HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0266_20221215_CDD Action Letter COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ACTION LETTER Subject: Palmilla Restaurant Remodel (PA2022-0266) ▪ Staff Approval for Substantial Conformance Site Location: 3110 Newport Boulevard Applicant: Maria Hallimore, Robinson Hill Architects Legal Description: Lots 3-8 in Block 431 of Lancaster’s Addition On December 15, 2022, the Community Development Director approved Staff Approval (PA2022-0266) to allow interior and exterior design changes to an existing restaurant building and found said changes to be minor and in substantial conformance with Use Permit No. 2004-049 (as amended) and Modification Permit No. 2007-092. LAND USE AND ZONING • General Plan Land Use Plan Category: Visitor Serving Commercial (CV) • Zoning District: Commercial Visitor-Serving (CV) • Coastal Land Use Plan Category: Visitor Serving Commercial – (0.0 – 0.75 FAR) (CV-A) • Coastal Zoning District: Commercial Visitor-Serving (CV) I. BACKGROUND The subject property has been developed with a restaurant since 1970. The following is a brief chronology of all discretionary approvals: • In 1978, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit No. 1853 to allow the remodel of the original building and to authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption. In 1979, the Planning Commission approved an amendment to Use Permit No. 1853 to allow live entertainment. • On March 3, 2005, the Planning Commission approved a new use permit (UP2004- 049) to allow an addition and alterations to the existing structure. Alterations included the installation of a retractable roof over a portion of the main dining area and bar, and substantial changes to the interior of the building. A front outdoor dining patio was also added along Newport Boulevard, and an office addition was approved on the second floor. UP2004-049 included the waiver of various restaurant development standards, including a reduction of one off-street parking space. The project was approved with 27 parking spaces on-site. Palmilla Restaurant Remodel (PA2022-0266) December 15, 2022 Page 2 Tmplt: 07/25/19 •On April 17, 2008, the Planning Commission approved an amendment to Use Permit No. UP2004-049 (UP2004-049A) and Modification Permit No. MD2007-092 to permit the addition of 243 square feet of storage area on the first floor and the enclosure of an existing 135-square-foot patio on the second floor for office use that encroached 4 feet into the required 10-foot alley setback. Applicable conditions of approval from the original use permit (UP2004-049) were carried over to the new resolution, which is the latest entitlement granted to the property (see Attachment No. CD 2). The prior restaurant operator vacated the space, and the building has been vacant for several years. In 2021, the applicant submitted plans to remodel the existing restaurant to accommodate their new business, “Palmilla”. As described below, the proposed renovation of the building represents a significant investment into a currently underutilized property. II.PROPOSED CHANGES The proposed project is the remodel of the existing restaurant structure and an addition of 372 square feet, which was previously authorized by UP2004-049A. No changes are proposed to the interior or exterior net public area of the restaurant (see Attachment CD 3). The project also includes restriping the parking lot and installing new landscaping. The applicant requests to widen the walkway that connects the public sidewalk to the restaurant building entry. This would serve to improve pedestrian accessibility and to allow for patrons to safely gather outside of the restaurant entry without impeding on vehicular circulation and parking. Under current conditions, the waiting area is very limited and can spill over into the adjacent parking spaces. Because of the design of the wider walkway, the main project driveway along Newport Boulevard no longer meets the City’s Public Works Department’s standards for width and it would need to be relocated. Shifting the drive aisle away from the building results in the loss of one parking stall (see Attachment No. CD 3). Condition of Approval No. 44 of UP2004-049A requires 27 parking spaces on-site to serve the business. Therefore, as an equivalent measure, the applicant proposes to construct a new bike rack under the outdoor stairs that can accommodate up to five bicycles to replace the single displaced parking space. The proposed net public area of 1,349 square feet complies with the existing net public area authorized under UP2004-049A and there would be no increase in parking demand because of the project. III.FINDINGS Per Section 20.54.070 (Changes to an Approved Project) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the Director may authorize minor changes to an approved site plan, architecture, or the nature of the approved use, without a public hearing, where the Director first finds that the changes: Palmilla Restaurant Remodel (PA2022-0266) December 15, 2022 Page 3 Tmplt: 07/25/19 Finding: A.Are consistent with all applicable provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The project is located within the CV (Commercial Visitor Serving) Zoning District, which allows eating and drinking establishments with the approval of a use permit. The prior restaurants at the site operated under UP2004-049 and UP1853 and so too will the proposed restaurant. 2.Remodeling of the existing structure would not introduce any nonconformities to the site that were not specifically authorized through UP2004-049 and MD2007- 092. The proposed addition and remodel would not exceed floor area or height limits. The areas of addition are in the back-of-house section of the restaurant and would not result in an increase in net public area that would increase the demand for parking at the property. 