HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190228_Proof of Publicationito.s Angeles mtme.s MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P .) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on Jan 14, 1938, Cases A6214 for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 16, 2019 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 y of perjury lifornia that the foregoing is true and correct. 6141964 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 ito.s .Angeles atime.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 • . . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thal on Thursday, FobNa,y 28, H19, a1 3:GO p.m. 01 saon lharoahe, as lhe mal1el 1hal be heanl. a public heBllng w11. be conduCled In lhe Corona del Mar Canlerence Room (Bay E·1•1 Floor) al !DD Civic Con1e1 Dttve. Newport Beach. Tha Zoning Admlnf11rator or Iha City of Newpon Beach will consider Iha following appllcaUon: Newport BelCII Country CIUb -Tennis Club Slla · -Annul! Dovalopmenl AgrNfflltnt Review-Purauan1 lo Socllon 15.45.oeo ol lhe Municipal . Coda and Socllon 65865.1 of lhe Calffomia Govammenl Coda, Iha City la oonduc1Jn9 a review of Davoloj>menl Agraamenl No. DA2008-00I for 1110 Nowpon Beach Counlly Club -·Tennis Club Sile. Tha Davalopmenl Agroement was executed In 2012 .. and il provides f0t Iha conslnJCllon and operaUon or 27 holel unfl• wilh a 2,170 square-fool · oorn:ierge and guaal . meeUng faclllly, flva alngfo.unil 11111fdenUel dweUlngs, a 3. 725 aqua, .. IOOI Ianni a Clubhouse, 7,490 square-l"OOI opA/lllneas cenler, relainlng llx elClaling lennla oourta, end ona ligt,led ala41Um-cenler lonnfo ooun. The Zoning Admfnfslralot will review Goll Realty Fund's good faith ~planca with th~ provtslona of Iha Davolopmenl Agreement. The project fa calegorically exernpl rram Ula Calil0tnla Emlronmantal Quoily Ad (CEQA) purauant lo Bedlon 15321 (Enrorcemanl Acllona by· Regulatoty Agencies) of Iha CEQA Guidelines, California Coda of Regulallono, nuo 14, Chapler 3, because II has no po1onua1 IO have a llgnillcanl effacl on Iha environment Thi• sactJon oxempll acUoos by regulalory agencies 10 enloice or revoke a fease, permM, license, certmcata, or other entnlamenl for use tuuad, adoplad, or. prescribed by Iha rogulalOry agency or enrorcemenl of a law, general rule, alandard, 0t objacUva, admlnfalered or adopted by Iha ~ulalory agency. All lnleresled per1Jes may appear and preaanl testimony In ,_rd IO lhls appllcauon. II you challenge lhl1 project In court, you may be llmlled to relSlng only lhase Issues you lllaed 11 Iha publk: heartng or Jn written eotntapondem:e daflvervd lo Ille City, at or prior lo, Iha public heiring. Adm1n111rauve procedurH ro, 1ppea11 are provided In Iha Newport Beach Munlclpal Cod• SocUon 15.45.080. Tho applleaUOn may be oonUnued lo a apedftc Mura mealing date, and If such an action ~ccurs, add!UGnal public nouca of Iha oonUnuance will no1 be provided. Tho agenda, atan report, and corresponding documenla wfU be available by end of bullne1& day on lhe Friday preceding Iha publlc hearing, and may be re\/lewed al Iha Comrlklnlty Devefopmenl Depanmenl Permit Cenler (Bay C. lal Flcot), at 100 Civic Cenler Drive, Newp0f1 Beach, CA 92860 or a1 Iha City of Newpon Beach webs Ile at www.newportbeacnca.gov/zonlngadmlnist,ato,. !ndlvlduals not able to attend lhe m~ling ~ay conlact th& Planrtlng Division ar access the Citye websllo after lhe me.Ung IO ravlaw lhe odfon on ::W~:J:::!n·11nrJ~ding "':::U.ni°' r,0:11:! public, roslden11, or eppflcanls regarding an aganda Item mual be submitted by 5 p.m. on lht business day lmmedlalafy prior ID Iha meeting. Thia allows lime for Iha Zoning AdmlnlllralOr IO adequalely consider Iha submitted conaspondsnca. For quesllona regarding lhfs pubfoc hearing flam please contact Mekana Nova, Associate PIBJB1er, al 949-844-3249 or mngya@offlPQdhftamragoy. Projecl File No.: Activity No.: PA20111-196 DA2DDB.001 Zona: PC-47 (Nowpo<I Beach CounlryClub) Contal Land UH Plan: MU-H/PR (Mfxod,Uso HoriZonUIUParks & Roc,eeuan) LocaUon: 1802 Ea&I Coa11 Highway General Pion: MU-H:vPR (MiJced,Use Hortzonlaf/Parks & RecteaHonl FILING DATE: December 11. 2018 Applicant: Golf Really Fund, O HIil Proper1Je1 6141964 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 J!os .Angeles anmcs MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P .) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on June 19, 1952, Cases A24831 for the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and State of California •. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 16, 2019 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 nde p alty of perjury f California that the foregoing is true and correct. 6141964 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 ito.s Angete.s fflime.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 • ~ . . CITY OF NEWPORT lll!ACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HIIREBY GMIN thal on Thursdav, Fobru,uy a, aa1a, a1 a,aa p.m. or 1C10n lharoafler as tho manor ahal bo hoard. a public hearing wil bo conduC1td In tho Cerone dal Mar Confarence Room (Bay 11.-1•1 Floor) al 100 Civic Cenler Dnvo, Newport Beach. The Zoning Admlnl11n11or of Iha Clly ol Newpon Baach wW conaldor the following appJJceUon: Nowport Be-Coun1ry Club -Tennll Club Site · -Annull Development A-n1 Review -Purouanl lo Sttellon 15.45.080 of the Munielpal . Code and Sactlon 85885.1 of the Cllffornla Govemmanl Coda, tho Clly la conducUng a review or Oevelopmenl Agraamenl No. DA2008.001 lor tho Newport Btach Ccunfry Club -Tonnla Club Site. Tho Devolopmenl Agraement wn executed In 2012, and It providoa for Iha conslluetlon and operaUon ol 27 holal un111 with a 2,170 equare-lool c:cnaergo and guaal . maaUng lacillly, ftve slngfe.unll resldanUal dwaUlngs, a 3,725 aquaro,fcot lennla dubhouse, 7,490 square-loo! epa/1llneas cenler, retaining llx · alClating · lennla ccurta, and one lighled atedillm,oonlor lannla coun. The Zoning Admlnlslralor will review Go~ Really Fund's good faith complance with the provJa1on1 or Iha Oavolopmanl Agreomonl Tho projocl Is calogorically exempl from tho Callfomla Enwonmonlal Quality Act (CECA) puniuanl to Secllon 15321 (Enlorooment Acllona by RagulalDry Agencies) of Iha CEQA Guidelines, California Coria of RagulaUona, TIUa 14, Chapter 3, because 1111aa no pOlenual IO hava a lllgnillcanl effacl on the enwonmenl Thia eecUon exempts actJons by regulatory ogendes to enforce or revoke a leaae, perrnK. llconae, certificate, or othar enUtlemenl for use tssuad, adoplod, or presetlbed by tho regulaloty agency or en.lotoemenl of a law, u-ral rule, slandard, or objecUva, admlnlalared or a<lopled by the regulatory agency. All lnlaraaled parties may appear and present leallmany In regard IO this appllCallon. If you challengo lhl1 proJoct In coun, you may bo llmltod 10 raising only those 111uea you railed at the public haartng or In written correpondence deliverad lo Iha City, at. or prior lo, Iha public hearing. Admlnlslrativa procedum tor appeals are provtdad In the Newport Beach Municipal Corio. Secilon 15.45.080. The applicaUon moy be continued lo a aped He lutun, meeting dale, and if such an action oc:aua, addJllOnal pubU~ noUca of the continuance will not bo provided. Tha agenda, stall report, end correapondlng documents wlU be available by end of buatneu day on Iha Friday preooding the public hearing, and may · be reviewed al Iha Community Development Oeparlmenl Perrnlf Center (Boy C· 1st Floor), al 100 CIYIC Center Drive, Newp0f1 Beact,, CA 92660 or at Iha City of Newp011 8eact, webslle al www.newportbeac:hca.gov1zonlngadmln;stra1or. Individuals not 1!9ble l~ attend the meeting may contact the Planning DMaiOn or access ~e City's website after Iha me.Ung lo n,vlew the action on ::m.~c,:i:n.(lnd~ding m:::i.ut framwrll: public, restdllinla, or appUc.tints ri,gardlng an agenda ilern must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the business day lmmedlalaly prior IO Iha ma.Ung. This allows lime for Iha Zoning Admlnlslrelot IO adequately consider lhe submitted correspondence. For questions regarding 11111 publ",c hearing 11am please contact Me~na Nova, Associate Plamer. al IM9-B44·3249 or mnova@nfflKlrtbMrhm QQY. Project Fife No.: AcUvlty No.: PA2016-196 DA2008.001 Zona: PC47 (Newpon Beach CounllyCJub) Coulll Land UH Plan: MU.HIPR (Mfxed,Uso Horizontal/Parks & RocreoUon) Location: 1602 Eaol Coast Highway General Plan, MIJ. H3/PR (Ml><ed,Uae HorizonlaVParka & Recteatlon) FILING DATE: oacember 11. 2018 Applicant: Goll Really Fund, 0 Hill ProperUea 6141964 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2