HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210419_ApplicationCertificate of Compliance Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive / P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone / (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov Property Owner(s) Name Address City, State Zip Code Email Phone No. Fax No. Applicant(s) Name Address City, State Zip Code Email Phone No. Fax No. Site/Project Address Assessor’s Parcel No. Along with the above portion of this form completely filled out, please submit the following: 1.A legible copy of the latest Recorded Grant Deed or Contract of Sale showing current ownership, include the Title Insurance Policy if available. 2.A copy of the latest Tax Bill and Assessor’s Map.3.A copy of any and all documents supporting original creation of the parcel (e.g. Grant Deeds, Contracts of Sale, Records of Survey, Building Permits, or other documents).4.If the project is improved, include legible copies of: •A Plot P lan, fully di mensioned on an 8½ “ x 11” s heet s howing entire p arcel, al l i mprovements, and parcel area in square feet. •A Building Permit for a Principal Building on the Property. 5.An application fee in the amount of $370 ($358 + OC Recorders Fee $12) payable to the City of NewportBeach. Please note parcels not in compliance with Subdivision or Zoning regulations may incur additional costs. Do Not Complete Application Below This Line – For Office Use Only PA No. Submitted: Planner ext. CO No. Fee Paid: Date Mailed D No. Form of Payment: Check Credit Card Check No. Date of OR Pln Chck No. Receipt No. OR No. Remarks: Updated 08/07/2020 I I I I I □ □ PA2021-093 Branch :FWP,User :TFIG Comment:Station Id :K1TJ ORANGE,CA Page 1 of 3 Printed on 4/16/2021 10:19:10 AM Document: DD 9306.190 r I,, . i fl l ·1 ·} :t?3Q \ I , JIANK ~F AMERICA,::: ::;::~r:E:mNGS, A sb~IAiI<L, ·1-' L ' .. ,i ·. ,: • . I i, ... ::::.:t:t::L::: ,E:::::;:r '::T~::E.D::::.::~J}t.;::n; lip~ of which i_, .. het~y.a4n?wl~df d. does he.reby, gr~nt a,~1convey foa•t 1 .•·n··.··.·.d· ... • .·· RICHARD c ~· j ftUNSAKER an~. 'V;RGJ I~ A~ · ijU~SMER, ht1siiin · and . w.if, · j qin·~.-1:.e2.a4.ts. ·~ . ~11 rig!>t, b, t e :.,,>d }tit~:reSt .,,j, the• , I all right, \title and int:,ere!:jt tha}. theJ~state maY, ha ently . . . ·I . . 1·· I . . acquireli b~ o'pe:tat~on ,df ,law,-r otherwlse, i11_·.and ,t ·pr9pert.y. in the <;c:,unty .of Orange,: State of ·_Califq,rnia, descri ➔ as fa low$·· Lot.! 5 and 6, iock Hl i' the l!,esubd ,rt~ion o . I ·1 I I 'i. ·Corona Del Mai;;, in the City of Ne:wt>or Beach~. ::1::~::•:: :::•:: ::9::::f:;n::4J1::o ~ . Ma~$:e,t~e ~; foe o( :he Co\lllt}' ~it•>< of·. sait:l,:•~Bunty •. : . . _ . . . . . ·. J l I .· _ .. • Oomm~lly kno~ " .3512 o. ceanJ.' oule_v.a,r~.,·:cor.o-na :,;,. .... . • ' Del Mr t .CalH~ nia ' • ' •• ~ '•;,,;.,';. ~ • _:' ' f S~ject t;o,·:1eneral a d special ,, ·1 I t_lf 'fi~cal: ~eaj 1970• a lief no:t Y!itJ pal ah la~ i PA2021-093 Branch :FWP,User :TFIG Comment:Station Id :K1TJ ORANGE,CA Page 2 of 3 Printed on 4/16/2021 10:19:11 AM Document: DD 9306.190 I ·• .. ',i!f"' 9306'. r.tr t 9t · · J I ·,· coi,tERV,.TtlR s DEED . n _ ••• ~:va~i1~ • 1.:~2!:!; t::;: ::::::/::;:rt: ,~:::r~; T is~ deed· is' made p '.rs\la.nt -~~ drderl_ <;:o_nfir if~ Sal of said. _properfy. µiade. id the ma . eti ;f tbe Consekv.itors_ it pf B tric~ D~y Wilso in case No. A'...'s 96.9 Probate,lsuperi~r q4rt,· o arwe ii i . County, _ Sta e -~f ·c;~li'fornia, nter~d• on Ap il 10, 19 '~ ~ a ce ti fief copy of wM h._~rcie7 is . .'re~<:>rq d co~ternpora eo~sly he ~11it:hi the l • " I . . Office of t e County -n~cord~r of sa,;i.4 Coun~y ·I to whi h !refer nee i h~reby. made • ·r I I l<IWESS lil!bEOF, •~~.~.·· j.n,.tr;,,.H i~ .exe ut.ed on this .,:2,/d day of -'---L:4~~--.J----'~97Q. -,, .I MATE OF 1~,. lFOa coJNTY ok o ! ' Not~ry P\l .. ROY O. MO Nl,lONAL 1 that exe the pers assoe,iat· banking '! -~~~~~fit1,:ftst-·lm~~· I o-re ~, t,he under ate., pers1onalily .a st Officer-of _ national tjan\1cin9 utor, 'and uoiwn t of ~e nat16nal to me -that ,such ! igned3!. _: a · pear OF· . RICA aaaoc ation l'Mt~be - 1\king I a.t.ion,~1 ,.I I PA2021-093 Branch :FWP,User :TFIG Comment:Station Id :K1TJ ORANGE,CA Page 3 of 3 Printed on 4/16/2021 10:19:11 AM Document: DD 9306.190 .'