HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190626_ApplicationCommunity Development Department Planning Permit Application CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Application_Guidelines\Planning Permit Application - CDP added.docx Rev: 01/24/17 1.Check Permits Requested: Approval-in-Concept - AIC # Lot Merger Staff Approval Coastal Development Permit Limited Term Permit - Tract Map Waiver for De Minimis Development Seasonal < 90 day >90 days Traffic Study Coastal Residential Development Modification Permit Use Permit -Minor Conditional Condominium Conversion Off-Site Parking Agreement Amendment to existing Use Permit Comprehensive Sign Program Planned Community Development Plan Variance Development Agreement Planned Development Permit Amendment -Code PC GP LCP Development Plan Site Development Review - Major Minor Other: Lot Line Adjustment Parcel Map 2.Project Address(es)/Assessor’s Parcel No(s) 3.Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): 4.Applicant/Company Name Mailing Address Suite/Unit City State Zip Phone Fax Email 5.Contact/Company Name Mailing Address Suite/Unit City State Zip Phone Fax Email 6.Owner Name Mailing Address Suite/Unit City State Zip Phone Fax Email 7.Property Owner’s Affidavit*: (I) (We) depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): ________________________________ Title: Date: DD/M0/YEAR Signature(s): ________________________________ Title: Date: *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)’ signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. (NWPTB_006) AT&T to remove and replace existing concrete streetlight and install a single omni-directional antenna with related radio equipment within a Commscope shroud mounted at the top of the new streetlight within the public right of way. See attached project plans and description for additional details. F:\Users\PLN\Shared\Staff_Dir\Garciamay\Ruby\desktop\DESKTOP_\CUT_PASTE_DRAG_COPY\Office Use Only.docx Updated 08/15/17 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY\ Date Filed: _______________________ 2700-5000 Acct. APN No: __________________________ Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ Council District No.: _________________ For Deposit Account: General Plan Designation: ____________ Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Zoning District: _____________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________ Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________ Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ APPLICATION Approved Denied Tabled: _________________________ ACTION DATE Planning Commission Meeting Zoning Administrator Hearing Community Development Director Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal Received (Date): ________________________ APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: ________________________ Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ PA2019-129 Stacey Brown CRAN Project Manager AT&T Mobility 1452 Edinger Avenue 3rd Floor Tustin, CA 92780 C 714.273-5261 sb676b@att.com Re: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION Los Angeles Market – CRAN RLOS NWPTB 06 – 951 Newport Center Drive, Pole ID# 5655 To Whom It May Concern: Bechtel, its employees and agents are authorized representatives of AT&T Mobility LLC, formally known as New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC. Bechtel, its employees and agents have been contracted to perform real estate leasing, land-use entitlements, and architectural, construction, and engineering services for AT&T Mobility telecommunications facilities. As an authorized representative of AT&T Mobility, Bechtel, its employees and or agents may sign, file, review land-use applications and permits, represent AT&T Mobility at hearings, accept conditions of approval, and negotiate leases on behalf of AT&T Mobility. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above contact information. Sincerely, Stacey Brown CRAN Project Manager AT&T Mobility 1452 Edinger Avenue-3rd Floor Tustin, CA 92780 SB676b@att.com 714.273.5261 PA2019-129 Statement of CLEC and CPUC Status New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC (“NCW”) dba AT&T Mobility is a telephone corporation that provides wireless service in the City of Newport Beach pursuant to a Wireless IdentificationRegistration Number, U 3060 C, issued by the California Public Utilities Commission. Section 7901 of the California Public Utilities Code authorizes telephone corporations to construct facilities in the public right of way. Thus, as a registered wireless carrier, NCW is allowed to construct facilities in the public right of way. NCW does not have and is not required to have a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN). The CPUC terminated the requirement for wireless carriers to have CPCNs in 1994 and replaced it with the registration process. Please see Section 1013 of the Cal. Pub. Util. Code and attached letter from CPUC. Under Cal. Pub. Utils. Code §§ 7901 & 7901.1 (excerpted below), AT&T has an affirmative right to deploy its facilities in public right-of-way subject to the city’s police power to control the location and manner of an installation. The city police power, however, is limited, and it must exercise this authority in a reasonable and nondiscriminatory manner. See 7901.1. PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE SECTION 7901-7901.1 7901. Telegraph or telephone corporations may construct lines of telegraph or telephone lines along and upon any public road or highway, along or across any of the waters or lands within this State, and may erect poles, posts, piers, or abutments for supporting the insulators, wires, and other necessary fixtures of their lines, in such manner and at such points as not to incommode the public useof the road or highway or interrupt the navigation of the waters. 7901.1. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature, consistent with Section 7901, that municipalities shall have the right to exercise reasonable control as to the time, place, and manner in which roads, highways, and waterways are accessed. (b) The control, to be reasonable, shall, at a minimum, be applied to all entities in an equivalent manner. (c) Nothing in this section shall add to or subtract from any existing authority with respect to the imposition of fees by municipalities. PA2019-129 April 29, 2019 Via Hand Delivery City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: AT&T Application for a Minor Use Permit to place a Small Cell Wireless Facility at the following location: 951 [CS] Newport Center Drive; AT&T Site ID NWPTB_006 and FA No. 14852175 Dear Ms. Makana Nova: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a AT&T Mobility (“AT&T”) submits the enclosed application materials to obtain all necessary authorizations to construct small cell wireless facility at the above referenced location. If any additional applications or information are needed for any phase of this project, please let me know. Small cells are low-­­power, low-­­profile wireless communications facilities that improve signal quality and capacity within AT&T’s existing wireless network. The proposed small cell facility will help AT&T provide and improve critical wireless services in this area. Application Contents Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 20.50.040 B Application Contents, this application includes the following materials and information: 1. Minor Use Permit Application (Exhibit A) 2. Project Description and Justification (Exhibit B) 3. Public Noticing Materials (Exhibit C) 4. Plans; one (1) set of 24” x 36” and four (4) sets of 11” x 17” drawings (Exhibit D) 5. Letter of Authority (Exhibit E) 6. Pole ownership information, construction responsibilities and maintenance: o The subject pole is owned and operated by City of Newport Beach (“City”). o The City will retain ownership of the existing structure and AT&T will be responsible for the replacement, maintenance and repairs of such structure. o AT&T and the City will finalize the site license agreement upon permit issuance. o AT&T will maintain the antenna communication portion of the new facility. o AT&T will replace the existing streetlight as shown on the plans. o Details of the existing and new pole height, diameter and antenna equipment is provided on the attached plans. o The project will be designed without a meter pedestal subject to the city’s issuance of a mete r denial letter. 