HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180614_Phase_1_Environmental Site Assessment_8-26-2015 1725 Victory Boulevard, Glendale, California 91201 / P 818.246.2707 / F 818.246.3145 www.citadelenvironmental.com PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL August 26, 2015 Jessica Duncan HINES 4747 Executive Drive, Suite 410 San Diego, California 92121 Re: CITADEL Project No. 5140.1040.0 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report Undeveloped Property, APN 458-361-10 Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Ms. Duncan: Enclosed please find Citadel Environmental Services, Inc.'s Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report for the above-referenced location. The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report was conducted for Hines, in accordance with Citadel’s Proposal 5140.1040.P, dated August 3, 2015, and a mutually agreed upon scope of work. If after your review you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to telephone me at the Citadel Office in Glendale at (818) 246-2707. Sincerely, CITADEL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Mark Drollinger, M. Eng., CSP, CHMM, EiT Director, Environmental Geology and Engineering Enclosure Hines 4747 Executive Drive, Suite 410 San Diego, California 92121 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report August 26, 2015 Citadel Project Number 5140.1040.0 Undeveloped Property, APN 458-361-10 Newport Beach, California 92660 www.citadelenvironmental.com CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................................. i 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 PURPOSE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 INVOLVED PARTIES .............................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 SCOPE OF SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................................1 2.0 GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 LOCATION ...........................................................................................................................................................................................2 2.2 SITE DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................................................................................................2 2.3 ADJACENT PROPERTIES ...............................................................................................................................................................3 2.4 UTILITIES ............................................................................................................................................................................................3 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ................................................................................................................................................................3 3.1 PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................................3 3.2 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS AND SOILS .......................................................................................................................................3 3.3 GROUNDWATER/HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................3 3.4 WETLANDS AND FLOOD ZONE .................................................................................................................................................4 4.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................4 4.1 ON-SITE STORAGE TANKS...........................................................................................................................................................4 4.2 IDENTIFIED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................4 4.3 ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................................5 4.4 LEAD PAINTS .....................................................................................................................................................................................5 4.5 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS .............................................................................................................................................5 4.6 RADIOACTIVE MAN-MADE MATERIALS ...............................................................................................................................5 4.7 PITS, PONDS, AND LAGOONS .....................................................................................................................................................5 4.8 SEPTIC TANKS AND CESSPOOLS ..............................................................................................................................................5 4.9 WELLS, CISTERNS AND SUMPS .................................................................................................................................................5 4.10 WASTEWATER INTERCEPTORS / GREASE INTERCEPTORS ....................................................................................5 4.11 DRINKING WATER........................................................................................................................................................................6 4.12 RADON ...............................................................................................................................................................................................6 5.0 SITE HISTORY.............................................................................................................................................................................................6 5.1 HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS ....................................................................................................................................6 5.2 HISTORIC BUILDING PERMITS ..................................................................................................................................................7 5.3 HISTORICAL SANBORN FIRE INSURANCE MAPS ..............................................................................................................8 5.4 HISTORICAL CITY DIRECTORIES ..............................................................................................................................................8 5.5 CLIENT-SUPPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................8 5.6 HISTORICAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS .........................................................................................................................................8 5.7 HISTORIC OIL AND GAS MAPS ...................................................................................................................................................9 5.8 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT – FIND DATABASE .......................................................9 5.9 INTERVIEWS ......................................................................................................................................................................................9 5.10 ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN .............................................................................................................................................................9 5.11 VAPOR ENCROACHMENT CONCERNS .................................................................................................................................9 5.12 SUMMARY OF SITE HISTORY................................................................................................................................................ 10 6.0 REGULATORY AGENCY REVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 10 6.1 DATABASE REVIEW..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.2 GEOTRACKER DATABASE......................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.0 DATA GAPS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 8.0 FINDINGS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 9.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 10.0 LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 11.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 12.0 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................... 18 CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL APPENDICES: A Figures B Photographs C Historical Aerial Photographs D Historical Building Permit Report E Sanborn Map Report F Historical City Directories G Historical Topographic Maps H User Questionnaire I Environmental Lien and AUL Search J Vapor Encroachment Screen K Environmental Data Resources Radius Map Report CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD i PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Summary Client Name/User: Hines Property Visit Date: August 14, 2015 Client Contact: Jessica Duncan Construction Dates: N/A Phone Number: (858) 435-4016 No. Buildings/No. Units: None Email Address: jessica.duncan@hines.com No. of Stories: N/A Property Name: None Bldg. Square Footage: N/A Property Address: None Property Acreage: 42,200 SF Property City, State, Zip: Newport Beach, California 92660 Property Use: Undeveloped Property Identification: 458-361-10 Property History: Undeveloped Other Improvements: Fences SUMMARY OF FINDINGS No Further Action Recognized Environmental Conditions Non-ASTM Scope Considerations Proposed Action Refer to Section Site Description X 2.2 Adjacent Properties X 2.3 Historical Review X 5.0 Previous Reports X 5.5 Regulatory Review X 6.0 Vapor Encroachment X 5.11 USTs/ASTs X 4.1 PCBs X 4.5 Chemicals/Hazardous Materials/Raw Materials X 4.2 ACMs/ACCMs X 4.3 Methane X 4.13 Radon X 4.12 Lead-Based Paint X 4.4 Lead in Drinking Water X 4.4 Other X 4.0 Citadel Environmental Services, Inc. (Citadel) was contracted by Hines (Client) to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) of an undeveloped property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 458-361-10, in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California; hereinafter referred to as the “Site.” According to the information provided by the Client, the Site is comprised of a portion of one parcel that is legally identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 458-361-10. The Site encompasses approximately 42,200 acres of land. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD ii PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL The Site is undeveloped with naturally vegetated land. The boundaries of the Site slopes towards the center of the Site, forming a depressed area. At the time of the Site reconnaissance, a horizontal pipe was observed protruding out of a sloped area. The depressed area in the center of the Site and the protruding pipe suggests that the area was formerly or currently a drainage basin. Fencing was observed near the north portion of the Site. Pedestrian access to the Site is along Bonita Canyon Drive and the bicycle trail at the adjoining park south of the Site. Ford Road ends in a cul-de-sac near the southeast corner of the Site. No equipment was observed at the Site. In general, the Site appeared to be naturally vegetated land. A review of historical sources showed that the Site has been undeveloped since at least 1938. Ford Road appeared developed by 1972, extending from south of the Site towards the northwest to connect to MacArthur Boulevard. The adjoining property east of the Site appeared developed with a portion of the current structure by 1972; and appeared fully developed in its current configuration including the surface parking lot by 1977. By 2005, Ford Road no longer appeared to connect to MacArthur Boulevard; instead, Bonita Canyon Drive was developed to connect to MacArthur Boulevard. The park located south of the Site was also developed in 2005. The former Ford Road that was located along the southwest boundary of the Site appeared developed as the parking lot for the park. The Site did not appear on the reviewed environmental databases. Citadel reviewed information provided by Environmental Data Resources (EDR) regarding nearby sites to evaluate for potential on-Site vapor encroachment concerns from off-site sources. According to EDR, no historical releases of petroleum products from a leaking underground storage tank (LUST) have occurred within 0.25 mile of the Site. There are no sites within 0.25 mile of the Site that are listed on the EDR Historical Gas Stations and Dry Cleaners databases. RECOGNIZED ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS According to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard of Practice E1527-13, recognized environmental conditions (REC) fall under three specific categories when evaluating a site or properties within the site vicinity. These categories are defined below. A recognized environmental condition, or REC, means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. De minimis conditions are not recognized environmental conditions. A controlled recognized environmental condition, or CREC, is a recognized environmental condition resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority (for example, as evidenced by the issuance of a no further action letter or equivalent, or meeting risk-based criteria established by regulatory authority), with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). An historical recognized environmental condition, or HREC, is a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD iii PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL According to ASTM E2600-10, the goal of conducting a vapor encroachment screening on a parcel of property is to identify a vapor encroachment condition (VEC), which is the presence or likely presence of chemicals of concern vapors in the subsurface of the target property caused by the release of vapors from contaminated soil or groundwater or both either on or near the target property as identified by Tier 1 or Tier 2 procedures. The purpose of Tier 1 is to conduct a screen using Phase I ESA-type information to determine if a VEC exists at the target property. If the Tier 1 screen cannot rule out the possibility of a VEC existing at the target property, then a Tier 2 screen can be conducted. Tier 2 applies numeric screening criteria to existing or newly collected soil, soil gas, and/or groundwater testing results to evaluate whether or not a VEC can be rules out. Tier 2 has two data collective components: non-invasive and invasive. Based on a review of historical and present records, site interviews and Site reconnaissance, Citadel believes that sufficient information was collected and evaluated for the Site to determine if a recognized environmental condition (REC), historical recognized environmental condition (HREC), controlled recognized environmental condition (CREC), or a de minimis condition exists. Based on our review of these databases, reported release incidents that would represent RECs in connection with the Site or a source of a release that would be likely to contribute to a vapor intrusion condition was not identified. No evidence for designating the Site as a REC, CREC, or HREC from reviews of historical documents and present Site conditions was found. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD iv PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL NON-ASTM SCOPE CONSIDERATIONS The California Bureau of Mines and Geology and California Department of Public Health (CADPH) participated in the United States EPA’s State Radon Survey, a Federal survey to measure levels of indoor radon in all states. Based on the results of this survey, CADPH predicted that approximately 0.5% of homes in Region 9 would have radon concentrations over the EPA action level of 4.0 picoCuries per liter (pCi/L). The Federal EPA Radon Zone for Orange County is Zone 3, which indicates an average indoor concentration less than 2.0 pCi/L of air. In a survey, 57 tests were tested within the 92660 zip code for the presence of radon. Of these, no test was found to contain radon in excess of 4 pCi/L. Site-specific radon values were not available and were not a part of this ASTM Phase I ESA. A potable well was not observed on-Site. The Site is not located within the 100- and 500-year flood zones. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 1 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 1.0 INTRODUCTION Citadel Environmental Services, Inc. (Citadel) was contracted by Hines (Client) to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) of an undeveloped property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 458-361-10, in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California; hereinafter referred to as the “Site.” 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of the Phase I ESA was to review past and present land use practices and to evaluate the presence, or likely presence, of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that have been discharged into the property’s structure, ground, groundwater, or surface water. This qualitative assessment was accomplished by review of current and readily available information regarding past and current land use for indications of the manufacture, generation, use, storage and/or disposal of hazardous substances at the Site. A Site visit was also conducted to observe existing Site conditions. This report provides the results of the Phase I ESA performed. 1.2 INVOLVED PARTIES The involved party(s) in this study, to the best of our knowledge, is Hines. Citadel understands that this Phase I ESA is being requested in conjunction with due diligence activities by Hines. Citadel recognizes that this report is to be used exclusively by Hines and its successors, lenders, and assigns. It is a report upon which Hines and its successors, lenders, and assigns, can rely. This assessment and report were prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Hines, their lenders and assigns (Client) solely for its use and reliance, subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon between Citadel and the Client. 1.3 SCOPE OF SERVICES This Phase I ESA was conducted in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard of Practice E1527-13 and the standards of care and diligence normally practiced by recognized consulting firms in performing services of a similar nature. The scope of services for this assessment consisted of the following: ∆ Perform a Site inspection to verify current Site conditions, and check for visible evidence of previously disposed and/or currently present hazardous waste, surface contamination, underground and above ground storage tanks (USTs/ASTs), suspect polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other potential environmental hazards. ∆ Conduct a visual survey of the adjacent properties and the immediate vicinity to determine if any nearby sites pose a significant environmental threat to the Site. ∆ Review currently and readily available documents, including maps, aerial photographs, governmental databases of known hazardous waste sites and underground tanks, other consultant reports (if any), fire insurance maps, and other accessible records. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 2 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL ∆ Reviewed results from a search of available current land title records for environmental cleanup liens and other activity and use limitations, such as engineering controls and institutional controls. ∆ Consult with appropriate governmental agencies having jurisdiction relative to past history of the property, complaints or incidents in the immediate area, and permits that may have been issued. ∆ Prepare a report, inclusive of our findings and recommendations, with applicable illustrations and documentation. The scope of services outlined above is generally considered sufficient to properly assess the Site based on the data search, reasonably ascertainable documents, and Site inspection. 2.0 GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 LOCATION The irregular-shaped Site is located 0.6 mile southwest of the California State Route 73 Freeway and 2.7 miles north-northeast of the Pacific Ocean. The Site is bounded by Bonita Canyon Drive to the north, undeveloped land to the northeast and west, a parking lot for a wireless telecom facility to the east, and a concrete-paved bicycle trail to the southwest. Ford Road ends in a cul- de-sac near the southeast corner of the Site. The general Site vicinity is occupied by residential properties. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Tustin Quadrangle (7.5 Minute Series), dated 2012, the Site is at an elevation of approximately 194 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) and appears to slope gently to the east. The Site is located at approximate coordinates of 33° 37’ 44.40” North Latitude and 117° 51’ 39.60” West Longitude. A Site Location Map identified as Figure 1 is included in Appendix A. 2.2 SITE DESCRIPTION According to the information provided by the Client, the Site is comprised of a portion of one parcel that is legally identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 458-361-10. The Site encompasses approximately 42,200 acres of land. The Site is undeveloped with naturally vegetated land. The boundaries of the Site slopes towards the center of the Site, forming a depressed area. At the time of the Site reconnaissance, a horizontal pipe was observed protruding out of a sloped area. The depressed area in the center of the Site and the protruding pipe suggests that the area was formerly or currently a drainage basin. Fencing was observed near the north portion of the Site. Pedestrian access to the Site is along Bonita Canyon Drive and the bicycle trail at the adjoining park south of the Site. No equipment was observed at the Site. In general, the Site appeared to be naturally vegetated land. A Site Plan is included as Figure 2 in Appendix A. Select photographs of the Site and vicinity are included as Appendix B. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 3 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2.3 ADJACENT PROPERTIES Properties north of the Site and Bonita Canyon Drive are occupied by multi-family residential structures. The adjoining property east of the Site is occupied by AT&T at 4302 Ford Road. Bonita Canyon Sports Park lies south and west of the Site at 1641 Ford Road. 2.4 UTILITIES No utilities are supplied to the Site. 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3.1 PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS Based upon the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the Site is at an elevation of approximately 194 feet AMSL. Regional topography in the area of the Site appears to slope slightly to the east. Surface drainage is generally toward the center of the Site. 3.2 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS AND SOILS The Site is located within the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province. This geomorphic province encompasses an area that extends for approximately 800 miles, from the Transverse Ranges and Los Angeles Basin to the tip of Baja California, and varies in width from 30 to 100 miles. Most of the Peninsular Ranges province is characterized by northwest trending mountain ranges separated by subparallel fault zones. The Peninsular Ranges are underlain by Jurassic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks and Cretaceous igneous rocks of the southern California batholith (UCSD, 2004). Within the Peninsular Ranges Province is a coastal plain that extends westward from the northwest trending mountain ranges to the Pacific Ocean. The Site is located in the interior coastal plain, west of the Santa Ana Mountains. This Coastal Plain is bounded to the northeast by the Puente Hills and Whittier Fault, to the southwest by the Newport-Inglewood structural zone, and to the southeast by the Irvine Mountains and San Joaquin. The Site is shown on the Geologic map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana quadrangles, California (Morton and Miller, 2006) as being old paralic deposits, undivided from late to middle Pleistocene (Qop). According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, the soil at the Site is classified as an Anaheim loam or Myford sandy laom. The Anaheim loam is well drained with slow infiltration rates. The Myford sandy loam is moderately well drained with very slow infiltration rates. 3.3 GROUNDWATER/HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS The Site is located in the Coastal Plain of Orange County Groundwater Basin. The basin underlies a coastal alluvial plain in the northwestern portion of Orange County. The basin is bounded by consolidated rocks exposed in the Puente and Chino Hills to the north, Santa Ana Mountains to the east, San Joaquin Hills to the south, Pacific Ocean to the southwest, and a low topographic CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 4 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL divide to the northwest. The basin underlies the lower Santa Ana River watershed. Recharge to the basin is derived from percolation of Santa Ana River flow, infiltration of precipitation, and injection into wells. The Santa Ana River flow contains natural flow, reclaimed water, and imported water that is spread in the basin forebay. The Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the Tustin Quadrangle includes a map showing the historic high groundwater elevation (Department of Conservation, 1998) approximately 10 feet below the ground surface (bgs). Citadel reviewed the Geotracker database of sites that have had releases of fuels, solvents, or other material into the soil and groundwater to obtain information regarding depth to first ground water in the Site vicinity. This database is maintained by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Information was obtained from this database for Unocal Station, located approximately 0.62 mile east of the Site. According to the Fourth Quarter 2014 Site Status Report prepared by Antea Group, depth to groundwater in the monitoring well, approximately 0.62 mile east of the Site, is 9.32 feet below the ground surface (bgs). 3.4 WETLANDS AND FLOOD ZONE Citadel reviewed information for the presence of wetlands and flood zone areas at the Site and within ½-mile from the Site. Information from the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) database provided by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were provided by EDR. Based on information obtained by EDR and reviewed by Citadel:  According to the NWI database, a freshwater forested/shrub wetland of 0.17 acres is approximately 365 feet east of the Site. The Classification Code provided by the NWI is PSSA, which describes the wetland as a Palustrine System and Scrub-Shrub Class. The wetland is temporary flooded for brief periods.  According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map No. number 06059C0286J, the Site and adjoining properties are not located within the 100-year or 500-year flood zones. 4.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE Citadel representative Ms. Shirley Lee conducted the Phase I ESA reconnaissance on August 14, 2015. Ms. Lee was unescorted during the Site reconnaissance which consisted of an inspection of the grounds. A perimeter survey of the surrounding properties was also performed at that time. Mark Drollinger of Citadel served as the Project Manager and reviewed this Phase I ESA. Findings from the Site inspection, research and perimeter survey are presented below. 4.1 ON-SITE STORAGE TANKS No aboveground or underground storage tank was observed during the Site reconnaissance or reported to have been historically present at the Site. 4.2 IDENTIFIED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Citadel inspected the Site for current chemical and hazardous waste storage and handling practices. No hazardous materials are used on the Site for janitorial and building maintenance purposes. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 5 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 4.3 ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS No current structures were observed during the Site reconnaissance. A survey for asbestos- containing building materials (ACBMs) was not requested or conducted as part of this Phase I ESA. 4.4 LEAD PAINTS No current structures were observed during the Site reconnaissance. A survey for lead containing materials was not requested or conducted as part of this Phase I ESA. 4.5 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS Typical sources of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) include electrical transformer cooling oils, fluorescent light fixture ballasts and hydraulic oil. In 1976, the U.S. EPA banned the manufacture and sale of PCB-containing transformers. Prior to this date, transformers were frequently filled with a dielectric fluid containing PCB-laden oil. By 1985, the US EPA required that commercial property owners with transformers containing more than 500 parts per million (ppm) PCBs must register the transformer with the local fire department, provide exterior labeling, and remove combustible materials within 16 feet (40 Code of Federal Regulations 761.30: "Fire Rule"). No sources of PCBs were observed during the Site reconnaissance. 4.6 RADIOACTIVE MAN-MADE MATERIALS Many public and private office buildings in the United States have self-luminescent tritium exit signs that contain radioactive materials. No current buildings were observed during the Site reconnaissance. 4.7 PITS, PONDS, AND LAGOONS No pits, ponds, or lagoons were visually observed during the Site reconnaissance or reported to be historically present at the Site. The boundaries of the Site slopes towards the center of the Site, forming a depressed area. Citadel observed a horizontal pipe protruding out of a sloped area. The depressed area in the center of the Site and the protruding pipe suggests that the area was formerly or currently a drainage basin. 4.8 SEPTIC TANKS AND CESSPOOLS No septic tanks or cesspools were visually observed during the Site reconnaissance or reported to have been historically present on the Site. 4.9 WELLS, CISTERNS AND SUMPS No wells, cisterns, or sumps were visually observed during the Site reconnaissance or reported to have been historically present at the Site. 4.10 WASTEWATER INTERCEPTORS / GREASE INTERCEPTORS CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 6 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL No wastewater interceptors/grease interceptors were observed during the Site reconnaissance or reported to have been historically present at the Site. 4.11 DRINKING WATER Drinking water is currently not in use at the Site. 4.12 RADON The California Bureau of Mines and Geology and California Department of Public Health (CADPH) participated in the United States EPA’s State Radon Survey, a Federal survey to measure levels of indoor radon in all states. Based on the results of this survey, CADPH predicted that approximately 0.5% of homes in Region 9 would have radon concentrations over the EPA action level of 4.0 picoCuries per liter (pCi/L). The Federal EPA Radon Zone for Orange County is Zone 3, which indicates an average indoor concentration less than 2.0 pCi/L of air. In a survey, 57 tests were tested within the 92660 zip code for the presence of radon. Of these, no test was found to contain radon in excess of 4 pCi/L. Site-specific radon values were not available and were not a part of this ASTM Phase I ESA. 5.0 SITE HISTORY The purpose of the records review is to obtain and review reasonably ascertainable/standard sources that will help identify recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. Reasonably ascertainable records from standard sources is (1) information that is publicly available, (2) information that is obtainable from its source within reasonable time and cost constraints, and (3) information that is practically reviewable. Reasonable time and cost means that the information will be provided by the source within 20 calendar days of receiving a written, telephone, or in-person request at no more than a nominal cost intended to cover the source’s cost of retrieving and duplicating the information. Information that can only be reviewed by a visit to the source is reasonably ascertainable if the visit is permitted by the source within 20 days of request. To investigate the history of the Site, Citadel reviewed select historic aerial photographs, building permits, city directories, and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps provided by EDR. In addition, Citadel reviewed client-supplied information, and oil and gas maps, and Citadel interviewed selected individuals regarding historic Site use. Citadel’s reviews of these reports and interviews are discussed below. 5.1 HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Historical aerial photographs of the Site and vicinity were obtained from EDR to ascertain historical land uses and to identify any evidence of hazardous material generation or storage. Fourteen aerial photographs dating from 1938 to 2012 were reviewed. Below are brief descriptions of observations made from the aerial photographs of the Site and vicinity. 1938, 1946, and 1952 Historic Aerial Photographs CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 7 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL The Site and properties in the vicinity appear undeveloped with native vegetation and uneven land. MacArthur Boulevard appears developed further west of the Site. Bonita Canyon Drive and Ford Road do not appear to have been developed yet. No pits, sumps or above ground tanks were observed at the Site in these aerial photographs. 1963 Historic Aerial Photograph The Site appears relatively unchanged. A small structure appears developed along the southwest boundary of the Site. The remaining nearby properties appear undeveloped. Properties along the east boundary of MacArthur Boulevard appear developed as a large surface parking lot for a structure further northwest of the Site. No pits, sumps or above ground tanks were observed at the Site in this aerial photograph. 1972, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1990, and 1994 Historic Aerial Photographs The Site and the adjoining property north of the Site appear relatively unchanged. The small structure southwest of the Site appears demolished as Ford Road appears developed in its place, extending from south of the Site towards the northwest to connect to MacArthur Boulevard. A portion of the current structure at the adjoining property east of the Site appears developed. Several structures also appear developed northwest of the Site. Properties further southeast of the Site appear densely developed with the current single-family residential structures. By 1977, the adjoining property east of the Site appears in its current configuration with the expansion of the current structure and development of the surface parking lot. By 1989, the properties west of the MacArthur Boulevard appear densely developed with residential structures. No pits, sumps or above ground tanks were observed at the Site in these aerial photographs. 2005, 2009, 2010, and 2012 Historic Aerial Photographs The Site and properties in the vicinity appear in their current configuration with the development of Bonita Canyon Drive and residential structures further north. Ford Road no longer appears to connect to MacArthur Boulevard; it ends south of the Site. The adjoining property south of the Site appears developed as a park with the surface parking area just south of the Site, tennis courts, baseball field, playground, and a basketball court. No pits, sumps or above ground tanks were observed at the Site in these aerial photographs. Copies of the Aerial Photographs can be found in Appendix C. 5.2 HISTORIC BUILDING PERMITS EDR provides a listing of building permits for the Site and adjoining properties, if available. The EDR report provides information regarding permits obtained from 2003 through 2015. Citadel also reviewed building permits at the City of Newport Beach, Community Development, Building Division. Since the Site is not associated with an address and there have been no known structures at the Site, building permits were not reviewed. Building permits for the adjoining property east of the Site were reviewed and indicated that the property has been a wireless telecom facility since at least 1999 with various renovations including underground storage tank (USTs) sump and detector upgrades. Permits dated prior to 1999 were not readily available. A copy of the EDR Building Permit report is included as Appendix D. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 8 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 5.3 HISTORICAL SANBORN FIRE INSURANCE MAPS Citadel requested that EDR review its collection of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for potential coverage of the Site and vicinity. According to EDR, Sanborn Maps are not available for the Site vicinity. A copy of the EDR Sanborn Insurance Map Report is included as Appendix E. 5.4 HISTORICAL CITY DIRECTORIES City directories were researched by EDR in order to identify previous Site tenants and/or neighboring properties with a potential for hazardous materials generation and/or storage. EDR researched city directory listings from 1920 through 2013 (non-inclusive) and provided their search results to Citadel for review. Since the Site is not associated with an address, the Site was not listed in the reviewed city directory listings. The adjoining property at 4302 Ford Road was occupied by Office Support Task Force Inc. in 1991 and American Telephone Share Corporation in 1991, Century Financial Group Inc. in 2003, and DirecTV, Fine Telecommunication Inc., and law offices in 2013. A copy of the EDR City Directories report is included as Appendix F. 5.5 CLIENT-SUPPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Citadel was not provided with any environmental reports for review. 5.6 HISTORICAL TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS Historical topographic maps were provided by EDR in order to identify natural features and changes in development over a long period of time. The topographic maps provides the user with a regional view of changes to the Site and vicinity that other historical databases such as aerial photographs may not provide. EDR provided topographic maps dating from 1901 through 1981 (non-inclusive) for review. The Site was not identified on the 1935 (Newport Beach), 1949 (Laguna Beach), 1965 (Laguna Beach), 1972 (Laguna Beach), and 1981 (Laguna Beach) Topographic Maps. 1901 (Santa Ana), 1901 (Southern California Sheet 1), 1902 (Corona), and 1935 (Tustin) Topographic Maps Ford Road, Bonita Canyon Drive, and MacArthur Boulevard are not present on these maps. The Site and vicinity appears undeveloped. 1942 (Santa Ana) and 1948 (Tustin) Topographic Maps The Site and vicinity appears relatively unchanged with the exception of the development of MacArthur Boulevard. Bonita Creek and Bonita Reservoir appear further north and east of the Site, respectively. 1965 (Tustin) Topographic Map CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 9 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL The Site appears unchanged. The adjoining property east of the Site appears developed with a small structure. Several structures also appear developed northwest of the Site. 1972 (Tustin) Topographic Map The Site appears unchanged. Ford Road appears developed south of the Site, connecting to MacArthur Boulevard. Nearby properties appear relatively unchanged. Properties further southeast of the Site appear with pink shading indicating urban development. 1981 (Tustin) Topographic Map The Site appears unchanged. The adjoining property east of the Site appear developed with a larger structure. The remaining nearby properties appear unchanged. Copies of the historical topographic maps provided by EDR are included as Appendix G. 5.7 HISTORIC OIL AND GAS MAPS Citadel reviewed information available on-line through the California Department of Conservation’s website. The Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) Online Mapping System (DOMS) shows that the nearest oil well to the Site is API 05901294, approximately 0.96 mile east-northeast of the Site. According to DOMS, the well operator is listed as Wucherer-Gray Oil Company, and the well status is inactive and plugged. According to documents provided by DOMS, the well was drilled to a depth of 4,305 feet bgs in 1922 and was abandoned in 1924. 5.8 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT – FIND DATABASE Citadel reviewed information available on-line through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Facility Information Detail (FIND) database. The Site was not identified on the database. 5.9 INTERVIEWS Citadel sent Ms. Jessica Duncan of Hines a User Questionnaire. According to the completed User Questionnaire, Ms. Duncan was not aware of any historic or current environmental concerns or hazards at the Site. A copy of the completed User Questionnaire is included as Appendix H. 5.10 ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN Citadel contracted with EDR to perform an Environmental Lien Search for the Site. The Environmental Lien Search report reviewed did not identify any current environmental liens or other activity and use limitations (AUL) for the Site. A grant deed dated July 24th, 2015 was included in the report. The deed granted the title from James Irvine, to the Irvine Company. A copy of the lien search and title report can be found in Appendix I. 5.11 VAPOR ENCROACHMENT CONCERNS CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 10 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL Citadel reviewed information provided by Environmental Data Resources (EDR) regarding nearby sites to evaluate for potential on-Site vapor encroachment concerns from off-site sources. According to EDR, no historical releases of petroleum products from a leaking underground storage tank (LUST) have occurred within 0.25 mile of the Site. There are no sites within 0.25 mile of the Site that are listed on the EDR Historical Gas Stations and Dry Cleaners databases. A copy of the vapor encroachment report provided by EDR is included as Appendix J. 5.12 SUMMARY OF SITE HISTORY A review of historical sources showed that the Site has been undeveloped since at least 1938. Ford Road appeared developed by 1972, extending from south of the Site towards the northwest to connect to MacArthur Boulevard. The adjoining property east of the Site appeared developed with a portion of the current structure by 1972; and appeared fully developed in its current configuration including the surface parking lot by 1977. By 2005, Ford Road no longer appeared to connect to MacArthur Boulevard; instead, Bonita Canyon Drive was developed to connect to MacArthur Boulevard. The park located south of the Site was also developed in 2005. The former Ford Road that was located along the southwest boundary of the Site appeared developed as the parking lot for the park. Based on a review of historical and present records, site interviews and Site reconnaissance, Citadel believes that sufficient information was collected and evaluated for the Site to determine if a recognized environmental condition (REC), historical recognized environmental condition (HREC), controlled recognized environmental condition (CREC), or a de minimis condition exists. Based on these reviews, no evidence for designating the Site as a REC, HREC, or CREC was found. 6.0 REGULATORY AGENCY REVIEW 6.1 DATABASE REVIEW As part of the Phase I ESA, Citadel utilized EDR of Milford Connecticut, as an information source for regulatory agency database records. The following summary of the database information is divided into two columns. The first column lists sites as identified and located by EDR within the specified distance of the Site. The second column lists orphan sites, which could not be located by EDR due to incomplete and/or inaccurate address information included in the USEPA/state databases, which Citadel identified as potentially lying within the search distance. Although locations of the orphan sites are frequently unknown, Citadel attempts to evaluate the potential adverse environmental impact that these facilities may have on the Site. This evaluation consists of reviewing street names in an effort to learn whether the street on which the Site is located lies within the search distance of the subject property, a drive-by view of surrounding CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 11 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL properties during the Site visit, and evaluating the Site type and information provided by government agencies. The orphan sites included in the following table are those Citadel identified as potentially located within the identified search distance. Database Radius No. of Plottable Sites Orphan National Priorities List 1 mile 0 0 RCRA Corrective Action Treatment/Storage/Disposal (TSD) Facilities (CORRACTS) 1 mile 1 0 Delisted National Priorities List 1 mile 0 0 CERCLIS Sites 1/2 mile 0 0 CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) Sites 1/2 mile 0 0 RCRA Non-Corrective Action TSD Facilities 1/2 mile 0 0 State/Tribal Voluntary Cleanup Sites 1/2 mile 0 0 State/Tribal Leaking Registered Storage Tank Sites 1/2 mile 1 0 State/Tribal Brownfield Sites/CERCLIS Equivalent 1 mile 1 0 Historic CORTESE List 1/2 mile 0 0 State/Tribal Solid Waste Landfill Sites/Facilities 1/2 mile 1 0 Federal/State/Tribal Engineering Controls Registries 1/2 mile 0 0 Federal/State/Tribal Institutional Controls Registries 1/2 mile 0 0 RCRA Large Quantity Generators 1/4 mile 0 0 RCRA Small Quantity Generators 1/4 mile 0 0 RCRA Non Generators 1/4 mile 1 0 State/Tribal Registered Storage Tank Sites 1/4 mile 2 0 HIST UST 1/4 mile 1 0 CA FID UST 1/4 mile 1 0 SWEEPS UST 1/4 mile 1 0 Facility Index System (FINDS) Site 0 0 HAZNET Site 0 0 CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 12 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL A listing of facilities at the Site and adjoining properties of the Site is included in the following table. A brief discussion of select facilities and their database listings are included following the table. The full report provided by EDR and reviewed by Citadel can be found in Appendix K. EDR Listing of Site and Adjoining Properties1 Facility Name Facility Address Distance From Site Database Reference Pacific Bell / AT&T California 4302 Ford Road Adjoining Property – East of Site CA FID UST, CA SWEEPS UST, RCRA NonGen/NLR, FINDS, CA HAZNET, CA EMI, CA UST, CA HIST UST, The Site did not appear on the reviewed environmental databases. Pacific Bell/AT&T, the adjoining property east of the Site, was identified on several databases including historic and active UST databases. According to EDR, one 5,000 gallon diesel UST was installed at the adjoining property in 1973. According to reviewed building permits, the UST sump and detection systems were upgraded in 2001. Pacific Bell was also listed as a RCRA NonGen databases as a non- generator of hazardous waste. No violations were reported. Pacific Bell was listed on the HAZNET database as a generator of asbestos containing waste in 1993, 1994, and 1996; PCBs in 1993; unspecified oil-containing waste in 1993 and 2009; aqueous solution with organic residues in 2000, 2001, and 2006; waste and mixed oil in 2001, 2006, and 2009; other organic solids in 2006; unspecified aqueous solution in 2006 and 2007; liquids with halogenated organic compounds in 2007; and off-specification, aged, or surplus organic in 2007. The appearance on these lists reflects disposal of regulated materials generated from building or tenant use. Maps showing the location of these facilities and additional information are provided in the EDR Radius Map Report in Appendix K. 6.2 GEOTRACKER DATABASE The GeoTracker Database is a State Board’s Internet-accessible database system used by the State Board, regional boards, and local agencies to track and archive compliance data from authorized or unauthorized discharges of waste to land, or unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from underground storage tanks. According to GeoTracker, Ford Aerospace Corporation, approximately mile west of the Site, is listed as a LUST cleanup site. The case for the leak began on October 5, 1988 and was completed and closed by the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) on May 1, 1997. 7.0 DATA GAPS A data gap is a lack of or inability to obtain information despite good faith efforts to gather such information. A data failure is a failure to achieve the historical research objectives even after reviewing the standard historical sources that are reasonably ascertainable and likely to be useful. The following data gaps have been identified during the course of this investigation: 1 Distance and direction from Site assigned by EDR. Actual distance and direction from the Site boundary may vary. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 13 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL  Additional governmental agencies, such as the OCHCA, that are not included in the EDR Radius Map report may maintain information regarding environmental conditions at the Site and nearby facilities. A request has been sent to the OCHCA. At the time of this report, the OCHCA has not yet responded. With regard to these data gaps, Citadel believes that the most significant potential sources for on- site contamination have been identified during the current investigation. Citadel did not encounter any data failures during the course of this Phase I ESA. 8.0 FINDINGS Citadel Environmental Services, Inc. (Citadel) was contracted by Hines (Client) to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) of an undeveloped property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 458-361-10, in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California; hereinafter referred to as the “Site.” According to the information provided by the Client, the Site is comprised of a portion of one parcel that is legally identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 458-361-10. The Site encompasses approximately 42,200 acres of land. The Site is undeveloped with naturally vegetated land. The boundaries of the Site slopes towards the center of the Site, forming a depressed area. At the time of the Site reconnaissance, a horizontal pipe was observed protruding out of a sloped area. The depressed area in the center of the Site and the protruding pipe suggests that the area was formerly or currently a drainage basin. Fencing was observed near the north portion of the Site. Pedestrian access to the Site is along Bonita Canyon Drive and the bicycle trail at the adjoining park south of the Site. Ford Road ends in a cul-de-sac near the southeast corner of the Site. No equipment was observed at the Site. In general, the Site appeared to be naturally vegetated land. A review of historical sources showed that the Site has been undeveloped since at least 1938. Ford Road appeared developed by 1972, extending from south of the Site towards the northwest to connect to MacArthur Boulevard. The adjoining property east of the Site appeared developed with a portion of the current structure by 1972; and appeared fully developed in its current configuration including the surface parking lot by 1977. By 2005, Ford Road no longer appeared to connect to MacArthur Boulevard; instead, Bonita Canyon Drive was developed to connect to MacArthur Boulevard. The park located south of the Site was also developed in 2005. The former Ford Road that was located along the southwest boundary of the Site appeared developed as the parking lot for the park. The Site did not appear on the reviewed environmental databases. Citadel reviewed information provided by Environmental Data Resources (EDR) regarding nearby sites to evaluate for potential on-Site vapor encroachment concerns from off-site sources. According to EDR, no historical releases of petroleum products from a leaking underground storage tank (LUST) have occurred within 0.25 mile of the Site. There are no sites within 0.25 mile of the Site that are listed on the EDR Historical Gas Stations and Dry Cleaners databases. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 14 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 9.0 CONCLUSIONS According to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard of Practice E1527-13, recognized environmental conditions (REC) fall under three specific categories when evaluating a site or properties within the site vicinity. These categories are defined below. A recognized environmental condition, or REC, means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. De minimis conditions are not recognized environmental conditions. A controlled recognized environmental condition, or CREC, is a recognized environmental condition resulting from a past release of hazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority (for example, as evidenced by the issuance of a no further action letter or equivalent, or meeting risk-based criteria established by regulatory authority), with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). An historical recognized environmental condition, or HREC, is a past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (for example, property use restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). According to ASTM E2600-10, the goal of conducting a vapor encroachment screening on a parcel of property is to identify a vapor encroachment condition (VEC), which is the presence or likely presence of chemicals of concern vapors in the subsurface of the target property caused by the release of vapors from contaminated soil or groundwater or both either on or near the target property as identified by Tier 1 or Tier 2 procedures. The purpose of Tier 1 is to conduct a screen using Phase I ESA-type information to determine if a VEC exists at the target property. If the Tier 1 screen cannot rule out the possibility of a VEC existing at the target property, then a Tier 2 screen can be conducted. Tier 2 applies numeric screening criteria to existing or newly collected soil, soil gas, and/or groundwater testing results to evaluate whether or not a VEC can be rules out. Tier 2 has two data collective components: non-invasive and invasive. Based on a review of historical and present records, site interviews and Site reconnaissance, Citadel believes that sufficient information was collected and evaluated for the Site to determine if a recognized environmental condition (REC), historical recognized environmental condition (HREC), controlled recognized environmental condition (CREC), or a de minimis condition exists. Based on our review of these databases, reported release incidents that would represent RECs in connection with the Site or a source of a release that would be likely to contribute to a vapor intrusion condition was not identified. No evidence for designating the Site as a REC, CREC, or HREC from reviews of historical documents and present Site conditions was found. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 15 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 10.0 LIMITATIONS The information and opinions rendered in this report are exclusively for use by the Client. Citadel Environmental Services, Inc. will not distribute this report without the Client’s written consent, except as may be required by law or court order. The recommendations expressed in this report took into consideration the purpose and scope of this limited assignment. We accept responsibility for the competent performance of our duties in executing the assignment and preparing this report in accordance with the normal standards of our profession, but disclaim any responsibility for consequential damages resulting from inaccuracies in information provided by the Client, federal, state, county, or local regulatory agencies. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 16 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 11.0 REFERENCES Agencies/Literature Antea Group, Fourth Quarter 2014 Site Status Report, UNOCAL COP #6521, 2690 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach, California, dated February 9, 2015. California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, Online Mapping System (http://maps.conservation.ca.gov/doms/index.html). California State Water Resources Control Board, GeoTracker (http://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/). City of Newport Beach Map Viewer. (http://nbgis.newportbeachca.gov/NewportHTML5Viewer/?viewer=publicsite). Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the Tustin 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Orange County, California, 1998. DWR, 2004, Coastal Plain of Orange County Groundwater Basin, Department of Water Resources, California Groundwater Bulletin 118. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. Certified Sanborn Map Report for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 13, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.3. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 14, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.12. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR Building Permit Report for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 13, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.8. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR City Directory Report for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 17, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.5. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR Environmental Lien and AUL Search for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 26, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.7. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR Historical Topographic Map Report for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 13, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.4. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR Radius Map Report for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 13, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.2s. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. EDR Vapor Encroachment Screen for 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660, August 13, 2015. Inquiry 4382158.9s. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Map Service Center. (https://msc.fema.gov/portal/search). Morton, D.M., and Miller, F.K., 2006, Geologic map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30' x 60' quadrangles, California: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report OF-2006-1217, scale 1:100,000. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 17 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL South Coast Air Quality Management District, on-line FINDs database. (http://www.aqmd.gov/webappl/fim/default.htm). UCSD (University of California, San Diego), 2004. (http://physicalplanning.ucsd.edu/environmental/docs/vol_1/Chapter+4- +5+Geology+and+Soils.pdf) United States Department of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation Service, Web Soil Survey (http://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoilSurvey.aspx). United States Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory (http://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html). United States Geological Survey (USGS), Tustin, California, 7.5 minute Series, 1:24,000-scale. CITADEL REPORT NO. 5140.1040.0 PHASE I ESA REPORT HINES UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY, APN 458-361-10 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 26, 2015 5140-1040-0_Phase_I_ESA_Report_MD 18 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 12.0 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION Citadel has completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the undeveloped property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 458-361-10, in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California. The Phase I ESA was performed at the Clients request in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard of Practice E1527-2013 and the standards of care and diligence normally practiced by recognized consulting firms in performing services of a similar nature. The independent conclusions represent our professional judgment based on information and data available to Citadel during the course of this project. Information regarding historical and present operations, conditions and test data provided by the Client or their representative, is assumed to be correct and complete. The conclusions presented by this Phase I ESA are based on information provided to Citadel and from observations and perceived conditions existing on the date of the site reconnaissance. In expressing the opinions stated in this report, Citadel has exercised the degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised by a reasonable prudent environmental professional. Documentation provided by the Client, Client-designated representatives, interested third-parties, or from the public domain, and referenced in preparation of the Phase I ESA report, have been assimilated with the understanding that Citadel assumes no responsibility or liability for their accuracy. Report Prepared by: Shirley Lee Environmental Specialist Report Reviewed by: Mark Drollinger, M. Eng., CSP, CHMM, EiT Director, Environmental Geology and Engineering I declare that to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined by the final All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) Rule published in 40 CFR Part 312.10 (November 1, 2013). I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting described in this Phase I ESA. I have developed and performed the AAI in conformance with the standard and care of this Rule. Mark Drollinger, M. Eng., CSP, CHMM, EiT Director, Environmental Geology and Engineering www.citadelenvironmental.com Mark Drollinger, MEng, CSP, CHMM, EiT Director of Environmental Geology & Engineering EXPERIENCE With 29 years of experience in environmental compliance, permitting and environmental management projects, Mr. Drollinger has a strong working knowledge of EPA, DTSC, AQMD/APCD, OSHA and DOT regulations. Among his vast experience, Mr. Drollinger has provided environmental assessment and compliance expertise, safety management, and engineering construction management services on numerous projects for the US Navy, Veterans Administration, US Department of Agriculture, Cal Trans, EPA and numerous private projects throughout the western United States. In addition, Mr. Drollinger has developed and implemented programs to train managers and staff in storm water and NPDES compliance, soil and groundwater sample collection and data interpretation, Hazcomm, IIPP, and safe-work practices such as identifying and handling hazardous materials, fall protection, confined space, traffic control, LO/TO and ergonomics; and has conducted environmental and permitting audits of facilities including health and safety assessments. ROLE As Director of Environmental Geology & Engineering, Mr. Drollinger’s primary responsibilities include developing and implementing health and safety protocols; safety training of management, staff and subcontractor personnel; establishing and managing budgets and personnel; negotiating with local, regional, state, and federal agencies; litigation support; and coordinating tasks with multi-discipline project teams. Mr. Drollinger works closely with, and often develops protocols for conducting assessments related to Environmentally Regulated Materials Management (ERM), Industrial Hygiene (IH), and Occupational Safety and Training (OST) departments. EDUCATION Mr. Drollinger has a B.S. in Applied and Natural Sciences from the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa), and a MEng. in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management, University of Alabama, Birmingham. Mr. Drollinger is also a certifying board member of the American Council of Accredited Certifications (formerly known as the American Indoor Air Quality Council), and is a member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, American Society of Safety Engineers, Board of Certified Safety Professionals, and Institute of Hazardous Materials Management. Citadel Employee Since: 2011 Entered the Industry: 1985 Education University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama Bachelor of Science, Applied and Natural Sciences 1995 University of Alabama Birmingham, Alabama Masters Degree, Advanced Safety Engineering and Management 2013 Professional Certifications & Affiliations Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC) No. 08-4459 Certified Environmental Manager, Nevada EM-1573 Certified Hazardous Material Manager, No. 14793 Certified Microbial Consultant, No. 0612024 Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control No. 6349 Certified Safety Professional No. 21635 California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Lead Related Construction No. 19805 Engineer-In-Training, No. XEO93314 OSHA 8-Hour Supervisor Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) OSHA 30-Hour Safety for Construction OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) Qualified Storm Water Developer, No. 682 Radon Measurement Specialist, No. 11SS027 USACE/NavFac Construction Quality Management for Contractors Shirley Lee Environmental Specialist, Environmental Geology and Engineering EXPERIENCE Ms. Lee has eight (8) years of experience as an Environmental Specialist. Her responsibilities includes performing Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, NPDES monitoring and permitting, groundwater monitoring, indoor air quality inspections, and preparation of health and safety plans and hazardous materials business and contingency plans. ROLE As an Environmental Specialist, Ms. Lee provides on-site organization, direction, control, and coordination necessary for the successful implementation, execution, and completion of environmental geology and environmental compliance- related projects awarded to Citadel. She also assists the Director of Environmental Geology and Engineering in the completion of all assigned projects so that the client is satisfied with the finished work product and the working relationship. Her assignments include a combination of field-based activities in a number of varying environments and office-based activities. EDUCATION Ms. Lee holds a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Analysis and Design from the University of California, Irvine; 2006, with a minor in Urban and Regional Planning. Ms. Lee also holds a 40-hour HAZWOPER General Site Worker Certification. She has recently received her Environmental Management Certification from the University of California, Irvine. Citadel Employee Since: 2007 Entered the Industry: 2007 Education University of California, Irvine Irvine, California Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Analysis and Design, 2006 Professional Certifications & Affiliations 40-hour HAZWOPER General Site Worker www.citadelenvironmental.com Appendix A Figures Not to Scale Source: EDR, Tustin Quadrangle, 1981, 7.5 Series HINES Undeveloped Property Newport Beach, California Figure 1 PROJECT NO.: 5140.1040.0 DATE: August 2015 Topographic Map Not to Scale Source: Google Earth HINES Undeveloped Property Newport Beach, California Figure 2 PROJECT NO.: 5140.1040.0 DATE: August 2015 Site Map PROJECT SITE Appendix B Photographs     PHOTO LOG   PHOTO 1: View of the Site, looking northwest.   PHOTO 2: View of the Site, looking east. Hines Undeveloped Property Newport Beach, California Citadel Project No. 5140.1040.0     PHOTO LOG   PHOTO 3: View of the Site, looking southeast.   PHOTO 4: View of the Site, looking east. Hines Undeveloped Property Newport Beach, California Citadel Project No. 5140.1040.0     PHOTO LOG   PHOTO 5: View of the Site with the horizontal pipe, looking east‐southeast.   PHOTO 6: View of the Site, looking south. Hines Undeveloped Property Newport Beach, California Citadel Project No. 5140.1040.0     PHOTO LOG   PHOTO 7: View of the Site, looking northeast. PHOTO 8: View of the Site and adjoining property east of the Site, looking north. Hines Undeveloped Property Newport Beach, California Citadel Project No. 5140.1040.0 Appendix C Historical Aerial Photographs The EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.12 August 14, 2015 EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade. When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive. Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Date EDR Searched Historical Sources: Aerial Photography August 14, 2015 Target Property: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Year Scale Details Source 1938 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1938 USGS 1946 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1946 USGS 1952 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1952 USGS 1963 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1963 USGS 1972 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1972 USGS 1977 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1977 USGS 1985 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1985 USGS 1989 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1989 USGS 1990 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 1990 USGS 1994 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'/DOQQ - acquisition dates: 1994 USGS/DOQQ 2005 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2005 USDA/NAIP 2009 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2009 USDA/NAIP 2010 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2010 USDA/NAIP 2012 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500'Flight Year: 2012 USDA/NAIP 4382158.12 2 INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1938 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1946 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1952 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1963 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1972 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1977 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1985 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1989 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1990 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 1994 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 2005 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 2009 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 2010 = 500' INQUIRY #: YEAR: 4382158.12 2012 = 500' Appendix D Historical Building Permits 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.8 August 13, 2015 EDR Building Permit Report Target Property and Adjoining Properties 6 Armstrong Road Shelton, CT 06484 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.comEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION About This Report Executive Summary Findings Glossary Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. EDR BUILDING PERMIT REPORT About This Report The EDR Building Permit Report provides a practical and efficient method to search building department records for indications of environmental conditions. Generated via a search of municipal building permit records gathered from more than 1,600 cities nationwide, this report will assist you in meeting the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13), or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. Building permit data can be used to identify current and/or former operations and structures/features of environmental concern. The data can provide information on a target property and adjoining properties such as the presence of underground storage tanks, pump islands, sumps, drywells, etc., as well as information regarding water, sewer, natural gas, electrical connection dates, and current/former septic tanks. ASTM and EPA Requirements ASTM E 1527-13 lists building department records as a "standard historical source," as detailed in § “Building Department Records - The term building department records means those records of the local government in which the property is located indicating permission of the local government to construct, alter, or demolish improvements on the property.” ASTM also states that “Uses in the area surrounding the property shall be identified in the report, but this task is required only to the extent that this information is revealed in the course of researching the property itself.” EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquires (AAI) states: "§312.24: Reviews of historical sources of information. (a) Historical documents and records must be reviewed for the purposes of achieving the objectives and performance factors of §312.20(e) and (f). Historical documents and records may include, but are not limited to, aerial photographs, fire insurance maps, building department records, chain of title documents, and land use records.” Methodology EDR has developed the EDR Building Permit Report through our partnership with BuildFax, the nation’s largest repository of building department records. BuildFax collects, updates, and manages building department records from local municipal governments. The database now includes 30 million permits, on more than 10 million properties across 1,600 cities in the United States. The EDR Building Permit Report comprises local municipal building permit records, gathered directly from local jurisdictions, including both target property and adjoining properties. Years of coverage vary by municipality. Data reported includes (where available): date of permit, permit type, permit number, status, valuation, contractor company, contractor name, and description. Incoming permit data is checked at seven stages in a regimented quality control process, from initial data source interview, to data preparation, through final auditing. To ensure the building department is accurate, each of the seven quality control stages contains, on average, 15 additional quality checks, resulting in a process of approximately 105 quality control “touch points.” For more information about the EDR Building Permit Report, please contact your EDR Account Executive at (800) 352-0050. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: SEARCH DOCUMENTATION A search of building department records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR) on behalf of Citadel Environmental Services on Aug 13, 2015. TARGET PROPERTY 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 SEARCH METHODS EDR searches available lists for both the Target Property and Surrounding Properties. RESEARCH SUMMARY Building permits identified:YES The following research sources were consulted in the preparation of this report. An "X" indicates where information was identified in the source and provided in this report. Newport Beach Source TPYear Adjoining 2015 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2014 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2013 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2012 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2011 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2010 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2009 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2008 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2007 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2006 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2005 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2004 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X 2003 City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X City of Newport Beach, Community Development Depa X BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECORDS SEARCHED Name:Newport Beach Years:2003-2015 Source:City of Newport Beach, Community Development Department, NEWPORT BEACH, CA Phone:(949) 718-1888 4382158-8 Page 1 Name:Anaheim Years:2000-2015 Source:City of Anaheim, Planning & Building Department, Anaheim, CA Phone:(714) 765-5153 Name:Irvine Years:1982-2015 Source:City of Irvine, Building and Safety, IRVINE, CA Phone:(949) 724-6470 Name:Orange Years:1988-2015 Source:City of Orange, Community Development, SANTA ANA, CA Phone:(714) 744-7200 Name:Orange County Years:1990-2015 Source:Orange County, Planning and Development Services, ANAHEIM, CA Phone:(714) 834-5238 Name:San Bernardino County Years:2002-2015 Source:San Bernardino County, Land Use, Building & Safety, CHINO, CA Phone:(909) 387-8311 Name:Huntington Beach Years:1996-2015 Source:Huntington Beach, Dept. of Building and Safety, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA Phone:(714) 536-5241 Name:Tustin Years:2000-2012 Source:City of Tustin, Building Division, TUSTIN, CA Phone:(714) 573-3131 Name:Costa Mesa Years:1998-2012 Source:City of Costa Mesa, Development Services, Building Safety Division, COSTA MESA, CA Phone:(714) 754-5273 4382158-8 Page 2 TARGET PROPERTY FINDINGS TARGET PROPERTY DETAIL 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 4302 FORD RD Date:11/24/2014 Permit Type:X Description:COMM - SPRINT CELL SITE (REPLACE EXPIRED X2013-0757) Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2014-3173 Status: Valuation:$25,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CORE DEVELOPMENT SERV Date:9/23/2013 Permit Type:X Description:COMM T-MOBILE CELL SITE; REMOVE & REPLACE 6 ANTENNAS ON (E) MONOPOLE. NEW ON GRADE EQUIPMENT RACK Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2013-0351 Status: Valuation:$10,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:KASHANI REZA 4382158-8 Page 3 TARGET PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:4/26/2013 Permit Type:X Description:COMM - SPRINT CELL SITE Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2013-0757 Status: Valuation:$13,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COMTRACT COMMUNICATIONS INC Date:3/21/2012 Permit Type: Description:R/R EXISTING AIR HANDLING UNIT, EXTEND EXISTING CONCRETE PAD, REWORK EXISTING LIGHTING & RECEPTACLES Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2012-0332 Status: Valuation:$200,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:KAMBERIAN MAC Date:3/3/2008 Permit Type: Description:(N) WIRELESS TELECOM FACILITY Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-2865 Status: Valuation:$40,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BEKE JOHN 4382158-8 Page 4 TARGET PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:2/4/2003 Permit Type: Description:INSTALL 2 TELECOM CABINETS TO EXIST CEL SITE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2002-2393 Status: Valuation:$15,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CHAN JOHN T 4382158-8 Page 5 ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS ADJOINING PROPERTY DETAIL The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report. Detailed findings are provided for each address. BAY HILL DR 401 BAY HILL DR Date:2/27/2013 Permit Type:P Description:PLUM/WATER HEATER C/O Permit Description:Plumbing Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2013-0078 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HENRIQUE WILLIAM Date:4/23/2010 Permit Type: Description:REPLACE REGULATORS (10) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2010-0168 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:POON WAIL 4382158-8 Page 6 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:4/25/2006 Permit Type: Description:R/R (E) SLIDER W/FRENCH DRS W/SIDELITE/TRANSOM Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-1130 Status: Valuation:$3,200.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:STEVE/ DIAL ONE WINDOW Date:6/2/2003 Permit Type: Description:T/O TILE, INST 2-PLY MOD UNDERLAY, REPL W/EXTG TILE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-1655 Status: Valuation:$44,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:TRITON ROOF MANAGEMENT 407 BAY HILL DR Date:7/2/2012 Permit Type: Description:ELECT/ INSTL (4) LED LIGHT FIXTURES @ KITCHEN Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2012-0254 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GARCIA-ROJAS SAMUEL ELIAS 4382158-8 Page 7 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 409 BAY HILL DR Date:10/28/2003 Permit Type: Description:REPAIR (1) DECK Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-3604 Status: Valuation:$5,800.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:LOGAN STEVE 413 BAY HILL DR Date:8/8/2005 Permit Type: Description:MECH/METAL FIREPLACE/HVAC Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2005-0857 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BRAD HILT 4382158-8 Page 8 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:4/28/2005 Permit Type: Description:REM KIT/ALT FIREPLC/ADD WET BAR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2005-1430 Status: Valuation:$30,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BRAD HILT Date:4/28/2005 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/REM & ALT Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2005-0647 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BRAD HILT Date:6/12/2003 Permit Type: Description:T/O TILE, INST 2-PLY MOD UNDERLAY, REPL W/EXTG TILE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-1787 Status: Valuation:$38,850.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:TRITON ROOF MANAGEMENT 4382158-8 Page 9 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS BAY HILL DR FRNT N 411 BAY HILL DR FRNT N Date:1/23/2013 Permit Type:X Description:SFR - REROOF W/COMP SHINGLES, CL "A" , 1 LYR 30# FELT, 36 SQS, TEAR-OFF B.U.R. Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2013-0174 Status: Valuation:$36,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:JDF CONSTRUCTION MUIRFIELD DR 801 MUIRFIELD DR Date:4/23/2010 Permit Type: Description:REPLACE REGULATORS (8) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2010-0174 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:POON WAIL 4382158-8 Page 10 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:7/9/2003 Permit Type: Description:REROOF W/CLAY TILE/3PLY APP MOD T/O SAME Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-2114 Status: Valuation:$59,700.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:TRITON ROOF MANAGEMENT 803 MUIRFIELD DR Date:1/22/2010 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/CHG-OUT (E) WATER HEATER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2010-0032 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:RESCUE ROOTER Date:10/28/2003 Permit Type: Description:REPAIR (1) DECKS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-3608 Status: Valuation:$5,800.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:LOGAN STEVE 4382158-8 Page 11 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 815 MUIRFIELD DR Date:2/24/2010 Permit Type: Description:PLUMB/CHANGE OUT (E) WATER HEATER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2010-0072 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BRAZIL GEORGE PLUMBING Date:9/14/2006 Permit Type: Description:PLUMB/ @ WATER HEATER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2006-1166 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:A-AMES PLUMBING HEATING 4382158-8 Page 12 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS PORT ABBEY PL 1601 PORT ABBEY PL Date:5/3/2004 Permit Type: Description:BLOCK WALL 6'HI X 168 LF ON P/L PER CITY STND Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2004-1571 Status: Valuation:$8,266.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:LEE YOUNG Date:12/8/2003 Permit Type: Description:T/O SHAKE, INST 30# FELT W/CLASS "C" HEAVY SHAKE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-4104 Status: Valuation:$10,985.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:NEWPORT ROOFING 4382158-8 Page 13 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1617 PORT ABBEY PL Date:5/22/2015 Permit Type:S Description:NEW SPA 70 SF Permit Description:Pool Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:S2015-0069 Status: Valuation:$40,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:SPLASH POOLS/ RORY Date:1/12/2015 Permit Type:F Description:SFR - RES FIRE SPRINKLERS (42) HEADS ( X2014-2228) Permit Description:Fire Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:F2014-0688 Status: Valuation:$4,925.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ENRIQUEZ MIKE Date:11/5/2014 Permit Type:X Description:NEW SFR W/ATT GARAGE 3,819/464 SF & TRELLIS, W/ROOF TRUSS Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2014-2228 Status: Valuation:$724,063.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:NGUYEN HUAN 4382158-8 Page 14 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:10/17/2014 Permit Type:X Description:DEMO SFD W/ATT GARAGE 2,437 SF (5 BEDROOMS) Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2014-3045 Status: Valuation:$5,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BLACK PETE Date:10/14/2014 Permit Type:E Description:ELEC - TEMPORARY POWER POLE (X2014-2228) Permit Description:Electrical Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2014-0502 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GREEN STEVEN PAUL Date:4/25/2005 Permit Type: Description:REROOF W/CL"C" WD SHAKE, 30# FELT,28SQS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2005-1376 Status: Valuation:$9,950.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:21ST CENTURY ROOFING INC 4382158-8 Page 15 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1621 PORT ABBEY PL Date:8/6/2013 Permit Type:X Description:SFR - REMODEL BATHROOM, REPLACE (7) WINDOWS Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2013-2111 Status: Valuation:$25,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CHENIER SHAWN Date:11/8/2011 Permit Type: Description:MECH/REPLACE FURNACE & DUCTING Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2011-0284 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:VIGIL AIR Date:5/16/2011 Permit Type: Description:PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM W/(10) ROOF MOUNTED PANELS 1.92kw Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2011-1195 Status: Valuation:$20,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COLLINS BETH 4382158-8 Page 16 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:3/17/2008 Permit Type: Description:T/O WD SHAKE,INSTALL 7/16"OSB,2-LYR 30#FELT, 29 SQ Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2008-0537 Status: Valuation:$11,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:THOMAS ROOFING INC 1627 PORT ABBEY PL Date:2/4/2010 Permit Type: Description:BLOCK WALL 5' X 10 LF (@ POOL EQUIPMENT) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2010-0229 Status: Valuation:$1,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:JEFF ENGLAND Date:12/10/2009 Permit Type: Description:GAZEBO 10' HI X 144 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1713 Status: Valuation:$10,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ENGLAND JEFF 4382158-8 Page 17 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:12/10/2009 Permit Type: Description:DETACHED 60 SF 10'H OPEN LATTICE PATIO COVER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1714 Status: Valuation:$6,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ENGLAND JEFF Date:12/10/2009 Permit Type: Description:BLOCK WALLS 5' HI X 10LF/INSIDE PROP LINE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1715 Status: Valuation:$1,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ENGLAND JEFF Date:2/2/2008 Permit Type: Description:ATT TILE PATIO COVER 156 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-2990 Status: Valuation:$8,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ENGLAND JEFF 4382158-8 Page 18 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:12/20/2007 Permit Type: Description:POST TENSION MASONRY WALL 6'8"-8' X 180 LF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-2511 Status: Valuation:$13,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ENGLAND JEFF Date:10/10/2007 Permit Type: Description:NEW SFR W/GAR 5,064 & 680 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-1795 Status: Valuation:$650,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HAMPTON CRAIG Date:9/6/2007 Permit Type: Description:DEMO SFR 1790 LIV SF/3 BDRMS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-2172 Status: Valuation:$7,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HAMPTON CRAIG 4382158-8 Page 19 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1700 PORT ABBEY PL Date:3/13/2009 Permit Type: Description:MECH/CHANGE OUT (1) F.A.U. Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2009-0053 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:SERVICE CHAMPIONS Date:9/22/2004 Permit Type: Description:KITCHEN REMODEL Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2004-3310 Status: Valuation:$15,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:MASONE CONSTRUCTION INC Date:9/22/2004 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/KIT REM Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2004-1983 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:MASONE CONSTRUCTION INC 4382158-8 Page 20 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:9/22/2004 Permit Type: Description:MECH/KIT REM Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2004-1242 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:MASONE CONSTRUCTION INC Date:9/22/2004 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/KIT REM Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2004-1654 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:MASONE CONSTRUCTION INC 1706 PORT ABBEY PL Date:9/26/2008 Permit Type: Description:COVERED ENTRY PATIO, R/R (4)WINDOWS,(1) DOOR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2008-1376 Status: Valuation:$10,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO WILLIAM 4382158-8 Page 21 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1707 PORT ABBEY PL Date:11/6/2006 Permit Type: Description:EXT FIREPLACE 11' HI MAX Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-3014 Status: Valuation:$5,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:DIANE/PALMER Date:8/24/2006 Permit Type: Description:ELECT/PIGGY BACK Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2006-1704 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HILTON BUILDERS Date:8/2/2006 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/NEW SFR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2006-1567 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HILTON BUILDERS 4382158-8 Page 22 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:8/2/2006 Permit Type: Description:MECH/NEW SFR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2006-0803 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HILTON BUILDERS Date:7/31/2006 Permit Type: Description:MECH/FAU'S & FUTURE CONDENSER LINES Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2006-0794 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:DEPENDABLE GRAHAM AIR CONDITIONING INC Date:1/24/2006 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/NEW SFR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2006-0135 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:OLSON DAVID ROLF 4382158-8 Page 23 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:1/5/2006 Permit Type: Description:ELECT/ POWER POLE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2006-0041 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COAST WATER AND POWER Date:11/23/2005 Permit Type: Description:NEW SFR & GAR 5269 & 894 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2005-1554 Status: Valuation:$800,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:OLSON DAVID ROLF Date:11/23/2005 Permit Type: Description:RETAINING WALL & SHORING Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2005-2133 Status: Valuation:$55,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:PURE WATER POOLS INC 4382158-8 Page 24 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:6/24/2005 Permit Type: Description:DEMO SFR W/ATT GAR 2247 LIV SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2005-2120 Status: Valuation:$22,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HILTON BUILDERS Date:6/24/2005 Permit Type: Description:SEWER ABANDONMENT Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2005-0980 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HILTON BUILDERS 1712 PORT ABBEY PL Date:9/28/2009 Permit Type: Description:REROOF-INSTL 32 SQ CL "A" TILE/ 7/16" OSB/ 2 LYRS 30# FELT Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1799 Status: Valuation:$20,800.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HOYT BRIAN 4382158-8 Page 25 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1715 PORT ABBEY PL Date:3/12/2010 Permit Type: Description:RES/KITCHEN REMODEL Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2010-0506 Status: Valuation:$13,600.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:DENOS CONSTRUCTION INC Date:9/2/2009 Permit Type: Description:PLUMB/CHANGE OUT (E) WATER HEATER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2009-0328 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CA DELTA MECHANICAL INC Date:4/24/2007 Permit Type: Description:PATIO COVER 684 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-0966 Status: Valuation:$20,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:RANDY/PURE WATER POOLS 4382158-8 Page 26 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:4/24/2007 Permit Type: Description:FIREPLACE MAX 11' ,RETAINING WALL 39" X 18'9"(INSIDE PL) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-0967 Status: Valuation:$34,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:RANDY/PURE WATER POOLS 1723 PORT ABBEY PL Date:11/2/2005 Permit Type: Description:CHANGE OUT WATER HEATER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2005-1712 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:NOCK PLUMBING INC 4382158-8 Page 27 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1724 PORT ABBEY PL Date:2/5/2009 Permit Type: Description:RES RMDL OF PORCH AND INTER STAIRS W/FRONT YRD DRAINAGE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2008-2517 Status: Valuation:$100,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:FELL JENNIFER Date:6/9/2003 Permit Type: Description:"AS BUILT" C/O 16 WIN,5 DRS,RETILE 3 TUB/SHWRS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-1746 Status: Valuation:$20,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:VISSER JOE Date:6/9/2003 Permit Type: Description:"AS BUILT" C/O OUT/SWITCH/RECEPT & ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2003-0910 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:VISSER JOE 4382158-8 Page 28 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:6/9/2003 Permit Type: Description:"AS BUILT" ADD LAVATORY,C/O WC/DSP/WTR PIPING Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2003-0833 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:VISSER JOE 1729 PORT ABBEY PL Date:3/20/2014 Permit Type:E Description:ELEC - SUB PANEL (X2014-0496) Permit Description:Electrical Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2014-0126 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:SHEETS CONTRACTING INC Date:3/6/2014 Permit Type:X Description:SFR - KITCHEN REMODEL, RELOCATE WALL TO CREATE WINE CLOSET Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2014-0496 Status: Valuation:$50,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:FOERSTEL CHRIS 4382158-8 Page 29 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:3/11/2011 Permit Type: Description:RETAINING WALL 8' X 40 LF/REPLACE EXPIRED X2009-1562 Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2011-0599 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:DUARTE NOEL Date:5/13/2010 Permit Type: Description:RMV (E) BBQ, INSTALL NEW FIREPLC & BBQ Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2010-1017 Status: Valuation:$15,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:DUARTE NOEL Date:5/13/2010 Permit Type: Description:DET POOL BLDG 93 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2010-1018 Status: Valuation:$25,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:DUARTE NOEL 4382158-8 Page 30 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:11/16/2009 Permit Type: Description:REROOF W/WOOD SHAKE 3.64SQS, RESHEET Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-2207 Status: Valuation:$2,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:VOGELGESANG MIKE Date:8/26/2009 Permit Type: Description:RES ADD 755 SF/RES ADD @ MSTR BED 882 SF/(N) DECK 130 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1474 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HAMPTON CRAIG Date:8/26/2009 Permit Type: Description:REPAIR FLOOR JOISTS IN LIV RM 60 SF/VENTILATE CRAWL SPACE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1561 Status: Valuation:$1,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BENDETTI MARILYN 4382158-8 Page 31 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:8/26/2009 Permit Type: Description:RETAINING WALL 8' X 40 LF (P/C #2334A-98) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1562 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BENDETTI MARILYN 1730 PORT ABBEY PL Date:5/16/2012 Permit Type: Description:MECH/ADD ADD'L CONDENSER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2012-0113 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:URBAN MECHANICAL Date:3/23/2007 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/PIGGY BACK Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2007-0263 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COUSENS CONSTRUCTION INC 4382158-8 Page 32 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:3/8/2007 Permit Type: Description:MECH/INSTL A/C UNIT Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2007-0139 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COUSENS CONSTRUCTION INC Date:1/18/2007 Permit Type: Description:RES ADDN 180 SF (REV TO B2006-1985) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-0111 Status: Valuation:$18,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO WILLIAM Date:11/14/2006 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/RES ADD & SERVICE UPGRADE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2006-2156 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COUSENS CONSTRUCTION INC 4382158-8 Page 33 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:11/14/2006 Permit Type: Description:MECH/RES ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2006-1149 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COUSENS CONSTRUCTION INC Date:11/14/2006 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/RES ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2006-1441 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COUSENS CONSTRUCTION INC Date:10/6/2006 Permit Type: Description:RES ADDN 1222 SF/REMODEL Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-1985 Status: Valuation:$200,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO WILLIAM 4382158-8 Page 34 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1735 PORT ABBEY PL Date:9/8/2009 Permit Type: Description:SOLAR PHOTO-VOLTAIC SYSTEM (22 PANELS) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1075 Status: Valuation:$27,200.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:TODD/BORREGO SOLAR Date:10/10/2008 Permit Type: Description:INSTALL (53) PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS @ ROOF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2008-0482 Status: Valuation:$55,728.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:TODD/BORREGO SOLAR Date:12/28/2007 Permit Type: Description:MECH/NEW SFR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2007-0555 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:URBAN MECHANICAL 4382158-8 Page 35 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:10/11/2006 Permit Type: Description:NEW 2 STORY W/BASEMENT SFR 7323SF LIV 600SF GARAGE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-1456 Status: Valuation:$825,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO BILL Date:10/11/2006 Permit Type: Description:RET WALLS 95' LONG X 10' HI @ REAR LOT Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-1457 Status: Valuation:$100,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO BILL Date:10/11/2006 Permit Type: Description:DEMO SFR 1940 LIV SF W/ATT GAR, 5 BEDRMS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-2755 Status: Valuation:$8,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO BILL 4382158-8 Page 36 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:10/11/2006 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/NEW SFR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2006-1979 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO BILL Date:10/11/2006 Permit Type: Description:MECH/NEW SFR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2006-1046 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO BILL Date:10/11/2006 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/NEW SFR Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2006-1290 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO BILL 4382158-8 Page 37 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:10/11/2006 Permit Type: Description:SEWER ABANDONMENT Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2006-1292 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO BILL 1741 PORT ABBEY PL Date:1/29/2008 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/OUTLETS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2008-0047 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CHAMLEY LANDSCAPE INC Date:1/29/2008 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/GAS LINE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2008-0045 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CHAMLEY LANDSCAPE INC 4382158-8 Page 38 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:11/29/2007 Permit Type: Description:RET WALL 4' X 60 LF(INSIDE P/L)/FIREPLACE 8' HI Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-2956 Status: Valuation:$20,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BEARD RANDY Date:11/29/2007 Permit Type: Description:POOL DEMO (METHOD A) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-2958 Status: Valuation:$5,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BEARD RANDY 1747 PORT ABBEY PL Date:6/13/2007 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/INSTALL NEW A/C UNIT & FAU Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2007-0539 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ECONO AIR 4382158-8 Page 39 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:6/13/2007 Permit Type: Description:MECH/INSTALL NEW A/C UNIT & FAU Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2007-0291 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ECONO AIR Date:4/23/2004 Permit Type: Description:C/O (5) WINDOWS & (1) DOOR PER CITY STND Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2004-1493 Status: Valuation:$5,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:TOWNSEND JOHN & BARBARA 4382158-8 Page 40 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS PORT SHEFFIELD PL 1700 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:5/28/2009 Permit Type: Description:RES REM 1,400 SF,ADD 260 SF, CVR PATIO 33 SF,RE-ROOF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-0060 Status: Valuation:$150,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:GUIDERO WILLIAM Date:5/10/2004 Permit Type: Description:BLOCK WALL 6' X 70'/ON PROP LN/CITY STNDRD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2004-1668 Status: Valuation:$4,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BANNAN JAMES M 4382158-8 Page 41 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1701 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:9/17/2003 Permit Type: Description:T/O SHAKE, REPL W/2-LYR 30# FELT, CLASS "C" HEAVY Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-3008 Status: Valuation:$13,600.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:NEWPORT ROOFING INC 1706 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:7/30/2012 Permit Type: Description:RES/REMODEL (LAUNDRY, FAMILY RM), INSTALL FRENCH DOORS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2012-1835 Status: Valuation:$22,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COUSENS PAUL 4382158-8 Page 42 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:6/7/2005 Permit Type: Description:MECH/(2) A/C UNITS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2005-0602 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:SONY NGUYEN/SONY CONSTR Date:5/27/2005 Permit Type: Description:ELECTRICAL/RES ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2005-0997 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:OWNER/BLDR Date:5/5/2005 Permit Type: Description:MECHANICAL/RES ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2004-0213 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:OWNER/BLDR 4382158-8 Page 43 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:2/10/2004 Permit Type: Description:RES ADD 163SF @ 1ST FL/1829 SF @ 2ND FL Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-2549 Status: Valuation:$196,499.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:SONY NGUYEN/SONY CONSTR Date:2/10/2004 Permit Type: Description:ELECTRICAL/RES ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2004-0330 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CITYWIDE CONSTRUCTION Date:2/10/2004 Permit Type: Description:PLUMBING/RES ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2004-0288 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:CITYWIDE CONSTRUCTION 4382158-8 Page 44 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:9/18/2003 Permit Type: Description:PLUMBING/WATER HEATER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2003-1395 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:PROSERV PLUMBING AND DRAIN 1707 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:4/21/2009 Permit Type: Description:FIREPLACE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-0705 Status: Valuation:$5,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ADAM/CA POOLS Date:3/12/2009 Permit Type: Description:NEW 256 SF SOLID ROOF PATIO COVER Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-0430 Status: Valuation:$7,680.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BADANI BASIL 4382158-8 Page 45 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1712 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:1/31/2007 Permit Type: Description:BLOCK WALL 6' HI X 71' LONG/ON PROP LINE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2007-0232 Status: Valuation:$6,400.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:PRECISION CONTR 1715 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:1/11/2010 Permit Type: Description:MECH/R/R (E) F.A.U. Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:H2010-0008 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HECTOR/A-AMES PLUMBING HEATING 4382158-8 Page 46 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:5/18/2006 Permit Type: Description:T/O SHAKE/GRAVEL,INSTALL 1 LYR 30#FELT,FIRE FREE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-1367 Status: Valuation:$9,485.