HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 - Tustin Avenue Trial Street ClosureQ SEW Pp�T CITY OF z NEWPORT BEACH c�<,FORN'P City Council Staff Report June 28, 2022 Agenda Item No. 20 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Antony Brine, City Traffic Engineer, tbrine@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3329 TITLE: Tustin Avenue Trial Street Closure ABSTRACT: At the August 24, 2021 City Council meeting, the City Council directed staff to install temporary barricades to implement a trial closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive. The genesis for the trial study was a request from Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue residents for the City of Newport Beach to look at an option to calm traffic and alleviate cut -through traffic. The temporary barricades were installed on November 18, 2021. Traffic counts were collected on area streets prior to the closure and after the closure was in place for five months. The results of the "before and after" traffic data are outlined in this report. At the April 12, 2022 City Council Study Session, the City Council directed staff to further review options to the closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive and meet with the residents and stakeholders to discuss the study results and options. An informal neighborhood meeting was held on June 1, 2022. A summary of the options that were studied and discussed is incorporated in this report. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; and b) Direct staff to remove the temporary barricades on the north end of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive, returning the roadway to its prior condition, and reopen the roadway to vehicular traffic. 20-1 Tustin Avenue Trial Street Closure June 28, 2022 Page 2 DISCUSSION: At the August 24, 2021 City Council meeting, the City Council directed staff to install temporary barricades to implement a trial closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive (see Attachment A). The barricades were installed on November 18, 2021. The trial closure was studied for approximately five months, during which traffic count data was collected before and after the barricades were installed. Streets in the surrounding Newport Heights area were included in the "before and after" study. The study area is shown on Attachment B. Study area streets were selected to determine if the closure of Tustin Avenue might cause any impacts to nearby neighborhood and business streets. At the April 12, 2022 City Council Study Session, staff presented a summary of the traffic count data. Summarized below are the daily traffic volumes re -distributed from the Tustin Avenue trial street closure area, as collected on a typical weekday. Before After Difference • Tustin Avenue 834 276 (- 558) • Ocean View Ave 169 255 + 86 • Avon Street 718 1,070 + 352 • Riverside Ave (n/o Cliff) 1,862 2,053 + 191 • Tustin Ave (n/o Cliff) 2,513 2,517 + 4 • Cliff Drive (w/o Tustin) 5,800 6,123 + 323 Several observations can be made when reviewing the traffic count data. The observations below also incorporate historical knowledge of traffic flow in Newport Heights. • As expected, there was a significant reduction in traffic on Tustin Avenue south of the street closure. The difference in traffic (- 67%) is consistent with the estimated cut -through traffic volumes as outlined in the August 24, 2021 City Council Staff Report (Attachment C). • Over time, many drivers familiar with the area simply avoided Tustin Avenue. For those drivers that continued northbound on Tustin Avenue beyond Avon Street, many diverted to Ocean View Avenue when they reached the closure. This is shown by the increase in daily traffic (+51 %) on Ocean View Avenue. • There was a significant increase in daily traffic on Avon Street (+49%) adjacent to the businesses. Much of the diverted traffic continued westbound to Riverside Drive, then traveled north as the route to Newport Heights. 20-2 Tustin Avenue Trial Street Closure June 28, 2022 Page 3 • Some of the traffic that avoided Tustin Avenue north of Avon Street traveled directly to the Coast Highway/Riverside Avenue intersection, then went north on Riverside Avenue from Coast Highway as the option to access Newport Heights. • There was an increase in traffic volumes on Riverside Avenue north of Cliff Drive (+10%). Some of the traffic traveling into Newport Heights used Riverside Avenue as an alternate route north into Newport Heights as opposed to traveling eastbound on Cliff Drive toward Irvine Avenue. The traffic speeds did not change on Riverside Drive north of Cliff Drive before and after the closure. • The closure did not affect traffic volumes on Tustin Avenue north of Cliff Drive. This is not unexpected because the northbound traffic (before the closure) that previously traveled into Newport Heights via Tustin Avenue primarily made a right turn, and continued eastbound on Cliff Drive toward Irvine Avenue. • The combination of the daily traffic volume increases on Cliff Drive west of Tustin Avenue (+6%) and the additional daily traffic on Riverside Drive north of Cliff Drive equals roughly the reduction in daily traffic volumes on Tustin Avenue. Neighborhood Community Meeting On June 1, 2022, staff held an informal neighborhood community meeting at the location of the trial closure. Approximately 70-80 residents attended the meeting, with many residents from each of the study area streets of Tustin Avenue, Ocean View Avenue, and Riverside Drive. Numerous comments were received both for, and against, the trial closure. Options to the trial Tustin Avenue closure were also discussed with the residents. Resident Comments and Concerns Throughout the trial closure, Tustin Avenue residents have provided comments and concerns for the safety of walkers, runners, cyclists, students, pets, etc. on Tustin Avenue. The Tustin Avenue residents are also concerned with "cut -through" traffic, vehicles being able to pass on the roadway, and the steep roadway grade. Tustin Avenue residents also commented that their street was unique because of the "front -loaded" driveway access. The garages and driveways on Tustin Avenue take direct access to the street, as opposed to garage access from the alley (as exists with most residential homes in Newport Heights). After the trial closure traffic counts were reviewed and presented, Ocean View Avenue residents noted the additional traffic on their street and supported the opening of the trial closure. They relayed concerns with increased turning movements at the Avon Street @ Riverside Avenue intersection. They also suggested a closure at the bottom of the roadway at the Avon Street intersection as an option. Riverside Avenue residents primarily commented that the additional 191 vehicles per day impacted the safety of their street for students, walkers and pets. They stated that speeds are an issue on Riverside Avenue, and the steep grade of their street and lack of sidewalks adds to their concerns. 20-3 Tustin Avenue Trial Street Closure June 28, 2022 Page 4 Options to the Trial Roadway Closure • Maintain closure of Tustin Avenue. As studied, significantly reduces traffic on Tustin Avenue but adds traffic to all other surrounding area residential streets. • Open Tustin Avenue to vehicular traffic. Re-establishes roadway system and circulation to previous conditions. Traffic volumes on area streets revert to prior levels. • One-way street operation on Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue. Reduces traffic volumes on Tustin Avenue but would increase traffic volumes on Ocean View Avenue. Speeds would potentially increase on these streets. The potential for wrong -way traffic and associated issues would require regular enforcement. • Establish a partial or full closure at the lower intersection at Avon Street. Any closure at the Avon Street intersection will have the same results regarding the shifting of traffic volumes to Riverside Avenue, Avon Street and Cliff Drive. In addition, parking for businesses at the corner of Ocean View Avenue and Avon Street would be negatively impacted. • Provide for parking restrictions on one side of Tustin Avenue. Parking restrictions would provide for a more open street, and the ability for vehicles to pass. The Tustin Avenue residents did not support removal of any parking, or parking restrictions. • Construct a sidewalk on one side of Tustin Avenue. This improvement would provide for a place for pedestrians, students, pets and possibly runners. Many streets in Newport Heights have the same types of exercise activity occurring in the roadway because of the lack of sidewalks. The Tustin Avenue residents did not support the construction of a sidewalk. • Install streetlights on Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue. This installation would increase nighttime visibility and potentially improve safety. The Tustin Avenue residents were not supportive of installing streetlights. Data on Tustin Avenue Considered in the Staff Recommendation • Traffic volumes on Tustin Avenue before the closure are low at 834 trips per day. Traffic engineering manuals indicate that for livability, local neighborhood streets can have traffic volumes in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 trips per day. In comparison, other key streets in Newport Heights function with higher volumes than Tustin Avenue. Daily traffic on Clay Street varies from 1,750 to 2,970 trips per day. Riverside Avenue north of Cliff Drive has 1,862 trips per day. Tustin Avenue north of Cliff Drive has 2,513 trips per day. Westminster Drive north of Old Newport Boulevard has 3,430 trips per day. 20-4 Tustin Avenue Trial Street Closure June 28, 2022 Page 5 • Measured 85t" percentile speeds on Tustin Avenue are low at 23 mph. By comparison, other streets in Newport Heights have higher measured speeds. On Clay Street, speeds are measured at 27-29 mph. Kings Place speeds are 27 mph. Riverside Avenue speeds are 27-28 mph. • The accident history over the last 10 years is low pursuant to Newport Beach Police Department and State records. One pedestrian accident occurred in 2021, and one parked vehicle was hit in 2016. • Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue were built in 1945 and provided access to Cliff Drive and the Newport Heights neighborhood at that time, creating the established circulation system that exists today. • City Council Policy L-26 states that roadways should not be considered for closure, or cul-de-sac, with less than 4,000 vehicles per day. Observations/Conclusions With the trial closure of Tustin Avenue, the surrounding neighborhood streets of Ocean View Avenue, Avon Street, Riverside Avenue and Cliff Drive all received various levels of traffic diversion and traffic increases. In relation to vehicles safely passing with parking on both sides, the Tustin Avenue width of 28 feet is not significantly different than the Corona del Mar (CdM) residential streets with a street width of 30 feet. Many similar concerns have been made by residents about difficulty for vehicles passing on the CdM streets, with vehicles parked on both sides. With regard to "front -loaded" driveways, it should be noted that other streets in the city have similar direct driveway access on to roads with higher speeds and traffic volumes. For example, homes on Irvine Avenue north of Dover Drive have direct garage access on to Irvine Avenue with a posted speed limit of 40 mph and a daily traffic volume of 12,000 northbound vehicles. Holiday Road west of Irvine Avenue has direct garage access to a residential street with 1,633 vehicles per day and measured speeds of 33-34 mph. In reviewing the street design plans, the roadway grade on Tustin Avenue is 12 percent. The grade for the lower segment of Riverside Avenue adjacent to the Cliff Drive Park is similar at 11.5 percent. The opening of Tustin Avenue will not subject the street to more traffic, it will simply return the volume of traffic to previous levels before the trial closure. Future development may add traffic to Tustin Avenue, but development may also add traffic to other Newport Heights streets. It would be guesswork to estimate the levels of future traffic without knowing the trip generation and distribution of traffic from a specific project. A permanent closure of Tustin Avenue would establish a precedent where residents on other low volume, low speed, and low accident streets can request a similar change to an established circulation system in an area. Therefore, staff recommends removing the temporary barricades on the north end of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive and opening the roadway to vehicular traffic. 20-5 Tustin Avenue Trial Street Closure June 28, 2022 Page 6 FISCAL IMPACT: The current adopted budget includes sufficient funding for the removal of the barricades, to be conducted by City staff within the Streets section of the Public Works Department. It will be expensed to salary and benefit accounts within the Streets section of the Public Works Department 0108061-711001. