HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180227_Proof of Publicationitos Angeles mimes MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN u,,, on TuHday, February 27, 2018, -tt J:30 p,m, 01 soon l;ht1u fter ~~ 1hf rn,u,, ~all bt hHrd, a pullllC nea1in9 wfll bt colKlucte-0 in 1he Co1ori.1 di:I Mar ConferM~ Room {Bay E· ht Floo,) at 100 Ci¥1c Ctfllei Dm·e, ~!wpDfl 8ud1. fht Zonmq Admlnlnralor or lht (1ty of Ntwpo/1 Bmh w1U cons1aer1he fcUowing apphat1on: Guida Reslden,e • A consul dt'ltlopmt111 pt1m1i 10 alklw tht demol1t1on of an o:lmng two-mry, il1SS8-sq1.1~re-foot, smgle·farri1ty 1e1tden,e anc comt,uctlon of a new l\•11Htocy, 6,786-1quare--foo1. slnglt-famlly m1dtnce with rwo uuu:t.1d 1wo-u1 g1ugH. Tht projtct llidudes lar.dscape, ha,d~cape, and subsurfact drama~e faclttties all \',ithln the confioo of pri',,Ue p,operry. The s11e il prote-£ted by an l'nUJng p1h•ate bulkhe.1d rha1 hH bHn lmpM"ted, Ii tn gen,,auy good ccndttlM, ilid will bf relnf'OtCed in <onjunction wnh 1he p1oposed conmucriOI\. The design comp11es \\1th all applicable development 111ndaf'J1 ano no dt•11;niom11re r,quema, lhe pro;ect 15 ca1eqo11ca!ly exempt unde1 Sect100 IS30l, of 1h!! SWt WJA JC.11Jfornla Em11o,nmental Quality AcO Guldtllntt • CU\s l !New Construction or (OllYersion of Sman Strunu,u). All intt1e,1e1J p1u1iu nwy apptar and pment 1esc1mony 111 rt,ga1d to 1hts applkation. ff yott Chillenge this PfOJect in ccun, )'OU m.y be limited to ra111ng ooly thost" issues you raised at the pubhc hearing or m wrillen COfmpcndMce dthvfltd 10 the City, ar, or prlo, 10, tht pvb!1c hurmg. lhl' appllmlGn may be continued to a spectfi< future meeting date, and if !uch an acnon c,ccun, ~dditionat poblle not.ice of1h, con1rnuanet w~I not be provided. Admin1111a1rve protl'dum for appnli ail' p1ovtded in 1hf Ntwpon Btach Municlpil Codt Chaplff 21.64. fru art rtQvired 10 app,ial iny firul amon ein a {oastal Oenlopment ?e,mn ro rM P1.1nn1n9 Ccmmluion ~r C1ty (ouncd. 1ht p,ojtct Stte 11 loc.11ee1 w11/11n 1hr appHI aru of ,tie <castal zont; 1huefort, fln1I aCl1ot1 by 1he Cny ui appu.1~, ,1 Coastal Development PErmit may be appeal!d 10 the California Coaml Commission. P1lo1 to lbt publlc htarlng, 1bt agMda, staff rtpon, and dOOJmtnh wdl bt avi1liblt by tnd cf b415inw dar on tht Friday preceding 1he public heuting, ana may be r!vlev;ed at 1he Community Otvtlopmtnl O,p,anmtnt Pf1m11 Cl'n1fl (Bay C-ht floor!, ,H 100 Civ;c Ctnttt OHVt, Ntwpoit 8Hch. (afrfo1n14, CA 92660 tr it 1ht City of ~'fwpon Beach web.me a1 \vww.r:enpormuu.ca.qi:n/ranr.g!(!n11r11muor. IMiv1duah not able to atttnd tht mutmg may con1;ic1 tht Pl,1nning Olvr\lDn or ,acctts tM City's v:ebsl1e afm the meetfl".g to review thtactlll<'1 on th11 ippl1carivn. fo, qun1ion1 reg,rdmg !his public htaran.g rtem please <OnliJCl L1'lnt Sthuller, Contract Planr,er, .n 949-644.)237. lsdiulft1§:'nEWpo1tbeaUl<a.9Gv. Project FIie No.: P,2017,2)9 Zone: R-1 tS1n9t,-Un11 Reudenoal) Coastal Land Use Plan: RSO- ( {Singlr,Unn ResKf1n111! Ot1o1chtd ... 