HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2017-248_20180509_MELA-001 Sewer Demand Study R SEWER DEMAND STUDY Mariner Square TTM 18135, Lot 1 1244 Irvine Avenue Newport Beach, California Prepared For: Melia Homes 8951 Research Drive, #100 Irvine, CA 92618 Prepared By: 6 Orchard, Suite 200 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Contact: Dane McDougall, PE 80705 T: 949-916-3800 F: 949-916-3805 March 2018 Revised May 2018 Sewer Demand Study Mariner Square, Newport Beach TTM 18135 Melia Homes 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................... 3 II. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3 III. METHODOLOGY/ RATIONAL .................................................................................................... 4 IV. EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................. 5 V. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................... 7 APPENDICES APPENDIX A – Sewer Demand Study Exhibit APPENDIX B – Sewer Demand Calculations APPENDIX C – Monitoring Data APPENDIX D – Design Criteria APPENDIX E – Existing As-Built Plans APPENDIX F – City of Newport Beach, Sewer Master Plan Sewer Demand Study Mariner Square, Newport Beach TTM 18135 Melia Homes 3 U I. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing sewer capacity, and to determine if the additional sewer flows generated by this proposed development will require upgrades to the public sewer system. II. Introduction: The Mariner Square project consists of approximately 5.77 acres, and will be developed as a one lot subdivision for condominium purposes consisting of an attached residential development with associated paved drive aisles, landscaped outdoor areas, onsite parking, and a community recreational area with pool, spa and BBQ areas throughout the site. The proposed development will consist of 92 condominium units with 2, 4 and 6-plex buildings. The existing site is currently utilized as an Apartment Community, referred to as Mariner Square, and consists of residential buildings with associated parking, landscape areas and recreational pool/ spa area. The site is bounded by Irvine Avenue to the west, Mariners Drive to the north, Rutland Road to the east and an existing commercial/ retail development to the south. The City boundary line between the City of Newport Beach and City of Costa Mesa is located within Irvine Avenue along the street centerline. All associated sewer improvements will be within the City of Newport Beach’s jurisdiction. Summary of Proposed Development: 92 Dwelling Units Pool/ Spa = 1,318 sf Clubhouse = 440 sf Summary of Existing Development: 114 Dwelling Units Pool/ Spa = 1,320 sf Clubhouse = 2,090 sf Sewer Demand Study Mariner Square, Newport Beach TTM 18135 Melia Homes 4 III. Methodology/Rational: The City of Newport Beach, Sewer System Design Criteria, Section 5 Sewer Hydraulic Loading Design was utilized to calculate the peak flow rates for the residential portion and City of Los Angeles, Sewage Generation Factors was utilized to calculate the peak flow rates for the Pool/ Spa and Clubhouse amenities for the existing and proposed conditions. A peaking factor 3.65 was utilized for all peak flow calculations. Refer to the summary below and Appendix D for a copy of referenced design criteria. Summary of Peak Flow Rates (City of Newport Beach): Residential – 76 to 150 Dwelling Units = 285 gpd/ DU Summary of Peak Flow Rates (City of Los Angeles): Pool/ Spa = 0.80 gpd/ sf Clubhouse = 0.08 gpd/ sf DU = dwelling unit gpd = gallons per day sf = square foot Refer to the Sanitary Sewer Analysis Calculation Table in Appendix A for additional information. As part of this study, the project was conditioned to flow monitor one (1) existing sanitary sewer manhole located downstream from the site. The manhole monitoring location was verified with the City of Newport Beach. Refer to Appendix D for a copy of the City correspondence. The field data for the monitoring location has been enclosed within Appendix C. The proposed project peak flows were then added to the field monitored existing peak flows to determine the existing system’s capacity. Note, since the existing site is currently occupied, the monitored existing peak flows include tributary peak flows from the site. Refer to Appendix A for depth of flow calculations. In order to approximate the real-world conditions of the pipe, a calculated Manning’s n-value was utilized based on the maximum flow rate and depth of flow observed. This new Manning’s n-value is then used to calculate the depth of flow for the combined proposed and existing flow rates. Sewer Demand Study Mariner Square, Newport Beach TTM 18135 Melia Homes 5 IV. Existing Conditions: 2018.03 Rutland Rd MH – 1128 Rutland Road An existing 8” sewer main flows south within Rutland Road, located approximately 7’ west of the street centerline. The existing manhole is located near the southeast corner of the site. The monitoring equipment was placed downstream within the 8” sewer main. Based on the monitoring data collected by Utility Systems Science & Software (US3), existing peak flow was measured at 0.0928 cfs (cubic feet per second) with a peak depth flow of 1.82” (d/D = 0.2275). Based on the calculation methods, with a peaking factor of 3.65, the proposed development project flows tributary to this manhole have been calculated at 0.1560 cfs (overall total future peak flow rate of 0.2489 cfs) with a calculated peak depth flow of 3.03” (d/D = 0.3786). As a result, flows at this manhole will increase by approximately 39.9% based on the sewer monitoring flow data. Sewer Monitoring Calculations represent existing and proposed peak flow tributary to the downstream manhole, since the existing site was occupied during the monitoring timeframe. Sewer Demand Study Mariner Square, Newport Beach TTM 18135 Melia Homes 6 MHG18 (OCSD) – Westcliff Drive/ Westcliff Villas at Dover Drive Per the request of Michael Sinacori, P.E., Assistant City Engineer, the capacity of the last downstream segment of the City of Newport Beach sewer main was analyzed to the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Dover Drive Trunk Main point of connection. Per the City’s Sewer Master Plan prepared by AKM Consulting Engineers dated August 2010, the last downstream segment is an existing 8” sewer main located within Westcliff Drive/ Westcliff Villas, flowing in the easterly direction to Dover Drive. Per the Hydraulic Analysis Results with Pump Flow Effects of Gravity Sewers, this last segment is located between City Manhole MHG18_001 to OCSD Manhole MHG18, approximately 21 linear feet at an existing slope of 0.0052 ft/ft. The Peak Flow rate of this segment reported as 0.2414 million gallons per day (mgd) (or approximately 0.3735 cfs) with a depth of 3.6589 inches (d/D = 0.4574). Note, when the City’s Sewer Master Plan (SMP) was prepared, the peak flow rate at Manhole MHG18 includes existing flow rates from the Mariner Square Apartment Complex. For conservative purposes, this sewer demand study will utilize the overall peak flow rate referenced within the City’s Sewer Master Plan and will not exclude flows from the existing site. The future peak flows tributary to the last downstream sewer segment, between City Manhole MHG18_001 to OCSD Manhole MHG18 have been calculated to be approximately 0.5295 cfs (SMP Peak Flow Rate 0.3735 cfs + Proposed Development Project Peak Flow Rate 0.1560 cfs) (or approximately 0.3422 mgd). Utilizing the existing pipe diameter and slope, the calculated depth of flow is approximately 4.5017 inches (d/D = 0.5627). Per the SMP, Hydraulic Analysis Results with Pump Flow Effects of Gravity Sewers, the maximum d/D = 0.5667, therefore the proposed development will not have a significant impact to the existing downstream City of Newport Beach’s sewer systems. Refer to Appendix B for additional supporting calculations and Appendix F of this report