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F2021-0094 - Misc
-umgesadO B¢aJM6 ayg SUPnp sepsadoid B��OlO(pe YTAd o; Pam aq gyeys sLsogsrno ud a Baregap panoxddy •L1 OMM ez g ;m ®S}•p}°S} 499 sMJV "=M 9 Det fl1e45 sped pus wdols 1%e A® r?Lgd nspuL,7 "Aa 3o dl.rz aajg % asuadNe m" -am -`� a ad main esuadba Dios o aq ALS pus 4ams podrAaA ;:sa•&gOs aq sO ggegLea iou peag BLLxa&CMW pL1a BuaOd= 30 390M D� "SaaRLfx aa} pasOds� aq �gsoaa DLR MR aOROU uaAum dq aunbw -1pys ge;*Wo DupLmS g3 aaR -LLIDe>m ouAaq 4&V WM4LM sg OWL Imm4ppe Aq pax sg BL�uogpadsan Lrasgnbas yo,Leg.A OO 9gsOm .ahouagm•� saaLmBua sp0s a4g dq Panosdde PILE nRFMff®uOo "90fae;rsaaaad 06p UM"Eany a al Ono Bn jq gsagOLdLow eq fags maoq Ulm Bummax PLM 1524oua4 Avmn JORMPM pue .10pa;M Banpnpmj gonagov '91 L•p,eOooL �Odw snos d cq Bu }'soaxng ad aq pegs sgs� nopoaduL saau{bva silos ayg dq pan dde pue LSE} POS IYYL9V dg POU.M vi* se u;-l;5a = M=Lmd 06 3o uIIuuluW u a % pDogSnarp pataLdaLoa eq pmp sm NY `1 D3Le.aag aacpeaXR. !eu®.�N a%vagm �® -L4w.40 =SWaas in %OR a 4-" Ungm OUR eq} jo sukpod Pamirs go ARge a4} Pug Und aOEm-PWaBBg4 aae9�x., ti •pagOaOaagduq aq gLags ponaid os Lb" �S a � �o .n04MnaMWOo 4ua+.aad saLLLagos OORonsgs®oo u aq . ••• �4 sd -- a}egLdLLad q Pa`Fq'gm Pm P;9D=agduq aq A@4s ftmrr4;ua0epas agLs-has )hoz o; s dNB 7oalwd ayg a9 P'� a4aRn LnP3g9 Laio;s i�?sW?do ggi g uam:,eaem .pug-Pai4ss4 Qq s, lD+3aos #160304i 7aayuau+ Oi eq ycgv oo gudo gip) s dM uogsnsa pugs uosLus Alp JwAk Mg In JWU-MMw a[n. 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Z2 11t/ lsd OZ;e slnulwpeB 8.O wnwlulw pue 'led pg;e aytwwne6 9 l }o aWj moll wnumcew :slaoned 4snIVIe8 8Z' L aasola JaleM lsd O8;e a;nulwge6 O -Z :spea4 uamo4S !rd 08 w a;nulwne6 g' {.:shone; uo4oM)l :sluawannbar mop mol atp Buqaaw peoeldai uaaq 2e4 l' V g0£ 011I8N all of loafgns siunM Bulgwnld pe Imp weloap 1 -ulaietp psuleluoo sluawaambar spoo atp uo Pa+eq aq Ilw, pa>uwgns sytodau uopeoy4rao;las Ile ge4i Pug L'g'l0£ uolloaS (01,49N) spo0 IednfunW4=0848 YodmaN pue aPoO uIDWE) elwo;!Ig'3 £ gOZ algeolidde all ;o sguawannbou all puelwapun pue pamalnei ane4 1;W4 tw4>e Je4un1 I •sguewannbai opoo algeolldde tmm eoueydumo ul si uolMRpul al; Wip AjWao I J91104sul O :# XYd Ve39/ 00 # 31 Q97Z TEW13 s�JallRsul O£ l l'ohp.S ' p , :(pajmbaa) # aua4d -V L4AQIj JVVA=W&IrvW :ssetppy BwilelM s'Jallpul Z { gS ( (Blame pI ON asusol-f n U ) W-:aweN sAllelsul -loud jo GC14 eseald •wei6oad uo4e0yl;re0-;f0S 43898 ytodmaN;o Allo a41 ul Bugedlapied 'Joumo uo Jaloequoo pesuaall sium lle0 all Aq peggdu= aq of sl Sum ollo; etLL 'ZbBZ - bfo2 :#;luuad Z2 B 15 :aWa :SMPPY loafad 1NM30b 1d3N 32injx=i °JN awnld HOA N0I1"V1030 NOilb'01d11I133-d13S N3NMO AIN3dOI:IdrdOlOVN.LN00 OOZE -V69 (61+6) 1 n06-eotpg9gpodm9u•mmm Sg6M9Z6 b'O '4oea8ltodmaN 189L1 Xoe 'O•d I anu01elua0 ow0 OC NOISW(I JATIWMEI JNWAUIT dIG .I.NKWJO'IaAdQ A JNl1PakTOD xavag zxoam3N ao AIJD hbQQ- �-Cr t4 M- mt'�l COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 1200 W. Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92833 Ph: (714) 870-1211 Fac: (714) 870-1222 E-mail: coastgeotec gsbcglobal.net July 6, 2020 W.O. 472414-07 Ms. Sandy Shah JUL o lig 2807 Loganberry Court Fullerton, CA 92835 Subject: Rough Grade Compaction Report, 1200 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, California References: 1. Geotechnical Engineering Investigation of Proposed Two Residence at 1200 & 1204 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., W.O. 472414-01, dated April 10, 2014. 2. Response to Geotechnical Report Review Checklist, 1200 & 1204 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., W.O. 472414-02, dated December 11, 2014. 3. Safety Construction Statement, 1200 & 1204 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., W.O. 472414-03, dated February 12, 2014. 4. Rough Grade Compaction Report, 1204 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, Califomia; by COAST GEOTECHMCAL, INC., W.0.472414-04, dated September 25, 2015. 5. Final Soils Report, 1204 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., W.C. 472414-05, dated September 7, 2016. 6. Response to Geotechnical Report Review, Proposed New Residence at 1200 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., W.O. 472414-06, dated May 2, 2018. Dear Ms. Shah: Forwarded herewith is the rough grade compaction report for the subject site. Our observations and testing were performed periodically, as requested. The grading operation for the residential development consisted of grading the residential pad area to provide uniformly compacted fill soils for support of the residence. The grading operation was conducted from June 25, 2020 through July 1, 2020, using the referenced geotechnical reports as a guideline. PROPERTY LINE WALLS New property line walls along the southern and eastern sides were built prior to grading the lot. Foundations for the walls were observed and found geotechnically acceptable on June 11, 2020. Backfilling and compaction of the walls occurred during grading. PLACEMENT OF FILL - _ Com acte - t rnatena was laced to Provide ade -nate su ort for theproposed-structure.- P -- P P 4 PP COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ms. Shah 2 W.O. 472414-07 Roush Grade Compaction Report Julv 6. 2020 Overexcavation of the building pad area extended into competent native material. The depth of overexcavation was about 2.5 to 4.0 feet below original grade. The exposed surface was scarified, moisture conditioned, and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. Subsequent fills were placed in six to eight inch loose lifts, moisture conditioned as needed, and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction by track rolling. To mitigate future caving of foundation excavations, the upper two feet of soils were mixed with Portland cement. This process was followed to final grades. Limits of grading are shown on the attached Plate 1. Equipment used for compacting the fill soils consisted of a CAT 299 rubber track loader, Cat mini excavator and jumping jack. Soils were moisture conditioned by a fire hose. Earthwork was by JD Demolition and Grading. Temporary pipe and board shoring was placed along the alley side, per plan. TESTING Maximum density optimum moisture relationship determinations were performed for each soil type encountered during grading operations. Test results were as follows: Laboratory Standard: (ASTM: D-1557) 4 -inch diameter mold; 1/30 W volume; 5 layers at 25 blows per layer; 1016. hammer dropped 18 inches Soil Type Classification Optimum Moisture, % Max. Dry Density, lbs/ft; I Tan to Tan Brown Fine to 10.0 112.0 Medium Grained Sand Cement Treated Tan Fine to II Medium Grained Sand 9.5 115.0 Compaction tests were performed a minimum of every two feet and/or 500 cubic yards of compacted fill soils placed. These tests were performed in accordance with ASTM test methods. The test results are summarized in Table 1. The approximate test locations are shown on Plate 1. FOUNDATIONS - The residence shall be supported by a mat foundation. The structural engineer should design the thickness and reinforcement requirements for the mat foundation for the building based on the anticipated loading conditions. The mat foundation slab should be at least twelve inches thick, with perimeter footing a minimum of 24 inches below the �IW- D0119 COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ms. Shah 3 W.O. 472414-07 Rouah Grade Compaction Report July 6 2010 lowest adjacent grade. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 80 pci may be used in the design of the mat foundation. Reinforcement shall be determined by the structural engineer. The mat foundation may utilize an allowable bearing value of 1,800 pounds per square foot. This value is for dead plus live load and may be increased by 1/3 for total including seismic and wind loads where allowed by code. The structural engineer's reinforcing requirements should be followed if more stringent. All foundation bottoms shall be observed and approved by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, Inc. prior to placement of the capillary break. FOUNDATIONS FOR SECONDARY STRUCTURES Property line walls, planter walls, and other incidental foundations may be supported by continuous spread footings bearing 12 inches into competent native soil and at least 24 inches below lowest adjacent grade, whichever is deeper, and may utilize an allowable bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot. This value is for dead plus live load and may be increased 1/3 for total including seismic and wind loads where allowed by code. Where isolated pads are utilized, they shall be tied in two directions into adjacent foundation with grade beams. A representative of COAST GEOTECHNICAL, Inc. shall observe foundation excavations to verify that they comply with project geotechnical recommendations. If unacceptable conditions are exposed mitigation will be recommended. It is recommended that all footings be reinforced with a minimum of four #5 bars (two top and two bottom). The structural engineer's reinforcing requirements should be followed if more stringent. LATERAL DESIGN Lateral restraint at the base of footings and on slabs may be assumed to be the product of the dead load and a coefficient of friction of 0.35. Passive pressure on the face of