HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 - Newport Coast Drive and Balboa Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation - Award of Contract No. 8728-2 (22R14)Q �EwPpRT CITY OF s NEWPORT BEACH `q44:09 City Council Staff Report November 29, 2022 Agenda Item No. 13 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, dawebb@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Andy Tran, Senior Civil Engineer, atran@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3315 TITLE: Newport Coast Drive and Balboa Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation —Award of Contract No. 8728-2 (22R14) ABSTRACT: City of Newport Beach (City) staff received construction bids for the Newport Coast Drive and Balboa Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation project and requests City Council approval to award the construction contract to All American Asphalt. This project will cold mill and overlay the existing pavement on Newport Coast Drive, from East Coast Highway to Ridge Park Road, and on Balboa Boulevard, from Medina Way to G Street. RECOMMENDATION: a) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(c), Class 1 (maintenance of existing public facilities involving negligible or no expansion of use) of the CEQA Guidelines, because this project has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; b) Approve the project plans and specifications; c) Award Contract No. 8728-2 to All American Asphalt for the total bid price of $5,669,268.50, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract; d) Establish a contingency of $566,000 (approximately 10 percent of total bid) to cover the cost of unforeseen work not included in the original contract; e) Approve the Reimbursement Agreement with Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) for the cost of adjusting IRWD utilities on Newport Coast Drive; and f) Approve Budget Amendment No. 23-037 appropriating $195,562 in new revenue and expenditures from IRWD to 13501-980000-22R14 and appropriating $984,303.75 in increased expenditures in Account No. 12201-980000-22R14 from Measure M Fair Share Fund unappropriated fund balance. 13-1 Newport Coast Drive and Balboa Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation — Award of Contract No. 8728-2 (22R14) November 29, 2022 Page 2 DISCUSSION: At 10 a.m. on November 3, 2022, the City Clerk opened and read the following bids for this project: BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Low All American Asphalt $ 5,669,268.50 2nd R.J. Noble Company $ 5,946,200.00 3rd Excel Paving $ 6,118,858.00 4th Hardy & Harper $ 6,207,000.00 The City received four bids for this project. The low bidder, All American Asphalt, possesses a California State Contractor's License Classification "A", as required by the project specifications. A review of references for All American Asphalt shows satisfactory completion of similar contracts for the City and other municipalities. All American Asphalt recently completed the East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road pavement rehabilitation projects for the City. The low bid was 9.0 percent above the Engineer's Estimate of $5,200,000. The disparity between the low bid and Engineer's Estimate is primarily attributable to the recent rise in the cost of asphalt concrete. Recent bids for several of the City's Capital Improvement Projects have been significantly higher than anticipated requiring budget adjustments. The following table illustrates the recent increase in cost of asphalt concrete: Project Name Bid Date Quantity (Ton) Bid Price ($/Ton) East Coast Highway Oct 28, 2021 10,000 $ 86.70 Jamboree Road December 7, 2021 8,900 $ 90.00 Newport Coast Drive November 3, 2022 11,000 $ 120.00 Balboa Boulevard November 3, 2022 2,050 $ 131.00 The bid prices for asphalt concrete shown above were all from the same low bidder; All American Asphalt. The cost of asphalt concrete has increased by more than 40% in the past year. The average cost of asphalt concrete for the previous 10 years ranges from $80 to $90 per ton. This significant price increase (to approximately $120 per ton), as well as increases for many other construction materials tied to rising oil and commodity prices, is leading to higher than expected bid prices. The proposed project includes cold milling and overlaying the existing asphalt concrete street pavement with new rubberized asphalt concrete pavement; reconstructing deteriorated concrete sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and access ramps; adjusting utility boxes to grade; installing new traffic signs; restriping the pavement; and other appurtenant items of work. 13-2 Newport Coast Drive and Balboa Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation — Award of Contract No. 8728-2 (22R14) November 29, 2022 Page 3 IRWD provides water and wastewater services for many of the communities along Newport Coast Drive. IRWD facilities, such as water valve boxes and manhole covers, will need to be temporarily lowered and adjusted to the new street grade as part of the paving operation. Staff requests approval of the attached reimbursement agreement to recover City cost associated with modifying these IRWD facilities. Pursuant to the contract specifications, the contractor will have 80 consecutive working days to complete the work. Construction is scheduled to start in January 2023 on Balboa Boulevard so that this phase of work will be complete before the busy summer season. Construction on Newport Coast Drive will start after Balboa Boulevard is substantially completed. The project plans and specifications will be available for review at the November 29, 2022 City Council meeting or upon request. FISCAL IMPACT: Upon approval of the proposed Budget Amendment, sufficient funding is available from the Capital Improvement Program budget for the award of this contract. The Budget Amendment appropriates $195,562.00 from the IRWD contribution and $984,303.75 from Measure M Fair Share Fund unappropriated fund balance. The following funds will be expensed. Account Description Measure M Fair Share Fund Neighborhood Enhancement Fund SB-1 — RMRA Fund Grade Adjustment Water Valve Grade Adjustment Water Valve Grade Adjustment Sewer Manhole IRWD Reimbursement Contribution Proposed fund uses are as follows: Vendor All American Asphalt All American Asphalt Harrington GE, Inc. Various Account Number Amount 12201-980000-22R14 $ 2,841,303.75 53601-980000-22R14 $ 1,200,000.00 12601-980000-22R14 $ 2,000,000.00 70201-980000-22R09 $ 20,296.00 70201-980000-23R09 $ 6,833.25 71101-980000-22R09 $ 23,005.00 13501-980000-22R14 $ 195,562.00 Total: $ 6,287,000.00 Purpose Amount Construction Contract $ 5,669,268.50 Construction Contingency $ 566,000.00 Materials Testing $ 46,405.00 Printing & Incidentals $ 5,326.50 Total: $ 6,287,000.00 Staff recommends establishing $566,000 (approximately 10 percent of total bid) for contingency purposes and unforeseen conditions associated with construction. 13-3 Newport Coast Drive and Balboa Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation — Award of Contract No. 8728-2 (22R14) November 29, 2022 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(c), Class 1 (maintenance of existing public facilities involving negligible or no expansion of use) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because this project has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. z[9111I:N1►Les The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Newport Coast Drive Location Map Attachment B —Balboa Boulevard Location Map Attachment C — Budget Amendment No. 23-037 Attachment D — IRWD Reimbursement Agreement 13-4 ATTACHMENT A E LIMITS OF WORK NEWPORT COAST DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION LOCATION MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C-8728-2 221R14 11 /29/22 13-5 ATTACHMENT B Q Iu�u "�n1oi 111�- IIIgpIp 11. Ii1 /Ii :1111I/� LIMITS OF WORK BALBOA BOULEVARD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION LOCATION MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C-8728-2 221R14 11 /29/22 13-6 Attachment C Budget Amendment No. 23-037 13-7 City of Newport Beach BUDGET AMENDMENT 2022-23 Department: Public Works Requestor: Theresa Schweitzer ❑ CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL ONLY O COUNCIL APPROVAL REQUIRED ONE TIME: Q Yes ❑ No BA#: 23-037 Approvals Finance Director: - Date \l Citv Clerk: Date EXPLANATION FOR REQUEST: To appropriate new revenues and expenditures to fund the Newport Coast Drive and Balboa Boulevard Pavement ❑ from existing budget appropriations Rehabilitation project (221114). Q from additional estimated revenues ❑� from unappropriated fund balance REVENUES Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 135 13501 431220 221114 CONTRIBUTIONS FUND CIP - IRVINE RANCH WATER DIST 195,562.00 ubotal$ 195,562.00 —Sub- 1-[- EXPENDITURES Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 135 13501 980000 22R14 CONTRIBUTIONS FUND CIP - CIP EXPENDITURES FOR GL 195,562.00 122 12201 980000 221114 MEASURE M CIP - CIP EXPENDITURES FOR GL 984,303.75 Subtotal $ 1 179 865 75 FUND BALANCE Fund # Object Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 122 300000 MEASURE M FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL (984,303.75) 135 300000 CONTRIBUTIONS FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL Subtotal i $ (984,303.75) 1 Fund Balance Change Required 13-8 ATTACHMENT D File No. 11773 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FOR INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITIES TO GRADE FOR THE NEWPORT COAST DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT This REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of this 29th day of November. 