HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 - LCP Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections (PA2020-006)Q �EwPpRT CITY OF s NEWPORT BEACH `q4�:09 City Council Staff Report April 26, 2022 Agenda Item No. 4 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director - 949-644-3232, sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Jaime Murillo, Principal Planner PHONE: 949-644-3209, jmurillo@newportbeachca.gov TITLE: Ordinance No. 2022-11: LCP Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections (PA2020-006) ABSTRACT: On October 26, 2021, the City Council adopted an amendment to Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) to correct identified errors in setback maps. Additionally, the City Council adopted a resolution authorizing submittal of the amendment to NBMC Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) to the California Coastal Commission on October 12, 2021. On March 9, 2022, the California Coastal Commission approved LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 with no modifications. For the City Council's consideration is an ordinance adopting Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment No. LC2020-001 and revising Title 21 consistent with the California Coastal Commission approval. RECOMMENDATION: a) Find this amendment exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), and Section 15265(a)(1), because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment and local governments are exempt from the requirements of CEQA in connection with the adoption of a Local Coastal Program; and b) Waive full reading, direct the City Clerk to read by title only, introduce Ordinance No. 2022-11, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and Adopting Local Coastal Program Amendment No. LC2020-001 Correcting Setback Map Errors (PA2020-006), and pass to second reading on May 10, 2022. 4-1 Ordinance No. 2022-11: LCP Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections April 26, 2022 Page 2 DISCUSSION: The City of Newport Beach (City) Planning and Zoning Code (Title 20) and Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan (Title 21) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) have a series of maps that provide minimum setbacks for various blocks throughout the City (setback maps). The practice began in 1943 as a way to recognize existing and varying conditions that did not match the citywide, default, front yard setback standard of 20 feet. These maps provide the minimum distance a primary residential structure must be set back from a property line or other identified line such as a bulkhead or abandoned right-of-way line. Currently, the 33 citywide and 26 coastal zone setback maps are the descendants of the original 1943 maps (previously called districting maps), and several of them contained errors and omissions that required correction. These errors occurred when the districting maps were converted into the current setback maps as part of the 2010 comprehensive update to Title 20. In 2017, the California Coastal Commission certified Title 21, which incorporated the same setback maps for properties located within the coastal zone. Since the adoption of the 2010 update to Title 20 and certification of Title 21, staff has encountered a number of maps requiring correction. On October 26, 2021, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2021-22 (Attachment B) to amend Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) correcting the setback map errors, and adopted Resolution No. 2021-97 (Attachment C), authorizing submittal of the amendment to NBMC Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) to the California Coastal Commission. The October 12, 2021, City Council staff report is included as Attachment D for reference. California Coastal Commission Action On March 9, 2022, the California Coastal Commission approved LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 as a minor amendment with no modifications (Attachment E). As a result, and pursuant to Coastal Act Section 3015(c), LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 is now deemed approved and became a certified part the City's LCP on March 23, 2022, ten working days after the date of the California Coastal Commission meeting; however, full implementation requires the adoption of the recommended ordinance. FISCAL IMPACT - There is no fiscal impact related to this item. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The action proposed herein is not a project subject to CEQA in accordance with Section 21065 of CEQA and State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15060(c)(2), 15060(c)(3) and 15378. The proposed action is also exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it has no potential to a have a significant effect on the environment. Lastly, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15265(a)(1), local governments are exempt from the requirements of CEQA in connection with the adoption of a Local Coastal Program. The Amendments themselves do not authorize development that would directly result in physical change to the environment. 4-2 Ordinance No. 2022-11: LCP Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections April 26, 2022 Page 3 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Notice of the October 12, 2021, City Council hearing where this amendment was originally considered and approved for submittal to the California Coastal Commission was published in the Daily Pilot as an eighth -page advertisement, consistent with the provisions of the NBMC and emailed to interested parties that have requested notice and/or attended the community meetings. A courtesy letter and public hearing notice were mailed to all affected property owners. Lastly, pursuant to Section 13515 of the California Code of Regulations, a review draft of the LCP Amendment was made available and a Notice of Availability was distributed on July 9, 2021, to all persons and agencies on the Notice of Availability mailing list. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Ordinance No. 2022-11 — Title 21 Code Amendment Attachment B —Ordinance No. 2021-22 (Title 20) Attachment C — Resolution No. 2021-97 Attachment D —October 12, 2021 City Council Staff Report Attachment E —Coastal Commission Approval Letter 4-3 Attachment A Ordinance No. 2022-11 ORDINANCE NO. 2022-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 (LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION PLAN) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. LC2020-001 CORRECTING SETBACK MAP ERRORS (PA2020-006) WHEREAS, Section 200 of the City of Newport Beach ("City") Charter vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California, WHEREAS, Section 30500 of the California Public Resources Code requires each county and city to prepare a local coastal program for that portion of the coastal zone within its jurisdiction; WHEREAS, in 2005, the City adopted the City of Newport Beach Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan ("LCP") as amended from time to time; WHEREAS, the California Coastal Commission effectively certified the City's Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan on January 13, 2017, which the City added as Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) ("Title 21") to the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC"), whereby the City assumed coastal development permit -issuing authority; WHEREAS, both Title 20 (Planning and Zoning Code) ("Title 20") and Title 21 of the NBMC incorporate a series of maps that provide minimum setbacks for various, but not all, blocks throughout the City; WHEREAS, the practice began in 1943 to recognize existing and varying conditions that did not match the citywide default front yard setback standard of 20 feet; WHEREAS, the current setback maps are the descendants of the original 1943 maps (previously called districting maps), and several of them contain errors and omissions that occurred when the districtina maps were converted into the current setback maps as part of the 2010 comprehensive update to Title 20; 4-5 Ordinance No. 2022 - Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, the same setback maps are incorporated into Title 21 for properties located within the coastal zone; WHEREAS, application of the incorrect setbacks results in development standards that are inconsistent with the existing pattern of development and several homes being considered nonconforming which subjects these homes to additional development regulations affecting additions and remodels and a loss of buildable area; WHEREAS, an amendment to Title 21 is necessary to clarify the correct location these setbacks are measured from, maintain the existing pattern of development on a block, correct the identified errors in the setback maps and re-establish setbacks consistent with the original districting maps and existing pattern of development ("LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 "); WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the City Council initiated LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2019-41, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13515 (Public Participation and Agency Coordination Procedures) of the California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 5.5, Chapter 8, Subchapter 2, Article 5 ("Public Participation"), drafts of LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 were made available and a Notice of Availability was distributed a minimum of six weeks prior to the City Council public hearing; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on July 22, 2021, in the City Council Chambers, located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the California Government Code Section 54950 et seq. ("Ralph M. Brown Act") and Chapters 20.62 and 21.62 (Public Hearings) of the NBMC. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this public hearing; WHEREAS, at the hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC2021-021 by a unanimous vote (4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain) recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning Code Amendment No. CA2020-001 and LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001; Ordinance No. 2022 - Page 3 of 5 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the City Council on October 12, 2021, in the City Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, Chapters 20.62 and 21.62 (Public Hearings) of the NBMC, and 14 CCR Section 13515. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the City Council at this public hearing; WHEREAS, at the hearing, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. 2021-22 adopting Zoning Code Amendment No. CA2020-001 and Resolution No. 2021-97 authorizing submittal of LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 to the California Coastal Commission by a unanimous vote (7 ayes, 0 nays); and WHEREAS, on March 9, 2022, the California Coastal Commission approved LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 (LCP-5-NPB-21-0084-3 Part A) as a minor amendment with no modifications, as a result, is deemed approved and became a certified part of Title 21. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: The City Council does hereby approve LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001, amending Setback Map Nos. S -1A — West Newport, S -2A — Balboa Peninsula, S -2E — Balboa Peninsula, S -2F — Balboa Peninsula, S -2G - Balboa Peninsula, S-6 — Bay Shores, S-8 — Harbor Island, S-1 OA — Corona del Mar, S-1 OB — Corona del Mar, and S -10D — Corona del Mar contained within NBMC Section 21.80.040 (Setback Maps) as set forth in Exhibit 'A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2: The LCP and Title 21, including LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001, shall be carried out in full conformance with the California Coastal Act. Section 3: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. 4-7 Ordinance No. 2022 - Page 4 of 5 Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 5: The City Council finds LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3), of Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations ("CEQA Guidelines") the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects, which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 corrects errors in setback maps that are inconsistent with historically established setbacks and generally reflects setbacks that are consistent with existing development on the affected lots. LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 does not authorize any new development that would directly result in physical change to the environment. Section 6: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other sections, subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the NBMC shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. Section 7: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. ..; Ordinance No. 2022 - Page 5 of 5 This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 26th day of April, 2022, and adopted on the 10th day of May, 2022, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: KEVIN MULDOON, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANi I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AA ON C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY Attachment(s): Exhibit A - Amendment to Setback Map Nos. S -1A — West Newport, S- AA — Balboa Peninsula, S -2E — Balboa Peninsula, S -2F — Balboa Peninsula, S -2G - Balboa Peninsula, S-6 — Bay Shores, S-8 — Harbor Island, S -10A — Corona del Mar, S -10B — Corona del Mar, and S -10D — Corona del Mar contained within NBMC Section 21.80.040 (Setback Maps) . • z �— w a m CO 4 b I I N O (S� 1T OCO � O 4 BL��. qy aP y b•' S WFa YI a"t� a� O yao a e / •'•" a<�i 8 is L c ' b� � ° /� �� � � 4 •yam L ST • � � �� o �•g. � � s AF hk °� � � `°osr3 d'y °� 44`} oFo�s`,, a�"` �'��1 � S�' •., oy` <ct.�4, c� �+, S � 1.F'a .n lot " �v� S a° °`,,� / va• S• : � .f , it � _ C,: � c.�al,€, ¢� % . �r�'Sr �"� mti „a SS r�•. er$ a' e.r.o sr�'.i 5 �, �allk E-4 S -1A - West Newport Setback Map 4-10 _ o D Cri u Ln 1l OCD 74, v ;��'� pr �yT �• •, as �4 Q 8 • a`e ��0 mac` 4• � n ���� V - �s�•`�,, ':. -a�":r � `(�:�1f ave. 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Cq.NcO SHCAE6 RD Y V -109 N f 70 014 L, a �(p4�70 Cn zz e is • �. � y � m � >a3 r 4 v� ''s � OL �pr yv, �° Ow �S TO a� r0 4F yy 4e,r mi Y� rn j S -10D -Corona del Mar Setback Map 4-19 Attachment B Ordinance No. 2021-22 4-20 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. CA2020-001 TO AMEND TITLE 20 (PLANNING AND ZONING) OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE CORRECTING SETBACK MAP ERRORS (PA2020-006) WHEREAS, Section 200 of the Charter of the City of Newport Beach ("Charter") vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California; WHEREAS, both Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) ("Title 20") and Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) ("Title 21") of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") incorporate a series of maps that provide minimum setbacks for various, but not all, blocks throughout the City; WHEREAS, the practice began in 1943 as a way to recognize existing and varying conditions that did not match the citywide default front yard setback standard of 20 feet; WHEREAS, the current setback maps are the descendants of the original 1943 maps (previously called districting maps), and several of them contain errors and omissions that occurred when the districting maps were converted into the current setback maps as part of the 2010 comprehensive update to Title 20 (Planning and Zoning); WHEREAS, in 2017, the California Coastal Commission certified Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan), which incorporated the same setback maps for properties located within the coastal zone; WHEREAS, application of the incorrect setbacks results in development standards that are inconsistent with the existing pattern of development and several homes being considered nonconforming, which subjects these homes to additional development regulations affecting additions and remodels and a loss of buildable area; WHEREAS, an amendment to Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) is necessary to correct identified errors to various setback maps ("Zoning Code Amendment"); 4-21 Ordinance No. 2021-22 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, the Zoning Code Amendment serves to clarify the correct location these setbacks are measured from, such as a vacated right-of-way line or bulkhead line, to maintain the existing pattern of development on a block, to correct identified errors in the setback maps and re-establish setbacks consistent with the original districting maps and existing pattern of development; WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the City Council initiated the Zoning Code Amendment under Resolution No. 2019-41; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 22, 2021, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach; California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the California Government Code Section 54950 et seq. ("Ralph M. Brown Act") and Chapter 20.62 (Public Hearings) of the NBMC. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this public hearing; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC2021-020 by a unanimous vote (4 ayes, 0 nayes) recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning Code Amendment No. CA2020-001; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on October 12, 2021, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and Chapter 20.62 (Public Hearings) of the NBMC. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the City Council at this public hearing. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: The City Council does hereby approve Zoning Code Amendment No. CA2020-001 amending Setback Map Nos. SAA — West Newport, S -2A — Balboa Peninsula, S -2E — Balboa Peninsula, S -2F — Balboa Peninsula, S -2G Balboa Peninsula, S -5A — Newport Heights, S-6 — Cliff Haven / Bay Shores, S-8 — Harbor Island, S -10A — Corona del Mar, S-1 OB — Corona del Mar, and S-1 OD — Corona del Mar contained within NBMC Section 20.80.040 (Setback Maps) as set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4-22 Ordinance No. 2021-22 Page 3 of 4 Section 2: An amendment to Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) is also underway pursuant to Resolution 2021-97 to approve LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001. Zoning Code Amendment No. CA2020-001 shall not apply to projects located in the coastal zone for which Title 21 is applicable until approval of the LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 by the California Coastal Commission and adoption, including any modification suggested by the California Coastal Commission, by resolution and/or ordinance of the City Council. Section 3: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 5: City Council finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3), of Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations ("CEQA Guidelines") the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects, which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The Zoning Code Amendment corrects errors in setback maps that are inconsistent with historically established setbacks and generally reflects setbacks that are consistent with existing development on the affected lots. The Zoning Code Amendment does not authorize any new development that would directly result in physical change to the environment. Section 6: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other sections, subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. Section 7: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. 4-23 Ordinance No. 2021-22 Page 4 of 4 This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 12th day of October, 2021, and adopted on the 26th day of October, 2021, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Mayor Avery, Mayor Pro Tem Muldoon Council Member Blom Council Member Brenner, Council Member Dixon Council Member Duffield Council Member O'Neill NAYS: ABSENT: BRA6A'VERY, MAYOR ATTEST: O , LEILANI I. BROW CITY CLERK RN1P APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE 7 ff4'_`— AAR N C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY Attachment(s): Exhibit A- Revised Title 20 Setback Maps 4-24 I S -1A -West Newport Setback Map 4-25 S -2A - Balboa Peninsula Setback Map 1/ y�P an:�tr..l `•o)r Irl r'I S114, ' S -2E - Balboa Peninsula Setback Map 2 N O �,��` rit 4j rr7' I % d 0 10 2/ 11, i N 1019 ;^� a 016 -nQ 101$ 9 alp 'br � WI � d4 ``�� 1p2 � C •\', a/, Oj 4{ 00 1° jro rr a- llpp ao a 4 '0rl A �a,q to � • la IIO, °sr r Ila; W ' rrl 1, W +yrl1 \n/ rl � V rly Re rl '!