HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 - Community Programs and Special Events Grants Recommendation for Fiscal Year 2022-23 - CorrespondenceReceived After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade From: Larry I Smith <Ismith@lisassociates.com> Sent: June 08, 2022 9:33 AM To: Dept - City Council <Cit\/Council@newportbeachca.go._> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I have served as a Christmas Boat Parade (CBP) Co -Chair and volunteer for eight years. I am a native and have lived in Newport Beach for over 67 years. The CBP has been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. My dad had a 38' Chris Craft and we were in the parade every year. More recently, I've served as a Parade Control Officer and a Marshal volunteer. I've seen firsthand and up close the excitement and joy the parade generates year after year. Putting on a safe, coordinated, well dressed parade takes an incredible amount of time and money. Our volunteers start working over six months in advance and get very busy in November and December. It's a very professional effort. I think we all know that the parade brings hundreds of thousands of people to the city either in person or via the media. And rightfully so as the Newport Beach CBP is unrivaled. Sure there are other boat parades up and down the coast but none rival the size and grandeur of our parade — we're the "Granddaddy" of them all! And that means revenue and national exposure to the city ... and lots of it. I strongly request that the Council approve the Special Event Grant as requested. Respectfully, Larry I. Smith "Skipper" The Commodores Club The 41 Commodores Club Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 09, 2022 10:13 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Funding for the Christmas Boat Parade From: Roger Alford <outlook_5152F34140911687@outlook.com> Sent: June 08, 2022 9:53 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Funding for the Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers:+ For over 100 years the City of Newport Beach has enjoyed the national notoriety of the Annual Christmas Boat Parade event. It has set the standard for the event here and across the US and perhaps other cities around the world. You already know this. Locally it draws business and income to the City during the Christmas season which of course means more income to our businesses and unmeasurable benefit of recognition to our visitor and tourist bureau. This adds transients payment of sales taxes and room tax income to the city. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce and it's Commodore Club organize this spectacular event with little cost to the City. The Chamber chargers only nominal fees to participants. Your financial support to the Chamber for the Event allows the Chamber to continue promoting and organizing this hallmark event for the City of Newport Beach. Roger Alford FMR chairman of the Newport Beach chamber of Commerce Sent from Mail for Windows Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade From: Newport Coastal Adventure<rvan@newportcoastaladventure.com> Sent: June 08, 2022 7:46 PM To: Dept - City Council<CitvCouncil@newportbeachca.eov> Cc: steve@newportbeach.com; thor@newportlandine.com Subject: Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am writing to state my strong support for the renewal of the "Special Event Grant" which allows the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce to do such an outstanding job in hosting the Ring of Lights and Parade each year. My connection to the Parade is both personal and professional. I am a lifelong Newport Harbor resident (Bayshores, Beacon Bay, Balboa Island) as well the owner of a business which serves the public in accessing the Parade and Ring of Lights. The Christmas Boat Parade has been the highlight of every December for as long as I can remember. Since 2014, my company has hosted thousands of people aboard our vessels to enjoy the Ring of Lights and Parade itself, throughout the entire month of December and even into January. Our patrons travel from all over California, or even from across the United States, to celebrate this special event which Newport has made quite famous. My business, along with many others in dining, transportation, and accommodations derive a significant economic benefit from the Chamber's event. It's very important that the necessary financial resources continue to be provided to the Chamber to encourage maximum participation and professional organization of this event. In 2020 we saw some outside organizers make an attempt to fill the hole left by the Chamber's absence amid the Coronavirus pandemic. While well intentioned, it was clear that it was nowhere near the same caliber of a Parade, and I am concerned that without full resources given to the Chamber, we could see diminished participation and enthusiasm under a differently organized and funded scheme. It's very important to me that the Christmas Boat Parade continue to be invigorated by the Chamber's maximum effort and creativity in soliciting participants, encouraging competition for excellence, and running a safe and smooth operation. Please renew the Special Event Grant to the Chamber to the maximum financial extent, so that myself and countless others can continue to take pride in Newport's greatest event. Sincerely, Ryan Lawler Newport Coastal Adventure Ryan (aDNewportCoastalAdventure. com PH: 949.922.8784 www.Newi)ortCoastalAdventure.com Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 09, 2022 10:14 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Christmas boat parade From: John M Curci <JCurci@dbacinc.com> Sent: June 09, 2022 9:38 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Christmas boat parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers, I am writing in support of the cities continued sponsorship of the Christmas Boat Parade. I grew up either in the parade, first on my grandfather's boat and then my father's and now my boat, or watching the parade from family houses or from lido peninsula. It has become a family tradition as we gather with relatives from all over southern California. I just could not imagine the holidays without the parade. The amount of national exposure the city receives from the event is well worth the instrument. Just a guess, but the tax revenues received from the restaurants, hotels, and other viewing spots along the route comes close to covering the expense of the sponsorship. Thank you for your past sponsorship and I hope that the tradition will continue, Thank you. John M. Curci President DBaC, Inc. 101 Shipyard Way, Suite A Newport Beach, CA 92663 PH: 949-723-0147 FX: 949-723-0126 www.dbacinc.com 1 fil Engels Law APC 600 Anton Blvd. Floor 11 Costa Mesa CA 92626 Phone: 949.269.7709 Fax: 949.269.2769 chris&engelslaw.corn June 7, 2022 Sent Via EMail Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Counsel 100 Civic Center Drive. Newport Beach CA 92660 Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 RE: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Council Members, I am writing you today to put my full support behind the renewal of the Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. My wife and I have been participants in past parades, and we hold this event near and dear to our heart for many reasons and instead of lengthy lawyer paragraphs, I will provide a list of benefits. 1. The parade provides a safe, family enriching environment in a society that is moving farther away from family values. With inflation at a 40-year high, cheap and meaningful family entertainment can be a savior to society. While Disneyland will rape a family of their last bit of savings, our cities need to be better, we need to be better, we need to be for the people, and this parade is the flagship of that philosophy. 2. We provide discounts to any participant or attendee to the parade to help encourage people to do these types of things that provide benefits to society. No parade, no legal discount to families. I run our family law department, and families love our discount for this. 3. I graduated Washington State University with a BA in Business Administration with a minor in Economics. I don't need my underlying Econ degree to tell me that there is a boost in the local economy for these events that greatly surpasses the grant. That money in turn comes back to the city in the form of taxes and good will. I cannot understate the two sides of this, tax revenue from increased sales and good will. Events like this make citizen's proud of where they live, the community they represent, and when our governments provide this service, the community responds in good will. They will stop and pick up that piece of trash, they will help that neighbor in need and they will have a grown connection with the city as a whole. This is something that cannot be quantified by any numerical statistic, it can, but it's not practical, however, it is clearly a known benefit. 4. Post Covid Considerations. Time to show the world there's nothing to be afraid of, come out and have a good time. This parade is like mental health therapy to the public after Covid. We know now that our government should have never shut us down, the data does not support it, that has been quantified, and that data is an embarrassment to State Governments and the Federal Government as a whole. $50,000 shouldn't be a discussion when it is applied to this thought, after shutting us down, no offense, all governments owe the public an apology and a duty to make things right. Taking things away like this will only serve as a detriment to society after our governments have utterly failed all of us these past few years. 