7. Coverage maps (Exhibit F) 8. Evidence of compliance with FCC RF rules: FCC Appendix A – categorically excluded (Exhibit G) 9. Copy of FCC license: FCC OC-­­LA License (Exhibit H). 10. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (Exhibit I) 11. Visual simulations are attached for this project (Exhibit J) PA2019-129 AT&T Small Cell Application City of Newport Beach Page 2 of 3 Application Review Under federal law, the City of Newport Beach (“City”) must determine whether the application is complete within 10 days and take final action on the application within 90 days from this submittal (the “shot clock”). See 47 C.F.R. § 1.6003. Within the same period of time, the city must also take action with respect to all necessary authorizations and approvals for construction and operation of the proposed small cell. The shot clock begins today and runs unless or until it is tolled, either by mutual agreement or based on a timely and proper notice that the application is materially incomplete. To toll the shot clock for incompleteness, the city must, within ten days, identify in writing the missing information that is required by local codes or other published application guidelines. In the case of a timely and proper incomplete notice, the shot clock stops and restarts at day 0 once AT&T submits the additional information required. If the City fails to act before the shot clock expires, the City will be in violation of state and federal laws. • This Application was filed on April 29, 2019. • Notification of incompleteness is due by May 10, 2019. • Absent tolling, the City must take final action by July 29, 2019. The City must grant all necessary authorizations as the proposed facility is consistent with applicable law and there is no basis for denial under the local code. Applicable Law Approval is required under the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. §§ 253, 332 (“Act”). The Act, which was enacted to prioritize and streamline deployment of wireless technologies, limits the ability of state and local governments to regulate wireless service. The Act establishes substantive and procedural limitations on the review of wireless facility siting applications. A state or local government cannot take action that would unreasonably discriminate against AT&T in acting on the application. A state or local government cannot take any action that would prohibit or effectively prohibit the provision of wireless ser vices. An effective prohibition occurs when the jurisdiction’s denial of an application materially limits or inhibits AT&T’s ability to provide or improve wireless services. A state or local government may not consider the effects of radio frequency emissi ons when considering this application. The city must review this application within a reasonable period of time, as defined pursuant to the shot clock. Any decision to deny the application must be in writing contemporaneously with the decision and supporte d by substantial evidence contained in a written record. The written denial must provide the basis therefor with a recitation of findings of fact and conclusions of law supporting the denial. Pursuant to the California Constitution and Section 7901 of the California Public Utilities Code, AT&T has a statewide franchise right to construct telecommunications facilities and place poles within the public rights-of-way so long as it does not incommode the public way. AT&T’s right is subject only to the municipal ity’s authority to impose reasonable and equivalent time, place and manner restrictions pursuant to Section 7901.1 of the California Public Utilities Code. AT&T’s proposed small cell facility does not incommode the public way. Payment of an application deposit totaling $2,631.00 is enclosed with this letter. Questions or notices related to this Application may be directed to: John Tseheridis jtseheri@bechtel.com (714) 414-9040 PA2019-129 AT&T Small Cell Application City of Newport Beach Page 3 of 3 We look forward to working with you to complete this wireless communications project in Newport Beach. Sincerely, John Tseheridis, on behalf of AT&T Cc: PA2019-129 FCC/LSGAC Local Official’s Guide to RF APPENDIX A Optional Checklist for Determination Of Whether a Facility is Categorically Excluded PA2019-129 FCC/LSGAC Local Official’s Guide to RF Optional Checklist for Local Government To Determine Whether a Facility is Categorically Excluded Purpose: The FCC has determined that many wireless facilities are unlikely to cause human exposures in excess of RF exposure guidelines. Operators of those facilities are exempt from routinely having to determine their compliance. These facilities are termed "categorically excluded." Section 1.1307(b)(1) of the Commission's rules defines those categorically excluded facilities. This checklist will assist state and local government agencies in identifying those wireless facilities that are categorically excluded, and thus are highly unlikely to cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. Provision of the information identified on this checklist may also assist FCC staff in evaluating any inquiry regarding a facility’s compliance with the RF exposure guidelines. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Facility Operator’s Legal Name: 2. Facility Operator’s Mailing Address: 3. Facility Operator’s Contact Name/Title: 4. Facility Operator’s Office Telephone: 5. Facility Operator’s Fax: 6. Facility Name: 7. Facility Address: 8. Facility City/Community: 9. Facility State and Zip Code: 10. Latitude: 11. Longitude: continue PA2019-129 FCC/LSGAC Local Official’s Guide to RF Optional Local Government Checklist (page 2) EVALUATION OF CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION 12. Licensed Radio Service (see attached Table 1): 13. Structure Type (free-standing or building/roof-mounted): 14. Antenna Type [omnidirectional or directional (includes sectored)]: 15. Height above ground of the lowest point of the antenna (in meters): 16. Check if all of the following are true: (a) This facility will be operated in the Multipoint Distribution Service, Paging and Radiotelephone Service, Cellular Radiotelephone Service, Narrowband or Broadband Personal Communications Service, Private Land Mobile Radio Services Paging Operations, Private Land Mobile Radio Service Specialized Mobile Radio, Local Multipoint Distribution Service, or service regulated under Part 74, Subpart I (see question 12). (b) This facility will not be mounted on a building (see question 13). (c) The lowest point of the antenna will be at least 10 meters above the ground (see question 15). If box 16 is checked, this facility is categorically excluded and is unlikely to cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. The remainder of the checklist need not be completed. If box 16 is not checked, continue to question 17. 