footings may also be used to resist lateral forces. A passive pressure of zero at the surface of finished grade, increasing at the rate of 250 pounds per square foot of depth to a maximum value of 2,500 pounds per square foot, may be used for compacted fill at this site. If passive pressure and friction are combined when evaluating the lateral resistance, the value of the passive pressure should be limited to 2/3 of the values given above. FLOOR SLABS Due to liquefaction potential at the subject site, it is recommended that a mat foundation be used mat is twelve inches. COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ms. Shah 4 W.O. 472414-07 Rough Grade Compaction Report July 6, 2010 Slab on grades shall be designed in accordance with current CBC codes. Site soils are non plastic. Subgrade soils shall exhibit a minimum relative compaction of 90% to the depth determined by the geotechnical engineer. The soil should be kept moist prior to casting the slab; however, if the soils at grade become disturbed during construction, they should be brought to approximately optimum moisture content and rolled to a firm, unyielding condition prior to placing concrete. COAST GEOTECHNICAL, Inc. to verify adequacy of subgrade soils prior to placement of vapor barrier or capillary break. Section 4.505.2.1 of the California Green Code requires the use of a capillary break between the slab subgrade and vapor barrier. The capillary break material shall comply with the requirements of the local jurisdiction and shall be a minimum of four inches in thickness. Geotechnically coarse clean sand is acceptable; however, some localities require the use of four inches of gravel (1/2 -inch or larger clean aggregate). If gravels are used, a heavy filter fabric (Mirafi 140N) shall be placed over the gravels prior to placement of the recommended vapor barrier to minimize puncturing of the vapor barrier. Additionally, a vibratory plate should be used over the gravels prior to placement of the recommended filter fabric to smooth out any sharp protuberances and consolidate the gravels. Slab areas should be underlain by a vapor retarder consisting of an engineered plastic film (as described by ASTM:E-1745). In areas where a moisture sensitive floor covering will be used and/or where moisture infiltration is not desirable, a vapor barrier with a permeance of less than 0.01perms (consistent with ACI 302.2R-06) such as 15 mil. Stego Wrap Vapor Barrier, or equivalent, should be considered, and a qualified water proofing specialist should be consulted. The vapor barrier should be underlain by the above described capillary break materials and filter cloth. The capillary break materials should be compacted to a uniform condition prior to placement of the recommended filter cloth and vapor barrier. The vapor barrier should be properly lapped and sealed. SEISMIC DESIGN Based on the 2016 CBC the following seismic design parameters are provided. These seismic design values were determined utilizing latitude 33.605492 and longitude -117.916544 and calculations from the USGS ground motion parameter calculator. A conservative site class D was assigned to site earth materials. • Site Class =D • Mapped 0.2 Second Spectral Response Acceleration, Ss = 1.728g • Mapped One Second Spectral Response Acceleration S, = 0.639g • Site Coefficient from Table 1613A.3.3(1), Fa =1.0 • Site Coefficient from Table 1613A.3.3(2), Fv =1.5 • Maximum Design Spectral Response Acceleration for short period, Smis = 1.728-0 • Maximum Design Spectral Response Acceleration for one -second period, SM, = 0.959g 0 5% Design Spectral Response Acceleration for short period, Sps = 1.152g COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ms. Shah j W.O. 472414-07 Roush Grade Compaction Report July 6 *7020 • 5% Design Spectral Response Acceleration for one -second period, SDI= 0.6398 SETTLEMENT The maximum total static post -construction settlement is anticipated to be on the order of 1/2 inch. Static differential settlements are expected to be less than 1/2 inch, measured between adjacent structural elements over a distance of 40 feet. Seismic induced settlements are addressed under previous sections. EXPANSIVE SOILS Results of expansion tests indicate that the near surface soils have a very low expansion potential. UTILITY LINE BACKFILLS All utility line backfills, both interior and exterior, shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction and shall require testing at a maximum of two -foot vertical intervals. Utility lines shall be placed at appropriate depths. Shallow pipes can be damaged by the forces imposed by compacting backfill soils. If shallow pipes are not capable of withstanding the forces of backfill compaction, slurry backfill will be recommended. HARDSCAPE Hardscape areas shall exhibit a minimum of 90% relative compaction to a depth of at least one foot. Deeper removal and recompaction may be required if unacceptable conditions are encountered. These areas require testing just prior to placing concrete. Hardscape shall be at least four inches thick and reinforced with #3 bars on 18 inch centers both ways. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS An on-site soil sample showed a soluble sulfate content of 72 ppm, which is a negligible sulfate exposure. Concrete with Type 11 2,500 psi may be utilized; however, the saltwater environ may cause damage to exposed concrete and a designed concrete should be considered. 111, 7_" i►/Te1�al Positive drainage should be planned for the site. Drainage should be directed away from structures via non -erodible conduits to suitable disposal areas. The structure should utilize roof gutters and down spouts tied directly to yard drainage. Pipes used for storm/site water drainage should be stout enough to withstand the force of compaction of the soils above. This force can be considerable, causing some weaker pipes to collapse. Drainage pipes shall have a smooth interior. Pipes with a corrugated interior can cause the buildup _of -- deleterious -matter, _which -can -impede -or - block -the -flow of -site -waters and, -as -such,--- ---- are not recommended. All storm/site water drainage pipes should be in conformance with the requirements of Table 1102.5 of the 2016 California Plumbing Code. COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ms. Shah 6 W.O. 472414-07 Rough Grade Compaction Report July 6 2010 Unlined flowerbeds, planters, and lawns should not be constructed against the perimeter of the structure. If such landscaping (against the perimeter of a structure) is planned, it should be properly drained and lined or provided with an underground moisture barrier. Irrigation should be kept to a minimum. Section 1804.4 of the 2016 CBC recommends five percent slope away from structures for landscape areas within ten feet of the residence. Hardscape areas shall be sloped a minimum of two percent where within ten feet of the residence unless allowed otherwise by the building official. Minimum drainage shall be one percent for hardscape areas and two percent for all other areas. We do not recommend the use of infiltration best management practice (BMP) such as bottomless trench drains, infiltration trenches, infiltration basins, dry wells, permeable pavements or similar systems designed primarily to percolate water into the subsurface soils within five feet of foundations. Due to the physical characteristics of the site earth materials, infiltration of waters into the subsurface earth materials has a risk of adversely affecting below grade structures, building foundations and slabs, and hardscape improvements. From a geotechnical viewpoint surface drainage should be directed to the street. The WQMP requirement shall be addressed by the Civil Engineer. POST -GRADING SERVICES During construction of the residence, it is recommended, and at times required by the regulatory agency, the following be observed and/or tested by the geotechnical engineer: • Excavation of footings • Backfill of interior slab areas • Backfill of interior trenches • Backfill of exterior utility trenches • Hardscape subgrade It is the responsibility of the developer to schedule the required observations and testing. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE I hereby certify that the subject grading was observed by a representative from this office, and the work was done in full compliance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach and in accordance with the best accepted practices of the applicable chapter of the California Building Code. All cuts, fills or processing of original ground under the purview of this report have been completed under the observation of and with selective testing by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., and found to be in compliance with the Grading Code of the City of Newport Beach. The completed work has been observed by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., and is considered COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ms. Shah 7 W.O. 472414-07 Roueh Grade Compaction Report July 6 2010 adequate for the development. Our findings were made and recommendations prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practices, and no further warranty is implied nor made. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully submitted: COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ming-Tamg Chen RCE 54011 C Ho.54011 * Ex13A2131121 * �Jr. ��Q� COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ms. Shah 8 W.O. 472414-07 Roueh Grade Compaction Report July 6 1010 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS TABLE Test No. Location Below Proposed Grade (ft) Moisture Content % Dry Unit Weight (lbs/fP) Soil Type Relative Compaction % Date 1 Pad Area 3.5-4.0 12.1 103.2 I 92.1 6/25,120 2 Pad Area 3.5-4.0 11.4 102.1 I 91.2 6/25/20 3 Pad Area 2.0-2.5 13.4 104.3 I 93.1 6/25/20 4 Pad Area 2.0-2.5 14.5 104.8 I 93.6 6/25/20 5 Pad Area 0.0-0.5 9.5 105.9 II 92.1 6/26/20 6 Pad Area 0.00.5- 9.1 107.2 II 93.2 6/26/20 7 Pad Area 3.0-3.5 12.1 105.6 II 91.8 6/26/20 8 Pad Area 3.0-3.5 12.9 106.1 H 92.3 6/26/20 9 Pad Area 1.0-1.5 9.9 106.4 II 92.5 6/26/20 10 Pad Area 1.0-1.5 9.2 107.0 II 93.0 6/26/20 11 Pad Area 2.0-2.5 10.0 104.4 II 90.8 6/30/20 12 Pad Area 0.5-1.0 11.1 104.2 II 90.6 6/30/20 13 Pad Area F.G. 9.9 105.8 ll 92.0 7/1/20 14 Pad Area F.G. 10.4 105.7 II 91.9 7/1/20 15 Pad Area F.G. 9.5 106.4 11 92.4 7/1/20 F. G. - Final Rough Grade «j COMPACTION TEST LOCATIONS Ocean Front Alley West cn�Pi Aaw m tieu�-�. Ocean Front West (boardwalk) Rough Grade Compaction Report California Scale: V= 16' Approximate Compaction Test Location Approximate Limits of Grading Work Order 472414-07 Plate No. 1 COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. I yyyy����dl _yl! QIli��j �. Ocean Front West (boardwalk) Rough Grade Compaction Report California Scale: V= 16' Approximate Compaction Test Location Approximate Limits of Grading Work Order 472414-07 Plate No. 1 COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. �IuW oogl ESIPME Job No.: nu CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BiJILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address:. 1200 W Oceantrard Report. Date: July 20, 2021 CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit#: Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone M. CNB Plan Check* Shah - r Steel 2497.2017 Full. Name of Structural. Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SOTelephonet SO LioenselReg.#: Dale Forbes dale@esifine.com 714-835-2800 C30407 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge I . 1 am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be In responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or anomer licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected. Drior to final Q64 ` p1/4July 20, 2021 SIGNATURE OF STRU TURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD DATE FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHGRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED r Conventional Footings r Concrete r Steel r Concrete mal Framing for General Conformance 720/2021 r- Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete r Masonry r Concrete r Steel Deck. r Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams We Wood or Mam d. Shear Panels r Masonry r Wood r other. r Other: r Other: r Other. jJ ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. r OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: r REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: e structure generagy complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge I . 1 am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be In responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or anomer licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected. Drior to final Q64 ` p1/4July 20, 2021 SIGNATURE OF STRU TURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD DATE MIME Job No.: FffiB CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 ( Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.aov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report —ooq, Project Address: 1200 W Oceanfront Report Date: April 14, 2021 CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit#: Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone#: CNB Plan Check #: Shah Concrete Exterior shear 2497-2017 Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License/Reg. #: Dale Forbes date@esfte.com 714-835-2800 C30407 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHGRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED r Conventional Footings Concrete steel Concrete Exterior shear 4/14/2021 Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete Masonry r Concrete r Steel Deck Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams rjr Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels Masonry Wood r Other. Other. Other. Other. ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: r REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: he structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my v responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction w o C 30W stage to verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction r acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building April 14, 2021 DATE �! E51/FME Job No.: F298 SEW PORT o� e� CITE' OF NEWPORT BEACH 13 >4.1 i _ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. BUILDING DIVISION C110roft Nil 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1(949) 644-3200 ,TI'UCturai umervallillwn F%W1J%PI L the structural observation; Report Date: CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit#: Project Address: w p C 3M07 —.--responsible_charge, stage to verity that the structure is in general -conformance with the approved -construction _. o= 1200 W oceanfront January 20, 2021 Owner's Mailing Address (N different from site); Owners Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: Building Owner Name: 2497-2017 Shah Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): 50 E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License/Reg. C30407 Dale Forbes dale@esifine.com 714-835-2800 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) DIAPHGRAGMS INDICATE LOCEDION(S) DATE OBSERVE FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLSJFF FRAMES (Floor/Roof) conventionalFootings r concrete Steel r Concrete Roof antl Dedt Framing 1/20/2021 Mat Foundation, r Masonry Concrete r Steel DE Prestressed Concrete Caissons, Piles, Grade I— Wood or Manuf. Shear F Masonry F0 Wood Beams Panels Other. r Other. r Other: r Other. ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: r REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of��QgOOREESS/ EN the structural observation; y 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my have performed the required site visits at each significant construction w p C 3M07 —.--responsible_charge, stage to verity that the structure is in general -conformance with the approved -construction _. o= documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. `PP,gT_ CIV IL lM 12. The permittee or his agent shall notify the Building Division when the grading operation is ready for each of the following inspections: a, PRE -GRADE MEETING When the permittee is ready to begin work, but not less than two days before any grading or brushing is started. b. DRAINAGE DEVICE INSPECTION After forming of terrace drains, down drains or after placement of pipe in subdrains, but before any concrete or filter material is placed. C. SPECIAL d. ROUGH GRADING When all rough grading has been completed, the rough grade report shall be provided to the Building Inspector at foundation inspection or sooner based on the Building Inspectots discretion. e. FINAL When all work, including installation of all drainage structures and other protective devices, has been completed and the as -graded plan, professional approvals and the required reports have been submitted. 13. All footing excavations, slab on grade areas and subdrains shall be inspected and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist Written approval shall be submitted to the Building Inspector. 14. Prior to the start of grading, all permanent property comer monuments shall be in place. Prior to any foundation inspections, proof of recordation of the "corner record" or "record of survey" with the County of Orange shall be provided. 15. The undersigned acknowledge a copy of the above and agree to comply with the Grading Code of the City of Newport Beach, the recommendations of the project soils report and any special requirements of the permit 16. Prior to foundation inspection a Line and Grade Certificate Form must signed and stamped by the surveyor of record and submitted to the building inspector. A Structural Observation Report may be required. 17. All parties listed below must be present for the pregrade meeting unless approved by the building inspector. 18. All duple. onstrvction requires separate utilities (sewer,, water, gas, electrical, fire essprinkler risers). OWNER/ T CT f rh /1JeDESIGNCIVIL ENGR.:^ 9ma% �d.r By, If By. ( c Address: Address: ZY Zlt 7.o Ur Telephone: G Telephone: �/1��1( Z-� 7�� — GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: 'R©& R'f C 74 6 401t`'r GEOLOGIST.: �I�S~✓ C� �C t�itllcrPz By: con ---T f-Ioo ke ti Iutt IV-(- By: Addressic�m»b>+s�e�C7tf AvE. ��u�R7n+✓ Address: `JCC Telephone: �f4 - $�}O - IZI t Telephone: `r GRADING CONTR : COORDINATOR: By.j1/� ri o�.J By. Address: 7 �> '? 