+ re r+4 � lygl /e m rlrlr r p Ea. �r Via r ST eq H , tlw� j 091 Q lila �1 p•'��'... 102 II !Ol ! ky 'IsT list Q S q qal �0 -A, /Nn- - 1e +ISO ►-1 Ims lilt 1400 Ian tale Itu r lest ,s19 g 'sz ++qr 1 Ic09 list ,Ip6 7 'r Is + u,r 1100 Tlxa nYa 'I+i r ,qr+a ,pe � ,qq+r r'W ar teq ieia r!W I I 1 y;ql 10ej ,tl,{- telt Sir lose r - ....... S -21F -Balboa Peninsula Setback Map Z d 3 41 Iia ray rid yi{Y 1pr I>,q y4 141 tiL 11% iiN J yJ I+II y'i 11m 5y ry,J 4 I�r f)q �Iw rpl + 1115 lyr IIIN /y r�J$ ■ Itll yr" +.� Idr ylf 1Yn' sq vIi y 11q 4r 'r$ 1 h N,y rpr y4 rqr 'h1 rI$ rk! kl Ny q �'J � r rf1J rti^IiJ J yrl� 40 'YI I 111 rryl I,q, ha, r p .. 13 y pry IJ„ J r!w IIw yp 'hr 'r;0 IJp V4 uR �Y j, 11a. ua � V by yrl r aq i )l, y O V /� rlu 1111 v rka Q rl4 rJrIII hp r l N1. IN, IIp H$ .(p Im Iry! h tlta wwl / ., ry h4 IJ rill rlp la� .rJ$ 1k, liyp rrp Iry n11 X14 'l4 '}, ,/ 1111 Ir1A N11 'Jy p� Ir4 /,!b Itu r!O 4111 l>a Ih• I'ti uq 'ryr Q irp Iql i ro/+ Ipl rkl � rllt Inr 1rp 111• g gppp 10 +'dr+I +'a o iota II! 39 !TT I99•1 s A Q 6 ( ..l. rry "y l'W- roJl roq ,�/1 dy ,aria atr g 9 L iI. G v19jI9 4R 3kF.`P-j "' ry1r do !nu 8+�--� +l/ro M a» Mrr rl N R 6 E °,.Ji lr� lrq fry lVll �� � .., wY Jap t�� J N Jlll by 3 L.�T #yI lit/ ,�lJ♦Ij' l,q J1. r+l �I JIM _ - ... HI Jla +yl me rnr tlp t,q by ry llil '' �� Jr ,+lll 7rlp 111) - frlJ rlp J II II d Jlr, ry Jr,1 /rn ++r, pl1 ; pl � n1 Jna' 1�� �•, Jyr V 71lkj I..,,., � IrJJ Jy� JrH lrryJ 1i,1 1111 p, � 7 h.. } yrr •O INH rp Ir+ ir•.;01 ^N Irl/ y, l�' r1 J,JI !vl !!n Ak +RN J/J1 11'1' Y � •'d 9 \y ,;;« I,n a1N Iln nw Inr I�IJ- � K .w d hp Jyr my tllJ~ rlis� Ira '•rr 14 t. h !ly INI _ ilb Itu ifa tui Im '"It ^_ir _JIi: rr. tlw i1i�pU "nli 0 fIl OU o Li e7 foot 84 fent L K¢ } l■�aNli ,�4tyPd* 84 foot fd JyJ'� A \ d9M1 h 9 All leQf�. _ `ir. J ,• S -2G -Balboa Peninsula Setback Map E $ r�IdL L$ rya �' tics t " .`\ ,�\•ALO (,� "y o�'�"�s�``Z ti �`bLa '•q pt 701a •'�.. bre r yrs' Zg,A 74�e1' x0+0~ 4 S c .x970 �4 -!2 Lq� x072 � J,�, �o H y��L 1S COF an 4 IT �o a OL r =SS =S8 "' yL�z tiR =si woe ti r< " L•b V, Alar; vii •b v� v 0 d�' hi��Rl& ro � eP °co h6W�Rrellq Nr �' �dt •� POW Bt .. r " ¢` " � .*'fir b G 4•� i \ ° rR aro yt"b`"�.a,j,��,f� N 4, Y y S -5A -Newport Heights Setback Map 4-30 r i J w,M ^� �� r♦ �. � w d` ti ti k4 .i F-0 F J — � I tl 1 n 7 I ➢ P k. 1 m. 7 ➢ A y 4 xrun u °, 4 I �r, � JIY➢r➢Iy o AO° C ,4 I FPO PO F r r' a xu r r 70 � w ^� f➢ t Y y y➢ 1 F. +•, , r•+ nn nr A Rr— �wrw raw xa P •' ! F 777 � M«��y 9pa°.Pn _•"+JI w, r.- 4 •a a. g °,r � A y ,° A 10 ago©odd�,�o�,000 ��; ►. � � �� ►��� of ad_o, S-6 - Cliff Haven / Bay Shores Setback Map 0 m r D 4rr a N � \ \ qo o to 4 CO .'p p \ 7 33 �\ ...at........... f ee! �\ r ui 34 .............. n \\ 13 7g 7 a� CL 50 A oKin 00 / /P I$ S-8 -Harbor Island setback Map aa �� ,1 >'�1 •r PEP'. u �� �� ���� `C � � � � 33� •h$'�' 0 h� �.}�qy�J\ �'�i .t, Ry o' � � � Q c o � � u g oaro)m oo"�� °yti a �r • �' o �`. ,, A\ ,s a ay .o o F `+4P o s `> . ••` s o�oai ap2c o�.�'� O i\4� N" f 73• ` 1 ye •r sO ° �' 7° ' » ', +, O rNr y,JP fid' :4 :3 aa' ti 4°r� 7 m° mtr o>F ` p A lr rs`I" Vit' `'� d'P�j �/`/r/�`,^ +'• �a o ° •t ft,IY,t '.i"^ ly�.`y` . ? ^ 7}.{t � �lr`�.a �c�� rS O .lrg�,ry •��, )S + dr,, n °, ,Ir dr ^ iia 'I�' f " 4 •1 s+ a tr •f +� °,^ 4y A � )a • ®fid PA )s s 'F ,d � )s t° 'A'ap' � • .•.4 )f. `•1 7, $ 7 7' ,tad, '�,F '.''»r •7 r �' d',� " F ° `L� %� � f .PA )y, •` •� ,°A s F ^c^e+' kF s . � ° 9 � )s ,` n" d ,s s a� ` +•` ° SFr d s sA 7a � fi Fa A °` �' +°Fi* )s 74 `r .g A 7 )s '" r F 7 s ,.° �� A° ^y. �p � .° '� )s. •t4 0. Vol S, 7S ty • oo Fq. ` a' t • � "r E' r All, °FFc+'.>?° [ r FAF?oo .�»•'.°r�,e AFF, ° ti 'r • r Ot vl LY Fo ,�? cF •' a a ,� E0� D rs F � foo tv,A � $� dgRFBFgS 4 .,, D �4 pl S -10A -Corona del Mar Setback Map N :try _,o 1;7, 10 �o-y ��ti ,gym •` °F }`w, ° 4gy, �, a � i\ } 0 9 d• 7 7p 4} �' d '� ',` '• o p w <„ .� � �� 4o- '�� '� ( `'r' e °E ado °o-*,, .ic n Ati' '4a 'sly p °`�, O 44 +i+ •Q dp aIav° yy � a`o-r , « fi `',> �• a �°yc .ty my� rsm +` .� s� Ey`s `d.M y ° 0', gg•� : '¢a`` A , 'k;i :i� � `'` ° `a,A� �}' �'+A'ywj6, o.,r,^ J`98w 4 ° Fd 0 °• a dp .6' .¢° � m ° dp aQ at• 7 � t q., A �s 8 � °•� �,� r .�, sp 3 �yr.F 9i ¢ a, , o&' is .P' 0 '�s, S ° 1�g � �1 `'N q �o L. „ `,• arm p 'x .�' 6 � � Cry L�• ,•° 7° Q•' p• yc` °' V yS� desIS ,�.� 4'G 4t ° � �; to ,�' ,•4° S R'` ?� rap °° pfd, A ddp�`,"�+t Q} � � „v''. �qh r'2 rf, f_f111 OHVMtl36 S-1 OB -Corona del Mar Setback Map NO z m w N m � \ v� N :try _,o 1;7, 10 �o-y ��ti ,gym •` °F }`w, ° 4gy, �, a � i\ } 0 9 d• 7 7p 4} �' d '� ',` '• o p w <„ .� � �� 4o- '�� '� ( `'r' e °E ado °o-*,, .ic n Ati' '4a 'sly p °`�, O 44 +i+ •Q dp aIav° yy � a`o-r , « fi `',> �• a �°yc .ty my� rsm +` .� s� Ey`s `d.M y ° 0', gg•� : '¢a`` A , 'k;i :i� � `'` ° `a,A� �}' �'+A'ywj6, o.,r,^ J`98w 4 ° Fd 0 °• a dp .6' .¢° � m ° dp aQ at• 7 � t q., A �s 8 � °•� �,� r .�, sp 3 �yr.F 9i ¢ a, , o&' is .P' 0 '�s, S ° 1�g � �1 `'N q �o L. „ `,• arm p 'x .�' 6 � � Cry L�• ,•° 7° Q•' p• yc` °' V yS� desIS ,�.� 4'G 4t ° � �; to ,�' ,•4° S R'` ?� rap °° pfd, A ddp�`,"�+t Q} � � „v''. �qh r'2 rf, f_f111 OHVMtl36 S-1 OB -Corona del Mar Setback Map 14 UsI.-Al Co IN 0 O m `\ \ Its Ro 7S , � \ � \ly \�J.V i ,`✓ 7p1 Rn /I 1\ .iw � aY `.f "/... , 'P \ ` q \ � b Or' � 1 uwtvrgG �, y4t ❑r uu.�in;;—� �, o .. Ty`•• Wr � yapr o � g. ,fi �, �� \��� \, f}'� � �\r\ pi S~� '�lr ,�'C \ y �� G ��, n� 'A�l •1Q{r �0 q f ` \•, •, �`bja - ww'�r;� �c'� ter ' `�. ♦ � \air '� w� g `o' � '"1 q � w � ats 5v ? qr� t�\qtr ` 8 r ,N aq 10 -� to y+ " *01 IND V" F dt 16 A s �Yp att v a7 \ n S son.. In - At" on � t a da ky }' �v . 4a � ci\ yi•� 0 70 V..G04 p'4 1 15 1 die 90, v y a4f 77 4r C p 1 r,S 9, a� 70 `fiery /fi*9r � 779 �R 70 7y0 S-1 OD -Corona del Mar Setback Map STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I, Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council is seven; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2021-22 was duly introduced on the 121h day of October, 2021, at a regular meeting, and adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting duly held on the 261h day of October, 2021, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Brad Avery, Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Muldoon Council Member Noah Blom, Council Member Joy Brenner, Council Member Diane Dixon, Council Member Duffy Duffield, Council Member Will O'Neill NAYS: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the official seal of said City this 271h day of October, 2021. PON lu'n Ili OF)d , Leilani I. Brown, MMC City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH } I, LEILANI I. BROWN, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 2021-22 has been duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City and that same was so published in The Daily Pilot, a newspaper of general circulation on the following dates: Introduced Ordinance: October 16, 2021 Adopted Ordinance: October 30, 2021 2 In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 3('d day of November, 2021. FfiftWl, W1. IMINY, Leilani I. Brown -,MMC City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California 4-36 Attachment C Resolution No. 2021-97 4-37 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. LC2020-001 TO THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION TO AMEND TITLE 21 (LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION PLAN) OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE CORRECTING SETBACK MAP ERRORS (PA2020-006) WHEREAS, Section 200 of the Charter of the City of Newport Beach ("Charter") vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California; WHEREAS, Section 30500 of the California Public Resources Code requires each county and city to prepare a Local Coastal Program ("LCP") for that portion of the coastal zone within its jurisdiction; WHEREAS, an amendment to Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) is necessary to correct identified errors to various setback maps ("LCP Amendment"); WHEREAS, in 2005, the City of Newport Beach ("City") adopted the City of Newport Beach Local Coastal Program Coastal Land Use Plan as amended from time to time including most recently on September 14, 2021, via City Council Resolution No. 2021-79; WHEREAS, the California Coastal Commission effectively certified the City's Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan on January 13, 2017, and the City added Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) ("Title 21") to the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") whereby the City assumed coastal development permit - issuing authority on January 30, 2017; WHEREAS, both Title 20 (Planning and Zoning Code) ("Title 20") and Title 21 (Local Coastal Implementation Plan) of the NBMC incorporate a series of maps that provide minimum setbacks for various, but not all, blocks throughout the City; Resolution No. 2021-97 Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, the practice began in 1943 as a way to recognize existing and varying conditions that did not match the citywide default front yard setback standard of 20 feet; WHEREAS, the current setback maps are the descendants of the original 1943 maps (previously called districting maps), and several of them contain errors and omissions that occurred when the districting maps were converted into the current setback maps as part of the 2010 comprehensive update to Title 20 (Planning and Zoning); WHEREAS, in 2017, the California Coastal Commission certified Title 21 (Local Coastal Implementation Plan), which incorporated the same setback maps for properties located within the coastal zone; WHEREAS, application of the incorrect setbacks results in development standards that are inconsistent with the existing pattern of development and several homes being considered nonconforming, which subjects these homes to additional development regulations affecting additions and remodels and a loss of buildable area; WHEREAS, the Zoning Code and LCP Amendments serves to clarify the correct location these setbacks are measured from, such as a vacated right-of-way line or bulkhead line, to maintain the existing pattern of development on a block, to correct identified errors in the setback maps and re-establish setbacks consistent with the original districting maps and existing pattern of development; WHEREAS, on April 23, 2019, the City Council initiated the LCP Amendment under City Council Resolution No. 2019-41; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13515 (Public Participation and Agency Coordination Procedures) of the California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 5.5, Chapter 8, Subchapter 2, Article 5, drafts of LCP Amendment No. LC2020-001 were made available and a notice of availability was distributed at least six weeks prior to the City Council public hearing; 4-39 Resolution No. 2021-97 Page 3of5 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 22, 2021, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the California Government Code Section 54950 et seq. ("Ralph M. Brown Act") and Chapter 21.62 (Public Hearings) of the NBMC. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this public hearing; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC2021-021 by a unanimous vote (4 ayes, 0 nayes) recommending to the City Council approval of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. LC2020-001; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on October 12, 2021, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and Chapter 21.62 (Public Hearings) of the NBMC. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the City Council at this public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The City Council does hereby authorize City staff to submit Local Coastal Program Amendment No. LC2020-001, amending Setback Map Nos. S -1A— West Newport, S -2A — Balboa Peninsula, S -2E — Balboa Peninsula, S -2F — Balboa Peninsula, S - 2G - Balboa Peninsula, S-6 — Bay Shores, S-8 — Harbor Island, S-1 OA — Corona del Mar, S - 10B — Corona del Mar, and S -10D — Corona del Mar contained within NBMC Section 21.80.040 (Setback Maps) as set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to the California Coastal Commission for review and approval. Section 2: Local Coastal Program Amendment No. LC2020-001 shall not become effective until approval by the California Coastal Commission and adoption, including any modifications suggested by the California Coastal Commission, by resolution(s) and/or ordinance(s) of the City Council. Section 3: The Local Coastal Program including Local Coastal Program Amendment No. LC2020-001, will be carried out in full conformance with the California Coastal Act of 1976 as set forth in the California Public Resources Code Section 30000 et seq. ,N Resolution No. 2021-97 Page 4of5 Section 4: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 6: The City Council finds the LCP Amendment is exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") Section 15061(b)(3), of Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations ("CEQA Guidelines") the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects, which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The LCP Amendment corrects errors in setback maps that are inconsistent with historically established setbacks and generally reflects setbacks that are consistent with existing development on the affected lots. The LCP Amendment does not authorize any new development that would directly result in physical change to the environment. Additionally, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15265(a)(1), local governments are exempt from the requirements of CEQA in connection with the adoption of a Local Coastal Program. 4-41 Resolution No. 2021-97 Page 5 of 5 Section 7: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 12th day of October 2021. or Cayor d very ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk r4e.,`P APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE , ,,, C o-..__" A&oA C. Harp City Attorney Attachment(s): Exhibit A- Title 21 Setback Map Revisions 4-42 0 N CriN Cri TI O CD CD s2�0 d� y s s206 0�0 ASO 62O 204 2 �-a SACC CC G2 s200 2 do �° T ST \ NOS �o 0,1 T O 6706, s70, vy°��O 6209 6'7S'OO o 6204 TST 3 �ti 60'' 6170 60,09 \, 2j0 90 O 67 00 a 'L 6 ca0 m Cry 6'7 y ti Cr po 6000 STST o �titi titi O p oti moo py�sOTti AlL T y r 606' OC�Y� pti� ptiti 2�\ 2 c ° 11 s S'T ti Olgq �' / ll/�3 a CO, �a a as ti po a O .c, ao oa NS,T s pia � p a ypa p A p�'a a Sp 6pa 0a � g �` S� oo a ati a � p '1iq 43' �j � Ogg Ycj20 ys � S -1A -West Newport Setback Map S -2A - Balboa Peninsula setback Map 0 �N N N Co CD S -2E - Balboa Peninsula Setback Map S -2F - Balboa Peninsula Setback Map oZi ttii,, t4 "4.. -iawe y 3 N O I V V A r�r � a.4 1e0 3 i B .KBT•_ _ � p � lai m 10 O O y A u �N K 1 ORT - - r t l/ f S v 4jh �',+ H� :tpl Ipt,. A irp mr; 0 9• ,y,�ryi:: _ ; •, r 3 O y_:�+FO O � +l•1O Otry ,:,`W k7E &ii y �:� d�.ry'., bb . - ' itSt ti,4 +iN-• tut' itk ara, +W r -- � ��� 'te G�. 87 foot k F 7 ro Wi t � fir rQ /` • t. 0 {: NCD ,@J41114 { �i• ` \ �, �g .� rF s G• �, ' t `,i '/\yam,, z � , 1 S -2G - Balboa Peninsula Setback Map 0®i 1 .� aH_ °fix � , � ��,`Z,� ,, S-6 - Bay Shores Setback Map__ 2 v 3 m y f ..� ky !s ysfeef - .6 'm o �■ CD N II �y d .......a Q N N 7 C N CL CD Cr CL N a _ D p � O —I�P01- = 2 O N � � ID 7� c d N f a N Q I N — N y' CD y N CD v 79, a� a n o �� O m �=3 OD Pi f+ 1 � s } f..-•. � zt -,$ �b3r#�- `L 'y 4scl f�r� IT' e(Jf ' "''� r I �� _X� Y.. �:. �. `_ �✓' -� p - # .� � >� s mei t 6 -: ! r 4 � f fix WE 10 CD `DN _v ' tteef N N CDC N C A 6 d / CO Z OfQ Z r S-8 -Harbor Island setback Map UyIgpl, .-�y}-�� •� � eC . . . . ...... f �e O\D. S-1 OA -Corona del Mar Setback Map > a E? . . . . ...... f �e O\D. S-1 OA -Corona del Mar Setback Map 1®4W® t S-1 OB -Corona del Mar setback Map O Cn m O O GLEN UN RI, o m = d n c D 3 M.'' •r n w, '60 3 . a a g o 7 O N LD CD �� G O 0 Cn 120k t�. G IEO SNORES RD 0 _ n m n w y 0 m m x as a.,AY31 S-1 OD -Corona del Mar Setback Map STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I, Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council is seven; the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 2021-97 was duly introduced before and adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 121h day of October, 2021; and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Brad Avery, Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Muldoon, Council Member Noah Blom, Council Member Joy Brenner, Council Member Diane Dixon, Council Member Duffy Duffield, Council Member Will O'Neill NAYS: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the official seal of said City this 1311 day of October, 2021. r r Leilani I. Brown City Clerk Newport Beach, California 4-53 Attachment D October 12, 2021 City Council Staff Report 4-54 Q �EwPpRT CITY OF O � z NEWPORT BEACH <,FORN'P City Council Staff Report October 12, 2021 Agenda Item No. 15 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director - 949-644-3232, sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Jaime Murillo, Principal Planner, jmurillo@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3209 TITLE: Ordinance No. 2021-22: Zoning Code Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections (PA2020-006) ABSTRACT: For the City Council's consideration are amendments to Newport Beach Municipal Code NBMC) Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) and NBMC Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) to correct identified errors in setback maps. The amendments were initiated by the City Council on April 23, 2019, and were recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on July 22, 2021. RECOMMENDATION: a) Conduct a public hearing; b) Find this amendment statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 21065 of CEQA and State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15060(c)(2), 15060(c)(3) and 15378. The proposed action is also exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it has no potential to a have a significant effect on the environment; c) Waive full reading, direct the City Clerk to read by title only, introduce Ordinance No. 2021-22, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Adopting Zoning Code Amendment No. CA2020-001 to Amend Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Correcting Setback Map Errors (PA2020-006), and pass to second reading on October 26, 2021; and d) Adopt Resolution No. 2021-97, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Authorizing Submittal of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. LC2020-001 to the California Coastal Commission to Amend Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan) of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Correcting Setback Map Errors (PA2020-006). 4-55 Ordinance No. 2021-22: Zoning Code Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections (PA2020-006) October 12, 2021 Page 2 DISCUSSION: Setback Mao Backaround The City of Newport Beach (City) Planning and Zoning Code (Title 20) and Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan (Title 21) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) have a series of maps that provide minimum setbacks for various, but not all, blocks throughout the City (setback maps). The practice began in 1943 as a way to recognize existing and varying conditions that did not match the citywide, default, front yard setback standard of 20 feet. These maps provide the minimum distance a primary residential structure must be set back from a property line or other identified line such as a bulkhead or abandoned right-of-way line. These setback maps also serve to illustrate which setback areas should be treated as front yard setback areas for the purposes of regulating accessory structures. For example, the height of fences, hedges and walls within side and rear setbacks are typically allowed up to a height of 6 feet; however, if a side or rear setback area is designated as a front yard by virtue of being depicted on a setback map, the maximum height of such structures would be limited to 42 inches. Some properties may be illustrated on the setback maps with multiple setbacks to be treated as front setbacks. Currently, the 33 citywide and 26 coastal zone setback maps are the descendants of the original 1943 maps (previously called districting maps), and several of them contain errors and omissions that should be corrected. These errors occurred when