17. Enter the power threshold for categorical exclusion for this service from the attached Table 1 in watts ERP or EIRP∗ (note: EIRP = (1.64) X ERP): 18. Enter the total number of channels if this will be an omnidirectional antenna, or the maximum number of channels in any sector if this will be a sectored antenna: 19. Enter the ERP or EIRP per channel (using the same units as in question 17): 20. Multiply answer 18 by answer 19: 21. Is the answer to question 20 less than or equal to the value from question 17 (yes or no)? If the answer to question 21 is YES, this facility is categorically excluded. It is unlikely to cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. If the answer to question 21 is NO, this facility is not categorically excluded. Further investigation may be appropriate to verify whether the facility may cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. ∗"ERP" means "effective radiated power" and "EIRP" means "effective isotropic radiated power PA2019-129 FCC/LSGAC Local Official’s Guide to RF TABLE 1 (cont.) SERVICE (TITLE 47 CFR RULE PART) EVALUATION REQUIRED IF: Personal Communications Services (part 24) (1) Narrowband PCS (subpart D): non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of antenna < 10 m and total power of all channels > 1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP) building-mounted antennas: total power of all channels > 1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP) (2) Broadband PCS (subpart E): non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of antenna < 10 m and total power of all channels > 2000 W ERP (3280 W EIRP) building-mounted antennas: total power of all channels > 2000 W ERP (3280 W EIRP) Satellite Communications (part 25) all included General Wireless Communications Service (part 26) total power of all channels > 1640 W EIRP Wireless Communications Service (part 27) total power of all channels > 1640 W EIRP Radio Broadcast Services (part 73) all included PA2019-129 AT&T Mobility FCC License for Orange County PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy Conditions: Pursuant to §309(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §309(h), this license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. § 310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by §706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. §606. FCC 601-C August 2007Page1 of 18 LICENSEE: ATTN: LESLIE A. WILSON AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC 3300 E. RENNER ROAD, B3132 RICHARDSON, TX 75082 AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC FCC Registration Number (FRN):0014980726 Site Information: Call Sign File Number Radio Service Market Numer KNKA351 CL - Cellular CMA002 Sub-Market Designator 0 Channel Block A Market Name Los Angeles-Long Beach/Anaheim Grant Date 11-06-2007 Effective Date 08-17-2016 Expiration Date 10-01-2017 Print DateFive Yr Build-Out Date Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION Federal Communications Commission 2 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-27-11.1 N 116-35-43.3 W 1604.2 18.6 Address: I-15 & Fort Irwin Rd (97741) City: Fort Irwin County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 660.900 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 506.900 555.500 669.800 723.800 630.600 597.100 722.500 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.700 20.300 61.800 19.000 1.100 0.123 0.123 0.123 660.900 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 506.900 555.500 669.800 723.800 630.600 597.100 722.500 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.500 0.500 1.100 52.900 240.400 59.400 1.800 0.500 660.900 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 506.900 555.500 669.800 723.800 630.600 597.100 722.500 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 14.900 1.300 0.800 0.800 4.200 104.700 398.100 237.500 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license. It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated. In cases where FCC rules require the presentation, posting, or display of an FCC license, this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license. PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page2 of 18 10 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-45-48.6 N 118-23-32.1 W 296.0 18.3 Address: 6507 1/2 OCEAN CREST DR. (12070) City: RANCHO PALOS VERDES County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 273.700 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 265.400 229.000 301.800 311.300 311.300 311.300 308.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 184.100 291.700 50.700 1.400 0.600 0.600 0.800 17.200 273.700 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 265.400 229.000 301.800 311.300 311.300 311.300 308.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.400 0.400 0.400 23.200 188.400 184.100 22.100 0.400 275.800 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 267.600 231.100 304.000 313.400 313.400 313.400 310.400 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.900 8.800 18.000 8.400 17 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-39-18.3 N 115-59-10.1 W 562.1 30.5 Address: 2 MILES SOUTHWEST OF CACTUS CITY (12333) City: DESERT CENTER County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 191.200 283.400 510.500 544.300 493.300 220.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 12.300 120.200 323.600 114.800 12.000 1.000 0.647 0.900 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 191.200 283.400 510.500 544.300 493.300 220.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.200 0.300 0.300 2.600 31.400 136.200 95.100 14.200 30.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 191.200 283.400 510.500 544.300 493.300 220.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 12.500 1.000 0.119 0.119 0.400 5.900 42.500 59.500 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page3 of 18 18 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-21-45.8 N 117-38-27.1 W 1261.0 78.0 1200992 Address: 36753 Randsburg Loop (11660) City: Johannesburg County: KERN State: CA Construction Deadline: 355.500 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 248.000 335.500 404.500 358.200 159.600 544.400 441.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.636 0.636 5.600 135.100 318.400 67.700 0.900 0.636 355.500 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 248.000 335.500 404.500 358.200 159.600 544.400 441.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 5.600 0.900 0.900 1.300 3.500 128.200 444.600 147.200 355.500 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 248.000 335.500 404.500 358.200 159.600 544.400 441.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 444.600 147.200 5.600 0.900 0.900 1.300 3.500 128.200 20 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-39-17.7 N 115-27-14.4 W 1144.8 36.3 Address: CHUCKWALLA PEAK (12334) City: DESERT CENTER County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 845.500 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 899.600 526.900 229.100 487.900 651.100 687.700 555.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 7.800 70.700 199.300 97.800 13.200 1.200 0.400 0.500 845.500 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 899.600 526.900 229.100 487.900 651.100 687.700 555.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 33.600 3.300 0.800 0.800 11.900 115.800 383.600 227.000 845.500 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 899.600 526.900 229.100 487.900 651.100 687.700 555.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 98.600 43.500 5.100 0.400 0.200 0.200 2.900 30.500 845.500 Antenna: 4 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 899.600 526.900 229.100 487.900 651.100 687.700 555.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 4.300 43.100 132.500 60.800 7.500 0.600 0.300 0.300 845.500 Antenna: 5 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 899.600 526.900 229.100 487.900 651.100 687.700 555.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 11.400 1.100 0.100 0.200 5.100 17.400 19.200 20.300 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page4 of 18 20 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-39-17.7 N 115-27-14.4 W 1144.8 36.3 Address: CHUCKWALLA PEAK (12334) City: DESERT CENTER County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 845.500 Antenna: 6 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 899.600 526.900 229.100 487.900 651.100 687.700 555.