1 iAh�• ' •'- d`�'J Address: Telephone: i t�4�c1f0 Telephone: / l NEWPORT BEACH REPRESENTATIVE: �,�! l� 'T2,EE� PHONE #: 6 (� / 614 INSPECTION REQUESTS: (949) 644-3255 Newport Beach Construction Hours: Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 P.M. No work an Sundays and Holidays FOMMPm9nde meeting agmement B48 Agencyindex CORNER RECORD Document Document Number 2022-0916 City of NEWPORT BEACH County of ORANGE , California Brief Legal Description LOT 4 BLOCK 743 MAP OF CORONA DFL MAR MlSCFLLANF0US MAP ROOK 3 PAGES 41-4 Government Corner E] Control Meander ❑ Property Rancho ❑ Other COORDINATES (Optional) N. E. M Elevation ® Units Metric ❑ ❑ Horizontal Datum Zone X/ rt; IDt U.S. Survey Foot 191 Epoch Date Date of Survey 3-20-22 e ica a um M Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 ❑ Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref: MX 8765(d) ❑ 8771 ❑ 8773 ❑ Other: Corner/ © Left as found ❑ Established ❑ Rebuilt M Pre -Construction Monument: M Found and tagged ❑X Reestablished ❑X Referenced M Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: MX See sheet #2 for description (s): Received May 052022 1 st Check oc survey SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on MAY 5, 2022 Signed P.L.S. No. 5662 v COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was and examined and Signed Title County Surveyor's Comment P.L.S. or R.C.E. No. BPELSG-2016 Page 1 oft ment Number 2022-0916 Ag 5TH A VENUE - LO - - ON49'25'51"W 150.02' M&R2 150'Ri 1 NE LY LINE OF MAP OF CORONA DEL MAR, MM 3/41-42 - 10 ro O N M Q� � Qm 23.00 l m 2.0( W M 2.00 rr^^ M v J n 23.00' 0 O z CC N 25' CLK s vi N �101l 000 PRELIMINARY N49'24'53"W 117.98'M&R2 118'R1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �-- — — — — — — — — ---------- MAP ---------MAP OF f 6 a CORONA DEL MAR �— 117.98'M&R2 118.00'Ri N PARCEL 1 M� PARCEL MAP NO. 2020-151 J P.M.B. 409/31-33 117.98'M&R2 118.00'R7 N N49'23'51"W 149.98'M&R2 �, BLOCK 743 2 00 M M.M. 3/14-42 58.94'M&R2 O 59.03'M&R2 N49'23'51"W 117.97'M&R2 118'R1 N N THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF POINSETTIA AVENUE HAVING A BEARING OF N40'34'35"E PER PARCEL MAP NO. 2020-151, P.M.B. . N49'23'51"W 149.97'M&R2 150'R1 4TH A VENUE REFERENCES R1 = MAP OF CORONA DEL MAR, M.M. 3/41-42 R2 = PARCEL MAP NO. 2020-151, P.M.B. 409Z31-33 LEGEND O SET MONUMENT AS NOTED 0 FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED MONUMENT NOTES N O --d 1 n 1"=30' N mLu n M _ 1 laJ \ 0 0 z O1 FND. GEAR SPIKE & WASHER STAMPED IS 6761" PER R2. Q2 FND. GEAR SPIKE & WASHER STAMPED IS 5023" PER R2. O3 FND. 4-2.50' SPIKE & WASHER STRADDLERS OVER SEWER MANHOLE STAMPED "LS5023" PER R2. ® FND. GEAR SPIKE & WASHER STAMPED IS 4653" PER R2, DN. 0.1'. O FND. LEAD, TACK & TAG STAMPED "LS 2312" PER R2. © FND. 3/4" IP WITH TAG STAMPED "LS 5662 588'46'04" 0.08' FROM LOT CORNER PER R2. 0 FND. LEAD, TACK & TAG STAMPED "LS 5662 2.00' OFFSET ON PL PROD PER R2. THERE ARE NO CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS AND Og THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY LINE SET LEAD, TACK & TAG STAMPED "LS 5662", 2.00' OFFSET ON PL PROD. (DISTINCTIVE BOUNDARY) OF THIS MAP AS ESTABLISHED HEREON. 10 FND. LEAD, TACK & TAG STAMPED IS 7325", 2.00' OFFSET ON PL PROD PER R2. BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 3300 Newport Boulevard i P.O. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 92658 www.newoortbeachca.aov i (949) 644-3275 SETBACKS AND TOP OF SLAB/FLOOR ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 1` ll- 001' The purpose of this certificate is to insure that the structure is located properly on site per the approved drawings. This certificate also verifies the top of slab/floor elevation noted on the approved drawings. After the top of slab/floor elevation is verified to match the elevation specified on the approved drawings, the contractor and inspector can measure the height of the structure to the top of slab/floor to verify that it is equal or less than the dimension shown on building sections and elevations. This form must be filled out by a registered surveyor or civil engineer authorized to perform surveys. The survey must be done after the concrete forms are in place or preferable after the concrete slab is poured or raised floor is built, but prior to starting wall framing. Engineer/Surveyor's Name Michael A. Forkert License # LS 5662 Engineer/Surveyor's Address 22311 Brookhurst St, Ste 203, H.B. CA 92646 Job Address 702 Poinsettia Avenue Setbacks: Sketch a site plan and specify surveyed setbacks (use back page). * Top of slab/floor elevation: 106.75' * If slab/floor elevation varies, sketch a plan or section through slab on the back page and specify the elevations. Use same datum used in the survey of record. I certify that the setbacks are ®, are not ❑ from plans: per City approved plans. Describe any deviations I certify that top of slab/floor elevation(s) is ®, is not any deviations from plans: a 10/01/2020 m� No. 51 Date Engineer/Su cID Fortes/SetbacksandTopotSlabElevationCert. drawings. Describe 2 POINSETTA AVE 0 0 o ALLEY V-141- 0011 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 BUILDING HEIGHT CERTIFICATION Project Street Address: Building Permit Number(s): 702 Poinsettia Ave. 0354-2020 As the surveyor of record for the project at the above address, I hereby certify that I have reviewed the City of Newport Beach approved plan and original topographic survey and based the elevations listed below on those plans. Elevations shall include an allowance for roofing material thickness if not yet installed. Provide each critical ridge and flat roof, or roof deck railing elevations indicated on the approved plans. Use the format below on the back of this form if additional space is necessary or further explanation is needed. Provide original copy to the inspector before roof framing inspection. All elevation points are based on: O NAVD88 O NGVD29 XO Assumed Please provide the following elevation information for the highest roof ridges, flat roofs, or parapets/guardrails. Additional elevation points may be requested by the Building Inspector. RIDGES (3:12 slope or greater) 1. Approved elevation point of ridge is 136.22' and actual elevation point is 136.18' 2. Approved elevation point of ridge is and actual elevation point is 3. Approved elevation point of ridge is and actual elevation point is -% FLAT ROOFS, PARAPETS AND GUARDRAILS 1. Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is 131.22and actual elevation point is 131.13' 2. Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is 3. Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is I certify that the above height measurements are correct and the above project: OIS in compliance with the City -approved plans. OIS NOT ingo; a City -approved plans (Provide explanation). Please describe any Surveyor or (Wet si * License number of 33965 or lower Fom \Building Height certification 11/02/16 plans on the back of this form. and seal 2/22/21 Date COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 1200 West Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton CA 92833 • Ph: (714)870-1211 • Fax (714) 870-1222 • e-mail coastgeote Osbcdobal net September 8, 2020 Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 4304 La Palma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 Reference: W.O. 581419-02 Subject: Rough Grade Compaction Report for Proposed New Residence at 702 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, California 1. Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for Proposed New Residence at 702 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECMdCAL, INC., W.O. 581419- 01, dated November 14, 2019. Dear Ms. Laslo and Ms. Reynolds: Forwarded herewith is the rough grade compaction report for the subject site. Earthwork was conducted from August 28, 2020 through September 2, 2020, utilizing the referenced geotechnical report as a guideline. PLACEMENT OF FILL Compacted fill material was placed to provide adequate support for the proposed structure. Over -excavation of the building pad area extended into competent native earth material to a depth of approximately three to three and one half feet below the proposed finish grade. The exposed surface was scarified; moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. Subsequent fills were placed in six to eight inch loose lifts; moisture conditioned as needed with a water hose, and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction by track rolling. This process was followed to final grade. Limits of grading are shown on the attached Plate 1. Equipment used for compaction of the fill soils consisted of a Cat 953C track loader and a Kubota SVL 95 rubber track loader. Earthwork was by Tight Quarters. TESTING Maximum density optimum moisture relationship determinations were performed for each soil type encountered during grading operations. Test results were as follows: Laboratory Standard: (ASTM:D-1557) — — 4=inch diameter fid; 1730 W volume; 5 layers at 25 blows per layer; 10 lb. hammer dropped 18 inches �Inj,001� COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 2 W.O. 581419-02 Rough Grade Compaction Report September 8, 2020 Soil Type Classification Optimum Moisture, % Max. Dry Density, lbs/ft; 1 Brown to Orange Brown 9.5 128.0 Slightly Clayey Silty Sand II Brown to Medium Brown 11.0 125.0 Sandy Silty Clay Compaction tests were