HomeMy WebLinkAboutMASTER PLAN AMENDMENT # 25 COUNCILMEN CITY OF N9EWPORT BEACH MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING O 'o Place: Council Chambers 2 oo m�yo 0 13 Time: 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL s�v o Date: June 8, 1970 INDEX Present x x x x x x x Roll Call. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Motion x May 25, 1970 was waived, and said Minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. , HEARINGS: 1. Mayor Hirth opened the continued public hearings in Promon- connection with Master Plan Amendments No. 25 and tory the proposed closing up, vacation and abandonment of Bay a portion of Bayside Drive (Promontory Bay). Master Plan Amendment No. 25 proposed to amend the Master Street and Highway Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree I Road (Marine Avenue), and to close a section of existing Bayside Drive westerly of Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue). The public hearing in connection with the proposed Bayside Drive vac a fi on was held in,�accordance with Resolution No. 7163, being a resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring its intention to order the closing up, vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Bayside Drive. j y The following items were also considered in con- junction with the above public hearings: (a) Tentative Map for Tract 3867 (Promontory Bay), a subdivision of 24. 0± acres into 62 residential lots and Lot A reserved for waterway purposes, Lot B reserved for planted area, Lot C reserved I for common waterway access area, Lot D I reserved for parking and Marina facilities, Lot E 4 reserved for park site and Lot 63 reserved for commercial site. (b) Application for Use Permit 1466 requesting per- mission to develop residential area of single family dwelling units and supporting recreational facilities to include a yacht basin and marina (Promontory Bay). City Attorney Tully Seymour presented a report on the basis of severance damages to Balboa Yacht Basin property. , Volume-24 - Page 122 I t i , i Ii I i COUNCILMEN CITY OF NEWPOIRT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL ' �' ` June 8, 1970 INDEX David Kaylor, representing The Irvine Company, requested deletion of Planning Commission condition No. 5, which condition provided for a service road :in accordance with Section 19. 20. 050 of the Municipal Code. Planning Director Larry Wilson reported on revenues and cost estimates on various types of development on said property. Harry E. Westover, representing the Balboa Yacht Basin, spoke regarding possible future severance damages. Allen Beek requested that provision be made for a bicycle trail on Bayside Drive. Dee Cook opposed curb cuts which would allow backing up onto streets. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxx _ Motion x The following resolutions were adopted after the Ayes x x x x x reading of the resolutions was waived by unanimous Noes x consent of the Council: Abstain x Resolution No. 7187 adopting Amendment No. 25 R,7187 to the Master Street and Highway Plan; Resolution No. 7188 ordering the vacation, R-7188 closing up and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Bayside Drive; and the execution of an Indemnity Agreement was authorized between the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company whereby The Irvine Company agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City from any liability or damages arising out of the abandonment and relocation of Bayside Drive, with a maximum limitation of $50, 000 plus reimbursement to the City for any attorney's fees and court costs up to a maximum amount of $5, 000. Motion x The Tentative Map for Tract 3867 was adopted, Tr 3867 Ayes xxxxxxx subject to the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission except Condition 5, which provided for a service road, was deleted, and -subject to the' conditions that the Planning Department and Irvine Company work out details for a bicycle trail along Volume 24 - Page 123 COUNCILMEN CI?Y OF NEWPORT BETCH MINUTES S�?0 ti nP 00 9 A PN ROLL CALL June 8, 1970 INDEX Bayside Drive and that provision be made for adequate off-site signing for the Balboa Yacht Basin, and Use UP 1466 Permit No. 1466 was approved, subject to the con- ditions recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion x It was directed that the waterways be dedicated to Waterways Ayes xxxxxxx the City of Newport Beach with the stipulation that Dedication the bulkheads be behind the bulkhead lines. Z. Mayor Hirth opened the public hearing, pursuant to Le Salon Municipal Code Section 5. 40, in connection with De Trait- proposed revocation of business license No. 6395 ments issrj d to J. J. Van Oberermeer, doing business as Le i alon De Traitments, located at 2930 West Coast Hig�way. i Detective John Simons of the Newport Beach Police Department testified concerning certain allegations regarding criminal offenses involving prostitution activities at the subject premises. No one else desired to be heard. Business License No. 6395 issued to J. J. Van Motion Oberermeer, dba Le Salon De Traitments, located Ayes xxxxxxx at 2930 West 'Coast Highway, was revoked. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 1. Ordinance No. 1338, being, Parkway Trees AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADDING CHAPTER 13. 09 ENTITLED "PARKWAY TREES" TO TITLE 13 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, requiring trees to be planted in abutting parkways where new commercial or residential buildings are fconstructed or where commercial or residential r buildings are increased in size by 50% or more, was presented for second reading. Motion x Ordinance No. 1338 was adopted after the reading of Ayes x x x x x x x the ordinance was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. Volume 24 - Page 124, I • +lM+.y74��7a'�1 �lrr�rw'iw' WWAMS the kl+awtivg comiss on and the City GQUAOIX have hsrrscatars artaptsd a m4stsr P10A *hick Includox .as A unit thaveof ,a Nester «s°zVotat *ud Uighwwey k ltn# with revisions; and WXUAMO Utudica UY refs iisxrr.+i4 commission rraysal thKt 0LOCs the A&PtiOu 01 SAW Nester Strew~, &Ad 1" *y flan tbemk have boon ahw4ea in Conditions vw>ah UW100a that "Id rum shcould be Mundad to show now Olig"Onts, adaitio'now street now aorreativas utr+:t cussifl' Lion *hongaa; And , a"f the 44MAIng r:Owisrtiatx of tilts City of pswpart bsaab; after noti+t~+wa as uquUmd. by laiwt has. bail • public h"ting on the proposed Aftudroont and #tax rscarrsMAIded tit aAdoPtiOn CA: the SMA4esrus. ac> UW i*Astar 4"teu 444 HAY PLWi and 1 WAUS 1, tha CiV Couao,i i, ref Mr A0t1QW'As rrequlx*d by J.WS hu hold 4t putrl.aa bajkxJr4 att 04if� pCOpOM*(k s"n4"At t ald M* the C ,ty Oatatsii has 40-Urrrr3MkI thUt it 0 desitsble to soond said baiwtav $tract and XISh"y 21" *0 rsacommanded; II 0tl O Tmusu"t g)z IT asiv 1Vgo tttart,c the WXY "uai;Ll of the city of sewipo;cz Uw:s[cSt dces haraby �Ittcrpt A»tXdolrrrt go, 25 to the Nestor f►trsst 444 w4hw*y play ss Shove all a UOP uAtitiad Mkibit "A * *tta*had harcto aAd mdo a part has vOL& "S�&"tlua tlMrrearn tb&t X4yolde imiva barLwea u"g Qi sk". kX3ghfty" Au,4 JsTd2roroo ; . . Wad (*AA" As++r AUO) shOuLd bg rr+ 414uec; Wr4wrlY 09 ""song MWSUW Driver, 404 said armaustment #fie 'Atw4d to tug Qlq of Nswporct leach ,!fester.• # tarf..'et aucj Uj4k4dlty t'IAU* AWMI>s this of ���Q• ATl`JeAYI'i r+r fr���.O�TK+�.�«� yGX` rwwr�w.r�.rr.�w+ . {i'RSs J^2L-70 V RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ORDERING THE VACATION, CLOSING UP AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS BAYSIDE DRIVE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach did, on the 23rd day of March, 1970, pass its certain Resolution of Intention No. 7163, declaring its intention to order the vacation, closing up and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Bayside Drive, in the City of Newport Beach, hereinafter more particularly described, pursuant to and in accordance with the "Street Vacation Act of 1941, " and all amendments thereto, being Sections 8300 to 8331, inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Street Superintendent of the City of Newport Beach has caused to be posted conspicuously along the line of the portion of said street proposed to be vacated, not more than 300 feet apart, and not less than three in all, notices of the vacation of said portion of said street, all of which will more fully appear from the affidavit of Joseph T. Devlin, Street Superintendent of the City of Newport Beach, on file in these proceedings; and WHEREAS, said notices so posted by the Street Superin- tendent of the City of Newport Beach stated the passage of said Resolution of Intention No, 7163 aforesaid, and the time and place of the hearing of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of said portion of said street; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach did set Monday, May 25, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. of said day as the -1- 5/20/70 time, and the Council Chamber of the City Council of the City olf Newport Beach, as the place for the hearing of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of said portion of said street; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention No. 7163 aforesaid has been published at least once in the Newport Harbor Ensign, the official newspaper of the City, and said publication was made more than 15 days prior to the date set for the hearing of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation, all of which will more fully appear by the affidavit of Arvo E. Haapa, Printer and Publisher of the Newport Harbor Ensign, on file in these proceedings; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach has heard the evidence, both written and verbal, of all persons interested in the vacation of said portion of said street in this resolution more particularly hereinafter des- cribed, and finds from all the evidence submitted that said portion of said street described in said Resolution of Intention, and hereinafter described, is unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach finds and determines and hereby orders that the following described portion of that certain street known as Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach, to wit: Those portions of Block 94 of Irvine 's Subdivision as shown on a map thereof, recorded in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps, records of Orange County, California, described as follows : Parcel 1 BEGINNING at an angle point in the Southerly right- of-way line of Bayside Drive as conveyed to the County of Orange by deed recorded in .Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said Orange County, Calif- ornia, said point being a 1 1/2" iron pipe and nail as -2- shown on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through 19, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, South 84' 46 ' 33" East, 1242 .50 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description: thence continuing South 84° 46 ' 33" East along said Southerly right-of- way. line of Bayside Drive a distance of 716 .41 feet to the beginning of a nontangent• curve, concave Northeaster- ly, having a radius of 892 .00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears North 50 13' 2711 East; thence Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 23° 58 ' 52" an arc distance of 373.35 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 77 .00 feet Northerly of said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, a radial line from said point bears North 290 12 ' 19" East; thence North 840 46 ' 33" West along said parallel line a dis- tance of 303.46 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 55.00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears South 710 36 ' 48" West; thence Southerly and Westerly* along said curve, through a central angle of 113' 34.'. 41 ' an arc distance of 109.03 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this descrip- tion. Parcel 2 BEGINNING at an angle point in the Southerly right- of-way line of Bayside Drive "as conveyed to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said Orange County, California, said point being a 1 1/211 iron pipe and nail as shown on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through, 19, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, South 84° 46 ' 33" East, 1170.60 feet- thence leaving said Southerly right-of-way line North 53 13 ' 27" East, 69 .30 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description, said point being in a nontangent curve, concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a radial line at said point bears North 190 41' 1011 West, thence Northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 8° 59 ' 28", an arc distance of 15.69 feet; thence nontangent to said curve North 84 46 3311 West, 13.66 feet; thence South 50 13 ' 27" West, 7 .70 feet to the True Point of Beginning. is.unmecessary for present or prospective public street purposes, and that it be vacated, closed up and abandoned. The City Council further finds and determines, and it is 1m reby ordered, that the public easement in the portion of said street as heretofore described has, upon the passage of this resolution, ceased except that the City reserves and excepts from said vacation the permanent easement and right, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, -3- w replace, remove and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across said portion of said street so vacated and pursuant to any existing franchises or renewals thereof, or otherwise, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge lines of pipe, conduits, cables, wires, poles, and other convenient structures, equipment and fixtures for the operation of gas pipe lines, cable television, telegraph and telephone lines and the distribution of electric energy, water, and incidental purposes . The City Council FURTHER ORDERS that the City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach shall cause a certified copy of this Order, duly attested by her as the City Clerk, under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Orange, State of California, imme- diately following the passage of this resolution. " ADOPTED this '2� 5'th day of May, 1970. Mayor ATTESTS City Clerk THSomh 5/26/70 -4- City Council Meeting May 25 , 1970 Council Agenda, Numbers B-3 , B-49 F-30 F-4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH May, 22 , 1970 TO : City Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT : Promontory Bay Project Because of time intervals which have passed between meetings of the •. City Council at which the Promontory Bay project has been discussed , this report is presented to summarize recommendations which previously have been submitted. Detailed reports were forwarded by letters dated March 18, 1970 and April 27 , 1970. Members of the Council are requested to refer to these reports for additional information , including Planning Commission minutes and staff reports . The Irvine Company has concurred with most of the conditions of approval recommended by the Planning Commission . The principal remaining difference of opinion with these recommendations pertains to Item 5 of the Planning Commission recommendations on Tentative Map Number 3867 , that Section 19. 20. 050 of the Municipal Code not be waived. This section requires , "When the front of any lots abuts any major, primary or secondary street or highway , the subdivider shall be required to dedicate and improve a service road to provide ingress and egress to and from such lots ----- " The information submitted to the City Council -by letter dated March 18 , 1:970 includes a discussion of this subject. All parties agree that a four-lane street will have adequate capacity to handle anticipated traffic ; however, the Planning Commission and Planning Department staff believe that the residential environment would be impaired for those lots fronting directly on the realigned Bayside .Drive. Respec ully submitted,,/ LAU ENCE WILSON Planning Director r ATTACHMENTS : List of Attachments A. Report to City Council from Planning Department , April 23 , 1970 . B. Report to City Manager from Harbor and Tidelands Administrator, April 27 , 1970 C. Letter from Cedric A. White , Jr. , M.A. I . , April 14, 1970 D. Excerpt from Planning Commission minutes containing recommenda- tions on Master Plan Amendment Number 25 , February 19 , 1970 E. Excerpt from Planning Commission minutes containing recommenda- tions on Use Permit Application Number 1466 , February 19 , 1970 F. Excerpt from Planning Commission minutes contaiping recommenda- tions on Tentative Map of Tract Number 38679 March 5 , 1970 r. 1 City Council Meeting April 27 , . 1970 Council Agenda Number B-1 CITY OF NEWPORT- BEACH April 23 , 1970 TO: City .Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Promontory Bay Project Summary By letter dated March 18, 1970 a comprehensive re.♦grt was submitted' to the City Council , containing recommendations of the Planning Commission on the following three aspects of the Prgmontory- Bay pro- ject as submitted by the Irvine Company: 1 . Master Plan Amendment No . 25 Proposal to amend Master Street,and Highway Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) and also to close a section of existing Bayside Drive westerly , of Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue ) . 2. Use Permit Application No . 1466 Request to permit development of a residential area of single-family dwelling units , with supporting' commercial and recreational facilit1es , -to include a yacht basin and marina. 3 . Tentative Map Tract No . 3867 Request to permit subdivision of• 24. 0± acres into 62 single-family residential lots , and Lot "A"• reserved for waterway purposes , Lot "B" reserved for planted area , Lot "C"' reserved for common waterway access area , Lot "D" reserved for parking and marina facility , Lot "E" reserved for park site and Lot 63 reserved for commercial site. Consideration of• thesesubj,ects was continued by the City Council from• the meeting of March 23 , 1970 to the meeting of April 27 , 1970. Members of the Council are requested to refer to information pre- viously forwarded. In addition , the following supplementary actions have taken place since preparation of the earlier report. Action of Joint Harbor Committee and Harbor Commission The Joint Harbor Committee has discussed the Promontory Bay project r TO: City Council - 2 . ' at several meetings , and on April 14, 1970 voted to approve the Promontory Bay project in principle , subject to the following conditions : , 1 . The applicant must receive approval from the Corps of Engineers . 2 . The applicant must receive approval from the City of Newport Beach . 3 , The applicant must take precautions against creating excess turbidity, as outlined in State Resources letter of March 25 , 1970 . Later that day at its regular meeting , the Harbor Commission ratified the above. However, the Commissioners had some additional thoughts which they wanted to convey to you . First, it was felt that the ll± acres to be dredged should be dedicated to a public agency. Second , the Commissioners felt that if maintenance dredging of the area is necessitated because of storm damage or siltin 'frdm the adjacent, undeveloped uplands , that the cost- for such1 r. edging should be the responsibility ,of the developer. This was a •aoncern of the District staff in a memo 'to the Committee memb600 . ' The third concern was that , although engineers for the developer ,indicated that the project will have no erosion ei'fecGt On alboa Island, some level of responsibility should be ._pl4ced on„1:4 devel- oper in the event adverse conditions might prevail:. l The City is awaiting correspondence from the U . ' prior to submitting the application for-'a Harbor Oermi ,•:to the Council for its consideration . Status of Waterways The City Harbor and Tidelands Administrator; Public Wdr,ks Director and Planning Director have investigated questions in .dlved in the status of the- proposed waterway designated as Lot "C" on Tentative Map of Tract No. 3867 and jointly recommend that fee ownership of this waterway area be granted to the City of Newport Beach . This might involve certain future obligations for maintenance , but would clarify the responsibilities and powers of the City 4nd 'simplify administration and performance of municipal servicesa The Harbor and Tidelands Administrator is prepared to report furthdr on this subject. . Sewerage The City Public Works Director, City Engineer and Planning Director jointlyrecommend that new local sewer lines be desi ne so that: g d a , TO: City. Council - 3 . 1 . All existing sewer users can be served by the new lines . 2. The existing sanitation district trunk sewer can be abandoned and a 'surcharge condition in the sanitation district faci'litie's will not cause flood- ing of any homes . Respectfully submitted , - . Laurence Wilson . Planning Director. L'W: hh i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH­ o April 27, 1970 TO: City Manager FROM: Harbor & Tidelands Administrator SUBJECT: OWNERSHIP OF PRIVATELY CREATED WATERWAYS The proposed development of Promontory Bay again brings up consideration as to whether privately created waterways should remain in private ownership, be dedicated as public rights-of-way, or be granted to the City. The City Engineer and the Harbor & Tidelands Administrator visited Ventura to' obtain their opinions and also separately discussed the situation with Huntington Beach. These two cities have situations analogous to ours:. In Ventura, a private developer created waterways- leading into the public marina and further established single family, and multiple family residences bordering the waterways. The residents were formed into a community association. The waterways- were subsequently granted in fee to the City with a perpetual easement to the residents for pier purposes. The reasoning in requiring granting of fee ownership to' the City was based on their experience in private streets and they felt that the .association would, over a period of years, never give proper mainte- nance to the channel-ways and that ultimately. the City would inherit them when they were in poor condition and with high maintenance costs. The City now performs maintenance in these waterways, but assesses the water- front owners to cover the cost. In Huntington Beach, privately created waterways were also granted in fee, from bulkhead line to bulkhead line, with perpetual water easements for pier purposes. Huntington Beach cited the same reasons as Ventura as far as maintenance was concerned, but the City also felt .that they were greatly simplifying police problems. They had had experience in one small privately owned waterway where they were constantly responding to requests of the residents to chase public boaters away. The City is of the opinion that their harbor patrol has no right to enter the private waterways for enforcement purposes unless invited by the owner. ' On April 14 , the Orange County Harbor Commissioners expressed their opinion that the dredged area at Promontory Bay should be dedicated to a public agency. The rationale for their opinion was not included in the letter from the Harbor District to the City Manager, but the Harbor District Operations Officer states that they were influenced by maintenance and law enforcement considerations as outlined above. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the privately created waterways in the proposed Promontory Bay development should be granted in fee to the City for the following reasons: a. Maintenance : There should be little initial maintenance cost. However, The Irvine Company intends to sell the individual lots fronting 2 _ on the waterway so that there will be multiple ownership of the shoreline. Future maintenance problems could then involve a number of shoreline owners, plus a private owner of the waterway, plus the City and the Harbor. District. Future maintenance problems could best be handled in a coordin- ated approach by the City or Harbor District. In requiring granting of fee ownership, it should be taken from bulkhead line to bulkhead line with the bulkheads themselves being the responsibility of the abutting property owners as is the case in the' rest of the City. If necessary, conditions can be imposed upon The Irvine Company in- the harbor permit relative to external factors that might affect the lagoon such as, for instance, excess sedimentation from storm drains during upland development, or any possible adverse affect creation of the lagoon might have on adjacent public areas. b. Water Quality: it is possible that the lagoon could become a catch basin for debris entering from the main harbor in which case the City and the Harbor District could find themselves constantly harassed by the waterfront owners who would claim, "The debris came from public waters so you clean it out" . It would be better to have the responsibility in the first place. c. Law Enforcement: It is difficult for boaters, particularly , those who may visit the City from other areas, to determine who owns the land .underlying the water. A rash of calls from residents at Promontory , Bay could occur when other boats cruise around the lagoon, which they are sure to do. It would be better to have the waterways public in the first place. Further, the Harbor District believes their enforcement authority is questionable' in private waterways. d. Proliferation of Ownership: There are four different types of ownership of submerged lands in Newport Harbor. By requiring granting of fee ownership, the City would be taking a step towards eliminating one type of ownership. e. Future Contingencies : It is difficult tor forecast contin- gencies many years from now, therefore, the City would be retaining an option for the future if it owns the waterways. While granting of fee ownership is recommended, and present harbor permit pblicies' adequately protect shoreline owners insofar as pier rights are concerned, water easements for pier rights could also be reserved. Should the Council agree- in this recommendation, I suggest we draft a formal policy to this' effect for the Council P Manual. f r , G. M. DAWES GMD/db I CEDRIC A. WHITE, JR., M.A.I. ' REAL ESTATE APPRAISER E31 SOUTH HARBOR BOULEVARD • ANAHEIM,CALIFORNIA 921505 . (714) 774.Ob10- April 14f, 1970 Mr. James P. DeChaine I City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California , i ! RE: Economic Impact of Proposed � 1 Promontory Point Development Dear Mr. DeChaine : In accordance with your letter dated March 2 , 1970, I have studied the economic impact of the Irvine Company's Promontory Point deve- lopment on the Beacon Bay and Balboa Yacht Basin owned by the City i of Newport Beach. My study is concerned with the effect on market ' value. in addition, you have requested my thinking as to the im- pact on the lessees. II The property was inspected in your company on January 16 , 1970. A subsequent inspection occurred on April 6. As the result of these inspections , and consideration of factors pertinent to value, I I • have arrived at the following approximate conclusions : 1. The market value of the entire City-owned property 1. will not diminish, and probably will increase, by i reason of the proposed Promontory Point development, 2. The retail operators within the Balboa Yacht Basin ! will not be benefitted by the development, and may suffer a loss. These losses to the individual operators should be limited and will be due to I reduced drive-by trade. Furthermore, these. losses will be nominal, when compared to the substantial II benefits to the entire City-owned property ly reason of improved privacy and residential desir- ability. - I The property which I have considered in this analysis consists of the Balboa Yacht Basin W acres) and the •73 lots (one for recrea- tional use) in the 11.6-acre Beacon Bay complex. These properties ! are further identified. on the County Assessor Maps 50-21 and 50-22, These areas include fee-owned land comprising about half and tide- land whi h comprises the•other half. i Mr. James P. DeChaine April 14, 1970 Page 2 The highest and best use of the land is single-family residential or two-unit residential. The Yacht Basin- portion could remain in the present use, particularly considering that an exchange with the State could convert all of the Yacht Basin into tidelands, releasing all of the Beacon Bay lots to fee ownership. II In relation to the Promontory Point development, I have reviewed Study B of Tentative Tract 3867 which is proposed by the Irvine Company. While it will cul-de-sac Bayside Drive, it will improve the residential desirability of this location. If' there! are any additional questions , please don't 'hesitate to ask. Very truly yours, Cedric A. ' White, Jr. # M.A.I. CAW:mt II '!• ' ,.- r' , • ' • ' r�',l - it 'b .. - , COMMISSIONERS CITY OF .NEWPORT POACH ' ' February 19 ,' 1.970 Item 18 1ASTER PLA • Proposal to amend Master Street and Highway hiENDMENT Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between 10. 25 East Coast Highway. and - Jamboree Road (Marine . ; Avenue) . ; PPROVED . - Dave Kaylor, Irvine Company ; James Taylor, Irvine Company ; and -Robert Bein , engineer ; -: •i•:.;'. were present on this application . Due to -the ra. lateness of the meeting (approximately 12 : 00 'midnight) , Chairman Jakosky asked the appl'i- i cants ' feelings about holding the matter over for two weeks . -Mr. Taylor ' felt very strongly .',:.:' ,,`'• . ' that the matter must be heard inasmuch as it had been held over from the previous meeting and two more weeks ' delay. would cause undue expense and hardship. The meeting pro- •- , ';•,;; , " ceeded with. Mr. Kaylor answering questions of the Commission . Chairman Jakosky closed the public hearing but as discussion by the Com- mission became more involved , the hearing was reopened by motion of Commissioner Glass ,, ' seconded by, Commissioner Dosh , approved unani - mous I y After further discussion and closing of the public hearing, motion was made and passed that Master Plan Amendment No . 25 be approved subject to Staff recommendations : T. -' That the Bayside Shopping Center parking lot be • re,designed•; torthe satisfaction, • of the Planning Director, and construct-- ed concurrently with construction- of realigned Bayside Drive . 2. . That access 'requirements to the Sh'ark-" Motion' ; x Island- Yacht Club and the adjacent 7: '. Second "• X ' -apartments.