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Closure Location Attachment B — Study Area Attachment C —August 24, 2021 City Council Staff Report Attachment D — Resident Emails 20-6 ATTACHMENT A TRIALU axs " o ,° m z. �� z10 " �J� o�pP Qp rzz f0 9v0Nv ay ,. ` rya °pryao° ° John Wayne Park CO tiwY i� ; w "ry TUSTIN AVE TRIAL CLOSURE LOCATION MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6/28/2022 20-7 ATTACHMENT B re and after Tustin Ave Closure Comparison) INEEMENE Count Location "W —AVpNST� John Wayne Park A<F <y NBG°S Disclaimer NEWPORT BEACH O Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of rEWcO� Newport Beach and its employees and agents �� e 0 446 891 disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. U a �9�F00.N\r' Feet 9/14/2021 20-8 �EwPpRT CITY OF Q o ATTACHMENT C �z NEWPORT BEACH <,FORN'P City Council Staff Report August 24, 2021 Agenda Item No. 22 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Antony Brine, City Traffic Engineer, tbrine@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3329 TITLE: Tustin Avenue Trial Closure at Cliff Drive ABSTRACT: The residents of Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue between Avon Street and Cliff Drive have conveyed their existing safety concerns regarding the interaction of vehicular traffic with pedestrians, runners, bicyclists, dog walkers, etc. on these narrow residential streets. In working with the residents on potential solutions to their concerns, staff is proposing a trial closure, to vehicular traffic only, at the north end of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive as a potential means to address their concerns. An analysis of traffic will be completed during a four -month trial period. At the end of the trial period, staff will report to the City Council the outcomes of the closure to determine if a permanent closure would be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; and b) Direct staff to install temporary barricades to implement a trial closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive for a four -month trial observation period, and report back to City Council on findings and recommended next steps. DISCUSSION: Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue are both 28 feet in width curb -to -curb residential streets, with parking allowed on both sides and no public sidewalks. This allows for only a single travel lane approximately 12 to 14 feet in width. Due to the narrow width, opposing traffic must pull aside and/or yield in order to pass. Additionally, there are no sidewalks on either street, which leads to many pedestrians, runners, cyclists, pets, and students in the street itself. 20-9 Tustin Avenue Trial Closure at Cliff Drive August 24, 2021 Page 2 The roadway grade on both streets is steep, approximately 12 percent, which also adds to the parking and traffic interaction concerns of the residents. There are no existing street lights in this neighborhood. Between April 19 to April 25 of this year, traffic counts were collected on both Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue. The average daily combined traffic on the two streets is 945 trips per day. The trip generation associated with the local residential homes in this small neighborhood would equate to approximately 295 trips per day. Based on the data, there are approximately 650 non -local generated trips per day using Tustin and Ocean View Avenues combined (cut -through traffic). A neighborhood petition was submitted to City of Newport Beach staff with the request to close the north end of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive to vehicular traffic. Of the 31 residential addresses on Tustin Avenue and Ocean View Avenue, 26 property owners signed the petition in support. Three properties were vacant. See Attachment B. City Council Policy L-26 outlines the criteria and goals used to consider if a roadway closure is appropriate to address non -local (cut -through) traffic. In this instance, a trial closure would support one of the Policy Goals to "discourage the use of local residential streets by non -local (cut -through) traffic by making the streets less attractive as commuter routes". The potential impacts of a roadway closure in this location should be considered. One potential impact is a diversion of traffic to parallel local residential streets. In this case, traffic would be diverted to the non-residential Avon Street and the designated commuter road, Riverside Avenue. Given the very low volumes of vehicles involved, and that we see no traffic diversion to other residential streets, traffic diversion is not anticipated to have an impact. Another potential impact is Fire and Police response times. The Police Department has indicated they have no concerns with the trial closure. The Fire Department has recommended a removal of some parking at the top end of Tustin Avenue to allow for a clear turning radius for their emergency vehicles. New parking stalls in the street end can be provided to temporarily replace the removed spaces. See Attachment C. As a means to reduce the number of existing conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, bicyclists, runners, etc., staff is proposing a trial closure to vehicular traffic at the north end of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive. Temporary barricades will be installed to close the roadway to vehicular traffic. Openings in the barricades will be maintained to allow pedestrians and bicycles continued access through the closed roadway area. The trial will last for four months, after which the results of the trial will be provided to the City Council with a recommendation to either maintain the closure permanently, or to re -open Tustin Avenue to vehicular traffic. FISCAL IMPACT: The adopted budget includes sufficient funding to undertake this trial road closure. Set- up costs will be expensed to the General Fund account in the Public Works Department, 20T03-01201927. 20-10 Tustin Avenue Trial Closure at Cliff Drive August 24, 2021 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Location Map Attachment B — Petition Attachment C — Preliminary Plan 20-11 ATTACHMENT D Brine, Tony From: Kearl <jkearl@yahoo.com> Sent: June 03, 2022 11:1S AM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Brine, Tony Subject: Opposition to Closing of Tustin Avenue [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Council Members: My husband and I live on Riverside Avenue with our school age child. We strongly oppose the closing of Tustin Avenue. Given that the neighborhood was designed with Tustin Avenue NOT being a cul de sac, it makes no sense for Tustin Avenue to become a cul de sac at this time. Such a closure, while admittedly advantageous to the residents of Tustin Avenue, places in inordinate traffic burden on the remaining streets. This neighborhood is unique in that it has three schools ranging from K-12 in walking distance. As such, there are large numbers of children walking and riding their bikes on Riverside Avenue and the surrounding streets. To force these children to fight more traffic to get to school safely is not in their best interest. I am sure the few residents of Tustin Avenue pushing this issue are also concerned for the safety of their children. For that reasons, the best solution would be to complete the installation of sidewalks on Tustin Avenue. Of the two blocks at issue, one already has sidewalks. The second block has partial sidewalks. If the sidewalks were completed, the issue would be resolved without thousands of school children and thousands of cars competing for less road space. This solution allows us to continue to use all our resources for the common good. I walk the streets of Newport Heights with my neighbors twice daily, and we would be happy to meet any council member for a walk and to discuss further. Sincerely, Jane Kearl 20-12 Brine, Tony From: Lynn Lorenz <lynnierlo@icloud.com> Sent: June 02, 2022 11:46 AM To: Brine, Tony; Dept - City Council Subject: Traffic in the Heights [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Tony, I was at the meeting last night and was pleased to see the number of neighbors in attendance. One issue I brought up but that was probably lost during the spirited speeches was: What are the widths of all the streets whose traffic has increased during the time that Tustin has been walled off? My house on Redlands and a friend's house on Riverside date back to approximately 1943. If I heard correctly, that was before the houses were built on Lower Tustin and Oceanview. Riverside with traffic parked on both sides of the street and visibility limited by the hill seems particularly hazardous to residents who cannot let children play in their front yard, nor enjoy walks on their street. Also the traffic on Riverside and upper Tustin is very fast moving which, when coupled with the number of cars that use those streets, create great cause for concern. As mentioned, traffic on upper Tustin is a nightmare. It would be interesting to know its width as well. Not to say that lower Tustin, and Oceanview don't have their problems, but it would help the traffic discussion to talk independently about the problems of each street. Or as n the case of Tustin, the traffic of each half. It never serves the community well in the long run to make changes that do not take all factors into consideration equally, not just those ( to use an overworked metaphor), of the "squeaky wheel." The map that was used at the first traffic meeting was very helpful to see the numerical effects on each street when the barricade was put up. We tried to distribute those maps in the community so that everyone started with the same amount of information. Unfortunately no one was there from Cliff Drive to express the new traffic problems that they were facing. Irvine, which has terrible traffic at certain times of the day was not represented either. Perhaps these streets feel that the Council will make decisions that take their problems into consideration. After the meeting, one lady from Riverside spoke to me of a very bad traffic accident on that street. Yet there didn't seem to be an opportunity to express such information from other streets as the residents from Lower Tustin and Oceanview were a bit more aggressive than the others even though it seemed that they did not outnumber them. I tried to say something and was repeatedly interrupted by the people around me. Somewhere in between the time limited monologues at council meetings and a boisterous and over energized crowd is a happy medium. That said, last night's discussion was handled aptly by Mr. Brine and Mr. Webb, despite the feeling among some spectators that perhaps the decision of what to do with Heights' traffic had already been made. Lynn Lorenz Sent from my iPad 20-13 Brine, Tony From: Lance Leonard <lancedleonard@gmail.com> Sent: June 02, 2022 10:39 AM To: Brine, Tony Subject: Tustin / Oceanview Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tony, I want to thank you for organizing the community meeting last night, it was appreciated. I stayed and listened to my neighbors and understood and respected each viewpoint. I know there is some emotion regarding the current situation, and appreciate there is no easy answer as the neighborhood and city continue to expand. It leaves me with only one position and that is status quo may be the only fair way to deal with the situation. It is a fact that fixing one problem will create another. The closure of Tustin solves issues for one neighborhood but shifts that problem to those surrounding streets that will bear the brunt of the increase in traffic, both mechanical and pedestrian/bike. I know that when we purchased our property we knew what we were buying, a home on a street that has more than average traffic and a pass -through street in Newport Heights. I based my purchase decision on these facts and valued this accordingly. I knew that the corner of Riverside and Clay was going to make my family accommodate for this reality, my kids would have to be careful and we would have to accommodate for the increase in traffic throughout the years. This reality was the same for those that invested in Tustin/Ocean View/ Avon/ San Bernardino, they too knew the streets were narrow, traffic cut through the neighborhood and that future retail growth was inevitable. Everyone went into this with eyes wide open, nothing has changed since the neighborhood started 60+ years ago. Now some want to shift their situation and move the problem somewhere else, that's just not fair. Again, I understand the complaints of those on Tustin, but didn't we all buy into this fully aware of the situation? Why ask the city to solve their issues at the cost of others? I would like to improve several things on Riverside, but I wouldn't ask for this at the cost of my neighbors, I knew full well what I was getting when we bought the house. Thanks again, I look forward to the recommendation at the upcoming meeting at city hall on the 28th. Lance & Gretchen Leonard 431 Riverside Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 lancedleonard(@Rmail.com 206-919-2066 phone 20-14 Brine, Tony From: Robert Clarke <rclarke@surterreproperties.com> Sent: June 01, 2022 2:19 PM To: Brine, Tony Cc: talkienewport@aol.com Subject: FW: Trial Closure/Tustin/Cliff [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From: Robert Clarke <rclarke@surterreproperties.