HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210401_ApplicationZoning Compliance Application Community Development Department Planning Division ?,ECEIVSD 100 Civic Center Drive/ P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658-891~MA-fuN,~;.. (949)644-3204 Telephone/ (949)644-3229 Facsimile 012V£LopM€N; www.newportbeachca.gov APR O PROPERTY OWNER(S) I 2021 NAME crry 0F ~A ADDRESS CITY, STATE 'Y,botZIP c~ T SEP. EMAIL PHONE NO. I FAX NO. APPLICANT(S)/CONTACT(S) NAME Sheneetra Scroggins ADDRESS CITY, STATE 1300 S. Meridian Ave. Ste. 400 Oklahoma City, OK I ZIP CODE 73108 EMAIL PHONE NO. sheneetra.scroggins@pzr.com 800-344-2944 ext. 4463 I FAX NO. 405-698-3922 SITE/PROJECT ADDRESS 1610 San Miguel Drive INFORMATION REQUEST Please Check the box(es) next to the requested information g Current zoning/General Plan designation of the property IJ Overlay district 0 Abutting Zoning/General Plan designation Ill Discretionary Approvals ~ Legal nonconforming uses or structures fZI Developed with Site Plan approval ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 458-35 '1-06 0 Other (attach additional sheet(s)) if necessary: varinaces, special/conditional use permits Date Received: Fee Paid: Form of Payment: Receipt No. DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE -!FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Check No. Planner IE~. Remarks: Target Date: Date Completed Date Mailed: F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Zoning Compliance\lnfo&App.docx Updated 3/11 /13 4.1.2021 $382.00 check 180718 RCP0013741 AA 3212 PA2021-075 PA2021-075 t PLANNING DIVISION 3300 Newport Boulevard, Building C, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644•3229 www .newportbeachca,.g_oy ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER August 1, 2011 The Planning & Zoning Resource Corporation Attn: Vandell Stevenson 100 NE 5th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Vondell. Stevenson@pzr.com RE: 1610-1666 San Miguel Drive and 2500 San Joaquin Hills Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 (PA2011-143) Vondell Stevenson, The properties located at 1610-1666 San Miguel Drive and 2500 San Joaquin Hills Road are currently located within the CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Zoning District. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site as CN (Neighborhood Commercial). This property is not a Planned Unit Development and is not located in an overlay district. The General Plan establishes a development limit of 74,000 square feet for 1610-1660 San Miguel Drive. For the abutting propertles to the north, the Zoning Distrlct is PC-3 (Harbor View Hills Planned Communlty) and the General Plan land use category is RM (Multiple Residential). For the properties to the east and south, the Zoning District is RM (Multiple Residential) and the General Plan land use category RM (Multiple Residential). For the properties to the west, the Zoning District is R-1- 6000 (Single-Unit Residential) and the General Plan land use category is RS-D (Single-Unit Residential Detached). For the property located at 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, the Zoning District is CG (Commercial General) and the General Plan land use category is CG (General Commercial). At the time the building permits were finaled, the building and parking requirements were in conformance with the development standards of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. If the subject property does not comply with the current regulations, it is considered to be nonconforming and is subject to Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PA2021-075 f ' Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies the discretionary approvals below were acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division. Please contact the Planning Division for further details on any discretionary application. 1610-1660 San Miguel Drive • Modification Permit No. MD2004-055 (PA2004-160) -approved on 08/04/2004 to allow additional wall signs. • Modification Permit No. MD2004-010 (PA2004-030) -approved on 03/03/2004 to allow additional monument signs. • Modification Permit No. M04377 -approved on 11/14/1995 to allow additional wall signs. · • Specialty Food Permit No. 17 -approved on 09/21/1994 to allow a food use. • Use Permit No. UP3617 -approved on 11/06/1997 to allow a parking waiver in conjunction with a new storage building. • Use Permit No. UP3544 -approved on 03/07/1996 to allow a food use. • Use Permit No. UP3496 -approved on 05/06/1993 to allow a food use and waive a portion of the required parking. • Use Permit No. UP3187 -approved on 02/06/1986 to allow a food use and waive a portion of the required parking. • Use Permit No. UP3014 -appro'1ed on 01/06/1983 to allow a food use and waive a portion of the required parking. • Use Permit No. UP1968 -approved on 09/18/1980 to allow a food use. • Variance No. 1060 -approved on 02/10/1977 to allow a parking waiver in conjunction with an addition. 2500 San Miguel Drive • Use Permit No. UP1491 -approved on 01/07/1971 to allow a service station. 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