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 208.800 92.100 10.800 0.900 0.417 0.417 6.200 64.500 29 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-29-26.5 N 115-33-29.1 W 1819.0 15.5 Address: MOUNTAIN PASS (11639) City: BAKER County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 291.700 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 803.900 765.400 406.000 311.800 593.000 601.500 248.200 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 56.800 181.600 76.200 8.500 0.500 0.400 0.400 4.800 291.700 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 803.900 765.400 406.000 311.800 593.000 601.500 248.200 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.303 0.303 1.000 16.000 114.700 151.800 32.800 2.400 291.700 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 803.900 765.400 406.000 311.800 593.000 601.500 248.200 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 8.700 71.700 121.700 30.200 2.500 0.243 0.243 0.500 30 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-37-03.6 N 114-46-20.0 W 251.8 30.8 1055655 Address: 87 BLACK ROCK MOUNTAIN (12357) City: BLYTHE County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 112.600 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 147.200 182.600 191.000 158.800 129.900 141.700 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.700 9.100 67.000 180.900 89.000 14.900 1.600 0.400 112.600 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 147.200 182.600 191.000 158.800 129.900 141.700 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 2.800 0.448 0.448 3.400 43.800 224.400 194.500 33.000 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page5 of 18 30 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-37-03.6 N 114-46-20.0 W 251.8 30.8 1055655 Address: 87 BLACK ROCK MOUNTAIN (12357) City: BLYTHE County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 112.600 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 147.200 182.600 191.000 158.800 129.900 141.700 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 128.800 63.600 15.500 1.200 0.300 1.000 15.800 66.600 39 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-23-12.0 N 118-24-03.0 W 612.6 38.1 1061572 Address: BLACK JACK PEAK (12079) City: AVALON County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 632.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 634.300 639.300 408.800 540.800 517.900 603.200 548.600 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.708 1.300 6.400 65.700 354.000 113.600 3.700 1.300 632.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 634.300 639.300 408.800 540.800 517.900 603.200 548.600 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 3.000 1.200 0.900 2.100 7.500 104.600 429.500 95.400 40 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-26-07.8 N 115-55-26.2 W 1359.1 38.1 Address: TURQUOISE MTN (11647) City: BAKER County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 353.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 216.900 171.500 319.100 610.800 620.900 694.600 461.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 390.800 379.800 369.000 358.500 348.300 358.500 369.000 379.800 42 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-18-38.5 N 114-10-11.1 W 518.5 37.2 Address: BLACK METAL HILL (11648) City: Parker Dam County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 242.100 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 127.600 290.700 246.000 337.600 260.400 30.000 373.700 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.100 0.100 0.500 5.800 47.200 16.700 0.300 0.100 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page6 of 18 42 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-18-38.5 N 114-10-11.1 W 518.5 37.2 Address: BLACK METAL HILL (11648) City: Parker Dam County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 242.100 Antenna: 4 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 127.600 290.700 246.000 337.600 260.400 30.000 373.700 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.900 4.000 63.400 249.500 50.700 242.100 Antenna: 5 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 127.600 290.700 246.000 337.600 260.400 30.000 373.700 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 249.500 50.700 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.900 4.000 63.400 44 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-28-40.3 N 117-42-00.6 W 1328.6 20.7 Address: EL PASO PEAKS ELECTRONICS SITE (9563) City: RIDGECREST County: KERN State: CA Construction Deadline: 461.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 336.500 331.700 357.200 404.800 558.000 199.000 469.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 16.000 156.600 214.500 46.900 2.800 0.429 0.429 0.900 461.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 336.500 331.700 357.200 404.800 558.000 199.000 469.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.300 0.900 15.900 128.900 143.100 26.000 1.400 0.300 461.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 336.500 331.700 357.200 404.800 558.000 199.000 469.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 5.900 0.315 0.315 0.315 4.100 64.300 157.800 67.300 461.000 Antenna: 4 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 336.500 331.700 357.200 404.800 558.000 199.000 469.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 329.600 140.600 12.200 0.700 0.700 0.700 8.700 134.300 461.000 Antenna: 5 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 336.500 331.700 357.200 404.800 558.000 199.000 469.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.100 0.100 2.300 10.800 11.200 2.900 0.300 0.100 461.000 Antenna: 6 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 336.500 331.700 357.200 404.800 558.000 199.000 469.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.900 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.800 6.700 10.400 6.500 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page7 of 18 70 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-45-36.2 N 117-47-58.0 W 962.9 16.5 Address: 185TH STREETE AVE E (24315) City: LANCASTER County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 239.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 125.000 51.100 74.300 93.200 180.700 205.400 254.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.000 73.800 318.700 145.100 5.300 0.637 0.637 0.637 239.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 125.000 51.100 74.300 93.200 180.700 205.400 254.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.430 0.430 0.430 5.200 108.800 215.400 51.700 0.430 239.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 125.000 51.100 74.300 93.200 180.700 205.400 254.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 243.600 23.500 0.512 0.512 0.512 0.512 27.800 256.100 71 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-33-00.8 N 118-40-04.4 W 747.7 31.1 Address: 34703 GOLDEN STATE FWY (24316) City: CASTAIC County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 229.100 349.100 275.800 248.600 156.500 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.300 0.700 24.300 142.200 78.600 4.800 0.400 0.300 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 229.100 349.100 275.800 248.600 156.500 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 157.800 6.000 1.000 1.000 1.400 3.800 137.400 476.400 72 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-47-39.0 N 118-51-04.7 W 1160.4 24.4 Address: 49723 Gorman School Rd (24317) City: GORMAN County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 175.100 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 84.400 111.700 91.400 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 3.000 43.100 349.300 126.600 2.900 0.700 0.700 0.800 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page8 of 18 72 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-47-39.0 N 118-51-04.7 W 1160.4 24.4 Address: 49723 Gorman School Rd (24317) City: GORMAN County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 175.100 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 84.400 111.700 91.400 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 8.700 0.800 0.600 0.600 2.600 