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 1:21 PM To: Robert Clarke <rclarke@surterreproperties.com> Cc: talkienewport@aol.com Subject: Trial Closure/Tustin/Cliff Dear Mr. Brine: My wife Carolyn and I have resided at 215 Tustin Ave. since 1976. In that time we have experienced an increasing amount of traffic on our section of Tustin Ave. We strongly support the closure of Tustin for a number of reasons, one of the primary reasons being safety. Thank you. Robert and Carolyn Clarke Robert Clarke 949.293.9333 www.SurterreProperties.com DRE#00886840 X 1400 Newport Center Drive • Suite 100 • Newport Beach. CA 92660•DRE#01778230 20-15 Brine, Tony From: e@bearflagfishco.com Sent: June 01, 2022 1:56 PM To: Brine, Tony Subject: Tustin Ave Street Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Tony My husband (Thomas Carson) and I have lived at 208 Tustin Ave with our two young girls for the past 10 years. During this time we have not allowed our kids to even walk up the hill or play out front due to speeding & heavy traffic up our small narrow street of only 28 feet. This small part of Tustin Ave is only used as a "shortcut " to Newport Heights, since this is known as a short cut it makes it very difficult for us to pull out of our driveway due to speeding cars and excessive traffic ,we have no alley access like alot of other Newport Height Streets . In the later hours of the evening you hear and see many cars speeding up our street way past the speed limit ! There have been many cars hit on our street . With the new development going on with Mariners Mile our small street will only get busier also the car dealerships right down the street off PCH , BMW, MClaren, Maserait and think it's fun to test drive up Tustin Hill! Newport Harbor High Schools track and field team and sports teams use our hill to train on lets make it safe for them and all pedestrians who walk up and down our street. Since the closure at the top of Tustin I've noticed a huge difference with traffic. Now there are no unnecessary cars traveling , speeding up our small street, our street feels like a neighborhood not a freeway ! To access Newport Heights, Dover and Riverside should be used considering they are much much wider streets , there is no reason for cars to access Cliff from our street. My family and I stand behind the closure of Tustin Avenue to be Col -De -Sac at the top of the street leaving a walk way open for pedestrians and bikes Thank you City Council for taking the time to hear our opinions and will see you tonight at 5:30 at the meeting Thank you Erika Carson Bear Flag Fish Company, 407 31st Street Newport Beach CA 92663 20-16 Brine, Tony From: joann lombardo <jojoannmail@gmail.com> Sent: June 01, 2022 12:24 PM To: Avery, Brad; Muldoon, Kevin; Brenner, Joy; Dixon, Diane; Duffield, Duffy; Blom, Noah; O'Neill, William Cc: Brine, Tony Subject: Opposition to Proposed Tustin Avenue Closure at Cliff Drive [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Mayor and City Councilmembers, The proposed street closure at Tustin Avenue and Cliff Drive will increase vehicular traffic on all studied Newport Heights streets, except Tustin. Here are the numbers: • Ocean Avenue and Avon Street will experience daily traffic increases by about 50%. • Riverside Avenue will experience daily traffic increases by 10%. • Cliff Drive will experience daily traffic increases by 6%. • Tustin Avenue south of Cliff Drive will experience traffic DECREASES of 75%. The closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive is wrong because: • Closure will greatly reduce traffic on Tustin Avenue while significantly increasing traffic on adjacent streets. • Closure will create a de facto private street at the public's expense. • Closure will create a gift of public funds, enhancing the value of Tustin Avenue residences while degrading the value of adjacent streets. • Traffic is a long term problem on all Newport Heights streets. Closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive makes this problem worse. I urge you not to support the street closure. Thank you. Joann Lombardo 2916 Clay Street 20-17 Brine, Tony From: dale@newportwestproperties.com Sent: June 01, 2022 11:19 AM To: Brine, Tony Cc: 'Craig Gregory'; Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin; Blom, Noah; Brenner, Joy; O'Neill, William; melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com; gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com; 'Ellie Perkins'; Scott@lcmaterials.com; 'Sean McDonald' Subject: Upper/Lower Tustin Street Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Tony — I just want to follow up on my past emails regarding the upper Tustin road closure "test" and the lower Tustin/Ocean View road closure being considered. My understanding from the presentation you made several months ago during a city council meeting regarding this issue is that traffic data confirms Tustin is a street with very low traffic volume, used by vehicles most always traveling at low speeds, and with a low traffic accident record. You noted that, while there may be the occasional speeder, traffic data shows that 85% of drivers travelling up and down Tustin do so at less than 25 miles per hour. I also recall you saying several times that traffic volume needs to be in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 cars -per -day on a residential street to be considered a concern. My understanding is that traffic volumes on Tustin were less than one -quarter that level prior to the upper Tustin closure. I can understand that residents living along the 400-500 blocks of Riverside have seen an increase in traffic. I think most drivers instinctively choose the easiest path to where they are going. When upper Tustin was open, I always used that to access Cliff Drive, and either turned right to go up Irvine Avenue, or made the left and quick right to continue up Tustin, since it goes directly to 17t". I never went farther down the hill to turn right onto Riverside, which requires waiting at a stop sign and turning right or left, where Riverside dead -ends at 15t", to connect with Tustin or Santa Ana to reach 17t". Now, the opposite is true. Since I am forced to take Riverside, when I reach the stop sign, I always go left up Riverside, turning left or right at 151". That's faster than going through the stop sign, and waiting for on -coming cars to clear to make the left onto Tustin. Particularly now that upper Tustin is closed, the downhill backup of cars waiting at the Riverside stop sign often extends past the Tustin turn pocket. I assume closing a street permanently is a decision not taken lightly. Unless there is compelling traffic data, that in your professional opinion requires this action as a response, I don't understand the purpose of these "temporary" closures to test the effects of doing something traffic data does not support as necessary. From what I have observed, closing Tustin has negatively affected residents of Tustin/Ocean View, and impacted other areas of Newport Heights as well. As I mentioned in an earlier email: • If pedestrian safety is a concern of Tustin residents, a sidewalk should be considered, on Tustin only, not on Ocean View. 20-18 If cars having difficulty passing each other on Tustin is a concern of Tustin residents, limit the hours curbside parking is permitted, or eliminate curbside parking entirely, on one side. Again, on Tustin only, not on Ocean View. look forward to the opportunity to meet you at tonight's meeting! — Dale Falasco 243 Ocean View 20-19 Brine, Tony From: Sean McDonald <seanymcdonald@gmail.com> Sent: June 01, 2022 9:20 AM To: Craig Gregory Cc: Brine, Tony; Webb, Dave (Public Works); Brenner, Joy; Dixon, Diane; Houlihan, James; Avery, Brad; Muldoon, Kevin; dale@ newportwestproperties.com; scott@lcmaterials.com; Georgia Hanck; monique Subject: Re: Fw: Community Meeting - Tustin Avenue Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning all, The meeting today feels hostile given the emotions the Tustin residents have; they essentially led us to believe that a lower closure is not possible, or "doesn't make sense" , when it clearly is possible. Every Ocean View resident I've spoken to is NOT in favor of the upper closure. The traffic on Avon has been bad, and with summer coming it will become a big problem. My vote is to immediately remove the upper closure, and try the bottom closure, preferably with a "one-way" exit, so you can exit out the bottom.... OR to remove the top closure immediately and go back to its original state. The top closure is great for the Tustin Ave residents; I completely understand why they want it so badly.... However, I strongly believe that a bottom closure trial is the fairest way to move forward in this process. Having Avon or PCH be our only options to get into our neighborhood is causing more problems than good; this is all before the future development that will one -day be built down below... Thank you for your time. Sean & Hayley McDonald 229 Ocean View Ave On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 10:46 AM Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@yahoo.com> wrote: Good morning all Tony Please see Email from Tustin Neighbors. Is it true that a lower trial is not an option. Please see emails from Tustin Residents. I have spoke to most of the Ocean View neighbors about attending the Community meeting next wednesday. Myself and others feel this will just create more friction and become a bigger divide between Ocean View and Tustin ave Residents. I have not spoken to 1 Ocean View resident that is in favor of upper Closure. In closing the inconvenience for Ocean View residents only entering at Avon getting busier by the day far exceeds the benefits of the Upper Tustin closure. I do understand it is worth it for Tustin Ave Residents, Best Regards 20-20 Brine, Tony From: Stephanie King <stephaniepackerking@gmail.com> Sent: May 31, 2022 10:24 AM To: Brine, Tony Subject: RE: In Favor of Tustin/Oceanview/Cliff Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. P.S. I forgot to mention, that I had not been receiving information from you/the city re: the trial closure. Please add me to your distribution list re: future communication. From: Stephanie King Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 10:23 AM To: tbrine@newportbeachca.gov Subject: In Favor of Tustin/Oceanview/Cliff Closure Dear Mr. Brine, I live at 213 Tustin Ave in Newport Beach with my husband and two children, and I am in favor of the proposed closure of the street at Tustin/Oceanview/Cliff. While being able to exit Tustin onto Cliff was convenient for my family, I think the danger of Tustin Ave. being used as a thoroughfare for Pacific Coast Highway Traffic creates too great a danger. Tustin Avenue between PCH and Cliff Drive is unusually narrow and steep. It lacks sidewalks and streetlamps. When cars are parked on both sides of the street as they typically are, only a single car is able to pass through. Furthermore, anyone on foot needs to stand aside to let the car pass. About a year ago, a pedestrian injured herself in front of our house when she was forced to dive out of the way of a car speeding up the street. A neighbor called the police. My husband arrived home from work as this was unfolding and he witnessed the police officer nearly getting hit by another car speeding up the street while the officer was collecting information about the first hit-and-run incident. In addition, cars parked on the street are damaged. In the above -referenced hit-and-run, the drive damaged a park car. One of our cars has been damaged by passing cars, as well. Again, the street is narrower than most in the city. Prior to the trial closure, exiting from Tustin onto Cliff Drive was also dangerous as there is a blind curve coming up the hill (and motorists and electric bike riders often run the stop sign at Riverside and Cliff). Lastly, you are probably aware that the steep grade of Tustin Ave. is often used by exercisers, including the young teens who row for Sea Base. Again, the narrowness of the street combined with the steep grade and cars parked on both sides presents a danger for anyone on foot. As I understand there are additional dwelling units planned at the base of this hill, I can only imagine the danger of impatient, speeding motorists on the narrow incline of Tustin will get worse once construction is complete. Oceanview and Tustin between PCH and Cliff Drive is a small residential tract, and should not be permitted to be used as a short-cut by impatient motorists heading to/from a highway. To me, the reduction in risk overrides any inconvenience 20-21 in having to travel on the (commercial) Avon and the commercial and non-residential portion of Riverside in order to access other areas of Newport Heights. Regards, Stephanie King 20-22 Brine, Tony From: Frank King <frankjavierking@yahoo.com> Sent: May 29, 2022 7:51 PM To: Brine, Tony; Frank King Subject: Street closure at Tustin and Cliff Dr., Newport Heights [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Mr. Tony Brine, My name is Frank King. This email is regarding the proposed closure of the Tustin Ave/Cliff Drive Junction in Newport Heights. My wife and I moved into Newport Heights in 2020. We are at the second to the last house on Tustin Ave on the left just before Tustin T-bones into Ocean View. While very pleased with the move and the location, after a few weeks here I noticed a great deal of traffic on Tustin Ave, especially traffic going up the street from PCH to Cliff Drive. I then learned that this section of Tustin Ave. serves as a throughway for cars trying to get to Cliff Drive from PCH. While this is a logical cut across, it leads to very heavy traffic and congestion which makes this section dangerous. I have witnessed firsthand how dangerous heavy traffic in this part of Tustin can be. This section of Tustin Ave is very narrow. It will only accommodate three cars. This means that if a car is parked on either side of the street and two cars are heading toward each other, one has to merge. So inherently, this street is congested. Any additional flow of cars such as that caused by cut -across traffic further adds to the congestion and puts the residents at risk. More importantly and dangerous is the speed at which vehicles come rushing up the street. Shortly after we moved here, a woman was clipped by a car while she was jogging up Tustin Ave. Luckily she dove between two cars and escaped what could have been a severe injury. Per the woman, the car was speeding. Fortunately she did not sustain any major damages. A police report was filled and the records can be obtained by the NBPD. I was a witness to the aftermath of this incident when a police office was called to assess the situation. While all this was going on, not more than 15 minutes after the woman was injured, another vehicle sped up Tustin Ave, probably around 30-40 mph. The police office pulled in front of the car to protect the woman and witnesses at the scene. The car finally stopped about 10 feet from the officer. Before the temporary closure, cars sped up Tustin Ave constantly, putting at risk the lives of children, men, women and our pets. As expected, traffic has become more "normal'. I am in favor of the closure. This would make this section of Tustin Avenue safer. Closure may avoid life threatening injuries from speeding traffic. Opponents of the closure state that traffic will become more congested on Riverside Dr. and the section of Tustin Ave beyond Cliff Dr. Although traffic might increase ever so slightly, it will be diverted onto many streets: Riverside, Tustin, El Modena, Aliso, etc. Traffic coming PCH onto Riverside will be decompressed onto these other avenues, rather than all that traffic being "funneled" into the narrow and already congested part of Tustin Ave we are talking about. In sum, I am in favor of the permanent closure of the Tustin Ave -Cliff Dr. junction in Newport Heights for the reasons stated above. 