HomeMy WebLinkAbout24 - Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09)Q �EwPpRT c 9C/FOR TO: FROM: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report PREPARED BY: PHONE: TITLE: ABSTRACT: November 29, 2022 Agenda Item No. 24 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov Andy Tran, Senior Civil Engineer, atran@newportbeachca.gov 949-644-3315 Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09) The City of Newport Beach (City) staff received construction bids for the Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot project and requests City Council approval to award the construction contract to Reyes Construction, Inc. This project involves constructing a new pedestrian/bicycle bridge across Superior Avenue, expanding the passive park area at Sunset View Park, and constructing a new, larger parking lot at the intersection of Superior Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway (PCH). RECOMMENDATION: a) Find the requirements for environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is satisfied by the November 19, 2019 Council adoption of Resolution No. 2019-102, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND2019-002 (SCH# 2019099074) for the Superior Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project (PA2019-014), including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines and City Council Policy K-3; b) Approve the project plans and specifications; c) Approve Budget Amendment No. 23-038 appropriating $2,743,600 in increased expenditures in Account No. 14001-980000-15T09 from the Circulation and Transportation unappropriated fund balance; appropriating $544,345 in increased expenditures in Account No. 56201-980000-15T09; and transferring funds from the Facilities Financial Planning (FFP) unappropriated fund balance to the FFP: Parks and Community Centers fund; d) Award Contract No. 8020-6 to Reyes Construction, Inc. for the total bid price of $10,518,759, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract; e) Establish a contingency of $842,000 (approximately 8 percent of total bid) to cover the cost of unforeseen work not included in the original contract; 24-1 Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09) November 29, 2022 Page 2 f) Authorize an Amendment No. Three to the Professional Services Agreement with Dokken Engineering for professional engineering services to increase the total not -to -exceed amount by $79,993, for a total not -to -exceed amount of $2,094,999, and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Amendment in a form to be approved by the City Attorney; and g) Authorize an Amendment No. Four to the Professional Services Agreement with Chambers Group, Inc. for environmental services as required by the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program to increase the total not -to -exceed amount by $220,407, for a total not -to -exceed amount of $628,279, and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Amendment in a form to be approved by the City Attorney. DISCUSSION: The Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot project is located at the intersection of two large roadways, Superior Avenue and PCH, and is approximately 1,000 feet from the popular West Newport beaches. This area receives a significant amount of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Sunset Ridge Park, which is located on the west side of Superior Avenue, was constructed in December 2014. This active park is 13.7 acres with a baseball field, two soccer fields, a children's playground, and a butterfly garden. Due to California Coastal Commission (CCC) permitting constraints and conditions, Sunset Ridge Park was constructed without the proposed on - site parking area. At the time of the Coastal Commission approval, the Commission suggested that the City look at providing the needed park parking across the street in Sunset View Park and look at connecting the two parks with a bridge. Today, residents and visitors to Sunset Ridge Park are required to park at the existing, smaller beach - visitor -serving parking lot located on the east side of Superior Avenue, and cross a very busy, seven -lane Superior Avenue at an at -grade crosswalk and then ascend up a 30- foot high bluff to the park. Due to insufficient parking and difficult access, Sunset Ridge Park is currently under programmed and underutilized. The primary goals of this project are to 1) improve overall pedestrian and bicyclist safety through the intersection and provide access to Sunset Ridge Park by constructing a new pedestrian/bicycle bridge across Superior Avenue, 2) expand and complete the passive park area at Sunset View Park, 3) construct a new, larger park parking lot allowing full programming and use of Sunset Ridge Park as designed and intended, and 4) ensure the new design and improvements will accommodate a future PCH/Superior Avenue intersection capacity improvement project directed at improving the intersection's operation, capacity and safety, as well as reducing vehicle delay. The proposed project improvements are shown on the attached Exhibit A - Location Map. In 1988, the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) widened PCH. As part of that project, on -street parking on PCH was removed. The existing 64 metered parking spaces at Sunset View Park were constructed in 1989 as a mitigation measure to replace the removal of on -street parking along PCH. The intent of the existing parking lot is to serve visitors to the nearby coastal attractions and beaches. 