HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-260_20220207_Environmental Information Form\F O Environmental lnformation Form Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive / P.O. Box 1768 I Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949 )644-3204 Telephone / (949 ) 644-3229 Facsi m i le www. newportbeachca.qov ApplicanVAgent: Golf Realtv Fund. Manaqinq Owner Phone: 714-397-9475 Address 1 lJnne Newnorl Pl . Newoort BeachI ,.rroB$ A. Generallnformation ","91 Property Owner: Golf Realty Fund, Manaqinq Owner Phone: 714-397-9475 Address:1 Uooer Newoort Plaza- Newnort Beach B Project Description Please attach the following materials for the project:. Vicinity map. Plans drawn to scale. Proposed revisions to zoning map and text using underline and strikeeut notation, if applicable. At least 3 different site photos mounted on 8 112 X 11 cardboard with a key map showing the photo locations and direction of view 1. Project name: NBCC Tennis Club Prooertv Project location:3-1 I Clubhouse Drive- Newoorl Beaeh ormerlv 1602 E. Coast Hiohwav)2. 3.Assessor's parcel #:Parcels 1 &2 Parcel Map 94-102_ Permit application #: PA2021-260 5a. Proposed use: Amendment to allow 14 additional visitor-servinq units and 2.620 hotel/spa office soace and vooa navi for the fitness center 5c. 5b. Project size (dwelling units, gross floor area, etc.)See separate proiect description attached Site size: 6.997 acres Existing land use designations GeneralPlan: MU-H3/PR 5d. Building height:Various 6. Zoning: PC47 (NBCC PC) Specific Plan:LCP: 7. Previous governmental approva ls: See attached supplement 8. Other governmental approvals required Federal: t. State: Galifornia Coastal Gommission Local: GPA & DA F:\Users\C DD\Sh ared\Adm in\P lannin g_Division\Applications\E lR\lnfo&App.docx Updatd7l24l13 Regiona It{ Envi ronmental lnformation Form Commu nity Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive / P.O. Box 1768lNewport Beach, CA92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Te le p hone / (949) 644-3229 Facs i m i le www. newoortbeachca.qov Estimated Occupancy Date: F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_DivisionlApplications\ElR\lnfo&App.docx U&atedTl24h3 9. Begin Construction C. EnvironmentalSetting (Seeattached ProjectDescription) 1 Describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe and existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of the site. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. lndicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage, set-backs, rear yard, etc.). Attach photographs of vicinity. D. PotentialEnvironmental Effects On a separate page, please provide the following information. lf the question is not applicable, indicate "Not applicable" or "None". (See attached existing environmental assessments for reference purposes including original Environmental Checklist Mitigated Negative Declaration) I. AESTHETICS Describe whether the project could potentially obstruct any scenic vista or view open to the public or create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view. Could the project block any private views? Describe exterior lighting that is proposed for the project and means that will be utilized to reduce light and glare impacts on surrounding properties.- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pg. 30- See MMRP (2005-140) at SC-l for requirement for photometric study prior to issuance of building permit II. AGRICULTURE & FOREST RESOURCES Describe any agricultural and/or forest land resources presently located at the project site. Describe any changes to this resource as a result of the implementation of the proposed project.- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pg. 30- See MMRP (2005-140) No significant impacts are anticipated III. AIR QUALITY Describe any air emissions or odors that could result from the project, including emissions during construction, and any measures that are proposed to reduce these emissions.- Please see BDA Environmental Ghecklist at Pgs. 30-31- See MMRP (2005-140) at SC-2 though SC-7 for special measures during construction activities IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Describe the existing vegetation on the site, and any trees or large shrubs that are to be removed ldentify any fish or wildlife that inhabits the site.- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pg. 31- See MMRP (2005-140) No significant impacts to biological resources are anticipated V. CULTURAL RESOURCES Please indicate whether any archaeological or paleontological surveys have been done on the site. Could the project result in any adverse physical or aesthetic effects to any building, structure, or object having historical, cultural, or religious significance?- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pgs. 30-31- See MMRP (2005-140) at SC6 and MM1 for measures required prior to issuance of Grading Permit FlUsers\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\ElR\lnfo&App.docx Udated7l24l13 2. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS vt. Describe any greenhouse gas emissions that could result from the project, including emissions during construction, and any measures that are proposed to reduce these emissions. Please include a description of energy and water conservation features or practices proposed (i.e., low-energy lighting, useof ENERGY STAR appliances/fixtures, LEED Certification, drought-tolerant landscaping).- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at P9.32- See MMRP (2005-140) at SG-l2 & 13 and PDF 1-3 for special conditions prior to issuance of building permit(s) VII. GEOLOGY AND SOILS Please describe the earthwork that will be required for the project. lnclude grading quantities, and the location of borrow or stockpile sites, and haul routes, if applicable. Describe any geotechnical or soils investigations that have been conducted. lnclude exhibits showing existing and proposed topography, retaining walls, and erosion controldevices. - Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at P9.32- See MMRP (2005-140) at SC 9-11 and MMM-2 for conditions dealing with grading permits and construction operations VIII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ldentify any aspects of the project that could present a risk to public health due to normal operations, or due to an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or spill. ls there any possibility that the site could be contaminated due to previous uses or dumping? lf so, what measures are proposed to eliminate the hazard or contamination? ls the project located in a flood hazardzone?- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pg. 33- See MMRP (PA2005-140) SC 14 & SC 15 for special conditions prior to issuance of demolition permits IX. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Describe existing and proposed site drainage, and measures that will be employed to reduce erosion and prevent contaminated runoff from entering the storm drain system, groundwater or surface water. Describe any changes that could occur in groundwater or surface water.- Please see BDA at Environmental Checklist Pgs. 33-34- See MMRP (PA2005-140) SC-16, 17,18 and 19 for special conditions concerning issuance of grading permit and during grading and construction X. LAND USE AND PLANNING Describe: a) the existing land uses and structures on the project site and on adjacent parcels; b) the project's conformance with existing land use plans and regulations for the property; and c) its compatibility with surrounding land uses.- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pgs. 34-35- See MMRP (PA2005-140) "No significant impacts are anticipated....', XI. MINERAL RESOURCES Describe the affect on any adopted energy conservation plan, use of nonrenewable resources and whether the project will result in the loss of any known mineral resource of future value to the region and residents of the State.- Please see BDA at Pg. 35- See MMRP (PA2005-140) "No significant impacts are anticipated....,' FlUsers\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\ElR\lnfo&App.docx Ucdated7l24t13 xil. NotsE Describe any sources of noise that impact the site, and any noise-generating equipment that will be utilized on the property, either during construction or after occupancy. What means to reduce noise impacts on surrounding properties or building occupants are proposed?- Please see BDA at Pg. 35- See MMRP (PA2005-140) MM3-7 dealing with special conditions prior to issuance for grading and building permits XIII. POPULATION AND HOUSING lf the project is residential, please explain how the project will comply with the affordable housing policies contained in the Housing Element of the General Plan. ldentify the number of bedrooms per unit and the expected average household size? What is the projected sales price or rent of the units? lf the project is commercial, industrial, or institutional, please identiff the tenants and/or uses and the estimated number of employees.- Please see BDA at Pgs. 35-36- See MMRP (PA2005-140) "No significant activities ae anticipated...." XIV. PUBLIC SERVICES Please identify whether adequate capacity currently exists for the following public services and utilities. lf expansion is needed, explain how it will be accomplished. Please attach any written confirmation of capacity you have received from service providers. . Fire protection . Police protection . Schools. Maintenance of Public facilities, including roadways. Other Government Services Please see BDA at Environmental Checklist at Pg. 36 See MMRP (PA2005-140) "No significant activities are anticipated...." XV. RECREATION Describe the impact of the project on the demand for neighborhood regional parks or other recreational facilities and any affect on existing recreational opportunities.- Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pg. 36- See MMRP (PA 2005-140) "No significant activities are anticipated...." XVI. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC Please identify any changes or improvements to the circulation system that are proposed as part of the project (including pedestrian and bicycle paths, and public transit).- Please see BDA at Pgs. 36-37- See MMRP (PA2005-140), MM{ and MM-9 for conditions for approval of construction staging, parking and traffic control plan ("Prior to each major phase of construction")- Also. supplementaltraffic analysis attached and made a part of this submiffal XVII- UTILITIES & SERVICE SYSTEMS Please identify whether adequate capacity currently exists for the following public services and utilities. lf expansion is needed, explain how it will be accomplished. Please attach any written confirmation of capacity you have received from service providers. . Naturalgas. Communications Systems F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\ElR\lnfo&App.docx Updatdll24h3 . Local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities. Sewersystems orseptic tanks . Storm water drainage systems. Solid waste and disposal Police protection . Local or regionalwater supplies Please see BDA Environmental Checklist at Pg. 37 See MMRP (2005-140) "No significant impacts...." E. Gertification I certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am the legal owner of the property that is the subject of this application or have been authorized by the owner to act on his behalf regarding this application. I further acknowledge that any false statements or information presented herein may result in the revocation of any approval or permit granted on the basis of this information. Golf Realty Fund, Managing Owner Bv Robert O Hill-H.zDirector 1110122 Print Name and Title Signature Date nn COMPI FTF APPI ICATIrIN RFI rlw TI{IS I INF - f.!FFINF I ISF ONI Y Date Filed ee Pd:_Receipt N Form of Payment:_Check # (if applicable Remarks: Rec'd by: F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applicalions\ElR\lnfo&App.docx Updatd7l24l13