HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190717_Plans and Matrix_ApprovedPlanned Sign Program 3404-3406 Via Lido Newport Beach, CA 92663 SUMMARY: One building w / (2) addresses -3404 and 3406. First floor has up to (4) tenants with allowance for dimensional signage above storefont on both elevations -front or primary (facing Via Lido) and rear or secondary (facing alley). All tenants on 2nd floor have the 3404 address with allowance for lettering on existing awnings on both elevations. ~L..Jr'I. .U Signs & Graphics, Inc. 2000 Placentl>.Ave. Co,;ca 11.,.. C,lncmia 92627 Ph.949/631.2499 Fx.94W548.7058 www.gerard~lgns.com PA2019-084 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 07/17/2019 - APPROVED (7 PAGES) Table of Contents Page 1 Cover Page 2 Table of contents 3 First floor site plan 4 Second floor site plan 5 Awning and building signs 6 Directory signs Page 2 PA2019-084 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 07/17/2019 - APPROVED (7 PAGES) SITE PLAN REAR ALLEY VIA LIDO 3406 I 3404 SUITE 1B I SUITE 1B I ---1--- 3406 I 3404 SUITE 1A I SUITE 1A 3404 & 3406 FIRST FLOOR LOCATIONS BUILDING SIGN DESIGNATIONS 3404 1A WILL GET B 3404 18 WILL GET D 3406 1A WILL GET A 3406 18 WILL GET C CLIENT A Square, LLC 412 Piazza Lido Newport Beach, CA 92663 Diana Thomas 949-945-8739 PROJECT 3404-3406 Via lido Sign Program JOB NO. DATE 6-11-2019 QUANTITY SCALE; as drawn DRAWN BY CR REVISIONS Li::, ___ _ ffi ___ _ ffi ___ _ ffi ___ _ E(-~ GERARD Signs & Graphics, Inc. 2000 Placcnrii,l,,o.Co,,. M«a ul~omi• '2617 Ph.949!(,31.2"'199 Fx. 949/548.7058 """'· rdsl ,s.<arn All kleas, plans, or a<Tangem,nts indicated on Uii< drawing""' copyn;hltd and ow""d by Gerard Sipn, &Grap Illes, Inc. and shall not be r<pn>du,...-, <JSed by, crdloclo,od to any person, fim1, oc ccrporatloo for arv p,cpose wtiatsoevor wltllout written p,om,lssloafrom Gerard Signs. Page 3 PA2019-084 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 07/17/2019 - APPROVED (7 PAGES) SITE PLAN REAR ALLEY 3404 SECOND FLOOR LOCATIONS AWNING SIGN DESIGNATIONS 3404 2A WILL GET 1 AND 8 3404 28 WILL GET 2 AND 7 3404 2C WILL GET 3 AND 6 3404 2D WILL GET 4 AND 5 ~ IHI IIEII 2d 2c 2b 2a 3404 Upstairs Walkway .. Ell RI Ell VIA LIDO CLIENT A Square, LLC 412 Piazza Lido Newport Beach, CA 92663 Diana Thomas 949-945-8739 PROJECT 3404-3406 Via lido Sign Program JOB NO. DATE 6-11-2019 QUANTITY SCALE as drawn DRAWN BY CR REVISIONS & ___ _ ,&. ___ _ ,&. ___ _ ,& ___ _ /~ GERARD Signs & Graphics, Inc. 2000 Pla<e•tl;,A>o. Co.1> Me,. C.lrforn4a 92627 Ph.9491631.2~99 fx.949/5'18.7058 All od•••. plan,, or .,..._ogomonts ind,coted on this d~ln9 ~•• copyrighted Mel owned b~ Gen,rd Signs &Graphk<, !<>:. and shai ""' be reproduced, U5od by, ordlS<l""od to any po,..on, '""'· or corpo,,.tlon lor ony purpose wt,;,™""""' without w,itw, permlss;on from Gerard Signs. Page 4 PA2019-084 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 07/17/2019 - APPROVED (7 PAGES) VILLA LIDO PRIMARY FRONTAGE/ELEVETION fo-------40ft•------~ 1-----3406,----r----3404.----' AWNING SIGN AREA = 2.91 sqft MAX ALLOWED NOTE: MAX LENGTH OF COPY FOR UPPER TENANT = 70" MAX CAP HEIGHT FOR UPPER TENANT = 6" BUILDING SIGNS 240in 107 in REAR ALLY SECONDARY FRONTAGE/ELEVATION >--------40ft--------., AWNING SIGNS L-------79.57 in------- 1083 in I SIGN AREA:!] t 1 '""·---~ ~l~J~ I I 12.in SIGN AREA ' 26 in L I = BUILDING SIGN AREA 8.9 sqft MAX ALLOWED NOTE: MAX LENGTH OF COPY FOR LOWER TENANT = 107" MAX CAP HEIGHT FOR LOWER TENANT = 12" .25" to 5" Depth Flat Cut Out or Channel Painted With Matthews Sign Paint _J Install Specifications: Stud Mounted with or Without Spacers CLIENT A Square, LLC 412 Piazza Lido Newport Beach. CA 92663 Diana Thomas 949-945-8739 PROJECT 3404-3406 Via lido Sign Program JOB NO.