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:COAST ROOFING 1718 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:5/6/2014 Permit Type:X Description:SFR - REROOF W/29 SQ CL"A" BORAL SAXONY 600 TILE 5.9# ESR 1647 T/O WOOD SHAKE Permit Description:Building Combo Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2014-1256 Status: Valuation:$14,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ABSOLUT ROOFING INC 4382158-8 Page 47 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:12/23/2003 Permit Type: Description:ADD 172 SF TO FAMILY ROOM Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2003-2159 Status: Valuation:$27,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ANGEL BILL Date:12/23/2003 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/ADD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2003-2254 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ANGEL BILL Date:12/23/2003 Permit Type: Description:PLUM/ADDN Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:P2003-1862 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:ANGEL BILL 4382158-8 Page 48 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1723 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:10/7/2009 Permit Type: Description:T/O SHAKE, INSTALL 37 SQ, CLASS 'A', CEDARLITE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1885 Status: Valuation:$18,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BRANNON'S ROOFING Date:8/4/2006 Permit Type: Description:RETAINING WALL 4' x 20LF, 6' x 44 LF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-1931 Status: Valuation:$5,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:PAUL/CALIF POOLS Date:8/4/2006 Permit Type: Description:FIREPLACE 5' Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2006-1932 Status: Valuation:$6,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:PAUL/CALIF POOLS 4382158-8 Page 49 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:12/21/2005 Permit Type: Description:RES ADD 77SF & ALTERATION (2 BTHRMS ADD) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2005-4133 Status: Valuation:$25,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:NATLAND RICHARD K 1724 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:4/13/2004 Permit Type: Description:BLOCK WALL 6' x 88 LF ON P/L (PER CITY STANDARDS) Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2004-1306 Status: Valuation:$4,400.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:APKARIAN ARTINE 4382158-8 Page 50 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1735 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:8/20/2010 Permit Type: Description:NEW 7'5" H BBQ & 42" H FIREPLACE IN REAR YARD Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2010-1915 Status: Valuation:$9,800.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:BRAD/LONGMAN CONSTRUCTION Date:8/12/2009 Permit Type: Description:RETAINING WALL 70 LF 7'6" MAX HI W/SHORING Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-0544 Status: Valuation:$11,172.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HEAD SYDNEY Date:8/11/2009 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/TEMP POWER POLE Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2009-0519 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HEAD SYDNEY 4382158-8 Page 51 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:8/11/2009 Permit Type: Description:NEW SFD 4092 SF W/ATT GAR 674 SF/DECK 152 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-0543 Status: Valuation:$748,742.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HEAD SYDNEY Date:8/11/2009 Permit Type: Description:(N) DET SOLID PATIO COVER 144 SF Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1047 Status: Valuation:$17,000.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HEAD SYDNEY Date:8/11/2009 Permit Type: Description:DEMO SFR 2560 LIV SF W/ATT GAR, 3 BDRMS Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2009-1444 Status: Valuation:$3,700.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HEAD SYDNEY 4382158-8 Page 52 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS 1742 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Date:7/2/2010 Permit Type: Description:T/O WOOD SHAKES, INST 7/16 OSB, 2-LYR G-40 W. US TILE PROSHAKE 5.55 PSF, CLASS "A' 30 SQUARES ESR-1273, CRRC 0906-0006 - SOLAR .20/THERMAL .88 Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:X2010-1538 Status: Valuation:$19,500.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:HOYT ROOFS INC Date:4/22/2008 Permit Type: Description:ELEC/(E) SERVICE CHG-OUT Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:E2008-0261 Status: Valuation:$0.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:VAN HIEL BRYN JHAN 4382158-8 Page 53 Year Uses Source ADJOINING PROPERTY FINDINGS Date:10/5/2004 Permit Type: Description:WOOD FENCE 6'-6'6" X 16' LONG & (2) GATES Permit Description: Work Class: Proposed Use: Permit Number:B2004-3451 Status: Valuation:$600.00 Contractor Company: Contractor Name:VAN HIEL BRYN 4382158-8 Page 54 GLOSSARY General Building Department concepts .ICC: The International Code Council. The governing body for the building/development codes used by all jurisdictions who’ve adopted the ICC guidelines. MOST of the US has done this. Canada, Mexico, and other countries use ICC codes books and guides as well. There are a few states who have added guidelines to the ICC codes to better fit their needs. For example, California has added seismic retrofit requirements for most commercial structures..Building Department (Permitting Authority, Building Codes, Inspections Department, Building and Inspections): This is the department in a jurisdiction where an owner or contractor goes to obtain permits and inspections for building, tearing down, remodeling, adding to, re-roofing, moving or otherwise making changes to any structure, Residential or Commercial..Jurisdiction: This is the geographic area representing the properties over which a Permitting Authority has responsibility..GC: General Contractor. Usually the primary contractor hired for any Residential or Commercial construction work..Sub: Subordinate contracting companies or subcontractors. Usually a “trades” contractor working for the GC. These contractors generally have an area of expertise in which they are licensed like Plumbing, Electrical, Heating and Air systems, Gas Systems, Pools etc. (called “trades”)..Journeymen: Sub contractors who have their own personal licenses in one or more trades and work for different contracting companies, wherever they are needed or there is work...HVAC (Mechanical, Heating & Air companies): HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. ELEC (Electrical, TempPole, TPole, TPower, Temporary Power, Panel, AMP Change, Power Release): Electrical permits can be pulled for many reasons. The most common reason is to increase the AMPs of power in an electrical power panel. This requires a permit in almost every jurisdiction. Other commons reason for Electrical permits is to insert a temporary power pole at a new construction site. Construction requires electricity, and in a new development, power has yet to be run to the lot. The temporary power pole is usually the very first permit pulled for new development. The power is released to the home owner when construction is complete and this sometimes takes the form of a Power Release permit or inspection...“Pull” a permit: To obtain and pay for a building permit. .CBO: Chief Building Official Planning Department: The department in the development process where the building /structural plans are reviewed for their completeness and compliance with building codes.Zoning Department: The department in the development process where the site plans are reviewed for their compliance with the regulations associated with the zoning district in which they are situated..Zoning District: A pre-determined geographic boundary within a jurisdiction where certain types of structures are permitted / prohibited. Examples are Residential structure, Commercial/Retail structures, Industrial/Manufacturing structures etc. Each zoning district has regulations associated with it like the sizes of the lots, the density of the structures on the lots, the number of parking spaces required for certain types of structures on the lots etc...PIN (TMS, GIS ID, Parcel#): Property Identification Number and Tax Map System number. .State Card (Business license): A license card issued to a contractor to conduct business. Building Inspector (Inspector): The inspector is a building department employee that inspects building construction for compliance to codes..C.O.: Certificate of Occupancy. This is the end of the construction process and designates that the owners now have permission to occupy a structure after its building is complete. Sometimes also referred to as a Certificate of Compliance. GLOSSARY Permit Content Definitions .Permit Number: The alphanumerical designation assigned to a permit for tracking within the building department system. Sometimes the permit number gives clues to its role, e.g. a "PL" prefix may designate a plumbing permit..Description: A field on the permit form that allows the building department to give a brief description of the work being done. More often than not, this is the most important field for EP’s to find clues to the prior use(s) of the property..Permit Type: Generally a brief designation of the type of job being done. For example BLDG-RES, BLDG- COM, ELEC, MECH etc. Sample Building Permit Data Date: Nov 09, 2000 Permit Type: Bldg - New Permit Number: 101000000405 Status: Valuation: $1,000,000.00 Contractor Company: OWNER-BUILDER Contractor Name: Description: New one store retail (SAV-ON) with drive-thru pharmacy. Certificate of Occupancy. Appendix E Sanborn Map Report Certified Sanborn® Map Report 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.3 August 13, 2015 Certified Sanborn® Map Report 8/13/15 Site Name: 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Client Name: Citadel Environmental Services 111 North Market Street San Jose, CA 95110-0000 Contact:Shirley LeeEDR Inquiry #4382158.3 The Sanborn Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by Citadel Environmental Services were identified for the years listed below. The Sanborn Library is the largest, most complete collection of fire insurance maps. The collection includes maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow, and others. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by the Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection. Results can be authenticated by visiting www.edrnet.com/sanborn. The Sanborn Library is continually enhanced with newly identified map archives. This report accesses all maps in the collection as of the day this report was generated. Certified Sanborn Results: Site Name:4302 Ford Road Address:4302 Ford Road City, State, Zip:Newport Beach, CA 92660 Cross Street: P.O. #NA Project:5140.1040.0 Certification #4110-4E06-BA93 Library of Congress University Publications of America EDR Private Collection The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866™ The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million fire insurance maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow and others which track historical property usage in approximately 12,000 American cities and towns. Collections searched: Sanborn® Library search results Certification # 4110-4E06-BA93 UNMAPPED PROPERTY This report certifies that the complete holdings of the Sanborn Library, LLC collection have been searched based on client supplied target property information, and fire insurance maps covering the target property were not found. Limited Permission To Make Copies Citadel Environmental Services (the client) is permitted to make up to FIVE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 4382158 - 3 page 2 Appendix F Historical City Directories 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.5 August 17, 2015 The EDR-City Directory Abstract 6 Armstrong Road Shelton, CT 06484 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.comEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources IncEnvironmental Data Resources Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Executive Summary Findings City Directory Images Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Environmental Data Resources, Inc.’s (EDR) City Directory Abstract is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s City Directory Abstract includes a search and abstract of available city directory data. For each address, the directory lists the name of the corresponding occupant at five year intervals. Business directories including city, cross reference and telephone directories were reviewed, if available, at approximately five year intervals for the years spanning 1920 through 2013. This report compiles information gathered in this review by geocoding the latitude and longitude of properties identified and gathering information about properties within 660 feet of the target property. A summary of the information obtained is provided in the text of this report. RESEARCH SUMMARY The following research sources were consulted in the preparation of this report. An "X" indicates where information was identified in the source and provided in this report. Source TPYear Adjoining Text Abstract Source Image 2013 Cole Information Services -X X - Cole Information Services X X X - 2008 Cole Information Services -X X - 2003 Cole Information Services -X X - Cole Information Services X X X - 2002 Haines Company -X X - 2001 Pacific Telephone ---- 1997 Pacific Bell ---- 1995 Pacific Bell -X X - 1992 Pacific Bell ---- 1991 Pacific Bell X X X - 1986 Pacific Bell -X X - 1980 Pacific Telephone -X X - 1975 Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc.-X X - 1971 Luskey Brothers Co., Inc.---- 1970 General Telephone Co., of California -X X - 1966 Pacific Telephone ---- 1965 Ross Publications, Inc.,---- 1961 Luskey Brothers & Co.,---- 1960 Unknown ---- 1956 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.---- 1955 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.---- 1952 Luskeys Directory Service Co.---- 1950 West Directory Co.---- 1946 Southern California Telephone Co.---- 4382158-5 Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Source TPYear Adjoining Text Abstract Source Image 1945 Western Directory Co.---- 1941 Southern California Telephone Co.---- 1936 Western Directory Co.---- 1930 Western Directory Co.---- 1926 Pacific Telephone ---- 1925 Western Directory Co.---- 1922 Kaasen Directory Co.---- 1921 Western Directory Co.---- 1920 Santa Ana Directory Co.---- 4382158-5 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SELECTED ADDRESSES The following addresses were selected by the client, for EDR to research. An "X" indicates where information was identified. Address Type Findings 1641 Ford Road Client Entered 4382158-5 Page 3 FINDINGS TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 FINDINGS DETAIL Target Property research detail. FORD DR 4302 FORD DR Year Uses Source 1991 American Tele Share Corp Pacific Bell FORD RD 4302 FORD RD Year Uses Source 2013 DARREN M COLBY ESQ Cole Information Services DIRECTV Cole Information Services FINE TELECOMMUNICATION INC Cole Information Services LAW OFFICES OF SALLY ANNE COX Cole Information Services NEIL SHOUSE & ASSOCIATES Cole Information Services 2003 888 DEVELOPMENT CO Cole Information Services CENTURY FINANCIAL GROUP INC Cole Information Services 1991 Office Support Task Force Inc Pacific Bell 4382158-5 Page 4 FINDINGS ADJOINING PROPERTY DETAIL The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report. Detailed findings are provided for each address. BAY HILL DR 305 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 1991 Modabber Ahad Pacific Bell 307 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 OUINNTerrence Haines Company 1991 Weil Frederick L & Bette J Pacific Bell 309 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 DON Karen Haines Company 1991 Brown Garry H Pacific Bell 311 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 OVAGHEIMohamad Haines Company 401 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 SOHe ABPayam Haines Company 1995 Sohrab Payam Pacific Bell 403 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 GRAHAM Deborah Haines Company PARA PROTECT Haines Company 405 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 BROWN Jearey Haines Company 407 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 ROMEROTommy Haines Company 4382158-5 Page 5 Year Uses Source FINDINGS Year Uses Source 1991 Letavis G&S Pacific Bell Letarte Thomas J Pacific Bell Letcher Drake Pacific Bell Letcher E @Huntington Beach@ Pacific Bell 409 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 XXXX Haines Company 1995 Thompson Robert W Atty Pacific Bell 413 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 STULIK Peier J Haines Company 417 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 BEAVERJoseph Haines Company 1995 Dewey Edward Pacific Bell 1991 Keyes Wayne E Pacific Bell 419 BAY HILL DR Year Uses Source 2002 KAYSlanley Haines Company FORD RD 4248 FORD RD Year Uses Source 1980 Magee D Bruce Pacific Telephone 4300 FORD RD Year Uses Source 2013 COMMERCIAL DOOR OF ORANGE COUNTY Cole Information Services UCI UNIVERSITY CLUB Cole Information Services 2008 CLARK BARBARA A PSYD Cole Information Services PAULSON REALTY Cole Information Services 4314 FORD RD Year Uses Source 2008 ROSS MARIANNE PHD Cole Information Services 4382158-5 Page 6 Year Uses Source FINDINGS MUIRFIELD 815 MUIRFIELD Year Uses Source 1995 Tomaszewski Ronald Pacific Bell MUIRFIELD DR 801 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2002 CASEY Rbert Haines Company 803 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2002 SANGELL Robert Haines Company 805 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2003 RNH ENTERPRISES Cole Information Services 2002 RNH ENTERPRISES Haines Company SHOFBERGORa Haines Company 1991 Sakamoto Keiko Pacific Bell Witte Bill Pacific Bell 807 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2002 COCHRANJohn Haines Company 809 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2002 SMORENOA 60riew Haines Company 811 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2002 JONES Jeanne Haines Company 813 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2002 WILUAMSStephen Haines Company 1991 Carpenter Raymond EJr Pacific Bell 4382158-5 Page 7 Year Uses Source FINDINGS 815 MUIRFIELD DR Year Uses Source 2002 RICAMOREKJ Haines Company DAVISSleven Haines Company PORT ABBEY PL 1601 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2008 BILLS BURGERS Cole Information Services 1991 Butler Jeff & Faith Pacific Bell 1975 Johnson Donald W Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Johnson Donald W General Telephone Co., of California 1607 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 GABRIELIANG Haines Company 1995 Gabrlellan Henry Pacific Bell 1991 Gabrielian Leon Pacific Bell Gabrielian Henry Pacific Bell 1986 Gabnellan Henry Pacific Bell 1980 Gabrielian Henry Pacific Telephone 1975 Gabrielian Henry Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Gabrielian Henry General Telephone Co., of California 1617 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 WYNNCarol Haines Company WYNN Robert L Haines Company 1995 Wynn Robt L Pacific Bell 1980 Wynn Robt L Pacific Telephone 1975 Wynn Robt L Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Hoffarph Cr lg E General Telephone Co., of California 1621 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 KOZMATAJoseph Haines Company 1995 Burkholder L Pacific Bell 1991 Barklow David Pacific Bell 1980 Kozmata Jos W Pacific Telephone 1975 Kozmata Jos W Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 4382158-5 Page 8 Year Uses Source FINDINGS Year Uses Source 1970 Kozmata Jos W General Telephone Co., of California 1627 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 CONATY Frank Haines Company 1975 Grant Robt D Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. Grant Robt H Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Schroeder Henry W General Telephone Co., of California 1700 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 1975 McNulty Mildred L Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Mc Nulty Mildred L General Telephone Co., of California 1701 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 GREENEJamea Haines Company 1995 Shamrell Vincent F Pacific Bell 1991 Shamrell Vincent F Pacific Bell 1986 Shamrell Vincent F Pacific Bell 1980 Shamrell Vincent F Pacific Telephone 1975 Shamrell Vincent F Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1706 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 HUNT Derek W Haines Company 1995 Hunt Derek W Pacific Bell 1991 Hunt Derek W Pacific Bell Hunt A Pacific Bell 1986 Hunt A Pacific Bell 1980 King Paul L Pacific Telephone King Chris Pacific Telephone 1975 King Paul L Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. King Jim Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 King Paul L General Telephone Co., of California 1707 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2008 BAUBLE ACCESSORIES Cole Information Services 2002 STEINMETZTheodore Haines Company 4382158-5 Page 9 Year Uses Source FINDINGS 1712 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 EGGLESTONJason Haines Company 1975 Lilyquist David A Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Hulbert Jerry C General Telephone Co., of California 1715 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 FEELEYJOn Haines Company 1995 Feeley John Pacific Bell 1986 Jones Donald I Dr Pacific Bell 1980 Jones Donald B Dr Pacific Telephone 1975 Wilson Learning Corp Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. Ofc Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. Res Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Jaeger Alwilda M General Telephone Co., of California 1718 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 PERRYJenniler Haines Company 1723 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 ACONEPau Haines Company 1995 Acone Paul A Pacific Bell 1991 Acone Paul A Pacific Bell 1986 Acone Paul A Pacific Bell 1980 Acone Paul A Pacific Telephone 1975 Acone Paul A Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Acone Paul A General Telephone Co., of California 1724 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 VISSER Eileen Haines Company LEE Virinia Haines Company LEE Raymond Haines Company 1995 Lee Raymond E Pacific Bell 1991 Lee Raymond E Pacific Bell 1986 Lee Guenn West Pacific Bell 1980 ublett Jas Pacific Telephone Bell Hank C Pacific Telephone 4382158-5 Page 10 Year Uses Source FINDINGS Year Uses Source 1975 Sublett Jas Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Sublett Jas General Telephone Co., of California 1729 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 9 BEN 660 T 7 Robert Haines Company 1730 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 WHEELERStephen Haines Company 1995 Hester LG Pacific Bell 1991 Hester L G Pacific Bell 1986 Hester Coy F Pacific Bell 1980 Hester Coy F Pacific Telephone 1975 Hester Coy F Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Hester Coy F General Telephone Co., of California Hester Coy F General Telephone Co., of California 1735 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 DEATONLawrence Haines Company 1980 Hunt Barnes F Wilkinson Rd & Harding Canyon Rd Modjeska Cnyn Pacific Telephone Hunt B J Pacific Telephone 1975 Hunt B J Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Hunt Barbara J General Telephone Co., of California 1736 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2003 ROSS HOMES Cole Information Services 2002 MOLLARDWilliam Haines Company 1995 Misajon Clarence M Pacific Bell 1991 Misajon Clarence M Pacific Bell 1986 Misajon Clarence M Pacific Bell 1980 Misaon Clarence M Pacific Telephone 1975 Misajon Clarence M Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Misajon Clarence M General Telephone Co., of California 4382158-5 Page 11 Year Uses Source FINDINGS 1741 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 CANALEJon Haines Company 1991 Donlon E R Pacific Bell 1986 Rolker John H Pacific Bell Donlon E R Pacific Bell 1980 Donlon E R Pacific Telephone Jepson John E Pacific Telephone Rolker John H Pacific Telephone 1975 Rolker John H Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. Donlon E R Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Rolker John H General Telephone Co., of California Donlon E R General Telephone Co., of California 1747 PORT ABBEY PL Year Uses Source 2002 TOWNSENDJohn Haines Company 1991 Mc Grath J Pacific Bell Mc Grath Harold & Geraldne Pacific Bell 1986 Mc Grath Harold & Geraldine Pacific Bell 1980 Mc Grath Harold & Geraldine Pacific Telephone 1975 Bowman Mel Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. PORT SHEFFIELD PL 1700 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1995 Bannan Jim & Jean Pacific Bell 1991 Bannan Jim & Jean Pacific Bell Bannan S Pacific Bell Bannan S Pacific Bell 1986 Hems Wm R Pacific Bell 1980 Heins Wm R Pacific Telephone 1975 Heins Wm R Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Heins Wm R General Telephone Co., of California 1701 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1991 Snyder Richard G Pacific Bell 1986 Snyder Richard G Pacific Bell 4382158-5 Page 12 Year Uses Source FINDINGS Year Uses Source 1980 Snyder Tim G Pacific Telephone Snyder Richard G Pacific Telephone 1975 Snyder Richard G Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1706 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 2003 NEWPORT SERVICES Cole Information Services 1975 Jovey Signs Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Jovey Signs General Telephone Co., of California 1707 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1980 Melfl Howard T Pacific Telephone 1975 Adams Robt C Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Clayes Alfred I Jr General Telephone Co., of California 1712 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1995 Archer Donald Pacific Bell 1991 Fearn Thos J Pacific Bell 1986 Fcarn Thos J Pacific Bell 1980 Fearn Thos J Pacific Telephone 1970 Fearn Thos J General Telephone Co., of California 1715 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1995 Cox Vicki Pacific Bell 1986 Caldwel John A Pacific Bell 1980 Hynes Wm Pacific Telephone 1718 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1995 Webster C Michael Pacific Bell 1991 Webster C Michael Pacific Bell 1975 Gayle James A Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Gayle James A General Telephone Co., of California 1723 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1991 Wood Dennis C Pacific Bell 4382158-5 Page 13 Year Uses Source FINDINGS Year Uses Source 1980 Wiams Ray E Pacific Telephone 1970 Williams Ray E General Telephone Co., of California 1724 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1970 Malone John R General Telephone Co., of California 1729 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 2008 K MULLER PROPERTY NUMBER FIVE LLC Cole Information Services 1995 Stephens Doann Pacific Bell 1991 Stephens oana Pacific Bell 1986 Stephens Doann Pacific Bell Stephens Robert B Pacific Bell 1980 Stephens Doann Pacific Telephone Stephens Robert B Pacific Telephone 1975 Wroolie D A Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Hogan Paul J General Telephone Co., of California 1730 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1995 Brown Ted & Rosie Pacific Bell 1991 Brown Ted & Rosie Pacific Bell 1970 Verre Ernest General Telephone Co., of California 1735 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1991 Means Jack R Pacific Bell 1986 Means Jack R Pacific Bell 1975 Wallace Robt C Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1736 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1995 Radtke Thos W Pacific Bell 1991 Radtke Thos W Pacific Bell 1986 Radtke Thos W Pacific Bell 1980 Radlie Thos W Pacific Telephone 1975 Radtke Thos W Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. 1970 Hope Raymond T General Telephone Co., of California 4382158-5 Page 14 Year Uses Source FINDINGS 1741 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1986 Maldno Albert E Pacific Bell 1742 PORT SHEFFIELD PL Year Uses Source 1975 Remkes Elmer R Luskey Brothers & Co., Inc. RESIDENCIA 5131 RESIDENCIA Year Uses Source 2003 RAPHAEL INTERNATIONAL INC Cole Information Services 5137 RESIDENCIA Year Uses Source 2008 ADJAMIAN AFFILIATED INC Cole Information Services RIVOLI 3002 RIVOLI Year Uses Source 2003 COGNITI HOLDING HOLDINGS Cole Information Services 3007 RIVOLI Year Uses Source 2002 JAMES Mchaew Haines Company 3013 RIVOLI Year Uses Source 2002 ADCOCK Nicholas Haines Company 3014 RIVOLI Year Uses Source 2002 ROYSTONGuy Ad Haines Company ROYST Haines Company 3015 RIVOLI Year Uses Source 2002 CLARK Shannon Haines Company 4382158-5 Page 15 Year Uses Source FINDINGS 3024 RIVOLI Year Uses Source 2002 LEEHaeseung y Haines Company LEEHaeseung Haines Company 3027 RIVOLI Year Uses Source 2002 PRICEJack Haines Company PRICE Paula Haines Company 4382158-5 Page 16 FINDINGS TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS NOT IDENTIFIED IN RESEARCH SOURCE The following Target Property addresses were researched for this report, and the addresses were not identified in the research source. Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 4302 Ford Road 2008, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 ADJOINING PROPERTY: ADDRESSES NOT IDENTIFIED IN RESEARCH SOURCE The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report, and the addresses were not identified in research source. Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 1601 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1601 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1607 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1617 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1621 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1986, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1627 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1641 Ford Road 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1700 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1700 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1701 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1701 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1706 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1706 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 FINDINGS Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 1706 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1707 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1707 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1707 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1712 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1712 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1975, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1715 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1991, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1715 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1991, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1718 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1718 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1723 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1723 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1975, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1724 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1724 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1729 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1729 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1729 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1730 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 FINDINGS Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 1730 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1735 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1735 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1980, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1736 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1736 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1736 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1741 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1971, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1741 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1742 PORT SHEFFIELD PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 1747 PORT ABBEY PL 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 3002 RIVOLI 2013, 2008, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 3007 RIVOLI 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 3013 RIVOLI 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 3014 RIVOLI 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 3015 RIVOLI 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 3024 RIVOLI 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 3027 RIVOLI 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 305 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 FINDINGS Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 307 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 309 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 311 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 401 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 403 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 405 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 407 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 409 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 413 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 417 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 419 BAY HILL DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 4248 FORD RD 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 4300 FORD RD 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 4314 FORD RD 2013, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 5131 RESIDENCIA 2013, 2008, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 5137 RESIDENCIA 2013, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 801 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 FINDINGS Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 803 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 805 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 805 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 807 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 809 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 811 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 813 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 815 MUIRFIELD 2013, 2008, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 815 MUIRFIELD DR 2013, 2008, 2003, 2001, 1997, 1995, 1992, 1991, 1986, 1980, 1975, 1971, 1970, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1956, 1955, 1952, 1950, 1946, 1945, 1941, 1936, 1930, 1926, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1920 Appendix G Historical Topographic Maps EDR Historical Topographic Map Report 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.4 August 13, 2015 EDR Historical Topographic Map Report Environmental Data Resources, Inc.s (EDR) Historical Topographic Map Report is designed to assist professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDRs Historical Topographic Map Report includes a search of a collection of public and private color historical topographic maps, dating back to the early 1900s. Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: SANTA ANA MAP YEAR: 1901 SERIES: 15 SCALE: 1:62500 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: SOUTHERN CA SHEET 1 MAP YEAR: 1901 SERIES: 60 SCALE: 1:250000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: CORONA MAP YEAR: 1902 SERIES: 30 SCALE: 1:125000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map Unsurveyed Area on the Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: TUSTIN MAP YEAR: 1935 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:31680 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: SANTA ANA MAP YEAR: 1942 SERIES: 15 SCALE: 1:50000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: TUSTIN MAP YEAR: 1948 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: TUSTIN MAP YEAR: 1965 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: TUSTIN MAP YEAR: 1972 PHOTOREVISED FROM :1965 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN TARGET QUADTARGET QUAD NAME: TUSTIN MAP YEAR: 1981 PHOTOREVISED FROM :1965 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN ADJOINING QUADADJOINING QUAD NAME: NEWPORT BEACH MAP YEAR: 1935 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:31680 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN ADJOINING QUADADJOINING QUAD NAME: LAGUNA BEACH MAP YEAR: 1949 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN ADJOINING QUADADJOINING QUAD NAME: LAGUNA BEACH MAP YEAR: 1965 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN ADJOINING QUADADJOINING QUAD NAME: LAGUNA BEACH MAP YEAR: 1972 PHOTOREVISED FROM :1965 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Historical Topographic Map ÕN ADJOINING QUADADJOINING QUAD NAME: LAGUNA BEACH MAP YEAR: 1981 PHOTOREVISED FROM :1965 SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 SITE NAME: 4302 Ford Road ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 LAT/LONG: 33.629 / -117.861 CLIENT: Citadel Environmental Services CONTACT: Shirley Lee INQUIRY#: 4382158.4 RESEARCH DATE: 08/13/2015 Appendix H User Questionnaire USER QUESTIONNAIRE  Phase I     DATE SENT: ____08/18/2015________________ DATE DUE: _________________________________ HOW SENT (Circle): Fax / Email FAX / EMAIL: __jessica.duncan@hines.com__ User Questionnaire Client Hines Interests, L.P. Contact Name Jessica Duncan Contact Title Analyst Phone/Fax/Email 858-435-4000 Completed by? 8/24/2015 Response Date Form of Response Current Use of the Property Undeveloped Site Reason for Performing Phase I Due Diligence Please include the name of the Companies who provide your utilities, so we can contact each agency: Utilities Electricity N/a Natural Gas N/a Sewage N/a Sanitary Sewerage N/a Solid Waste Removal N/a Fuel Oil N/a Steam N/a Please include the Name and Company of Each of the following individuals: User Name Company Key Site Manager N/a Current Property Owner AT&T Pacific Bell Telephone Company USER QUESTIONNAIRE  Phase I    Current Property Owner Representative N/a Occupants N/a Major Occupants N/a Current Operator Name N/a Past Property Owner(s) N/a Past Property Owner Representative(s) N/a Other Past Property Owner(s) N/a Past Operator Name(s) N/a Past Occupant(s) N/a Past Major Occupant(s) N/a Broker(s) N/a Property Manager N/a Building Engineer N/a Other N/a TITLE & JUDICIAL RECORDS  Per ASTM E 1527-13 Section 6.2, the User is required to provide and/or report to the environmental professional any title and/or judicial records so identified for the subject property. Please provide any information on title and/or judicial records: Provided preliminary title report and ALTA survey. ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS OR ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATIONS   Per ASTM E 1527-13 the User is required to provide and/or report to the environmental professional any environmental liens or AULs so identified for the subject property. The environmental professional per the ASTM practice is not responsible to undertake a review of information to identify environmental liens or AULs. Please provide any information on environmental liens or activity and use limitations (AULs): N/a USER QUESTIONNAIRE  Phase I     SPECIALIZED OR ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF USER Per the ASTM standard, it is the User’s responsibility to communicate to the environmental professional any information that is material to recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property based on such specialized knowledge, actual knowledge, experience, or commonly known and reasonably ascertainable information within the local community. Please provide any information of the following items: ASTM Scope Item Property Contact Aware of them (Y/N) Comment USTs N ASTs N PCB Electrical Equipment N Hydraulic Equipment N Chemicals, Hazardous Materials, and Raw Materials Storage and Usage N Waste Generation, Storage and Disposal N Wells, Sumps, Pits, and Floor Drains N Stormwater Runoff and Surface Water N Lagoons, Septic Systems, Wastewater Treatment, and Separators N Stressed Vegetation, Staining and Odors N Surficial Disturbances N On-Property Dry Cleaners N NON-ASTM Scope Item Property Contact Aware of them (Y/N) Comment Asbestos Containing Materials N Radon N USER QUESTIONNAIRE  Phase I    Lead-Based Paint N Lead in Drinking Water N Potable Well N Potential Wetlands N Air Emissions N Mold/Water Intrusion N Please refer to “Helpful Documents” section below to provide any relevant reports associated with the above items. VALUATION REDUCTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES (For Property Owner) Per the ASTM standard, in a transaction involving the purchase of a parcel of commercial real estate, the user shall consider the relationship of the purchase price of the property to the fair market value of the property if the property was not affected by hazardous substances or petroleum products. The User should try to identify an explanation for a significantly lower price which does not reasonably reflect fair market value if the property was not contaminated, and make a written record of such explanation. The ASTM standard does not require that a real estate appraisal be obtained in order to ascertain fair market value of the property. PROCEEDINGS INVOLVING THE PROPERTY Per the ASTM standard, prior to the site visit, the User (if different from the property owner), Key site manager (if any is identified), and property owner shall be asked whether they know of (1) any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property; (2) any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products.  Do you know of any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, or from the property? Y / N If yes, please explain: USER QUESTIONNAIRE  Phase I     Do you know of any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products? Y / N If yes, please explain: HELPFUL DOCUMENTS Per the ASTM Standard, Prior to the property visit, the Property owner, key site manager (if any is identified), and User (if different from the property owner) shall be asked if they know whether any of the documents below exist and if so, whether copies can and will be provided within reasonable time and cost constraints: User Key Site Manager Property Owner Exist Provided Exist Provided Exist Provided ESA Reports N N Environmental Compliance Audit Reports N N Environmental Permits UST/AST Registrations N N Underground Injection Permits N N MSDS’s N N Community Right-to-know plan N N Safety Plans N N SPCC Plans N N Emergency Preparedness and prevention plans N N Hydrogeologic reports N N Government Agency Correspondence and violations N N Hazardous Waste Generator Notices or reports N N Geotechnical studies N N Risk Assessments N N Recorded AULs N N Environmental Liens N N Other N N Fidelity National Title Company CLTA Preliminary Report Form – Modified (11/17/06)Page 1 AMENDED PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the application for a policy of title insurance referenced herein, Fidelity National Title Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a policy or policies of title insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an exception herein or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations or Conditions of said policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage and Limitations on Covered Risks of said policy or policies are set forth in Attachment One. The policy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance is less than that set forth in the arbitration clause, all arbitrable matters shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. Limitations on Covered Risks applicable to the CLTA and ALTA Homeowner’s Policies of Title Insurance which establish a Deductible Amount and a Maximum Dollar Limit of Liability for certain coverages are also set forth in Attachment One. Copies of the policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. The policy(s) of title insurance to be issued hereunder will be policy(s) of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, a California Corporation. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to herein and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in Attachment One of this report carefully. The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects and encumbrances affecting title to the land. Countersigned by: Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Fidelity National Title Company 1300 Dove Street, Suite 310, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: (949) 622-5000 Fax: CLTA Preliminary Report Form – Modified (11/17/06)Page 2 PRELIMINARY REPORT Amended Title Officer: Keith Masner (MA) TO: AT&T Services, Inc 1452 Edinger, Room 2210 Tustin, CA 92780 ATTN: .Mike Johsz YOUR REFERENCE: Order No.: 997-23046485-B-KM5 PROPERTY ADDRESS:Vacant Land, Irvine, CA EFFECTIVE DATE:May 5, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. The form of policy or policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: CLTA Std. Owner's 1.THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A FEE 2.TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a California corporation, who acquired title as The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, a California corporation 3.THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. /jh 05/08/14 PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Title Company Your Reference: Order No.: 997-23046485-B-KM5 CLTA Preliminary Report Form – Modified (11/17/06)Page 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT “A” THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF IRVINE, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: PARCEL 1, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 65, PAGE 4, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXCEPT THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 300180, IN THAT CERTAIN FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION, SUPERIOR COURT CASE 737614, A CERTIFIED COPY OF WHICH WAS RECORDED NOVEMBER 27, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 19950521235, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS, MINERAL RIGHTS, NATURAL GAS RIGHTS AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS BY WHATSOEVER NAME KNOWN, GEOTHERMAL STEAM AND ALL PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM ANY OF THE FOREGOING, THAT MAY BE WITHIN OR UNDER THE PARCEL OF LAND HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, TOGETHER WITH THE PERPETUAL RIGHT OF DRILLING, MINING, EXPLORING AND OPERATING THEREFORE AND STORING IN AND REMOVING THE SAME FROM SAID LAND OR ANY OTHER LAND, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILL AND MINE FROM LANDS OTHER THAN THOSE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, OIL OR GAS WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS INTO, THROUGH OR ACROSS THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED AND TO BOTTOM SUCH WHIPSTOCKED OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILLED WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS UNDER AND BENEATH OR BEYOND THE EXTERIOR LIMITS THEREOF, AND TO REDRILL, RETUNNEL, EQUIP, MAINTAIN, REPAIR, DEEPEN AND OPERATE ANY SUCH WELLS OR MINES WITHOUT, HOWEVER, THE RIGHT TO DRILL, MINE, STORE, EXPLORE OR OPERATE THROUGH THE SURFACE OR THE UPPER 500 FEET OF THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, AS RESERVED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY IN DEED RECORDED JUNE 4, 1974 IN BOOK 11161, PAGE 177, OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS. APN(s): 458-361-10 PARCEL B: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 16760, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 65, PAGE 4 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. APN(s): 458-361-02; 458-361-10 PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Title Company Your Reference: Order No.: 997-23046485-B-KM5 CLTA Preliminary Report Form – Modified (11/17/06)Page 4 AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: A.Property taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2014-2015. B.Assessor’s Parcel No. 458-361-10 and 458-361-02 has been identified as State Board of Equalization parcel. No county taxes are due or payable at this time. C.Any liens or other assessments, bonds, or special district liens including without limitation, Community Facility Districts, that arise by reason of any local, City, Municipal or County Project or Special District. D.The lien of supplemental or escaped assessments of property taxes, if any, made pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 or Part 2, Chapter 3, Articles 3 and 4 respectively (commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California as a result of the transfer of title to the vestee named in Schedule A; or as a result of changes in ownership or new construction occurring prior to date of policy. 1.Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. 2.Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, source of income, gender, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition or genetic information, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth in the document Recording Date:June 12, 1964 Recording No:in Book 7085, Page 258, of Official Records Said instrument provides or establishes: Road and utility purposes Affects:The Easterly and Southerly 50 feet of said land. 3.Covenants, conditions and restrictions but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, source of income, gender, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition or genetic information, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth in the document Recording Date:June 4, 1974 Recording No:in Book 11161, Page 177, of Official Records 4.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:City of Irvine, a municipal corporation Purpose:Street and highway Recording Date:May 1, 1979 Recording No:in Book 13127, Page 1776, of Official Records Affects:a portion of said land ITEMS (Continued)Fidelity National Title Company Your Reference: Order No.: 997-23046485-B-KM5 CLTA Preliminary Report Form – Modified (11/17/06)Page 5 5.Matters contained in that certain document Entitled:“Annexation and Development Agreement” Executed by:The City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company and Irvine Community Development Company Recording Date:November 8, 2001 Recording No:as Instrument No. 20010800494, of Official Records Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 6.Any liens and encumbrances, including bonded trust indentures, made or suffered by Pacific Bell Telephone Company, a California corporation, who acquired title as The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a California corporation. 7.Any rights of the parties in possession of a portion of, or all of, said Land, which rights are not disclosed by the public records. The Company will require, for review, a full and complete copy of any unrecorded agreement, contract, license and/or lease, together with all supplements, assignments and amendments thereto, before issuing any policy of title insurance without excepting this item from coverage. The Company reserves the right to except additional items and/or make additional requirements after reviewing said documents. 8.Any easements not disclosed by the public records as to matters affecting title to real property, whether or not said easements are visible and apparent. 9.Matters which may be disclosed by an inspection and/or by a correct ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of said Land that is satisfactory to the Company, and/or by inquiry of the parties in possession thereof. 10.The Company will require the following documents for review prior to the issuance of any title assurance predicated upon a conveyance or encumbrance by the corporation named below: Name of Corporation:Pacific Bell Telephone Company a)A Copy of the corporation By-laws and Articles of Incorporation b)An original or certified copy of a resolution authorizing the transaction contemplated herein c)If the Articles and/or By-laws require approval by a ‘parent’ organization, a copy of the Articles and By- laws of the parent The Company reserves the right to add additional items or make further requirements after review of the requested documentation. 11.Please be advised that our search did not disclose any open Deeds of Trust of record. If you should have knowledge of any outstanding obligation, please contact the Title Department immediately for further review prior to closing. PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Title Company Your Reference: Order No.: 997-23046485-B-KM5 CLTA Preliminary Report Form – Modified (11/17/06)Page 6 12.Unrecorded matters which may be disclosed by an Owner’s Affidavit or Declaration. A form of the Owner’s Affidavit/Declaration is attached to this Preliminary Report/Commitment. This Affidavit/Declaration is to be completed by the record owner of the land and submitted for review prior to the closing of this transaction. Your prompt attention to this requirement will help avoid delays in the closing of this transaction. Thank you. The Company reserves the right to add additional items or make further requirements after review of the requested Affidavit/Declaration. 