~ ; F'?1•:, J :i Bl - 1J ' t .Jt· ~~~r~A'l'O ! l ., . t, _:: '' :sT~-rfoF COtOF Notah Pu W. C~ ~G , 'l'RUSt AND ·;::~;~:~ \ .1/ •. ·assotiati hank~ng a i hanr• anQ t jc OFFICIAL SEAL i-6:s A s¢on · )li NQP,RYl>UBLIC· CflliFORNl,0. p ).:i~_\/,r "i~it,\Y4:l973 ,.,,rt:. '.; q ~-ry-~~-. ~. ~ . 1 • ' -(' -I -·I .• -· ·r:·:,·.,\ I ,306 t~E_l92' ' \ ·.- PA2021-093 Branch :FWP,User :TFIG Comment:Station Id :K1TJ ORANGE,CA Page 1 of 1 Printed on 4/16/2021 10:19:11 AM Document: DD 1982.137201 ~£CORDING RECIUESTED l!!IV \~ ANO wtftN 1111:COJIXO •All. TD I •-Richard C. Hunsaker, Trustee ,_ 'l!IE HUNSl\KE:R FAMILY ffl5T ...._ Po Box 2423 "~ LSanta 11na, cz,. 92101 r---1 SAME AS ABOVE Cit, & Sto~L 82-137201 $4.0D 7 _J 7 _, rlecorded at Ille req111s! cf TITLE INSURANCE & Tliffl CO. s:01 AFR 211982 A.M . ~ttcl"1h °"""'COWMJ.t-*a ✓-3.-...c-{,~ .. -- ------------------'----$PACE ABOVE 1"Hlt3 LJNE FOR RECORDE:~t'S USE-•-- Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED av TICOR TITLE INSUII IEAS A •• N._.Ct5.2-::l.Jl2--C.1 The undersigned graDtor ( s) declare ( s) : Documentary transf•~ tax is S No Consideration ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remainin!: at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of ------------------~ and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, RICHARD c. HUNSAKER and VIRGINIA A. HUNSAKEF, husband and wife hereby GRANl'(S) to RICHJI.RD C. HUNSAKER, Trustee of THE HUNSAKER FAMILY TRt:ST established December 30, 1981, by Richard C, Hunsaker and Virginia A. H;insal<:er, Trustors the following described real property in the County of Orange ~ ~ §i ~ ~ '::J ~ Ill City of' Newport Be .. ch , State of California : o~8g° Lots 5 and 6, Block 141 of the Resubdi visioi, of Corona del Mar, ilf ~ § § in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of c,1liforni, ... 8 g_~ as per IncLP recorded in Book 4, Page 6 7 of of Miscellaneoui; Maps, ~ ~: in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. ~ 81 g ~ Dated __ f\;:>a_,L 1L,, 1982 ~~~~~~~~ALIFORNIA ORANGE }ss. On ]SJ> R; I L t b , \ 9 'i 2-before me. the und1~r- ti;i:ned. a Notary Public in anJ for said State, pt-rtonally appear~,{ Richard C Hunsaker and Vir~inia A, Hunsaker ----------------known to 1ne 11> be the pe-no~_whose nam~ n1.b5CTibed to the within in,1rum,:nt and acknowled;:cd that they ex~uted the uni~. WJT:'\ESS my hand and official ,ea!. /" Mr, r 'l Sip:n:llure ---~::::::;__......;z;,,~_;,·:i..:_· -'~~~;::!:,!!.:::Z'l;;:::::,. __ _ ~ag_ ::I~'<°~ ~ ~:; ~ IP~ l ~ =: :::: ti) a. ~5,, t ::, ~ ~~·une ~ Huff~ '-- 1--::Tc-i,.,.le--::O-,d.,.•-r--:N"o-:-_~--':._~-;-;-__,,~!-'-::::::::::::::::_-:::::::::::.E=sc-ro_w_o_r_l_"'_•_n_J\_o ______________ _ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED AB(JVE PA2021-093 Tax Map 3512 Ocean Blvd, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Tax Map 3512 Ocean Blvd, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 4/16/2021 Page 1 (of 1) This report is only for the myFirstAm user who applied for it. No one else can rely on it. As a myFirstAm user, you already agreed to our disclaimer regarding third party property information accuracy. You can view it here: www.myfirstam.com/Security/ShowEULA. ©2005-2021 First American Financial Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. First American 1J'9!FirstAm® SEAVIEW ,.. 118' "RESUB.@ @ • 24 25 •CORONA @ 22 23 @ i;:~ L 0 r---------- . ALLEY (141 l~' 8171!' I ,) I " I, , I I I c:, 0 I I c:i @ 1 1@ ~ I I ;;; I I ~ I I ~i' I l,1· -OCEAN MARCH 1949 6 5 JO~ I 1, I I G) I I I • I zi:J JO , I I I 1© I I I I ~r · 1~ 25·21, w I I I -, I I I I I • I 10 I I I I I I I 1,,. THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR Of PT. PURPOSES ONLY, THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILJ TY FOR OTHER USES. NOT TO 8£ REPRODUCED. ALL R/GIITS RESERVED. 