for portions of the City of Newport Beach’s Sewer Master Plan. Sewer Demand Study Mariner Square, Newport Beach TTM 18135 Melia Homes 7 V. Conclusions: The results from this Sanitary Sewer Analysis, using methods provided by the Uniform Plumbing Code and Manning’s equation, demonstrate that the proposed peak flows, in addition to the observed existing flows, create a proposed depth of flow that does not impact the existing Rutland Road sanitary sewer system. Based on sewer monitoring data collected by Utility System Science & Software (US3), the sewer systems located at Rutland Road indicated that the pipe was in good condition and presented with even flow. Existing and proposed peak flows tributary to the downstream manhole will increase by approximately 39.9% and the volume of flow does not exceed 50% of the capacity of the downstream pipe based on the sewer monitoring flow data. Therefore, we conclude that effluent volumes produced by the proposed development should not significantly impact or exceed the existing Rutland Road sewer capacity in the public sanitary sewer system. Note, the overall peak flow rates are calculated by number of dwelling units with a peaking factor of 3.65. The overall existing peak flow is approximately 0.1989 cfs based on 114 dwelling units. The overall proposed peak flow rate is approximately 0.1560 cfs based on 92 dwelling units. The overall peak flow rate will decrease by approximately 0.0429 cfs (or approximately 27.5%) based on the dwelling unit count. In addition, the existing monitoring data indicates that the current system conveys a peak flow rate of 0.0928 cfs with a maximum depth of 1.82” (d/D=0.2275) based on the existing site’s 114 dwelling units contributing to the peak flow rate and maximum depth observed. This information indicates that the existing site is not significantly impacting the existing sanitary sewer system within Rutland Road, therefore supporting the proposed condition will not likely cause significant impacts downstream. The future peak flows tributary to the last downstream sewer segment, between City Manhole MHG18_001 to OCSD Manhole MHG18 have been calculated to be approximately 0.5295 cfs (or approximately 0.3422 mgd) with a depth of 4.5017 inches (d/D = 0.5627). Per the SMP, Hydraulic Analysis Results with Pump Flow Effects of Gravity Sewers, the maximum d/D = 0.5667, therefore the proposed development will not have a significant impact to the existing downstream City of Newport Beach’s sewer systems. APPENDIX A Sewer Demand Study Exhibit 1020102410321040104810581062108010281036104410521100162 7 1068(1-6)1082(7-12)1100(1-12)1128(1-6)1142(1-6)1156(1-6)16331101 1100110511111106111211171123111811241522 15271533153915451201120012041207121012151216 1170(1-6)1270(1-7)1214(1-6)1228(1-6)1184(1-6)1200(1-6)1242(1-6)1256(1-6)1104110811121116112011281130 1150 11241132 2100 112911301135113611411142114712011200120612071212121512181221122412211222122713011307190719151921192712461250125212482145 21492147 2143 2139 2141 21372135 21312133 2129 2127 21152113 21012103 2123 2125 210921112121 21052107127312711281128512831279127512771269126512611257125912631267125512511253 1235123312471245 1237 1239 1249 12411243 1203 12051207 12311229 11991201 120912111213121512251227121712191221122311971195 1183 118111871185118911881186119111931184118211961198120212001194123811901192121012081212121412421240120612041216123612341222 12301228 1226 1224 1220 1232 1218 2119211711801244 10821126 !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !12'' PVC6'' A C P12'' PVC12'' PVC8'' ACP 6'' A C P 8'' ACP12'' PVC8'' ACP 6 '' A CP6'' A CP24'' RCP18'' RCP27'' RCP36'' RCP36'' RCP 15'' RCP 3 0'' R C P 3 0 '' RCP8'' VCP8'' VCP8'' V C P ''''8'' VCP8'' V CP ''8'' V C P 8'' VCP K EN T LN 18TH ST ABBIE WAY MARINERS DR PEMBROKELNR U TL A N D R D IRVINE AVENEWPORT BEACHNEWPORT BEACHCOSTA MESACOSTA MESAMariners Pointe.mxd Mariner's Pointe1244 Irvine Avenue 0 12562.5 FeetI City of Newport BeachGIS DivisionDecember 05, 2017 !Hydrant !(Sewer Manhole !(SD Manhole City Water City Sewer Other Agency Sewer Private Sewer City SD Other Agency SD Private SD City Boundary Building APPENDIX B Sewer Demand Calculations MonitorAs‐Built Sta MGD cfs Metered (MGD) Calc (cfs) Diameter (in) Slope (ft/ft) Metered (in) d/D Delta (cfs) Future (cfs) Calc (in) d/DRutland Rd0+000.0200 0.0309 0.0600 0.09288 0.00401.82 0.22750.0122 0.15600.24893.02840.3786 39.9%Project Peak Flow CalculationsCity of Newport Beach, Sewer System Design Criteria, Section 5 Sewer Hydraulic Loading Design ‐ Residential * 76 to 150 Dwelling Units ‐ Average Peak Flow 285 gpdCity of Los Angeles, Sewer Generation Rates ‐ Amenities **Pool/ Spa = 0.80 gpd/ sfClubhouse = 0.08 gpd/ sfPeaking Factor = 3.65Conversion gpd/cfs 1.54723E‐06Proposed ConditionsDU = 92 unitsCalculationsResidential Peak Flow = (92 DU)(285 gpd/DU)(1 gpd/ 1.54723E‐06 cfs)(3.65) = 0.1481 cfs0.148074422Pool/Spa Peak Flow = (1318 sf)(0.80 gpd/ sf)(1 gpd/ 1.54723E‐06 cfs)(3.65) = 0.0060 cfs0.005954602Clubhouse Peak Flow = (440 sf)(0.08 gpd/ sf)(1 gpd/ 1.54723E‐06 cfs)(3.65) = 0.0020 cfs0.001987879Total Proposed Peal Flow = 0.1560 cfs0.156016904Existing ConditionsDU = 114 unitsCalculationsResidential Peak Flow = (114 DU)(285 gpd/DU)(1 gpd/ 1.54723E‐06 cfs)(3.65) = 0.1835 cfs0.183483523Pool/Spa Peak Flow = (1320 sf)(0.80 gpd/ sf)(1 gpd/ 1.54723E‐06 cfs)(3.65) = 0.0060 cfs0.005963638Clubhouse Peak Flow = (2090 sf)(0.08 gpd/ sf)(1 gpd/ 1.54723E‐06 cfs)(3.65) = 0.0094 cfs0.009442427Total Existing Peal Flow = 0.1989 cfs0.198889588Overall Peak Flow Decrease =  0.0429 cfs (27.5%) ***0.042872684* Residential sewer generation rates based on City of Newport Beach, Sewer System Design Criteria, Section 5 for Sewer Hydraulic Loading Design with peaking factor of 3.65** Amenity sewer generation rates based on City of Los Angeles, Sewer Generation Rates with peaking factor of 3.65*** Overall Peak Flow calculation is based the number of dwelling units and the difference between the existing and proposed conditionsSewer Monitoring Calculations above represent existing and proposed peak flows since the existing site was occupied during the monitoring timeframe.% IncreaseSanitary Sewer Analysis Calculation TableAveraged Metered Flow Existing Peak Flow Downstream Pipeline Existing Peak Flow DepthCalculatedManning's nWith Project Peak Flow (cfs)3/19/2018jhMariner Square, Newport Beach Manning's n_RutlandRd.txt                    Manning Pipe Calculator                   Given Input Data:      Shape ...........................  Circular      Solving for .....................  Manning's n      Diameter ........................  8.0000 in      Depth ...........................  1.8200 in      Flowrate ........................  0.0928 cfs      Slope ...........................  0.0040 ft/ft Computed Results:      Manning's n .....................  0.0122      Area ............................  0.3491 ft2      Wetted Area .....................  0.0597 ft2      Wetted Perimeter ................  7.9553 in      Perimeter .......................  25.1327 in      Velocity ........................  1.5540 fps      Hydraulic Radius ................  1.0810 in      Percent Full ....................  22.7500 %      Full flow Flowrate ..............  0.8175 cfs      Full flow velocity ..............  2.3420 fps Page 1 Depth_RutlandRd.txt                    Manning Pipe Calculator                   Given Input Data:      Shape ...........................  Circular      Solving for .....................  Depth of Flow      Diameter ........................  8.0000 in      Flowrate ........................  0.2489 cfs      Slope ...........................  0.0040 ft/ft      Manning's n .....................  0.0122 Computed Results:      Depth ...........................  3.0284 in      Area ............................  0.3491 ft2      Wetted Area .....................  0.1211 ft2      Wetted Perimeter ................  