HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210408_Sea Level Rise Discussion_2-12-2021• Geotechnical • Geologic • Coastal • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92010 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www.geosoilsinc.com February 12, 2021 Mr. Josh Merrell c/o Anthony P. Massaro, Architect Mars Hill Studio, Inc. 2533 Greenbrier Lane Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SUBJECT: Sea Level Rise Discussion, 2182 Mesa Drive, Newport Beach, Orange County, for Coastal Development Permit. Dear Mr. Merrell: At your request, GeoSoils Inc. (GSI) is pleased to provide a discussion of potential coastal hazards for the proposed remodel/addition project at the subject property. The purpose of this report is to provide the hazard information for your permit application typically requested by the City of Newport Beach and the California Coastal Commission (CCC). Our scope of work includes a review of the State of California Sea-Level Rise (SLR) Policy Guidance document (March 2018), CCC SLR Guidance (November 2018), a review of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) 21.30.15.E.2, a review of the proposed plans, and preparation of this letter report. SITE CONDITIONS The project site is located on Mesa Drive near the Upper Newport Bay, and is not on the ocean or on the Upper Newport Bay wetland. The site is over 4 miles from the Pacific Ocean with Newport Harbor, extensive development and public roads, between the site and the ocean. The site is on relatively flat land and is bounded by the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve (UNBNP) to the south. The UNBNP slopes gently at about 15% from elevation + 69 NAVD88, to the public path at elevation +18 feet NAVD88, and to the wetland boundary at about elevation +6 feet NAVD88. The active channel of Upper Newport Bay is an additional +1,000 feet from the wetland boundary. From the top of the site slope to the Upper Newport Bay flow channel is a distance of about 1,500 feet, see Figure 1. The proposed remodel/addition is an additional +130 feet landward from the top of slope property line. Due to the projects setback from Upper Newport Bay (and obviously the Pacific Ocean), the site will not be subject to shoreline erosion or wave runup over the project life (75 years). While the toe of the slope below the site may infrequently flood with extreme SLR, the thick vegetation and slow water velocities will not cause erosion. The only coastal hazard the slope near the site may be subject to is flooding of Upper Newport Bay as a result of extreme SLR. PA2021-083 2 Figure 1. Internet image from May 2019 showing the site relative to the public bike path, Upper Newport Bay and active flow channel. DATA&DATUM The datum used in this report is NAVD88, which is about 2.64 feet below the mean tide level. The units of measurement in this report are feet (ft), pounds force (lbs), and seconds (sec). The site elevations relative to the NAVD88 datum were taken from the topographic map prepared by RdM Surveying Inc. The remodel plans were provided by Mars Hill Studio, Inc. Elevations not on the site were taken using Google Earth. The proposed remodel/addition development is abut 130 feet from the top of the slope at an elevation of about 70 feet NAVD88. CURRENT FLOODING HAZARD The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric National Ocean Survey (NOAA, 2010) tidal data station closest to the site is located at Los Angeles Outer Harbor (Station 9410660). The tidal datum elevations are as follows: Highest Recorded Water 1/27/1983 Mean High Water 7.18 feet 4.55 feet PA2021-083 Mean Sea Level (MTL) NAVD88 Mean Lower Low Water 2.64 feet 0.0 feet -0.2 feet 3 Ocean water level is dependent upon several factors including the tide, storm surge, wind set up, inverse barometer, and climatic events (El Nino). This location is well away from . the Pacific Ocean so the site will not be subject to wave or wind set up from the ocean. The design maximum recorded water level is about +7.0 feet NAVD88. The highest recorded elevation (7.18 feet NAVD88) for the ocean water level takes into account El Nino conditions and storm surge that don't occur in Upper Newport Bay. The proposed project has the lowest finished floor at about + 70 feet NAVD88 and the public bike path below is at elevation +18 feet NAVD88. Under the current extreme Upper Newport Bay water level conditions, the existing/proposed development, and even the public bike path, are not subject to flooding. FEMA The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) that assess the current vulnerability of a site to flooding. The existing structure is currently mapped in the FEMAXZone area outside the 1 % chance of flooding, see Figure 2. The public bike path is also in the X Zone. The wetland portion of the UN BNP is mapped in the FEMA AE Zone with a Base Flood Elevation (BFE) of+ 8 feet NAVD88. Figure 2. Effective FIRM showing the site in the FEMA X Zone. PA2021-083 4 FUTURE FLOODING & SEA LEVEL RISE Sea Level Rise The CCC had initially adopted the National Research Council 2012 SLR estimates of 16.56 inches to 65.76 inches over the time period from 2000 to 2100. The initial adopted ranges provided in the first CCC SLR Guidance provided no probability of occurrence. That is to say that it is not clear as to the likelihood of any given SLR in the year 2096. The 1.25 feet of SLR may be more likely than the 4. 