HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-019_20220224_Zoning Compliance Letter COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER February 24, 2022 Reference No. PA2022-019 Attn: Tiffany Golson 1300 S. Meridian Ave., Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 RE: 1101-1111 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92625 050-391-12 Dear Ms. Golson: The above referenced properties are currently located within the Commercial Recreational and Marine Zone (CM) and designated as Recreational and Marine Commercial (CM) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The properties are not located within a Planned Unit Development or an overlay district. For the abutting properties to the north, the Zoning District is Single Unit Residential (R-1) and the General Plan land use designation is Single-Unit Residential Detached (RS-D). For the abutting properties to the south across the water, the Zoning District is Two Unit Residential Balboa Island (R-BI) and the General Plan land use designation is Two-Unit Residential Detached (RS-D). For the abutting properties to the west, the Zoning District is Private Institutions (PI) and the General Plan land use designation is Private Institutions (PI). For the abutting properties to the east, the Zoning District is Multi-Unit Residential (RM) and the General Plan land use designation is Multiple-Unit Residential (RM). At the time the building permits were finaled, the building and parking requirements were in substantial conformance with the development standards of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. If the subject property does not comply with the current regulations, it is considered to be nonconforming and is subject to Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Page 2 Zoning Compliance - PA2022-019 Tmplt: 08-15-176 Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies that discretionary approvals were acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division for development of the property. With the exception of the discretionary approvals for signs, copies of those approvals are attached. Please contact the Planning Division for further details on any discretionary application: • Use Permit No. UP0094 - Originally approved on May 21, 1953 for the operation of a marine gas dock for boats. • Use Permit No. UP1840 - Originally approved on November 14, 1977 for proposed commercial office building to exceed the height limitation. • Use Permit No. UP2015-036 - Originally approved on September 17, 2015 for drug and alcohol rehabilitation school. • Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2019-003 – Originally approved on July 17, 2017. The subject property does not have any active complaints on record. For information regarding code violations, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at (949) 644-3215 and the Building Division at (949) 644-3200. Please contact the Building Division to obtain copies of Certificates of Occupancy. For information regarding plat maps or public rights-of way, please contact the Public Works Department at (949) 644-3311. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 949-644-3227, ccrager@newportbeachca.gov. Sincerely, Enclosures: Aerial Map UP0094 UP1840 UP2015-036 CS2019-003 Feet Imagery:2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle Imaging www.eagleaerial.com Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 11/24/2015 0 200100 Newport Beach GIS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION LETTER Application No.Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2019-003 (PA2019-094) Applicant Bryan Tetzlaf Site Address 1101-1111 Bayside Drive Legal Description Parcel 1 of Resubdivision No. 706 On July 17, 2019, the Zoning Administrator approved Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2019-003, for a multi-building, multi-tenant medical and general professional office site located at 1101 and 1111 Bayside Drive. The site also includes a shared surface parking lot utilized by the marina located adjacent to the site on the bay. The Comprehensive Sign Program provides for the renovation of the signage for the entire office site proposed with the cosmetic renovations of the existing buildings. The approval is in accordance to the provisions of Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). The property is located within the Commercial Recreational and Marine (CM) Zoning District. The General Plan Land Use Element category is Recreational and Marine Commercial (CM). The property is also within the Coastal Zone and has a designated Coastal Land Use of Recreational and Marine Commercial (CM-B) and a designated Coastal Zoning District of Commercial Recreational Marine (CM). Title 21 Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan only regulates the freestanding signs. The proposed renovation of the existing monument sign and the proposed two additional monument signs are exempt from the requirement of a coastal development permit pursuant to NBMC Section 21.52.035 C.2., because they are minor accessory structures that do not involve a risk of adverse environmental effect, do not adversely affect public access, or involve an intensification in use of the site. This approval is based on the following findings and standards and subject to the following conditions. A comprehensive sign program is required for this site because it contains two general office buildings with multiple professional office tenants including California Recreation Company (CRC) Marina parking and to allow the following deviations from the Zoning Code: PA2019-094 Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2019-094) July 17, 2019 Page 2 Tmplt: 10/02/15 1. Allow three monument signs along the Bayside Drive frontage for site identification, directional parking and site