0 COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNT'f ASSESSOR 2013 12 RESUB, CORONA OEL MAR PARCEL MAP 13 151 ST Pl AC£ J ' 0 . 24 25 -m.o,• ; 22 P.M. Q, e PAR, 100,081 AC, 23 21 @ ;, PAR. 2 ® 0,081 AC, ,,,. 354-3 @ P.M. ,_ 19 ~ PAR. 1 ® 0.095 AC. ~ >---~=----I~ @ 1\1.Q!' 17 ' PAR, 2 @o.095 AC. 14.1-f~---------< ,,..374-37 15 @ --- - - - - -"•~ r-'----------1 ' @ • @ >---------112 ,_13~-------1 ,o 11 @ ® L.....---"''":..' ---/-}/-,..~~----"-•· __ _ ALLEY(142) 052-1 4 ,-- JO 28 ~---0 __ .26 t-• ;,, 24 2/ @ 2s ~ " 1s ~ @ "'81 16 •15 '--V 41•· 12 I I I . 0 " .=:,_ ________ _ t-~ 12 ,_ _f_ -----,--r- I I I I I I I (;'11 I 1® 'v 1(D -10 ® I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I ' ~ : : I ----------® ~~ii ~ ...._ M,M, 4-61 P.M. 354-3, 314-31 NOTE -ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN C !RCLES ALLEY (14 3) ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 052 PAGE 14 COUNTY OF ORANGE D --... PA2021-093 ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 12/10/20 (INCLUDES 10% PENALTY) AMOUNT DUE AFTER 4/12/21 (INCLUDES 10% PENALTY + $23 COST) 052-142-07 APRIL 12, 2021 0006904-0006904 PDFE------ 924728 OCT015 0105214207000022020020412210001099326063021000121155800000000000000002 0105214207000022020011210200001099326063021000120925800000000000000004 DESCRIPTION FULL VALUE LAND 232,380 IMPROVEMENTS - BUILDING 1,828,694 TOTAL VALUES: 2,061,074 22,060.21 HOMEOWNER EXEMPTION -7,000 -73.69 TOTAL NET TAXABLE VALUE: 2,054,074 21,986.52 COMPUTED TAX 052-142-07 DECEMBER 10, 2020 $21,986.52 $10,993.26 $10,993.26 052-142-07 07-001 $10,993.26 $10,993.26 $21,986.52 ASSESSEE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE PER CA GOV CODE §6254.21 Scan the code to view and pay your specific parcel online Scan the code to view and pay your specific parcel online jcbZsKh1reCJf9PjcbZ ZlXZUZDPHBI6zR:ZlXZ bzzRZvuvPSWVSvubacP LJKHnvLY2:XULLuNiL: WQjSLrP7wLuT15yf54R Xq6Mu1yJHbWBxgLiiYX kU5SEQ:iAUXN3nHKFPX 6VUp:rwnRIAH8gpGxe8 NS c2SLXibBDsoww4KR XpvpOOOC7SZ9THrpjkX jcbZEE ArHAmA5uSk6Z ZlXZAzEvvw6KjJKQ7TZ zzzPzPttP PtPPP t P jcbZsKh1reCJf9PjcbZ ZlXZUZDPHBI6zR:ZlXZ bzzRZvuvPSWVSvubacP LJKHnvLY2:XULLuNiL: WQjSLrP7wLuT15yf54R Xq6Mu1yJHbWBxgLiiYX kU5SEQ:iAUXN3nHKFPX 6VUp:rwnRIAH8gpGxe8 NS c2SLXibBDsoww4KR XpvpOOOC7SZ9THrpjkX jcbZEE ArHAmA5uSk6Z ZlXZAzEvvw6KjJKQ7TZ zzzPzPttP PtPPP t P $12,092.58 $12,115.58 BASIC LEVY RATE 1.00000 2,054,074 20,540.74 COAST COMM COLLEGE DIST .03181 2,054,074 653.40 NEWPORT MESA UNIFIED .01754 2,054,074 360.28 METRO WATER D-MWDOC .00350 2,054,074 71.88 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CHARGES PHONE NO. MOSQ,FIRE ANT ASSMT (800)273-5167 7.70 VECTOR CONTROL CHG (800)273-5167 1.92 MWD WATER STDBY CHG (866)807-6864 11.60 OCSD SEWER USER FEE (714)593-7281 339.00 TOTAL CHARGED 1.05285 21,986.52 FOR DETAILS OF TAX TYPES, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT OCGOV.COM/OCTAXBILL 3512 OCEAN BLVD NEWPORT BEACH I f y o u s o l d t h i s p r o p e r t y o r n o l o n g e r o w n i t , y o u c a n d i s r e g a r d t h i s b i l l . P r o p e r t y t a x e s a r e t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f t h e n e w o w n e r . C o n t a c t t h e O f f i c e o f t h e A s s e s s o r a t ( 7 1 4 ) 8 3 4 - 2 7 2 7 r e g a r d i n g o w n e r s h i p c h a n g e s . M U L T I M A I L # 1 0 0 2 7 Shari L. Freidenrich, CPA Orange County Treasurer -Tax Collector P.O. BOX 1438 • Santa Ana, CA 92702-1438 601 N. Ross Street, Building 16, Santa Ana Office Hours: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Monday -Friday Phone Hours: 9:00AM-5:00 PM (714) 834-3411 ocgov.comtoctaxbill INTERNET COPY 2020-21 SECURED PROPERTY TAX BILL For Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2020 and Ending June 30, 2021 OWNER OF RECORD AS OF 12:01 AM, JANUARY 1, 2020 =Miiillt•NtiiH htl=hiliiti;J+; AlrffiiffilMl•IIJiltiiill DID YOU KNOW? Sign up to receive a text/email due date reminder at ocgov.com/octaxreminder Pay online at ocgov.com/octaxbill to receive same day credit, no service fee by eCheck and an emailed receipt. Mailed payments must have a USPS postmark on or before the last timely