24-2 Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09) November 29, 2022 Page 3 The Sunset Ridge Park Environmental Impact Report identified needing 97 parking spaces to serve Sunset Ridge Park visitors. The City would need to provide a total of 161 parking spaces (64 + 97) for visitors to coastal attractions and Sunset Ridge Park. However, recognizing the current parking lot is under-utilized, except for possibly peak summer weekends, the proposed new parking lot includes a total of 129 metered parking spaces. This represents an increase of 65 metered parking spaces, and allows the City to maximize the available park parking while still providing the necessary coastal -dependent parking managed through future park activity programming (i.e. organized baseball and soccer would not be programmed on peak demand weekends). Sunset Ridge Park Usage Today, Sunset Ridge Park is a significantly underutilized park. Summer camps, and recreational classes are not currently offered at Sunset Ridge Park. Programmed sporting events are also restricted due to limited parking. The site presents a challenge for parents to drop off, pick up and get their kids and equipment/accessories to programs in a safe and timely manner. This facility has the potential to provide summer camp programming for 250 kids and generate $30,000 in annual revenue. An additional benefit to the park and community would be an expected reduction of graffiti, vandalism, overnight camping, and illegal activities that would come with the increase of organized activities in the park. Some underutilization is a result of imposed restrictions on organized sports use by the Recreation & Senior Services Department. Currently, youth soccer organizations are only permitted to use one of the two soccer fields at a time and must allow 30 minutes between games to mitigate impacts to parking in the existing, smaller lot across Superior Avenue. Teams and coaches are also reluctant to play at Sunset Ridge Park because of accessibility. Youth sports organizations avoid scheduling younger teams at this park, while coaches adjust practice schedules to account for walking from the existing parking lot. Due to its current accessibility challenges, Sunset Ridge Park can also be an undesirable location for spectators, especially those attending with grandparents, small children, strollers, and spectator equipment (e.g. chairs, shade canopies, wagons). With an increase in parking spaces and safer, level access across the bridge, existing restrictions would be removed. On the main field, youth soccer could add up to four additional weekend game times to accommodate eight additional teams (96 players) each week. Permissible use of the second soccer fields would also allow practices for up to four additional teams (48 players) and games for up to 12 teams (144 players) each week. Overall, an additional 656 playable hours would be available at Sunset Ridge Park each year. Improved accessibility from the new parking lot to the field would not only improve the spectators' experience, but would redefine Sunset Ridge Park as a desirable location for youth sports and recreational programs. 24-3 Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09) November 29, 2022 Page 4 PCH/Superior Avenue Intersection Improvements With regard to ensuring this improvement project will accommodate a potential future PCH/Superior Avenue intersection improvement project, staff has been reviewing current and future projected pedestrian/bicycle/vehicle needs through this intersection. Looking at pedestrian and bicycle volumes, the PCH/Superior Avenue intersection is among one of the busiest intersections for such pedestrian and bicycle crossings, particularly the north -south crosswalk crossing the eight lanes on PCH that accommodates the primarily inland flow to and from the beach areas, as well as the east -west crossing related to the use of Sunset Ridge Park. Also, PCH serves as an important east -west bicycle connector route, being part of the California Coastal Bike Route. Further pressure is expected at this intersection as a result of the 19t" Street Bridge over the Santa Ana River being removed from the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways several years ago. With over 48,000 vehicles a day on PCH and 22,000 vehicles a day on Superior Avenue crossing through this intersection today, the Level of Service (LOS) is presently LOS E. Studies show the future LOS of the intersection, with the removal on the 19th Street Bridge, will worsen to LOS F. Additionally, the future traffic projections prepared in 2012 for the 19t" Street Bridge removal study did not account for any further impacts associated with the State of California's recent requirement for significantly more housing. To address this, staff estimates that at least one additional east -west lane will be needed through