HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 - Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area Rehabilitation (Project No. 22T12) — Approval of PSAQ SEW Pp�T CITY OF z NEWPORT BEACH c�<,FORN'P City Council Staff Report June 28, 2022 Agenda Item No. 7 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Jim Houlihan, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer, jhoulihan@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3319 TITLE: Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area Rehabilitation (Project No. 22T12) — Approval of Professional Services Agreement with SWA Group ABSTRACT: The City of Newport Beach (City) requested proposals from qualified professional consultants interested in providing concept development, public outreach, and design services for the rehabilitation of the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza areas and the beachfront areas between 15t" Street and 36t" Street. Accordingly, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for these professional services and now requests the City Council's approval to enter into a professional services agreement with SWA Group for a total not - to -exceed contract amount of $198,500. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; and b) Approve a Professional Services Agreement with SWA Group of Laguna Beach, California, for the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area Rehabilitation project at a total not -to -exceed price of $198,500, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement on a form approved by the City Attorney. DISCUSSION: The Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza area has been the hub of Newport Beach for more than 100 years. As a popular destination among visitors and residents, it is subject to extensive amounts of wear and tear due to a high volume of visitors, business activity, and all modes of traffic, as well as the corrosive effects of the salt water environment. It has been more than 30 years since a major overhaul of the area was performed (1989 Specific Plan) and there is a need to rehabilitate or replace many of the main elements that make the area such an iconic and attractive place. 7-1 Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area Rehabilitation (Project No. 22T12) — Approval of Professional Services Agreement with SWA Group June 28, 2022 Page 2 The Public Works Department has been tasked with engaging a professional consulting firm that will work with the City of Newport Beach (City) to evaluate the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza area, and work with the various stakeholder groups to cultivate a conceptual plan that will then be used as the guide to develop the various design and construction projects needed. Conceptual design concepts will be reviewed by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission for additional public input, and the Commission's recommendations will then be presented to the City Council for further consideration and approval. If the conceptual plan is approved by the City Council, staff and a yet -to -be selected design team will then move forward to prepare further specific design plans packages for permitting and construction. SWA Group, if selected for this initial conceptual plan development, may also be asked to provide a proposal, at that time, for design of all or a part of the overall project. In May 2022, staff requested proposals from six firms to provide consulting services for the rehabilitation of Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza area. Four proposals were received. The following four firms' aggregate scores are listed below: Firm Name Total Score Rank SWA Group 312 1 IBI Group 304 2 RJM Design Group, Inc. 230 3 Westgroup Designs, Inc. 218 4 The City's proposal review team consisted of three staff members from the Public Works Department. Using a qualifications -based selection process, the proposals were evaluated by the review team independently. Proposal evaluations were based on the consultant's overall proposal execution including understanding of the scope of work, experience, qualifications and expertise of the project team, and relevance of similar services for similar projects. The top two consultants were selected by the review team for interviews. The higher scores for the top two consultants reflect the additional points for the interview, which allowed the review team to select the top consultant to move forward. All four of these firms have similar billing rates which are consistent with industry standards and their peers. Staff has negotiated the consultant's contract to reflect the expected effort required for this project. All four consulting firms provided well prepared proposals, but SWA Group and IBI Group stood out from the others, based on their local, regional and international experience and the teams they assembled. The interviews were scored very closely, however SWA Group separated themselves, conveying excitement and expertise with public coastal development and placemaking, and is now being recommended for hire. Design services include development of conceptual designs for the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza area. More specifically, the design efforts will evaluate and explore possible modifications to: 7-2 Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area Rehabilitation (Project No. 22T12) — Approval of Professional Services Agreement with SWA Group June 28, 2022 Page 3 • Newport Pier • McFadden Plaza • Parking Lots (Pier and McFadden) • Oceanfront Trail (Boardwalk) • Lifeguard Headquarters • Public Restrooms • Dory Fleet Market • Pier Restaurant • Commercial Building Facades and public/private area interface Elements to be studied include new ocean pier designs and location (including a survey of recent pier replacement projects on the west coast of California), layout of the plaza (potential for private or public eating areas), possibility of a parking structure and/or more efficient parking layouts, boardwalk alignments through or around the pier area, split trail, new location or re -imagined designs for the public buildings (Lifeguard Headquarters, Public Restroom, Dory Fleet Market, Pier Restaurant) and concept for the surrounding commercial building facades. The consultant will provide the following deliverables: ■ Prepare three conceptual plans and associated architectural renderings and provide updated iterations throughout the contract. ■ Provide public outreach services, including 10 public meetings (i.e., town hall meetings, stakeholder and HOA meetings, City Council meetings) which include preparing and presenting concepts and renderings, polling interested parties and providing public notifications or articles for print. ■ Prepare a conceptual -level cost estimate for each of the three conceptual designs. FISCAL IMPACT: The current adopted FY 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program budget includes sufficient funding for this consultant service. It will be expensed to the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area Rehabilitation project, 53601-980000-22T12, using Neighborhood Enhancement Funds. Neighborhood Enhancement Funds are specific identified surplus General Fund resources used for projects that typically enhance/improve specific neighborhood infrastructure and/or aesthetics. The consultant's proposed not -to -exceed fee for this service is $198,500. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. 7-3 Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area Rehabilitation (Project No. 22T12) — Approval of Professional Services Agreement with SWA Group June 28, 2022 Page 4 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENT: Attachment A — Scope of Work and Fee Schedule 7-4 ATTACHMENT A SWa Laguna Beach June 15, 2022 570 Glenneyre Street Laguna Beach, California 92651-2453 City of Newport Beach +1.949.497.5471 Public Works Department www.swagroup.com 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Sean O'Malley Attn: Jim Houlihan, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Xiao Zheng Re: Professional Consulting Services for the Rehabilitation of the Newport Pier and Andrew Watkins McFadden Plaza Area — RFP No. 22-56 Dhaval Barbhaya Orange County, California Stephen Rydzon Dear Jim: Gerdo P Aquino Thomas Balsley We are pleased to submit the following proposal for Professional Services in connection with the project Kinder Baumgardner referenced above. Matt Baumgarten This Agreement is by and between SWA Group (SWA), a California corporation, and the City of Newport Natalia Beard Beach, a California municipal corporation and charter city (the Client), in Newport Beach. Rene Bihan SWA shall provide professional services on the project referenced above which may be generally Shuyi Chang described as concept development and design services for the rehabilitation of the beachfront areas Richard Crockett between 15' Street and 3611 Street including the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza. Ning Deng Marco Esposito I. SCOPE OF SERVICES Leah Hales SWA has teamed with Moffatt & Nichol to provide: Andy Harcar Ying-Yu Hung A. Task 1 — Background & Data Collection Hui -Li Lee 1. Attend one (1) site visit to document field conditions and observe site constraints. James Lee 2• Review information provided by the Client, public records, and review information from the Margaret Leonard site visit. Our focus is to gather necessary information for waterfront development Chih-Wei Lin alternatives, and to inform the future public outreach, CEQA, regulatory permitting, and John Loomis entitlement processes. Ye Luo Scott McCready 3. Provide summary of additional data and studies likely required by the Client to support the Charles S McDaniel future phases of the project. Timothy Peterson 4. Deliverables Rhett Rentrop R Joseph Runco a. List of potential additional data and studies required by the Client. Raymond Siu B. Task 2 — Community Engagement Todd Strawn 1. Our team will conduct public outreach meetings for community input including: David P Thompson James Vick a. Key stakeholders, public agencies, and community leaders for support in determining John L Wong important project objectives, including but not limited to: Residents, City Public Works, Jack Wu Newport Beach Lifeguards, Newport Beach Police, and local waterfront Community Group Leaders; swa 7-5 City of Newport Beach June 15, 2022 Professional Consulting Services for the Rehabilitation of the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area - RFP No. 22-56 Page 2 of 11 b. Develop meeting agenda and notices to send via email to invitees; c. Provide content for the City's website associated with the proposed project improvements, the City will maintain the website; d. Attend up to ten (10) public outreach meetings, scheduled & hosted by the Client, anticipated as follows: six (6) stakeholder meetings, and four (4) City Council / Ad -hoc Meetings; and e. Develop meeting minutes for the