HomeMy WebLinkAbout16_Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit_PA2021-263CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT December 16, 2021 Agenda Item No. 16 SUBJECT: Joey Restaurant Group (PA2021-263) ▪Minor Use Permit No. UP2021-046 SITE LOCATION: 453 Newport Center Drive APPLICANT: Joey Restaurant Group OWNER: Irvine Company PLANNER: Makana Nova, Senior Planner 949-644-3249 or mnova@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING •General Plan Land Use Plan Category: CR (Regional Commercial) •Zoning District: PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community, Fashion Island sub-area) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor use permit for Joey Restaurant Group to expand the alcohol service area previously authorized under Use Permit No. UP3654 for Roy’s Restaurant. The proposed remodel and tenant improvements will make shell building improvements and add a new 2,590-square-foot outdoor dining patio to the east portion of the building. Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 5.25, the operation, as described, requires the owner/operator to obtain an Operator License through the City because the proposed building and tenant improvements to the establishment result in a change in occupancy and the restaurant includes late hours of operation after 11:00 p.m. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3)Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2021-046 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Joey Restaurant Group (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator, December 16, 2021 Page 2 Tmplt: 10/18/21 DISCUSSION Setting •The subject property is located within the Fashion Island Shopping Center and is bounded by Newport Center Drive to the east. The area in the vicinity of the project site is developed with commercial retail uses within Fashion Island. Office uses are located across Newport Center Drive to the east. •Joey Restaurant Group will occupy a restaurant pad at the eastern portion of Fashion Island. The nearest access to the restaurant is obtained from Newport Center Drive through a shopping center drive aisle to the south of the pad site. The area of the subject property is 0.8 acres. The property is developed as a three-restaurant pad building oriented away from Newport Center Drive toward the Fashion Island Shopping Center. The existing restaurants in the building are Fleming’s Steakhouse and True Food Kitchen. Project Description •The applicant requests approval of a minor use permit and operator license to allow a new restaurant to occupy the former Roy’s Restaurant location, which was previously authorized under Use Permit No. UP3654. The scope of work includes shell building improvements, a full interior tenant improvement, a new covered 2,590-square-foot outdoor dining patio, and two new bar areas inside and outside on the patio area. An operator license pursuant to NBMC Chapter 5.25 is required because the proposed tenant improvements result in an increase in occupancy and the restaurant includes late hours of operation after 11:00 p.m. •The building shell is undergoing interior demolition and the restaurant will be located in Fashion Island at the site formerly occupied by Roy’s Restaurant, which operated as a restaurant with late hours (after 11:00 p.m.), live entertainment, dancing, and alcoholic beverage sales. The gross floor area of the establishment will be 7,588 square feet, the interior net public area will be 3,635 square feet, and the net public area of the outdoor dining patio will be 2,590 square feet. The establishment will provide 201 interior seats and 120 seats on the patio. The hours of operation will be from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, daily, whereas the existing use permit allows hours from 9:00 a.m. through 1:00 a.m. Due to the late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.), approval of an operator’s license by the Newport Beach Police Department will be required. Land Use •The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the project site as Regional Commercial (CR), which is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and 2 Joey Restaurant Group (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator, December 16, 2021 Page 3 Tmplt: 10/18/21 supporting uses that serve local and regional residents. The proposed restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales and outdoor dining is a use that serves local and regional residents and is consistent with this land use designation. •The project is located in the Fashion Island Sub-Area of the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. Fashion Island is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day/evening destination with a wide variety of uses that will serve visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The restaurant with expanded alcoholic beverage sales and an outdoor dining patio is a commercial use that is intended to serve visitors, residents, and employees in the broader regional area and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the North Newport Center Planned Community District for the Fashion Island Sub-Area. •Eating and Drinking Establishments are permitted uses within the Fashion Island sub- area of the North Newport Center Planned Community Zoning District. Pursuant to the Planned Community Text, the on-premise sale of alcohol in conjunction with an eating and drinking establishment requires a minor use permit amendment. In this case, the area of alcohol service will be expanded with the addition of a new outdoor dining patio and bar area, which requires a minor use permit to amend the existing approval. Existing conditions of approval from Use Permit No. UP3654 are included for reference in the draft resolution (Attachment No. ZA 1). Alcohol Sales •The Police Department is familiar with the security plan in place for the overall center and conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hour component of the proposed restaurant. •The subject property is located within Reporting District No. 39 (RD39) and generally, crime statistics are higher in this district than adjacent districts due to the higher concentration of commercial uses within North Newport Center. The Newport Beach Police Department is aware of this and has recommended approval of the restaurant. The alcohol related statistics for RD39 are incorporated into the factors for consideration in the draft resolution prior to the Zoning Administrator hearing (Attachment No. ZA 1). A map of the Reporting Districts, alcohol related statistics, and a memorandum, which includes the recommendation of the Police Department, are attached as Attachment No. ZA 4. •The proposed hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, daily. Due to the late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.), approval of an operator’s license by the Newport Beach Police Department will be required should this minor use permit be approved. An operator license (Operator License No. OL2021-002) is required pursuant to NBMC Chapter 5.25 and may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive 3 Joey Restaurant Group (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator, December 16, 2021 Page 4 Tmplt: 10/18/21 conditions to regulate and control potential nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. •While the proposed restaurant is not considered a bar, tavern, or lounge by definition, a Type 47 (On Sale General) alcohol license is requested as part of a bona fide eating establishment. Staff recognizes that the proposed floor plan, hours of operation, and typical operation of the Joey Restaurant Group (and many restaurants) often contribute to a bar/lounge style component following typical dinner hours in the evening. While the proposed hours of operation for Joey Restaurant Group are later than the hours for other restaurants within Fashion Island, City staff and the Police Department have reviewed the minor use permit request with this component in mind and are recommending approval at the project location. •The proposed project complies with the development standards for on-sale alcohol sales and outdoor dining provided in Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure that the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code is maintained and that a healthy environment for residents and businesses is preserved. The service of alcohol is intended for the convenience of customers dining at the restaurant. Operational conditions of approval recommended by the Police Department relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages will help ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and minimize alcohol related impacts. Outdoor Patio •The proposed outdoor dining patio and restaurant are within the cumulative floor area limits allocated for Fashion Island. Fair share and San Joaquin Transportation corridor fees will be assessed prior to the issuance of tenant improvement building permits for additional gross floor area beyond the floor area identified for the construction of the restaurant shell building. •The Fashion Island shopping center provides required parking within the surface parking lots and parking structures on site. In this case, the addition of the 2,590- square-foot patio to the existing 1,470,097-square-foot development is well below the 1,523,416-square-foot floor area limit set for Fashion Island. •Prior to final of building permits, a lot line adjustment must be recorded to modify the pad property line to accommodate the new footprint created by the added outdoor dining patio. •The conditions of approval from Use Permit No. UP3654 from the former Roy’s Restaurant will remain in full force and effect and will be restated in the resolution for reference only. 4 Joey Restaurant Group (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator, December 16, 2021 Page 5 Tmplt: 10/18/21 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. The proposed project involves the expansion of alcoholic service area at an existing 7,588-square-foot restaurant with late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) and a new outdoor dining patio. Therefore, both the interior use and new 2,590-square-foot outdoor dining patio expansion qualify for a categorical exemption under Class 1. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: MKN Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant’s Project Description ZA 4 Police Department Memorandum, Reporting Statistics, and Reporting Districts Map ZA 5 Security Plan ZA 6 Project Plans 5 Tmplt: 10/18/21 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 6 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2021-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2021-046 TO ALLOW AN EXPANDED TYPE 47 (ON SALE GENERAL) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LICENSE AREA AT AN EXISTING FOOD SERVICE, EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT AT 453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE (PA2021-263) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by James Szabatin representing Joey Restaurant Group, with respect to property located at 453 Newport Center Drive, and legally described as Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No. 87-3 in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, requesting approval of a minor use permit. 2. The applicant proposes a minor use permit and operator license for Joey Restaurant Group to expand the alcohol service area previously authorized under Use Permit No. UP3654 for Roy’s Restaurant. The existing restaurant location includes late hours (after 11:00 p.m.), dancing, live entertainment, and a Type 47 (On Sale General) alcohol license. The proposed remodel and tenant improvements will make shell building improvements and add a new 2,590-square-foot outdoor dining patio to the south portion of the building. Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 5.25, the operation, as described, requires the owner/operator to obtain an Operator License (OL2021-002) through the City because the proposed building and tenant improvements to the establishment result in a change in occupancy and the restaurant includes late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.). 3. The subject property is designated CR (Regional Commercial) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on December 16, 2021, online via Zoom. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 2 of 16 10-18-21 of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The proposed project involves the expansion of alcoholic service area at a recently expanded restaurant with late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) and an outdoor dining patio. Therefore, both the existing 7,588-square-foot restaurant and new 2,590-square-foot outdoor dining patio expansion qualify for a categorical exemption under Class 1. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Alcohol Sales In accordance with Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a use permit are set forth: Finding A. The use is consistent with the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding In finding that the proposed use is consistent with Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code, the following criteria must be considered: i. The crime rate in the reporting district and adjacent reporting districts as compared to other areas in the City. 1. The proposed establishment is located within Reporting District 39, wherein the number of crimes is higher than adjacent Reporting Districts and the City. RD 38, 43, and 44 have a lower number of crimes as they are primarily residential with few commercial uses. RD44 (Corona del Mar Village) has slightly higher crime count averages due to its commercial corridor district. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses in Fashion Island, the crime rate and shoplifting rate is greater than adjacent residential Reporting Districts; however, the Newport Beach Police Department does not consider the number significant given the type of development within this Reporting District. ii. The numbers of alcohol-related calls for service, crimes, or arrests in the reporting district and in adjacent reporting districts. 1. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses, the calls for service and number of arrests are greater than adjacent residential Reporting Districts. The Police Department does not consider the rate high because of the concentration of restaurants and commercial uses within Fashion Island and the surrounding North Newport Center. The Newport Beach Police Department has not previously reported any calls for service to the subject property since the proposed use is part of a new development project. 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 3 of 16 10-18-21 iii. The proximity of the establishment to residential zoning districts, day care centers, hospitals, park and recreation facilities, places of worship, schools, other similar uses, and any uses that attract minors. 1. The shopping center does not abut sensitive land uses and is separated from other uses by parking lots, roadways, and other commercial uses. Residential uses are permitted in the northern sections of the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District within Blocks 500, 600, 800, and San Joaquin Plaza. The property is located approximately 300 feet southwest of Block 500, the nearest area that allows for residential uses. There are currently no residential units developed in Block 500. The proposed use is not located in close proximity to other residential districts, day care centers, park and recreation facilities, places of religious assembly, and schools. iv. The proximity to other establishments selling alcoholic beverages for either off-site or on-site consumption. 1. Off-sale alcohol sales are located in the vicinity at Whole Foods, at 461 Newport Center Drive, within Fashion Island. Additionally, there are many comparable restaurant establishments within the Fashion Island Shopping Center including True Food Kitchen at 451 Newport Center Drive and Fleming’s Steakhouse at 455 Newport Center Drive in the same pad building. The Type 47 (On Sale, General) alcohol license is the same as those obtained by said establishments and there is no evidence suggesting these uses have been detrimental to the neighborhood. An adequate security plan per the Police Department is in place for the Fashion Island Shopping Center and conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hour component of the proposed restaurant. v. Whether or not the proposed amendment will resolve any current objectionable conditions 1. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure that the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code is maintained and that a healthy environment for residents and businesses is preserved. The service of alcohol is intended for the convenience of customers dining at the restaurant. Operational conditions of approval relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages will help ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and minimize alcohol related impacts. 2. The restaurant use will be located within a shopping center designated to include such development. The Regional Commercial (CR) designation of the General Plan allows eating and drinking establishments. The service and consumption of alcohol at the restaurant, pursuant to a Type 47 Alcoholic Beverage Control license under the conditions imposed by this Minor Use Permit that it will be operated and maintained, complies with the provisions of the Zoning Code and the North Newport Center Planned Community District Regulations. 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 4 of 16 10-18-21 3. The restaurant pad is part of a highly-traveled commercial area that is occupied by a mixture of office and retail uses. It is anticipated that the establishment will serve visitors and employees of the nearby businesses who stop and eat within the North Newport Center area. Adding alcohol service and a new bar area in the new outdoor dining patio will complement the food service and provide for the convenience of customers. 4. The proposed restaurant is located within an existing restaurant pad building and is designed as a restaurant that includes on-site service and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Minor Use Permit In accordance with Section 20.52.020.F (Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a use permit are set forth: Finding B. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan: Fact in Support of Finding 1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the project site as Regional Commercial (CR), which is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses that serve local and regional residents. The proposed restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales and an outdoor dining patio is a use that serves local and regional residents and is consistent with land uses in the CR land use designation. Finding C. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code: Facts in Support of Finding 1. The project is located in the Fashion Island Sub-Area of the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. Fashion Island is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day/evening destination with a wide variety of uses that will serve visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales and an outdoor dining patio is a commercial use that serves visitors, residents, and employees in the area and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the North Newport Center Planned Community District for the Fashion Island Sub-Area. 2. Eating and Drinking Establishments are permitted uses within the Fashion Island Sub- Area of the North Newport Center Planned Community Zoning District. Pursuant to the 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 5 of 16 10-18-21 Planned Community Text, the expansion of on-premise sale of alcohol in conjunction with an eating and drinking establishment requires a minor use permit amendment. 3. The proposed outdoor dining area and the restaurant area are within the limits of the cumulative floor area allocated for Fashion Island. In this case, the addition of the 2,590- square-foot patio to the existing 1,470,097-square-foot development is well below the 1,523,416-square-foot floor area limit set for Fashion Island. 4. Prior to the final of building permits, a lot line adjustment will be recorded to include the new building footprint created by the outdoor dining patio within the pad parcel currently established by Lot Line Adjustment No. 87-3. Finding D. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity: Facts in Support of Finding 1. The Fashion Island Sub-Area permits a range of retail, dining, and commercial entertainment uses within the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. While the proposed establishment provides a component of late-night dining services similar to a lounge, the use is compatible with surrounding permitted commercial uses in the vicinity and there currently are no sensitive land uses located nearby. 2. The proposed hours of operation are from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, daily, whereas the existing use permit allows hours from 9:00 a.m. through 1:00 a.m. While the proposed hours of operation for Joey’s Restaurant Group are later than the hours for other restaurants within Fashion Island, an adequate security plan is in place for the Fashion Island Shopping Center and conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hour component of the proposed restaurant. 3. Due to the late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.), approval of Operator’s License No. OL2021-002 by the Newport Beach Police Department will be required. A copy of the Fashion Island Security Plan will be provided as part of the operator license process for the proposed business. An operator license required pursuant to NBMC Chapter 5.25 may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive conditions to regulate and control potential nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. The operator license will help ensure compatibility of the proposed business with the surrounding uses in the vicinity. 4. The on-site consumption of alcoholic beverages will be incidental to the restaurant use. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period, per the conditions of approval. Alcoholic beverage service will be under the supervision of LEAD-trained employees. 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 6 of 16 10-18-21 Finding E. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities: Facts in Support of Finding 1. The Fashion Island shopping center provides adequate parking and circulation within the surface parking lots and parking structures on site. 2. This site has been reviewed by the Fire Department to ensure adequate public and emergency vehicle access is provided. Fire sprinklers will be required within the new outdoor dining patio and retractable awning area. Utilities are provided with all applicable requirements. 3. The site has historically been developed and used as a restaurant location with alcohol service and the new outdoor dining patio is intended for the same use. The tenant space is designed and developed for an eating and drinking establishment. 4. Improvements to the building and new outdoor dining patio will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes. All ordinances of the City and all conditions of approval will be complied with. Finding F. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, a safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The project has been reviewed and includes conditions of approval to ensure that potential conflicts with the surrounding land uses are minimized to the greatest extent possible. The operator is required to take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks and areas surrounding the subject property and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the establishment. 2. The food service, eating and drinking establishment with alcohol service will serve visitors and the surrounding business community. The proposed establishment will provide alcohol service as a public convenience to visitors and workers within the surrounding area. 3. Fashion Island management has historically provided efficient on-site security and cooperates with the Newport Beach Police Department. The provision of an operator 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 7 of 16 10-18-21 license will further enable the Police Department to regulate the operation of the proposed business. 4. The location will utilize an existing grease interceptor, obtain Health Department approval prior to opening for business, and comply with the California Building Code to ensure the safety and welfare of customers and employees within the establishment. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2021-046, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 16TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2021. _____________________________________ Jaime Murillo, Zoning Administrator 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 8 of 16 10-18-21 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (Project-specific conditions are in italics) Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Minor Use Permit. 4. Prior to issuance of final building permits, a lot line adjustment shall be recorded to incorporate the expanded dining area into the pad building Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No. 87-3 in accordance with Section 19.04.035 of the Subdivision Code. 5. The expanded outdoor dining area shall not exceed 2,590 square feet in area. 6. The installation of roof coverings shall not have the effect of creating a permanent enclosure. The use of any other type of overhead covering shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director and may require an amendment to this minor use permit. 7. The operator as well as any future operators of the restaurant shall obtain an Operator License pursuant to Chapter 5.25 of the Municipal Code to ensure the business is operated in a safe manner. The Operator License may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive conditions to regulate and control potential late-hour nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. 8. Prior to the issuance of building permits, Fair Share Traffic Fees shall be paid for any additional gross floor area associated with the new outdoor dining patio and any new square footage in accordance with Chapter 15.38 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 9. Prior to the issuance of building permits, San Joaquin Transportation Corridor Fees shall be paid for any additional gross floor area associated with the new outdoor dining patio and any new square footage. 10. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view of adjacent properties and adjacent public streets, and shall be sound attenuated in accordance with Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control) of the Municipal Code. 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 9 of 16 10-18-21 11. All proposed signs shall be in conformance with the approved Comprehensive Sign Program for the project site and provisions of Chapter 20.42 (Signs) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices, and the plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 13. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 14. The site shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, if in the opinion of the Director of Community Development, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 15. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall prepare photometric study in conjunction with a final lighting plan for approval by the Planning Division. The survey shall show that lighting values are “1” or less at all property lines. 16. The operator of the restaurant facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 17. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00AM and 10:00PM Between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 18. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 10 of 16 10-18-21 produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 19. No outside paging system shall be utilized in conjunction with this establishment. 20. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self-latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes and drain to the sewer system. 21. Trash receptacles for patrons shall be conveniently located both inside and outside of the establishment, however, not located on or within any public property or right-of-way. 22. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 23. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self-contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 24. Storage outside of the building in the front or at the rear of the property shall be prohibited, with the exception of the required trash container enclosure. 25. A Special Events Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of the approved use, as conditioned, or that would attract large crowds, involve the sale of alcoholic beverages, include any form of on-site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 26. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 27. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 28. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property 16 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 11 of 16 10-18-21 or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 29. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit or the processing of a new Minor Use Permit. 30. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 31. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Minor Use Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Minor Use Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 32. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 33. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Joey Restaurant Group including, but not limited to, Minor Use Permit No. UP2021-046 (PA2021-263). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Police Department 34. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and all conditions of the Alcoholic Beverage License. Material violation of any of those laws or conditions in connection with the use is a violation and may be cause for revocation of the use permit. 17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 12 of 16 10-18-21 35. All owners, managers and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages within 60 days of hire. This training must be updated every 3 years regardless of certificate expiration date. The certified program must meet the standards of the certifying/licensing body designated by the State of California. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 60 days of approval. Records of each owner’s manager’s and employee’s successful completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. 36. Approval does not permit the premises to operate as a bar, tavern, cocktail lounge or nightclub as defined by the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 37. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period. The licensee shall at all times maintain records, which reflect separately the gross sales of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. These records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to the Police Department on demand. 38. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee. 39. No games or contests requiring or involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed. 40. There shall be no reduced price alcoholic beverage promotions after 9:00 p.m. 41. Food service shall be made available to patrons until closing. 42. Petitioner shall not share any profits or pay any percentage or commission to a promoter or any other person based upon monies collected as a door charge, cover charge, or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink orders or the sale of drinks. 43. Any event or activity staged by an outside promoter or entity, where the applicant, operator, owner or his employees or representatives share in any profits, or pay any percentage or commission to a promoter or any other person based upon money collected as a door charge, cover charge or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink orders or the sale of drinks is prohibited. 44. “VIP” passes or other passes to enter the establishment, as well as door charges, cover charges, or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink order of the sale of drinks is prohibited (excluding charges for prix fixe meals). 45. Strict adherence to maximum occupancy limits is required. 46. The applicant shall maintain a security recording system with a 30-day retention and make those recordings available to police upon request. 18 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 13 of 16 10-18-21 47. There shall be no exterior advertising or signs of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 48. Strict adherence to maximum occupancy limit is required. 49. The operator of the restaurant facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 50. An Operator License is required pursuant to Chapter 5.25 of the Municipal Code, may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive conditions such as a security plan to regulate and control potential late-hour nuisances associated with the operation of the establishment. Fire Department 51. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be required for the new outdoor dining patio and retractable patio cover. The sprinkler system shall be monitored by a UL certified alarm service company. Building Division 52. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City’s Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Approval from the Orange County Health Department is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. 53. The restaurant shall provide the number of plumbing fixtures to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 4 of the California Building Code, 2010. 54. Prior to issuance of building permits, an exit analysis shall be provided for the outdoor dining patio. 55. Public sanitation facilities shall be available to the general public (patrons) during regular business hours of the operation, unless otherwise approved by the Building Division. 56. The site plan shall clearly identify the parking, path of travel, entrance, restrooms, fixed seating, and bar seating to comply with accessibility requirements. 57. The applicant shall employ the following best available control measures (“BACMs”) to reduce construction-related air quality impacts: 19 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 14 of 16 10-18-21 Dust Control Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. Cover all haul trucks or maintain at least two feet of freeboard. Pave or apply water four times daily to all unpaved parking or staging areas. Sweep or wash any site access points within two hours of any visible dirt deposits on any public roadway. Cover or water twice daily any on-site stockpiles of debris, dirt or other dusty material. Suspend all operations on any unpaved surface if winds exceed 25 mph. Emissions Require 90-day low-NOx tune-ups for off road equipment. Limit allowable idling to 30 minutes for trucks and heavy equipment Off-Site Impacts Encourage carpooling for construction workers. Limit lane closures to off-peak travel periods. Park construction vehicles off traveled roadways. Wet down or cover dirt hauled off-site. Sweep access points daily. Encourage receipt of materials during non-peak traffic hours. Sandbag construction sites for erosion control. Fill Placement The number and type of equipment for dirt pushing will be limited on any day to ensure that SCAQMD significance thresholds are not exceeded. Maintain and utilize a continuous water application system during earth placement and compaction to achieve a 10 percent soil moisture content in the top 6-inch surface layer, subject to review/discretion of the geotechnical engineer. Public Works Department 58. County Sanitation District fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of any building permits. 59. A lot line adjustment shall be submitted and approved with the Public Works Department prior to recordation and building permit final. Use Permit No. UP3654 (Conditions restated for reference) 1. Development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plan, and elevations, except as noted below. 2. This approval is for alcoholic beverage service only. The off-sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption is prohibited. 3. Loitering, open container, and other signs specified by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act shall be posted as required by ABC. (Refer to updated Condition No. 47) 4. The alcoholic beverage outlet operator shall take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks, 20 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 15 of 16 10-18-21 and areas surrounding the alcoholic beverage outlet and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the subject alcoholic beverage outlet. 5. Alcoholic beverage service shall be permitted in the outdoor dining area upon approval of the Police Department and the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. (Refer to updated Operator License Hours of Operation) 7. Alcoholic beverage sales from drive-up or walk-up service windows shall be prohibited. 8. The exterior of the alcoholic beverage outlet shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris, and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 9. All owners, managers, and employees serving and/or selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified program in responsible methods and skills for serving and selling alcoholic beverages. To qualify to meet the requirements of this section a certified program must meet the standards of the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service or other certifying/licensing body which the State may designate. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 180 consecutive days of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. (Refer to updated Condition No. 35) 10. Records of each owner’s, managers, and employee’s successful completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. (Refer to updated Condition No. 35) Standard Requirements 1. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 2. Grease interceptors shall be installed on all fixtures in the restaurant where grease may be introduced into the drainage systems, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and the Public Works Department. Grease interceptors shall be located to be easily accessible for routine cleaning and inspection. 3. Kitchen exhaust fans shall be designed to control smoke and odor to the satisfaction of the Building Department. 4. All trash areas shall be screened from adjoining properties and streets. 21 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 16 of 16 10-18-21 5. A washout area for refuse containers shall be provided to allow direct drainage into the sewer system and not into the Bay or storm drains, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and Public Works Department. 6. The on-site parking, vehicular circulation, and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer. 7. Dancing and live entertainment shall be permitted in accordance with a Café Dance Permit and Live Entertainment Permit issued by the Revenue Manager in accordance with Title 5 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 8. This Use Permit for an alcoholic beverage control outlet granted in accordance with the terms of this chapter (Chapter 20.89 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code) shall expire within 12 months from the date of approval unless a license has been issued or transferred by the California State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control prior to the expiration date. 9. The Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this Use Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this Use Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 10. This Use Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 22 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 23 VICINITY MAP Minor Use Permit No. UP2021-046 (PA2021-263) 453 Newport Center Drive Subject Property 24 Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant’s Project Description 25 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 285 • San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • (949) 581-2888 • Fax (949) 581-3599 November 4, 2021 Mr. Jim Campbell Deputy Community Development Director City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Minor Use Permit Application and Operator License Application 453 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island Regional Shopping Center Dear Mr. Campbell: On behalf of Joey Restaurant Group, CAA Planning, Inc. (CAA) submits the enclosed Minor Use Permit (MUP) application and Operator License (OP) application for alcohol sales at the proposed Joey Newport Beach (Joey NB) restaurant to be located at 453 Newport Center Drive in the Fashion Island Regional Shopping Center. Fashion Island is an existing regional shopping center located in the middle of Newport Center and is designated as Regional Commercial (CR) in the General Plan and is a part of the North Newport Center Planned Community (NNCPC), PC-56. A wide range of retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses to serve local and regional residents is permitted. Consistent with the NNCPC, eating and drinking establishments are permitted by right in Fashion Island, but a Minor Use Permit is required for the sale of alcohol, and an Operator License is required for late hours. Proposed Project Background Joey NB will be located at 453 Newport Center Drive, which was formerly occupied by Roy’s of Newport Beach, LLC (Roy’s). The property owner, Irvine Company, is currently undertaking the demolition of all existing interior improvements, including the existing patio dining area, and will turn over the building to Joey NB in its original shell condition. Tenant Improvements The new tenant, Joey NB, proposes to demolish the existing entry tower element and the existing south façade. The Tenant Improvements (T.I.) will consist of fitting out the existing space to accommodate the new restaurant design, which includes a bar/cocktail lounge, a dining room, public/employee toilet rooms, and a commercial kitchen. Also included will be a patio dining area with a bar and a waiting/seating area. There will be a new permanent roof structure over the entire patio footprint and a four-sided rooftop mechanical equipment screen. CAA PLANNING PA2021-263 26 Mr. Jim Campbell November 4, 2021 Page 2 of 2 The new restaurant will differ from the previous restaurant in that it will have a reduced gross floor area, and increases patio area, and more seating as shown in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 Roy’s Joey Net Increase/Decrease Gross Floor Area 7,735 s.f. 7,588 s.f. -147 s.f. Patio Area 778 s.f. 2,590 s.f. 1,812 s.f. Seating 242 seats 367 seats 125 seats The new restaurant will be parked at the Fashion Island rate of 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, or 23 spaces, as outlined in Table 4 of Section III.C.1 of the NNCPC Development Plan. This was the parking requirement for the previous restaurant so not additional parking is required. (Patio outdoor dining area is not counted as gross floor area in Fashion Island pursuant to Section II.B.1 of the NNCPC.) The total seating will be 367 seats which is based on the building occupant load as shown on Sheet LS1.1 of drawings submitted with the application. The hours of operation for the restaurant will be 11 am to midnight daily. Due to the late hour operation of the proposed restaurant (i.e., operating after 11p.m.), an Operator License application is submitted currently with MUP application. Consistency Under the Land Use and Development Regulations for PC-56, eating and drinking establishments and accessory or ancillary uses remain permitted by right. However, the sale of alcohol requires a minor use permit with the Zoning Administrator as the approving authority. The CR designation of the Land Use Element of the General Plan identifies the location of the project site as being Regional Commercial (CR), which is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses that serve local and regional residents. In addition, as part of the PC- 56 Zoning District, the Fashion Island Subarea is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day/evening destination with a wide variety of uses that will serve visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The proposed restaurant, with eating and drinking establishment with alcoholic beverage sales will continue a commercial use that serves visitors, residents, and employees and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the North Newport Center Planned Community District for the Fashion Island Subarea. Required Action As authorized by Section II.A.1, Table 1 of the North Newport Center Planned Community Development Plan, Joey Restaurant Group requests approval of an MUP and an OP by the Zoning Administrator to allow Joey NB to provide for the on-site sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at the proposed restaurant. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (949) 581-2888 if you have any questions or concerns. 1 I I I I PA2021-263 27 Mr. Jim Campbell November 4, 2021 Page 3 of 2 Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. Shawna L. Schaffner Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Architectural Drawings (3-30”x42”, 4-11”x17”) Public Noticing Materials CD-ROM (via email) c: James Szabatin – Joe Restaurant Group Brandon Mucha – Irvine Company Retail Properties PA2021-263 28 Attachment No. ZA 4 Police Department Memorandum and Reporting Districts 29 NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Makana Nova, Senior Planner FROM: Wendy Joe, Police Civilian Investigator DATE: December 8, 2021 SUBJECT: Joey Restaurant 453 Newport Center Drive PA2021-263 OL2021-002 At your request, the Police Department has reviewed the project application for Joey Restaurant located at 453 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The applicant has requested a use permit for improvements to the building previously occupied by Roy’s which will include a new 2,590- square-foot outdoor dining patio. The Alcoholic Beverage License will remain a Type 47 ABC License (On-Sale General – Eating Place). Should this project be approved, an Operator License will be required due to the proposed late hours. Statistical Data and Public Convenience or Necessity Attached is a summary report compiled by Newport Beach Police Department (NBPD) Crime Analyst, Kristi Kondo, which provides detailed statistical information related to alcohol establishments in and around the applicant’s proposed place of business at 453 Newport Center Drive. Business and Professions Code §23958.4 finds “undue concentration” for an applicant premises in two ways: 20% higher crime (with an alcohol nexus) in a Reporting District as compared to the City-wide average, or an over saturation of alcohol licenses in a census tract compared to the county. Crime Statistics The Police Department divides the City into areas referred to as Reporting Districts. This allows the Police Department to compile statistical data, as well as better communicate officer locations while policing. The proposed applicant location is within Reporting District (RD) 39 which encompasses the Fashion Island shopping and entertainment district. The RD is square in shape, bordered by Jamboree on the west, San Joaquin Hills Road on the north, MacArthur to the east, and Coast Hwy to the south. 