HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181102_ApplicationCommunity Development Department Planning Permit Application 1. Check Permits Requested: D Approval-in-Concept -AIC # D Lot Merger Ii] Coastal Development Permit D Limited Term Permit - D Waiver for De Minimis Development D Seasonal D < 90 day 0>90 days D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Permit D Condominium Conversion D Off-Site Parking Agreement D Comprehensive Sign Program D Planned Community Development Plan D Development Agreement O Planned Development Permit ~JY::l(JK9(--~. tM NEWPORT BEACH y-r1~v G'oo Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 \ \ /~ l t d 949 644-3200 A~oi\bD chca.gov/communitydevelopment D Staff Approval D Tract Map D Traffic Study D Use Permit -OMinor 0Conditional D Amendment to existing Use Permit D Variance D Development Plan D Site Development Review -D Major D Minor D Amendment -DCode OPC OGP OLCP D Other: D Lot Line Adjustment D Parcel Map 2. Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) ~OCEAN FRONT-048-143-019 q,, Lf e. OL2~1v .=-n-o.v-r- 3. Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): CONSTRUCT A NEW THREE-STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNIT WITH AN ATTACHED TWO-CAR GARAGE AND ROOF DECKS ON THE THIRD FLOOR. 4 A I. t/C N / ROD A. JEHEBER -R.A. JEHEBER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN, Inc. j . pp 1can ompany ame "'---------------------------------'· Mailing Address ~10 32nd STREET I Suite/Unit ~02 I City !NEWPORT BEACH State lcA f Zip 192663 f Phone 1949-723-4393 Fax INONE f Email jRAJEHEBER@GMAIL.COM f 5 C t tic N ROD A. JEHEBER -R.A. JEHEBER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN, Inc. . on ac ompany ame ______ , ------------------------~ Mailing Address ~10 32nd STREET / Suite/Unit ~12_02 ____ ___. City !NEWPORT BEACH State lcA / Zip .,__19_26_6_3 ___ __. Phone )949-723-4393 Fax !NONE / Email jRAJEHEBER@GMAIL.COM 0 N jocEAN PROPERTIES RENTALS, LLC / PAYAM CHARLES ATAII 6. wner ame ~---------------------------------~ Mailing Address I 24881 Alicia Parkway . City !LAGUNA HILLS Suite/Unit _f _#G ___ ~ State 1.---c-A-----~I Zip .,__192_6_53 ___ ___. Phone 1949-637-1332 I Fax .....--------1 Email jocEANPROPERTYRENTALS@GMAIL.COM 7. Property Owner's Affidavit*: (I) (We) .,__J __ Pa_y_a_m_C_ha_r_le_s_A_ta_i_, ______________ __, depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): ~-~ Title: I Manager I Owner I Date: ~' --10_1_3_01_1_a_~ DD/MO/YEAR Signature(s): --------------Title: .:..__ ________ ___.f Date:-=--' -------' *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)' signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. PA2018-248 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY\ Date Filed: ) \ .. -t,_,.. I~ APN No: 0 lf<J /'f J /'f ¥ 2700-5000 Acct. "2. 1 r I. q - D Deposit Acct. No. _________ _ Council District No.: ____ / ____ _ General Plan Designation: /l, 7 Zoning District: /g -~ Receipt No:---~---------- Coastal Zone: .,rgi. Yes D No Check #: ---- Visa D MC D Amex D # ----- D COM Residents Association and Chamber . Community Association(s): f?~crc--f ~ Development No: D~ '~ -o,S 1 S e~~. Project No: ·f-~ ~ \ ~-' -Z.., q 'g Activity No: __ ~_D_2-o_,_~_-_J_O_q ___ _ Related Permits: ------------ APPLICATION D Approved D Denied D Tabled: Remarks: 0Planning Commission Meeting 0Zoning Administrator Hearing 0Community Development Director L.vJ . APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal Received (Date): APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: Remarks: ACTION DATE F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Office Use Only.docx Updated 08/15/17 PA2018-248 R.A. JEHEBER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN, INC. November 2, 2018 City of Newport Beach Planning Department 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 PROJECT SUMMARY 914 E. OCEAN FRONT A request for a coastal development permit (CDP) to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residence and the construction of a new 2,772 square foot single family dwelling with a 334 square foot two car garage. The proposed development also includes additional appurtenances such as walls, fences, patios, hardscape and drainage devices. The design complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. Best regards, M ~(bl, Rod A. Jeheber Building Designer 410 32ND STREET, SUITE 202 • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA• 92663 PHONE: 949-723-4393 • FAX: 949-723-0719 PA2018-248