10.6035 in      Perimeter .......................  25.1327 in      Velocity ........................  2.0555 fps      Hydraulic Radius ................  1.6445 in      Percent Full ....................  37.8548 %      Full flow Flowrate ..............  0.8175 cfs      Full flow velocity ..............  2.3420 fps Page 1 ExistingDepth_MHG18_001‐MHG18.txt                    Manning Pipe Calculator                   Given Input Data:      Shape ...........................  Circular      Solving for .....................  Depth of Flow      Diameter ........................  8.0000 in      Flowrate ........................  0.3735 cfs      Slope ...........................  0.0052 ft/ft      Manning's n .....................  0.0130 Computed Results:      Depth ...........................  3.6589 in      Area ............................  0.3491 ft2      Wetted Area .....................  0.1556 ft2      Wetted Perimeter ................  11.8834 in      Perimeter .......................  25.1327 in      Velocity ........................  2.4003 fps      Hydraulic Radius ................  1.8856 in      Percent Full ....................  45.7367 %      Full flow Flowrate ..............  0.8714 cfs      Full flow velocity ..............  2.4964 fps Page 1 ProposedDepth_MHG18_001‐MHG18.txt                    Manning Pipe Calculator                   Given Input Data:      Shape ...........................  Circular      Solving for .....................  Depth of Flow      Diameter ........................  8.0000 in      Flowrate ........................  0.5295 cfs      Slope ...........................  0.0052 ft/ft      Manning's n .....................  0.0130 Computed Results:      Depth ...........................  4.5017 in      Area ............................  0.3491 ft2      Wetted Area .....................  0.2023 ft2      Wetted Perimeter ................  13.5724 in      Perimeter .......................  25.1327 in      Velocity ........................  2.6170 fps      Hydraulic Radius ................  2.1467 in      Percent Full ....................  56.2712 %      Full flow Flowrate ..............  0.8714 cfs      Full flow velocity ..............  2.4964 fps                     Critical Information                          Critical depth ..................  4.0931 in      Critical slope ..................  0.0071 ft/ft      Critical velocity ...............  2.9465 fps      Critical area ...................  0.1797 ft2      Critical perimeter ..............  12.7525 in      Critical hydraulic radius .......  2.0292 in      Critical top width ..............  8.0000 in      Specific energy .................  0.4814 ft      Minimum energy ..................  0.5116 ft      Froude number ...................  0.8377      Flow condition ..................  Subcritical Page 1 APPENDIX C Monitoring Data 2018.03 Rutland Rd MH Access:System Type: StormSanitary Map Technology Avg Velocity Avg Measured Level Multiplier O2 H2S CO LEL 20.9 0 0 0 Notes Lateral entering from west; monitored downstream line to get total flow. Traffic Safety Land Use Residential Commercial Industrial Trunk X South Manhole Depth 8" 81" Round 8"/8" Good Concrete 0 * 0.4 2-D 14.89" 6.89" Downstream Flow Heading Sensor Direction Sensor Dist. to Crown Sensor Offset Velocity Profile Data Velocity Profile Taken Silt Manhole Material Pipe Condition Pipe Shape Inner Pipe Size (In/Out) Monitored Pipe Size Site Report Confidential Proprietary Information 03-09-2018 C&V Consulting ~1128 Rutland Rd., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Sewer Flow Monitoring for the Mariner Square Project MH in center of road, west of address X Install Date: 3/01/2018 Flow Meter Meter Depth: 66" Map Coordinates: 33.628595, -117.905435 Moderate open channel hydraulics No formal TCP required; used cones & signs for traffic control in accord with CA MUTCD requirements. Sewer Plan 1.0 fps 0.75"1 Gas C&V Consulting 2018.03 Rutland Rd MH ~1128 Rutland Rd Meter Site Document Manhole Before Install Installed Site Installation Process Traffic Control Downstream Line Date Avg Min Avg Max Min Avg Max Min Avg Max Total Gal Rain3/1/18 16.55 6.32 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.98 1.21 0.72 1.29 1.61 23,8363/2/18 14.87 2.36 0.02 0.04 0.00 1.04 1.64 0.63 1.09 1.54 21,4183/3/18 12.47 2.92 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.92 1.16 0.65 1.08 1.50 17,9543/4/18 14.31 2.22 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.96 1.34 0.67 1.11 1.76 20,604Week: 14.55 2.22 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.98 1.64 0.63 1.14 1.76 83,8113/5/18 12.13 1.53 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.95 1.34 0.56 1.01 1.57 17,4703/6/18 11.64 2.99 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.93 1.29 0.65 1.04 1.55 16,7633/7/18 12.38 2.43 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.93 1.41 0.64 1.04 1.82 17,8263/8/18 14.06 2.15 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.94 1.56 0.75 1.13 1.65 20,2533/9/18 13.28 5.97 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.98 1.43 0.72 1.11 1.58 19,1223/10/18 15.51 2.22 0.02 0.06 0.00 1.00 1.76 0.63 1.15 1.82 22,3383/11/18 14.49 2.71 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.96 1.33 0.55 1.13 1.68 20,860Week: 13.36 1.53 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.95 1.76 0.55 1.09 1.82 134,6333/12/18 14.53 2.50 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.92 1.43 0.68 1.18 1.69 20,9203/13/18 11.56 2.78 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.92 1.41 0.69 1.02 1.62 16,6473/14/18 11.41 2.50 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.97 1.27 0.72 0.98 1.64 16,4263/15/18 9.71 3.06 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.96 1.24 0.81 0.88 1.39 13,977Week: 11.80 2.50 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.94 1.43 0.68 1.02 1.69 67,970Totals: 13.26 1.53 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.96 1.76 0.55 1.08 1.82 286,414Report Date: 03/16/2018 Customer: C&V Consulting Group: Newport Beach SiteID: 3022Utility Systems Science and SoftwareFlow (GPM) Flow (MGD) Velocity (FPS) Level (inches)Statistics for 2018.03 Rutland Rd MH: 03/01/2018 thru 03/15/2018MaxMin25.070.8230.350.4422.360.4733.960.4033.960.4028.960.3926.670.4837.640.4335.970.3926.740.6942.990.3730.560.4442.990.3731.390.4329.310.4425.350.4119.240.4431.390.4142.990.37Page 1 of 1 Velocity (fps)Level (in)Flow (gpm) Average 0.977 1.117 14.137 RainFall Inches Maximum 1.640 1.610 30.347 Minimum 0.630 0.440 2.361 3/16/2018 1:10:47 PM Velocity (fps)Level (in)Flow (gpm) Average 0.958 1.081 13.301 RainFall Inches Maximum 1.760 1.820 42.986 Minimum 0.560 0.370 1.528 3/16/2018 1:10:47 PM Velocity (fps)Level (in)Flow (gpm) Average 0.944 1.074 12.847 RainFall Inches Maximum 1.430 1.690 31.389 Minimum 0.550 0.410 2.500 3/16/2018 1:10:47 PM 3/16/2018 1:10:47 PM 3/01/2018 thru 3/15/2018 2018.03.01-15 Temporary Wastewater Flow Monitoring C & V Consulting, Inc. Utility Systems Science & Software Methods & Procedures & Equipment Methods and Procedures Utility Systems Science & Software provided the C & V Consulting Group with an off the shelf, non-proprietary flow monitoring solution that included one state of the art Hach Flo- Dar® AV Sensor system. The project course of action is listed below. The US3 team: Assessed permitting and traffic control at the site on Rutland Rd in Newport Beach, CA for the Mariner Square Project. Validated the site for suitability for flow monitoring. Coordinated with the City and received approval for flow monitoring. Installed and calibrated the flow monitoring equipment per manufacturer recommendations. Modified the system to further support the monitoring requirements. Removed the equipment, validated the data and prepared the data reports. Equipment Figure: Equipment installed as part of the Sewer Flow Monitoring Study 2018.03.01-15 Temporary Wastewater Flow