13.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:The City of Newport Beach, a municipal corporation Purpose:Street and highway (Ford Road) Recording Date:December 17, 1970 Recording No:Book 9493, Page 363 of Official Records Affects:A Portion of Parcel B. END OF ITEMS PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Title Company Your Reference: Order No.: 997-23046485-B-KM5 CLTA Preliminary Report Form – Modified (11/17/06)Page 7 Note No. 1: Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation regulates the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or sub-escrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity’s escrow and/or sub-escrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may be subject to a holding period, which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all funding should be done via wire transfer. Funds deposited with the Company via wire transfer may be disbursed upon receipt. Funds deposited by cashiers checks, certified checks, and teller’s checks is one business day after the day deposited. Other checks may require hold periods from two to five business days after the day deposited, and may delay your closing. The Company may receive benefits from such banks based upon the balances in such accounts. Such benefits will be retained by the Company as part of its compensation for handling such funds. Note No. 2: The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less that the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled “no fee” pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. Note No. 3: California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18668, effective January 1, 1991, requires that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate, withhold 3-1/3% of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained, and as amended. Note No. 4: Your application for title insurance was placed by reference to a street address or assessor’s parcel number. Based upon our records, we believe that the description in this report covers the parcel that you requested. To prevent errors, we require written confirmation that the legal description contained herein covers the parcel that you requested. Note No. 5: The plat, (map), which is attached to this report, is to assist you in locating land with reference to streets and other parcels. While this plat is believed to be correct, the Company assumes no liability for any loss occurring by reason of reliance thereon. Note No. 6: The policy of title insurance will include an arbitration provision. The Company or the insured may demand arbitration. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a policy provision or other obligation. Please ask your escrow or title officer for a sample copy of the policy to be issued if you wish to review the arbitration provisions and any other provisions pertaining to your Title Insurance coverage. Note No. 7: The policy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance is less than the amount, if any, set forth in the arbitration clause, all arbitrable matters shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. Note:There are NO conveyances affecting said Land recorded within 24 months of the date of this report. Note:The current owner does NOT qualify for the $20.00 discount pursuant to the coordinated stipulated judgments entered in actions filed by both the Attorney General and private class action plaintiffs, for the herein described Land. END OF NOTES PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Title Company Your Reference: Order No.: 997-23046485-B-KM5 OWNER'S DECLARATION The undersigned hereby declares as follows: 1.(Fill in the applicable paragraph and strike the other) a.Declarant ("Owner") is the owner or lessee, as the case may be, of certain premises located at ____________________________________________________________________________________, further described as follows: See Preliminary Report/Commitment No. 997-23046485-B-KM5 for full legal description (the "Land"). b.Declarant is the ____________________________ of ______________________________________ ("Owner"), which is the owner or lessee, as the case may be, of certain premises located at __________________________________________________________________________________, further described as follows: See Preliminary Report/Commitment No. 997-23046485-B-KM5 for full legal description (the "Land"). 2.(Fill in the applicable paragraph and strike the other) a.During the period of six months immediately preceding the date of this declaration no work has been done, no surveys or architectural or engineering plans have been prepared, and no materials have been furnished in connection with the erection, equipment, repair, protection or removal of any building or other structure on the Land or in connection with the improvement of the Land in any manner whatsoever. b.During the period of six months immediately preceding the date of this declaration certain work has been done and materials furnished in connection with upon the Land in the approximate total sum of $ , but no work whatever remains to be done and no materials remain to be furnished to complete the construction in full compliance with the plans and specifications, nor are there any unpaid bills incurred for labor and materials used in making such improvements or repairs upon the Land, or for the services of architects, surveyors or engineers, except as follows: . Owner, by the undersigned Declarant, agrees to and does hereby indemnify and hold harmless Fidelity National Title Insurance Company against any and all claims arising therefrom. 3.Owner has not previously conveyed the Land; is not a debtor in bankruptcy (and if a partnership, the general partner thereof is not a debtor in bankruptcy); and has not received notice of any pending court action affecting the title to the Land. 4.Except as shown in the above-referenced Preliminary Report/Commitment, there are no unpaid or unsatisfied mortgages, deeds of trust, Uniform Commercial Code financing statements, claims of lien, special assessments, or taxes that constitute a lien against the Land or that affect the Land but have not been recorded in the public records. 5.The Land is currently in use as ; occupy/occupies the Land; and the following are all of the leases or other occupancy rights affecting the Land: 6.There are no other persons or entities that assert an ownership interest in the Land, nor are there unrecorded easements, claims of easement, or boundary disputes that affect the Land. 7.There are no outstanding options to purchase or rights of first refusal affecting the Land. This declaration is made with the intention that Fidelity National Title Insurance Company (the "Company") and its policy issuing agents will rely upon it in issuing their title insurance policies and endorsements. Owner, by the undersigned Declarant, agrees to indemnify the Company against loss or damage (including attorneys fees, expenses, and costs) incurred by the Company as a result of any untrue statement made herein. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on at . Signature: Privacy Notice Effective: January 24, 2014 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL PRIVACY NOTICE Fidelity National Financial, Inc. and its majority-owned subsidiary companies providing real estate- and loan-related services (collectively, “FNF”, “our” or “we”) respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Notice lets you know how and for what purposes your Personal Information (as defined herein) is being collected, processed and used by FNF. We pledge that we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information will only be used in ways that are in compliance with this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice is only in effect for any generic information and Personal Information collected and/or owned by FNF, including collection through any FNF website and any online features, services and/or programs offered by FNF (collectively, the “Website”). This Privacy Notice is not applicable to any other web pages, mobile applications, social media sites, email lists, generic information or Personal Information collected and/or owned by any entity other than FNF. Collection and Use of Information The types of personal information FNF collects may include, among other things (collectively, “Personal Information”): (1) contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number, email address); (2) demographic information (e.g., date of birth, gender marital status); (3) Internet protocol (or IP) address or device ID/UDID; (4) social security number (SSN), student ID (SIN), driver’s license, passport, and other government ID numbers; (5) financial account information; and (6) information related to offenses or criminal convictions. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: •Applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; •Information we receive from you through the Website; •Information about your transactions with or services performed by us, our affiliates, or others; and •From consumer or other reporting agencies and public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates or others. Information collected by FNF is used for three main purposes: •To provide products and services to you or one or more third party service providers (collectively, “Third Parties”) who are obtaining services on your behalf or in connection with a transaction involving you. •To improve our products and services that we perform for you or for Third Parties. •To communicate with you and to inform you about FNF’s, FNF’s affiliates and third parties’ products and services. Additional Ways Information is Collected Through the Website Browser Log Files. Our servers automatically log each visitor to the Website and collect and record certain information about each visitor. This information may include IP address, browser language, browser type, operating system, domain names, browsing history (including time spent at a domain, time and date of your visit), referring/exit web pages and URLs, and number of clicks. The domain name and IP address reveal nothing personal about the user other than the IP address from which the user has accessed the Website. Cookies. From time to time, FNF or other third parties may send a “cookie” to your computer. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your Internet browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive and that can be re-sent to the serving website on subsequent visits. A cookie, by itself, cannot read other data from your hard disk or read other cookie files already on your computer. A cookie, by itself, does not damage your system. We, our advertisers and other third parties may use cookies to identify and keep track of, among other things, those areas of the Website and third party websites that you have visited in the past in order to enhance your next visit to the Website. You can choose whether or not to accept cookies by changing the settings of your Internet browser, but some functionality of the Website may be impaired or not function as intended. See the Third Party Opt Out section below. Web Beacons. Some of our web pages and electronic communications may contain images, which may or may not be visible to you, known as Web Beacons (sometimes referred to as “clear gifs”). Web Beacons collect only limited information that includes a cookie number; time and date of a page view; and a description of the page on which the Web Beacon resides. We may also carry Web Beacons placed by third party advertisers. These Web Beacons do not carry any Personal Information and are only used to track usage of the Website and activities associated with the Website. See the Third Party Opt Out section below. Unique Identifier. We may assign you a unique internal identifier to help keep track of your future visits. We may use this information to gather aggregate demographic information about our visitors, and we may use it to personalize the information you see on the Website and some of the electronic communications you receive from us. We keep this information for our internal use, and this information is not shared with others. Third Party Opt Out. Although we do not presently, in the future we may allow third-party companies to serve advertisements and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit the Website. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to the Website in order to provide advertisements about products and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or third party Web Beacon to collect this information, as further described above. Through these technologies, the third party may have access to and use non-personalized information about your online usage activity. You can opt-out of online behavioral services through any one of the ways described below. After you opt-out, you may continue to receive advertisements, but those advertisements will no longer be as relevant to you. •You can opt-out via the Network Advertising Initiative industry opt-out at http://www.networkadvertising.org/. •You can opt-out via the Consumer Choice Page at www.aboutads.info. •For those in the U.K., you can opt-out via the IAB UK's industry opt-out at www.youronlinechoices.com. •You can configure your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) to delete and/or control the use of cookies. More information can be found in the Help system of your browser. Note: If you opt-out as described above, you should not delete your cookies. If you delete your cookies, you will need to opt-out again. When Information Is Disclosed By FNF We may provide your Personal Information (excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies) to various individuals and companies, as permitted by law, without obtaining your Privacy Notice Effective: January 24, 2014 prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may include, without limitation, the following: •To agents, brokers, representatives, or others to provide you with services you have requested, and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity, fraud, material misrepresentation, or nondisclosure in connection with an insurance transaction; •To third-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing services or other functions on our behalf; •To law enforcement or other governmental authority in connection with an investigation, or civil or criminal subpoenas or court orders; and/or •To lenders, lien holders, judgment creditors, or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest must be determined, settled, paid or released prior to a title or escrow closing. In addition to the other times when we might disclose information about you, we might also disclose information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to: (1) comply with a legal process or applicable laws; (2) enforce this Privacy Notice; (3) respond to claims that any materials, documents, images, graphics, logos, designs, audio, video and any other information provided by you violates the rights of third parties; or (4) protect the rights, property or personal safety of FNF, its users or the public. We maintain reasonable safeguards to keep the Personal Information that is disclosed to us secure. We provide Personal Information and non- Personal Information to our subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and other businesses or persons for the purposes of processing such information on our behalf and promoting the services of our trusted business partners, some or all of which may store your information on servers outside of the United States. We require that these parties agree to process such information in compliance with our Privacy Notice or in a similar, industry-standard manner, and we use reasonable efforts to limit their use of such information and to use other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. The use of your information by one of our trusted business partners may be subject to that party’s own Privacy Notice. We do not, however, disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent, in conformity with applicable law, unless such disclosure is otherwise permitted by law. We also reserve the right to disclose Personal Information and/or non- Personal Information to take precautions against liability, investigate and defend against any third-party claims or allegations, assist government enforcement agencies, protect the security or integrity of the Website, and protect the rights, property, or personal safety of FNF, our users or others. We reserve the right to transfer your Personal Information, as well as any other information, in connection with the sale or other disposition of all or part of the FNF business and/or assets. We also cannot make any representations regarding the use or transfer of your Personal Information or other information that we may have in the event of our bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, receivership or an assignment for the benefit of creditors, and you expressly agree and consent to the use and/or transfer of your Personal Information or other information in connection with a sale or transfer of some or all of our assets in any of the above described proceedings. Furthermore, we cannot and will not be responsible for any breach of security by any third parties or for any actions of any third parties that receive any of the information that is disclosed to us. Information from Children We do not collect Personal Information from any person that we know to be under the age of thirteen (13). Specifically, the Website is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of thirteen (13). You affirm that you are either more than 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in this Privacy Notice, and to abide by and comply with this Privacy Notice. In any case, you affirm that you are over the age of 13, as THE WEBSITE IS NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 13 THAT ARE UNACCOMPANIED BY HIS OR HER PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN. Parents should be aware that FNF’s Privacy Notice will govern our use of Personal Information, but also that information that is voluntarily given by children – or others – in email exchanges, bulletin boards or the like may be used by other parties to generate unsolicited communications. FNF encourages all parents to instruct their children in the safe and responsible use of their Personal Information while using the Internet. Privacy Outside the Website The Website may contain various links to other websites, including links to various third party service providers. FNF is not and cannot be responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any of those other websites. Other than under agreements with certain reputable organizations and companies, and except for third party service providers whose services either we use or you voluntarily elect to utilize, we do not share any of the Personal Information that you provide to us with any of the websites to which the Website links, although we may share aggregate, non-Personal Information with those other third parties. Please check with those websites in order to determine their privacy policies and your rights under them. European Union Users If you are a citizen of the European Union, please note that we may transfer your Personal Information outside the European Union for use for any of the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. By providing FNF with your Personal Information, you consent to both our collection and such transfer of your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Notice. Choices with Your Personal Information Whether you submit Personal Information to FNF is entirely up to you. You may decide not to submit Personal Information, in which case FNF may not be able to provide certain services or products to you. You may choose to prevent FNF from disclosing or using your Personal Information under certain circumstances (“opt out”). You may opt out of any disclosure or use of your Personal Information for purposes that are incompatible with the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected or for which you subsequently gave authorization by notifying us by one of the methods at the end of this Privacy Notice. Furthermore, even where your Personal Information is to be disclosed and used in accordance with the stated purposes in this Privacy Notice, you may elect to opt out of such disclosure to and use by a third party that is not acting as an agent of FNF. As described above, there are some uses from which you cannot opt-out. Please note that opting out of the disclosure and use of your Personal Information as a prospective employee may prevent you from being hired as an employee by FNF to the extent that provision of your Personal Information is required to apply for an open position. Privacy Notice Effective: January 24, 2014 If FNF collects Personal Information from you, such information will not be disclosed or used by FNF for purposes that are incompatible with the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected or for which you subsequently gave authorization unless you affirmatively consent to such disclosure and use. You may opt out of online behavioral advertising by following the instructions set forth above under the above section “Additional Ways That Information Is Collected Through the Website,” subsection “Third Party Opt Out.” Access and Correction To access your Personal Information in the possession of FNF and correct inaccuracies of that information in our records, please contact us in the manner specified at the end of this Privacy Notice. We ask individuals to identify themselves and the information requested to be accessed and amended before processing such requests, and we may decline to process requests in limited circumstances as permitted by applicable privacy legislation. Your California Privacy Rights Under California’s “Shine the Light” law, California residents who provide certain personally identifiable information in connection with obtaining products or services for personal, family or household use are entitled to request and obtain from us once a calendar year information about the customer information we shared, if any, with other businesses for their own direct marketing uses. If applicable, this information would include the categories of customer information and the names and addresses of those businesses with which we shared customer information for the immediately prior calendar year (e.g., requests made in 2013 will receive information regarding 2012 sharing activities). To obtain this information on behalf of FNF, please send an email message to privacy@fnf.com with “Request for California Privacy Information” in the subject line and in the body of your message. We will provide the requested information to you at your email address in response. Please be aware that not all information sharing is covered by the “Shine the Light” requirements and only information on covered sharing will be included in our response. Additionally, because we may collect your Personal Information from time to time, California’s Online Privacy Protection Act requires us to disclose how we respond to “do not track” requests and other similar mechanisms. Currently, our policy is that we do not recognize “do not track” requests from Internet browsers and similar devices. Your Consent to This Privacy Notice By submitting Personal Information to FNF, you consent to the collection and use of information by us as specified above or as we otherwise see fit, in compliance with this Privacy Notice, unless you inform us otherwise by means of the procedure identified below. If we decide to change this Privacy Notice, we will make an effort to post those changes on the Website. Each time we collect information from you following any amendment of this Privacy Notice will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms for all previously collected information and information collected from you in the future. We may use comments, information or feedback that you may submit in any manner that we may choose without notice or compensation to you. If you have additional questions or comments, please let us know by sending your comments or requests to: Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32204 Attn: Chief Privacy Officer (888) 934-3354 privacy@fnf.com Copyright © 2014. Fidelity National Financial, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EFFECTIVE AS OF: JANUARY 24, 2014 LAST UPDATED: JANUARY 24, 2014 CA Discount Notice Effective Date: 1-10-2010 Notice of Available Discounts Pursuant to Section 2355.3 in Title 10 of the California Code of Regulations Fidelity National Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“FNF”) must deliver a notice of each discount available under our current rate filing along with the delivery of escrow instructions, a preliminary report or commitment. Please be aware that the provision of this notice does not constitute a waiver of the consumer’s right to be charged the field rate. As such, your transaction may not qualify for the below discounts. You are encouraged to discuss the applicability of one or more of the below discounts with a Company representative. These discounts are generally described below; consult the rate manual for a full description of the terms, conditions and requirements for each discount. These discounts only apply to transaction involving services rendered by the FNF Family of Companies. This notice only applies to transactions involving property improved with a one-to-four family residential dwelling. FNF Underwritten Title Company FNF Underwriter FNTC - Fidelity National Title Company FNTCCA –Fidelity National Title Company of California FNTIC - Fidelity National Title Insurance Company Available Discounts CREDIT FOR PRELIMINARY REPORTS AND/OR COMMITMENTS ON SUBSEQUENT POLICIES (FNTIC) Where no major change in the title has occurred since the issuance of the original report or commitment, the order may be reopened within 12 or 36 months and all or a portion of the charge previously paid for the report or commitment may be credited on a subsequent policy charge. FEE REDUCTION SETTLEMENT PROGRAM (FNTC, FNTCCA and FNTIC) Eligible customers shall receive $20.00 reduction in their title and/or escrow fees charged by the Company for each eligible transaction in accordance with the terms of the Final Judgments entered in The People of the State of California et al. v. Fidelity National Title Insurance Company et al., Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 99AS02793, and related cases. DISASTER LOANS (FNTIC) The charge for a lender’s Policy (Standard or Extended coverage) covering the financing or refinancing by an owner of record, within 24 months of the date of a declaration of a disaster area by the government of the United States or the State of California on any land located in said area, which was partially or totally destroyed in the disaster, will be 50% of the appropriate title insurance rate. CHURCHES OR CHARITABLE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (FNTIC) On properties used as a church or for charitable purposes within the scope of the normal activities of such entities, provided said charge is normally the church’s obligation the charge for an owner’s policy shall be 50% to 70% of the appropriate title insurance rate, depending on the type of coverage selected. The charge for a lender’s policy shall be 40% to 50% of the appropriate title insurance rate, depending on the type of coverage selected. Notice You may be entitled to receive a $20.00 discount on escrow services if you purchased, sold or refinanced residential property in California between May 19,1995 and November 1, 2002. If you had more than one qualifying transaction, you may be entitled to multiple discounts. If your previous transaction involved the same property that is the subject of your current transaction, you do not have to do anything; the Company will provide the discount, provided you are paying for escrow or title services in this transaction. If your previous transaction involved property different from the property that is the subject of your current transaction, you must inform the Company of the earlier transaction, provide the address of the property involved in the previous transaction, and the date or approximate date that the escrow closed to be eligible for the discount. Unless you inform the Company of the prior transaction on property that is not the subject of this transaction, the Company has no obligation to conduct an investigation to determine if you qualify for a discount. If you provided the Company information concerning a prior transaction, the Company is required to determine if you qualify for a discount. Effective through November 1, 2014 Attachment One (06/03/11) ATTACHMENT ONE (Revised 06-03-11) CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY – 1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1.(a)Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building or zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien, or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b)Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2.Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3.Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a)whether or not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b)not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c)resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d)attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e)resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage or for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4.Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with the applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5.Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6.Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the insured the estate of interest insured by this policy or the transaction creating the interest of the insured lender, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency or similar creditors' rights laws. EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE - SCHEDULE B, PART I This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1.Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2.Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or which may be asserted by persons in possession thereof. 3.Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the public records. 4.Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5.(a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. 6.Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material not shown by the public records. CLTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (02-03-10) ALTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE EXCLUSIONS In addition to the Exceptions in Schedule B, You are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting from: 1.Governmental police power, and the existence or violation of those portions of any law or government regulation concerning: a.building; b.zoning; c.land use; d.improvements on the Land; e.land division; and f.environmental protection. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 8.a., 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23 or 27. 2.The failure of Your existing structures, or any part of them, to be constructed in accordance with applicable building codes. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 14 or 15. 3.The right to take the Land by condemning it. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 17. 4.Risks: a.that are created, allowed, or agreed to by You, whether or not they are recorded in the Public Records; b.that are Known to You at the Policy Date, but not to Us, unless they are recorded in the Public Records at the Policy Date; Attachment One (06/03/11) c.that result in no loss to You; or d.that first occur after the Policy Date - this does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 7, 8.e., 25, 26, 27 or 28. 5.Failure to pay value for Your Title. 6.Lack of a right: a.to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in paragraph 3 of Schedule A; and b.in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch the Land. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 11 or 21. 7.The transfer of the Title to You is invalid as a preferential transfer or as a fraudulent transfer or conveyance under federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors’ rights laws. LIMITATIONS ON COVERED RISKS Your insurance for the following Covered Risks is limited on the Owner’s Coverage Statement as follows: For Covered Risk 16, 18, 19, and 21 Your Deductible Amount and Our Maximum Dollar Limit of Liability shown in Schedule A. The deductible amounts and maximum dollar limits shown on Schedule A are as follows: Your Deductible Amount Our Maximum Dollar Limit of Liability Covered Risk 16: 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or $2,500.00 (whichever is less) $10,000.00 Covered Risk 18: 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or $5,000.00 (whichever is less) $25,000.00 Covered Risk 19: 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or $5,000.00 (whichever is less) $25,000.00 Covered Risk 21: 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or $2,500.00 (whichever is less) $5000.00 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6-1-87) EXCLUSIONS In addition to the Exceptions in Schedule B, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting from: 1.Governmental police power, and the existence or violation of any law or government regulation. This includes building and zoning ordinances and also laws and regulations concerning: * land use * improvements on the land * land division * environmental protection This exclusion does not apply to violations or the enforcement of these matters which appear in the public records at Policy Date. This exclusion does not limit the zoning coverage described in Items 12 and 13 of Covered Title Risks. 2.The right to take the land by condemning it, unless: * a notice of exercising the right appears in the public records * on the Policy Date * the taking happened prior to the Policy Date and is binding on you if you bought the land without knowing of the taking 3.Title Risks: * that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you * that are known to you, but not to us, on the Policy Date – unless they appeared in the public records * that result in no loss to you * that first affect your title after the Policy Date – this does not limit the labor and material lien coverage in Item 8 of Covered Title Risks 4.Failure to pay value for your title. 5.Lack of a right: * to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in Item 3 of Schedule A OR * in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land This exclusion does not limit the access coverage in Item 5 of Covered Title Risks. 2006 ALTA LOAN POLICY (06-17-06) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: Attachment One (06/03/11) 1.(a)Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i)the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii)the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii)the subdivision of land; or (iv)environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b)Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2.Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3.Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a)created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b)not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c)resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d)attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 13 or 14); or (e)resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4.Unenforceability of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state where the Land is situated. 5.Invalidity or unenforceability in whole or in part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth-in-lending law. 6.Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors’ rights laws, that the transaction creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, is (a)a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b)a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 13(b) of this policy. 7.Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage in the Public Records. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11(b). The above policy form may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy will also include the following Exceptions from Coverage: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys’ fees or expenses) that arise by reason of: 1.(a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2.Any facts, rights, interests, or claims that are not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 3.Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 4.Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 5.(a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 6.Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material not shown by the Public Records. 2006 ALTA OWNER’S POLICY (06-17-06) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1.(a)Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i)the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii)the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii)the subdivision of land; or (iv)environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b)Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2.Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3.Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a)created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b)not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c)resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d)attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 9 and 10); or (e)resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title. Attachment One (06/03/11) 4.Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors’ rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, is (a)a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b)a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 9 of this policy. 5.Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A. The above policy form may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy will also include the following Exceptions from Coverage: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys’ fees or expenses) that arise by reason of: 1.(a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2.Any facts, rights, interests, or claims that are not shown in the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 3.Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 4.Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and that are not shown by the Public Records. 5.(a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 6.Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material not shown by the Public Records. ALTA EXPANDED COVERAGE RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICY (07-26-10) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys’ fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1.(a)Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i)the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii)the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii)the subdivision of land; or (iv)environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5, 6, 13(c), 13(d), 14 or 16. (b)Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5, 6, 13(c),13(d), 14 or 16. 2.Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3.Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a)created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b)not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c)resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d)attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27 or 28); or (e)resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4.Unenforceability of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state where the Land is situated. 5.Invalidity or unenforceability in whole or in part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and is based upon usury, or any consumer credit protection or truth-in-lending law. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 26. 6.Any claim of invalidity, unenforceability or lack of priority of the lien of the Insured Mortgage as to Advances or modifications made after the Insured has Knowledge that the vestee shown in Schedule A is no longer the owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 11. 7.Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching subsequent to Date of Policy. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 11(b) or 25. 8.The failure of the residential structure, or any portion of it, to have been constructed before, on or after Date of Policy in accordance with applicable building codes. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 5 or 6. 9.Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors’ rights laws, that the transaction creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, is (a)a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b)a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 27(b) of this policy. Appendix I Environmental Lien and AUL Search Report 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.7S August 26, 2015 6 Armstrong Road, Fourth Floor Shelton, CT 06484 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report The EDR Environmental LienSearch Report provides results from a search of available current land title records for environmental cleanup liens and other activity and use limitations, such as engineering controls and institutional controls. A network of professional, trained researchers, following established procedures, uses client supplied address information to: • search for parcel information and/or legal description; • search for ownership information; • research official land title documents recorded at jurisdictional agencies such as recorders' offices, registries of deeds, county clerks' offices, etc.; • access a copy of the deed; • search for environmental encumbering instrument(s) associated with the deed; • provide a copy of any environmental encumbrance(s) based upon a review of key words in the instrument(s) (title, parties involved, and description); and • provide a copy of the deed or cite documents reviewed. Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This report was prepared for the use of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., and Discovery Research Solutions, LLC, exclusively. This report is neither a guarantee of title, a commitment to insure, or a policy of title insurance. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) and Discovery Research Solutions, LLC specifically disclaim the making of any such warranties, including without limitation, merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. The information contained in this report is retrieved as it is recorded from the various agencies that make it available. The total liability is limited to the fee paid for this report. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 4302 FORD ROAD 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 RESEARCH SOURCE Source 1: Orange Assessor Orange County, California Source 2: Orange Recorder Orange County, California PROPERTY INFORMATION Deed 1: Type of Deed: Deed Title is vested in: The Irvine Company Title received from: James Irvine Deed Dated: 07/24/1894 Deed Recorded: 07/28/1894 Book: 94 Page: 167 Legal Description: All that certain piece or parcel of land containing 1.29 acres, more or less, being a portion of Parcel Map filed in Book 65 at Page 4, situate and lying in the County of Orange, State of California. Legal Current Owner: The Irvine Company Property Identifiers: 458-361-10 ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN Environmental Lien: Found Not Found If found: 1st Party: 2nd Party: Dated: Recorded: Book: Page: Docket: Volume: Instrument: Comments: Miscellaneous: EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report OTHER ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATIONS (AULs) Other AUL's: Found Not Found If found: 1st Party: 2nd Party: Dated: Recorded: Book: Page: Docket: Volume: Instrument: Comments: Miscellaneous: EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report DEED EXHIBIT Appendix J Vapor Encroachment Screen neercS tnemhcaorcnE ropaV RDE teehskroW tnemhcaorcnE ropaV s’RDE gnisu deraperP 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.9s August 13, 2015 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Primary Map 2 Secondary Map 3 Aerial Photography 4 Map Findings 5 Record Sources and Currency GR-1 Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice The EDR Vapor Encroachment Worksheet enables EDR's customers to make certain online modifications that effects maps, text and calculations contained in this Report. As a result, maps, text and calculations contained in this Report may have been so modified. EDR has not taken any action to verify any such modifications, and this report and the findings set forth herein must be read in light of this fact. Environmental Data Resources shall not be responsible for any customer's decision to include or not include in any final report any records determined to be within the relevant minimum search distances. This report contains information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANYSUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES.ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, or risk codes provided in this report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assesment performed by an environmental professional can produce information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS TC Page 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of the ASTM Standard Practice for Assessment of Vapor Encroachment into Structures on Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions (E 2600-10). *Each category may include several separate databases, each having a different search distance. For each category, the table reports the maximum search distance applied. See the section 'Record Sources and Currency' for information on individual databases. Summary STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Maximum Search Distance*property1/101/10 - 1/3Federal NPL 0.333 0 0 0 Federal CERCLIS 0.333 0 0 0 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 0.333 0 0 0 Federal RCRA TSD facilities list 0.333 0 0 0 Federal RCRA generators list property 0 -- Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0.333 0 0 0 Federal ERNS list property 0 -- State and tribal - equivalent NPL 0.333 0 0 0 State and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 0.333 0 0 0 State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal 0.333 0 0 0 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 0.333 0 0 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists property 4 -- State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries not searched --- State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0.333 0 0 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites not searched --- Other Standard Environmental Records 0.333 1 0 0 HISTORICAL USE RECORDS Former manufactured Gas Plants 0.333 0 0 0 Historical Gas Stations 0.25 0 0 0 Historical Dry Cleaners 0.25 0 0 0 Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives property 0 -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 4302 FORD ROAD 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 COORDINATES TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. Latitude (North):33.629 - 33° 37¢ 44.405823² Longitude (West):117.861 - 117° 51¢ 39.60022² Elevation:194 ft. above sea level Site Database(s) PACIFIC BELL (LE-129) 4302 FORD RD. CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92660 HIST UST Facility Id: 00000057459 PACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11) 4302 FORD IRVINE, CA 92612 UST Facility Id: 2606 PACIFIC BELL 4302 FORD RD CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 FINDS Registry ID:: 110002946992 RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA ID:: CAT080015001 EPA ID:: CAT080015001 EMI Facility Id: 68809 HAZNET GEPAID: CAT080015001 PACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11) 4302 FORD RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 SWEEPS UST Status: A Comp Number: 2606 Tank Status: A CA FID UST Status: A Facility Id: 30016325 AT & T CALIFORNIA (LE129) 4302 FORD RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 UST Facility Id: FA0024697 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 No Aquiflow sites reported. AQUIFLOW Search Radius: 0.333 Mile. Available NWI Wetlands: AvailableFlood Zone: PHYSICAL SETTING INFORMATION Min: 6.1 Max: 7.8 Min: 4 Max: 14 Not reportedNot reportedloam25 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: loamSoil Surface Texture: ANAHEIMSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 1 in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 Not reportedNot reportedsandy loam79 inches64 inches 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy clay loam64 inches20 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy clay loam20 inches11 inches 3 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy clay11 inches 7 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 2 Max: Min: Min: Max: Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered29 inches25 inches 2 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 4 Max: Min: Min: Max: Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered20 inches16 inches 2 Min: 5.6 Max: 7.3 Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy loam16 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam79 inches64 inches 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam64 inches20 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam20 inches11 inches 3 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay11 inches 7 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam79 inches70 inches 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam70 inches27 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam27 inches18 inches 3 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay18 inches11 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam11 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: textures. moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep,Hydrologic Group: fine sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: SAN EMIGDIOSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 7 Max: Min: Min: Max: Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered29 inches25 inches 2 Min: 6.1 Max: 7.8 Min: 1.4 Max: 4 Not reportedNot reportedclay loam25 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: ModerateCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: clay loamSoil Surface Texture: ANAHEIMSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered11 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 5.1 Max: 7.3 Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 8 Min: 7.9 Max: 8.4 Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reported loam very fine sandy coarse sand to gravelly loamy stratified61 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 7.9 Max: 8.4 Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reportedfine sandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam70 inches27 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam27 inches18 inches 3 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay18 inches11 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam11 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 Min: 5.6 Max: 7.3 Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 10 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam79 inches70 inches 5 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 1.4 Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered18 inches14 inches 2 Min: 7.9 Max: 8.4 Min: 4 Max: 14 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayclay loam14 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not hydricHydric Status: Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: clay loamSoil Surface Texture: CALLEGUASSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 11 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered11 inches 7 inches 2 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/secLayer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction(pH) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 18 19 20 24 25 SEARCH RESULTS Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS HISTORICAL USE RECORDS Name Address Dist/Dir Map ID Page PACIFIC BELL (LE-129)4302 FORD RD.Property s A1 HIST UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists PACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11)4302 FORD Property s A2 UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists PACIFIC BELL 4302 FORD RD Property s A3 FINDS: Other Standard Environmental Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: Other Standard Environmental Records EMI: Other Standard Environmental Records HAZNET: Other Standard Environmental Records PACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11)4302 FORD RD Property s A4 SWEEPS UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists CA FID UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists AT & T CALIFORNIA (LE129)4302 FORD RD Property s A5 UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Name Address Dist/Dir Map ID Page Not Reported EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13 . A . 