20-23 Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Frank J King 231 Tustin Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 929 3992 20-24 Brine, Tony From: Sue Leal <sue@specceramics.com> Sent: May 29, 2022 1:34 PM To: Brine, Tony; Dept - City Council Subject: Tustin Avenue Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Unfortunately, I will be out of town for the community meeting Wednesday evening, June 1, at 5:30, so please accept this email as my input: I sincerely hope you, our surrounding residents and City Council can appreciate how positive the closure of Tustin at Cliff Drive will be for the traffic and safety of our entire community. Tustin (from PCH to Cliff) should not be allowed to be a thru-street. Tustin is not "like" any other residential street in the Heights; it intersects with PCH and all the restaurant and cruise ship traffic; it is extremely narrow with no sidewalks; and it is not a main artery like Dover or Newport to 171h Street. In addition, the northbound turn at Tustin and Cliff is extremely dangerous. As you know, we have been working diligently for many months to get this closure completed for the safety of The Heights. There appears to be a concern from a resident (as far away as San Bernardino Street) that the closure of Tustin may impact traffic on their street or those surrounding it. I have talked to several residents in that area who state there has been no traffic impact on their streets whatsoever since the temporary closure of Tustin months ago. I can understand there were also some concerns from a few Riverside Drive and Ocean View residents at the beginning of the closure. That was to be expected because the closure caused (1) inconvenience for Tustin and Ocean View residents who cannot enter or exit at Cliff Drive anymore and (2) it caused confusion for drivers that were used to turning onto Tustin at PCH and making their way to Cliff and 17th Street, which caused them to make a U turn or drive down Ocean View to exit. That confusion has long since subsided; drivers have found their way to Riverside at PCH (as they should) and make their way to Cliff or 17`h Street. Those that are familiar with the area don't turn onto Riverside to continue up to 171h Street either because they know that Riverside does not flow through to 171h. Therefore, I assume (and have observed) that the only change in actual traffic flow is from PCH to Cliff and from Cliff to PCH. In addition, I have not observed any added traffic congestion at Avon and Riverside. The usual daily congestion is when (1) drivers on PCH get the green arrow to turn left onto Riverside and (2) when westbound drivers on Riverside get backed up trying to make a right on PCH. RECOMMENDATION: To alleviate unnecessary traffic on Avon, please consider returning westbound Tustin at PCH to two lanes; one for making a left onto PCH when the light changes and one for making a right as traffic allows. (I heard it was originally two lanes but changed to one lane for the McLaren dealership, which is no longer there.) Many of us tend to avoid the Tustin/PCH light; instead we turn onto Avon and attempt to make a left onto Riverside to get to PCH. Making Tustin/PCH two lanes would make everything much more efficient and safe. It would also discourage us from trying to make a left at Avon onto Riverside. That's much more dangerous than simply turning right from Tustin onto PCH. Sounds like a win win to me! Thank you for your consideration, 20-25 Susan E. Leal 219 Tustin Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 714-231-4660 sue@specceramics.com 20-26 Brine, Tony From: Amy Gagnier <amygagnier@gmail.com> Sent: May 28, 2022 7:19 PM To: Brine, Tony Subject: Oceanview/Tustin [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Tony, We are homeowners at 207 Tustin Ave. We will be out of town on the 1st, therefore; will not be able to attend the neighborhood meeting. We strongly believe that keeping the top closed off is the best for our neighborhood. These two streets are extremely narrow, multiple blind spots, and should absolutely be blocked for the safety of all residents. There are plenty of wider streets through The Heights for the residents to use, especially getting children to and from school that are definitely safer routes for ALL involved. After this issue is resolved, one way or another, I hope the parking permit for residents will be further reviewed as I submitted all paperwork and signatures that you replied that you had received 11/12/2020. Thank you, Amy & Randy Gagnier If you're lucky enough to live by the ocean, you're lucky enough. 20-27 Brine, Tony From: Scott@Icmaterials.com Sent: May 27, 2022 8:45 AM To: Brine, Tony; 'Craig Gregory'; Brenner, Joy; 'Sean McDonald' Cc: dale@ newportwestproperties.com; Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Webb, Dave (Public Works); Houlihan, James Subject: RE: Upper Tustin Street Closure: Study Session Follow -Up [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Parties I also agree with the detailed points below from Dale's email. I would also like to add that entering our area from PCH is becoming more and more difficult whether it be from Riverside Dr, or Tustin Ave. due to lack of access from above. I am also in agreement to open up the top of Tustin from the "trial phase" as soon as possible. Thank you. 239 Ocean View Scott Lincoln Comoosite Mater,ais -1-398-835 949 C. 7.9 From: Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 10:09 AM To: 'Craig Gregory' <gregorybuilt@yahoo.com>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; Sean McDonald <seanymcdonald@gmail.com>; scott@lcmaterials.com Cc: dale@ newportwestproperties.com; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Webb, Dave (Public Works) <DAWebb@newportbeachca.gov>; Houlihan, James <1Houlihan@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: RE: Upper Tustin Street Closure: Study Session Follow -Up Hello Craig, I am going to send out a meeting invitation today to all interested parties for a community meeting to discuss the issue. The meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday evening June 1 at 5:30 p.m. at the intersection of Tustin @ Oceanview. We want to discuss different options, and get opinions from the residents in the area. The future plan is to place the item on the City Council agenda for the June 28 meeting. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone : (949) 644-3329 e-mail : tbrine@newoortbeachca.gov 20-28 From: Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@vahoo.com> Sent: May 24, 2022 7:20 PM To: Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <1BrennerCcDnewportbeachca.gov>; Sean McDonald <seanymcdonald@gmail.com>; scott@lcmaterials.com Cc: dale@newportwestproperties.com; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: Upper Tustin Street Closure: Study Session Follow -Up [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello all Any updates on removal of upper Tustin trial closure Thankyou Craig Gregory President Gregory Homes, Inc. (714) 747-4027 Greaorvbuilt(d)vahoo.com On Monday May 0 2022 11 11 42 PM PDT Brenner Joy <jbrenner newportbeachca.gov> wrote Tony did you feel you got enough direction from council to try closing it off at the bottom and if so when might that be? Joy Brenner Newport Beach City Council District 6 On May 7 2022 at 10 41 AM Craig Gregory <gregorybui1t(g_)yahoo.com> wrote [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good Morning all I would agree with Dale with all points It's time to remove the upper Tustin closure trial all Ocean View Ave residences feel the same. It's clearly not something we would agree too Moving forward all 31 Tustin and Ocean View residents should be informed of future plans not lust a few Tustin Ave Residents with there own Agenda if A lower trial is an option most would agree to try this option on behalf of Tustin Ave Residents Thank you for your consideration 233 Ocean View Ave Best Regards 2 20-29 Craig Gregory Gregory Builders t7141747-4027 On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 6:29 PM, dalean_ew.portwestpro.perties...c,.,om <daleOa.newiDortwestr)roperties.-com> wrote: We are approaching the one -month mark following the Council study session related to the Upper Tustin road closure As a resident of Ocean View. I would like to share my thoughts I think the study session was quite helpful in identifying resident concerns and more importantly putting them in perspective when viewed in the context of the traffic data presented by City Staff Tony Brine did an excellent lob of diplomatically presenting traffic data confirming Tustin is a street with very low traffic volume used by vehicles most always traveling at low speeds and with a low traffic accident record Tony noted that. while there may be the occasional speeder traffic data shows that 35", of drivers travelling up and down Tustin do so at less than 25 miles per hour Tony also mentioned several times that traffic volume needs to be in the range of 2.000 to 3.000 cars -per -day on a residential street to be considered a concern. My understanding is that traffic volumes on Tustin were less than one - quarter that level prior to the Upper Tustin closure. I listened carefully to the comments made by the speakers living on Tustin and their concerns were all related to three issues i) there is no sidewalk, ui with parking permitted on both sides. Tustin is effectively "one-way in locations where cars are parked on both sides opposite each other and ui) local restaurant diners and others use Tustin as a short-cut into Newport Heights from PCH Regarding creating a sidewalk, if the City Council believes funds are available and is inclined to do that on Tustin. I suppose that would address the comments made by Tustin residents about pedestrian safety Closing Upper Tustin in an attempt to reduce already low traffic volumes would have minimal impact on increasing pedestrian safety Only a sidewalk allowing pedestrians to move off the street entirely would achieve that I have spoken with a number of residents on Ocean View and found no interest in a sidewalk on our street. Traffic volumes are even lower than on Tustin. and I have heard no concern about pedestrian safety and the lack of a sidewalk on Ocean View In fact. not having a sidewalk is one of the charms of the street. I don It think anyone will want to surrender a big portion of their already small front yard to a sidewalk that would rarely be used Regarding the one-way issue because the street is so short I personally have never found this to be an issue You can easily see from one end to the other and quickly figure out who has space to pull over and who should pass Cars are not parked bumper -to -bumper along both sides the entire length ;plus there are openings created by driveways). In my experience. there is always room for one car or the other to pull over and let the other car pass. and things are quickly sorted out. Over the past two weeks I have made a point of only using Tustin. both coming and going to make sure I was not missing something regarding the narrow. or'one-way' street concerns of Tustin residents During this period I have been surprised by how many curbside parking spaces have been available whenever I have travelled up or down Tustin If that is typical I really don t understand the complaints regarding on -coming traffic and lack of maneuverability It may oe that things are much better now that the two houses under construction on Tustin for the past year and a half are now done. and 20-30 there are no longer contractor trucks and employee vehicles needing to park on Tustin all day relating to those Again. closing Upper Tustin is not an answer to this issue The parked cars are from residents and employees of businesses along PCH and w!ll remain Cars will still