30 Joey PA2021-263 2 Per Business and Professions Code §23958.4, the Police Department is required to report offenses of criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, theft, and motor vehicle theft (all Part I crimes), combined with all arrests for other crimes, both felonies and misdemeanors (except traffic citations) to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). These figures make up the “Crime Count” which is indicated on the attached statistical data form. This reporting district is reported to ABC as a high crime area as compared to other Reporting Districts in the City. The RD’s Crime Count is 390, 179% over the City-wide crime count average of 140. Since this area has a 20% or greater number of reported crimes than the average number of reported crimes as determined from all crime reporting districts within the City, the area is found to have undue concentration. In comparison, neighboring RD 43 is 61% below the City- wide average, RD 38 is 53% below, and RD 44 (Corona Del Mar Village) is 119% above the City-wide average. The highest volume crime in this area is shoplift. The highest volume arrests in the area are drug related offenses. DUI, Public Intoxication, and liquor law violations make up 16% of arrests in this reporting district. In comparison, the figure for neighboring RD 43 is 17%, RD 38 is 23% and RD 44 is 18%. This location meets the legal criteria for undue concentration pertaining to crime (B&P §23958.4). Alcohol License Statistics The standard which ABC utilizes to identify an area over-saturated with alcohol licenses is outlined in Business and Professions Code §23958.4. A reporting district is classified as having “undue concentration” when there is a higher retail license to resident ratio than that of the county. The applicant premise is located within census tract 0630.8. This census tract has an approximate population of 2,408 residents with 60 active on-sale alcohol licenses. That is a per capita ratio of 1 on-sale license for every 40 residents. Per the Business and Professions code, we compare this per capita ratio to Orange County’s off-sale per capita ratio of 1 license for every 618 residents. This location meets the legal criteria for undue concentration pertaining to alcohol licenses (B&P §23958.4). Discussion and Recommendations Undue Concentration exists in this location in regards to both crime and alcohol license saturation, therefore, ABC will need to make a determination that this restaurant is a public convenience or necessity (PCN) during their licensing process. PCN is demonstrated when the business operation provides some kind of benefit to the surrounding community. Approval of a use permit will indicate that the City of Newport Beach agrees this establishment will provide public convenience or necessity. The Police Department has no concerns with the application provided the conditions below (or similar conditions) are imposed. Although the applicant location has undue concentration, the area is a planned entertainment district with few residences making an application of this nature 31 Joey PA2021-263 3 appropriate for the area. The crime in the neighborhood is largely due to thefts in and around the mall area. The property owner, The Irvine Company, employs uniformed security for the area which is serves as an additional crime deterrent. Due to the late hours in conjunction with alcohol, the restaurant will be required to have an Operator License issued by the Chief of Police. The applicant has provided a security plan which is currently under review and will be an attachment to the completed Operator License. The conditions on Use Permit No. UP3654 need to be updated to become equivalent with current practices and recent authorizations. The Police Department recommends UP3654 conditions 2, 4, and 8 remain; and conditions 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 be updated with the following or similar conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and all conditions of the Alcoholic Beverage License. Material violation of any of those laws or conditions in connection with the use is a violation and may be cause for revocation of the use permit. 2. All owners, managers and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages within 60 days of hire. This training must be updated every 3 years regardless of certificate expiration date. The certified program must meet the standards of the certifying/licensing body designated by the State of California. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 60 days of approval. Records of each owner’s manager’s and employee’s successful completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. 3. The eating and drinking establishment shall close no later than 12:00 a.m., daily. 4. Approval does not permit the premises to operate as a bar, tavern, cocktail lounge or nightclub as defined by the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 5. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period. The licensee shall at all times maintain records, which reflect separately the gross sales of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. These records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to the Police Department on demand. 6. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee. 7. No games or contests requiring or involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed. 8. There shall be no reduced price alcoholic beverage promotions after 9:00 p.m. 9. Food service shall be made available to patrons until closing. 32 33 34 Attachment No. ZA 5 Security Plan 35 2400-1177 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3 T: 604 699 5639 | F: 604 699 5630 JOEYRESTAURANTS.COM JOEY Newport Beach - Security Plan JOEY Newport Beach Legal Entity – Joey Restaurant (Newport Beach) Inc. Location – 453 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Regional Manager – Brent Koehn; bkoehn@JOEYrestaurants.com Age Verification The below procedures will be in place to prevent the sale of alcohol to minors per our JOEY Responsible Alcohol Serving Guidelines, enclosed. The following are further examined on Pages 11-12. •Legally acceptable identification will be requested and reviewed in a systematic manner toconfirm that the identification was issued by a government agency and is valid. The ID must also list a legal name, date of birth, include a photograph and physical description •Identification must be requested from anyone that appears to be under the age 40. •If there is ever a doubt about an identification card, it will not be accepted. •Managers will support employees’ decisions to refuse service. Operations •At all times JOEY will have an adequate number of staff and management on shift to ensure that alcohol and patron behavior is monitored. •Employees serving/selling alcoholic beverages will complete comprehensive service training through JOEY upon hire with regular refresher courses. All employees are required to understand and comply with the JOEY Responsible Alcohol Serving Guidelines. •All employees on shift will monitor beverage sales and patron behavior. •JOEY is a sit-down premium casual dining establishment. Crowding will not be permitted. Intoxicated and Disorderly Patrons The below procedures will be in place to prevent the sale of alcohol to intoxicated patrons per our JOEY Responsible Alcohol Serving Guidelines, enclosed. The following are examined further on Pages 9-12. •If a patron enters the establishment and they are visibly intoxicated, service will be refused. Employees will ensure that the patron is not operating a vehicle. If the patron refuses to leave or operates a vehicle, the authorities will be notified right away. •Employees will manage patron alcohol consumption by:o Offering food with alcoholic drinks.o Serving a glass of water with alcoholic drinks.o Only serving one (1) alcoholic drink at a time or three (3) per hour.o If necessary, slow down service.o If service has been restricted, a manager will be notified right away.o Ensure all patrons consuming alcohol have a safe ride home. •Employees will follow the below steps when refusing alcohol service: o Advise management.o Inform the patron of their decision, while being courteous, discreet, and firm. o If the patron becomes hostile or aggressive, the authorities will be notified right away.o Arrange for a safe ride home for the patron (taxi, rideshare, friend, family member, etc). o Document the incident immediately. 36 2400-1177 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3 T: 604 699 5639 | F: 604 699 5630 JOEYRESTAURANTS.COM . •If a patron becomes disorderly or violent:o Communicate that if they do not calm down, they will be asked to leave theestablishment.o If the issue persists, call the authorities right away. o Employees should never involve themselves in a situation that endangers themselves orothers, the authorities should always be called. Security •JOEY establishments are equipped with video surveillance and alarm systems. •Security personnel on the mall property or the City Police will be contacted as needed. •Loitering and suspicious/criminal activity will be reported to the authorities. •The office safe is kept in a secure room under video surveillance. Only Front of House Managers have access to the safe. •Only Front of House Managers and Office Managers have access to cash kept on site during non- business hours. All cash is kept in the safe. •Bartenders and Guest Services have access to the restaurant floats during business hours under video surveillance. •Servers are responsible for their own cash floats. •Employees of JOEY will never close or open the establishment on their own. There are always two (2) employees on shift for a close and open. 37 -1 Responsible Alcohol Serving Guidelines California - November 2021 38 -2 Introduction Serving alcohol responsibly is an important part of your job as a Joey partner. Irresponsible service of alcohol can result in liability for you and the restaurant, jeopardize the restaurant’s license to serve alcohol, and put the safety and well-being of our guests and community at risk. We ask that you take your duties and obligations regarding the service of alcohol seriously. The following guidelines are meant to supplement your training. Although your training establishes an important baseline of understanding, Joey Restaurants sets an even higher standard. These Guidelines will enable you to make sound decisions in what can sometimes be difficult situations. As always, you can rely on your managers and leads for support and guidance. If you have any questions about or suggestions for these Guidelines, please talk to your general manager. After you have read the Guidelines, we will ask you to sign an Employee Responsibility Statement indicating that you understand and will abide by the Guidelines. The Law We don’t expect you to become a lawyer. However, it is important that you have a general idea of where the laws come from, what they say, and why it matters. We think it’s important that you not only know what the right thing to do is, but why it’s the right thing to do. As in every state, California regulates the production, distribution and sale of alcohol. The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (the “ABC” for short) is an agency of the state of California that enforces the laws and rules. This is important to you because the agents of the ABC actively enforce California laws and rules pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol. In addition, all officers of the California State Patrol, county sheriff and municipal police departments can enforce California state liquor laws. These agents and officers have the right to inspect all business locations licensed by the ABC. Your training provides you with a basic understanding of California state liquor laws. The laws regarding serving alcohol to minors and a visibly intoxicated person (a “VIP”) are important to remember and abide by. The following are very important for your work at Joey Restaurants: •Do NOT sell an alcoholic beverage to a minor. It is illegal for anyone to sell, give or otherwise supply alcohol to any person under the age of 21 years of age, or to allow a person under 21 years of age to drink alcohol on his or her premises or on any premises under his or her control. •Do NOT sell alcohol to a VIP. It is illegal to sell, give or otherwise supply alcohol to “any person who is apparently under the influence of liquor.” We’ll talk about how to spot such a person later in the Guidelines (even though we’re pretty sure you already know what to look for). 39 -3 Do NOT let a minor consume an alcoholic beverage. It is also illegal for a business licensed to let anyone under 21 years of age drink alcohol in their business (regardless of who served it or where it came from). Do NOT let a minor possess an alcoholic beverage. It is against the law for anyone under the age of 21 years to possess, drink, or otherwise acquire or attempt to acquire any alcohol. In other words, even if you don’t witness the minor consuming the alcohol, it is against the law if a minor is holding an alcoholic beverage or if an alcoholic beverage is directly in front of a minor in a way that indicates that it is their drink. Do NOT let a minor show visible signs of intoxication. It is illegal for a person under the age of 21 years to be in a public place, or to be in a motor vehicle in a public place, while showing the effects of having consumed alcohol. Even if the minor did not consume any alcoholic beverages at Joey Restaurants, contact your manager if a minor, or any patron, shows visible signs of intoxication. Do NOT allow disorderly conduct at the restaurant. It is illegal to permit disorderly conduct anywhere on the licensed premises, including adjacent areas such as parking lots and outdoor service areas. The take home message is simple. Don’t serve alcohol to minors or VIP’s and don’t let VIP’s get behind the wheel. If you do, you are putting yourself, and Joey, at tremendous risk. More importantly, you’re letting the driver down and anyone that driver may injure or kill while driving impaired. We’re only asking you to do the right thing. Don’t let us down. Alcohol Effects Alcohol is a drug that slows down the central nervous system and has serious psychoactive effects when ingested by humans. Those effects may include euphoria, lethargy, confusion, stupor, coma and death. Blood Alcohol Content (“BAC”) is the concentration of alcohol in a person’s blood and is the most commonly used measure of intoxication for legal and medical purposes. The number of drinks consumed alone is a relatively poor measure of BAC because it fails to take into account variations in weight, sex and body fat. Unless a person has developed a high tolerance for alcohol, a BAC rating of .15 or .20% represents a very serious level of intoxication and impairment. Drinking, driving, and DUI’s The State of California has deemed anyone with a BAC of .08 or higher as being an impaired driver. California prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle by a driver that has a .08 percent or higher BAC. In addition, California has set lower BAC limits for commercial drivers (.04) and drivers under the age of 21 (.02). California DUI law also prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle by a driver that is under the influence of a controlled substance such as marijuana, cocaine, inhalants or other intoxicants. Recognizing the signs of intoxication Recognizing the signs of intoxication and responding responsibly to prevent problems before they happen is an essential component of your job at Joey. If you can spot the warning signs before a 40 -4 problem occurs and act to avoid it, you have taken the most important step towards safeguarding the safety and well-being of our guests and community and reducing liability to you and the restaurant. Drinks that have the same amount of alcohol will have the same effect on the drinker (the “standard drink”). In a sense, a drink is a drink. It’s the alcohol that matters. Any type of drink that contains the same amount of alcohol will have a similar effect on the drinker. When these beverages are served in specific amounts, they contain exactly the same amount of alcohol. A 12 oz. of beer, 1.5 oz. highball and 5 oz. glass of wine have the same amount of alcohol. 12 ounces Beer = 1.5 ounces Highball = 5 ounces Wine (5% alcohol volume)(40% alcohol volume)(12% alcohol volume) You’ve probably seen and heard this many times before. The take home point is two fold. First, each of us harbors preconceived notions about drinking, particularly that drinking spirits straight or in shots gets you drunk quicker. As a result, we tend to underestimate the impact of beer, wine and fruity cocktails. It’s important to focus on how much alcohol the guest has consumed and over what period of time, not what they were drinking. Second, and more importantly, guests share these same preconceived notions and often underestimate the impact of enjoying some beer or wine with their dinner, or a couple of Bellinis. In other words, it is important to monitor guests for signs of intoxication regardless of what they are drinking. A drink is not always a drink. Yes, many rules have exceptions, including this one. Some drinks, such as martinis, Long Island Ice Teas, and Supersonic Gin and Tonics, contain up to twice as much alcohol as a standard drink. Check with your bartender or manager to gain an understanding of which drinks contain significantly more alcohol than a standard drink. Factors that influence BAC For most people, BAC and level of intoxication are correlated: the more you drink, the more alcohol is in your system, and the more intoxicated you appear. Understanding BAC and the many factors that influence BAC will help you understand how alcohol can have different effects on different people in different situations. It will also help you to anticipate the intoxicating effects of alcohol even before your guest shows any visible signs of intoxication. This is important because it will give you more time to manage the situation and avoid potential problems. We’ll talk about that more in the “Identifying and Addressing Potential Problems” section later in the Guidelines. The two most important factors are (1) how much alcohol is consumed and (2) over what time period. Intoxication begins to occur well before major behavioral signs show. Being alert to small behavior changes can help the server prevent obvious intoxication. Similar amounts consumed may produce different BAC results for different people, and even different results for the same person under certain circumstances. You should consider the following factors in helping you assess the level of intoxication of your guests: Amount. The more alcohol consumed in a specific period of time, the higher a person's BAC will be and, generally speaking, the greater level of impairment. 41 -5 Rate. Alcohol is absorbed very quickly into the body, but it takes the body approximately one hour per standard drink to break alcohol down. The body starts to break down alcohol the moment it enters a person’s system, but the body can only do so much and cannot break down alcohol any faster just because there is more of it. Size and Body Type. The larger and more muscular people are, the less effect alcohol will have on their BAC. Fat cells do not absorb alcohol very well, so try to judge a person's size by their lean body mass. Gender. Because of size and build, women are often more susceptible to alcohol. Because of biological differences in how alcohol is metabolized, a woman will also become impaired quicker than a man the same size who drinks the same amount of alcohol. Age. Alcohol’s effects vary with age. Slower reaction times, problems with hearing and seeing, and a lower tolerance to alcohol’s effects put older people at higher risk for falls, car crashes, and other types of injuries that may result from drinking. Food. The effect of food can be deceiving. Food will not prevent the absorption of alcohol, but it will slow it down. BAC will rise more slowly if a patron consumes food with alcohol, but it will not make them sober up quicker. Customers may drink more than they intended because they do not feel the effects as quickly. Note, consuming salty food may cause people to drink faster. Other Substances. Prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, and illegal drugs can enhance the effect of alcohol. If you notice customers taking medication of any sort, watch them carefully. Also watch for signs of drug-related impairment such as a patron who is easily distracted or who has difficulty concentrating. If you suspect illegal drug use, you need to talk to your manager and proactively manage the situation. Experience. People often learn to disguise the more apparent signs of intoxication, but their central nervous system is still affected by the alcohol they have consumed, which therefore, affects reaction time and judgment. A patron who can disguise intoxication should be watched more closely because he/she can reach dangerous levels of intoxication with little warning. Tolerance. Some people develop a tolerance to alcohol. For these people, they need to consume more alcohol to get the same effect because their body as adapted to increasingly large doses of alcohol. Thus, such people may not “feel” drunk, but their BAC can be well over the limit. Setting or Atmosphere. Many things including the lighting, decor, music, type of clientele, and seating pattern, will affect a customer's behavior and consumption of alcohol. A person drinking alone may consume more alcohol for something to do, whereas people drinking with friends may drink less because they are involved in conversation. On the other hand, friends may encourage more drinking by peer pressuring their companions to drink more or play drinking games. The following charts may help you understand the relationship between alcohol consumption, BAC and intoxication. In addition, the list of the fifty signs of intoxication is instructive in helping to spot the warning flags early. Please review them. 42 - 6 BAC Probable Effect Visual Signs BAC Common Effects Visible Signs Up to.05 Lowered inhibitions, relaxation, slight euphoria, increased risk taking. .05+ If driving, person is likely to be hesitant, may alternate from "Who cares?” to impulsive aggression. Should not drive! ❑ Is overly friendly ❑ Changes speech volume or rate ❑ Becomes emotional .08 Impairment of muscle coordination and driving skills; legally impaired for driving purposes. ❑ Shows bravado ❑ Uses loud or abusive speech ❑ Changes consumption rate ❑ Complains about strength of drinks ❑ Does things that are inappropriate .10 Clear deterioration of reaction time and control. ❑ Becomes argumentative ❑ Is careless with money .12 Vomiting often occurs, unless this level is reached slowly. ❑ Appears flushed ❑ Bloodshot eyes .15 Balance and movement are impaired. ❑ Sweats a lot ❑ Has trouble focusing ❑ Slurs speech ❑ Is easily confused ❑ Does not respond quickly ❑ Is detached from surroundings .20+ Stupor, coma, depression of many vital organs, and possibly death. ❑ Fumbles, staggers or falls ❑ Spills drinks ❑ Leans on table for support ❑ Nods off ❑ Has difficulty picking up change or removing card from wallet 43 -7 BAC Charts 1. 44 - 8 50 Signs of Visible Intoxication1 1 Based on the Oregon Liquor Control Commissions “50 Signs of Visible Intoxication”, http://www.oregon.gov/OLCC/docs/publications/50_signs_of_visible_intoxication.pdf. 1. Slurred speech 2. Swaying, staggering, or stumbling 3. Unable to sit straight 4. Bloodshot, glassy eyes 5. Loud, noisy speech 6. Speaking loudly, then quietly 7. Drinking too fast 8. Ordering doubles 9. Careless with money 10. Buying rounds for strangers or the house 11. Annoying other guests and employees 12. Complaining about prices 13. Complaining about drink strength or preparation 14. Argumentative 15. Aggressive or belligerent 16. Obnoxious or mean 17. Making inappropriate comments about others 18. Crude behavior 19. Inappropriate sexual advances 20. Foul language 21. Making irrational statements 22. Depressed or sullen 23. Crying or moody 24. Extreme or sudden change in behavior 25. Overly animated or entertaining 26. Drowsiness 27. Drinking alone 28. Lack of focus and eye contact 29. Bravado, boasting 30. Difficulty remembering 31. Rambling train of thought 32. Slow response to questions or comments 33. Spilling drinks 34. Trouble making change 35. Difficulty handling money 36. Difficulty lighting cigarettes 37. Lighting more than one cigarette 38. Letting cigarette burn without smoking 39. Clumsy 40. Difficulty standing up 41. Unusual walk 42. Boisterous 43. Bumping into things 44. Falling off of chair 45. Falling asleep 46. Can't find mouth with glass 47. Falling down 48. Mussed hair 49. Disheveled clothing 50. Overly friendly to other 45 - 9 Identifying and addressing potential problems Identifying and addressing situations before they become problems is essential to providing responsible alcohol service. Joey expects you to be thoughtful and proactive in safeguarding our guests and the community as well as the restaurant and yourself. Your best asset is your common sense. Use it! It’s one of the reasons we hired you as a partner. If a situation doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it. Take action. If you aren’t sure what to do, talk to your manager. Here, she is on your side. The biggest problems occur when you simply ignore a situation and fail to act in a timely, proactive manner. Alcohol traffic light system The alcohol traffic light system can serve as a practical rule-of-thumb in assessing and monitoring drinking patterns. It also enables you to quickly communicate with fellow employees and managers about your assessment of a situation. For example, when you’re slammed and have a table that may be a potential problem (several guests are showing signs of intoxication), being able to tell your manager and co-workers that you have a yellow light on 12 and having them quickly understand your concern is critical. The system is straightforward. Green represents safe, responsible drinking. Yellow represents borderline drinking where one or more guests are drinking quickly and/or may be exhibiting some signs of visible intoxication. Red represents dangerous drinking where one or more guests are exhibiting multiple and/or clear signs of visible intoxication. Most tables should be green. Yellow light situations (Proactive table management) Yellow light assessments require that you carefully monitor the situation and tell your manager and co- workers so they can help you monitor the situation. In addition to monitoring, you should also take proactive steps to manage the situation such as the following:  Slow drink service. Time can be your ally. You can balance your responsibility to provide quality, responsive service with an effort to slow a customer’s rate of alcohol consumption. You can do this in the following ways if you feel a guest is approaching a problem level of intoxication: o Increasing the time between taking drink orders; o Only taking orders from individuals and only when they are finished with their last drink; o Not asking the table as a whole if they want another round; and o Holding drink orders for a time before sending them through.  