HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-217_20211112_Acoustical ReportThe Wolff Company 1 Report#2019-XXX Report #219-5071-A November 11, 2021 Noise Analysis for Amore Dog Haven 20332 Riverside Drive Newport Beach, California Prepared for: Amore for Dogs 15922 Pacific Coast Highway Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Mike Holritz, INCE 20201 SW Birch Street, Suite 150 Newport Beach, CA 92660 714-272-2302 Mike.Holritz@BridgeNet.us Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 2 1.0 Definitions • Noise is undesired sound. • Sound is defined as vibrations traveling through the air or another medium that can be heard when they reach the ear. • Decibel (dB) is a unit used to measure the level of a sound by comparing it with a given reference level on a logarithmic scale. One decibel equals 10 times the common logarithm of the power ratio. • “A-Weighting” is a frequency correction that correlates overall sound pressure levels with the frequency response of the human ear. • Lmax is the highest instantaneous sound pressure level during a specific time period. • Leq (Equivalent Noise Level) is the “energy” average noise level during the time period of the sample. Leq can be measured for any time period, but is commonly measured for 1 hour. It is the energy sum of all the event and background noise levels that occur during the measurement period, divided by the duration of the measurement period. 2.0 Introduction A dog rescue and adoption facility is being planned as an accessory use to the existing residence at 20332 Riverside Drive in Newport Beach. Noise from dogs at the project site may impact the residential areas to the southwest (Newport Bay Terrace apartments at 1661 Mesa Drive, and Village Heights apartments at 1621 Mesa Drive) and one residence to the southeast (20351 Kline Drive). The purpose of this report is to determine any mitigation measures needed in order for the project to meet the City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance limits at these areas. Adjacent parcels on Riverside Drive are presently dog kennels and similar uses, and would not be expected to be impacted by noise from dogs at the Amore Dog Haven facility. Figure 1 shows the location of the project. A street map with the project and the surrounding area is shown in Figure 2. An aerial map with the project and the surrounding area is shown in Figure 3. The project site plan is shown in Figure 4. Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 3 Figure 1 – Project Location Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 4 Figure 2 – Street Map with Project and Surrounding Area Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 5 Figure 3 – Existing Aerial Map with Project and Surrounding Area Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 6 Figure 4 – Site Plan Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 7 3.0 City Noise Ordinance 3.1 Ordinance Limits The City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance specifies noise level limits at adjacent residential areas for this type of project. The exterior limits are contained in Section 10.26.025, and the interior limits are contained in Section 10.26.030. The noise level limits are summarized below in Table 1. Table 1 NEWPORT BEACH RESIDENTIAL NOISE ORDINANCE LIMITS ___________________________________________________________________ Daytime Nighttime Metric (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.) (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) ___________________________________________________________________ Exterior Areas 15-minute Leq (Average Level) 55 dBA 50 dBA Lmax (Highest Level) 75 dBA 70 dBA Interior Areas 15-minute Leq (Average Level) 45 dBA 40 dBA Lmax (Highest Level) 65 dBA 60 dBA ___________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Adjustment for Existing Conditions The ordinance provides for an adjustment to be made to these values if the existing ambient levels already exceed these limits. The ordinance states that if the measured ambient levels exceed the ordinance limits, then the ambient level becomes the limit. Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 8 3.3 Ambient Measurements Ambient measurements were performed at the Village Heights residential area (1621 Mesa Drive) in order to determine the existing noise levels in the vicinity of the project. The measurements were performed in the parking lot at the northeast end of Lange Drive (just southwest of the planned Amore Dog Haven project). This area best represents the existing ambient noise levels at the residential areas near the project site during daytime hours. The noise monitor used to measure the ambient noise levels was a Brüel & Kjær Type 2250 Sound Level Meter. The meter is an ANSI Type 1 systems, which are the highest quality meters available for field measurements. The measurement system was calibrated before and after the measurements with a Brüel & Kjær Type 4231 sound level calibrator, with current calibration traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The microphone height was 5’. A windscreen was used during the measurements. Weather conditions were mild, and did not affect the results. Two sets of fifteen-minute ambient measurements were made on August 6, 2021. The first measurements were between 12:01 p.m. and 12:23 p.m. The second measurements were between 7:35 p.m. and 7:55 p.m. Jet aircraft overflight events were