performed a minimum of every two feet and/or 500 cubic yards of compacted fill soils placed. These tests were performed in accordance with ASTM test methods. The test results are summarized in Table 1. The approximate test locations are shown on Plate 1. FOUNDATIONS ON COMPACTED FILL Foundations for the proposed structures may consist of conventional or isolated footings placed into compacted fill utilizing the following design. Continuous footings placed a minimum of 24 inches below lowest adjacent grade may utilize an allowable bearing value of 1,800 psf. This value is for dead plus live load and may be increased by 1/3 for total including seismic and wind loads where allowed by code. Isolated pads placed a minimum of 24 inches below lowest adjacent grade may utilize an allowable bearing value of 1,800 psf. This value is for dead plus live load and may be increased by 1/3 for total including seismic and wind loads where allowed by code. Isolated pads shall be tied into adjacent foundations with grade beams in at least two directions. The minimum width of footings shall be 15 inches wide for two-story construction and 18 inches wide for three story construction. It is recommended that all footings be reinforced with a minimum of four No. 5 bars (two top and two bottom). The structural engineer's reinforcing requirements should be followed if more stringent. Isolated pad footings shall be tied by grade beams to continuous footings. Footing excavations shall be observed by a representative of COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. prior to placement of steel or concrete to verify competent soil conditions. FOUNDATIONS ON NATIVE SOILS Property line walls may be supported by continuous spread footings placed a minimum depth of 24 inches below lowest adjacent grade, and bearing 12 inches into competent native soils, whichever is deeper, utilizing an allowable bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot. This value is for dead plus live load and may be increased 1/3 for total including seismic and wind loads where allowed by code. A representative of COAST -GEOTECHNICAL Inc: shall observe foundation excavafions to verify that they comply with project geotechnical recommendations. �Ikm _V I COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 3 W.O. 581419-02 Rough Grade Compaction Report Sentember 8.2020 It is recommended that all footings be reinforced with a minimum of four No. 5 bars (two top and two bottom). The structural engineer's reinforcing requirements should be followed if more stringent. LATERAL, DESIGN Lateral restraint at the base of footings and on slabs may be assumed to be the product of the dead load and a coefficient of friction of 0.35. Passive pressure on the face of footings may also be used to resist lateral forces. A passive pressure of zero at the surface of finished grade, increasing at the rate of 350 pounds per square foot of depth to a maximum value of 3,500 pounds per square foot, may be used for compacted fill and competent native soil at this site. If passive pressure and friction are combined when evaluating the lateral resistance, the value of the passive pressure should be limited to 2/3 of the values given above. SEISMIC DESIGN Based on the 2016 CBC the following seismic desi design values were determined utilizing latitude 33, calculations from the USGS Seismic Tool Application. gt parameters are provided. These seismic 5968396 and longitude -117.8648768 and USGS data output is attached A conservative site class D was assigned to site earth materials. • Site Class = D • Mapped 0.2 Second Spectral Response Acceleration, Ss = 1.679g • Mapped One Second Spectral Response Acceleration S, = 0.612g • Site Coefficient from Table 1613A5.3(1), Fa = 1.0 • Site Coefficient from Table 1613A5.3(2), Fv = 1.5 • Maximum Design Spectral Response Acceleration for short period, SMs = 1.679g • Maximum Design Spectral Response Acceleration for one -second period, SMi = 0.918g • 5% Design Spectral Response Acceleration for short period, SDs = 1.120g • 5% Design Spectral Response Acceleration for one -second period, SDI = 0.612g SETTLEMENT The maximum total post -construction settlement is anticipated to be on the order of 1/2 -inch. Differential settlements are expected to be less than 1/2 -inch, measured between adjacent structural elements over a distance of forty feet. EXPANSIVE SOILS Results of expansion tests indicate that the near surface soils have a medium expansion potential. The medium recommendation in the referenced report may be utilized in design of foundations and concrete slabs. Where conventional foundation and slab on grade is utilized, the slab shall be supported on engineered fill compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. FW_ OW COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 4 W.O. 581419-02 Rough Grade Compaction Report September 8, 2020 For design of slab on grade a computed effective plasticity index of 18 may be utilized. Minimum geotechnical recommendations for on grade slab design are five inches actual thickness, with #4 bars at twelve inches on center each way. If the soils at grade become disturbed during construction, they shall be brought to 2-3% over optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction prior to placing concrete. COAST GEOTECHNICAL, Inc. will need to verify adequate mitigation. The subgrade soil should be kept moist prior to casting the slab; however, if the soils at grade become disturbed during construction, they should be brought to approximately optimum moisture content and rolled to a firm, unyielding condition prior to placing concrete. The capillary break material shall comply with the requirements of the local jurisdiction and shall be a minimum of four inches in thickness and consist of gravel (1/2 -inch or larger clean aggregate). A heavy filter fabric should be placed over the gravels prior to placement of the recommended vapor retarder to minimize puncturing of the vapor retarder. Slab areas should be underlain by a vapor retarder consisting of an engineered plastic film (as described by ASTM:E-1745). A vapor barrier with a permeance of less than 0.01perms (consistent with ACI 302.2R-06) such as 15 mil. Stego Wrap Vapor Barrier, or equivalent should be considered. The vapor barrier should be underlain by the above described capillary break material and filter cloth. The capillary break materials should be compacted to a uniform condition prior to placement of the recommended filter cloth and vapor barrier. The vapor barrier should be properly lapped and sealed and in contact with the slab bottom. SOLUBLE SULFATES Typical on-site soils showed a soluble sulfate content of 64 ppm. Based on the Table 4.3.1 of ACI 318-05, concrete with Type II cement and a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi may be utilized. The structural engineers design criteria may be more stringent. Concrete shall be placed in accordance with appropriate codes. UTILITY LINE BACKFILLS All utility line backfills, both interior and exterior, shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction and shall require testing at a maximum of two -foot vertical intervals. COASTGEOTECHNICAL, INC. shall be present during backfill placement and compaction to verify compliance. HARDSCAPESLABS Hardscape subgrade areas shall exhibit a minimum of 90% relative compaction with proper moisture conditioning prior to placing steel or concrete. Concrete hardscape shall be a minimum of four inches actual thickness with #3 bars on 12 inch centers each way. Exterior hardscape slabs will be subject to volume changes in subgrade soils, which may lead to cracking. Movement of slabs adjacent to structures can be mitigated by doweling slabs to f141- (M I COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Linda Laslo and 7oalean Reynolds 5 W.O. 581419-02 Rough Grade Compaction Report September 8. 2020 perimeter footings. Doweling should consist of No. 4 bars bent around exterior slabs. Doweling should be spaced no farther than 36 inches on centers. As an option to doweling, an architectural separation could be provided between the main structure and abutting appurtenance improvements. Presaturation of exterior slab areas is also desirable. At exterior edges of patios and other flatwork, a thickened edge containing reinforcement is highly recommended. If no significant load is associated with the edge of the slab, the depth and width of the thickened edge may be limited to eight inches. Reinforcement adopted for the main structure may be applied to the appurtenances. As an alternative to rigid hardscape or brickwork, flexible pavers maybe utilized. Positive drainage should be planned for the site. Drainage should be directed away from structures via non -erodible conduits to suitable disposal areas. The structure should utilize roof gutters and down spouts tied directly to yard drainage. Unlined flowerbeds, planters, and lawns should not be constructed against the perimeter of the structure. If such landscaping (against the perimeter of a structure) is planned, it should be properly drained and lined or provided with an underground moisture barrier. Irrigation should be kept to a minimum. The current CBC recommends 5% slope away from structures for landscape areas and 2% slope away for hardscape