5. The restaurant industry. The influx of people into our restaurants and bars is severely needed and that is a known fact. The tax revenue from food and beverage notwithstanding, what about all the workers needed that generate employment taxes? We need to inspire employment, and the parade does that directly and indirectly. Again, easy input/output analysis, 50K in, 10 fold out, discussion over. 6. My wife and I have attended every year and participate when we can. We keep our boat out of state, so it's hard now, but we will be back. This is our family tradition, and it is thousands of family's tradition, and we need it to be thousands more. Thank you for your time and consideration, I really could go on, but I promised not to go "lengthy lawyer" on you. I want to close with this thought, it is sad that in this day and age, with how much we spend on completely useless stuff, that this is even a discussion, 50k for this event should be automatic. Anyone that thinks otherwise is unamerican, can be shown the door as far as I'm concerned and I'd be happy to pay for their one way plane ticket to China. My Best, Christopher Engels Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Tree Care Professionals Serving Communities Who Care About Trees June 8, 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: www.WCAINC.com I am writing to respectfully seek your support to continue your sponsorship for the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade as you have done for the previous 8 years. The parade attracts thousands of people from around the world. Both residents and visitors have enjoyed viewing the beautifully decorated yachts, boats, kayaks, and canoes sail in the parade from the many waterfront areas. The attraction also generates much needed patrons to the many dining options within walking distance of the many public viewing spots. With the recent pandemic and the impact it has had on the Newport Beach restaurants and businesses, the Christmas Boat Parade is vital to the success of these businesses and to the economic vitality of the City of Newport Beach. I implore you to continue to support sponsoring the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade for years to come. Sincerely, Patrick Mahoney Member Newport Beach Chamber/Commodores Club President of West Coast Arborists, Inc. Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 EMPHILL'S RUGS & CARPETS 448 East 1 Th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-722-7224 Fax 949-722-7004 June 6, 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Via email: citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am writing you to ask that you vote to sponsor the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade as the City of Newport Beach has done for the past eight years. In recent years the sponsorship has been $50,000 per year. I have personally been a volunteer for the parade for nearly 30 years. I continue to perform Marshal and Parade Control Officer duties every year. In addition, I have chaired the boat parade many times over the years including the 100th version of this fantastic community event. Since my tenure as chair, this event has become bigger and more important to our community and the businesses in Newport Beach. The cost to promote and execute the parade of this stature has risen significantly during this time. The Chamber of Commerce cannot produce this event without the support of sponsors. Given the economic benefit received by the City of Newport Beach and businesses, the cost of sponsorship is completely offset in my opinion. I would urge you not only to endorse the sponsorship for this year, but to draft a five-year agreement so that the Chamber of Commerce can plan and budget for the next few years. Sincerely, Brett Hemphill Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 THE RESORT AT PELICAN HILL. N E W P O R T BEACH June 8, 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: As many of you know I have had the priviledge of appreciating all that the city of Newport Beach provides since relocating here in 2014. 1 quickly became immersed in support of this great city, joined the Commodore Club, participate on the Executive Committe of Visit Newport Beach/NB & Co, and am an Irvine Company executive having run Fashion Island Hotel and now the Resort at Pelican Hill. I have seen first hand what the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade provides our community, its residents, and visitors who flock to see this signature event each year. I've had visitors who stay at our hotels/resorts that have been coming for generations. Many came as children and now return as parents. In many cases we see three generations enjoying this special tradition. As a business operator I also appreciate the expense that goes into producing/executing an event of this magnitude. What I marvel at is the incredible dedication of so many people who VOLUNTEER their time to pull this off, myself included. With all of that said, I hope that a special event grant of $50,000 is a decision that the council can quickly come to consensus on with a resounding "of course." This event, with 113 years of history has become a Newport Beach tradition that showcases a harbor like no other— it's what makes Newport Beach uniquely special. Thank yo&r your support. 1) Widder/ ng Director— Pelican Hill 06 22701 PELICAN HILL ROAD SOUTH, NEW PORT COAST, CALIFORNIA 92657 r Forbes 949.467.6800 PELICANHILL.COM Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 June 6, 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: Boat Parade Grant for 2022 Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers, Bluewater Grill has been a beneficiary of the Christmas Boat Parade for the past 26 years and our success throughout the year is partially attributable to the exposure we receive during the five days of the parade. The sales generated during the five days of the parade are a direct benefit that increase an otherwise fairly slow period, but that fails to attribute the marketing value to our city that the boat parade delivers. The collateral benefit is that countless people journey to Newport Beach for their first time to watch the boat parade and end up becoming year-round patrons. The City Council has wisely supported the Chamber of Commerce financially in the past to augment the substantial volunteer effort that is needed to stage this internationally acclaimed event. I hope the continued support of the Chamber of Commerce by the City Council of Newport Beach with their annual grant continues in the future. It is an investment that delivers a direct quantifiable return as well as a incalculable return in creating memories and civic pride demonstrated by residents that decorate their homes and boats every holiday season, entertain guests and ring the harbor with joy during the holidays! Very Sincerely, James M Ulcickas Bluewater Grill Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 NEW PORE' B L AC H & COMPANY June 9, 2022 Members of the City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mayor Muldoon and Members of the City Council: There are many ways cities are considered successful. There are the obvious ones like public safety, infrastructure, and responsible budgeting among others. However, another critical element is celebration of local culture which in our case involves our world class harbor. That is why I am urging the continuation of special event funding for the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. As you know, the Boat Parade is an event entirely created by our residents. Without our homeowners and boat owners making significant investments in decorations and fuel, this event would not happen. This is truly a home- grown effort that has been a long and honored tradition in our city for over a century. It is also one of the most significant brand building events the city hosts each year and brings in over 1 million people to the see the event during its five - night run. These people also dine in local restaurants, stay in local hotels and shop in our stores. In a study completed a few years ago, the Boat Parade generated $6 million in local spending each year. While the actual Boat Parade elements are created by our residents, the event still requires management and coordination from the Chamber of Commerce. They provide an essential role in handling logistics and other important components to seamlessly execute the event each year. The Boat Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Parade cannot be held without solid leadership of the Chamber and its staff given the significant time it takes to keep the parade running on time and in a safe and coordinated manner. Newport Beach and Company invests well over $100,000 each year in publicity and opening night event logistics to ensure that the investment the city provides receives maximum return. While our responsibility is to handle marketing of this event and to provide that financial support, we still need the city to assist the chamber in offsetting the logistical costs so that we have a well -executed event to promote. We strongly urge your support for the Special Event funding for the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. A vote to support this event is a vote to support our many residents who are truly the heroes in making this event happen each year for the benefit of Newport Beach. With regards, 60t&_ Gary C. Sherwin President/CEO Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 June 9, 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am writing to state our strong support for the renewal of the "Special Event Grant" which allows the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce to do such an