be travelling up and down Tustin. whether Upper Tustin is closed or not. just a few less in number If this current driver give-and-take is not acceptable to Tustin residents and the Council feels this is an Issue that must be addressed the answer would be to eliminate curb parking on one side significantly increasing street drive -width and room to maneuver for two-way traffic With respect to concerns by Tustin residents that Tustin is used by large numbers of drivers as a 'cut - through' to Newport Heights from PCH restaurants making it difficult to enter and exit driveways. etc traffic data shows this is simply not the case Prior to the Upper Tustin street closure traffic trip volume on Tustin was less than one -quarter the threshold level of residential street volume considered to cause traffic issues Tustin residents were already living on a street with such low traffic volumes as I am sure would make homeowners on many Newport Beach residential streets jealous There is no justification to consider the Upper Tustin street closure as necessary based on traffic volume As I mentioned in my comments to the Council at the study session. Upper Tustin connects us directly and conveniently to our Newport Heights neighbors and 17' Street shopping. The street closure has forced Tustin/Ocean View residents to use the already congested intersection at Avon and Riverside The traffic coming into and out of the C est Si Bon center have made it a street unto itself That traffic will be further increased upon the opening of the Star Fish take-out. and the restaurant going into the commercial building next door at Avon and Riverside Making a left turn or even a right. at Avon and Riverside has become challenging and time-consuming In summary, I am asking the City Council to immediately consider the following: 1 It is time to remove the Upper Tustin street barriers. and re -open the street to two-way traffic - Based on the low -volume. low -speed and low traffic accident data presented no street closure to reduce or restrict traffic is warranted 2 If pedestrian safety on Tustin is a significant concern a sidewalk should be considered on Tustin only not on Ocean View 3 If cars having difficulty passing each other on Tustin is a significant issue, limit the hours curbside parking is permitted or eliminate curbside parking entirely on one side Again on Tustin only not on Ocean View Summer is approaching with increased beacn travel and additional traffic on Riverside Let s get this resolved quickly' — 20-31 Dale Faiasco 243 Ocean View 20-32 Brine, Ton From: Ellie Perkins <elica.perkins@gmail.com> Sent: May 26, 2022 4:2S PM To: melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com Cc: gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com; Brine, Tony; Avery, Brad; Dixon, Diane; Brenner, Joy; Duffield, Duffy; Scott@lcmaterials.com; gregorybuilt@yahoo.com; dale@ newportwestproperties.com; seanymcdonald@gmail.com; michaelglenblack@gmail.com; peter. helfrich @sap.com; e.carson@bearflagfishco.com; Sue Leal; kathyashaw5@gmail.com; dgriffith@law1975.com; marina.samen@gmail.com; carrieslayback@gmail.com; mbsaucerman@icloud.com; lyklippert@aol.com; jkearl@yahoo.com; lancedleonard@gmail.com; Sara D'Elia; lynnierlo@aol.com; unclesepo@yahoo.com; Karla. Milton@wellsfargoadvisors.com; trath32@icloud.com; Deborah Young; tom@renewtechinc.com; Webb, Dave (Public Works); Houlihan, James; O'Neill, William Subject: Re: Community Meeting - Tustin Avenue Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi, Ellie Perkins here - also on Riverside (400 block) and have also seen increased car traffic. We get a lot of people with families and dogs walking along the street, it is not looking very safe out there. I am not able to attend on June 1st due to a school event at my daughter's school, but hope you could share the notes from the meeting and provide other opportunities for impacted residents to voice their concerns. Thank you, Ellie On Thu, May 26, 2022, 2:45 PM <melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com> wrote: Dear all, Melissa Barnes at 507 Riverside Avenue, the increase in traffic has been considerable since the blockade has been set up at the top of Tustin Avenue and Cliff Drive. I am not sure how a decision of this magnitude can be made unilaterally by the city and without a vote. I am certainly hoping that this is not the case. This is bound to impact property values on the 400 and 500 blocks of Riverside Avenue. I plan to be in attendance next Wednesday, June 1. 20-33 I have also added in Will O'Neill as I highly regard his opinion. Thank you for keeping the overall traffic profile for Newport Heights in mind. Best, Melissa Barnes 507 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 949-633-1896 From: gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com <gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 2:29 PM To: tbrine@newportbeachca.gov; baverv@newportbeachca.gov; ddixon@newportbeachca.gov; JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov; dduffield@newportbeachca.gov; Scott@lcmaterials.com; gregorybuilt@yahoo.com; dale@newportwestproperties.com; seanvmcdonald@gmaiI.com; michaelglenblack@gmail.com; Peter. helfrich@sap.com; e.carson@bearflagfishco.com; sue@specceramics.com; kathyashaw5@gmail.com; dgriffith@law1975.com; marina.samen@gmail.com; carrieslayback@gmail.com; mbsaucerman@icloud.com; Iyklippert@aol.com; jkearl@yahoo.com; lancedleonard@gmail.com; sdelia@remmgroup.com; Iynnierlo@aol.com; elica.perkins@gmail.com; unclesepo@yahoo.com; Karla.Milton@welIsfargoadvisors.com; trath32@icloud.com; debbie@ayavolaw.com; melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com; tom@renewtechinc.com Cc: DAWebb@newportbeachca.gov; JHoulihan@newportbeachca.gov Subject: RE: Community Meeting - Tustin Avenue Closure I cannot attend the meeting but will hope for better plans than closure of a thorough faire street. Where is the traffic going to increase on? Definitely my street, Riverside Avenue. Feels like Riverside Avenue is actively becoming the gateway to the 55 freeway. No sidewalks, all the bikes, kids, dog walkers actively dodging cars. Regards, Gina J. Cereda Managing Director - Investments ; CA Insurance License #oB8394-/ Wells Fargo Advisors Gina.Ceredagwfadvisors.com \Mail code: 113u8-16o 20-34 Brine, Tony From: melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com Sent: May 26, 2022 2:46 PM To: gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com; Brine, Tony; Avery, Brad; Dixon, Diane; Brenner, Joy; Duffield, Duffy; Scott@lcmaterials.com; gregorybuilt@yahoo.com; dale@newportwestproperties.com; seanymcdonald@gmaii.com; michaelglenblack@gmail.com; peter.helfrich@sap.com; e.carson@bearflagfishco.com; sue@specceramics.com; kathyashaw5@gmail.com; dgriffith@law1975.com; marina.samen@gmail.com; carrieslayback@gmail.com; mbsaucerman@icloud.com; lyklippert@aol.com; jkearl@yahoo.com; lanced leonard@gmail.com; sdelia@remmgroup.com; lynnierlo@aol.com; elica.perkins@gmail.com; unclesepo@yahoo.com; Karla.Milton@wellsfargoadvisors.com; trath32@icloud.com; debbie@ayayolaw.com; tom@renewtechinc.com Cc: Webb, Dave (Public Works); Houlihan, James; O'Neill, William Subject: RE: Community Meeting - Tustin Avenue Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear all, Melissa Barnes at 507 Riverside Avenue, the increase in traffic has been considerable since the blockade has been set up at the top of Tustin Avenue and Cliff Drive. I am not sure how a decision of this magnitude can be made unilaterally by the city and without a vote. I am certainly hoping that this is not the case. This is bound to impact property values on the 400 and 500 blocks of Riverside Avenue. I plan to be in attendance next Wednesday, June 1. I have also added in Will O'Neill as I highly regard his opinion. Thank you for keeping the overall traffic profile for Newport Heights in mind. Best, Melissa Barnes 507 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 949-633-1896 From: gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com <gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 2:29 PM To: tbrine@newportbeachca.gov; bavery@newportbeachca.gov; ddixon@newportbeachca.gov; JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov; dduffield@newportbeachca.gov; Scott@lcmaterials.com; gregorybuilt@yahoo.com; dale@newportwestproperties.com; seanymcdonald@gmail.com; michaelglenblack@gmail.com; peter.helfrich@sap.com; e.carson@bearflagfishco.com; sue@specceramics.com; kathyashaw5@gmail.com; dgriffith@law1975.com; marina.samen@gmail.com; carrieslayback@gmail.com; mbsaucerman@icloud.com; lyklippert@aol.com; jkearl@yahoo.com; lancedleonard@gmail.com; sdelia@remmgroup.com; lynnierlo@aol.com; 20-35 elica.perkins@gmail.com; unclesepo@yahoo.com; Karla.Milton@welisfargoadvisors.com; trath32@icloud.com; debbie@ayayolaw.com; melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com; tom@renewtechinc.com Cc: DAWebb@newportbeachca.gov; JHoulihan@newportbeachca.gov Subject: RE: Community Meeting - Tustin Avenue Closure I cannot attend the meeting but will hope for better plans than closure of a thorough faire street. Where is the traffic going to increase on? Definitely my street, Riverside Avenue, Feels like Riverside Avenue is actively becoming the gateway to the 55 freeway. No sidewalks, all the bikes, kids, dog walkers actively dodging cars. Regards, Gina J. Cereda Managing Director - Investments I CA Insurance License #oB83947 Wells Fargo Advisors Gina.Ceredakwfadvisors.com Mail code: II:j118-16o From: Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.goy> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 12:15 PM To: Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Dixon, Diane <ddixon@newportbeachca.gov>; Brenner, Joy <JBrenner@newportbeachca.gov>; Duffield, Duffy <dduffield@newportbeachca.gov>; scott@Icmaterials.com; Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@yahoo.com>; dale@ newportwestproperties.com; 'seanymcdonald@gmail.com' <seanymcdonald@gmail.com>; Michael Black <michaelglenblack@gmail.com>; Helfrich, Peter <Peter.helfrich @sap.com>; Erika Carson <e.carson@bearflagfishco.com>; sue @specceramics.com; Kathy Shaw <kathyashaw5@email.com>;'dgriffith@law1975.com' <dgriffith@law1975.com>; Marina Samen <marina.samen@gmail.com>; Carolyn Slayback <carrieslayback@gmail.com>; 'mbsaucerman@icloud.com' <mbsaucerman@icloud.com>;'lyklippert@aol.com' <lyklippert@aol.com>; Cereda, Gina <gina.Cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com>; 'jkearl@yahoo.com' <jkearl@yahoo.com>; 'Lance Leonard' <lancedleonard@gmail.com>; Sara D'Elia <sdelia@remmgroup.com>;'lynnierlo@aol.com' <lynnierlo@aol.com>; Ellie Perkins <elica.perkins@email.com>;'unclesepo@yahoo.com' <unclesepo@yahoo.com>; Milton, Karla <Karla.Milton@wellsfargoadvisors.com>; 'trath32@icloud.com' <trath32@icloud.com>; Deborah Young <debbie@ayayolaw.com>; 'melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com'<melissabarnesgroup@gmail.com>;'Tom D'Elia' <tom@renewtechinc.com> Cc: Webb, Dave (Public Works) <DAWebb@newportbeachca.gov>; Houlihan, James <JHoulihan@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Community Meeting - Tustin Avenue Closure Dear City Councilmembers and Residents, We are scheduling a community meeting to discuss the issue of the trial closure of Tustin Avenue @ Cliff Drive. The meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday evening June 1 at 5:30 p.m. at the intersection of Tustin @ Oceanview. We want to discuss the trial and different options to the closure, and get opinions from the residents in the area. The future plan is to place the item on the City Council agenda for the June 28 meeting for a full discussion with the City Council. If you have any questions about the meeting, please let me know. Thank you. Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone : (949) 644-3329 e-mail : tbrine@newportbeachca.gov 20-36 Brine, Tony From: barbara <barbara@krausmanagement.com> Sent: May 26, 2022 8:00 AM To: Brine, Tony Subject: Fwd: Tustin Avenue/Ocean View Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Thank you for the recent message regarding the meeting on June 1 at Tustin and Ocean View is this open for any neighbors to attend please see below my letter of March 29. Is it possible to be added to the email chain to my other neighbors? Respectfully, Barbara and John Kraus Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: barbara <barbara@krausmanagement.com> Date: April 1, 2022 at 4:22:00 PM PDT To: citycouncil@newportbeachca.gov Cc: John Kraus <jkraus@krausconst.com> Subject: FW: Tustin Avenue/Ocean View Closure From: barbara Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:49 PM To: citycouncil@nb.gov Cc: tbrine@newportbeachca.gov Subject: Tustin Avenue/Ocean View Closure Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council, You are considering permanent street closure of Tustin Avenue/Ocean View which is the only thru street to the busy 17`h Street. This temporary closure has already resulted in more traffic on Riverside, Cliff and Clay streets. We already have school traffic and the ever increasing electric bike parade, which is causing more and more close calls on accidents. Not only will the closure affect the already increased traffic, but it will diminish real estate values on Riverside Avenue, as Tustin Avenue was already known as the thoroughfare to 171h and PCH. We purposely built our home on Riverside Avenue 18 years ago, as it was a quieter street than Tustin Avenue. Tustin Avenue values were always less as it was such a busy street. In addition, we have no sidewalks and the increased traffic and speeding cars on our streets leaves no safe walkways for pedestrians and bicyclists. We enjoy neighbor visits and we have all been concerned about the increased, speeding traffic along Riverside Avenue. 