HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIC2022005APPENDIX B LOCAL AGENCY REVIEW SECTION 1 (TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR AGENT) Applicant N Iul(,IV LeL: CoNvt5av li)O qy. To SF W I -rT H S0 t)Q 60JG Project Description CtACOAf--it SaLl ADAI T1(y�d 7D Sfrj2 Location 5Z 1?71ywy"� 1; H i 52 lh, L epc w 5N Assessor Parcel Number V 150 222— SECTION 2 (TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL PLANNING OR BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT) Zoning Designation2- dwelling units/acre General or Community Plan Designation `f Cdwelling units/acre ��� — l� w Inc) Local Coastal Program Amendment ❑ Required Submitted to Coastal Commission LOCAL DISCRETIONARY APPROVALS Proposed development meets all zoning requirements. No further permits required other than building permits. Oroposed development requires local discretionary approvals. CHECK ALL APPLICABLE requirements below. Attach a copy of each approval. Design/Architectural ORequiredF� Applicant Submitted Review Complete Variance for describe) RequiredApplicant Submitted Review Complete Zoning chan a describe) Required Applicant Submitted LJReview Complete Tentative Subdivision/Parcel Map No. FIRequiredO Applicant Submitted LJReview Complete 13 A 1(,2oZ2 (305 Grading/Land Dev. Permit No. FIRequiredEl Applicant Submitted Review Complete Planned Residential/ Commercial Development Approval HRequired[—] Applicant Submitted Review Complete ite Plan Review Required❑ Applicant Submitted Review Complete �C ndominium Conversion Permit No. RequiredEl Applicant Submitted Review Complete Papditional, cial, or Major Use Permit No. Required�Applicant Submitted Review Complete Other (describe) Applicant Submitted Review Complete CEQA COMPLIANCE Type (Exempt, Categorically Exempt, Mitigated Negative Declaration, EIR, etc.) Statutory or Guideline Section Relied On State Clearinghouse or other Document Action or Adoption Date CERTIFICATION Prepared for the City/County of Nt-WLOq,rt ,tAc fl by (print name) Title Sign Date 14