payment date. If you wait until the last day to mail your payment, get your envelope hand-stamped with a postmark to ensure it is timely. PROPERTY LOCATION ASSESSED VALUES & EXEMPTIONS AS OF JANUARY 1, 2020 #ffl•®lffil@••l!i=Hi•r!,!f ··•¥N=i•IIi1ii€ih••&i#iIH=YiMNh•, VOTER APPROVED TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IMPORTANT INFORMATION SERVICE AGENCY RATE VALUE TAXES THERE WILL BE A $26.00 FEE FOR EACH PAYMENT RETURNED UNPAID BY YOUR BANK FOR ANY REASON RETAIN TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS -IF PAYING BY CHECK, YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT OR PAY ONLINE AND RECEIVE AN EMAILED RECEIPT DETACH AND MAIL STUB WITH 2ND INSTALLMENT IN ENVELOPE PROVIDED WRITE YOUR PARCEL NO. ON YOUR CHECK ASSESSEE: Make checks payable to: County of Orange COUNTY OF ORANGE ATTN: TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR P.O. Box 1438 Santa Ana, CA 92702-1438 INTERNET COPY DETACH AND MAIL STUB WITH 1 ST INSTALLMENT IN ENVELOPE PROVIDED WRITE YOUR PARCEL NO. ON YOUR CHECK ASSESSEE: Make checks payable to: County of Orange COUNTY OF ORANGE ATTN: TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR P.O. Box 1438 Santa Ana, CA 92702-1438 INTERNET COPY ORANGE COUNTY 2020-21 PROPERTY TAX Pay taxes online by eCheck or by credit card eCheck ocgov.com/octaxbill DUE FEB 1, 2021 ~ I ORANGE COUNTY 2020-21 PROPERTY TAX Pay taxes online by eCheck or by credit card eCheck ■IDI~~ ocgov.com/octaxbill DUE NOV 1, 2020 D PA2021-093 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST AREA 245 WEST BROADWAY, SUITE 380 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (213) 590-5071 TO: Himes-Peters-Mason Architects Inc 3505 L-5 Cadillac Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Date: September 24, 1990 RECEIVED SEP 2 8 1990 HIMES-P[.Y£RS-MASON fi.F.=H!Tt(;T:, !:'\IC. SUBJECT: Waiver of Coastal Development Permit Requirement/De Minimis Developments-Section 30624.7 of the Coastal Act Based on your project plans and information provided in your permit application for the development described below, the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission hereby waives the requirement for a Coastal Development Permit pursuant to Section 13238.1, Title 14, California Administrative Code. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or the plans revised, this decision will become invalid; and, any development occurring must cease until a coastal development permit is obtained or any discrepancy is resolved in writing. WAIVER #5-90-760 APPLICANT:_~R~i~c~ha=r~d~H=un~s~a~k=e~r __________ _ LOCATION: 3512 Ocean Blvd., NEWPORT BEACH PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: A 40% demolition of an existing single family residence for the purpose of remodeling, including an addition. With the addition, the new total square footage of the residence will be 8067. Development includes a non-conforming roof approved by City of Newport Beach Variance Committee. This is not an oceanfront lot. RATIONALE: The proposed project will have no adverse impacts on coastal resources, is consistent with the Coastal Act, the City's Land Use Plan, and past Commission actions. This waiver will not become effective until reported to the Commission at their October 9-12, 1990 , meeting and the site of the proposed development has been appropriately noticed, pursuant to l3054(b) of the Administrative Code. The enclosed Notice Card shall remain posted at the site until the waiver has been validated and no less than seven days prior to the Commission hearing. If four (4) Commissioners object to this waiver of permit re_quJ,rem-ents, a ~,.;!l development permit will be required. by: ~l,4A\c ~ di/~ j. ~ CHARLES DAMM South Coast District Director cc: Commissioners/File 6584D PA2021-093 • I'•• • Sa:, of Cllifomi1. ~rge Deukmej\,11 :>vtmor C,llfoml, Co.am! Commi.sion South Coast District 2~5 Wtsr Pro,dw1y,Suite 380 P.O. Box HSO •· ' ~ Buch. C.lifornla 90601•1~so APPLY CATI ON FOR COAST AL DEVELOPMENT PERHI T I.I ISJ )*S071 Type of application: Standard Pennit _________ ......, ____ _ Ji Administrative Pel"fl'l1t: (May. be epPHcable if development is one of the following: (a) fmprovernent to any existing structure; (b) eny·new development costing less than SECTION I. APPLICANT $100,000; (c) singl' famill dwellin;; (d) four dwelling units or ess, w th1n any incorporated area, that does not reQuire dem,1it1on or subdivisi~n of land; or (t) development authorized es a principal pennitted use and proposed in an area for w,ich the Land Use Plan has been certified. l, Name, mailing address end telephone number of all app11c1nts. time p er) 2. Name, mailing address and telephone number of applicant's representative, if any. ' ,:,250~ CA0/l?Al-v$" ero er For office use only Applic&tion Nunter _______ _ (1) Projtct cost Received Filed __ ,___ .., ____ _ Jurfsdfction code (3) Fee _____ ,..Date pa1d~-----LCP segment ( 4} Ttntativl! hearing d,ate ______ _ Geo Ref Code (5} X (6) V (7) Coast l: 1/83 • PA2021-093 3. tonniet of Interest. \11 appHeants 'for the dtvelopr ·t must COIDp)ete ).ppendl.x A, the &ic1,. _don c.f campaipn contributions. SEC:t!ON ll, PROPOSED D£VELOPMENT. ~,~~~! answer ALL qutstions. Where questions do not apply to your project (for instance, project heigllt for aJand division), indicate "Not Applicable" or "N.A." · · 1. Pro ect Location. Include street address, cfty, and/or county. If there s nos l"tet • ress, include other description such as nearest cross streets. z<; I '2. o cf,Jv) Bl-VD, nuniler (sj ~Poef 13p-Al-H y 10) street ( 9) Oi.AA.J~§-county (1 A.sseuor' s Paree 1 Nunt,er _o __ s_z __ ~., .... 4_2-_0_1 _____________ _ ' ' 2. Oescr!be the proposed developrrent, Include secondary imprcvernents such os septic tanks, water wells, roads, etc, a) lf res i den ti al, sute: 1) Number of unfts ___ __. ________ (28) 2) NU!Tiler of bedrooms per unf t c; ( 28) 3) Type of owntl"'$hip proposed: □rental ti ;ondomi ni um 0 stock cooperative Otfme share Sether ftll'j(lr? Y. /Z. lS{pf/lJt,,& b) Nl.llt)er of boat slips, 1f •~plicable /J.A. (29) c) If land division, nlllber of lots to be created and size fv,A • . ' 2 • PA2021-093 3, Present use of prope, .J, I) Are there existing Structures on the property? mves Cl No If yes, descrfbe (including number of residential units, oecup&ney status, monthly rental/lease rates for each unit) and schedule of nnts.for past year • .C,tN &Lf., {A-Mil:/ ~G.St {),Gt,.) rt/V ... f/t.1/1/ll;V f,6zlf/Acf- b) Will any exfstfng structures be demolished? El Yes CJ No W111 any existing structures be re1110ved? Cl Yes SNo If yes to either question, describe the type of development to be demolished or rtmoved, including the relocation site. ff applicable. P1it2,1,Al p£11ol1r1orJ dfE).1$1/N{;, ~W,)c,ruef .. foR. R€11t>P£L;(AJ& AN(> AOPITl{)I{ (31) 4. Estimated cost of development (not including cost of land)_S;:.... _____ (32) 5. Has any application for a development on this site been sUbmitted previously to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Convn1ssion or the Coastal Commission? □Yes QNo If yes, state previous 11pp1ication n\l'i'lber ___________ _ 6. Project he1 ght: Maximum height of structure ______ -Z.,__j._ __ ft .Maximum height cf· structure as measured from centerline of frontage road. _______ -'ft 7. Total number of f1oors in structure, fne1uding subterranean floors, 1 ofts, and mez:zani nes ____ ,g""-_.t7..,....4J.a;;(:I___, _________ _ 8. Gross floor area including · covered parking and accessory buildirigs __ ,_.M, _ __.$..,(2._l-.....,.7 ___ .sq ft Gross. floor area excluding DAY°kino 1'?