Monitoring C & V Consulting, Inc. Utility Systems Science & Software Figure: Web-Enabled Flo-Dar® AV Sensor, Radar-Based Velocity/Area Flow Meter SPECIFICATIONS Enclosure o IP68 Waterproof rating, Polystyrene Dimensions o 160.5 W x 432.2 L x 297 D mm (6.32 x 16.66 x 11.7 in.), o With SVS, D = 387 mm (15.2 in.) Weight o 4.8 kg (10.5 lbs.) Operating Temperature o -10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F) Storage Temperature o -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F) Power Requirements o Supplied by FL900 Flow Logger, Flo-Logger, or Flo-Station 2018.03.01-15 Temporary Wastewater Flow Monitoring C & V Consulting, Inc. Utility Systems Science & Software Interconnecting Cable o Disconnect available at both sensor and logger or Flo-Station o Polyurethane, 0.400 (±0.015) in. diameter; IP68 o Standard length 9 m (30 ft), maximum 305 m (1000 ft) Cables – available in two styles: o connectors at both ends o connector from sensor with open leads to desiccant hub, desiccant hub with connector to logger. A potting/sealant kit will be included. This can be used to run the cable through conduit. Certification o Certified to: FCC Part 15.245: FCC ID: VIC-FLODAR24 o Industry Canada Spec. RSS210. v7: IC No.: 6149A-FLODAR24 SURCHARGE DEPTH MEASUREMENT o Auto zero function maintains zero error below 0.5 cm (0.2 in.) Method o Piezo-resistive pressure transducer with stainless steel diaphragm Range o 3.5 m (138 in.), overpressure rating 2.5 x full scale VELOCITY MEASUREMENT Method o Radar Range o 0.23 to 6.10 m/s (0.75 to 20 ft/s) Frequency Range o 24.075 to 24.175 GHz, 15.2 mW (max.) Accuracy o ±0.5%; ±0.03 m/s (±0.1 ft/s) DEPTH MEASUREMENT Method o Ultrasonic Standard Operating Range from Flo-Dar® Housing to Liquid o 0 to 152.4 cm (0 to 60 in.) Optional Extended Level Operating Range from Transducer Face to Liquid o 0 to 6.1 m (0 to 20 ft.) with 43.18 cm (17 in.) dead band, temperature compensated. Accuracy o ±1%; ±0.25 cm (±0.1 in.) 2018.03.01-15 Temporary Wastewater Flow Monitoring C & V Consulting, Inc. Utility Systems Science & Software FLOW MEASUREMENT Method o Based on Continuity Equation Accuracy o ±5% of reading typical where flow is in a channel with uniform flow conditions and is not surcharged, ±1% full scale max. SURCHARGE CONDITIONS DEPTH/VELOCITY DEPTH (Std with Flo-Dar® Sensor) Surcharge depth supplied by Flo-Dar® sensor. VELOCITY (Optional Surcharge Velocity Sensor) Method o Electromagnetic Range o ±4.8 m/s (±16 ft/s) Accuracy o ±0.15 ft/s or 4% of reading, whichever is greater. Zero Stability o ±0.05 ft/s The Flo-Dar® Open Channel Flow Meters provide an innovative approach to open channel flow monitoring. Combining digital Doppler radar velocity sensing with ultrasonic pulse echo level sensing Flo-Dar® provides accurate open channel flow monitoring without the fouling problems associated with submerged sensors. Perfect solution for Difficult Flow Conditions: Flows with High Solids Content High Temperature Flows Caustic Flows Large Man-Made Channel High Velocities Shallow Flows 2018.03.01-15 Temporary Wastewater Flow Monitoring C & V Consulting, Inc. Utility Systems Science & Software Benefits 1. Personnel have no contact with the flow during installation. 2. Maintenance caused by sensor fouling is eliminated 3. Field Replaceable/Interchangeable Sensors and Monitors How It Works Flo-Dar® transmits a digital Doppler radar beam that interacts with the fluid and reflects back signals at a different frequency than that which was transmitted. These reflected signals are compared with the transmitted frequency. The resulting frequency shift provides an accurate measure of the velocity and the direction of the flow. Level is detected by ultrasonic pulse echo. Flow is then calculated based on the Continuity Equation: Q = V x A, Where Q = Flow, V = Average Velocity and A = Area Accurate Flow Measurements Flo-Dar® provides the user with highly accurate flow measurements under a wide range of flows and site conditions. By measuring the velocity of the fluid from above, Flo-Dar® eliminates accuracy problems inherent with submerged sensors including sensor disturbances, high solids content and distribution of reflectors. 2018.03.01-15 Temporary Wastewater Flow Monitoring C & V Consulting, Inc. Utility Systems Science & Software US3 Company Information US3 is a California Corporation Federal ID No. 33-0729605 and qualifies as a Minority Business Enterprise. US3 has certified as an MBE with the California Public Utility Commission’s authorized clearinghouse, Verification Number: 97ES0008. US3 is a specialty service company for the Water & Waste Water industry, providing monitoring and control for Utilities since 1996. US 3 is in the forefront of this industry by taking the proven technological approaches developed in other high-tech industries and applying them to protect one of our most precious natural resources - our water. US3 engineers and technical personnel have applied advanced instrumentation system technology to water/wastewater open channel flow monitoring, pipeline evaluation, engineering, and data analysis, all coupled to the power of the Internet. This unique integrated systems approach allows the company to bring greater insight and intelligence to gathering information about water/wastewater system performance of our clients, and in turn, to support the fulfillment of their commitments to manage and cost effectively design, operate, and maintain these systems. Figure: US3 utilizes exclusively Hach March-McBirney Flo-Dar® Meters 2018.03.01-15 Temporary Wastewater Flow Monitoring C & V Consulting, Inc. Utility Systems Science & Software Moreover, US3 supports Municipalities, Consulting Engineering firms and other water/waste water systems integrators by providing temporary technical services for engineering, software programming and technical site maintenance and calibration site support work, primarily in the Water and Waste Water industries. Figure: All technicians are certified for Confined Space Entry. Name, Title, Address and Telephone numbers of persons to contact concerning this report. Darlene Szczublewski, PE Senior Civil Engineer darlene.szczublewski@uscubed.com 1250 Pioneer Way, Suite F El Cajon, CA 92020 619-546-4281 (work) 619-246-5304 (cell) Tom Williams Engineering Manager tom.williams@uscubed.com 1250 Pioneer Way, Suite F El Cajon, CA 92020 619-546-4281 (work) 619-398-7799 (cell) APPENDIX D Design Criteria - DC-28 - b. There are more than one fire service connection to the same parcel or site. c. The building being serviced by the connection is 3-stories in height or greater. d. There are hazardous chemicals or materials either stored or used on the site being served by the connection. e. There is a private storage or fire protection reservoir on the site being served by the connection. f. The connection serves a marina or boat dock slip. K. Pressure Booster Pump Stations (Private Domestic & Private Fire) 1. Pressure boosting stations shall be permitted only as a temporary installation by special permission from the Public Works Department. a. Where such installations are allowed, they shall be served by metered service connections having both RPP type backflow prevention assembly and pressure sustaining valve equipment. (1.) These installations require special design and review by the Utilities Department and the Public Works Department. b. Backflow device shall be reduced pressure principle (RPP) type in accord with the applicable City standards. IV. SEWER SYSTEM A. Mains 1. General a. Substantiating engineering calculations for sizing pipe and structural designs shall accompany all plan submittals. b. Minimum size shall be 8 inches inside diameter. c. Design flow shall not exceed H of full depth. d. Pipe joints shall be elastomeric compression type unless otherwise specified. e. Pipe material shall be SDR-35 PVC or standard strength VCP. f. HDPE, ductile iron, RPM