HomeMy WebLinkAboutSS4 - Film Permit Regulations and Management - PowerPointJuly 12, 2022 Item No. SS4 Newport Beach City Council Study Session July 12, 2022 Scott Catlett - Finance Director /Treasurer Evelyn Tseng- Revenue Manager NBMC Section 5.46 — Regulation of Commercial Film Production � A permit is required for "staging, shooting, making, capturing, taking or recording of images" for any commercial or business purpose � • Does not apply to amateur photographers or journalistic activity Filming cannot interfere with the flow of traffic or pedestrians Filming cannot endanger the public peace or the rights of nearby residents to enjoy their property • The City typically issues between200 and 30o permits per year • The number of permits issued per month varies from an average low of 8 to an average highOf zg Month January Average Number of Permits 8 February 16 March 27 April 29 May 25 June 15 July 18 August 23 September 20 October 12 November 12 December 11 r � � • The majority of the productions are non -recurring in nature I • Single TV show episodes • SinnleTV commercials 0 Percentage 53% y 20% 15% 5% 3% 4% • 37% of total permits (72%of reality series permits) were for two productions • Selling OC • Real Housewives of Orange County • . F-I • Production Hours 7:oo AM until g:oo PM, seven days per week No current restrictions on how often a location Frequency Restrictions on Location Use may be used for filming Notification is given to all residences and Notification Requirements businesses within a Soo -foot radius of the filming location Blackout Dates /Times /Locations No current blackout dates, times, or locations for g m granting film permits Parking Restrictions Parking for filming only permitted on private property or in City lots (with payment) • The City contracts with FiImLA to manage the permitting � process for filming activities and they set the fees and keep the revenue �0 Permit Application Fee — $863 • Permit Revision Fee — $137 • On -Site Monitor — $41 per hour �0 Notification Fee — $215 • The City also charges a cost of service -based user fee to review the application materials, which generates approximately $10,000 per year of revenue Five or fewer cast and crew — $13 (very few permits) Six or more cast and crew — $52 (most permits) i i i I I • One of the advantages of utilizing FilmLA is that they are industry experts and address many potential problems before they occur by ensuring that productions are properly informed and following all the rules • On -site monitors, when deployed at City staff's direction, also minimize issues during filming activities • The City's 500-foot notification requirement also ensures that surrounding residents and business owners are aware of upcoming filming activities and provides an opportunity for questions to be answered and concerns addressed in advance -he City also deploys Police, Fire, and other resources, as needed, to ensure hat filming activities are safe, compliant with policy, and do not unnecessarily iconvenience residents or business owners 1 f � • During the last 12 months, three complaints have been received by staff and two by FiImLA • Major production adjacent to the Fun Zone where a business owner had concerns about potential lost business • Residential filming location with repeat filming • Two residential filming locations with temporary parking concerns • One residential filming location with a temporary street closure permit • City staff, with support from FiImLA, directly addressed each complaining party to resolve their concerns and the residents at all four residential locations were satisfied with staff's response based on feedback received based on discussions with FiImLA and the permitting staff, annual complaints are iot likely to have exceeded 4-6 out of 200 to 300 permits issued annually in the >ast five years { The Municipal Code requirements for the issuance of a film permit outline conditions of approval that must be followed but not criteria for revoking a permit I If the conditions of approval are not followed, staff could revoke the permit It is important, however, to note that staff are not aware of a prior film permit revocation There is no specific language indicating that subsequent permits shall be denied based on the revocation of a permit in the past or specific criteria for the revocation of a permit The Municipal Code requirements for the issuance of sound amplification permits, for example, include