20.700 282.800 197.300 73 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-30-33.5 N 117-43-44.7 W 242.0 9.8 Address: 31250 PACIFIC ISLAND DR (25806) City: LAGUNA NIGUEL County: ORANGE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 128.700 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 93.600 124.900 225.700 250.500 250.500 250.500 103.500 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.722 0.722 0.722 9.700 134.300 361.400 92.900 4.300 128.600 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 93.600 124.900 225.700 250.500 250.500 250.500 103.500 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 287.100 42.500 0.800 0.600 0.600 1.100 26.200 238.800 76 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-25-49.3 N 117-36-59.2 W 61.6 10.7 Address: 535 N. EL CAMINO REAL (48107) City: SAN CLEMENTE County: ORANGE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 71.300 71.300 71.300 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 9.400 26.600 191.700 129.300 8.600 0.700 0.400 2.100 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 71.300 71.300 71.300 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 8.600 0.700 0.400 2.100 9.400 26.600 191.700 129.300 30.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 71.300 71.300 71.300 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 227.300 43.600 2.000 0.500 0.500 5.500 7.700 82.300 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page9 of 18 77 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-26-12.7 N 116-50-58.4 W 655.0 18.9 Address: 46566 HIGHWAY 79 (24340) City: AGUANGA County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 67.700 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.700 0.700 9.400 155.600 325.100 45.900 2.200 0.700 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 68.100 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 64.900 3.000 0.700 0.700 0.700 6.100 123.600 340.400 78 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-27-04.7 N 117-05-51.2 W 344.7 18.0 Address: 47835 PALA ROAD (24413) City: TEMECULA County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 80.400 30.000 43.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.607 3.200 114.100 303.900 54.000 1.200 0.900 1.000 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 80.400 30.000 43.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 91.300 235.500 41.200 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.500 3.100 30.000 Antenna: 4 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 80.400 30.000 43.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 34.800 0.600 0.600 0.500 0.419 2.900 81.000 209.700 79 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-35-48.0 N 116-35-36.0 W 1447.8 13.7 Address: 61600 DEVIL LADDER (48206) City: MOUNTAIN CENTER County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 263.300 167.000 30.000 171.200 215.400 57.900 60.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.500 1.900 101.700 454.200 191.800 9.000 0.908 0.908 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page10 of 18 79 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-35-48.0 N 116-35-36.0 W 1447.8 13.7 Address: 61600 DEVIL LADDER (48206) City: MOUNTAIN CENTER County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 263.300 167.000 30.000 171.200 215.400 57.900 60.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 19.400 0.817 0.900 1.200 0.817 59.100 408.500 274.600 80 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-57-39.5 N 114-31-20.1 W 118.9 45.7 Address: I-95 2 MILES NORTH OF OLD BLYTHE VIDAL ROAD (48521) City: DESERT CENTER County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 60.200 53.700 62.300 69.100 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 3.200 81.300 309.000 184.300 11.600 1.000 0.618 0.618 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 60.200 53.700 62.300 69.100 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.618 0.618 0.618 11.600 169.000 309.000 100.000 2.600 30.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 60.200 53.700 62.300 69.100 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 221.500 338.800 83.200 1.800 0.700 0.700 0.700 18.400 81 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-45-00.4 N 114-31-19.8 W 195.4 54.9 Address: 87 Radio Hill - 95 (48240) City: Desert Center County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 150.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 134.600 100.400 99.400 157.300 134.800 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.000 0.900 10.800 78.200 215.300 205.600 30.400 3.500 150.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 134.600 100.400 99.400 157.300 134.800 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 258.800 110.400 10.300 1.700 0.517 2.300 28.400 139.000 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page11 of 18 82 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-31-13.4 N 117-18-12.1 W 676.7 13.7 Address: 19570 TENAJA RD (48243) City: MURRIETA County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 157.900 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 214.700 243.700 329.600 444.200 30.000 130.400 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.300 28.800 62.800 10.500 0.300 0.125 0.125 0.125 157.900 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 214.700 243.700 329.600 444.200 30.000 130.400 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.100 0.100 0.200 4.600 49.000 44.300 3.800 0.100 157.900 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 214.700 243.700 329.600 444.200 30.000 130.400 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 41.500 2.300 0.300 0.200 0.200 1.000 23.400 95.800 83 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-28-48.6 N 116-50-39.3 W 869.3 31.4 Address: 46-900 HWY 371 (48207) City: AGUANGA County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 382.200 217.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.000 0.800 0.800 16.800 237.300 387.900 60.100 1.700 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 382.200 217.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 51.100 370.400 266.300 19.300 0.800 0.900 1.100 0.740 85 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-05-18.1 N 114-28-54.4 W 162.2 48.8 Address: 9250 HWY 95 (47921) City: VIDAL County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 31.300 101.400 103.800 102.400 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 84.000 402.100 293.500 24.400 1.400 0.804 0.804 2.800 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page12 of 18 85 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-05-18.1 N 114-28-54.4 W 162.2 48.8 Address: 9250 HWY 95 (47921) City: VIDAL County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 31.300 101.400 103.800 102.400 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.814 0.814 4.300 107.200 407.400 243.000 15.300 1.300 30.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 31.300 101.400 103.800 102.400 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 207.900 9.800 1.000 0.814 0.814 6.800 144.500 407.400 88 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-26-25.9 N 117-37-18.3 W 82.6 9.4 Address: 2001 1/2 CALLE FRONTERA (12461) City: SAN CLEMENTE County: ORANGE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 86.000 86.000 86.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 6.500 89.100 160.900 47.700 4.400 2.500 0.321 0.321 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 86.000 86.000 86.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.500 0.400 0.600 21.900 169.000 163.200 27.900 3.600 30.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 86.000 86.000 86.