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X2021-2372 - Alternative Material & Methods
CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH IP,0M" y �b ��� Ear COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ��1 7 2zZ BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Qlr www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 d? 1" _ t Ao""r BEPG\-► DOCUMENTATION OF UNREASONABLE HARDSHIP — $W.00 FINDING OF UNREASONABLE HARDSHIP FOR PROJECTS UNDER $186,172* CBC 11B-202.4 - EXCEPTION: 8 (FILL OUT PAGES 1 & 2) ❑ FINDING OF UNREASONABLE HARDSHIP FOR PROJECTS OVER $186,172* CBC 11B-202.4 - EXCEPTION: 8 (FILL OUT PAGES 1 & 2) MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH RATIFICATION APPLICATION ** ❑ FINDING OF TECHNICAL INFEASIBILITY FOR PROJECTS PER CBC 11B-202.3 - EXCEPTION: 2 (FILL OUT PAGES1, 2 & 3) A. JOB ADDRESS: 2233 W. Balboa Blvd. SUITE NO. 105 B. PROPERTYOWNER: Chin Yao Peng (Tenant) Address: 2233 W. Balboa Blvd. Unit 105 City Newport Beach State: CA Zip: 92663 Phone No. (626)922-3833 C. APPLICANT: OS Design Consulting Position/Relationship: Project Consultant y Address: 88 W Live Oak Ave. Unit B City Arcadia State: CA Zip 91007 Phone No.: (213)399-8733 Email: permit-app@osdesignconsulting.com CASE NOo: H 2O22- 0 PROJECT INFORMATION: P/C. #: 20 5`l--Zo?-f Permit #: k 2®7-l. -1-112 Use: r2emw4- Stories: i Verified by: 65 Receipt #: 53Yj _ _P�, _ DISTRIBUTION: ❑ Owner ❑ Petitioner ❑ P/C Eng ❑ Inspector ❑ Other An unreasonable hardship exists where the cost of providing an accessible entrance, path of travel, sanitary facilities, public phones, drinking fountains, etc. exceeds 20% of the cost of project without these features. The actual work of the project must comply with current code and an additional amount equal to at least 20% of the cost of the project must be spent to improve required accessibility features that are not in compliance with current code. In choosing which accessible elements to provide, priority should be given to those elements that will provide the greatest access, in the following order: 1) An accessible primary entrance; 2) An accessible route to the altered area; 3) At least one accessible restroom for each sex; 4) Accessible public telephones (when provided); 5) Accessible drinking fountains (when provided); 6) When possible, additional accessible elements such as additional parking, storage and alarms. To request an unreasonable hardship, complete the attached worksheet, and prepare a site and floor plan of the existing and proposed accessibility improvements. This information must be submitted to the Building Division in duplicate, prior to processing a permit application. One copy of the approval or denial will be returned to the applicant. For projects exceeding the valuation threshold of $186,172, a hardship approval can only be obtained through a ratification application and hardship application. * The $186,172 is based on $50,000 in 1981 dollars as of January 1, 2022. ** Ratification form can be obtained at: https://www.newportbeachca.govlratificationform Forms\Hardship 06/08/2022 Address: 2233 W. Balboa Blvd P/C #: 20544-2021 1. Total Cost of Construction contemplated (not including disabled access work) $ 45,000.00 Identify the accessibility features, which will NOT be brought into compliance if the request is granted. Provide an estimate of the cost of compliance for each item. ❑ Path of travel to entrance (ramps, walks) ............................................ $ ❑ Path of travel to altered area(s)............................................................... $ ❑ Sanitary facilities restrooms ...................... $ ® Parking.................................................................................................... $ 4,485.00 ❑ Drinking fountain(s)................................................................................ $ ❑ Accessible phone(s)............................................................................... $ ❑ Accessible signage................................................................................. $ ❑ Other....................................................................................................... $ Total cost of providing compliance:..... $ Identify the accessibility features and equivalent facilities, which will be provided or brought into compliance as required by Code. Provide an estimate of the cost of each item. a. Enlarge the existing restroom to improve the accessibility $ 4,890 b. Install accessible sink and water closet $ 2,429 c. Install new grab bars $ 705.88 d. Install new accessible front entry - Double Door $ 2,267 e. Accessible sign with installation $ 100 f. Remove the existing non -compliant detectable warning, and repair the existing $ 7,225 parking surface. 4A ( cxdcl CtCger_rbL_ le, V, lv� ch (�leS1i��,, Total: $ 17,616.88 U-.' At /< 2. Technically infeasibility — if applicable complete Page 3 of this application 3. Fill out this section if the path of travel from the disabled parking spaces to the tenant space is not accessible. List projects (tenant improvements, additions, remodels, etc.) performed within previous three years where no disabled access improvement was performed in conjunction with the project. State description, date, and cost. Non -compliant (E) accessible parking _space which the length is less than the required 18' min. Non -compliant (E) Detectable warning to zero curb (required on accessible path of travel adjacent to hazardous area). _R_ eference project; PC 0841-2020, Tl "Luna Salon" 1,048 sf), the date of the Completion of_the work (12/15/2020), and the cost of the work ($ 37,204). The applicant understands that although the City may approve this request of unreasonable hardship and the proposed equivalent access, the City reserves the right to require additional access compliance upon receiving a complaint of inadequate access at this location. 4. Frank Lin 5. 08.29.2022 (Applicants Name or Authorized Representa ' e) (Date) 11 /29/2022 (Date) FOR -CITY USE -ONLY pproved ❑ Denied Z p Z Z (Chief BW ding Official) (Date) FormsWardship 06/08/2022 Address: 2233 W. Balboa Blvd P/C #: 2054-2021 TECHNICALLY INFEASIBLE. An alteration of a building or a facility that has little likelihood of being accomplished because the existing structural conditions require the removal or alteration of a load -bearing member that is an essential part of the structural frame, or because other existing physical or site constraints prohibit modification or addition of elements, spaces or features which are in full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements for new construction and which are necessary to provide accessibility. Describe why the nature of accessibility is technically infeasible: Describe how equivalent facilitation will be provided: Forms\Hardship 06/08/2022 z�-d iiOLSB•90 �� M20Z :Neor z N O v mW Zm a w D 0 O 1 a A > 0 0 0 N m D = W m no m D= z ro N T W M. 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