Provide water as an additional beverage selection on the table.  Suggest non-alcoholic beverages. “Mocktails.”  Suggest beverages with a lower alcoholic content. A tall vodka tonic (1.25 ounces with 4-8 ounces of mixer) versus a vodka martini (2+ ounces with no mixer).  Develop your relationship with the table. Seek to understand the table dynamic. Find allies that might back you up if you must cut off one or more guests at the table. 46 -10 Red light situations (Refusing Alcohol Service) Red light situations require action. Even with good prevention procedures in place, there will be times when you will have to deal with an intoxicated individual or refuse service. This can be a difficult situation, especially for new staff or with regular customers. Remember, such situations typically only become bigger problems over time. Unfortunately, they rarely resolve themselves on their own. Refusing alcohol service is one of the most difficult and important parts of your job. You can do it and management will support you as long as you follow these guidelines and work with your manager. Situations in which you will refuse alcohol service are never the same and require you to use common sense and sound judgment. Unless the situation requires immediate action, involve your manager in the decision to refuse service and ensure that they are aware of the situation and your intended actions. Refusing service while not disturbing the flow of the guest’s experience is an art (and very difficult). You can do it! The following are best practices in the art of refusing service: Understand the situation. Talk to the table. Put yourself in their shoes. If you were them, how would you want the server to handle the situation? Talk directly and privately to the guest if possible. For some, being refused service can be embarrassing. Show compassion and understanding. Do not be confrontational or hostile. Do not use emotionally charged words. Do not tell someone that they are “Cut off” because they are “drunk,” “loaded,” or similar. In addition to not using charged words, make sure that your tone of voice and body language are friendly and open. Find allies. In addition to your managers and co-workers, the most important supporter of your actions may be sitting at the table. Build relationships, make eye contact, and be open to receiving support. The best way to gain such support is to show that you understand and sympathize with the situation, that you wish that you didn’t have to do it, and want them to stay and continue to enjoy the evening. Be firm and resolute. Given them no reason to doubt your conviction and willingness to follow through. Cite higher authority. Let them know that your manager supports your decision. Encourage them to stay and continue to enjoy their time at Joey. Refusing service is not the same as asking guests to leave. Make it clear that your refusal only applies tonight (unless they are a repeat, problem guest) and they will be served as usual on their next visit. Get them home safely. Ensure safe transportation when they decide to leave. Joey has relationships with one or more local cab companies. You should know or have ready access to their numbers and offer to arrange a cab for your guests if necessary. What should I do if a guest is disturbing others, making threats, or acting belligerently or violently? Joey must provide a level of safety and protection to the guests and the staff. Sometimes it is better if a guest leaves or does not come into the restaurant in the first place. If a guest is disturbing others, making threats, or acting belligerently or violently, it may become necessary to ask such an individual to leave or not to enter the restaurant. If you believe a guest is acting in such a manner and that further efforts to manage the situation would put you, other staff or guests in danger or otherwise fail to make the situation better, alert your manager to the situation as soon as possible. If your location has access to private security support, contact them to provide further assistance. Do not put yourself, the staff or guests at risk. Do not use physical force unless absolutely necessary to defend yourself or others. Using physical force is a last resort that we hope will never be necessary at Joey. If you believe that the 47 -11 situation is escalating and puts you, the staff and other guests at risk of physical harm, contact the local police. In such situations, always: Be reasonable, respectful and calm; Downplay the situation and give the person an easy way out; Identify yourself as a person who has the authority to ask a person to leave; Ask the person to leave; and Give the person reasonable time to leave. In the unlikely event that physical force is required to defend yourself or others, use only reasonable force that is the minimal amount necessary. Any unnecessary force, especially that which results in injury, leaves you and the restaurant open to liability and endangers the guest. Again, the use of physical force is a last resort and should only be used when absolutely necessary to defend yourself or others. We believe that it is highly unlikely that you will ever be faced with such a situation at Joey. Always record the incident in the incident log. Getting Your Guests Home Safely You are responsible for ensuring that intoxicated guests get home safely. Your responsibility includes guests that are walking or biking home. The following are options for getting your guests home safely: Designated driver or sober friend. Enlist the support of the guest’s friends. If no one is available at the restaurant, ask if there is anyone who you can call. Call a cab. If the guest is leaving a car near the restaurant, work with your manager to ensure its safety. Use holiday-specific or other safe-ride programs if available in your area. Get a room. If possible, suggest that the guest make a night of it and stay the night at a nearby hotel. Make sure they make it there safely. Seek other solutions with your manager. House Policies The following are house policies that Joey expects all partners to know, understand and abide by. Checking Identification Checking guest identification to verify that your guests are 21 years of age or older is an essential component of your job. It is your responsibility to check the identification of anyone who appears under the age of 40 every time you initiate alcohol service with them. No excuses, no exceptions. To be clear, if Jill comes in a Thursday night, attempts to order a drink and appears to be under the age of 40, you must check her identification before serving her alcohol. If she comes back on Friday, you must check her identification again. Get into the habit. Failure to check a guest’s age is not excused by any of the following: Regulars. It doesn’t matter if the guest is a regular or if you know that they are over 21. Too busy. Ask for help. Checking I.D.’s is an important part of your job. Friends and family. Doesn’t matter. Don’t feel like it. Take the night off if you don’t want to or are unable to do your job. 48 -12 Generally speaking, to be acceptable, an I.D. must be (1) current (NOT expired) and include the (2) person's photograph, (2) date of birth, and (3) signature. Types of acceptable I.D. include the following: A driver's license or instruction permit issued by any U.S. state or Canadian province. o Note, if the customer's state license has expired, he/she must also show a valid temporary driver's license with the expired card. A U.S. Military I.D. card, including active duty, reserve, retired and/or dependent. A state I.D. card. An official state or Canadian province I.D. card. An official passport issued by any nation. If the presented identification is not on this list, please talk to your manager. Incident Log Purpose. Keeping an Incident Log is essential to minimizing liability, ensuring continuing legal compliance and memorializing the details of an incident that may be important years after the incident. In addition, the key to handling, and learning from, alcohol related incident is to document such incidences and periodically review them for patterns or other consistent problems. Incidents should be logged out at the end of the shift by a manager or floor lead. The Log out can be used internally to assess your alcohol service and can be helpful in the event of a lawsuit. A Log out template is provided by the company and should be emailed to the designated manager(s) and chef(s Documentation. Document the details of incidents such as refusing alcohol service, arranging transportation for a guest, refusing the false ID of a minor and calling police to your establishment. Write a report for all incidents. This step should be taken immediately after an event occurs while the facts are still fresh. Include in the report the date, time, and server and manager involved. List the names of the guests and employees who witnessed the incident and physical descriptions of all intoxicated guests. For guests, obtain complete contact information in case it is necessary to contact them in the future. It is important to complete the Incident Log out every shift even if the only notation is no incidents. Drinking on duty Drinking while working at Joey is automatic grounds for termination. Joey has a zero tolerance policy. Please don’t drink while on duty. Last Call Last call is called 15 minutes before closing time. No alcohol can be ordered or served after closing time. This gives you 15 minutes to fulfill your guests’ orders. Under no circumstances can alcohol be sold, served or consumed between 2 am and 6 am. California law prohibits the sale, service and consumption of alcohol at licensed establishments between these hours seven days a week with no exceptions. 49 Attachment No. ZA 6 Project Plans 50 Matthew P. Moscati, AIA, LEED AP The undersigned hereby certifies, that to the best of his knowledge,information, and belief, the plans and specifications are in accordance with 2019 California Building Code SP1.0 SP1.1 OVERALL SITE PLAN DETAILED SITE PLAN A7.2 A7.3 A8.0 A9.0 A9.1 MP-1 STOREFRONT / EXT. WALL BASE DTLS. EXTERIOR DETAILS DETAILED TOILET RM PLANS & ELEVS. DETAILS (INTERIOR) DETAILS (CEILING) MUNICIPAL PLAN REVIEW T1.0 T1.1 TITLE SHEET GENERAL NOTES / LEGENDS / ABBREVS. LS1.0 LS1.1 LS1.2 AD1.0 AD1.1 A0.0 A1.0 A1.1 A2.0 A2.1 A3.0 A4.0 A4.1 A5.0 A6.0 A6.1 A6.2 A7.0 CODE ANALYSIS EGRESS PLAN & SCHEDULE HC ACCESSIBILITY DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN DEMOLITION ELEVATIONS PATIO PLANS AND ELEVATIONS SLAB PLAN FLOOR PLAN REFLECTED CEILING PLAN RCP FRAMING & LIGHTING PLAN ROOF PLAN & DETAILS ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE/DETAILS DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS BUILDING SECTIONS BUILDING SECTIONS WALL SECTIONS STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS T E N A N T A R C H I T E C T SIERRA CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 9330 WEST MARTIN AVE., SUITE 200 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89148 Contact: Aaron Carver (Principal) Phone: 702.804.5986 E-mail: aaron@sierrastructural.net TRM ARCHITECT 448 DELAWARE AVENUE BUFFALO, NEW YORK 14202 Contact: Patrick Dineen (Associate) Phone: 716.883.3516 Mobile: 716.200.9723 E-mail: p.dineen@trmarchitect.com Contact: Amanda Schichtel Phone: 716.883.3516 Fax: 716.883.4740 E-mail: a.schichtel@trmarchitect.com S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R E L E C T R I C A L E N G I N E E R L I G H T I N G D E S I G N P L U M B I N G E N G I N E E R K I T C H E N D E S I G N G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T O R LIGHTING DESIGN ALLIANCE 2830 TEMPLE AVENUE LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90806 Contact: Travis Dickey (Senior Designer) Direct: 562.326.5807 Office: 562.989.3843 E-mail: tdickey@lightingdesignalliance.com FOUNDRY COMMERICAL KITCHENS 1020 EAST CORDOVA VANCOUVER BC, V6A 4A3 Contact: Cat Donlevy (Project Manager) Office: 604.216.2566 x227 mobile:778.875.5464 E-mail: cat@foundrykitchens.com CRO ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. 18562 FLORIDA STREET, SUITE 100 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92648 Contact: Conrad Orr Sr. (President) Direct: 714.847.7100 x1001 Mobile: 949.929.0899 E-Mail: conrad@croeg.com Contact: Conrad Orr Jr. (Senior Plumbing Designer) Direct: 714.847.7100 x4001 Mobile: 949.412.2783 E-mail: corr@croeg.com L A N D L O R DContact: Dan Moss (Sr. Project Manager) Direct: 760.309.1986 E-mail: dan.moss@salasobrien.com A C O U S T I C C O N S U L T A N T VENEKLASEN AND ASSOCIATES 1711 SIXTEENTH STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 Contact: Matt Rashoff Phone: 310.450.1733 E-mail: mrashoff@veneklasen.com A U D I O / V I S U A L C O N S U L T A N T PALADIN TECHNOLOGIES 1277 EAST GEORGIA STREET VANCOUVER, BC CANADA, VGA 2A9 Contact: Tom Potucek (Vice President) Direct: 604.216.3510 Mobile: 604.220.4227 E-mail: tom@paladintechnologies.com JOEY RESTAURANT GROUP 2400 1177 WEST HASTINGS STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6E 2K3 Owner's Representative: James Szabatin (Project Manager) Mobile: 647.614.1080 E-mail: jszabatin@joeyrestaurants.com STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS INTERIOR DESIGN DRAWINGS MECHANICAL DRAWINGS PLUMBING DRAWINGS ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS KITCHEN EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS A/V DRAWINGS LIGHTING DRAWINGS KUSHNER - VARKER ASSOCIATES, INC. 33760 WILLOW HAVEN LANE, UNIT 105 MURRIETA, CALIFORNIA 92563 Contact: Kelley Kushner-Varker Phone: (O)951.226.0164 (M) 951.409.4081 E-Mail:Kelley@kva-inc.org SALAS O'BRIEN 8825 RESEARCH DRIVE IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618 Contact: Gary Petrak Phone: (D) 949.377.2923 (M) 949.903.3502 E-Mail:gary.petrak@salasobrien.com IRVINE COMPANY 110 INNOVATION DR. IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92617 Contact: Brandon Mucha (Dir., Construction Services) Office: 949.720.3198 Mobile: 714.412.3591 E-mail: bmucha@irvinecompany.com SHAWMUT DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 224 N. DESPLAINES STREET (SUITE 401) CHICAGO, IL. 60661 Contact: Bob Motta (Project Executive) Office: 312.535.2912 Mobile: 617.839.6283 E-mail: REM@shawmut.com ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN & LEGEND ELECTRICAL NOTES SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM PANEL SCHEDULES FIXTURE SCHEDULES LUTRON DIMMING DIAGRAM CEILING LIGHTING PLAN MILLWORK LIGHTING PLAN POWER PLAN POS PLAN FIRE ALARM PLAN ROOF PLAN ELECTRICAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS M1.0 M1.1 M2.0 M3.0 M4.0 M5.0 P1.0P1.1P1.2P1.3P1.4P2.0P3.0P4.0 P5.0 ID0.00 ID1.00 ID1.10 ID2.10 ID3.10 ID4.00 ID4.10 ID5.00 ID5.10 ID5.20-5.21 ID5.30 ID5.31 ID6.10 ID6.11 ID6.20 ID6.21 ID6.22 ID7.10 ID7.11 ID7.12 ID7.20 ID7.21 ID7.22 ID7.23 ID7.30 ID7.31 ID7.32 ID8.10 ID8.11 ID8.20 ID9.10 ID9.20 ID9.21 ID9.30 AV LAYOUT RCP KEY PLAN EQUIPMENT LAYOUT GENERAL NOTES SITE CONDITION SERVICE SCHEDULE MECHANICAL LAYOUT ELECTRICAL LAYOUT ROOF LAYOUT EXHAUST HOOD & KDS DETAILS CURB LAYOUT CONDUIT LAYOUT ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS REFRIGERATION RACK DETAILS LIGHTING COVER PAGE LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE LIGHTING CONTROL INTENTFLOOR PLAN LIGHTINGRCP LIGHTINGROOF LIGHTINGLIGHTING CUTSHEETS 0LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 1LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 2LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 3LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 4 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 5 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 6 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 7 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 8 LIGTHING CUTSHEETS 9 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 10 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 11 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 12 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 13 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 14 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 15 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 16 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 17 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 18 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 19 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 20 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 21 LIGHTING CUTSHEETS 22 S0.0 S0.1 S0.2 S0.3 S1.1 S3.0 S5.1 S5.2 S5.3 S5.4 S6.1 S6.2 LOCATION KEY MAP 9330 W. Martin Ave. Suite 200Las Vegas, NV 89148Telephone: (702) 804.5986Fax: (702) 804.69271234 E. BURNETT ST.SIGNAL HILL. CA 90755-3510(TEL.)562.989.3843(FAX) 562.989.3847·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH· 453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH , CA. 92660 ·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH · TENANT IMPROVEMENTS : DRAWING SCHEDULEPROJECT DIRECTORY PROJECT DATA •COMMERCIAL BUILDING CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC) •FIRE CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, TITLE 24, PART 9 •ACCESSIBILITY CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 11B •ENERGY CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE (CEC) •MECHANICAL CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC) •PLUMBING CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (CPC) •ELECTRICAL CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE •GREEN CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (CALGREEN) •EXCAVATION AND GRADING CODE: NEWPORT BEACH EXCAVATION AND GRADING CODE 1020 EAST CORDOVAVANCOUVER BC, V6A 4A3TELEPHONE: 604.216.256618562 FLORIDA STREET, SUITE 100HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92648TELEPHONE: 714.847.7100SCHEDULES, NOTES & SPECIFICATIONSDETAILSDETAILSGENERAL NOTESSITE PLANWASTE AND VENT PIPING PLANWATER PIPING PLANGAS, CONDENSATE AND STORM DRAIN PIPING PLAN ROOF PLAN MECHANICAL SCHEDULES, NOTES, AND LEGENDS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS WIRING DIAGRAMS AND FIREWRAP DETAILS MECHANICAL ROOF PLAN MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN TILE 24 E0.1 E0.2 E1.1 E1.2 E1.3 E1.4 E2.1 E2.2 E3.1 E3.2 E4.1 E5.1 E6.1 E6.2 E6.3 E7.1 E7.2 COVER SHEET CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES CONSTRUCTION PLAN REFLECTED CEILING PLAN POWER & COMMUNICATION PLAN FINISH SCHEDULES FLOOR FINISH PLAN FURNITURE & MILLWORK SCHEDULE FURNITURE & MILLWORK PLAN TABLE TYPES SIGNAGE SCHEDULE SIGNAGE PLAN RESTROOMS: ENLARGED PLAN & ELEVATIONS RESTROOMS: ENLARGED PLAN & ELEVATIONS BAR: ENLARGED PLAN & ELEVATIONS BAR: ENLARGED PLAN & ELEVATIONS BAR ELEVATIONS & DETAILS ELEVATIONS: FRONT OF HOUSE ELEVATIONS: FRONT OF HOUSE ELEVATIONS: FRONT OF HOUSE ELEVATIONS: BACK OF HOUSE ELEVATIONS: BACK OF HOUSE ELEVATIONS: BACK OF HOUSE ELEVATIONS: BACK OF HOUSE ELEVATIONS: PATIO ELEVATIONS: PATIO ELEVATIONS: EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION: DETAILS CONSTRUCTION: DETAILS CONSTRUCTION: DETAILS MILLWORK: BOOTHS MILLWORK: SERVICE STATIONS MILLWORK: SERVICE STATIONS MILLWORK: DETAILS TA101 FS0.0 FS1.0 FS2.0 FS3.0 FS4.0 FS5.0 FS6.0 FS7.0 FS8.0 FS9.0 FS10.0 FS11.0 FS11.1 FS11.2 FS12.0 LD0.0 LD0.1 LD0.2LD1.0LD2.0LD3.0LD4.0LD4.1LD4.2LD4.3LD4.4 LD4.5 LD4.6 LD4.7 LD4.8 LD4.9 LD4.10 LD4.11 LD4.12 LD4.13 LD4.14 LD4.15 LD4.16 LD4.17 LD4.18 LD4.19 LD4.20 LD4.21 LD4.22 COVER SHEET AND GENERAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES, QA AND SI TYPICAL SCHEDULES FOUNDATION PLAN ROOF PLAN FOUNDATION TYPICAL DETAILS CONCRETE TYPICAL DETAILS STRUCTURAL STEEL TYPICAL DETAILS STEEL DECK TYPICAL DETAILS SECTIONS AND DETAILS SECTIONS AND DETAILS OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: ASSEMBLY GROUP A2 (RESTAURANT) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB (SPRINKLERED) GROSS FLOOR AREA: BUILDING FLOOR AREA:7,588 SF PATIO FLOOR AREA (COVERED): 2,590 SF PROJECT SUMMARY THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF DEMOLISHING THE EXISTING ENTRY TOWER ELEMENT AND SOUTH FACADE OF THE FORMER ROY'S HAWAIIAN RESTAURANT. OUR TENANT FIT-OUT INCLUDES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A ONE STORY RESTAURANT, BAR, COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND COVERED EXTERIOR PATIO DINING SPACE WITH AN ENCLOSED BAR. WE WILL ALSO BE ADDING A FOUR SIDED ROOFTOP MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN. THE OVERALL BUILDING AREA IS NOT BEING ALTERED. PROJECT ADDRESS: JOEY RESTAURANT FASHION ISLAND 453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 BUILDING DEPARTMENT: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE P.O. BOX 1768 NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92658-8915 (949)644-3200 HEALTH DEPARTMENT: COUNTY OF ORANGE HEALTH CARE AGENCY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1241 E. DYER RD. SUITE 120 SANTA ANA, CA. 92705 (714)433-6074 DEFERRED SUBMITTALS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE SUBMITTED AS DEFFERED SUBMITTALS: 1.BUILDING SIGNAGE (EXTERIOR & INTERIOR) 2.FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 3.FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 4.KITCHEN HOOD FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM NOTES: DEFERRED SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE REGISTERED DESIGNER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND APPROVED WITHOUT EXCEPTION AND WITHOUT RED LINES BEFORE BEING SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW & APPROVAL. THE DEFERRED PERMIT MUST BE ACQUIRED PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION. SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIREDFROM THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR ITEMS 2, 3, & 4. ISSUE DATE REMARKS A 27OCT21 ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEW ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTES, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA,PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECT.AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECT.TRM ARCHITECT SHALL RETAINALL COMMON LAW, STATUTORY, AND OTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO. plotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 T1.0 SHEET NUMBER:DRAWING ISSUES PROJECT NUMBER:TRM #3917 ·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660e-mail l.beck@trmarchitect.comp.dineen@trmarchitect.comTENANT IMPROVEMENTS:PA2021-263 51 STEAK HOUSE (N.I.C) FLEMING'S PRIME (E) BANK BLDG. GARDEN COURT 415 182.31 TG 182.25 TG FS EXISTING TRUE FOOD (N.I.C) ULTA BEAUTY 427 455 451 137STARBUCKS 135 129 NESPRESSO 139 LINCOLN EXPERIENCE CENTER 127 THE SHADE STORE 123 SKIN LAUNDRY SEE'S CANDIES 133 BACIO DI LATTE WHOLE FOODS MARKET NEWPORT C E N T E R D RI V E E A S T SAN NICOLAS DRIVE SANTA ROSA DRIVE PROPOSED JOEY RESTAURANT SCALE: 1" = 40'-0" OVERALL SITE PLAN1 SEE SHEET SP1.1 FOR DETAILED SITE PLAN - THIS AREA PROPOSED JOEY RESTAURANT LANDLORD SHELL DRAWINGS & COMPLETE ENGINEERED SITE DRAWINGS SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER AJSISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:OVERALL SITE PLAN39172021.MAR.30SP1.