- be restored to the 'satis Aye ;:. :: "x x X ,xx ' ' 'faction of .the Planning Director. . ` ;': '':,{ Nay"',*.;' _ ' •x 'CITY ,OF' NEWPORT 'I?il=/NCH COMMISSIONERS � February 1.9 , 1970 ,..; ,.• ; .� ° �� u+ t e m 19 SE PERMIT '.' . Request to permit: development of a residential" ' ' ' 0. 1466 area of single-family dwelling units , with supporting• commercial . and 'recreational faci - '` , PPROVED . lities , to include a' yacht basin and marina: . Location :- Portion of. Block 94 of Irvine' s ; :Subdivision located between , Pacific Coast Highway and Bayside , :Drive , west of Jamboree Road ..(proposed Promontory Bay)..` : Zone:• Unclassified, C-N-H a'nd R-3 Applicant: The Irvine Company , Newport 'Beach Owner: Same as applicant. Planning Director Wilson read the application • ' and Commissioner Glass asked if the applicant ; ' : ;'; ',:. .• "'.were agreeable to the condition's recommended in the Staff report . Mr. Taylor stated that.- t ` they were not in •agreement with Condition: No. 5'`,;•'";;: . _ regarding the requirement of a separate use permit for the proposed marine development ,... of Parcel 2 . After discussion , the Chairman:;: closed the public hearing and Commissioner.,.' Adkinson made a motion for approval of Use Permit 1466 with modified Staff recommenda- '• tions as , followi '1 That approval of Use Permit No. 1466 be subject to satisfactory demonstra- tion of the engineering feasibility of_ ,:.,. the proposed lagoon. design and issuance', : of a harbor permit. (See report to Joint Harbor Committee from City of Newport Beach Harbor and Tidelands Administrator attached. ) 2. That an amendment to the Master Street':,' :" • and Highway Plan is, approved. 3. That Parcel No. 3 and Parcel No. 4 be approved in principle only 'and- be subject to a separate use permit for , ;• , '.` each of the ,two parcels . 4. 'The• Irvine Company will undertake to :rezone Parcel No. 9 to' single-family residential and Pa.r,cel No . 1 , to ' include any designated channel cut , . to an unclas*ified district . 6: Parcel No. -2 'subject to approval of.. Motion. , x Planning Director; however, Planning • '.' ' Second x ' Commission does not waive any part o.f:• ' Abstain' x - the parking requirements of. the .parcel .; ., Ayes;,"•, 4 . 1 x ' 'x x IT.,O^•j rlSulrp i 5 r` t , n•'•� ' • r ' I T Itfl,llar'�r.liil111(Ili n,j ,•1 , •-'•ram .r 1 f ilr9,,,,�''1,11 1 t, � I', r ; , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS } Minutes of: Adjourned Meeting of Planning •Commissi•onw Date : March 5 , 1970 N N v� Time : 8:00 P. M. s P Place : Council Chambers Item 1 . -- TENTATIVE' Request to permit subdivision of 24. Ot acres, ::i:;.:' •• MAP TRACT into 62 residential lots ; and Lot "All - reserved.- NO. 3867 for waterway purposes , Lot "B" reserved for . planted area , Lot "C" reserved for common 'water APPROVED way access A.rea, Lot "D" , reserved ' for parking ` and marina facility , Lot "E" reserved for park; ' site and . Lot 63 reserved for commercial site': . : : " Location : Portion of • Block 94 of Irvine ' s I Subdivision located between Pacifi '—Coast Highway and Bayside Drive ,, west'. of Jamboree Road ( Promontory:: ' Bay) Zone : 4 , Unclassified , C-N-H -and 'R-3 E, Applicant : The Irvine Company ;- Newport Beach.. Owner : Same as applicant. , Planning Director Wilson presented the applica- tion to the Commission , with Associate Planner ,'''.; r; i`: ;•'_,; Nuzum pointing out the location of the various items on the wall map. Mention was made of the ; fact that" at the Planning Commission 'meeting of +:"';" February 19 , •1970 ,• Master Plan Amendment 25 and , ' ;;;'.,=, '-I',, , Use Permit 1466 , both pertaini-ng to . this • same location , were heard and approved by the Planr, ning Commission . Mr. Jack Raub and Mr. Bob Bein of Raub , Bein , Frost & Assoc. were present; also Mr. Dave Kayl r ? and Mr. . Jim Taylor of the Irvine Company. Chaff .-. man Jakosky expressed concern regarding the wi;d 1h.'":: ' ',,`_ '.' of -the entrance channel into Promontory Bay, an this was• discussed.' Also discussed were' the :''';-`.."`:.:`.'• progress of other agencies involved (such as ' the Corps of ''Engineers •and Harbor Department) ,. " the status of the frontage road , the matter of `:; :?.'• ' ' grading of the cliff and .the entrance roads 'to :;' , • the mesa . The Irvine representatives expressed : •:' ,;., -. •• disagreement with Con ditions '5 and 19• of •the ' Staff, report which were then reviewed . Commissioner Watson moved that .Tentative Map Tr F.t• ','°; ; No. 3867 be_:approved ,subject to .,Staff. condition as follow: " . . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS ; O ? o N March 5 , 1970 1 . That final 'approval be subject to the - approval of Use Permit 1466 and the conditions thereto .. , 2 .. '" That final' approval of the subdivision ' •' be subject ' to approval 'of an appropriate. ' :;i .f;...• " revision to the Master PI-an of •Streets r ' -and Highways . . (Public hearings required )':.'• ,';: 3.` ' That final approval of 'the subdi'visi'on be subject .to the abandonment of certain existing public rights-of-way as contem- plated and ,to satisfactory arrangements , ''. : `•;':;. -being made for dedication and improvemen of 'the new rights-of-way 'required. (Pub I ic, , hearing required. ) ; 4. That final approval of the subdivision b ,"..-,'' ' subject to` satisfactory arrangements • be- ing made to relocate existing. facilities of the .Orange' County Sanitation District and of other affected utilities . 5 . That Section 19.20 . 050 of the Municipal Code requiring a service road not be : waived , and that the 'cross' section for realigned Bayside Drive shall be in ance with Alternate "C" of the attached drawings . ' ' ."r'`'- 6. That access to Lots 27 through 34 , 42 ' through 44 (and unless a frontage road '„•; is provided all parcels along realigne Bayside Drive ) ,, be provided by means of drives located on common lot -lines , each drive serving two parcels ; and that ade- quate turnaround' -areas be provided so that vehicles need not back into the str et•;;?; it„- Cross easements or non-barrier agreement ; -',;.,`; + : satisfactory to the City Attorney shall e• provided so as- to guarantee perpetuation of the access, arrangement. 7. That 'unless a frontage road is provided , . '. the right-of-way width of real.igned Bay- side Drive be at least 86 ' and the curb- , to-curb width Pbe at least 701 . This cro s " section will provide for 4 travel lanes , .2 eight foot wide . g w parkways , a 121wide , ', • .,. median left turning lane an•d an 8 wide • � •. •„ • parking lane 'on the southerly side .. ' (Alternate '"B"� •oh,' the attached drawings .• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS ' p March 5 , 1970 ' .,8. That' the new cul -de-sac be located entir ly on the developer' s 'land . R., That the design of the new intersections of• realigned Bayside Drive with existing Bayside Drive be subject to review and ';s•'•..,'. : approval by the City . ' 10. ' That all improvements be' constructed as required by ordinance - and the Public Works Department . , . '; • 1l .' That the ' boundary of the final tract• may be checked by the County Surveyor before being submitted to the City, for approval 12 . . That all grading be in accordance with grading plans and reports approved by th Public Works Director and a 'qualified Soils Engineer. Upon completion of the grading , the Civil Engineer and the Soil Engineer shall certify that the grading has been completed in accordance with th plans , the soils report and the grading ordinance . Reproducible copies of the plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Public Works Department •13. That the connecting street southeasterly of Lot "B" be' 52 ' in width between exter or'; ;• curbs An order 'to provide for a 20 ' . ente 'ing roadway , an 8' median and a '24' exit . ing roadway. ' 14. That all driveways be a minimum of 20 ' i length from the property line to ensu're •. y'• no parking will b'e i'n the public right-o -way': , 15:. The portion of Lot "E" not included• in t e public right-of-way , resulting from the closing of Bayside Drive ,• be dedicated t the City , .'and the existing right-of-way of Bayside Drive west of the proposed waterway be. retained under public contro 1.6. ,..A length .of tangent be provided between he • two reversing curves at the east en'd of he development adjacent to the -existing , B,ay J.de:: , : Shopping ' Cemter CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH..`,' COMMISSIONERS March 5 , 1970 17:.•,` Parkway -trees be' installed on all public I _ rights-of-way in accordance- with Parks , Beaches and Recreation Department .speci .f cations . -Appropriate 'landscaping be installed on , -: .,, ,, , - i all s-lopes and vacant spaces resulting .from this ' deve1•opment. .•,;:;, 19:: A setback plan allowing for a variation - of front and rear setback lines be submi - ted to the Planning Director for approva 20. ' ' That there be no City financial obligati ns •.- " connected with construction of ,realigned Bay,side Drive . ` 21 . .• That realigned Bayside Drive be c'onstruc ed ! to its full width in 'connection with ' the :-developmeryt.-of, Tract. 3867.. Motion x Second,.:' x 'Aye '. x x x x x x - Nay - -- - - x r ` City Council Meeting April 27 , . 1970 Council Agenda Number B-1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH April 23 , 1970 TO: City ,Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Promontory Bay Project Summary By letter dated March 18, 1970 a comprehensive rep`grt was submitted to the City Council , containing recommendations of i;he Planning Commission on the following three aspects of the Prgmontory Bay pro- ject as submitted by the Irvine Company: 1 . Master Plan Amendment No . 25 Proposal to amend Master Street and Highway Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue ) and also to close a section of existing Bayside Drive westerly of Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) . 2 . Use Permit Application No. 1466 Request to permit development of a residential area of single-family dwelling units , with supporting commercial and recreational facilities , to include a yacht basin and marina. 3 . Tentative Map Tract No. 3867 Request to permit subdivision cif- 24 .0± acres into 62 single-family residential lots , and Lot "A" reserved for waterway purposes , Lot "B" reserved for planted area , Lot "C" reserved for common waterway access area , Lot "D" reserved for parking and marina facility, Lot "E" reserved for park site and Lot 63 reserved for commercial site. Consideration of, these subjects was continued by the City Council from the meeting of March 23 , 1970 to the meeting of April 27 , 1970 . Members of the Council are requested to refer to information pre- viously forwarded . In addition , the following supplementary actions have taken place since preparation of the earlier report. Action of Joint Harbor Committee and Harbor Commission The Joint Harbor Committee has discussed the Promontory Bay project T0: City Council - 2 . at several meetings , and on April 14, 1970 voted to approve the Promontory Bay project in principle , subject to the• following conditions : 1 . The applicant must receive approval from the Corps of Engineers . 2 . The applicant must receive approval from the City of Newport Beach . 3 . The applicant must take precautions against creating excess turbidity, as outlined in State Resources letter of March 25 , 1970 . Later that day at its regular meeting , the Harbor Commission ratified the above. However, the Commissioners had some additional thoughts which they wanted to convey to you . First , it was felt that the ll ± acres to be dredged should be dedicated to a public agency. Second, the Commissioners felt that if maintenance dredging of the area is necessitated because of storm damage or siltin from the adjacent , undeveloped uplands , that the cost for such Ir. edging should be the responsibility of the developer. This was a •concern of the District staff in a memo to the Committee memb6rs(. ' The third concern was that, although engineers for the developer indicated that the project will have no erosion effect ,On alboa Island , some level of responsibility should be pldc_gd on t `� devel - oper in the event adverse conditions might prevail.- revail. , The City is awaiting correspondence from the U . S. Cor�� of. Engineers prior to submitting the application for a Harbor OerMi �• to the Council for its consideration . Status of Waterways The City Harbor and Tidelands Administrator, Publicr,ks ,birector , and Planning Director have investigated' questions int�¢l•ve4 in the status of the proposed waterway designated as Lot "C'F on Tentative Map of Tract No. 3867 and jointly recommend that fee ownership of this waterway area be granted to the City of Newport Beach . This might involve certain future obligations for maintenance , but would clarify the responsibilities and powers of the City dnd ,simplify administration and performance of municipal services The Harbor and Tidelands Administrator is prepared tq report further on this subject . Sewerage The City Public Works Director , City Engineer and Planning Director jointly recommend that new local sewer lines be designed so that: �V l TO: City Council - 3 . 1 . All existing sewer users can be served by the new lines . 2 . The existing sanitation district trunk sewer can be abandoned and a surcharge condition in the sanitation district facilities will not cause flood- ing of any homes . Respectfully submitted , Laurence Wilson Planning Director LW: hh Council Meeting Date March 23 , 1970 Council Agenda Numbers G-5 , G,6 & G-7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH March 18 , 1970 TO : City Council FROM : Planning Commission SUBJECT : Promontory Bay Project Summary At the meetings on February 5 , February 19 and March 5 , 1970 , the Planning Commission considered the following three aspects of the Promontory Bay Development Project as submitted by the Irvine Company : 1 . Master Plan Amendment No. 25 Proposal to amend Master Street and Highway Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) and also to close a section of existing Bayside Drive westerly of Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) . 2. Use Permit Application No . 1466 Request to permit development of a residential area of single-family dwelling units , with sup- porting commercial and recreational facilities , to include a yacht basin and marina . 3 . Tentative Map Tract No . 3867 Request to permit subdivision of 24 .Ot acres into 62 single-family residential lots , and Lot "A" reserved for waterway purposes , Lot "B" reserved for planted area , Lot "C" reserved for common waterway access area , Lot "D" reserved for parking and marina facility , Lot "E" reserved for park site and Lot 63 reserved for commercial site . LOCATION : Portion of Block 94 of Irvine ' s Subdivision located between Pacific Coast Highway and Bayside Drive , west of Jamboree Road (proposed Promontory Bay) . ZONE : Uncldssified , C-N-H and R-3 APPLICANT/ OWNER: The Irvine Company , Newport Beach TO : City Council - 2 . The Commission arrived at specific conclusions and recommenda- tions to the City Council on each of these related matters as further detailed in the following sections of this report . Recommendation If desired , the following actions appropriately could be taken by the City Council on March 23 , 1970 : 1 . Receive report of the Planning Commission regarding Master Plan Amendment No . 25 ; set the date of April 13 , 1970 , for City Council public hearing to consider this proposed Master Plan Amendment . 2 . Receive report of the Planning Commission regarding Use Permit No . 1466 ; continue this matter to the City Council meeting of April 13 , 1970 . 3 . Receive report of the Planning Commission regarding Tentative Map Tract No . 3867 ; continue this matter to the City Council meeting of April 13 , 1970 . 4 . Set the date of April 13 , 1970 , for City Council public hearing to consider request by the Irvine Company for vacation of a portion of the right-of- way of existing Bayside Drive at the location where it would be interrupted by the proposed waterway. Respectfu ly submitted , LAVRENCE WILSON Planning Director LW/kk *TY OF NEWPORT BEA( Conn 9issiorvERs * to,71C S1February 19 , 1970 u� > >£N'" � Zone : "P-C" Applicant: Donald L . Bren Company , Sherman Oaks Ow r: The Irvine Company , Newport Beach Plannin Director Wilson discussed this appli - cation an the Chairman asked for comments . Robert Bein , engineer for the developer, was prepared to di lay the map which was pres t- ed at the Parks , eaches & Recreation Co is- sion meeting and w • ch was well receivX by them. This applicati . involved th B&R Commission because it i adjacent o a pro- posed park , and the City unci previously had specified that the ques • n of public or private status of this par mu be resolved prior to recording of fi 1 sub • ision maps in this portion of th pper Harbo View Hills Community . After discussi Planning Director Wilso stated that did not anticipate any prob- lems , and mmissioner Brown made a motion NN for appr al subject to the completion of re- maini applicable conditions of approval as est lished for Tentative Map of Tract 6938. o that recommendation be made to the City ouncil that the proposed park adjacent to IN th,e westerly boundary of Tract 7028 be de- Motion x signed and developed in such a way to be Second x acceptable as a part of the City park system Abstain in Newport Beach . Ayes x x x x x Item 18 MASTER PLAN Proposal to amend Master Street and Highway NDMENT Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine samoomw� Avenue ) . APPROVED Dave Kaylor , Irvine Company ; James Taylor, Irvine Company ; and Robert Bein , engineer ; were present on this application . Due to -the lateness of the meeting (approximately 12 : 00 midnight) , Chairman Jakosky asked the appli - cants ' feelings about holding the matter over for two weeks . Mr. Taylor felt very strongly that the matter must be heard inasmuch as Page 10. PITY OF NEWPORT BEAR COMMISSIONERS N N N N p N c1 February 19 , 1970 it had been held over from the previous meeting and two more weeks ' delay would cause undue expense and hardship . The meeting pro- ceeded with Mr. Kaylor answering questions of the Commission . Chairman Jakosky closed the public hearing but as discussion by the Com- mission became more involved , the hearing was reopened by motion of Commissioner Glass , seconded by Commissioner Dosh , approved unani - mously . After further discussion and closing of the public hearing , motion was made and passed that Master Plan Amendment No . 25 be approved subject to Staff recommendations : 1 . That the Bayside Shopping Center parking lot be redesigned to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, and construct- ed concurrently with construction of realigned Bayside Drive . 2 . That access requirements to the Shark Motion x Island Yacht Club and the adjacent Second x apartments be restored to the satis- Aye x x x xx faction of the Planning Director. Nay x Item 19 USE PERMIT Request to permit development of a residential N0. 1466 area of single-family dwelling units , with supporting commercial and recreational faci - APPROVED lities , to include a yacht basin and marina. Location : Portion of Block 94 of Irvine ' s Subdivision located between Pacific Coast Highway and Bayside Drive , west of Jamboree Road (proposed Promontory Bay) . Zone: Unclassified , C-N-H and R-3 Applicant: The Irvine Company , Newport Beach Owner: Same as applicant. Planning Director Wilson read the application and Commissioner Glass asked if the applicant were agreeable to the conditions recommended in the Staff report . Mr. Taylor stated that they were not in agreement with Condition No . 5 Page 11 . ~ OTY OF NEWPORT BEAR �OMMy1SSIONERS O y J S S N N N.N Oiy W J � O S 0 7 N S February 19, 1970 regarding the requirement of a separate use permit for the proposed marine development of Parcel 2 . After discussion , the Chairman closed the public hearing and Commissioner Adkinson made a motion for approval of Use Permit 1466 with modified Staff recommenda- tions as follow: 1 . That approval of Use Permit No. 1466 be subject to satisfactory demonstra- tion of the engineering feasibility of the proposed lagoon design and issuance of a harbor permit. (See report to Joint Harbor Committee from City of Newport Beach Harbor and Tidelands Administrator attached. ) 2. That an amendment to the Master Street and Highway Plan is approved. 3. That Parcel No . 3 and Parcel No. 4 be approved in principle only and be subject to a separate use permit for each of the two parcels . 4. The Irvine Company will undertake to rezone Parcel No. 9 to single-family residential and Parcel No . 1 , to include any designated channel cut , to an unclassified district. 5 . Parcel No. 2 subject to approval of- Motion. x Planning Director; however, Planning Second x Commission does not waive any part of Abstain x the parking requirements of the parcel . Ayes x x x x x Item . 20 TENTATIVE Request to permit subdivision of 24. 0± acres MAP TRACT into 62 residential lots , and Lot "A" re- do. 3861., served for waterway purposes , Lot "B" re- served for plahte:d axe.a., Lot, ".C" r•ese.rued. C0T. TNUED. for common waterway access area , Lot " D" UNTIL *MA4( reserved for parking and marina facility , Lot "E" reserved for park site and Lot 63 reserved for commercial site . Location : Portion of Block 94 of Irvine ' s Subdivision located between Pacific Coast Highway and Bay- side Drive , west of Jamboree Road (Promontory Bay ) . Page 12 . ` ItTY OF NEWPORT BEA* COMMISSIONERS 6 O0 -� February 19 , 1970 0 3 Zone : Unclassified , C-N-H and R-3 Applicant : The Irvine Company , Newport Beach Owner: Same as applicant . Mr. James Taylor, representing the Irvine Company , asked that the Planning Commission hold this application over until the next Commission meeting (March 5 , 1970 ) because of the late hour (approaching 2 :00 A. M. ) . Chairman Jdkosky recommended such action Motion x and suggested that Staff place this matter Second x as Item 1 on the next agenda. All Ayes *********************** On motion of Commissioner Brown , seconded by Commissioner Adkinson , and carried , the meeting was adjourned . Don R. Adkinson , Secretary Planning Commission Page 13. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ATTORNEY Department TO: City Clark DATE: March lid„ 1970 FROM: City Attorney SUBJECT : (1) sesolution adopt ia� a wwp s a Patton of a cortain shoat kno a as ltysi�da 1�rirra which is praposcd to be vacated, albgad ups " allW d (2) Resolution 4401aring its Antonti a► to order tho closing up vacation and aft of a portiagi f a amain atrest JT= as in Transmitted are copies of tha Abe" pvoposod rsaolutimw ;for "ontation to the Council at the wwtb*i a with tboe Moomtorl >Iay Prortdi< lMrah hard in coons a City Attorney us"& Att. oat City F? ri:i� r running Vivocrar P"lia Works Diaeoatar !1 , ANJ AUA"14,W* 46'ia 4 k()4Xh t,P A CZAM4 'the clt:y Gou: "L tuff. the clty'vg New*,,=4 Uschl, p ar"s6aa nu to tb4 Pr:avis11co r o "ta xies t, a t: t:rr + : « 11141v" and salt awndlw a%s "TION I ,rtx Prx4I1): intcrts+i; *ad CoC'iva Alerwe raquire tha uluo tus, up Alttd *UwJv' rt 04 as i+araw of a cor ca irk knolm au )$Oyslav, juxk4t. ill ay. City of bsawpart beaaAl to oricr the LallawivS 4,ts4erlbod, parl4f' a OZ t41.6 satroct irk tits i�vlrry cat kkwPc:rt waah. Co4utCy o tiiraA a, Z4aatc icl Wiforaisr► to bit vacutL"j ulosasd up atr4 aMb4wL-md� 0 47lUs TbQoo ia4x"Ue rah S1tvk 94 ct U4rl.nuO2 WbU'LviiUm as Own on 44 u4p tucreog, rgcQr44,,d ia'r lsOL.k. Is paze 66 of 944,..x4 43taps o tr:Oxjs su Gra.`%4 cQus, q, CalifkZrAla„ agsiulba4A as 1411was at ail ar,,&l* point lu the Southerly ri,&ht- ok'-waty Ul w vjl A*ys,ide "rive its k:taWyaad to tires 40u41::y of Crrrut�a by degQ rL40rr4kta in Aock 030t ire 217 gar OEfi.�lx41 ReCords# »"'.b'.`.Qr,;A Vi; said (.r4UTAW raRQX`ktYa 4ialifor4a34, ufaW isol a.'t Uv.Wg ia, 1 1/2 a .Y.rL`n PIPe and r oil aa4 airmm Qn a rap of 'Trstws h`M. 4J)3= *4:;rt)ad laa 444" Isax pages 13 %aww$14 190 :#.44M Uvlvo„ VI: MlsCOL144eou* &*no ;rsctrds of Isud cat;v%e 404nxy, G iiis jai a; thelt4e ataos aaJ41 SsyUthdrly right-of-WAy tine xrl Snayslde i)r iv * South 84 40 33" r astx 124Z.W :Ck9lr L. 41st �Zfue ievirtt $o o1 IAU tlpial -ut ` 31 sta 4; g p dhzrlyy r&rUf- wxy liras ug itray$Ija* lrisre # di.artauQe vt 716* 41 I"tet; ;-v ckw beegiluxi4 c4 Q4 aC's 4.'i a r; s' rZ% d4nk E4Q"1 sSavv haX'ius a Y;AwlUO (di 4`t2go'j Ucts a 3:adiol Ure Julrz m ;R414 beginnix% bears K6&U% ;A* 13' 27 ti tbcr.,=:."i .Hord tvxts rly axaanl� �aaa3�d uG+aa,� vx�r ti ax erxtraal* it of 23" 541 5V aa>n saw 31sta nat 49 37�* r tia at to �t lvz at 21ne parallel with owd 7'7*00r fear. �rthtrlY V� $444 S0141'Ardy rlaho-aaf-_ Ji wady be of lis�rairda» �� � a rraadiol, x've rrow "*Ad voi t bearx borth gg 121 1911 r A st; Vhwmm North 440 ,461 33 , Wear alcoog said VaXaUej line ar► distAnce of 303.46 iaer to thea WgUalog of aat 1�tvtaN ,Ant curve* concaavet Wa+sto rly', laviu& * VA41us of Z 13 goof 0 A Xa�uil St LIM f e Mail bay invitg bears St1 t4 71 30, 4V �7eat; tiva nce Uouthorrilr An Watsterly Along sald cam, theoaagh a at tzal angle , 113" 341 W, mA are: adistatM& UR IQ9* E3 fCOZ sa the TIMA Mid 9, 4hN. blw a t'ab onglo point iv'a tixe SQUtherly right- at-way line of asysido orivre At 4onvoyed to the couaaty of mcawas cords of laird lamp cou tyl I14 1a ssaidl ;paint being a 1 IM; itIn pipe *Ad v 411, sWvaat on aof Tta 4r~ No, 4,.dp3„ T940 44 in Awk 160v l+a9aai 13 tWsa� 19, Inalusiva„ pf Miscellaneous X#paa, xaaco dx of said 4rarnge County W o=i.aa; thence 4O Sold U0vthaazly right-04,0way j a Zsyside dri,vevsQ zth V 46 33 14st, lI 0.60 ftea. thanzo lc,4v b* saaka ;aouthor ly right ark-z+ay linen N,,rth 3� 131 27" f':aat# 69*34 itat to that gut L'oa OU of isaginuing ug. thio CA03o S tinny, raai,d poiUt baaing In aa, " moutaaarygaazzr» turrms c:c a��avd' i�nrt�avae aataarly, haaving, a radiusa+f i00*00 f6at* i r'ad7" line at SAW point beaa4x is VWa 19* 40 107, Wcaat thov.44 Wor Lbtantorrly along SAW o»urrvaa:. ahrougt ,ea ctnuvai aaczglaa rrk U" 59* xb"`„ an aarre OistaaY>vR Of 15.69 faat; ti 4ns *a mut", C"t to said ati;f►�vrea wrth fie461 33`" Wast,, 13^66 ;UCWj thkZce South Y"' 13 27 ' W44t, 7,70 foa t to t W T1`4aA kvInt sin; Bgxluon3ang« All that vorz yza t*f said *treat to be v AUaaz44* alosed UP MW abandoned ink ra.nlculy ohown on m, z"ran W approv%"4 � ^*Vtod by thae City Ccaunxil of the zesty vfWkvpovt $vuh for Said waesaatia>ua, closiox up an4aDaremownts by asoluti-oh NO* „.....*,�,„ "tid X",zh 23" 100 vahioh Said p is on 9110 In than OflUt 0-9 the city CIO* of chc City cf rkwPoxt Asaeho, "faare um is haraoby as" to said asap for furthat partictilAX4 as to the laxax*arad ve"tivnj* 010bi.lig up Ana a baaft4onmot U *aaid. yCr4ion, of said strsaatfA and said map in jiAdo a part 04 th s resaxitation by th10 Tefaar'e A4* to the sae* raatvut a rd puoose as U it walla iavcaXParwtad 119014 '4 in full. 4 w�N I� i �►a xx za p c sdlc s far thi wIosjzj; 4P god a�+Mader m rat of tm aa44X0%Ata rom an of said street: sty bu awd taken,, Oxid U% CII;Y !: 1W v"�. I Of rAW City Of NOWW g ►a'+ ig4h k1*awiUy Quats to P40440a w4cv t1w.. provloiona cif Ott "SUV aL V048tlan Aat of 1541v" mW all a A**nt* rrt*# bOL4& 540kiOnS 000 tau 034 inalvsfvr'v t7rf 4F►M 5tre*ts ,avil V;- jtawatys Coda of tbo $ta za of a3nliforafa« 4�I Tbctr* t Sapar3rt+tradakzt: of tbR city apt; Newport leach shol,l �4uuwu to W 4un.0pl,=ua4y posted xUA& ;kw luw � of tba portion of slid strsat" propuse4i'w 'vvAted x:or, mova thon 300 fwsat,aq A Ct, but 004 Us* tIW4, xlaress $A' 411A hOtict*s Of UW vocation of said portion of said stme4w 4410 Xiotices $buull state the pass%* of tttU t"oluatn Of lutdatt`on And taw tiff and place of the b"rirS of All, psa~sCUS J .atera,atzad :Vo gar. ota 60tittX to tM proposed vaustion of SAW portion of said strost, Said INCtIC00 OWL be so posted air. least t*a 4sys taeloa;t the dare of 0414 h"ris*s, sl.l, an requilma by lwolh SECTION 4o =�im LC 1MV44 ► SI V4u thAt thu City CO W1411 at th* City of lg'wpGru ucaoh 40*� hertUy fix Kmdays the » 44y of IV04 azt ,t"ac3', hour of 700 p,mo Of ssid dalk is the tAouzcOU C40Mb4Xft Caf the City Of ktaaapart y4cuh*' loxat*d in the City Mail, or, the CIS€ of Nouporu �a.:xzh# as the t~:fm and plsuaa for beariag TALI paCacsons inttarasted ixz car objaatxlr19 W the proposed vawti,m of ,xaaid purtlou Of .said straea:, and the CRlty Counoil at said eisra stcd place. will boar the *vidotwe offarod by Aby person Interested in the va tlon or. *mod portion of W+d street herain- Wore desari Kdo UCTION S. 714 j ilcasoiution Of 'lnt*atl0ft Sbsll be pub - lishsd at least a<atoa is t4u tafficiatl. xaamsrpopa:r of the Cityp And avid puW,,.ar,4AOYA OU411 b* %i4ot baforo the 44te, W S'Or the U i % { A IXSr MY MOM e4w A RLSCiU)TION OF TRZ cXITY CCllNGM or al% op i. o11 =AM a�'Tlt* A XW S804M A tog 0 A Ole AU SaTUL OClSeiS[ AS SAYSIOZ Dt �0iSI+D yid 71 Y.�SDa �55 UP MJ A6"IZU hags pr Sentat to t W-.Y co'U' XI U of th+a City of Xevport Aasar4h ax arrtaixi MW 413tia;l0d "A30 MW OF A POUION Or li YSIOZ DPAUP" baiap, City of 1kwpart baa ah vubuiz Wvxk—x D*paxtt nt 1*4wiar g )kc p t/W-5177-L, darted $Aral% 2^(), 1970, mhowin& a portion of "y'sides Drive In the City 'Or 1Owpttt avach u4ich; taut city is izousidering va►"tius, clalixig up &ICA. 0*XWo-AiT4i And ch 'iaiction is vo r+a Thm portii a s of,aloj;k 94 of Irvixx0m SabdIVISi.csn *a ashom on 0 "V s hOVQQf, 9e,:03:04 fit boom ,L,. .piN, 4 Of �iecral.lancc�a$ »tcl � �s, �'C%GKi�� �� �zaa �atinty�i Califaxuirt, slatsrxaciE�ad As coli'Oval INNU4 At an angle p61att in the Southerly" r.,S4t-01- Way 1100 of SAYAi+l41 DrAvVO 48 COMOy44 tca Chi. CO ty 09 WMVP by daa«d zscoiNeu in book 030i ##ga Z1.7 of o fieiAl Ucordox naarda of 6"d bra%u "=- 1.if+xxy:3as, atad aint. Doing a 1 1/2" iron yaipv and jtaail as mjwwn on a4 map of Tract W, 4003, r+ecardod lig ACQI� labs p as 13 th=4h 19* i"lusi"s of Mts4as41ancous V►pdaw =c ,Vua of sold tOrmw* ComtYs Cwaliira; +ias1 ti xca aticaa�$ eniai tat rly tet*of,-vay- Tina; of Fsyaidan 4,ari.'wa, �uuth 54" 461 33 ' kustg4�.�4 facet to the Tow ,point of saSi i�l# of this d,Rs;caript ap; thencc aonti%mlia& South 54' 40 33 ` ust ajang oasid Southerly right of-way luaanuof baysldt, Drive a410%; t4a of 116*41 feat to ba tamp ba�a ra i a� t6k i3 �4 .atatl t1 sa6aat ttoacthr�reitattrly" atlOs aasir3t +:rzr�re, tcs'► i anal au 3csz .