HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 - Appeal of Denial of Special Neighborhood Trees Removal Request at 1317 and 1323 Ashford Lane - CorrespondenceReceived After Agenda Printed August 23, 2021 Mulvey, Jennifer Item No. 20 From: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: 1317 Ashford Lane - Tree Removal Objection -----Original Message ----- From: Nelson, John J. Sent: Friday, August 20, 20216:36 AM To: 'Sandrine Jacobson' <sandrinejacobson@icloud.com> Cc: Pekar, Kevin <KPekar@newportbeachca.gov>; Stinson, Mariah <MStinson@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: RE: 1317 Ashford Lane - Tree Removal Objection Sandrine, Thank you for reaching out to me again on this issue. This matter will be brought up to the City Council at City Hall on Tuesday August 24th. I encourage you to attend to make your opinions on this matter known. With your permission, I will forward your comments below to the Landscape Manager and make them part of the official record. -----Original Message ----- From: Sandrine Jacobson <sandrinejacobson@icloud.com> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 20218:53 PM To: Nelson, John J. <JJNelson@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: 1317 Ashford lane [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello John, Thank you for taking the time to read my email. As you know the council has denied the removal of the 2 eucalyptus trees, one being on my property. I still maintain my position that the trees should stay until or if they become diseased or dangerous. I have walked the footpath many times with children skateboarding and riding bikes and scooters with zero incidents. It is slightly raised which is in my opinion not a major reason to remove 2 trees, perhaps better ramping would eliminate any further possible issues. The trees as you know are a beautiful living specimen that has been there for decades, removing them for building purposes seems grossly inconsiderate to the birds, wildlife, nesting and impact that it will have on the streetscape. One of the reasons I was drawn to purchasing my home was due to these magnificent trees. The whole street and surrounding streets are lined with the same trees, if these are approved to be removed does that leave open the option for the removal of all other eucalyptus trees? If ours has been identified as healthy then why should they be considered for removal for the sake of building? The new owners of the property are claiming it is for the safety of their little children. If you were so concerned to the point of petitioning to have them remove wouldn't you purchase a property that was " safe" and have no concern about the trees? It doesn't make sense. The reason they are wanting this is that it interferes with their building. I do not feel and I say this strongly that we should as a community lose 2 large established, healthy, environmentally necessary trees for the sake of building or extending a driveway. I too have children and a full house that I wish no harm on and if the council assured me they are healthy and on a council maintenance program then that satisfies my own concerns. Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss further. Kindest regards Sandrine Received After Agenda Printed August 23, 2021 Item No. 20 August 17, 2021 Mayor and City Council City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Removal Request of Two Eucalyptus Trees at 1317 & 1323 Ashford Lane Dear Mayor and City Council, My wife Kathryn and I have been the property owners of 1801 Glenwood Lane since 2006. Kathryn grew up in the house next door at 1323 Ashford Lane. Her parents were the original owners of the home, and it had been in her family up until recently. We understand that you are to consider the appeal of denial for Special City tree removal requests of two Lemon -Scented Gum Eucalyptus trees located at 1317 & 1323 Ashford Lane. We strongly support the approval of the appeal request needed to remove the trees. We respectfully request you to approve the appeal request. Our reasons for the are as follows: • Personal Safety. The eucalyptus trees drop large branches on a fairly regular basis, often unabetted by wind. Such random occurrences in the city have unfortunately proven to be fatal. The location of the trees at the knuckled bend of Ashford & Glenwood is a popular playing area for children and gathering spot for impromptu neighborhood gatherings. The trees are a safety hazard. • Property Protection. More than once, the trees have damaged our vehicles. The canopy of one of the trees overhangs our home and threatens to do serious damage to the structure. • Infrastructure Damage. We routinely need our plumber to clean out the roots out of the sewer lateral. In the determination of our plumber (Mark Emerald, 714-328-4019), the blockage occurs in the street and is likely from the eucalyptus trees. The tree is also uprooting our water meter at the street. • Access Obstruction. The root system has bulged up the nearby sidewalk and has created tripping hazards along the way. Additionally, it is doubtful if the sidewalks are any longer compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements any longer. • Untidiness. The eucalyptus trees are unusually messy. They nearly constantly are dropping leaves, seed pods and sap. Cleaning up after them is a nearly constant chore. For the above reasons and others, we respectfully request that the city allow the two eucalyptus trees be removed. There is no doubt that eucalyptus trees are beautiful -- from a distance. They make for horrible street trees. Thank you for thoughtfully considering this request. Kind Rega ds, K. Richard Tait 1801 Glenwood Lane Received After Agenda Printed August 23, 2021 Item No. 20 