the intersection, as well as potentially constructing another pedestrian/bicycle bridge across PCH and removing the surface crosswalks that are, and will continue to be, a cause for vehicle delays. Knowing of these present and future intersection deficiencies, this project includes new retaining walls, park improvements and bridge landing areas to accommodate potential future improvements. The completion of this bridge and the park improvements, as well as a future intersection improvement project, will significantly enhance the circulation and safety for both vehicles and pedestrians at this busy intersection. This construction contract was previously advertised in May 2022. The bids were significantly higher than the Engineer's Estimate and staff's expectations. On June 28, 2022, the City Council rejected all bids and directed staff to review and value engineer the design without substantially changing the approved concept, form and aesthetics of the project, and re -advertise the contract in Fall 2022. At 10 a.m. on October 27, 2022, the City Clerk opened and read the bids for this project: BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Low Reyes Construction, Inc. $ 10,518,759.00 2nd Nationwide Contracting Services, Inc. $ 10,774,351.20 3rd Beador Construction Company, Inc. $ 10,999,700.00 4t" Ortiz Enterprises, Inc. $ 11,467,082.20 5t" Dennis Bedell Contracting $ 27,190,180.00 24-4 Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09) November 29, 2022 Page 5 The City received five bids for this project. The fifth lowest bidder, Dennis Bedell Contracting, was non -responsive since it did not submit many of the federal forms as required by the contract documents. The low bidder, Reyes Construction, Inc., and its subcontractor possess California State Contractor's License Classifications A" (General Engineering) and "C-27" (Landscaping), as required by the project specifications. A review of references for Reyes Construction, Inc. shows satisfactory completion of similar contracts for other local agencies and municipalities. The low bid was 5.5 percent above the Engineer's Estimate of $9,970,000. The modest difference between the bid price and the Engineer's Estimate was primarily attributed to higher bid prices for landscape and irrigation improvements. A comparison of the previous bid on May 25, 2022 to the current bid on October 27, 2022 shows that bid prices have remained consistently high over the past five months. The four lowest bidders were the same four lowest bidders from the previous bid. Reyes Construction, Inc. was also the lowest bidder from the previous bid with a total bid amount of $11,008,429. The value engineering exercise yielded a savings of $489,670 in construction costs. Pursuant to the contract specifications, the contractor will have 320 consecutive working days to complete the work. Work is scheduled to start in January 2023. In addition to requesting award of the project construction contract, staff is also needing to process contract amendments with several of the supporting professional service consultants. Staff directed the design consultant, Dokken Engineering, to use the funds from the construction support task to complete the value engineering exercise. Amendment No. Three with Dokken Engineering in the amount of $79,993 is needed to replenish the funds for the construction support task of this project. On November 19, 2019, City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) to satisfy CEQA requirements. As part of the MND, the City's environmental consultant, Chambers Group, Inc., prepared a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). The MMRP requires the City to implement mitigation measures, such as monitoring for biological and cultural resources during construction activities. Staff recommends approving Amendment No. Four with Chambers Group, Inc. in the amount of $220,407 for environmental services during construction as required by the MMRP. FISCAL IMPACT: The original planning budget for this project was set in the Facilities Financing Plan (FFP) in March 2014 and was estimated at $10,450,000. The FFP has a 2.5 percent escalator built in which would bring the 2023 all -in cost estimate to approximately $13,000,000. Through the concept and development phase, the specific scope of work was modified several times (such as the inclusion and later removal of active park components like a dog park) that may have not been fully accounted for within the FFP planning budget. 