more specific criteria for addressing noncompliance Standards for revocation include failing to follow the City's requirements, misrepresenting a material fact on the application, or creating a threat to public safety or traffic congestion A permit may be denied if the applicant has had a previously -issued permit revoked for noncompliance within the last 18 months Additional criteria could be added to the Municipal Code outlining specific grounds for revoking a film permit and/or providing a time period during which permits may or shall be denied when there has been prior non-compliance i I 1 ■ Newport Beach 7:00 AM — 9:00 PM None 500 Feet Laguna Beach 7:30 AM — 5:30 rrivi None No Huntington Beach 6:00 AM — 10:00 PM None Suggested 7:00 AM — 10:00 PM Residential Los Angeles 9:00 AM — 10:00 PM Weekends None 500 Feet 24 Hours Commercial Santa Monica 24 Hours None 300 Feet Long Beach 7:00 AM — 10:00 PM None Depends on Type Pasadena 7:00 AM — 7:00 PM Yes* 300 Feet Malibu 7:00 AM — 10:00 PM Yes* 500 Feet * Information follows in presentation Blackout• Permitting Dates / Locations Requirements• • By Newport Beach None Private or City Filml-A Laguna Beach Memorial Day — Labor Day Private or City City Staff Huntington Beach g US Open and Air Show Small - Residential OK Other — Private or City CityStaff Los Angeles g Certain Holidays Y Essential Vehicles OK Private or City Filml-A Santa Monica Certain Holidays Private or City City Staff Long Beach None OK w/ signatures City Staff Pasadena None Private or City City Staff Malibu Sundays / Some Locations Small - Residential OK Other — Private or City City Y Staff 1 I • Newport Beach currently does not restrict filming frequency • Pasadena Restrictions • Residential — limitation of 6 days per quarter and 24 days per year for filming at any one location • Commercial — limitation of 15 days per quarter and 60 days per year for filming at any one location • Limits may be exceeded with a conditional use permit application • Malibu Restrictions 11 Limitation of 16 days per year Up to 20 days per year with neighborhood consent of all residents within 500 feet of the filming location Denial of neighborhood consent may be appealed to the Planning Commission Three Most Frequently Used Filming Locations During the Last 4.5 Years st: Inspiration Point in Corona del Mar • 64 Uses • Zoned Parks & Recreation 2nd: 1617 Westcliff Drive • 51 Uses • Zoned Commercial General : Corona del Mar State Beach • 50 Uses • Zoned Parks & Recreation Three Most Frequently Used Residential Locations Year -To -Date in 2022 st: 2218 Channel Rd • Six Uses 2nd: 20101 SW Cypress St • Four Uses 3rd: 1911 E Bay Ave • Two Uses i I 1 • Under the Pasadena policy regarding filming frequency, only three residential locations would have exceeded the frequency restrictions during the period reviewed 2 Coral Ridge • Nine permits granted in Q3 of calendar year 2021 10 Night Sky • Eight permits granted in Q1 of calendar year 2019 1963 Port Bristol • Eight Permits granted in Q3 of calendar year 2021 Under the Pasadena policy regarding filming frequency, no locations with commercial or parks & recreation zoning would have exceeded the frequency restrictions during the period reviewed l • Under the Malibu policy regarding filming frequency, no residential � locations would have exceeded the frequency restrictions during the period reviewed • Six locations with commercial or parks & recreation zoning would have exceeded the 16 days of filming in a calendar year limitation, but only two of these would not have been covered by the allowable 20-day limit with neighbor consent .�. Inspiration Point 1617 Westcliff Dr Corona Del Mar State Beach 28 permits granted in 2018 • 19 permits granted in 2019 • 21 permits granted in 2019 aspiration Point Balboa Pier Little Corona Del Mar Beach 19 permits granted in 2019 0 18 permits granted in 2018 0 18 permits granted in 2018 • After a film permit is approved, 48 hours prior to the first filming activity all residences and businesses within 500 feet of the filming location are notified of the upcoming filming FilmLA's contact information FRONT REAR KNOW THAT AFILM PR9DIFi COMPINT OR PHOTOCAWHEN HAS APPLIm FOR A PETi F W IN Y%R AREA iF YOO RAVE ANY QUESTIONS, WE Iwra RIF TO CONTACT THE PERMIF APPIJOUNTURREMIA FOR MORE INFORMATION. THA NK YO U FOR YO U R 5 UP70RT OF LOCAL FIE M I NO, AN D THE JORS kNO ECO NO M IC OPPORTUMtY IT C REATES FOR 5AEATE R L.A. SEE THE lithil SE SIDE OF THIS CARD .f_l FCIRIMMAROUTTHIS PLANNED SHOOT. �J Pnrn au informx:dn. w.. oempe�ia da •-0e Pred, idn v un f..krdo Fa apfudn Pala vn 1 Par+Fdmy vn su +rea SI tlin. d9u^a Progunu, W Ind+amvs+gv+pvr faw. se eemurigr+evnq ulicdanie dp pvrm:so vevn PimLA Pare ebxxnv myiMsmadnu. LP ayedc[�mn w apcyv tle b fikneao� pcal, T M 4s o-+h;w y uportunidades+cwW.niusgw crca p•r. la ri del 0Argele.. Horn uw.dotraba;owa a .rn.:e_COam.esown. ix}erm+d6r1 d Fade —11 Permit number Filming activity �. Production parking plan City staff contact information BACK NOTICE OF FILMING (TV Series - RealitylDocuseriei PERMIT NUMEER: LA00034048-1 PRODUCTION COMPANY: OPEN HOUSE PRODUCTIONS WILL BE IF SOC4 L LOCATION 2218 Channel Rd, Newport Beach, CA, 92661. USA FILM DATE502M9-7'0D AM - 9 00 PM t Location of filming FILMING ACTIVITY: \ Filming Inside with Sound, Filming Outside without Sound, Equipment and Activity on Property Only, Filming Oulsl�e with Sound PRODUCTION PARKING x=xo.in sae Ersems*, sis�rrm,wrs=wesr, ers=aom sia� I;.Z.,II on in th=is sectionsois for reference only. Posted DOT "No Parking" signs must be adhered to at all times. NONE PRODUCTION LA HOSTREET CLOSURES NONE Should you wish to discuss this proposed permit with a City staff member, please contact: Cynthia Shintani Tel: 94916 10521 Email: cshintani@,newportheachca.gov Monday through Thursday and Evelyn Tseng Tel: 949-644- 3153 Email: estsengPirimportheachca.gov an Friday. LOCATION MANAGER: Devin Roessler MOBILE PHONE: (847) 830-4249 EMAIL: garordevin®gmail_com PRODUCTION OFFICE PHONE: (847) 836-4249 TG CD MISTINE1 Filming date & time Street / lane closures (if any) On -site film production contact information • Staff recently implemented a searchable database of film permits that can be accessed from the City's Film Newport Beach website https://www. newportbeachca.gov/i-am- a/b u s i n ess/f i l m -n ewpo rt-beac h WELCOME TO FILM NEWPORT BEACH! Forts- UM Q Share & Baok—k F-dt—k I D Pnnr FILM PERMIT SEARCH The City of Newport Beach film permit search list. The information presented here is gathered from the Filml-Adatabase and updated weekly. Enter LA ID#, date (yyyy-mm-dd) or street name (partial names acceptable): LAID Group D Location First Activity Date Status LA00057502-3 G-15170 1410 Priscilla Ln, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA MC2022 ACTIVE LA00056157-1 G-14782 401 Newport Center Ur, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 6202022 EXPIRED LA00055655-2 G-14748 1945 Tradewinds Ln, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 6202022 EXPIRED LA00053943-1 G-14283 2037 E Ocean Blvd, Newport Beach, CA, 92661, USA 6192022 EXPIRED LA00050906-2 G-13509 3252 Bayside Dr, Newport Beach, CA, 92625, USA 6162022 EXPIRED LA00053052-1 G-14084 20421 Bayview Ave, Newport Beach, CA, 92650, USA 615f2022 EXPIRED LA00053396-1 G-14200 1100 Somerset Ln, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 622022 EXPIRED LA00048469-1 G-13909 1301 Santiago Dr, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 5125/2022 EXPIRED LA00050906-1 G-13509 3252 Bayside Dr, Newport Beach, CA, 92625, USA 523f2022 EXPIRED LA00051326-1 G-13695 3010 La Vida, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 51162022 EXPIRED LA00049310-1 G-13265 Corona Del Mai -State Beach ParklPirate's Cove Beach, Newport Beach, CA 92625, USA 5192022 EXPIRED LA00050202-1 G-13265 Newport Beach (north of the Balboa Pier), Newport Beach, CA, 92661, USA 5192022 EXPIRED LA00046757-1 G-13045 3001 Breakers Dr, Newport Beach, CA, 92625, USA 5162022 EXPIRED LA00050083-1 G-13189 500 Bayview Cir, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 516n022 EXPIRED LA00048547-5 G-13189 100 Bayview Cir, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 51W022 EXPIRED LA00048201-1 G-12840 1300 Irvine Ave, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, USA 413012022 EXPIRED LA00045967-3 G-12573 514 San Bernardino Ave, Newport Beach, CA, 92663, USA 429/2022 EXPIRED 1 1 1 Questions & Discussion • Should the City implement restrictions on filming frequency? • Should the City implement restriction on allowable filming dates or locations? • Should the City modify its existing regulations regarding allowable times of day for filming or notification requirements? • Should the City implement additional requirements such as a more concrete permit revocation process and/or mandatory on -site monitors for productions of a certain size? Newport Beach City Council Study Session July 12, 2022