�3' Spa 3 'I. am asz; dirty rc: tM to as ts nC in as 7.irtrs lsaxaall+ai vith aunt 1I eo 14rt 1 a t rX1* of araair rly a h bear ray ' ti.aa caf Salrasi.ds. l�ri.vDy a �suiaal. l.i f � sad pvixtt bras r . • a North 0* 121 15e1 Wit` #:csastwe Wrt".a W' 46* 33 W*xt alo saelw Parsual. 1. Aa 411s4 a of W3,46 'feet: to the bogivarU of ra mmtllC ent m4rve ' :4VA rive wo starlyt iw,4 :a rAdju* of 3h uo foot* � %'�1s�W line J:r4m; satO b�sga.VVIVa agars $Qutb 71x 361 " Wont; tbAndw Southerly and W40t*rrly alcas said s:tsmjs throu&h a utntrrxI augl+a vZ 113' 34' 41", aun aka 'istm" of 09*03 Aot to tbo 'True folut of S+egiriaing, of this ddscrript Out beL OWIWf at atn angle point iu thkv Southerly right:-a,f- way Um aaf MAyastae driver 'as conva yod 0 the County Uf orat %# by deed >+a;ordod, lts AWAI. 830% pagan 217 of official 1 at�rgYc1M�, rat'trr4s of SAW Giaasgq County t:atl.l,foral a, said paint b*IUS a1112 ' 'i-ron, vivo aald nail as shown an as of Trro at Not 40030 x*ao rded t,sx gook 188, pft*as 13 throust rip, iuAluxive, oz, liis44011eutstaurs kup s, xaaord s art• *al.## craraasagat iCountl►, " forni4t .tHa n,44 along said Southerly a; c-saf�wsarsy lIn t of 14yside iativ*# South 84* 40 33`' Brit$ t�.tr feed 1 thwaacae leaving said Southerly right-of-waxy ILA* Worth 5" 431 27 Sa *t, 9*3U feet to the 'Trues kayintr Ot gimim L* thIs aauY.:ripxiatz, said point beug iu a i outang it carrgC, v 1.'ltVta �rctrtt> reKaerl a 'hen' Ing, ^ rmii,ua i? it14.QR faeast, a radial linen at; val.4 pa►lns: ,bes*rs North 1.9 Gila loll Wgmt; tht'nze tYGrrtaaausstasa<ly &ion# said curve tarough a contrral wigle ok- V 594 Zb'', an arry Oistamet of 15.69 foot:l Ow me e r`aorntur%Qnt. to, uatld "urtvo North 40 461 33 ' WoUt 13.66 ;levt; �bAm;a Iovuth �5 131 awl" 'A st, 7.7a foot, to 3e xj=et JiMt of 13tginxtitz. approved Anj *Optt3, And the City Cl* k LO or dar'aaaO and diretarted to than tht same,, in txxe proarlt+edings for the asbandorownt of said pardon of raid aRlrk t� , "Ma this !;�Vj day 09 &tdjja,.127A* ys�ar AMSTt C7 O � t Planning Commeion Meeting Feb . 19 , 1970 Items No . 18 , 19 & 20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 13 , 1970 TO: Planning Commission FROM : Planning Department SUBJECT: Master Plan Amendment No . 25 ( Item 18) Proposal to amend Master Street and Highway Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) and also to close a section of existing Bayside Drive west- erly of Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue ) . Use Permit Application No . 1466 ( Item 19) Request to permit development of a residential area of single family dwelling units , with support- ing commercial and recreational facilities , to in- clude a yacht basin and marina. Tentative Map Tract No . 3867 ( Item 20 ) Request to permit subdivision of 24. 0± acres into 6-2. residential lots , and Lot "A" reserved for waterway purposes , Lot "B" reserved for planted area , Lot "C" reserved for common waterway access area, Lot "D" reserved for parking and marina facility, Lot "E" reserved for park site and Lot 63 reserved for commercial site . LOCATION : Portion of- Block 94 of Irvine ' s Subdivision located between Pacific Coast Highway and Bayside Drive , west of Jamboree Road (proposed Promontory Bay) . ZONE : Unclassified , C-N-H and R-3 APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Background Use Permit No. 1466 was continued from the meeting of January 15 , 1970 at the request of staff and the Irvine Company. Subsequently the Plan- ning Commission continued Master Plan Amendment No . 25 , Use Permit No . 1466 , and Tentative Map Tract No. 3867 at the meeting of February 5 , 1970 . The staff report previously prepared for the meeting of February 5 , 1970 is still pertinent and should be reviewed concurrently With this report. TO: Planning Commission - 2 . Master Plan Amendment No , 25 This application requests approval to realign Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road , and to close a section of existing Bayside Drive westerly of Jamboree Road . Approval of this application would require that the information presented show to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission that the amendment to the Master Street and Highway Plan as con- templated would not have a detrimental effect on adjacent pro- perties , the neighborhood , or the community. The proposed amendment could have the following benefits : 1 . The new alignment would be more direct than the existing alignment . 2. An existing sharp curve would be eliminated . 3 . Direct access to the arterial street would be eliminated from approximately 12 homes having garages so located as to require backing onto the street . 4 . An existing poor intersection connecting Harbor Island Road to the arterial street would be greatly improved . 5 . The easterly entrance to Beacon Bay could be opened and made usable. 6 . Access to any future development north of the proposed realignment could be taken directly from Bayside Drive . The proposed amendment could raise the following questions : 1 . The operators of businesses located on the Balboa Yacht Basin property (land leased from City of Newport Beach ) believe they could be adversely affected by the lower traffic volumes on existing Bayside Drive . 2 . The proposed realignment would necessitate re- designing a portion of the Bayside Shopping Center parking lot. 3 . A portion of the apartments along the south side of Bayside Drive adjacent to the Shark Island Yacht Club would not have direct access to the proposed realigned Bayside Drive. It is the opinion of staff that Bayside Drive would more efficiently V _ • • TO : Planning Commission - 3„ serve the community in the capacity of a secondary highway in the proposed realigned location . Staff, therefore , recommends ap- proval of this application subject to the following conditions : 1 . That the Bayside Shopping Center parking lot be redesigned to the satisfaction of the Planning Director , and constructed concurrently with con- struction of realigned Bayside Drive. 2 . That access requirements to the Shark Island Yacht Club and the adjacent apartments be restored to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Use Permit Application No. 1466 This application requests approval of the general land use concept of parcels 1 , 2 , 30 4 and 9 as shown on the proposed land use plan submitted by the Irvine Company. Approval of this application would require that the proposed use of these parcels would be com- patible with and not detrimental to the ordinary maintenance , devel - opment and redevelopment of the surrounding area as determined by the Planning Commission . It is the opinion of Staff that the lagoon and surrounding single family residential development would be compatible with the gen- eral character of the surrounding area and the Newport Tomorrow Goals Report which stresses a harbor related environment . It is also the feeling of Staff that commercial uses of Parcels #2 , 3 and 4 could be compatible with the surrounding land uses . However, more detailed information regarding these parcels would be desirable , and they are not subject to further review if un- conditionally approved under this use permit. It is the opinion of Staff that the proposed Promontory Bay Devel - opment concept would be an asset to the community over alternative traditional developments . Staff, therefore , recommends approval of Use Permit No. 1466 subject to the following conditions : 1 . That approval of Use Permit No. 1466 be subject to satisfactory demonstration of the engineering feasibility of the proposed lagoon design and issuance of a harbor permit. (See report to Joint Harbor Committee from City of Newport Beach Harbor and Tidelands Administrator attached. ) 2 . That an amendment to the Master Street and Highway Plan is approved. TO: Planning Commission - 4, 3. That Parcel No . 4 be approved in principal only , and be subject to a separate use permit. 4 . That final plans for the relocation of the Shark Island Yacht Club on Parcel No. 3 be subject to approval of the Planning Director. 5 , That Parcel No. 2 (parking and marina facility) be approved in principal only , and be subject to a separate use permit. Tentative Map Tract No . 3867 This application requests approval of the Tentative Tract Map for Lots 1 through 63 and Lots "A" through "E" as shown on- the tenta- tive map which coincides with Parcels 1 , 2 , 4 and 9 as shown on the Land Use Plan for Use Permit No. 1466 . A detailed description of the development characteristics was in- cluded in the Staff report of February 5 , 1970 , and will not be repeated in this report. However, there are other important matters yet to be resolved . Section 19 . 20 . 050 of the Municipal Code requires - "when the front of any lots abuts any major , primary or se��cond��ar,�� street or high- way ; the subdivider shall be required to e�dicafe and i'mprove a service road to provide ingress or egress to and from such lots The Irvine Company has asked a waiver of this requirement stating the following reasons : 1 , Traffic studies presented by consultants for the Irvine Company indicate a potential reduction in average daily traffic on Bayside Drive to 6 ,500 vehicles from the present flow of 13 ,000 to 16 ,000 vehicles . This is based on anticipated diversion of traffic following completion of the Pacific Coast Freeway. 2. The Irvine Company proposes driveways along realigned Bayside Drive with adequate turn- around areas provided so that vehicles need not back into the street. 3. The Irvine Company states that their studies indicate that a service road will not provide a more desirable environment or enhance the marketability of the lots in this proposed development . 4. Reduction of existing curb cuts now taking access onto Bayside Drive from 18 to 12 or 17 to 11 . TO : Planning Commission - 5 . The Planning Department believes a waiver of the service road requirement should be denied for the following reasons : 1 . The Staff agrees that there could be a diversion of traffic when the freeway is completed and that Bayside Drive could function with driveway accesses . However , Bayside Drive is classified as a secondary highway with a 45 m. p. h . speed limit. Even if present traffic volumes should be reduced , at these speeds it would not be desirable to front single family residences on Bayside Drive . Furthermore , due to minimum lot area and maximum building coverage , driveways fronting on this street will be one of the main areas for children to play. 2 . Due to minimum front yard setbacks and traffic volumes , environmental qualities are jeopardized by fumes and noise levels . A frontage road would provide additional separation . 3. It will be a minimum of eight years until the freeway will be opened for traffic . 4. In the location of the previously approved turnaround type drives , Bayside Drive is not serving in the capacity of a secondary highway. With a parking lane to Bayside Drive which could possibly limit sight distances and the increased speed limit , the turnaround type driveway is less desirable in this location . Environmental values represent the essentially intangible , un- quantifiable essence of a community ' s character and meaning. The Planning Department believes that these values should not be compromised. Staff has previously noted the minimum setbacks as shown on the tentative map are within the minimum requirements of- applicable ordinances . However, front yard setback lines may be determined by the Planning Commission in accordance with Section 19 . 20 . 110 (c) of the Municipal Code . Staff believes that strict conformance to minimum provisions of the ordinance could produce a very static and sterile environment, both from land and water. Staff suggests that the Irvine Company file a setback plan as a part of this application allowing for variation of front and rear setback lines . Staff recommends approval of Tentative Map Tract No. 3867 subject to the following conditions : 1 . That final approval be subject to the approval of Use Permit 1466 and the conditions thereto . TO : Planning Commission - 6. 2. That final approval of the subdivision be subject to approval of an appropriate revision to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways . (Public hearings required. ) 3. That final approval of the subdivision be subject to the abandonment of certain existing public rights-of-way as contemplated and to satisfactory arrangements being made for dedication and im- provement of the new rights-of-way required. (Public hearing required. ) 4. That final approval of the subdivision be subject to satisfactory arrangements being made to re- locate existing facilities of the Orange County Sanitation District and of other affected utilities . 5 . That Section 19 . 20 . 050 of the Municipal Code re- quiring a service road not be waived , and that the cross section for realigned Bayside Drive shall be in accordance with Alternate "C" of the attached drawings . 6. That access to Lots 27 through 34, 42 through 44 (and unless a frontage road is provided - all parcels along realigned Bayside Drive ) , be pro- vided by means of drives located on common lot lines , each drive serving two parcels ; and that adequate turnaround areas be provided so that vehicles need not back into the street. Cross easements or non-barrier agreements satisfactory to the City Attorney shall be provided so as to guarantee perpetuation of the access arrangement . 7. That unless a frontage road is provided , the right-of-way width of realigned Bayside Drive be at least 86 feet and the curb-to-curb width be at least 70 feet. This cross section will provide for 4 travel lanes , 2 eight foot wide parkways , a twelve foot wide median left turning lane and an eight foot wide parking lane on the southerly side . (Alternate " B" on the attached drawings . ) 8. That the new cul -de-sac be located entirely on the developer ' s land. 9. That the design of the new intersections of re- aligned Bayside Drive with existing Bayside Drive be subject to review and approval by the City . TO : Planning Commission - 7. 10. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 11 . That the boundary of the final tract may be checked by the County Surveyor before being sub- mitted to the City for approval . 12 . That all grading be in accordance with grading plans and reports approved by the Public Works Director and a qualified Soils Engineer. Upon completion of the 'grading the Civil Engineer and the Soils Engineer shall certify that the grading has been completed in accordance with the plans , the soils report and the grading ordinance . Reproducible copies of the plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Public Works Department . 13. That the connecting street southeasterly of Lot "B" be 52 feet in width between exterior curbs in order to provide for a twenty foot entering roadway , an eight foot median and a twenty-four foot exiting roadway. 14. That all driveways be a minimum of twenty feet in length from the property line to ensure no parking will be in the public right-of-way. 15. The portion of Lot " E" not included in the public right-of-way , resulting from the closing of Bayside Drive , be dedicated to the City , and the existing right-of-way of Bayside Drive west of the proposed waterway be retained under public control . 16. A length of tangent be provided between the two reversing curves at the east end of the develop- ment adjacent to the existing Bayside Shopping Center. 17. Parkway trees be installed on all public rights- of-ways in accordance with Parks , Beaches and Recreation Department specifications . 18. Appropriate landscaping be installed on all slopes and vacant spaces resulting from this development. 19. A setback plan allowing for a variation of front and rear setback lines be submitted to the Planning Director for approval . ---- TO : Planning Commission - & 20 . That there be no City financial obligations connected with construction of realigned Bayside Drive. 21 . That realigned Bayside Drive be constructed to its full width in connection with the develop- ment of Tract 3867. RODNEY L . GUNN Assistant Planner RLG/kk Attachments : Report to Joint Harbor Committee from Harbor Administrator Typical Cross Sections Land Use Plan �TY OF NEWPORT BEACO COMMISSIONERS Minutes of: , Adjourned Meeting of Planning Commission Date : March 5 , 1970 Time : 8:00 P. M. 7Z N Place : Council Chambers ROLL CALL• Commissioners Present: x x 'x ,x x xx EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS ; Present: ; Laurence Wilson , Planning ;Director. Dennis O' Neil , Asst . Ci'ty •Attorney, I STAFF MEMB •RS Present: • ;James E. ' Nuzum, Associate Planner Rodney L. Gunn , Assistant' Planner ' . ' .•.' :; WiIIiam -R•. - Foley, Zoning Inspector• • Kay, Kamm MINUTES 'On • motion• of .Commissioner Brown , seconded by:':,:' : ; :, . •- - Commissioner Dosh', and carried, the .mi•nutes• of- February 19 , 1970 , ' were approved. Chairman ' Jakosky made' ann•ouncements , on the •following items : 1 :•;. Variances and use permits become effective. - fifteen days after action by Planning Com- mission . Appeals on action -may' be made in. writing .to the City Clerk ' s office within fifteen days after meeting. . 2 . The Planning Commission will make a definit effort to end the Commission meetin•gs • by 11 : 30 P . M. Any application which has not been heard by 11 : OO .will be continued until the following meeting and every effort will be made to place-, continued items at the be- ginning of .-the agenda. The last Commission meeting ran until 2 : 00 A. M. , and it follows that discussions at that time of the morn'in are, not completely fair to the applicants • ; or to the C,i ty . Item 1 'TENTATIVE' Request to permit subdivision of 24.0± acres MAP TRACT into 62 residential lots , and Lot "A".• reserved ` NO. 3867 for waterway- purposes , - Lot "B" reserved for planted area , Lot "C" resorved for common 'water . APPROVED way access a.rea, Lot• "D" reserved for parking ' Page, 1 ATY OF NEWPORT BEAC0 COMMISSIONERS March. 5 , 1970 and marina facility , Lot "E" reserved for park- site and Lot• 63 reserved for commercial site'; . Location : . "Por. tion of Block 94 of Irvine ' s ' Subdi-vision located between Pacifi Coast Highway and Bayside Drive , " west'• of Jamboree Road (Promontory. gay) Zone : 'Unclassified , C-N-H 'and •R-3 Applicant-: The Irvine Company , •Newport Beach' Owner : Same as applicant . Planning Director Wilson presented the applica- tion to the Commission , with Associate Planner Nuzum pointing out the location of the various items on the wall map. Mention was made of the 'fact that at the Planning Commission meeting . of. • February 19 , •1970 ,• Master Plan Amendment 25 and . Use Permit 1466 , •both Pertaini-ng to this • same • ' location , were heard and approved by the Plan- ning Commission .• Mr. Jack Raub and Mr. Bob Bein of Raub , Bein , Frost & Assoc. were present ; also Mr. Dave Kayl r ,,_ and Mr. Jim Taylor of the Irvine Company. Chai man Jakosky expressed concerri regarding the wid h, ` of the entrance channel into Promontory Bay , - an this was discussed .' Also discussed were the progress of other, agencies involved (such as the Corps of Engineers and Harbor Department) ,. the status of the frontage road , the matter of grading of the cliff and the entrance roads to the mesa . The Irvine representatives expressed , - disagreement with Conditions 5 and 19• of -the Staff report which were then reviewed . Commissioner Watson moved that Tentative Map Tr ct `' • No. 3867 be approved subject to .Staff condition as follow: 1 . That final' approval be subject to the approval of Use Permit 1466 -and the conditions . thereto . •2 . - ' That• final approval of the subdivision ' be subject 'to ap'proval' •of - an appropriate revision to ,the Master P1•an of••Streets :and Highways ., . (Public hearings required Page 2 . . *7Y OF NEWPORT BEAR COMMISSIONERS March 5 , 1970 3.' That final approval of 'the subdivision be subject .to the abandonment of certain existing public rights-of-way as contem- plated and .to satisfactory arrangements "_- -being .made• for dedication and improvemen ' of the new rights-of-way required . (Pub ic ' hearing .required. } " 4. , That final approval of the subdivision b subject to satisfactory arrangements be- ing made to relocate existing facilities ' •;.,; - ; . of the .Orange County Sanitation District and of other affected utilities . 5 . That Section 19 .20 . 050 of the Municipal Code requiring a service road not be waived, and .that the 'cross section for ` realigned Bayside Drive shall, be in acco d- ance with 'Alterna'te " C" of the attached drawings . 6 . That access to Lots 27 through 34 , 42 ' - through 44 (and unless a frontage road is pro•vi.ded - all parcels along realigne Bayside Drive ) ,• be provided by means of drives located on common lot lines , each drive serving two parcels ; and that ade- quate turnaround areas be provided so that vehicles need .not back' into the street.• '' ' ''. . Cross eas,ements or non-barrier agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney shall �e , provided so as• to guarantee perpetuation of the access arrangement. 7. That unless a frontage road is provided , the right-of-way width of realigned Bay- side Drive be at least 86 ' and the curb- to-curb width •be at least 70 ' . This cro s section will provide -for 4 travel lanes , 2 eight foot wide parkways , a 12 ' wide median left turning lane an.d an 8' wide parking lane 'on the souther.ly side . (Alternate "B" on the attached drawings . 8. That the new cul -de-sac be Iocated' entir )y ,. • on the devel'oper' s 'l and. 9 . That the design of the new intersections of- realigned Bayside Drive with existing Bayside Drive be -subject to review and ' approval: by, the City . Page 3.,. • '*TY OF N EW ORT BEA(* COMMISSIONERS Fly, o• �, J`r , . K March 5 , •1970 r o`N1 10. . "That all improvements be' constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department . 11 .. 'That the boundary` of the final tract may be checked by the County Surveyor before ' . being submitted to the City for approval . . 12 . . That all grading be in accordance with { grading plans and reports approved by th Public Works Director and a 'qualified Soils Engineer. Upon completion of the ` grading , the Civil Engineer and the Soil Engineer shall certify that the. grading has been completed in accordance with th " plans , the soils report and the grading ordinance . Reproducible copies of the •plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Public Works Department ; •13. That the connecting street, southeasterly of Lot "B" be' 52 ' in width between exter or ' curbs in order to provide for a 20 ' ente i ing roadway , an 8' median and a 24' exi t ing roadway . 4 14. That all driveways be a minimum of 20 ' i ' length from the property line to ensure ' -no parking will b'e• in the public right-o -.way.' , i ' :15'. The portion of Lot "E" not included, in t e public right-of-way , resulting from .the closing of Bayside Drive ,- be dedicated t the City , . 'an,d the existing right,of-way" of Bayside Drive west of the proposed waterway be retained under ,public contro 16. .A length ;of tangent be provided between he i ' two reversing curves at- the east end of he development, adjacent to the existing Bay ide Shopping Center. i 17. Parkway •trees be installed on all public f rights-of-way in ac.cordance" with Parks,, Beaches and Recreation Department specif - cations . ' 1,8. -Appropriate ' landscaping be installed- on all slopes and, vacant space's .resul•ting :•.from this developmen•t.. . Page 4'. ' OTY OF NEWPORT REAM COMMISSIONERS March 5 , 1970 i :: . 19 :. A setback plan allowing for a variation of front and rear setback lines be submi - ted to the Planning Director for approva . 20 . , That there be no City financial obligati ns connected with construction of realigned Bay,side Drive . 21 . - That realigned Bayside Drive be construe ed to its full width in connection with the 'developmentof .Tract 3867. Motion x Second '. x Aye xxxxx x Nay x Items 2 , 3 „ & 5 . P986 Requests to permi-•t three : dwelling units ron- lots having 3540 sq . ft. where the . districting •regu- f lations require 3600 sq . ft. and to allow on e\�c� h lot one open parking space eight feet wide , . whe\r•`e the regulations require a covered space nine eet wide . Location Lots 26 , •28, 30 and 32 , Block 239 , Corona del Mar Tract , located at 24, 326 , 328 and •330• Marguerite Alvknue on the easterly side of / Marguerite Avenue between •Seaviei . Avenueand East Coast Highway . Zone : R-.3 ` App.l i cant: John D. Mi tch`�i I , Jr. Newport Bea h', Owner: Same as applican� :1�< This application was presented by'P,lanning • Dire for Wilson , and new drawings (received fr'o.m the ap- plicant were dfstribute,d" to the Commissioners . ; Mr. John D. Mitchell.,,`Jr: , applicant , an'd, his, attorney , Mr. George` Roberts , were present-..,,' Mr. Roberts expla�i:f:ed the changes in the news" plans and requested deletion of the portion of�,, I the former application concerning parking . The parking situation will be covered in a cross- . easement ajreemen•t which would not require Plan j ning Commission - action . -, Motion was. made to approve a request to permit Motion' x y three dwelling units on lots having 3540 s,q :ft. Second x fiere the districting regulations rbqui re ' Aye x x x x x x 3600 sq . ft.• :. Nay x , Page 5 . February 9, 1970 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 25, REAL'IGNMENT OF BAYSIDE DRIVE IN PROMONTORY POINT AREA RECOMMENDATION: 4 That the amendment be approved. DISCUSSION: Because of the multiple issues involved in discussion of the proposed Promontory Bay development at the February 5 Planning Commission meeting, this memo is specifically addressed to the proposed amendment to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. It is felt that the amendment can properly be considered by the City separately from the other issues involved in the development because approval of the amendment would not commit the city to approval of any of the other matters at issue. In particular, existing Bayside Drive could intersect with realigned Bayside Drive at the easterly end of the realignment, and a frontage road could be provided or omitted, as desired, southerly of the realigned portion. Approval of the amendment is recommended for the following reasons : 1. The new alignment would be more direct than the existing alignment. 2. An existing sharp curve would be eliminated. 3. Direct access to the arterial street would be eliminated from approximately 12 homes having garages so located as to require backing onto the street. 4. An existing poor intersection connecting Harbor Island Road to the arterial street would be greatly improved. 5. The easterly entrance to Beacon Bay could be opened and made usable, Benjamin B. Nolan Assistant Public Works Director BBN/bg February 9, 1970 i , I TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. '25, REALIGNMENT OF BAYSIDE DRIVE IN PROMONTORY POINT AREA RECOMMENDATION:. That the amendment be approved. i DISCUSSION: Because of the multiple issues involved in discussion of the proposed Promontory Bay development at the February 5 Planning Commission meeting, this memo is specifically -addressed to the proposed amendment to the Master Plan of Streets, and Highways. It is felt that the amendment can properly be considered by the City' separately from the other issues involved in the development because approval of the amendment would not commit the city to approval of any of the other matters at issue. In particular, existing Bayside. Drive could intersect with realigned Bayside Drive at the easterly end of the realignment, and a frontage road could be provided or omitted, as desired, southerly of the realigned portion. Approval of the amendment is recommended for the following reasons : , 1 . The new alignment would be more direct than the existing alignment. 2. Art existing sharp curve would be eliminated. 3. Direct access to the arterial street would be eliminated from approximately 12 homes having garages so located as to require backing onto the street. 4. An existing poor intersection connecting Harbor Island Road i to the arterial street would be greatly improved. 5. The easterly entrance to Beacon Bay could be opened and made usable, Benjamin B. Nolan Assistant Public Works Director BBN/bg January 30, 1970 TO: •Planning Director FROM: Harbor & Tidelands Administrator SUBJECT: PROMONTORY BAT-- On. 30 January, I 'met with -Dave Kaylor and 'Jack Raub to. discuss -processing of a Harbor Permit for Promontory Bay. ' We arrived at the following conclusions': a. Jack Raub will immediately apply for a Corps of Engineers' navigation permit .in accordance with the enclosed letter from the Corps. b. Jack Raub will, for The Irvine Company, 'immediately apply for' a-City• Harbor Permit for the dredging operation. . In . a subsequent .discussion with Rod 'Gunn, I agreed to set this up for Council_•consideration •on '9 March •along with your end of the project. c. We will apply for-Joint Harbor Committee approval on 10 February, This will start the ball rolling in the County area. { There will have to be a considerable amount of conditioning of approvals and permits. until we get more advanced and further details are resolved. I am, hopeful of having the Corps of Engineers' permit prior to 'go to Council, for the Corps will make the necessary , water quality and 'hydraulics studies, desired by both the Harbor District and I. The Corps' permit also automatically takes care of other agencies .such as the Department of Interior,, State Fish and Game and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. .' ' One other area now xequires .attention. The Council will want comments 'relative to .the, desirability: of dedicating privately created waterways,,-- Dave.;Kaytor• will round up, The -Irviiie Company's position. • T• will 'endeavor. to coordinate a• .Sta:ff position. s • ♦ ., G. M:,',DAWES .�N,iX � ��`L(./ • Attachment ( V'E D i\ :TT, , CC:.• City. Manager. ;` •� f.},;.',�,J;h"' Public• .Works Director y # a.f . e l�ltj _2 ' Marine Safety'"Director' ;-.'• c. r c r l opt PW • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY* fk'�U`� I•'/.'3; LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OR ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 2711 1 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA SOOSS IN REPLY REFIR TO SPLED-E 22 January 1970 r' Mr. George M. Dawes f"'., r:•i t , l Harbor & Tidelands Administrator City of Newport Beach i 3300 Newport Boulevard. Newport Beach, California, 92660 Dear Mr. Dawes: A copy of the proposal to alter a portion of lower Newport Harbor, as outlined in your submission to Mr. Herron of this office,' has been reviewed by the Coastal Engineering and Operations Branch. Mr. Herron discussed.our preliminary findings with you in a ; !: '• ' . telephone conversation on 15 January 1970. !'