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PV2021-154 - Calcs
Pv2o21-15q 430 112 Gry'oniR 1Fvt Semper Solaris 1) We have updated the plans. AHJ notes were added on E1. Occupancy type, construction type and unsprinklered note added to E1. Classification -C10 with signature added to each page. AH] requirement to have square footage of each section was added to E5. Garage plan was previously added on E8.1. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact me. [CM] BUILDING DIVISION UP P 2 2 %021 BY: S.E.C. 1 805 John Towers Ave, EI Cajon, CA 92020 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS yen. JUDITH & WEBB HARWELL 430 BEGONIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 ENGINEER: BWU Consultants, Inc 1168 San Gabriel Blvd #N Rosemead, CA 91770 DESIGN DATA 1. CODE: 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ASCE 7-16 2. MATERIAL STRENGTH CONCRETE: Fc' = 2,500 PSI @ 28 DAYS CONCRETE REBAR: ASTM A615 GRADE 40 Fy = 40,000 PSI STEEL: (AISC 360) 13 EDITION STRUCTURAL SHAPES: ASTM A36 Fy = 36 KSI TUBING: STM AS00 GRADE B Fy = 46 KSI PIPE: ASTM A53 TYPE E GRADE B Fy = 35 KSI WOOD: DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH ( 19% MAX. M.C. ) JOIST & RAFTER #2 GRADE Fb = 875 PSI Fv = 95 PSI BEAM & HEADER (4X) #1 GRADE Fb = 1,000 PSI Fv = 95 PSI (6X) #1 GRADE Fb = 1,000 PSI Fv = 85 PSI POST (4X) #1 GRADE Fb = 1,000 PSI Fv = 95 PSI (6X) #1 GRADE Fb = 1,000 PSI Fv = 85 PSI STUD #2 GRADE Fb = 675 PSI Fv = 95 PSI SELECT STRUCTURAL (6x, LARGE) Fb = 1,450PSI Fv = 95 PSI MASONRY: CONCRETE BLOCK ASTM C90 Fm = 1500 PSI NO INSPECTION REQUIRED 3. SOIL REPORT: SS f's= 1,500 PSF/ OR SEE SOILS REPORT 4. LATERAL ANALYSIS: we�oQ W a A. SEISMIC LOAD V =CSW SEE ATTACHED. B. WIND LOAD (SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE) (130 mph) EXP "C" ULTIMATE E= 1.6 x 1,000,000 E = 1.7 x 1,000,000 E = 1.7 x 1,000,000 E = 1.6 x 1,000,000 E = 1.7 x 1,000,000 E = 1.4 x 1,000,000 E = 1.9 x 1,000,000 Material Weights Weight Of Materials - Roof and Rigid Insulation Approximate Weights of Floor Requirements Temlock (1" thick) 1.2 psf Trus Joist Products Refer to local building code for live load design requirements. Composition Roofing 1.1 psf 2.15 lb. and 1.90 Ib. 1.7 psf 3-15 and 1-90 Ib. 2.2 psf 3 -ply and gravel 5.6 psf 4 -ply and gravel 6.0 psf 5 -ply and gravel 6.5 psf IRMA (Insulated Roof 4.3 psf Membrane Assembly) 2" 13.0 psf Single -ply roofs (Insulation not included) Ballasted system 13.0 psf Mechanically fastened 2.0 psf Fully adhered 2.0 psf Fir Sheathing (Based on 36 pcf) %" plywood 1.1 psf '/2" plywood 1.5 psf plywood 1.8 psf plywood 2.3 psf 1%" plywood 3.4 psf 1" sheathing 2.3 psf 2" decking 4.3 psf 3" decking 7.0 psf 4" decking 9.3 psf Cork 0.7 psf Gold bond 1.5 psf Styrofoam 0.2 psf Foamglass 0.8 psf Rigid fiberglas 1.5 psf Roll or Batt Insulation Rock wool (1" thick) 0.2 psf Glass wool (1" thick) 0.1 psf ALPOL 0" thick) 0.1 psf Floors Hardwood (Nominal 1") Concrete (1" thick): Regular Lightweight Linoleum or soft tile %" ceramic or quarry tile GYP -CRETE (,%") Ceilings Acoustical fiber tile %2" gypsum board V gypsum board Plaster (1" thick) Metal suspension system (including tile) Wood suspension system (includina tile) 1VJ13GC11d11CUU3 WU4U IW IVId WildI3 Poured gypsum (1" thick) 6.5 psf Vermiculite concrete (1" thick) 2.6 psf Corrugated galvanized