>1 sq ft g, Lot area (within property 1ines) _____ ......,.g __ 1_i_{J? ___ sq ft or acres Lot coverages: 2Li tin Hew _proposed 4zt>1. . , Rui1 ding coverage sq ft , $9: f~Z, sq ft Total (,./3t#/ sq ft Paved area / 1 (/ sq ft { 1 ({)? '1 , sq ft Landscaped area -fJ!;f'. '1~1~q ft 'm'f: sq ft ( C, ll sq ft '{~ ______ sq ft Unimproved al"l!a /J •A. sq ft rJ ,fr • sq ft fl.A. sq ft 3 PA2021-093 lO. Parking: number of · .ices existing number of new spaces proposed Total no. of covered spaces '? no, of uncovered spaces d ~ , I -'-'"~'---n O, of standard spaces _...._'7_ size /'i "'If,<; no, of compact spaces ,ef size > ---ls tandem parking existing and/or proposed? D Yes □ No If .ves, how many tandem sets? ___ size ___ _ ll, Are utility extensions for the following needed to serve the project? al water □ Yes 1ZI No d) sewer □ Yes E;1 No b) gas D Yes mJ No e) telephone Q Yes m:J No c:) electric: D Yes l!l No I yes to any of the above, would extensions be 'i~o~e ground? □ Yes fBJ No 12. Is the project site adjacent to a p~b1 ie maintained road? .IZJ Yes O No lf yes, how far is the nearest public road, _. ________ _ SECTION III, AOOITIONAL INFORMATION The n!lationship of the development to the app1i,able items below must be explained fully. Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1. If the de,·Eloprnent is between the first public road and the su, is pub1ic access to the shoreline and along the coast currently available near the site? □Yes □ No .. If yes, indicate the location of _the nearby access, including the, datance from the project site. 2. Is .any grading proposed?· □Yes □No lf .Yes, complete the fo110\tling. ., amount of cut cu yds _, b) · aioount of fi 11 cu yds c) 111axfmi.m, height of fill elope ft d) uxflllU!ll height of cut slope ft ~, '1l)Ount of import or export cu yds w; f) lo"t'on of borrow or disposal site br•oing and drefnage plan$ IIIUSt be included with this applicatfon. In certiiin areas, an engfnterfng geology report eust 11so be included. See Seetion v. paragraph 11 for the specifics of these rtquirements. '' -..... ,. . PA2021-093 3, Does tht development involve dfkfng, ff11fng, dredging or placing structures fn open coastal waters, wetland$, estuaries, or lakes? t) diking Cl Y•s Ga No c) dredging D Yes l!f No b) fflHng □Yes E!No d) p1acament of structures 0Yes llJNo An,;iunt of 111&terh1 to be dredged or fi,11ed t!, A cu yds. Locet1on of drtdged 1118ter1el disposal sfte_...,\N.:..':.:..A.:..:·--------- Has a U.S. Arrey Corps of £ngfneel'$ penuft betn 1pp1ied for? Cl Yes t:29 No 4. Wi11 the development txtend onto or adjoin any beach, tidelands, submerged lands or public trust lands? tlres fi!!No For projects on State-~ned lands, edditiona1 infonnation may be required as set forth in Section V, paragraph 10, 5. Will the development pl"Oteet e.xfstfng lower-cost visitor and recreational faci11ties? □Yes C)No Will the development provide public or private recru.tional opportunities? □Yes liNo If yes, e.xpl&in, 6, WI 11 the proposed developn:ent convert land currently or previously used for egricu1ture to another use? 0 Yes [Q No If yes, h0,1 many ecres will be converted?_..,/V_.,;.,A,... _______ bcres. 7. Is the proposed deve1opment in or near: a) sensitive habitat areas □Yes ti?J No (b1o1ogica1 survey m,y be required) b) 100-year f1oo.dplafn. .. .,;,,.,, .. □Yes 131 No (hydro1ogfc mopping may be required) ,, ,.. . cl parlt: or recreltfon lrta EVes O No ' . 8. Is the proposed developmtnt ,vfs1ble fl"Olll: ,. . ' a) US Highway t or 'other Jcenf c T'Oute CJ Yes IZl No · .. Eres □Ho t,} parlt:, beach, or recreation anta . . . . ,. c) ht.rbor area. ·, Qves □No wt<s the site contain any: al historic resources CJ Yes El'No bl 1reh.aeologic1l resources Cl Yes m\No cl l)lltcnto1og1cal resources □Yes f:?}No lf yes to any of the ebove, please exp1 ain on an attached sheet. s .. PA2021-093 . io. Where_ a stream or sr 1g 1s to be diverted, prov1de , ,: fo1lowing .1n1omation: Estimated strenmflow or spring yie1 d ... · ___ tJ_.A_. _______ gpm ,. If wen 15 being used. txfstirig yie1d. __ N_,/\_. _______ gpm If water source h on •dJacent property, ,thch 01vis1on of Weter Rights •~prova1 and property owner's· approva1. SECTION IV. OTHER OOVERNMENTAL R£QUIRH£NTS The local Agency ~view Fonn, Appendix!, must be comp1eted and signed by the local govemment in Whose jurisdiction the project s1te -1s located, The eorriileted and signed fonn must be submitted with this app11cat1on for the application to be con$idertd complete.