or filament bonded PVC flexible pipe materials can only be used upon special approval by the Utilities Department. - DC-29 - g. Structural design shall be per water system requirements listed in Section III D. "Structural Pipe Design", except that: (1). Minimum test pressure shall be per the Standard Specifications. (2). Minimum factor of safety for VCP shall be 1.5. h. PVC fittings shall be prefabricated (molded) full-body fittings. i. Backfill shall be in conformance with the Standard Specifications Section 306- 1.3, except that relative compaction shall be 90% minimum. j. Pipe Bedding (1.) VCP shall be bedded in conformance with section 306-1.2.1 of the Standard Specifications. PVC shall be bedded in I inch crushed rock. (2.) Pipe bedding and backfill shall be done in accord with the applicable portions of City STD-105-L and STD-106-L. 2. Locations a. Alleys - Mains shall be offset 3.0 feet minimum from centerline to clear gutter. The offset shall be to the opposite side of the alley from any existing or proposed water main. (1.) Clearance between sewer and water mains shall be in strict accord with the California DOHS requirements for "water and sewer separation. (a). Horizontal clearance shall be at least 10 ft. wall to wall. (b). Horizontal clearances less than 10 ft., but greater than 4 ft. may be allowed with special material construction. Utilities Department and State DOHS written permission is mandatory. (2.) Clearance between sewer and utility conduits other than water shall be at least 2 ft. horizontal and 1 ft. vertical. b. Streets - Main locations shall be in accord with STD-101-L. c. Sewers in streets with more than 84 feet of right-of-way width require special design. d. Extend and cap all dead ends beyond pavement limits. Refer to STD-401-L. - DC-30 - 3. Minimum Gravity Sewer Slopes expressed in units of feet per foot: Pipe Size (in.) Minimum Slope (ft./ft.) Preferred Slope (ft./ft.) 8" 0.0032 0.0040 10" 0.0026 0.0032 12" 0.0020 0.0032 4. Gravity Sewer Hydraulic Criteria a. Hydraulic analysis shall be performed using Manning's Equation in the US Customary Unit System. Long-hand, manual calculations may be requested for City review on all sewer designs. (1.) Manning's Roughness coefficient shall not be less than 0.013 for any sewer main. (n • 0.013) (2.) Flows shall be first analyzed as "steady, uniform, non-turbulent" flow. b. Velocity Criteria (1.) Minimum design velocity shall be 2.0 ft./sec. (2.) Maximum velocity shall be 6.0 ft./sec. Analysis shall be performed to determine whether flow regime is "sub-critical" or "super-critical". (a.) Initial critical flow analysis shall be via Froude Number (ƒ). (b.) Depth of flow limit requirement shall be for "sub-critical" flow depth. (3.) Froude Number (f) shall be determined from the following equation: f v gd where the variables in the equation are: f ..................................................... is the Froude Number v..................................................... is the velocity of the waste stream g..................................................... is the gravitational constant (32.2 ft/sec2) d..................................................... is the depth of flow (subcritical depth) 5. Sewer Hydraulic Loading Design a. Wastewater hydraulic calculations shall be performed utilizing the quantities of wastewater from the table below; (these should be considered design minimums, they are based on actual field flow monitoring tests): Development Size Average flow Peaking Factor Peak flow (dwelling units) (gallons per day) (dimensionless) (gallons per day) - DC-31 - 0 to 75 315 3.80 1,200 76 to 150 285 3.65 1,040 151to 250 265 3.40 900 250& up 245 3.15 770 b. Certain developments with special circumstances may require design to consider flows higher than those in the table above. In no case shall the design flows be less than the amounts determined by the table above. B. Manholes Manholes shall be designed in accord with City of Newport Beach Standards, Standard Drawings, Standard Special Provisions and these Design Criteria. Manholes are required: 1. At all changes in slope. 2. At all changes in direction. a. Horizontal curves for radii in excess of 150 feet may be used in areas without services only by the special approval of both the Utilities Department and the Public Works Department and only where straight sewer main runs are infeasible because of interference with other underground utilities. 3. At all intersections of mains. Match crown lines. Use 0.20 foot drop through manhole per City STD-401-L. 4. At all intersections between mains and laterals sized 8 inches and larger. 5. Minimum spacing is 300 feet; maximum spacing is 400 feet. 6. At the ends of dead end mains greater than 200 feet in length. 7. To have a special lining (either fiberglass or T-Lock) installed wherever: a. Any sewer main connecting to the manhole has a slope greater than 7%. b. Any change in slope of 5% or greater occurs between the upstream and the downstream manhole. C. Terminal Cleanouts 1. Are required at ends of all mains where it is impractical or impossible to construct a sewer manhole. 2. May be used at other locations only by special permission of the Public Works Department. D. Laterals - DC-32 - Each residential dwelling unit, residence, condominium, or rental unit (for buildings with four or less units) shall have an individual lateral, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 1. Size a. Single family, apartment or condominium units shall be 4 inches minimum diameter per City STD-406-L unless slope is less than G inch per foot. (In which case the lateral shall be upsized to 6 inches diameter.) b. All other laterals shall be a minimum of 6 inches in diameter. 2. Location a. At right angles or radial to street right-of-way. b. Center of lot frontage or 5 feet toward the center of the lot from the downstream lot line. All lateral locations shall be shown and dimensioned or stationed on the construction plans. c. In commercial developments, laterals shall connect the main line at manholes wherever possible. d. All lateral connections 8 inches and larger shall connect to the sewer main at manholes. e. All connections to existing manholes shall be mechanically saw cored and the joints made shall be sealed closed around the installed pipe using a non-shrink concrete grout or epoxy material. 3. Minimum depth of lateral pipe cover shall be 4 feet below finished grade at property line for level lots or lots sloping toward street. Special design is required for lots sloping away from street. 4. Cleanout shall be provided at property line in accord with STD-406-L on all lateral connections 6 inches in diameter and smaller. 8-inch diameter laterals and larger require manholes as cleanouts at or near the property line. E. Wastewater Pump Stations 1. Special Design Required a. In all cases where a wastewater lift station is required, special design and review by City is required. 2. General Design Requirements Line FACILITY DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SGF IN GPD BOD SS No.