HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140703_ApplicationPlanning Permit Application Community Development Department -Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone (949)644-3229 Fax www.newportbeachca.gov 1. Check Permits Requested: o Approval-In-Concept -AIC /I 0 Limited Term Pe rmit -o Coastal Residential Development 0 Seasonal 0 < 90 day 0 >90 days o Condominium Conversion 0 Modification Permit o Comprehensive Sign Program 0 Off-Site Parking Agreement ~:Staff Approval DTract Map o Traffic Study o Use Permit -DMinor D Conditional o Development Agreement 0 Planned Community Development Plan o Amendment to existing Use Permit o Development Plan 0 Planned Development Permit o Variance o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Site Development Review -0 Major 0 Minor o Amendment -O Code OPC OGP OLCP o Lot Merger 0 Parcel Map o Other: 2. Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) 128'0/ W. Co-csrl/t~&tv;(J ? J ;aU)~;-!5eACh LZ-b62 1 3. Project Description and Justificatfo/1 (Atta~h ~dditional 'eetSJf necessar¥):~Xm ~ Sec.. IO~S: FV6W\ 0 11\ 0\.0 "'..., 7 . e'l.o "c Re,...,ov"/ ;.c:~J.;!,'F-'>r-.-/:l ' F~ e;"$7i'h) OFF,u--A-e~ Ahcr P/-<J~ 1"'k11'Y1 Sms /A::l:-.-/':$ A6T/7/(7( ;7i'o»J / S 9~ $<, Fr. n rvbl/c.. iO"'Cof 1d fl/ew ~.!.7;(}(;v¥I'}'1 j-" 4 . Applicant Name 1 Q P Is l a wi; Y\j I LL c: Mailing Address l;2.g 0 I LJ, eM <; + J± 1..1 'i Suite/Unit 1 27() City I6Jc'")poct (Set<ch 1 State 1 !l 1 zip lq;2/.,t,3 Phone 19 L/-q -&1 () -'UQQ] Fax L.I ___ --'I Email 1 e\ 10@k,,¥,"".,eMff '('0 .... 5. Contact Name 1 Ch4y!es, 11/';;; ek~ 1 1 1 1 1 Mailing Address I/zo7{}s7l'v; Ave, :1v;.,-e C Suite/Unit 1 {' ---1 ew I/T~J()~ 1 State 1 e 14 I,/J2J 9f?1/1 Fax l 1 Email IL ;<w£e£-s 1 Zip 19266:5 ] &J rVM6V. c;h 6. ownerName J..:~~~~====~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~=; ________ -r==========~ Suite/Unit 1 b( 7() -I ~~~~~~~~~~---r==~~~ City ~===t~~======~r====~Stiate 1 ~,q 1 Zip 1 9 :2.1., fc 1 1LV1~{"IO-'11.00 '---___ --'1 Email l-e\(o@lbyv;e.Jrrn~.c.DM 1 7. Property Owner's Affidavit': (I) ( e) + _____________________ --' depose and say that (I ) (we ar the ner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application . (I) (We) further certify, under penalty rjury, t t the regoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted a t tr and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s) itle: a LJ tv L r\ Date a'7 6;Z I if DO/MOIYEAR Signature(s): _________ ---jL.. _____________ Title: Date: *May be signed by the lessee or b an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owne s)' signature for ParcelfTract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. \\cnb.lcl\dala\Users\COD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Application _ Guidelines\Planning Pe rm it Ap P I icatio n. d OCX Updated 07110113_Fields PA2014-112 Planning Permit Application Community Development Department -Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newpo rt Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone (949)644-3229 Fax www.newportbeachca.gov 1. Check Permits Requested: ~:Staff Approval DTract Map o Traffic Study o Use Permit -DMinor D Condilional o Amendment to existing Use Permit o Variance o Amendment -DCod. DpC DGP DLCP o Other: 4. Applicant Name I\QP/s l ow!\Y\JI LLC. I Mailing Address 1 J(g a I LJ, COlt <; + H Ld , Suite/Unit 1 7fJ I City 1 b.) '.Jpoct (S etLch I State I ell I Zip 1 ::2U '3 I Phone § L/Cj ~ &/0 -2,100 I Fax I I Email I e\ io &\;'.'