· SECTION V. ADDlTlONAL ATTACHMENTS 'n)e follCf..ling iteJi'$ nust be 8\Jal\itted with this fomi as part of t.re awlication. ~ proof of t,te appliC4nt' s l egal werest in the property, (A copy of a.ny of the 1(n follCMing will be accept.abler current tax bill, recordfrl 13$oo, signed Offer to Mruled--to P~e aloog \In. th a receipt ·of dep5si t, s i gnea final ~ ~t, or current ~ic,1. eo.rfle5 p:>liey of title insuranoe. Prelimi.naI'y title reports will rm be accepted.) ~f kssessor's parcel rrap(s) &ho,,.ring the applicant's property aoo all other properties 1\i1o with.in 100 feet (~clu1ing roads) of the ~ l.inos of the project iite, (Available, Along with c,,.me.r' s na:res/addresses, frat) assessor'·s offioe.) 3, Q:,pies of nquired local approvals for the prcposed project, including 2c:ning vari~oes, use peonits, etc:., a..s n:>ted en ll:,cal h:3ency Peview Fenn, Apperrli.x B. 4, St.anfEd envel~s a&ires1ed to each property awner and ~t of property-situated within 100 feet of tre property lines of the project £it.e (exclooing roads), a.long with a list o:nt.a.ining the narres, ~dresses and usessor's po.rt:El nU'T'bers of s.a;rre, If the ~li~ion qtlalif ies _ for an adm.i.natnti ve pe:r:mi t, envel~ a.re n::>t require:3 \.!nl.ess q:ecifie2lly xequested. Ser.ever, a mai~llit is required oo ~1 awlicaticns. 'lhe envelopes nust be· plain (i.e. , ro return ) , md ~ hls~s li>ize · ~~ .. x .Q l/8") , Ir.elude f i.rst class i:o,tAge ai e.ach. Metered ~ errvelr · cannot be acoepted. 'nle \«:>rds "Irq::ortant Public ~ »:,tioe tiust£e en e froot of ea.ch~. (An ~iq;,riate star(:> is ava.ila.ble il"I the District Offioe. Use Appendix c, attacherl, for~ list.in; of nmres w ~aes. (Alternate rot.ice provisicru may be atployed st tre discretia1 of t.1-W? District Oi.rector under extr~ ClIC\JTtSt.anoes) • s. Stlmped, addressro envelopes and a list of nmies ~ 16.:lreues of all other parties ~ to the zq:pli~t to have an interest in tre ~lied ~lcprent (,mch as • ;:er&a\S exp~ing interest at a lOC2l goverrrtU'lt hea.ril'q, etc.) • 6. Devel~t l.ccation moo vicWty naps. Jil,sp5 ah:,JJ.d SlCM prec.i.sely \lt)ere the 6evel- qrnent is ~ and pn,s.ent ~ ~ water uaes in tre project vieinity. u. s. Geolcgiotl Survey ~ minute .erieis q.uid.range map, 'ltlcrna.s ~ IMP, road IMP or area ~ prepared ~ lo::lal govemnents ~ pro.ride a suitable base l'Mt'· .. 6 PA2021-093 7. '1\,0 ~ies of project _ ..mu:, except for projeots located in the Cit:/ of l.os "1'x]eles w.re three lets are ~ired, starrped aro signed "AWroved in C'.t:nc-ept" 1:1; tbe local l:uild.ing ~t, dnlwn to acale, in::ludiri9 aite plans, flo:ir plans, clevatic:ns, grading and drainage pl.elns, ~ plana, .. m:i aepti<:: system pans. A ~ced site pl.M, Bl," .'Ii 11 • 2111St also be sul:Jnitted, k!duoed ~ies of CX'fti)lete projflci: plans will ,be ~ for large projects. 'l'rllel$ to be :nl'lV.'ed JrUSt be tmrlr«! ai the .lite plan, For darolitions, incll.X1e a ■ite plan ~ the plaOEITSlt ar:d dillensi,;:ns of ed.frt.ing dev!:J.cprent ai aubject lot, ~ ney be sul:rnitted to~ elevatia.s and tks'n:)liticns, e. ltiere septic r.f$t81\S are~. evidenoe of o::iu.nty approvu or PagiCN.1 or J!eqiaial water ().IAJ.:!:ty O:ntrol Beard~-~e water wells are PJ.o;:os=d, evidence of ~ty rwiw and ~. · 9, A cap/ of. any Final Negative Deelaration, 1'irial ~ lJrpaCt llep:,rt (m!R) or Final !m>'ircmental lll;)aet StateTent (FZI.s) prepared for the pro;ject. o::mnants of All reviewing agencies ~ resp:inses to a::.11rients mat be im:lude:l, 10, Verificatia\ of all other pex:mit.s, penn:i.ssi~ or approvals applied for or g?"a.nted ~ p.ll:.,lic agencies (e,g,, Dept, of Fish and G!irre, State lJinds carmission, u.s, 'Ar:m:/ Cbrps of !hgineen, U,S, 0:liast Qm-d). ll. Far devel~t cm a bluff faoe, bluff top, or in any area of high geologic risl<, a caiprehenisive, site-specific geology ard soils report (including tn!IPS) prepared in accordance with the 0.::l!!.stal Cttrmissia'l'S lnterpretive G..lidelines, Ccpies of the guidelines are available f.ran the District Office. SECTION VI. N0ilCE TO APPbltANTS Under certain circumstances alldit:l.c>nal ~terial !UY be Tequired prior to issuance of a coastal development pemit, for example, where offers of access or open