noted for reference purposes, but paused out of the measurements so as not to influence the measured values. (The Lmax levels for jet aircraft events ranged from 78 dBA to 86 dBA). The ambient measurement results are presented in Table 2. Datasheets and site photos are included in the Appendix. The noise levels below represent two fifteen-minute periods without jet aircraft events, one mid- day and one early evening. The levels in Table 2 are due to dogs barking in adjacent areas, car passes and neighborhood noise. Table 2 RESULTS OF AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS (dBA) _________________________________________________________________________ Measured Lmax Measured Leq Time Period Noise Level Noise Level _________________________________________________________________________ 12:01 p.m. to 12:23 p.m. 60.0 52.5 7:35 p.m. to 7:55 p.m. 57.0 36.3 _________________________________________________________________________ Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 9 3.4 Noise Ordinance Limit Adjustment Although the Noise Ordinance allows for the noise standards to be adjusted upwards for existing ambient conditions, we are not including any such adjustment in this analysis. While jet overflights are loud and frequent, there can be long periods of time (longer than 15 minutes) with no jet events, and the Lmax and Leq Noise Ordinance limits should be met during these periods. It will be demonstrated that the project meets the Noise Ordinance without any such upwards adjustment to the limits. 4.0 Dog Noise 4.1 Dog Noise Level Measurements Measurements of dog barking noise levels were conducted at the existing dog housing facility at 20301 Riverside Drive. During the measurements, six medium to large-sized dogs were in the front yard area and barking fairly consistently. The noise monitor used to measure the dog noise levels was a Brüel & Kjær Type 2250 Sound Level Meter. The meter is an ANSI Type 1 systems, which are the highest quality meters available for field measurements. The measurement system was calibrated before and after the measurements with a Brüel & Kjær Type 4231 sound level calibrator, with current calibration traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. A windscreen was used during the measurements. Weather conditions were mild, and did not affect the results. A seven-minute measurement was made on August 6, 2021. The measurements were performed from 1:51 p.m. to 1:58 p.m. The dogs were taken inside at that point, so no further measurements could be made. The dogs were between 2 feet and 10 feet from the microphone. The results of the measurements are shown below in Table 3. Datasheets and site photos are included in the Appendix. Table 3 RESULTS OF DOG BARKING NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS (dBA) _________________________________________________________________________ Measured Lmax Measured Leq Time Period Noise Level Noise Level _________________________________________________________________________ 1:51 p.m. to 1:58 p.m. 84.0 69.4 _________________________________________________________________________ The noise levels above represent a typical time period with consistent dog barking. The reference Leq level is for six dogs at an average distance of 4 feet from the microphone. The reference Lmax level is for a single dog at a distance of 2 feet from the microphone. Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 10 4.2 Projected Dog Noise Levels The measured noise levels presented above were used to project the noise levels that would be expected at the residential areas adjacent to the Amore Dog Haven facility. The project is limited to a maximum of 29 dogs on site. The measured levels presented in Table 3 are for 6 dogs. According to the City, a maximum of 10 dogs will be allowed outside at any given time. A mathematical adjustment was made to the Leq levels to account for this increase in the number of dogs. For 10 dogs, the projected Leq noise level is 71.6 dBA at a distance of 4 feet. (The Lmax level is an instantaneous maximum, and therefore, an increase in the number of dogs would not be expected to change the Lmax level). The most critical locations for dog barking to impact the adjacent residential areas would be at the turf areas or the pool area at the Amore Dog Haven facility. At these areas, the location of the dogs can vary, but a distance of 20 feet from the rear edge of the facility would be reasonable. Therefore, this was used as the location of the noise source. 2 feet was used as the source height for the dog barking noise. There are existing noise barriers (masonry) along the rear property line of the Amore Dog Haven facility. According to information obtained from the developer, the barrier heights are approximately 8.5’ and 10.6’ as measured from the Amore Dog Haven side. Calculations show that at the Newport Bay Terrace area, the existing 8.5-foot high noise barrier is projected to provide a noise reduction of 16.8 dBA for an observer at ground level, one foot behind the barrier. Calculations show that at the at the Village Heights area, the existing 10.6-foot high noise barrier is projected to provide a noise reduction of 17.6 dBA for an observer at ground level, one foot behind the barrier. The existing 10.6-foot high noise barrier is projected to provide a noise reduction of 11.0 dBA for an observer at the nearest Village Heights second floor balcony (approximately 50 feet behind the barrier). To allow for variables and provide safety margin in the analysis, less barrier noise reduction was assumed. The barrier noise reduction used at ground-floor Newport Bay Terrace and Village Heights areas was 12 dBA. The barrier noise reduction used at the balcony observer at Village Heights was 10 dBA. Based on the number of dogs, distances, and the effect of these noise barriers, the exterior noise levels that would be expected at all the adjacent residential areas are summarized below in Table 4. At the residence at 20351 Kline Drive, there is no noise barrier. Assuming all 10 dogs are at the nearest turf area (a worst-case assumption), the unmitigated Lmax and Leq noise levels are also shown in Table 4. Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 11 Table 4 PROJECTED NOISE LEVELS AT ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL AREAS (dBA) ______________________________________________________________________________ Projected Lmax Projected Leq Location Noise Level Noise Level ______________________________________________________________________________ Newport Bay Terrace Ground level 1 foot behind noise barrier 52.0 45.6 Village Heights Ground level 1 foot behind noise barrier 52.0 45.6 Village Heights Nearest second floor balcony 50 feet behind noise barrier 43.1 36.7 20351 Kline Drive Ground level 1 foot behind property line 54.5 48.1 Noise Ordinance Limit (night) 70 50 ______________________________________________________________________________ The results in Table 4 show that the noise levels are lower than the City’s exterior nighttime (and therefore also daytime) Noise Ordinance limits with the existing noise barriers in place. Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 12 The projected increases in noise levels over the existing ambient levels are shown in Table 5. These values include several worst-case assumptions (e.g., all dogs at closest area, all dogs barking as often as was experienced during the reference measurements, no aircraft or other substantial events included). The actual increases are expected to be less. Table 5 PROJECTED NOISE LEVEL INCREASES AT ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL AREAS (dBA) ______________________________________________________________________________ Measured Project Dog Combined Location Ambient Level Noise Level Noise Level Increase ______________________________________________________________________________ Newport Bay Terrace Lmax 57.0 52.0 58.2 1.2 Leq 36.3 45.6 46.1 9.8 Village Heights Lmax 57.0 52.0 58.2 1.2 Leq 36.3 45.6 46.1 9.8 Village Heights balcony Lmax 57.0 43.1 57.2 0.2 Leq 36.3 36.7 39.5 3.2 20351 Kline Drive Lmax 57.0 54.5 58.9 1.9 Leq 36.3 48.1 48.4 12.1 ______________________________________________________________________________ We are not aware of any City noise standard that specifies a maximum allowable increase over ambient noise levels. The noise level increases over existing ambient are provided below for informational purposes only. The total noise levels are projected to increase by up to 12.1 dBA with the project. However, the noise levels due to the project are below the City’s Noise Ordinance limits. Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 13 5.0 Summary According to the City, a maximum of 10 dogs will be allowed outside at any given time. This should be a condition of approval for the project. The analysis shows that the noise levels from 10 dogs barking in the turf areas, kennels, or the pool area at the Amore Dog Haven facility are projected to meet the City’s exterior nighttime (and daytime) Noise Ordinance limits with the existing noise barriers in place. No further mitigation is needed. Other areas where dogs will be kept include the quarantine kennels and dog wash building, the 6 kennels near the east edge of the project, the 7th kennel near the center of the site, and the main residential building. These areas are significantly farther than the turf areas and the pool area, and therefore, the noise levels from dogs at these locations are also projected to meet the Noise Ordinance limits. At the dog wash building and the main residential building the dogs would be inside, so the building would provide substantial noise reduction, further lowering the noise levels. The daytime exterior noise level limits are 10 dB higher than the nighttime exterior limits. Therefore, compliance with the nighttime exterior limits also results in compliance with the daytime exterior limits. It should be noted that the dogs are expected to be inside during nighttime hours. The interior noise level limits are 10 dB lower than the exterior limits. The residential buildings where the receptors are located will provide at least 12 dB of noise reduction with windows open. Therefore, compliance with the exterior limits also results in compliance with the interior limits. Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 14 APPENDIX Barrier Noise Reduction Calculations Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 15 Noise Level Calculations Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 16 Ambient Measurement Data Sheet Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 17 Ambient Measurement Photos Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 18 Dog Reference Noise Measurement Data Sheet Noise Analysis Amore Dog Haven, Newport Beach Report#219-5071-A 19 Dog Reference Noise Measurement Photos