project design team and the Client for design consideration; f. The Client will schedule all meetings and lead the outreach efforts with support from the project team. 2. Deliverables a. Public outreach meeting agenda, notices, and presentation materials; b. Meeting minutes; c. Project materials for the Client's website. C. Task 3 - Conceptual Layout Alternatives 1. Develop up to three (3) conceptual alternatives, based on the City's planning needs and results of community engagement, for the pier and plaza improvements. Alternatives will include following: a. Newport Pier; b. McFadden Plaza; c. Parking Lots (Pier and McFadden); d. Oceanfront Trail (Boardwalk); e. Lifeguard Headquarters; f. Public Restroom; g. Dory Fleet Market; h. Pier Restaurant; i. Commercial Building Facades; j. Considerations for future Sea Level Rise. 2. Coordinate waterside and landside elements (e.g., pier access, location of parking lot support facilities, public access points, commercial facilities, aesthetics, etc.). Additional considerations to include: a. Waterside Alternatives Development i. Review the Client's alternative structural designs to reduce overall life -cycle costs and facilitate construction. ii. Analyze pier sizing, layout, and shape to maximize the function maritime and water dependent uses of the pier. iii. Consider maritime needs with pedestrian and community uses. swa 7-6 City of Newport Beach June 15, 2022 Professional Consulting Services for the Rehabilitation of the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area - RFP No. 22-56 Page 3 of 11 iv. Review waterside transportation and boating infrastructure requirements. v. Evaluate various wave attenuation solutions. vi. Develop concept level sketches of pier substructure, pier -building superstructure, access gangway for vessels, and other potential vessel usages and access, if required (e.g., floating access dock). vii. Investigate alternative energy sources for the pier (wind, wave, solar, hydrodynamic). viii. Prepare a comparative alternatives analysis based on meeting the Client's goals, costs, need for permits, and constructability. ix. Prepare a memorandum describing the three (3) alternatives and the associated analysis. b. Landside Conceptual Design Development i. Develop conceptual parking lot and building pad site extent. ii. Review all as-builts of the existing pier/plaza, parking lots, and bike/pedestrian path. iii. Create base sheets showing existing improvements, utilities, drainage, and right of way limits. iv. Develop concept level design sketches for the proposed landside improvements. v. Conceptual grading plan alternatives, graded pad only. vi. Prepare a memorandum describing the alternatives and the associated analysis. 3. Deliverables a. Three (3) conceptual layout alternatives. D. Task 4 - Develop Construction Cost Estimates 1. Prepare rough order -of -magnitude construction cost estimates to include an accuracy of -+50% / -30% accuracy (Class 5) in accordance with American Association of Cost Estimating (AACE) International guidelines. Estimates and durations to include three (3) improvement concepts. 2. Deliverables a. Conceptual cost estimates (Draft and Final). E. Task 5 - Develop Entitlement and Permitting Framework 1. Review conceptual layout alternatives and provide comments for potential permit compliance and CEQA issues. 2. Identify key regulatory agencies and provide coordination with the Client, if needed. 3. Summarize likely CEQA and regulatory processes, potential permitting issues, and potential ways to reduce or mitigate significant impacts into a Permit Matrix. 4. Provide support for the City Planning staff for determining concerns with proposed replacement/expansion, LCP conformance, Tidelands grant, and likely CEQA level of review. 5. Deliverables a. Permit Matrix including necessary permits, timelines, and comments on alternatives. swa 7-7 City of Newport Beach June 15, 2022 Professional Consulting Services for the Rehabilitation of the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area - RFP No. 22-56 Page 4 of 11 F. Value Added Services 1. Following consensus with the general direction that the conceptual alternatives are headed the team has the capabilities of developing an "implementation plan" focused at identifying how the project could be executed. This includes identifying existing revenue streams, potential future funding streams, cost associated with construction of the preferred plan, and feasibility of implementing the plan given identified funding sources. This could also include researching potential grant funding streams. 2. At the direction of the City, our team may reach out to existing regulatory agency contacts (California Coastal Commission, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Regional Water Board) to obtain feedback on permitting issues for potential alternatives. Identified permitting and CEQA considerations will be documented. Potential questions/issues may include a need for compensatory habitat mitigation for overwater shading from new docks, conforming with existing California State Lands Tidelands grant, and level of CEQA review. 3. Production of final permit applications to the CCC, USACE and RWQCB are not proposed as part of this proposal. If requested, a proposal to compile these applications and liaise with agencies through to permit issue can be provided if required. 