(mg/l) (mg/l) 1 Acupuncture Office/Clinic 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 2 Arcade - Video Games 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 3 Auditorium (a) 3/Seat 265 275 4 Auto Parking (a) 20/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 5 Auto Mfg., Service Maintenance (b) Actual 1,260 1,165 6 Bakery 280/1,000 Gr SF 3,020 2,540 7 Bank: Headquarters 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 8 Bank: Branch 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 9 Ballroom 350/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 10 Banquet Room 350/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 11 Bar: Cocktail, Fixed Set (a) (c) 15/Seat 265 275 12 Bar: Juice, No Baking Facilities (d) 720/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 13 Bar: Juice, with Baking Facilities (d) 720/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 14 Bar: Cocktail, Public Table Area (c) 720/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 15 Barber Shop 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 16 Barber Shop (s) 15/Stall 265 275 17 Beauty Parlor 425/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 18 Beauty Parlor (s) 50/Stall 265 275 19 Bldg. Const/Field Office (e) 120/Office 265 275 20 Bowling Alley: Alley, Lanes & Lobby Area 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 21 Bowling Facility: Arcade/Bar/Restaurant/Dancing Total Average Average 22 Cafeteria: Fixed Seat 30/Seat 1,000 600 23 Car Wash: Automatic (b) Actual 265 285 24 Car Wash: Coin Operated Bays (b) Actual 265 285 25 Car Wash: Hand Wash (b) Actual 265 285 26 Car Wash: Counter & Sales Area 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 27 Chapel: Fixed Seat 3/Seat 265 275 28 Chiropractic Office 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 29 Church: Fixed Seat 3/Seat 265 275 30 Church School: Day Care/Elem 9/Occupant 265 275 31 Church School: One Day Use (s) 9/Occupant 265 275 32 Cocktail Lounge: Fixed Seat (f) 15/Seat 265 275 33 Coffee House: No Food Preparation (d) 720/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 34 Coffee House: Pastry Baking Only (d) 720/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 35 Coffee House: Serves Prepared Food (d) 25/Seat 1,000 600 36 Cold Storage: No Sales (g) 30/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 37 Cold Storage: Retail Sales (g) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 38 Comfort Station: Public 80/Fixture 265 275 39 Commercial Use (a) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 40 Community Center 3/Occupant 265 275 41 Conference Room of Office Bldg. 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 42 Counseling Center (h) 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 43 Credit Union 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 44 Dairy Average Flow 1,510 325 45 Dairy: Barn Average Flow 1,510 325 46 Dairy: Retail Area 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 47 Dancing Area (of Bars or Nightclub) (c) 350/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 48 Dance Studio (i) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 49 Dental Office/Clinic 250/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 SEWARAGE FACILITIES CHARGE SEWAGE GENERATION FACTOR FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CATEGORIES EFFECTIVE DATE: April 6, 2012 Page 1 Line FACILITY DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SGF IN GPD BOD SS No.(mg/l) (mg/l) SEWARAGE FACILITIES CHARGE SEWAGE GENERATION FACTOR FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CATEGORIES EFFECTIVE DATE: April 6, 2012 50 Doughnut Shop 280/1,000 Gr SF 1,000 600 51 Drug Rehabilitation Center (h) 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 52 Equipment Booth 30/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 53 Film Processing (Retail) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 54 Film Processing (Industrial) Actual 265 275 55 Food Processing Plant (b) Actual 2,210 1,450 56 Gas Station: Self Service 100/W.C. 265 275 57 Gas Station: Four Bays Max 430/Station 1,950 1,175 58 Golf Course Facility: Lobby/Office/Restaurant/Bar Total 700 450 59 Gymnasium: Basketball, Volleyball (k) 200/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 60 Hanger (Aircraft) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 61 Health Club/Spa (k) 650/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 62 Homeless Shelter 70/Bed 265 275 63 Hospital 70/Bed 820 1,230 64 Hospital: Convalescent (a) 70/Bed 265 275 65 Hospital: Animal 300/1,000 Gr SF 820 1,230 66 Hospital: Psychiatric 70/Bed 265 275 67 Hospital: Surgical (a) 360/Bed 265 275 68 Hotel: Use Guest Rooms Only (a) 120/Room 265 275 69 Jail 85/Inmate 265 275 70 Kennel: Dog Kennel/Open 100/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 71 Laboratory: Commercial 250/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 72 Laboratory: Industrial Actual 265 275 73 Laundromat 185/Machine 550 370 74 Library: Public Area 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 75 Library: Stacks, Storage 30/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 76 Lobby of Retail Area (l) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 77 Lodge Hall 3/Seat 265 275 78 Lounge (l) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 79 Machine Shop (No Industrial Waste Permit Required) (b) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 80 Machine Shop (Industrial) Actual 265 275 81 Mfg or Industrial Facility (No IW Permit Required) (b) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 82 Mfg or Industrial Facility (Industrial) Actual 265 275 83 Massage Parlor 250/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 84 Medical Building (a) 225/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 85 Medical: Lab in Hospital 250/1,000 Gr SF 340 275 86 Medical Office/Clinic 250/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 87 Mini-Mall (No Food) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 88 Mortuary: Chapel 3/Seat 265 275 89 Mortuary: Embalming 300/1,000 Gr SF 800 800 90 Mortuary: Living Area 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 91 Motel: Use Guest Room Only (a) 120/Room 265 275 92 Museum: All Area 30/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 93 Museum: Office Over 15% 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 94 Museum: Sales Area 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 95 Office Building (a) 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 96 Office Bldg w/Cooling Tower 170/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 97 Plating Plant (No IW Permit Required) (b) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 98 Plating Plant (Industrial) (b) Actual 265 275 Page 2 Line FACILITY DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SGF IN GPD BOD SS No.(mg/l) (mg/l) SEWARAGE FACILITIES CHARGE SEWAGE GENERATION FACTOR FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CATEGORIES EFFECTIVE DATE: April 6, 2012 99 Pool Hall (No Alcohol) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 100 Post Office: Full Service (m) 120/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 101 Post Office: Private Mail Box Rental 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 102 Prisons 175/Inmate 265 275 103 Residential Dorm: College or Residential (n) 70/Student 265 275 104 Residential: Boarding House 70/Bed 265 275 105 Residential: Apt - Bachelor (a) 75/DU 265 275 106 Residential: Apt - 1 BDR (a) (o) 110/DU 265 275 107 Residential: Apt - 2 BDR (a) (o) 150/DU 265 275 108 Residential: Apt - 3 BDR (a) (o) 190/DU 265 275 109 Residential: Apt - >3 BDR (o) 40/BDR 265 275 110 Residential: Condo - 1 BDR (o) 110/DU 265 275 111 Residential: Condo - 2 BDR (o) 150/DU 265 275 112 Residential: Condo - 3 BDR (o) 190/DU 265 275 113 Residential: Condo - >3 BDR (o) 40/BDR 265 275 114 Residential: Duplex/Towhhouse - 1 BR (o) 110/DU 265 275 115 Residential: Duplex/Towhhouse - 2 BR (o) 150/DU 265 275 116 Residential: Duplex/Towhhouse - 3 BR (o) 190/DU 265 275 117 Residential: Duplex/Towhhouse - >3 BR (o) 40/BDR 265 275 118 Residential: SFD - 1 BR (o) 140/DU 265 275 119 Residential: SFD - 2 BR (o) 185/DU 265 275 120 Residential: SFD - 3 BR (o) 230/DU 265 275 121 Residential: SFD - >3 BR (o) 45/BDR 265 275 122 Residential Room Addition: Bedroom (o) 45/BDR 265 275 123 Residential Room Conversion: Into a Bedroom (o) 45/BDR 265 275 124 Residential: Mobile Home Same as Apt 265 275 125 Residential: Artist (2/3 Area) 75/DU 265 275 126 Residential: Artist Residence 75/DU 265 275 127 Residential: Guest Home w/ Kitchen Same as Apt 265 275 128 Residential: Guest Home w/o Kitchen 45/BDR 265 275 129 Rest Home 70/Bed 555 490 130 Restaurant: Drive-In 50/Stall 1000 600 131 Restaurant: Drive-In Seating Area 25/Seat 1000 600 132 Restaurant: Fast Food Indoor Seat 25/Seat 1000 600 133 Restaurant: Fast Food Outdoor Seat 25/Seat 1000 600 134 Restaurant: Full Service Indoor Seat (a) 30/Seat 1000 600 135 Restaurant: Full Service Outdoor Seat 30/Seat 1000 600 136 Restaurant: Take Out 300/1,000 Gr SF 1000 600 137 Retail Area (greater than 100,000 SF) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 138 Retail Area (less than 100,000 SF) 25/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 139 Rifle Range: Shooting Stalls/Lanes, Lobby 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 140 Rifle Range Facility: Bar/Restaurant Total Average Average 141 School: Arts/Dancing/Music (i) 11/Student 265 275 142 School: Elementary/Jr. High (a) (p) 9/Student 265 275 143 School: High School (a) (p) 11/Student 265 275 144 School: Kindergarten (s) 9/Student 265 275 145 School: Martial Arts (i) 9/Student 265 275 146 School: Nursery-Day Care (p) 9/Child 265 275 147 School: Special Class (p) 9/Student 265 275 Page 3 Line FACILITY DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SGF IN GPD BOD SS No.