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 52 K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA STEAK HOUSE (N.I.C) FLEMING'S PRIME EXISTING TRUE FOOD (N.I.C) 455 451 NEWPOR T C E N T E R D RI V E E A S T SLOPE 2% MAX. NEW TILE ON CONC. SLAB (SEE PATIO PLAN, STRUCT. AND ID DWGS.) JOEY WORK LIMIT JOEY WORK LIMIT JOEY WORK LIMIT JOEY WORK LIMIT EXISTING SERVICE YARD & CAN WASH EXISTING SERVICE CORRIDOR EXISTING ADJ. SUITE (N.I.C) MEN'S RESTROOM WOMEN'S RESTROOM STAFF RESTROOMS LOCATION OF NEW 1,500 GAL & 750 GAL. GREASE INTERCEPTOR'S BY LANDLORD. NEW SIDEWALK (BY JOEY GC) EXIST. ADA RAMP TO REMAIN EXIST. SIDEWALK TO BE REWORKED AS NECESSARY FOR NEW CONFIGURATION OF MAN DOOR NEW SIDEWALK TO BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING EXISITING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN (PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION) REPLACE ANY DAMAGED SECTIONS TO MATCH EXIST./ADJACENT CONST. NEW LANDSCAPING 04OCT21ISSUED FOR REVIEWSCALE: 1" = 10'-0" DETAILED SITE PLAN1 LANDLORD SHELL & SITE DRAWINGS SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER PROJECT SUMMARY THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF DEMOLISHING THE EXISTING ENTRY TOWER ELEMENT AND SOUTH FACADE OF THE FORMER ROY'S HAWAIIAN RESTAURANT. OUR TENANT FIT-OUT INCLUDES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A ONE STORY RESTAURANT, BAR, COMMERCIAL KITCHEN AND COVERED EXTERIOR PATIO DINING SPACE WITH AN ENCLOSED BAR. WE WILL ALSO BE ADDING A FOUR SIDED ROOFTOP MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN. THE OVERALL BUILDING AREA IS NOT BEING ALTERED. PROJECT AREA FLOOR LEVEL GROSS FLOOR AREA BUILDING FLOOR AREA: 7,588 SF PATIO FLOOR AREA (COVERED): 2,590 SF USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION THE NEW RESTAURANT OCCUPANCY IS ASSEMBLY GROUP A2 (303.3) WITH MINOR ACCESSORY GROUPS: BUSINESS GROUP B (304.1) AND LOW HAZARD STORAGE S-2 (311.3). CONSTRUCTION TYPE TYPE VB - CONSTRUCTION IN WHICH THE BUILDING ELEMENTS LISTED IN TABLE 601 ARE OF NON-COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, EXCEPT AS PERMITTED IN SECTION 603 AND ELSEWHERE IN THIS CODE. (602.5 CBC) CHAPTER 5 GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT = 60 FEET. ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF STORIES (TABLE 504.4) = 2 ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA (PER TABLE 506.2) = 24,000 S.F. BUILDING AND COVERED PATIO WILL BE FULLY SPRINKLERED. THE PROPOSED JOEY RESTAURANT IS 1 STORY AND 20'-0" IN HT. TO THE TOP OF THE EXISTING PARAPET. OUR PROPOSED MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN IS 7'-10" ABOVE THE PARAPET, TOTAL 27'-10". CALCULATED OCCUPANT LOAD: 370 EXITS REQUIRED: 2 EXITS PROVIDED: 4 AISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:MUNICIPAL PLANREVIEW39172021.MAR.30MP-1·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 53 C C A A B B D E 9 7.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.2 2.4 1.310 A.1 A.1 G F 7.2 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN1 EXISTING STEEL COLUMNS TO REMAIN, TYP. (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) ENCAPSULATE EXISTING STUDS, SEE FLOOR PLAN & SLAB PLAN FOR NEW WORK EXISTING STEEL COLUMNS TO REMAIN, TYP. (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING WALL FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW DOOR & FRAME. EXISTING STEEL COLUMNS TO REMAIN, TYP. (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) EXISTING MASONRY WALL TO BE REMOVED TO U/S OF EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE (SEE DEMOLITION ELEVATIONS) G.C TO PROVIDE SHORING AS REQ'D (PROVIDE TEMPORARY ENCLOSURE TO PROTECT PREMISES FROM WEATHER) EXISTING EXTERIOR STUD WALLS, WINDOWS & ROOF STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED AT EXISTING TOWER ELEMENT (SEE DEMOLITION ELEVATIONS) G.C TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY ENCLOSURE TO PROTECT PREMISES FROM WEATHER EXISTING POSTS @ TOWER TO BE REMOVED IN IT'S ENTIRETY EXISTING POSTS @ TOWER TO BE REMOVED IN IT'S ENTIRETY ADJACENT TENANTSPACE (N.I.C)JOEY'S TENANTIMPROVEMENTSSHADED AREA INDICATES AREA OF EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE (ABOVE) TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM & DECKING TO BE REMOVED. SHADED AREA INDICATES AREA OF EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE (ABOVE) TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM & DECKING TO BE REMOVED. PORTION OF EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL TO BE REMOVED UP TO UNDERSIDE OF EXISTING LINTEL. G.C TO PREPARE OPENING FOR NEW FRAME (SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR NEW WORK) (PROVIDE TEMPORARY ENCLOSURE TO PROTECT PREMISES FROM WEATHER)REMOVE EXISTING DOOR & FRAME IN IT'S ENTIRETY UP TO EXISTING LINTEL. G.C TO PREPARE WALL OPENING FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW DOOR (SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR NEW WORK) (PROVIDE TEMPORARY ENCLOSURE TO PROTECT PREMISES FROM WEATHER) EXISTING TOWER STRUCTURE POSTS TO BE REMOVED IN IT'S ENTIRETY. G.C TO PROVIDE SHORING AS REQ'D EXISTING DOOR & FRAME TO REMAIN EXISTING STOREFRONT SYSTEM & ENTRY DOOR TO BE REMOVED IT'S ENTIRETY, EXISTING OPENING IS TO BE PREPARED FOR NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL IS TO REMAIN, PREPARE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW FINISHES (TYP.) EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL IS TO REMAIN, PREPARE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW FINISHES (TYP.) EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL IS TO REMAIN, PREPARE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW FINISHES (TYP.) EXISTING DOOR & FRAME TO BE REMOVED IN IT'S ENTIRETY, G.C TO INFILL TO MATCH EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTION. PATCH & REPAIR EXTERIOR WALL FINISHES TO MATCH EXIST./ADJACENT SURFACES. EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN & BE PROTECTED IN PLACE DASHED LINE REPRESENTS SCAFFOLDING, PROVIDE (2) LAYERS OF BLACK SCREEN MATERIAL DASHED LINE REPRESENTS SCAFFOLDING, PROVIDE (2) LAYERS OF BLACK SCREEN MATERIAL LINE REPRESENTS EDGE OF EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB TO REMAIN, (SEE SLAB PLAN & STRUCT. DWGS. FOR NEW WORK), TYP. LINE REPRESENTS EDGE OF EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB TO REMAIN, (SEE SLAB PLAN & STRUCT. DWGS. FOR NEW WORK), TYP. REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAD AND PREPARE FOR NEW LANDSCAPING REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAD AND PREPARE FOR NEW LANDSCAPING AAD1.1 B AD1.1 C AD1.1 EXISTING OPENING TO REMAIN, TYP. GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. REFER TO DRAWINGS BY LANDLORD FOR EXTENT OF LANDLORD DEMOLITION WORK.AJSISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:DEMOLITION FLOORPLAN39172021.MAR.30AD1.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 54 7.37.2 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.2 2.4 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DEMOLITION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA EXISTING WOOD FRAMING INFILL TO BE REMOVED UP UNDERSIDE OF EXISTING MASONRY (G.C TO PROVIDE SHORING AS REQ'D)EXISTING WALL & STOREFRONT TO BE REMOVED UP TO U/S OF EXISTING LINTEL(G.C TO PROVIDE SHORING AS REQ') EXISTING COPING TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXISTING STUCCO FINISH TO REMAIN , CLEAN & PREPARE SURFACE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW PAINT (SEE NEW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS) EXISTING STUCCO FINISH TO REMAIN , CLEAN & PREPARE SURFACE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW PAINT (SEE NEW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS) REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING WALL FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW DOOR & FRAME. REMOVE EXISTING DOOR & FRAME IN IT'S ENTIRETY UP TO EXISTING LINTEL EXISTING TOWER ELEMENT TO BE REMOVED IN IT'S ENTIRETY, G.C TO PROVIDE SHORING AS REQ'D EXISTING REVEALS TO REMAIN (TYP.) PATCH & REPAIR TO MATCH EXISTING/ ADJ. FINISHES (TYP.)PATCH & REPAIR TO MATCH EXISTING/ ADJ. FINISHES (TYP.) DASHED LINE REPRESENTS EXTEND OF SCAFFOLDING, PROVIDE (2) LAYERS OF BLACK SCREEN MATERIAL G F C B A A.1 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DEMOLITION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSB EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED TO UNDERSIDE OF EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE (SEE DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN) (G.C TO PROVIDE SHORING AS REQ'D JOEY'S TENANT IMPROVEMENTSEXISTING SHARED TRASH COMPACTOR/ CAN WASH AREA TO REMAIN EXISTING TOWER ELEMENT TO BE REMOVED IN IT'S ENTIRETY, G.C TO PROVIDE SHORING AS REQ'D DASHED LINE REPRESENTS EXTEND OF SCAFFOLDING, PROVIDE (2) LAYERS OF BLACK SCREEN MATERIAL DASHED LINE REPRESENTS EXTEND OF SCAFFOLDING, PROVIDE (2) LAYERS OF BLACK SCREEN MATERIAL DASHED LINE REPRESENTS EXTEND OF SCAFFOLDING, PROVIDE (2) LAYERS OF BLACK SCREEN MATERIAL EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR TO SHARED SERVICE YARD/ TRASH COMPACTOR/ CAN WASH AREA TO REMAIN A.1 A B C D NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DEMOLITION EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSC EXISTING DECORATIVE STUCCO SURROUND TO REMAIN ,CLEAN & PREPARE SURFACE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW PAINT (SEE NEW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS) EXISTING COPING TO REMAIN (TYP.) (PAINT) JOEY'S TENANT IMPROVEMENTS EXISTING ADJACENT TENANT SPACE TO REMAIN EXISTING STOREFRONT SYSTEM TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TOWER ELEMENT (BEYOND) TO BE REMOVED IN IT'S ENTIRETY EXISTING STUCCO FINISH TO REMAIN , CLEAN & PREPARE SURFACE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW PAINT (SEE NEW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS) EXISTING REVEALS TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXISTING STUCCO FINISH TO REMAIN , CLEAN & PREPARE SURFACE AS NECESSARY FOR NEW PAINT (SEE NEW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS) EXISTING CORNICE TO REMAIN, CLEAN & PREPARE SURFACE FOR NEW PAINT EXISTING PIERS TO REMAIN, CLEAN & PREPARE SURFACE FOR NEW PAINT EXISTING DOOR & FRAME TO BE REMOVED. G.C TO INFILL, PATCH & REPAIR AS NECESSARY AJSISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:DEMOLITIONELEVATIONS39172021.MAR.30AD1.1·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 55 D 03 01 E F 02 G B 7.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 5.6 4.6 4.46.9 2 A0.0 2 A0.0 3 A0.0 3 A0.0 2"3'-0"15'-33/4"10"29'-111/4"115/8" 9"9"20'-2"23'-7"9"9"18'-6"9"9"18'-7"9"9"5"21'-31/2"8'-73/4"18'-11"10"3"6"21'-81/2"9'-113/4"AA0.0 BA0.0 K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA 100b ENTRY 107 RESTROOM MEN'S105 CORRIDOR RESTROOM 002 PATIO DINING 004 BAR PATIO003 LOUNGE PATIO 104 CORRIDOR 100a HOSTESS NEW HSS COLUMN (PT.) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW HSS COLUMN (PT.) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW HSS COLUMN (PT.) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) LOW WALL W/ INTERGRATED PLANTER , TYP. (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW FLOOR TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS. OVER THINSET & CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW FLOOR TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS. OVER THINSET & CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) WINE FEATURE (SEE I.D. DWGS.) SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" PATIO PLAN1 PATIO FURNITURE, SEE I.D. DWGS., TYP. NEW HSS COLUMN (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) BAR (SEE KITCHEN & I.D. DWGS.) LOW WALL W/ CAP TUBE STEEL FRAMED HALF DOOR W/ ALUM. FLIP-UP PANEL (180 DEGREE SWING)STAINLESS STEEL ADA COMPLIANT LINEAR SLOT DRAIN, TYP. (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) STAINLESS STEEL ADA COMPLIANT CURVED SLOT DRAIN (DURA TRENCH) TYP. (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) STAINLESS STEEL ADA COMPLIANT LINEAR SLOT DRAIN, TYP. (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) GAS FIRED FIRE FEATURE (SEE I.D. DWGS. & PLUMB. DWGS.) NEW ALUM. PANEL SOFFIT, TYP. (ABOVE) NEW ALUM. PANEL SOFFIT, TYP. (ABOVE) NEW HSS COLUMN FOR BAR ENCLOSURE (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" PATIO ELEVATIONA BA6.1 BA6.1 T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) T.O BLOCKING ELEV.=14'-0" NEW STOREFRONT SYSTEM (BEYOND) U/S OF SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-11 1/2" U/S OF SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-4" NEW STUCCO FINISH OVER FRAMING NEW HSS COLUMN (PT.) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW HSS COLUMN (PT.) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW STUCCO PATIO LOW WALL NEW RETRACTABLE LOUVERED ROOF SYSTEM BY AIRIA (BEYOND) NEW PLASTER SOFFIT PARAPET (BEYOND) NEW STOREFRONT SYSTEM (BEYOND) NEW REINF. CONC. FOOTER (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW REINF. CONC. FOOTER (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" PATIO ELEVATIONB C A6.1 C A6.1 1A6.2 T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) T.O ALUM. SURROUND ELEV.=14'-0" U/S OF SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-11 1/2" U/S OF SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-4" NEW HSS COLUMN (PT.) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW PARAPET (BEYOND) NEW PLASTER SOFFIT NEW LOW WALL PLANTER (BEYOND) (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW STUCCO FINISH OVER FRAMING NEW REINF. CONC. FOOTER (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) AT PERIMETER OF PATIO SLAB SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-0" DETAIL23/4"+/- 1"1'-6"1'-0" THIN SET MORTAR COMPACTED SUB-GRADE SEE ID FLOOR FINISH PLAN FOR TILE PATTERN T.O. SLAB ELEV = VARIES SUBGRADE, SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REINF. CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) LANDSCAPING (BY LL) GRADE ELEV = VARIES SEE DETAILED SITE PLAN & LANDLORD CIVIL DWGS. REINFORCED TURNED DOWN SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS. & FLR. FIN PLAN FOR LAYOUT) TYPICAL STUCCO CONTROL JOINT SCALE: 6"=1'-0" DETAIL 1/4"7/8"5/8" 5 3 COAT 7/8" STUCCO SYSTEM OVER METAL LATH 5/8" DENS-GLASS GOLD SHEATHING PREMANUFACTURED STUCCO CONTROL JOINT (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) 2 LAYERS OF NO. 15 GRADE D BUILDING PAPER MTL. STUDS (BY G.C) FIBERGLASS INSULATION (SEE WALL TYPE SCHEDULE) MTL STUD FRAMING (SEE STRUCT. DWGS FOR SIZE & SPACING) CONC. CURB @ LOW WALL SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-0" DETAIL3 2 A1.0 3/4"THIN SET MORTAR COMPACTED SUB-GRADE SEE ID FLOOR FINISH PLAN FOR TILE PATTERN T.O. SLAB ELEV = VARIES SUBGRADE, SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REINF. CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) LANDSCAPING (BY LL) GRADE ELEV = VARIES SEE DETAILED SITE PLAN & LANDLORD CIVIL DWGS. REINFORCED CONC. WALL (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS. & FLR. FIN PLAN FOR LAYOUT) SLOT DRAIN (SEE DTL. & PLUMB. DWGS.) 10" MTL. STUDS (BY G.C) 5/8" DENS-GLASS GOLD CONC. CURB SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-0" DETAIL43/4"51/2"2"THIN SET MORTAR COMPACTED SUB-GRADE SEE ID FLOOR FINISH PLAN FOR TILE PATTERN T.O. SLAB ELEV = VARIES SUBGRADE, SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REINF. CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.)NEW REINFORCED CONC. CURB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS. & FLR. FIN PLAN FOR LAYOUT) 10" MTL. STUDS (BY G.C) 5/8" DENS-GLASS GOLD TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS.) 1/4" THIN-SET MORTAR (LATICRETE 254 PLATINUM MULTI-PURPOSE) LATICRETE 9235 W.P SYSTEM OVER 1/2" DUROCK AJSGENERAL NOTE: 1. ALL EXPOSED NEW STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE CATEGORY AESS 3. 2. ALL EXPOSED EXISTING STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE SSPC-SP6. NOTE: SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A5.0 FOR PATIO SIDE ELEVATIONS NOTE: SEE SHEET T1.1 FOR GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:PATIO PLANS ANDELEVATIONS39172021.MAR.30A0.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 56 C C B B D E 7.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.2 2.4 1.3 G F 7.2 X 8.8 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SLAB PLAN1 5.6 4.6 4.4 C.6 C.9 6.9 6 A9.0 1 A4.0 1 A4.0 4 A0.0 3 A0.0 5 A9.0 6 A9.0 4 A4.0 4 A4.0 4 A4.0 4 A4.0 4 A4.0 4 A4.0 1 A4.0 9 A4.0 10 A4.0 5 A9.0 9 A9.0 9"5"21'-31/2"8'-73/4"31'-11/4"1'-2"23'-3"23'-3"6'-51/4"1'-85/8"16'-95/8"12'-51/2"7'-61/2"1'-13/8"10'-65/8"4'-83/4"3'-249/64"16'-231/64"3'-3"13'-65/8"5'-71/8"47/8" 13'-9"47/8"47/8"9'-05/8"7'-23/4"41/4"6'-71/8"2'-65/8"41/4"75/8"41/4"9'-13/4"47/8"6'-01/2"15'-107/8"7'-23/4"111/4"29'-11"21'-105/8"1'-6"62'-53/8" 111/4" 47/8" 4'-41/2"47/8" 20'-83/8"41/4"6'-95/8"3'-75/8"47/8"2'-111/4"47/8"5'-95/8"47/8"47/8" 5'-9"41/4"81/4" 1'-93/4"1'-31/4" 1'-93/4"9'-01/8"41/4" 1'-91/8"47/8" 25'-53/4"47/8"113/8" 9'-31/8"47/8" 7'-1"71/4" 5'-1"47/8"47/8"7'-87/8"41/4"8'-4"10'-2"4'-13/8"15'-8"11'-101/2"1'-51/8" 4'-113/8"47/8" 3'-83/8" 115/8" 1'-6"19'-5"1'-6"22'-10"1'-6"18'-6"1'-6"17'-10"1'-6"3"6"21'-81/2"8'-73/4"1'-4"27'-6"25'-23/8"2'-35/8"1'-9"2'-0"4'-1"115/8" 1'-6"20'-2"9"22'-10"1'-6"18'-6"4'-61/4"14'-93/4"9"3"30'-101/4"58'-1"87'-05/8"89'-21/4"SLOPE SLAB(2% MAX.)ADJACENT TENANT SPACE N.I.C. EXTERIOR & EXISTING WALLS ARE SHADED & SHOWN FOR REFERENCE (TYP.) EXISTING WALLS ARE SHADED & SHOWN FOR REFERENCE (TYP.) ADJACENT TENANT SPACE N.I.C. FLOOR TO BE SMOOTH & LEVELED IN THESE AREAS (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) EXTERIOR WALLS ARE SHADED & SHOWN FOR REFERENCE (TYP.) PROVIDE NEW CONC. CURB ENCAPSULATING EXISTING STUDS. PROVIDE WATERPROOFING UP TO 48". SEE DTL. (TYP.) FLOOR TO BE SMOOTH & LEVELED IN THESE AREAS (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.)SLOPE SLAB(2% MAX.)EDGE OF EXIST. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) EDGE OF EXIST. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) EDGE OF EXIST. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW 2" H. HOUSEKEEP PAD (SEE ELECT. DWGS.)APPROX. AREA OF CONCRETE TO BE RECESSED (COORD. WITH DRAIN PAN MANUF., TYP.) *UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE FIN. FLR. ELEV.= +0'-3/4" T.O. CONC. SLAB: = 0'-0" (NEW TO BE FLUSH W/ EXIST.) ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. CONC. CURB ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. CONC. CURB CENTER OF POST BASE AT ADA TABLES (SEE I.D. DWGS. FOR TABLE TYPES) (SEE DETAIL) ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. MECH PAD ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. CONC. CURB ELEV.=VARIES (SEE MILLWORK, METAL SHOP FAB. & KITCHEN DWGS.) TOP OF CONCRETE CURB NEW REINF. CONC. SLAB TO BE FLUSH W/ EXIST. (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) CENTER OF POST BASE AT ADA TABLES (SEE I.D. DWGS. FOR TABLE TYPES) (SEE DETAIL) NEW CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) EDGE OF NEW STOREFRONT SYSTEM SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ELEV.=VARIES (SEE MILLWORK, METAL SHOP FAB. & KITCHEN DWGS.) TOP OF CONCRETE CURB NEW CONC. CURB FOR SAFE (SEE I.D. DWGS.) RAISED CONC. CURB (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) NEW CUT OUT FOR LINEAR SLOT DRAIN (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) PROVIDE BLOCK-OUT FOR CURVED SLOT DRAINS(SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) NEW CUT OUT FOR LINEAR SLOT DRAIN (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) RAISED CONC. CURB (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) NEW FLOOR DRAIN (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) NEW FLOOR SINK, (TYP.) (SEE KITCHEN & PLUMB. DWGS.) ELEV.=-0 3/8" T.O CONC. SLAB NEW CUT OUT FOR LINEAR SLOT DRAIN (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) DASHED LINE REPRESENTS AREA OF WATERPROOFING METHOD (*), TYP. - SEE DTL. DASHED LINE REPRESENTS AREA OF WATERPROOFING METHOD (*), TYP. - SEE DTL. #8 ON SHT. A4.0 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS AREA OF WATERPROOFING METHOD (*), TYP. - SEE DTL. #8 ON SHT. A4.0 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS AREA OF WATERPROOFING METHOD (*), TYP. - SEE DTL. #8 ON SHT. A4.0 DASHED LINE REPRESENTS AREA OF WATERPROOFING METHOD (*), TYP. - SEE DTL. NEW REINF. CONC. SLAB TO BE FLUSH W/ EXIST. (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. CONC. CURB NEW TRENCH DRAIN (SEE PLUMB. & KITCHEN DWGS.) ELEV. = T.O GRATE FLUSH W/ FIN. FLR. ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. CONC. CURB ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. CONC. CURB ELEV. = +0'-51/2" T.O. CONC. CURB NOTES: 1.) SLOPE OF SLAB NOT TO EXCEED 1/4" / FT. (MAX.) 2.) SLOPE SLAB TO F.D. AT FLOOR TROUGHS. 3.) SLAB & CURB DIMENSIONS ARE TO COLUMN CENTERLINES AND/OR WALL FINISH. 4.) INSTALL CRACK CONTROL MEMBRANE OVER ALL JOINTS PER DETAIL ON SHEET A1.0. 5.) REFER TO GENERAL WATERPROOFING NOTE ON SHEET A4.0. 6.) CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL M/E/P DRAWINGS WITH THIS SHEET. 7.) ALL CURB ELEVATION HEIGHTS ON THIS SHEET ARE DIMENSIONED FROM TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB. 8.) SEE STRUCTURAL FOUNDATION DRAWINGS FOR EXACT SIZE OF FOOTINGS & PIERS. 9.) SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR LOCATION OF CONTROL JOINTS IN CONCRETE SLAB. CRACK CONTROL SCALE: N.T.S. DETAIL4 COLD JOINT (SEALANT) TILE, BRICK PAVERS OR STONE 1. LATICRETE 4237 LATEX THIN SET MORTAR ADDITIVE WITH LATICRETE 211 CRETE FILLER POWDER LATICRETE BLUE 92 ANTI-FRACTURE CRACK SUPPRESSION LATICRETE GROUT 2.CONCRETE MUST HAVE A MINIMUM 14 DAY CURE AT 70°F. 3. NOTES: DETAIL AT CONTROL JOINT, ISOLATION JOINT AND CONSTRUCTION JOINT (NOT EXPANSION JOINT). INSTALL ONE CONTINUOUS LAYER OF LATICRETE BLUE 92 EXTENDING A MIN. OF ONE TILE WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF COLD JOINT. INSTALL A SECOND CONTINUOUS LAYER OVER AREA TO PROTECT AGAINST FUTURE CRACKS OR AT LEAST 3 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE TILE. TREAT CLOSEST GROUT JOINT TO COLD JOINT WITH 'LATICRETE LATASIL NS' SEALANT CONC. SLAB ON GRADE 4.REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR CONTROL JOINTS. 5.SOFT JOINTS IN TILE SHALL BE EVERY 20'-25' AT INTERIOR TILE & 8'-12' AT EXTERIOR TILE (TILE CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW ALL TCNA RECOMMENDATIONS) TYPICAL SLOT DRAIN SCALE: N.T.S. DETAIL3 1/2"4" MIN.9" MIN. INVERT(SEE PLUMB. DWGS.)TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS.) CONC. SLAB ON GRADE MEDIUM DUTY STAINLESS STEEL FRAME RIGID METAL INSTALLAION BRACKETS FOR ALIGNING AND ANCHORING TRENCH INSTALLATION BARS SMOOTH PRECASE POLYMER TRENCH BODY SLOT DRAIN TO BE DURA- TRENCH, MODEL: # DTSP4-MDSPSSMSV05 OR APPROVED EQUIV. TYPICAL OFFSET SLOT DRAIN SCALE: N.T.S. DETAIL2 1/2"4" MIN.9" MIN. INVERT(SEE PLUMB. DWGS.)TILE (SEE I.D. DWGS.) CONC. SLAB ON GRADE MEDIUM DUTY STAINLESS STEEL FRAME RIGID METAL INSTALLAION BRACKETS FOR ALIGNING AND ANCHORING TRENCH INSTALLATION BARS SMOOTH PRECAST POLYMER TRENCH BODY REINF. CONC. CURB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) SLOT DRAIN TO BE DURA- TRENCH, MODEL: # DTOSSP4-MDSPSSMSV05 OR APPROVED EQUIV.AJSNOTE: SEE SHEET T1.1 FOR GENERAL PROJECT NOTES ISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:SLAB PLAN39172021.MAR.30A1.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 57 2B 3A 3 2A 2 1 2C 3B 4 4A 2D 5 6 5A 6A 6B 1A 6C 5B 5/8"35/8"5/8" 47/8" 41/4" 5/8"35/8" 41/4" 5/8"35/8" 5/8"35/8"5/8" 47/8" 5/8"35/8"5/8" 47/8" 71/4" 5/8"6"5/8" 5/8"35/8"5/8" 47/8" 41/4" 5/8"35/8"5/8"35/8"5/8" 47/8" 7/8"5/8"8"5/8" 101/8" 1/2"5/8"10"5/8"1/2" 1'-01/4" 5/8"11/2"8" 5/8"8"5/8" 91/4" 43/4" 1/2"5/8"35/8"5/8"EXIST. 5/8"11/2"5/8"35/8"8" 5/8"MATCH EXIST. 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" DENSHIELD AT B.O.H. (PROVIDE 5/8" WATER RESISTANT GYP. BD. AT PAINTED SURFACES, SEE I.D. DWGS.). PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BD. AT F.O.H & MANAGER'S OFFICE. PROVIDE 31/2" SOUND BATT INSULATION WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN.INDICATES WALL MOUNTED FIRE EXTINGUISHER W/ BRACKET (SEE SPEC. SECTION 10 44 00) VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WITH LOCAL FIRE AUTHORITY. F.E. NOTES: 1.) * 3 5/8" STUD PARTITIONS EXCEEDING 16 FT. IN HEIGHT SHALL BE BRACED TO STRUCTURE AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 16 FT. 2.) * PROVIDE BLOCKING IN WALLS BEHIND GRAB BARS (SEE DTL. ON SHEET HC) 3.) SEE SLAB PLAN FOR LOCATIONS OF CONCRETE CURBS WALL KEY WALL DESCRIPTION WALL TYPES 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" DENSHIELD ONE SIDE ONLY (PROVIDE 5/8" WATER RESISTANT GYP. BD. AT PAINTED SURFACED, SEE I.D. DWGS.). 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BD. ONE SIDE ONLY. 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" DENSHIELD BOTH SIDES (AT PAINTED SURFACES PROVIDE 5/8" WATER RESISTANT GYP. BD., SEE I.D. DWGS.). F.E.INDICATES FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN RECESSED CABINET- (SEE SPEC. SECTION 10 44 00) VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WITH FIRE MARSHAL. (FINISH TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR, SEE ID DRAWINGS). F.O.H.FRONT-OF-HOUSE B.O.H.BACK-OF-HOUSE 6" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" CEMENTITIOUS BACK BOARD @ TILE LOCATIONS, 5/8" GYP. AT ALL SURFACES TO RECEIVE PAINT. 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD BOTH SIDES @ TILE LOCATIONS, 5/8" GYP. AT ALL SURFACES TO RECEIVE PAINT, & 5/8" F.R.T. PLYWOOD AT LOW WOOD PANEL LOCATIONS, SEE I.D. DWGS. PROVIDE 31/2" SOUND BATT INSULATION WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN. 