steel 16 ga. 2.9 psf 20 ga. 1.8 psf 22 ga. 1.5 psf 24 ga. 1.3 psf Asphalt shingles 2.5 psf Wood shingles 2.0 psf Clay tile 9.0 to 14.0 psf 4.0 psf. 12.0 psf 6.0 to 10.0 psf 1.5 psf 10.0 psf 6.5 psf Note: When accumulating total dead load we strongly urge you to use a minimum of 1,5 psf for 'miscellaneous' with all dead loads, 1.0 psf 2.2 psf 2.8 psf 8.0 psf 1.8 psf 2.5 psf TJI 35X Joist Series 2.8 to 4.0 lbs./L.F. TJI 55 Joist Series 4.5 to 6.3 IbsJLF. TJL, TJLX Truss 3.75 to 4.25 lbs./L.F. TJW 4.5 to 5.25 lbs./LF. TJ/60 Truss 4.75 to 5.75 lbs./L.F. TJM Truss 8 to 9 lbs./L.F. TJH Truss 10 to 12 lbs./LF. Fir Framing Members Nominal Size 12" Joist Spacing 16" 24" 2x4 1.4 psf 1.1 psf 0.7 psf 2x6 2.2 psf 1.7 psf 1.1 Pat 2x8 2.9 psf 2.2 psf 1.5 psf 2x10 3.7 psf 2.8 Pat 1.9 Pat 2x12 4.4 psf 3.3 psf 2.2 psf 3x6 5.8 2.4 pit 3.5 4x6 3" 5.0 pit 108 48 8.0 6.8 pit 9.2 4x10 5.0 8.6 pif 4" 402 10.4 pif 5.6 Weight of Sprinkler Systems si. of PIPs Schedule 40, aid. Pipe 0ry(pl0 Mitre) schedule 10, Thin Wall Dry (pit) Wet(pin 1" 1.7 2.1 1141' 2.3 3.0 1%', 2.7 3.6 2" 3.7 5.2 2.7 3.8 2Nd' 5.8 7.9 3.5 5.9 3" - --7.5 108 4.3" 8.0 3'h" 9.2 13.5 5.0 11.2 4" 10.9 16.4 5.6 14.5 5" 14.8 23.5 7.8 20.0 fi" 19.2 31.7 9.3 26.2 8" 28.6 50.8 16.9 40.1 10" 40.5 74.6 TRUS JOIST CORPORATION a division of TI International P.O. Box 60 Boise, Idaho 83707 208/375-4450 BWU Consultants. Inc. 1168 N. San Gabriel Blvd., #N Rosemead, CA. 91770 Tel: (626) 288-0708 Email: twengrs1168@gmall.com Date: 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING EXIST'G ROOF LOAD'G (AS BUILT) D.L. SHINGLE ROOF'G 2.2 psf 1/2" PLYWD SHT'G 1.5 48 @ gao.C. 2.2 RAFTER MTr.r 0.1 D.L. = 6.0 psf L.L. = 20.0 psf T.L. = 29.0 psf L: 20'-0" MAX SPAN W: (6+3+20) xZ x/12 = ��,�'3 Of -SASS 10,1 --. Ws � pa. 35693 flgrf OFV`p�\�oQ U A CE .16 SO RLA PANEL SIZE: 18.0 SQ -FT. WEIGHT: WT = 2.9#/SQ.FT. (USE 3.0 #/SQ.FT.) M: 21417 pf Sreq: .,2,742- Ina R: 6416 lb Areq: 7��in2 4&RAFTER CAN CARRY SOLAR PANELS GRAVITY PER 2019 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BLDG CODE. PART 10. SECTION 502.4 & 503.3 9x3x18= DL 6 + CUG DL 5) x 2518 = 27698 Ib 486/ 27698 = 1.8% ASCE 7-16 WIND LOAD (RISK CATEGORY III,IV) 130 MPH, EXP "C" CHAP 26.10.2 - WIND LOAD COMPONENTS & CLADDING (C&C) q:= .00256 Kz Kt Kd V21 (26-10-1) Ht. z at the centroid of area Af = 10 ft Exp = c Exposure coefficient Kz= 0.85 (TABLE 26.8-1) Topography factor K=t= 1.00 (FIGURE 26.8-1) Directionality factor Kd = 0.85 Wind Speed V = 130 mph Importance factor I„,= 1.00 qz= 0.00256 x 0.85 x 1.0 x 0.85 x (130)2 = 31.26 psf Gust Effect factor G = 0.85 Force coeff Cf = 1.31 Design wind pressure, F/Af = 31.26 x 0.85 x 1.31 = 34.81 psf BWU Consultants. Inc. 1168 N. San Gabriel Blvd., #N Rosemead, CA. 91770 Tel: (626) 288-0708 Email: twengrs1168@gmail.com Date: H � No, 356.-9yy3 Exo•0'90L.+ F OF G :v LATERAL (2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING C DE) WIND EXP "C", WIND SPEED: 130 mph (ASCE 7-16) UPLIFT / WITHDRAWAL FORCE FOR SOLAR PANEL STANDOFF / FAST JACK Vup= 34.81 Ib/sq.ft N0. SOLARSUPPORTS PANELS UPLIFT FORCE OF TILE HOOKISTANDOFF UNIT FORCE PER (5/16"0) LAG SCREW 9 9 x 34.81 x 18 = 5639.22 Ib 19 296.8 Ib/lag screw SEISMIC PER 2019 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BLDG CODE. PART 10. SECTION 502.5 & 503.4 486 Ib / 27698 Ib = 1.80/0 < 10.00/0 OK O.K. USE 5/16"0 X 3 