(mg/l) (mg/l) SEWARAGE FACILITIES CHARGE SEWAGE GENERATION FACTOR FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CATEGORIES EFFECTIVE DATE: April 6, 2012 148 School: Trade or Vocational (p) 11/Student 265 275 149 School: Training (p) 11/Student 265 275 150 School: University/College (a) (p) 16/Student 265 275 151 School: Dormitory (a) (n) 70/Student 265 275 152 School: Stadium, Pavilion 3/Seat 265 275 153 Spa/Jacuzzi (Commercial with backwash filters) Total 265 275 154 Storage: Building/Warehouse 30/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 155 Storage: Self-Storage Bldg 30/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 156 Store: Ice Cream/Yogurt 25/1,000 Gr SF 1000 600 157 Store: Retail (l) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 158 Studio: Film/TV - Audience Viewing Room (q) 3/Seat 265 275 159 Studio: Film/TV - Regular Use Indoor Filming Area (q) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 160 Studio: Film/TV - Ind. Use Film Process/Machine Shop (q) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 161 Studio: Film/TV - Ind. Use Film Process/Machine Shop Total 265 275 162 Studio: Recording 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 163 Swimming Pool (Commercial with backwash filters) Total 265 275 164 Tanning Salon: Independent, No Shower (r) 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 165 Tanning Salon: Within a Health Spa/Club 640/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 166 Theater: Drive-In 6/Vehicle 265 275 167 Theater: Live/Music/Opera 3/Seat 265 275 168 Theater: Cinema 3/Seat 265 275 169 Tract: Commercial/Residential 1/Acre 265 275 170 Trailer: Const/Field Office (e) 120/Office 265 275 171 Veterinary Clinic/Office 250/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 172 Warehouse 30/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 173 Warehouse w/ Office Total 265 275 174 Waste Dump: Recreational 400/Station 2650 2750 175 Wine Tasting Room: Kitchen 200/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 176 Wine Tasting Room: All Area 50/1,000 Gr SF 265 275 Page 4 1 FOOTNOTES TO SGFs TABLE (a) SFC rates for these facilities have historically been published in SFC ordinances. (b) Bureau of Sanitation will determine the flow based on the information given by applicants for facilities with industrial discharge. The flow will be redetermined by Sanitation inspectors annually based on water bills. If the actual flow exceeds the previous year’s determined flow, the applicants will be charged for the difference. If this type of facility is exempt from an industrial discharge permit, only the domestic SFC will be assessed. (c) The SFC for a bar shall be the sum of SFC's for all areas based on the SGF for each area (ex. fixed seat area, public table area, dancing area). (d) The determination of SGF for juice bars and coffee houses previously depended on the extent of the actual food preparation in house, not by the types of food provided. Food is assumed to be prepared offsite and as such, the three prior subcategories have been consolidated. 1) SGF for no pastry baking and no food preparation is 720 gpd/1000 gr.sq.ft. 2) SGF for pastry baking only and no food preparation is 720 gpd/1000 gr.sq.ft. 3) SGF for complete food preparation is 25 gpd/seat, the same as a fast food restaurant. Juice bars and coffee houses do not serve any alcoholic drinks. (e) Building construction includes trailers, field offices, etc. (f) Cocktail lounge usually does not serve prepared food. (g) Cold storage facilities are categorized as follow: 1) No Sales - the cold storage facility is used only for temporary storage, no selling is involved. For example, cold storage facilities at the harbor temporarily store seafood until it is distributed. 2) Cold storage w/ retail sales - the primary function of this facility is to support the wholesale/retail operation of a store, such as supermarket freezers, refrigerators, etc. (h) Counseling centers include marriage counseling centers, alcohol/drug rehabilitation /dependency centers, nutrition centers, diet centers, etc. 2 (i) Part-time basis schools or dance studios should be charged as retail area - 50 gpd /1000 gr.sq.ft. Full-time basis schools should be charged by the number of students. (j) Domestic waste is estimated at 50 gpd/1,000 square feet in addition to total process flow. (k) Bureau of Sanitation will determine if an industrial permit is needed for health spas. The first year flow is based on 650 gpd/1000 gr.sq.ft., and the Sanitation inspectors will redetermine the flow annually based on water bill from the previous year. The applicants are responsible for paying the difference of SFC. Health club/spa includes lobby area, workout floors, aerobic rooms, swimming pools, Jacuzzi, sauna, locker rooms, showers, and restrooms. If a health club/spa has a gymnasium type of facility, this portion should be charged separately at the gymnasium SFC rate. Gymnasiums include basketball court, volleyball court, and any other large open space with low occupancy density. (l) Lobby of retail includes lounges, holding rooms, or waiting area, etc. (m) Full service post offices include U.S. Postal Service, UPS, Federal Express, DHL, and etc. (n) The SGF for a college dormitory based on student capacity also includes the SGF for the dormitory cafeterias. (o) A bedroom is defined as an enclosed subdivision with 50 sq.ft. or more floor area in a residential building commonly used for sleeping purpose, and is partitioned off to form a habitable room. (p) The SGF for schools based on the student capacity, covers the following facilities: 1) classrooms and lecture halls 2) professors' offices 3) administration offices 4) laboratories for classes or research 5) libraries 6) bookstores 7) student/professor lounges 8) school cafeterias 9) warehouses and storage areas 10) auditoriums 11) gymnasiums 12) restrooms 3 It does not include water used by schools for swimming pools. When a school files an application for addition of any of the foregoing facilities, the student population will be reassessed and the total gpd for the new facility will be based on the number of students increased since the last SFC was paid or when the City implemented the SFC for the first time. The SFC for any school facility (ex. stadium, dormitory, etc.) not listed above, will be based on the designated SGF for that category. (q) The SFC for a TV or motion picture studio shall be the sum of SFC's for different facilities in the studio, based on the SGF for each facility. A studio may include one or more of the following facilities: audience viewing room, filming room, film processing, storage area, etc. (r) No independent tanning salons with shower were encountered during 1996 survey. (s) Alternative basis of charge for City’s consideration. The prior square footage basis is also presented should the City decide to continue charging on that basis. 