information; and 2. Allow an increase in the maximum wall sign area for the secondary frontage signs. FINDINGS AND STANDARDS FOR APPROVED SIGNS Finding A. The project is exempt from environmental review under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15311, Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Fact in Support of Finding: 1. Class 11 exempts minor structures accessory to existing commercial facilities, including signs. The proposed signs are incidental and accessory to the principal commercial use of the property and do not intensify or alter the use. Standard B. The proposed sign program shall comply with the purpose and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42], any adopted sign design guidelines, and the overall purpose and intent of this Section [Section 20.42.120 –Comprehensive Sign Program]. Facts in Support of Standard 1. A comprehensive sign program is required whenever there are three or more separate tenant spaces on the same lot, and in this case, new signage for major tenants is proposed on two buildings on one developed office site in addition to multiple monument signs. As proposed, the secondary frontage wall signs will be slightly increased in size based in part to the width of the tenant frontage. Major tenants will be identified with a total of three wall signs on each building. The location and the number of wall signs are consistent with Zoning Code regulations. The street frontage along Bayside Drive is approximately 280 feet and provides the only access driveway to the site forthe two office buildings and CRC Marina parking. The frontage on Marine Avenue is located directly before the bridge over the bay to enter Balboa Island. There is parking below each of the buildings as well as a shared surface parking lot towards the bayfront that is utilized for CRC Marina parking. As proposed, the additional freestanding monument signs are necessary to identify the site, to identify the access and to provide directional information for vehicles. PA2019-094 Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2019-094) July 17, 2019 Page 3 Tmplt: 10/02/15 2. The Comprehensive Sign Program complies with the purpose and intent of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards). The increased area of the secondary wall signs provides necessary identification for motorists travelling in both directions on Bayside Drive. 3. The purpose of a comprehensive sign program is to integrate all of a project’s signs. It provides a means for the flexible application of sign regulations for projects that require multiple signs. The fonts, colors, and materials of both the wall and ground signs will complement the architecture and colors of the office site. The proposed signage provides incentive and latitude in the design and display of signs. 4. Approval of this Comprehensive Sign Program includes deviations to the number of freestanding signs and the size of some of the wall signs. It allows the flexible application of the sign regulations to achieve a unified design theme that meets the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Standard C. The proposed signs shall enhance the overall development, be in harmony with, and relate visually to other signs included in the Comprehensive Sign Program, to the structures and/or developments they identify, and to surrounding development when applicable. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The site is for use by multiple professional office tenants including the Marina services and the signage design has been integral with the design and character of the building. 2. Each major tenant will be permitted signage that will ensure adequate visibility is provided on-site and from Bayside Drive and Marine Avenue, to the greatest extent possible. 3. The tenants will be permitted signage pursuant to the submitted Bayside Park Sign Program Matrix to allow major tenants in the multi-tenant building to have signage, and to allow adequate site identification, directional and parking information signage. The size and location of the letters and logos of the signs will ensure that adequate visibility is provided, and not be abrupt in scale with the individual tenant frontage. 4. Jamboree Road and the intersection of Jamboree Road, Bayside Drive and Marine Avenue are designated as Coastal View Roads in the Local Coastal Program with views afforded from these roads to the bay. The existing corner of the site at the intersection of Bayside Drive and Marine Avenue is improved with a 3-foot hedge and an existing monument sign with 4-foot tall solid pilasters. The existing monument sign is proposed to be modified by removing the existing pilasters and PA2019-094 Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2019-094) July 17, 2019 Page 4 Tmplt: 10/02/15 adding open channel letters on top of the existing 2-foot, 6-inch wall that extend to a maximum height of 4 feet from the existing grade. The removal of the pilasters and the open design of the channel letters promotes additional visibility and does not inhibit views from the Coastal View Roads. The proposed new directional monument sign is easterly of the existing monument sign and will have a maximum height of less than 3.5 feet and a maximum size of 13.8 square feet. Therefore, this new monument sign will not impact the view corridor from the Coastal View Roads. The third monument sign is the replacement of the existing monument sign located at the driveway entrance off of Bayside Drive and in front of the existing 1111 Bayside Drive building. This monument sign will comply with sight distance requirements from the driveway, with a maximum height of 3.5 feet. Standard D. The sign program shall address all signs, including permanent, temporary, and exempt signs. Fact in Support of Standard 1. The Comprehensive Sign Program addresses all project signage. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the sign program shall be regulated by the provisions of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards). Standard E. The sign program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The project site is for the use of multiple professional office tenants in Bayside Park and has been designed to be effective for such uses. Bayside Park desires a clean design with major tenant identification and a focus on the site identification instead of all individual tenants. 2. It is not anticipated that future revisions to the program will be necessary to accommodate normal changes in tenants or uses. However, flexibility has been incorporated into the Sign Program Matrix to allow minor deviations from the proposed signs. 3. Consistent with NBMC Chapter 20.42, the Director may approve minor revisions to the Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. PA2019-094 Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2019-094) July 17, 2019 Page 5 Tmplt: 10/02/15 Standard F. The program shall comply with the standards of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42], except that deviations are allowed with regard to sign area, total number, location, and/or height of signs to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42]. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The Comprehensive Sign Program requests deviation in the size of the secondary frontage signs and an increase in the number of freestanding signs which will enhance the identification and visibility of the office site from Bayside Drive and Marine Avenue. 2. The sign provisions of the Zoning Code allow secondary frontage signs a maximum area of 50 percent of the allowed primary frontage signs. The subject buildings are permitted a maximum 75 square feet for each primary frontage wall signs with a maximum 37.5 square feet for the secondary frontage wall signs. Per the Zoning Code, a comprehensive sign program allows for an increase in sign area up to 30 percent (48.75 square feet maximum for the secondary frontage wall signs). The Comprehensive Sign Program proposes a maximum of 60 square feet for the primary wall signs and 39 square feet for the secondary frontage wall signs. 3. NBMC Section 21.30.065 regulates freestanding signs within the coastal zone. The proposed monument signs comply with the height and area limitations of Section 21.30.065 and the additional signs are permitted with the approval of a comprehensive sign program. 4. The unique configuration of the office site with the two buildings, two street frontages and a large shared parking lot along the bayfront requires the additional freestanding signs to identify the site as well as provide directional and parking information. Standard G. The approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not authorize the use of signs prohibited by this Chapter [Chapter 20.42]. Fact in Support of Standard 1. The Comprehensive Sign program does not authorize the use of prohibited signs. PA2019-094 Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2019-094) July 17, 2019 Page 6 Tmplt: 10/02/15 Standard H.Review and approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not consider the signs’ proposed message content. Fact in Support of Standard 1. The Comprehensive Sign Program contains no regulations affecting sign message content. CONDITIONS 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, details, and elevations, except as noted in the following conditions. 2. Upon demolition or substantial structural and nonstructural changes to the exterior of the development on which this approval is based, this Comprehensive Sign Program shall be rendered nullified and a new Comprehensive Sign Program shall be obtained for the new or altered development in accordance with the Zoning Code provisions in effect at the time the new development is approved. 3. All signs shall be maintained in accordance with Section 20.42.170 (Maintenance Requirements) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the program shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20.42 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 4. Locations of the signs are limited to the designated areas and shall comply with the limitations specified in the Sign Program Matrix included in Attachment No. ZA 2 and any applicable sight distance provisions of Chapter 20.42 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code or required by the Public Works Department (City Standard 110-L). 5. In accordance with Municipal Code Section 20.42.120.F of the Zoning Code, the Community Development Director may approve minor revisions to the Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. This may include deviations on the tenant configurations, such as combining or dividing suites. 6. The fire lane sign shall meet Newport Beach Fire Department Guideline C.02. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Fire Department shall review and approve signage. 7. A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction and/or installation of the signs. 8. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, PA2019-094 Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2019-094) July 17, 2019 Page 7 Tmplt: 10/02/15 damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of the Bayside Park Comprehensive Sign Program including, but not limited to Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2019-003 (PA2019-094)and the determination that the project is exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. APPEAL PERIOD An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. On behalf of Rosalinh Ung, Zoning Administrator By: JM/msw Attachments:ZA 1 Vicinity Map ZA 2 Comprehensive Sign Program Matrix ZA 3Project Plans PA2019-094