the districting maps were converted into the current setback maps as part of the 2010 comprehensive update to Title 20. In 2017, the California Coastal Commission certified Title 21, which incorporated the same setback maps for properties located within the coastal zone. Since the adoption of the 2010 update to Title 20 and certification of Title 21, staff has encountered a number of maps requiring correction. Initiation of Amendments Zoning Code Section 20.66.020 (Initiation of Amendment) provides that a Title 20 code amendment may be initiated by the City Council, with or without a recommendation from the Planning Commission. City Council Policy K-1 (General Plan and Local Coastal Program) provides that a City -sponsored amendment to the certified Local Coastal Program (LCP) shall be initiated by the City Council. The subject amendments were initiated by the City Council on April 23, 2019 (Attachment C). Planning Commission Approval On July 22, 2021, the Planning Commission considered the proposed amendments and adopted Resolution Nos. PC2021-020 and PC2021-021 (Attachments D and E) by a unanimous vote (4- 0), recommending approval of Code Amendment No. CA2020-001 to the City Council and recommending the City Council authorize submittal of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. LC2020-001 to the California Coastal Commission. The meeting minutes are included as Attachment F. 4-56 Ordinance No. 2021-22: Zoning Code Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections (PA2020-006) October 12, 2021 Page 3 California Coastal Commission Review (Title 21) Any amendments to the LCP, including Title 21, must be reviewed and approved by the City Council, with a recommendation from the Planning Commission, prior to submitting the amendment request to the Coastal Commission. The Coastal Commission is the final decision-making authority on amendments to the certified LCP; however, the City retains the ability to reject an LCP amendment in its entirety if the Coastal Commission includes suggested modifications. Upon approval of the proposed LCP Amendment by the California Coastal Commission, staff will return to the City Council with an ordinance formally adopting the Title 21 amendment to the setback maps. Proposed Map Changes Application of the incorrect setbacks results in development standards that are inconsistent with the existing pattern of development and several homes being considered nonconforming. A nonconforming status would subject these homes to additional development regulations affecting additions and remodels and a loss of buildable area. There was no intent to make these homes nonconforming to setback standards with the 2010 update to Title 20. In some cases, the amendments serve to clarify the correct location these setbacks are measured from, such as a vacated right-of-way line or bulkhead line, to maintain the existing pattern of development on a block. Therefore, these amendments are needed to correct the identified errors in the setback maps and re-establish setbacks consistent with the original districting maps and existing pattern of development. To illustrate the proposed corrections, Attachment G includes a table and exhibits summarizing the corrections or clarifications needed to each affected Setback Map, including the affected property or properties. For each affected setback map, the exhibits include the proposed setback map, existing setback, historical districting map, and highlighted changes. Setback maps included in Title 21 mirror the Title 20 maps, with the exception that Title 21 maps only illustrate setbacks for properties located within the coastal zone. With the exception of Setback Map S5 -A which affects property completely outside the coastal zone, all setback maps affect both Title 20 and Title 21. The various changes to the setback maps will correct errors and resolve ambiguities to reflect the original intent of the prior districting maps. The changes do not affect the buildable area or floor area of the affected lots. Once the maps are adopted by the City Council, the City will seek approval from the California Coastal Commission for the setback maps within Title 21 (Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan). FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. 4-57 Ordinance No. 2021-22: Zoning Code Amendment Related to Setback Map Corrections (PA2020-006) October 12, 2021 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The action proposed herein is not a project subject to CEQA in accordance with Section 21065 of CEQA and State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15060(c)(2), 15060(c)(3) and 15378. The proposed action is also exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it has no potential to a have a significant effect on the environment. Lastly, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15265(a)(1), local governments are exempt from the requirements of CEQA in connection with the adoption of a Local Coastal Program. The Amendments themselves do not authorize development that would directly result in physical change to the environment. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). In addition, notice of this amendment was published in the Daily Pilot as an eighth -page advertisement, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code and State law. Pursuant to Section 13515 of the California Code of Regulations, a review draft of the LCP Amendment was made available and a Notice of Availability was distributed on July 9, 2021, to all persons and agencies on the Notice of Availability mailing list. Lastly, a courtesy letter and public hearing notice were mailed to all affected property owners. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Ordinance No. 2021-22 (Title 20 Amendment) Attachment B — Resolution No. 2021-97 (Title 21 Amendment) Attachment C — Resolution No. 2019-41 (Initiation) Attachment D — Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2021-020 (Title 20) Attachment E — Planning Commission Resolution No. PC2021-021 (Title 21) Attachment F — July 22, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes Attachment G — Table and Exhibit of Setback Map Corrections Attachment H — Director's Determination No. DD2021-002 (PA2021-115) Attachment G Table and Exhibit of Setback Map Corrections 4-59 Affected Affected Affected Clarification / Correction Needed Setback Properties Titles Map S -1A 202-210 20 & 21 . Setback map not consistent with intent of Districting Lugonia Ave. Map No. DM1. (even • The districting map referenced Specific Plan No. 4 addresses) (Newport Shores), which no longer exists, but required a 5 -foot front setback. The setback map reflects a 5 -foot front setback on other blocks previously subject to the Specific Plan, but the 5 -foot setback was inadvertently left off one block affecting 202-210 Lugonia Ave. S -2A Various in 20 & 21 . Setback map misinterpreted Districting Map No. Balboa DM3. Coves 15 -foot front setback not intended to apply to side property lines and does not represent existing development pattern. 308-312 38th 20 & 21 Setback map not consistent with intent of Districting St. Map No. DM3 due to ambiguities resulting from short block length. • 3 -foot front setback indicator along 38th St. should apply to 308-312 38th St, consistent with existing development pattern. 601 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with intent of Districting Clubhouse Map No. DM3 due to ambiguities resulting from Dr. short block length. • 8 -foot front setback indicator along 35th St. should apply to 601 Clubhouse Drive, consistent with existing development pattern. S -2E 201-205 6th 20 & 21 Setback map not consistent with intent of Districting St. and 601- Map No. DM10. 605 W. Bay 10 -foot front setback omitted from map for 201-205 Ave. 6th St. • 9 -foot front setback omitted from map for 601-605 W. Bay Ave. S -2F 1317 East 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with intent of Districting Balboa Blvd. Map No. DM12 due to ambiguities in property line locations. • Limits of 8 -foot setback shall include subject lot. S -2G 1707 East 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with intent of Districting Bay Ave. Map No. DM12 due to ambiguities in property line locations. • Delineation between 19 -foot front and 25 -foot front setback indicators should occur at easterly side property line of lot, not within center of subject lot. S -5A 202, 206, 20 Setback map misinterpreted Districting Map No. 210, 214 La DM5. Jolla Dr. Affected Affected Affected Clarification / Correction Needed Setback Properties Titles Map • 5 -foot front setback intended to be maintained from vacated La Jolla Dr. right-of-way line, consistent with existing development pattern. S-6 Various lots 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. in Bayshores DM23. and 2011 10 -foot front setback line missing from 2691-2821 Kings Rd. Bay Shore Dr. (even addresses). • 18 corner lots inadvertently labeled with two street front yards inconsistent with existing development. Side street frontages should be regulated as a side setback. See Attachment H for Director's Determination No. DD2021-002 (PA2021-115) for more details. • 10 -foot waterside front setback should be measured from actual bulkhead instead of U.S. Bulkhead Line, consistent with existing development pattern. • 2011 Kings Rd. inadvertently labeled with two street front yards inconsistent with existing development. S-8 24 and 26 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. Harbor Island DM23. • The correct setback should be 11.5 feet (not 19 feet) as shown on the districting map to accurately reflect the location of the 15 -foot -wide pedestrian walkway easement and an additional 4 -foot setback for either property. S-1 OA 412-418 20 & 21 • Ambiguities in both setback map and Districting Map Carnation No. DM16 due to vacated right-of-way along Ave. Carnation Ave. frontages. • 15 -front setback for 412 Carnation Ave. should be measured from vacated right-of-way line. • 15 -front setback for 414-148 Carnation Ave. should be measured from actual property line. 300 - 319 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. Carnation DM17. Ave. • 10 -foot front setback lines missing as measured from vacated right-of-way line and consistent with existing development pattern. S -10B 3000 and 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. 