2022 ('`Effective Date'). by and bet,.yeen IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT. a California water district formed and existing pursuant to the California Water District Law ("IRWD") and the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. a California municipal corporation and charter City (-City-). RECITALS A. The City intends to construct pavement improvements for a section of Ne\yport Coast Drive. between East Coast High-yay and Ridge Park Road. Contract No. 8728-2 (the ..Project"'). within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Newport Beach. B. The Project will necessitate the following construction work on IRWD facilities as described on Exhibit A (the infrastructure collectively referred to as the "IRWD Facilities;' and all construction work related thereto referred to as the "Work"): ■ Replacement to grade of: • approximately 67 Domestic Water Valve Box and Covers (Bid Item 29) • approximately 65 Recycled Water Valve Box and Covers (Bid Item 30) • approximately 4 Corrosion Protection "Kest Station Box and Covers (Bid Item 34) ■ Adjustment to grade of: • approximately 3 Water Manhole Ring. Frame and Covers (Bid Item 32) • approximately 3 Telemetry Manhole Ring. Frame and Covers (Bid Item 33) • approximately 52 Sewer Manhole Ring. Frame and Covers (Bid Item 36) C. For the purpose of economy and expediency. the parties intend for City to perform the Work subject to IRWD's reimbursement to the City of all costs. D. Upon the completion of the Work. the parties intend that any new IRWD Facilities installed as part of the Work will become the property of IRWD in accordance with the terns of this Agreement. 13-9 NOW. THEREFORE. it is mutually agreed by and between the undersigned parties as follows: 1. IRWD FACILITIES. As part of the Project. City shall initiate and pursue to completion the design and construction ofthe IRWD Facilities and perform all Work in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. PLANS. City shall complete the Work pursuant to project plans and specifications ("Plans and Specifications") approved by IRWD and used in awarding the construction contract. Prior to preparing the Plans and Specifications. Citv shall submit its Design Engineer. or other qualified agent. proposed improvements plans for the IRWD Facilities to IRWD. IRWD will have a period of five (5) calendar days from its receipt of that design proposal to review and either indicate its approval or request changes. City shall cause its Design Engineer or other qualified agent to review and respond to any requested changes. The Plans and Specifications shall be deemed to incorporate the applicable portions of IRWD's latest edition of Constructlon dill all for the Construction of Wafer. Seirer. and Reclainlecl 11 afar Facilities (the "Construction Manual"). City shall let the contract for the performance of the Work (together ,vith non - reimbursable work to be completed by City within the Project) pursuant to plans prepared by City's Design Engineer or other qualified agent. 3. BIDDING AND AWARD. 3.I Construction of the IRWD Facilities shall be included in Citv's public works bidding process to be awarded as part of the overall Project. The IRWD Facilities shall be bid as a separate item or items that can be deleted. During the bidding process. City shall deliver to IRWD one complete set of the bid documents that include the IRWD Facilities. including delivering all related addenda concurrently with their distribution to prospective bidders. Upon opening of bids by City, City shall submit the bids or a spreadsheet summary of the bids to IRWD. 3.2 IRWD shall have a period of ten (10) calendar days from its receipt of the bids or spreadsheet summary to review and approve any bid items for IRWD Facilities submitted by the bidder identified to IRWD by City as Citv's proposed successful bidder. 3.3 Bids received for the construction of any IRWD Facilities shall be subject to the approval of IRWD prior to award of any Project construction contract that includes the IRWD Facilities. 3.4 If IRWD does not approve any of the bids by the successful bidder for the IRWD Facilities. either party may terminate this Agreement upon 24 hours prior written notice. in which event City will have no further obligation to perform the Work. and IRWD may elect to install the IRWD Facilities with its own contractor. 3.5 If IRWD approves the IRWD Facilities bid items of the successful bidder, then City shall cause the IRWD Facilities to be constructed as part of the contract awarded to that bidder. 