10.0, \9.9 OUIACJ Location: 501 Via lido SCi.td Activity No.: (OlOJl- lOl General Plan: RS-0 (5'ngle-UnltResld,nlial Dt1c1chrd) FILING DATE: Novembfr 14,2017 Applicant: 811ndor, l.rchltem 5457727 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 PA2017-239 itos Angeles mimes ME DI A GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on Jan 14, 1938, Cases A6214 for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 14, 2018 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 5457727 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 PA2017-239 ios Anaclcs mimes MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN we on Tuesday, February 27, 2018, at 3:JO p.m. 01 won m,,.,fter ,n 1h• mamu Yt,111 bt heard, ii putlllc heafi09 wtU be col\Cucted h'i the (0100a d:t Mar Ccnferer.ce Room {Bayt-ht floo,) at 100 (l'tlc Center Dnve, ~ewpoo Buch. Tht Zonlnq Admlnht1a101 or tht Cr1;i of Ntwpon Buch will consider the ~lov,ing apphm1on: Guida Residence • ,._ coaual dh'tlopmehl pttmit 10 allow tht dtrnoi1tion cf an udning two-mry, 4,5SS-squ,ne•fD(lt, RT1gle-farn1ly reudence ano conmuctlon of a new I\VO·Hory, 6.786-1quare-foot, slng!e,famlly rH1dtnce with rwo nui<ttd 1wo-m g11agM. The pr<>Jt>CI Includes laodmp,, h,rdmp,, and wbsurlace dralnag, facll~lll ,11 \',1lhln the rnnfloo of prl'i'ate property. The Sile 15 prot&ted by an exnrmg pit,ate bulkhead that h.u bun lmperted, h 1n getttrally good condltiGn, •nd wtll bf relnf'Orctd In <onJ1mcnon wnh the proposed coruuucrion. The design compties w11h all appUcab!e C!evelopmer.t mnd111d1 ana no de'llations ,ut 1,quema, The pro;ect is cal!gomally e1temp1 tJnd" ~<UM 15303, of the Statt WlA IC.ihfornla Envl!or.mental Quality Ac1) Guid,llnts • O.m l lNew (onstfuctlo" or Coovmion ofSma!t StruCTu1e1). All 1n1e1e11ed p;u111~ nwy appu1 •nd !)ffll'lit tts1Jn1ony In JN]atd lo thts applicahOn. tf yov <hilllmge this projen in ccurl, )'OU m•y be limited to raismg ooly those issues you ratsed at the pubhc hearing 01 in w111ten couespendtnce dtlwt1MI tG the Ctty, a1, 01 prior to, lhe pt.!b/ic he,mng. The appllmwn miy b, continued to a ipeciftc future meeting dalf, and Jf such an action (l(CUIS, addnional publle notice oflhe conunuan,e wdl Mt be prowdt>d. Adm1nn1111uve procedures for .1p~als a" p1ovtded in the Ntwpo,t Btilch Muni<l~I Codr CtaptPt 21.64. reu illt' rtquirtd to appul any fin'11 a«J(ln lill a (aanal Oe\·ttopmem ?ermr1 10 tM Planning (cn1miulon ca Cily Councd. Tht p10JtC1 s1te I, lomea w11hi1t 1he appral aru of 1he coaml zonf; therefor,. fir.al action by {ht Cny to approve a Comal De\•elcpmem Permit may be appeal!d to the (alifomla Coastal Commhslon. P1lo1 to rh, public nu,1r1, 1ti, agtf\da, mH cepon, and dOC\lrnents will bt av111lablt by end cf ~sill!s.s day on the rrkiay pre<ellln9 the public hearlng. ano may be ,evlewed at the Community Otvelopment Oe~nmtnt Pt1mit Cenw (Bay C·lst rJoorl, it 100 Ctvtc Ctnrer Omt, Newp0f1 BH<h, (atrforni4, (A 92660 Gr 11 tht City of Newport Bea.::h website at \V\'.",Y.r,e\1pi,rtt>eactca.g3v/zonir.g!<!m11ust11tor. IMiv1d\Jall not able to antnd tht mu1111g m1y conuc1 tht Pi.nnmg Olvr\lon or acctss ttit City's ,·,tbslte afttr 1he meetimJ to review thtactiwr, on itli1 a~pl!urion. ro, question, regudm9 thfi pubhc hu ring 1ttm pleue «inlict L14nt Srhuller. (O/ltfilrt Plan er, at 949-64'-1231. tsCl'!ullH@newponbeachca.gov. Project File No.: PA2017•2J9 Zone: R-l lSingl!·Un11 Reudenlt!I) Coastal Land Use Plan: RIO. C !Single,Un Restdenttal Dt1.o1chtd - 10.0-\9.9 OlJ/ACJ Location: 501 Via lido St-0d Activity No.: (D/017- IOl General Plan: IY.l (Single·Unil Residl'nliAI D!tachpd) FILING DATE: ~ovember U,1017 Applicant: B,,ndor· Architem 5457727 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 PA2017-239 !tos Angeles mimes MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on June 19, 1952, Cases A24831 for the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 14, 2018 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 5457727 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 PA2017-239