HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-189 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER October 31, 2019 Reference No. PA2019-189 Zoning Reports, LLC PO BOX 1394 Norman, OK 73070 Attn: Dyana Tucker dyana@zoning.report RE: 330 Old Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Assessor Parcel Number: 425 381 16 Ms. Tucker: The above referenced property is currently located within the OG Office General Zoning District and designated as CO-G General Commercial Office within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The property is not located within a Planned Unit Development or an overlay district.  For the abutting properties to the north, the Zoning District is OG Office General and designated as CO-G General Commercial Office within the Land Use Element of the General Plan.  For the abutting properties to the south, the Zoning District is OG Office General and designated as CO-G General Commercial Office within the Land Use Element of the General Plan.  For the abutting properties to the east, the Zoning District is Single-Unit Residential (R-1) and designated as Single-Unit Residential Detached (RS-D) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan.  For the abutting property to the west, the Zoning District is OG Office General and designated as CO-G General Commercial Office within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies that discretionary approvals were acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division for development of the property. Please contact the Planning Division for any copies required of the discretionary approvals below: PA2019-189  Staff Approval No. SA2016-006 SA2016-006 authorized modifications to the architectural design of the previously approved medical office building.  Lot Merger No. LM2014-005 LM2014-005 authorized the merger of four lots into a single parcel for future medical office development and waived parcel map requirements.  Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND2009-003, Traffic Study No. 2009-002, Use Permit No. 2009-025, Modification No. MD2009-016, General Plan Amendment No. 2008-001 (PA2008-047) The above approvals represent a request for a General Plan Amendment (GPA) to increase the allowable floor area to land area ratio (FAR) for the project site from 0.5 FAR to 1.0 FAR. An FAR of 1.0 could result in 25,725 square feet of development. Concurrent with the requested General Plan Amendment, the applicant is proposing the construction of a 25,000- square-foot medical office building. In addition to the requested GPA, the following approvals were requested or required in order to implement the project: 1. A use permit to allow an elevator and stairwell enclosure to exceed the 32-foot base height limit. 2. A modification permit to allow the proposed subterranean parking area to encroach 3 feet into the 5-foot rear yard setback. 3. A seven space off-street parking credit commensurate with the number of on-street parking spaces available along the project frontage. 4. A traffic study pursuant to the City’s Traffic Phasing Ordinance.  Use Permit No. UP2008-042 Use Permit No. UP2008-042 authorized the operation of an independent massage facility in conjunction with a therapeutic physical therapy establishment specializing in Thai Yoga.  Use Permit No. 1686 Use Permit No. 1686 authorized the operation of a studio for instruction in arts, dance, self-improvement, and language.  Use Permit No. 0755 Use Permit No. 0755 authorized the construction of a duplex over a commercial parking lot.  Use Permit No. 0456 PA2019-189 Use Permit No. 0456 authorized the construction of a single-family residence in a commercial zoning district. The subject property does not have any active complaints on record. For information regarding code violations, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at (949) 644-3215 and the Building Division at (949) 644-3200. Please contact the Building Division to obtain copies of Certificates of Occupancy. For information regarding plat maps or public rights-of way, please contact the Public Works Department at (949) 644-3311. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 949-644-3312 or jperez@newportbeachca.gov. Sincerely, Enclosures: Aerial Map Aerial Zoning Map Figure LU11 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan PA2019-189 Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 10/31/2019 0 200100 PA2019-189 Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 10/31/2019 0 400200 PA2019-189 Table LU1 Land Use Plan Categories Land Use Category Uses Density/ Intensity RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS SINGLE UNIT RESIDENTIAL Single Unit Residential Detached—RS-D The RS-D category applies to a range of detached single-family residential dwelling units on a single legal lot and does not include condominiums or cooperative housing. Not applicable Single Unit Residential Attached—RS-A The RS-A category applies to a range of attached single-family residential dwelling units on a single legal lot and does not include condominiums or cooperative housing. Not applicable TWO UNIT RESIDENTIAL—RT The RT category applies to a range of two family residential dwelling units such as duplexes and townhomes. Not applicable MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL Multiple Residential—RM The RM designation is intended to provide primarily for multi-family residential development containing attached or detached dwelling units. Units per acre or cumulative amount of development as specified on the Land Use Figures Multiple Residential Detached—RM-D The RM-D designation is intended to provide primarily for multi-family residential development exclusively containing detached dwelling units. Units per acre or cumulative amount of development as specified on the Land Use Figures COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS AND CORRIDORS NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL—CN The CN designation is intended to provide for a limited range of retail