outstanding job in hosting the Boat Parade each year. My connection to the parade is both personal and professional. I grew up in Newport Heights and am the VP of Operations for both Harborside Restaurant & Grand Ballroom and Newport Landing Restaurant. While the Christmas Boat Parade is a ton of work, it really is the pinnacle of our year at both locations. The significant economic benefit of the Parade during the months of December and January are so important to our success. Thousands of new guests come to enjoy parties in the ballroom or dinners in our restaurants and are always in awe of the parade and how beautiful the area is during this holiday season. It's very important that the necessary financial resources continue to be provided to the Chamber to encourage maximum participation and professional organization of this event. These last few years have been so incredibly difficult for the restaurant industry as a whole and to even think of no Boat Parade would most likely be our demise. We saw what happened in 2020 when an outside group tried to put on the parade. The Chamber is an integral part of the success of the many years of this incredible event that is known all over the world. It's very important to us and our staff of over 200 people and their families as well as the thousands of guests that the Christmas Boar Parade continue to be invigorated by the Chamber's maximum effort and creativity in soliciting participants, encouraging competition for excellence, and running a safe and smooth operation. Please renew the Special Event Grant to the Chamber to the maximum financial extent, so that myself and countless others can continue to take pride in Newport's greatest event. Sincerely, Justin Turner Waterfront Enterprises, Inc. VP Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey. Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Date: June 09, 2022 4:06:20 PM From: erica@newportwhales.com <erica@newportwhales.com> Sent: June 09, 2022 4:04 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: steve@newportbeach.com;'Jessica Roame' <jessica@newportwhales.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am writing this letter to request your consideration to continue sponsorship of the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. I am an employee for Newport Landing and Davey's Locker in Newport Beach. Every season we take thousands of passengers out on the harbor to watch the parade boats go by and enjoy the holiday lights. The Christmas Boat Parade and events surrounding it provide millions of dollars in revenue to the company throughout the month of December. Myself and other employees depend on the business we receive during the holidays to supplement the entire year. I would greatly appreciate your continued management and marketing for this event so it continues to be a highlight of the year for hundreds of thousands of people. Thank you, Erica Page Education Coordinator / Naturalist / Captain Newport Landing / Davey's Locker Newport Beach, CA 92661 (949) 675-0550 x 110 erica P newportwha les.com You can reach me in office Mon, Thurs, Fri 8am-4:30pm. If I am on a boat 1 will return your message as soon as possible! 9 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 GEORGE & SHIELDSLLP Business Lawyers 1601 Dove Street, Suite 128 Newport Beach, California 92660 (949)263-1085 www.george-shields.com June 10, 2022 Sent via Entail and U.S. Mail Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: As a long-standing volunteer, supporter, and spectator of the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade, I would like to encourage you to continue the City's support of this outstanding event with a special event grant. The City's financial support of the Parade is important both symbolically and financially to this historic holiday tradition. The Christmas Boat Parade remains our city's "Christmas card to the world" each year. The event depends on hundreds of volunteers, residents, boat owners, businesses, and others to plan the parade, decorate the boats and bayfront properties, and provide on -the -water parade organization and control. For the City Council to also support this event with a special event grant demonstrates the City's commitment to continue making this holiday event both a local and national treasure. Let me please entreat each of you to vote in favor of a special event grant for the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. Thank you for your service in our community. Very truly yours, GEORGE & SHIELDS, LLP Timot . Shields Ma ing Partner cc: Mr. Steve Rosansky (steve@newportbeach.com) Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 city Agenda Item No. 17 cruises Ak by Hornblower ?M Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: Thank you for your consideration in providing the Special Event Grant funding for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade, hosted by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. I am writing this letter on behalf of City Cruises Anchored by Hornblower. Our organization is in full support of providing the Newport Beach Chamber the much -needed funding for hosting this long- standing event in Newport Beach. As you may already know, our business is one of many that provides local residents and visitors a variety of opportunities to experience and enjoy the Boat Parade. The Newport Beach Boat Parade plays an integral role in the success of our holiday season. We welcome thousands of passengers the week of the Boat Parade who come to Newport for this express purpose. Without the full support of the Newport Beach Chamber and their ability to host and market this event, our company is one of many that would be significantly negatively impacted. We respectfully ask that the Council approves the Special Event Grant for 2022 to the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. The Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is not only a vital part of the success of the business community, but also a truly unique event that the local community and visitors look forward to every year. Respectfully, V �1� Amy Deift General Manager City Cruises Anchored by Hornblower Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Over the past few years, I've had the pleasure of meeting all of you and getting to know a few of you on a more personal level. Something that probably none of you know, as I don't typically share this with anyone, is that I come from pretty humble beginnings. Growing up, I never went on big family vacations and/or traveled much; however, without fail, my parents would always take my brother & I down to 15th Street Beach a few days during the summer and on a chartered boat for a night on the water in December. These are the family outings that I've always cherished and what has led me to want to live, work, and contribute to the City of Newport Beach. Although my wife & I currently live in Fountain Valley, it is our dream to one day return to Newport to raise a family and become true pillars within the community. That being said, I have dedicated much of my professional & personal life to supporting this great city in as many ways as I can; my most recent honor is taking on the responsibility of serving as Co -Chair for the 114' Annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. Honestly, from just a spectator's and even a Newport Chamber Board Member's perspective, I knew that the Christmas Boat Parade was the city's largest & one of the most valued events of the year, but it wasn't until I joined the Chamber's Commodores Club & Boat Parade Committee that I was able to fully grasp the amount of time, effort, and expertise that goes into facilitating such a prestigious event. Last year was my first year on the committee, and I took an extreme deep dive into the intricacies of all things CBP. For me, the biggest takeaway was learning about all of the policies, procedures, and best practices that truly are necessary to organize a safe & well -presented parade for all parties involved; this includes participant & spectator boaters, residents & visitors, and businesses & patrons. Just like any other professionally ran large -scaled parade, there are informational & educational meetings for our parade control officers, marshals, & skippers, as well as countless meetings with our partners in the City's Harbor Department & Sheriff's Harbor Patrol. Everything from proper placement of boat d6cor for optimal skipper visibility to strategic communication with our ferry/commercial boat operators for their crossings, are addressed by our committee in order to ensure a safe & successful parade. I also always knew that the CBP was a huge revenue generator for a plethora of local businesses (both on & off the water), but had no clue that it contributed to over $6 million in taxable income during just the 5 nights of the parade (based on a survey contracted by Newport Beach & Company a few years back). Truth be told, I'm sure that number is much higher if you consider all of the residuals that the parade brings in throughout the entire month of December. So, to be able to drive that much income & exposure to our local businesses during what most would consider an "off-season" for our locale is absolutely incredible. Last but certainly not least, the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is a beloved & cherished community tradition. This is clearly seen by the vast number of homeowners & boaters who spend thousands of dollars of their own money & endless hours of their own time to decorate their homes & boats for all to enjoy. I know I'm not alone when I say that this is a tradition I hope is around for another 114 years & beyond. With the management