75 feet SLR, or vice versa. The Guidance does require the use of the best SLR science available. The March 2018 State of California Sea- Level Rise Guidance, 2018 Update" by the California Ocean Protection Council {COPC) provides more current SLR estimates within a probability frame work. The COPC provides SLR estimates based upon various carbon emission scenarios known as a "representative concentration pathway" or RCP. This 2018 COPC report has been adopted by the CCC and provides an expansion of the April 2017 "Rising Seas in California." These new estimates are based upon a 2014 report entitled "Probabilistic 21st and 22nd century sea-level projections at a global network of tide-gauge sites" {Kopp et al., 2014 ). The Kopp report provided the SLR estimates in a more user friendly format as shown in TABLE I. TABLE I LOW Medium -High Extreme Risk Aversion Risk Aversion Risk Aversion i lW;H1 emissions 2030 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 2f!40 0.7 0.5 0.9 1.0 l.3 1.8 2!)50 0.9 0.7 1.2 l.4 2.0 2.8 -t0w emlss!ons 101.iO 1.0 0.7 -1.3 1.7 2.5 i!lgri llmlsslons 2060 1.2 0.9 l.6 1.9 2.7 3.9 --I.ow emissions 2010 1.2 0.9 -1.6 2.0 3.1 H19l1 emlsslO!lS 2070 1.5 1.1 2.0 2.5 3.6 5.2 --Low tmlsslom 2080 1.4 1.0 -1.9 2.4 4.0 High emlssfons 2080 1.9 1.3 -2.5 3.1 4.6 6.7 tow emissions 2090 1.6 1.0 2.2 2.9 4.8 High emissions 2090 2.2 1.6 -3.0 3.8 5.7 8.3 LW! @llSSiOilS mrn 1.7 1.1 -2.5 3.3 5.8 myll i!mlSSlO!lS W.Hl 2.6 1.8 -3.6 4.6 7.1 10.2 This table illustrates that SLR in the year 2100 for the "likely" range, considering the most onerous RCP {8.5), is 1.8 feet to 3.6 feet above the 1991-2009 mean. This can be interpolated to be about 3.3 feet above the 2020 mean {sea level is higher now than in 2009) over the next 75 years. Based upon this SLR report, the maximum probable SLR for the project is estimated to be 3.3 feet. There also is a 0.5% probability that SLR can be about 6.4 feet {interpolated [[5. 7 + 7.1 ]/2]). The maximum historical water elevation in Newport Bay is -+ 7 .0 feet NAVD88. This elevation does not include the long-term sea level rise prediction. If 1.8 and 6.4 feet are added to this 7 .0 feet NAVD88 elevation, then PA2021-083 5 future design maximum water level range of 8.8 feet NAVD88 to 13.4 feet NAVD88 is determined. The maximum design future water level is 13.4 feet NAVD88. Even if SLR is 7.1 feet in the year 2100 under the 0.5% probability "meet or exceed," the temporary water elevation at the toe of the slope will be about +14.1 feet NAVD88, which is still below the pubric bike path and well below the development on the site. TSUNAMI It should be noted that the site is mapped well outside the limits of the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) tsunami innundation map, Newport Beach Quadrangle (State of California, 2009).The tsunami inundation maps are very specific as to their use. Their use is for evacuation planning only. The limitation on the use of the maps is clearly stated in the PURPOSE OF THIS MAP on every quadrangle of California coastline. In addition, the following paragraph is taken from the CalOES Local Planning Guidance on Tsunami Response concerning the use of the tsunami inundation maps. Inundation projections and resulting planning maps are to be used for emergency planning purposes only. They are not based on a specific earthquake and tsunami. Areas actually inundated by a specific tsunami can vary from those predicted. The inundation maps are not a prediction of the performance, in an earthquake or tsunami, of any structure within or outside of the projected inundation area. The City of Newport Beach and County of Orange have clearly marked tsunami evacuation routes for the entire Newport Beach area. SLR & 100 YEAR STORM The USGS has also developed a model called the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for assessment of the vulnerability of coastal areas to SLR and the 100 year storm._ Using the modeling program the vulnerability of the site to different SLR scenarios with shoreline erosion and the 100 year storm can be assessed. However, the following are the limitations as to the use of the CoSMoS model. Inundated areas shown should not be used for navigation, regulatory, permitting, or other legal purposes. The U.S. Geological Survey provides these data "as is" for a quick reference, emergency planning tool but assumes no legal liability or responsibility resulting from the use of this information. Figure 3 is the output of the CoSMoS program. The modeling shows that the wetland shoreline does not erode and not even the public bike path will flood during the 100 year event with 200 cm {~6.6 feet) of SLR. Based upon the CoSMoS modeling, the development is safe from erosion and flooding over the design life of the development due to the proposed project setback from the wetland and the site elevation. PA2021-083 Shorallne Po;ition (No hold the line/No nourtsh.) SLR 200 [l Projected Shoreline Max WiNe Runup during Flood 200an SLR+ \'lave !00 () , .• . Rood-prone Low-lying Areas .. ' 200anSLR+Wa-;elOO .·. Rood Hazard 200cm SLR + Wave 100 i::r Rood Depth 200cm SLR + V/iNe 100 No Data : o cm (0ftl l•··\50 cm (8.2 ft) soo cm (16,4 ft) 750 cm (24.6 ft) Santa Cruz Rood Depth 200an SLR+ Wave 100 No Data · o cm(0ftl I,·. ·;250 cm (8,2 ft) · 500 cm (16.4 ft) 750 cm (24.6 ft) Figure 3. CoSMoS output for the site with 6.6 feet of SLR and allowing for erosion. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INFORMATION Coastal Hazards Report (NBMC 21.30.15.E.2): i. A statement of the preparer's qualifications; 6 Mr. Skelly is Vice President and Principal Engineer for GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI). He has worked with GSI for several decades on numerous land development projects throughout California. Mr. Skelly has over 40 years experience in coastal engineering. Prior to joining the GSI team, he worked as a research engineer at the Center for Coastal Studies at Scripps Institution of Oceanography for 17 years. During his tenure at Scripps, Mr. Skelly worked on coastal erosion problems throughout the world. He has written numerous technical reports and published papers on these projects. He was a co-author of a major Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study report. He has extensive experience with coastal processes in southern California. Mr. Skelly also performs wave shoring and uprush analysis for coastal development, and analyzes coastal processes, wave forces, water elevation, longshore transport of sand, and coastal erosion. ii. Identification of costal hazards affecting the site; The typical coastal hazards to consider are shoreline erosion, flooding, and wave impacts. The site is too far from both the Pacific Ocean and the active Upper Newport Bay Channel for waves and erosion to impact the development. This report demonstrates that flooding or even erosion from flooding will not impact the site. There are no coastal hazards affecting the site over the project design life. PA2021-083 7 iii. An analysis of the following conditions: 1. A seasonally eroded beach combined with long-term (75 year) erosion factoring in sea level rise; This condition will not occur at the site over the design life of the project. 2. High tide conditions, combined with long-term (75 year) projections for sea level rise; There is a 0.5% probability that SLR could be 6.4 feet in the next 75 years. This SLR would account for future Upper Newport Bay water level of 13.4 feet NAVD88. 3. Storm waves from a one hundred year event or storm that compares to the 1982/83 El Nino event; No ocean waves can reach the site. 4. An analysis of bluff stability; a quantitative slope stability analysis that shows either that the bluff currently possesses a factor of safety against sliding of all least 1.5 under static conditions, and 1.1 under seismic (pseudostatic conditions); or the distance from the bluff edge needed to achieve these factors of safety; and There is no bluff fronting the site. This condition does not occur at the site. 5. Demonstration that development will be sited such that it maintains a factor of safety against sliding of at least 1.5 under static conditions and 1.1 under seismic (pseudostatic) conditions for its economic life (generally 75 years). This generally means that the setback necessary to achieve a factor of safety of 1.5 (static) and 1.1 (pseudostatic) today must be added to the expected amount of bluff erosion over the economic life of the development (generally 75 years); There is no bluff fronting the site. There is no potential for sliding. This condition does not occur at the site. iv. On sites with an existing bulkhead, a determination as to whether the existing bulkhead can be removed and/or the existing or a replacement bulkhead is required to protect existing principal structures and adjacent development or public facilities on the site or in the surrounding areas; and There is no bulkhead on the site. v. Identification of necessary mitigation measures to address current PA2021-083 8 hazardous conditions such as siting development away from hazardous areas and elevating the finished floor of structures to be at or above the base floor elevation including measures that may be required in the future to address increased erosion and flooding due to sea level rise such as waterproofing, flood shields, watertight doors, moveable floodwalls, partitions, water- resistive sealant devices, sandbagging and other similar flood-proofing techniques. The project is safe from the coastal hazard and no mitigation measures or adaptation strategies are necessary. CONCLUSIONS The project is not within the influence of coastal hazards (erosion, waves, and flooding) over the design life of the project (75 years). No SLR mitigation measure or adaptation strategies are needed over the life of the development. If you need additional clarification, I can be contacted at the number above. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. David W. Skelly MS, PE RCE#47857 PA2021-083 9 REFERENCES Kopp, Robert E., Radley M. Horton Christopher M. Little Jerry X. Mitrovica Michael Oppenheimer D. J. Rasmussen Benjamin H. Strauss Claudia Tebaldi Radley M. Horton Christopher M. Little Jerry X. Mitrovica Michael Oppenheimer D. J. Rasmussen Benjamin H. Strauss Claudia Tebaldi "Probabilistic 21st and 22nd century sea-level projections at a global network of tide-gauge sites" First published: 13 June 2014 NOAA, 2021, Web Sites, Maps http://anchor.ncd.noaa.gov/states/ca.htm Tidal Datums http://www.opsd.nos.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/websql/ftp/query_new.pl State of California Sea Level Rise Guidance 2018 Update, by Ocean Protection Council, dated in March 2018. PA2021-083