1 Joy Hendricks From:Keely, David <DKeely@newportbeachca.gov> Sent:Wednesday, January 31, 2018 10:38 AM To:Joy Hendricks Cc:Lynch, Mike Subject:RE: Mariner Square, 1244 Irvine Ave, Newport Beach - PA2017-248 -- Public Works Corrections Hi Joy,    The proposed downstream sewer monitoring location is sufficient.  Please contact Mike Lynch (cc’d) a minimum of one  week prior to installation of the monitor.  Thanks    David Keely, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer City of Newport Beach, Public Works Department Tel: (949) 644-3349   From: Joy Hendricks [mailto:jhendricks@cvc‐inc.net]   Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 3:18 PM  To: Keely, David <DKeely@newportbeachca.gov>  Cc: Stein, Robert <RStein@newportbeachca.gov>; Catron, Steffen <SCatron@newportbeachca.gov>; David Terry  <dterry@cvc‐inc.net>  Subject: RE: Mariner Square, 1244 Irvine Ave, Newport Beach ‐ PA2017‐248 ‐‐ Public Works Corrections    Hi David,  Since the proposed sewer point of connection to support the development is located near the upstream end of the  existing sewer main, we are proposing to monitoring the existing sewer manhole that is located immediately  downstream in order to analyze the system’s capacity.  Please refer to the attached Atlas Map.  We propose a 14‐day  sewer monitoring timeframe.  Please advise if acceptable.    Bob, please advise if you have any existing hydrologic information regarding the 30” Storm Drain system within Rutland  Road?      Thanks,  Joy Hendricks  C&V Consulting, Inc.    From: Keely, David [mailto:DKeely@newportbeachca.gov]   Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 3:41 PM  To: Joy Hendricks <jhendricks@cvc‐inc.net>  Cc: Stein, Robert <RStein@newportbeachca.gov>; Catron, Steffen <SCatron@newportbeachca.gov>  Subject: RE: Mariner Square, 1244 Irvine Ave, Newport Beach ‐ PA2017‐248 ‐‐ Public Works Corrections    Hi Joy,    APPENDIX E Existing As-Built Plans APPENDIX F Portions of the City of Newport Beach’s Sewer Master Plan IRVINE AVEPS 17SANTIAGO DRNORTH STAR LNCAPE ANDOVERPEMBROKE LNSUSSEXLNNOTTINGHAMRDESSEX LNDEVON LNBERKSHIRE LNHIGHLAND DRSOMERSET LNPESCADOR DRULLERTONAVERRD16TH STDOVER DRCLAY STPOLARIS DRSOAVEESTELHOLLY LNANITA LNLINCOLN LN WESTCLIFF DRRUTLAND RDSHERINGTON PLMARGARET DRCORALPWARWICK LNSEA GULL LNDOROTHY LNST JAMES RDHAVEN PLCAMBRIDGE LNEVENING STAR LNCAPE WOODBURYMHG06 MHG26MHG27MHG22MHG19MHG18MHG09MHG07MHG05MHG04MHG03MHG02MHG01PT_100MHG18_001MHG06_004MHG22_044MHG26_006MHG26_005MHG26_004MHG26_002MHG27_001MHG25_021MHG25_020MHG25_019MHG25_018MHG25_016MHG25_014MHG25_013MHG25_012MHG25_011MHG25_007MHG25_005MHG25_003MHG22_012MHG22_011MHG22_008MHG22_002MHG22_136MHG22_135MHG22_134MHG22_133MHG22_131MHG22_130MHG22_129MHG22_123MHG22_118MHG22_117MHG22_116MHG22_113MHG22_112MHG22_111MHG22_110MHG22_109MHG22_023MHMHGMHG22_106MHG22_105MHMHG2MHG22_099MHG22_098MHG22_097MHG22_096MHG22_093MHG22_091MHG22_087MHG22_086MHG22_084MHG22_081MHG22_080MHG22_077MHG22_076MHG22_073MHG22_072MHG22_070MHG22_067MHG22_066MHG22_063MHG2MHG22_059MHG22_058MHG22_055MHG22_052MHG22_051MHG22_050MHG22_048MHG22_047MHG22_046MHG22_045MHG22_042MHG22_041MHG22_034MHG22_035MHG22_033MHG22_032MHG22_031MHG22_030MHG22_001MHG22_100MHGMHGMHG21_081M_MHG21_029MHG21_027MHG21_024MHG21_022MHG21_019MHG21_015LHG21_001MHG21_013MHG21_008MHG21_007MHG21_006MHG21_002MHG21_001MHG19_009MHG19_008MHG19_007MHG19_006MHG19_005MHG19_004MHG19_003MHG19_002MHG19_001MHG18_021MHG18_020MHG18_019MHG18_017MHG18_016MHG18_013MHG18_010MHG18_009MHG18_008MHG18_007MHG18_006MHG18_002MHG09_016MHG10_002MHG09_017MHG09_015MHG09_005LHG10 001MHG07_002MHG06_003MHG06_002 MHG06_001MHG05_013MHG05_006MHG05_002MHG04_005MHG04_003MHD05_108MHD05_140MHD05 135LHD05_129MHD05_128MHD05_127MHD05_123HD05_120LHD05_109MHD05_102MHD05_101098_094MHD05_093MHD05_0921LHD05_085D05_07565PCOD05_0003POLARIS_CHAMBER80021MMHHGG1633MARINER SQUAREPROJECT SITEMHG18OCSD Dover DriveTrunk MainMMMDDMM00MMMMHH00011__0000119_00001700007777 Sewer System Data Model Pipe ID U/S MH ID D/S MH ID Atlas Sheet No Material US MH Invert DS MH Invert Length (ft) Diameter (in) Coefficient 1 G15_027 MHG15_017 G15_061 M07 WSP 167.00 166.30 260 6 0.013 1 G15_028 COG15_0007 MHG15_017 M07 WSP 168.90 167.00 57 6 0.013 1 G15_029 COG15_0008 COG15_0007 M07 WSP 170.03 168.98 47 6 0.013 1 G15_030 COG15_0009 COG15_0008 M07 WSP 172.14 170.03 51 6 0.013 1 G15_031 COG15_0010 COG15_0009 M07 WSP 172.42 172.14 32 6 0.013 1 G15_032 COG15_0011 COG15_0010 M07 WSP 173.07 172.70 43 6 0.013 1 G15_033 COG15_0012 MHG15_002 M07 WSP 157.14 156.00 90 6 0.013 1 G15_034 COG15_0013 COG15_0012 M07 WSP 157.83 157.13 56 6 0.013 1 G15_035 COG15_0014 COG15_0013 M07 WSP 158.68 157.83 67 6 0.013 1 G15_036 COG15_0015 COG15_0014 M07 WSP 159.09 158.67 33 6 0.013 1 G15_037 COG15_0016 COG15_0015 M07 WSP 159.41 159.09 25 6 0.013 1 G15_038 COG15_0017 COG15_0016 M07 WSP 160.26 159.41 46 6 0.013 1 G15_039 MHG15_018 COG15_0017 M07 WSP 160.50 160.26 19 6 0.013 1 G15_040 COG15_0018 MHG15_018 M07 WSP 160.92 160.50 84 6 0.013 1 G15_041 COG15_0019 COG15_0018 M07 WSP 161.59 160.90 138 6 0.013 1 G15_042 COG15_0020 COG15_0019 M07 WSP 161.83 161.59 48 6 0.013 1 G15_043 COG15_0021 COG15_0020 N07 WSP 162.38 161.83 110 6 0.013 1 G15_044 MHG15_028 COG15_0021 N07 WSP 162.52 162.35 34 6 0.013 1 G15_045 MHG15_019 MHG15_016 M07 PVC 161.92 161.40 37 8 0.013 1 G15_046 MHG15_020 MHG15_024 M07 VCP 10.46 2.67 162 8 0.013 1 G15_047 MHG15_023 MHG15_021 M07 VCP 3.97 2.22 313 8 0.013 1 G15_049 COG15_0022 MHG15_028 N07 WSP 162.92 162.52 81 6 0.013 1 G15_050 COG15_0023 COG15_0022 N07 WSP 163.31 162.92 72 6 0.013 1 G15_051 MHG15_025 COG15_0023 N07 WSP 164.40 163.31 217 6 0.013 1 G15_052 COG15_0028 MHG15_025 N07 WSP 165.19 164.40 138 6 0.013 1 G15_053 COG15_0026 COG15_0025 N07 WSP 168.81 167.55 219 6 0.013 1 G15_054 COG15_0027 COG15_0026 N07 WSP 169.26 168.81 78 6 0.013 1 G15_055 MHG15_027 MHG15_026 N07 WSP 186.00 170.00 85 6 0.013 1 G15_056 LHG15_005 MHG15_027 N07 VCP 0.41 (0.02) 107 6 0.013 1 G15_057 MHG15_026 MHG15_025 N07 WSP 170.00 166.00 53 6 0.013 1 G15_058 COG15_0025 COG15_0028 N07 WSP 168.81 165.19 7 6 0.013 1 G15_059 MHG15_033 MHG15_030 M07 PVC 160.78 159.70 58 8 0.013 1 G15_060 MHG15_021 MHG15 M07 VCP 2.11 (0.07) 14 8 0.013 1 G15_061 G15_061 MHG15_032 M07 PVC 65.35 65.20 17 8 0.013 1 G15_062 MHG15_032 MHG15_031 M07 PVC 64.80 63.15 188 8 0.013 1 G18_001 MHG18_001 MHG18 O08 VCP 69.23 69.12 21 8 0.013 1 G18_002 MHG18_002 MHG18_001 O08 VCP 69.68 68.96 179 8 0.013 1 G18_003 MHG18_003 MHG18_002 O08 VCP 70.37 69.68 173 8 0.013 1 G18_004 MHG18_004 MHG18_003 O08 VCP 75.42 70.47 346 8 0.013 1 G18_005 MHG18_005 MHG18_004 O08 VCP 77.86 75.42 338 8 0.013 1 G18_006 MHG18_006 MHG18_005 O08 VCP 81.03 77.86 345 8 0.013 1 G18_007 MHG18_007 MHG18_006 O08 VCP 84.19 81.03 342 8 0.013 1 G18_008 MHG18_008 MHG18_003 O08 VCP 71.87 70.47 350 8 0.013 1 G18_009 MHG18_009 MHG18_008 O08 VCP 73.33 71.97 340 8 0.013 1 G18_010 MHG18_010 MHG18_009 O08 VCP 74.71 73.33 344 8 0.013 1 G18_011 MHG18_011 MHG18_010 O08 VCP 76.13 74.81 330 8 0.013 1 G18_012 MHG18_021 MHG18_011 P08 VCP 76.68 76.13 138 8 0.013 1 G18_013 MHG18_013 MHG18_012 P08 VCP 78.77 77.45 330 8 0.013 1 G18_014 MHG18_014 MHG18_011 O08 VCP 75.80 75.63 43 8 0.013 1 G18_015 MHG18_015 MHG18_014 O08 VCP 77.39 75.88 377 8 0.013 1 G18_016 MHG18_016 MHG18_014 P08 VCP 77.28 75.80 369 8 0.013 1 G18_017 MHG18_019 MHG18_017 O08 VCP 73.06 69.62 401 8 0.013 1 G18_018 MHG18_020 MHG18_019 O08 VCP 77.33 73.06 405 8 0.013 1 G18_019 MHG18_017 MHG18_001 O08 VCP 69.56 69.28 35 8 0.013 1 G18_020 MHG18_012 MHG18_021 P08 VCP 77.45 76.68 192 8 0.013 1 G19_001 MHG19_001 MHG19 N08 VCP 66.49 55.62 452 8 0.013 1 G19_002 MHG19_002 MHG19_001 N08 VCP 165.00 164.80 23 12 0.013 1 G19_003 MHG19_003 MHG19_002 N08 VCP 165.36 165.20 30 8 0.013 1 G19_004 MHG19_004 MHG19_003 O08 VCP 168.63 165.46 256 8 0.013 APP1-21