=' • A detailed review will be given this proposal when your formal request for a navigation permit"is made. Our initial reaction is as follows: a. Tidal exchange of waters in the newly created bay should , be studied tb determine possible pollution effects. b. The effect of ebb tide currents from the proposed new entrance should be studied to avoid any adverse erosion and/or ',. '• shoaling effects on the banks of the existing channel. c. It does not appear desirable to extend harbor lines into the proposed basin. d. A navigation permit will be required to connect the pro- posed basin and entrance -channel to the existing navigation channel.' V. At least 30 days should be allowed to process this permit request. ;,;, , ' 'F',. ':-'•.' If you desire further information on the proposal, please do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely ours,. S J CE 't • District Engineer utY ` ' ..,`. a .. , •,' l,1.;, 1,`,t,' ,,, Ir .. .11.1,,1 nPl 11 , r i.,. ,��,•.,,, ,!,., ' .1{',r. •r :,' r}.v:, };n"'Ij i:,'1',4',� ' '' Jl'.�,I +•r,l!", - •. s. .d'�� `•::�" .5r 4'i ' '15��`1;4ii1,: i}' �.,` ,.• , } td�•,4 ,'*('1,4' � ,:. I . t S '� • .r. +' . 1 i•' ''�I '}if�.'`•1'.l .�l�rl4 i+' 1"�•,�,'�;f j�il�" +,i:'.1''� 1'I +1 ' ,: ,1,'„•j!,` i , „ d .. „ • , ,,. .- r . .., .... .�Jti:v A' w\I 471, n,\IS\ . ..J �d+! '1 .1 CITY OF NNV1101U' BT;ACII PARKS BrAGIGS & RUC= ION CO.NMISSION • J'anuary 9,`•l970'.', ,,;J .- r• ( r' ..........C. r,ry;l�•;r!'•: .I:• 'f ;u`,t'. '.r , ' • .\- r t, \, ,r}':r.1'.1. .�•=.r.il':':h:rSi �%r C'' .Y,. r:<:' •�_: r•�I,. . 'VP:. t;p,.t�S`.;;,. :,tis. •t':"r;.2'?.•J• r4'.I Fig ' i' +•5 fly ... ,. •,trt. .'.E'yi' ;i"•.:. ,i Yi•• T0: PLkNNING CONNISSION '•;= . ;, i ,,;J,ri ',: .:.Y,•}J .,,, :,',• ; -ROM: ' PB & R Comnis§ion .. ;;, t. , r• ', s SUBJECT: . USE iiFIMIT #1466 (PROMONTORY POINT) Irvine Company plans ;for the development of Promontory 'Poin"t:and i the contiguous land area adjacent to Bayside Drive through Use Permit lf1466r '"''' ?'' were reviewed at the PB & R Commission meeting of January:6th. '' "''�. ' PB $ R Commission considers this area to be one'of•'the most signifi-'.';,. cant in Newport Beach as fax as land use; windows"-to the Bay and public access ' axe concerned. ` It is with this thoug'nt in mind that this -Commission hopes that `•.i;,the Planning Commission,will not act too hastily in approval of development plans;. `rY, After review, - the PB 4'R Commission approved in concept' of the land , ;'::•;: r ' :,f ;- use an4 felt that the,.development as projected would be ah asset to the 'cormun- ity. However; 'once again additional people are being brought into the ,City, "• through a residential development, with:no public park.or'recreational'`£acili". ties being provided: Since this is such a strategic location; the PB' & 'R Commission instructed its Liaison Committee with the Planning Commission to meet 'in the.:'t• :?ti;,.; -:::';: •,' '•:::'' immediate future to discuss this development. . -It would be desirable if such:;;;.`„-,;,'';. \:::'• i a meeting were to take place'pxior' to Planning'CommissionIs •action•on .the :5 ;s;: '; ti';• ; `• Irvine C?mpany proposals. *.., ,. ' ,' ' •: ' Items that should be considered in'this ''liaison meeting would be ; •,:''ti'='I'r• •' , park'sites and use, public,recreational^areas,:,vist'a,points 'and,access•,to t`he•a'::`; ""'l';,._':• "Bay.• 1;;(' ,, Lr ; •;.'n:.:):.ir •,Y.'• :;, ,•.• :'+; it,. "- <'f;,'"=+;,... "1: .•rt1 'd• •''• ..;. ,;.\ 54...." ..,fig •.1:• . 1.� • .:t• ♦ r, r r ., ^.✓..I+i.' - :: }-Y.,1:-i:,,S,: ,' :,t' �J~' Je'ti' ;y.l';i, ' ,' -5 • Your 'c6nsid&rations`.io :the•.PB' &,R:ComnUs•ion•:concenis idilh • '�murh�'a reciated:•' t:`• -�: �`=�" = " P . {:. •' .S: ;.;};. . +1. .,I:.'•n�2 •;\:- y,•r'�: .•,�1� ,:Ff: t:;(�c4a-'C•: i:�r:;:Y;. a;s�. ;"l, \. ?:''�' �'t'I`}:�6ir.• ..•,•.!t:'r J:I•,. J1:: .'1'v'I,... r. 'r!'. nJ i.�r., .1`.' /J'!t. .,>"',•1'.''f'I: ,�,, ,:rr .(", ''V: r,4µr •yrl•r. '1:. ..i' •lf• ♦ll:. :rf i. •'S�=: :l:i •iiri :rJ. '•` 1. iP- •i}' �1(,: ,.l;f:,kii' rd:L 'rr.y',;J•::,n4'.;: • � ri1. r' .r. 'tY :::\,:v: �.yam,'• }: :' .$:': �1� ;', �1(frl�{�'.Gc•r•<'.aY"1`: .t. •i '� i' - ,(j'!•/�..+'.;�'•t.,.,�::•+;•, . .4�' . :'=I� 'S::: .. Q,i' :; ; l;r�: Is`•.'' ' " r :, '.; ".A:C. -WEROV,:.JR. Chair;aan - ,'Q'%`f•o .:,;` " ; : ii r. =;.Parks., Beaches'A;Recieation,Commission: •.\:%i Fi :hr,4J tr•'r V.: \r .�;.: 'r.,,-0(n.'j.:•:� •ti j /� r.Y••n M1 t f. r%: :�•. ••�Y: t•1 r r'L::. jr.,,, r •'l' rS r ,. 11{ ':i+ •;t,; •',5;; I'}: :,'r: '.S :�I'•;<:',;1,•r n;.i„'•:.t,:.'4: ':'¢ :ni'p:•:'{,.t.:N•f:',>.,;t:. t. •i•. •ACC:CCS':h:.,•.. ,;;*...•:"f' (:,t C�'� 'i�.t �i•:•'a;•:. :`r . ,,., , .t. �.••:• ;fir, •� �.r4•t�;•''• • i, •;t;" ,rt:,, • ' :�i+'r•• .,.\r, . r , '+: ".i•=:,.'i::':i-�,.', '.. ✓'t J'•, pr.,.(, .Jl,'r`+giJ r: i.l� :: a:l;:. ';ir;:ti y.: {:r:•. is{� ::J: fr•; ' sr•: ;•„tr.:: :rCtL'„2�',,,d: F.=.5 .v•:''�•i°s"'3U ''+,, i • '.r• ':+i 9:,::'• ;:+::'„u••,i`''i.=:AM1 n:il,` , :y ,.S.i :•tlyy .;t.. •P:r •t. •r... t,: :'.ia y,,. .I . :,��.; :t^ ::,ti, t.,4�. yrr .r",:1:'�lrF.n•r e^ .,Jr';'+:r1'..�Bi:. .�'=;.,:p�:i+?:,,= j�'w •) ' 'r't'i lei.l=}i•y. rt', - t• •ii• ' .k. :nl r ,.Ij:• rrr •,' 1•I.I:t•. 'rtJ•^ •1• ilp 'rr•( :n'v 4 \:t:'!�; �.iM1.:'r��,. YS:f:Ji a✓ •t• lam• , : .., :pr`t,•5.J•.}(.l. Tj •�+:+ r ..I,,,ty:i�:: .,Y..r.rn rt:i'r4 , . ,•�`:':::i t�1!':Irr,:':: .i, .�i. ':{}„•...1(4 iR'L: rj• r'a;1l,i", 'q• :a4%.' ;?'i,•b,?(:•Ir :n3,.r.^.,,r,q'. :r. r:•, 1. ;::' '1'' i:' ,i.A' :�: b6y :r .d f'-; u.. ,r•.M1,J.rtr. :•:•::'v r lr. ' •;i.`,l�:r '.y.i:. �r(,: :��L :Cf"'k'::ft�'•:F:.,.' •:7f•"ti; �'.;•::.:bC. ' .. .. •v`. t:��'�.v'.:.Ir '- '4'Jt ,i•}h'S .6d"III 1 . =.ii: '•,14:;'i,rP Jt 'dy>: :Vii (I :.� i1't. :'i. ,,5,• :nIC, PROMONTORY POINT MEETING -, Planning Director' s Office = 1/7/70 People in Attendance Wade Beyeler. ,,,,, General Services Department o Jan Briscoe Fire -Department Mike Stang Planning Department r Dave Kaylor The Irvine Company Ben Nolan ' Public Works Department Bob Jaffe Public Works Departmen•t ;• , Chuck Thompson The Irvine Company, Jack G. Raub' Raub , Bein & Frost Rod Gunn Planning Department' Bill Foley Planning Department Bob Bein Raub , Bein , Frost & 'Associates Jim Taylor "'•` The " Irvine Company Dick Dusterhoff ;.• , Parks , Beache's & 'Recreation' Larry Wilson Planning Department:, Oliver Grant Bui'ldi,n'g Department ,,, George' 'Dawes Harbor & 'T'ideliands PROMONTORY POINT MEETING 1 -5-7.0 (* Items to'-be discussed at, meeting on 1 -12-70) Approval of use permit with condition that an •amendment to the Master Street and Highway Plan is approved. Approval of use permit subject to conditions' that, may be imposed by the Corps of Engineers , Regional Water Quality Board and the Harbor Distri'ct, (George Dawes wanted Irvine Company, to submi-t their calculations on water quality torthese groups . 'Irvine Company opposed contacting these. g.roups feeling that it would hold up the project. George Dawes and Dave Kaylor ' . of Irvine- Company are rto discuss this further. ) Public hearing' for revision of Master • Srtreet and Highway Plan first Commission meeting in February. r ,;•r Irvine Company torfile Master Plan of Joint Pier Facilities . . * The Staff suggested that Irvine Company construct la.rger. .cul- ` de-sac at end of •existing ;Bayside -Drive. T.h,is would be for_ larger vehicles such as fire trucks , This possibly would, } mean losing, Lot #1 . , It -was also suggested that a "window;, ' to the bay" be provided at this point with provisions for., park benches , etc. li * The Staff is to study the • effect on the Balboa Marina (land owned 'by City) by cutting off Bayside Drive. The 'Staff felt that the h77 setback on. old Bayside •Drive,. could be varied down to 10 ' . The Staff felt that the relocation- of Bayside Drive would benefit the Harbor, Isl.and and Beacon Bay residents and would permit the use of the rear• gate at Beacon- Bay., * The Staff suggested that more study be• given to the Harbor, Drive - old Bayside Drive 'inter"s'ection by the Irvine Company. However, it was felt the Irvine Company, is not responsible, for this intersection . " * The Staff felt that the proposed .new, intersection between; Bayside Drive and Harbor results in a better condi•tion.• : >' However, they §ugges•ted that the, entrance. on Ha'rbor.,Drfv.e_ be, a divided, street with 24'' on •'each side of a :6 ' - med4a.n,' '' " 3 - * The Irvine Company to study the effpct of realignment of , the upper portion of Bayside Drive due to the ,Coast Freeway will have on the proposed new• Bayside• Drive. The Staff •expressed. concern about the possible access to • Parcel #8 and suggested that if it is to be taken from li Bayside Drive it be opposite Harbor Drive entrance. * The Staff expressed approval of proposed cross section for ' new Bayside Drive (attached') . However, they suggested- further studies by Irvine Company on the possibilities of:." - a frontage road for the lots fronting on Baysi'de Drive.,`' It was suggested maybe• this could be accomplished by moving Bayside Drive up the slope. '' . , ' The Staff expressed approval of the view to the lagoon along the 1500 ' marina and the pedestrian way to be provided along this area. It •was also' understood there would be park bench facilities in this area. The Staff strongly urged the Irvine Company 'to provide .veh1,cu- lar access from new Baysi.de to the upper bluff• development . and• an overhead pedestrian crossing to the pedestrian wa,y,," along the marina. .It •was felt• thts is warranted, by the approximate• 1,000 dwel 1 i`ng uni t5, to' be bui.l t in- the upper;'; 0uff area.. .. - 4 - The Irvine Company said they were taking into considerat5;on the window-to-the-bay concepts for the upper development. ', * The Irvine Company is •to make further study of the effe•ct••the relocation' of Bayside 'Drive' has on the shopping center, ' • . parking lot. * The Irvine Company is• going to provide "blow=up" drawings •on the effect the relocation of Bayside Drive has on the apartment development' s access . •They also are going to ' provide information on how Parce'1s #3 'and #4 wil'i• get acc'e'ss•.' The Irvine Company is to contact '.utility companies to .see•' if any problems exist. The City is to check out possibility of undergrou'nding utilities on old Bayside Drive.' , * The Irvine• Company is t6',provid6 information on .storm drains ' dumping into lagoon.,,, ' ' January 7•, 1970 RLGjkk ��,� +- 1 � � } � t .{_ t. i .+ � • .t � i ,,- i r�� i � -i -r - i ' i 1 � � f -i- i i- } _ — - ' ' ' • i-- � = i � 1 . _ ���, _ Pl�� t IAa�c���a,q�T��-, -�Ya�_. 1 ky. _ �_ � - ' - : 1 1 i to 4 � - � � ' � Lp•f.� '�`rJa`�• �� y � ^_ � 1 �- - 1 , , •- - -•-�-;--• -k r-'---•---�--,—�- ---,--=- � : `�_ - ,S-c� .-.,ram;_'' v "_--"- - _�_.-._... .�__- .' ____- _. _'- `_-•----`^_'___�__. -....__-.__....____.�_-.__. __._��-.�t1 i--.__. ____'-____..may, + ,,,.¢�_'.. • ._�. '. �__ _ - - - CollinsO 's J say r r� Coron T a del Marl Y Gt c 0 rona del MaA Arch Rack , x���� •:n 1 l..- - Hafbdr >. Bay i Call I s — ____ '. ` j� f<• �� r lboa Y� I BN'S 8 Coron f x del Mar ' \`�-\ 'A^'.1 '•�n tea' • - .n `;yew♦� � WulMt Corona —,� do]'M f (ON ios.• M�STEQ PWA mwD. No. 25 Arch Rock t F4Sr m �b9Sr 9N Cl H �9 �'/, Fla .;Jai^:'n°;},n"�i•�,•.i.aK„N caasr srgr lik �A�^ (7 �k➢wJr:.` -s E HWY 4 ' 4lNN/f b a A' CNM 9 rc Q �' IBAYS/OE 1 C•I•H �`� R3 =�c=-N BALBOA i YACHT ��� ' 1-�• -��P/6FN6A�lF� r- _- 370 i B_ALBOA_ISLAND CHAZ�'BL =.,,,_, < 25. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 25 Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on Master Plan Amendment No . 25 which proposes to realign Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) and also to abandon a section of the existing Bayside Drive westerly of Jamboree Road . (Marine Ave nu-e) . Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 5th day of February 1970 at the hour of 8: 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon . Don R. Adkinson , Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission Publ i cation Date Date REceived • h„ /QG-.e—r� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN STATE OF CALIFORNIA l ss. County of Orange j I, .........ARVO...Bt...IiMM..................... being first duly sworn, and on oath depose and say that I am the printer and publisher of the Newport Harbor Ensign, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, and that the.NOTIQ) Ok••_R7AU HEARING .......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................of which copy attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was printed and published in the regular issue(s) of said newspaper, and not in a supplement, .......1.......... consecu- tive times: to-wit the issue(s) of .......................Jant....22...._1970.................... ...................................................................................... ..................................................................................... NO o flt7@ .. LEGAL N - a. �_ r1tCi HEAI21NG ...................................................................................... MASTER PLAeS)YIENDMENT TICE OF City of Newport, e Notice is h i given tha�the, 11 jam! Cocci sion of the ' (Signed)........... ...............�.:...1.. .............. . �eaoh will hold . 23rd a public hearing onMaster Plan Subscribed and sworn to before me this.......T.....day of Amendment No,15 Which pro- January lg„70 poses to realign Bayside Drive .,,,• between East Coast Highway and Jamboree R' d (Marine) �, �� Avenue) and a abandon a - Section of the kde otar ublic in and forte • - Drive wester ee County of Orange, State of California, Road(Marilte,AVye"MY COMMISSION EXPIPXO Ic- 1? 1 Q-I Netiee is el: y,. @n that said p bli, A'held on the 5th, oy, 1970, at the hour of 801p.m, in the Council Chambers of, [' the' Newport Beach City Hall,{ r at which time and place 81iy, and all persons Wterested may appear and be heard thereap. * = Don R. Adkitcson,rSecretary Newport Beach Citk Planning Commission Publish:Jan. $2, 1070, in the Newport Harbor Ensign_; i Public :Works Department w Planning Department Preliminary Bayside Drive Maste-r Plan "yM I have reviewed the Preliminary Bayside Drive i1a.ster Plan " '- transmitted by your memorandum of February 5, 1971 % but have not actually cha,cked the plan in the fiend. The following questions are noted, I will try to took at these on the ground within the next day or two, in the event that further discussion may be warranted. I . What is the destination of the sidewalk shown extending northerly along tha wast side of Carnation Avenue, and what sidewalk provisions (if any) are, necessary -along this .treat? 2. Is a sidewalk contiovous with the northerly curb of Bayside Drive the best design solution or should consideration, be given to a vertebra (perhaps more natur,ali,i:ic) sidewalk treatment? 3. What is the .affect of the proposed v+idening of Bayside Orive and tiarguorite Avenue? A. Removal or transplanting of existing mature palm trees. B. Possibility fb r border landsca:p1-ng of parking areas. C. - ,, 'Prohibition bf. on-street parking. D. Detail of AntersotO on channalization. February 10 1971 NXTURE Laurence WilsonD TE LW/kk Planning Director CC : City Manager P B H General Services CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Office of CITY ATTORNEY tit To: The Honorable Mayor and Date: July 13, 1970 Members of the City Council From: City Attorney Subject: Agreement providing for indemnification of the City by The Irvine Company in connection with the abandonment of a portion of Bayside Drive Transmitted herewith is an agreement for approval by the City Council providing for indemnification of the City by The Irvine Company for damages in inverse condemnation which may be asserted by the owner's lessees or tenants of the Balboa Yacht Basin property arising out of the abandonment of a portion of Bayside Drive. The agreement has been executed by The Irvine Company. The essential terms of the agreement provide: 1, That The Irvine Company will reimburse the City up to a maximum sum of $50,000 for damages which the City may incur as a result of claims in inverse condemnation asserted by the lessees, sublessees or tenants of the Balboa Yacht Basin property, based upon the abandonment of a portion of Bayside Drive and the creation of a cul-de-sac easterly of the Balboa Yacht Basin property. 2. The Irvine Company agrees to reimburse the City for attorneys ' fees and court costs incurred in defending against any lawsuit brought by said lessees, sublessees or tenants against the City, up to a maximum amount of $5,000. 3. The agreement provides that if the City finds it necessary to employ an appraiser to assist in defending against any such claims, Irvine will share equally in paying the appraisal fee. 4. The City reserves the right to compromise or settle any such claim without the consent of The Irvine Company, in which event Irvine is obligated to contribute up to $50,000 to such settlement. Y ' To: Mayor and City Council -2- July 13, 1970 This agreement satisfies the requirements expressed by the City Council as a condition of the action abandoning a portion of Bayside Drive, and is recommended for approval. � LSTULL4 City Attorney THS:mh Att. cc: City Manager City Clerk Y N INDEMNITY AGREEIJENT THIS AGREEMENT, made by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City, " and THE IRVINE COMPANY, a West Virginia corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Irvine": RECITALS On the 23rd day of March, 1970, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach adopted Resolution No. 7163 declaring its intention to order the closing up, vacation and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Bayside Drive. All of that portion of said street to be vacated, closed up and abandoned is more clearly shown on a certain map approved and adopted by the City Council by Resolution No. 7162 dated March 23, 1970, which said map is on file in the Office of the City Clerk of . the City of Newport Beach. Said abandonment proceedings were commenced by the City at the request of Irvine. On January 9, 1950, the City of Newport Beach entered into a lease of City-owned real property with J. A. Beek, Carroll B. Beek, Barton Beek and Joseph L. Beek, Jr. , which included the following described real property consisting of approximately 7 acres, which is hereinafter referred to as the Balboa Yacht Basin property: cc A parcel of land +situated in the Northwest quarter of Section 35, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, SBB6M2 Orange G� County, California, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Gnu`• Beginning at a point in the U. S. Bulkhead line between Station No. 200 and Station No. 101, as shown upon a map entitled "Harbor Lines , Newport Bay Harbor, California",, approved May 2nd, 1936, by the Secretary of Way, and on t+ p• file in the office of the U. S. District Engineer at Los Angeles, California, said point of beginning being East 784.25 feet of said Bulkhead Station No. 200; running thence North 424.71 feet to a point in the Northerly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the City of Newport Beach by The Irvine Company, as described in deed recorded September 25th, 1929, in Book 306, page 375 of Official Records of Orange County, California; thence South 35043' East 772.15 feet to the Northeasterly corner of the last mentioned parcel of land; thence South along the Easterly line of the last mentioned parcel of land 367.01 feet to a point in said U. S. Bulkhead line between Station No. 200 and Station No. 101; thence West along said Bulkhead line 770 feet to the point of beginning; containing approximately seven (7) acres. There is a possibility that if Bayside Drive is abandoned as proposed, the lessees under the above described lease, and their sublessees, may have claims for damages against the City based upon inverse condemnation. The City Council has taken the position that before it will proceed with any further consideration of the proposed abandonment of Bayside Drive, it will require that the Irvine Company enter into an agreement indemnifying the City against any claims based upon inverse condemnation which may be asserted against the City by the City's tenants under the above described lease, or their sublessees or tenants, which claims are alleged to have arisen as a result of the abandonment and -relocation of Bayside Drive and the creation. . of a cul-de-sac southeasterly of the Balboa Yacht Basin property. Irvine is willing to agree to indemnify the City for such claims , subject to the following terms and conditions : WITNESSET114: 1. LIABILITIES, LOSSES OR DAMAGES Irvine undertakes to indemnify and save harmless the City from any liability or damages City may suffer as the result of claims, demands, 'or judgments against it arising out, of the abandonment and relocation of Bayside Drive and the creation of a cul-de-sac located southeasterly of the Balboa Yacht Basin property based upon any claim for inverse condemnation by any lessee, sublessee or tenant of the Balboa Yacht Basin property. Said indemnity shall include a maximum limitation -2- of $50,000 for damages to the leasehold interest or interests . 2. ATTORNEYS` FEES AND COSTS In addition to the indemnity provided in Paragraph 1* of this Agreement, Irvine will reimburse City for attorneys ' fees and court costs actually incurred in defending against any lawsuit brought by said Lessees, sublessees or tenants against the City, up to a maximum amount of $5,000. Reimbursement for legal services shall be based on the applicable provisions of the latest adopted minimum fee schedule of the Orange County Bar Association. 3. EMPLOYMENT OF APPRAISER Should it become necessary in the judgment of the City to employ an expert appraiser for the purpose of arriving at a settlement or to defend against any claim arising within the scope- of Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, it is agreed that the City and Irvine will share equally in paying the fee of said appraiser and that said amount shall not be included within the limitations on the amount of reimbursement to which City is entitled, set forth in Paragraph 1 hereof. 4. SETTLEMENT City shall have absolute discretion to compromise or settle any claim or litigation which comes within the scope of "%this Indemnity Agreement, without the consent or approval of Irvine, in which event Irvine will be obligated to indemnify City, subject to the limitations of this Agreement. 5. NOTICE OF CF ADI City agrees to give Irvine written notice of any claim or demand subject to indemnity under this Agreement, within thirty (30) days after said claim or demand is presented to City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused -3- I r this Agreement to be executed on the date set forth opposite their respective signatures. CITY OF NET,4PORT BEACH, a municipal corporation By: Mayor Dated: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City C er CITY City 1 Uorneyy THE IRVINE COMPANY, a West Virginia corporation itle• VICE ri3E8toENT, . I f Dated: AL 7 1970 By: ',<;/ /ch,.%( Title: ASSISTANT T SFCt'M,,V IRVINE 'I'HS:mh _4_ 6/5/70 TO: F-1 MAYOR Q LIBRARY COUNCIL PARK MANAGER 0 MARINE SAFETY F--JATTORNEY E:] PARKS & REC. M BUILDING F-1 PERSONNEL CITY CLERK n-P�LANNING FINANCE F-1 POLICE FIRE Q PUBLIC WORKS 0 GEN. SERVICES PURCHASING O HARBOR & Q TRAFFIC TIDELANDS FOR.-F-1 ACTION & DISPOSITION F-1 FILE- [&tg'FORMATI F—J REVIEW & . M El$lc F-1 RETURN REMARKS ....................... ..........A S*--------------. ........... .................................. . i Ntl'VPpR ............................................. 7' ....... . ............... ... ............................................................................................ .............................. ............. 4 Q �Po T` ° .,. CITY OF NEWPOR T BEACH CALIFORNIA s:uo C't��FOR P J� City Hall 3300 Newport Blvd. (714) 673-2110 August 13, 1970 The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 ' Attention: Mr. Maurice McDonald Subject: Access to Promontory Point Development Gentlemen: Subsequent to our meeting of August 11 , 1970 regarding the Promontory Point development I have reviewed the matter of access to Bayside Drive with the Planning Director, the Public Works Director, and the Traffic Engineer. It is our opinion that the access points to Bayside Drive should be limited to three in number; the main drive connections at the easterly and westerly ends, and a connection near the center located opposite the Promontory Bay Marina drive entry. It is also requested that the intersections of the frontage road with the Bayside Drive connections be separated from Bayside Drive by as large a dimension as possible so as to improve operating characteristics. Very tr - yours, Benjamin B. Nolan City Engineer BBN/em CC: Mr. Dave Kaylor Mr. Bob Bein Planning Director c� Fisher-Friedman Associates Sasaki-Walker Associates 5 r , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ATTORNEY Department TO: City Clerk DATE- April 239 1970 FROM- City Attorney SUBJECT : (1) Assolutida ad ptistg AeesndwMt No. 23 to the taster Street. and Rigghway plan (2) ltesolutioa ordering the vacation„ closing up and abandonment of a portion of a certain street knoene as Saysde Drive riavei t Transwitted for presentation to the Council at the Moting of April 27th are copies of the above r*solutions in coausceion with the ?rosantory Say developmenti, TMY xe SaldOtlMt City Attorney Ays a Assistant City Attorney Dolulwh Att. act City manager -- _ vunnu Direcs:or� public works Director file - 1 i • r RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADOPTING AMENDMENT NO. 25 TO THE MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council have heretofore adopted a Master Plan which includes as a unit thereof a Master Street and Highway Plan, with revisions; and WHEREAS, studies by the Planning Commission reveal that since the adoption of said Master Street and Highway Plan there have been changes in conditions which indicate that said Plan should be amended to show new alignments, additions, street name corrections and classification changes; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, after notice as required by law, has held a public hearing on the proposed amendment and has recommended the adoption of the amendment to the Master Street and Highway Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after notice as required by law, has held a public hearing on said proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is desirable to amend said Master Street and Highway Plan as recommended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach does hereby adopt Amendment No. 25 to the Master Street and Highway Plan as shown on a map entitled Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, designating thereon that Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) should be realigned northerly of existing Bayside Drive, and said "realignment be added to the City of Newport Beach Master Street and Highway Plan. ADOPTED this 27th day of April, 1970. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk THSemh 4/21/70 I ♦1 III � . li �7��',+ •'ly '' r '• 1,�d 1. ` I ,'iY �'�., •I , `(t, •'.?�f fivr'f1i rP,l{ari�,,n•yjl)( i,. ',;., ' � / !r .d �.l" '• if y,,lr ��. r;i. 't.1 h.;i ,'t . . . L �J .r:. . - raw .r �.4j. t•!r';" r='''''r:`;:*a.•.ya�;:>...._. srarE N �, "',uYS�o�' .,`��i1^�'"'�� t"4 •�•.�i�: a gyp. +'- u a.a , •,f J t a `nY 'C �• a t. •,;$•''4, ;:f.� CNN, s rc r', a :.T•,-r&1YS/DE+.�:r:.w...�...;, .•• .a.:y.0��• 1qq__ r',d da✓ _ 1 1 R.g BAL BOA I YACHT BAS/N I 1 uiPta�wu�t�� :Y�y• . .. 370 I'i BALBOA XSLAND CHANiVLL _ EXHIBIT "A" .. a w•! V RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ORDERING THE VACATION, CLOSING UP AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS BAYSIDE DRIVE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach did, on .the 23rd day of March,. 197.0, pass its certain Resolution of Intention No . 7163, declaring its intention to order the vacation, closing up and abandonment of a portion of a certain street known as Bayside Drive, in the City of Newport Beach, hereinafter more particularly described, pursuant to and in accordance with the "Street Vacation Act of 1941, " and all amendments thereto, being Sections 8300 to 8331, inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Street Superintendent of the City of Newport Beach has caused to be posted conspicuously along the line of the portion of said street proposed to be vacated, not more than 300 feet apart, and not less than three in all, notices of the vacation of said portion of said street, all of which will more fully appear from the affidavit of Joseph T. Devlin, Street Superintendent of the City of Newport Beach stated the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 7163 aforesaid, and the time and place of the hearing of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of said portion of said street; and WHEREAS, said notices so posted by the Street Super- intendent of the City of Newport Beach stated the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 7163 aforesaid, and the time and place of the hearing of all persons interested in or object- ing to the proposed vacation of said portion of said street; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach did set Monday, April 27, 1970, at 7 :30 p.m. of said day as the � � Y time, and the Council Chamber of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, as the place for the hearing of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of said portion of said street; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention No. 7163 aforesaid has been published at least once in the Newport Harbor Ensign, the official newspaper of the City, and said publication was made more than 15 days prior to the date set for the hearing of all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation, all of which will more fully appear by the affidavit of Arvo E. Haapa, Printer and Publisher of the Newport Harbor Ensign, on file in these proceedings; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach has heard the evidence, both written and verbal, of all persons interested in the vacation of said portion of said street in this resolution more particularly hereinafter des- cribed, and finds from all the evidence submitted that said portion of said street described in said Resolution of Intention, and hereinafter described, is unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach finds and determines and hereby orders that the following described portion of that certain street known as Bayside Drive in the City of Newport Beach, to wit: Those portions of Block 94 of Irvine's Subdivision as shown on a map thereof, recorded in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps, records of Orange County, California, described as follows : Parcel 1 BEGINNING at an angle point in the Southerly right- of-way line of Bayside Drive as conveyed to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said Orange County, Calif- ornia, said point being a 1 1/2" iron pipe and nail as -2- shown on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through 19, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, South 84° 46 ' 33" East, 1242 .50 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description: thence continuing South 840 46 ' 33" East along said Southerly right-of- way line of Bayside Drive a distance of 716 .41 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Northeaster- ly, having a radius of 892 .00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears North 5° 131 27" East; thence Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 23° 58' 52" an arc distance of 373.35 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 77 .00 feet Northerly of said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, a radial line from said point bears North 290 12 ' 19" East; thence North 840 46 ' 33" West along said parallel line a dis- tance of 303.46 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 55.00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears South 710 36 ' 48" West; thence Southerly and Westerly along said curve, through a central angle of 113° 34'. 