20-37 We request that this closure be declined to keep our neighborhood safe and ask what the plan is for the current traffic increases. Respectfully, John & Barbara Kraus 518 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 Barbara A. Kraus 949.433.6040 20-38 Brine, Tony From: Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@yahoo.com> Sent: May 24, 2022 7:10 PM To: Brine, Tony; Sean McDonald; scott@lcmaterials.com Cc: dale@newportwestproperties.com Subject: Re: Ocean view / Tustin closing of street [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Tony Any updates you could share with us on Ocean View. Several other neighbors have been asking about removing upper trial. I am sure the Tustin group is still trying to push this through and are trying to convince others to gather signatures. Thankyou Craig Gregory President Gregory Homes, Inc. (714) 747-4027 Gregorybuilt@yahoo.com On Thursday April 28. 2022 9 28 13 AM PDT Sean McDonald <seanymcdonald@gmail com> wrote Hi Tony I just wanted echo what Craig and Dale nave already stated I think :t s time to lift the trial closure of upper Tustin and then to do a trial closure of the bottom portion- I think the best scenario is an exit only through the bottom portion as its a win win for both ocean view and Tustin residents How do we get approval for a trial closure at the bottom? It s only fair to the ocean view residents that this option is explored before a permanent Solution is implemented- All of the ocean view residents are in agreement about this Thank you for spending time on this Best Sean McDonald 229 ocean view ave On Apr 28 2022 at 5 24 AM Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@yahoo com> wrote Good Morning Thanks for the update Tony Dale has Filled us in on nis involvement as well 1 20-39 All of the Ocean View neighbors are in agreement its time to remove :.peer trial Best Craig Gregory President Gregory Homes Inc. % 14 i '747-402 i Gregory bu!It gyahoo com On Tuesday April 26 2C22 1 25 04 PM PDT Brine Tory --tbrirefgnewportbeacrca gov> ,vrote Heilo Craig There have been no decisions made yet. T^e City Cour•c:i directed staff to review other options to the Closure at the top of Tustin Avenue and return back with an additional discussion No date is set `or the next City Council discussion In the meantime. the temporary closure vvill remain in piace If you have any more questions please let me know Thank ,iou Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 Phone ; 949, 644-3329 e-mail tbrine(a.newportbeachca.gov From: Craig Gregory <gregorybuiltgyahoo com> Sent: April 26 2022 , 08 AM To: Brine Tony <tbnnea_newportbeachca gov> 'dale@newportwestproperties com' <dalennewportwestproperties com> 'Sean McDonald' <seanymcdorald@gmail com> Subject: RE Ocean view Tustin closing of street [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning 20-40 Tonv nas there been any decisions made from meeting the t 2th I was hopeful the upper temporary closure would be removed prior to Summer traffic Thank you Craig Gregory Gregory Builders 7 1 41 747-4027 On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 1 1.43 AM, Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> wrote: -�eiio Craig, The City Council will not see the traffic data before the meeting, so the data is not available to the public before then. This is a Study Session, so the Council will be discussing the issue and providing staff with some type of direction through a "straw vote". Not necessarily final direction. if you have other questions, please let me know. Thank you. Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone : (949) 644-3329 e-mail : tbrine@newportbeachca..ov From: Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@yahoo.com> Sent: April 06, 2022 6:49 PM To: 'dale@newportwestproperties.com' <dale@newportwestproperties.com>; Sean McDonald' �:seanymcdonald@gmail.com>, Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: Ocean view / Tustin closing of street [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Tor,/ 20-41 Thank you for the info Would it be possible to see the data from the Traffic study oefore and after Car counts prior the Meeting the 12th I believe the Tustin ave residents who initiated the upper trial closure request are going to ask for lower Trial Best Regards Craig Gregory President Gregory Homes Inc 714, -47-4027 GregorybuiltCcD,yahoo.com On Wednesday Apr;l 6 2022 3 42 00 PM PDT. Brine Tony tbrine newportbeachca.gov ,v,,te Hello All The City Council will be discussing the Tustin Avenue Trial Closure at a Study Session on April 12 at 4 00 pm The meeting will be held at the City Council Chambers If you have any questions please let me know Thank you Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 Phone �949,644-3329 e-mail tbrine .newportbeachca.gov From: dale(d-)newportwestproperties.com -daleo-),newportwestproperties.com- Sent: March 29 2022 9 43 AM To: 'Craig Gregory' <gregorVbuilt aC_yahoo.com= Dept - City Council <CityCouncil(ca,.newportbeachca.gov- Sean McDonald' <seanymcdonald(d)gmail.com Cc: Brine Tony <tbrine(a)-newportbeachca.gov> Houlihan James JHoulihanCabnewportbeachca.gov% Webb Dave (Public Works') <DAWebb(a)newportbeachca.gov scottO-Icmaterials.com Subject: RE. Ocean view ; Tustin closing of street 20-42 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Adding to Craig Gregory's comments, I agree we need to look at options other than closing the upper Tustin access to Riverside/Cliff Drive. I am not sure what the best solution is. but I believe closing off that exit/entrance is not one of them. I have lived at 243 Ocean View for almost 30 years. and am familiar with the traffic patterns and traffic flow in our neighborhood. I know several traffic measurement studies have been done recently. and data collected. regarding traffic volumes on Riverside. I haven't seen the data, but my guess is that traffic has almost doubled on Riverside as a result of the upper Tustin closure. It has become very difficult to make a left turn from Avon onto Riverside. and since it is one lane each way, even making a right can take a while if you are behind someone waiting to make a left. We have always used Tustin when coming from the 17th/Irvine Ave. The only time we use Riverside to Ocean View is coming from PCH. Another option I hope will be considered is closing the entrance to Tustin/Ocean View at the bottom of the hill. Unfortunately. I don't think there is room to close off the streets completely. That would be my first choice. but to do that, we would need to provide adequate turning radius at the foot of both streets. creating a loop. so trash trucks, delivery vans and moving trucks can continue to provide service. I don't think there is room to do that and still maintain drive width to connect lower Tustin to Avon and the parking lot driveway. We could however make the lower Tustin/Ocean View connections to the "five -way' intersection `exit -only". As a test. barriers could be installed to partially block each street. so both streets are visually one lane, and provide signage indicating exit only. If that is determined to be the best solution permanently, planter areas the width of the current street parking on each side of both Tustin and Ocean View could be installed at the foot of each street, and more thought given to permanent exit -only signage. Closing the entrance to Tustin and Ocean View at the foot will have the same effect on reducing traffic coming up those streets as closing the upper Tustin access/egress. while still maintaining the convenience for Tustin/Ocean View residents of keeping the upper Tustin access/egress open. I am sure we all agree that it is important to take the time to carefully think through the various issues involved. As I stated at the beginning, I am not sure what the best 5 20-43 solution is. but I do believe it does not include closing the upper Tustin connection to Riverside/Cliff Drive. Thanks' Dale Falasco Phone. (949) 646-9466 Mobile. (949) 633-9466 Email dale newportwestprope rties.com From: Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt(Qyahoo.com= Sent: Monday March 28 2022 2 25 PM To: citycouncilCabnewportbeachca.gov Sean McDonald -seanymcdonald o)-gmail.com Cc: Brine Tony <tbrine(cDnewportbeachca.gov> Houlihan James <Ihoulihan(a)newportbeachca.gov- 'Nebb Dave Public Works� °-dawebbd)-newportbeachca.gov> scott(a-),lcmaterials.com dalea- newportwestproperties. com Subject: Re Ocean view ; Tustin closing of street Hello ail I am Craig Gregory 233 Ocean View ave and Also agree with a 4 month trial for lower Closure VVe are actually getting more speeding cars coming down Ocean View when they get to the top and realize Tustin is closed off The other issue with only having lower access is Avon is getting very busy with expanding business This will only get worse with future Development I am sure you are all aware of this and its getting dangerous to make left turn from Riverside Drive to Avon The Right turn lane from Tustin to Coast Hwy was remove several years ago for some reason Thank you for your consideration 6 20-44 Brine, Tony From: dale@newportwestproperties.com Sent: May 12, 2022 10:11 PM To: Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin; Blom, Noah; Brenner, Joy; O'Neill, William Cc: Brine, Tony; 'Craig Gregory'; 'Sean McDonald' Subject: Today's Traffic Closure at PCH/Riverside [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. As I am sure all council members are aware, today Coast Highway was closed all morning from Riverside to Hoag Drive. All westbound traffic was diverted up Riverside, and it was an unending stream of cars, literally bumper -to -bumper, the entire period of the closure. Avon was backed up as well, as some chose to try to cut the corner at PCH and Riverside. My wife reported it took her over 20 minutes to travel from Ocean View down Avon and up Riverside to the first stop sign at Cliff by the park. think this should serve as a reminder that, absent a finding from the traffic engineer that data clearly shows a closure at upper Tustin, or lower Tustin/Ocean View must take place, it is important residents of both streets continue to have two ways of ingress/egress for our community. We never know when natural disasters or man-made events will require the closure of one, and we need to maintain the ability to get home reasonably quickly, or leave, as the case may be, in the event something like that occurs. Based on what I have learned to date, traffic data does not indicate a closure at either end is warranted. Let's re -open the upper Tustin closure immediately, and not pursue the additional "experiment" of closing lower Tustin/Ocean View. We need both! Dale Falasco 243 Ocean View 20-45 Brine, Tony From: Carolyn Slayback <carrieslayback@gmail.com> Sent: May 02, 2022 111 PM To: ba rba ra Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Here is a clean copy. When you write council, copy Tony Brine. citycoundI @ newportbeachca.gov tbrine@newportbeachca.gov Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council, Regarding Tustin/Ocean View closure and Riverside Avenue. 1. First, I deeply dislike being involved in a discussion which pits me against neighbors I'm fond of, who live one block away. Regrettable. 2. Tustin/OceanView residents coalesced around opposition to the affordable housing/boutique auto project in Mariners' Mile. The same developer who proposed the apartments owns several parcels on Mariners' Mile which he purchased in order to develop to best profitable use. In the future some, or all of those projects will be traffic generators, sending cars through Newport Heights. New state housing requirements will generate traffic as well. If closed, Tustin/Ocean View will be immune to the added traffic. Riverside and other Newport Heights streets leading to and from 17 Street, the 73 Freeway, and Harbor Blvd will gain the traffic from all 20-46 new developments. All streets in Newport Heights should share future traffic, includingTustin/OceanView. 3. The traffic count after the Tustin/OV closure showed 1,400 added vehicle trips a week on Riverside Avenue. That is significant. Post closure, Tustin's traffic decreased from 834 to 276 For Riverside, between Cliff and Clay, the number increased from 1,862 pre closure to 2,053 post closure. 4. Riverside Avenue is a pedestrian/ bike riders' byway to Cliff Drive Park, the beach, and coffee stops on Mariners' Mile. A continuous stream of dog walkers, runners, strollers, bikes, walkers share the street with parked cars and moving traffic. 5. Drivers accelerate up the Riverside grade, appearing suddenly over the rise. Regarding qualifying for mitigating measures, Riverside Ave DOES meet the criteria volume of traffic. However, Mr. Brine's study did not find Riverside speeds reached 32mph, required for 'traffic calming' measures. Riverside was close. Please consider waiving the speed requirement. We are a residential neighborhood. We HOPE we do not reach 32mph. Yet, we need city assistance with traffic volume and current speed. 