areas, within ten feet of a residence. Minimum drainage shall be one percent for hardscape areas and two percent for landscape areas for all other areas. We do not recommend the use of bottomless trench drains to conform with infiltration best management practice (BMP) such as infiltration trenches, infiltration basins, dry wells, permeable pavements or similar systems designed primarily to percolate water into the subsurface soils within ten feet of foundations. Due to the physical characteristics of the site earth materials, infiltration of waters into the subsurface earth materials has a risk of adversely affecting below grade structures, building foundations and slabs, and hardscape improvements. From a geotechnical viewpoint surface drainage should be directed to the street. The WQMP requirement shall be addressed by the Civil Engineer. POST -GRADING SERVICES During construction of the residence, it is recommended, and at times required by the regulatory agency, the following be observed and/or tested by the geotechnical engineer: • Excavation of footings • Backfill of interior trenches • Testing of interior and exterior slab areas • Backfill of exterior utility trenches • Hardscape subgrade Ml- 0MI COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 6 W.O. 581419-02 Roueb Grade Compaction Report September 8, 2020 It is the responsibility of the developer to schedule the required observations and testing. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE I hereby certify that the subject grading was observed by a representative from this office, and the work was done in full compliance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach and in accordance with the best accepted practices of the applicable chapter of the California Building Code. All cuts, fills or processing of original ground under the purview of this report have been completed under the observation of and with selective testing by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. and found to be in compliance with the Grading Code of the City of Newport Beach. The completed work has been observed by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. and is considered adequate for the development. Our findings were made and recommendations prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practices, and no further warranty is implied nor made. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully submitted: COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ming-Tarng Chen RCE 54011 s�i'lp.ad014 � a:121311t2t * full- 0)1 1 COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 7 W.O. 581419-02 Rough Grade Compaction Report September 8, 2020 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS TABLE 1 TestSoil No. Location Below Proposed Grade (ft) Moisture Content % Dry Unit Weight (lbs/ft') Type yp e Relative Compaction Date 1 Pad Area 3.03.5 11.9 119.1 I 93.1 8/31/20 2 Pad Area 3.03.5 10.9 118.8 I 92.8 8/31/20 3 Pad Area 2.02.5 16.1 115.6 II 92.5 8/31/20 4 Pad Area 3.03.5 14.9 115.0 II 92.0 9/1/20 5 Pad Area 1.52.0 12.9 116.1 lI 92.9 9/1/20 6 Pad Area 1.52.0 13.1 114.6 H 91.7 9/1/20 7 Pad Area F.G. 12.2 114.6 lI 91.7 9/2/20 8 Pad Area F.G. 12.4 113.1 II 90.5 9/2/20 9 Pad Area F.G. 12.8 114.9 lI 91.9 9/2/20 F.G.: finish grade COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. 1200 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92833 Ph: 714-870-1211 Fax: 714-870-1222 e-mail: coastgeotecLsbcglobal.net January 31, 2022 Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 4304 La Palma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 References: W.0.581419-03 Subject: Final Soils Report for 702 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, California 1. Geotechnical Engineering Investigation for Proposed New Residence at 702 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., W.O. 581419-01, dated November 14, 2019. 2. Rough Grade Compaction Report for Proposed New Residence at 702 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, California; by COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC., W.O. 581419-02, dated September 8, 2020. Dear Ms. Lalso and Ms. Reynolds: In accordance with request of your contractor, this final soils report has been prepared to address geotechnical observations and testing performed since completion of rough grading. This report addresses requested observations and testing. Copies of our daily reports are maintained in our files. FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS The foundation excavations for the residence were observed on October 2, 2020. The foundation excavations were found to be acceptable at the time of our observations. INTERIOR SLAB SUBGRADE AND TRENCH BACKFILLS The residence and garage slab subgrade areas were observed on October 9, 12, and 13, 2020. Probing and testing of the interior residential and garage slab areas indicated acceptable geotechnical conditions for support of the proposed slabs. HARDSCAPE Hardscape areas for the front patio, side walkways and rear carport/driveway subgrade were observed on January 31, 2022. Probing and testing of hardscape area subgrades indicated acceptable geotechnical conditions for support of the proposed hardscape. RU Z1-0011 COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Linda Laslo and Joalean Reynolds 2 W.O. 581419-03 Final Soils Report January 31 2022 OPINION It is opinion of COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. that the summarized geotechnical conditions approved by this office are in compliance with approved geotechnical reports and Newport Beach building codes. The final grades appear to conform to approved plans. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully Submitted: COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Ming-Tarng Chen RCE 54011 1400, No. 54011 Exp. 12/31/23 E51/FME lob No.: M CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.clov 1(949)644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: Report Date: CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit#: 702 Poinsettia April 23, 2021 DATE OBSERVED Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: Lasio 4/23/2021 0354-2020 Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License/Reg. M Dale Forbes dale@esifine.com 714-835-2800 C30407 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my h v responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction i3 p C 30407 stage to verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction r 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. April 23, 2021 SIGNATIS E OF STRLICTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD DATE FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHGRAGMS (Floor/Roop INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED Conventional Slab i- Concrete F Steel 17— Concrete Final framing 4/23/2021 Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete r— Masonry F Concrete Steel Deck r- Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams ry Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels F Masonry Wood F Other: Other: Other: '� Other: rV_' ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: F REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my h v responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction i3 p C 30407 stage to verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction r 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. April 23, 2021 SIGNATIS E OF STRLICTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD DATE FNII-oo11 ESI/FME Joh No.: K459 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING: DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 v_mvv✓.ne:✓por eaci ca rto_v_1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: 702 Poinsettia Report Date: October 15, 2020 CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit #: Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone M CNB Plan Check #: Laslo Conventional Slab I Concrete 0354-2020 Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: 50 Telephone #: SO License/Reg. #: Dale Forbes dale@esifine.com 714-835-2800 C30407 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction05F, stage C 30407 verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documea nts; acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHGRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED Conventional Slab I Concrete F Steel i Concrete Slab Rebar 10/15/2020 -- Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete F Masonry I_... Concrete ( Steel Deck i-- Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams F- Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels I- Masonry Wood F Other: F Other: f Other: Other: N ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: ( REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES r The FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction05F, stage C 30407 verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documea nts; acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building �rwll- W11 ESI/FME Job No. K458 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca.cov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: 702 Poinsettia Report Date: September 30, 2020 CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit #: Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: CNB Plan Check #: Laslo r Concrete r Steel 0354-2020 Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License/Reg. #: Dale Forbes dale@esifine.com 714-835-2800 C30407 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my PT(c, responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant constructionstage to verityC 30407 that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. September 30, 2020 DATE FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHGRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED r Conventional Footings r Concrete r Steel r Concrete Footing Rebar and foundation hardware 9/30/2020 F- Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete masonry f Mason Concrete Steel Deck r Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams rWood or Manuf. Shear Panels r Masonry r Wood r Other: r Other: If Other: r Other: I✓ ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. I— OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES r FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my PT(c, responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant constructionstage to verityC 30407 that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. September 30, 2020 DATE Flo -v� ESI/FME Job No.: K458 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.Dov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: 702 Poinsettia Report Date: April 23, 2021 CNB Inspector Name: CNB Permit #: Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone M CNB Plan Check #: Laslo r Concrete r Steel 0354-2020 Full Name of Structural Observer (SO): SO E-mail Address: SO Telephone #: SO License/Reg. #: Dale Forbes dale@esifine.com 714-835-2800 C30407 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. 1 am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. A !/�/� April 23, 2021 SIGNATU E OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD DATE FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHGRAGMS (Floor/Roof) INDICATE LOCATION(S) OBSERVED DATE OBSERVED i� Conventional Slab r Concrete r Steel r Concrete Final framing 4/23/2021 r Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concrete f— Masonry t— Concrete r Steel Deck r Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams Wood or Manuf. Shear Panels rMasonry rWood r Other: Other: Other: F Other: ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. r OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: r REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES 'J✓ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approved construction documents, and all observed deficiencies were corrected. I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. 1 am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. 1 or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verity that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. A !/�/� April 23, 2021 SIGNATU E OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD DATE Flo 7) —0071 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CIVIL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION FORM From: Date: . Forkert Engineering & Surveying, Inc. May 2, 2022 22311 Brookhurst St, Ste 203 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 ATTENTION: GRADING ENGINEER, BUILDING DIVISION GPC No.: 2172-2018 Tract/Subdivision/Lot No.: Rough: _Final: x Project Names: 702 Poinsettia Ave Owner/Developer: Mike Terry Type of Project: Notes: _Tract: _ Drainage Single Family Residence _ Commercial x Other Industrial Yardage for Project: Notes: 57 Cut: _ Borrow: 21 Fill: _ Export: I hereby approve the grading or this project in accordance with my responsibilities under the City Grading Code. I have inspected the project and hereby certify that all areas exhibit positive surface flow to public ways or City approved drainage devices. The grading has been completed: x in conformance with, with the following changes to the approved grading plan. Description of Changes: Qp ESSIallq S M. Company: Forkert Engineering & Surveying, Inc. NO. 586 — * EXP. 12-31-22 * Name: Thomas Ruiz�j9 onno _cNti OF CAS License No.: RCE 58627 rormswrvn engineer s uemncanon rorm a -i s f ptil -0011 wpo CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ° , oy Community Development Department I Building Division , n 100 Civic Center Dr.1 P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658 U > www.newaortbeachca.gov (949) 644-3200 CALGREEN DOCUMENTATION COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION ADDRESS: �� 2 �ins2 2 PERMIT NO.: K 202o - o i�,Yc�) THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. ONE COPY OF THIS FORM SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AT FINAL INSPECTION AND ONE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE BUILDING OWNER AS PART OF THE CAL GREEN CERTIFICATION PACKAGE. The following section shall be completed by a person with overall responsibility for the planning and design portion of the project. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATIONS PROVIDED TO THE PROPERTY OWNER(S) e Franchise Hauler for Construction/Demolition Waste (65% min. reuse of nonhazardous waste) N/`VOC Contents Limitation ER' Formaldehyde Emissions Limitation 1( T-24 Energy Certificate of Installations (Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mach., Plumb.) C>�T-24 Energy Certificate of Verifications or Acceptance ( Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mech., Plumb., HERS) 113/Operations and Maintenance Manual MOISTURE CONTENT OF BUILDING MATERIAL (RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY) Pcertify that the moisture content of the wall and floor framing is less than 19 percent as ll// determined in accordance with Section 4.505.3 of CAL Green prior to being enclosed. DECLARATION STATEMENT • 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided is true and correct. • 1 certify that the installed measures, materials, componentsfactured evices identified n the in allation is on this certificate conform to all applicable codes and reg lations, an -, consistent with the plans and specifications approved by t e enfor ' Responsible Person's NamRespons- ignatu ieiiroe/r /6..- (M(?, -Date -Sig ged:- - - -- -------P-osit' /1 /2 � :- -- - - -_-_ 7/ 2 /�.e.si �n Notes: Forms\CALGreen Documentation Compliance Cert Form 1-2017 PROJECT: Fftl - 007 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 Io 2.• OWNER'S NAME: TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE APPLICATION (Inspection/Administrative Fee) COMMERCIAL: $209.00 RESIDENTIAL: NO FEE PHONE NO: %I y 93/ // E f- JOB ADDRESS: 9C) 2!�------------__._-_ — ---- BUILDING PERMIT '202-6- Request 02-6- Request is hereby made for the release of electrical on subject project only for the purpose of testing equipment and/or mechanical systems prior to building permit final approval. I agree that no building or structure shall be used or occupied until the Building inspector has issued a building permit final approval or Certificate of Occupancy. Moving in furniture, staging, showing for sale, or any use other than construction, shall be considered use or occupancy and a violation of this agreement (CBC 111.1). Furthermore, it is not our intent to use or occupy this building until all City regulations and conditions concerning this building have been complied with, and it is understood and agreed that the City of Newport Beach is hereby authorized to order disconnect of service without notification for any violation of the above conditions prior to f�pproval or Certificate of Occupancy. OWNER or TENANT SIGNATURE �s DATE: PRINT name of owner or tena/2n_LLu/no.��S PHONE #: CONTRACTOR SIGNAt. DATE: _3Z�8ai_-ti PRINT name of contrac or: _ _ PHONE #: --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (for office use only) APPROVED BY: Building Inspector Date Forms\TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE APPLICATION. 