41 ' an are distance of 109:03 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this descrip- tion. Parcel 2 BEGINNING at an angle point in the Southerly right- of-way line of Bayside Drive as conveyed to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said Orange County, California, said. point being a 1 1/2" iron pipe and nail as shown on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through 19, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, South 84' 46 ' 33" East, 1170.60 feet• thence leaving said Southerly right-of-way line North 53 13' 27" East, 69 .30 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description, said point being in a nontangent curve, concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a radial line at said point bears North 190 41' 101" West, thence Northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 80 59 ' 28", an are distance of 15.69 feet; thence nontangent to said curve North 84 46 331" West, 13.66 feet; thence South 50 13 ' 271" West, 7.70 feet to the True Point of Beginning. is necessary for present or prospective public street purposes, and that it be vacated, closed up and abandoned. The City Council further finds and determines, and it is hereby ordered, that the public easement in the portion of said street as heretofore described has, upon the passage of this resolution, ceased except that the City reserves and excepts from said vacation the permanent easement and right, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, -3- replace, remove and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across said portion of said street so vacated and pursuant to any exist- ing franchised or renewals thereof, or otherwise,- to con- struct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and en- large lines of pipe, conduits, cables, wires, poles, and other convenient structures, equipment and fixtures for the opera- tion of gas pipe lines, cable television, telegraph-. elegraph and tele- phone lines and the distribution of electric energy, water, and incidental purposes. The City Council further orders that the City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach shall cause a certified copy of this Order, duly attested by her as the City Clerk, under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder -of the County of Orange, State of California, imme- diately following the passage of this resolution. ADOPTED this 27th day of April, 1970. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk THS:s 4-22-70 -4- s n 9� F I� O- pd CIF�C COAST � Is \\ O to,\\. P\\. P po E YT �O 1 Co F D. 1 112 1 P H N A I L N I N wo : I Qj PERTR.4003, M.M. 166/ 13-20 NI ,o�• �. p Z oa$ RR DETA I L "A" E X N I IT 0p __ `�a SCALE Q�b PER TR 4003, M.M. I&a I-S-TSB SI, ETCN TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF 64YSIDE DQIVE SEItdG A PC9MOM OF BLOCK 94 OF IRVIWflS SUBDWISIOW AS SNOWW ON A MAP RECORDED IW 50014. 1, PAGE88 OF MVSCELLAtAEOUS MAPS, 7.ECO205 OF ORAAIGE COUWTY) CALIFORNIA CITY OF MEWPORT BEACH _ SURVEY 01VISIOPI REFE¢E.NCE RIGHT OF WAY MAP I I t RAUB BEIN FROST AND A8AOCIATES REVISED CIVIL E N G I N E E R SAND LAND S U R VE Y1)RS 1'36 POC,iESTER STREET COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA TEL [714? 546 71-13 SCALE 1"ZSC' DATE 1-9.70 PREP BY I PERMIT Wo RAM, BEM, FROST & ASSOCIATES 136 Rochester Street Costa Mesa, California Revision #1 March 61 1970 March 3, 19TO Promontory Bay Page l of 1 D E S CATP T'101i Abandonment of a Poacbidur:.pF Bayside Drive r' That portion of Block'.94 of Irvine's Subdivision as shpnnl on a map thereof, recorded in Book i,• iAge 88 of Mtaeellaneovs Reoord'Maps, " records of Orange County, Califpi4iM- described as follows: ; BEGINNING at an sngle'pojAt in the Southerly right-ofw%fajy line of Bayside Drive as conveyed, to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said Orange County, California, said point being a 1, l/V' iron pipe. and nail as shove on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through 20. inclu- sive, of Miscellaneous Maps, tenoide. of said Orange County, California; thence along said Southerly right"of°vay line of Bayside Drive, South 84046,33" East, 1288.61 f'ee4 to the True Point of aeginning of this description; thence continuing Sptith,•.84046133" East along said Solatsherly right-of-way line of Bayside- Drive,a,distanee of 670.31 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve; concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 892.00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears North 5013'e7" Bast; thence Northwesterly along asid curve, tbxc* a central angle of 23058152", en arb distance of 373.35 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 77.00,!,toet Northerly of daid Southerly right- of-way line of Bayside Drive, a radial line from said point bears North• 29012'19" East; thence Borth 8,4046'33" West along said parallel line a distance of 325.30 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 55.00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears South 3603014V West; thence Southeasterly and Southerly along said curve, through a central angle of W45155", an arc distance of 88.09 Peet to the True Point of Beginning of this description. CONTAINI14Gs 0.748 acres' more or less, gross. SUBJECT TOo An Covenants, Rights, Rights-of-Ray and Easements of Record. EnniT "B" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. VILUAM J. FR06TA a Surveyor �� /7co �\ 9� tc I _ O- /_/ y A� \Q i -P �p��PAV O qp cl N cn PER TR.4003, M.M. 188/13-20 0. —ooc� P NI I 2 r� 9Q J �0'A tR� 51100 I �y\pt- DE TA I L A„ EXN I I T I R� �p Sa SCALE 1": BOO; ' \ FD II/z" LP. W/NAIL Qom/ PER TR 4003, M.M. 188/13•ZA SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF bAYS) DE DZVE 6E(N4. A PCRTION OF BLOCK 94 OF IRVINES SUBDIVISION AS SUOWNON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1, PAGE 88 OF W;CELLANEOUS MAPS, 2EC0RDS OP ORANGE COUNTY, CAUF02NIA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH _ SURVEY DIVISION REFERENCE RIGUT OF WAY MAP i RAUB REIN FROST AND ASSOCIATES REVISED CIVIL _ENGINEERSAND =AND SURVE Y,)RS 136 Ptl[-FIESTEH STRFET I r09TA MESA. CALIFURNIA ' FL (714) 54e 7729 SCALE I"r5C" DATE 3-9•7101 PREP BY CueO. 6Y PERMIT NO RAUB, BEng, FROST & ;ASSOCIAT2S 136 Rochester gtreet Costa Mesa, California Revision #1 March 6, 1970 March 3, 1970 Promontory Bay Page 1 of 1 DES C IP1T'j011 „ GI Exhib3t tuL1't Abandonment of a P�or9iio�s.':i,f. Bayside Drive . That portion of BlodX.,� 1{';q8 Irvine's Subdivision as 'shown on a may thereof, recorded in Book '','gage 88 of Miscellaneous. Regov,4 Maps, records of Orange County, Caji't6ici%p described as follows: BEGINNING at an anple`pci:it in the Southerly right-ofWo line of Bayside Drive as conveyed to the,tCounty of Orange by deed recorded in t, Book 8306 page 21T of Official R'egords, records of said Orange County, California, said point being:a 1 1/2,' iron pipe and nail as shot+,• on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through 20, Inclu- sive, of Miscellaneous Maps, recsxrda,of said Orange County, California; thence along said Southerly, right»of-way line of Bayside Drive, South 84046133" East, 1288.61 feett6 the True Point of Bsginning• of this description; thence continuing spiitb,;84°46'33" East along said Southerly right-of-vay line of Bayside Drkve.•a,diatanee of 670.31 feet to the �•: beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Northeahterly, having• & radius of 892.00 foot$ a radial line from said beginning bears North 5°13127" East; thence Northwester3y along said curve, thrbush a central angle of 23058152", an nzo distance of 373.35 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 77.00.feet Northerly of said SouthA;ly,right- of vsy line of Bayside Drive, A radial line from said point briars � North 29012f19" East, thence North ,6,4°46'33" West along said parallel fine a distance of 325.30 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 55.00 .feet, a radial line'from said beginning bears South 36*30148". Wes,#4 thence Southeasterly and Southerly along said curve, through a central, angle of 91"45155", an are distance of 88,09 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this descriptibn.. CONTAINING: 0.748 acres, more or less, gross. SUBJECT TO: All Covenants, Rights, Rights-of—taay and Easements of Record. EXHIBIT "B" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. WWILtW4 J. FROST,, ) nd Surveybr 12 k RAUB, BEIN, FROST & ASSOCIATES 136 Rochester Street : . . Costa Mesa, California r. 'i Revision N2 March 20, 1970 . , i Promontory Bay Page 1 of 2 e ,., . .,;; ,f',i .~�•4r. .• •D'E 'S dC R I .P T I 0 ,N• ' ,Exhibit "rAu • — • ' : gg ',:. •, .• Abandonment of a Portion of Bsyside' Drive t Those portions of Block 94 of Irvine's Subdivision as shown on a map thereof, recorded in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps,' ; `.. records of Orange County, California, ,described as follows: Parcel 1 BEGINNING at an angle point in the Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive as conveyed to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said Orange County, California, said point being a 1 1/2" iron pipe and nail as shown o map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through( 20 'inclu- 9 sive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California; _ • ' ' thence along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, South 84046'33" .East, 1242.50 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description; thence continuing South 84046133" East along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive a distance of 716.41 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Northeasterly, having a radius. of 892.00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears North 5013'27" East; thence Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of • 23058'52", an arc distance of 373.35 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 77.00 feet Northerly of said Southerly right-of-way line of i Bayside Drive, a radial line from said point bears North 29°12'19" East; thence North 84046,33" West along said parallel line a distance of 303.46 feet tb the beginning of a nontangent• curve, 'concave W&sterly, having a radius of 55.00 feet, a radial_lipp from said beginning bears ---South .71036,48" West; thence toutheasterly,als d Southerly along said curve, through a central angle ofA113°3k'41Y�,an arc distance of 109.03 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description. I CONTAINING: 0.753 acres, more or less, gross.. v / •SUBJECT,TO: • 'All Covenants, 'Right6, Rights-of-Way and Easements, of Record; ' , EXHIBIT""B" .attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Raub, Bein, Frost & Associates - Exhibit,,"A' , . .'. Revision #2 March 20, 1970 Abandonment of a.Portion' of Bayside Drive Promontory Bay ' Page 2,of 2 Parcel 2 I BEGINNING at an angle point in the Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive- as conveyed to the County of Orange by deed recorded in ' ' Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said.,,Orange County,wYO- California, said point being a 1 1/2" iron pipe an�anil� as shown on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through . 0J;'ll clu- sive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California; thence alongsaid Southerly right-of-wayline of y Bayside Drive, ` south 84046'33" Nest, 1170.60 feet; thence leaving said'Southerly right- of-way line North 5013'27" East, 69.30 feet to the True Point of Beginning ' of this description, said point being 'in a nontangent curve, concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a radial line at said point : ' bears North 1904violl West; thence Northeasterly along said curve, through ,,. a central angle of 8059128", an arc -distance of 15.69 feet; thence non- thencetangent• to said curve North 84046,33" West, 13.66 feet; . " Sout# 5°13127" West, 7.70 feet to the True'Point of Beginning. y CONTAINING: 0.001 acres, 'more or less,- gross., SZTBJECT'TO:• 'All Covenants, Rights, Rights-of-Way.aad Easements' :." of Record. ' EXHIBIT•"B'.' attached and by this, reference'made ,a part hereof. . t' '+S' • William am S. Fros ,-Lafid Surveyor w • •�}i: 1. ••i '1�•. •+ r i. '1•. it . • '1' ' • r .t' 1 , ',• , • , •R.83 .. a P,OiS' SAYSIDE 0/ZI7 +3 oI S 46'3 m 84- SEE DETAIL A 3" >o • _ A ' E , WIMAIL 1242•50' M \ PER TZ-4005o M•M, DRIVE p , 188/13-t4 - / r • fl +, ire i\\ril7�'•!: , 'r,, " ��Qa��.`�� '• •• Q� cv td kOS.�3'�0' old CP/p��gy bb� CaP m ./` c c / y b SAYSID y.C, G3?� T, I} a qc ryq�/ '^'��' m p,0,8gil. . 0 � 84°46 A Dc� . 4. - 33" ?E 1112.61' _ �. ..� U64446• r'Q ;p�''m^'n Q b03.4C, N /�p4 .» F $. Sg4.S83 E 1z42 Sao t en P�2ce11 .r a`� 1�v 0. 1}�z°1.? 446'33" Qo k1 1 ?ER Tq 400/MAIL -1 90• 4v '110o 46'33„E 716, 8g�Is-f9•� S.M.�M. Q l�d:113 41' DETAIL„Ai, L�-�09 3441 ro 11.. SCALE .B V. 2gp0'327"ECRAq) ;EXNIgIT " gl, SILEIC1 TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL OESCRIPTIOM ' FOQ' A6AMV0M 16NT .,OF A PORTIOM OF 6AY5( DE DRIVE BEING A P07TIO9 OF BLOCK 94OF IRVIMES S66DIVISl014 AS S90AM OM A MAP RECORDED W 80041) PAGE 38.0F MISCELLAUEOUS MAPS} RECORDS OF OIZA}dGE COUMTY, CALIFORI•lIA. PWAARED 6Y' RAUb, BEpd, FFOST� ASSOC., DATE 3.20.70 136 ROCUH5TER STREET COSTA MESA, CALIF. �0 q�p /�pop� .105 U0. rR.38b7 CITY Y OF NEWPORT BE-ACH DRAWN DATE =7-20-70 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED ABAUDONMENT 01✓ 'A PORTION PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR R.E. NO. OF I3Ay51DL .DIZIUE DRAWING No.K/W5117- L RAUB, BEIN, FROST & ASSOCIATES 136 Rochester Street Costa Mesa, California Revision #1 March 6, 1970 March 3, 1970 Promontory Bay Page 1 of 1 D E S C R I P T I O N Exhibit "A" Abandonment of a Portion of Bayside Drive That portion of Block 94 of Irvine's Subdivision as shown on a map thereof, recorded in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Renard Maps, records of Orange County, California, described as follows: BE angle oint in the Southerly right-of-way line GINNING at anp of Bayside Drive as convey,d to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 830, page 217 of Official Records, records of said Orange County, California, said point being a 1 1/2" iron pipe and nail as shown on a map of Tract No. 4003, recorded in Book 188, pages 13 through 20, inclu- sive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, California; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive, south 8046'33" East, 1288.61 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description; thence continuing South 84046'33" East along said Southerly right-of-way line of Bayside Drive a distance of 670.31 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 892.00 feet, a radial line from said beginning beers North 5013'27" East; thence Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 23°58'52", an are distance of 373.35 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 77.00 feet Northerly of said Southerly right- of-way line of Beyside Drive, a radial line from said point bears North 29°12119" East; thence North 84146133" West along said parallel line a distance of 325.30 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 55.00 feet, a radial line from said beginning bears South 36°30148" nest; thence Southeasterly and Southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 91045'55", an are distance of 88.09 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description. CONTAINING. 0.748 acres, more or less, gross. cVBJECT TO: All Covenants, Rights, 'Rights-of Way and Basements of Record. EXHIBIT "B" attached and by this reference made a part hereof. i WI AM J. FRO"d Surveyor r i COMPILATION OF STAFF REPORTS ,TO PLANNING. COMMISSION FROM PLANNING� DEP-ARTMENT REGARDING -•PROPOSE'D PROMONTORY .BAY DEVELOPMENT' ' ~ SUBJECT: Master Plan 'Amendment No . 25 ' ( Item 18) Proposal to amend Master Street and Highway Plan ' • by realigning Bayside ' Drive between East Coast - Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) anal-also •,;; to close a section of 'existing Bayside Drive -west- erly of Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue ) . .. Use Permit Appl'ication ' No . 1466 ( Item 19) Request to permit development of a- residential area of single family dwelling units , with support- ing commercial and recreational facilities , to in- clude a yacht basin and 'maritra. ", `;,.• Tentative Map Tract Na. 3867 , ( Item 20) Request to permit subdivision of 24 .0± acres 'into 62, residential lots.; and Lot "A" reserved for waterway purposes , Lot: "B" ••reserved for planted area, Lot "C" reserved ' for common waterway access I area , Lot "D", reserved 'for parki ng 'and marina . '! . facility, Lot , "E" reserved for. park 'site ' and ` .Lot 63 reserved for commercial, site. LOCATION: Portion of• Block '94 of Irvine ' s Subdivision located ' •:., between Pacific Coast Hfghway 'and Bayside Drive , w•e•st r• , . of Jamboree Road 1propdsed 'P.romonto•ry Bay) : { ZONE: Unclassified ; C-N=H"and: R-3 . ' APPLICANT: The . Irvine Company', Newport Beach.' ; OWNER: ` Same as applicant Application Bayside Drive is designated as a' secondary highway on the Master Street• and ' Hi'ghway Plan and ; therefore ,. the proposed realignment of• Bayside Drive requires an. amendment to the master plan in . accordance w,ith 'Sect•ion 19,20. 010 of - the Municipal Code .. is • • , :, . ; - : 2 The proposed development is located in an unclassified "U" ?' district and , therefore , requires a use permit in • accordance ' with Section 20 . 34. 020 of the Municipal Code . • r ' Section 19.12. 101 of the Municipal Code requires the filing of . a tentative map as the 'first step in subdivision of the .land : into separate building lots" for sale or lease . a , , Subject Property The subject property includes Phase I of the proposed development ' consisting of ,Parcels 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 9 as •shown on the proposed Land Use Plan for Use Permit No .' 1466 , as submitted by the Irvine _ Company . Phase I'I of the proposed development would be the subject , ` .,;',:. of a separate use permit application in the future . This phase would include Parcels 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 , which are shown for informa- tion only. These parcels lie north of the proposed realignment - of Bayside Drive, and. comprise the existing Bayside Shopping Center, . ' a limited expansion 'of this center to the west, and an apartment development of all the high . ground known as Promontory - Point as well as a small area of . land at ,a lower elevation bordering Bayside• . - . Drive. Surrounding Uses The, following properties surround the proposed development and are " affected -by the realignment of Bayside Drive : 7 . Balboa Yacht Basin (land leased from City of Newport., ; Beach) . City Manager' s office is investigating " the possibility of retaining an appraiser 'to study the effect which realignment of Bayside Drive would have, on this ,property. 2. Beacon Bay (land leased from City of Newport Beach ) : • This property would also be included in the ap- praiser' s study . However , the Staff feels that due to the reduction • of traffic on existing Bay- side Drive (which could permit use of the rear access to Beacon Bay ) , the Beacon Bay residential property would benefit .. 3. Reside'nces adjacent to Harbor Isle Drive . At present these residences front on a very busy street with potentially dangerous problems of driveway access . Staff feels the reduction in traffic resulting from the realignment of , Bayside . : :• ' Drive would benefit these 'homes and decrease the traffic hazards . ; 4. ' Bayside Shopping Center. , The propos-ed• realignment of Bayside Dri've •would' cut ' through the southwest corner of the parking lot which would necessi - tate redesigning a portion ,of the driveway access and parking layout.. The driveway connection shown on •the . Tentative M'a,p would require further ,study . . 1 3 5 . Apartments .-along south side of Bayside Drive be- tween Villa Marina Motel and Shark Island Yacht Club . These -apartments now have direct frontage - on Bayside Drive but would not have direct frontage .' . on the, proposed realignment . Further study ,of. , acces.s would be necessary. ' Master^ Plan Amendment No . 25 This application requests approval to realign Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway- and Jamboree Road , and to close a section of existing Bayside Drive westerly of Jamboree Road . Approval of this application would require that the information ,..• . presented show to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission that the amendment to the Master Street and Highway- Plan- as cop templated would not 'have a detrimental effect ' on adjacent pro-. .' perties , the neighborhood , 'or the community. 2r. The proposed amendment could have the following -benefits :..: ' i 1 . - Th'e new alignment would be more direct than the' existing alignment, ' •;<<. An existing sharp curve would be eliminated.. ... .'. 3 .• Direct access to the arterial street would be ' • eliminated from approximately '12 homes having - garages so 'located -,as to - requi'r•e backing onto the street. 4. An existing poor intersection connecting, Harbor. . " Island Road to the arterial'' street would be . greatly improved ., 5 . The easterly .:entrance to . Beacon B_ay coul'd 'be opened and made 'us.able;. 6 . Access to any future development north .of the proposed realignment could be taken directly : i from Bayside Drive . The proposed amendment, could rai'se •the following questions : . 1 .' Th•e operators of businesses -located on the Balb-o'a Yacht Basin property ( hand leased from. City of Newport Beach ) believe they could be adversel'y '.• affected by the lower -traf•ftc volumes on existing,"* : ',•• ` Bayside Drive.' „'. 2. The proposed realignment would necessitate re- designing a portion- of- the, Bays'ide 'Shopp.ing Center• parking 1 ot.. . . 4' - 3: A portion of the apartments along the south side of Bayside Drive adjacent to the Shark Island •Yacht Club would 'not have direct access to. the proposed realigned Bayside •Drive . It is the •opinion of staff that Bayside Drive would more efficiently.,".. " -'serve the community in the capacity of a secondary highway in the'- proposed realigned lo.cation : Staff, -therefore ,- recommends• ap- proval of this application- subject to the following conditions :'.,: 1 . Th-at, the Bayside Shopping •Center parking lot be redesigned" to the satisfaction of the Planning Director , and constructed concurrently with con- struction of realigned Bayside Drive . 2. That access requirements to the Shark- Island, .. Yacht Club and- the adjacent apartments be restored to, the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Use Permit Application No. 1466 This application requests -approval of the general land use concept : ...,',, .," ' .' of parcels 1 , 2 , 3, 4 -and 9 as shown on the proposed land use plan submitted by. the Irvine Company. Approval of this application would require that the proposed use of these parcels would be com- patible with and not detrimental to' the ordinary maintenance , devel- opment and redevelopment of . the surrounding area as, determined by the Planning Commission . The existing and, proposed uses and existingzoning o.f the g parcels.,.' ' 'comprising Phase ' I are approximately as f.ollow:`".: ,; : Zo_ ning ' .Existing Use Proposed Use Parcel #1 -U Vacant Lagoon on :R-3 Boat Repair ` ; Channel' Facility Parcel #2 =U s. Vacant ,,' ',Marina ` Faci I ! ty`' and Parking Parcel #3 R=3' Yacht Club '•Marina • Related' ' Commercial a c• P r elz 4 -3. Vacant . . . ,# 'R and 'Come Com mercial ial. r Public Right of-Way ' : Parcel , #9, -U V,a'cant Single Family ; _ • _ Residentia 1 , It is the opinion of Staff that the lagoon and surrounding single;'. : family residential development would be compatible with 'the gen : .' •': ' eral character of the surrounding area and the Newport Tomorrow , '- Goals Report which stresses ••a harbor related• environment. I It is also the feeling of Staff that commerciaA uses of Parcels #2 , 3 and 4 'could be compatible with the surrounding land use's . 1 However, more detailed ,informatio'n ,regarding these parcels would ,, b'e desirable , and they are not subject to further review if ,.un- . conditionally approved under this use permit . It is the opinion of Staff that the proposed Promontory` Bay Devel - opment concept would be an asset to the community over alternative,, .,- traditional developments . Staff, therefore , recommends approval of Use Permit No. 1466 subject to the following condltians : 1 . That approval of Use Permit No . '1466 be subject to satisfactory demonstration of the engineering feasibility'•of the pro.posed lagoon design and issuance of a 'harbor permit, (See report to Joint Harbor Committee from ,City of Newport: Beach. Harbor and Tidelands Administrator attached. ) 2. That an amendment.'•to• the Master Street . and -Highway Plan is .approved. 3. That Parcel No . 4 be approved in pp principle —only, and be subject 'to a separate use permit.- ". 4. . That final plans for the relocation of the Sh'ark Island Yacht Club on Parcel No. . 3 b•e ' subject to approval of the Planning Director. 5,• That Parcel No., 2 ,(.parking and marina - facility)% .,t , be approved in principle- only, and be subject to a separate Use permit. ! Tentative Map Tract No . 3867 ' • This ,application requests approval of the Tentative' Tract Map fo.r', Lots 1 through . 63 and Lots "A" through .." E" as • shown•,on. the• tenta tive map which coincides with. Parcels 1 , 2 ,: 4 a'nd 9 • a's'.shown' on the Land - UsePlan' fop Use Permit No. 1466: - 6 - i Statistical Analysis - ,! Estimated Estimated " Parcel Proposed . Population Total No. Use Acres D/U per 'D/U Population - •1 Lagoon and'• 11 . 0 Marina 2 Marina Facilities 2. 1 3 Marina . - - Related . , 4 Commercial 4 Commercial 1 : 2 ; 9 Single Family 11 . 5 62 3 '186 TOTAL ' 26,2 62 3 186 Development Characteristics ' RESIDENTIAL (Lots 1 -62) - The Tentative Map proposes 62 si'ngle !: family residential lots surrounding the• greater part of the pro- posed lagoon : The Tentative Map includes a typical cross section-• ' ;-r;a showing the proposed1 agoon and the relationship - of lots and .4 " ' streets on both sides . -Other drawings on the Tentative Map show .. . .. •typical• building sites and street sections . Single family resi dential" lots have the following characteristics : A, Size 'and Shape . The proposed development is in conformity with the minimum requirements 'of Section 19 . 20. 110 of the Municipal Code regarding , area (not less than 5000 sq . ft. average ) , width (not less than 50 ft. average ) , and depth (not less than 80 ft. average ) . •.B. Access . Access to lots adjacent to the proposed realignment of Bayside Drive would utilize drive- ways located' on common lot lines with turnaround areas so that vehicles would not necessarily be required to back into the street. The Planning . Commission recently approved this concept of driveway design for another Irvine Company devel - opment of 12 lots along Bayside Drive near: E1 Pas.eo Drive. Access to lots adjacent to existing Bayside " Drive is provided by conventional driveways . How- ever , Lots, 29 through 34 and •42-44-, due to their location at intersections and on the curvature of the road , have limited sight distances . The turn- around driveway concept: properly could also, app•l,y to these 'lots . - 7 C. ,Setbacks . • Setbacks ' are as follow: 1 .• ' Rear Yard - 10 ' Minimum 2 . Sidd 'Yard - 4' Minimum' " ' 3. ,Front Yard. - 10 ' Min'. -Realigned Bayside Drive, 17 ' Min . -Existing Bayside Drive Staff recommends that the front yard setback on exist- ing Bayside Drive should be, 20 *feet minimum in the dri'veway area to prevent biocking 'of the public, side- • walk and right-of-way . D. , Grading. Lots 46 through 62 are split-level with approximately 9 ' difference in pad elevations . A retaining wall separates a portion of Lot 45 from Lot 46 .' ,.WATERWAY (LOT "A" ) - ,The entry channel to the proposed lagoon is,"' proposed to be cut through property owned by the Irvine Company , now occupied by Shark Island Yacht Club . The channel• location would be immediately adjacent to City-owned property occupied by - the Balboa Yacht Basin . The Irvine Company has 'applied t6 ;the Army Corps of Engineers for the necessary navigation permit.. Thb Corps as part of the 'processing of the permit will make water quality and hydraulic determinations as well as coordinate with other agencies such as the Department of Interior , State Fish and Game , and the Regional Water Quality , Control Board. . .Approximately, thirty days are required for the Corps to process a navigation permit, at which time the results will be included in the applica. tion for a harbor permit. The City Council has asked the Staff to prepare a study on the question of private vs . public waterway for the lagoon proposal ., This topic will - be discussed at the joint Harbor Committee Meet- ' ` on February 10 , 1970 , and will also be a consideration, in ' the application for a harbor permit. One of the questions for Planning Commission consideration regarding the 'lagoon is the general concept of- adding additional. waterways to the existing' 'harbor. LOT "B" (Planted Area) .