13-10 3.6 The total cost for the IRWD Facilities and Work is estimated to be One Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Two Dollars and 00/100 Cents ($195.952.00). but the actual amount that IRWD will reimburse the City shall be based on the actual costs. The City Engineer Estimate for the Project. including line items for the Work. is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3.7 Upon award of the construction contract. City shall provide IRWD with one original copy of the fully -executed contract documents and one copy of the bid package relating to the IRWD Facilities received from the successful bidder. 4. DESIGN REVISIONS AND CHANGE ORDE 4.1 IRWD shall reimburse City for any change orders for revisions requested by IRWD or otherwise required for the Work. City shall promptly furnish IRWD with copies of any proposed change orders to the contract within five (5) business days of the initiation of the changed conditions to the contract. which will be subject to IRWD approval, it. and to the extent that. IRWD Facilities are affected. 4.2 IRWD shall promptly review proposed change orders and provide the City with a response within five (5) business days or sooner of receiving any proposed change order information from City. IRWD will not unreasonably cause delay to the construction schedule of the Project in reviewing proposed change orders for the Work. 4.3 Notwithstanding anv other provision herein. any IRWD approval under this Section 4 will be deemed given if the City does not receive a response from IRWD within eight (8) business days following the written request for that approval. unless the parties agree otherwise in a writing executed by both parties. 5. REIMBURSEMENT. 5.1 IRWD shall reimburse City for the following costs for the Work and the IRWD Facilities. (collectively. the "Costs*'): (1) the actual costs of design. materials. construction. permits. bonds. and legal fees (excluding the costs of preparation of this Agreement) incurred by City in connection with the Work: and (2) an administration fee which will be equal to four percent (4%) of the actual cost of construction (costs paid directly to Citv's contractor for construction. only. excluding any cost for design, surveying. geotechnical or other work) of the Work. This amount will be deemed to cover all costs of project administration, including, but not limited to. accounting, inspection, surveying. compaction testing. geotechnical services and engineering. City shall keep a separate accounting of all Costs incurred by City in relation to the Work. 5.2 Within sixty (60) calendar days after IRWD's acceptance of the IRWD Facilities as provided in Section 8. City shall make a final accounting ofthe Costs and submit that accounting to IRWD along with an invoice for the Costs and any supporting documentation necessary to show the amounts which represent Costs. Amounts paid pursuant to progress payment invoices will be subject to adjustment in the final accounting. IRWD shall pay to City the total amount of the Costs within thirty (30) calendar days after IRWD's receipt of the final accounting. 3 13-11 6. LAWS. ORDINANCES. RULES AND REGULATIONS. City shall require in its contract for the Work that its contractor be fully informed of and comply with all laws. ordinances. rules and regulations. including. but not limited to. all applicable requirements of the California Labor Code, prevailing wage laws. the Construction Manual. and the Rules and Regulations of IRWD in performing the Work. 7. INSPECTION. IRWD will have sole and absolute discretion as to all aspects of the Work. and IRWD will be entitled to inspect the Work as it deems necessary to assure compliance with the Plans and Specifications. including shop drawing review and material inspection. IRWD will have access to all phases of the Project to be performed by City for the purpose of those inspections: provided. however. all questions regarding the Work or Project will be directed to City's resident engineer or its designee. IRWD will promptly notify City of any portion of the Work which appears not to conform to the Plans and Specifications. The determination of IRWD as to conformity of the Work with the Plans and Specifications will be made in iRWD's sole and absolute discretion. IRWD shall not unreasonably withhold its approval as to conformity of the Work with the Plans and Specifications. City shall require its contractor to perform the Work so that the IRWD Facilities conform to the Plans and Specifications. City shall assume full responsibility for certify_ ing or obtaining certification of the compaction of backfill material over the IRWD Facilities. 