of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce's Commodores Club & the City's support, I have no doubt that it will be! Thank you so much for your time, consideration, and support! Sincerely, Christopher N. Delfs Co -Chair of the 1141 Annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Commodore & Vice Chairman of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce June 10, 2022 To the Members of the Newport Beach City Council Via email: ci council new ortbeachca. ov Re: City Support of the annual Christmas Boat Parade Greetings, Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 REAL ESTATE Agenda Item No. 17 ills, A D V I S F R S Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the ability of our city to continue its support of the world-famous Christmas Boat Parage and Ring of Lights. It is my understanding that on your June 14,2022 meeting you will have on the consent calendar the approval of the city's 2022 sponsorship of $50,000 for our incredible city event. As an individual that previously sat in your chair, I strongly urge you to support the citizens and businesses of our community by continuing the city's sponsorship. The Christmas Boat Parade and Ring of Lights strongly brings value to our businesses. Many of our restaurants have noted that the event brings as much revenue as 10+% of their annual business in four evenings. Those that have the pleasure of living around the harbor entertain during the parade which provides a tremendous boost to our local catering companies. Businesses close and far from the water benefit by the almost one million visitors that come to Newport during the time of the parade. Our hotels are booked and TOT and sales tax spikes up because of the event. The Christmas Boat Parade and Ring of Lights benefits our local citizens. Along with Christmas celebrations in our churches, our harbor becomes a joy for all to see and for many the opportunity to participate in the beauty and pleasure of the event. The citizens that spend hours and dollars decorating their boats and homes love to compete in having the most exciting and pleasing decorations. And the event takes over 100 volunteers to manage from water and shore with volunteers signing up early each year. The parade brings the community together during the Christmas season. And equally important to the above, the Christmas Boat Parade and Ring of Lights puts the Newport Beach harbor on the world map. Islands as far away as Bermuda have sought advice on how to recreate the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. Our biggest and best asset, our Harbor, receives recognition worldwide through the marketing efforts of Newport Beach & Company. It has even been remarked that the parade is visible from outer space! Please continue the history of our city's strong support for this signature event that involves so very many citizens and businesses in Newport Beach. Please vote unanimously for "YES" to begin the city's preparation for the 2022 holiday season. Best wishes for a successful meeting. Rush Hill NRM 115 22nd Street • Ncwnort Reach, CA. 92663 • 949.773.7202 • NRMService.cnm Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:33 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade From: Christian T Hernandez <cthernandez@ft.newyorklife.com> Sent: June 09, 2022 5:30 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@NEWPORTBEACH.COM> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers, As an ambassador of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce as well as a business owner in the city of Newport Beach, I understand how much the Boat Parade means to the community. As you know, this will be the 114t" annual Boat Parade which expresses how much of a staple this event is for the city. For the past 8 years, the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce and the City Council have collaborated to come to an agreement of a 4-year contract, twice, to help provide funds to support this event. With that being said, I ask the City Council to consider providing support for this event again in 2022. Not only does the community enjoy the Boat Parade, but as well as the neighboring cities who come to enjoy the amazing event with family and friends. This event brings out an amazing aspect of Newport Beach and also supports the businesses in the city with the overflow of outside consumers. Nonetheless, while you show appreciation to the people of Newport Beach by supporting the boat parade, the people show appreciation for the City Council by this selfless act of support for the community. Respectfully, Christian Hernandez Agent CA Insurance Lic. #4095302 NY Insurance Lic. #1668291 New York Life Insurance Company 801 N Brand Blvd, Penthouse Suite. Glendale. CA91203 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade -----Original Message ----- From: thor@daveyslocker.com <thor@daveyslocker.com> Sent: June 09, 2022 6:03 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: steve@newportbeach.com Subject: Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: The Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade of Lights and Ring of Lights events have a long history with Newport Beach and are one of the largest nationally recognized events show casing the holiday season. Comparisons to Rose Parade or St. Patrick Day Parade in Chicago, the boat parade is showcasing the Newport Beach community to the world. These events contribute to the status of Newport Beach that makes it one of the most coveted places to live and visit. Davey's Locker has a long tradition of offering cruises to view the amazing lights and boats in the parade. Several generations of families often attend and it is a tradition for many. The parade is a very important event for us not only in its great popularity but also providing much needed income in a otherwise very slow time of year. I know people viewing and attending the parade not only bring much needed income to us but to all of the businesses in our area of Balboa as well as to all the businesses in Newport Beach (lodging, dining, activities, parking, etc). The parade from a investment standpoint is a huge win generating exponential value spread over so many businesses. It also provides secondary value further establishing Newport Beach as the place to live and driving demand for property and increasing real-estate values. I would recommend not only approving the $50,000 for the Chamber and the "Special Event Grant" but increasing that maybe to $100,000 as it's such a good investment for so many aspects. The Chamber is critical to ensuring successful parades and meeting expectations the parade is known for. Other cities spend millions trying to generate events like the Newport Beach Boat Parade such as the Huntington Beach Airshow, Rose Parade, Laguna Beach festivals (Sawdust etc). Thank you and please reach out if have any questions or would like more details Thor Brisbin President Davey's Locker -Balboa Pavilion 949-500-5839 cell Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:35 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Importance: High From: jessica@newportwhales.com <jessica@newportwhales.com> Sent: June 10, 2022 11:21 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: steve@newportbeach.com; thor@newportlanding.com Subject: RE: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Importance: High [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am writing this letter to request your consideration to continue sponsorship of the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. For almost a decade now I've watched the boat parade go by from the Newport Harbor in awe of the beauty and magic of Christmas. I work in the education department with Newport Landing and Davey's Locker in Newport Beach, so I often see the incredible impact our ocean and harbor has on young kids. The Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is no exception, and is one of those extraordinary times where both children and adults can watch in wonder as the spirit of Christmas fills the air. It's such a unique event in Orange County, and I always look forward to its continued growth and splendor of the parade, not only for my own enjoyment but for the continued enjoyment of the thousands of people who flock to the peninsula to enjoy the marvelous parade! After working in passenger coordination along the harbor for so many years with Davey's Locker, I've have a unique perspective into the amount of time, energy and thought that one needs to put on such a massive event and have it go on without a hitch. This is why, It's very important to me that the Christmas Boat Parade continue to be assisted by the Chamber's maximum effort and creativity in soliciting participants, encouraging competition for excellence, and most importantly running a safe and smooth operation. In order to keep the spirit of the Christmas Boat Parade thriving for the future, I would very much respect and appreciate your renewal of the Special Event Grant to the Chamber to the maximum financial extent, so that myself and countless others can continue to take pride in one of the most sought after Christmas activities in the country! Take Care, Jessica Roame Education Programs & Social Media Manager Newport Landing Whale Watching 309 Palm St. Suite A Newport Beach, CA 92661 jessica@newportwhales.com Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:36 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade From: dj4realtrucks@aol.com <dj4realtrucks@aol.com> Sent: June 10, 2022 12:03 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and City Council Members: I have worked as a volunteer helping with the Christmas boat parade for over 20 years 11 of which as a