HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 - Non-Agenda Item - HandoutAugust 24, 2021 Non -Agenda Item - General Plan Update For about 1.5 years the city has been updating its Housing Element. This City Council has told the public repeatedly this update included the Housing Element, Land Use Element and Circulation Element, and that the Housing Element would go to a vote of the public. I attended the scoping meeting last week forthe EIR being prepared forthe Housing Element Update. Staff did a very good job, especially Mr. Zdeba. I believe he has a bright future. At the meeting the public was told the following: • The Project being analyzed by the EIR included the Housing and Circulation Elements. • The Land Use Element will be update along with other Elements in about a year -and -a -half. • There would be no public Greenlight vote on the Housing Element Update. This is inconsistent with what the City Council told the public. Who is in charge? This means there will be no Safety Element or Environmental Justice Element Update with the Housing Element. The Safety Element is mandated to be updated with the Housing Element. An Environmental Justice Element update is mandated when 2 or more elements are updated. General Plan Elements are required to maintain internal consistency. This means the Housing Element and Circulation Element will have no impact on land use, safety or environmental justice. I wonder what the state Attorney General's office will say when they review the General Plan Update and it's EIR? This is like saying the policy of "Open Boarders" will have no impact! Why not just say the Housing Element policies will have no impact because they are just policies and prepare a CEQA Negative Declaration and update all the other Elements in a year -and -a -half. David Tanner Page 1 of 3 dave@earsi.com Furthermore, the public was told: • The Housing Element was subject to change. It was currently undergoing a 60 -day review by HCD. • The type of EIR being prepared is a Program EIR. (A program EIR will be most helpful in dealing with subsequent activities if it deals with the effects of the program as specifically and comprehensively as possible. With a good and detailed analysis of the program, many subsequent activities could be found to be within the scope of the project described in the program EIR, and no further environmental documents would be required.) • The draft EIR would be released for public review 6 weeks after the deadline for public comments; (Talk about an Earl Scheib paint job at Newport Beach prices! and • As a matter of housecleaning, the 191h Street bridge is being removed from the Circulation Element. (Does this mean the city giving up on an alternative to widening WCH? Is the city's mind made up even before we learn the cumulative impacts to our circulation system from RHNA?) California Department of Housing & Community Development https://www.hcd.ca.gov/community-development/building-blocks/other- requirements/analysis-consistency-general-plan.shtml "Requisite Analysis Analysis of Consistency with General Plan The housing element affects a locality's policies for growth and residential land uses. Among other things, the housing element establishes the locality's housing goals, policies, and objectives; identifies sites for new construction; and addresses governmental constraints. The goals, policies, and objectives of an updated housing element should be reviewed in the context of the land -use, circulation, open -space elements, zoning, and/or redevelopment and capital improvement plans, especially if these plans or elements have not recently been updated. David Tanner Page 2 of 3 dave@earsi.com The general plan is required to be "internally consistent" meaning any and all conflicts between general plan elements should be acknowledged and resolved. Jurisdictions must ensure programs and policies in other elements do not conflict with those of the housing element; in particular the land -use, circulation, or conservation elements. For example, the circulation element levels of service (LOS) standards may need to be updated to reflect potential build out capacities proposed in the housing element. Also, realistic development capacity could be impacted by the conservation element policies that require new residential projects to provide large, open -space corridors or buffer areas. When conflicts exist, the housing element must describe how consistency will be achieved and how the goals of the housing element will be addressed. Many communities attempt to address and resolve conflicts by amending the zoning ordinance and all relevant elements of the general plan concurrent with amendment of the housing element. For example, if densities of particular sites must be increased to identify adequate sites, the attendant amendments to the general plan and zoning ordinance could be proposed and adopted at the same public hearing as the housing element. In addition to resolving inconsistencies among various elements and/or ordinances at the time of updating the housing element, any subsequent amendment to the housing element or other general plan elements, should trigger a review of the entire general plan, especially land -use provisions, to ensure internal consistency is maintained." Its Time the City Council Takes Charge! David Tanner Page 3 of 3 dave@earsi.com