- This is a planting area that forms part of the intersection between the proposed realignment of Bayside Drive and the existing Bayside Drive. (.Note : A new name would be necessary for the portion of existing Bayside Drive' , : which would no longer be . part of the through route : ' One name which has been suggested is` ••Harbor Isle Drive . ) • Staff, is `of the opinion that the proposed intersection would function- 'satis- factorily; however, ' the connecting street should .be 52 feet in width between exterior curbs in. order t'o' provide for a 20 foot entering roadway,, an ' 8 'f6.ot,:median , , an,d a ,24 foot.' existing' road- way LOT "C" - This is a common waterway access area and beach for Lots 42 .through 45 . :• LOT "D" (Marina Facilities and Parking ) - Lot "D" is located adjacent to the proposed realignment of Bayside• Drive and is an` adjunct to the marina, ,providing space for parking and rest room facilities . The parking lot , 17-sli:p marina and dry boat storage ,• .', facility provide a window-to-the-bay approximately 800 • feet in , length . Parking requirements •,fo,r the marina and small bdat dry ".to"rage' , include: 17 slips @ . 75. space per boat slip 13 " 40 storage spaces @ '. 25 space per dry storage •spaces, Total, Requi red Spaces 2'3 '. The proposed parking area presently shows 18 parking space's . I Redesign would- be necessary to provide 8 additional parking, ' spaces , or reduce the number of- slips and/or dry boat storage spaces . . This . portion of the project offers an opportunity to create a truly ' .outsta'nding relationship between water, ,docks , roadway , pedestrian . : ways , and the development inland from Bayside Drive . Maximum advan- tage should be obtained from the differences in elevation and the area should be thoughtfully designed , to • provide for landscaping , benches , etc. LOT "E" (Park Site ) ' - Lot "E" is located adjacent to the west' •s'ide of the proposed waterway at the point where existing Bayside Drive- would be closed and terminated in a c•ul -de-sac.• The Tentative Map,.', ,•, . ; shows the cul -de-sac centered on Bayside Drive and overlapping onto; City'' property at the Balboa Marina; this could raise certain prob ,lems . However, it is important that the turning area be fully adequate for larger vehicles; in view of the length of the cul -de-„ sac , and possible use of, the road by Targe vehicles , trailers transporting boats , etc. The park site would be an additional asset to the '•community, pro-• ' viding a window-to-the-bay with possibilities for 'adjacent parking;. ; The portion of Lot "E" not included in the public right-of-way, resulting from the closing of Bayside Drive , should be dedicated to- the City, and the existing right-of-way of Bayside Drive should bq retained under publ'.ic control . LOT 63 (Commerci'al Site ) .- '. One proposal for this site is a restaurant to be located on that portion north of the present right-of-way of Baysi'de ,Drive . Further information and study- would be necessary concerning the relationship between Lot. 63 and Parcel No . -3 as shovin• on the proposed land' use plan , us well . as the . previousl,y mentioned apartment complex . "' ' 9 PARCEL 3 , AS SHOWN ON PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN FOR USE PERMIT 1466 ( Commercial Site) - The proposed channel would necessitate the removal of the existing Shark Island Yacht C1•ub . One proposal for use of Parcel 3 would be to accommodate replacement facilities for the yacht club . Further. information •and study is' necessary regarding this parcel . : UTILITIES - This project invo.lves major questions of reconstruc "lion and/or relocation of existing utilities to avoid conflict .. -,with the proposed channel crossing . The largest single question involves rerouting of the existing 21" trunk sewer line of Orange County Sanitation District- No . 5 which serves ,Bdlboa Island and . •Irvine Terrace as well as a large part of Corona del* Mar. One ;of• the alternative plans now under consideration for serving the future : requirements of Sanitation District ' No. 5 would involve expansion of this sewer• to• 39" diameter., The 'questions involving utility relocation have been identified and are under study by •the 'Irvine . Company, the, public and private utility agencies involved, -and .the . • ' ' City Public Works Department. - STREET STANDARDS - Comments from the City' Engineer are contained in the' attached memorandum dated January 28 , 1970 . Standards shown on the Tentative Map for existing Bayside Drive appear to be satis- factory , with the exception of questions 'concerning the cul -de-sac . . at the east end , and the intersection between existing Bayside j Drive and the proposed relocation of Bayside Drive. • _ I • . The alignment shown on the Tentative Map appears to be satisfactory, except that a 'length ,of tangent should be provided between ,the two a, reversing curves -at the east end of the development adjacent to the existing Bayside Shopping Center. Consideration has been given to designing -the relocated Bayside Drive to intersect Pacific 'Coast Highway east of. the .Iverson Volks- wagen Agency rather than -west of the Bayside Inn . Information has ,: -- .. been received from the California Division of Highways indicating : that such' a connection would be feasible so far as design of the Pacific -Coast Freeway is concerned; however, a freeway crossing of Bayside Drive east' of the Volkswagen Agency would not be compatible . with a freeway grade- separation serving a north entrance to Promon- tory Point, west of Jamboree Road. Such a relocation of Bayside 'Drive might offer opportunities for increasing the available land area adjacent to the upper end of proposed Promontory Bay and plifying• intersection design . The advantages' and disadvantages of , ••",'.' any such relocation are under study:' Any of these proposed relo cations of Bayside drive offer opportunities for shortening the length of the main thoroughfare ,, improving ' ali•gnment and .reducing., traffid• past single family homes along the west. side•,of 'existing, •,, . . •, ' Bayside Drive .' The,'attached drawings illustrate three possible• typical sections for the relocation ,of, Baysi,de Drive . . .Alternate :A is. the proposal .,.. , of . the Irvine Company as shown 'on . the Tentative Map . Alternate B; ,.. : • 1 �, l0 ti . has been proposed by the Public Works Department and is based on four travel lanes, a•n optional left-tu,rn median and parking 'along the south side only. Alternate C has been proposed by the Plan ning Department and is based on a separate frontage road serving single family dwellings and a four lane major street with' no- park ing on either- side and a variable median allowing left turns only t at intersections . -Traffic studies have been presented by consultants for the Irvine ' . Company 'indicating a potential reduction in average daily .traffic '• on Bayside Drive to 6 ,500 vehicles from th•e• present flow of 13',000 to 16 ,000 vehicles . This is based on anticipated 'diversion of f traffic following completion of the Pacific Coast Freeway.• f Section 19. 20. 050 of the Municipal Code requires - "when the front of any lots abuts any major, primary or secondary.street or high- way ; the subdivider shall be required to__dedicate and improve a . 'service road to provide ingress or egress to and .from ,such lots " The Irvine Company has asked a waiver of this requirement stating the following reasons : 1 : Traffic studies presented by consultants for the , Irvine Company indicate a potential reduction in average, daily traffic on Bayside Drive t'o •6 ,500 vehicles from the present flow of 13 ,000 to 16 ,000 , ` vehicles . This is based on anticipated diversion of traffic following completion of the Pacific Coast Freeway. + 2. The Irvine Company proposes driveways along realigned Bayside Drive with 'adequate turn- around areas provided so that vehicles need not back into the street. 3. The Irvine ' Company states that their studies ' indicate that a service road will not provide ': " a more desirable environment or enhance the marketability ofthe _lots in this proposed ' development.. 4. Reduction of existing curb cuts now -taking access onto Bayside Drive ,from•. 18 to 12 or 17 to 11 . . 1' The Planning Department believes a waiver of the service road ` requirement should .be denied for the following reasons : 1 . .The Staff agrees that there could be a, diversion , of traffic when the freeway is completed and that Bayside Drive could function with d'riveway accesses . However , Bayside Drive is classified as a secondary highway with a 45 m.p. h . speed limit. Even if present traffic volumes should be reduced , at these speeds it would •n'ot be desirable to front single family ,residences on Bayside Drive. Furthermore , due to minimum -lot area and maximum building coverage , driveways fronting on this street will be one of the main areas for children 'to' piay. 2. . Due to minimum front yard setbacks ,and traffic volumes , environmental qualities are jeopardized • by fumes and noise levels . A frontage road would' • provide additional separation . 3. It will be a minimum of eight years until the ,. :freeway will be opened for traffic . 4. In the location of the previously approved' turnaround type drives , Bayside Drive is not serving in .the capacity of a secondary highway. With a parking lane to Bayside Drive which could possibly limit sight distances and the increased speed limit , the turnaround type driveway is .less desirable in this location . ; Environmental values represent the essentially intangible, un- • quantifiable essence of .a community' s character and meaning . The ' Planning Department believes that these-values should not be compromised . Staff has previously noted the minimum setbacks as shown on the tentative map, are within the minimum requirements of applicable ordinances . However , front yard setback lines may be determined by the Planning Commission in accordance with Section 19 . 20. 110 •(c) .of the Municipal Code . Staff believes ' that strict conformance to minimum provisions of the' ordinance could produce a very static and sterile environment, both from land and water. . Staff suggests • ,that the Irvine Company file a setback plan as a part of this application' allowing for variation of front and rear setback lines . Staff recommends approval of Tentative Map' Tract No, - 3867 subject'' , to the following conditions : 1 . That' final approval be subject to the approval of •Use •Permit •'1466 and the conditions 'thereto. ; 12 - 2. '' That final approval of the subdivision be subject, to approval of an appropriate revision to the Master Plan of Streets ..and Highways . (Public .. hearings required. ) 3. That final . approval of the subdivision be subject to the apandonment of certain existing public rights-of-way as contemplated and to satisfactory arrangements being made for ,dedication and im- provement of the new rights-of-way required. (Public hearing required. ) 4. That final approval of the subdivision be subject ' to satisfactory arrangements being made to re- ' locate existing facilities of the Orange County Sanitation District and of other affected utilities . ,' 5. That Section- 19 . 20 .'050 of the Municipal Code re- quiring a service road not be waived , and that the cross section for realigned Bayside Drive shall be in accordance with Alternate "C"• of the attached drawings . 6. ; That access to Lots • 27 through 34 , 42 through 44 (and unless a frontage road is provided - all parcels along realigned Bayside Drive ) , be pro vided, by • means, of drives located on common lot lines , each drive serving two parcels ; and that adequate turnaround areas be provided so that vehicles need not back into the street. Cross easements or non-barrier agreements satisfactory ,' to the City Attorney shall be provided so as to guarantee perpetuation of the access arrangement. 7. That unless a. frontage road is provided , the right-of-way width of realigned Bayside Drive be at least 86 feet and the curb-to-curb width be at least 70 feet. This cross section will " provide for 4 travel, lanes , 2 eight foot wide parkways , a twelve foot wide median left turning' lane and an eight foot wide parking lane on the southerly. side . (Alternate ".B" on the ,attached ..• drawings . ) 8. That the new cul -de-sac be' located entirely on the developer ' s land., 9. That the design of the' new intersections of 're aligned Bayside' Dri-ve with exi sti ng' Baysi de' , .-.`Drive be subject t,o review' and approval by the' ' C i ty.. 10. , That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 11 . - That the boundary of the final tract may be checked by the County Surveyor before being sub- • .mitted to the City for approval . 12. That all gra'ding be in accordance with grading plans and reports approved by the Public Works ; Director and a qualified Soils Engineer. Upon.' completion of the grading the Civil Engineer and the Soils Engineer shall certify that th.e grading has• been completed in accordance with the plans , the soils report and the grading ordinance . Reproducible copies of the plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the •. Public Work's Department. 13. . That the connecting street southeasterly of ' Lot " B" be 52 feet in width between exterior curbs -in order to provide for a twenty foot entering roadway , an eight foot median and a twenty-four foot exiting roadway. 14. That all driveways be a minimum of twenty feet in Tength from the property line to ensure no . , parking will be in the public right-of-way. 15. : The portion of Lot " E" not included in . the , public right-of-way , resulting from the closing of Bayside Drive', be dedicated to the City , and the existing right-of-way of Bayside Drive,west of the proposed waterway b�. retained under public control .' .;;;• 1,6,. A length of tangent be' provided between' the two reversing curves at the east end of the developr ment adjacent to the existing Bayside Shopping Center. 17. • 'Parkway trees be installed on all public rights- of-ways in accordance with Parks , Beaches and " Recreation Department specifications . 18, Appropriat'e 'landscaping be installed on all slopes anal vacant -spaces resulting from this development. 19. ' A setback plan allowing for a variation of-. front and -rear setback lines be submitted to . the Planning Director for approval . - 14 - 20. That there be no City financial obligations connected with construction of realigned' �I Bayside Drive. 21 . That realigned Bayside Drive be constructed to its full width in connection with the, develop- ment of Tract- 3867. RODNEY • L. GUNN Assistant Planner RLG/kk ; Attachments *' Report to Joint Harbor .Committee. from Harbor Administrator Typical Cross Sections Land .Use Plan i III NEWPORT FINANCIAL PLAZA o 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE o NEWPORT 6EACH,CALIFORNIA 92G60 0(734)6414.3012 February 5, 1970 Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach? California Gentlemen: PROMONTORY BAY , Recognizing the complexity of the project before you, The Irvine Company would take this opportunity to submit the j following comments to assist you in your deliberations - relative to Promontory Bay. It is recognized that a number of additional events and public hearings must be held regarding this project to include such items as Use Permit 0 1466 ; an amendment to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways ; the approval of Tentative Tract Map #3867 ; a meeting before , the Joint Harbor Committee and the U. S . Army Corps of w Engineers -regarding the yacht lagoon; and discussions with the City Council concerning the above matters plus a public hearing on closing •a portion of existing Bayside Drive and approval of a harbor permit It has been proposed 'both by the City of Newport Beach City • ; Council and the city staff that all items related to Promontory Bay be considered by the City Council at its meeting March 23 . This procedure has been agreed to by The Irvine Company as being a logical step -in ascertaining the .total ,impact and merits of this project on the surround- , . ing community. Further, it is recognized that not all the items outlined in the first paragraph will be considered` at the Planning Commission level, therefore, additional review should,be 'provided at such time as all data is -- 2, available. However, The Irvine Company has endeavored to supply the planning staff with sufficient- information at this time in order that the Planning Commission may tare action on the land use elements of the proposed plan. , Realizing that certain policy decisions must be made by the City Council which affect the development of this property The. Irvine Company would agree that any matter considered and approved by the Planning Commission (to include the use permit and tentative tract map) could be conditioned in such a manner that no action would be considered final until such time as the City Council were to make the afore- mentioned policy decisions regarding the project. Specifically, The Irvine Company would agree to the following conditions being made a part of the hearing on the use 'permit and/or tentative tract map: 1. That the validation of the use permit be dependent upon approval of the City Council of a harbor permit for the dredging of the yacht lagoon, the severance of existing Bayside Drive and the -relocation of Bayside Drive to the approximate position as indicated on Tentative- Tract Map #3867.. ; 2. That the -land use' shown northerly of the proposed Bayside Drive on •the 'Precise Land Use Plan submi-Eted as an exhibit with the use permit .application„ is in no way approved by the •Planning Commission but is merely an information item indicating the possible development plans of The Irvine Company for that portion of this property. . 3 . That upon final approval of the project by the City Council, The Irvine Company will' immediately initiate.', rezoning procedures to zone the subject property in conformance with the proposed land -uses . 4. That no structures be developed on the south side of the proposed 'Bayside Drive between areas No. 2 and No. 4 (as shown on the Precise Land Use Plan) which would obstruct' view potential to the new yacht basin and access channel. (This condition would not be meant to preclude the installation. of land'scapirig or prohibit. ; the interruption cf view caused by boats harbored in . . . the commercial yacht marina.) • 5 . That proposed solutions to, any problems of access to adjacent parcels (i.e. , parcels No. 3, ' 4, and 6 on the Precise Land Use Plan) be 'subject to the review and approval .of 'the Public Works Department. 6. That engineering. information provided concerning '-the proposed yacht basin be of such sufficient detail that favorable action be taken by all necessary legislative bodies regarding the approval and -release of permits relative to the creation of this land use. It is -hoped •that- the above information will assist the- Planning Commission in its considerations of this matze-r. Very truly yours, James E. Taylor ' General Planning Administrator eU ' r U , NEWPORT FINANCIAL PLAZA a 650 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE o NEWPORT CEACH,CALIFORNIA 92660 ei714)644.30:1 January 14,, 1970 . . . , . Planning Commission , City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard . Newport Beach, California ', ; Gent lemen• . . ' PROMONTORY POINT As a result of recent discussions with' the Newport Beach City Council and the city staff regarding procedures for the processing of our application for Promontory Point, The Irvine Company would respectfully request that action on Use Permit Application #14.66 be col tinued until 'the Planning Commission meeting of February 5, 1970. • The staff, supported by the City Council, has proposed thaw , all items regarding this complex proposal be brought befo;-e' - the Council at the- same time foridiscussion and action: This is to include such issues as the land use oroposal, tentative subdivision map, an amendment to the roaster Plan of Arterials precipitated by the proposed relocation of Bayside Drive, abandonment proceedings for portions of existing Bayside Drive created by the proposed yacht •basin channel, the harbor permit required to dredge- the yacht 3agoon, the proposal for future rezoning of the Site, 'and ' the -results of a property assessment study to be conducted on city-owned property adjacent to the proposed development in Beacon Bay.- In order to accomplish this goal, it will be necessary for the •Planning Commission to also hold hearings and take action, on many of tre same items to be forwarded to- the. Cit�y Council. Therefore, "additional time will be' necessary for preparation of exhibits and necessary, legal advertising for, the appropriate -items .,., Planning Commission 2: January 14, 1970 It is anticipated that on February 5, The Irvine Company will present a proposal to the Planning Commission which will include the following: (a) Use Permit 01466, con- taining' land use proposals for Promontory Point; (b) an aiiicncbllent to -the Master Plan of Arterial Highways proposing the relocation of Bayside Drive and; Kc) a tentative may , outlining the specific proposals for development of the single -Family, lots , yacht basin, commercial marina, and supporting commercial facilities for Phase 1 of the development. The city planning staff .can provide you urith more specific information relative to the procedures decided upon and the sequence and timing of action to be Taken relative to the "• - project. Your cooperation in this -request Is greatly appreciated. ; Very truly, yours; ; James E. Taylor General Planning Administ-rato-r, - eb COMIANly- NEWPORT FINANCIAL PLAZA 550 NEWPORT CCNTER DRIVE o NEWPORT REACH,CALIFORNIA 92CGO i724)G4:• 011 December 22; .1969 Planning Commission -{ -:, n . . ,. ^^c•'r� City of Newport Beach q 3300 Newport Boulevard , MN Newport Beach California ,j RRY."r•,r.T r: s • Geritlemen, •_ of rF( I,Y�%' . PROMONTORY POINT Submitted herewith is the- development plan of The Irvine Company for the, property commonly referred to as Promontory f Point. The plan proposes a homogenous community of single family lots for "the construction of custom homes, multiple, family residences and supporting commercial facilities , which are oriented 'toward a yacht basin and lagoon. - The project is- divided into two (2) phases ., Phase I,, which constitutes the basis of the present Use Permit application;' w is comprised of sixty-two (62) single family lots , a ten (10) acre lagoon with access to Newport Ba a commercial marina with ancillary facilities , •and two (2 'commerciah.sites totalling approximately two (2) acres'. It is anticipated that construction of the thirty (30) acre Phase I will commence in -the early part of 1970. The remaining thirty-two (32) acres containing medium high density residential units and an approximate two (2) acre commercial site would be developed at a later date and• be Subject to the approval of an additional Use Permit which will provide specific information relative to densities , t circulation and performance standards. It is propose'S 'chat Bayside .Drive be realigned co accommodate the lagoon. j. Therefore, it is requested that• the City' of Newport Beach initiate vacation proceedings for that portion' of existing „ Bayside Drive that will be eliminated by the access'.channel' _ and realignment. of,. said street. z. Promontory Point.' •2. December 22, 1969 It is the intent of The Irvine Company to i.nitiate ,legis- lative proceedings in order to zone- the subject area in accordance with actual land uses subsequent to 'approval of the Use Permit for Phase I. Further, the following documents are included as a' part 'of the application in order to provide the, Commission.with sufficient; info-rma- tion upon which -to base its deliberations :' l:." Legal Plat Map. 2. ' Topographic Map of Existing Conditions: : 3 . Site Plan for Phase I: 4. Statistical Analysi's for Phase .I.' 5 . Precise Land USe 'Plan for P-romonto"ry Point. . Your consideration in• this mattLr is greatly appreciated. Further, a 'representative 'of', The Irvine Company will be present at" the public, hearing to' answer. any questions' you .; may'have. .Very truly :yours, . . James E. Taylor : General Planning Administrator::. Enc. Low O'RvN/Gm 3 41'.§� HAr,OOB COMMISSION KCNM E7H SAMPSON •'`-'' .uonr '' DIR CCYOR-HARJORO, GLACe L'S 0 PAIRS C. C. WACAI YiJOLLCY. CHAIRMAN , , • �ro /I�J 1 /•~ ,• ' . YV. ALLL'N CRU33, ViGG•CNAIRMhN .{•„ ✓wV�., \ 1 j 1507 $AYStGZ CR,vC FRANK F.MCAJ l\\\••� I\ (\ /"./ NCYIPOAY C.ACH. CAW. 0..1..42 DCAN C.SHULL,JR. , �Nt FJSCRL N. HCNGON • M41Lr 7CLCPHONC I7741 0J4g3GO • . January 14, 1970_ - • • • .. .,^."'-."- ,"..: .. . . . . . ,Mr. George M. Dawes ' • :: :• , Harbor and Tidelands Administrator City of Newport Beach City Hall , 3300 Newport. Boulevard Newport Beach, California '9266O• ; Dear Mr. Dawes " t ,By letter, dated December 29, 1969; you requested that this office rev,Ie:v The Irvine Company's marina development proposal far the area ccm�roniy, reaerred to as Promontory point. The`Distr+ict°s. reply, as regards -to the.' specific inquiries in your letter, is.,as follows: ; ? a. ' The Irvine Company's •proposaI ; 'in our opinion,- will affect -the ' use of Newport Harbor and, therefore, should be ,preserited. to the Joint Harbor Comrnittee. b'. Additional data is not .desired' at the present tune. However, upon submittal of the proposal to the Joint Harbor Commitree, it may be necessary to request information regarding .possible ,effects on water quality; water cl'rculation, and erosion of. the public ' .. beach area across from the enL, nce 'channel ; Special conditions that may be desirabie 'to incorporate' into any ,}. approvals should include the 'following: , (1) . Responsibility for maintenance of basin project depths. (2) Establishment of -pier permit areas for- individual lots.' (3) Dedication of water areas to public agency for enforcement. . d. the possible effect of the development on the•iterns you mentioned cannot be 'determincd without a 'deta'iied study, , {See reply to item 8 above) . Should you deslre'to" discuss this' matter iri detail , it is suggested that you ; contcct. the District's Dcvolcpmoni Engineer, Mr. R. Wingard, 8;,4-38l,t.,,•.'. Yours very truly, . - . . : t.��.:ci.;-I Sr'•J'ti'�O�Y, ai rc;ctgrf ,. . KS a\�N:m7i:. i7w^r'-Orsp, ^aach-as and, ,•.+,a'\" tir.m� D EFII ARTM.I`NT 08 YHE AP,"OY W \:\� L03 ANG3LC- D3:;YIRICT, CORP Or '::NC7.l=R-0 P. O. COX LOS ANGCLCS, CALEFO^n IViA 033 - r - •.".L / IN rMY T.CFZR 70 • � .. � sl'•b+��+D-E, 22 January 1970 .. ; • • •. • ' . , • . it Mr. George M. Dawes Harbor & Tidelands Administrator, " : City o i Newport Beach ' 5300 Newport Boulevard. ' Newport Beach, Califoania 92660' " 1 Dear Mr. Dawes: ; A copy of the proposal to alter a portion of lower Newport rarbor, f as outlined in your submission to Mr. Herron of this office,' has • been reviewed by the Coastal Engineering and Operations Branch. • Mr. Herron discussed our preliminary findings with you in a } telephone conversation on 15 ,7anuary 1970, A detailed review will be given-this proposal when your formal ° reVest for a'navigation permit is•made. Our initial reaction is as follows: i a. Tidal exchange of waters in the newly created bay should { be studied to determine possible pollution effects. J . b. The effect'of ebb tide currents from the proposed new •' entrance should be studied to avoid any adverse erosion and/or" { shoaling effects 'on the banks of the existing channel. i c. it does not appear desirable to extend harbor lines into f' the proposed basin. ' ~ d. A navigation permit will be required to,'connect'thc pro- ' • posed basin and entrance -channel to the.existing navigatian"channel.. j i At least 30 days should be allowed to process thi,s'permit request. , If you desire-further information on the proposal, please do not �. -ate nr ;hesit ' sincerely Ours, Cu A.rr\�p'uty Di Engineer:�nginoor'. . • •• '.... . •`'. . :;.': of .. . "' . . .. . . r •. .. '. " :,, r;. Rio;.' •,�;;•,,.:'r.{�,yib; )fi}..,`?'r•..:,..'. ::�..•{'it , , CITY 01? NIMPOM' M ACII RkRL? BEACkIGS RECREATION CC��,'viISSION • January 9,'•1970.' {' TO: PLANT WING COMMISSION PROM: . PB & R Cofmmis§ion SUBJECT: USE PERNILIT #1466 (PRaMONTORY' POINT) iivine Company plans ',for the development of Promontory Point 'and the contiguous land area adjacent to Bayside Drive through Use Permit 41466 were reviewed at the PB' f? R Commission meeting of January 6th. , PB 6 R Commission considers this area to be one o£'the most signi£i- ' cant in Netivport Beach as far as land use, windovrs .to the Bay and public access are concerned. It is with this thought in mind that this Commission hopes that :; :•the Planning Commission•will not act too hastily in approval- b£ developmelit•plans, ';'.'. '.. After review, the PB F? R Commission approved in concept of the land I use an4 felt that the,development as projected would be aft asset to the Corunun-...." :- :' . ity. HoweveT;'once again additional people are being brought into the -City, ^• through a residential development, with:no public paxk or recreational"£acili, `::• :' t,';.• ties' being provided: < :'.':, ' •• '•:•. I. •+ ,. Since this is such a strategic location; the PB• $ R Commission instructed its Liaison Committee with the Planning Commission .to meet in the',:;:; ..,,•;:•:•'; immediate future to discuss this development. , •It would be desirable if such' •::,.`::, ;,' ;.'•:. i a meeting were to-take place prior to Planning'Commi.ssionts action on the Irvine Company proposals. ,.', Items that should be considered in'"4Tii liaison'mecting' would be park sites and use, public,recreational areas,• vista'points 'and access to the'::;;::'.:` . " `• •Bay, ,.. ,, , •, '' �i �.:<': ��,. ,., •.. your considerations`to•the.PB- F�;R'Conmii.ssion�'concenis''will:oe: very :' ;'•.