space dedication, prelilllinary title reports, land auMeyS, legal descriptions, subordination agreements, and other outside agreements vill be required prior to issuance of the permit, C0111111ission ~,y adopt or.amend regulations affecting the is,uance of coastal 'fe'~elopment peN.its. lf you vi;,uld 1:1.ke notice of •u~h ;,roppsaJ.s. d)Jrill& ::the,; :• '·:""' · : pelld~cy of thfs a:pplicat:l.on of 1uch propotals that are reasona.'bly related to . this application indicate that desire, · · f2I Yea Q Ne· SECTION Vl I. ALYTHORl?ATION OF AGENT t hereby a\lthorfze · to •c;t as iay l"t?l'S$lnbt1ve and to bind 11e 1n 111 aatt.etS eonceming t11h 6Vi>Hution. · $1gMturt of ·ljplicant(s) 7 • PA2021-093 RECORDING REQUESTED BY r AND WHEN IU!CORDIED IIAIL TO I 7 91 :-7 d75 I ~~cgRRf iJ>El~gJi~~~~fi_ffg:~~ 12:00 DEC 2 6 '1991 P.M. I TIUH sr @t-~ ~ Add. • Pg0$ UenNt $ @$ Other f -RICHARD C. HUNSAKER 4 a. '13,uw.dRecorder Tot.sl ii$ h_ / Rec. feH !:'... 17761 MITCHELL D.T.T. $ ~A L IRVINE, CA 92714 _J PCOR $ SMF $ ------------------------SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S INDIVIDUAL FOUi '·--RDE-10 Notice of Completion Before execution, refer to tit1c company n,quiremcnta 8lalcd on revcnc side. A. P. N ________ _ Notice is hereby given that: L The undersigned is owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter deecribed. 2. The full name of the undersigned is Richard C. Hunsaker. Trustee of the Hunsaker Family Trust 3. 1ne full addn:se of the undersigned is 17761 Mitchell; Irvine. CA 92714 4.. 1ne nature of the title of the undersigned is: In fee. ____________________ _ (H other than fee. llbikc "'In. &,c" and macn, for example, "purchucr under contract of purchuc:," or "lcsecc".) 5. The full names and full addrcaeea of all pcnions, if any, who hold title with the undersigned as joint tenants or u tenants in common are: 1fAKES ADDRESSES None 6. The names of the predeccseo111 in interest of the under11igned, if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvement herein referred to: NAMES None ADDRESSES (If no transfer made. illllC:rt "none".) 7. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on December 20, 1991 8. The name of the contractor, if any, for such work of improvement was _______________ _ Richard C. Hunsaker (If no contractor for work of improvement u a whole, ineert .. none".) 9. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Newport Beach _______ __, County of Orange , State of California, and is described as follows: Lots 5 and 6, Block 141 of the resubdivision of Corona del Mar, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 4, page 67 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. 10. The street address of said property is-"-3-"-5~1~2_0 __ c __ e __ a_n-'--B'-o~u"'-e'--l=v--a=r=d..._;---"C"""o""'r--o--nc..ca.c.._;d~e;;...;l;;;;.....:M:..::.a:::.r=-<..., -..a.C""A'---..:;.9-"'2--6c.:2:..::5'----- Datcd: __ __;_;;_D~e...cc...ce_m __ b_e_r;..._;2~0~,"---1=9;;_;;_9=1- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF. . ORANGE . (If no street~ddrcss h~ n oflijci y ass.igncd,~inscrt "none".) Signature of /\.; owner named ~ I,__' l in paragraph 2 ________ __. ___ -"- (AJso sign verification below at X) Richard C. Hunsaker, Trustee of the Hunsaker Family Trust }ss. The undersigned, being duly sworn, says: That __he is the owner of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property de11Crihed in the foregoing notice; that _he has read the same, and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts ,tated theuin ue l=e. ~~ ~~ o / / A..a.../-A SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me m paragraph 2 X -! ffU1 ~ / on ____ D_e_c_e_m_b_e_r_2_0~, _1~9~9~1 ____ _ Signatur~C< ~ Notary Public in and for said State Title Order No. ___________ _ Escrow or Loan No. _________ _ SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TITLE COMl'ANY HQUlllEMENTS AS TO NOTICE OF COMPLETION OFFICIAL ScA.l LAUREL E. HOSTETLER Notary Publlc-Callfornla ORANGE COUNTY My Commission Expires April 8. 1994 (Thh araa for official notarial ac-1) - PA2021-093