and service uses developed in one or more distinct centers oriented to primarily serve the needs of and maintain compatibility with residential uses in the immediate area. Floor area to land area ratio or cumulative development indicated on Land Use Plan. CORRIDOR COMMERCIAL—CC The CC designation is intended to provide a range of neighborhood-serving retail and service uses along street frontages that are located and designed to foster pedestrian activity. Floor to land area ratio or cumulative development indicated on Land Use Plan. GENERAL COMMERCIAL—CG The CG designation is intended to provide for a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. Floor area to land area ratio or cumulative development indicated on Land Use Plan. RECREATIONAL AND MARINE COMMERCIAL—CM The CM designation is intended to provide for commercial development on or near the bay in a manner that will encourage the continuation of coastal-dependent and coastal-related uses, maintain the marine theme and character, encourage mutually supportive businesses, encourage visitor-serving and recreational uses, and encourage physical and visual access to the bay on waterfront commercial and industrial building sites on or near the bay. Floor area to land area ratio or cumulative development indicated on Land Use Plan. VISITOR SERVING COMMERCIAL—CV The CV designation is intended to provide for accommodations, goods, and services intended to primarily serve visitors to the City of Newport Beach. Floor area to land area ratio or cumulative development indicated on Land Use Plan. PA2019-189 PA2019-189 Zoning Compliance Applic~J~ EVELOPMENT Community Development Department O · Planning Division ~~p 3 O 20\9 100 Civic Center Drive/ P.O. Box 1768 I Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone/ (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov PROPERTY OWNER(S) / NAME ll~¼.._~ ----., .. --- ,, / .. ADDRESS / CITY, STATE I ZIP CODE /----- / EMAIL ~-PHONE NO. I FAX NO. --- CITY, STATE W-Y <v--R--\S,\A.__ PHONE NO. FAX NO. '-'\ 05 -q 7 - ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. l,\ 'l 5 -\ --I \0 INFORMATION REQUEST Please Check the box(es) next to the requested information ~ )( X '}t) ~ ~ □ Current zoning/General Plan designation of the property Overlay district Abutting Zoning/General Plan designation Discretionary Approvals Legal nonconforming uses or structures Developed with Site Plan approval k Other (attach additional sheet(s)) if necessary:__._ ...... /J~~~~-0-ttz---~--------- DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE -FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: Planner I Ext. Remarks: Fee Paid: Form of Payment: I Check No. Receipt No. Target Date: JP Date Completed Date Mailed: F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Zoning Compliance\lnfo&App.docx Updated 3/11/13 PA2019-189 09.30.2019 JP 3312 PA2019-189 I would like to request a ZONING Compliance/Verification LETTER for: 330 Old Newport Blvd Newport Beach, CA Information being requested: • Zoning ComplianceNerification Letter: Please supply a letter (or use the enclosed template and copy onto letterhead) stating in which zoning district the subject property is currently located, whether or not it is considered to be a permitted use, and any compliance information you may be able to provide. Please use municipality letterhead, or if this is not possible for some reason, please enclose a municipality fax coversheet showing that the zoning letter is enclosed. • Any Variances, Special Permits or Conditions: Please note the existence of these items as they relate to the subject property and supply documentation, if available. • Code Violations: Please note whether or not there are currently any open/outstanding zoning or building code violations that apply to the subject property. • Certificates of Occupancy: Please supply copies of any existing certificates of occupancy for the subject property. If none are available, please state the reason for this and whether there is any expected enforcement action due to the lack of certificate. Also, please specify if a new Certificate of Occupancy would be required in the event of a change in ownership. • Approved Site Plan and/or Conditions of Approval, if applicable: Please supply one or both of these documents, particularly if the subject property is located in a Planned Development. Thank you, Dyana Tucker Zoning Reports, LLC PO BOX 1394 Norman, OK 73070 (405) 473-3378 **Please email completed information or any questions/concerns to: dyana@zoning.report PA2019-189 9/23/2019 Assessor Parcel Number: Council District: Community Association: Refuse Collection Day: Refuse Collection Agency: Sanitation District Area: School District: Special Fire Protection Area: Fire Hazard Severity Zone: Flood Zone: Lot: Map Source: Document: Date: 425 381 16 2 -BRAD AVERY CNB Parcel Report -Newport Beach GIS 330 OLD NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 City Property: Business Improvement District: Leaf Blower Exempt: Water District: Water Meter Zone: Cable Provider: NEWPORT\MESA UNIFIED X -AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD PCL 1 LM_2014-05 OR_2015000147354 3/23/2015 Document Information Block: Planning Information General Plan Land Use: CO-G General Commercial Office Additional Specific Development Limits, See Table LU2: Statistical Area: Charter Section 423: ANOMALY 76 Hl Hl TRACKING TABLE -ADDITIONAL INFO Zoning District: OG Office General Additional Specific Development Limits, See Table LU2: ANOMALY 76 nbgis.newportbeachca.gov/gispub/Parcel ReportPublic/defau lt.aspx?U N IOU E _ TAG=70321 H 1 C _ 050 N NB 2-145 SPECTRU M 1/2 PA2019-189 9/23/2019 Local Coastal Program Coastal Zone: NO Categorical Exclusion Area: N Coastal Land Use: Coastal Zoning District: Overlay District: First Public Road and the Sea: Additional Parcel Related Information Census Tract: 634.00 Parcel Report -Newport Beach GIS nbgis.newportbeachca.gov/gispub/Parcel ReportPublic/default.aspx?UN IQU E _ TAG= 70321 H 1 C _ 050 2/2 PA2019-189