HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 - Supporting a Ban on New Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling - CorrespondenceReceived After Agenda Printed November 30, 2021 Item No. 10 Good evening, my name is Melissa Morris. I'm the Southern California Field Representative for the nonprofit organization Oceana. Thank you for considering a resolution to oppose new offshore drilling. In the aftermath of the devastating oil spill last month, Huntington Beach City Council took definitive action and passed a resolution in opposition to offshore oil drilling. After experiencing oil spill disaster after oil spill disaster, there is simply no excuse for our oceans to remain open to offshore oil drilling. From toxic oil spills closing our beaches to greenhouse gas emissions accelerating the climate crisis, it's well past time to stop expanding offshore drilling and permanently protect our coasts. If you pass this resolution tonight, Newport Beach will join 100 other cities, counties, and towns along the West Coast to formally oppose expanded offshore drilling. You will become part of a strong and bipartisan coalition consisting of nearly 400 communities nationwide, every Governor on the West and East coast, the Business Alliance for Protecting the Pacific Coast — an alliance of more than 7,500 West Coast businesses, numerous fishing interests including the Pacific Fishery Management Council and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Association, as well as the Federation of California Coastal Commission, California Fish and Game Commission, and California State Lands Commission. Time after time, when we are faced with industry -caused disasters, we are told by those responsible that oil spills are rare occurrences. The ruptured pipeline and ensuing spill along Huntington Beach have been a tragic confirmation of what we have known for far too long — offshore drilling is dirty and dangerous, and when they drill, they spill. Oceana supports Newport Beach City Council's resolution calling for a permanent ban on new offshore oil and gas drilling in all U.S. waters, including off the coast of California. We urge the council to vote in support of the resolution and added at the next council meeting. Thank you, Melissa Morris I Field Representative, Southern California D-CEANA , San Diego, California Pro nouns:She/Her/Hers T +305-333-9646 E mmorris@oceana.orgI W usa.oceana.org Received After Agenda Printed November 30, 2021 Mulvey, Jennifer Item No. 10 Subject: FW: Comments for City Council Consideration Nov 30, 2021 - Ban Offshore Drilling From: Leslie Manderscheid <Imande(asbcglobal.net> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:05:52 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: chair@newportbeach.surfrider.org <chair@newportbeach.surfrider.org> Subject: Comments for City Council Consideration Nov 30, 2021 - Ban Offshore Drilling City Clerk: As a resident, I am writing to urge the Newport Beach City Council to pass Item 10, Resolution No. 2021-123 supporting a ban on new offshore drilling. Since the last oil spill in Huntington Beach, there continue to be reports of oil and tar washing up on Orange County and San Diego County beaches. Please do your part to keep these spills from occuring now and in our future. Thank you. Leslie Manderscheid PO Box 10684 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Received After Agenda Printed November 30, 2021 Mulvey, Jennifer Item No. 10 Subject: FW: Support resolution banning new offshore drilling From: Sarah Burgess <sburgess7 gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 5:50:13 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Support resolution banning new offshore drilling Hello City Council of Newport Beach I am a resident of Costa Mesa and work on Newport Beaches leading Surfrider sponsored beach cleanups for thousands of people a year. Enjoying the beaches and coastlines of Newport Beach in my free time is also important to me and my livelihood for living near this coastal community. The ocean is a vital part of our own health and it's health is inextricably tied to ours. Allowing it to be polluted by preventable environmental disasters is aligned with casting negative effects on the quality if our water we drink (and recreate in) and our air we breathe.. I have seen firsthand the detriment of oil spill occuring off our coasts. It damaging to habitat, wildlife and human focused reliances on having a clean and healthy environment. Being a community which relies on the reputation and follow through of having a healthy environment for millions to recreate on and drive business to, banning new offshore drilling is a no brainer to keep our coasts healthy and protected. I truly hope Newport Beach can rise and be a leader in this arena. Please support the resolution to ban new Offshore oil drilling. Thanks, Sarah Burgess Received After Agenda Printed November 30, 2021 Mulvey, Jennifer Item No. 10 Subject: FW: Offshore Oil Drilling Vote From: Bill McCarthy <bill.p.mccarthy(a gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 11:11:12 AM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Offshore Oil Drilling Vote Dear City Council: I regret that I cannot attend tonight's City Council meeting in person because I believe that the issue of offshore oil drilling is one of the most important issues to the long-term prosperity of Newport Beach. Our community relies on our safe, healthy, and beautiful shoreline, ocean, and bay for much of our economic prosperity and cultural identity. Therefore, we need to protect our beaches, bays, and oceans from erosion, damage, destruction, and death from all source. Right now, the City Council has the opportunity to take a big step in the direction of protection by voting to prohibit any new (and, hopefully cease any existing) offshore oil and gas drilling in waters off our coastline. I urge you to vote to prohibit any new offshore drilling as well as to chart a course to discontinue any existing offshore drilling. As a 20 -year resident of Newport Beach and active and regular participant in beach and bay activities (rowing, sailing, surfing, and fishing), I know how important the health of our shoreline, beaches, bays, and oceans are to the mental and physical wellbeing of Newport residents. So, please, protect our economic and physical/emotional wellbeing by voting "yes" on the resolution to ban offshore oil and gas drilling. Thank you in advance for your consideration and for, hopefully, passing this resolution to protect our way of life in Newport Beach. Sincerely, Bill McCarthy Received After Agenda Printed November 30, 2021 Mulvey, Jennifer Item No. 10 Subject: FW: Tues. night: NB City Council to vote on resolution opposing new offshore oil drilling From: Aaron Wertheimer <awerthy01abgmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 20216:47:05 PM (UTC -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Tues. night: NB City Council to vote on resolution opposing new offshore oil drilling Dear City Clerk, I strongly oppose the measures to create drilling offshore, and I highly recommend you think of alternative energy resources to help with your needs. Please, please listen to your constituents, and have a beautiful day. With warmth, Aaron