(,0('" eM ff ' ""''' I 5. Contact Name I Ch4'vle.s e/,n; ek-I/-G I Mailing Address 1120 7Os7l~,/A/le, gv;.,-e C Suite/Unit 1 c-I City ew vTZal<Jch I State 1 e 14 I Zip 1926 6 .:? I Phone 1 I,/JZJ Cff?1} I Fax l I Email ILAV£e£-S &dl-'lJM6V .C,;h 6. ownerName lG:s Lc.nJ~·nw~l.C 7:o.cy Qv::mp(l Mailing Address ~S3'J I LJ. .c.?X!.c, t tI:: Suite/Unit I ,Q 7() City ~==~~====~~---;===~State I C!. fI I Zip I q:2 t; fa 1L/q~bIO-'11.00 Fax L...I ____ .....J1 Email l<e\(o@Pb"'y v;evJrrn~.c..¢M 7. Property Owner's Affidavit*: (I) ( e) + _____________________ --' depose and say that (I ) (we ar the ner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application . (I) (We) further certify, under penalty rjury, t t the regoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted a t tr and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): itle: 0 iJ tv L r\ Date a? 6;Z I t.f DD/MOIYEAR Signature(s): _____ --j'--_______ Title: Date: *May be signed by the lessee or b an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owne s)' signature for ParcelfTract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized . \\cnb.lcl\data\Users\COD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Application_ Guidelines\Planning Perm it Ap P I icatio n. d OCX Updated 07110113_Fields FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Planning Activity History: APN No: ~4q \~t ()] Date Filed: ~~~'b-\j Council District No.: -3 Fee Pd: \ '\) ~ .~~ , General Plan Designation: ~~-W1-Form of Payment: 0 Credit Card Zoning District: VI \\-\tt\. ~ Check Check No.: ~~S Coasta l Zone: @J Yes ONo Iii 2700-5000 Account Environmental Review: 0 Yes ONo Deposit Accl. No. - Priority Project: 0 Yes O No Receipt No: ~~~~~'\\~N\t\l Community Association(s): ~~i\,MX) \\~~ 'i\\~\'M~~ \~~~'('\ \\~~~t. -\ Development No: ~I\!l\~_ t~~() Project No: ~\\~\I.\, -\\' ~ Activi ty No: ~ 1\ 'V~\~ -'\) \ c:; , \ OPlanning Commission Meeting O Zoning Administrator Hearing O Community Development Director ACTION: 0 Approved o Denied o Tabled: ACTION DATE o CONTINUED TO: Continued Date(s) OPlanning Commission OZoning Administrator O Community Development Director ACTION: 0 Approved o Denied o Tabled: ACTION DATE APPEALED: Appeal Received (Date): Appealed to: OCity Council O Planning Commission OOther: Meeting Date of Appeal: APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Remarks: Action: 0 Approved 0 Denied 0 Other Withd rawal Received (Date): F :\Users\COD\Shared\Admin\Planning_ Division\Applicalions\Office Use 0 II I y. d 0 ex Updated 07108/13 PA2014-112 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Planning Activity History: APN No: ~~q \~t D] Date Filed: ~~~'b~\j Council District No.: -3 Fee Pd: \ ~ ~. \\'\:) , General Plan Designation: ~~-W1-Form of Payment: D Credit Card Zoning District: V\\\-'tt).. G Check Check No.: ~~S Coastal Zone: @J Yes DNo Iii 2700-5000 Account Enviro nm ental Review: DYes DNo Depos it Acc!. No. - Priority Project: D Yes DNo Receipt No: ~~~~~"\\\iV\t\l Community Association(s): ~~~\,MXS \\~~ \\\~\'M'f,~ \~~~'0.\ ~~~t. -\ Development No: 1~\~-t1~0 Project No: ~\\'i\l\1\ -\\' v Activity No: ~I\'v~\~-~\C; , \ DPlanning Commission Meeting DZoning Administrator Hearing DCommunity Development Director ACTION: D Approved D Denied D Tabled: ACTION DATE D CONTINUED TO: Continued Date(s) DPlanning Commission DZoning Administrator DCommunity Development Director ACTI ON: D Approved D Denied D Tabled: ACTION DATE APPEALED: Appea l Received (Date): Appealed to: DCity Co un cil DPlanning Com mi ss ion D Other: Meeting Date of Appeal: APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Remarks: Action: D Approved D Denied D Other Withdrawal Received (Date): F:\Users\COD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Appticalions\Office Use Ollly.docx Updated 07/08/13