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) W/ FACED R-13 BATT INSULATION. AT INTERIOR SIDE PROVIDE 5/8" CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD @ TILE LOCATIONS, 5/8" GYP. BD. AT ALL SURFACES TO RECEIVE PAINT, (SEE I.D. DWGS.). 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8"CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD @ TILE LOCATIONS,5/8" GYP. AT ALL SURFACES TO RECEIVE PAINT, AND5/8" F.R.T. PLYWOOD AT LOW WOOD PANELLOCATIONS (SEE I.D. DWGS.). PROVIDE 5/8" DENSHIELD AT B.O.H. (PROVIDE 5/8" WATERRESISTANT GYP. BD. AT PAINTED SURFACES, SEE I.D.DWGS.) PROVIDE 31/2" SOUND BATT INSULATIONWHERE SHOWN ON PLAN. WALL KEY WALL DESCRIPTION WALL KEY WALL DESCRIPTION WALL KEY WALL DESCRIPTION WALL KEY WALL DESCRIPTION 8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) WITH FACED R-21 BATTINSULATION. AT INTERIOR SIDE, PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BD.(SEE I.D. DWGS FOR FINISHES). AT EXTERIOR SIDEPROVIDE THREE COAT STUCCO & METAL LATH SYSTEM(OR SIM.) OVER 5/8" DENSGLASS GOLD WITH (2) LAYERSOF NO. 15 GRADE D BLDG. PAPER WALL KEY WALL DESCRIPTION EXISTING MASONRY WALL, AT INTERIOR SIDE, INSTALLNEW 11/2" 'Z' FURRING W/ RIGID INSULATION (R2.1) & 5/8"CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD AT TILE LOCATIONS (SEEI.D. DWGS FOR FINISHES.), PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BD. ATPAINTED SURFACES, 10" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" DENS-GLASS GOLD ON BOTH SIDES W/ 1/2" CEMENT BOARD @ TILE LOCATIONS (SEE I.D. DWGS.) 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" CEMENTITIOUS BACK BOARD @ TILE LOCATIONS, 5/8" GYP. AT ALL SURFACES TO RECEIVE PAINT. NEW 8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C). AT INTERIOR SIDEPROVIDE 11/2" 'Z' FURRING W/ RIGID INSULATION (R2.1) &5/8" CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD AT TILE LOCATIONS(SEE I.D. DWGS FOR FINISHES.), PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BD.AT PAINTED SURFACES, 8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) PROVIDE 5/8" DENSHIELD BOTH SIDES (AT PAINTED SURFACES PROVIDE 5/8" WATER RESISTANT GYP. BD., SEE I.D. DWGS.). EXISTING MASONRY WALL, AT INTERIOR SIDE, INSTALLNEW 35/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C) W/ FACED R-13 BATTINSULATION & 5/8" CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD AT TILELOCATIONS, PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BD. AT PAINTEDSURFACES, (SEE I.D. DWGS FOR FINISHES.), EXISTING FRAMED WALL , AT INTERIOR SIDE, FILL STUDCAVITY W/ NEW FACED BATT INSULATION & NEW 5/8" GYPBD. (SEE I.D. DWGS.) 3 5/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C). ON EXTERIOR SIDE, PROVIDE 5/8" DENS-GLASS GOLD & 1/2" CEMENT BOARD @ THIN BRICK LOCATIONS (SEE I.D. DWGS.) WALL KEY WALL DESCRIPTION NEW 8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C). AT INTERIOR SIDEPROVIDE NEW 3 5/8" METAL STUDS (BY G.C.) W/ FACEDBATT INSULATION & 5/8" CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARDAT TILE LOCATIONS (SEE I.D. DWGS FOR FINISHES.),PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BD. AT PAINTED SURFACES, 4.) UNDERSIDE OF EXISTING PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING @ 17'-4" ± A.F.F (MAX), STRUCTURE TO SLOPE. SEE STRUCT. DWGS. INFILL EXISTING FRAMED WALL W/ MATCHINGCONSTRUCTION,. AT INTERIOR SIDE, FILL STUD CAVITY W/NEW FACED BATT INSULATION & NEW 5/8" GYP BD. (SEEI.D. DWGS.) 08 05 0415AD 03 01 E 110706 F 02 10 0912 13 14 C C B B D E 7.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.2 2.4 1.3 G F SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" FLOOR PLAN1 7.2 X 8.8 5.6 4.6 4.4 C.6 C.9 6.9 1 A8.0 2 A8.0 15 A7.1 10 A7.1 1 A0.0 6 A7.1 8 A7.1 12 A7.1 11 A7.1 13 A7.1 13 A7.1 16 A7.1 3 A7.2 9 A7.1 7 A7.1 13 A7.1 14 A7.1 2 A7.2 3 A7.4 1 A7.4 2 A7.4 1 A7.2 35/8"9'-21/2"35/8"75/8"35/8"9'-3"35/8"6'-11/8"6'-6"35/8"9'-05/8"7'-05/8"35/8"1'-75/8" 56'-95/8"7'-43/4"6" 35/8" 25'-71/2"35/8" 5'-111/2"35/8"13'-91/2"35/8"5'-107/8"35/8"2'-61/8"10'-1"35/8"9'-05/8"7'-41/4"16'-13/4" 35/8"4"35/8" 3'-73/4" 35/8"4"35/8" 64'-75/8"1'-0"6'-11/8"35/8" 5'-101/4"35/8" 14'-81/4"35/8"2"46'-93/4"2'-43/8"35/8"6"27'-9"35/8" 13'-101/4"35/8" 18'-21/2"35/8" 7'-21/4"6"5'-21/4"35/8" 17'-93/4"5'-81/4"4'-6"6'-47/8"21'-43/4"6'-111/4"8'-21/2"9'-6"5'-51/4"10"3'-111/8"3'-41/2"23'-7"11/2"56'-11/2"35/8"73/4"1'-11"2'-103/8"1'-11"9'-101/4"9"21'-81/2"9'-113/4"15'-73/8"11'-105/8"25'-37/8"35/8"1'-11/2"35/8"1'-53/4"8"1'-85/8"45'-3"20'-0"19'-4"9"35/8"42'-77/8"6"14'-6"103/4"39'-51/2"35/8"7'-53/8"35/8"7'-71/2"35/8"7'-101/8"35/8"1'-10"4'-35/8"5'-41/4"3'-41/4"2'-15/8"2'-11"8"60'-55/8"35/8" 4'-53/4"6" 8"25'-31/8"35/8"8"35/8"22'-63/4"35/8"5'-33/8"35/8"21'-101/4"35/8"111/2"35/8" ±5'-1 3/4"±5'-0"35/8"1'-07/8" 8"1'-05/8" 3'-105/8"±35/8"10'-13/4"35/8"11/8"5'-43/4"21'-1" R 6'-6" R 8'-1" R 8'-7" R 9'-4" BA5.0 A A5.0 CA5.0 EA5.0 921.25 sq ft H I 16 B C K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA K-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINAK-4323KINGSTONBOWLVITREOUS CHINA G.C TO PROVIDE BACKING BEHIND GYP. BD. FOR WALL MOUNTED ITEMS (SEE I.D. DWGS.)JOEY'S TENANTIMPROVEMENTSELECTRICAL PANELS, TYP. (SEE ELECT. DWGS.) 24"ØBRINE TANK 21"Ø WATERSOFTENER 14"Ø CARBONFILTER ESPRESSO MACH INEFILTER ICE MACHINE FILTER LOW LOW TV PROVIDE NEW CONC. CURB ENCAPSULATING EXISTING STUDS (SEE SLAB PLAN). PROVIDE NEW INSULATION & GYP BD. (MUD, TAPE & REPAIR) AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE 1 HOUR RATED WALL (U.L. #419). EXISTING SERVICE YARD (OPEN AIR)ADJACENT TENANTSPACE (N.I.C)PLUMBING EQUIPMENT, TYP. (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) PROVIDE NEW CONC. CURB ENCAPSULATING EXISTING STUDS (SEE SLAB PLAN). PROVIDE NEW INSULATION & GYP BD. (MUD, TAPE & REPAIR) AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE 1 HOUR RATED WALL (U.L. #419). SEE DETAILED SITE PLAN (SHT. SP1.1) FOR EXTENT OF SIDEWALK AND ADJ. PARKING AREA NEW CONC. SW (BY JOEY GC), SEE SHT. SP1.1 FOR EXTENT OF ADJ. SW & PARKING NEW CONC. SIDEWALK (BY JOEY GC), SEE SHT. SP1.1 FOR SITE CONTINUITY, TYP. EXIST. ROOF LADDER & HATCH TO REMAIN EXIST. CONCRETESIDEWALK TO REMAIN NEW CONCRETESIDEWALK (BY JOEY GC)EXISTING TRASH COMPACTOR EXISTING GREASE WASTE EXISTING CAN / MAT WASH LOCATION OF NEW 1,500 GAL. GREASE INTERCEPTOR'S BY LANDLORD. NEW RECESSED KNOX BOX, INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY FIRE MARSHAL LINE OF EXIST. ROOF (ABOVE) EXISTING CAN/MAT WASH AREA, (MIN. 3' x 3' x 6' VERTICAL PROVIDED) EXIST. FD 100b ENTRY 101 LOUNGE 102 BAR 103 DINING 109 PASS-THRU 110 COOKILINE 111 PREP 108 BEVERAGE STATION 116 HALLWAY 112 DRY STORAGE 127 OFFICE 106 RESTROOM WOMEN'S 107 RESTROOM MEN'S105 CORRIDOR RESTROOM 002 PATIO DINING 004 BAR PATIO003 LOUNGE PATIO 104 CORRIDOR 121 LIQUOR 115 DISHWASH 113 COOLER BEER 119 FREEZER 117 PRODUCE 118 PROTEIN 120 ELECTRICAL RM.122 RM. MECH. 123 A/V 114 SODA 124 RESTROOM STAFF HC 125 RESTROOM STAFF 126 PARTNER AREA131 DELIVERY 130 MOP SINK 129 MACHINE ICE 128 HALLWAY 100a HOSTESS 001 AREA WAITING BA6.1 B A6.1 AA6.0 AA6.0 CA6.1 CA6.1 3A6.2 4A6.2 1A6.2 HAND SINK (SEE PLUMBING DWGS.) BAR DIE WALL (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) LOW WALL (SEE I.D. DWGS.) LOW STUD PONY WALL HAND SINK (SEE PLUMBING DWGS.) HAND SINK (SEE PLUMBING DWGS.) HOSTESS STAND (SEE I.D. DWGS.) WINE DISPLAY (SEE I.D. DWGS.) LOW WALL (SEE I.D. DWGS.) BAR DIE WALL (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) BUILT-IN SERVICE STATION (SEE I.D. DWGS.) HAND SINK (SEE PLUMBING DWGS.) 2B 2D 2D 2C 2C 2C 4A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 5 5 3 3 3 3 3A 3A 3B 2D 2D 2D 3 2A 2C 3B 3B 3B 1 1 1 1 1 6666B 4 4 1A 1A1A1A 6A 3B 3 3 5B 5A 5A 6C 3 5B 35/8" 12'-43/4"35/8" 13'-111/4"35/8" PREFAB KITCHEN WALL BY HALTON (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) BAR (SEE KITCHEN & ID DWGS.) BAR (SEE KITCHEN & ID DWGS.) STAINLESS STEEL ADA COMPLIANT LINEAR SLOT DRAIN, TYP. (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) STAINLESS STEEL ADA COMPLIANT CURVED SLOT DRAIN (DURA TRENCH) TYP. (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) BUILT IN SEATING BENCH W/ SMOOTH CONCRETE FINISH BY G.C (SEE I.D. DWGS.) PREMANUF. GAS FIRE FEATURE (SEE PLUMB. & I.D. DWGS.) TUBE STEEL FRAMED HALF DOOR CLAD W/ ALUMINUM PANEL (180 DEGREE SWING) SEE DOOR TYPES / SCHED. A.T.A.T. A.T. A.T.A.T.DOWNSPOUT NOZZLE (SEE PLUMB. DWGS.) 2A6.2 201 120 6 6 6 * DIMENSIONS ARE INDICATED FROM FACE OF STUD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED AJSGENERAL NOTE: 1. ALL EXPOSED NEW STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE CATEGORY AESS 3. 2. ALL EXPOSED EXISTING STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE SSPC-SP6. NOTE: SEE SHEET T1.1 FOR LANDLORD GENERAL DESIGN GUIDANCE NOTES INTERIOR SEAT COUNT: EXTERIOR SEAT COUNT:ISSUEDATEREMARKS1A19AUG21ISSUED FOR LL REVIEW107SEP21ISSUED FOR DD PRICING REVIEW217SEP21ISSUED FOR DD PRICING312OCT21ISSUED FOR PERMIT REVIEW426OCT21ISSUED FOR PERMIT522NOV21ISSUED FOR TENDERDEC21ISSUED FOR PLAN CHECK COMMENTSplotted: Tuesday, December 7, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:FLOOR PLAN39172021.MAR.30A1.16·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 9266058 •AUDIO SYSTEM SPEAKER (CEILINGMOUNTED) SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS RCP LEGEND •TYPICAL EMERGENCY LIGHTING •TYPICAL TRACK LIGHTING •TYPICAL PENDANT LIGHT FIXTURE •TYPICAL RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE (SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS - SHT. #E.40) •TYPICAL SUSPENDED STRIP LIGHT •TYPICAL 1'x4' FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE •TYPICAL 2'x4' FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE •TYPICAL SUSPENDED EXIT SIGN •TYPICAL SECURITY CAMERA •TYPICAL DIFFUSERS •TYPICAL RETURN GRILLES •TYPICAL 2'x4' ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE •TYPICAL 2'x2' ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE •TYPICAL GYPSUM BOARD CEILING C C B B D E 7.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.2 2.4 1.3 G F 7.2 X 8.8 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" REFLECTED CEILING PLAN1 5.6 4.6 4.4 C.6 C.9 6.9 5 A9.1 5 A9.16'-73/4"1'-4"17'-4"1'-4"1'-4"17'-4"1'-4" 16'-95/8"1'-4"17'-4"2'-8"17'-4"8'-83/4"3'-25/8"4'-103/4"16'-0"10'-91/2"BA5.0 A A5.0 CA5.0 OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW NOTE: NEW R-30 MIN. BATT INSULATION TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN EXISTING ROOF RAFTERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CEILING MATERIAL IN B.O.H AREAS, TYP. NOTE: NEW R-30 MIN. BATT INSULATION TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN EXISTING ROOF RAFTERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CEILING MATERIAL IN B.O.H AREAS, TYP. NOTE: NEW R-30 MIN. BATT INSULATION TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN EXISTING ROOF RAFTERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CEILING MATERIAL IN B.O.H AREAS, TYP. DJ V AV-2.2 AV-2.2 AV-2.2 TP TV EXISTING SERVICE YARD/ TRASH COMPACTOR/ CAN WASH 100b ENTRY 101 LOUNGE 102 BAR 103 DINING 109 PASS-THRU 110 COOKILINE 111 PREP 108 BEVERAGE STATION 116 HALLWAY 112 DRY STORAGE 127 OFFICE 106 RESTROOM WOMEN'S 107 RESTROOM MEN'S105 CORRIDOR RESTROOM 002 PATIO DINING 004 BAR PATIO003 LOUNGE PATIO 104 CORRIDOR 121 LIQUOR 115 DISHWASH 113 COOLER BEER 119 FREEZER 117 PRODUCE 118 PROTEIN 120 ELECTRICAL RM.122 RM. MECH. 123 A/V 114 SODA 124 RESTROOM STAFF HC 125 RESTROOM STAFF 126 PARTNER AREA131 DELIVERY 130 MOP SINK 129 MACHINE ICE 128 HALLWAY 100a HOSTESS BA6.1 B A6.1 AA6.0 AA6.0 CA6.1 CA6.1 3A6.2 4A6.2 1A6.2 MTL CEILING HT. @ 9'-9" A.F.F. GYP. BD. HT. @ 8'-0" A.F.F. GYP. BD. HT. @ 8'-0" A.F.F. MTL CEILING HT. @ 9'-9" A.F.F. B.O. WD. SLATS HT. VARIES W/ SLOPE DEPTH OF OUTER PERIMETER SLAT TO BE 12", (SEE I.D. DWG. FOR SLAT DEPTHS, TYP.) DECORATIVE BAR CEILING ELEMENT (SEE ID DWGS) A.C.T. HT. @ 10'-0" A.F.F. A.C.T. HT. @ 10'-0" A.F.F. MTL. A.C.T. HT. @ 10'-0" A.F.F. B.O. WD. SLATS HT. @ 10'-6" A.F.F. B.O. WD. SLATS HT. @ 10'-6" A.F.F. BAR FEATURE HT. TO U/S @ 9'-9" A.F.F. (SEE I.D. DWGS.) GYP. BD. HT. @ 8'-0" A.F.F. EXPOSED HT. @ EXIST. STRUCT. B.O. WD. SLATS HT. VARIES W/ SLOPE GYP. BD. HT. @ 8'-0" A.F.F. STUCCO HT. @ 11'-4" A.F.F. STUCCO HT. @ 11'-4" A.F.F. EXISTING STRUCTURE (ABOVE) TO REMAIN (TYP.) SPRAY ON K-13 (R-VALUE=R-26) HT. @ U/S DECK (SEE I.D. DWGS FOR COLOR) SPRAY ON K-13 (R-VALUE =R-26) HT. @ U/S DECK (SEE I.D. DWGS FOR COLOR) KITCHEN HOODS (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) KITCHEN HOODS (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) GYP. BD. DROPWALL HT. @ 8'-0" A.F.F. GYP. BD. DROPWALL HT. @ 8'-0" A.F.F. GYP. BD. ARCH HT. @ A.F.F. PLASTER HT. @ 11'-111/2" A.F.F. PLASTER HT. @ 11'-111/2" A.F.F. U/S OF SHUTTER HT. @ 11'-0" A.F.F. CEILING HT. HT. @ 11'-8" A.F.F. EXPOSED HT. @ EXIST. STRUCT. GYP. BD. HT. @ 8'-0" A.F.F. SOFFIT HT. @ 10'-0" A.F.F. SOFFIT HT. @ 10'-0" A.F.F. MECHANIZED SHADE SEE ELEC. DWGS. NEW DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE (SEE I.D. & ELECT. DWGS.) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS. FOR STRUCTURAL SUPPORT) 3'-25/8"25'-101/4"8'-91/2"1'-21/2" 8'-91/2"1'-21/2" 8'-91/2"1'-21/2" 8'-91/2"1'-21/2" 8'-91/2"9'-111/4"3'-25/8" OPEN TO ABOVE TOP OF COOLER +10-8" A.F.F. OPEN TO ABOVE TOP OF FREEZER +10-8" A.F.F. OPEN TO ABOVE TOP OF COOLER +10-8" A.F.F. * DIMENSIONS ARE INDICATED FROM FACE OF FINISH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED NEW TUBE MOTOR OPERATED ROLLING COUNTER DOOR HOOD (CORNELL: MODEL# ESC10), TYP. NEW PYROK 'STARSILENT' ACOUSTIC PANEL W/ BASE COAT & FINISH PLASTER (1" TOTAL THICKNESS) NEW PATIO FANS, TYP. OF 4 (SEE I.D. & ELECT. DWGS.) NEW PATIO HEATERS, TYP. (SEE I.D DWGS.) NEW PATIO HEATERS, TYP. (SEE I.D DWGS.)NEW PYROK 'STARSILENT' ACOUSTIC PANEL W/ BASE COAT & FINISH PLASTER (1" TOTAL THICKNESS) NEW 2" W. PERFORATED ST. STEEL STRIP VENT (AS MANUF. BY STOCKTON PRODUCTS, MODEL # FVM078V200) NEW 2" W. PERFORATED ST. STEEL STRIP VENT (AS MANUF. BY STOCKTON PRODUCTS, MODEL # FVM078V200) 2A6.2 NOTE: EXPOSED DUCTWORK AT F.O.H TO BE PAINTED, TYP. (SEE I.D. DWGS. FOR COLOR)AJSNOTE: SEE SHEET T1.1 FOR GENERAL PROJECT NOTES NOTE: SEE I.D. DWGS. FOR ALL FINISHES ISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:REFLECTED CEILINGPLAN39172021.MAR.30A2.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 59 C C B B D E 7.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.2 2.4 1.3 G F 7.2 X 8.8 5.6 4.6 4.4 C.6 C.9 6.9 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" ROOF PLAN1 3 A3.0 3 A3.0 5 A6.2 5 A7.3 6 A3.0 2 A3.0 6 A3.0 5 A6.2 BA5.0 A A5.0 CA5.029'-8"NEW COPING EXISTING COPING TO REMAIN2'-10"9'-6"5'-7"13'-11" 19'-6" 90'-8" R 5'-0" BA6.1 B A6.1 AA6.0 AA6.0 CA6.1 CA6.1 3A6.2 4A6.2 1A6.2 (E) W30X116(E) W24X76 (E) 4x16 (E) 6x16 (E) 6x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 2x6(E) 2x6(E) 4x16 (E) 4x16 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 3x6(E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 2.5x16.5(E) 2x6(E) 2.5x16.5 (E) 4x16 (E) 4x6(E) 4x6(E) 4x6(E) 3x6(E) 4x6(E) 4x6(E) 4x6(E) 3x6(E) 3x6(E) 3x6(E) 3x6(E) 4x6(E) 3x6(E) 4x6(E) 4x6(E) 4x14 (E) 4x14 (E) 4x14 (E) 4x14 (E) 3x6(E) 3x63.125x155.125x183.125x183.125x185.125x185.125x185.125x15 (E) 4x6(E) 4x6(E) 4x16(E) 4x16(E) 4x16(E) TG(E) TG(E) TG(E) TG(E) 5.125x18T.O.S (NEW) 17'-4" A.T.S. T.O.S (NEW) 14'-8" A.T.S. T.O.S (EXIST.) 14'-11" A.T.S. ± T.O.S (EXIST.) 14'-11" A.T.S. ± T.O.S (NEW) 15'-2" A.T.S. OUTLINE OF TENANT SPACE (BELOW) NEW ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM OVER 1/4" DENS- DECK OVER 1" POLY-ISO BOARD & SHEATHING (COLOR TO MATCH EXIST.) T.O. EXIST. COPING 20'-0" A.T.S. ± T.O. NEW COPING 20'-0" A.T.S. ± T.O. NEW COPING 20'-0" A.T.S. ± EXIST ROOF SYSTEM TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST ROOF SYSTEM TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST ROOF SYSTEM TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST ROOF SYSTEM TO REMAIN (TYP.) T.O.S (EXIST.) 17'-4" A.T.S. ± NEW MECHANICAL SCREEN SYSTEM EXIST. ROOF & OVERFLOW DRAIN TO REMAIN (TYP) T.O.S (EXIST.) 15'-1 1/2" A.T.S. ± T.O.S (EXIST.) 15'-1 1/2" A.T.S. ± T.O.S (EXIST.) 15'-4" A.T.S. ± T.O.S (EXIST.) 15'-4" A.T.S. ± T.O.S (EXIST.) 15'-0" A.T.S. ± T.O.S (EXIST.) 15'-6 1/2" A.T.S. ± EXIST. ROOF & OVERFLOW DRAIN (TYP) OUTLINE OF TENANT SPACE (BELOW) EXIST. ROOF & OVERFLOW DRAIN (TYP) T.O.S (EXIST.) 17'-4" A.T.S. ± T.O. NEW BLOCKING 14'-0" A.T.S. ± T.O. NEW BLOCKING 14'-0" A.T.S. ± OPEN TO PATIO (BELOW) NEW SARNAFIL PVC MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM OVER 5/8" DENS- DECK & METAL DECKING (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) SLOPE = 1/4 PER FT. OR 2%. (COLOR TO MATCH EXIST. MEMBRANE AT MAIN BLDG. ROOF) EXIST. PARAPET WALLS TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST. PARAPET WALLS TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST. ROOF SYSTEM (N.I.C) EXIST. ROOF SYSTEM (N.I.C) T.O. EXIST. COPING (PAINT TO MATCH) 20'-0" A.T.S. ± T.O. NEW BLOCKING 14'-0" A.T.S. ± NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 NEW W14x22 EXIST. ROOF HATCH TO BE REMOVED AND DECK INFILLED TO MATCH EXIST./ADJ. CONST. EXIST ROOF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST ROOF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST ROOF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (TYP.) NEW MECHANICAL ROOFTOP UNITS (SEE MECH & ELECT. DWGS.) NEW EXHAUST FAN (SEE MECH & ELECT. DWGS.) NEW RINNAI #CU199eN (106# EA.) TYP. OF 5 (SEE PLUMBING DRWGS.) NEW RINNAI RACK SYSTEM #TRS05CU (OP. WT: 462#) (SEE PLUMB. DRWGS.) NEW EXPANSION TANK ET-1 (225#) (SEE PLUMB. DRWGS.) NEW REFRIGERATION RACK (3,150 #) ±73" ABOVE PLATFORM (SEE KITCHEN DRWGS.) EXIST. OVERFLOW DRAIN TO BE REMOVED NEW CONDENSING UNITS (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) MARG. MACH. 160 LBS ICE 273 LBS NEW 10x10 GIRDER NEW 10x10 GIRDERNEW 10x10 GIRDERNEW 10x10 GIRDERNEW 10x10 GIRDERNEW 10x10 GIRDER NEW 10x10 GIRDER NEW 10x10 GIRDER NEW 10x6 BEAMNEW 10x6 BEAMNEW 10x6 BEAM NEW 10x6 BEAMNEW 10x6 BEAMNEW 10x6 BEAM NEW 10x6 BEAM NEW 10x6 BEAMNEW 10x6 BEAMNEW 10x6 GIRDERNEW 10x6 GIRDER NEW 10x6 GIRDERNEW 10x6 GIRDERNEW 10x6 GIRDER NEW 10x2 GIRDER NEW 10x2 GIRDER NEW 10x6 GIRDER NEW 10x6 GIRDER NEW EXPANSION JOINT (SEE DTL. ON THIS SHT.) NEW RETRACTABLE LOUVERED ROOF SYSTEM NEW RETRACTABLE LOUVERED ROOF SYSTEM NEW METAL CAP FLASHING (TYP.) NEW METAL CAP FLASHING (TYP.) NEW STUCCO SURROUND (BELOW) NEW PREFIN. ALUMINUM COPING (SEE EXT. ELEVS.) 1 EF 60" A.F.R.600 LBS. 2 EF 60" A.F.R. 600 LBS. 3 EF 60" A.F.R.600 LBS. 4 EF 48" A.F.R. 80 LBS. 5 EF 48" A.F.R. 70 LBS. 1 MUA 66" A.F.R. 4,010 LBS 2 RTU 76" A.F.R. 2,474 LBS. 1 RTU 76" A.F.R. 2,474 LBS. 4 RTU 76" A.F.R. 2,474 LBS. 5 RTU 76" A.F.R. 2,474 LBS. 3 RTU 76" A.F.R. 2,474 LBS. 6 RTU 76" A.F.R. 2,474 LBS.6 6 D A H 1 CU 32"ABOVE PLATFORM 170 LBS. NEW ROOF & OVERFLOW DRAINS (SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS) NEW CRICKET MARG. MACH. 160 LBS MARG. MACH. 160 LBS MARG. MACH. 160 LBS (PLATFORM WIDTH)(PLATFORM LENGTH) NEW ROOF & OVERFLOW DRAINS (SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS) NEW ILLUMINATED BUILDING SIGNAGE MOUNTED TO OUTSIDE FACE OF MECHANICAL SCREEN (SEE SIGN SHOPS, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & ELECT. DWGS.) NEW ILLUMINATED SURFACE MOUNTED SIGNAGE. BACKING & CONDUIT BY GC (SEE SIGN SHOPS, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & ELECT. DWGS.) NEW PREFIN. ALUMINUM COPING (SEE EXT. ELEVS.) NEW STUCCO SURROUND (BELOW) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (BELOW) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (BELOW) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (BELOW) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (BELOW) NEW ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE MOUNTED TO TOP OF PARAPET. (SEE SIGN SHOPS, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & ELECT. DWGS.) NEW ROOF & OVERFLOW DRAINS (SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS) T.O. EXIST. COPING (PAINT TO MATCH) 20'-0" A.T.S. ± EXIST. ROOF HATCH TO REMAIN NEW ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM OVER 1/4" DENS- DECK OVER 1" POLY-ISO BOARD & SHEATHING (COLOR TO MATCH EXIST.) NEW GREASE GUARDS @ EXHAUST FANS (SEE MECH DWGS.) NEW SARNAFIL PVC MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM OVER 5/8" DENS-DECK & METAL DECKING (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) SLOPE = 1/4 PER FT. OR 2%. (COLOR TO MATCH EXIST. MEMBRANE AT MAIN BLDG. ROOF) 2 A7.3 1 A7.3 3 A7.3 4 A7.3 6 A7.3 2A6.2NEW ROOF SLOPE1/4" \ FT. (MIN.)NEW ROOF SLOPE1/4" \ FT. (MIN.)NEW ROOF SLOPE1/4" \ FT. (MIN.)NEW ROOF SLOPE1/4" \ FT. (MIN.)EXIST. ROOF SLOPETO REMAIN (TYP.)EXIST. ROOF SLOPETO REMAIN (TYP.)EXIST. ROOF SLOPETO REMAIN (TYP.)EXIST. ROOF SLOPETO REMAIN (TYP.)LIMIT OF TENANT SPACEEXIST. BLDG. TO REMAINNEW 10x10 GIRDERNEW ROOF SLOPE 1/4" \ FT. (MIN.) NEW ROOF SLOPE 1/4" \ FT. (MIN.) ROOF DRAIN SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-0" DETAIL2 1'-0" 2'-3" ± BASIN 1'-6" ± REFER TO PLUMBING DRAWING'S FOR PIPE SIZE ALUMINUM DOME (SEE PLUMBING DRAWING'S AND SPECIFICATIONS) C DRAINL 1/4" J.M. SECUROCK BD. 5" RIGID INSULATION (R-30) TAPER TO DRAIN LEAD FLASHING 36" SQ. UNDERDECK CLAMP METAL ROOF DECKING (SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING'S) STEEL ANGLE FRAME (WELD TO BEAM) SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING'S SUMP RECEIVER 45 MIL. FIBERTITE-SM-FB 4" 73/4"4"NEW SARNAFIL PVC MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM NEW 5/8" DENS-DECK NEW METAL DECKING (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW CLOSED CELL FOAM BACKER & INTEGRAL 4" WIDE METAL FLANGE, TYP. NEW HSS BEAM (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW FIBERGLASS BATT INSULATION & INTEGRAL VAPOR BARRIER NEW CONT. WOOD CANT NEW COUNTER FLASHING, TYP. NEW SEALANT, TYP. EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION TYP. BELLOW JOINT SCALE: 3"=1'-0" DETAIL3 33/8"1'-6" MAX.6" 2"4"9/16"3/4" NEW ROOF MEMB. TO MATCH EXISTING R-19 BATT INSULATION (UNFACED) 9/16" x 20 GA. METAL DECK (SEE STRUCTURAL DWG'S) R-19 BATT INSULATION (UNFACED) SEALANT SHEET METAL CAP W/ DRIP EDGE & WATER TIGHT SOLDERED JOINTS 3/4" F.R.T. PLYWOOD ICE & WATER SHIELD NEW ROOF MEMBRANE TO MATCH EXISTINGEXISTING METAL DECK, PATCH & REPAIR AS REQ. EXISTING INSULATION TO BE REMOVED 6" x 16 GA. MTL. STUDS @ 16" O.C.3/4" F.R.T. PLYWOOD 6" x 16 GA. MTL. STUDS @ 16" O.C. 2" WIDE x 16 GA. STRAP AT EACH STUD SEE STRUCT. DWGS. BEAM (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) PLATFORM SCALE: 3"=1'-0" DETAIL6 DUCT & FLUE FLASHING SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-0" DETAIL5 FLASHING COUNTER FLASHING (ANCHOR TO DUCT OR FLUE) CL CLAMPING RING SEALANT METAL DUCT OR FLUE (SEE HVAC DRAWING'S) STEEL ANGLE FRAME (SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING'S) ROOFING SYSTEM, INSULATION & METAL DECK BY LANDLORD, PATCH & REPAIR AS REQUIRED PITCH POCKET SCALE: 1 1/2"=1'-0" DETAIL4 11/2"CL 4" MIN. FLANGE SET IN MULTI- PURPOSE FLASHING CEMENT OVER FIELD PLIES (PRIME FLANGE BEFORE STRIPPING) 1 1/2" MIN.9" MIN.FLASHING CEMENT BEVEL 15° FROM EDGE FILL W/ POURABLE SEALER TO 1 1/2" FROM TOP MULTI-PURPOSE FLASHING CEMENT F.R.T WOOD BLOCKING (TYP.) * VARIES (COORD. WITH DRAWING'S) 4" MIN.* ROOF PENETRATION - COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL / PLUMBING DRAWING'S SHEET METAL PITCH PAN (SOLDERED / WELDED WATERTIGHT) NON-SHRINKING GROUT BATT INSULATION FILL 1/8" THK. STEEL PLATE WELD TO METAL DECK (MIN. 4") SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING'S ROOFING SYSTEM, INSULATION & METAL DECK BY LANDLORD, PATCH & REPAIR AS REQUIRED AJSGENERAL NOTE: ALL ROOF EQUIPMENT, VENTS AND ASSOCIATED CONDUIT LINES MUST BE PAINTED. THE PAINT COLOR SPECIFICATION IS GLIDDEN PROFESSIONAL PAINT DEVFLEX HP# 4216-0500L SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL.ISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:ROOF PLAN &DETAILS39172021.MAR.30A3.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 60 7.37.2 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.2 2.4 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA 5.6 4.6 4.46.9 CC-3 CC-3 MU-1 RS-1 3 A3.0 21'-6"3'-0"±NEW STUCCO OVER DENS-GLASS GOLD & FRAMING EQ.47'-63/4"±SEE SIGNAGE SHOP DWGS.EQ. 4'-6"9'-111/2"21'-8"9'-111/2"7'-85/8"9'-7"9'-111/2"BA6.1 2A6.24A6.2 03 F E GD0201 T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) U/S OF SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-4" A.F.F T.O NEW COPING ELEV.=20'-0"± (MATCH EXIST.) T.O BLOCKING ELEV.=14'-0" A.T.S T.O MECH. ENCLOSURE ELEV.=27'-10"± NEW OPERABLE GLAZING SYSTEM (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS) T.O. FIN. FLR. ELEV.=0'-0 3/4" NEW OPERABLE GLAZING SYSTEM (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS)NEW HOLLOW METAL DOOR & FRAME EXISTING REVEALS TO REMAIN (PAINT) (TYP.) EXISTING STUCCO TO CLEANED & PREPARED TO RECEIVE NEW PAINT FINISH (TYP.) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING NEW OPERABLE GLAZING SYSTEM (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS) NEW MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN (SEE STRUCT. DWGS. FOR FRAME) NEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN (BY OWNER, ELECTRICAL & MOUNTING HARDWARE BY G.C) MOUNTED TO T.O COPING PATIO ROOF STRUCTURE (SEE ROOF PLAN & STRUCT. DWGS.) EXISTING COPING TO REMAIN, (PAINT) (TYP.) NEW THIN BRICK (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW STUCCO FINISH (PAINT) (TYP.) NEW SIGNAGE MOUNTED TO SCREEN NEW HINGED MAN DOOR (T.B.D) NEW HINGED MAN DOOR AND SIDELIGHT NEW REINF. FOUNDATIONS & FOOTERS (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW STUCCO FINISH (PAINT) (TYP.) EXISTING STUCCO TO CLEANED & PREPARED TO RECEIVE NEW PAINT FINISH (TYP.) G F C B SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSB CC-3 CC-3 PT-1D CC-3 RS-1 5 A6.2 16'-0"2'-6"39'-7"(SEE SIGNAGE SHOP DWGS.)3'-7" AA6.0 3A6.2 1A6.2 CA6.1 A B T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) T.O STOREFRONT ELEV.=11'-0 3/4" A.T.S T.O STUCCO SURROUND ELEV.=14'-0" T.O MECH. ENCLOSURE ELEV.=27'-10"± T.O BLOCKING ELEV.=14'-0" A.T.S U/S OF SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-4" A.F.F JOEY'S TENANT IMPROVEMENTS EXISTING SHARED TRASH COMPACTOR/ CAN WASH AREA TO REMAIN NEW MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN (SEE STRUCT. DWGS. FOR FRAME) T.O FIN. FLR. ELEV.=0'-3/4" U/S OF SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-111/2" A.F.F NEW PARAPET (BEYOND) NEW OPERABLE GLAZING SYSTEM (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS) NEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN (BY OWNER, ELECTRICAL & MOUNTING HARDWARE BY G.C) NEW LOW WALL PLANTER (BEYOND) (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW STUCCO FINISH NEW STEEL COLUMNS (PAINTED) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) (TYP.) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (PAINT) NEW STUCCO FINISH NEW FIXED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM W/ 1" LOW 'E' GLAZING (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS) NEW STUCCO FINISH T.O. NEW COPING ELEV.=20'-0" ± (MATCH EXIST.) EXIST. OVERHEAD DOOR TO SHARED SERVICE YARD/ TRASH COMPACTOR/ CAN WASH AREA TO REMAIN, TYP. T.O STOREFRONT ELEV.=10'-0" A.T.S NEW REINF. FOUNDATION & FOOTERS (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW REINF. GRADE BEAM & FOOTER (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) PREMISES IDENTIFICATION: PROVIDE NEW ADDRESS SIGNAGE '453'. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL NOT BE SPELLED OUT. EACH CHARACTER SHALL BE 4" H. w/ 1/2" MIN. BRUSH STROKE PREMISES IDENTIFICATION: PROVIDE NEW ADDRESS SIGNAGE '453'. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL NOT BE SPELLED OUT. EACH CHARACTER SHALL BE 4" H. w/ 1/2" MIN. BRUSH STROKE B C C.6 D NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSC TL-12 CC-3 PT-1D RS-1 6 A3.014'-0"2'-0"EQ.31'-83/4" (SEE SIGNAGE SHOP DWGS.)EQ. CA6.1 BA6.1 11 T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) T.O BLOCKING ELEV.=14'-0" U/S SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-111/2" A.F.F T.O EXIST. COPING ELEV.=20'-0"± NEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN (BY OWNER, ELECTRICAL & MOUNTING HARDWARE BY G.C) MOUNTED TO T.O OF COPING EXISTING REVEALS TO REMAIN (PAINT) (TYP.) EXISTING STUCCO TO RECEIVE NEW PAINT FINISH (TYP.)EXISTING STUCCO TO RECEIVE NEW PAINT FINISH (TYP.) NEW 3'-0" x 7'-0" HOLLOW METAL DOOR W/ GLAZING NEW PLASTER SOFFIT (PAINT) NEW TERRACOTA TILE NEW RETRACTABLE ROOF SYSTEM (BEYOND) NEW MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN (SEE STRUCT. DWGS. FOR FRAME) NEW WALL INFILL AT EXISTING MAN DOOR LOCATION (MATCH ADJ. FINISH) EXISTING COPING TO REMAIN, PAINT (TYP.) NEW WALL INFILL AT EXISTING STOREFRONT LOCATION (MATCH AJD. FINISH) NEW SIGNAGE MOUNTED TO SCREEN NEW STUCCO FINISH NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING JOEY'S TENANT IMPROVEMENTS EXISTING ADJACENT TENANT SPACE TO REMAIN NEW REINF. FOUNDATION & FOOTERS (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW STEEL COLUMNS (PAINTED) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) (TYP.) * SEE SHEET ID 4.0 FOR FINISH SPECIFICATIONS EXTERIOR FINISH MATERIALS MATRIX CC-3 TL-12 WALL TILE: PORCELAIN TILE MANUF.: STATEMENTS TILE SERIES: WOW MUD COLOR: TERRACOTTA SIZE: 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" •7/8" THICK 3-COAT PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO) O/GALV. METAL LATH. •(SEE I.D. DRAWINGS FOR COLOR) STATEMENTS TILE & STONE (CONTACT JLL) PT-1D EXTERIOR PAINT MANUF.: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT CO. COLOR: TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE 2127-10 "TWILIGHT ZONE" FINISH/PRODUCT: PI WB ALKYD URETHANE-LOW SHEEN MU-1 BRICK VENEER- ROMAN THIN BRICK MANUF.: ENDICOTT COLOR: IVORY BLEND SIZE: TEXTURE: VELOUR TEXTURE THOMPSON BUILDING MATERIALS CONTACT: JIM DUGO 714-936-3807 RS-1 ROOF SCREEN STYLE: 7.2 RIB PERFORATED VERTICAL COLOR: TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER (SEE STRUCT. DWGS. FOR SCREEN FRAME)AJSGENERAL NOTE: 1. ALL EXPOSED NEW STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE CATEGORY AESS 3. 2. ALL EXPOSED EXISTING STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE SSPC-SP6. NOTE: SEE I.D. DWGS. FOR ALL FINISHES ISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:EXTERIORELEVATIONS39172021.MAR.30A5.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 61 7.37.2 6.4 5.4 4.38.8 THRU BAR/ DINING/ B.O.H SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONA 101 LOUNGE 102 BAR 103 DINING 109 PASS-THRU 110 COOKLINE 111 PREP 3 A6.2 1 A9.1 9'-9"T.O CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) T.O ROUGH OPENING ELEV.=11'-4 3/4" A.T.S T.O NEW STEEL ELEV.=VARIES W/ SLOPE T.O NEW COPING ELEV.=20'-0" A.T.S± (MATCH EXIST.) T.O NEW STEEL ELEV.=17'-4" ± + 10'-0" + 9'-9" NEW SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE SYSTEM (SEE RCP & I.D. DWGS.) NEW HOODS, SEE KITCHEN DWGS. NEW 9WOOD SUSPENDED WOOD CEILING STRUCTURE EXIST. STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (PT.) NEW SUSPENDED METAL CEILING ELEMENT (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW STEEL BEAM (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) EXIST. ROOF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXIST. ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM TO REMAIN (TYP.) T.O FLR. FIN. ELEV.=+0'-0 3/4"MATCH LINEMATCH LINENEW 6" METAL STUD FRAMING (BY G.C.) NEW TORRANCE STEEL WINDOW SYSTEM NEW FINISH FLOOR (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW REINF. CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW METAL PLATE SILL NEW ROOFING MEMBRANE SYSTEM OVER 1/4" DENS- DECK , 1" POLY-ISO BOARD & SHEATHING NEW ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM WITH BUTT GLAZED 1" CLEAR INSULATED, TEMPERED LOW 'E' GLAZING NEW STUCCO SYSTEM ON METAL LATH OVER 5/8" DENS-GLASS SHEATHING NEW METAL STUDS (BY G.C.) W/ FACED R-19 BATT. INSULATION NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (SEE EXT. ELEVS.) T.O SURROUND ELEV.=14'-0" A.T.S NEW COLUMN (BEYOND) (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW ROOF RIDGE (BEYOND) NEW MTL. CORRUGATED EQUIPMENT PANEL NEW PREFAB WALL, (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) NEW HSS (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NOTE: NEW R-30 MIN. BATT INSULATION TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN EXISTING ROOF RAFTERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CEILING MATERIAL IN B.O.H AREAS, TYP. NEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN (BY OWNER) ELECTRICAL & MOUNTING HARDWARE BY G.C) NEW STUCCO SYSTEM ON METAL LATH OVER 5/8" DENS-GLASS SHEATHING NEW SPRAY ON K-13 INSUL. (FLAT BLACK) AT U/S OF DECK & STRUCT. REQ'D R-VALUE = R26) (PRIME / PT. ALL EXISTING STRUCTURE FLAT BLACK TO MATCH) T.O. EQUIPMENT SCREEN ELEV.=27'-10" A.T.S± NEW REINF. GRADE BEAM & FOOTER (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW SUSPENDED CEILING SUPPORT (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) 3.2 2.4 THRU BAR/ DINING/ B.O.H SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONA 112 DRY STORAGE 122 MECH 120 ROOM ELECTRICAL + 10'-0" NEW METAL STUD FRAMING (BY G.C.), TYP. NEW SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE SYSTEM (SEE RCP & I.D. DWGS.)MATCH LINEMATCH LINEEXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL TO REMAIN (TYP.)NEW HSS 6" x 8" (TYP. @ POSTS) NEW MTL. CORRUGATED EQUIPMENT PANEL NEW HSS (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.)AJSGENERAL NOTE: 1. ALL EXPOSED NEW STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE CATEGORY AESS 3. 2. ALL EXPOSED EXISTING STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE SSPC-SP6.ISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:BUILDING SECTIONS39172021.MAR.30A6.0·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 62 GFCB THRU PATIO DINING/ DINING SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONB 103 DINING 002 PATIO DINING 2 A6.2 3 A7.3 4 A7.3 16 A9.1 6 A7.3 11'-43/4"1'-65/8"35/8"61/2" 2'-3"8'-0"73/4"9'-9"T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) U/S SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-111/2" A.F.F. T.O BLOCKING ELEV.=14'-0" T.O EXIST. COPING ELEV.=20'-0" T.O EXIST. COPING ELEV.=20'-0" T.O BEAM ELEV.=12'-11 1/2" A.T.S T.O BEAM ELEV.=13'-7 1/2" A.T.S U/S EXIST. OPNG. ELEV.=10'-1"± A.T.S T.O. LOW WALL ELEV.=3'-0 3/4" A.T.S U/S CEILING ELEV.=11'-4" A.F.F. + 10'-6" NEW 9WOOD SUSPENDED WOOD CEILING STRUCTURE EXIST. STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (PT.) NEW SUSPENDED METAL CEILING ELEMENT (SEE STRUCT. DWGS. FOR SUPPORT) (SEE I.D. DWGS.) SHADED AREA INDICATES PROPOSED MECHANICAL DUCT AREA (T.B.D) EXISTING COLUMN TO REMAIN NEW OPERABLE GLAZING SYSTEM (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVS.) EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING METAL COPING TO REMAIN, PAINT (TYP.) + 11'-4" + 11'-4" NEW OPERABLE LOUVER ROOF SYSTEM (SEE ROOF PLAN) NEW TUBE STEEL (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM TO REMAIN (TYP.) NEW FINISH FLOOR (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW REINF. CONC. SLAB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW STUCCO OVER 5/8" DENS-GLASS OVER METAL STUD FRAMING NEW SARNAFIL PVC MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM OVER 5/8" DENS-DECK & METAL DECKING (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) SLOPE = 1/4 PER FT. OR 2%. (COLOR TO MATCH EXIST. MEMBRANE AT MAIN BLDG. ROOF) EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM TO REMAIN (TYP.) EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN NEW 3 5/8" METAL STUD WALL W/ 5/8" GYP. BD. (BY G.C) (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW 10" METAL STUD PONY WALL (BY G.C) NEW COLUMN (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) T.O. FIN. FLR. ELEV.=+0'-0 3/4" NEW SIGNAGE MOUNTED ON EQUIPMENT SCREEN STRUCTURE NEW HSS (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW MTL. CORRUGATED EQUIPMENT SCREEN NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (SEE EXT. ELEVS.) NEW REINF. CONC. CURB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW PATIO HEATERS MOUNTED TO STRUCT. ABOVE (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW 2" W. PERFORATED ST. STEEL STRIP VENT NEW SPRAY ON K-13 INSUL. (FLAT BLACK) AT U/S OF DECK & STRUCT. REQ'D R-VALUE = R26) (PRIME / PT. ALL EXISTING STRUCTURE FLAT BLACK TO MATCH) T.O. EQUIPMENT SCREEN ELEV.=27'-10" A.T.S± T.O. EQUIPMENT SCREEN ELEV.=27'-10" A.T.S± T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) NEW PYROK 'STARSILENT' ACOUSTIC PANEL W/ BASE COAT & FINISH PLASTER (1" TOTAL THICKNESS) PATIO FAN, SEE RCP & ELECT. DWGS. (SEE I.D. DWGS.) LOW WALL PLANTER (BEYOND) (SEE I.D. DWGS.) THRU PATIO SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONC 8.8 7.37.2 6.9 6.4 5.6 5.4 4.6 4.4 4.3 1 A6.2 5 A7.3 2 A7.3 1 A7.3 6 A7.3 6 A7.3 8'-0"35/8"61/2" 89'-05/8"61/2"35/8" T.O. CONC. SLAB ELEV.=0'-0" (REFERENCE) U/S SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-11 1/2" A.F.F T.O BLOCKING ELEV.=14'-0" T.O NEW COPING ELEV.=20'-0"± (MATCH EXIST.) U/S SOFFIT ELEV.=11'-4" A.F.F T.O. FIN. FLR. ELEV.=+0'-0 3/4" + 11'-4" + 11'-4" + 11'-8" NEW OPERABLE LOUVER ROOF SYSTEM (SEE ROOF PLAN) NEW TUBE STEEL (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW PREFIN. ALUM. COPING (SEE EXT. ELEVS.) NEW STUCCO OVER 5/8" DENS-GLASS OVER METAL STUD FRAMING NEW OPERABLE LOUVER ROOF SYSTEM (SEE ROOF PLAN) NEW STUCCO OVER 5/8" DENS-GLASS OVER METAL STUD FRAMING NEW 10" METAL STUD FRAMING (BY G.C) NEW TUBE STEEL (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW COLUMN (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW CONC. CURB (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.)NEW CONC. CURB (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) NEW BAR DIE (SEE KITCHEN DWGS.) NEW OVERHEAD DOOR HOUSING NEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN (BY OWNER, ELECTRICAL & MOUNTING HARDWARE BY G.C)NEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN (BY OWNER, ELECTRICAL & MOUNTING HARDWARE BY G.C) MOUNTED TO T.O COPING SIM. OPP T.O. EQUIPMENT SCREEN ELEV.=27'-10" A.T.S± NEW EQUIPMENT SCREEN NEW SARNAFIL PVC MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM OVER 5/8" DENS-DECK & METAL DECKING (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) SLOPE = 1/4 PER FT. OR 2%. (COLOR TO MATCH EXIST. MEMBRANE AT MAIN BLDG. ROOF) NEW SARNAFIL PVC MEMBRANE ROOF SYSTEM OVER 5/8" DENS-DECK & METAL DECKING (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) SLOPE = 1/4 PER FT. OR 2%. (COLOR TO MATCH EXIST. MEMBRANE AT MAIN BLDG. ROOF) NEW COLUMN (SEE STRUCT. DWGS.) NEW LOW WALL PLANTER (SEE I.D. DWGS.) NEW GLAZING SYSTEMS (BEYOND) (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS) NEW GLAZING SYSTEMS (BEYOND) (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS) NEW GLAZING SYSTEMS (BEYOND) (SEE STOREFRONT ELEVATIONS) NEW PYROK 'STARSILENT' ACOUSTIC PANEL W/ BASE COAT & FINISH PLASTER (1" TOTAL THICKNESS) NEW PATIO FAN , SEE RCP & ELECT. DWGS. (SEE I.D. DWGS) NEW PYROK 'STARSILENT' ACOUSTIC PANEL W/ BASE COAT & FINISH PLASTER (1" TOTAL THICKNESS)AJSGENERAL NOTE: 1. ALL EXPOSED NEW STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE CATEGORY AESS 3. 2. ALL EXPOSED EXISTING STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE SSPC-SP6.ISSUEDATEREMARKSA27OCT21ISSUED FOR MUP REVIEWplotted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021ALL REPORTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FIELD DATA & NOTESAND OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS ONELECTRONIC MEDIA, PREPARED BY TRM ARCHITECTURE,DESIGN & PLANNING, P.C. AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE SHALLREMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN &PLANNING, P.C. TRM ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & PLANNING,P.C. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUATORY, ANDOTHER RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO.JOB NUMBER:SHEET NUMBER:AS NOTEDDRAWN BY:SCALE:DATE:BUILDING SECTIONS39172021.MAR.30A6.1·JOEY NEWPORT BEACH·TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVENEWPORT BEACH CA 92660PA2021-263 63 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2021-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2021-046 TO ALLOW AN EXPANDED TYPE 47 (ON SALE GENERAL) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LICENSE AREA AT AN EXISTING FOOD SERVICE, EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT AT 453 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE (PA2021-263) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by James Szabatin representing Joey Restaurant Group, with respect to property located at 453 Newport Center Drive, and legally described as Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No. 87-3 in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, requesting approval of a minor use permit. 2. The applicant proposes a minor use permit and operator license for Joey Restaurant Group to expand the alcohol service area previously authorized under Use Permit No. UP3654 for Roy’s Restaurant. The existing restaurant location includes late hours (after 11:00 p.m.), dancing, live entertainment, and a Type 47 (On Sale General) alcohol license. The proposed remodel and tenant improvements will make shell building improvements and add a new 2,590-square-foot outdoor dining patio to the south portion of the building. Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 5.25, the operation, as described, requires the owner/operator to obtain an Operator License (OL2021-002) through the City because the proposed building and tenant improvements to the establishment result in a change in occupancy and the restaurant includes late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.). This application will supercede the previous Use Permit No. UP3654. 3.The subject property is designated CR (Regional Commercial) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on December 16, 2021, online via Zoom. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 2 of 18 10-18-21 of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The proposed project involves the expansion of alcoholic service area at a recently expanded restaurant with late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) and an outdoor dining patio. Therefore, both the existing 7,588-square-foot restaurant and new 2,590-square-foot outdoor dining patio expansion qualify for a categorical exemption under Class 1. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Alcohol Sales In accordance with Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a use permit are set forth: Finding A. The use is consistent with the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding In finding that the proposed use is consistent with Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code, the following criteria must be considered: i. The crime rate in the reporting district and adjacent reporting districts as compared to other areas in the City. 1. The proposed establishment is located within Reporting District 39, wherein the number of crimes is higher than adjacent Reporting Districts and the City. RD 38, 43, and 44 have a lower number of crimes as they are primarily residential with few commercial uses. RD44 (Corona del Mar Village) has slightly higher crime count averages due to its commercial corridor district. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses in Fashion Island, the crime rate and shoplifting rate is greater than adjacent residential Reporting Districts; however, the Newport Beach Police Department does not consider the number significant given the type of development within this Reporting District. ii. The numbers of alcohol-related calls for service, crimes, or arrests in the reporting district and in adjacent reporting districts. 1. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses, the calls for service and number of arrests are greater than adjacent residential Reporting Districts. The Police Department does not consider the rate high because of the concentration of restaurants and commercial uses within Fashion Island and the surrounding North Newport Center. The Newport Beach Police Department has not previously reported any calls for service to the subject property since the proposed use is part of a new development project. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 3 of 18 10-18-21 iii. The proximity of the establishment to residential zoning districts, day care centers, hospitals, park and recreation facilities, places of worship, schools, other similar uses, and any uses that attract minors. 1. The shopping center does not abut sensitive land uses and is separated from other uses by parking lots, roadways, and other commercial uses. Residential uses are permitted in the northern sections of the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District within Blocks 500, 600, 800, and San Joaquin Plaza. The property is located approximately 300 feet southwest of Block 500, the nearest area that allows for residential uses. There are currently no residential units developed in Block 500. The proposed use is not located in close proximity to other residential districts, day care centers, park and recreation facilities, places of religious assembly, and schools. iv. The proximity to other establishments selling alcoholic beverages for either off-site or on-site consumption. 1. Off-sale alcohol sales are located in the vicinity at Whole Foods, at 461 Newport Center Drive, within Fashion Island. Additionally, there are many comparable restaurant establishments within the Fashion Island Shopping Center including True Food Kitchen at 451 Newport Center Drive and Fleming’s Steakhouse at 455 Newport Center Drive in the same pad building. The Type 47 (On Sale, General) alcohol license is the same as those obtained by said establishments and there is no evidence suggesting these uses have been detrimental to the neighborhood. An adequate security plan per the Police Department is in place for the Fashion Island Shopping Center and conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hour component of the proposed restaurant. v. Whether or not the proposed amendment will resolve any current objectionable conditions 1. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure that the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code is maintained and that a healthy environment for residents and businesses is preserved. The service of alcohol is intended for the convenience of customers dining at the restaurant. Operational conditions of approval relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages will help ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and minimize alcohol related impacts. 2. The restaurant use will be located within a shopping center designated to include such development. The Regional Commercial (CR) designation of the General Plan allows eating and drinking establishments. The service and consumption of alcohol at the restaurant, pursuant to a Type 47 Alcoholic Beverage Control license under the conditions imposed by this Minor Use Permit that it will be operated and maintained, complies with the provisions of the Zoning Code and the North Newport Center Planned Community District Regulations. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 4 of 18 10-18-21 3. The restaurant pad is part of a highly-traveled commercial area that is occupied by a mixture of office and retail uses. It is anticipated that the establishment will serve visitors and employees of the nearby businesses who stop and eat within the North Newport Center area. Adding alcohol service and a new bar area in the new outdoor dining patio will complement the food service and provide for the convenience of customers. 4. The proposed restaurant is located within an existing restaurant pad building and is designed as a restaurant that includes on-site service and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Minor Use Permit In accordance with Section 20.52.020.F (Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a use permit are set forth: Finding B. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan: Fact in Support of Finding 1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the project site as Regional Commercial (CR), which is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses that serve local and regional residents. The proposed restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales and an outdoor dining patio is a use that serves local and regional residents and is consistent with land uses in the CR land use designation. Finding C. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code: Facts in Support of Finding 1. The project is located in the Fashion Island Sub-Area of the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. Fashion Island is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day/evening destination with a wide variety of uses that will serve visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales and an outdoor dining patio is a commercial use that serves visitors, residents, and employees in the area and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the North Newport Center Planned Community District for the Fashion Island Sub-Area. 2. Eating and Drinking Establishments are permitted uses within the Fashion Island Sub- Area of the North Newport Center Planned Community Zoning District. Pursuant to the Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 5 of 18 10-18-21 Planned Community Text, the expansion of on-premise sale of alcohol in conjunction with an eating and drinking establishment requires a minor use permit amendment. 