` ` ': .' ,•: 'r much C . appreciated: ,. • V. ' ':i• '''�. . \ �l �, '•' �+—..cam'-_. IJ 7. ."' /A\✓C. CAMERON,°JR. Chaixan '`" .=���•' •:.:r<'1?C%}l:',<<"•.:� '. � • ''':: .'iir ' 'PdTkS9• BeaCheS`Fi' ):: L ,R6Creation,ComfTdssin ,•", '1. 9:,-gfrr:1.. \...-tyJd .- v' .a• • 1,,,• :,[ rref' ! �. /��": •:r dl-:../: „r :r.. .� ,.Y• , i) „ fr• • . •I1' rN ' _ •t ,v . i i r o i B A L�OA S'ACHT �ASI�7, Iwo, �r 02813AYOIOq OR, • NCWPORT 06ACN♦CALIF.02GG2 • 073.0202 j {, i� COIIfofnlo•o finaat'privato harbor" Yacht Brokors o Marino Inauraneo I' February 27, 1970 Mrs . Doreen Marshall of• New City port Beach (- 3300 Newport Boulevard i Newport Beach, California , r f ' - Honorable Mayor Marshall: { We would like to again register our concern ' over the proposed Irvine development north of ' our property. ; We feel we would be greatly harmed by this development in that we would be at the dead ff f end of a little traveled street. The Basin property certainly would be less valuable by the proposed change in the street passing us . We also wonder how this lagoon can be kept ' " ''+ ` clean with only a 100 foot channel to the bay. �;:' • ' . We have problems with' our Basin in this res- pect and we have approximately 600 feet opening to the bay. ;';,•.,. ,'. We sincerely hope that we will not be strangled by this proposed' development. But if it must happen, could we at this time ask for some ' '•'' ' ` consideration? Could we be assured that we " could erect a sign on the corner of the present Ba side 'Drive and the Y proposed route which ;••r• would direct people to us, and could we be zr-IN 'w u....' n . • yi;,4}'::;f.'{a : '6: 0,r,•I. r ' ., },—' :• 1'::(.:. Yee.'..;';' • .. ,. :{'• ;:i l'•'"°i1{�igryl�,r.', r•', ,r.t`L'. t:"jq rl ''">. • {{i;4••'U�••', ri . r r r. r rr .. r Mrs. Doreen Marshall 2-27-70 1 „protected some way such as requiring that �• ':., ; excavated material be kept "Wet down", so that we would not be covered with dirt while ; the proposed work goes- on. :This would be I particularly important to our shipyard `,• ' ,- facility. 111 ' Sincerely yours, i,, BALBOA YACHT BASIN f1 Carl H. Hage� ;r i v' .• 1 .,.,.. Manager ' CHH: 1' .. �.,., •1 . '( ...... .. ---'••�.- - ..rT.__._.»-1^1...,'r:.:.�•,�^„ItnTTYV\:{{�,'1 ,.. �� ')i�op¢C'i y:.^ir-'''rit'I'I I•' ry lj PIT! :,'. .1„ .o.. fir..,i••1;1,•�1f1�., Q rq�•:;r:.,4•,'j,111f;S ;it,i ; . "• .._.._ .,.. �,•q.q ,n+i'rt"� .6.:41 i I'tr �.r 4: ,'i'� �i• •�: l': .n:�(;1;r:r;�r�P::�,.i'I:' .��"�'i,.• d":'.�� :I r: ...r r :.7anua^y 12,• •19%0 I Mrs. ' Doreen Marshall ' City of Nowport Leach 3300 Newport Boulccard Nowport Leach, California' Honorably Mayor Marshall: We are very much co• cernod and opposed to the proposed . Irvine •Canpany developement north of our property f,03 ' the following reasons: We would. find ourselves at the end of a hard to '. find dead and strcct with little traffic and . exposure which we certainly need to survive. We think' our whole operation would be affected, and ' ' our. Yach•t brokerage :ia particular. C We would be in the sane unfortunate situation that. the.-gas station owner would be in when the State changed the high*Dray passim his place of bus:iness•. NO Also, would not •she value of the Basin propertv,: ' which the City owns. be substantially reduced by. : " isolating it as this proposal wouid?, 'It is hard for us to understand how a Citwr'Goves ;i— : j M, nt could destroy a public sthet for the sole y benefit of the Irvine Company and at the etipense of ourselves as well as the restaurant, hardware store and shipyard on the Basin property. • .o ' Sincerely hours, BALBOA YACHT BAS 12Y, Carl H. Hage, ;Manager CE-U! i , 3• , •:c..c." Newport Beich •Planning Commission' .. • 829 3a.ys ire Drive... Newport Beach, Calii aanuary 12, "1970 , .. - M5: . ' %reen Marshall : City of Ho.}*Wort, Beaci? 3300 1:4e ort Boulevard ` Wc,,rport' Beach, California ' P 71, Hox pruale Mayor H •rsnall: My wife and T operate the Galley Cafe on` 'the ' o 'Balboa Yacht Basin Qoperty- 1rhe p 4oposid Irvine Company devolope`i1C-nt, which - would leave us a-, 'she end o2 a dead end street ' with little 'ral iC, would,Aurely be 'disasterov, , • top US fe' Lill 'anpfaciai your conside""ion. a s'. .Sirsccrely,yours w . %dward%E. S lacl ; c C.C. 11G'''i4p0:f.L 'JBOach ilc'T.iating Co missic, lCi I`t" ' ��'• OF •,'' - ✓'\' 'i.'i7i'Ji'i Ti i�i.":nisi: •�7r' '7 ALLAN SEEK January 122 Mj70', Planning Commission libv Promontory Point' City of Nowport Beach 3300 Newport 13 Ioulovard • ' j Newport Beach; California 92660 , • . Gentlemen: 1 As a neig!YDor df the subject development, I •wish to endorse it. I feel it will be an asset to the • coinmunity-and to my neigh-, borhood.- There are some polnbs to which 'I think you should -give attention in granting. 'approval, however: , • 1. Dred ing the -entrance channel will remove 100 linear feet ! of public beach on the north side of• the Balboa Island 'Channel, ! and some comlensation should be made, such as dedicating the Promontory Lagoon as a •public waterway, and asking. the Corps -of Engineers to run their harbor lines into the lagoon. I admit that, . - I the 100 feet. of beach to- ,be destroyed are not at present in a Y. i condition to be used or enjoyed by the public, bUu the practice of letting nrivated developers dredge away public beaches at vrill. has resulted in the loss of nearly a mile of public beaches •in i\rewpor� Harbor (notably on the 'south and west sides of Linda Isle) and it' is time for the City to. start requiring compensation. i 2. The permit which 'has been requested includes 'the' blufftop - ( "Promontory Point" propor.•) One of the most insistent desires of the Newport Tomorrow Townscape Committee ,was• that all future. bluff-. top developments provide for a view drive, somewhat ' similar to Cliff Drive in Corona del Nlar. Since no specific plans f or''bluff- top development are shown .on the permit, it may be premature to ruse this point,: but• the -City should be assured that a height limit of. !L5 feet above mean lovrer low water will be imposed on all. `•'' ;-• building in the proposed 'nigh-density area below the top of :the bluff. Otherwise the question- of a view drive might become academia . because the -view had all' been obscured, ' If possible, a similar. limit should be 'placed .on trees and 'other' planting along the bluff.' ' 3. 'The existing Baysid.e Drive has oeen designated as part of ,.• .,. '. . ' ' .the bicycle path network. . Care should be taken that- the new Bay -"'• side Drive is sager and more appropriate for this..'use than the , existing one, :which is really quite •dangerous . .'.i.trus•t that, the' 1 strip 8 -feet wide along the north side of the new Bayside••Drive will be a bicycle"path.• �,. ,-Vary• truly yours, A11ai` Beek• 28 Bea on 3� c ay:, . Newport Bee ch•. •' ' California, 92002 . tihJ "iii;i; Jc•'liJilQr G•'Iiti::Ctl �:j. ♦;• ]'i n?"ti:'i'n 0 1 aG`U by {i'i G` loc^..i. . 52 o3f3- 'i;i r, 3.1c, .i f' t; :'lily t: wink. fol' £. nov, l.01on a c,d,:i•'i;'iovnl i)oAtslip", and housing is ! „o 0 Prot '•71t(id 'i;o• your ody this • ' i' nno citizon, 'aJn l.i,Cl' .1.:Lt3. 'I;o (:;. �'" ,.:.� ..i�.'.'o t . .. an being opposed 1, making g u .'ar .. � ^^ •'4,"•' . �� -C El't:�i:i� O ..P G;::i.S'::. .ira, i).,y . 7.n'GC.L•i • .• .. ,� ' 1Z1M tii'?g"iion Arbor, 1 :t'o til izo iSl)•r'i; ,, ::'."l j „11C'h 'Cl.^> Elio •�a•2'vine'� can t)7.'Ci;'i♦y i•TL' I1 •l.`G i•T'.`�.i; ('i.J.:'9C;:.� 4T2 , it­ viould l:il:o -Tov Doxot ,to n;°ola ;S .Ice% iU ':i i ;;i' ).,i•�r;C>� ' • �,;Lll:;;)•c; lando:'Tnor within o'Clr.Ool;.ild:7.;"_ICC, . . - . _ I . •:� 'lgf;CV•Jl'� 0y C8.'i7. f;0i; Ei19iZ;�li %1C7t.C;?.Tl? 'C?"I ^�ilC• • ^♦11d _l-,oOpel,tyy :'elCi, ti -'ol)^,)ly '•Till, c? i'J:i,';;i?01,1i; •'d?:'Gn�j!.;.1��. � . .an ':;hcv 7.:t1lC:i; I t• -a ,ld i:h loot ' l , ;,•,:- oonle ol" our .in i•Lina.l contours .rowain s t-.1,:ic', '.y ] led Y�;,, .', n6 rno:'.18 Can sucil. .'-1 _>].'1 be ' Ca 1(jO T' C;:ti.ycC ir. , niy haoiL I : £11v You !'or eou CTi;i•ehtl OiI lii :i.g^•. 'iu i; ;G ?g. • =iC't ` • ha,)p '.k'res :lily^, (�1.'ti' n l C..._•. .," ;il', law 1".111st ^1:d. will anjoew 1 7.'E.'11A the huW-,f.-r s .a'!� • .• " o1 iYl'�1CZC: atts Yoh:MOVE fa -o.a roem ,,r, .'a`.ac. Uou hats. . ,•. : . . . '�• ..i 7.Cot d"r, l'.,y 9 o (:i . , Ch, lv: L51' J. '. 1 '1 Crab Comer IsFand . ..,�% ..GCS•L�c�-/�G�',''a-��c.JG2/o� �.rC/.3••" ,. , ' ( GL+ :�GG'�L�'o'./�z?.�L. ✓L� i ci /j//✓-� ' t � . C"� �t/l � ' C/�i'G(/?GCS-(!l-�','+',•i'��.C,ry"•,.�L�`,.�.., iCi:.-%.G . < �✓ /,' /G .c 1•-r-t: 1Ivim 6 � . ' ` .,^,;�J1n'/•` ,�.:`.'/"�i.(f''.-��v1'ixii'f�L',J/ 'C�'.�''✓Gl/ / .�Lt;.:Z _ ��.• + ;� • ' ' . ' /�-�.,'',�•� ,'� '��� ,� "•L /�.�-r/' Te�;�t Cam. _. - . �. ` rccE:rvr' a,' \i� . w GG'cu` ,' �� :� . •:. �,� ' G.J.'-�,�.,li'✓' `G—.� , 77 i o � l y�ltinY l OAST' SrAre CNH k •GAYS/OE ,F:r?}—"�!�w VACHr jJI"'_LB0 l .l AJ L1�SLVL i/j L� V1VlJL• p!9NC�O L/YL =_,�f�..�= ' t REALIC7NMTNJT =, or 'bA/Si r- r— C-Koss . S�CT IONS - =� t z - t t �e-9 R - �l•7a°� � I•%opt _ Ya, e�� - - _ E _ t V - - - . • - - C�') '. - - ' � - � - - . • - .- -fib' .. - . . - • _ lit` 19— - a< 1 v`S t O` _2` C�° GFl U T _/_1 C11-1t' _of _ .�' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH --- PLANNING DEPARTMENT T0 : Planning Commission FROM; Plann-i,ng Department SUBJECT: Master Plan -Amendment No. 25 - Item 5. Use Permit Application No . 1466 - Item• 6 Tentative Map Tract No . • 3867 - Item _7 The attached report contains a description of- all the ' various aspects of the proposed Promontory Bay Project, ' which are presently before the Planning Commission , together with comments and recommendations as they have been received. Recommendations r It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider these matters in order - from. general to specific- Items 5 and 6 both require public hearings and involve- general ', determinations ' to be forwarded to' the City Council . ' Item 7 involves the specific details of the development but does not require a public hearing . These recommendations also: are to be forwarded to the' City Council . If the Planning Commission approves Item 5 and Item 6 ,- ,.. it would then be appropriate to examine the detailed considerations involved in Item 7 . On the other hand , if the Planning Commission does not make •a decision favorable to the applicant on either Item 5 or Item 6 , there would be no point in proceeding further. The proposed Promontory Bay development is an exciting and intriguing project. It offers opportunities to increase the water area of Newport Bay and the length of shoreline , .and to open up new windows to the bay. It is - also an extremely 'complex project , with major -impact on surrounding areas of the City. - Input will be received from a number of sources in addition to the Planning Commission . All of the assembled information and recommendations will be presented to the City Council for• final decision. -- '�'`� �"' •��"`""' February 5 197 0 SIG ATURE Laurence Wilson , DATE LW/kk Planning Director f � r • Planning Commission Meeting Feb . 5 , 1970 Items No . 50 6 & 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH February 5 , 1970 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Planning Department SUBJECT. Master Plan Amendment No. 25 ( Item 5 ) Proposal to amend Master Street and Highway Plan by realigning Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue) and also to close a section of existing Bayside Drive west- erly of Jamboree Road (Marine Avenue ) . Use Permit Application No . 1466 ( Item 6 ) Request to permit development of a residential area of single family and multiple dwelling units , with supporting commercial and recreational facili - ties , to include a yacht basin and marina. Tentative Map Tract No . 3867 ( Item 7) Request to permit subdivision of 24 . 0± acres into 62 residential lots , and Lot "A" reserved for waterway purposes , Lot "B" reserved for planted area , Lot "C" reserved for common waterway access area , Lot "D" reserved for parking and marina facility , Lot "E" reserved for park site and Lot 63 reserved for commercial site . LOCATION : Portion of Block 94 of Irvine ' s Subdivision located between Pacific Coast Highway and Bayside Drive , west of Jamboree Road (Promontory Point and proposed Promontory Bay) . ZONE : Unclassified , C-N-H and R-3 APPLICANT: The Irvine Company , Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Application Bayside Drive is designated as a secondary highway on the Master Street and Highway Plan and , therefore; the proposed realignment of Bayside Drive requires an amendment to the master plan in accordance with Section 19 . 20 . 010 of the Municipal Code . TO: Planning Commission - 2 . The proposed development is located in an unclassified "U" district and , therefore , requires a use permit in accordance with Section 20 . 34 . 020 of the Municipal Code . Section 19 . 12, 101 of the Municipal Code requires the filing of a tentative map as the first step in subdivision of the land into separate building lots for sale or lease . Background Use Permit No . 1466 was continued from the meeting of January 15 , 1970 , at the request of Staff and the Irvine Company so that all three items which require Planning Commission action regarding this proposal could be brought before the Commission concurrently . Staff has consolidated the reports for these items . Subject Property The subject property includes Phase I of the proposed development consisting of Parcels 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 9 as shown on the proposed Land Use Plan for Use Permit No . 1466 , as submitted by the Irvine Company. Phase II of the proposed development would be the subject of a separate use permit application in the future . This phase would include Parcels 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 , which are shown for informa- tion only. These parcels lie north of the proposed realignment of Bayside Drive, and comprise the existing Bayside Shopping Center , a limited expansion of this center to the west , and an apartment development of all the high ground known as Promontory Point as well as a small area of land at a lower elevation bordering Bayside Drive. The legal description filed with the application for Use Permit No. 1466 includes all of the land in both Phase I and Phase II . However, Phase I is the only portion for which specific informa- tion has been submitted . The existing and proposed uses and existing zoning of the parcels comprising Phase I are approximately as follow: Zoning Existing Use Proposed Use Parcel #1 -U- Vacant Lagoon R-3 Boat Repair Channel Facility Parcel #2 -U- Vacant Marina Facility and Parking Parcel #3 R-3 Yacht Club Marina Related Commercial TO : Planning Commission - 3 . Zoning Lxisting Use Proposed Use Parcel #4 R-3 Vacant and Commercial Public Right- of=Way Parcel #9 -U- Vacant Single Family Residential Surrounding Uses The following properties surround the proposed development and are affected by the realignment of Bayside Drive : 1 . Balboa Yacht Basin ( land leased from City of Newport Beach ) . City Manager' s office is investigating the possibility of retaining an appraiser to study the effect which realignment of Bayside Drive would have on this property. 2 . Beacon Bay ( land leased from City of Newport Beach ) . This property would also be included in the ap- praiser' s study . However, the Staff feels that due to the reduction of traffic on existing Bay- side Drive (which could permit use of the rear access to Beacon Bay ) , the Beacon Bay residential property would benefit. 3. Residences adjacent to Harbor Isle Drive . At present these residences front on a very busy street with potentially dangerous problems of driveway access . Staff feels the reduction in traffic resulting from the realignment of Bayside Drive would benefit these homes and decrease the traffic hazards . 4. Bayside Shopping Center. The proposed realignment of Bayside Drive would cut through the southwest corner of the parking lot which would necessi - tate redesigning a portion of the driveway access and parking layout . The driveway connection shown on the Tentative Map would require .further study. 5 . Apartments along south side of Bayside Drive be- tween Villa Marina Motel and Shark Island Yacht Club . These apartments now have direct frontage on Bayside Drive but would not have direct frontage on the proposed realignment . Further study of access would be necessary. TO : Planning Commission - 4 . Statistical Analysis Estimated Estimated Parcel Proposed Population Total No. Use Acres D/U per D/U Population 1 Lagoon and 11 . 0 Marina 2 Marina Facilities 2 . 1 3 Marina Related . 4 Commercial 4 Commercial 1 . 2 9 Single Family 11 . 5 62 3 186 TOTAL 26. 2 62 3 186 Development Characteristics RESIDENTIAL (Lots 1 -62 ) - The Tentative Map proposes 62 single family residential lots surrounding the greater part of the pro- posed lagoon . The Tentative Map includes a typical cross section showing the proposed lagoon and the relationship of lots and streets on both sides . Other drawings on the Tentative Map show typical building sites and street sections . Single family resi - dential lots have the following characteristics : A. Size and Shape . The proposed development is in conformity with the minimum requirements of Section 19 . 20 . 110 of the Municipal Code regarding area (not less than 5000 sq . ft. average) , width (not less than 50 ft. average ) , and depth (not less than 80 ft . average) . B. Access . Access to lots adjacent to the proposed realignment of Bayside Drive would utilize drive- ways located on common lot lines with turnaround areas so that vehicles would not necessarily be required to back into the street . The Planning Commission recently approved this concept of driveway design for another Irvine Company devel - opment of 12 lots along Bayside Drive near El Paseo Drive. Access to lots adjacent to existing Bayside Drive is provided by conventional driveways . How- ever , Lots 29 through 34 and 42-44 , due to their location at intersections and on the curvature of the road , have limited sight distances . The turn- around driveway concept properly could also apply to these lots . TO : Planning Commission - 5. C. Setbacks . Setbacks are as 'follow: 1 . Rear Yard - 10 ' Minimum 2 . Side Yard - 4 ' Minimum 3 , Front Yard - 10 ' Min . -Realigned Bayside Drive 17 ' Min . -Existing Bayside Drive Staff recommends that the front yard setback on existing Bayside Drive should be 20 feet minimum in the drive- way area to prevent blocking of the public sidewalk and right-of-way. C. Grading . Lots 46 through 62 are split-level with approximately 9 ' difference in pad elevations . A retaining wall separates a portion of Lot 45 from Lot 46 . WATERWAY ( LOT "A" ) - The entry channel to the proposed lagoon is proposed to be cut through property owned by the Irvine Company , now occupied by Basin Marine Incorporated and a portion of the Shark Island Yacht Club. The channel location would be immediately adjacent to City-owned property occupied by the Balboa Yacht Basin . The Irvine Company has applied to the Army Corps of Engineers for the necessary navigation permit . The Corps as part of the proces- sing of the permit will make water quality and hydraulic determina- tions as well as coordinate with other agencies such as the Depart- ment of Interior , State Fish and Game , and the Regional Water Quality Control Board . Approximately thirty days are required for the Corps to process a navigation permit , at which time the results will be included in the application for a harbor permit . The City Council has asked the Staff to prepare a study on the question of private vs . public waterway for the lagoon proposal . This topic will be discussed at the joint Harbor Committee Meet- ing on February 10 , 1970 , and will also be a consideration in the application for a harbor permit. One of the questions for Planning Commission consideration regarding the lagoon is the general concept of adding additional waterways to the existing harbor. LOT "B" (Planted Area ) - This is a planting area that forms part of the intersection between the proposed realignment of Bayside Drive and the existing Bayside Drive. (Note : A new name would be necessary for the portion of existing Bayside Drive which would no longer be part of the through route . One name which has been suggested is Harbor Isle Drive . ) Staff is of the opinion that the proposed intersection would function satis- factorily; however , the connecting street should be 52 feet in width between exterior curbs in order to provide for a 20 foot entering roadway , an 8 foot median , and a 24 foot exiting road- way . • TO: Planning Commission - 6 . " " - e access area and beach for LOT C This � s a common waterway Lots 42 through 45 . LOT "D" (Marina Facilities and Parking ) - Lot "D" is located adjacent to the proposed realignment of Bayside Drive and is an adjunct to the marina, providing space for parking and rest room facilities . The parking lot , 17-slip marina and dry boat storage facility provide a window-to-the-bay approximately 800 feet in length . Parking requirements for the marina and small boat dry storage include: 17 slips @ . 75 space per boat slip = 13 40 storage spaces @ . 25 space per dry storage spaces = 13 Total Required Spaces 26 The proposed parking area presently shows 18 parking spaces . Redesign would be necessary to provide 8 additional parking spaces , or reduce the number of slips and/or dry boat storage spaces . This portion of the project offers an opportunity to create a truly outstanding relationship between water, docks , roadway , pedestrian ways , and the development inland from Bayside Drive . Maximum advan- tage should be obtained from the differences in elevation and the area should be thoughtfully designed to provide for landscaping , benches , etc . LOT "E" ( Park Site) - Lot "E" is located adjacent to the west side of the proposed waterway at the point where existing Bayside Drive would be closed and terminated in a cul -de-sac. The Tentative Map shows the cul -de-sac centered on Bayside Drive and overlapping onto City property at the Balboa Marina ; this could raise certain prob- lems . However, it is important that the turning area be fully adequate for larger vehicles, in view of the length of the cul -de- sac , and possible use of the road by large vehicles , trailers transporting boats , etc. The park site would be an additional asset to the community , pro- viding a window-to-the-bay with possibilities for adjacent parking . The portion of Lot "E" not included in the public right-of-way, resulting from the closing of Bayside Drive , should be dedicated to the City , and the existing right-of-way of Bayside Drive should be retained under public control . LOT 63 ( Commercial Site) - One proposal for this site is a restaurant to be located on that portion north of the present right-of-way of Bayside Drive . Further information and study would be necessary concerning the relationship between Lot 63 and Parcel No . 3 as shown on the proposed land use plan , as well as the previously mentioned apartment complex . TO : Planning Commission - 7 . PARCEL 3 , AS SHOWN ON PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN FOR USE PERMIT 1466 ( Commercial Site ) - The proposed channel would necessitate the removal of the existing Shark Island Yacht Club . One proposal for use of Parcel 3 would be to accommodate replacement facilities for the yacht club . Further information and study is necessary regarding this parcel . UTILITIES - This project involves major questions of reconstruc- tion and/or relocation of existing utilities to avoid conflict with the proposed channel crossing . The largest single question involves rerouting of the existing 21 " trunk sewer line of Orange County Sanitation District No . 5 which serves Balboa Island and Irvine Terrace as well as a large part of Corona del Mar. One of the alternative plans now under consideration for serving the future requirements of Sanitation District No . 5 would involve expansion of this sewer to 39" diameter. The questions involving utility relocation have been identified and are under study by the Irvine Company, the public and private utility agencies involved , and the City Public Works Department. STREET STANDARDS - Comments from the City Engineer are contained in the attached memorandum dated January 28 , 1970 . Standards shown on the Tentative Map for existing Bayside Drive appear to be satis- factory , with the exception of questions concerning the cul -de-sac at the east end , and the intersection between existing Bayside Drive and the proposed relocation of Bayside Drive . The alignment shown on the Tentative Map appears to be satisfactory , except that a length of tangent should be provided between the two reversing curves at the east end of the development adjacent to the existing Bayside Shopping Center. Consideration has been given to designing the relocated Bayside Drive to intersect Pacific Coast Highway east of the Iverson Volks- wagen Agency rather than west of the Bayside Inn . Information has been received from the California Division of Highways indicating that such a connection would be feasible so far as design of the Pacific Coast Freeway is concerned ; however, a freeway crossing of Bayside Drive east of the Volkswagen Agency would not be compatible with a freeway grade separation serving a north entrance to Promon- tory Point, west of Jamboree Road. Such a relocation of Bayside Drive might offer opportunities for increasing the available land area adjacent to the upper end of proposed Promontory Bay and sim- plifying intersection design . The advantages and disadvantages of any such relocation are under study. Any of these proposed relo- cations of Bayside Drive offer opportunities for shortening the length of the main thoroughfare , improving alignment and reducing traffic past single family homes along the west side of existing Bayside Drive . The attached drawings illustrate three possible typical sections for the relocation of Bayside Drive . Alternate A is the proposal of the Irvine Company as shown on the Tentative Map . Alternate B TO: Planning Commission - 8. has been proposed by the Public Works Department and is based on four travel lanes , an optional left-turn median and parking along the south side only . Alternate C has been proposed by the Plan- ning Department and is based on a separate frontage road serving single family dwellings and a four lane major street with no park- ing on either side and a variable median allowing left turns only at intersections . Traffic studies have been presented by consultants for the Irvine Company indicating a potential reduction in average daily traffic on Bayside Drive to 6 ,500 vehicles from th•e present flow of 13 ,000 to 16 ,000 vehicles . This is based on anticipated diversion of traffic following completion of the Pacific Coast Freeway. L ENCE WILSON Planning Director LW/kk Attachments REALIONM� - MT Or 5A SIDE , DK Vr- 90563Lr- TYP.iCAL. C.KOSS SECT IONS 401 ICY 1 `- ' �rya 1.7a°� t•7o _ 9u v� _ a:a.a. 6� o �O 7- 62•:O - � , zo' $ 14' 12` rz, i2, 12• • _ i - a • A - _ 'A g [4` 12r (2' 14.E t2 l 0 8 �' " • 1 r_ry{I THE IRVINE COMPANY . NEWPORT FINANCIAL PLAZA•550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE•NEWPORT BEACH,CALIFORNIA 92660•(714)644.3011 January 14, 1970 Planning Commission City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Gent lemen: I PROMONTORY POINT As a result of recent discussions with the Newport Beach . City Council and the city staff regarding procedures for the processing of our application for Promontory Point, The Irvine Company would respectfully request that action ' on Use Permit Application #1466 be continued until the— Planning Commission meeting of February 5, 1970. The staff, supported by the City Council, has proposed that " all items regarding this complex proposal be brought .before the Council at the same time for discussion and action. This is to include such issues as the land use proposal, tentative subdivision map, an amendment to the Master -Plan , of Arterials precipitated by the proposed relocation of Bayside Drive, abandonment proceedings for portions of existing Bayside Drive created by the proposed yacht basin channel, the harbor permit required to dredge the yacht lagoon, the proposal for future rezoning of the site, and the results of a property assessment study to be 'conducted on city-owned property adjacent to the proposed development , in Beacon Bay. In order to accomplish this goal, it will be necessary for the Planning Commission to also hold hearings and take action on many of the same items to be forwarded to the City Council. Therefore, additional time will be necessary for preparation of exhibits and nece sa legal advertising for the appropriate •items . �r�--�= City I Nt :ruRr O Z! cauF rnC tC3 +C, \ <�•. Planning Commission 2. January 14, 1970 • I It is anticipated that on February 5, The Irvine Company will present a proposal to the Planning Commission which ; will include the following: (a) Use Permit #1466, con- taining land use proposals for Promontory Point; (b) an amendment to• the Master Plan of Arterial Highways proposing the relocation of Bayside Drive and; (c) a ,tentative map outlining the specific proposals for development of the single family lots, yacht basin, commercial marina, and JI supporting commercial facilities for Phase 1 of the development. The city planning staff can provide you with more specific information relative to the procedures decided upon and the sequence and timing of action to be taken relative to the . project. Your cooperation 'in this request is greatly , appreciated. Very truly yours, James E_ Taylor General Planning Administrator eb f { THE JRVINE COMPANY NEWPORT FINANCIAL PLAZA•550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE a NEWPORT BEACH,.CALIFORNIA 92660 a(714)644.3011 December 22, 1969 c� ns,c- tvED o CLit:L;cJ DST. Planning Commission . DECN 'u City of Newport Beach 5_ � 3300 Newport Boulevard c)rr OF 1c wEWraTr eJICN� Newport Beach,. California crt;x. Gentlemen: PROMONTORY POINT Submitted herewith is the development plan bf The Irvine ' Company for the property commonly referred to as Promontory Point. The plan proposes a homogenous community of single family lots for the construction of custom homes, multiple family residences and supporting commercial facilities , which are oriented toward a yacht basin and lagoon'. The project is divided into two (2) phases . Phase I, which constitutes the basis of the present Use Permit application, is comprised of sixty-two (62) single family lots,,, a ten (10) acre lagoon with access to Newport Bay, a commercial marina with ancillary facilities, and two (2 commercial sites totalling approximately two -(2) acres . It is anticipated that construction of the thirty (30)' acre Phase I will commence in the early part of 1970. The remaining thirty-two . (32) acres containing medium high, density residential units and an approximate two' (2) acre commercial site would be developed at a later date and' be subject to the approval of an additional Use Permit which will provide specific information relative to densities, circulation and performance standards'. It is proposed that Bayside Drive be realigned to accommodate the lagoon. Therefore, it is 'requested that the City of Newport Beach . initiate vacation proceedings for that 'portion of existing ' Bayside Drive that will be eliminated by the access channel and realignment of said street.. I , I n ' ~ Y �• Promontory Point• 2. December 22, 1969 It is the intent of The Irvine Company to initiate legis- lative proceedings in order to zone the subject area in . accordance with actual land uses subsequent to approval of the Use Permit for Phase I. Further, the following' documents are included. as a part of the application in order to provide the Commission with sufficient informa- tion- upon which to base its deliberations : 1., Legal Plat Map. 2. Topographic Map of Existing Conditions . 