6. Good traffic circulation from PCH to major business hubs dictates all Newport Heights/Cliff Haven streets share the burden. Sincerely, Carolyn Slayback 426 Riverside Avenue 1 20-4 7 Brine, Tony From: Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@yahoo.com> Sent: April 28, 2022 5:24 AM To: 'dale@ newportwestproperties.com'; 'Sean McDonald'; Brine, Tony Subject: Re: Ocean view / Tustin closing of street [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good Morning Thanks for the update Tony. Dale has filled us in on his involvement as well. All of the Ocean View neighbors are in agreement its time to remove upper trial. Best Craig Gregory President Gregory Homes, Inc. (714) 747-4027 Gregorybuilt@yahoo.com On Tuesday April 26 2022 1 25 04 PM PDT Brine Tony <tbnne;gnewportbeachca gov> wrote Hello Craig There have been no decisions made yet The City Council directed staff to review other options to the closure at the top of Tustin Avenue and return back with an additional discussion No date is set for the next City Council discussion In the meantime the temporary closure will remain in place If you have any more questions please let me know Thank you Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 Phone i 949 i 644-3329 e-mail tbrine(cD_newportbeachca.gov 1 20-48 Brine, Tony From: Deborah Young <debbie@ayayolaw.com> Sent: April 21, 2022 5:23 PM To: Brine, Tony Subject: Re: Tustin Avenue/Ocean View Closure: 4112122 Study Session [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Thank you for the update. On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 5:19 PM Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> wrote: Hello Deborah, The City Council has directed staff to look at all options to address safety concerns on Tustin Avenue. The items they would like for us to review are one-way streets, partial or full closure at the bottom (Avon Street), adding sidewalks on one side of Tustin, maintaining the existing closure at the top of Tustin, opening Tustin to previous condition. Staff will be returning to the City Council for another discussion of the issue. The date of the meeting has not been determined. The trial closure will stay in place until the meeting. Thank you. Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone : (949) 644-3329 e-mail : tbrine new ortbeachca.gov From: Deborah Young <debbie@ayayolaw.com> Sent: April 20, 2022 6:33 PM To: Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: Chris Ayayo <chris@ayayolaw.com> Subject: Re: Tustin Avenue/Ocean View Closure: 4/12/22 Study Session 20-49 [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Mr. Brine, Will you please let us know what happened at the Study Session on 4/13/22 in regards to the Tustin/Ocean View traffic safety issue. Thank you. Deborah -I _ . .. ... .......... . .... X Deborah Young, Esq. Ayayo Law Offices, APC 4100 Campus Drive, Suite 210 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 612-0340 (voice) (949) 612-0341 (fax) www.ayayolaw.com ATTORNEY -CLIENT PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL --All information transmitted hereby is intended only for the use of the addressee(s), named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient(s), please note that any distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Anyone who receives this communication in error should notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address via the U.S. Mail. On Fri, Apr 8, 2022 at 7:47 PM Deborah Young <debbie@ayavolaw.com> wrote: 20-50 Hello Mr. Brine, I spoke to you a few weeks ago about the above -referenced matter. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand the traffic study. Will you please include my comments below however appropriate for the 4/12/22 study session. I am unable to attend the session because I'm out of town for spring break with my kids. My husband , Chris Ayayo, and I are the owners of 263 Ocean View Avenue - the white house on the corner. The traffic barriers were placed right in front of our home. 1. Chris and I agree that in the interest of safety, traffic traveling up Tustin Ave from PCH needs to be reduced. 2. We believe that to make a well informed decision other options for reducing traffic should also be studied by the City. For example, test having Tustin and Ocean View at Avon not available to traffic going uphill, only downhill traffic. 3. If the City decides after further studies that creating a greenbelt in front of our house is the best solution, it's important that the greenbelt does not substantially impair our ability to access our home, the greenbelt is aesthetically pleasing and there are no large trees planted in a manner that would impair delivery services, a new postal worker and our guests from finding our house. Thank you for providing our comments to the City Council. Sincerely, Deborah X 20-51 Brine, Tony From: dale@ newportwestproperties.com Sent: April 13, 2022 3:44 PM To: Brine, Tony Cc: Dixon, Diane; Avery, Brad; Duffield, Duffy; Muldoon, Kevin; Blom, Noah; Brenner, Joy; O'Neill, William Subject: Tustin/Ocean View Traffic and Access Concerns [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Tony — as you may know, I was able to attend last night's study session regarding the Tustin/Ocean View traffic issue, and offer my comments during the public portion of the meeting. I appreciated your presentation, including the traffic volume and speed data that I think helped put the issue in perspective. While not wanting to minimize the concerns of residents on Tustin, I think it is clear we are discussing traffic issues relating to a street that traffic data shows has very low volume, low speed, and with a low traffic accident record. listened carefully to the comments made by the speakers living on Tustin, and their concerns were all related to three issues: i) there is no sidewalk; ii) with parking permitted on both sides, Tustin is effectively "one-way" in locations where cars are parked on both sides, opposite each other; and iii) local restaurant diners, and others, use Tustin as a short-cut into Newport Heights from PCH. In terms of creating a sidewalk, if the City is prepared to consider that, I think the downhill side would be the better choice. The front yards on that side are relatively at -grade with the street, whereas a number of lots on the uphill side have significant elevation changes that would probably require the sidewalk have retaining walls in a number of spots, and be much more expensive to construct. Regarding the one-way issue, because the street is so short, I personally have never found this to be an issue. You can easily see from one end to the other, and quickly figure out who has space to pull over, and who should pass. Cars are not parked bumper -to -bumper along both sides the entire length (plus there are openings created by driveways). In my experience, there is always room for one car or the other to pull over and let the other car pass, and things are quickly sorted out. If this current driver give-and-take is not acceptable to Tustin residents, I think the easiest and most economical solution would be to eliminate street parking on one side of Tustin, effectively providing two-way traffic flow. The one comment I heard all Tustin speakers make was their concern about drivers using Tustin as a short-cut into Newport Heights from PCH. If this is considered significant enough to require action, the answer is the full, or partial, closure of Tustin and Ocean View at the bottom, not the top. As I mentioned in my previous email, and in my comments last night, the upper Tustin entrance connects us directly, and conveniently, to our Newport Heights neighbors and 17th Street shopping. Upper Tustin closure is not necessary to effectively address cut -through concerns. In addition to the two lower Tustin/Ocean View street modification options you shared last night: i) creating a loop at lower Tustin/Ocean View, separating those streets from Avon, the public parking, and the rest of Tustin leading to PCH; and ii) the closure of lower Tustin and the "exit -only" closure of lower Ocean View, I would suggest a third alternative - the "exit -only" partial closure of Ocean View, as you discussed, plus the "exit -only" closure of lower Tustin. As with Ocean View, this would permit 20-52 exiting of emergency vehicles, trash trucks and service vehicles, while still blocking all uphill traffic from PCH. In summary: 1. It is time to remove the upper Tustin barriers, and re -open the street to two-way traffic. 2. Based on the low -volume, low -speed and low traffic accident data presented, it would seem no street closures to reduce or restrict traffic are warranted. 3. If pedestrian safety on Tustin is a concern, a sidewalk should be considered. 4. If cars passing on Tustin is an issue, the solution is not closing Tustin to reduce car count. It should be addressed by eliminating street parking on one side, making it easier for cars to pass. 5. If it is determined it is necessary to restrict cut -through traffic from PCH to Newport Heights, the next step should be to establish barriers and signage to create exit -only lanes at the bottom of Tustin and Ocean View. This will have the same effect as closing upper Tustin, with the added benefit of removing convenient access to street parking by employees of PCH businesses, as well as tenants and guests of the nearby apartment project once it is built, reducing the number of cars parked on Tustin and Ocean View. Thank you again for your efforts in providing the information and analysis needed by the Council and public to understand and address these issues. I would appreciate it if you can add me to any interest list being maintained so I can continue to be informed of developments. Thanks! — Dale Falasco 243 Ocean View Ave. Newport Beach, CA 92663 20-53 Brine, Tony From: Tom D'Elia <tom@renewtechinc.com> Sent: April 13, 2022 2:35 PM To: Brine, Tony Subject: RE: Riverside Ave Traffic [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Thank you Tony From: Brine, Tony [maiIto:tbrine@newportbeachca.gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 2:33 PM To: 'Tom D'Elia' Subject: RE: Riverside Ave Traffic Hello Tom, Yesterday afternoon the City Council did discuss the trial closure of Tustin Avenue at Cliff Drive. They directed staff to study other options to the closure and report back. The trial closure was not voted to be a permanent closure. There will be more opportunities in the future to discuss other options with the City Council. We will provide notice for the future meetings. I hope the Riverside Avenue residents become involved in the City Council meetings. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. Tony Brine, P.E., T.E. City Traffic Engineer 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone : (949) 644-3329 e-mail : tbrinnU_,rtbeachca.�o- From: Tom D'Elia <tom@renewtechinc.com> Sent: April 13, 2022 9:20 AM To: citycouncil@nb.gov Cc: Brine, Tony <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Riverside Ave Traffic [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Folks, I am sorry this email is arriving after the April 12, 2022 Meeting. I was only made aware of it last night. My Family lives at 511 Riverside Ave. It's no secret in Newport Heights that Riverside and Tustin are busy streets. When walking my dog at night, I actually walk west on Clay St. to avoid crossing the Tustin and Clay Intersection. It can be downright dangerous. About a month ago, a car lost its air dam on the drainage dip coming through the Riverside and 20-54 Clay Intersection. I'm not sure how fast they were going when they ran the stop sign however, it's takes some speed to accomplish that. I am told that Tony stated 100% of the Tustin/OV Residents were unified behind closing their streets. Should we be surprised by that? They would no longer have the concerns the residents of Riverside and Tustin north of Cliff will have however, our concerns will only be compounded by increased traffic and more speeding cars. Everywhere you drive in OC, you see street and lane expansion to help alleviate the heavy traffic. I am a bit confused and frustrated as to the justification behind the proposed closure. May I ask who initiated this proposal and why? Sincerely, Tom D'Elia Renew Technology, Inc. San -a Ca 92 P 711 5---' 3326 C.9-19.8'-' )31,) www.renewtechinc.com Sun -Oracle / Deii i Cisco / HP ; BiVI `I - 1oo ; cli o GCS 411% VRenewC Virus-free www.avq.com 2 20-55 Brine, Tony From: meIissabarnesgroup@gmail.com Sent: April 13, 2022 1:02 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Brine, Tony Subject: Riverside Avenue Increased Traffic Since "test" Closure of Tustin Street through to Cliff Drive - City Council Meeting 4112122 - 4 PM [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council, I have lived in my home at 507 Riverside Avenue for 27 years. My children, who are now in college attended Newport Heights Elementary, Ensign and Newport Harbor High School. They spent a lot of years walking themselves to and from school. I take my early morning exercise walks in the neighborhood between 7 and 7:30 AM several days a week, my home office is in the front room facing the Street, I have watched traffic increase on our street since the test barriers were installed at Tustin and Cliff access. In addition to the increased traffic, a fair share of the cars come through at high speeds because it is a longer stretch of flat road that that first block of Tustin. Because there are no sidewalks in our neighborhood for the most part, these added cars that pass through and the speed in which they come through is dangerous. In addition to the increased danger this poses, this impacts the desirability of our street. If the street closure of Tustin and Ocean View is approved, this would significantly impact the value of our homes. We all purchased and chose to remodel, tear down or develop on the streets and in the location we did. Change is not necessary. Closing a street to benefit the residents of two streets while significantly impacting the quality of life and property values of residents of several other streets is not acceptable. Tustin were Respectfully, Melissa Barnes 507 Riverside Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 Cell 949-633-1896 Owner since 1995 20-56 Brine, Ton From: Carolyn Slayback <carrieslayback@gmail.com> Sent: April 07, 2022 12:14 PM To: Dept - City Council Cc: Brine, Tony Subject: Tustin/OceanView Road Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council, You are considering permanent street closure of Tustin/OceanView, the only thru street to 17th Street in Newport Heights. The closure shifts cars to Riverside, Redlands, Cliff, Clay where residents observe added traffic and speed. If you give final approval to Tustin/OceanView's closure, their real estate values increase, while ours decreases. Homebuyers wish to live on a cul du sac, rather than a busy street. No sidewalks in our neighborhood, so pedestrians walking to Cliff Drive Park, the beach, Mariner's Mile, and the businesses on lower Riverside as well as school children on bikes share the road with added fast traffic. Parking on both sides of our streets decreases walking/driving space. Closure of Tustin/OceanView adds traffic which will increase in Newport Heights as Mariner's Mile business properties develop according the the Specific Area Plan. If you close T/OV what is your plan to reduce Newport Heights traffic on Riverside, etc? Best, Carolyn Slayback P.S. I am uncomfortable about this situation as it pits neighbor against neighbor. I wish Riverside, too, could be closed. You wouldn't hear from me resisting T/OV closure. 