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 15.900 3.500 0.500 0.400 1.800 41.600 193.400 125.900 89 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-28-06.6 N 117-08-08.8 W 316.4 24.4 Address: 44501 RAINBOW CANYON RD (36311) City: TEMECULA County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 68.100 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 18.600 111.100 117.300 22.100 1.400 0.234 0.234 1.200 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page13 of 18 89 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-28-06.6 N 117-08-08.8 W 316.4 24.4 Address: 44501 RAINBOW CANYON RD (36311) City: TEMECULA County: RIVERSIDE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 68.100 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.600 0.600 9.100 101.700 291.700 90.700 8.900 0.600 30.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 68.100 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 63.200 12.000 0.800 0.126 0.126 0.600 10.100 59.800 92 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-40-45.2 N 118-25-57.4 W 1173.8 46.0 Address: 43758 LAKE VIEW RD (16287) City: LAKE HUGHES County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 376.400 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 417.300 391.800 30.000 287.500 252.100 30.000 238.600 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.300 8.400 111.400 139.400 17.700 0.500 0.300 0.300 376.400 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 417.300 391.800 30.000 287.500 252.100 30.000 238.600 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 24.500 1.400 0.808 0.808 2.800 84.400 404.000 294.900 376.400 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 417.300 391.800 30.000 287.500 252.100 30.000 238.600 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 404.000 294.900 24.500 1.400 0.808 0.808 2.800 84.400 93 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-24-36.4 N 117-36-04.2 W 50.3 16.2 Address: 2401-1/2 AVENUE DEL PRESIDENTE (12480) City: SAN CLEMENTE County: ORANGE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 45.300 59.900 59.900 59.900 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.700 4.300 25.500 193.200 188.800 11.400 2.500 0.400 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page14 of 18 93 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-24-36.4 N 117-36-04.2 W 50.3 16.2 Address: 2401-1/2 AVENUE DEL PRESIDENTE (12480) City: SAN CLEMENTE County: ORANGE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 45.300 59.900 59.900 59.900 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 243.200 26.100 1.800 0.700 1.100 3.600 15.300 136.800 94 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-14-53.7 N 114-44-36.9 W 1462.4 40.5 Address: CHRISTMAS TREE PASS (10470) City: SEARCHLIGHT County: CLARK State: NV Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 715.500 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 785.700 919.200 864.700 621.900 622.800 644.000 584.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.138 1.200 26.800 69.100 19.400 0.400 0.138 0.200 715.500 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 785.700 919.200 864.700 621.900 622.800 644.000 584.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 29.700 0.424 0.424 0.424 0.424 18.100 201.900 212.400 715.500 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 785.700 919.200 864.700 621.900 622.800 644.000 584.300 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.500 0.500 0.500 26.200 244.300 233.300 21.800 0.500 95 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-47-57.6 N 115-36-52.3 W 794.0 30.5 1264831 Address: 725 South Kingston Road (84824) City: Sandy Valley County: CLARK State: NV Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 10.900 97.100 113.500 16.800 0.700 0.227 0.227 0.400 30.000 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 22.600 1.000 0.247 0.247 0.300 7.900 83.100 123.800 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page15 of 18 95 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-47-57.6 N 115-36-52.3 W 794.0 30.5 1264831 Address: 725 South Kingston Road (84824) City: Sandy Valley County: CLARK State: NV Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 30.000 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.300 0.300 2.700 44.400 140.000 48.600 3.100 0.300 96 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-33-05.9 N 114-11-41.0 W 1436.5 22.0 Address: 8.7 miles NE of (94158) City: Lake Havasu City County: MOHAVE State: AZ Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 817.200 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 742.200 672.900 743.100 904.800 1028.000 997.400 664.600 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 16.800 16.400 16.100 15.700 15.300 15.700 16.100 16.400 102 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-51-45.6 N 114-52-53.0 W 964.1 60.4 Address: I-40 & HWY 95 N (50866) City: NEEDLES County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 379.900 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 490.300 530.100 355.800 389.600 355.200 267.000 321.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 4.900 21.700 33.700 11.300 1.100 0.200 0.100 0.600 379.900 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 490.300 530.100 355.800 389.600 355.200 267.000 321.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.600 7.400 56.500 174.600 195.900 33.300 4.100 1.100 379.900 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 490.300 530.100 355.800 389.600 355.200 267.000 321.800 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 4.700 1.000 0.400 2.200 19.100 91.400 141.600 41.800 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page16 of 18 103 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-36-19.2 N 117-48-41.2 W 353.6 40.2 Address: 7304 RIDGE PARK RD (26949) City: NEWPORT BEACH County: ORANGE State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 325.400 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 240.700 217.000 220.500 345.400 355.900 343.700 342.900 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.714 0.714 0.714 10.500 199.200 357.000 52.800 0.714 104 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 33-46-25.1 N 118-22-24.3 W 287.7 13.4 Address: 500 SILVER SPUR RD, STYE 103 (12026) City: PALOS VERDES County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 261.200 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 279.800 266.800 168.500 294.100 277.400 286.900 286.900 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.600 3.900 25.500 235.100 152.500 5.400 1.100 0.500 261.200 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 279.800 266.800 168.500 294.100 277.400 286.900 286.900 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 1.200 0.600 0.600 2.400 6.100 119.200 278.000 30.300 105 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 34-05-09.0 N 118-47-08.0 W 861.4 18.6 Address: 918 LATIGO CANYON ROAD (11852) City: MALIBU County: LOS ANGELES State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 502.600 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 546.900 472.300 738.100 793.500 767.100 474.100 545.100 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.700 0.700 0.900 0.700 64.900 342.400 161.100 8.200 502.600 Antenna: 4 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 546.900 472.300 738.100 793.500 767.100 474.100 545.100 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 344.300 127.200 4.700 0.700 0.700 0.900 1.700 88.000 Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page17 of 18 106 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation (meters) Structure Hgt to Tip (meters) Antenna Structure Registration No. 35-29-00.7 N 116-42-16.7 W 1196.3 19.5 Address: ARMY TRAINING AREA/RANGE (159776) City: FORT IRWIN County: SAN BERNARDINO State: CA Construction Deadline: 11-20-2015 489.300 Antenna: 1 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 410.700 102.000 179.300 229.500 230.800 145.200 177.400 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 31.300 142.400 60.400 3.000 0.400 0.300 0.300 1.100 489.300 Antenna: 2 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 410.700 102.000 179.300 229.500 230.800 145.200 177.400 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0.300 0.300 5.600 82.400 131.400 20.000 0.800 0.300 489.300 Antenna: 3 Azimuth (from true north) Antenna Height AAT (meters) Transmitting ERP (watts) 410.700 102.000 179.300 229.500 230.800 145.200 177.400 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 2.000 0.400 0.100 0.100 1.600 19.100 48.000 22.000 Control Points: Control Pt. No. 1 Address: 6045 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE City: COMMERCE County: State: CA Telephone Number: Control Pt. No. 2 Address: 301 NORTH CRESCENT WAY City: ANAHEIM County: State: CA Telephone Number: Control Pt. No. 3 Address: 15215 SOUTH BROADWAY City: GARDENA County: State: CA Telephone Number: Control Pt. No. 4 Address: 4135 GARNER ROAD City: RIVERSIDE County: State: CA Telephone Number: Waivers/Conditions: This authorization is subject to the condition that, in the event cellular systems using the same frequencies granted herein are authorized in adjacent territory in Mexico, coordination of your transmitter installations which are within 72km (45 miles) ofthe U.S.