Commodore in The Newport Chamber of Commerce. I have been contacted each fall dozens of times by; friends, people who know me, that work for General Motors affiliates, and people who see the posters we display at my dealership. All asking for inside info on where to view parade from and best night to watch the parade. The Christmas Boat parade is one of the best attended events in the in Southern California and we all know the amount of money it brings into the businesses in Newport Beach. I have even been asked about it when I help as a volunteer at the yearly Sand Castle Contest in CDM. Your continued grant money assistance for this event can only help to make it better and bring greater tourist dollars into our community. D.J. Martin 1 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:45 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade From: Parker, Tyler <typarker@firstrepublic.com> Sent: June 10, 2022 1:16 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers, I have worked in Newport Beach for the greatest portion of my professional career and have always enjoyed the Christmas Boat Parade. In addition, I've heard countless stories of enjoyment from colleagues and clients. It's clear to me that the Christmas Boat Parade is a staple event for Newport Beach. During the parade, we often see an increase in local foot traffic in both my offices and in the surrounding businesses. The resulting revenue benefits the local businesses and the city. It's a dream of mine to buy my own boat and when I have the opportunity I will be participating in the boat parade myself. Please consider continuing to provide assistance to the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce so that we continue to host this fantastic event. Thank you for your time. Tyler Parker Preferred Banking Office Management Newport Beach I Corona Del Mar First Republic Bank 3991 MacArthur Blvd Ste 100 1 Newport Beach, CA 92660 2800 E Coast Hwy I Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Direct: (949) 467-8815 1 Email: typarker@firstrepublic.com We will be making important upgrades to our banking systems February 4-7. Some features and functionality will be unavailable during that time. Click here to learn more. Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant From: Kristy Szamocki <kszamocki a zoskinhealth.c_o_m> Sent: June 10, 2022 1:56 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve NEWPORTBEACH.C_ OM> Subject: Special Event Grant Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am writing to let you know I support the request for a grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. This is the event I look forward to every year for many reasons. Not only do I, like so many residents enjoy the Boat Parade itself but also everything that comes with it! I have worked the Boat awards and auction every year (with the exception of Covid) as one of the auction runners and have had the privilege of riding on the Chamber boat a time or two. I feel so honored to be a part of this wonderful event as it really is the "event of the year" in my opinion. We need this event as it helps bring the community together, and families at the end of each year, and then into the next with the awards and auction. I hope you will consider this grant so we can ensure this wonderful Newport Beach tradition continues. Thank -you, Kristy Szamocki Practice Manager kszamocki a zoskinhealth,com ZO Skin Centre-` 401 Newport Center Drive #A208 Newport Beach C;' 92660 800 960-9672 main 949-346-4567 direct Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade From: Schlier, Julia <<ul-ia_schlier a�saocom> Sent: June 10, 2022 2:09 PM To: Dept - City Council<CitvCounc — b ca.il�newportbeachca.gov> — Cc: Steve Rosansky <steveL@NEWPCRTBEACH.COM>; adriana.sarabia <adriana.sarabiaPhanahaus.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: We are HanaHaus Newport Beach, a flexible coworking space and caf6 in Lido. We also serve as the central "hub" for entrepreneurs, founders, freelancers, and academia who have needs for a workspace in this new digital era and growing trend of the Future of Work. HanaHaus has been a part of the amazing Newport Beach community since 2019. As you may know, the yearly tradition of the Christmas Boat Parade is one of the largest events that happen in Newport Beach. Our building sits right at the waterfront and comes with a beautiful view of where the parade ends. Everyone from our community loves to hang out and watch the parade from our deck. During the Christmas Boat Parade week, we have special extended business hours to accommodate evening events for venue rentals in our workspaces and outdoor deck. Corporates, teams, and families can host special year-end / Christmas gatherings — which have always been a highlight of the year. We've built an established connection with our community and have been their continued partner for Christmas Boat Parade viewing events at HanaHaus. Additionally, we already have multiple venue rental bookings for the 2nd week of December and more corporates and families are interested to host their year-end gatherings. We would like to show the Council how much support there is in the community for the parade and the service that the Chamber provides to the community in ensuring a well -managed, safe, and fun parade that will be experienced by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, either in -person or through various media. We would like to invite you to come out to our HanaHaus to see where the community and business unites — do a tour of our beautiful workspace along with a delicious coffee from our exclusive caf6 partner Blue Bottle Coffee. Best regards, Adriana Sarabia, Julia Schlier & HanaHaus Newport Beach team Julia Schlier - HANAHAUS Coiv1 Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Dear Mayor Muldoon, My name is David and I'm a small business owner and member of the Newport Beach chamber. We are a startup that makes custom printed roller shades which can be illuminated from behind at night, so you can create huge Christmas murals using your house's windows just by having the shades down and the lights on. We make these shades in Orange County, so we are doing our part in bringing manufacturing back to America and providing job opportunities for people of all backgrounds. Therefore the city's support for the boat parade and creating the dazzling holiday environment Newport Beach is known for is of huge importance to us. But beyond that, the boat parade has always been special to me since it was the first Christmas I celebrated with my college sweetheart. My family immigrated and was never big on Christmas, so it never meant much to me until that day. And after over two years of pandemic craziness, I think putting on a killer boat parade and creating that festive spirit would remind everyone that there's still a lot of hope, love, and things to look forward to. Sponsoring the chamber would go a long way in ensuring that this tradition continues. As you know, the Newport Beach chamber is one of the most active, organized, and engaged chambers in the county, and they have decades of experience by now working on the parade. I cannot think of better stewards to support for this. Sincerely, David A. Chen Owner, Covert Ink Covert i nk Brand Shades Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Donald Yahn 1324 Galaxy Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 June 13, 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am a lifelong city resident, Chamber of Commerce Board Member, Commodores Club member and Harbor commissioner. I have enjoyed the Christmas Boat Parade for over 4 decades as a participant, observer, and organizer. I am thankful to the council that the city has provided a $50,000/year grant for the last 8 years, which monies have been used to offset the expense to manage and operate the parade. The parade is a lot of work, for many, a labor of love, but the resulting product? Something that our community can be proud and an economic engine for our local businesses. As I serve on the Parade committee, and I can assure you that there is huge community support (from businesses, residents and boat owners/operators) for the parade and the service that the Chamber provides to the community in ensuring a well -managed, safe and fun parade that will be experienced by hundreds of thousands if not millions of people either in person or through various media. I urge the city council to renew the $50,000/year grant for another 4 years. Sincerely, Don Ya n Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:51 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade -----Original Message ----- From: John Santry <jsantry@icloud.com> Sent: June 10, 2022 3:22 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Blom, Noah <N Blom@ newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and City Council Members: The 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade deserves continued grant support from the City of Newport Beach. A prudent council would make this annual funding to the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce a permanent budget item and alleviate having to spend time in the future considering the item and analyzing the merits again. As we all know, the $50,000 special event funding for the annual boat parade is a small investment from the city budget that reaps significant monetary benefits through the various retail, restaurant, and accommodation tax revenues collected on behalf of the city over the five nights of the parade. As a Newport Beach resident and a member of the Newport Beach Chamber Board of Directors, I ask for your support now and in the years to come to continue this funding as the