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Request to Remove Special Neighborhood Trees at 1317 and 1323 Ashford Lane - 8/24/21 Council Agenda Item #XVIII -20. From: Glen Allen <GAllen@NRES.NET> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 202110:06 AM To: Brown, Leilani <LBrown@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Blom, Noah <NBlom@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <J Brenner@ newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Karen Allen <KAllen@NRES.NET>; Pekar, Kevin <KPekar@newportbeachca.gov>; Webb, Dave (Public Works) <DAWebb@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Request to Remove Special Neighborhood Trees at 1317 and 1323 Ashford Lane - 8/24/21 Council Agenda Item #XVIII -20. We reside at 1309 Ashford Lane. Our home is one of only 3 on Ashford Lane. We are aware of the new owners' request to remove these trees. Along with the 31 homeowner on Ashford Lane, we spoke in opposition to the removal of these trees at the recent Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Hearing where the Commission upheld Staffs recommendation to deny the request for removal. We would also like to thank Staff for their significant and thorough efforts in completing the research necessary for this Staff Report and the various hearings on this matter. In addition to providing needed habitat for songbirds, raptors and other species, these 2 trees are an integral component of the treescape on Glenwood Lane. As can be seen in the images 2 and 3 attached to correspondence from Sandrine Jacobson (the 3rd homeowner on Ashford) dated 5/19/21 in your Staff Report, these specimen Eucalyptus trees create a unique streetscape in this neighborhood. Our specific objections to removal are as follows: 1. The unique characteristics of these trees are irreplaceable. They have been here for many years and have grown to a majestic size. 2. The trees are healthy and are in no danger. As Staff notes, both the City Arborist and the City Landscape Manager have personally inspected these trees and found no reason they should be removed. The trees are well maintained by City Staff or City maintenance vendors on a yearly basis. As with most trees in the City, they will require periodic minor sidewalk maintenance to maintain ADA access, but that is fairly typical for common area and City maintained assets of similar age. 3. The proposed substitute tree, the Strawberry Tree (arbutus unedo) is an unsuitable replacement. The city planted this tree in front of our house approximately 15 years ago. It is small, poorly shaped, and is very messy, dropping leaves, pods and bark year around. Replacing the majestic 60'+ tall Eucalyptus with a small tree would be completely out of character in this setting. 4. Established Precedent. If Council were to allow removal of otherwise healthy trees, a precedent will be established that would allow removal of any street tree in the city, simply because the homeowner did not like their appearance, or it interfered with their planned redevelopment. This could soon result in the loss of numerous trees in a relatively short period, as well as other specimen trees throughout the city. 5. Ashford/Glenwood Streetscape. If Council was to allow removal of these trees without cause, others on Glenwood Lane, Starlight Circle and Candlestick Lane would undoubtedly seek to do so as well, and the city would have no logical reason for denial, based on equal application of the law. For these reasons, we ask that the Council uphold the decision of both Staff and the PB&R Commission, and deny the appeal request. Thank you. Glen Allen, LEED00 AP President .NcN%port Real E tate icer, Inc. 2280 University Drive Suite 101 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 850-0085 x7676 (949) 632-0914 Cell (7 14) 975-7676 Direct CaIBRE tt00594061 Ca1BRE BL=01342064 CaICSLB --B 1-812561 Received After Agenda Printed August 23, 2021 Item No. 20 Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 12:44 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Tree Removal Ashford/Glenwood From: Elise McKasson <efmckasson@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 12:43:49 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tree Removal Ashford/Glenwood [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I am the homeowner at 1823 Glenwood Lane and I am opposed to the removal of the 2 trees at the corner of Glenwood/Ashford. The 2 eucalyptus trees targeted for removal are not only 2 of the most beautiful trees in our neighborhood but also are pirch locations for numerous birds of prey which are key our delicate eco -system in the back bay. Thank you for your consideration. Elise McKasson Mulvey, Jennifer From: City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 20214:02 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer; Rieff, Kim Subject: FW: Eucalyptus Tree Removal Opposition From: B Dub <WakeSandSnow@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 20214:01:50 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: Nelson, John J. <JJNelson@newportbeachca.gov>; City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Eucalyptus Tree Removal Opposition [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom It May Concern: We live at 1817 Glenwood Lane in Newport Beach. We understand there is a hearing today regarding two (2) Eucalyptus trees on the corner of our street (Glenwood/Ashford). We are opposed to the removal of the two Eucalyptus trees based on the following reasons: - Aesthetics and character of the street / consistent throughout the neighborhood - Environmental impact to the birds and other wildlife in the area Please confirm receipt of this email. Thank you, Brian and Pamela Williamson (714) 608-4469