07/01/2021 - 001 PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 06/01/2022 16:33 (Pace 1 of 31 Energy Standards Code Year: 2019 ❑ Project Name: 702 Poinsettia Ave Unit ALV ■ �. Project Type: New Construction SFR ' Address: 702 Poinsettia Ave Unit A ; City/State/Zip: Corona del Mar / CA / 92625 ■ L ■ Enforcement Agency: City of Newport Beach 9 ■ Easy to Verify @ calcerts.com Permit Number: X2020-0449 OVERALL STATUS COMPLETE HERS VERIFIABLE MEASURES: COMPLETE 1 Certificate Type Compliance Registered Form CF1R-PRF-�01 "'A Registered Date 2020 U ?03 G-02:27 Registration Number 220-P0106'ij �80A-0o0-006-000000010400 CF2R-ENV-01-E220-P010021480A-000-001-E01001A-0000 2022-04-14 19:09:44 Fenestration Installation Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-ENV-03-E 220-P010021480A-000-001-E03001A-0000 Insulation Installation 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-LTG-01-E 220-P010021480A-000-001-L01001A-0000 Lighting 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-MCH-01-E 220-PO1002148OA-000-001 -M01 001A-0000 Space Conditioning 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry Systems, Ducts and Fans (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-20-H 220 -PO 1 002148OA-000-00 1 -M20001 A-0000 1 Duct Leakage 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 2: Location CF2R-MCH-20-H 220-P010021480A-000-001-M20002A-0000 2 Duct Leakage 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) HERS Provider: CalCERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2019 Residential Compliance Dec 2019 V 1-01A • 0 PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 06/01/2022 16:33 (Pape 2 of 3) System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-21-H 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M21001A-0000 Ducts Located In 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry 1 Conditioned Space (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 2: Location CF2R-MCH-21-H 220-P010021480A-000-001-M21002A-0000 Ducts Located In 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry 2 Conditioned Space (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-23-H 2022-04-14 19:09:45 220-P010021480A-000-001-M23001A-0000 Michael Terry 1 Airflow (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 2: Location CF2R-MCH-23-H 2022-04-14 19:09:45 220-P010021480A-000-001-M23002A-0000 Michael Terry 2 Airflow (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-22-H 2022-04-14 19:09:45 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M22001A-0000 Michael Terry 1 Fan Efficacy, (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 2: Location CF2R-MCH-22-H 2022-04-14 19:09:45 220-P010021480A-000-001-M22002A-0000 Michael Terry 2 Fan Efficacy (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-MCH-26-H 220-P010021480A-000-001-M26001A-0000 System 1 Rated Equipment 2022-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) + MCH -28-H --- i - I 270 Pa1'0021480A-000-001-M26002A-0000 System 2 r RatedCF2R Rated Equipment 2©22-04-14 19:09:45 Michael Terry - . (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) , f P010021480A 000-001 M27001A-0000 CF21R-MCH-2�-H220 IAQand MV'V-.® 2022-04-14 19:09:45 '_.Michael Terry) (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-MCH-32-H 220-P010021480A-000-001-M32001A-0000 Exhaust Fan 1 2022-04-14 19:09:46 Michael Terry Local Mechanical Exhaust (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-PLB-02-E 220-P010021480A-000-001-B02001A-0000 SD HWS Distribution 2022-04-14 19:09:46 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-PVB-01-E 220-P01002148OA-000-001-V01001A-0000 Photovoltaic Systems 2022-04-14 19:09:46 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) !System 1: Location MCH 2022-04-14 20:35:56 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M20001A-M20A Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) (DuctCF3R (Duct Leakage) ge) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 2: Location CF3R-MCH-20-H 2022-04-14 20:35:57 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M20002A-M20A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 2 (Duct Leakage) _ — _(REX QUE_HOEFERDANG) —_. System 1: Location CF3R-MCH-21-H 2022-04-14 20:35:57 220-P010021480A-000-001-M21001 A-M21A Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) 1 (Ducts In Cond Space) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2019 Residential Compliance Dec 2019 I-001 PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 06/01/2022 16:33 /Pace 3 of 31 System 2: Location CF3R-MCH- 2022-04-14 20:35:57 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M21002A-M21A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 2 (Ducts In Cond Space) S (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1: Location CF3R-MCH-23-H 2022-04-14 20:35:57 220-P01002148OA-000-001-M23001A-M23A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 1 (Airflow) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 2: Location CF3R-MCH-23-H 2022-04-14 20:35:57 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M23002A-M23A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 2 (Airflow) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1: Location CF3R-MCH-22-H 2022-04-14 20:35:57 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M22001A-M22A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 1 (Fan Efficacy) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 2: Location CF3R-MCH-22-H 2022-04-14 20:35:57 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M22002A-M22A Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) 2 (Fan Efficacy) (RFS( QUE HOEFERDANG) CF3R-MCH-26-H 220-POl002148OA-000-001-M26001A-M26A System 1 (Rated Equipment) 2022-04-14 20:35:57 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) CF3R-MCH-26-H 220-PO1002148OA-000-001-M26002A-M26A System 2 (Rated Equipment) 2022-04-14 20:35:58 Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) 22-0 -ng(CC200P010021480A`000-001-M27001A M27ACF3R-MCH-27-H R20�1420,35:58 `8efQ{06175)I (IAQ and MV) . (REXb, UE HOEFERDANG) - 220-PO1100211480A-000-001-M32001A-M32A Exhaust Fan 1 CF3R-MCH 3 -H (Local Mechanical Exhaust] 2022 09-`I4 20.35:58 .Rex HAlrfegDa9 g (CC2006175) (REX dUE HOEFERDANG) HERS Provider. CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2019 Residential Compliance Dec 2019 Fuliq- PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc Effective 06/01/2022 16:34 (Page 1 of 2) � z Energy Standards Code Year: 2019 ❑, `� 7 ❑ ■ Project Name: 702 Poinsettia Ave Unit B ■ ■ ■ Project Type: New Construction SFR Address: 702 Poinsettia Ave Unit B City/State/Zip: Corona del Mar / CA / 92625 Enforcement Agency: City of Newport Beach EasytoVedfy@calcerts.com Permit Number: X2020-0449 OVERALL STATUS COMPLETE HERS VERIFIABLE MEASURES: COMPLETE Certificate Type Compliance Registered Form CF1 R -PRF -01 --, , i Registered Date 2020-02;0313:02:27 s-1 A a� Registration .0 220-P010021 83A-000 OOd-OOl)i1000-0000i Number CF2R-ENV-01-E 220-P010021483A-000-001-E01001A-0000 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry Fenestration Installation (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-ENV-03-E 220-P010021483A-000-001-E03001A-0000 Insulation Installation 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-LTG-01-E 220-P010021483A-000-001-L01001A-0000 Lighting 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-MCH-01-E 220-P010021483A-000-001-M01001A-0000 Space Conditioning 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry Systems, Ducts and Fans (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-20-H 220-P010021483A-000-001-M20001A-0000 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry 1 Duct Leakage ----- - --- —--(GRAY-ST-ONE-CUSTOM-BUILDERS-INC) -- HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 21119 Residential Compliance Dec 2019 I PROJECT STATUS REPORT CaICERTS, Inc I I Effective 06/01/2022 16:34 (Pace 2 of 2)1 System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-21-H 220-P010021483A-000-001-M21001A-0000 Ducts Located In 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry 1 Conditioned Space (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-23-H 2022-04-14 19:35:02 220-P010021483A-000-001-M23001A-0000 Michael Terry 1 Airflow (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) System 1: Location CF2R-MCH-22-H 2022-04-14 19:35:02 220-P010021483A-000-001-M22001A-0000 Michael Terry 1 Fan Efficacy (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-MCH-26-H 220-P010021483A-000-001-M26001A-0000 System 1 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry Rated Equipment (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-MCH-27-H 220-P010021483A-000-001-M27001A-0000 IAQ and MV 2022-04-14 19:35:02 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-MCH-32-H 220-P010021483A-000-001-M32001A-0000 Exhaust Fan 1 Local Mechanical Exhaust 2022-04-14 19:35:03 Michael Terry (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-PLB-02-E 220-P010021483A-000-001-B02001A-0000 2022-04-14 19:35:03 Michael Terry SD HWS Distribution (GRAYSTONE CUSTOM BUILDERS INC) CF2R-PVB-01-E 1 - �� ' 2022 04-1d 19-35-03 220Pg1'002{483A-000-001 V01001A-0000 Michael Tey Photovoltaic; Systeme 'i r::(�RAyYSTO1lE CUSTOM BUILDERS IN,p) System 1: Location CF3R-MCH-20-H 2022-04-14 20:32:30 220-P010021483A-000-001-M20001A-M20A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 1 (Duct Leakage) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1: Location -21 CF3R-MCH-21-H 2022-04-14 20:32:30 220-P010021483A-000-001-M21001A-M21A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 1 (Ducts In C Space) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1: Location CF3R-MCH-23-H 2022-04-14 20:32:30 220-P010021483A-000-001-M23001A-M23A Rex Hoefer Dang (CC2006175) 1 (Airflow) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) System 1: Location CF3R-MCH-22-H 2022-04-14 20:32:30 220-P010021483A-000-001-M22001A-M22A Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) 1 (Fan Efficacy) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) CF3R-MCH-26-H 220 -PO 1 0021483A-000-00 1 -M26001 A-M26A System 1 (Rated Equipment) 2022-04-14 20:32:30 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) CF3R-MCH-27-H 220-P010021483A-000-001-M27001A-M27A (IAQ and MV) 2022-04-14 20:32:30 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) _(REX QUE HOEFERDANG)_ _ _—_ CF3R-MCH-32-H 220-P010021483A-000-001-M32001A-M32A Exhaust Fan 1 (Local Mechanical Exhaust) 2022-04-14 20:32:30 Rex Hoefer Deng (CC2006175) (REX QUE HOEFERDANG) HERS Provider: Ca10ERTS Inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2019 Residential Compliance Dec 2019