8. ACCEPTANCE. IRWD shall accept the IRWD Facilities. as installed. relocated. or adjusted. when the Work has been completed by City in accordance with all requirements of the Plans and Specifications. including any change orders approved by IRWD as provided in Section 4. At the time of completion and acceptance of the IRWD Facilities. City shall furnish IRWD with one copy of the contractor's redlined set of blueline "record" drawings (showing all revisions. manufacturer and type of valves. pipe and fittings as required by IRWD) and one copy of the compaction reports and certificate. survey notes. and cut sheets. 9. OWNERSHIP. Notwithstanding the fact that City shall accomplish the Work subject to reimbursement. the IRWD Facilities. together with the necessary franchises. licenses. easements. rights -of -way. and other privileges. will at all times be subject to the applicable rates. rules and regulations of IRWD, as modified or amended from time to time. City hereby disclaims anv interest in the IRWD Facilities and hereby transfers and assigns to IRWD any and all right. title, and interest it may have in the IRWD Facilities upon their completion and acceptance. IRWD shall own. operate and maintain the IRWD Facilities following their acceptance. 10. GUARANTEES. Cite shall, pursuant to the requirements of the Plans and Specifications. cause any contractor for the Work to guarantee the IRWD Facilities against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance by City. which acceptance shall be given only after acceptance by IRWD as provided in Section 8. City shall cause the IRWD Facilities to be brought or restored to full compliance with the requirements of the Plans and Specifications. including any test requirements. for any portions of the IRWD Facilities that during the one year period are found not to be in conformance with the provisions of the Plans and Specifications. This guarantee is in addition to any and all other warranties. express or implied. from City's contractors or material manufacturers. with respect to the IRWD Facilities. The guarantee and obligations under this section will in no \vay be relieved by IRWD's inspection and/or acceptance of the IRWD Facilities. This section sets forth the entire guarantee -t 13-12 and warranty of City with respect to the IRWD Facilities. The express or implied warranties of other persons with respect to IRWD Facilities will in no way be limited by the guarantee and warranty of Citv contained in this section. If requested by IRWD. City shall assign to IRWD the contractor's guarantee and/or any other guarantees or warranties relating to the IRWD Facilities. 11. INDEMNIFICATION. 11.1 City shall indemnify. defend and hold IRWD, its officers. agents. employees, and engineers harmless from any expense. liability or claim for death. injury, loss. damage or expense to persons or property which may arise or is claimed to have arisen during performance of the Work as a result of any work or action performed by City or on behalf of City. save and except to the extent such expense. liability or claim is proximately caused in whole or in part by any act. omission. or negligence of IRWD. its officers. agents, employees or engineers or by any act or omission for which IRWD. its officers, agents, employees or engineers are liable without fault. 11.2 IRWD shall indemnity. defend and hold City, its officers. agents, and employees. harmless from any expense. liability or claim for death. injury, loss, damage or expense to persons or property which may arise or is claimed to have arisen either (i) as a result of any acts performed by IRWD, its officers. agents. or employees, with respect to the IRWD Facilities or Work. or (ii) following IRWD acceptance of the IRWD Facilities, with respect to maintenance and operation of the IRWD Facilities. save and except to the extent such expense, liability or claim is proximately caused in whole or in part by any negligence of City. its officers. agents. employees or engineers. or by any act or omission for which City. its officers. agents. employees or engineers are liable without fault. 11.3) Except for the payment of money. neither Party will be liable for any delays or other non-performance resulting from circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control. including without limitation, fire or other casualty. Act ofGod. strike or labor dispute. war or other violence. acts of third parties, or any lacy, order. or requirement of any governmental agency or authority other than the Parties 12. INSURANCE AND BONDING. Citv shall cause its contractors to provide performance and payment bonds for the construction of the Project including the Work and to obtain insurance coverage sufficiently broad to insure the matters set forth in this Agreement and to include IRWD, its officers. agents. employees and engineers, as additional insureds on all insurance policies that City requires its contractors to provide. As evidence of such insurance coverage. City shall. prior to commencement of performance of the Work, provide IRWD with certificates ofinsurance and insurance endorsements from City's contractor(s) in a form acceptable to IRWD. 13. TERMINATION. 