24-5 Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09) November 29, 2022 Page 6 Based on the current construction bids, the total estimated all -in cost for this project (including an 8% construction contingency) is currently $14,706,756. Construction bids for many Capital Improvement Program projects have increased significantly, especially in the past 12 months, well above the 2.5 percent assumed by the FFP due to supply shortages and interruptions, commodity price escalation (especially oil/energy related items) and unprecedented nationwide inflation rates. With the completion of the design and now a solid review of the proposed cost, staff has identified that approximately $2,943,600 of the total project cost can be associated with the improvements that would be needed to accommodate the PCH/Superior Avenue Intersection Improvement project to improve operation, capacity and safety, as well as reducing vehicle delay. Now having this cost identified, staff is proposing to increase the current $200,000 budget contribution of Circulation and Transportation funds by $2,743,600, to a total of $2,943,600 in Circulation and Transportation funding. Finally, due to the related market and inflation driven cost increases, an additional $544,345 in FFP funding will need to be added to the project budget. Upon approval of the proposed Budget Amendment that adds $2,743,600 in Circulation and Transportation funding and $544,345 in FFP funding to the project budget, sufficient funding is available for the award of this contract. The following funds will be expensed: Account Description Bicycle Corridor Improvement Program (BCIP) Federal Grant Circulation and Transportation FFP: Parks/Community Centers Proposed fund uses are as follows: \/Pnr r)r Reyes Construction, Inc. Reyes Construction, Inc. Dokken Engineering Chambers Group, Inc Various Account Number Amount 13501-980000-15T09 $ 2,349,600.00 14001-980000-15T09 $ 2,943,600.00 56201-980000-15T09 $ 6,373,200.00 Total: $ 11,666,400.00 Purpose Construction Contract Construction Contingency Engineering Services Environmental Services Printing & Incidentals Total: Amount $ 10,518,759.00 $ 842,000.00 $ 79,993.00 $ 220,407.00 $ 5,241.00 $ 11,666,400.00 Due to the high value of this contract, staff believes that an eight percent contingency will be sufficient. Staff recommends establishing $842,000 (approximately 8 percent of total bid) for contingency purposes and unforeseen conditions associated with construction. 24-6 Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Sunset View Park Parking Lot — Award of Contract No. 8020-6 (15T09) November 29, 2022 Page 7 It should also be mentioned that in addition to the estimated increase of $30,000 in revenue related to full recreational programing of Sunset Ridge Park afforded with the completion of this project, there will also be an increase in future parking revenue from the addition of 65 new metered parking spaces. Lastly staff is working on an agreement with an EV Charging Station operator to install, maintain and operate eight EV charging stations within the parking lot. The operator will pay an annual ground lease fee to the City for the ability to operate the car chargers within the parking lot, in addition to the City continuing to collect a parking fee for the charging spaces. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find the requirements for environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") is satisfied by the November 19, 2019 Council adoption of Resolution No. 2019-102, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND2019-002 (SCH# 2019099074) for the SuperiorAvenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot Project (PA2019-014), including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines and City Council Policy K-3. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Location Map Attachment B — Budget Amendment No. 23-038 24-7 ATTACHMENT A Rlk, LID SAN \ 7 / \ NEWPORT CREST SUNSET RIDGE PARK \ ADDITIONAL .o PUBLIC PARKING VILLA BALBOA Fo / �F I C1T� SUNSET VI — PAR ---- PASSIVE RECREATIONAL AREA HOAG � FsrC�gs LOWER HOSPITAL CAMPUS 03 VILLAGE SHOPPING Y \ p CENTER > `� rG JACK" N 1 / O THE BOX % -... i /n SUPERIOR AVENUE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BRIDGE AND PARKING LOT ATTACHMENT A - LOCATION MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C-8020 3/22/2022 24-8I Attachment B Budget Amendment No. 23-038 24-9 � �aOW FORT City of Newport Beach BUDGET AIvIEND�tVfENT Cq�rF00.N�P 2022-23 BA#: 23-038 Department: Public Works ONETIME: [A Yes ❑ No Requestor: Theresa Schweitzer Approvals ❑ CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL ONLY Finance Director: - � Date COUNCIL APPROVAL REQUIRED City Clerk: Date EXPLANATION FOR REQUEST: To appropriate expenditures after awarding a construction contract for the Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge ❑ from existing budget appropriations and Sunset View Park Lot project (15T09). ❑ from additional estimated revenues ❑� from unappropriated fund balance REVENUES Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 562 56299 691513 INTERFUND TRANSFERS - TRANSFER IN FFP FUND 544,345.00 Subtotal $ 544,345.00 EXPENDITURES Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 140 14001 980000 15T09 CIRC & TRANSPORT CIP - CIP EXPENDITURES FOR GL 2,743,600.00 S62 S6201 980000 15T09 PARKS & COMM CTR CIP - CIP EXPENDITURES FOR GL 544,34S.00 513 51399 991562 INTERFUND TRANSFERS - TRANSFER OUT PARKS & COMM Cl 544,345.00 Subtotal $ 3,832,290.00 FUND BALANCE Fund # Object Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 140 300000 CIRCULATION & TRANSPORTATION - FUND BALANCE CONTROL (2,743,600.00) 562 300000 PARKS & COMMUNITY CENTERS - FUND BALANCE CONTROL 513 300000 FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN - FUND BALANCE CONTROL (544,345.00) Subtotal $ (3,287,945.00) 1 Fund Balance Change Required 24-10