3002 DM 18. Breakers Dr. • 5 -foot front setback inadvertently omitted from map. S -10D 4717 20 & 21 • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. Hampden DM31. Rd. 15 -foot setback indicator along the easterly side property line adjacent to golf course should include a note clarifying it is a side setback per Ordinance 96-2. 4-61 D 125 250 mmmmm::::� Feet S-1A_DRAFT I PA2020: w Proposed Map -E� oTtle] r,.AL s� 7%m 0 0_ V) v Ex 01 st 01 n g v 0 *1 M -0 m4p wm� \��p� � \�\�\ CL L) LO [Districting Map DM 1 � In effect prior to 2010 w Q54 "'i lfi�j) - ch y mei er � � o A3 4 �. �a �sr ,� •T �... try Fqy Q g, M1 lI .� �� R7 . moi• �'+ +': � ` r a A . M% �`. � 1 � 4' �• •iy' cr..a.re.. d. NA fill iPT f i2pLK 7116Y. {W.!! —!Fa 'L, •e / 'A -dwv wfr .ar r, aowr r,_.wiy, mr. nr. rry Gv.r a ale �''., MD WIN ..e[ i; imii' r, aMrri': ae� R. [m1y IFua K=ft7am1 Nilc xxmluuY sK 4 YIRr ♦M wraw w YI' Ifs nr �rlr� +wi nw F� W"M /y n.RYLMx.r lgep ,-+t'�I` lv,�Y7 Ono Xv.;-4T PItC'[ i I I c se -eaCXF PX 8XIXOMA IT. A90 -. NpTI ��.. .I •v I' -f a'M)%.hTNQK CN MAMMl C_f MeV ..e 1.1 PPO elO 9I le ��•I•NI CVHLIx�i uKlwfa lu�w`GM ML '^l4 JE£ ,�p� NP• 2 iF4 7LlY Zi. IPII DISTRICTING MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA All ° �„ -� •� [:A•R I MIRCIILT IX/.L -n UNPINTIP& [awr 1*—I- -T"- ' �I � I -PAOTHIIP[ WTWT I��F II} }�, XRYIFIIXF IIXILI FlIYkY IIFIIIIR! i.nm WINFRINAL'IMTMN IIIPM411-L FILT.0 �I �'RLiW MLMMU MMM MV Mwf IIf ZS 6'w �11ti 5 .e. I . X-! WK:N RNIGNTI4 IIITR10T P'1 LMBT nimman0111 [IrIgQT �X 6NO-1-9 NIX 'Xu GLITNW -i M•{_ IIMITXILnP NulTlhl ■[IGIIT111L 7"Wr 6�1 NMMNL MWERML nwm OlNrll�y OF •Y• piAMT %R ili �Ni �ra1y I !dL 1'n 1 y NhM 1 I 1 NI•, L1411rL[ nSIIG14Tlk OIttAlG7 V� IIRq[MWIN7 FFTIIICT lW.'!• fRJ iii � �.um i LGXMIHXI PX 'I" CIFTTMIT u uMa NlneyM Foran. uw XT �11n i lib el `Yv f---11�•n[T -�4 4-64 pu 14, ii•i n I,Ntt Highlighted Changes 202-210 Lugonia Ave (even addresses) 0 A/I 24.41.060 Residential Development: Property Development Regulations Current S -1A The following schedule prescribes development regulations for residential development areas. The columns prescribe basic requirements for permitted and conditional uses. Letters in parentheses in the "Additional Regulations" column reference regulations Following the schedule or located elsewhere in this code. Residential Dcvclnpment: Property Development Regulations Residential Development Additional Regulations Minimum Site Arca pc Unit (sq. fl.) 12{10;1501} (A), (B) Minimum Yards: From (R) 5 (C), (D), (E) Side (ft.) 3;4 (C), (D), (E), (F) Rcar (8.) 5 (C), [D], (E) 9'�`�� ' Proposed SAA The districting map referenced Specific Plan No. 4 (Newport Shores), which no longer exists, but required a 5 -foot front setback. The setback map reflects a 5 -foot front setback on other blocks previously subject to the Specific Plan, but the 5 - foot setback was inadvertently left off one block affecting 202-210 Lugonia Avenue. •1 Setback Map � S -2A N,W 0 125 250 ommmm[--= Feet 1 n $ .p 1 1 1 1 C lsl A 1 ORI nn� L�L m 0 � Co `ff in N 4-66 A%y 0 125 250 mmmmm== Feet Existing Flap 4 ... ... ..... IMK .. ... ... ... ... . .......... .. ... .. .. .. . ..... ..... -- - --------- akeo ZP w Districting Map DM 3 = In effect prior to 2010 D 1 5 T R I C T I N G M A P ono tl-46 oedu# lvQor Fic IP4 ;radrrlu MD ¢pa -2!' 11— yM "',kyc All .pn M -1.1 y NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA „a„F,ftil.w1- qID� 543 r,e¢ s���egsp+rmr tLY6 fi AYg�?�Rv� �^,J AGRICULTURAL KSMENrIA R-4 1AY's,BLx �i91. Re+�L i[71w1 L � LIGHT LEAEBIAENT141. 5•RAR-93 R—I SINGLE FAMILY RE810EMTfAL C—I LIGHT CON MER DIAL oAo. tae -l] ~dope Mphr e7 b4 P-- .A... ai.y m utso. Aa. w -I4 EvwnGi+r-i cAM�FiµI-r�•errWM�Preuw R—Y pU PLE% RESIDENTIAL Cr2 i+I ane —N,.re AAR•i7�7. GENERAL COMMERCIAL � noa n.B�ws�anbr 7CALE OF FEET MFR MULTIPLE FAMILY RIEIDENTIAL AF7 AIAMIIfADTURI NG ORp, ND. G fa 1°pO xrrr�a�41e.w Mie oNnlenq M.p. p Loo ape ae dNb WM&MING DIRTRICT UNOL.AIIR FIEp 9l7-eDOv MAP RO,` �+ —P • — •rank Ya rel DG h in F..i Shawn illus :- DEC. ae, IRm 4-68 Setback Highlighted Changes S -2A Balboa Coves OEJ - , dRA�" !:: ATAO" Current S -2A Proposed S -2A 15' waterfront setback not intended to apply to sides abutting water. DM 3 Highlighted Changes 308 -31238th St �A Current 5-2A Lots reconfigured in 1959 from original 1907 subdivision design. Therefore, 4' front setback facing Marcus Ave does not apply. Lots should have a 3' front setback facing 38th St. and a 30' waterfront setback, similar to adjacent block. Proposed 5-2A Highlighted Changes 601 Clubhouse Ave "-Z/' DM 3 lid Current S -2A 8' front setback should apply to 601 Clubhouse Dr., consistent with existing development and setback of adjacent block . s s'° �s / 7) s s°° 522 s 5�4 r 512 3, Proposed S -2A 4-71 0 125 25C � Feet Proposed Map N-1 Setback Map 4 Existsing Map S-2 E .9 :k',N frilo U 125 LSU Feet Name- 5-2E 1 October 26. 2010 Districting Map DM 10 In effect prior to 2010 —a +/' Ala. M IdV7 4"'.-r."*.rl a"v ew., "•satNa,:r A Om [ N vfp 1 ` �� R -A A6P UITLI-L R10-- r16 w IN! �sJ.yYL �A`�.'y' T.=- Al R t 1111"T C-N-0AL �L► GVH L CANINERC efl.m i7m Ae� (A:MAw" IIP W1 -BON COM BINlN601 STRILTS � FTan� Yard Da Fn Tn F + Fcwn Thoma 1�IC- Ufka4+L7B1f1EC :NMfAMA R•1 h L.A 41M16 !i k� -..- � J 91I� ND. lh a OIID w. ii•IL R 1, . MJ M G NlnArrf IIAII R•I MI fr, IA•nll h10-21 R-! m ta - 0-8. RIRrAr yA4rYr �Hl1'rW R' m I y MI.N. MI -Ir Wax IrRlR r.NRA eNwe - AAYARAW N• n NwA'affAr, / Oj? J '- RI� R.� R'2 ,Ia. H•r 1 � � n can. F"-17 Adopr a ..e. 0-p- N.S7 1- -.9 m nguln}len eF rllrle en a el}ywlde burrs Tius �Iryrwt rAerei the 9nlborr Sign A'.Prer. 9 -27 -,Ow 20o0.ai7 }rw. iFis Gnrnrng SCALE OF FEET REV. November 7. 2005 REV. July 27. 2fl04 0 C& 4Ar Q DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH — CALIFORNIA R -A A6P UITLI-L R10-- MJLnnE RESIDENTIAL R-•1 U -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL �`� 1111"T C-N-0AL R�7 OUP LE % RL$IOENTIAL G -Y GVH L CANINERC Kerr R-3 RESTiI r/JrfTIPLE FAM ILf w� �1 YAflIMCTlIRH19 -BON COM BINlN601 STRILTS � FTan� Yard Da Fn Tn F + Fcwn Thoma 1�IC- Ufka4+L7B1f1EC MFR-Qfib JJ Of W. Ml ;,$, um -m. Msa iGA 110. S J[JJ 4-74 Highlighted Changes 201 -2056th Street and 601-605 West Bay Ave DM 10 203 114 BflA $LVO 20,5 203 i7 ` e n 6 zcb Proposed S -2E Structures constructed with 9' front setbacks and 3' side setbacks Structures constructed with 10' front setbacks 4-75 Setback Map Proposed S-2 F �Q a p � Q ryQ nye � 0 125 250 mmmmL== Feet ry� 6 Ab d.n fiyhl-6&" &• �` abxdo�+cd ryhca4w�y Ell,U .` 50—— ? :EIS s CR I� V! Q] C� 0 In LL N Ch n Setback Map Existing Map S-2 F ry a �v � p � atrso do o a ory C 0 125 250 MENEM'== Feet Deed Restriction Setback of 2.5 feet to garage; f 6foot setbacktomain buildin location. ��a 8s•s � � I sannrnea nprsaf-way _ +{ 5 ED - CO U _m c6 U) C .E N t� Irl `V Cn N 6 4-77 Districting Map DM 12 In effect prior to 2010 IVPORT BEACH — CALIFORNIA A011ICULIUMAL 11C810[NTI[L MULTIFL[ AE51D[MTIAL SINGLE FAMILF NUMIN1111 F'1 Ll SAT OOMMEACIAL OIIPL [ % RESIDENTIAL C—A GENERAL COMMERCIAL IMILTIFLE 17NILY AESIDMIAL N-1 NAIMADi11E10 GOMEININ6 011"1101[ UNOLAE[IFIlD L7f sth I11 Fi[t 5hwv+Thv[:-1 0A0.110 [AA Oltc a[, Ito 4-78 atALE OF FEET e4D a4a +4P_ _546 IVPORT BEACH — CALIFORNIA A011ICULIUMAL 11C810[NTI[L MULTIFL[ AE51D[MTIAL SINGLE FAMILF NUMIN1111 F'1 Ll SAT OOMMEACIAL OIIPL [ % RESIDENTIAL C—A GENERAL COMMERCIAL IMILTIFLE 17NILY AESIDMIAL N-1 NAIMADi11E10 GOMEININ6 011"1101[ UNOLAE[IFIlD L7f sth I11 Fi[t 5hwv+Thv[:-1 0A0.110 [AA Oltc a[, Ito 4-78 9 DM 12 V1. Highlighted Changes 1317 East Balboa Blvd Current S -2E r ti Proposed S -2E I � CO O Setback map not consistent with intent Districting Map No. DM12 due to ambiguities in property line locations. H LL Limits of 8 -foot setback shall include 1317 East Balboa Blvd. 4-79 Setback Map � s e M a S - 2 G L di - N" -y RON 9Al BLVD E - 4 "s s y - P 6 •�: a - z s � HI - a � S P B ''Sl ee•B K -` & mPL.n[.t uE�3iC i_ _ _ _ .R , M4 7 c� hyL�o 7 s .c 70 ................. ..,.qaba . e rih,t. f ngay 20 feetr ' .... ;feet 11 fcct 14 feet setback line T--- --- I 0 125 a w U U) [J] 0 `3 0 m 1 N Ch Setback Map - j Existing Map S -2G I ammmeo ngmm-xai •. •..+ . aha •............. done right. f -k, ` 30 •20 feet +++.. 2 2feet 11 feet; ` • + + 14 feet` '+• _+••`__ 6Jd 6 ■1] CG6 � [ d y � �i�v vLA oov00 enteoA ecvo EAST ^5 -5.. 5- rI5 {4 Ea Ea �. R I � a " a • d� O a,u„o s fia5 J r BAY AVFE a 500 1806 Y F V^"�� � ���� � 6 �" q "nOl �I� uml .�. ���+� �� `cs"" � 5 AFf &� 9' ,i a et a3 a _ � � a 'n�n� 0 a � r x 8 m � F' n ✓'r A .. F G rerfri! r� 2211;-9 CA2016-001 PA2016-010 05M012016 '4P1znclirg5et_s:ks`­ol=eres::ated _ sl `7 : ooOc.G `_` 5[re �. Porr'e1y � locetec et Ess- :a.. 3c.tlrva"I) Bou ecera a,: es -a: e, re:: �E.E `•ort se,a�s •: e1.0,j _ _'e e, ' i.0 isa,a arae.) 2013-29 CA2013-006 PA2013-211 01!1412014 Char_e -1-e •e a' a sy sel6ack for s¢ prDpe—s I— 5 '-et to zem feet, sorsista-t ua-,_2�c n=. s a^da c reap a Iey Q 125 25l) setts:k 2_2. = �•73J =_ .r..and _ o 2a42 a r„ , Jr :e mi Feet M Setback Distri S -2G lineff 4 W ding Map DM 10 ect prior to 2010 �r NEWPORT � '" • FtI RI h RL R1 ' A.l � •� R.1 d R.I R -I JA6- P e. F eucww.A R-1 BAY �� � I 1 R•I R I � \ — _ �PY4Raaarttl r J` 1 ' i. V •a. RI ��w+ O eAn Abi .a, k..� ��e//..��,i`.0 vane �,►w.-.�.�. -+NMek lal ilN 1 V Hra a6r1 `1 rl� M fv M Tlo A •a R'+ • L .✓� Iraa rA� IF/I�fil�•I�^yM •II•r�vY1f��,}y a. Is�.YR�_[ �••,*� � MD .N7 �T! pr N+ }:�1� ,M'✓!f [ t[! mill L /flr �~ � �• [\yT MrKM+H1�"iLry'1r 1��y/A�7[ )p�Af 17p1.�1p� {p 11 yy� YYry rrr�rgi ON �Lii Y, pm IA VI IRIPI•R�Ri NT�Ip 'V' WI •I' R ••.A.... O[v.i,r 1n iY lalawavn•iWl MMlirvl! rnn Mlles w,y nayManxplry ' dro xu run wWi��n' a wan ra.i•y711Yn}rf � w; 11 r[ler 10 �Avnar�ll fe NIA 4. 11•ao ORI] x000-21 - ed6lru an Tha r,17 la h1 aIlllFnbl. 1mn cb'omwmam�ceaThl a NgulallalaI_d1n d ulrkil 1+4 ha16oa Sign Owrlvy 11 11 7000 DRO F006-17 - AdW a m- *Wplr 20.67 prfeln 7Np H rr�Aaella of d2v1 an a c117�wIda hnll. ThIN xdlaaeca nllwvn fhN Balhva Sign dra'6v (ORO) :O00 7:] h'aT 1'h la DilArlcTIN AAdp. 0.27.2005 REV. Nnv.nth.r 7, 2007 ln.•.,.y r7...,x.,v �..