13.1 IRWD may terminate this Agreement at any time. subject to the provisions of this section, by providing five (5) business days' prior written notice to City. except as noted in Section 3 with respect to unapproved bids. It. at the request or direction of party other than City, 13-13 the performance of the Work is not accomplished or completed. IRWD shall remain obligated for the actual amount of the Costs incurred by City to the date of termination. 13.2 If the Project is canceled or modified so as to eliminate the necessity of the construction of the IRWD Facilities. City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and thereby terminate its obligation to perform the Work. by providing five (5) business days prior written notice to IRWD. In such case. IRWD will not be obligated for any design or any other Costs incurred by City. If IRWD elects to perform the Work. IRWD may. but shall not be obligated to. acquire the design or other work from City by separate agreement. 14. NOTICE. Anv notice or other written instrument required or permitted by this Agreement to be given to either party shall be deemed received when personally served or 24 hours after being deposited in the U.S. Mail. postage prepaid. registered or certified and addressed as follows: DISTRICT: Irvine Ranch Water District 15600 Sand Canyon Avenue P.O. Box 57000 Irvine. CA 92619-7000 Attn: General Manager CITY: City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach. CA 92660 Attn: Public Works Department 15. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: INTEGRATION: AMENDMENT. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successor and assigns of City and IRWD. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between City and IRWD and supersedes all prior understandings and agreements between the parties with respect to the subjects hereof. This Agreement may be modified only in writing signed by both parties hereto. 16. LEGAL FEES. In the event of any declaratory or other legal or equitable action instituted between City and IRWD in connection with this Agreement. the prevailing party shall not be entitled to recover from the losing party all of its costs and expenses. including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 17. DEEMED APPROVAL. Any approval required to be given by either party pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed given if no response to the party .s request for such approval is received by the requesting party within ten (10) calendar days followino the written request for such approval. 18. SEVERABiLITY. Ifany tern. provision. covenant or condition ofthis Agreement is held to be invalid. void or other unenforceable. to any extent. by any court of competent jurisdiction. the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected thereby. and each term provision. covenant or condition of this Agreement will be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 6 13-14 19. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 20. WAIVER. The waiver of any provision of this Agreement by either party will not be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision or of any preceding or subsequent breach. [SIGNATURES ON THE NEXT PAGE] 13-15 The parties are signing this Reimbursement Agreement to be effective as of the Effective Date. IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH a California municipal corporation Paul Cook, General Manager ATTEST: Secretary/Assistant Secretary By Legal Counsel, IRWD By Kevin Muldoon Mayor ATTEST: By Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO ORM: By r ron C. Harp ti►I►c.I.-,x1)& itv Attornev 13-16 EXHIBIT A CITY ENGINEER ESTIMATE — IRWD FACILITIES ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT 29 Remove and Replace IRWD Domestic Water 67 EA Valve Box and Cover to Grade $903.00 $60,501.00 30 Remove and Replace IRWD Recycled Water 65 EA Valve Box and Cover to Grade $903.00 $58,695.00 32 Adjust IRWD Water Manhole Ring, Frame and 3 EA Cover to Grade $1,238.00 $3,714.00 33 Adjust IRWD Telemetry Pull Box and Cover to 3 EA Grade $1,238.00 $3,714.00 34 Remove and Replace IRWD CP Test Station 4 EA Box and Cover to Grade $1,238.00 $4,952.00 36 Adjust IRWD Sewer Manhole Ring, Frame and 52 EA Cover to Grade $1,238.00 $64,376.00 Total $195,952.00 13-17