HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200109_Recorded Grand Deed and PCORRECORDING REQUESTED BY STEWARTTITLE AND WHEN RE(ORDED MAIL DOCUMENT TO: APN# 043-00+13 Alder Revocable Trust Dated May ig,201E 3 Paullne Gt. lrvine, GA020{7 Recorded in OfficialRecords, Orange County Hugh ltlguyen, Cle rk-Recorde r llllllllllllilllllllllililtilililillililtilillililil]tilililililillllll 0 oo ".$R00101435 80$* 2018000210493 10:53 am 06/08/18 63 405 G02 207 973.50 973.50 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 Pu6uant to senate Blll2 - Euildlng Homes and Jobs Act {Govemment code seclion 273gg.1 (GG)), efrctive January l,2418' a fee of seventpfiv.e dollare ($7s.oo; strall be pald at tiie time of recording or every r.e"r esiate !'n"trurint, p"p"ri o,notice requlred or permitted by law to be recorded, e_xcept thoae expressty eiempted trom pavrnent of recordlng fees,per eacft eingle transac,tlon per parcel of real prcperty. The fee lmpised ry tnis "i"tionirrjfnot exceed two hundredtwentyfive dollars ($225.00). SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY GRANT DEED Title of Document &EASON FOR EXEMPTION: fi Exempt as Transfer of real property subject to imposition of documentary transfer tax. E Exempt flom fee under GG 27988,1 (a] {2); recoraed concurrently "!n connection wlth,, a transfer subject to thelmposition of documentary transfer tax (DTT), f] Erempt as Transfer of real property that ls a residential dwelllng to an owner-occupier. ! Exempt from fee under GC 27388.1 (a) (2); recorded concurrently "ln connec{ion with,, a transfiar of real property thatis a residential dwelling to anorarner-occupler. I Exempt from fee under GC 27ggg.1(a) (1); exceeds maxlmurn fee of $225,00, fl Exempt ftom tue under GC Z7g8A.,t {a) (i); not related to real property. tfli{/ /-ao l.-"1 exempt from fee under GC 27ggl.1(a) (2); recorded .,in connecilondocumentary transfier tax (DTT) which was pald on document rccorded wlthnna transfer subject to the imposition ofon- as DocumentNo.the Offcial Gounty Records,or I Exemptfrom fee under GG 27388't (a) (f ); recorded "ln connsction wlth" a tansferwhere the maxlmum fes of $225was reached wlthdocunrents recorded on aE Document No.-- -of the Offr;tic;"tyRacords, - a tmnsfiBrthat ls a residenflal dwelling to an the Oficlal I herebydeclarc underpenaltyof perjurythatthe lnfiormation provlded above ls trueand corrcctto the best of my knowledge and underutandlng. Executed th ls_{!t_-day o 20'18 At NEumffieEAcH -- elry StaL RECORDING REOUESTED BY STEWART TITLE AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL DOCUMENT TO: Alder Revocable Trust Dated May 19, 2018 3 Pauline Ct. lrvine, CA 92617 APN# 049-064-13 t%ffi',t=*dWU'r "*mmij ffiffi8,:"," SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY GRANT DEED Title of Document Pursuant to Senate Bill 2 - Building Homes and Jobs Act (Government Code Section 27388.1 (GC)), effective January 1, 20'18, a fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) shall be paid at the time of recording of every real estate instrument, paper, or notice required or permitted by law to be recorded, except those expressly exempted from payment of recording fees, per each single transaction per parcel of real property. The fee imposed by this section shall not exceed two hundred twenty-fi ve dollars ($225.00). REASON FOR EXEMPTION: X Exempt as Transfer of real property subject to imposition of documentary transfer tax. n Exempt from fee under GC 27388.1 (a) (2); recorded concurrently "in connection with" a transfer subject to the imposition of documentary transfer tax (DTT). E Exempt as Transfer of real property that is a residential dwelling to an owner-occupier. ! Exempt from fee under GG 27388.'l (a) (2); recorded concurrently "in connection with" a transfer of real propertythat is a residential dwelling to an owner'occupier. ! Exempt from fee under GC 27388.'l (a) (1); exceeds maximum fee of $225.00. E Exempt from fee under GC 27388.1(a) (1); not related to real property. THE FOLLOWING EXEMPTIONS APPLY TO CERTAIN COUNTIES INCLUDING KERN. MARIN. PLUMAS. SAN DIEGO AND SAN F RANGISGO_QQIJNIIES: E Exempt from fee under GC 27388.1 (a) (2); recorded "in connection with" a transfer subject to the imposition of tm/g/ 7- ?o documentary transfer tax (DTT) which was paid on document recorded of the Official Gounty Records, or Document No. ! Exempt from fee under GG 27388Jl (a) (1 ); recorded "in connection with" a transfer where the maximum fee of $225wasreachedwithdocumentsrecordedon-asDocumentNo'-oftheofficia|Gounty Records. I Exempt from fee under GG 27388.1 (a) (2); recorded "in connection with" a transfer that is a residential dwelling to an owner-occuDier with documents recorded on as Document No. of the Official County Records. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and understanding. Executed this 4th day of , At, City CA Signature 2018 State HECORDING REQUESTED BY STEWART TITLE RECORDING REQUESTED BY: AND WHEN RECORDED MAILTO: AND MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Alder Revocable Trust Dated May 19, 20LB 3 Pauline Ct.Irvine, CA 926L7 Order No. CA02 l0-l 8001817 -20 Parcel No. 049-064-13 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THEUNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) THATDOCUMENTARYTRANSFERTAX IS $1,947 and CITY$0, 0OX computed on full value ofproperty conveyed, or _computed on full value less liens or encumbrances remaining at the time of sale. unincorporated area: X City of Newport Beach, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Alvin Richard Mayer, Jr. and Lisa A. Mayer, Trustees of the Mayer Trust dated February l0' 1997 herebyGRANTSto Richard E. Masson, Trustee of the Alder Revocable Trust Dated May 19, 2018 the following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: Lot l6 in Block 2'7 FirstAddition to Newport Heights, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 4 Page(s) 94 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Commonly known as: 435 Aliso Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Date May 17,201 8 I Jr.,By A. Mayer, Trustee A notary public or other officer completing this cefiificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate 1S and not the or ofthat document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA couxrv oF o PftNar 't J s.s. On R bv<.,rtns\yo N Dta (Y f,,rblic personally appeared Alvin Richard Maver. Jr. and Lisa A. Maver.who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to me that he/she/they on the instrument the 0.\1 20lo.before me, to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisfter/their signature(s) person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS Signature mv hand and official seallhLilW Escrow No.: 54548-SW BOE-so2-A (Pl) REV.13 (06-17) PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT To be completed by the transferee (buyer) prior to a transfer of subject property, in accordance with section 480.3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. A Preliminary Change of Ownership Reporf must be filed with each conveyance in the County Recorder's office for the county where the property is located. FOR ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY T_ ALDER REVOCABLE TRUST DATED MAY 19, 2018 3 Pauline Ct. Irvine, CA 92617 SELLER/ I ITANSFEROR Mayer Trust dated February 10, 1997 CLAUDE PARRISH OMNGE COUNTY ASSESSOR (714) 834-5031 -l I ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 049-064-13 BUYER'S DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER L_tsUYER'S EMAIL AUDT{ESS STREET ADDRESS OR PHYSICAL LOCATION OF REAL PROPERTY 435 Aliso Newport Beach, CA 92663 This property is intended as my principal residence. lf YES, please indicate the date of occupancy MO DAY YES YES IVIAIL PROPERTY TAX INFORMA or intended occupancy Are you a disabled veteran or a unmarried surviving spouse of a disabled veteran who was at 100%nt of Veterans Affairs? ALDER REVOCABLE TRUST DATED MAY 19, 2018 rF ''q'crw l2-vl'vL tr tr trtrn ! PART 1. TRANSFER INFORMATION Please complete allstatements. This section contains possible exclusions from reassessment for certain types of transfers YES NO Sn. ni" transfer is solely between spouses (addition or removal of a spouse, death of a spouse, divorce settlement, etc.). M, 1ni" transfer is solely between domestic partners cunently registered with the California Secretary of State (addition or removal of a partner, death of a paftner, termination settlement, etc.). V" This is a transfer: n b"t*"en parent(s) and child(ren) [ from grandparent(s) to grandchild(ren). Wo This transfer is the result of a cotenant's death. Date of death B- e. fnis transaction is to replace a principal residence owned by a person 55 years of age or older. Within the same county? n ves n ruo EI,*f. fnis transaction is to replace a principal residence by a person who is severely disabled as defined by Revenue and Taxation Code section 69.5. Within the same county? n YeS n ruO Va. This transaction is only a correction of the name(s) of the person(s) holding title to the property (e.9., a name change upon marriage). lf YES, please explain: n Wn.The recorded document creates, terminates, or reconveys a lender's interest in the property. n Ekt. fnis transaction is recorded only as a requirement for financing purposes or to create, terminate, or reconvey a security interest (e.9., cosigner). lf YES, please explain n Wl. ne recorded document substitutes a trustee