----- DATE ___ 6_-1_1-_2_0_19_ QUANTITY ____ _ as drawn SCALE _____ _ DRAWN BY, ____ C_R REVISIONS & _____ _ Ll':, _____ _ & _____ _ & _____ _ /~ GERARD Signs & Graphics, Inc. 2000 Plac.nd>Ave. C<nt1. Mou C.t.lon,1, 92627 Ph.9-49/631.2499 h!H9/5-48.7058 All ;deas, plans, onmmg,,ments ;,.,,:llcate<I on this drawing •rt copyrighted and owned by Gecan:! Signs~ Grophl<S, !nc. ond shall not be reproduced, uw:I by, o· di>dose~ lo anv pers<>n, firm, or o,r;,oratjon for any purpo .. wtiatsoever w~nout wrinen ?<nnis~oo from Qerar~ Sig", Page 5 PA2019-084 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 07/17/2019 - APPROVED (7 PAGES) SITE PLAN REAR ALLEY EACH DIRECTORY IS 3.24 SOFT I I .£ ": ;;; 340613404 I I I VIA LIDO • 3404 la SIGAl DIAMONDS • 3404 lb MAGI<:. NAILS • 3406 la ANDROSA • 3406 Tb ANOROSA UPSTAIRS • 3-404 2a UDO WB.LNESS CfNTElt • • 3404 2b UDO WEUNESS CENTER • "3404 2c HAPPY 5Mll£ DENTAL •3404 2d HAPPY SMILE DENTAL • FOR l.EAS!NG INFO: CAll 949-9"5·8739 • AT FRONT OF BUILDING •3404 lc, SIOAL DIAMONDS • 3404 lb MAGIC NAI.S j • 3406 lo ANDROSA • 3406 lb ANDROSA UPSTAIRS • 3404 2a UDO WEUNESS CENTER • • 3-iO 2b UDO WELLNESS CENTER • • 3404 2c HAPPY SMILE 08'1TAI. • 3404 2d HAPPY SMILE DENTAL • FOR I.EASING INFO: CAU. 949--945-8739 • AT REAR OF BUILDING EXISTING DIRECTORIES SIDE VlEW CLIENT A Square, LLC 412 Piazza Lido Newport Beach, CA 92663 Diana Thomas 949-945-8739 PROJECT 3404-3406 Via lido Sign Program JOB NO. DATE 6-11-2019 QUANTITY SCALE as drawn DRAWN BY CR REVISIONS & _____ _ & _____ _ .6':, _____ _ & _____ _ ,~ GE-RARD Signs & Graphics, Inc. 2000 l'bcentia A"'-Co<<> H.,. c.Jilon,11 U627 Ph.949/631.2499 Fx. 949/S48.70S8 All i<lo>S, pion<, o,-•rrangemoots lodlcated on l~is d,-a.,;og a« a,pyrigl,ttd and owr>e<l by Geranl s;gr,s &Graph ks, !r>e. and shall not be reproduced, u•ed by, or Ol!dO<ed to any ~e=, firm, oc corporation for any i,rpo,e wl\ats<>ever without wr1tten ?Onnlsslon lr<>m Guard Signs. Page 6 PA2019-084 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 07/17/2019 - APPROVED (7 PAGES) ------------------------------------.----------- Comprehensive Sign Program Matrix Work heet Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive/ P_Q_ Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3204 www.newportbeachca.gov Please Designate and fill in the table below: 1. Street Frontage/parking lot frontage _ ,2 Frontages: A /1e!A1,f-,Vz -~,,,r 61= bc114?1n~ B 5e-C&,, 124/l-<J -f?l-c,., 6-k<M5'-z c _______________ _ D _______________ _ 2. In the table below designate frontages for each tenant space, as primary or secondary (street parking lot, building elevation, other) and designate maximum number of signs per tenant 3. Area limitations, maximum vertical or horizontal dimensions, and maximum logo area or verti al or horizontal dimensions per sign. 4. Project identification signs, wall, monument or pylon with area and vertical and horizontal dim nsions. Site and Suite No. or Building Address Assi n as necessa Other Signage (awning, blade, etc) Primary Frontage Size limitations where applicable /HM ,,--.,, f'i,,,, r,1-ff = )?, '1 "j5. f'r ;f/.4-r-LJ/-P fl t?:I G,-f ,-" I'--h !Jill¥ ;i, t,.,J 4,;,,GM-" I 07" //14¥ ',Q ;,,~ r,'1-•-i! ~ 9_ "l ,., ff. ,4f,,.<. CA,:, Ht£ r trHr ~ 12-1' .//14,,. >r6r/ ?enr;; . --rt>?" Secondary Frontage Size limitations, where applicable F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Dlvision\Applications\ PA2019-084 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 07/17/2019 - APPROVED (7 PAGES)