-Mexico border shall be required to eliminate any harmful interference that might otherwise exist and to ensure continuance of equal access to the frequencies by both countries. The operation of this system must be advised that operation of aunit in Mexico is not permitted at this time without the express permission of the Mexican Government. The above conditions are subject to modification pending exchange of diplomatic notes between the United States and Mexico concerning coordination ofcellular system frequencies. Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy FCC 601-C August 2007Page18 of 18 This license is conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of Applications of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. and Cingular Wireless Corporation For Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 04-255 (rel. Oct. 26, 2004). Commission approval of this application and the licenses contained therein are subject to the conditions set forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Order, adopted on December 29, 2006 and released on March 26, 2007, and revised in the Order on Reconsideration, adopted and released on March 26, 2007. See AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation Application for Transfer of Control, WC Docket No. 06-74, Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 06-189 (rel. Mar. 26, 2007); AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation, WC Docket No. 06-74, Order on Reconsideration, FCC 07-44 (rel. Mar. 26, 2007). Licensee Name: AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Call Sign: KNKA351 File Number: Print Date: PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: ATTN: LESLIE A. WILSON NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 3300 E. RENNER ROAD, B3132 RICHARDSON, TX 75082 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC Waivers/Conditions: Federal Communications Commission FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0003291192 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license. It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated. In cases where FCC rules require the presentation, posting, or display of an FCC license, this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license. Call Sign File Number Radio Service KNLF205 CW - PCS Broadband Grant Date 06-05-2015 Effective Date 09-20-2016 Expiration Date 06-23-2025 Print Date Market Number MTA002 Channel Block B Sub-Market Designator 37 Market Name Los Angeles-San Diego 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 06-23-2000 06-23-2005 3rd Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date License renewal granted on a conditional basis, subject to the outcome of FCC proceeding WT Docket No. 10-112 (see FCC 10-86, paras. 113 and 126). Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 12/07/2004 and File No. 0001757186. Spectrum Leasing Arrangement associated with file number 0001757186 was extended to 01/05/2006. See file number 0002157743. Conditions: Pursuant to §309(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §309(h), this license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. § 310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by §706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. §606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the hardcopy version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license, refer to the Spectrum and Market Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). To view the license record, go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select License Search. Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB April 2009Page1 of 2 PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy Licensee Name: Call Sign:File Number:KNLF205 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC Print Date: Commission approval of this application and the licenses contained therein are subject to the conditions set forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Order, adopted on December 29, 2006 and released on March 26, 2007, and revised in the Order on Reconsideration, adopted and released on March 26, 2007. See AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation Application for Transfer of Control, WC Docket No. 06-74, Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 06-189 (rel. Mar. 26, 2007); AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation, WC Docket No. 06-74, Order on Reconsideration, FCC 07-44 (rel. Mar. 26, 2007). FCC 601-MB April 2009Page2 of 2 PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: ATTN: LESLIE A. WILSON AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC 3300 E. RENNER ROAD, B3132 RICHARDSON, TX 75082 AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Waivers/Conditions: Federal Communications Commission FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0014980726 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license. It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated. In cases where FCC rules require the presentation, posting, or display of an FCC license, this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license. Call Sign File Number Radio Service WQGA742 AW - AWS (1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz) Grant Date 11-29-2006 Effective Date 07-30-2016 Expiration Date 11-29-2021 Print Date Market Number CMA002 Channel Block A Sub-Market Designator 1 Market Name Los Angeles-Long Beach/Anaheim 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3rd Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date This authorization is conditioned upon the licensee, prior to initiating operations from any base or fixed station, making reasonable efforts to coordinate frequency usage with known co-channel and adjacent channel incumbent federal users operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band whose facilities could be affected by the proposed operations. See, e.g., FCC and NTIA Coordination Procedures in the 1710-1755 MHz Band, Public Notice, FCC 06-50, WTB Docket No. 02-353, rel. April 20, 2006. Grant of the request to update licensee name is conditioned on it not reflecting an assignment or transfer of control (see Rule 1.948); if an assignment or transfer occurred without proper notification or FCC approval, the grant is void and the station is licensed under the prior name. Conditions: Pursuant to §309(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §309(h), this license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. § 310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by §706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. §606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the hardcopy version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license, refer to the Spectrum and Market Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). To view the license record, go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select License Search. Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB April 2009Page1 of 2 PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy Licensee Name: Call Sign:File Number:WQGA742 AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Print Date: AWS operations must not cause harmful interference across the Canadian or Mexican Border. The authority granted herein is subject to future international agreements with Canada or Mexico, as applicable. Commission approval of this application and the licenses contained therein are subject to the conditions set forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Order, adopted on December 29, 2006 and released on March 26, 2007, and revised in the Order on Reconsideration, adopted and released on March 26, 2007. See AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation Application for Transfer of Control, WC Docket No. 06-74, Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 06-189 (rel. Mar. 26, 2007); AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation, WC Docket No. 06-74, Order on Reconsideration, FCC 07-44 (rel. Mar. 26, 2007). FCC 601-MB April 2009Page2 of 2 PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: ATTN: LESLIE A. WILSON AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC 3300 E. RENNER ROAD, B3132 RICHARDSON, TX 75082 AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Waivers/Conditions: Federal Communications Commission FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0014980726 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license. It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated. In cases where FCC rules require the presentation, posting, or display of an FCC license, this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license. Call Sign File Number Radio Service WQHT993 CW - PCS Broadband Grant Date 06-10-2015 Effective Date 08-17-2016 Expiration Date 06-23-2025 Print Date Market Number MTA002 Channel Block B Sub-Market Designator 14 Market Name Los Angeles-San Diego 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3rd Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date License renewal granted on a conditional basis, subject to the outcome of FCC proceeding WT Docket No. 10-112 (see FCC 10-86, paras. 113 and 126). Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 02/01/2006 and File No. 0002428329. Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 02/01/2006 and File No. 0002428332. Conditions: Pursuant to §309(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §309(h), this license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. § 310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by §706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C. §606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the hardcopy version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license, refer to the Spectrum and Market Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). To view the license record, go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select License Search. Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB April 2009Page1 of 2 PA2019-129 Refe rence Copy Licensee Name: Call Sign:File Number:WQHT993 AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Print Date: Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 03/06/2006 and File No. 0002441577. Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 03/06/2006 and File No. 0002441819. Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 03/06/2006 and File No. 0002442161. Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 03/06/2006 and File No. 0002442231. Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 03/06/2006 and File No. 0002442271. Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 03/06/2006 and File No. 0002442718. Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 03/06/2006 and File No. 0002444985. FCC 601-MB April 2009Page2 of 2 PA2019-129 AT&T Mobility, LLC 1452 Edinger Ave Tustin CA 92780 www.att.com New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a AT&T Mobility AT&T Site ID: CRAN_RLOS_NWPTB 06 and FA# 14852175 In the Public Right-of-Way 951 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PUBLIC NOTICE (Pursuant to County Ordinance 348, Section 19.404.B) Dear Resident, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a AT&T Mobility (“AT&T”) is proposing to install a small cell wireless telecommunications facility on a replacement utility pole located near 530 Center Street. The small cell will serve residents and businesses in this portion of the community. Small cells are low-power, low-profile wireless communications facilities that improve signal quality and capacity within AT&T’s existing wireless network. The proposed small cell facility w ill help AT&T provide and improve critical wireless services in this area. AT&T estimates that since introduction of the iPhone in 2007, mobile data usage has increased 470,000% on its network. AT&T forecasts its customers’ growing demand for mobile data services to continue. Customer needs require AT&T to design and maintain its network to provide and improve wireless signal quality and to increase data rates sufficient to stream video. Areas that do not meet this minimal standard, or where wireless service is otherwise compromised, represent service issues that must be addressed. Specifically, this proposed small cell facility will help improve AT&T’s wireless services by offloading network traffic carried by existing macro facilities in the area. In addition, faster data rates allow customers to get on and off the network quickly, which produces more efficient use of AT&T’s limited spectrum. By placing the small cell facility in areas where AT&T’s existing wir eless telecommunications facilities are constrained and where AT&T experiences especially high network traffic, AT&T can address the existing and forecasted demand and support 5G speeds in the near future. Improving signal quality and Increasing data speed is critical to providing the mobile experience customers demand and to manage the unprecedented increase in mobile data usage on AT&T’s network. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks the rates at which American households are shifting from landlines to wireless telecommunications. According to the CDC’s latest Wireless Substitution Report, more than 70 percent of Americans rely exclusively or primarily on wireless communications in their homes.1 In addition, the FCC estimates that 70 percent of all 911 calls are made from wireless devices.2 And with AT&T’s selection by FirstNet as the wireless service provider to build and manage the nationwide first responder wireless network, each new or modified facility will help strengthen first responder communications. AT&T selected the proposed facility as the best available means to address its service objectives in this portion of Riverside County. The overall site location and design will comply with applicable code provisions, General Plan, and other published siting guidelines. The proposed small cell facility will be located in the public right-of-way where AT&T has a right to place its equipment pursuant to California Public Utilities Code 7901. The project will involve the placement of a small antenna and associated s mall cell equipment on a replacement utility pole. The facility will not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic. It will not adversely affect the surrounding properties and will have a minimal physical and aesthetic footprint in this area. For Inquiries Contact: Bechtel Infrastructure and Power 16808 Armstrong Avenue, Ste 225 Irvine, California 92606 1 See Wireless Substitution: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, January-June 2018, available at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhis/earlyrelease/wireless201812.pdf. 2 See 911 Wireless Services, available at https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/911-wireless-services.