • Legend • North Arrow • Scale Project proponents should submit the plot plan with BMP details in electronic drawing or GIS format. PA2019-119 ALLEYSOUTH BAYFRONTNEWPORT BAYN O R T H BMP-1: Bottomless Trench DrainBMP-2: Bio-Filtration Planter Off-Site Drainage Off-Site Drainage Drain Inlets Residence Driveway Ex. Walk Walkway Conc. Patio Conc. Patio Drain Inlets SD LEGEND: Area Drain Storm Drain Direction of Flow Property Line SCALE 1"=10' Section VI: NPPWQMP Plot Plan The Steckler Residence 132 S. Bay Front, Newport Beach, CA Sheet 1 of 1 REVISIONS #DATE DESCRIPTION REGISTERED P R O FESSION A LENGINEERSTAT E O R NIAOF CA L I FROBIN B. HAMERS R.C.E. 31720 DATE PREPARED BY: R ROBIN B. HAMERS & ASSOC., INC. 234 E. 17TH STREET, SUITE 205 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92627 (949) 548-1192 CIVIL ENGINEERSBH 6/5/19 Owner: Steckler Family Trust 812 Lincoln Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phone: 703-626-5150 Feet 20 10 0 PA2019-119