3. The proposed outdoor dining area and the restaurant area are within the limits of the cumulative floor area allocated for Fashion Island. In this case, the addition of the 2,590- square-foot patio to the existing 1,470,097-square-foot development is well below the 1,523,416-square-foot floor area limit set for Fashion Island. 4. The PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) parking rate is 3 per 1,000 square feet for regional commercial (Fashion Island). The existing gross floor area of 1,470,097 square feet for Fashion Island requires 4,411 parking spaces where 6,106 parking spaces are provided in Fashion Island per Plan Check No. 2163-2020. 3.5. Prior to the final of building permits, a lot line adjustment will be recorded to include the new building footprint created by the outdoor dining patio within the pad parcel currently established by Lot Line Adjustment No. 87-3. Finding D. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity: Facts in Support of Finding 1. The Fashion Island Sub-Area permits a range of retail, dining, and commercial entertainment uses within the PC-56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. While the proposed establishment provides a component of late-night dining services similar to a lounge, the use is compatible with surrounding permitted commercial uses in the vicinity and there currently are no sensitive land uses located nearby. 2. The proposed hours of operation are from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, daily, whereas the existing use permit allows hours from 9:00 a.m. through 1:00 a.m., daily. While the proposed hours of operation for Joey’s Restaurant Group are later than the hours for other restaurants within Fashion Island, an adequate security plan is in place for the Fashion Island Shopping Center and conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hour component of the proposed restaurant. 3. Due to the late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.), approval of Operator’s License No. OL2021-002 by the Newport Beach Police Department will be required. A copy of the Fashion Island Security Plan will be provided as part of the operator license process for the proposed business. An operator license required pursuant to NBMC Chapter 5.25 may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive conditions to regulate and control potential nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. The operator license will help ensure compatibility of the proposed business with the surrounding uses in the vicinity. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 6 of 18 10-18-21 4. The on-site consumption of alcoholic beverages will be incidental to the restaurant use. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period, per the conditions of approval. Alcoholic beverage service will be under the supervision of LEAD-trained employees. 5. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 7 of 18 10-18-21 Finding E. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities: Facts in Support of Finding 1. The Fashion Island shopping center provides adequate parking and circulation within the surface parking lots and parking structures on site. 2. This site has been reviewed by the Fire Department to ensure adequate public and emergency vehicle access is provided. Fire sprinklers will be required within the new outdoor dining patio and retractable awning area. Utilities are provided with all applicable requirements. 3. The site has historically been developed and used as a restaurant location with alcohol service and the new outdoor dining patio is intended for the same use. The tenant space is designed and developed for an eating and drinking establishment. 4. Improvements to the building and new outdoor dining patio will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes. All ordinances of the City and all conditions of approval will be complied with. Finding F. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, a safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The project has been reviewed and includes conditions of approval to ensure that potential conflicts with the surrounding land uses are minimized to the greatest extent possible. The operator is required to take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks and areas surrounding the subject property and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the establishment. 2. The food service, eating and drinking establishment with alcohol service will serve visitors and the surrounding business community. The proposed establishment will provide alcohol service as a public convenience to visitors and workers within the surrounding area. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 8 of 18 10-18-21 3. Fashion Island management has historically provided efficient on-site security and cooperates with the Newport Beach Police Department. The provision of an operator license will further enable the Police Department to regulate the operation of the proposed business. 4. The location will utilize an existing grease interceptor, obtain Health Department approval prior to opening for business, and comply with the California Building Code to ensure the safety and welfare of customers and employees within the establishment. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby supercedes Use Permit No. UP3654 and approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2021-046, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 16TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2021. _____________________________________ Jaime Murillo, Zoning Administrator Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 9 of 18 10-18-21 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (Project-specific conditions are in italics) Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Minor Use Permit. 4. This approval is for alcoholic beverage service only. The off-sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption is prohibited. 5. This Use Permit for an alcoholic beverage control outlet granted in accordance with the terms of this chapter (Chapter 20.89 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code) shall expire within 12 months from the date of approval unless a license has been issued or transferred by the California State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control prior to the expiration date. 6. The alcoholic beverage outlet operator shall take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks, and areas surrounding the alcoholic beverage outlet and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the subject alcoholic beverage outlet. 7. Alcoholic beverage sales from drive-up or walk-up service windows shall be prohibited. 8. The exterior of the alcoholic beverage outlet shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris, and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 4.9. Prior to issuance of final building permits, a lot line adjustment shall be recorded to incorporate the expanded dining area into the pad building Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No. 87-3 in accordance with Section 19.04.035 of the Subdivision Code. 10. The hours of operation shall be limited from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., daily. 5.11. The expanded outdoor dining area shall not exceed 2,590 square feet in area. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 10 of 18 10-18-21 6.12. The installation of roof coverings shall not have the effect of creating a permanent enclosure. The use of any other type of overhead covering shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director and may require an amendment to this minor use permit. 7.13. The operator as well as any future operators of the restaurant shall obtain an Operator License pursuant to Chapter 5.25 of the Municipal Code to ensure the business is operated in a safe manner. The Operator License may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive conditions to regulate and control potential late-hour nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. The applicant may choose to limit their closing hour to 11:00 p.m., daily, in-lieu of obtaining an Operator License. In this case, the applicant shall provide written notification to the City to exercise this option. 8. Prior to the issuance of building permits, Fair Share Traffic Fees shall be paid for any additional gross floor area associated with the new outdoor dining patio and any new square footage in accordance with Chapter 15.38 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 10. Prior to the issuance of building permits, San Joaquin Transportation Corridor Fees shall be paid for any additional gross floor area associated with the new outdoor dining patio and any new square footage. 12.14. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view of adjacent properties and adjacent public streets, and shall be sound attenuated in accordance with Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control) of the Municipal Code. 13.15. All proposed signs shall be in conformance with the approved Comprehensive Sign Program for the project site and provisions of Chapter 20.42 (Signs) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 14.16. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices, and the plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 15.17. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 16.18. The site shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, if in the opinion of the Director of Community Development, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Director may order Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 11 of 18 10-18-21 the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 17.19. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall prepare photometric study in conjunction with a final lighting plan for approval by the Planning Division. The survey shall show that lighting values are “1” or less at all property lines. 18.20. The operator of the restaurant facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 19.21. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00AM and 10:00PM Between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 20.22. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 21.23. No outside paging system shall be utilized in conjunction with this establishment. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. Grease interceptors shall be installed on all fixtures in the restaurant where grease may be introduced into the drainage systems, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and the Public Works Department. Grease interceptors shall be located to be easily accessible for routine cleaning and inspection. Kitchen exhaust fans shall be designed to control smoke and odor to the satisfaction of the Building Department. 24. All trash areas shall be screened from adjoining properties and streets. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 12 of 18 10-18-21 A washout area for refuse containers shall be provided to allow direct drainage into the sewer system and not into the Bay or storm drains, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and Public Works Department. The on-site parking, vehicular circulation, and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer. Dancing and live entertainment shall be permitted in accordance with a Café Dance Permit and Live Entertainment Permit issued by the Revenue Manager in accordance with Title 5 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 22.25. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self-latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes and drain to the sewer system. 23.26. Trash receptacles for patrons shall be conveniently located both inside and outside of the establishment, however, not located on or within any public property or right-of-way. 24.27. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 25.28. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self-contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 26.29. Storage outside of the building in the front or at the rear of the property shall be prohibited, with the exception of the required trash container enclosure. 30. Dancing and live entertainment shall be permitted in accordance with a Café Dance Permit and Live Entertainment Permit issued by the Revenue Manager in accordance with Title 5 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 27.31. A Special Events Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of the approved use, as conditioned, or that would attract large crowds, involve the sale of alcoholic beverages, include any form of on-site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 28.32. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 13 of 18 10-18-21 29.33. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 30.34. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 31.35. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit or the processing of a new Minor Use Permit. 32.36. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 33.37. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Minor Use Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Minor Use Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 34.38. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 35.39. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Joey Restaurant Group including, but not limited to, Minor Use Permit No. UP2021-046 (PA2021-263). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 14 of 18 10-18-21 Police Department 36.40. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and all conditions of the Alcoholic Beverage License. Material violation of any of those laws or conditions in connection with the use is a violation and may be cause for revocation of the use permit. 37.41. All owners, managers and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages within 60 days of hire. This training must be updated every 3 years regardless of certificate expiration date. The certified program must meet the standards of the certifying/licensing body designated by the State of California. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 60 days of approval. Records of each owner’s manager’s and employee’s successful completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. 38.42. Approval does not permit the premises to operate as a bar, tavern, cocktail lounge or nightclub as defined by the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 39.43. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period. The licensee shall at all times maintain records, which reflect separately the gross sales of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. These records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to the Police Department on demand. 40.44. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee. 41.45. No games or contests requiring or involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed. 42.46. There shall be no reduced price alcoholic beverage promotions after 9:00 p.m. 43.47. Food service shall be made available to patrons until closing. 44.48. Petitioner shall not share any profits or pay any percentage or commission to a promoter or any other person based upon monies collected as a door charge, cover charge, or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink orders or the sale of drinks. 45.49. Any event or activity staged by an outside promoter or entity, where the applicant, operator, owner or his employees or representatives share in any profits, or pay any percentage or commission to a promoter or any other person based upon money collected as a door charge, cover charge or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink orders or the sale of drinks is prohibited. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 15 of 18 10-18-21 46.50. “VIP” passes or other passes to enter the establishment, as well as door charges, cover charges, or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink order of the sale of drinks is prohibited (excluding charges for prix fixe meals). 47.51. Strict adherence to maximum occupancy limits is required. 48.52. The applicant shall maintain a security recording system with a 30-day retention and make those recordings available to police upon request. 49. There shall be no exterior advertising or signs of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 51.53. Strict adherence to maximum occupancy limit is required. 52.54. The operator of the restaurant facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 53.55. An Operator License is required pursuant to Chapter 5.25 of the Municipal Code, may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive conditions such as a security plan to regulate and control potential late-hour nuisances associated with the operation of the establishment. Fire Department 54.56. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be required for the new outdoor dining patio and retractable patio cover. The sprinkler system shall be monitored by a UL certified alarm service company. Building Division 55.57. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City’s Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Approval from the Orange County Health Department is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. 56.58. The restaurant shall provide the number of plumbing fixtures to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 4 of the California Building Code, 2010. 57.59. Prior to issuance of building permits, an exit analysis shall be provided for the outdoor dining patio. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 16 of 18 10-18-21 60. A washout area for refuse containers shall be provided to allow direct drainage into the sewer system and not into the Bay or storm drains, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and Public Works Department. 61. Grease interceptors shall be installed on all fixtures in the restaurant where grease may be introduced into the drainage systems, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and the Public Works Department. Grease interceptors shall be located to be easily accessible for routine cleaning and inspection. 62. Kitchen exhaust fans shall be designed to control smoke and odor to the satisfaction of the Building Department. 58.63. Public sanitation facilities shall be available to the general public (patrons) during regular business hours of the operation, unless otherwise approved by the Building Division. 59.64. The site plan shall clearly identify the parking, path of travel, entrance, restrooms, fixed seating, and bar seating to comply with accessibility requirements. 60.65. The applicant shall employ the following best available control measures (“BACMs”) to reduce construction-related air quality impacts: Dust Control Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. Cover all haul trucks or maintain at least two feet of freeboard. Pave or apply water four times daily to all unpaved parking or staging areas. Sweep or wash any site access points within two hours of any visible dirt deposits on any public roadway. Cover or water twice daily any on-site stockpiles of debris, dirt or other dusty material. Suspend all operations on any unpaved surface if winds exceed 25 mph. Emissions Require 90-day low-NOx tune-ups for off road equipment. Limit allowable idling to 30 minutes for trucks and heavy equipment Off-Site Impacts Encourage carpooling for construction workers. Limit lane closures to off-peak travel periods. Park construction vehicles off traveled roadways. Wet down or cover dirt hauled off-site. Sweep access points daily. Encourage receipt of materials during non-peak traffic hours. Sandbag construction sites for erosion control. Fill Placement The number and type of equipment for dirt pushing will be limited on any day to ensure that SCAQMD significance thresholds are not exceeded. Maintain and utilize a continuous water application system during earth placement and compaction to achieve a 10 percent soil moisture content in the top 6-inch surface layer, subject to review/discretion of the geotechnical engineer. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 17 of 18 10-18-21 Public Works Department 61.66. County Sanitation District fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of any building permits. 67. A lot line adjustment shall be submitted and approved with the Public Works Department prior to recordation and building permit final. 62.68. The on-site parking, vehicular circulation, and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer. Use Permit No. UP3654 (Conditions restated for reference) 1. Development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plan, and elevations, except as noted below. 2. This approval is for alcoholic beverage service only. The off-sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption is prohibited. 3. Loitering, open container, and other signs specified by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act shall be posted as required by ABC. (Refer to updated Condition No. 47) 4. The alcoholic beverage outlet operator shall take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks, and areas surrounding the alcoholic beverage outlet and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the subject alcoholic beverage outlet. 5. Alcoholic beverage service shall be permitted in the outdoor dining area upon approval of the Police Department and the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. (Refer to updated Operator License Hours of Operation) 7. Alcoholic beverage sales from drive-up or walk-up service windows shall be prohibited. 8. The exterior of the alcoholic beverage outlet shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris, and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 9. All owners, managers, and employees serving and/or selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified program in responsible methods and skills for serving and selling alcoholic beverages. To qualify to meet the requirements of this section a certified program must meet the standards of the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service or other certifying/licensing body which the State may designate. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 180 consecutive days of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. (Refer to updated Condition No. 35) Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263) Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2021-### Page 18 of 18 10-18-21 10. Records of each owner’s, managers, and employee’s successful completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. (Refer to updated Condition No. 35) Standard Requirements 1. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 2. Grease interceptors shall be installed on all fixtures in the restaurant where grease may be introduced into the drainage systems, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and the Public Works Department. Grease interceptors shall be located to be easily accessible for routine cleaning and inspection. 3. Kitchen exhaust fans shall be designed to control smoke and odor to the satisfaction of the Building Department. 4. All trash areas shall be screened from adjoining properties and streets. 5. A washout area for refuse containers shall be provided to allow direct drainage into the sewer system and not into the Bay or storm drains, unless otherwise approved by the Building Department and Public Works Department. 6. The on-site parking, vehicular circulation, and pedestrian circulation systems shall be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer. 7. Dancing and live entertainment shall be permitted in accordance with a Café Dance Permit and Live Entertainment Permit issued by the Revenue Manager in accordance with Title 5 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 8. This Use Permit for an alcoholic beverage control outlet granted in accordance with the terms of this chapter (Chapter 20.89 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code) shall expire within 12 months from the date of approval unless a license has been issued or transferred by the California State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control prior to the expiration date. 9. The Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Use Permit or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this Use Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this Use Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 10. This Use Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Zoning Administrator - December 16, 2021 Item No. 16a Additional Materials Received at Meeting from Staff Joey Restaurant Group Minor Use Permit (PA2021-263)