HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210128_Bulkhead Conditions_12-28-2020 P M A C O N S U L T I N G , I N C . CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 28161 Casitas Ct. PH. (714) 717-7542 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 e-mail: consulting@pma-bg.com December 28, 2020 Ms. Elizabeth Hanna Brandon Architects 151 Kalmus Drive Unit G-1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 BULKHEAD CONDITIONS REPORT John & Tina Devir; Applicant 508 Via Lido Nord City of Newport Beach, County of Orange PMA Job #36620 Dear Ms. Hanna, PMA Consulting, Inc. is pleased to provide this report in accordance with Section 21.30.15.E.3 of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. STATEMENT OF THE PREPARER’S QUALIFICATIONS Plamen Petrov, P.E., the preparer of this report, holds a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from University of Architecture, Structural Engineering & Geodesy of Sofia, Bulgaria, and is a Licensed Civil Engineer by the State of California Certificate No. C66947. For the last 20 years of his professional career, he has been actively involved in the design and entitlement of many Waterfront Developments such as custom homes, seawalls, piers, platforms, floating docks and marinas. A great number of Bulkhead Condition Reports prepared by him have been reviewed and accepted/approved by California Coastal Commission. All the above being said, Plamen Petrov, P.E. shall be considered a qualified preparer for the Bulkhead Conditions Report on this project. OBSERVATION A cursory observation of the existing seawall/bulkhead was conducted by a representative of our office on September 14, 2020. Observed was the visible/exposed portion of the waterfront face of the seawall. Due to the site conditions, tie-backs were not accessible, thus not observed. FINDINGS The concrete seawall was found in generally good condition, without noticeable evidence of distress. Some minor horizontal and diagonal cracks were observed, which is a typical condition all seawalls of this vintage in the area. 1PA2021-012 CONCLUSION Based on our site observation, we conclude that the existing seawall is required to protect the proposed principal structure on the lot. To be able to do so, the seawall shall be repaired/reinforced as reflected on the enclosed Drawings SW-0 thru SW-2. Once the seawall is reinforced in accordance with the enclosed drawings, no repair or replacement of the seawall shall be anticipated in the next 75. If during this period though, the seawall displays any sign of distress that requires immediate attention, it should be repaired or replaced at that time accordingly, without seaward encroachment from its current location. The above conclusion was prepared based on the existing conditions, proposed drawings, and within the inherent limitations of this study, in accordance with generally acceptable engineering principles and practices. We make no further warranty, either expressed or implied. PMA Consulting, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to work with you towards the successful completion of your project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please give us a call. Respectfully submitted, Plamen Petrov, P.E. Principal Enclosures: Seawall Drawings SW-0 thru SW-2 2PA2021-012 3C/J ~ 0 Ill 0 0 'II Ill 0 'ft :E g < i!" 0 i :::j -< I: > 'II ~~/29/202o REINFORCING THE EXISTING SEAWALL LOCATED AT: 1---36~6-20--, 508 VIA LIDO NORD OWNER/ APPLICANT JOHN & TINA DEVIR M.PETROVA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92883 508 VIA LIDO NORD 1---c,-ec-,~-'.P-ET_R_ov+-S-T_R_U_CT_U_R_A_L_G_E_N_E_RA-L-NO_T_E_S_&_V_IC-IN-ITY_M_A_P __ _, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ~ ~~~i~~;~i!~ ;~ ~~:~~~~ii ;;i,:, ii!~ ~~i;J !,I~ Z58 ~ ~m m~~ :; ~ ~;~~~~~ ~~~ l~~l~~~,l~l ~~h"'~~~;~; ·~ i ~';i" ~~;~~:~~;~~~~~~~~~~ ~;~ ~~~~~~i~~~~l~~~~f!~~~ ~1~111!ii~l~!~I!~!~ ~:~ llll~l~~l~;i11~11111~ ~ i ~~ I PMA Consulting, Ine." ConeuhingStruttundEogineen 28161ee.m..Ct.,LegunaNigud,CA9'1£,T7 Phone:(714)717-7542 EMe.ili P~PMA-BG.cmn " F~ ~~~~§~;~~~~~§;t~~~ i~!~:~:i~ ~::~~~~~:~~~~!~~~~:;;~~:ii~~~~ ~ Iii ~ ;~ ~{~~~~ ~~ ~~I~~~ . ' ~ ·~§ • ~~~~~H~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~((~~~I((~~~~~~ l~~ !:l~Si;Si;~~"'rSi;Si;Si;Si;Si;c"s;; ~!,1!1; < ~cP•• ~' <§. ~ :,a ; F~ Pl r! ~~ ~ Pi ~ f!l en -I ::D C: 0 -I C: ::D :I> r-G) m z m ::D :I> r-z 0 -I m en PA2021-012 4CD C ~ I ~ Cl m ~ 0 z < CJ) ~ ..... Cl I J ~i: ~~ ft,~ ~ ii~ fj~ aJ ~1.:: ~i~ en =. m .,, i; z 0 z m :e .., 0 ,, -I Ill > < 12/29/2020 REINFORCING THE EXISTING SEAWALL LOCATED AT: 1-----36~6-20---, 508 VIA LIDO NORD ~8 1\~ I I I I I I I I I -------"'-----------_______________ N29'(){J()()'E 105.00' --~~ ~o 0~ ~d ~ OWNER/ APPLICANT JOHN & TINA DEVIR 1-.. i1'I ~-"l~l~i~:.~,~"-.~~'~'~:~.!: 111~• ~ II ii !! 1---,,-,~-K·;-, E_TR_O_VA-+-N_E_WP_O_R_T_B_E_A_C_H,_C_A_9_2_66_3 ________ _, ~~;;~~~~E:6~~ CA 92663 P.PETROV SITE PLAN & ELEVATION 1Hlbl1:r,,iu,-ld._l.-1'1'111u,\i"'""l,l~\•r_,,,-l'l,.,,.,,(7H)71'.'-7~..+l l',,\l,,il:l'.l',"'"''(1'11\•IW:.,, • ., < ;; ... 6 0 z 0 ,, 0 PA2021-012 5(J) EPOXY COATEO CONT16EAFACE #4EPOXYCOATEDTIETYP NOlE: B FOR INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, SEE OETAILEB (2)EPOXYCOATEDl5EA WAY~ 1'-6" LONGO EACH ANCHOR ROD DEADMEN ELEVATION ~~~k~~~l~\IE}EJ~PLER r) ~t~TE ciiRTOUJiN~~N~ ON f0~!fl£lF::f~Et~~~~~~'fsil[~~E BARE ENDS Of 2· fi~ltifE~i ~:ro E~l C~LE~E H~~r~~· J~i~/~~ 1: ~g~~o~~l~~!T1iiE~~~if0fo F;;.Rlf~AR AND COUPLER AND WRAP WITH TWO LAYERS Of DENSO TAPE 5.CENTERHEATSHRINKSLEEVEO\IERCOUPLERANDAPPLY HEATUNTILSLEE\IEISFULLYRECO\IERED. 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