60 kV 0 120801 20 16 0 0 1201201 204040 80800808080 280 2 802 0 0 1202 0 0200 200120120120 120120120120120 2 0 0 200 200200 200 20 0 1 601208080120 1201601 60 16 0160160160 160 160 160 1 6 0 160200200 200 2 40 200200 20 2002 0 0 2003 28240240200160160120802002008020020024 0 80200 160200 20 0 200200 120120 200 20020 0 200160 1 60 160160 2002 00 200200200200 40040020044044020060056056052052048048080440 4 4 0 400 400 360 360 3 20 3202 80280 802 4 0 2 40 2402402402 4 0 A . 0 300 1/3 Miles LEGEND DATABASE ACRONYM: Applicable categories (A hoverbox with database description). FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS, CITY, ST, ZIP EDR SITE ID NUMBER t MAP ID# Direction Distance Range (Distance feet / miles) Relative Elevation Feet Above Sea Level ASTM 2600 Record Sources found in this report. Each database searched has been assigned to one or more categories. For detailed information about categorization, see the section of the report Records Searched and Currency. Worksheet: Comments: Comments may be added on the online Vapor Encroachment Worksheet. PACIFIC BELL (LE-129) 4302 FORD RD., CORONA DEL MAR, CA, 92660 U001577445 s A1 Target Property 194 ft. Above Sea Level State and tribal registered storage tank lists Worksheet: Groundwater Flow Gradient: Upgradient or Indeterminate: YES HIST UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists > Region:STATE Facility ID:00000057459 Facility Type:Other Other Type:SIC 4800 Contact Name:E.J. KOEHLER Telephone:4155426758 Owner Name:PACIFIC BELL Owner Address:370 THIRD STREET Owner City,St,Zip:SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 Total Tanks:0001 Tank Num:001 Container Num:1 Year Installed:1973 Tank Capacity:00005000 Tank Used for:PRODUCT Type of Fuel:DIESEL Container Construction Thickness:Not Reported Leak Detection:None MAP FINDINGS TC Page 18 PACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11) 4302 FORD, IRVINE, CA, 92612 U003659681 s A2 Target Property 194 ft. Above Sea Level State and tribal registered storage tank lists Worksheet: Groundwater Flow Gradient: Upgradient or Indeterminate: YES UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists > Facility ID:2606 Permitting Agency:ORANGE COUNTY Latitude:33.629905 Longitude:-117.85882 MAP FINDINGS TC Page 19 PACIFIC BELL 4302 FORD RD, CORONA DEL MAR, CA, 92625 1000250283 s A3 Target Property 194 ft. Above Sea Level Other Standard Environmental Records Worksheet: Groundwater Flow Gradient: Upgradient or Indeterminate: YES FINDS: Other Standard Environmental Records > Registry ID:110002946992 Environmental Interest/Information System: California Hazardous Waste Tracking System - Datamart (HWTS-DATAMART) provides California with information on hazardous waste shipments for generators, transporters, and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. RCRA NonGen / NLR: Other Standard Environmental Records > Date form received by agency:07/06/1998 Facility name:PACIFIC BELL Facility address:4302 FORD RD CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 EPA ID:CAT080015001 Mailing address:500 S MAIN S TOWER BOCC RM 260 ORANGE, CA 92668 Contact:DAVALYNN BOTELL Contact address:P O BOX 5095 ROOM 1N200 SAN RAMON, CA 945830995 Contact country:US Contact telephone:(714) 972-5116 Contact email:Not Reported EPA Region:09 Classification:Non-Generator Description:Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name:THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO Owner/operator address:NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, ME 99999 Owner/operator country:Not Reported Owner/operator telephone:(415) 555-1212 Legal status:Private MAP FINDINGS TC Page 20 PACIFIC BELL, 4302 FORD RD, CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 (Continued) Owner/Operator Type:Owner Owner/Op start date:Not Reported Owner/Op end date:Not Reported Owner/operator name:NOT REQUIRED Owner/operator address:NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, ME 99999 Owner/operator country:Not Reported Owner/operator telephone:(415) 555-1212 Legal status:Private Owner/Operator Type:Operator Owner/Op start date:Not Reported Owner/Op end date:Not Reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste:No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive):No Recycler of hazardous waste:No Transporter of hazardous waste:No Treater, storer or disposer of HW:No Underground injection activity:No On-site burner exemption:No Furnace exemption:No Used oil fuel burner:No Used oil processor:No User oil refiner:No Used oil fuel marketer to burner:No Used oil Specification marketer:No Used oil transfer facility:No Used oil transporter:No Historical Generators: Date form received by agency:09/01/1996 Site name:PACIFIC BELL Classification:Small Quantity Generator Violation Status:No violations found EMI: Other Standard Environmental Records > Year:1990 County Code:30 Air Basin:SC Facility ID:68809 Air District Name:SC SIC Code:4813 Air District Name:SOUTH COAST AQMD Community Health Air Pollution Info System: Not Reported Consolidated Emission Reporting Rule: Not Reported MAP FINDINGS TC Page 21 PACIFIC BELL, 4302 FORD RD, CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 (Continued) Total Organic Hydrocarbon Gases Tons/Yr: 0 Reactive Organic Gases Tons/Yr:0 Carbon Monoxide Emissions Tons/Yr:1 NOX - Oxides of Nitrogen Tons/Yr:2 SOX - Oxides of Sulphur Tons/Yr:0 Particulate Matter Tons/Yr:0 Part. Matter 10 Micrometers & Smllr Tons/Yr: 0 HAZNET: Other Standard Environmental Records > envid:1000250283 Year:2009 GEPAID:CAT080015001 Contact:EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRC Telephone:8005669347 Mailing Name:Not Reported Mailing Address:1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140 Mailing City,St,Zip:BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000 Gen County:Not Reported TSD EPA ID:CAD044429835 TSD County:Not Reported Waste Category:Waste oil and mixed oil Disposal Method:Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/Reovery (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Tons:0.1 Facility County:Orange envid:1000250283 Year:2009 GEPAID:CAT080015001 Contact:EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRC Telephone:8005669347 Mailing Name:Not Reported Mailing Address:1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140 Mailing City,St,Zip:BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000 Gen County:Not Reported TSD EPA ID:CAD044429835 TSD County:Not Reported Waste Category:Unspecified oil-containing waste Disposal Method:Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/Reovery (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Tons:0.01 Facility County:Orange envid:1000250283 Year:2009 GEPAID:CAT080015001 Contact:EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRC Telephone:8005669347 Mailing Name:Not Reported Mailing Address:1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140 Mailing City,St,Zip:BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000 MAP FINDINGS TC Page 22 PACIFIC BELL, 4302 FORD RD, CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 (Continued) Gen County:Not Reported TSD EPA ID:CAD044429835 TSD County:Not Reported Waste Category:Unspecified oil-containing waste Disposal Method:Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/Reovery (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Tons:0.01 Facility County:Orange envid:1000250283 Year:2009 GEPAID:CAT080015001 Contact:EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRC Telephone:8005669347 Mailing Name:Not Reported Mailing Address:1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140 Mailing City,St,Zip:BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000 Gen County:Not Reported TSD EPA ID:CAT080013352 TSD County:Not Reported Waste Category:Waste oil and mixed oil Disposal Method:Other Recovery Of Reclamation For Reuse Including Acid Regeneration, Organics Recovery Ect Tons:0.019 Facility County:Orange envid:1000250283 Year:2009 GEPAID:CAT080015001 Contact:EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRC Telephone:8005669347 Mailing Name:Not Reported Mailing Address:1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140 Mailing City,St,Zip:BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000 Gen County:Not Reported TSD EPA ID:CAT080013352 TSD County:Not Reported Waste Category:Waste oil and mixed oil Disposal Method:Other Recovery Of Reclamation For Reuse Including Acid Regeneration, Organics Recovery Ect Tons:0.019 Facility County:Orange The CA_HAZNET database contains 39 additional records for this site. Please contact your EDR Account Executive for more information. MAP FINDINGS TC Page 23 PACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11) 4302 FORD RD, NEWPORT BEACH, CA, 92660 S101609591 s A4 Target Property 194 ft. Above Sea Level State and tribal registered storage tank lists Worksheet: Groundwater Flow Gradient: Upgradient or Indeterminate: YES SWEEPS UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists > Status:Active Comp Number:2606 Number:9 Board Of Equalization:Not Reported Referral Date:09-30-92 Action Date:09-15-92 Created Date:02-29-88 Owner Tank Id:Not Reported SWRCB Tank Id:30-000-002606-000001 Tank Status:A Capacity:5000 Active Date:Not Reported Tank Use:M.V. FUEL STG:P Content:DIESEL Number Of Tanks:1 CA FID UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists > Facility ID:30016325 Regulated By:UTNKA Regulated ID:Not Reported Cortese Code:Not Reported SIC Code:Not Reported Facility Phone:7149667645 Mail To:Not Reported Mailing Address:2600 CAMINO RAMON Mailing Address 2:Not Reported Mailing City,St,Zip:NEWPORT BEACH 92660 Contact:Not Reported Contact Phone:Not Reported DUNs Number:Not Reported NPDES Number:Not Reported EPA ID:Not Reported Comments:Not Reported Status:Active MAP FINDINGS TC Page 24 AT & T CALIFORNIA (LE129) 4302 FORD RD, NEWPORT BEACH, CA, 92660 U003933315 s A5 Target Property 194 ft. Above Sea Level State and tribal registered storage tank lists Worksheet: Groundwater Flow Gradient: Upgradient or Indeterminate: YES ORANGE CO. UST: State and tribal registered storage tank lists > Facility ID:FA0024697 MAP FINDINGS TC Page 25 To maintain currency of the following databases, EDR contacts the appropriate agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update: Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 3 Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact :05/14/2015 RMP: Risk Management Plans Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 40 Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 ALAMEDA CO. UST: Underground Tanks Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in Alameda county. Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Source: Alameda County Environmental Health Services Number of Days to Update: 12 Telephone: 510-567-6700 Last EDR Contact :07/13/2015 AST: Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Search Distance: Property A listing of aboveground storage tank petroleum storage tank locations. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2009 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 21 Telephone: 916-327-5092 Last EDR Contact :07/13/2015 Alameda County CS: Contaminated Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Search Distance: 0.333 Mile RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 1 A listing of contaminated sites overseen by the Toxic Release Program (oil and groundwater contamination from chemical releases and spills) and the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program (soil and ground water contamination from leaking petroleum USTs). Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Source: Alameda County Environmental Health Services Number of Days to Update: 12 Telephone: 510-567-6700 Last EDR Contact :08/10/2015 CA BOND EXP. PLAN: Bond Expenditure Plan Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Department of Health Services developed a site-specific expenditure plan as the basis for an appropriation of Hazardous Substance Cleanup Bond Act funds. It is not updated. Date of Government Version: 01/01/1989 Source: Department of Health Services Number of Days to Update: 6 Telephone: 916-255-2118 Last EDR Contact :05/31/1994 CA FID UST: Facility Inventory Database Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Search Distance: Property The Facility Inventory Database (FID) contains a historical listing of active and inactive underground storage tank locations from the State Water Resource Control Board. Refer to local/county source for current data. Date of Government Version: 10/31/1994 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 24 Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact :12/28/1998 CA LA LF: City of Los Angeles Landfills Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal Landfills owned and maintained by the City of Los Angeles. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2015 Source: Engineering & Construction Division Number of Days to Update: 14 Telephone: 213-473-7869 Last EDR Contact :07/20/2015 CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of drug lab locations. Listing of a location in this database does not indicate that any illegal drug lab materials were or were not present there, and does not constitute a determination that the location either requires or does not require additional cleanup work. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 8 Telephone: 916-255-6504 Last EDR Contact :08/07/2015 CHMIRS: California Hazardous Material Incident Report System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System. CHMIRS contains information on reported hazardous material incidents (accidental releases or spills). RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 2 Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: Office of Emergency Services Number of Days to Update: 6 Telephone: 916-845-8400 Last EDR Contact :07/28/2015 CONTRA COSTA CO. SITE LIST: Site List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile List includes sites from the underground tank, hazardous waste generator and business plan/2185 programs. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Source: Contra Costa Health Services Department Number of Days to Update: 13 Telephone: 925-646-2286 Last EDR Contact :08/03/2015 CORTESE: "Cortese" Hazardous Waste & Substances Sites List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The sites for the list are designated by the State Water Resource Control Board (LUST), the Integrated Waste Board (SWF/LS), and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (Cal-Sites). Date of Government Version: 06/24/2015 Source: CAL EPA/Office of Emergency Information Number of Days to Update: 18 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 CUPA AMADOR: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa Facility List Date of Government Version: 06/05/2015 Source: Amador County Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 31 Telephone: 209-223-6439 Last EDR Contact :06/05/2015 CUPA BUTTE: CUPA Facility Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 11/20/2014 Source: Public Health Department Number of Days to Update: 44 Telephone: 530-538-7149 Last EDR Contact :07/13/2015 CUPA CALVERAS: CUPA Facility Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa Facility Listing Date of Government Version: 07/15/2015 Source: Calveras County Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 209-754-6399 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 CUPA COLUSA: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 06/11/2014 Source: Health & Human Services Number of Days to Update: 24 Telephone: 530-458-0396 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 3 Last EDR Contact :08/10/2015 CUPA DEL NORTE: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa Facility list Date of Government Version: 05/19/2015 Source: Del Norte County Environmental Health Division Number of Days to Update: 14 Telephone: 707-465-0426 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 CUPA EL DORADO: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Source: El Dorado County Environmental Management Department Number of Days to Update: 7 Telephone: 530-621-6623 Last EDR Contact :08/03/2015 CUPA FRESNO: CUPA Resources List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Certified Unified Program Agency. CUPA's are responsible for implementing a unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste management regulatory program. The agency provides oversight of businesses that deal with hazardous materials, operate underground storage tanks or aboveground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2015 Source: Dept. of Community Health Number of Days to Update: 20 Telephone: 559-445-3271 Last EDR Contact :07/06/2015 CUPA HUMBOLDT: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 03/11/2015 Source: Humboldt County Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 11 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :07/14/2015 CUPA IMPERIAL: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 04/27/2015 Source: San Diego Border Field Office Number of Days to Update: 15 Telephone: 760-339-2777 Last EDR Contact :08/07/2015 CUPA INYO: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Source: Inyo County Environmental Health Services Number of Days to Update: 33 Telephone: 760-878-0238 Last EDR Contact :05/21/2015 CUPA KINGS: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 4 A listing of sites included in the county's Certified Unified Program Agency database. California's Secretary for Environmental Protection established the unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulatory program as required by chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. The Unified Program consolidates the administration, permits, inspections, and enforcement activities. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Source: Kings County Department of Public Health Number of Days to Update: 18 Telephone: 559-584-1411 Last EDR Contact :05/21/2015 CUPA LAKE: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 05/05/2015 Source: Lake County Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 13 Telephone: 707-263-1164 Last EDR Contact :07/20/2015 CUPA MADERA: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records A listing of sites included in the county's Certified Unified Program Agency database. California's Secretary for Environmental Protection established the unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulatory program as required by chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. The Unified Program consolidates the administration, permits, inspections, and enforcement activities. Date of Government Version: 05/28/2015 Source: Madera County Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 559-675-7823 Last EDR Contact :05/22/2015 CUPA MERCED: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 05/22/2015 Source: Merced County Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 10 Telephone: 209-381-1094 Last EDR Contact :05/22/2015 CUPA MONO: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA Facility List Date of Government Version: 06/01/2015 Source: Mono County Health Department Number of Days to Update: 33 Telephone: 760-932-5580 Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 CUPA MONTEREY: CUPA Facility Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA Program listing from the Environmental Health Division. Date of Government Version: 06/30/2015 Source: Monterey County Health Department Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 831-796-1297 Last EDR Contact :05/26/2015 CUPA NEVADA: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 5 CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 06/03/2015 Source: Community Development Agency Number of Days to Update: 48 Telephone: 530-265-1467 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 CUPA SAN LUIS OBISPO: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa Facility List. Date of Government Version: 05/22/2015 Source: San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department Number of Days to Update: 15 Telephone: 805-781-5596 Last EDR Contact :05/20/2015 CUPA SANTA BARBARA: CUPA Facility Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA Program Listing from the Environmental Health Services division. Date of Government Version: 09/08/2011 Source: Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Number of Days to Update: 28 Telephone: 805-686-8167 Last EDR Contact :05/22/2015 CUPA SANTA CLARA: Cupa Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 06/10/2015 Source: Department of Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 24 Telephone: 408-918-1973 Last EDR Contact :06/05/2015 CUPA SANTA CRUZ: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA facility listing. Date of Government Version: 05/22/2015 Source: Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 13 Telephone: 831-464-2761 Last EDR Contact :05/22/2015 CUPA SHASTA: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa Facility List. Date of Government Version: 06/12/2015 Source: Shasta County Department of Resource Management Number of Days to Update: 24 Telephone: 530-225-5789 Last EDR Contact :05/26/2015 CUPA SONOMA: Cupa Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa Facility list Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Source: County of Sonoma Fire & Emergency Services Department Number of Days to Update: 18 Telephone: 707-565-1174 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 6 CUPA TUOLUMNE: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 07/13/2015 Source: Divison of Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 6 Telephone: 209-533-5633 Last EDR Contact :07/24/2015 CUPA YUBA: CUPA Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records CUPA facility listing for Yuba County. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2015 Source: Yuba County Environmental Health Department Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 530-749-7523 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 DEED: Deed Restriction Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program Facility Sites with Deed Restrictions & Hazardous Waste Management Program Facility Sites with Deed / Land Use Restriction. The DTSC Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program (SMBRP) list includes sites cleaned up under the program's oversight and generally does not include current or former hazardous waste facilities that required a hazardous waste facility permit. The list represents deed restrictions that are active. Some sites have multiple deed restrictions. The DTSC Hazardous Waste Management Program (HWMP) has developed a list of current or former hazardous waste facilities that have a recorded land use restriction at the local county recorder's office. The land use restrictions on this list were required by the DTSC HWMP as a result of the presence of hazardous substances that remain on site after the facility (or part of the facility) has been closed or cleaned up. The types of land use restriction include deed notice, deed restriction, or a land use restriction that binds current and future owners. Date of Government Version: 06/08/2015 Source: DTSC and SWRCB Number of Days to Update: 35 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :06/09/2015 DRYCLEANERS: Cleaner Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile A list of drycleaner related facilities that have EPA ID numbers. These are facilities with certain SIC codes: power laundries, family and commercial; garment pressing and cleaner's agents; linen supply; coin-operated laundries and cleaning; drycleaning plants, except rugs; carpet and upholster cleaning; industrial launderers; laundry and garment services. Date of Government Version: 02/18/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control Number of Days to Update: 20 Telephone: 916-327-4498 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 EL SEGUNDO UST: City of El Segundo Underground Storage Tank Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in El Segundo city. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Source: City of El Segundo Fire Department Number of Days to Update: 11 Telephone: 310-524-2236 Last EDR Contact :07/17/2015 EMI: Emissions Inventory Data Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 7 Toxics and criteria pollutant emissions data collected by the ARB and local air pollution agencies. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Source: California Air Resources Board Number of Days to Update: 34 Telephone: 916-322-2990 Last EDR Contact :06/25/2015 ENF: Enforcement Action Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of Water Board Enforcement Actions. Formal is everything except Oral/Verbal Communication, Notice of Violation, Expedited Payment Letter, and Staff Enforcement Letter. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Source: State Water Resoruces Control Board Number of Days to Update: 12 Telephone: 916-445-9379 Last EDR Contact :08/07/2015 ENVIROSTOR: EnviroStor Database Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The Department of Toxic Substances Control's (DTSC's) Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program's (SMBRP's) EnviroStor database identifes sites that have known contamination or sites for which there may be reasons to investigate further. The database includes the following site types: Federal Superfund sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites. EnviroStor provides similar information to the information that was available in CalSites, and provides additional site information, including, but not limited to, identification of formerly-contaminated properties that have been released for reuse, properties where environmental deed restrictions have been recorded to prevent inappropriate land uses, and risk characterization information that is used to assess potential impacts to public health and the environment at contaminated sites. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :08/04/2015 HAULERS: Registered Waste Tire Haulers Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of registered waste tire haulers. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Source: Integrated Waste Management Board Number of Days to Update: 8 Telephone: 916-341-6422 Last EDR Contact :08/12/2015 HAZNET: Facility and Manifest Data Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Facility and Manifest Data. The data is extracted from the copies of hazardous waste manifests received each year by the DTSC. The annual volume of manifests is typically 700,000 - 1,000,000 annually, representing approximately 350,000 - 500,000 shipments. Data are from the manifests submitted without correction, and therefore many contain some invalid values for data elements such as generator ID, TSD ID, waste category, and disposal method. This database begins with calendar year 1993. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 35 Telephone: 916-255-1136 Last EDR Contact :07/17/2015 HIST CAL-SITES: Calsites Database RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 8 Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The Calsites database contains potential or confirmed hazardous substance release properties. In 1996, California EPA reevaluated and significantly reduced the number of sites in the Calsites database. No longer updated by the state agency. It has been replaced by ENVIROSTOR. Date of Government Version: 08/08/2005 Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control Number of Days to Update: 21 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :02/23/2009 HIST CORTESE: Hazardous Waste & Substance Site List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The sites for the list are designated by the State Water Resource Control Board [LUST], the Integrated Waste Board [SWF/LS], and the Department of Toxic Substances Control [CALSITES]. This listing is no longer updated by the state agency. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2001 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 76 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :01/22/2009 HIST LUST SANTA CLARA: HIST LUST - Fuel Leak Site Activity Report Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Search Distance: 0.333 Mile A listing of open and closed leaking underground storage tanks. This listing is no longer updated by the county. Leaking underground storage tanks are now handled by the Department of Environmental Health. Date of Government Version: 03/29/2005 Source: Santa Clara Valley Water District Number of Days to Update: 22 Telephone: 408-265-2600 Last EDR Contact :03/23/2009 HIST UST: Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Search Distance: Property The Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database is a historical listing of UST sites. Refer to local/county source for current data. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1990 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 18 Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact :07/26/2001 HWP: EnviroStor Permitted Facilities Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Detailed information on permitted hazardous waste facilities and corrective action ("cleanups") tracked in EnviroStor. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 8 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :05/28/2015 HWT: Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter Database Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 9 A listing of hazardous waste transporters. In California, unless specifically exempted, it is unlawful for any person to transport hazardous wastes unless the person holds a valid registration issued by DTSC. A hazardous waste transporter registration is valid for one year and is assigned a unique registration number. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 20 Telephone: 916-440-7145 Last EDR Contact :07/14/2015 KERN CO. UST: Underground Storage Tank Sites & Tank Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Kern County Sites and Tanks Listing. Date of Government Version: 05/19/2015 Source: Kern County Environment Health Services Department Number of Days to Update: 34 Telephone: 661-862-8700 Last EDR Contact :08/07/2015 LA Co. Site Mitigation: Site Mitigation List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Industrial sites that have had some sort of spill or complaint. Date of Government Version: 01/15/2015 Source: Community Health Services Number of Days to Update: 40 Telephone: 323-890-7806 Last EDR Contact :07/15/2015 LDS: Land Disposal Sites Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property The Land Disposal program regulates of waste discharge to land for treatment, storage and disposal in waste management units. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: State Water Qualilty Control Board Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 LIENS: Environmental Liens Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of property locations with environmental liens for California where DTSC is a lien holder. Date of Government Version: 06/11/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 28 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :06/05/2015 LONG BEACH UST: City of Long Beach Underground Storage Tank Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in the city of Long Beach. Date of Government Version: 03/03/2015 Source: City of Long Beach Fire Department Number of Days to Update: 16 Telephone: 562-570-2563 Last EDR Contact :07/27/2015 LOS ANGELES CO. HMS: HMS: Street Number List RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 10 Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Industrial Waste and Underground Storage Tank Sites. Date of Government Version: 11/24/2014 Source: Department of Public Works Number of Days to Update: 33 Telephone: 626-458-3517 Last EDR Contact :07/10/2015 LOS ANGELES CO. LF: List of Solid Waste Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal Solid Waste Facilities in Los Angeles County. Date of Government Version: 07/20/2015 Source: La County Department of Public Works Number of Days to Update: 13 Telephone: 818-458-5185 Last EDR Contact :07/21/2015 LUST: Geotracker's Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Report Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. For more information on a particular leaking underground storage tank sites, please contact the appropriate regulatory agency. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: see region list Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 LUST REG 1: Active Toxic Site Investigation Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Modoc, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Trinity counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board's LUST database. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2001 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast (1) Number of Days to Update: 29 Telephone: 707-570-3769 Last EDR Contact :08/01/2011 LUST REG 2: Fuel Leak List Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma counties. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2004 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region (2) Number of Days to Update: 30 Telephone: 510-622-2433 Last EDR Contact :09/19/2011 LUST REG 3: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz counties. Date of Government Version: 05/19/2003 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region (3) Number of Days to Update: 14 Telephone: 805-542-4786 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 11 Last EDR Contact :07/18/2011 LUST REG 4: Underground Storage Tank Leak List Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Los Angeles, Ventura counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board's LUST database. Date of Government Version: 09/07/2004 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region (4) Number of Days to Update: 35 Telephone: 213-576-6710 Last EDR Contact :09/06/2011 LUST REG 5: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Calveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo, Yuba counties. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2008 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region (5) Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 916-464-4834 Last EDR Contact :07/01/2011 LUST REG 6L: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board's LUST database. Date of Government Version: 09/09/2003 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region (6) Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 530-542-5572 Last EDR Contact :09/12/2011 LUST REG 6V: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, San Bernardino counties. Date of Government Version: 06/07/2005 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Victorville Branch Office (6) Number of Days to Update: 22 Telephone: 760-241-7365 Last EDR Contact :09/12/2011 LUST REG 7: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Imperial, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara counties. Date of Government Version: 02/26/2004 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Colorado River Basin Region (7) Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 760-776-8943 Last EDR Contact :08/01/2011 LUST REG 8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8). For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board's LUST database. Date of Government Version: 02/14/2005 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8) RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 12 Number of Days to Update: 41 Telephone: 909-782-4496 Last EDR Contact :08/15/2011 LUST REG 9: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Report Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Orange, Riverside, San Diego counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board's LUST database. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2001 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region (9) Number of Days to Update: 28 Telephone: 858-637-5595 Last EDR Contact :09/26/2011 LUST SANTA CLARA: LOP Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists A listing of leaking underground storage tanks located in Santa Clara county. Date of Government Version: 03/03/2014 Source: Department of Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 13 Telephone: 408-918-3417 Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 MARIN CO. UST: Underground Storage Tank Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Currently permitted USTs in Marin County. Date of Government Version: 10/08/2014 Source: Public Works Department Waste Management Number of Days to Update: 54 Telephone: 415-499-6647 Last EDR Contact :07/06/2015 MCS: Military Cleanup Sites Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property The State Water Resources Control Board and nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards partner with the Department of Defense (DoD) through the Defense and State Memorandum of Agreement (DSMOA) to oversee the investigation and remediation of water quality issues at military facilities. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 MED WASTE VENTURA: Medical Waste Program List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property To protect public health and safety and the environment from potential exposure to disease causing agents, the Environmental Health Division Medical Waste Program regulates the generation, handling, storage, treatment and disposal of medical waste throughout the County. Date of Government Version: 04/27/2015 Source: Ventura County Resource Management Agency Number of Days to Update: 14 Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact :07/27/2015 MWMP: Medical Waste Management Program Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 13 The Medical Waste Management Program (MWMP) ensures the proper handling and disposal of medical waste by permitting and inspecting medical waste Offsite Treatment Facilities (PDF) and Transfer Stations (PDF) throughout the state. MWMP also oversees all Medical Waste Transporters. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Source: Department of Public Health Number of Days to Update: 35 Telephone: 916-558-1784 Last EDR Contact :06/09/2015 NAPA CO. LUST: Sites With Reported Contamination Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Napa county. Date of Government Version: 12/05/2011 Source: Napa County Department of Environmental Management Number of Days to Update: 63 Telephone: 707-253-4269 Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 NAPA CO. UST: Closed and Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in Napa county. Date of Government Version: 01/15/2008 Source: Napa County Department of Environmental Management Number of Days to Update: 23 Telephone: 707-253-4269 Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 NOTIFY 65: Proposition 65 Records Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Listings of all Proposition 65 incidents reported to counties by the State Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This database is no longer updated by the reporting agency. Date of Government Version: 10/21/1993 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 18 Telephone: 916-445-3846 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 NPDES: NPDES Permits Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of NPDES permits, including stormwater. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2015 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 22 Telephone: 916-445-9379 Last EDR Contact :05/20/2015 ORANGE CO. LUST: List of Underground Storage Tank Cleanups Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Orange County Underground Storage Tank Cleanups (LUST). Date of Government Version: 05/01/2015 Source: Health Care Agency Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact :05/06/2015 ORANGE CO. UST: List of Underground Storage Tank Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 14 Orange County Underground Storage Tank Facilities (UST). Date of Government Version: 05/01/2015 Source: Health Care Agency Number of Days to Update: 30 Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact :08/11/2015 Orange Co. Industrial Site: List of Industrial Site Cleanups Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Petroleum and non-petroleum spills. Date of Government Version: 05/01/2015 Source: Health Care Agency Number of Days to Update: 24 Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact :08/06/2015 PLACER CO. MS: Master List of Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile List includes aboveground tanks, underground tanks and cleanup sites. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2015 Source: Placer County Health and Human Services Number of Days to Update: 29 Telephone: 530-745-2363 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 PROC: Certified Processors Database Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile A listing of certified processors. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: Department of Conservation Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 916-323-3836 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 RESPONSE: State Response Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal - equivalent NPL Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Identifies confirmed release sites where DTSC is involved in remediation, either in a lead or oversight capacity. These confirmed release sites are generally high-priority and high potential risk. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :08/04/2015 RIVERSIDE CO. LUST: Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Riverside County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST). Date of Government Version: 07/15/2015 Source: Department of Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 951-358-5055 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 RIVERSIDE CO. UST: Underground Storage Tank Tank List RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 15 Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in Riverside county. Date of Government Version: 07/15/2015 Source: Department of Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 951-358-5055 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 SAN DIEGO CO. HMMD: Hazardous Materials Management Division Database Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property The database includes: HE58 - This report contains the business name, site address, business phone number, establishment 'H' permit number, type of permit, and the business status. HE17 - In addition to providing the same information provided in the HE58 listing, HE17 provides inspection dates, violations received by the establishment, hazardous waste generated, the quantity, method of storage, treatment/disposal of waste and the hauler, and information on underground storage tanks. Unauthorized Release List - Includes a summary of environmental contamination cases in San Diego County (underground tank cases, non-tank cases, groundwater contamination, and soil contamination are included.) Date of Government Version: 09/23/2013 Source: Hazardous Materials Management Division Number of Days to Update: 23 Telephone: 619-338-2268 Last EDR Contact :06/05/2015 SAN DIEGO CO. LF: Solid Waste Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal San Diego County Solid Waste Facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/31/2014 Source: Department of Health Services Number of Days to Update: 38 Telephone: 619-338-2209 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 SAN DIEGO CO. SAM: Environmental Case Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The listing contains all underground tank release cases and projects pertaining to properties contaminated with hazardous substances that are actively under review by the Site Assessment and Mitigation Program. Date of Government Version: 03/23/2010 Source: San Diego County Department of Environmental Health Number of Days to Update: 24 Telephone: 619-338-2371 Last EDR Contact :06/03/2015 SAN FRANCISCO CO. LUST: Local Oversite Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in San Francisco county. Date of Government Version: 09/19/2008 Source: Department Of Public Health San Francisco County Number of Days to Update: 10 Telephone: 415-252-3920 Last EDR Contact :08/06/2015 SAN FRANCISCO CO. UST: Underground Storage Tank Information Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in San Francisco county. Date of Government Version: 11/29/2010 Source: Department of Public Health Number of Days to Update: 5 Telephone: 415-252-3920 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 16 Last EDR Contact :08/06/2015 SAN JOSE HAZMAT: Hazardous Material Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Hazardous material facilities, including underground storage tank sites. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Source: City of San Jose Fire Department Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 408-535-7694 Last EDR Contact :08/07/2015 SAN MATEO CO. LUST: Fuel Leak List Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in San Mateo county. Date of Government Version: 06/10/2015 Source: San Mateo County Environmental Health Services Division Number of Days to Update: 28 Telephone: 650-363-1921 Last EDR Contact :06/10/2015 SCH: School Property Evaluation Program Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property This category contains proposed and existing school sites that are being evaluated by DTSC for possible hazardous materials contamination. In some cases, these properties may be listed in the CalSites category depending on the level of threat to public health and safety or the environment they pose. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :08/04/2015 SLIC: Statewide SLIC Cases Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 SLIC REG 1: Active Toxic Site Investigations Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/03/2003 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region (1) Number of Days to Update: 18 Telephone: 707-576-2220 Last EDR Contact :08/01/2011 SLIC REG 2: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 17 The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2004 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region (2) Number of Days to Update: 30 Telephone: 510-286-0457 Last EDR Contact :09/19/2011 SLIC REG 3: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2006 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region (3) Number of Days to Update: 28 Telephone: 805-549-3147 Last EDR Contact :07/18/2011 SLIC REG 4: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 11/17/2004 Source: Region Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region (4) Number of Days to Update: 47 Telephone: 213-576-6600 Last EDR Contact :07/01/2011 SLIC REG 5: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2005 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region (5) Number of Days to Update: 16 Telephone: 916-464-3291 Last EDR Contact :09/12/2011 SLIC REG 6L: SLIC Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/07/2004 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region Number of Days to Update: 35 Telephone: 530-542-5574 Last EDR Contact :08/15/2011 SLIC REG 6V: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2005 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board, Victorville Branch Number of Days to Update: 22 Telephone: 619-241-6583 Last EDR Contact :08/15/2011 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 18 SLIC REG 7: SLIC List Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 11/24/2004 Source: California Regional Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin Region Number of Days to Update: 36 Telephone: 760-346-7491 Last EDR Contact :08/01/2011 SLIC REG 8: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/03/2008 Source: California Region Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8) Number of Days to Update: 11 Telephone: 951-782-3298 Last EDR Contact :09/12/2011 SLIC REG 9: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2007 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region (9) Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 858-467-2980 Last EDR Contact :08/08/2011 SOLANO CO. LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Solano county. Date of Government Version: 06/19/2015 Source: Solano County Department of Environmental Management Number of Days to Update: 20 Telephone: 707-784-6770 Last EDR Contact :06/10/2015 SOLANO CO. UST: Underground Storage Tanks Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in Solano county. Date of Government Version: 06/19/2015 Source: Solano County Department of Environmental Management Number of Days to Update: 7 Telephone: 707-784-6770 Last EDR Contact :06/10/2015 SONOMA CO. LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Sonoma county. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2015 Source: Department of Health Services Number of Days to Update: 7 Telephone: 707-565-6565 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 SUTTER CO. UST: Underground Storage Tanks RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 19 Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in Sutter county. Date of Government Version: 06/05/2015 Source: Sutter County Department of Agriculture Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 530-822-7500 Last EDR Contact :06/05/2015 SWEEPS UST: SWEEPS UST Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Search Distance: Property Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System. This underground storage tank listing was updated and maintained by a company contacted by the SWRCB in the early 1990's. The listing is no longer updated or maintained. The local agency is the contact for more information on a site on the SWEEPS list. Date of Government Version: 06/01/1994 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 35 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :06/03/2005 SWF/LF (SWIS): Solid Waste Information System Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Active, Closed and Inactive Landfills.SWF/LF records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills.These may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Section 4004 criteriafor solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2015 Source: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Number of Days to Update: 16 Telephone: 916-341-6320 Last EDR Contact :05/20/2015 SWRCY: Recycler Database Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal Search Distance: 0.333 Mile A listing of recycling facilities in California. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: Department of Conservation Number of Days to Update: 47 Telephone: 916-323-3836 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 Sacramento Co. CS: Toxic Site Clean-Up List Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Search Distance: 0.333 Mile List of sites where unauthorized releases of potentially hazardous materials have occurred. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Source: Sacramento County Environmental Management Number of Days to Update: 10 Telephone: 916-875-8406 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 Sacramento Co. ML: Master Hazardous Materials Facility List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 20 Any business that has hazardous materials on site - hazardous material storage sites, underground storage tanks, waste generators. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Source: Sacramento County Environmental Management Number of Days to Update: 7 Telephone: 916-875-8406 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 San Bern. Co. Permit: Hazardous Material Permits Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile This listing includes underground storage tanks, medical waste handlers/generators, hazardous materials handlers, hazardous waste generators, and waste oil generators/handlers. Date of Government Version: 06/30/2015 Source: San Bernardino County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division Number of Days to Update: 7 Telephone: 909-387-3041 Last EDR Contact :08/10/2015 San Mateo Co. BI: Business Inventory Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile List includes Hazardous Materials Business Plan, hazardous waste generators, and underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 07/20/2015 Source: San Mateo County Environmental Health Services Division Number of Days to Update: 12 Telephone: 650-363-1921 Last EDR Contact :06/15/2015 TORRANCE UST: City of Torrance Underground Storage Tank Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in the city of Torrance. Date of Government Version: 06/03/2015 Source: City of Torrance Fire Department Number of Days to Update: 32 Telephone: 310-618-2973 Last EDR Contact :06/04/2015 TOXIC PITS: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Toxic PITS Cleanup Act Sites. TOXIC PITS identifies sites suspected of containing hazardous substances where cleanup has not yet been completed. Date of Government Version: 07/01/1995 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 916-227-4364 Last EDR Contact :01/26/2009 UIC: UIC Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of wells identified as underground injection wells, in the California Oil and Gas Wells database. Date of Government Version: 11/19/2014 Source: Deaprtment of Conservation Number of Days to Update: 45 Telephone: 916-445-2408 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 21 Last EDR Contact :06/19/2015 UST: Active UST Facilities Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Search Distance: Property Active UST facilities gathered from the local regulatory agencies Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Source: SWRCB Number of Days to Update: 19 Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 UST MENDOCINO: Mendocino County UST Database Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists A listing of underground storage tank locations in Mendocino County. Date of Government Version: 09/23/2009 Source: Department of Public Health Number of Days to Update: 8 Telephone: 707-463-4466 Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 UST SAN JOAQUIN: San Joaquin Co. UST Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists A listing of underground storage tank locations in San Joaquin county. Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Source: Environmental Health Department Number of Days to Update: 10 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Program Properties Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Contains low threat level properties with either confirmed or unconfirmed releases and the project proponents have request that DTSC oversee investigation and/or cleanup activities and have agreed to provide coverage for DTSC's costs. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact :08/04/2015 VENTURA CO. BWT: Business Plan, Hazardous Waste Producers, and Operating Underground Tanks Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property The BWT list indicates by site address whether the Environmental Health Division has Business Plan (B), Waste Producer (W), and/or Underground Tank (T) information. Date of Government Version: 06/26/2015 Source: Ventura County Environmental Health Division Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact :08/12/2015 VENTURA CO. LF: Inventory of Illegal Abandoned and Inactive Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal Ventura County Inventory of Closed, Illegal Abandoned, and Inactive Sites. Date of Government Version: 12/01/2011 Source: Environmental Health Division Number of Days to Update: 49 Telephone: 805-654-2813 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 22 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 VENTURA CO. LUST: Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Ventura County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST). Date of Government Version: 05/29/2008 Source: Environmental Health Division Number of Days to Update: 37 Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact :08/12/2015 VENTURA CO. UST: Underground Tank Closed Sites List Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Ventura County Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites (UST)/Underground Tank Closed Sites List. Date of Government Version: 05/27/2015 Source: Environmental Health Division Number of Days to Update: 19 Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 WDS: Waste Discharge System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Sites which have been issued waste discharge requirements. Date of Government Version: 06/19/2007 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 916-341-5227 Last EDR Contact :05/20/2015 WIP: Well Investigation Program Case List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile Well Investigation Program case in the San Gabriel and San Fernando Valley area. Date of Government Version: 07/03/2009 Source: Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board Number of Days to Update: 13 Telephone: 213-576-6726 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 WMUDS/SWAT: Waste Management Unit Database Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Waste Management Unit Database System. WMUDS is used by the State Water Resources Control Board staff and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards for program tracking and inventory of waste management units. WMUDS is composed of the following databases: Facility Information, Scheduled Inspections Information, Waste Management Unit Information, SWAT Program Information, SWAT Report Summary Information, SWAT Report Summary Data, Chapter 15 (formerly Subchapter 15) Information, Chapter 15 Monitoring Parameters, TPCA Program Information, RCRA Program Information, Closure Information, and Interested Parties Information. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2000 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 30 Telephone: 916-227-4448 Last EDR Contact :08/04/2015 YOLO CO. UST: Underground Storage Tank Comprehensive Facility Report Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Underground storage tank sites located in Yolo county. RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 23 Date of Government Version: 07/08/2015 Source: Yolo County Department of Health Number of Days to Update: 9 Telephone: 530-666-8646 Last EDR Contact :07/06/2015 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.25 Mile The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2013 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 6 Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact :05/14/2015 CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal CERCLIS Search Distance: 0.333 Mile CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 94 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact :05/29/2015 CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 94 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact :05/29/2015 COAL ASH DOE: Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: Department of Energy Number of Days to Update: 76 Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact :07/13/2015 COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 24 A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 40 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :06/12/2015 CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal NPL Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Number of Days to Update: 46 Telephone: Varies Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list Search Distance: 0.333 Mile CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 72 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal landfill / solid waste disposal Search Distance: 0.333 Mile A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Source: EPA, Region 9 Number of Days to Update: 137 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Number of Days to Update: 42 Telephone: 202-366-4595 Last EDR Contact :08/04/2015 Delisted NPL: National Priority List Deletions Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Source: EPA RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 25 Number of Days to Update: 75 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :07/09/2015 EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - primarily because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2013 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 88 Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact :08/04/2015 ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal ERNS list Search Distance: Property Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Number of Days to Update: 63 Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Search Distance: Property A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Source: FEMA Number of Days to Update: 55 Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact :07/10/2015 FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and 'pointers' to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 01/18/2015 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 26 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :06/10/2015 FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 26 FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Number of Days to Update: 25 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact :05/20/2015 FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 25 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact :05/20/2015 FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 06/06/2014 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Number of Days to Update: 8 Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact :07/08/2015 HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 40 Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact :12/17/2007 HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Number of Days to Update: 72 Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 27 The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 31 Telephone: 202-564-5088 Last EDR Contact :07/09/2015 INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Search Distance: 0.333 Mile A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Source: EPA Region 1 Number of Days to Update: 53 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Source: EPA Region 10 Number of Days to Update: 29 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2014 Source: EPA Region 4 Number of Days to Update: 10 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Source: EPA, Region 5 Number of Days to Update: 24 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 03/17/2015 Source: EPA Region 6 Number of Days to Update: 52 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Source: EPA Region 7 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 28 Number of Days to Update: 55 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Source: EPA Region 8 Number of Days to Update: 48 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 01/08/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 32 Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 52 Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact :05/01/2015 INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists Search Distance: Property The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Source: EPA, Region 1 Number of Days to Update: 53 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/06/2015 Source: EPA Region 10 Number of Days to Update: 34 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 09/30/2014 Source: EPA Region 4 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 29 Number of Days to Update: 10 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Source: EPA Region 5 Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 03/17/2015 Source: EPA Region 6 Number of Days to Update: 52 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 09/23/2014 Source: EPA Region 7 Number of Days to Update: 65 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Source: EPA Region 8 Number of Days to Update: 48 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal registered storage tank lists The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 12/14/2014 Source: EPA Region 9 Number of Days to Update: 28 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites Search Distance: 0.333 Mile A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 09/29/2014 Source: EPA, Region 1 Number of Days to Update: 36 Telephone: 617-918-1102 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 30 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Source: EPA, Region 7 Number of Days to Update: 27 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact :04/20/2009 LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2014 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 64 Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact :07/07/2015 LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Source: American Journal of Public Health Number of Days to Update: 36 Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact :12/02/2009 LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal CERCLIS Search Distance: Property A Federal CERCLA ('Superfund') lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 02/18/2014 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 37 Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries Search Distance: 0.333 Mile LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 05/28/2015 Source: Department of the Navy Number of Days to Update: 13 Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact :08/12/2015 MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 31 MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2015 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Number of Days to Update: 63 Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact :06/04/2015 NPL: National Priority List Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal NPL Search Distance: 0.333 Mile National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 75 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :07/09/2015 NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA''s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-566-0690 EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 EPA Region 2 Telephone: 212-637-4293 EPA Region 3 Telephone: 215-814-5418 EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8681 EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-353-1063 EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6118 EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4579 EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-4479 NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal NPL Search Distance: Property Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 56 Telephone: 202-564-4267 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 32 Last EDR Contact :08/15/2011 ODI: Open Dump Inventory Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 39 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact :06/09/2004 PADS: PCB Activity Database System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 33 Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact :07/17/2015 PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2011 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 83 Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact :07/31/2015 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal NPL Search Distance: 0.333 Mile A site that has been proposed for listing on the NationalPriorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register.EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments,and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet therequirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 75 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :07/09/2015 RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 35 Telephone: 202-564-4104 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 33 Last EDR Contact :06/02/2008 RADINFO: Radiation Information Database Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 04/07/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 63 Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact :07/09/2015 RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 72 Telephone: 703-308-8895 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal RCRA generators list Search Distance: Property RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 72 Telephone: 703-308-8895 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal RCRA generators list Search Distance: Property RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 72 Telephone: 703-308-8895 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal RCRA generators list Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 34 RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 72 Telephone: 703-308-8895 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal RCRA TSD facilities list Search Distance: 0.333 Mile RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 72 Telephone: 703-308-8895 Last EDR Contact :06/26/2015 ROD: Records Of Decision Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal NPL Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2013 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 74 Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact :06/12/2015 SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 03/07/2011 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 54 Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact :05/21/2015 SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 77 Telephone: 202-564-4203 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 35 Last EDR Contact :07/22/2015 TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 110 Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact :01/29/2015 TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 14 Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact :06/25/2015 UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2010 Source: Department of Energy Number of Days to Update: 146 Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact :05/26/2015 US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property The database is a sub-system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 10/16/2014 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/16/2014 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 17 Telephone: 202-564-2496 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 36 Last EDR Contact :06/22/2015 US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 03/23/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 70 Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact :06/24/2015 US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 02/25/2015 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Number of Days to Update: 15 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact :05/29/2015 US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries Search Distance: Property A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 03/16/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 77 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post-closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 03/09/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 15 Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact :08/12/2015 US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 37 A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 02/25/2015 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Number of Days to Update: 15 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact :05/29/2015 US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls Standard Environmental Record Source: Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries Search Distance: Property A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 03/16/2015 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Number of Days to Update: 77 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 US MINES: Mines Master Index File Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 12/30/2014 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Number of Days to Update: 29 Telephone: 303-231-5959 Last EDR Contact :06/03/2015 AOCONCERN: San Gabriel Valley Areas of Concern Standard Environmental Record Source: State and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS Search Distance: 0.333 Mile San Gabriel Valley areas where VOC contamination is at or above the MCL as designated by region 9 EPA office. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2009 Source: EPA Region 9 Number of Days to Update: 206 Telephone: 415-972-3178 Last EDR Contact :06/17/2015 DOD: Department of Defense Sites Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: 0.333 Mile This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Number of Days to Update: 62 Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact :07/14/2015 INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 38 This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Number of Days to Update: 34 Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact :07/14/2015 PWS: Public Water System Data Standard Environmental Record Source: Other Standard Environmental Records Search Distance: Property This Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) file contains public water systems name and address, population served and the primary source of water Date of Government Version: 12/17/2013 Source: EPA Number of Days to Update: 279 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :06/01/2015 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 39 HISTORICAL USE RECORDS RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List Standard Environmental Record Source: Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives Search Distance: Property The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery in California. Date of Government Version: Not Reported Source: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Number of Days to Update: 196 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :06/01/2012 RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank Standard Environmental Record Source: Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives Search Distance: Property The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the State Water Resources Control Board in California. Date of Government Version: Not Reported Source: State Water Resources Control Board Number of Days to Update: 182 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :06/01/2012 EDR MGP: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants Standard Environmental Record Source: Former manufactured Gas Plants Search Distance: 0.333 Mile The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR's researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800's to 1950's to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: 08/28/2009 Source: EDR, Inc. Number of Days to Update: 55 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :11/30/2012 EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations Standard Environmental Record Source: Historical Gas Stations Search Distance: 0.25 Mile EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR's review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR's opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR's HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: 02/20/2007 Source: EDR, Inc. Number of Days to Update: 42 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :02/21/2007 EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners Standard Environmental Record Source: Historical Dry Cleaners RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 40 Search Distance: 0.25 Mile EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR's review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR's opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR's HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: 02/20/2007 Source: EDR, Inc. Number of Days to Update: 42 Telephone: Not Reported Last EDR Contact :02/21/2007 RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 41 TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5' minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 1999 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 and 2005 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOWÒ Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOWÒ Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION Ó 2006 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. RECORD SOURCES AND CURRENCY TC GR 42 Appendix K Environmental Data Resources Radius Map Report FORM-LBB-LMI ®kcehCoeG htiw tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com 4302 Ford Road 4302 Ford Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Inquiry Number: 4382158.2s August 13, 2015 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 40 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map A-5 Physical Setting Source Map A-15 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-17 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC4382158.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 COORDINATES 33.6290000 - 33˚ 37’ 44.40’’Latitude (North): 117.8610000 - 117˚ 51’ 39.60’’Longitude (West): Zone 11Universal Tranverse Mercator: 420141.6UTM X (Meters): 3721160.5UTM Y (Meters): 194 ft. above sea levelElevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY 5640942 TUSTIN, CATarget Property Map: 2012Version Date: 5641300 LAGUNA BEACH, CASoutheast Map: 2012Version Date: 5640952 NEWPORT BEACH OE S, CASouthwest Map: 2012Version Date: 5640950 NEWPORT BEACH, CANorthwest Map: 2012Version Date: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 20120505Portions of Photo from: USDASource: 4382158.2s Page 2 B9 FORD AEROSPC CORP AE 1000 FORD RD RCRA-TSDF, CERC-NFRAP, CORRACTS, RCRA-SQG, PADS,...Higher 2977, 0.564, NW B8 LORAL AEROSPACE CORP 1000 FORD RD CA SLIC, CA EMI, CA ENVIROSTOR, CA HWP Higher 2879, 0.545, NW 7 SAN CLEMENTE DUMP 1/2 MILE NE OF SAN C CA SWF/LF Lower 2345, 0.444, ENE 6 LORAL AERONOTRONIC 1 FORD CA LUST Higher 2221, 0.421, West A5 PACIFIC BELL (LE-129 4302 FORD RD. CA HIST UST TP A4 AT & T CALIFORNIA (L 4302 FORD RD CA UST TP A3 PACIFIC BELL (LE129/ 4302 FORD CA UST TP A2 PACIFIC BELL 4302 FORD RD RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS, CA HAZNET, CA EMI TP A1 PACIFIC BELL (LE129/ 4302 FORD RD CA FID UST, CA SWEEPS UST TP MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 4302 FORD ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. For more information on this property see page 8 of the attached EDR Radius Map report: EPA IDDatabase(s)Site PACIFIC BELL (LE129/ 4302 FORD RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 N/ACA FID UST Facility Id: 30016325 Status: A CA SWEEPS UST Status: A Tank Status: A Comp Number: 2606 PACIFIC BELL 4302 FORD RD CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 CAT080015001RCRA NonGen / NLR EPA ID:: CAT080015001 FINDS Registry ID:: 110002946992 CA HAZNET GEPAID: CAT080015001 CA EMI Facility Id: 68809 PACIFIC BELL (LE129/ 4302 FORD IRVINE, CA 92612 N/ACA UST Facility Id: 2606 AT & T CALIFORNIA (L 4302 FORD RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 N/ACA UST Facility Id: FA0024697 PACIFIC BELL (LE-129 4302 FORD RD. CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92660 N/ACA HIST UST Facility Id: 00000057459 DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-CESQG RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls LUCIS Land Use Control Information System Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State- and tribal - equivalent NPL CA RESPONSE State Response Sites State and tribal leaking storage tank lists INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal registered storage tank lists CA AST Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites CA VCP Voluntary Cleanup Program Properties INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 ODI Open Dump Inventory CA SWRCY Recycler Database CA HAULERS Registered Waste Tire Haulers Listing INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands CA WMUDS/SWAT Waste Management Unit Database Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs CA HIST Cal-Sites Historical Calsites Database CA SCH School Property Evaluation Program CA Toxic Pits Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites CA CDL Clandestine Drug Labs US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information CA LIENS Environmental Liens Listing CA DEED Deed Restriction Listing Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System CA CHMIRS California Hazardous Material Incident Report System CA LDS Land Disposal Sites Listing CA MCS Military Cleanup Sites Listing CA Orange Co. Industrial Site List of Industrial Site Cleanups CA SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data DOD Department of Defense Sites FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees ROD Records Of Decision UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites US MINES Mines Master Index File TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System RADINFO Radiation Information Database RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RMP Risk Management Plans CA BOND EXP. PLAN Bond Expenditure Plan CA NPDES NPDES Permits Listing CA UIC UIC Listing CA Cortese "Cortese" Hazardous Waste & Substances Sites List CA HIST CORTESE Hazardous Waste & Substance Site List EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 CA CUPA Listings CUPA Resources List CA Notify 65 Proposition 65 Records CA DRYCLEANERS Cleaner Facilities CA WIP Well Investigation Program Case List CA ENF Enforcement Action Listing INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing CA WDS Waste Discharge System CA Financial Assurance Financial Assurance Information Listing CA HWT Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter Database CA MWMP Medical Waste Management Program Listing CA PROC Certified Processors Database LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites US AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data PRP Potentially Responsible Parties EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR US Hist Auto Stat EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR US Hist Cleaners EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives CA RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank CA RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: CORRACTS is a list of handlers with RCRA Corrective Action Activity. This report shows which nationally-defined corrective action core events have occurred for every handler that has had corrective action activity. A review of the CORRACTS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 03/10/2015 has revealed that there is 1 CORRACTS site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ FORD AEROSPC CORP AE 1000 FORD RD NW 1/2 - 1 (0.564 mi.) B9 21 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS CA ENVIROSTOR: The Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC’s) Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program’s (SMBRP’s) EnviroStor database identifes sites that have known contamination or sites for which there may be reasons to investigate further. The database includes the following site types: Federal Superfund sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites. EnviroStor provides similar information to the information that was available in CalSites, and provides additional site information, including, but not limited to, identification of formerly-contaminated properties that have been released for reuse, properties where environmental deed restrictions have been recorded to prevent inappropriate land uses, and risk characterization information that is used to assess potential impacts to public health and the environment at contaminated sites. A review of the CA ENVIROSTOR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 05/04/2015 has revealed that there is 1 CA ENVIROSTOR site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ LORAL AEROSPACE CORP 1000 FORD RD NW 1/2 - 1 (0.545 mi.) B8 15 Facility Id: 80001367 Facility Id: 30370015 Status: Refer: RWQCB Status: Refer: RCRA State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists CA SWF/LF: The Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. The data come from the Integrated Waste Management Board’s Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database. A review of the CA SWF/LF list, as provided by EDR, and dated 05/18/2015 has revealed that there is 1 CA SWF/LF site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ SAN CLEMENTE DUMP 1/2 MILE NE OF SAN C ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.444 mi.) 7 14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 Facility ID: 30-CR-0057 Operational Status: Closed Regulation Status: Pre-regulations State and tribal leaking storage tank lists CA LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the State Water Resources Control Board Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System. A review of the CA LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/15/2015 has revealed that there is 1 CA LUST site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ LORAL AERONOTRONIC 1 FORD W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.421 mi.) 6 13 Facility Status: Case Closed Global ID: T0605901775 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Other Ascertainable Records CA HWP: Detailed information on permitted hazardous waste facilities and corrective action ("cleanups") tracked in EnviroStor. A review of the CA HWP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 05/26/2015 has revealed that there is 1 CA HWP site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Equal/Higher Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ LORAL AEROSPACE CORP 1000 FORD RD NW 1/2 - 1 (0.545 mi.) B8 15 EPA Id: CAD041330077 Cleanup Status: CLOSED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC4382158.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 There were no unmapped sites in this report. EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 60 kV 0 120801 20 16 0 0 1201201 204040 80800808080 280 2 802 00 1202 0 0200 200120120120 120120120120120 2 0 0 200 200200 200 20 0 1 601208080120 1201601 60 16 0160160160 160 160 160 1 6 0 160200200 200 2 40 200200 20 2002 0 0 2003 28240240200160160120802002008020020024 0 80200 160200 20 0 200200 120120 200 20020 0 200160 1 60 160160 2002 00 200200200200 40040020044044020060056056052052048048080440 4 4 0 400 400 360 360 3 20 3202 80280 802 4 0 2 40 2402402402 4 0 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.1602 0 0 120200160200 200 200200 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPNPL LIENS Federal Delisted NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Federal CERCLIS list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CERCLIS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CERC-NFRAP Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 1 NR 1 0 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Federal RCRA generators list 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-LQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-SQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-CESQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US INST CONTROL 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPERNS State- and tribal - equivalent NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CA RESPONSE State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 1 NR 1 0 0 0 1.000CA ENVIROSTOR State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500CA SWF/LF State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 1 NR NR 1 0 0 0.500CA LUST TC4382158.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA SLIC 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST State and tribal registered storage tank lists 2 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250 2CA UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA VCP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA SWRCY 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA HAULERS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA WMUDS/SWAT Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS CDL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CA HIST Cal-Sites 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA SCH 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CA Toxic Pits 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS HIST CDL Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks 1 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250 1CA FID UST 1 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250 1CA HIST UST 1 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250 1CA SWEEPS UST Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLIENS 2 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA LIENS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA DEED Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA CHMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA LDS TC4382158.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA MCS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA Orange Co. Industrial Site 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA SPILLS 90 Other Ascertainable Records 1 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250 1RCRA NonGen / NLR 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOT OPS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CONSENT 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTRIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTSCA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSSTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPICIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPADS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMLTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRADINFO 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1FINDS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRAATS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRMP 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CA BOND EXP. PLAN 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA NPDES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA UIC 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA Cortese 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA HIST CORTESE 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA CUPA Listings 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250NY MANIFEST 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CA Notify 65 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA WIP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA ENF 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1CA HAZNET 1 NR NR NR NR NR TP 1CA EMI 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000INDIAN RESERV 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA WDS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA Financial Assurance 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA HWT 1 NR 1 0 0 0 1.000CA HWP 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250CA MWMP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CA PROC 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS AIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPEPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA TC4382158.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPCB TRANSFORMER 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCOAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPRP EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000EDR MGP 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250EDR US Hist Auto Stat 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250EDR US Hist Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA RGA LUST 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCA RGA LF 14 0 3 2 0 0 9- Totals -- NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC4382158.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1Number Of Tanks: DIESELContent: PSTG: M.V. FUELTank Use: Not reportedActive Date: 5000Capacity: ATank Status: 30-000-002606-000001SWRCB Tank Id: Not reportedOwner Tank Id: 02-29-88Created Date: 09-15-92Action Date: 09-30-92Referral Date: Not reportedBoard Of Equalization: 9Number: 2606Comp Number: ActiveStatus: SWEEPS UST: ActiveStatus: Not reportedComments: Not reportedEPA ID: Not reportedNPDES Number: Not reportedDUNs Number: Not reportedContact Phone: Not reportedContact: NEWPORT BEACH 92660Mailing City,St,Zip: Not reportedMailing Address 2: 2600 CAMINO RAMONMailing Address: Not reportedMail To: 7149667645Facility Phone: Not reportedSIC Code: Not reportedCortese Code: Not reportedRegulated ID: UTNKARegulated By: 30016325Facility ID: CA FID UST: Site 1 of 5 in cluster A Actual: 194 ft. Property NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Target CA SWEEPS UST4302 FORD RD N/A A1 CA FID USTPACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11)S101609591 P O BOX 5095 ROOM 1N200Contact address: DAVALYNN BOTELLContact: ORANGE, CA 92668 500 S MAIN S TOWER BOCC RM 260Mailing address: CAT080015001EPA ID: CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 4302 FORD RDFacility address: PACIFIC BELLFacility name: 07/06/1998Date form received by agency: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Site 2 of 5 in cluster A CA EMI Actual: 194 ft. Property CA HAZNETCORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 Target FINDS4302 FORD RD CAT080015001 A2 RCRA NonGen / NLRPACIFIC BELL 1000250283 TC4382158.2s Page 8 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 110002946992Registry ID: FINDS: No violations foundViolation Status: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: PACIFIC BELLSite name: 09/01/1996Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (415) 555-1212Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: NOT REQUIRED, ME 99999 NOT REQUIREDOwner/operator address: NOT REQUIREDOwner/operator name: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (415) 555-1212Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: NOT REQUIRED, ME 99999 NOT REQUIREDOwner/operator address: THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous wasteDescription: Non-GeneratorClassification: 09EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: (714) 972-5116Contact telephone: USContact country: SAN RAMON, CA 945830995 PACIFIC BELL (Continued)1000250283 TC4382158.2s Page 9 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000Mailing City,St,Zip: 1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140Mailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8005669347Telephone: EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRCContact: CAT080015001GEPAID: 2009Year: 1000250283envid: OrangeFacility County: 0.01Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Unspecified oil-containing wasteWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAD044429835TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000Mailing City,St,Zip: 1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140Mailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8005669347Telephone: EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRCContact: CAT080015001GEPAID: 2009Year: 1000250283envid: OrangeFacility County: 0.1Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Waste oil and mixed oilWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAD044429835TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000Mailing City,St,Zip: 1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140Mailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8005669347Telephone: EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRCContact: CAT080015001GEPAID: 2009Year: 1000250283envid: HAZNET: corrective action activities required under RCRA. program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource facilities. generators, transporters, and treatment, storage, and disposal provides California with information on hazardous waste shipments for California Hazardous Waste Tracking System - Datamart (HWTS-DATAMART) Environmental Interest/Information System PACIFIC BELL (Continued)1000250283 TC4382158.2s Page 10 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0Total Organic Hydrocarbon Gases Tons/Yr: Not reportedConsolidated Emission Reporting Rule: Not reportedCommunity Health Air Pollution Info System: SOUTH COAST AQMDAir District Name: 4813SIC Code: SCAir District Name: 68809Facility ID: SCAir Basin: 30County Code: 1990Year: EMI: 39 additional CA_HAZNET: record(s) in the EDR Site Report. Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access OrangeFacility County: 0.019Tons: Organics Recovery Ect Other Recovery Of Reclamation For Reuse Including Acid Regeneration,Disposal Method: Waste oil and mixed oilWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAT080013352TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000Mailing City,St,Zip: 1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140Mailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8005669347Telephone: EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRCContact: CAT080015001GEPAID: 2009Year: 1000250283envid: OrangeFacility County: 0.019Tons: Organics Recovery Ect Other Recovery Of Reclamation For Reuse Including Acid Regeneration,Disposal Method: Waste oil and mixed oilWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAT080013352TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: BEDMINSTER, NJ 079210000Mailing City,St,Zip: 1 AT&T WAY RM 2C140Mailing Address: Not reportedMailing Name: 8005669347Telephone: EH & S RECORDKEEPER-RRCContact: CAT080015001GEPAID: 2009Year: 1000250283envid: OrangeFacility County: 0.01Tons: (H010-H129) Or (H131-H135) Storage, Bulking, And/Or Transfer Off Site--No Treatment/ReoveryDisposal Method: Unspecified oil-containing wasteWaste Category: Not reportedTSD County: CAD044429835TSD EPA ID: Not reportedGen County: PACIFIC BELL (Continued)1000250283 TC4382158.2s Page 11 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0Part. Matter 10 Micrometers & Smllr Tons/Yr: 0Particulate Matter Tons/Yr: 0SOX - Oxides of Sulphur Tons/Yr: 2NOX - Oxides of Nitrogen Tons/Yr: 1Carbon Monoxide Emissions Tons/Yr: 0Reactive Organic Gases Tons/Yr: PACIFIC BELL (Continued)1000250283 -117.85882Longitude: 33.629905Latitude: ORANGE COUNTYPermitting Agency: 2606Facility ID: UST: Site 3 of 5 in cluster A Actual: 194 ft. Property IRVINE, CA 92612 Target 4302 FORD N/A A3 CA USTPACIFIC BELL (LE129/CRDMCA11)U003659681 FA0024697Facility ID: ORANGE CO. UST: Site 4 of 5 in cluster A Actual: 194 ft. Property NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Target 4302 FORD RD N/A A4 CA USTAT & T CALIFORNIA (LE129)U003933315 NoneLeak Detection: Not reportedContainer Construction Thickness: DIESELType of Fuel: PRODUCTTank Used for: 00005000Tank Capacity: 1973Year Installed: 1Container Num: 001Tank Num: 0001Total Tanks: SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107Owner City,St,Zip: 370 THIRD STREETOwner Address: PACIFIC BELLOwner Name: 4155426758Telephone: E.J. KOEHLERContact Name: SIC 4800Other Type: OtherFacility Type: 00000057459Facility ID: STATERegion: HIST UST: Site 5 of 5 in cluster A Actual: 194 ft. Property CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92660 Target 4302 FORD RD. N/A A5 CA HIST USTPACIFIC BELL (LE-129)U001577445 TC4382158.2s Page 12 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation MUNBeneficial: Not reportedHydr Basin #: 30000LLocal Agency: Local AgencyLead Agency: JKStaff Initials: CABStaff: *MTBE Class: Site NOT Tested for MTBE.Includes Unknown and Not Analyzed.MTBE Tested: 1MTBE Fuel: Not reportedMax MTBE Soil: 0MTBE Concentration: Not reportedMax MTBE GW: Not reportedMTBE Date: -117.8647337Longitude: 33.6397491Latitude: LUSTOversite Program: Not reportedInterim: Not reportedFacility Contact: Not reportedOperator: Not reportedSoil Qualifies: Not reportedGW Qualifies: Not reportedEnter Date: Not reportedDate Post Remedial Action Monitoring: Not reportedDate Remedial Action Underway: Not reportedDate Remediation Plan Submitted: Not reportedDate Pollution Characterization Began: Not reportedDate Prelim Assessment Workplan Submitted: 12/10/1996Close Date: Not reportedEnforcement Date: 6/10/1991Discover Date: Not reportedDate Preliminary Assessment Began: Not reportedDate Confirmation of Leak Began: Not reportedEnter Date: 9/9/9999How Stopped Date: T0605901775Global ID: UnknownLeak Source: UnknownLeak Cause: Close TankHow Stopped: Tank ClosureHow Discovered: Not reportedFunding: Not reportedEnf Type: Not reportedCross Street: Not reportedAbate Method: 0Qty Leaked: GasolineSubstance: Soil onlyCase Type: 91UT073Local Case Num: 083002510TCase Number: Case ClosedFacility Status: Santa Ana RegionRegional Board: OrangeCounty: 8Region: LUST REG 8: 2221 ft. 0.421 mi. Relative: Higher Actual: 207 ft. 1/4-1/2 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 West 1 FORD N/A 6 CA LUSTLORAL AERONOTRONIC S106447593 TC4382158.2s Page 13 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSummary: Not reportedWork Suspended: Not reportedCleanup Fund Id: Not reportedPriority: LORAL AERONOTRONIC (Continued) S106447593 33.4166700 / -117.59999Lat/Long: Not reportedRemaining Capacity with Units: 0Remaining Capacity: 0Permitted Capacity with Units: Not reportedActual Throughput with Units: 0Permitted Throughput with Units: Not reportedProgram Type: Not reportedWaste Discharge Requirement Num: 30-CR-0057SWIS Num: 0Disposal Acreage: EstimatedClosure Type: 12/31/1959Closure Date: Not reportedAccepted Waste: AnnualInspection Frequency: 01Unit Number: DisposalCategory: GPSGIS Source: Residential,CommercialLanduse Name: Pre-regulationsRegulation Status: Solid Waste Disposal SiteActivity: 0Permitted Acreage: Not reportedPermit Status: Not reportedPermit Date: Not reportedOperator City,St,Zip: Not reportedOperator Address2: Not reportedOperator Address: Not reportedOperator Phone: City Of San ClementeOperator: ClosedOperational Status: San Clemente, CA 92673Owner City,St,Zip: 910 Calle Negocio Suite 100Owner Address2: Charlene Bailey, Engineering DivisionOwner Address: Not reportedOwner Telephone: City of San ClementeOwner Name: 33.4166700 / -117.59999Lat/Long: 30-CR-0057Facility ID: STATERegion: SWF/LF (SWIS): 2345 ft. 0.444 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 169 ft. 1/4-1/2 SAN CLEMENTE, CA ENE 1/2 MILE NE OF SAN CLEMENTE STATE PARK N/A 7 CA SWF/LFSAN CLEMENTE DUMP S102361513 TC4382158.2s Page 14 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 0Particulate Matter Tons/Yr: 0SOX - Oxides of Sulphur Tons/Yr: 4NOX - Oxides of Nitrogen Tons/Yr: 1Carbon Monoxide Emissions Tons/Yr: 6Reactive Organic Gases Tons/Yr: 35Total Organic Hydrocarbon Gases Tons/Yr: Not reportedConsolidated Emission Reporting Rule: Not reportedCommunity Health Air Pollution Info System: SOUTH COAST AQMDAir District Name: 3761SIC Code: SCAir District Name: 942Facility ID: SCAir Basin: 30County Code: 1990Year: 0Part. Matter 10 Micrometers & Smllr Tons/Yr: 0Particulate Matter Tons/Yr: 0SOX - Oxides of Sulphur Tons/Yr: 5NOX - Oxides of Nitrogen Tons/Yr: 1Carbon Monoxide Emissions Tons/Yr: 23Reactive Organic Gases Tons/Yr: 94Total Organic Hydrocarbon Gases Tons/Yr: Not reportedConsolidated Emission Reporting Rule: Not reportedCommunity Health Air Pollution Info System: SOUTH COAST AQMDAir District Name: 3761SIC Code: SCAir District Name: 942Facility ID: SCAir Basin: 30County Code: 1987Year: EMI: Click here to access the California GeoTracker records for this facility: Not reportedSite History: Not reportedPotential Contaminants of Concern: Other Groundwater (uses other than drinking water), SoilPotential Media Affected: Regional BoardFile Location: SL188023848RB Case Number: Not reportedLocal Agency: AKCase Worker: Cleanup Program SiteCase Type: -117.873434Longitude: 33.631157Latitude: Not reportedLead Agency Case Number: SANTA ANA RWQCB (REGION 8)Lead Agency: SL188023848Global Id: 02/24/2011Status Date: Open - Verification MonitoringFacility Status: STATERegion: SLIC: 2879 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B 0.545 mi.CA HWP Relative: Higher Actual: 212 ft. 1/2-1 CA ENVIROSTORNEWPORT BEACH, CA 00000 NW CA EMI1000 FORD RD N/A B8 CA SLICLORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATION S100619625 TC4382158.2s Page 15 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Completed Info: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: 80001367Alias Name: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: 30370015Alias Name: EPA Identification NumberAlias Type: CAD041330077Alias Name: Alternate NameAlias Type: FORD AEROSPACE & COMMUNICATIONSAlias Name: NONE SPECIFIEDPotential Description: NONE SPECIFIEDConfirmed COC: NONE SPECIFIEDPotential COC: NONE SPECIFIEDPast Use: NONE SPECIFIEDAPN: -117.8698Longitude: 33.62970Latitude: Not reportedFunding: NONE SPECIFIEDSite Mgmt Req: NORestricted Use: Not reportedSpecial Program: 37Senate: 74Assembly: Cleanup CypressDivision Branch: * UnknownSupervisor: Not reportedProgram Manager: WQCLead Agency: RWQCBRegulatory Agencies: NONPL: 0Acres: Corrective ActionSite Type Detailed: Corrective ActionSite Type: Not reportedSite Code: 01/01/2008Status Date: Refer: RWQCBStatus: 80001367Facility ID: ENVIROSTOR: 0Part. Matter 10 Micrometers & Smllr Tons/Yr: 0Particulate Matter Tons/Yr: 0SOX - Oxides of Sulphur Tons/Yr: 3NOX - Oxides of Nitrogen Tons/Yr: 1Carbon Monoxide Emissions Tons/Yr: 4Reactive Organic Gases Tons/Yr: 19Total Organic Hydrocarbon Gases Tons/Yr: Not reportedConsolidated Emission Reporting Rule: Not reportedCommunity Health Air Pollution Info System: SOUTH COAST AQMDAir District Name: 3761SIC Code: SCAir District Name: 83482Facility ID: SCAir Basin: 30County Code: 1995Year: 0Part. Matter 10 Micrometers & Smllr Tons/Yr: LORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATION (Continued) S100619625 TC4382158.2s Page 16 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Preliminary Assessment ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 01/01/1994Completed Date: Interim Measures WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 03/09/2001Completed Date: Groundwater Migration ControlledCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 03/09/2001Completed Date: Human Exposure ControlledCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 01/25/1991Completed Date: RCRA Facility Assessment ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: RSARACINO 19971203.17:02E RFI APPROVAL IS FOR SOILS ONLY. GW INVESTIGATION STILL UNDERWAY.Comments: 04/01/1995Completed Date: RFI ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 12/01/1996Completed Date: Interim Measures Implementation ReportCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 