�, .ar a... Alv. July 79 Moi H•r DISTRICTING MAP NPORT BEACH — CALIFORNIA A9AICULTLIA7L 14E510[141I[1L. MULTIFL[ aI510[rITIAL SINGLE FANR7 REEIGENiIAL F'4 aCAL11F DL".""OA% RESIDENTIAL C -A FEET e9d Aga . [= _545 UNOLAEEIFIlD H•r DISTRICTING MAP NPORT BEACH — CALIFORNIA A9AICULTLIA7L 14E510[141I[1L. MULTIFL[ aI510[rITIAL SINGLE FANR7 REEIGENiIAL F'4 LIENT ODMMEACIAL DL".""OA% RESIDENTIAL C -A GENERAL COMMERCIAL MULTIFLE FAMILY RESIDIMIAL M-1 MANVRAO":1Ni GOMEI"IN'0HTRIOT[ UNOLAEEIFIlD D,Arth I11 Fi[t 5hw�r+Thv[:-1 0410.110 [AA DEG a6, Ito MAN M0. 91 4-82 4JMFV Arle f.1 DM 12 Highlighted Chang 1707 East Bay Ave 11.1. B JRNMEHT BUTANUA UNE PER FAIR LIN". NEWPORT BAY HARBOR. [ APPROVED FEBRUARY 15, 19s1. NB9' y]' 3$ W 2145.6 (2145.90' PER NAP N-5010-9) BEPARTNPEA OF THE ARMY, NAR I (H- N W 37' S4" W 239.70 29.98 r 95 22.94' 29.98 28.95 �-95' =y93 k F f — I�301 [sol so3 / + YAY AYE "30' MROE) ry k AGTEB 'ER RE3. P +59 /Ai MCIE I B.R. OAHU .HU cBE sfi Ts' a FSU A��'17�N 7J BAA 7R�C ' l 15 'y isM2 °n Al sI� sl sll; N ml I I a _ V, !2 i I yp• V (V ' J �g,�• ¢9.9] 29.91' 29.9Y 29.98 99.9 ' � M.9 • BTCH 09. 3fo����"Sf Is _ 60" C STM 'Cx .- " ..,. ." r-71 4� N 0.a' 5B' S0" E 89.92 � I 1 �I STM :3 �A 1 r7 - Current S -2G 1 W L 1 1 r T7§7 Proposed S -2G Setback map not consistent with intent of Districting Map No. DM12 due to ambiguities in property line locations. Delineation between 19 -foot front and 25 -foot front setback indicators should occur at easterly side property line of lot, not within center of subject lot. 4-83 9526 9525 1501(c SPP' 15TH S] W g1� Proposed .q s' Sne [ 5 \ o b 40 yry� A9P �1 i� p yry+P �6 4BB 691 335 3:0' O 38145 a$ l 8 yti 4Tj n, 37. gg 3� 9 70. 01 iT2 � �b 3785 � Ivy .. d � � .. � T n �3RR6 '''A✓9 Pw 1g *zs is, .4 g X18 �4 R7f S' 1�. Lr7 ,�y a {fy, 41y 1 IF V Map -A 461 •v � ;, `���& � � � � a ¢ ,� 520 � ,, °B ,�° $ R ,� � � p g g g 30' rarp e ,� vc } 1 2949 �,,. �--. <•�vsf �a INON ST y55 * 2 J 2y0 7 ry � �2A g o,4, _� Lxis ng Map 1536 1535 � 1590 59R y \ - 1525 y, � ti �\♦ � 3ytB ,� � v� S. * `� � � tits *sn � s � - 32� a2o5 ,�`8a • @ a. '� f� ,5,� ,;' ^p "e 'y dy O ��a � �'$ : � '�a p °' ,�'�eP z ,� g ?0•. ,� n �i �e � °"' � � R �� �a *vs '� � ' S'1 Cv 1 , S 4 ' � .� ° � � S +t � Y 6z �' a o a °j� • � o <a, z 0 150 3 Name- S -5A! October 26. 2010 Y i 2 0 CL Z Le) W 4—R.5 w Districting Map DM 5 In effect prior to 2010 77NTA ANA v r rA 'w dPpP T � • `Qy 'P ,Q 4 Pe 0 p- a Ir' �,I �F` � R -y .5'Y 'i•y 9,r �w Rr �Pa '4y 4r �� h 7d�r� PI -I R-1� • D�s�, `R - 5� � r• � +pr �a D Ry P�� � \\\r Q .� � •� .6' f7 -I A�Ip [ � v r C'R7Vd � � 'YK � tiP 9y 6 svn Rt- R' °' fie• °fr 6 R ��r RK' P F FIT ' q'I n � 8 1]•'iI'✓� ���-i � J 9tJ S td �� sae MAP ,uP]. 4 ORV �A'Nf "WWI. h"', 0- PIIn,[[ M et6C'RTe R[RW�9-7� N@VF%, ANM[CNAA14 E -I W CLW. tlLVti. TO e-2NlMf4Ri CLW. Id�76-94 SCALE Op FEET DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH --- CALIFORNIA .-.1 AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL R�4 OULT11'LE 01111ENTIAL I —� Sf..-FAMILY RCSIDENTIAl E—I G U PLE X RESIDENTIAL C"2 4fBMT CGMMEAWAL GEMERAI. LOMkERCIAL 3 A!• MANVFPGTIYRINO. Ar11 M1rr�. !M .W. A. q f�a Mfg ew*A Mei �Nh �''N 4 � A16 .p1ti IL{r A.Lw Tal AlA[ CW4il/ A141 �P� N1 .7LJ Lvn rr it �V ONI APM 1 0. f IR[NY[IR NA IN TI N •IVI1011�1 `� / rIn w Jnr .•, ,�• . �Ir+luwx/� •wer 1[t �fx.w xa �.�}i�•,. areM. are,.r.rrms+�ll ,a •r rin l.yn [+r+aL. �.> A w.,r Ia10 pE Tei`eK a ao 77NTA ANA v r rA 'w dPpP T � • `Qy 'P ,Q 4 Pe 0 p- a Ir' �,I �F` � R -y .5'Y 'i•y 9,r �w Rr �Pa '4y 4r �� h 7d�r� PI -I R-1� • D�s�, `R - 5� � r• � +pr �a D Ry P�� � \\\r Q .� � •� .6' f7 -I A�Ip [ � v r C'R7Vd � � 'YK � tiP 9y 6 svn Rt- R' °' fie• °fr 6 R ��r RK' P F FIT ' q'I n � 8 1]•'iI'✓� ���-i � J 9tJ S td �� sae MAP ,uP]. 4 ORV �A'Nf "WWI. h"', 0- PIIn,[[ M et6C'RTe R[RW�9-7� N@VF%, ANM[CNAA14 E -I W CLW. tlLVti. TO e-2NlMf4Ri CLW. Id�76-94 SCALE Op FEET ORD. NO. 6.71; NAP Na N DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH --- CALIFORNIA .-.1 AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL R�4 OULT11'LE 01111ENTIAL I —� Sf..-FAMILY RCSIDENTIAl E—I G U PLE X RESIDENTIAL C"2 4fBMT CGMMEAWAL GEMERAI. LOMkERCIAL 3 AEnT'Q MULTIPLE FAMILY REiOENTAL M—I MANVFPGTIYRINO. +rd cOM91NINO MSTMOTS UNU LASEW1 EC ni+ Daphh Yn Feer Shown Tl.�s :-10- ORD. NO. 6.71; NAP Na N Highlighted Changes 2021 2061 210, 214 La Jolla Dr DM 5 j -j o, pl� Current S -5A Setback map misinterpreted Districting Map No. DM5. 5 -foot front setback intended to be maintained from abandoned La Jolla Dr. right-of-way line, consistent with existing development pattern. i -\"V, \- y c� PPE SPN� P PN C Proposed S -5A 4-87 Setback Map S-6 V 9 0 0 An 0 roTh OIT TTA axe, I LVA F-WAh s- Setbacka' xi sting Map S-6 -w ® v ♦ 43#� Ems® ®p ®� � rr�li /,/ M EN�AAaa����l� /�-j k �00�4Q�0 a �a 00 Districting Map DM 23 In effect prior to 2010 1 � UPPER } BAYS P PC NM + Tag' r +LtiNI.�'0 �v ♦ l d"- �F4 ` ♦ t + Ill 5{r+a� L�S�� ,�• R�1�' � � .lo• ° 1 f$r� YgllrK~ --� R F� R` NEwPowr --- R•I R•l ,o BAY R•1 R. Ia R•I # # R I R I R 1 IVdR - �I •,b_ I M!1■Mc1V+Yr A■Mrr')%MAllrr■■lif 1• ■ATlIIORI pRrvl ARM * AAlaWlyl�MlllRrW 4•>"r oo - wo -- MF XAP A+0 Y A" XAr' No U ■lv jNI, I Iuo1 +warm rr DISTRICTING MAP—CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA a waAn minr M� R -A AlRIRYLTVtl1AL-RCYGINTIAL MTRllT 0-N� R HlORM09a Rfll■llaalAL ppTlllpi _ REYIEIONS oAh w./r-AL RllMw w -w Mlrm �R-I MYY.i rWILN 01lTRlm 0.0 LkMFMC MMMA011L -*Awt! Rftlem -AL VIM' a e. xo.n _ - n. __ -, L� '[I911Rw�i�iii '. �w �+�. + 'f14A1 "�'• '�.^ ".7771 lurLU Rl/IppNTI{L /IVEOT PI Llq C-9N0NL 111M97 !+■� !r!I nir'? ri1 Mwr �yM M. :"�'od�4. KUPPL! RlNlplflAL L-A AOl■RLL u—mm1AL GIiTRIL7 111 YiY �'� E1 1d�K !�1Al E. -3 MIR.npw mummAL virmpT R- 0 •ART'P YYL l— MM.LY ftMV--Tl-t 1lR R.IMr Ihl - cn np/u�irllO�lAl�epflRlMpolaA I'!!.7! a �i wi �v +•����rwi FR ��M r e ] ■eYIRRN/ M �!� ll/TRlP1 VO aN0.AfPlgO gITMlT .uMa i-rxa�a:.� nrl.r �'r 1■ ! Maar! WO ArvrN W AR7 WNW YWS -,es- ou lnRary w. fi. •. o! R, :3] 4-90 Setback Districting Map DM 21 S-6 'In effect prior to 2010 l R a I• 1 q MFR 121T61 ' V� { �i 1% Ua •} P'h'i hMFR f2l76] MF Rf21761 avr m { P,{ NFR (21T61 ¢. ¢ � MFR i2178i Ace CoeA'4 PL R ao- p.6, ysrsi— T { 6x >! � F' APF � R -I fci —9z F 4 0 CLrPP � � pq v b .,r Fle o AFF LOA i h'ATr� �8 w E f T Is =r' s QeE r �f W QPR Mz A4 $c f 1b�oJ"/p'6f i/ob-.(�ncrne l3!.F xrr} b �A'4 AS! ATG J 2 r REV- A ush 24. 2005 .iF- >�.aa,rJ,. yp'� ,sa,erJ-�w.an R c.• § 1 ug -I.rtL.,.... y zp.q.A� r ar REV. Siy 27, 2004 v�u xo Mn °Olar°ui %eA� n U9apA fav o •wdlulliXR NO. aaTl. xxoxz to x-0. i6. 6A••! C.CA NR YSme,eY[.9R rtl SRYML R�e.T•biA-J-al C�•H(AASC) A.�i.H D I S T R I C T I N G M A P °1T` NEWPORT BEACH — CALIFORNIA 9— 9FEZ-[11a1 watM I A, rk" l7/66—R+1 a0 a -Y4 -8A p e�2SFII - RRAA0.4x Re F9RRiR10 RxaRiaRr nap MRx ...... R—A R -j REST MULTIPLE FAMILY RE81GEfITML ao. gA•ir psxppe sr�s�wrq rr re p,6C_R ��.q .qz 0 AORiC VLTVSAi RESIOENTlAL e eK' Rel C—I LI®HT OOMMERSIAL 0 i. Ne. Comb:,ed the M�mrs lAlk AArlq. fe .&2, kl 0 SINGLE XU M RESIDENTIAL 2006920 esrfan prepxrMe an GaMellrg 21 A23 R'2 OSPLE ): SE3IRENTIAL C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL Pd. Rb. %5.1. Al—Mexbyle—M—H xlft OBIZl10E MpR MULTIPLE FAMILY RIBBOMAL M -I MANUFAOTURIN® ORD RO- yv2. 200516 nwil-1 A R-2 M 6E2F (PA2002-2E5 g H GaMBINIHB 0187 R1GYS V UNCLASSIFIED 2 IHTLRM EDIAlE pEA 6,1954 MAP NO �7 SCALE OF FEE7 0.� © a 1..1 4-91 Setback Highlighted Changes S-6 Bayshores {1 1 } 60 -10 DRIVE g 1 R,1 le R•1 ♦ - DRIVE I -{ R-1 Ao- DM 23 i12P � �''- `� zS3x Current S-6 1 e' 10 ��r�otihm� �ryry r � zz - '� 0 3 Q 4 17 7)zY 10 -foot front setback line missing from 2691- 2821 Bayshores Dr (even addresses). 10 -foot waterside front setback should be measured from actual bulkhead instead of U.S. Bulkhead Line, consistent with existing development pattern. ry�b j4 Proposed S-6 MKOYA �09 Highlighted Changes Bayshores �J �' T"i � .•r r �f �� •,n.I • � c 10- O GkESYVIEIY DRIVt�n VHI1rE J A li wl I�if•-f� } CRESTVIEW OR 77 �a 0 ti.,�,•�� r�a7�_/�. VL.! "r•.� Fes. •��� " q,.,,_ N d,Y.-. / 18 corner lots inadvertently labeled with two street front yards inconsistent with Current S-6 existing development. Side street frontages should be regulated as a side setback. See Director's Determination No. Proposed S-6 2021-002 for more details. 4-93 Setback Highlighted Change S-6 1 2011 Kings Rd JA I I I 1 DM 21 i X0 `V 'Pool �prr 1 r Current 5-6 • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. DM21. • Cliff Drive frontage historically regulated and developed as a 4 -foot side yard. • Affects Title 20 only 7 rp Nr 1 err 1 Proposed 5-6 a w c K Ab l� Proposed Map I - - 3 feet setbacks measured from original Ictlire established by Tract Map 802 �m mm _-_. _-_--- y 527��k line � �� Salyggl line h ti 7 19 ----------- ----4,---- --- DETAIL B 10 DETAIL C 711, DETAIL A setbacks measured from original Iodine established by Tract Map 802 setbacks measured from original lotline established 6y Trod Map 802 3 U Q w Setback S-8 a' Exi�g Map tel�acksf oraina Ictlina es ablished b� T Tact Map 812 t w _ ----------- --v . .. .................... DETAIL A - �ael6ack line /f/� J I ti V :TAIL B a DETAIL C 1 CD M AQ: 4f 7S. wR o %h N� V 41 Qlzt 12 setbacks measured from original Iodine established by Tract Map 802 m 7p1 1 setbacks measured from original lotline established by Tract Map 802 YX Districting Map DM 23 In effect prior to 2010 L4 ;.w° o'ak 0 i aP 415 � F� iR•� 1 � UPPER j PC •NM t BAY ' 0L4 �1 RNr 1 } , A..r �.E q•I R•I .. r� fo NEwpoRT SAY Tag' 4 R'� I 0 0— 'T.awur�����a�YT 4-97 at-hM R•I �' R•I � } R•I R•I \5' ��.!- R•� � rrd•�11 £w� .ra_ r -[-Ur Y1flXpls pRM ARJ•J � f D M',MWI �A�RMR[ � I ` r s e e r e r I nnav lNrdMw4�Lr�[wr� �P�' oS-I, i1^3./5 � Apwl�lGalro gnaldrwnr,W! �• ±�! 41.1 « i -- - • •-- —xala�lm '1,Af -- - �--- - If .*AP uo Y ACd MA/ M9 1.1 RIV J.."tl tool DISTRICTING MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA •69 m. h Hch n m[nr•M�r_ a aA .-p.pr •. .vv_. it oAh w. 91 -JL Rlly.a R.r-w MlrmaLlM1 R -A AWlQLnWM-R90199NilA0- 04TRICT G-N—MlMX000 GGW[eCUL 911TRIOT _ REYIEIONS - '.��• MNY.i [WILY 01lTRlm 0.0 LMRlO COMMA IAL *ATM ftwem},AL 91411!0* a e. xo.n _ n. __ _. L��'[I9NRw�i�iii �w �+�. + 'f14A1 "�'• '�.^ ��' �R-I 7T) lurLU A90101.11U 91fi1MGT PI Llq corrpMOrnL 0IAM197 1+�t !r!I rir'? arc ri1 Mwwr �yM • MrA IIL1Lt11L! RlNOWAL L-A Al[[Rll 0—mmuAL 91aTR107 "-lnlnp �•inMw�rRlrtlwM MAl N6 � d � MN.SI'Lf RHpRTIAL p411ppT R- 0 d[dT'P ruliivLl MX.L1' R[eiO e[Tlat OIR R0.IM0111LlYiY LOOKEI li 1dKl+l�1 iil MMon g fRMopT 1•!1.7. ai w rw_ .n q. .nar �.w .rrYei ra�alu w�i. __ i 6 j e ] amal"No M '!' X/711 VO UNOL.Afnrrep ,DTWCr °� iiti�r(ai�fa � � ,. K� Ff«" Txu{ �,y�• 23 M&ff WO f11vrA' N/AR7 A~ 7W-1 -413• ou ln♦ary I •. lol- e.r,.a. ,.