20-57 Brine, Tony From: Sara D'Elia <sdelia@remmgroup.com> Sent: March 31, 2022 4:10 PM To: citycouncil@nb.gov; Brine, Tony Subject: Request to open Tustin/Ocean Ave. [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council, You are considering permanent street closure of Tustin Avenue/Ocean View which is the only thru street to the busy 171h Street. This temporary closure has already resulted in more traffic on Riverside, Cliff and Clay streets. We already have school traffic and the ever increasing electric bike parade. Not only will the closure affect the already increased traffic, but it will diminish real estate values on Riverside Avenue, as Tustin Avenue was already known as the thoroughfare to 171h and PCH. Tustin Avenue values were always less as it was such a busy street. In addition, we have no sidewalks and the increased traffic and speeding cars on our streets leaves no safe walkways for pedestrians and bicyclists. We enjoy neighbor visits and we have all been concerned about the increased, speeding traffic along Riverside Avenue. We request that this closure be declined to keep our neighborhood safe and ask what the plan is for the current traffic increases. Respectfully, Sara D'Elia 511 Riverside Ave Newport Beach, CA 20-58 Brine, Tony From: Lance Leonard <lancedleonard@gmail.com> Sent: March 30, 2022 1:21 PM To: Dept - City Council; Brine, Tony; carrieslayback@gmail.com Subject: Fwd: Tustin / OceanView closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council, You are considering a permanent street closure of Tustin/OceanView, the only thru streets to 17th Street in Newport Heights. The closure shifts cars to Riverside, Cliff, Clay where residents observe added traffic and speed. If you give final approval to Tustin/Oceanview closure, their real estate values increase, while ours decline. Homebuyers wish to live on a cul du sac, rather than a busy street. No sidewalks in our neighborhood, so pedestrians on Riverside Ave. walking to Cliff Drive Park, the beach, Mariners Mile, and businesses on lower Riverside as well as school children on bikes share the road with added fast traffic. Parking on both sides of Riverside decreases walking/driving space. Closure of Tustin/Oceanview adds traffic which will increase in Newport Heights as Mariners Mlle business properties develop according to Specific Area Plan. What is your plan for Riverside, Cliff, and Clay as traffic increases? More importantly .... This cannot be decided by which residents shout the loudest, it has to have some thought and metrics around traffic flow and safety. The traffic and Clay and Riverside at 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM as schools get out is already overwhelming. Add cut-thru traffic heading to 17th and you will have a major backup and added safety concerns. Already that stop is run hourly by people in a hurry going up and down Riverside. In addition, the speed of travelers from PCH - Clay via Riverside is a serious concern as you have foot traffic, bike traffic, park attendees. and people pushing their bikes up the steep hill from Clay Park. THIS IS A MAJOR SAFETY RISKH Adding the route because the homeowners on Tustin and Oceanview said it to be so, is not well thought out. Recently you had traffic sensors on Riverside, what was the total number of vehicles going up and down the street during this test? It is not sustainable and it will result in more issues, and ultimately a serious accident. thank you, Lance & Gretchen Leonard 431 Riverside Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 206-919-2066 phone 20-59 Brine, Tony From: Kearl <jkearl@yahoo.com> Sent: March 30, 2022 8:39 AM To: citycouncil@nb.gov; Brine, Tony Subject: Riverside Avenue [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor and Council Members, I write in protest of the closure of Tustin Avenue. The Heights was designed with Tustin Avenue being a through street. To now make it a cul de sac forces more traffic onto the other streets for no reason. Riverside Avenue, in particular, has no sidewalks and a great deal of bike traffic. Many children walk and bike to school along Riverside Avenue. To add an increase of cars to the mix is dangerous and benefits no one. I personally watch this dangerous mix as I walk the neighborhood every morning and just recently had the horrible experience of coming upon a child hit by a car on his way to school. I am sure the council joins with me in wanting to avoid more such accidents. Each street needs to bear its planned share of traffic. Please vote against the closure of Tustin Avenue. Thank you, Jane Kearl 20-60 Brine, Tony From: gina.cereda@wellsfargoadvisors.com Sent: March 30, 2022 7:54 AM To: citycouncil@nb.gov Cc: Brine, Tony Subject: FW: Closure of Tustin Importance: High [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please see my letter below. I want to add a comment. Of course Tustin OV residents for closure, it will increase the value of their houses, Meanwhile, while not sharing in the traffic flow to 17", it will only decrease Riverside, Cliff and Clay! Keep all routes open to promote traffic flow! What is your plan for these streets when inevitable increases occur? We already are fearful when walking our dog down to Cliff drive park — we regularly have to yell at cars to slow down! This is dangerous already!!! Please see the rest of this letter below. Sincerely, Gina and Jeff Cereda Regards, Gina J. Cereda Managing Director - Investments Wells Fargo Advisors Gina.Cereda`c&,wfadvisorsxom Mail code: H3u8-16o CA Insurance License #oB8,3947 From: Cereda, Gina Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 7:50 PM To: 'tbrine@newportbeachca.gov' <tbrine@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Closure of Tustin Importance: High Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council, (please forward to ALL for me) You are considering permanent street closure of Tustin Avenue/Ocean View which is the only thru street to the busy 17' Street. This temporary closure has already resulted in more traffic on Riverside, Cliff and Clay streets. We already have school traffic and the ever increasing electric bike parade, which is causing more and more close calls on accidents. I have always been worried about this Street since living here and watching things occur like the Trash Truck accident killing Brock McCann and now extra traffic inevitably is a huge concern. I was on the bike safety committee years ago and understand the concerns about lack of sidewalks and what about increased traffic! I! We have lived here since 2009 and see the increases all the time. The thought of more development on Mariners Mile is horrifying. Not only will the closure affect the already increased traffic, but it will diminish real estate values on Riverside Avenue, as Tustin Avenue was already known as the thoroughfare to 17`h and PCH. 20-61 In addition, we have no sidewalks and the increased traffic and speeding cars on our streets leaves no safe walkways for pedestrians and bicyclists. We enjoy neighbor visits and we have all been concerned about the increased, speeding traffic along Riverside Avenue. We request that this closure be declined to keep our neighborhood safe and ask what the plan is for the current traffic increases. Respectfully, Regards, Ginn J. Cereda Managing Director - Investments I CA Insurance License #o][383 39_17 Wells Fargo Advisors Gina.Cereda(_a wfadvisors.com VGiil code: 1I:31i8-16o This email may be an advertisement or solicitation for products and services. Opt -out from promotional emails. Investment and Insurance Products are: • Not Insured by the FDIC or Any Federal Government Agency • Not a Deposit or Other Obligation of, or Guaranteed by, the Bank or Any Bank Affiliate • Subject to Investment Risks, Including Possible Loss of the Principal Amount Invested Investment products and services are offered through Wells Fargo Clearing Services (WFCS), LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker - dealer and non -bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. WFCS uses the trade name Wells Fargo Advisors. 1 North Jefferson, St. Louis, MO 63103. View our Electronic communications guidelines. 20-62 Brine, Tony From: lyklippert@aol.com Sent: March 29, 2022 5:22 PM To: citycouncil@nbca.gov Cc: Brine, Tony Subject: Permanent Closure of Tustin/Ocean View [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of Newport Beach City Council: As a long time resident of Newport Beach residing in the upper block of Riverside Ave, my wife and I are now experiencing a 3rd generation of young families that have moved here to raise their children. We have noticed the traffic increase over the years as the street is a direct connect to / from PCH. If Tustin / Ocean View is permanently closed, this will add more traffic to our neighborhood putting these children at additional risk. Please re -consider your thinking regards the proposed closure and keep Tustin / Ocean View open. Respectfully, L Y Klippert 20-63 Brine, Tony From: Craig Gregory <gregorybuilt@yahoo.com> Sent: March 28, 2022 2:25 PM To: Dept - City Council; Sean McDonald Cc: Brine, Tony; Houlihan, James; Webb, Dave (Public Works); Scott@lcmaterials.com; dale@ newportwestproperties.com Subject: Re: Ocean view / Tustin closing of street [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello all I am Craig Gregory 233 Ocean View ave and Also agree with a 4 month trial for lower Closure. We are actually getting more speeding cars coming down Ocean View when they get to the top and realize Tustin is closed off. The other issue with only having lower access is Avon is getting very busy with expanding business. This will only get worse with future Development. I am sure you are all aware of this and its getting dangerous to make left turn from Riverside Drive to Avon. The Right turn lane from Tustin to Coast Hwy. was remove several years ago for some reason. Thank you for your consideration I have also included Scott Lincoln 239 Ocean View and Dale Falasco 243 Ocean View. Best Regards Craig Gregory President Gregory Homes, Inc. (714) 747-4027 Gregorybuilt@yahoo.com On Monday March 28 2022 9 57 47 AM PDT Sean McDonald <seanymcdonald@gmail com> wrote Hello City Council Members I am Sean McDonald the homeowner of 229 Ocean View Ave `/Ve have had a trial closure of the top of our street on the Tustin/Cliff entrance for the last 4+ months Many members of our neighborhood are in agreement that we would like to see a "trial closure'' of the bottom of our two streets ;Tustin & Avon ' Oceanview Ave) What steps need to be taken to make this happen? I am happy to go around collecting the necessary signatures from the neighborhood Thank you for your consideration in the matter Please do not hesitate to call with any questions My cell is 949-351-71 13 Sincerely. Sean and Hayley McDonald 229 Ocean View Ave Newport Beach CA 20-64 Brine, Tony From: Leung, Grace Sent: March 21, 2022 8:25 AM To: Webb, Dave (Public Works); Brine, Tony Subject: FW: Tustin/OceanView Closure Wd -----Original Message ----- From: Mary Beth Saucerman <mbsaucerman@icloud.com> Sent: March 20, 2022 6:03 PM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Tustin/OceanView Closure [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable Mayor Muldoon and Members of the Newport Beach City Council, It has come to my attention that you are considering permanently closing Tustin Avenue and Ocean View. I have lived at 416 Riverside Avenue for over sixty eight years and have notice the traffic steadily increase on my street. I believe closing Tustin Avenue will be detrimental to home values on Riverside Avenue and pedestrian safety. With increased traffic every year, it concerns me that you would reduce the number of through traffic streets. Sincerely, Mary Beth Saucerman 20-65