HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-101_20220516_Project Description2510 and 2530 West Coast Highway – Proposed Grocery Store A.Project Description On July 27, 2021, the City Council approved a mixed-use development project (the “Original Project”) consisting of 36 residential dwelling units (inclusive of three affordable housing units), and a 5,096 square foot commercial office located at 2510 and 2530 West Coast Highway (the “Property”). Specifically, the City Council approved the Original Project’s Coastal Development Permit (No. CD2019- 062); Site Development Review Permit (No. SD2019-003); Tentative Parcel Map (No. NP2020-013); and Affordable Housing Implementation Plan (No. AH2021-001). The applicant SMM 2600 PCH LLC, hereby proposes to modify the Original Project by changing the proposed commercial uses from office to retail (grocery) uses (the “Proposed Project”). The Proposed Project would solely consist of the proposed change in uses for the 5,096 square foot commercial portion of the Property. The Proposed Project would not involve any changes to the footprint of the Original Project. The requested entitlements are a Coastal Development Permit and Traffic Study. B.Findings The required findings for a change to an approved Coastal Development Permit are set forth in Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 21.52.015.F, which provides as follows: “The review authority may approve or conditionally approve a coastal development permit, only after finding that the proposed development: 1. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program; 2. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone.” i.The Proposed Project Would Conforms to All Applicable Sections of the Certified Local Coastal Program The Proposed Project would conform to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. The Coastal Land Use Plan designates the Property as MU-H (Mixed-Use – Horizontal) which is intended to provide a horizontally distributed mix of uses, which may include general or neighborhood commercial, commercial offices, multifamily residential, visitor-serving and marine-related uses, and/or buildings that vertically integrate residential with commercial uses. The Proposed Project would be consistent with the MU-H Coastal Land Use Plan designation by developing a neighborhood-serving commercial grocery store along Coast Highway The Proposed Project site is zoned MU-MM (Mixed-Use Mariners’ Mile), which allows properties fronting on Coast Highway to be developed for nonresidential uses only. The Proposed Project would PA2022-101 comply with this restriction by providing neighborhood-serving commercial grocery store uses at the portion of the Property that fronts Coast Highway. The Property is located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the geotechnical investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and the California Code of Regulations prior to permit issuance. A preliminary Water Quality Management Plan has been reviewed and approved by the City. The preliminary Water Quality Management Plan concludes that implementation of the Project would not result in potentially significant impacts to the drainage patters on-site. Project storm water must comply with all applicable requirements to ensure that impacts to surface and ground water quality do not occur. Water quality objectives would be achieved through the incorporation of Best Management Practices identified in the preliminary Water Quality Management Plan during construction and post- project implementation. The new drainage pattern would match the existing drainage pattern, which drains southerly towards Coast Highway. The flow would be collected into the cross gutter and directed toward a new stormwater treatment system. The Proposed Project would be designed to minimize impervious areas by meeting, but not exceeding, minimum allowable driveway requirements. It would disconnect the impervious areas by directing runoff to landscaping. It would also involve plantings in disturbed areas with native and drought tolerant plans and trees. Approval of the Proposed Project would not result in any significant effect related to water quality or drainage. The Property has no native vegetation and/or habitat. It is currently a commercial Marine Sales facility that is entirely paved, with the exception of minor non-native decorative vegetation. There is no potential for special-status plants or animals to exist on the Property. The Proposed Project would not encroach into any jurisdictional waters or areas that support native and/or sensitive habitat. The Property does not contain any wetland area. There would be no significant direct or indirect impacts to wetland environmentally sensitive habitat area associated with the Proposed Project. For these reasons, the Proposed Project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. Given the urban character of the surrounding area, no significant impacts to biological resources would occur. ii.The Proposed Project Is Not Located Between the Nearest Public Road and the Sea or Shoreline of Any Body of Water Located Within the Coastal Zone The Property is located in the Mariners’ Mile corridor area and is not located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the Coastal Zone. The Proposed Project does not impact public access in that the closest public viewpoint is above the Property to the northeast at John Wayne Park. View simulations were provided as part of the approved Original Project plans. The inland location of the Proposed Project site combined with the elevated and sloping location of the adjacent park minimize coastal view impacts. PA2022-101 The closest coastal view road is West Coast Highway, which is to the south, as designated in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The Proposed Project is located entirely on private property and would not inhibit coastal views from the road since the proposed development would be constructed on the inland side of West Coast Highway. The building architecture is designed to provide an attractive appearance that is compatible with the surrounding area with high quality materials, neutral colors, and architectural treatments to prevent building monotony. Therefore, the Proposed Project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. PA2022-101