HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-260_20220207_Cover Letter for NBCC LoIF SubmittalGRF GOLF REALTY FUND ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949)251-2025 (949) 251-2085 FAX Electronically and Hand Delivered To Gity of Newport Beach Gommunity Development Department Attention: David Lee, Associate Planner 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 January 12,2022 Subject Letter of lncomplete Fiting Address 3-11 Glubhouse Drive (Formerly 1602 E Goast Highway) Dear David, This letter and the attached documents are submitted in response to your Notice of Incomplete Filing dated November 29, 2021. Following is a summary of the items listed in the "Notice of lncomplete Filing" letter with the response to each item indented: General Aoplication 1 Proiect Descriotion Aftached 2 Preliminary Title Reoort Attached 3 Public Hearino Notification Packaoe Attached. 4 General lndemnitv and Defense Agreement Aftached Dlscretionarv Aoolications 1 Updated Reouired Findinos for Coastal Develooment Permit Attached Page I ofS 2 Tentative Tract Mao Civil engineer Roy Roberson will deliver the "First Amendment to Tentative Tract Map 15347" along with the Accompanying Wriften Statement to the City by next Monday January 17, 2022. 3 Tentative Parcel Mao The Parcel Map is not affected by the current application and no new Tentative Parcel Map is proposed. Tentative Parcel Map NP2016-013 was recorded on December 24, 2019 and remains vatid. We intend to continue with this approved and recorded map. A copy of the "Final Parcel Map 2016- 151 for Finance and Conveyance Purposes"is aftached. 4 Site Develooment Review Peter Templeton and/or Philip Beftencourt of Templeton Planning Group wilt detiver Site Development Review to the City by next Friday January 21, 2022. 5 Limited Term Permit The following are the required findings for The Tennis Club Limited Term Permit: 1) The Tennis Club operation during site work and construction and furnishing of the Tennis Clubhouse/Fitness building would not constitute a hazard to pubtic convenience, health, safety, or general welfare fo persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the approximated l4-month limited duration use; 2) The Tennis Club parcel is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the l4-month timited duration use without material detriment to the use and enjoyment of other properties tocated adjacent to and in the vicinity of the Tennis Club parcel; 3) The Tennis Club parcel has adequately serued by sfreets having sufficient width and improvements and quantity of tnffic that the limited duration use would reasonably be expected to generate; 4) The Tennis Club parcel has adequate temporary parking avaitable to accommodate vehicular traffic generated by the limited duration use available on-sife and at altemate locations acceptable to the Zoning Administrator; and 5) The Tennis Club's limited duration use is consisfenf with all applicabte provisions of the General Plan, specific plan, MunicipalCode, and City regulations. 6 Traffic and Parkinq Analysis Uodate Aftached 7 Environmental lnformation Form Aftached Page 2 of 5 TechnicalPlans B Technical Plans a Environmental Reoort Already completed in prior approvals (No change per civil engineer Roy Roberson) b Civil and Site lmorovement Plans Complete final Civil Site lmprovement Plans are attached. These are final construction documents that have been submifted and reviewed 4 times by multiple Cig departments and have been modified to incorporate the most recent City comments and the recent modifications to buildings that are the subject of this Planning Application. The infrastructure; including demolition, grading, drainage, paving, water, and sewer is almost identicalto the form previously reviewed. This same set of plans and supporting reports rs a/so being submitted for review as part of plan Check 2BB9-201 6 for 3-1 1 Clubhouse Drive (Formerly 1 602 Easf Coasf Highway). Site Development Review 9 Project Plans a Technical Site Plan Modification to the approved Technical Site Plan reflecting the elimination of 3 Vittas and replacement of the Loft building is being prepared by the architect and will be submifted next week. b Floor Plans and Elevations Attached c Landscape Plans Complete final Landscape Plans are attached. d Fire Access Master Plans Fire access has been reviewed by the Fire Department several times. The access meeting their requirements for each phase of construction is depicted on: Sheef 5 for Demolition Sheefs 7-13 for the permanent condition which will exist before any buitding construction sfarfs Sheef 21 for the Fire Lane Pavement Sheef 24 for the fencing and Knox Box locations Sheef 27 for the water lines and fire hydrants Sheef 29 for the street s/opes Sheef 33 for the Staging of Construction Sheef SSforthefire /anes, slgns and red curbs Page 3 of 5 e 9 sets of plans Are attached. They are too large to be folded. 10 Fees Understood that the following fees will be paid at the appropriate time: a Park in lieu fee for the 5 residential units; b Public benefit fee as included in Development Agreement; c Fair share traffic impact fee; and d San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency (Zone B) '11 Construction Manaoement Plan and 12 Phasino Plan The previously approved Construction Management & Phasing Plans are being modified to reflect the elimination of the 3 Villas and addition of the Loft Buildings. Sife consfruction will be in a continuous operation from the start of demotition and grading through the completion of all site improvemenfs. Ihis is expected to take 4 months to complete. Before the construction of any new buildings sfadg all infrastructure, access, paving and fire- fighting water systems will be complete, fesfed, and operational. Construction staging, traffic routing, material storage and fencing appears on Sheef 33. Emergency Vehicle Access during construction appears on Sheet 5. The construction of buildings is expecfed to be done as simultaneously as reasonabty possibte. The Tennis Club/Fitness building is expected to be under construction immediately foltowing the infrastructure and will take about 10 months to complete and 2 months to instatt fixtures and furnish. The 2 villas may proceed at the same time and will take about 1 year to complete. The Bungalows, Lofis and Swimming Pool will be constructed as soon as possib/e after the infrastructure is complete and will take about 15 months to comptete. Areas that are under construction while The Tennis Club is in use witl be secured and shielded from view by temporaryfencing shown on Sheet 24. ln the unlikely event, the Bungalow construction is delayed by more than 6 months fotlowing the completion of grading and occupancy of the adjacent areas, the entire Bungalow site witt be landscaped and irrigated as specified by note 6 on Sheef 33. 13 Project Siqnaoe No change to the previously approved Sign Program. Page 4 of 5 Ec Please contact me at714-397-9475 with any questions or comments. ln addition to hand delivering this letter with referenced documents, all documents will be made available electronically via a shared Dropbox folder. Sincerely Jonathan Bailey Jim Campbell, Deputy Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director Rosalinh Ung, Principal Planner Roy Roberson, Land Strategies Peter Templeton, Templeton Planning Group Philip Bettencourt, Templeton Planning Group Page 5 of 5