HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190418_Proof_of_Publicationito,s Angeles a!ime.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COURTESY NOTICE OF STUDY SESSION THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE that on Thursday, April 11, 2019, at 5:30 p.m., a study sesaion wiU be conducted. in I.he Council Chambers a1100 CMc cen1er Drive, Nawporl Beach. The PlaMlng Commission of the Cily of Newport Beach will review and discuss: Ford Road Raaldantlal -The prOject conslsls of Iha construction of 21 resldenUal condominium units on vacant property· locatod southea&t of the MacArthur Boulevard and Bonila Canyon Drive lnlerseclion. The proposed developmenl consists of o two. and three-5tory bUilding over ono level of sublerranean parking and wiQ Include common ameruty areas. The applicanl, Hines, requesls lho following applications from lhe Cily ol Newporl Beach: • General Plan Amendmant. -To change Iha land· use calegoty from P.F (Public FaciHUes) to RM (MuiUpkHJnll RealdanUal~ The proposed amendment also Includes 21 addlllonal dwslllng unils In SlaUsllcal Area M6. • Zoning Code Amendment -To change Iha . zoning dlslrlc1 from PF (Public Fai:lliHH) to RM. (MuHI-Unil Residerillal) and to ravls.e the. Zoning Map. (Newporl Beach · Municipal Code (NBMCJ · !.l!!!DJ!!( 20 14 · (Zoning MBPl\ to include a development limit of 21 dWelling units on the property, • Major Site Development. Review -To allow the coilslruclion of 21 dwelling units ~ith a lentaUve tract ~ap ~nd lo ensure the sile Is developed . In · accordance with applicable zoning code development slanderds. and . regulalions pursuant· lo NBMC SeGUPO 20 62 Q6Q ,sue Dgve(opmen( Reviews}. Also requested 11 an increase In allowable height for a comer tower element . lhal would exceed the ma•lmum height limll. • Tantallva Tract Map :... · Ta allow the resldenllal dwelling unlls lo be said soparaloly. A dralt ln!Ual SIUdy/MIUgated Negatlve Declarallon (18/MND) has been prepared and will be made avaiable for pubUc review on or after Friday, Aprirt2. Commenls on lhe IS/MND will be accepted for a 20-calendar-day period once released. The document will be made available at Iha Planning Divl&lon, all Cily llbrarkts and may also be accessed onllne ot: htto·11www newoonbo@chca oovt'PmlB The purpou of the Bluely Saaalon la to provide the Plannlng . Commls■lon and . the pubUo Iha opportunity to ravlew and dlai:uss lhe propOHd project In advance of lhe public IM■rlnS,1. NO action 9D tlth■r th• Ptelect or (8/MND wm be taken by the Planning Comffllplon at the study 1e••lon· For questions regarding this. appJJcalion and the aludy session please conlacl Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Aosoclato Planner, el 949-ll44- 3253 or tmtebft@QQwpgrfbftftciJ@·Q2Y• Project FIie: PA2017• 228 Zone: Public Facilities (PF) Location: 4302 Ford Road (APN 458-361-10) (Al the southeasrem comer of rhe MacArlhur Boulevard and Bon/la Canyon Drive lnrorseCl/on.) Activity: GP2019- 002, CA2019·002. SD2017-009, NT2017-004, ND2019-001 General Plan: Public FaciiUes (PF) Applicant: Hinas lee Lowrey, Secretary, Planning Commission, Cily of Nowporl Beach 6224956 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 itos .Angeles mimes MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P .) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on Jan 14, 1938, Cases A6214 for the City of Costa esa, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and compl. copy as as inted and published on the following date(s): Apr06,2019 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 6224956 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 ito.s An.9ele.s aiime.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COURTESY NOTICE OF STUDY SESSION THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE Iha! on Thursday, Aprll 11, 2019, at 5:30 p.m., a study sesaion wiU be conduclsd In the Council Chambers at ·100 CMc Cenler Drive. Nawpon Beach. The Planning commission of the Chy ol Newpon Beach will review and discuss: Fonl Road Rasldanllal -The prOjecl conslsla of the construcllon of 21 reilldenUaJ condomlnllJm un"• on ·vacan1 property· locatod aoutheaot of tha MacAnhur · Boulevard and Bonita canyon .Drlva Intersection. The proposed developmenl conslsla of a IWO• and lhree•slory buildlng over ono lovel of sublerranean patklng and win Inell.Kie common amenlly areas. The applicanl, Hines, requesls the tonowlng applicaUons trom lhe City of Newpon Beach: • G1n11111t Plan Amendment -To change Iha land us.e category from PF (Public FaciHUes) 10 RM (MulUple-Unll RealdenUal~ The proposed amendmenl also Includes 21 addlllonal dwalllng units In SlaUslical Area M6. • Zoning Coda Amendment -To change Iha zoning district from PF (Public FaclliUea) .10 RM· (Mun~unn Residarillal) and to revise Iha Zoning Map (Nawpon Beach · Munk:lpal Code (NBMCJ · ~ 20 14 · [Zgninq MBDI) to Include a development limit of 21 dwelling unJIS on lhepropeny. • Major Site Development Review -To allow the construction of 21 dwelling unils ~ith a_lentaUve tract ~ap and lo ensure the Bile la developed In accordance wt.lh applicable zoning . code development slandatds . and . regulaUOns pursuanl · 10 NBMC SeGliPO 2Q 52 060 (§jlo Oavefopm1n1 Beviaws>-· Also requested 11 an increase in allowable height for a comer lower elemenl . lhal would exceed lhe maximum height llmll. • Tanlilllva Tract· Map -To allow the r.e51denlial dWelling unlls lo be sold soparalely. A draft lnlUal Study/MIUgalad Negatlva Declarallon (18/MND) has l>oen prepared end will be made available for pubic review an or after Friday, ·Aprlr12., Ccimmenls an lhe 1S/MND wHI :':ie:;:r.1f~0Jo~~~l~n:~::rare~eifar;:: al Iha Planning DlvlalOn, ell City libraries and may also · be accessed onllne ot http:JI\.YWW 09WP9ctbeadJr;a.gqyleegg The purpH■ of the Bluely Snalon I• to provide the Planning. Commltalon and. the public Iha opportunity to review end clacuu the propoHd -Joei In advance of the public ha■rlnO•~ No •cUOII an tlthtr ·th• eraltCI qr ISfMND wHI · be taken by the Pfann1ng Cfflnmlaston Bl th! ••udy •easlon- Far questions regarding lhls. appllcauon and Iha sludy session . please conlacl Benjamin · M. Zdeba. AICP, Asooclale Plannor, al 949-644- 3253 or b7d@ba@MWP9rtbfteehca-oov- Projeol FIie: PA2017• 228 ZoM: Public Facllilies (PF) Location: 4302 FOid Road (APN 4 58-361- 10) (Al · tho southeastern comer al the MacArthur BoulevarrJ and Bon/la Csnyoil Drive lntBrSl>Cl/on.J AclMty: GP2019-002, CA2019,002, SD2017-009. NT2017--004, ND2019-001 Genetal Plan: Public Faciilies (PF) Applicant: Hines Lee Lowroy, Secrelery. ·Planning Commission. City of Newpon Beach 6224956 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 J!o.s Angeles fflime.s MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P .) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on June 19, 1952, Cases A24831 for the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 jury that the foregoing is true and correct. 6224956 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2