HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-197 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER October 31, 2019 Reference No. PA2019-197 Attn: Maria Cofano 1300 South Meridian Ave, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 maria.cofano@pzr.com RE: 2220 University Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 439 401 04 Dear Ms. Cofano: The above referenced property is currently located within the OG Office General Zoning District and designated as CO-G General Commercial Office within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The property is not located within a Planned Unit Development or an overlay district. For the abutting properties to the north, the Zoning District is R-1-6000 (Single- Unit Residential) and the General Plan Land Use designation is RS-D (Single-Unit Residential Detached). For the abutting properties to the south, east, and west, the Zoning District is OG and designated CO-G within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. At the time the building permits were finaled, the building and parking requirements were in substantial conformance with the development standards of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. If the subject property does not comply with the current regulations, it is considered to be nonconforming and is subject to Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies that discretionary approvals were not acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division for development of the property. PA2019-197 Page 2 Zoning Compliance – PA2019-197 Tmplt: 08-15-176 The subject property does not have any active complaints on record. For information regarding code violations, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at (949) 644-3215 and the Building Division at (949) 644-3200. Please contact the Building Division to obtain copies of Certificates of Occupancy. For information regarding plat maps or public rights -of way, please contact the Public Works Department at (949) 644-3311. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 949-644-3312 or jperez@newportbeachca.gov. By: Enclosures: Aerial Map Aerial Zoning Map Figure LU11 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan PA2019-197 Planning Technician Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 10/31/2019 0 200100 PA2019-197 .,. NEWPORT 0 Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 10/31/2019 0 200100 PA2019-197 N ;:;; ~"J N '<..__ C C C Cf> ------ l?.,_6 .... ,§ Q: 000 ~ ~ ,...: ,zy Q:- ~ ~ ;,. ~ u.. a.. ~ -~ fS l?.,_6. 000 ~ &: ~?. 0 PC 44 PC 44 N NEWPORT 0 PA2019-197 Table LUl Land Use Plan Categories Land Use Category REGIONAL COMMERCIAL-CR GENERAL COMMERCIAL OFFICE-CO -G MEDICAL COMMERCIAL OFFICE-CO -M REGIONAL COMMERCIAL OFFICE-CO-R Uses The CR designation is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses that serve local and regional residents . Typically , these are integrated into a multi-tenant development that contains one or more "anchor'' uses to attract customers . Automobile sales , repair, and service facilities , professional offices, single-destination, and other highway-oriented uses are not permitted . COMMERCIAL OFFICE DISTRICTS The CO-G designation is intended to provide for administrative, professional, and medical offices with limited accessory retail and service uses . Hotels , motels, and convalescent hospitals are not permitted . The CO-M designation is intended to provide primarily for medical-related offices , other professional offices, retail, short-term convalescent and long-term care facilities , research labs, and sim ilar uses . The CO-R designation is intended to provide for administrative and professional offices that serve local and reg ional markets, with limited accessory retail, financial, service, and entertainment uses . INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL INDUSTRIAL-IG The IG designation is intended to provide for a wide range of moderate to low intensity industrial uses, such as light manufacturing and research and development, and limited ancillary commerc ial and office uses. AIRPORT OFFICE AND SUPPORTING USE~AO MIXED USE VERTICAL- MU-V AIRPORT SUPPORTING DISTRICTS The AO designation is intended to prov ide for the development of properties adjoining the John Wayne Airport for uses that support or benefit from airport operations . These may include professional offices , aviation retail, automobile rental, sales , and serv ice , hotels, and ancillary retail , restaurant, and service uses . MIXED-USE DISTRICTS The MU-V designation is intended to provide for the development of properties for mixed-use structures that vertically integrate housing with retail uses including retail, office, restaurant, and similar nonresidential uses . For mixed-use structures, commercial uses characterized by noise, vibration, odors, or other activities that would adversely impact on-site residential units are prohibited. Sites may also be developed exclusively for retail or office uses in accordance with the CN, CC , CG, or CO-G designations. Land Use Element Density/ Intensity As specified by Table LU2 Floor area to land area ratio or cumulative development indicated on Land Use Plan . Floor area to land area ratio of 0.75 , except as specified on the Land Use Plan. As specified by Table LU2 Floor area to land area ratio of 0.75 , except as specified on the Land Use Plan. Floor area to land area ratio of 0.5, except for warehous ing which may be developed at a floor area to land ratio of 0.75 . Mixed-Use buildings : floor area to land ratio of 1.5; where a minimum floor area to land ratio of 0.35 and maximum of 0.5 shall be used for nonresidential purposes and a maximum of 1.0 for residential. Nonresidential buildings: floor area to land area ratio of 0.75. Newport Beach General Plan 1111 PA2019-197 ·Zoning Compliance Applica!i!!'~! Community Development Department DEVELOPfV1 r-:rr- Planning Division _orr o 3 •. . 100 Civic Center Drive/ P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658 -~'t5 Lv ·1 (949)644-3204 Telephone/ (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) tv~ ";·'.'( 'Pno·, o,1:,-.- NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE I ZIP CODE EMAIL PHONE NO. I FAX NO . APPLICANT(S}/CONT ACT(S} NAME Maria Cofano ADDRESS 1300 South Meridian Ave, Suite 40( CITY , STATE Okl h C OK a oma 1ty, I ZIPCODE73108 EMAIL maria.cof ano@pzr.com PHONE N0405-546-4516 I FAX NO . 405-547-9513 SITE/PROJECT ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO . 2220 University Drive 439-401-04 INFORMATION REQUEST Please Check the box(es) next to the requested information l2'J Current zoning/General Plan designation of the property ~ Overlay district ~ Abutting Zoning/General Plan designation l2'J Discretionary Approvals 61: Legal nonconforming uses or structures 18 Developed with Site Plan approval □ Other (attach additional sheet(s)) if necessary: _______________ _ Date Received : Fee Paid : Form of Payment: Receipt No . DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE -FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Check No . Planne r I Ext. Remarks : Target Date : Date Completed Date Mailed : F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Zoning Comp li ance\lnfo&App.docx Updated 3/11 /13 \ -~ 2=>~ ' q -'Z 10.03.2019 JP 3312 PA2019-197