1/2 LONG STAINLESS STEEL LAG SCREW WITH MIN. 2 1/2" EMBED TO EXIST'G ROOF MEMBER. CAN RESIST WIND UPLIFT FORCE. Vail = 274 x 2.5 = 685 Ib > 296.8 Ib OK 5, be ice -o- on Le- i. W r - le Table 12.2A Lag Screw Reference Withdrawal Design Values, Wd Tabulated withdrawal design values (W) are in pounds per inch of thread penetration into side grain of wood member. Length of thread penetration in main member shall not include the len¢th of the tapered tin (see Specific Gravity, La Screw Diameter, D G2 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-118" 1-1/4" 0.73 397 469 538 604 668 789 905 1016 1123 1226 1327 0.71 381 450 516 579 640 757 868 974 1077 1176 1273 0.68 357 422 484 543 600 709 813 913 1009 1103 1193 0.67 349 413 473 531 587 694 796 893 987 1078. 1167 0.58 281 332 381 428 473 559 641 719 795 869 940 0.55 260 307 352 395 437 516 592 664 734 802 868 0.51 232 274 314 353 390 461 528 593 656 716 775 0.50 225 266 305 342 378 447 '513 576 636, 695 752' 0.49 218 258 296 332 367 434 498 559 617 674 730 0.47 205 242 278 312 345 408 467 525 580 634 686 0.46 199 235 269 302 334 395 453 508 562 613 664 0.44 186 220 252 283 312 369 423 475 525 574 621 0.43 179 212 243 273 302 357 409 459 508 554 600 0.42 173 205 235 264 291 344 395 443 490 535 579 0.41 167 198 226 254 281 332 38.1 428 473 516 559 0.40 161 190 218 245 271 320 367 412 455 497 538 0.39 155 183 210 236 261 308 353 397 438 479 518 0.38 149 176 202 227 251 296 340 381 422 461 498 0.37 143 169 194 218 241 285 326 367 405 443 479 0.36 137 163 186 209 231 273 313 352 389 425 460 0.35 132 156 179 200 222 262 _ 300 337 373 407 441 0.31 1 110 1 130 1 149 1 167 1 185 1 218 1 250 1 281 1 311 339 367 1. Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, for lag screw connections shall be multiplied by all applicahle adfvstmPnt f Pty.. r�P.r.u. l ] 3 I 2. Specific gravity, G, shall be determined in accordance with Table 12.3.3A. For calculation of the fastener reference withdrawal design value in pounds, the unit reference withdrawal design value in lbs/in. of fastener penetra- tion from shall be multiplied by the length of fastener penetration, pt, into the wood member.. The reference withdrawal design value, in lbs/in. of penetration, for a single post -frame ring shank nail driven in the side grain of the main member, with the nail axis perpendicular to the wood fibers, shall be determined from Table 12.21) or Equation 12.2-4, with- in the range of specific gravities and nail diameters giv- en in Table 12.2D. Reference withdrawal design values, W, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment fac- tors (see Table 11.3.1) to obtain adjusted withdrawal design values, W'. W = 1800 G2 D (12.2-4) For calculation of the fastener reference withdrawal design value in pounds, the unit reference withdrawal design value in lbs/in. of ring shank pene- tration from shall be multiplied by the length of ring shank penetration, p,, into the wood member. Nails and spikes shall not be loaded in withdrawal from end grain of wood (Ceg0.0). Nails, and spikes shall not be loaded in withdrawal from end -grain of laminations in cross - laminated timber (Ceg 0.0). 12.2.4 Drift Bolts and Drift Pins Reference withdrawal design values, W, for con- nections using drift bolt and drift pin connections shall be determined in accordance with AMERICAN WOOD COUNCIL