02/17/1992Completed Date: RFI WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 02/01/1996Completed Date: Interim Measures WorkplanCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 01/01/1990Completed Date: Consent OrderCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: LORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATION (Continued) S100619625 TC4382158.2s Page 17 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation CAD041330077Alias Name: Alternate NameAlias Type: LORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATIONAlias Name: Alternate NameAlias Type: LORAL AEROSPACE AERONUTRONICAlias Name: Alternate NameAlias Type: AERO-THERMACHEMICAL LABAlias Name: NONE SPECIFIEDPotential Description: NONE SPECIFIEDConfirmed COC: NONE SPECIFIEDPotential COC: NONE SPECIFIEDPast Use: NONE SPECIFIEDAPN: 0Longitude: 0Latitude: Not reportedFunding: NONE SPECIFIEDSite Mgmt Req: NORestricted Use: Not reportedSpecial Program: Not reportedSenate: Not reportedAssembly: Cleanup CypressDivision Branch: Referred - Not AssignedSupervisor: Not reportedProgram Manager: NONE SPECIFIEDLead Agency: NONE SPECIFIEDRegulatory Agencies: NONPL: Not reportedAcres: * HistoricalSite Type Detailed: HistoricalSite Type: 400286Site Code: 08/28/1995Status Date: Refer: RCRAStatus: 30370015Facility ID: Not reportedSchedule Revised Date: 06/30/2015Schedule Due Date: Groundwater Migration ControlledSchedule Document Type: Not reportedSchedule Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDESchedule Area Name: Not reportedSchedule Revised Date: 06/30/2015Schedule Due Date: Remedy ConstructedSchedule Document Type: Not reportedSchedule Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDESchedule Area Name: Not reportedFuture Due Date: Not reportedFuture Document Type: Not reportedFuture Sub Area Name: Not reportedFuture Area Name: Not reportedComments: 10/14/1994Completed Date: Interim Measures QuestionnaireCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Not reportedComments: 01/25/1991Completed Date: LORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATION (Continued) S100619625 TC4382158.2s Page 18 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 09/30/1983Actual Date: New Operating Permit - FINAL PERMIT (EFFECTIVE)Event Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 08/13/1992Actual Date: Renewal - Historical - FINAL PERMIT RENEWAL - WITHDRAWAL REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGEDEvent Description: Not reportedUnit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 09/30/1988Actual Date: New Operating Permit - FINAL PERMIT (EXPIRES)Event Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: Activities: Not reportedPublic Information Officer: 37Senate District: 74Assembly District: Not reportedSite Code: Not reportedSupervisor: Not reportedTeam: Not reportedFacility Size: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: -117.8698Longitude: 33.62970Latitude: CLOSEDCleanup Status: CAD041330077EPA Id: HWP: Not reportedSchedule Revised Date: Not reportedSchedule Due Date: Not reportedSchedule Document Type: Not reportedSchedule Sub Area Name: Not reportedSchedule Area Name: Not reportedFuture Due Date: Not reportedFuture Document Type: Not reportedFuture Sub Area Name: Not reportedFuture Area Name: FACILITY IDENTIFIED ID’D FROM PHONE BOOKComments: 08/01/1981Completed Date: * DiscoveryCompleted Document Type: Not reportedCompleted Sub Area Name: PROJECT WIDECompleted Area Name: Completed Info: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: 30370015Alias Name: Project Code (Site Code)Alias Type: 400286Alias Name: EPA Identification NumberAlias Type: LORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATION (Continued) S100619625 TC4382158.2s Page 19 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Closure Final - ISSUE CLOSURE VERIFICATIONEvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 08/13/1993Actual Date: Closure Final - CLOSURE PLAN REQUESTEDEvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: Closure: 07/25/1983Actual Date: New Operating Permit - PUBLIC COMMENT (BEGIN)Event Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 04/22/1983Actual Date: New Operating Permit - APPLICATION PART B RECEIVEDEvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 11/19/1980Actual Date: New Operating Permit - APPLICATION PART A RECEIVEDEvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 09/22/1988Actual Date: Renewal - Historical - CALL-IN LETTER ISSUEDEvent Description: Not reportedUnit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 09/30/1983Actual Date: New Operating Permit - FINAL PERMITEvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 08/30/1983Actual Date: New Operating Permit - TECHNICAL COMPLETE LETTEREvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 10/05/1988Actual Date: Renewal - Historical - FINAL PERMIT RENEWAL - WITHDRAWAL REQUEST RECEIVEDEvent Description: Not reportedUnit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 03/03/1983Actual Date: New Operating Permit - CALL-IN LETTER ISSUEDEvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: LORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATION (Continued) S100619625 TC4382158.2s Page 20 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 30370015Alias: Envirostor ID NumberAlias Type: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: FORD AEROSPACE & COMMUNICATIONSAlias: Alternate NameAlias Type: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: Alias: 08/13/1993Actual Date: Closure Final - CLOSURE PLAN APPROVEDEvent Description: CONTAIN1, CONTAIN2Unit Names: Historical - Non-OperatingFacility Type: CAD041330077EPA Id: 02/01/1995Actual Date: LORAL AEROSPACE CORPORATION (Continued) S100619625 Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OperatorOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (313) 568-7660Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: CITY NOT REPORTED, MI 99999 300 RENAISSANCE CENTEROwner/operator address: FORD AEROSPACE & COMMUNICATIONS CORPOwner/operator name: Owner/Operator Summary: waste Handler is engaged in the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardousDescription: TSDFClassification: PrivateLand type: 09EPA Region: Not reportedContact email: Not reportedContact telephone: USContact country: Not reported Not reportedContact address: Not reportedContact: CAD041330077EPA ID: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 926588900 1000 FORD RDFacility address: FORD MOTOR COFacility name: 09/01/1996Date form received by agency: RCRA-TSDF: US FIN ASSUR 2020 COR ACTION NY MANIFEST 2977 ft.PADSSite 2 of 2 in cluster B 0.564 mi.RCRA-SQG Relative: Higher Actual: 211 ft. 1/2-1 CORRACTSNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 NW CERC-NFRAP1000 FORD RD CAD041330077 B9 RCRA-TSDFFORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 21 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 01/25/1991Event date: CA074HIEvent: 01/25/1991Event date: CA029WQEvent: 01/25/1991Event date: Corrective Action Summary: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: FORD AEROSPACE CORPORATIONSite name: 04/02/1990Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: LORAL AERONUTRONICSite name: 02/29/1992Date form received by agency: Large Quantity GeneratorClassification: LORAL AERONUTRONICSite name: 03/30/1994Date form received by agency: Not a generator, verifiedClassification: FORD MOTOR COSite name: 04/07/1994Date form received by agency: Small Quantity GeneratorClassification: FORD MOTOR COSite name: 09/01/1996Date form received by agency: Historical Generators: NoUsed oil transporter: NoUsed oil transfer facility: NoUsed oil Specification marketer: NoUsed oil fuel marketer to burner: NoUser oil refiner: NoUsed oil processor: NoUsed oil fuel burner: NoFurnace exemption: NoOn-site burner exemption: NoUnderground injection activity: NoTreater, storer or disposer of HW: NoTransporter of hazardous waste: NoRecycler of hazardous waste: NoMixed waste (haz. and radioactive): NoU.S. importer of hazardous waste: Handler Activities Summary: Not reportedOwner/Op end date: Not reportedOwner/Op start date: OwnerOwner/Operator Type: PrivateLegal status: (313) 594-3061Owner/operator telephone: Not reportedOwner/operator country: DEARBORN, MI 48120 15201 CENTURY DR STE 608Owner/operator address: FORD MOTOR COOwner/operator name: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 22 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation contained in the EI determination, current human exposures are Under Control has been verified. Based on a review of information Current Human Exposures under Control, Yes, Current Human ExposuresEvent: 12/03/1997Event date: is needed to make a determination. Igration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, More informationEvent: 12/03/1997Event date: CA Responsibility Referred To A Non-RCRA Federal AuthorityEvent: 12/03/1997Event date: Stabilization Construction CompletedEvent: 12/01/1996Event date: treatment (e.g., to achieve groundwater containment, to achieve MCL). Stabilization Measures Implemented, Groundwater extraction andEvent: 02/01/1996Event date: RFI ApprovedEvent: 04/01/1995Event date: the facility, or other administrative considerations. risk, timing considerations, the status of corrective action work at conclusion may be the status of closure at the facility, the degree of there is a lack of technical information (IN). Reasons for this it appears to be technically infeasible or inappropriate (NF) or 2- stabilization activity at the present time for reasons other than 1- Stabilization Measures Evaluation,This facility is not amenable toEvent: 10/14/1994Event date: action priority. CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a low correctiveEvent: 10/14/1994Event date: treatment, off-site treatment). and/or treatment (e.g., soil or waste excavation, in-situ soil Stabilization Measures Implemented, Primary measure is source removalEvent: 01/01/1994Event date: RFI Workplan ApprovedEvent: 02/17/1992Event date: RFI ImpositionEvent: 01/01/1992Event date: CA036WQEvent: 10/31/1991Event date: CA049PAEvent: 01/25/1991Event date: RFA Completed, Assessment was a PA-Plus.Event: 01/25/1991Event date: action priority. CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a high correctiveEvent: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 23 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 2400 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/23/1994 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/28/1994Date achieved compliance: 06/04/1993Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.50-60Regulation violated: 600 Paid penalty amount: 600 Final penalty amount: 2400 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 02/23/1994 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 03/28/1994Date achieved compliance: 06/04/1993Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 268.7Regulation violated: Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: is needed to make a determination. Igration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, More informationEvent: 03/09/2001Event date: is needed to make a determination. Igration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, More informationEvent: 03/09/2001Event date: changes at the facility. re-evaluated when the Agency/State becomes aware of significant reasonably expected conditions. This determination will be expected to be under control at the facility under current and contained in the EI determination, current human exposures are Under Control has been verified. Based on a review of information Current Human Exposures under Control, Yes, Current Human ExposuresEvent: 03/09/2001Event date: changes at the facility. re-evaluated when the Agency/State becomes aware of significant reasonably expected conditions. This determination will be expected to be under control at the facility under current and contained in the EI determination, current human exposures are Under Control has been verified. Based on a review of information Current Human Exposures under Control, Yes, Current Human ExposuresEvent: 03/09/2001Event date: changes at the facility. re-evaluated when the Agency/State becomes aware of significant reasonably expected conditions. This determination will be expected to be under control at the facility under current and FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 24 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 02/19/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/31/1991Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.50-60Regulation violated: 2000 Paid penalty amount: 2000 Final penalty amount: 2000 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/24/1992 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 07/21/1992Date achieved compliance: 04/04/1992Date violation determined: TSD - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 270Regulation violated: 2000 Paid penalty amount: 2000 Final penalty amount: 2000 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/24/1992 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 07/21/1992Date achieved compliance: 04/04/1992Date violation determined: TSD - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 264.70-77.ERegulation violated: 2000 Paid penalty amount: 2000 Final penalty amount: 2000 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/24/1992 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 07/21/1992Date achieved compliance: 04/04/1992Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 268 ALLRegulation violated: 600 Paid penalty amount: 600 Final penalty amount: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 25 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 12/10/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 01/17/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/03/1991Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 268.7Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 02/19/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/31/1991Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.10-12.ARegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 02/19/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/31/1991Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 268.7Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 02/19/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/31/1991Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.20-23.BRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 26 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation F - 268 ALLRegulation violated: 10000 Paid penalty amount: 10000 Final penalty amount: 10000 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/26/1989 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: 02/10/1989Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: F - 268.7Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 12/10/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 01/17/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/03/1991Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.50-60Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 12/10/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 01/17/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/03/1991Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.20-23.BRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: EPA Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 12/10/1991 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: EPAViolation lead agency: 01/17/1992Date achieved compliance: 10/03/1991Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.10-12.ARegulation violated: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 27 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.20-23.BRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: 12/01/1987Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: F - 268.7Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: 12/01/1987Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: F - 268 ALLRegulation violated: 10000 Paid penalty amount: 10000 Final penalty amount: 10000 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/26/1989 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: 02/10/1989Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: F - 262.50-60Regulation violated: 10000 Paid penalty amount: 10000 Final penalty amount: 10000 Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 06/26/1989 Enforcement action date: INITIAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: 02/10/1989Date violation determined: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 28 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 04/26/1993Evaluation date: Evaluation Action Summary: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 11/23/1987 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 11/24/1987Date achieved compliance: 10/07/1987Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.50-60Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 10/07/1987 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 11/24/1987Date achieved compliance: 10/07/1987Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.50-60Regulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 11/23/1987 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 11/24/1987Date achieved compliance: 10/07/1987Date violation determined: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: FR - 262.20-23.BRegulation violated: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: State Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: 10/07/1987 Enforcement action date: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action: StateViolation lead agency: 11/24/1987Date achieved compliance: 10/07/1987Date violation determined: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 29 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation StateEvaluation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/10/1989Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 02/19/1992Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/26/1991Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 02/19/1992Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/26/1991Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 01/17/1992Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/26/1991Evaluation date: EPAEvaluation lead agency: 01/17/1992Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 09/26/1991Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 07/21/1992Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/19/1992Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 07/21/1992Date achieved compliance: TSD - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/19/1992Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/28/1994Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/21/1993Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 03/28/1994Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 04/21/1993Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 30 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedPriority Level: 08/02/90Date Completed: / /Date Started: DISCOVERYAction: CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History: CA Not reportedAlias Address: FORD AEROSPACE & COMM AERONAUTICSAlias Name: CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Alias Name(s): 13004003.00000Person ID: 13300619.00000Contact Sequence ID: 13003858.00000Person ID: 13294761.00000Contact Sequence ID: 13003854.00000Person ID: 13289166.00000Contact Sequence ID: CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Contact Details: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationNon NPL Status: Not on the NPLNPL Status: Not a Federal FacilityFederal Facility: 0903396Site ID: CERC-NFRAP: StateEvaluation lead agency: 11/24/1987Date achieved compliance: Generators - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 10/07/1987Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 11/30/1987Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 12/01/1987Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: Not reportedDate achieved compliance: Not reportedArea of violation: FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEWEvaluation: 02/08/1989Evaluation date: StateEvaluation lead agency: 12/07/1989Date achieved compliance: LDR - GeneralArea of violation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITEEvaluation: 02/10/1989Evaluation date: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 31 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): and treatment CA600GW - Stabilization Measures Implemented, Groundwater extractionAction: 19960201Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA650 - Stabilization Construction CompletedAction: 19961201Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA200 - RFI ApprovedAction: 19950401Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: CORRACTS: Deferred to RCRA (Subtitle C)Priority Level: 02/25/91Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTAction: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing informationPriority Level: 06/08/92Date Completed: / /Date Started: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTAction: Not reportedPriority Level: 06/08/92Date Completed: / /Date Started: ARCHIVE SITEAction: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 32 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): Exposures Under Control has been verified CA725YE - Current Human Exposures Under Control, Yes, Current HumanAction: 19971203Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): information is needed to make a determination CA750IN - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, MoreAction: 19971203Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): source removal and/or treatment CA600SR - Stabilization Measures Implemented, Primary measure isAction: 19940101Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA100 - RFI ImpositionAction: 19920101Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 33 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 20010309Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 20010309Original schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): Exposures Under Control has been verified CA725YE - Current Human Exposures Under Control, Yes, Current HumanAction: 20010309Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: 20010309Original schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): information is needed to make a determination CA750IN - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, MoreAction: 20010309Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): information is needed to make a determination CA750IN - Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, MoreAction: 20010309Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA210 - CA Responsibility Referred To A Non-RCRA Federal AuthorityAction: 19971203Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 34 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA150 - RFI Workplan ApprovedAction: 19920217Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): considerations corrective action work at the facility, or other, administrative facility, the degree of risk, timing considerations, the status of (IN). Reasons for this conclusion may be the status of, closure at the inappropriate (NF) or (2) there is a lack of technical, information other than (1) it appears to be technically, infeasible or amenable to stabilization activity at the, present time for reasons CA225NR - Stabilization Measures Evaluation, This facility is, notAction: 19941014Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): corrective action priority CA075LO - CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a lowAction: 19941014Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): Exposures Under Control has been verified CA725YE - Current Human Exposures Under Control, Yes, Current HumanAction: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 35 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 19910125Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA074HIAction: 19910125Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA050PA - RFA Completed, Assessment was a PA-PlusAction: 19910125Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA049PAAction: 19910125Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): corrective action priority CA075HI - CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a highAction: 19910125Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 36 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedLocation Zip Code 4: 92660Location Zip Code: CALocation State: NEWPORT BEACHLocation City: Not reportedLocation Address 2: FORD ROADLocation Address 1: USACountry: CAD041330077EPA ID: NY MANIFEST: 05/17/1990Date received: 04/04/1990Cert. date: Not reportedCert. name: Not reportedCert. title: USMailing country: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8900 1000 FORD RDMailing address: Not reportedContact extension: (714)720-5887Contact tel: SWENINGSEN W BContact name: Not reportedContact title: FORD AEROSPACE CORPFacility owner name: NoSmelter: NoResearch facility: NoDisposer: NoTransporter: NoStorer: YesGenerator: USFacility country: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8900 1000 FORD RDFacility Address: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONICFacility name: CAD041330077EPAID: PADS: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA036WQAction: 19911031Actual Date: ENTIRE FACILITYArea Name: 09EPA Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: Not reportedSchedule end date: Not reportedOriginal schedule date: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Other Ordnance and Accessories Manufacturing 332995 334413 334419 336414NAICS Code(s): CA029WQAction: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 37 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTESWaste Code: 100Specific Gravity: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment.Handling Method: DM - Metal drums, barrelsContainer Type: 014Number of Containers: P - PoundsUnits: 03500Quantity: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTESWaste Code: NYD000632372TSDF ID: Not reportedTrans2 EPA ID: CAD981465503Trans1 EPA ID: CAD041330077Generator EPA ID: 05/15/1987Part B Recv Date: 05/07/1987Part A Recv Date: 05/11/1987TSD Site Recv Date: / /Trans2 Recv Date: 04/28/1987Trans1 Recv Date: 04/28/1987Generator Ship Date: Not reportedTrans2 State ID: 703837Trans1 State ID: Completed copyManifest Status: NYA5440932Document ID: 1988Year: 100Specific Gravity: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment.Handling Method: DM - Metal drums, barrelsContainer Type: 002Number of Containers: P - PoundsUnits: 00195Quantity: D003 - NON-LISTED REACTIVE WASTESWaste Code: NYD000632372TSDF ID: Not reportedTrans2 EPA ID: NYD980769947Trans1 EPA ID: CAD041330077Generator EPA ID: 04/18/1988Part B Recv Date: 05/17/1988Part A Recv Date: 04/08/1988TSD Site Recv Date: / /Trans2 Recv Date: 03/28/1988Trans1 Recv Date: 03/28/1988Generator Ship Date: Not reportedTrans2 State ID: 74492B-NYTrans1 State ID: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DECManifest Status: NYA6107868Document ID: Manifest: 714-720-6280Phone: USACountry: NEWPORTBEACH, CA 92660City/State/Zip: FORD ROADAddress: FORD AEROPSACE & COMMUNICATION CORPContact: FORD AEROPSACE & COMMUNICATION CORPName: Mailing Info: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 38 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 8/5/2008Effective date: 500000Face value: 500000Cost estimate: LOC ***0492Mechanism ID: LETTER OF CREDITMechanism type: ORANGECounty: 9EPA region: DEUTSCHE BANKProvider: CAD041330077EPA ID: US FIN ASSUR: Not reportedAction: 9Region: CAD041330077EPA ID: 2020 COR ACTION: 1987Year: 100Specific Gravity: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning.Handling Method: CW - Wooden boxesContainer Type: 005Number of Containers: P - PoundsUnits: 00500Quantity: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTESWaste Code: 100Specific Gravity: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning.Handling Method: DM - Metal drums, barrelsContainer Type: 002Number of Containers: P - PoundsUnits: 00500Quantity: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTESWaste Code: 100Specific Gravity: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning.Handling Method: DM - Metal drums, barrelsContainer Type: 001Number of Containers: P - PoundsUnits: 00250Quantity: FORD AEROSPC CORP AERONUTRONIC (Continued) 1000474495 TC4382158.2s Page 39 ORPHAN SUMMARYCityEDR IDSite NameSite AddressZipDatabase(s)Count: 0 records.NO SITES FOUNDTC4382158.2s Page 40 To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update:Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4382158.2s Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 05/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8704 Last EDR Contact: 07/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 05/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. TC4382158.2s Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4382158.2s Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 03/16/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 03/16/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 05/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Department of the Navy Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Federal ERNS list ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually State- and tribal - equivalent NPL RESPONSE: State Response Sites Identifies confirmed release sites where DTSC is involved in remediation, either in a lead or oversight capacity. These confirmed release sites are generally high-priority and high potential risk. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS TC4382158.2s Page GR-4 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ENVIROSTOR: EnviroStor Database The Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC’s) Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program’s (SMBRP’s) EnviroStor database identifes sites that have known contamination or sites for which there may be reasons to investigate further. The database includes the following site types: Federal Superfund sites (National Priorities List (NPL)); State Response, including Military Facilities and State Superfund; Voluntary Cleanup; and School sites. EnviroStor provides similar information to the information that was available in CalSites, and provides additional site information, including, but not limited to, identification of formerly-contaminated properties that have been released for reuse, properties where environmental deed restrictions have been recorded to prevent inappropriate land uses, and risk characterization information that is used to assess potential impacts to public health and the environment at contaminated sites. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF (SWIS): Solid Waste Information System Active, Closed and Inactive Landfills. SWF/LF records typically contain an inve ntory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or i nactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/20/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 16 Source: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Telephone: 916-341-6320 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST REG 9: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Report Orange, Riverside, San Diego counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 03/01/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/23/2001 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/21/2001 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region (9) Telephone: 858-637-5595 Last EDR Contact: 09/26/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/09/2012 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8). For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 02/14/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/15/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/28/2005 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8) Telephone: 909-782-4496 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies LUST REG 7: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Imperial, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara counties. Date of Government Version: 02/26/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/26/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/24/2004 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Colorado River Basin Region (7) Telephone: 760-776-8943 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4382158.2s Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING LUST REG 6V: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, San Bernardino counties. Date of Government Version: 06/07/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/07/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2005 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Victorville Branch Office (6) Telephone: 760-241-7365 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 6L: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Case Listing For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 09/09/2003 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/07/2003 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region (6) Telephone: 530-542-5572 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 5: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Calveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo, Yuba counties. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/31/2008 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region (5) Telephone: 916-464-4834 Last EDR Contact: 07/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 4: Underground Storage Tank Leak List Los Angeles, Ventura counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. Date of Government Version: 09/07/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/07/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/12/2004 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region (4) Telephone: 213-576-6710 Last EDR Contact: 09/06/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/19/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 3: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz counties. Date of Government Version: 05/19/2003 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/19/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2003 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region (3) Telephone: 805-542-4786 Last EDR Contact: 07/18/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST REG 2: Fuel Leak List Leaking Underground Storage Tank locations. Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma counties. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/20/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/19/2004 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region (2) Telephone: 510-622-2433 Last EDR Contact: 09/19/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/02/2012 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LUST REG 1: Active Toxic Site Investigation Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Modoc, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Trinity counties. For more current information, please refer to the State Water Resources Control Board’s LUST database. TC4382158.2s Page GR-6 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 02/01/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/28/2001 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/29/2001 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast (1) Telephone: 707-570-3769 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LUST: Geotracker’s Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Report Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. For more information on a particular leaking underground storage tank sites, please contact the appropriate regulatory agency. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: see region list Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SLIC: Statewide SLIC Cases The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies SLIC REG 1: Active Toxic Site Investigations The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/03/2003 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/07/2003 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/25/2003 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region (1) Telephone: 707-576-2220 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SLIC REG 2: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/20/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/19/2004 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region (2) Telephone: 510-286-0457 Last EDR Contact: 09/19/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/02/2012 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SLIC REG 3: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/18/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/15/2006 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region (3) Telephone: 805-549-3147 Last EDR Contact: 07/18/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SLIC REG 4: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. TC4382158.2s Page GR-7 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 11/17/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/18/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/04/2005 Number of Days to Update: 47 Source: Region Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region (4) Telephone: 213-576-6600 Last EDR Contact: 07/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies SLIC REG 5: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/05/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/21/2005 Number of Days to Update: 16 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region (5) Telephone: 916-464-3291 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SLIC REG 6V: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/25/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/16/2005 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Regional Water Quality Control Board, Victorville Branch Telephone: 619-241-6583 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SLIC REG 6L: SLIC Sites The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 09/07/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/07/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/12/2004 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region Telephone: 530-542-5574 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SLIC REG 7: SLIC List The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 11/24/2004 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/29/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/04/2005 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: California Regional Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin Region Telephone: 760-346-7491 Last EDR Contact: 08/01/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SLIC REG 8: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. Date of Government Version: 04/03/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/03/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/14/2008 Number of Days to Update: 11 Source: California Region Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (8) Telephone: 951-782-3298 Last EDR Contact: 09/12/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/26/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SLIC REG 9: Spills, Leaks, Investigation & Cleanup Cost Recovery Listing The SLIC (Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanup) program is designed to protect and restore water quality from spills, leaks, and similar discharges. TC4382158.2s Page GR-8 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 09/10/2007 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/11/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/28/2007 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region (9) Telephone: 858-467-2980 Last EDR Contact: 08/08/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/21/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 48 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 03/17/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 09/30/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 01/08/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4382158.2s Page GR-9 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: EPA, Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: Active UST Facilities Active UST facilities gathered from the local regulatory agencies Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/06/2015 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: SWRCB Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually AST: Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities A listing of aboveground storage tank petroleum storage tank locations. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/01/2009 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-327-5092 Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 09/30/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TC4382158.2s Page GR-10 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 03/17/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 09/23/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/25/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 65 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 48 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 12/14/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/06/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/19/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4382158.2s Page GR-11 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: FEMA Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact: 07/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 09/29/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/01/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/06/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: EPA, Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Program Properties Contains low threat level properties with either confirmed or unconfirmed releases and the project proponents have request that DTSC oversee investigation and/or cleanup activities and have agreed to provide coverage for DTSC’s costs. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 03/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 70 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact: 06/24/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites TC4382158.2s Page GR-12 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Number of Days to Update: 137 Source: EPA, Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SWRCY: Recycler Database A listing of recycling facilities in California. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 47 Source: Department of Conservation Telephone: 916-323-3836 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HAULERS: Registered Waste Tire Haulers Listing A listing of registered waste tire haulers. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Integrated Waste Management Board Telephone: 916-341-6422 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact: 05/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/17/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies WMUDS/SWAT: Waste Management Unit Database Waste Management Unit Database System. WMUDS is used by the State Water Resources Control Board staff and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards for program tracking and inventory of waste management units. WMUDS is composed of the following databases: Facility Information, Scheduled Inspections Information, Waste Management Unit Information, SWAT Program Information, SWAT Report Summary Information, SWAT Report Summary Data, Chapter 15 (formerly Subchapter 15) Information, Chapter 15 Monitoring Parameters, TPCA Program Information, RCRA Program Information, Closure Information, and Interested Parties Information. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2000 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/10/2000 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/10/2000 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-227-4448 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4382158.2s Page GR-13 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 02/25/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 05/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST CAL-SITES: Calsites Database The Calsites database contains potential or confirmed hazardous substance release properties. In 1996, California EPA reevaluated and significantly reduced the number of sites in the Calsites database. No longer updated by the state agency. It has been replaced by ENVIROSTOR. Date of Government Version: 08/08/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/24/2006 Number of Days to Update: 21 Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 02/23/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/25/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SCH: School Property Evaluation Program This category contains proposed and existing school sites that are being evaluated by DTSC for possible hazardous materials contamination. In some cases, these properties may be listed in the CalSites category depending on the level of threat to public health and safety or the environment they pose. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TOXIC PITS: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites Toxic PITS Cleanup Act Sites. TOXIC PITS identifies sites suspected of containing hazardous substances where cleanup has not yet been completed. Date of Government Version: 07/01/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/26/1995 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-227-4364 Last EDR Contact: 01/26/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/27/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of drug lab locations. Listing of a location in this database does not indicate that any illegal drug lab materials were or were not present there, and does not constitute a determination that the location either requires or does not require additional cleanup work. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/18/2015 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-255-6504 Last EDR Contact: 08/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4382158.2s Page GR-14 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 02/25/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 05/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks CA FID UST: Facility Inventory Database The Facility Inventory Database (FID) contains a historical listing of active and inactive underground storage tank locations from the State Water Resource Control Board. Refer to local/county source for current data. Date of Government Version: 10/31/1994 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/29/1995 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact: 12/28/1998 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned UST MENDOCINO: Mendocino County UST Database A listing of underground storage tank locations in Mendocino County. Date of Government Version: 09/23/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/23/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/01/2009 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 707-463-4466 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually HIST UST: Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database The Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database is a historical listing of UST sites. Refer to local/county source for current data. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1990 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/25/1991 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/12/1991 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-341-5851 Last EDR Contact: 07/26/2001 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SWEEPS UST: SWEEPS UST Listing Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System. This underground storage tank listing was updated and maintained by a company contacted by the SWRCB in the early 1990’s. The listing is no longer updated or maintained. The local agency is the contact for more information on a site on the SWEEPS list. Date of Government Version: 06/01/1994 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/07/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/11/2005 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/03/2005 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Local Land Records LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. TC4382158.2s Page GR-15 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 02/18/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/18/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LIENS: Environmental Liens Listing A listing of property locations with environmental liens for California where DTSC is a lien holder. Date of Government Version: 06/11/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 06/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies DEED: Deed Restriction Listing Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program Facility Sites with Deed Restrictions & Hazardous Waste Management Program Facility Sites with Deed / Land Use Restriction. The DTSC Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program (SMBRP) list includes sites cleaned up under the program’s oversight and generally does not include current or former hazardous waste facilities that required a hazardous waste facility permit. The list represents deed restrictions that are active. Some sites have multiple deed restrictions. The DTSC Hazardous Waste Management Program (HWMP) has developed a list of current or former hazardous waste facilities that have a recorded land use restriction at the local county recorder’s office. The land use restrictions on this list were required by the DTSC HWMP as a result of the presence of hazardous substances that remain on site after the facility (or part of the facility) has been closed or cleaned up. The types of land use restriction include deed notice, deed restriction, or a land use restriction that binds current and future owners. Date of Government Version: 06/08/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: DTSC and SWRCB Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually CHMIRS: California Hazardous Material Incident Report System California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System. CHMIRS contains information on reported hazardous material incidents (accidental releases or spills). Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Office of Emergency Services Telephone: 916-845-8400 Last EDR Contact: 07/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LDS: Land Disposal Sites Listing The Land Disposal program regulates of waste discharge to land for treatment, storage and disposal in waste management units. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Qualilty Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4382158.2s Page GR-16 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING MCS: Military Cleanup Sites Listing The State Water Resources Control Board and nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards partner with the Department of Defense (DoD) through the Defense and State Memorandum of Agreement (DSMOA) to oversee the investigation and remediation of water quality issues at military facilities. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 866-480-1028 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SPILLS 90: SPILLS90 data from FirstSearch Spills 90 includes those spill and release records available exclusively from FirstSearch databases. Typically, they may include chemical, oil and/or hazardous substance spills recorded after 1990. Duplicate records that are already included in EDR incident and release records are not included in Spills 90. Date of Government Version: 06/06/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/03/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/22/2013 Number of Days to Update: 50 Source: FirstSearch Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 01/03/2013 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 03/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 72 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2012 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2012 Number of Days to Update: 42 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Telephone: 202-366-4595 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: USGS Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. TC4382158.2s Page GR-17 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 06/06/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2014 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact: 07/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 46 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Telephone: Varies Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/12/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 74 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact: 06/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/07/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 146 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact: 05/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 12/30/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/31/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Last EDR Contact: 06/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 110 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact: 01/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/08/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. TC4382158.2s Page GR-18 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/15/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. TC4382158.2s Page GR-19 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/25/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4203 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-5088 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/15/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact: 07/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact: 06/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 04/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 01/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/27/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: EPA Telephone: (415) 947-8000 Last EDR Contact: 06/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4382158.2s Page GR-20 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned RMP: Risk Management Plans When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/26/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/19/2013 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 05/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Biennially CA BOND EXP. PLAN: Bond Expenditure Plan Department of Health Services developed a site-specific expenditure plan as the basis for an appropriation of Hazardous Substance Cleanup Bond Act funds. It is not updated. Date of Government Version: 01/01/1989 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/02/1994 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 916-255-2118 Last EDR Contact: 05/31/1994 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NPDES: NPDES Permits Listing A listing of NPDES permits, including stormwater. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/20/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-445-9379 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4382158.2s Page GR-21 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING UIC: UIC Listing A listing of wells identified as underground injection wells, in the California Oil and Gas Wells database. Date of Government Version: 11/19/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/15/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Deaprtment of Conservation Telephone: 916-445-2408 Last EDR Contact: 06/19/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies CORTESE: "Cortese" Hazardous Waste & Substances Sites List The sites for the list are designated by the State Water Resource Control Board (LUST), the Integrated Waste Board (SWF/LS), and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (Cal-Sites). Date of Government Version: 06/24/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: CAL EPA/Office of Emergency Information Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST CORTESE: Hazardous Waste & Substance Site List The sites for the list are designated by the State Water Resource Control Board [LUST], the Integrated Waste Board [SWF/LS], and the Department of Toxic Substances Control [CALSITES]. This listing is no longer updated by the state agency. Date of Government Version: 04/01/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/22/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/08/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 01/22/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NOTIFY 65: Proposition 65 Records Listings of all Proposition 65 incidents reported to counties by the State Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This database is no longer updated by the reporting agency. Date of Government Version: 10/21/1993 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/01/1993 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/19/1993 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-445-3846 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DRYCLEANERS: Cleaner Facilities A list of drycleaner related facilities that have EPA ID numbers. These are facilities with certain SIC codes: power laundries, family and commercial; garment pressing and cleaner’s agents; linen supply; coin-operated laundries and cleaning; drycleaning plants, except rugs; carpet and upholster cleaning; industrial launderers; laundry and garment services. Date of Government Version: 02/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/20/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/12/2015 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Department of Toxic Substance Control Telephone: 916-327-4498 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually WIP: Well Investigation Program Case List Well Investigation Program case in the San Gabriel and San Fernando Valley area. Date of Government Version: 07/03/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/21/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2009 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board Telephone: 213-576-6726 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4382158.2s Page GR-22 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ENF: Enforcement Action Listing A listing of Water Board Enforcement Actions. Formal is everything except Oral/Verbal Communication, Notice of Violation, Expedited Payment Letter, and Staff Enforcement Letter. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: State Water Resoruces Control Board Telephone: 916-445-9379 Last EDR Contact: 08/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies HAZNET: Facility and Manifest Data Facility and Manifest Data. The data is extracted from the copies of hazardous waste manifests received each year by the DTSC. The annual volume of manifests is typically 700,000 - 1,000,000 annually, representing approximately 350,000 - 500,000 shipments. Data are from the manifests submitted without correction, and therefore many contain some invalid values for data elements such as generator ID, TSD ID, waste category, and disposal method. This database begins with calendar year 1993. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/15/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/19/2014 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 916-255-1136 Last EDR Contact: 07/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually EMI: Emissions Inventory Data Toxics and criteria pollutant emissions data collected by the ARB and local air pollution agencies. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/25/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/28/2014 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: California Air Resources Board Telephone: 916-322-2990 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 03/07/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/09/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/02/2011 Number of Days to Update: 54 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact: 05/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/17/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 3 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 05/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/24/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4382158.2s Page GR-23 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING WDS: Waste Discharge System Sites which have been issued waste discharge requirements. Date of Government Version: 06/19/2007 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/20/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/29/2007 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: 916-341-5227 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/26/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact: 07/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/19/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2012 Number of Days to Update: 83 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies PROC: Certified Processors Database A listing of certified processors. Date of Government Version: 06/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Department of Conservation Telephone: 916-323-3836 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Financial Assurance 1: Financial Assurance Information Listing Financial Assurance information Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/01/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-255-3628 Last EDR Contact: 07/24/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - primarily because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. Date of Government Version: 08/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 88 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact: 08/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4382158.2s Page GR-24 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 339 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: N/A 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact: 05/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/24/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies HWT: Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter Database A listing of hazardous waste transporters. In California, unless specifically exempted, it is unlawful for any person to transport hazardous wastes unless the person holds a valid registration issued by DTSC. A hazardous waste transporter registration is valid for one year and is assigned a unique registration number. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-440-7145 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HWP: EnviroStor Permitted Facilities Listing Detailed information on permitted hazardous waste facilities and corrective action ("cleanups") tracked in EnviroStor. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 8 Source: Department of Toxic Substances Control Telephone: 916-323-3400 Last EDR Contact: 05/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) The database is a sub-system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 10/16/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/31/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4382158.2s Page GR-25 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/16/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/31/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/22/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/27/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: American Journal of Public Health Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact: 12/02/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post-closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 03/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/25/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies MWMP: Medical Waste Management Program Listing The Medical Waste Management Program (MWMP) ensures the proper handling and disposal of medical waste by permitting and inspecting medical waste Offsite Treatment Facilities (PDF) and Transfer Stations (PDF) throughout the state. MWMP also oversees all Medical Waste Transporters. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 916-558-1784 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies COAL ASH DOE: Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Financial Assurance 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for solid waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. TC4382158.2s Page GR-26 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 05/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/22/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: California Integrated Waste Management Board Telephone: 916-341-6066 Last EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR’s HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives TC4382158.2s Page GR-27 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery in California. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 196 Source: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the State Water Resources Control Board in California. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/30/2013 Number of Days to Update: 182 Source: State Water Resources Control Board Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies COUNTY RECORDS ALAMEDA COUNTY: Contaminated Sites A listing of contaminated sites overseen by the Toxic Release Program (oil and groundwater contamination from chemical releases and spills) and the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program (soil and ground water contamination from leaking petroleum USTs). Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: Alameda County Environmental Health Services Telephone: 510-567-6700 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Underground Tanks Underground storage tank sites located in Alameda county. Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/22/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: Alameda County Environmental Health Services Telephone: 510-567-6700 Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually AMADOR COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility List Date of Government Version: 06/05/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Amador County Environmental Health Telephone: 209-223-6439 Last EDR Contact: 06/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies BUTTE COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-28 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA Facility Listing Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 11/20/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/24/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/07/2015 Number of Days to Update: 44 Source: Public Health Department Telephone: 530-538-7149 Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned CALVERAS COUNTY: CUPA Facility Listing Cupa Facility Listing Date of Government Version: 07/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Calveras County Environmental Health Telephone: 209-754-6399 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly COLUSA COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 06/11/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/13/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/07/2014 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Health & Human Services Telephone: 530-458-0396 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONTRA COSTA COUNTY: Site List List includes sites from the underground tank, hazardous waste generator and business plan/2185 programs. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Contra Costa Health Services Department Telephone: 925-646-2286 Last EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually DEL NORTE COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility list Date of Government Version: 05/19/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/22/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: Del Norte County Environmental Health Division Telephone: 707-465-0426 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies EL DORADO COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-29 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: El Dorado County Environmental Management Department Telephone: 530-621-6623 Last EDR Contact: 08/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies FRESNO COUNTY: CUPA Resources List Certified Unified Program Agency. CUPA’s are responsible for implementing a unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste management regulatory program. The agency provides oversight of businesses that deal with hazardous materials, operate underground storage tanks or aboveground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Dept. of Community Health Telephone: 559-445-3271 Last EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually HUMBOLDT COUNTY: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 03/11/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 11 Source: Humboldt County Environmental Health Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies IMPERIAL COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 04/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: San Diego Border Field Office Telephone: 760-339-2777 Last EDR Contact: 08/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies INYO COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/14/2013 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: Inyo County Environmental Health Services Telephone: 760-878-0238 Last EDR Contact: 05/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies KERN COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-30 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Underground Storage Tank Sites & Tank Listing Kern County Sites and Tanks Listing. Date of Government Version: 05/19/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: Kern County Environment Health Services Department Telephone: 661-862-8700 Last EDR Contact: 08/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly KINGS COUNTY: CUPA Facility List A listing of sites included in the county’s Certified Unified Program Agency database. California’s Secretary for Environmental Protection established the unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulatory program as required by chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. The Unified Program consolidates the administration, permits, inspections, and enforcement activities. Date of Government Version: 05/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: Kings County Department of Public Health Telephone: 559-584-1411 Last EDR Contact: 05/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LAKE COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 05/05/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/20/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Lake County Environmental Health Telephone: 707-263-1164 Last EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/02/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies LOS ANGELES COUNTY: San Gabriel Valley Areas of Concern San Gabriel Valley areas where VOC contamination is at or above the MCL as designated by region 9 EPA office. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/23/2009 Number of Days to Update: 206 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3178 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HMS: Street Number List Industrial Waste and Underground Storage Tank Sites. Date of Government Version: 11/24/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/04/2015 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: Department of Public Works Telephone: 626-458-3517 Last EDR Contact: 07/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually List of Solid Waste Facilities Solid Waste Facilities in Los Angeles County. TC4382158.2s Page GR-31 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 07/20/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/21/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: La County Department of Public Works Telephone: 818-458-5185 Last EDR Contact: 07/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/02/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies City of Los Angeles Landfills Landfills owned and maintained by the City of Los Angeles. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: Engineering & Construction Division Telephone: 213-473-7869 Last EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/02/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Site Mitigation List Industrial sites that have had some sort of spill or complaint. Date of Government Version: 01/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Community Health Services Telephone: 323-890-7806 Last EDR Contact: 07/15/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/02/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually City of El Segundo Underground Storage Tank Underground storage tank sites located in El Segundo city. Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/02/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 11 Source: City of El Segundo Fire Department Telephone: 310-524-2236 Last EDR Contact: 07/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/02/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually City of Long Beach Underground Storage Tank Underground storage tank sites located in the city of Long Beach. Date of Government Version: 03/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 16 Source: City of Long Beach Fire Department Telephone: 562-570-2563 Last EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually City of Torrance Underground Storage Tank Underground storage tank sites located in the city of Torrance. Date of Government Version: 06/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/04/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/06/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: City of Torrance Fire Department Telephone: 310-618-2973 Last EDR Contact: 06/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually MADERA COUNTY: CUPA Facility List A listing of sites included in the county’s Certified Unified Program Agency database. California’s Secretary for Environmental Protection established the unified hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulatory program as required by chapter 6.11 of the California Health and Safety Code. The Unified Program consolidates the administration, permits, inspections, and enforcement activities. TC4382158.2s Page GR-32 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 05/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Madera County Environmental Health Telephone: 559-675-7823 Last EDR Contact: 05/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies MARIN COUNTY: Underground Storage Tank Sites Currently permitted USTs in Marin County. Date of Government Version: 10/08/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/22/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/15/2014 Number of Days to Update: 54 Source: Public Works Department Waste Management Telephone: 415-499-6647 Last EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually MERCED COUNTY: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 05/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Merced County Environmental Health Telephone: 209-381-1094 Last EDR Contact: 05/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies MONO COUNTY: CUPA Facility List CUPA Facility List Date of Government Version: 06/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/06/2015 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: Mono County Health Department Telephone: 760-932-5580 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies MONTEREY COUNTY: CUPA Facility Listing CUPA Program listing from the Environmental Health Division. Date of Government Version: 06/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Monterey County Health Department Telephone: 831-796-1297 Last EDR Contact: 05/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies NAPA COUNTY: Sites With Reported Contamination A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Napa county. TC4382158.2s Page GR-33 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 12/05/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/06/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/07/2012 Number of Days to Update: 63 Source: Napa County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-253-4269 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Closed and Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites Underground storage tank sites located in Napa county. Date of Government Version: 01/15/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/16/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/08/2008 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Napa County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-253-4269 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NEVADA COUNTY: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility list. Date of Government Version: 06/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/04/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 48 Source: Community Development Agency Telephone: 530-265-1467 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies ORANGE COUNTY: List of Industrial Site Cleanups Petroleum and non-petroleum spills. Date of Government Version: 05/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact: 08/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually List of Underground Storage Tank Cleanups Orange County Underground Storage Tank Cleanups (LUST). Date of Government Version: 05/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/08/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact: 05/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/24/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly List of Underground Storage Tank Facilities Orange County Underground Storage Tank Facilities (UST). Date of Government Version: 05/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 30 Source: Health Care Agency Telephone: 714-834-3446 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PLACER COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-34 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Master List of Facilities List includes aboveground tanks, underground tanks and cleanup sites. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 29 Source: Placer County Health and Human Services Telephone: 530-745-2363 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Riverside County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST). Date of Government Version: 07/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 951-358-5055 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Underground Storage Tank Tank List Underground storage tank sites located in Riverside county. Date of Government Version: 07/15/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 951-358-5055 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SACRAMENTO COUNTY: Toxic Site Clean-Up List List of sites where unauthorized releases of potentially hazardous materials have occurred. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Sacramento County Environmental Management Telephone: 916-875-8406 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Master Hazardous Materials Facility List Any business that has hazardous materials on site - hazardous material storage sites, underground storage tanks, waste generators. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/27/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: Sacramento County Environmental Management Telephone: 916-875-8406 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Hazardous Material Permits This listing includes underground storage tanks, medical waste handlers/generators, hazardous materials handlers, hazardous waste generators, and waste oil generators/handlers. TC4382158.2s Page GR-35 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 06/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: San Bernardino County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division Telephone: 909-387-3041 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SAN DIEGO COUNTY: Hazardous Materials Management Division Database The database includes: HE58 - This report contains the business name, site address, business phone number, establishment ’H’ permit number, type of permit, and the business status. HE17 - In addition to providing the same information provided in the HE58 listing, HE17 provides inspection dates, violations received by the establishment, hazardous waste generated, the quantity, method of storage, treatment/disposal of waste and the hauler, and information on underground storage tanks. Unauthorized Release List - Includes a summary of environmental contamination cases in San Diego County (underground tank cases, non-tank cases, groundwater contamination, and soil contamination are included.) Date of Government Version: 09/23/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/24/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/17/2013 Number of Days to Update: 23 Source: Hazardous Materials Management Division Telephone: 619-338-2268 Last EDR Contact: 06/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Solid Waste Facilities San Diego County Solid Waste Facilities. Date of Government Version: 10/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/29/2014 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 619-338-2209 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Environmental Case Listing The listing contains all underground tank release cases and projects pertaining to properties contaminated with hazardous substances that are actively under review by the Site Assessment and Mitigation Program. Date of Government Version: 03/23/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/15/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: San Diego County Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 619-338-2371 Last EDR Contact: 06/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY: Local Oversite Facilities A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in San Francisco county. Date of Government Version: 09/19/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/19/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/29/2008 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Department Of Public Health San Francisco County Telephone: 415-252-3920 Last EDR Contact: 08/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Underground Storage Tank Information Underground storage tank sites located in San Francisco county. Date of Government Version: 11/29/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/10/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/15/2011 Number of Days to Update: 5 Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 415-252-3920 Last EDR Contact: 08/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-36 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING San Joaquin Co. UST A listing of underground storage tank locations in San Joaquin county. Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/06/2015 Number of Days to Update: 10 Source: Environmental Health Department Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility List. Date of Government Version: 05/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 15 Source: San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department Telephone: 805-781-5596 Last EDR Contact: 05/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies SAN MATEO COUNTY: Business Inventory List includes Hazardous Materials Business Plan, hazardous waste generators, and underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 07/20/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/22/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 12 Source: San Mateo County Environmental Health Services Division Telephone: 650-363-1921 Last EDR Contact: 06/15/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually Fuel Leak List A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in San Mateo county. Date of Government Version: 06/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: San Mateo County Environmental Health Services Division Telephone: 650-363-1921 Last EDR Contact: 06/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/29/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually SANTA BARBARA COUNTY: CUPA Facility Listing CUPA Program Listing from the Environmental Health Services division. Date of Government Version: 09/08/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/09/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/07/2011 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Telephone: 805-686-8167 Last EDR Contact: 05/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies SANTA CLARA COUNTY: Cupa Facility List Cupa facility list TC4382158.2s Page GR-37 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 06/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 408-918-1973 Last EDR Contact: 06/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies HIST LUST - Fuel Leak Site Activity Report A listing of open and closed leaking underground storage tanks. This listing is no longer updated by the county. Leaking underground storage tanks are now handled by the Department of Environmental Health. Date of Government Version: 03/29/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/30/2005 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/21/2005 Number of Days to Update: 22 Source: Santa Clara Valley Water District Telephone: 408-265-2600 Last EDR Contact: 03/23/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned LOP Listing A listing of leaking underground storage tanks located in Santa Clara county. Date of Government Version: 03/03/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/05/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/18/2014 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 408-918-3417 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually Hazardous Material Facilities Hazardous material facilities, including underground storage tank sites. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/08/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: City of San Jose Fire Department Telephone: 408-535-7694 Last EDR Contact: 08/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/23/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually SANTA CRUZ COUNTY: CUPA Facility List CUPA facility listing. Date of Government Version: 05/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/08/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Telephone: 831-464-2761 Last EDR Contact: 05/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies SHASTA COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa Facility List. Date of Government Version: 06/12/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Shasta County Department of Resource Management Telephone: 530-225-5789 Last EDR Contact: 05/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies SOLANO COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-38 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Leaking Underground Storage Tanks A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Solano county. Date of Government Version: 06/19/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 20 Source: Solano County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-784-6770 Last EDR Contact: 06/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Underground Storage Tanks Underground storage tank sites located in Solano county. Date of Government Version: 06/19/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/07/2015 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: Solano County Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 707-784-6770 Last EDR Contact: 06/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SONOMA COUNTY: Cupa Facility List Cupa Facility list Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: County of Sonoma Fire & Emergency Services Department Telephone: 707-565-1174 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites A listing of leaking underground storage tank sites located in Sonoma county. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2015 Number of Days to Update: 7 Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 707-565-6565 Last EDR Contact: 06/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/12/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly SUTTER COUNTY: Underground Storage Tanks Underground storage tank sites located in Sutter county. Date of Government Version: 06/05/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/06/2015 Number of Days to Update: 27 Source: Sutter County Department of Agriculture Telephone: 530-822-7500 Last EDR Contact: 06/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually TUOLUMNE COUNTY: CUPA Facility List Cupa facility list Date of Government Version: 07/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Divison of Environmental Health Telephone: 209-533-5633 Last EDR Contact: 07/24/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies VENTURA COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-39 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Business Plan, Hazardous Waste Producers, and Operating Underground Tanks The BWT list indicates by site address whether the Environmental Health Division has Business Plan (B), Waste Producer (W), and/or Underground Tank (T) information. Date of Government Version: 06/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Ventura County Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Inventory of Illegal Abandoned and Inactive Sites Ventura County Inventory of Closed, Illegal Abandoned, and Inactive Sites. Date of Government Version: 12/01/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/01/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/19/2012 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 06/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually Listing of Underground Tank Cleanup Sites Ventura County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST). Date of Government Version: 05/29/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/24/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/31/2008 Number of Days to Update: 37 Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Medical Waste Program List To protect public health and safety and the environment from potential exposure to disease causing agents, the Environmental Health Division Medical Waste Program regulates the generation, handling, storage, treatment and disposal of medical waste throughout the County. Date of Government Version: 04/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: Ventura County Resource Management Agency Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 07/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Underground Tank Closed Sites List Ventura County Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites (UST)/Underground Tank Closed Sites List. Date of Government Version: 05/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/06/2015 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Environmental Health Division Telephone: 805-654-2813 Last EDR Contact: 06/17/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly YOLO COUNTY: Underground Storage Tank Comprehensive Facility Report Underground storage tank sites located in Yolo county. Date of Government Version: 07/08/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 9 Source: Yolo County Department of Health Telephone: 530-666-8646 Last EDR Contact: 07/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually YUBA COUNTY: TC4382158.2s Page GR-40 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CUPA Facility List CUPA facility listing for Yuba County. Date of Government Version: 05/18/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/19/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/05/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 Source: Yuba County Environmental Health Department Telephone: 530-749-7523 Last EDR Contact: 07/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 07/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/19/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2013 Number of Days to Update: 45 Source: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Telephone: 860-424-3375 Last EDR Contact: 05/18/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NJ MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/12/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 05/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/06/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/20/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8651 Last EDR Contact: 08/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/25/2014 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Telephone: 717-783-8990 Last EDR Contact: 07/20/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/02/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually RI MANIFEST: Manifest information Hazardous waste manifest information Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/19/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/15/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 Source: Department of Environmental Management Telephone: 401-222-2797 Last EDR Contact: 05/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4382158.2s Page GR-41 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/19/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2015 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Department of Natural Resources Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 06/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually Oil/Gas Pipelines Source: PennWell Corporation Telephone: 281-546-1505 Petroleum Bundle (Crude Oil, Refined Products, Petrochemicals, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)) N = Natural Gas Bundle (Natural Gas, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)). This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: PennWell Corporation Telephone: 800-823-6277 This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Licensed Facilities Source: Department of Social Services Telephone: 916-657-4041 Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. TC4382158.2s Page GR-42 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4382158.2s Page GR-43 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING TC4382158.2s Page A-1 geologic strata. of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics 2. Groundwater flow velocity. 1. Groundwater flow direction, and Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in 2012Version Date: 5640950 NEWPORT BEACH, CANorthwest Map: 2012Version Date: 5640952 NEWPORT BEACH OE S, CASouthwest Map: 2012Version Date: 5641300 LAGUNA BEACH, CASoutheast Map: 2012Version Date: 5640942 TUSTIN, CATarget Property Map: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 194 ft. above sea levelElevation: 3721160.5UTM Y (Meters): 420141.6UTM X (Meters): Zone 11Universal Tranverse Mercator: 117.861 - 117˚ 51’ 39.60’’Longitude (West): 33.629 - 33˚ 37’ 44.40’’Latitude (North): TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 4302 FORD ROAD 4302 FORD ROAD TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM® TC4382158.2s Page A-2 should be field verified. on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES Elevation (ft)Elevation (ft)TP TP 0 1/2 1 Miles✩Target Property Elevation: 194 ft. North South West East24727126825116320120218819119418918417417116515410339323548626280178212212206194106191198205181190140181198General EastGeneral Topographic Gradient: TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-3 For additional site information, refer to Physical Setting Source Map Findings. Not Reported1/2 - 1 Mile ESE1 GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. Not found Status: 1.25 miles Search Radius: Site-Specific Hydrogeological Data*: * ©1996 Site-specific hydrogeological data gathered by CERCLIS Alerts, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA. All rights reserved. All of the information and opinions presented are those of the cited EPA report(s), which were completed under a Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) investigation. contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapTUSTIN NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic Data CoverageNWI Quad at Target Property Not ReportedAdditional Panels in search area: 06059C - FEMA DFIRM Flood dataFlood Plain Panel at Target Property: YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapORANGE, CA FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Electronic DataTarget Property County and bodies of water). Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-4 Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Stratified SequenceCategory:CenozoicEra: TertiarySystem: MioceneSeries: TmCode: (decoded above as Era, System & Series) at which contaminant migration may be occurring. Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 5 3 2 7 1 2 10 9 2 4 8 6 0 1/16 1/8 1/4 Miles TC4382158.2s Page A-6 Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 2 Max: Min: Min: Max: Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered29 inches25 inches 2 Min: 6.1 Max: 7.8 Min: 4 Max: 14 Not reportedNot reportedloam25 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: loamSoil Surface Texture: ANAHEIMSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 1 in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-7 > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 3 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 Not reportedNot reportedsandy loam79 inches64 inches 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy clay loam64 inches20 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy clay loam20 inches11 inches 3 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy clay11 inches 7 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-8 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay11 inches 7 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 4 Max: Min: Min: Max: Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered20 inches16 inches 2 Min: 5.6 Max: 7.3 Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reportedsandy loam16 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-9 > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam79 inches64 inches 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam64 inches20 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam20 inches11 inches 3 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-10 Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: clay loamSoil Surface Texture: ANAHEIMSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 6 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam79 inches70 inches 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam70 inches27 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam27 inches18 inches 3 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay18 inches11 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam11 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-11 Min: 7.9 Max: 8.4 Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reported loam very fine sandy coarse sand to gravelly loamy stratified61 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 7.9 Max: 8.4 Min: 14 Max: 42 Not reportedNot reportedfine sandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Well drainedSoil Drainage Class: textures. moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep,Hydrologic Group: fine sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: SAN EMIGDIOSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 7 Max: Min: Min: Max: Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered29 inches25 inches 2 Min: 6.1 Max: 7.8 Min: 1.4 Max: 4 Not reportedNot reportedclay loam25 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: ModerateCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-12 > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HighCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Moderately well drainedSoil Drainage Class: water table, or are shallow to an impervious layer. Class D - Very slow infiltration rates. Soils are clayey, have a highHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: MYFORDSoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 9 Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered11 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 5.1 Max: 7.3 Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 8 ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-13 Somewhat excessively drainedSoil Drainage Class: movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures. Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downwardHydrologic Group: sandy loamSoil Surface Texture: CIENEBASoil Component Name: Soil Map ID: 10 Min: 6.1 Max: 6.5 Min: 4 Max: 14 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam79 inches70 inches 5 Min: 6.1 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam70 inches27 inches 4 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay loam27 inches18 inches 3 Min: 5.6 Max: 8.4 Min: 0.01 Max: 0.42 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy clay18 inches11 inches 2 5.1 Max: 6 Min: Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED 50%), Lean Clay. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularsandy loam11 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-14 Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. No PWS System Found FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID No Wells Found FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1.000State Database Nearest PWS within 1 mileFederal FRDS PWS 1.000Federal USGS WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION SEARCH DISTANCE (miles)DATABASE opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS Max: Min: Min: 0 Max: 0.42 Not reportedNot reported bedrock weathered11 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 5.6 Max: 7.3 Min: 14 Max: 42 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Claysandy loam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity micro m/sec Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) > 0 inchesDepth to Watertable Min: > 0 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: LowCorrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Not hydric ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4382158.2s Page A-15 1/2 - 1 Mile ENECAOG11000218069 1 STATE OIL/GAS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION No Wells Found STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 120 12080 808 0 40 4080 801 20 16 0 80120 120 1 204040404 0 40 80 80808080 80808080 280 280120200200200120120 1 2 0 120120120120120 2 0 0 200 200200 2 002001 601208080 120 1201601 60160160160160 160 16 0160 1 6 0 160200200 200 240200200 200 2002 0 0 2 0 0 200400 360 320 3 20 280 240240 240200160 160120 12080 120 80 80 20 0200 320 802003602 4 0 80200 200 200200 120120 2 0020 0 200160 1 60160160200 200200 600360200200400 4002004004404404401206806806406 420060 0 6006006005605605605605 2 0 5 2 0520520480480480480 480440 4 40 440 400 400 400360360 3603 20 3 203202 80280 2802 4 0 2 40 24024024024 0 160 CA TC4382158.2s Page A-17 Date: 07/25/1986 Average Water Depth: Not Reported Deep Water Depth: 6 ft Shallow Water Depth: 4 ft Groundwater Flow: Not Reported Site ID: 083000574T1 ESE 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher 69417AQUIFLOW Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4382158.2s Page A-18 CAOG11000218069Site id: PDHGissymbol:UnknownDirectiona: Not ReportedCompletion:Not ReportedAbandonedd: 0Redrillfoo: 0Welldeptha: Not ReportedSpuddate:NConfidenti: NHydraulica:NEpawell: 1Wellnumber:Not ReportedLeasename: Not ReportedComments: hudGissourcec: Not ReportedLocationde: Not ReportedElevation:SBBase meridian: 09WRange:06STownship: 20Section:Any AreaArea name: Any FieldFieldname:OrangeCounty name: Wucherer-Gray Oil Co. ConsolidatedOperator name: PWell status:YDryhole: Not ReportedRedrill can:NBlm well: 05901294Api number:1District nun: 1 ENE 1/2 - 1 Mile CAOG11000218069OIL_GAS Map ID DirectionDistance EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4382158.2s Page A-19 Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedBasement Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedLiving Area - 2nd Floor 0%0%100%0.763 pCi/LLiving Area - 1st Floor % >20 pCi/L% 4-20 pCi/L% <4 pCi/LAverage ActivityArea Number of sites tested: 30 Federal Area Radon Information for ORANGE COUNTY, CA : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Federal EPA Radon Zone for ORANGE County: 3 05792660 ______________________ > 4 pCi/LNum TestsZipcode Radon Test Results State Database: CA Radon AREA RADON INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON ® TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOW Information SystemR Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC4382158.2s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS Water Well Database Source: Department of Water Resources Telephone: 916-651-9648 California Drinking Water Quality Database Source: Department of Public Health Telephone: 916-324-2319 The database includes all drinking water compliance and special studies monitoring for the state of California since 1984. It consists of over 3,200,000 individual analyses along with well and water system information. OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION California Oil and Gas Well Locations Source: Department of Conservation Telephone: 916-323-1779 Oil and Gas well locations in the state. RADON State Database: CA Radon Source: Department of Health Services Telephone: 916-324-2208 Radon Database for California Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. TC4382158.2s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration California Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary fault lines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey. Additional information (also from 1975) regarding activity at specific fault lines comes from California’s Preliminary Fault Activity Map prepared by the California Division of Mines and Geology. STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4382158.2s Page PSGR-3 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED