HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190228_Proof of Publicationio.s An.9ete.s mimes MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on Jan 14, 1938, Cases A6214 for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 16, 2019 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 enalty of perjury e f California that the foregoing is true and correct. 6142007 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 ito.s .An1)de.s fflime.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, February 28; 20111, at 3:00 p.m. or · soon theraaftar ·as the matter shan be heard, a public hearing will ba conduc:tad In Iha Corona dal Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1sl Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. Tha . Zoning Admlrilsirator of Iha City of Newport Beach will consider the following appllcatlon: Atall Rnldence -A coastal development permit to demolish an · existing reBklenUat triplex and c:onstrucl a new three-story single-family restelence · with an attached two-car garage totaling 3,102 square feel The design 1.ncludas hardscape, wals, and drainage. facllltles. The project complies with all development standards and no davlaUons·are requested. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15303, of Iha Stale CECA (Celllomla Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines -'-Class 3 (Conversion of Conslrucllon of Small Struc:lures). All Interested parties may appear end present testimony In regard to Ihle applicetlon; II you challenge this project in court you may be llmlled to ral&lng only those Issues you raised at the public heating or In written . correspondence daliverad to. the City, at. or prior to, the public hearing. The applicallon may be continued to a specific future meeting date, and If such. an ac~on occurs, addiliOnal public notice QI the continuance will not ba provlelad. Administrative procedures . for appeals ans provided In the Newport Beach· Munleipal Code Chapters 21.64. Fees are required to appeal any. final acuon on a CQastal. Development Permn to the Planning Commisskm or City CCluncil. The project site is localed within the appeal are.a of the . coa.staJ zone; therefore, final acllon by the City lo approve a Coastal Development Permit may ba appealed to the California Coastal Comrniulon. Toa agenela, staff report, anel co,respqndlng documents will be available by end of business day on Iha Friday preceding the public; hearing, and may be reviewed . at 11111 . Community Development Department Permit Canter (Bay C- 1SI Floor), at 100 Civic; Center. Drive, Newport Beach, CA 9266D or at Iha City of Newport Beach website at www oewpgdWchea gpv/zpnlneadmtrti1tra1m. Individuals not able to attend the mealing may contact the Planning Division or accesa the City's website after the meeUng to review the. acU.on on this appllcaU011, All mall or Written communlcaliOns (Including email) from the public; residents, or applicants regarding an agenda Item must be submitted by 5 p.m. on tho bus!ness day Jmmeellately prior to the meeting. This allows Ume for tha Zoning Administrator to adequately consider the submitted correspondence. For questions regarding this public hearing Hem please contact Liz Westmonsland, · Assistant Planner, at 949-644-3234 or lwestmorptand@nowportbeachca.goy. Project FIie No.: Actlvl1y No.: PA2018-248 CD2018-1D4 Zone: R·2 (Two-Unll Residential) Coastal Land Use Plan; RT-D (Two-Unit Resldenlial -20.0- 20.9 DU/AC) Location: .914 East Oce.!ln Fron~·Unlta A, BandC Ganftal Plan: RT (Two-Unit Residential) Flllng Date: November 2. 2018 Appllc1nt R.A. Jeheber Resldenuat Design, Inc. 6142007 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 fto.s Angeles fflime.s MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P .) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on June 19, 1952, Cases A24831 for the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 16, 2019 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 enalty of perjury f California that the foregoing is true and correct. 6142007 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 lto.s An.oete.s mtme.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS Hl!Rl!BY GIVEN that on Thursday, F•brilary . 28, 20111, ill 3:00 p.m. or · soon thereafter 8$ Iha matter llhal be heard, a public hearing will ba conducted .In the Corona det Mar Conference Room (Bay E·1at Floor) at 100 Civic Center . Drive. Newport Beach. The . Zoning Administrator of Iha City. of Newport Beach will consider the following appllcatlon: A1all Roldence -A. coastal development permit to demolish .en · exlsUng realdenUel trlplf!x and construct a new three-story slngf•femlly residence with an attached two-car garage totaling 3,102 square feel The design includes herdscape. wans, and drainage. facilities. The projac:1 compiles wilh all dawtlopmanl standards and no deviatlons·are requested. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15303, of the Stale . CECA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines ~ Cleas 3 (Conversion of ConstrucUan of Small Structures). All Interested partles may appear end present testimony In regard to this appllcallon. If you ehallenga this project in court. you may be limited to raising only those Issues you raiaed at Iha public heating or In w~tlen. corraspondonce delivered I<> the City, at, or prior ta, Iha public hearing. . The application may be continued to a specific future meeting data, and II such. an acllan occurs, eddiUonal public notice of the continuance will not be provided. Administrative praee<tures . for. appeals are provided In the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapters 21.64. Fees are required lo appeal any final ecuon an a Coastel . Development Permit to the Planning Commission. or City Council. Thil project site is located within the .appeal area ol Iha. coa.stal zone; therefore, final action by the City to approve a Coastal Development Permit may be appealed to Iha Callfornla Coastal Commisalon. The agenda, sraff report, and corresponding documents wlU be available by end ol business day on Iha Friday pre<:edlng the public: hearing, and may . be reviewed . at Iha . Community Development Department Permit Cenler (Bay C- 1at Floor), at 100 Civic Canter Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92860 or at the City of Newport Beach website at WWW newppdbeaChGA ggv/&QO(nqadmjniflr910(, Individuals not ablo to alland Iha meeting may conract the Planning Divlsion or access the City's website after the meeting la review Iha. acUon on this appllcaUon, All mall or written :~:::,un~:/:.~~; (l!d':;:lica~~l:l,g~~:i'1ng t~~ agenda Item must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the bus!ness day Immediately prior to Iha meeffng. This allows Umo for Iha Zoning Admlnlstralor ta adequately consider the submitted corraspandllnoe. For questions regarding lhla public hearing Item pleue · contact Uz · Wesbnoreland, Assistant Planner, at 949-644-3234 or 1westmoroland@newporJbeachca.gov. Project FIia No.: Activity No.: PA20111-248 CD2018·104 Zone: R·2 (Two-Unit Residential) Coaatal Land Usa Plan: RT-D (Two-Unit Residential . -20.0- 29.9 DU/AC) Location: 914 East Ocean Fron~ Unlla A, BandC General Plan: RT (Two-Unit ResldenUal) Flllng Date: November 2, 2018 Appllcant R.A. Jeheber Residential Design, Inc. 6142007 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2