HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-126_20210528_Application\JA'],1)2-I 'i'Uf 00/2-B/1-1-. Community Development Department Planning Permit Application 1. Check Permits Requested: D Approval-in-Concept -AIC # D Lot Merger D Coastal Development Permit D Limited Term Permit - D Waiver for De Minimis Development D Seasonal D < 90 day 0>90 days D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Permit D Condominium Conversion D Off-Site Parking Agreement Iii Comprehensive Sign Program D Planned Community Development Plan D Development Agreement D Planned Development Permit D Development Plan D Site Development Review -O Major D Minor D Lot Line Adjustment D Parcel Map CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment D Staff Approval D Tract Map 0 Traffic Study D Use Permit -□Minor □conditional D Amendment to existing Use Permit D Variance □ Amendment -□Code □PC □GP □LCP D Other: 2. Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) I 20321-20371 Irvine Avenue Newpo_rt_,_____B,___e_a_c __ h ,-C-A-92_6_6_ .. o~~~~~·---·····-·· ··---.. -...... -. -==-~-=--.. -..... --.--.~····----··-___J 3. Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): rr~-=end sign program to add two (2) additional exterior signs. ___ ____ ________ ----~-= 4. Applicant/Company·Name jGraffiti, Inc.·--···-·--·-·····-·······-·····-············-.~-·-~~.~~:···-··•-· .. ---.---·····-····-·-·-·--··--····-·--·-····-------, . . 11·-~iiio-M·;~~~~i.~A~enue ·-···----··--···--.. ·---··-·-··---·····--··1 . . jC2 I Mallmg Address~---------···---··•-···--·•--··----·····--·---·-_-_-_-_-_-_~. Smte/Umt -··--·---·-·--_···======= City l"c"~~ta Mesa ....... . ............... -.................... J state [EA -··--•----·---1 Zip [~?627 I Phone j949-423-!707-------·-···-, Fax[~.~:~=~--··-----··----~~=] Email jashley@graffitiinc.com I 5. Contact/Company Name [Q_~_v_id_W_a_g_e_s_te_r _______ ·-_-··--_-_--_·-_---_________ ·--------·-.. ·---·--·J Mailing Address f'1-760 Monrovia Avenue Suite/Unit~ I City I Costa Mesa --··-·---·---·--··--··-·--·····~·~~~:~-·· .. ··· .............. ··-, Stater~~~---·--·----I Zip j 92627 ] Phone !949-423-7707 . J Fax f ·--j Email j_9-~yJ9-_~graffitiinc.com ·--------·----·-··, 6. Property Owner Name 1I~~~_x_R_e_a_l~Y .. :~·~~~~~~~-·~-··e.::::n.::::t_---::-' -=-ln-=-c-=-.. ·-=--=--I Mailing Address u=~~~ ~~ypa_r1<_~i~c;l_13 _____ -• -____ =:] SuirZniipt ~lf ~-~-i--14--.. --,I City u~vJ~~--··-···-·-----•········--····-·--····----·-······· ..... --··-·-·--........ .J State '---lc_A_·_· -----=----=--=--=====-· -------, Phone l~~9-798-8100 I Fax r· ·-·----···] Email:........., ... _ ..... ------~---------' 7. Property Owner's Affidavit*: (I) (We) ;__G_r_a_ff_it._i··'·--···'··n·_c_. ____ ........... _ ............................. ___________ ~ depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. . /) ·;__ . [Office-Manager ....... -j .15/6/2021 S1gnature(s)~ v1 £,Q{ ;zI i2f} Title: ··-··· .................................................... --••···------Date. ·--------' ~ 'I:- MM/DD/YEAR Signature(s): ______________ Title: ·---·-····--··---I Date: L··---···-----' *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)' signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. l:\Users\CDD\SharedlAdmin\Plannlng_Divislon\Applicalions\Application_Guidelines\Plarurir1g Permit Applicalion_2021.docx Rev: 01/24117 PA2021-126 I:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\Office Use Only Form Updated 01/27/2020 2700-5000 Acct. Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ For Deposit Account: Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Filed: _______________________ APN No: __________________________ Council District No.: _________________ General Plan Designation: ____________ Zoning District: _____________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________ PA2021-126 May 5, 2021 City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach, Ca. Re: Proposed Amendment to Sign Plan The Jetty at Newport Beach Owners Association 20321 -20371 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach City of Newport Beach: Please consider this request to amend the sign plan at The Jetty to allow two additional signs on the northeast side of the E building located at 20331 Irvine Avenue as two new entrances have been completed on this side. One is for EG- 102 and the other is for the main elevator entrance to E7 (upper floor). The owner of unit E6 has completed the construction of both units in E6 (lower floor) and construction of E7 is being started. Unit E6: This unit has been repurposed into two units with the separate entrances. EG-101 and EG-102. The main entrance to the owner's office is E6-101 and is located on the southeast side of the building and is where the current sign plan allows a sign to be installed. The main entrance to EG-102 is located on northeast side of the building and the current sign plan does not address signage on these parapets, as there were no entrances on this side of the building when the last sign plan was created. EG-102 is requesting signage on the lower parapet. Unit E7: During the remodel/repurpose of unit E6, the main entrance to E7 (upper floor unit) was re-located to the northeast side of the building as an outdoor elevator entrance, adjacent to the entrance to EG-102. Unit E-7 has since been sold and signage is being requested on the upper parapet above this main E7 elevator entrance. We are requesting that the current sign plan be amended to allow two additional signs (one for EG-102 on the lower parapet and one for E7 on the upper parapet) on the northeast side of the E building located at 20331 Irvine Ave. These signs will be consistent with the current sign plan as they would allow signage above the new entrances like the current sign plan does in the rest of the Jetty complex. The additional signs will be subject to the same sign criteria as the existing approved sign plan as it pertains to location, size, materials, installation, etc. The additional sign will not alter the overall appeal of the campus and will provide business identification and needed directional way finding for visitors. Thank you for your consideration. Essex Realty Management, Inc., Agent for The Jetty at Newport Beach Owners Association W0rtdyVavud, Wendy Daniel Association Manager License 01272906 / Broker 00965485 PA2021-126