3. Site Plan for Phase I. 4. Statistical Analysis for Phase I. , 5 . Precise Land, Use Plan for Promontory Point. . ' Your consideration in• this matter is greatly appreciated. Further, a representative of The Irvine Company will. be present at the public .hearing to amswer any questions you may have. Very truly yours, ""gym James B. Taylor General Planning Administrator Enc. eb STATISTICAL, ANALYSIS , PROMONTORY BAY PHASE I RESIDENTIAL Type Area Acres DU/Ac. DU Per/DU Population - Single Family 9 • 11.5 1 62 . 3 ' ;, • _ : , 186 Sub Total - 11.5 186 SUPPORT FACILITIES. _ Type Commercial 2 2 .1 3 .4 ; r 4 - 1.2 Lagoon and Marina 1 11.0 Sub Total 847 �'£ Grand Total = ��, . " 18� 1 January 28, 1970 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Public Works Department. SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 3867, PROMONTORY BAY REOMMENDATIONS: 1 . That final approval of the subdivision be subject to approval of an approprate revision to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. (Public hearings required) i 2. That final approval of the subdivision be subject to the abandonment of certain exi'sting public rights of way as contemplated, and to satisfactory arrangements being made i for dedication and improvement of the new rights of way I required. (Public hearing'required) i 3. That final approval of the subdivision be subject to satisfactory demonstration of the engineering feasibility of the proposed lagoon design, and issuance of a harbor permit. ' 4. That final approval of the subdivision be subject to satisfactory arrangements being made to relocate existing facilities of the Orange County Sanitation District^ and of other affected utilities. 5. That the design of the new intersections of realigned Bayside Drive with existing Bayside Drive be subject to review and, approval by the City: 6. That, unless a frontage road is provided, access to the single family parcels along realigned Bayside Drive be provided by means of drives located on common lot lines, each drive serving two parcels; and that~: adequate turn-around areas be provided so- that vehicles need not back into the street. Cross easements or non-barrier agreements satisfactory to the City Attorney shall be provided so as to guarantee perpetuation of the access arrangement. . 7. That, unless a frontage road is provided, the right of way width of realigned. Bayside Drive be at least 86 feet and the- curb to curb width be at least 70 feet. This cross-section - will provide for 4 travel lanes , 2-8 foot wide parkways , a 12 foot wide median left turning lane, and an 8 foot wide parking lane on the southerly side. 8. That the new cul-de-sac be located entirely on the developer's land. 9. That there be no City financial &1-1,gations connected with ' accomplishment of the development. j • Page 2 Subject: Tentative Tract 3867 January 28, 1970 10. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance I and the Public Works Department. 11 . That the boundary of the final tract map be checked by the County Surveyor before being submitted to the City for approval . 12. That all grading be in accordance with grading plans and reports approved by the Public Works Director and a qualified Soils Engineer. Upon completion of the grading the Civil Engineer and the Soils Engineer shall certify that the grading has been 11 completed in accordance with the plans, the soils report, and the grading ordinance. Reproducible copies of the plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Public Works Department. r 13. That the connecting street southeasterly of Lot B be 52 feet in width between exterior curbs in order-to- provide for a 20- i foot entering roadway, an 8-foot median, and a 24-foot exiting roadway.' Y COMMENTS: 1 . It is suggested that the City Manager's office be requested to comment on the effect of the proposal on the City-owned property affected. 2. .'The desirability of making the waterway area public should be " investigated. The developer proposes a private waterway. Benjamin B. Nolan City Engineer BBN/em January 6,, .1970 �r TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: USE PERMIT NO. 1466, PROMONTORY BAY - r .Ts:C� RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 . That final • approval of the Use Permit be subject to approval of an appropriate revision to the Master Plan of Streets and Highways, after the. required public hearings. 2, That final • approval of the Use Permit be subject to the abandonment of certain existing public rights of way as contemplated, and to satisfactory arrangements being made for dedication and improve- ment of the new rights of way required. 3, That final approval of the Use Permit be subject to satisfactory demonstration of the engineering feasibility of the proposed lagoon design, and issuance of a harbor permit. (For additional detail see separate report from the Harbor and Tidelands Administrator. ) 4, That final approval of the Use Permit be subject to satisfactory arrangements being made to relocate existing facilities of the i Orange County Sanitation District and of other affected utilities. 5. That the design of the new intersections of realigned Bayside Drive with existing Bayside Drive be subject'to review and approval j 'by the City. UN(c55 Feo SAG R0,3D,!S RWVZ1P151Py " 6. That.,naccess to the single family parcels along realigned Bayside Drive be provided by means of drives located on common lot' lines , each drive serving two parcels; and that adequate turn-around areas be provided so that vehicles need not back into the street,. Cross easements or recorded non-barrier agreements satisfactory ' to the City Attorney shall be provided so as to guarantee perpetuation of the access arrangement. " 7. That, unless a frontage road is provided, the right of way width of realigned Bayside Drive be at least 86 feet and the curb to curb width be at least 70 feet. This cross-section will provide for 4• travel lanes,, 2 - 8 foot wide parkways; a 12 foot wide median left turning lane, and an 8 foot wide, shoulder on the southerly side. NOTE TO PLANNING DIRECTOR: It is suggested that the City Manager's office be -requested to: comment on the effect of the proposal on the City-owned property affe5tV Benjamin B. Nolan - City Engineer BBN/1dg T. 1 ORAINGE COW,- ' HARB DISTRICT ` K ENNETN SAMPSON HARBOR COMMISSION 14 NA lot DIRECTOR HARdOPa, OCACH EO 8 PARKS C. C. (JACK)WOOLLCY, CHAIRMAN Ne W. ALLEN BRU➢O. VICE.CHAINMAN � � �•� 190( BAY510E DRIVE FRANK F.MEAO +i• rv� NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. 92002 DEAR B.SHULL, JR. �6 \lilt Mltl - R09ERT K.HENOON °4p 01 TELEPHONE (714) 034•3000 � I January 14, 1970 Mr. George M. Dawes Harbor and Tidelands Administrator City of Newport Beach City Hall , 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Dawes: By letter, dated December 29, 1969, you requested that this office review The Irvine Company's marina development proposal for the area commonly referred to as Promontory Point. The Distrllct's reply, as regards to the specific inquiries in your letter, is as follows: a. The Irvine Company's- proposal , in our opinion, will affect the use of Newport Harbor and, therefore, should be presented to the Joint Harbor Committee. I. b. Additional data is not desired at the present time. However, upon submittal of the proposal to the Joint Harbor Committee, it may be necessary t6 request information regarding possible effects on water quality, water circulation, and erosion of the public beach area across from the entrance channel ., c. Special conditions that may be desirable to incorporate into any approvals should- i'nclude the following: (1 ) Responsibility for maintenance of basin project depths. (2) Establishment of -pier permit areas for indivi.dual• lots. (3) Dedication of water areas to- public agency for enforcement. d. The possible effect of the development on the. 1tems you mentioned cannot be' determined without a detailed study. (See reply to Item B above) . Should you desire to discuss this matter in detail ; it is suggested that you contact the District's Development Engineer, Mr. R. Wingard, 834-3814. Yours very truly, KENNETN SAMPSON, Direct of KS:RFW:mph Harbors,, Beaches and, Parks,` I Ilk • f/ wY '• f„`, `•'• DEPARTMENT OF THE AF2@v7V LOS ANGELES DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS '+ P. O. BOX 27f 2 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA SOOMS IN REPLY REFER TO + SPLED-E 22 January 1970 - Mr. George M. Dawes �. Harbor & Tidelands Administrator , • I City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard. I Newport Beach, California 92660 1 i Dear Mr. Dawes: A copy of the proposal to alter a portion of lower Newport Harbor, , as outlined in your submission to Mr. Herron of this office,' has (I { been reviewed by the Coastal Engineering and Operations Branch. i j Mr. Herron discussed.our preliminary findings with you in a { telephone conversation on 15 January 1970. ! A detailed review will be given this proposal when your formal �{ i request for a navigation permit is made. Our initial reaction is as follows: a. Tidal exchange of waters in the newly created bay should 1 jj be studied to determine possible pollution effects. �I I ii b. The effect of ebb tide currents from the proposed new 1 entrance should be studied to avoid any adverse erosion and/or shoaling effects on the banks of the existing channel. c. It does not appear desirable to extend harbor lines into the proposed basin. I d. A navigation permit will be required to connect the pro- posed basin and entrance -channel to the existing navigation channel. At least 30 days should be allowed to process this permit request. I if you desire further information on the proposal, please do not, - 1 hesitate to call on us. Sincerely ours, i, -- Z__ S. J 11 CE I U. District Engineer i ' I 1 I'_^^ __...._ .` _ _ Il•�: ,.i�r,�h , ,y,','r.y,•'.:;1,�Sy'�'•�'^~�-,�^� �'�i"r 'P' 1I. , P CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES RECREATION DEPARTMENT February 4; 1970., I TO.- LARRY WILSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: PB $ R Director SUBJECT: TRACT MAP #3867 (PROMONTORY BAY) At its meeting of February 3, 1970, the Parks, Beaches $ Recreation Commission agreed unanimously that tentative Tract Map 1 #3867 be approved as submitted with the following stipulations: (1) Street trees of a low, round-headed type, i be planted on both sides of Bayside Drive - in accordance with PB & R Department specifications. (2) That Lot E be landscaped in such a way that will not obstruct the view of motorists 'on' Bayside Drive; that it be open for public use for view purposes. I CALVIN C STESUART CCS:h r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES & RECREATION camisSION•' ; January 9, 1970' . .• TO: . PLANNING COMHISSION , n FROM: ' PB R Commission SUBJECT: USE PERMIT #1466 (PROMONTORY POINT) Irvine Comoany plans ,for the development of Promontory Point and the contiguous land 'area adjacent to Bayside Drive through Use Permit #1466,, ' were reviewed at the PB & R Commission meeting of January 6th. PB $ R Commission considers this area to be one of the most signifi ;; r rant in Newport Beach as far as land use, windows to the Bay and public access are conce3ned. It is with this thought in mind that this Commission hopes that the Planning Commission will not act too hastily in approval of development plans.,--.,, After t. review, the •PB $ R Commission approved,in concept of the land use and felt that the development as projected would be an. asset to the common-;' ; ity. However, once again additional people are being brought into the' City, ' through a residential development, with no public park or recreational' facili-' , ';.:'' , .' ties being provided. t Since this is such a strategic location, the PB $ R Commission has t •• "" instructed its Liaison Committee with the Planning Commission to meet in the-, immediate future to discuss this development. . It would be desirable if such• ... a meeting were to take place prior to.Planning Commission's action on the Irvine Company proposals. ,: Items that should be considered 'in this liaison meeting' would'•be park sites and use, public recreational,-areas,. vista'points and access to the­ Bay' 1 + ; Your considerations to the M.$, R Commission 'concerns`'wih;,be. very. ,- much appreciated l.V; A:C. :CAMERON,'JR. Chairman , Parks, Beaches $ Recreation Commission 1 _ ; .Arc ' . . . ,; •..., „ •, . . , e, •CJ A' I••4 , i .e ACC:CCS':h' '11 + , r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ;y .tI :. December. 26, 1969 TO: LARRY WILSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR ' 1, ~�•• r .. _',gyp FROM: PB $ R Director ; SUBJECT: USE PERMIT NO. 1466 Larry, I have reviewed the proposals and plans of the Irvine , j Company for the development of sixty acres of land northerly of Bayside ! Drive and southerly of the Pacific Coast Highway in the area of Jamboree I Road. It seems to me that this is a very .strategic location in the City and would bear quite a'bit of attention.before any approvals for develop- ment were considered, This is the area, as you know, that we are quite emphatic that a view area be provided on the bluff just southerly of Pacific Coast Highway. Whether this is done by a perimeter node, a view park, or periodic turnouts on the bluff is not too important, just so long as one of the methods is provided. Landscaping and beautification will also 'be' very significant in this 60 acre development, and.parkway trees. are -going to have to be ineticulously selected. The PB $ R Department will go on record on the following points: 1. That a view area be provided for the general public on • the bluff area overlooking the bay. 2. Parlaaay trees be installed on all public right of ways. in accordance with PB & R Department specifications. 3. Appropriate landscaping be installed on all slopes and vacant open spaces resulting from this development. Larry, since this area has been under such great consideration by the Newport Tomorrow groups, as well as other interested organizations, I at sure you will give it your utmost attention before any final approvals are given. YCALVINSTEWART CCS:dm �( I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION November 19, 1969 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ' PB & R Commission SUBJECT: A WINDOW TO THE BAY AT JAMBOREE' ROAD AND PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY Members of the PB & R Commission are appalled at the way in• which windows to the Bay are rapidly disappearing because of new development. Everyone is cognizant of this fact, and for the past ten years, civic leaders have been proclaiming that we should take action to preserve the few remaining windows to the Bay. However,• even with this knowledge and concern, each year more of these strategic windows are being closed. i ,. With the activity that is going on at the intersection of Pacific Coast Highway, Bayside Drive and Jamboree Road, it is apparent that the Irvine Company has plans to develop that bluff area in the near future. The Commission wishes to go on record with the Council and the Planning Commission that arhen plans are submitted for this area, a scenic drive along the perimeter be utilized as a public window to the Bay. This is such an important window to the Bay, it should be preserved. A. C. CAMERON,. JR, Chairman cc: Planning Commission r 4 Yti t e� i January 12, 1970 Mrs. Doreen Marshall City of Newport Beacb 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Honorable Mayor Marshall: We are very much concerned and opposed'to the proposed Irvine Company developement north of our property for the following reasons: We would find ourselves at the end of a hard to find dead end street with little traffic and exposure which we certainly need to survive. We think our whole operation would be affected, ' and our Yacht brokerage in particular. We would be in the same unfortunate situation that the gas station owner would be in when the State changed the highway passing his place of business. ' i Also, would not the value of the Basin property, which the City owns, be substantially, reduced by isolating it as this proposal would? It is hard for us to understand how a City Govern- ment could destroy a public street for the sole benefit of the Irvine Company and at the expense of ourselves as well as the restaurant, hardware store and shipyard on the Basin property. _ . Sincerely yours, i BAI.BOA YACHT BASIN,, INC. Carl H. Hage, Manager - i r CHH: 1 c.c. Newport Beach Planning Commission 829 Bayside Drive Newport Beach, Calif January 12, 1970 Mrs.. Doreen Marshall city' of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Honorable Mayor Marshall: PTy wife and I operate the Galley Cafe on the Balboa Yacht Basin property. The proposed Irvine Company developement, which would leave us at the end of a dead end street with little traffic, would surely be disasterous to us. We will appreciate your consideration. Sincerely yours, Edward H. Vlach EfIF:l •• c.c. Newport Beach Plannang Con-aission s, VED /). Ft�i+;ii•:3 DEPT. 9 CITY OF :J -� NE7701T 01^cx, L� s Ci•LtF l f ; • i � ALLAN SEEK January 12, ' 1970 Planning Commission Re: Promontory Point City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Gontlemen: As a neighbor of the subject development, I wish to endorse it. I feel it will be an asset to the community and to my neigh- borhood. There are some points to which I think you should give attention in granting approval, however: 1. Dredging the entrance channel will remove 100 linear- feet of public beach on the north side of the Balboa Island Channel, and some compensation should be made, such as dedicating Lhe Promontory Lagoon as a public. waterwray, , and asking the Corps of Engineer's to run their harbor lines into the lagoon. I admit that the 100 feet of beach to be destroyed are not at present in a condition to be used or enjoyed by the public, but the practice of letting privated developers dredge away public beaches at will has resulted in the loss of nearly a mile of public beaches in Newport Harbor (notably on the south and west sides of Linda Isle) and it is time for the City to start requiring compensation'. 2. The permit which has been requested includes the blufftop ( "Promontory Point" proper. ) One of the most insistent desires .of the Newport Tomorrow Townscape Committee was that all future bluff- top developments provide for a view. drive, somewhat similar to Cliff Drive in Corona del Mar. Since no specific plans for bluff top development are shown on the permit, it may be premature to raise this point.- but the City should be assured that a height limit of 4.5 feet above mean lower low water will be imposed on all building in the proposed high-density area below the top of the bluff. otherwise the question of a view drive might become academic because the view had all been obscured. If possible, a similar limit should be placed on trees and other planting along the bluff. 3. The existing Bayside Drive has peen designated as part of the bicycle path network. 'Care should be taken that the new Bay- side Drive is sager and more appropriate for this use than the existing one, which is really quite dangerous. ' I trust that the strip 8 feet wide along the north side of the new Bayside Drive will be a bicycle path. Very truly;yours, Ci:'2 1— Allan Beek 28 Beacon Bay t7l �S Newport Beach California 92662 . To trio Z!C-;port Ci1 "i Oil: 1 soo by tho Local prozaA1'tLL Qnt,jp- a;r, t Blau fox, a new 1_-r.;; oil, WAWA bra' c cl.ip ::,id itoluiinti is to bG: proz: ;itcd to your boy this month. ' A3 '71e citi;en, T- ' ,m,ld Me to e:y`,rons :,i; 31,2. on being opposed to Wing our o::ioA nC Ny anotbor huntin3tonTar'bor, 1 a':.;,1_izo thr,i: a c-Dmpany r;"ac):, as t• e Irvine, can pro%ty we' 1 WHY o —,-at: ci .r, ecti. on it rrn-Lild line to*_port to ,row , O?ace it In •,ye lamest single londosaner within our boundaries, 1!owev'.r, ti)C y Ca..n ;mot enough ho. ainS on thy, said. p:'opeity, ,-•& nrobably' rill, without dred.;l.s'1.? 11: *!6, A indeed be pllo^nent to sei.. s„ue of our NO MA contours '.rovain r oa vy no T•1c.nns can such a plan be called proaoansivo in my book. 11 crab you for ,you attontion in tvis m,^-t%er, snd ]_1a.'ygy wrestlinS wit:1Juturo pstr ,,1anninC problems 03, t, ey mUsi: ."':'d will aTioe. T verlise the numb_r of brickbats you receive for outnumb r thn boupets, COMM.-,,, " ro , 1si:". C"aarloo S,) - ton Ji, ,, .. F� Y � r , R I Crake 1 o�/Q � Balboa / • r Corner Island az > � ct��l/tl�-G• /J � �� tit�- ��u`6 ��./G� �fi.L�L'��.•.�,, � - RECCIVL• Lt � �"0 `�L J A(i 0/ :9i t�•:,���- �J, 5"'�U(/- `7/L�,G��z�/ "cS;' �c.C///L�;7- Chi. 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I _ f 3 - 1 i 1 I 1 � Y d . � ' w g � w d q 1 - - SECTION b-b ' , - . RELOCATED , WSIDE `DRIVE 60' ENTRANCE STREET EXISTING &AYSIDE DRIVE so' MIN. Ito' 30' MIN. 84, - 60 30, 30' 3D'- 11' 10' 10' If 10' 50' BO' MIN. 50' 10' d 11' i11 V 8` 10' 1 D' - aF 1' I 1B` 11' 99'_i_ - . . , � I 1 - �_? NEw _ 1`` I OLD 3' 6AYSIDE- DR. __,� P,,,F _ �I 6AYSIDE DR. �- 7 1 SE6TIDq TNR�UGB 1A000N . _. �� SECTION A-A . "- _ _ •' - - - _ . EXISTINb WAYSIDE DRIVE .. .- • SCALES IN=SoJ . - / 1'1/ _ , :� TY .P: IZAL STREET SECTIONS CDT rD SCALE - �- - t , // _ \ IO COSTT. A C. PAVEMENT OVER AP,. WITH SEAL AND PRIME COAT. ,I - ' , , bULKNEAD LINE buLKNEAI LINE - � I ` " / 20 CONST. ' CONCRETE C11R6 GUTTER 50' MIN. . 50` MIN. a SD' MIN. 56' MIN. ' I f �., °i .. tl DROPOS/F_D . buSIDE ` - 3O CONTT 4' P.C.C. SIDEWALK. - `. 4 - 4 -DRIVE REALIGNMENT - 4 44 - - �� _ }FfrP - - ' P - - - r , ..i. 9.;" f .Y/ `.ypv t q c I I K y\ u� - . :/,.ate `' �\ - yA' n :�/ \ ax '^� . lg' DR E ��- <, / ' \ v I DRIYE o - `+ , ' ' 1 . � ., '.I � " - . - - - _ - . - - �� t`i % x` " f^i I /"" " / /` i, I - _ - _ - - -- , -" - _ ,o r , , /�' - �,, 1 I 1 OLD bAYS1DE DRIVE ti - \ - "F";t;t - ' ` $ { - NEW 6AYSIDE DRIVE a,x ' / ''f I �\1, 1.,.` q,x N 1• ). d. .+�i \ , 1:, I - '��i. \!\ � I _ A\ ,' x_ 0 9\aVf"p l� \\ I \ �'� _ \ , ,_._-*''" , i, TYPICAL IPUILDIN6 SITE \ . i' .:3a r `'\� FOR LOTS LOCATED ON OLD N NEW / v a \\ \ \. -, \ - 6AYSIDE DRIVE /// ,t•, n \ \ }" r SCALE= I" 40' j1 1' 1 \ 1 / f ?Q 0�g '`ea>. - `I\\\ \'\ \ It i \ �+��,,. S'? - ' ±s,,r - ;__``^,• ---- _ - - - / Jf a I I �` \_ _, - c. V� s - fan ,\ /, - ­,,r " - '._,,, ._ , l - F. . - a'. - 0 J`l " `\ ` '\ SS c4 •" l/_ ' / / + / - - , >. _ - - �- __ ___-�a�_"_ -'k - - k -i '' P-a- _ �a 1. P'� s y\PJ' s0 "'�+,. 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I,_.I.",_IT�I A-I'._-'1,�.�I,1:�.�-L.,I 1.I R,I:,I.E�.I II I�I�S I,,�IK.�'._I.,LI.I1 IEL l I.,�l7�,Iv�-I-:1 dE!I-_D,--,I-I�,.-I-�I F,,-'�I-,-F:N'��-IL l_O-I���.-RI", I:�EI�_II�.­T.K,,,,- i I J. I ' - I _ - , _ A „r, z ` :`S 1 i I ._ __. , , _ �+r4„ 1_ 1'' . . . - �..__ - -- ^'""..L f _ ,, •,,.-,1 ,,,,, ' . . ... i i - ' - . _ - - fr _ �C?4T I_ :"_ rn ?3 I i f �� 't 1 - __ / -I _ I� D` --� _ {!S 't v _ i - - - _ _ - _ _ - _ I G ` '.nt r I I ` II I f' / - r- tv. J { - t < t4 , �-_'" f , - . - I x , !, O,t I I, _._-I I - -..I _ _ v i } ,,.._.. _. -- r ~ f - - _ _ .. ' vim- , 1.,s 1__' I I .iy.`. ' A. I ! I _ / - I . - _ _-. :"I - _ - _. . _ - - _. ,.- „t. �s I - e" - - - --- - 5EAWALL� v j( . - -G ENE. RAL N OTES - ,,., �'- _�_ I ., - -_ - -- - ; , - _ - - . _ - / m _J 1 - 3� --- __ i , _ - - V. .. „ - -INDICATES MANHOLE 1. � ._ ";I '".'.� ' _ - -..--_- t, -_y _ - � . _ � . .. Y 'Ry _e '/ - 3 II [ ALL PROPOSED , SEWER ' MAINS . . SNOIVN TNDS � . I } - E` v,. ,I" - . - . mSI - ;'. (SIiE PER PLAN) ` h- s2 = " G: F_x_ Is s i; u y , _ _ _ . " - - I - - 1. ALL,`-,PROPOSED_ )VATER , ' .MA1NS '' . SH010N ^THUx _ _ (SIiE PER PLAN) , _" I 3: -STREET - IMPROVEMENTS , fIlEI WATER`SYSTE'NIFl_ Hli I SENOR' =SYSTEM, AND ' THE STORM DRAIN - SYSTEM . SHALL , CONFORM -10 THE_ STANDARbS",.'OF - THE CITY, .OF-NEWPORT BEACH. W , I 4. LOTS. INDICATED PAY THE LETTERS ' "A";; 6" { C G "D" AND LOT 63 ARE HOT RESIDENTIAL AT VE MAP - - - . . . LOTS. - _ . . - 5. EXIST. iDNE UNCLASSIFIED - \ P ROM ONTORY 6AY / - - - ACT N ® 386 7 . - - . - T � . - 4 RE[ORD OIVNER E DEU€LOPER 6E1N6 -_ A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION DF A :PORTION ' : OF &LOCK 94 OF IRVINE'S SU6DIVISION AS , ' -. - < SH01VN "-DN' " A ` MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN 65.0K ; I PAGE 88. OF 1M. M. RECORDS OF • ORANGE . . THE IRV NE OMPA . . . . s _ COUN7 CALIFORNIA._ . - . . • T I CENTER GDRIVE N x " " ,. : . . - - . - ACH CALIFORNIA IN ' T,HE ` ` ,CITY OF - -NE U 6EACN' • ' COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE ' OF ' CALIF. 550 NEIVPOR NEWDDRT 6E - - - . 44 - . . DRONE 6 3011 ' .. ` . `. \ - 14-0 ACRES 61'. RESIDENTIAL, LOTS JANUAV ' Im r.,.• P .I. , : _ - 5 T, , - . - . , . - T "6 RE . B" .-B�o�nAes®�CI`AATES' .,"` -.,. _ Ep RAU - - WT "C R CIVIL ENGINEERS AND .,LAND SURVEYORS '� .. . t-. R. •` r, ACI TY SERVED: FOR' PLANTED AREA: ESERVED" FOR COMMON WATERIVAY ACCESS AR . - - - .. ' _ _ - t _ MART LI COSTA DIVES AT CAOFORNIA TEL 17141 648-7783', p .r ' LOT "D" RESERVED FOR PARKING b NA F- I , ': ., - - - I � <.' . LOT,"E" RESERVED.-_ FOR _ PARK SITE. ' '; - III - : . " LOT 63 RESERYED . FOR ` COMMERCIAL SITE. a :Y iT - •11 1-1D `, I' I00' .11091 . . , .: ry - _ - , h L. 4.°53'5a" R• 1950.00' L• l(o(n.T�j� n' � pp. ' m�3 3S s � ° 0 s R•450.00 � - O 5�r-1� �e -o sa5. o,W 0o 42.o0 m Ir o.o0 6 O Lo L-n �.._ QQ `I d of _ h'�CHIyAY .'' f • i No Ni • � P. O.B. _ 2 _ r Sal"4-G'Sal F 70. / Ico50o' 0.'�S79, ± SEi4°4Cn'98°E , 0 105,00� O s75°ot'�j8'E D O ° 0 0 O O vs - o _ 0 �- uJ 2 � 2 ------- 6AYSIDE -------- ---" --- -- — --- ----- - --- ,p - p2NE N5`11'040E I CIO 5 ba-'4to'33"E I I l2 G l' _Q S TO'S9'5G`E ---- -- - - -- - - --- ------ --- -------- ------ ----""- ------- - - - -- - - - -- -- --------- - ----"----- ------ sa4°4te'�3`E ` 584-04(>'33"E ZOI 1± ------ -M— p• 13°4fo°3?" 55013'27�V\) 2.•Co4.93' . L•7Co30' Q` tz'Cot°08 z8"W • � l2-..co9' . \9 _ tJ89.08'i4"W 15.00' tJ 00°51'4(>'E 108.SCa' lJ A POZT\O�l OF BLOC V- 94 <� OF 1�2VI[JE'S SU2�OIVIS10t�1 d PE2. M. Q . M. \ ' 88 1j` SB9°Q8'14"E ° 1�7.00 0 51'4-(<"E SCALE; \'•\00' 2 l IS.oto _ l(oT0. 83' TO S-'tJ• \OI---�� ci U. S. 6UL-KNEAD LkNE se9°os'r4'E It�S oo' - THE IRVINE COMPANY PROJECT: USE PE2fMlT SHEET OF Py-OM\OtJTOIZ.Y Pot tvT TITLE: BOutJOP.R.Y PS_P."T 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE • (714) 644-3011 DWN. BY Zw-) OATEI9SJO\)0 FILE NUMBER NEWPORT BEACH , CALIFORNIA 92660 NO. REVISED BY DATE CKD. BY GAi2. BASE MAP 2. a +/3% �x2 S \\ \ a 74 o o /p ❑ ❑ ❑ CI �� a�. �,x 3 p qF ` qA F +0 30 r� •l \l\�-`i� 1/ .�,� 3� a s10 u d — ° NN 0 o O S 30 ;�� � � •_,� ��`� V `a � Or �70 o � to 9D AC 5D 60 19 o ---- Qo . 3 T / \ "S3-�O J � �46T0 / P CDAgT , � o s —\ 30 - - - - - - - z 90 � � 04 tAo m' _ c' /o t ,° n ppD O A `ma's YS/pE s 2 f + n T O + DRIVE �J — :Ei 61 (9 7:77 .7 + q6l 1�j + 0 (9 LLA '�` / c� I � - n v 9O []E:D n I COOT I n Ap EJ -01 A- / L + s LM � t �J e' a ° E � `l��JLu �J�I u 0 FAO `04TS 4C �� • . . . . . .. , :. • - . . . . . . • . : . 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Is . . . . . . , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' • • • • YSIDE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DRIVE • • • . . . . . ; � • : • • • • • : : : • • >'3 �,A W � C� V LEGEND • • • • • • • • • Low Density Residential ,Q. N E W P ORT ` . . . . . . N B `4Y High Density Residential Commercial THE IRVINE COMPANY TITLE: PRECISE LAND USE PLAN P LAN N ING DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: PROMONTORY POINT 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE ° (714) 644.3011 NEWPORT BEACH , CALIFORNIA 92660 SCALE: DEC 16 1969 DATE: 0 100 FILE: d r 90' IN. 180 10' MIN. 14, %0' MIN., 60' . 10' 10' It NEW OLD - _ bAYSIpE DR.' tHT 119 TNR811GN U666% j . � � bUEY,N€AD 'LINE 116U6KNEA0 LIRE Sol Nip 5p' Mir o w MIN ( •,L Nip tl I -b OLD 6AYSIDE DRIVE M \ - ` / _—�� NEW6AYSIDE DRIVE , q 9 "PUL BUILDING SITE �,, handy �� -I ` �/, '� -\• +,r? '� - FOR LOiS •LDCATED: ON OLD $ NEW, I 1 s - \ 6AYSIDE DRIVE , \� ': \ SCALE= I"^40' I ti 1 /Jj I J } / LL If T `' /�� , / / / / / /� \ F\\ \ \ I �5 -__�'dt-.__.�... T^r�hb a.i��' /�cg� • Y X • + ti VR1 1001 n I R/v too•' �— _ - - _ _ _ � \I \A \ \ AJ� / "�,���), �° ;'•iiM- Q M &0 p h �,, Ak &47- I I t \ _j � ,� 79 +6s ,• 2B 7 7 26 `15 `l4 13 22 .2 I8 �fi� I•�- 45 —1 13 I� _11 --•Ip 9 'B� �1_ -6-- 5- 4— —3— g 24�•wnuEG0. Su6NARR1�f ' ` 24 Vca — — WK. - I ^,.v 70t�a"was�— �'�-.-.e {?1'v 6PJ '� � —{ .. ."t • ° °—a. v.C4110AE REtlff��D_ �: r_ �� —(�— ��.-�-,�,,,,_ '. ! I 1 '� ._.-„" •� --".__.`___.—_--_. —' �(3'GAS) _ fN EXIST 6' AL.P ry1 • — s v _ x v <J -- 1 I //s ,_.. �' qr { f I—� (•, , ` I i "'""_..-�� -_�--- ...�-..-- - — SEAWALL PKIDA NTOKY POINT P L 0T P LAN .. .. RAUB REIN FROBT AND -.-ABSCCIAT s; I - •CIVIL 'EcNGiNEERb AND LgND SURy$TCR'S- i- 43B qOC HE HT 2� ETREET GOB TA. ME94, I:ALIFOLINIA I TEY: [71iT 3A0- !7141 m......Lm. IlA (•T`i9 �•.AS=SHOWN ..—.s..�.