boat parade has a special place in the holiday season enjoyed by our fellow residents and the many visitors to our beloved city. Regards, John Santry jsantry@icloud.com (949) 636-2232 Sent from my iPad John Santry jsantry@icloud.com (949) 636-2232 Sent from my iPad Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:52 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade From: Miodrag Minic <misa.minic.basketball@gmail.com> Sent: June 10, 2022 7:36 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 I intend all is well! I am reaching out regarding the sponsorship funds yearly allocated to Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce for the support of the Christmas Boat Parade. As a new resident of Newport Beach, I first must say that Newport Beach is the most beautiful city I have ever seen and I have lived in many places. Despite the accelerating loss of community sense across the United States, Newport Beach remains community centric with strong leadership that supports authenticity of its locals. Although I have not yet experienced the Christmas Boat Parade myself, it was one of the first events that many locals were excited to tell me about. I've heard stories and saw photos that are truly beautiful and I am eager to experience it for myself. With that, I am sending a note to request the continuance of financial support of $50,000/yr to the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce for the service and organization cost. Regards, Miodrag Minic misa.minic.basketball(�i-)gmail.com 404-399-7507 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:53 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 2022 Special Event Grant From: Sterling Miles <sterling@catalinagalley.com> Sent: June 11, 2022 3:06 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: steve@newportbeach.com Subject: 2022 Special Event Grant [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Honorable Mayor Muldoon, Members of city council, Since before 1973 Catalina Passenger Service has been proud to offer cruises to watch the annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. Each year our vessel departs to deliver jaw -dropping views of the amazing spectacle that lights up Newport Harbor, and brings to life one of the most magical experiences on the west coast. Thousands of parents bring their children for a magical display that not only lights up the night sky, but the hearts and minds of the next generation of citizens. The Newport Beach Christmas Boat parade has truly brought families together for decades. We at Catalina Passenger Service would like to express our dearest gratitude to members of the council for your generous support of the Chamber as well as the Christmas Boat Parade. We truly owe it to you for being able to deliver an amazing experience to our patrons year after year. We are hopeful that your support will continue with the so that the most magical five nights of the year can continue to light up the hearts and minds of all who are able to see it. We overwhelmingly endorse the approval of the "special event grant" of $50,000 to the chamber as well as any additional support that is requested by the chamber for the use of any action related to the Christmas boat parade. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Sterling miles Vessel Operations Manager/CSO - M/V Catalina Flyer Newport Beach - Avalon Cell phone (949)-887-3273 Email: sterlingmiles@me.com Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:54 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Christmas Boat Parade From: Dick Dickson <dicksonreaIestate @yahoo.com> Sent: June 12, 2022 9:20 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve & Gina Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: Please continue funding this wonderful postcard to the world for the city of Newport Beach.. Sin 7— Dick 949 637-1429 1 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:54 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the Chamber of Commerce / Christmas Boat Parade 2022 From: richfischbeck@gmail.com <richfischbeck@gmail.com> Sent: June 12, 2022 9:56 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: cjfischbeck@gmail.com; steve@newportbeach.com Subject: Special Event Grant for the Chamber of Commerce / Christmas Boat Parade 2022 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers We are sending this email, as I am asking for the council to APPROVE the $50,000 grant for the 2022 Christmas Boat Parade. My wife and I have been members of the chamber for 25 years and a residents of Newport Beach for 66 on the Bayfront. Our family and friends start asking about our boat parade party months in advance! I have also been a member of the COMMODORES for the last 12 years and have been a committee member for the boat parade, as well as parade control officer (conductor of the evening)! My wife Cristy has been an ambassador for 18 years! The chamber has relied on this grant for years to help offset the costs in this world renown event and would not be as successful without it! We are boat owners have enjoyed this parade all my life! We have also received several awards over the decades! Thank you for giving this grant in prior years and please vote YES to continue supporting the incredible Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce! Respectfully, Rich & Cristy Fischbeck 310 Buena Vista Newport Beach, Ca 92661 949 910 3484 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Attachments: OutlookEmoji-1501012188961-Pasted Image2181 b6f1- dfa3-4dbf-93f9-1 d447dc55143.png From: Cheri Platte <cpplatte@ourcoc.com> Sent: June 12, 2022 1:45 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: My name is Cheri Platte. I am one of the seasoned Ambassadors of Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce and also a business owner providing care to senior residents of Newport Beach for the past 22 years. One of my fondest memories of the Boat Parade is to see the excitement in the faces of our clients/patients as they plan and look forward to enjoying this family tradition of watching the parade with their loved ones who come from all over. It is my wish that the city allocate funds for the Boat Parade allowing for this memorable experience to continue and leave memories that last a lifetime. Thank you. Here to serve, Cheri Platte Managing Director CIRCLE OF CARE, LLC (Homecare, Home Health, Hospice) 260 Newport Center Dr, Ste 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Website: CircleofCareHomeCare.com Email: cpplatte@ourcoc.com Phone: 949 503-9114 Mobile: (949) 337-7133 https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheri-platte-homecareexpert/ Ask us about our Caregiving and Nursing services in the counties of: Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino & Riverside Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:56 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade -----Original Message ----- From: Joyce Lau <econnectwebservices@icloud.com> Sent: June 12, 2022 8:56 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and fellow Council Members I am writing to support the continuation of Newport Beach Chamber as the recipient of the Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. The Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is a tradition which ring in the holiday spirit to local resident and thousands of visitors. Newport Beach Chamber has the experienced staffs to work well with different groups to manage and market this event well to the parade participants, local residents and business communities. My experience with every business or community events (Police Appreciation Breakfast, Fire Fighter & Lifeguards Appreciation Dinner, Sandcastle Contest...) hosted by Newport Beach Chamber were top notch, well plan, well organized. Quality service is a signature of Newport Beach. Newport Beach Chamber delivers this experience to the participants in every events they hosted. Newport Beach Chamber is very experienced in promoting events and the city. The Chamber is well connected with business communities. It brings mutual benefits to both. Many businesses entertain their clients by booking one of the restaurants, boats or hotels during the Christmas Boat Parade week. Some bring their families and friends from out of town to watch the parade. As a local resident, the boat parade brings Christmas cheers and community celebrations to me. My sincere thanks for your time and consideration to approve the Special Event Grant for the 2022 Christmas Boat Parade to Newport Beach Chamber. Sincerely Joyce Lau Newport Beach Chamber Ambassador - — - qj-- 1 6; �Zll (( , �-'( -1 ell? Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Councilmembers: Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 �ld Each year with few exceptions, the businesses in Corona del Mar and Newport Beach alike rely on the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade notjust as an Icon to showcase our City but along with the Chamber's Ring of Lights within our harbor to really bring the holidays meaning. Many of our budgets and staffing benefits also count on the tremendous influx of business the final month of the year. The five full nights of our Boat Parade our Chamber sponsors often generate more revenue than the balance of the month. Like many small businesses having a great December lets us ''weather" the first quarter of the year. I'm writing this letter to ask that the city council continues to support this community event for our wonderful city. Having been a resident here for 46 years I understand the benefits and appreciate the work of our Chamber in sponsoring this great event. Sincerel Sco R. Jones Generai Manager Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Corona del Mar, Ca. 1601 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar, California 92625 Phone (949) 644-9530 Fax (949) 644-9580 -,vww.bcyc.org Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 7:51 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Christmas Boat Parade From: Craig Batley <cbatley@burrwhite.com> Sent: June 10, 2022 3:45 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@NEWPORTBEACH.COM>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; Blom, Noah <NBlom@newportbeachca.gov>; Muldoon, Kevin <kmuldoon@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; Diane Dixon <Ddixon@dianedixonnb.com>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council: I am advocating for the council to authorize the traditional $50,000 Special Event Grant to the Chamber of Commerce to help subsidize the annual iconic Christmas Boat Parade. I don't have to remind you of the popularity of this event for the city residents and general public. Hundreds of boat owners spend hours decorating their boats and sail around the harbor delighting 1,000's of visitors in mid - December. Additionally, this event generates a huge amount of goodwill and revenue for the city, the vendors, merchants and restaurants in and around Newport Harbor. Today, the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade features as many as 150 boats. The parade is hosted by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce.0 In 2002, the New York Times described it as "one of the top ten holiday happenings in the nation".[4][,, r. I urge you to authorize the $50,000 grant to support this historic extremely popular event. A Little Parade History: Newport Beach Boat Parade began in 1907 with John Scarpa an Italian gondolier and Joseph Beek a developer and owner of the Balboa Ferry Line. The tradition began with John Scarpa taking a group of visitors from Pasadena across the bay in a gondola decorated with Japanese lanterns. In 1913, Walter Gustin decided to promote the event featuring lighted boats, called the "Illuminated Water Parade". To promote participation, prizes were offered for the boats with the best decorative lighting. However, due to World War I, there was no parade for the next five years. In 1919, Beek, by now operating ferryboats like the Fat Ferry, came to revive the lighted boat parade, establishing the "Balboa Tournament of Lights" in 1921, with support from both the Island and the Peninsula. From here the festival grew, including fleets of rowboats, canoes, and small sailboats, as well as motorboats, power cruisers and large auxiliaries. By 1929, scores of decorated and illuminated power craft were towing their quota of small craft, and the tournament grew in size and elaboration each year. In 1929, Governor C. C. Young remarked, "It's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! I think its most charming feature is its freedom from commercialism. CRAIG BATLEY 0: (949) 675-4630 F: (949) 675-2127 BRF, 00483751 Burr White Realty www.burnvhite.com 2901 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663 2 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 8:33 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade / Special Event Grant From: lawjonesjr@gmail.com <lawjonesjr@gmail.com> Sent: June 13, 2022 8:32 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: steve@newportbeach.com Subject: 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade / Special Event Grant [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Council members: I write to you today regarding the Newport Beach City Council's renewal of Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, Commodore's $50,000 Special Event Grant for the Christmas Boat Parade. Newport Beach is a great community to live and work. The Christmas Boat Parade is a signature event that both residents and business owners mutually enjoy. Many Newport Beach residents and boat owners spend thousands of dollars to decorate their homes and boats. The passion for the Ring of Lights and Boat Parade could not be more evident than last year, as there was an enthusiastic increase in participation. The homes and boats were even more spectacular than previous years. Besides being a wonderful display of lights, it brings the community together. There is also a financial benefit to both the city of Newport Beach and Newport Beach businesses. The five days of the Christmas Boat Parade provides many of our hotels, yacht club, resorts, and restaurants with their largest winter season gross revenues. As we can all agree, this is important as they are the backbone of the city's travel and tourism industry. The event also receives national media attention which promotes the campaign, Visit Newport. It is important that the city continue to show support of their residents and businesses by renewing the Special Event Grant for the 2022 Christmas Boat Parade. Thank you in advance for your support. Regards, Lawrence Jones Telephone: (949) 514-4055 Received After Agenda Printed June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 June 13, 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 Subject: Support for Christmas Boat Parade Honorable Mayor Muldoon: I am writing you in support of the City of Newport Beach continued partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and the Commodores in presenting the Newport Beach Boat Parade. I am a Commodore and a life long resident of this area. I have very fond memories of the Boat Parade dating back to my parents taking me to the Bay as part of our regular Christmas traditions. The City of Newport Beach is a huge recipient of the benefits of the Boat Parade. The Boat Parade is right behind the Rose Parade as a nationally recognized holiday event. Millions of dollars come into Newport Beach because of increased shopping, dining and hospitality. The City Council partnership ensures that the quality of the events is unmatched and spectators from around the country will be attracted and visit and spend. Continue your service to the community, continue your support of the Boat Parade. Vote yes to sponsor thew Boat Parade at $50,000 a year. Sincerely, Anthony Petros Newport Beach resident/former council member/Commodore 6/13/22 (C:\Users\ mulvey\App Data\Local\Microsoft\Windows\I NetCache\Content.0utlook\6CA27062\Docu men t2 - Compatibility Mode.docx) Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am sending this on behalf of the Balboa Fun Zone. The Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is a wonderful kick off to the holiday bringing excitement and entertainment to visitors and our local community who come together in celebration. The Fun Zone is a very popular viewing area for the parade. Every year our Fun Zone team and fellow merchants in Balboa Village look forward to the parade bringing an increase of visitors to our area and the opportunity of providing services to the parade participants. The Christmas Boat Parade is a tradition and part of Newport Beach history, it is a highlight of holiday season that is enjoyed by many and should continue so it can be enjoyed by many more generations to come. Sincerely, Colleen D'Aluisio Director of Operations and Project Management Balboa Fun Zone Company, LLC 600 E. Bay Ave Newport Beach, CA 92661 colleen(a-)-balboafunzone.com 949)622-0194 Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 10:15 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boar Parade From: Darrin Godin <jgodin@coh.org> Sent: June 13, 2022 10:07 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosa nsky <Steve@NEWPORTBEACH.COM> Subject: Special Event Grant for 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boar Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers, I am writing to thank you and to encourage your continued sponsorship of the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade and Ring of Lights. The annual event has become a bright tradition within Orange County and has brought increased revenue, notoriety and pride to the Newport Beach community for many years. This event is truly a hallmark of Newport Beach and the City's ongoing sponsorship is crucial. Thank you for considering the wonderful economic and good will impacts this event continues to have on Newport Beach. On behalf of City of Hope Orange County, I respectfully ask you to approve the grant request from the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce tomorrow evening. Thank you for your service to our community! Sincerely, J "Darrin" Godin, i\;'IHA ,-hier of 5t3rf Orange Coun,v igodin@coh.ora 1 711611 9075 FaCebook I Titter I Instailram I Linkedln I YouTube I Plebsite TOP uk •, a i WORK PLACES WORK 2021 2 11 2 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ -SECURITY/CONFIDENTIALITY WARNING - This message and any attachments are intended solely for the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Mulvey, Jennifer From: Rieff, Kim Sent: June 13, 2022 10:16 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Events grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas boat parade From: Kathleen Peters<kathleen.peters.gk76@statefarm.com> Sent: June 13, 2022 10:09 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@NewportBeach.com> Subject: Special Events grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas boat parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mr. Mayor Kevin Muldoon, I would like to add my support to fund the grant to the Newport Beach chamber. My family & I have attended the parade every year for the last 12 years. My grandchildren look forward to starting our Christmas week activities with this parade. As business owner (obviously not effected by the revenue) but I understand how the hotels and especially the restaurants profit from this annual event... The local news coverage give Newport Beach untold dollars of publicity..... Please vote to sponsor the Chamber parade... Thanking you in advance, Warm Regards, thleen Peters I Agent �49) 945-1919 Office & 'ex', kathleenaaaentkathleen com tps agentkathleen mm A License tf0B29993 Review _us_on Goonle Serving all of California & Arizona! Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Date: June 13, 2022 10:45:58 AM From: Jaril Tudio <jaril.tudio@yahoo.com> Sent: June 13, 2022 10:45 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I am writing to request for your consideration in your continued support of the Newport Beach's 114 year old tradition, the Boat Parade. It is one of the things my family and friends look forward to every year, as we gather and celebrate the most joyous holiday of the year. As evident during the pandemic, when it was cancelled for the 1st time in history, we have all witnessed what impact this tradition have to everyone. The Chamber has been very instrumental in putting this together. It is one of the most important tourist attraction that helps support the retail businesses here (restaurants, lodging/hotel/vacation rentals, retail shopping, etc). We hope this current administration will see to it that this great city's tradition will continue to be enjoyed by the generations to come. JARIL TUDIO (949) 307-7525 Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Date: June 13, 2022 11:49:47 AM From: Newport Beach Tax & Financial <1taxpro1040@gmail.com> Sent: June 13, 2022 11:49 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: I'll be perfectly honest, my business is not impacted by the boat parade one way or another, however, being a lifelong resident of the City of Newport Beach I certainly know dozens and dozens who heavily rely on this amazing annual event as a serious part of their yearly revenue. As a resident of 58 years, I couldn't even begin to list the amazing memories I have. I've participated in the event in probably every way imaginable from being a small child watching with my family from a dirt cliff above coast hwy., now known as John Wayne Park, to the various boat excursions both officially in the parade, and those trips where we were merely observers, to now having the honor of being a judge for the parade. I am passionate about this parade and always have been for the reasons above and many more. Let's do everything we can to make sure this amazing family tradition and revenue stream, if you will, continues without a hitch. Sincerely, Thomas V. Cuomo, EA, CTP Newport Beach Tax & Financial Ambassador / CFO - Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce ltaxprol04O(@gmail.com 714.981.7248 r FINANCIAL PARTNERS CREDIT UNION 844.TRY.FPCU FPCU.org 2272 Michelson Dr STE 102 Irvine, CA 92612 June 131", 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: My name is Ryan Magdaleno and I wanted to reach out and express my support of the Newport Beach City of Commerce in the work they do every year with putting on the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. This long-time tradition is a staple for Orange County and the city of Newport Beach. The Christmas Boat Parade attracts people from all over the world every year and with this large influx of visitors to the city, brings in more revenue for the local business in the area. I have been going to the parade as often as I can, and it always reminds me of my childhood and all the happy memories I have with my family. My childhood would have not been the same without these memories. So, I ask that you and the City Council approve the financial support that the Chamber of Commerce is requesting to keep this well-known tradition alive. Thank you! Sincerely, Ryan Magdaleno Irvine Branch Manager (949) 390-2891 RMagdaleno@fpcu.org BUILDING LIFETIME FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIPS Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 From: Kelly Carlson <kelly@balboawatersports.com> Sent: June 13, 2022 12:06 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: colleen@ balboafunzone.com Subject: Balboa Beer Fest [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Mayor Muldoon and City Council Members - I am writing again on behalf of the Balboa Village Merchant Association about our grant application for the Balboa Beer Fest. We plan to host this event in November this year. This will be our 5th Beer Fest, though we have not had once since 2017. We have reimagined the event and are working with a local publication's event staff to help better monetize our event, so that we can raise funds to continue our marketing efforts for the entire Balboa Village area. In past years we have focused on our social presence and website and hope that the Beer Fest will become a yearly event we can host for the community, while raising money to help support our small businesses in the area. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me with them. Thanks you, Kelly Carlson President Balboa Village Merchant Association Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 From: Rieff. Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Date: June 14, 2022 7:43:53 AM From: Person Garcia <pgarcia@pelicanhill.com> Sent: June 13, 2022 5:41 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCounciI@newportbeach ca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@newportbeach.com> Subject: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Muldoon & fellow Councilmembers: As a 25 year resident of Newport Beach/Costa Mesa I am writing to you to express my thoughts on the NB Christmas Boat Parade. The boat parade has been an institution of Newport Beach and has etched lifelong memories in the hearts of local residents and visitors. Just the anticipation of the boat parade approaching sets a tone in our wonderful city and shows that we value family, community & the arts in a unique way specific to only Newport Beach. Huntington Beach has countless activities, shows, concerts and more, however, the boat parade is our gem. Laguna has its Festival of the Arts, Saw Dust, Pageant of the Masters which are paid events nothing like our "free" boat parade. The boat parade presents a sense of unity not monetized for the masses "OC Fair" $$$$$. We welcome locals and visitors from all over the world and invite them to come and enjoy our parade of lights and through this they see how proud we are of our great city. It is our week to shine. Thank you for helping, supporting and continuing to support this great Newport tradition. We are proud of our great city! Thank you, Person Garcia Director of Strategic Partnerships & Key Accounts The Resort at Pelican Hill 22701 Pelican Hill Road South I Newport Coast, California 192657 Phone 949.467.5909 1 Fax 949.467.6876 paarcia()oelicanhill.com Received After Agenda rinted June 14, 2022 Agenda Item No. 17 From: Rieff, Kim To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Date: June 14, 2022 9:27:58 AM Attachments: imacie001.Dna From: Marina Dutton <MDutton@balboa bayresort.com> Sent: June 14, 2022 9:27 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Steve Rosansky <steve@ N EWPORTBEACH.COM> Subject: Re: Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: Balboa Bay Resort strongly supports the Newport Beach Chamber on getting sponsored by the City for the annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade . This 5- days celebration has been the highlight and tradition of Newport Beach. For over 100 years, our city has celebrated this premier holiday event with our community, guests, and members. The Boat Parade also provides a great financial contribution to the city. Being the only waterfront property in Newport Beach, this event has generated half a million in rooms revenue alone, not including auxiliary spend. We strongly support the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade and request the City and its fellow council members to approve sponsorship. We look forward to continuing many more years of this cherished tradition for Newport Beach. Sincerely, Marina Dutton I General Manager I Balboa Bay Resort 1221 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Direct: 949.630.4200 mdutton(@balboabayresort.com balboabayresort.com . Facebook . Instagram . Twitter Norman E. Witt 2830 Carob Street Newport Beach, CA 92660-3211 14 June 2022 Mayor Kevin Muldoon Newport Beach City Council 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Support for the Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade Dear Mayor Muldoon and Fellow Councilmembers: My family and I are proud Newport Beach voters and appreciate the time and effort you spend to lead our community. In fact, community is what the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is all about. I have participated in the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade for the last fifty plus years. I have helped decorate homes and boats, have volunteered for parade control duty and in fact was honored to be the Chairman for the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade in 2006. Most of all, I have enjoyed the sights and sounds of the parade with friends and neighbors from our great community. When I was in college working for a local restaurant, I was told that the Christmas season, and particularly the Christmas Boat Parade week was the most profitable of the year. In fact, many of our local businesses rely on the visitors attending the Boat Parade to be freely spending and enjoying the hospitality of Newport Beach. I urge your vote tonight for the Special Event Grant for the 2022 Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. Sincerely, _ Norman E. Witt