4. The Client will ultimately determine the level of CEQA review required for this project. The scope herein does not include any effort for support to the CEQA process, other than coordination with City staff to determine the appropriate level of CEQA required. G. Duration The duration to complete these tasks will not exceed twenty (20) weeks. H. Meetings 1. Meetings with the Client and the Client's other project consultants during the course of work above for understanding and coordination shall be limited to five (5) meetings which includes one (1) site visit. Additional meetings shall be Additional Services as indicated elsewhere in this Agreement. 2. Public meetings or presentations to local public agencies shall be limited to ten (10) meetings anticipated as follows: six (6) stakeholder meetings, and four (4) City Council/Ad-hoc Meetings Additional meetings or continuing consultation with these agencies shall be Additional Services as covered elsewhere in this Agreement. II. DESIGN APPROVAL The Client will designate a person responsible for design direction to SWA for this project and has the authority for design approval. In the event that the design, as approved by this person is rejected by others, and re -design is required, such re- design services shall be compensated as Additional Services. III. EXCLUSIONS TO SCOPE OF SERVICES Items not specifically identified in the scope of services sections of this proposal are excluded from this work effort and if requested by the Client shall be considered Additional Services. The Client shall provide the following information or services as required for performance of the work. SWA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of such information or services and shall not be liable for error or omissions therein. Should SWA be required to provide services in obtaining or coordinating compilation of this information, such services shall be charged as Additional Services. swa 7-8 City of Newport Beach June 15, 2022 Professional Consulting Services for the Rehabilitation of the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza Area - RFP No. 22-56 Page 5 of 11 1. Topography and boundary surveys. 2. Soils testing and/or engineering. 3. Finish grading provided by the Client's Civil Engineer. 4. Existing site engineering and utility base information. 5. Impact analysis. 6. Site environmental studies and documentation. 7. Traffic impact studies. 8. Parking analysis. 9. AutoCAD/BIM/REVIT or similar. 10. Environmental assessment. 11. Professional renderings. 12. Expediting, code, zoning consultant. 13. The Client will schedule and host all meetings. 14. Final permit applications. 15. Website hosting. 16. Any item not specifically addressed in this proposal. IV. FEES AND TERMS Services described above shall be provided for an amount Not to Exceed One Hundred Ninety -Eight Thousand Five Hundred ($198,500) Dollars, in accordance with the terms and conditions in Appendix A attached hereto and which is incorporated and made part of this Agreement by reference. We would be pleased to answer questions you may have or to clarify the various points above. SWA has reviewed and provided redlines to the City of Newport Beach Professional Services Agreement to be further discussed should our team be awarded this project. Sincerely yours, SWA Group Sean O'Malley Contracting Agent Landscape Architect, CA License #3286 Landscape Architects are licensed by the State of California. swa 7-9 swa Newport Pier & McFaddent Plaza Area Proposed Labor Hours SWA Group Moffatt & Nichol Hours Hours Task 1 - Data Colleciton & Review Principal 6 Senior Engineer 8 Project Manager 13 Staff Engineer 10 Designer 13 Task 2 - Community Engagement Process Principal 65 Supervisor Engineer 10 Project Manager 65 Senior Engineer 36 Designer 65 Engineer II 2 Staff Engineer 38 CADD Designer 8 Task 3 - Develop Conceptual Layout Alternative Principal 113 Supervisor Engineer 4 Project Manager 113 Senior Engineer 40 Designer 113 Engineer II 28 Staff Engineer 56 CADD Designer 20 Task 4 - Develop Construction Costs Estimates Principal 16 Supervisor Engineer 12 Project Manager 65 Senior Engineer 6 Designer 65 Staff Engineer 12 Task 5 Development Entitlement & Permitting Framework Principal 6 Senior Engineer 18 Project Manager 13 Contract duration not to excceed 20 weeks 7-10 2022 Hourly Fee Structure - SWA Principals O'Malley $310.00 Zheng $245.00 Watkins $215.00 Barbhaya $238.00 Rydzon $210.00 Associate Principals Field Specialists Associates Staff Designers Admin & Graphics $175.00 - $200.00 $150.00 - $175.00 $120.00 - $175.00 $110.00 - $120.00 $95.00 - $110.00 7-11 SUBCONSULTANT (MOFFATT & NICHOL) RATE SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATES PROFESSIONALS Supervisory Engineer/Scientist $ 278.00 Senior Engineer/Scientist $ 260.00 Engineer/Scientist III $ 246.00 Engineer/Scientist 11 $ 215.00 Engineer/Scientist 1 $ 194.00 Staff Engineer/Scientist $ 155.00 TECHNICIANS Senior Technician $ 210.00 Designer $ 198.00 CADD II $ 170.00 CADD I $ 126.00 CLERICAL Project Controls/Word Processing $ 126.00 General Clerical $ 99.00 SPECIAL Principal Engineer/Scientist $ 292.00 Deposition & Trial Testimony $ 522.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES (Unless Otherwise Provided in Written Agreement) Subcontracts or Outside Services Cost+10% Reproductions -In House Mylar Plots (B/W) Color Plots Vellum Plots (B/W) Bond Plots (B/W) Drawing Reproduction Document Reproduction Outside Reproduction Travel Company Auto Rental Vehicle Airfare Meals and Lodging $2.00/SF $4.00/SF $1.00/SF $0.50/SF Cost +10% $0.10/sheet Cost +10% Prevailing IRS Cost Cost Cost 7-12