•..o! air -R, 4-97 Setback • • Highlighted Changes !1M 24 and 26 Harbor Island if DM 23 Gln e ricti n F7� Current S-8 Proposed S-8 The correct setback should be 11.5 feet (not 19 feet) as shown on the districting map to accurately reflect the location of the 15 -ft wide pedestrian walkway easement and an additional 4 -foot setback for either property. 4-98 Map Proposed D A R-� A 'Pacific Drive - Buildable Area- For purposes of ag determining the buildable area for structures located on the bluff (southerly) side of Pack Drive between Avocado Avenue and the southerly side of the prolongation of the line of the westerly side of Begonia Avenue, a front yard setback of 10 feet a 2227 shall be used [the setback for the location of all structures as designated as 24 feet or 17 feet shall be used] p�� � qq• °,�. �. +. ,� �°° ,ID gay '�gCRs '4'` ��� ETAILA ' �� � g $ N � � f��" • � NY � ,� v W A � yk�nS �� • � 'we' ,�r '1v �ryC p � fn 'Y ,r _ �' p° �0' •,•w � Yln .a,e • 9 '2G s 61 .• h arm m ogre] Map Bpnentw.na,r A,ncaOO,en A Pa�• ,es . It aluRnevebpmenE rrvana,, $ q �j9 [gee Alap EFS-Cam11m A'.cruei � � a 40 s �, tgyn A or, ,,pa w 9m 0 150 4 ohc o a, . 3-1 OA DRAFTIPA2020-006 k 41 01 DETAIL A Q Q � 2231 ■ 2235 k 41 01 xisLngi Map� 'Pacific Drive - Build aoIc Area. For purposes of ay y detennir-ng the builaaala area forstructures Iccated J12 cdui iso.ithe I: i site a- Fuc `ic Di :e I•etvreen " `b, :cca fc A.rer.ae and t -De sai.-her< SHE --f -he "olcr:21-ic-, of -he ire cf tl•e ,gyres -et side of Degcnia A.-e116e. a :1011!•;a•cl se:!;ack of 10 feet Spall l:e _isea i_he-e-ack -cl he-catior ofall str.ictu,es as aesigrated as 24 feet or ; 7 feet shall !;e .ise:d 41 ETAILAAKg fIMlrWvebP�Pvxlay �adr�xe�onoea-nvocaaoweenuee s� f�!�,' � � � � �eiunoavawpmeM ownsy ° .� relnaP 9-:-CdIR3Aoll ISYHIYE] ''� ,,� Sv 1 �s ° 0 150 a -1OAI October 26, 2010 r { oq"x 2227 n j� aL a, I Cl M C U C4 Q] CO Districting Map DM 16 In effectp ri o r to 2010 b ' Se1dlRicLOS U , e Rk Esc` a'a a � p ,1S '9d � 'PJ' fib.• � �F 6 °-'A2 �P 4 0 µyieea `?q; GwA ti ,A?pJrcr ..'Rl It e 1 0� a? r.2 - •�, ,a w Ir-F �rii i..=�s'.�'.-T -�5.:.'.� �:.n 1 �y� •. acr e, �:r! ,r, 9.a.,ra..er-au, Oa ; d y d � a � re. IXb.0 er-9 '��A23,�R�AUD L4$/,o�4 �.31,11'n` � LLQ � % Ati ,apP A0lll-41cd IA/'.aVto° :S_Ybtl! ancj � �� F FYI •4 in Pct f�s •FI i 'uNo�/!3 lJT ;Asa' !s A, C�d.�A2 M0e';RA: fRAM e•! h Ir >�; a•aeros i n URIC NC. A° -P1 RF"cm sAre'FIC AAOP£NA£s ro .VFv 1 6 - Z4P 90 ❑ &17 DISTRICTING MAP °Rutav a;',.x wruaa �.°' a NEWPORT BEACH -- CALIFORNIA Ord. NP. 2000-012 Establishes a 1°t -6y -lot front As ■Erin 5.1— m.....ee,wt .- -cs". F-- .caocnn.L yard Seibaek for certain parcda 4-1 4MGLE FANR-t RESIDUVAL C—' UGHT caw MER°IAL OR Pacific rive. A-699 R-1 au PLEB AESIOE•NTIAL C—E GENERAL COMM(RCI✓tL SCALE W FEET MFRNULTIALE F.N1LY RE9O�Nr16L M-1 AANVFAc-rMAlG oeMRI NINE 015FAICY uWILANIFIrD Fran! 'card 0■ n F..+ Sn°..r, aeo. R°. oar oR� s., n7a MAP NO �^ 4-101 sh Districting Map DM 17 In effect prior to 2010 DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH - CALIFORN[A RSC r'i.— S@RL4E C.MAft1AL RESTID MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL R --I I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL C—I III- DCMMERGIAL R-2 PUPI,EM RESIDENTIAL C-2 GENERAL CGIAMERCIAL SGIE pF FEET ® MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RAMI MANUFACTURIM® ORD. NO, 639 mA aau ary ��� DWMSWJJNG CISTRICTS UNCLASSIFIED ITEC MAP M D. FTaDt 1`aTd Oe h Pn F..* Shawn DCG. a5, 4-102 Highlighted Changes 412-418 Carnation Ave DM 16 r Current 5-10A • Ambiguities in both setback map and Districting Map No. DM16 due to vacated right-of-way along Carnation Ave. frontages. • 15 -front setback for 412 Carnation should be measured from abandoned right-of-way line. • 15 -front setback for 414-148 Carnation should be measured from actual property line. Proposed 5-10A y 4-103 Setback - • Highlighted Changes S -10A 300-319 Carnation Ave DM 17 Current 5-10A Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. DM17. 10 -foot front setbacks missing from 300-319 Carnations Ave as measured from abandoned right-of-way line and consistent with existing development pattern. moo= z� Proposed 5-10A 4-104 Setback Map � S -10B � S 1 n w Bluff Development Overlay [See Map B -6 -Ocean Boulevard I Breakers Drive as n O ` g � 9a BluffDevelopmentOverlay [See Map B-6 - Ocean Boulevard I Breakers Dnve o 150 3DA mmmmr:::� Feet S-1UB DRAFTIPA2020-006 Existing Map 0 150 300 Feet 5-10B I October 26, 2010 R � 7 iwr Bluff Development Overlay {See Map B-6 - Ocean Boulevard I Breakers Drive Bluff Development Overlay (See Map B-6 - Ocean Boulevard I Breakers Ddve F V. Setback MaP Districting Map DM 18 S -10B In effect prior to 2010 � 4-107 I R V _ ? 1 d SCa V �� �R2 Sa aq • �. sy •9 �%9 k �/.� V � � R � y� r� Y '�� '9 ��. ea• CP 9.r;� °, qY o C mss - A R Y ds �c s 0 e U i 9y qY dgk� �° o W C ,�{ AV.�# LeL-P .,..i[Ap r[MS .Pan�o .N 16 R•s �- 9•A,j-•P / # L'J� •'. fid!•/ TS�CY /1SJ BNd� AUx � � ev,..+•r�� a N'r�.tx-.vmn A-• .p• yy�....-. • i �9 dK: d TF:62i r�'.Rl ,'® N•A' �`.I■ � am Aal SV•'w vr3.6r,S��,xelU•e'®:JMwai1'A�L�0.9.AK'J AY+T one na oo.d 9ex� Eq�q>R[rAy/Alx�.fLdj�.•XRVRI��]L�AC o ..-...- CNA.+a•.fRJ7 ugfR,>p •]f: ►Lr .I SN., CNMI�; zer i•'+:�CY aezevra R a�wc-sr-•+n .ve•.eea. -r _ Y p10. Say 9L•Y{ R>S1aRQ SPec�llc epldi�Si +! RiG li'�"99r RRp MC. 9Y•N RSL . �vldAYalo OLse d4M' 1aP5 Sf�fablfi�C� RIx. R,v-Ik+kT we-sa3 V -2a -9Y RFV'OJf Yx, YD01 DISTRICTING MAP Pa-fc ami-ieL vle�9o7 LY eigBr r• NEWPORT BEACH -- CALIFORNIA Gd. W. Hnktil.ua 5-fe f—t,o- ulka[k fa• 116R11,1—nAL REEIDEHIIAL MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL 99-10 txn prcgenluert 80D0 ad NA24enWn 9MGLE FAMILT RE5IDEMTIAL LIGHT C(*1MERCIAL DUPLE% RRSIM"AL C L 6ER ERAL COMMERrJAl LTI RLE F 9r -•,G OF FEET u1Re MUILY RL31-E TIAL �1 MIMI1IF►OTURINB ORD. HO- a?5 ��0 •fG0A00 CONBIWIR6 OISTRIGT$ O URGLASSIFIE9 MAP NO. Fron[ Yard D• th fn Fea4 Shown Thua :40- Highlighted Changes 3000 Breakers Dr. R� t,Q / DM 18 10% Current S -10B I -V 2U ^gyp or-� � �o .S 00 00 �Ar, Proposed S -10B • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. DM18. • 5 -foot front setback left off map R C A.�/ ��Proposed Map +?b Bluff Development Overlay (See Map B-7 - Shorecliffs) Bluff Development Overlay See Map B -B - Cameo Shores] ❑ 150 300 MENEM----] Feet vji 1 33� gf Side Yard Setback (per Ordinance 96-2) 30 4V rr � ca J ua 41 u � 'Wn 3d Nr Setback J S�10DMap 'Existoing Map 1 P p�rye� e,�� 5„n ne yr'V Al,�r2 2a Bluff Development Overlay {See Map B -T - Shorecliffs] Bluff Development Overlay (See Map B-8 - Cameo Shores) 0 150 300 mmmmm:--= Feet Name- S. 1 DD 1 October 26. 2010 � erot 1 41 R 9 5 ff � s +s s � a Po � & x x e Q CU 2. Y U CU Cn L W 0 0 U Q T Districting Map DM 31 In effect prior to 2010 DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT REACH CALIFORNIA P SINGLE FAMILY O 0 i &j�11OI015ININ6 FACT.R ® ❑R0. NO. 635 MAP NO. .3� 4-111 Setback Map Highlighted Changes S -10D L 4717 Hampden Rd. DM 31 T`. 1 Side Yard Setback turd. 96-2f eLN. 7R. 33ST I I .00 _ J 1 I � I I I i 00 00 Current S -10D Side Yard Setback (per Ordinance 96-2) Proposed S -10D • Setback map not consistent with Districting Map No. DM31. • 15 -foot setback indicator along the easterly side property line adjacent to golf course should include a note clarifying it is a side setback per Ordinance 96-2. 4-112 Attachment E Coastal Commission Approval Letter 4-113 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 301 East Ocean Avenue, Suite 300 Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 590-5071 The Honorable City Council City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 GAVIN NEWSOM, GOVERNOR March 30, 2022 Re: City of Newport Beach LCP Amendment Request No. LCP-5-NPB-21-0084-3 Part A & Part B Dear Councilpersons: You are hereby notified that the California Coastal Commission, at its March 9, 2022 meeting approved, as submitted, City of Newport Beach LCP Amendment No. LCP-5-NPB-21-0084-3 Part A and Part B. LCP Amendment No. LCP-5-NPB-21-0084-3 Part A was submitted pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2021-97. Part A of the amendment involves corrections to numerous errors on eleven (11) of the currently certified twenty-six (26) coastal zone setback maps in the Implementation Plan (IP) portion of the certified LCP to resolve ambiguities to reflect the original intent of the prior districting maps. Specifically, the amendment revises Setback Map Nos. S -1A — West Newport, S -2A — Balboa Peninsula, S -2E — Balboa Peninsula, S -21F Balboa Peninsula, S -2G — Balboa Peninsula, S-6 — Bay Shores, S-8 — Harbor Island, S-1 OA — Corona del Mar, S -10B — Corona del Mar, and S -10D —Corona del Mar. The Executive Director determined that the amendment is a minor amendment and reported it to the Commission on March 9, 2022. The Commission did not object and the minor amendment. Pursuant to Coastal Act Section 30514(c), the minor amendment is deemed approved and becomes a certified part of the LCP ten working days after the date of the Commission meeting: in this case, on March 23, 2022. LCP Amendment No. LCP-5-NPB-21-0084-3 Part B was submitted pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2021-127. Part B of the amendment constitutes a major amendment to the IP portion of the certified LCP as it involves a change to the definition of tattoo establishments as its own use type separate and distinct from other "Restricted Personal Service Use" types (IP Chapter 21.70 — Definitions, Section 21.70.020) and restricts where tattoo establishments would be allowed (IP Section 21.20.020(C), Table 21.30-1) The amendment was approved as submitted with no suggested modifications. Thus, pursuant to the Commission's March 9, 2022 action, certification of the City of Newport Beach LCP Amendment No. LCP-5-NPB-21- 0084-3, Part B is complete. On behalf of the Coastal Commission, I would like to congratulate the City on the completion of this LCP amendment. We look forward to working with you and your staff in the future. Sincerely, Liliana Roman Coastal Program Analyst CC" Jaime Murillo, Planning Program Manager 4-114