of a trust, mortgage, or other similar document. K. This is a transfer of property: n W i. to/from a revocable trust that may be revoked by the transferor and is for the benefit of ! the transferor, and/or ! the transferor's spouse! registered domestic partner. ! W 2. to/fromanirrevocabletrustforthebenefitofthe I creator/grantor/trustor and/or n grantor's/trustor's spouse ! grantor's/trustor's registered domestic partner. n Ehl fnis property is subject to a lease with a remaining lease term of 35 years or more including written options. n EFfvf This is a transfer between parties in which proportional interests of the transfero(s) and transferee(s) in each and every parcel being transferred remain exactly the same after the transfer. t] El N. This is a transfer subject to subsidized low-income housing requirements with governmentally imposed restrictions, or restrictions imposed by specified nonprofit corporations. n W O. This transfer is to the first purchaser of a new building containing an active solar energy system. n f,hP. otn"r. This transfer is to * Please refer to the instructions for Part 1. Please provide any other information that will help the Assessor understand the nature of the transfer. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION BOE-502-A (P2) REV. 13 (06-1 7) PART 2. OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION Escrow No,; 54548-SW Check and complete as applicable. A. Date of transfer, if other than recording date B. TWflransler, _ EfPurchase ! Foreclosure I ein I rraOe or exchange I Murgut, stock, or partnership acquisition (Form BOE-100-B) fJ Oontract of sale. Date of contract:n lnheritance. Date of death:- fl Sale/Leaseback I Creation of a lease I Assignment of a lease I Termination of a lease. Date lease began:- Original term in years(rncluding written options): _ Remaining term in years (inclucling writton options): I otner. Ploase explaln: C, only a partial interest in the property was transferred. I vu, ffo lf YES, indicate the percentage transferred o/" PART 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE Check and complete as A, Tolal purchase price B. Cash down payment or value of trade or exchange excluding closing costs C. First deed of trust @-% interest for -_ years. Monthly payment t Due date: D. Second deed of trust @-% interest for - years. Monthly payment fl Fixed Rate f| Variable rate I BanUsaving & Loan/Credit Union I t-oan canied by seller fl nalbon paymont $-_- Due date: E, Was an lmprovemont Bond or other public financing assumed by the buyer? [VeS ffiruo Amouni Amount Amount Outstanding balance Phone number: oo fl rffn (- Discount Points) [ Cat-Vet f] vn t- Discount Points) n rixed rate I Variable rate f Bank/Savings & Loan/Credit Union I loan carried by seller f, B"tloon payment F. Amount, if any, of real estate G, The property was purchased: comrgilsion fees paid by ihe buyer which are not included in tho purchaso price ffrnrougn real estate broker. Broker name: - $() n Direct from seller I rrom a family member-Relationship fl otnur. Please explain: H. Please explain any special terms, seller concessions, broker/agenl fees waived, financing, and any other information (€.9., buyer assumed the existing loan balance) that would assist the Assessor in the valuation of your property. PART 4. PROPERTY INFORMATION A. Type oforoperly transferred 6ngt -ta it/ residence nI Mrtipt.+"rily residence. Number of units:- nI Otner. Description: (i,e., timber, mineral, water rights, etc,) n Check and eomplete as applicable, g. [VgS INO Purronal/business property, or incentives, provided by seller to buyer are included in the purchase price, Examples of personal property are furniture, farm equipment, machinery, elc. Examples of incentivos are club memberships, etc. Attach list if available. Co-op/Own-your-own Condominium Timeshare f] Manufactured home I Unimproved lot I Commercial/lndustrial lncentives $lf YES, enter the value of the personal/business property: $ c. [IYES [No n manufactured home is included in the purchase prlce. lf YES, enter the value attributed to the manufaotured home: $ lf YEs, the income is from: I Lease/rent f, Contract n Mineral rights n otn"r, [Ve S flruO- The manufactured home is subject to local property tax. lf NO, enter decal number:-4o Ives E(o rn" property produces rental or other income. E. The condition of Please describe the propedy at the s.t- k_ time of sale was: I OooO, ! Au"r"ge ^ 6^;/,.. S f F.C T) rlls 'EECC)n. f n Poor CERTIFICATION I cerlify (or declare) that the forogoing and all information hereon, including any of my knowledgo and belief. accompanying slafemenfs or documents, is true and conect to the best s r'tl l DATE\ -Tru.*€ €TITLE The may contact you for additional rega