3.Adequate parking is provided on-site to serve the restaurant. UP2004-049 requires parking at a rate of one space per 50 square feet of net public area, or 27 parking spaces. The proposed project would provide the equivalent of 27 parking spaces through the provision of automobile parking spaces and bike parking spaces. 4.No new encroachments into the rear alley setback are proposed as part of this project and the enclosure of the upstairs office area would comply with allowed encroachments authorized under MD2007-092. Finding: B.Do not involve a feature of the project that was a basis for or subject of findings or exemptions in a negative declaration or Environmental Impact Report for the project. Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The proposed changes and addition to the existing restaurant will not compromise the original Class 1 (Existing Facilities) exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines since the request involves minor alterations to an existing commercial building. Finding: C.Do not involve a feature of the project that was specifically addressed or was the subject of a condition(s) of approval for the project or that was a specific consideration by the applicable review authority in the project approval. Palmilla Restaurant Remodel (PA2022-0266) December 15, 2022 Page 4 Tmplt: 07/25/19 Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The proposed changes do not involve a feature that was specifically addressed in the public hearing or staff report prepared for UP2004-049A. 2.Condition of Approval No. 44 of UP2004-049A requires 27 parking spaces on-site to serve the business. Due to the relocation of the existing two-way driveway to meet minimum dimensions, the parking space adjacent to the existing driveway was removed. There are no feasible locations on the site to replace the automobile parking space. As an equivalent measure, the applicant proposes to construct a new bike rack under the exterior stairs that can accommodate up to five bicycles. The proposed net public area of 1,349 square feet complies with the existing net public area authorized under UP2004-049A and there would be no increase in parking demand because of the project. Further, the project is in an area of the City with significant bike and pedestrian activity. Therefore, the Director has determined in this case that the bike parking area is equivalent to one automobile stall and the project is in substantial conformance with Condition of Approval No. 44. 3.Condition of Approval No. 2 has been included in this action letter to require that five bike parking spaces are maintained on site to serve patrons of the business. 4.Building permits are required for any construction at the project site and plans must comply with disabled access requirements. 5.The proposed project would not result in an addition greater than 378 square feet as authorized by UP2004-049 and MD2007-092. 6.The project does not include any operational changes that would conflict with the existing use permit conditions of approval, such as hours of operation or the Type of Alcoholic Beverage Control License. Finding: D.Do not result in an expansion or change in operational characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The project results in the same floor area ratio and gross floor area authorized under UP2004-049. 2.The applicant proposes modifications and a minor increase in height to the façade of the building, however, the improvements would not exceed the maximum height limit of 26-feet for flat roofs in the CV Zoning District. Additionally, the improvements would not result in an increase in height of more than 10 percent and is exempt from coastal development permit requirements. Palmilla Restaurant Remodel (PA2022-0266) December 15, 2022 Page 5 Tmplt: 07/25/19 3.No operational changes are proposed, and the project would comply with all conditions of approval for UP2004-049. Pursuant to Condition of Approval No. 9, the operator submitted a statement to staff that they understand and will comply with all conditions of approval for UP2004-049. 4.Circulation on the site will be similar to existing conditions with enhanced pedestrian access from Newport Boulevard. IV.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL All previous findings and conditions of approval of Use Permit No. UP2004-049 shall remain in full force and effect as stated in Attachment No. CD 2. The following conditions that are specific to this determination: 1.All applicable conditions of approval for use Permit No. UP2004-049 shall remain in effect. 2.The applicant shall maintain at least one bike rack that accommodates at least five bikes on site. The bike rack shall be maintained in good condition and remain available for use by patrons during all business hours. 3.The development shall be in substantial conformance with the conceptual site plan, floor plans, and building elevations attached to this Determination (CD 3). 4.This approval does not relieve the applicant of compliance with other City or State requirements. A building permit shall be required for any improvements. 5.To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of the Palmilla Restaurant Remodel including, but not limited to, the PA2022-0266. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Palmilla Restaurant Remodel (PA2022-0266) December 15, 2022 Page 6 Tmplt: 07/25/19 APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development or City Clerk, as applicable, within fourteen (14) days following the date the action or decision was rendered. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949 644-3200. Prepared by: _____________________________ Liz Westmoreland, Senior Planner Approved by: BMZ/law Attachments: CD 1 Vicinity Map CD 2 Resolution No. 1754 CD 3 Plans Attachment No. CD 1 Vicinity Map Tmplt: 07/25/19 VICINITY MAP Staff Approval (PA2022-0266) Palmilla Restaurant Remodel 3110 Newport Boulevard Subject Property Attachment No. CD 2 Resolution No. 1754 RESOLUTION NO. 1754 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO USE PERMIT NO. 2004 -049 AND APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. 2007- 092 FOR AN EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT LOCATED AT 3110 NEWPORT BOULEVARD (PA2007 -255) WHEREAS, an application was filed by Rudy's Pub & Grill (Eric D. Aust, applicant) with respect to property located at 3110 Newport Boulevard, and legally described as Lot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 431, Lancaster's addition to Newport Beach, as per Map Recorded in Book 5, page 14 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the Orange County Recorder, requesting approval of an amendment to Use Permit No. 2004 -049 to permit the addition of 243 square feet of storage area on the first floor and to enclose an existing 135 - square -foot patio on the second floor for office use, and approval of a modification permit to allow the enclosure of a second floor patio that encroaches 4 feet into the required 10 -foot alley setback; and WHEREAS, on April 17, 2008, the Planning Commission held a noticed hearing in the City Hall Council Chambers, at 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California at which time the project application was considered. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with law and testimony was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at the hearing; and WHEREAS, an amendment to Use Permit UP 2004 -049 for the proposed changes to the existing eating and drinking establishment has been prepared in accordance with Section 20.91.035 of the Municipal Code based on the following findings and facts in support of such findings: 1. Finding: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the objectives of this code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. Facts in Support of Finding: The project is located within the Cannery Village /McFadden Square Specific Plan District (SP-6) with a land use designation of Specialty Retail (SR). The Cannery Village area is intended to serve as an active pedestrian- oriented specialty retail area with a wide range of visitor - serving, neighborhood commercial, and marine - related uses. Eating and drinking establishments are a permitted use in the Specialty Retail land use designation subject to the approval of a use permit. The use of the site will remain consistent with the SP -6 /SR designation. 2. Finding: That the proposed location of the use permit and the proposed conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will be consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of the district in which the site is located; will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of such use; and will not be detrimental to the properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the City. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 2 of 12 Facts in Support of Finding: The existing restaurant is consistent with the Visitor Serving Commercial land use designation of the General Plan, and with the SP- 6/SR designation. The conditions under which the existing establishment shall continue to be operated and maintained are consistent with the land use designations, and comply with the applicable zoning regulations of the SP -6 District. The proposed increase of 378 square feet of gross floor area to the existing eating and drinking establishment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of the use; and will not be detrimental to properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general welfare of the city for the following reasons: The project site is located in a commercially designated area and surrounded by visitor - serving, retail and commercial uses, with some mixed residential /commercial uses to the east of the site. Restaurant uses, with appropriate conditions, are compatible with the surrounding uses. The project site has been maintained for restaurant uses since 1970 and has not proven to be a public nuisance or detriment to the neighborhood or community. The additional square footage on the first floor will provide for more storage space and a new trash enclosure, which will alleviate storage overflow and will aesthetically improve the undeveloped side yard area. Existing conditions of approval will be carried forward from Use Permit No. 2004 -049 with this amendment that address public safety, noise regulations, water quality, and property maintenance. 3. Finding: That the proposed use will comply with the provisions of this code, including any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed increase of 378 square feet of gross floor area to the existing eating and drinking establishment would comply with the land use and development regulations of the SP -6 /SR District, and would substantially comply with the restaurant design and development standards for a full - service, high turnover eating and drinking establishment. The reduction of one surplus parking space was granted by Use Permit No. 2004 -049 due to the availability of metered parking adjacent to City Hall, metered parking in the municipal parking lot located at Villa Way and 30th Street, and street parking in the area, and the fact that patrons in the area tend to walk or ride bicycles to the establishment. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. _ Paae 3 of 12 WHEREAS, Modification Permit No. 2007 -092 to allow the enclosure of an existing 135 - square -foot patio located on the second floor that encroaches 4 -feet into the required 10 -foot alley setback has been prepared in accordance with Section 20.93.030 of the Municipal Code based on the following findings and facts in support of such findings: 1. Finding: The granting of the application is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: A modification permit was originally granted in 1970 to allow relief of a 10 -foot wide street dedication for Newport Boulevard. On March 3, 2005, the Planning Commission approved Modification Permit No. 2004 -089 to allow the existing second floor office space and patio areas to encroach 4 feet into the required 10 -foot alley setback. The granting of this Modification Permit is a minor revision to the previously approved modifications to allow encroachments into the required 10 -foot alley setback. In this case, the practical difficulty associated with the site is the 10 -foot wide street dedication, the size of the lot, and the location of the existing building, which currently encroaches 4 feet into the 10 -foot alley setback on both the first and second floors. The existing patio is covered by a solid roof and supported by solid walls and columns. Strict application of the required 10 -foot setback would not be practical. Consistent with Sections 20.62.040 and 20.62.050 (Nonconforming Structures and Nonconforming Parking) of the Zoning Code, the proposed expansion to allow floor area to be added to an existing legal nonconforming structure is within the limits permitted by right. 2. Finding: The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: Many of the existing properties in the neighborhood encroach to some degree into alley setbacks, including the buildings in the subject block. The enclosure of the second floor patio will not alter the footprint of the existing building. Two -story structures directly adjacent to an alley are similar to and compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Finding: The granting of such an application will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property and will not be detrimental to the general welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Paqe 4 of 12 Facts in Support of Finding: The enclosure of the second floor patio will not result in any additional encroachment into the required 10 -foot alley setback or change the footprint of the existing structure. The existing second floor area has been in its present configuration since 2005 and has not proven to be detriment to the neighborhood. WHEREAS, the project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act, because the proposed 378 - square -foot addition of gross floor area is minor in nature. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves an amendment to Use Permit No. 2004 -049, and approves Modification Permit No. 2007 -092, subject to Conditions of Approvals in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part hereof. Section 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 17TH DAY OF APRIL 2008. Ag! y 4illg—ren, —Secretary AYES: Eaton, Peotter, Cole, Hawkins, McDaniel, Toerge and Hillgren NOES: None City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Paae 5 of 12 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AMENDMENT TO USE PERMIT NO. 2004 -049 MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. 2007 -092 Project - specific conditions noted in italics) Planning Department The following conditions herein replace and supersede the previous conditions of approval dated March 3, 2005, upon implementation of this amendment to Use Permit No. 2004 -049, and approval of Modification Permit No. 2007 -092. 2. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the site plan, floor plan and elevations dated February 4, 2008. 3. Use Permit No. 2007 -030 and Modification Permit No. 2007 -092 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specked in Section 20.91.050 and Section 20.93.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 4. This Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the City Council or Planning Commission should they determine that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 5. This approval was based on the particulars of the individual case and does not in and of itself or in combination with other approvals in the vicinity or Citywide constitute a precedent for future approvals or decisions. 6. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building and Fire Departments. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City - adopted version of the California Building Code. 7. Any change in operational characteristics, hours of operation, expansion in area, or modification to the floor plan, may require an amendment to this Use Permit or the processing of a new use permit. 8. The applicant shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 6 of 12 9. Should this business be sold or otherwise come under different ownership or control, any future owners, operators or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current owner /operator. Future owners, operators or assignees shall submit, within 30 days of transfer or sale of the business or alcohol license, a letter to the Planning Department acknowledging their receipt and acceptance of the limitations, restrictions and conditions of approval of this Use Permit. 10. The second floor office space shall only be used for commercial activities associated with and in support of the eating and drinking establishment. The office area shall not be leased or rented as a separate use. 11. The remaining open patio area on the second floor of the building shall not be enclosed and shall remain as shown on the plans dated February 4, 2008. 12. The second floor patio and office areas are for use by restaurant employees and owners only. Establishment patrons are restricted from accessing or otherwise using these areas. 13. The exterior surface of the easterly wall of the building, located adjacent to the alley, shall be painted or resurfaced in a color or material that will compliment the existing fagade of the building, and the 243 - square -foot addition to the north side of the building shall be finished in a color or material that compliments the fagade of the building. The applicant shall submit a color and material board for review and approval by the Planning Director prior to issuance of the building permit(s). 14. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 15. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a gate,) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick -up by refuse collection agencies. The trash dumpsters shall have a top, which shall remain closed at all times, except when being loaded or while being collected by the refuse collection agency. 16. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self - contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Department. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Paae 7 of 12 17. A new trash enclosure shall be constructed as depicted on the plans dated February 4, 2008, and the design shall be approved by the Planning Department. The trash enclosure shall be enclosed by three walls, a self closing, self latching gate and have a decorative, solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. The design of the enclosure shall be integrated with the design of the other on -site buildings and structures. 18. All proposed signs shall be in conformance with the provision of Chapter 20.67 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 19. Lighting of the parking lot shall be in conformance with Section 20.82.040.A.7 of the Municipal Code. Exterior on -site lighting shall be shielded and confined within site boundaries. No direct rays or glare are permitted to shine onto public streets or adjacent sites or create a public nuisance. "Walpak" type fixtures are not permitted. All exterior lighting fixtures shall have zero cut -off fixtures. 20. The site shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, if in the opinion of the Planning Director, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Planning Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 21. The authorized use of the building is an eating and drinking establishment as defined by Title 20, and full meal service shall be provided during all hours of operation. The use shall not be operated as a `bar" without full meal service or a nightclub as these uses are not authorized. 22. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food and retail sales during the same period. The licensee shall maintain records that reflect separately the gross sale of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. Said records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to the Planning Department on demand. 23. No dancing is permitted at any time. 24. Live entertainment is permitted upon receipt of a Live Entertainment Permit issued by the City Manager. 25. Live entertainment is limited to the interior of the building and shall cease to occur at 10:00 p.m. 26. Hours of operation for the establishment are 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. daily. The 310 -square-foot outdoor dining patio located near Newport Boulevard shall be closed at 1:00 a.m. daily. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. _ Paae 8 of 12 27. The retractable roof, retractable wall, doors and windows shall be closed and remain closed after 10:00 p.m. daily. Ingress and egress of patrons or employees through doors shall be allowed as necessary. 28. Should noise emanating from the establishment create an unacceptable negative impact on the surrounding area, the Planning Director may further restrict the hours when the retractable roof, retractable wall, doors or windows are permitted to be open. This provision includes the option of requiring these features to remain closed at all times except for the ingress and egress of patrons and employees. The Planning Director may also restrict the hours of operation of the exterior patio should noise generated from use of the patio create an unacceptable negative impact on the surrounding area. 29. No audible paging system shall be utilized in conjunction with this establishment. 30. No recorded music or other type of sound amplification shall be allowed within the outdoor patio area. 31. The operator of the facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. The noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 32. A Special Event Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of the approved use, as conditioned, or that would attract large crowds, involve the sale of alcoholic beverages, include any form of on -site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 33. Any event or activity staged by an outside promoter or entity, where the applicant, operator, owner or his employees or representatives share in any profits, or pay any percentage or commission to a promoter or any other person based upon money collected as a door charge, cover charge or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink orders or sale of drinks is prohibited. 34. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view of adjacent properties and adjacent public streets within the limits authorized by this permit, and shall be sound attenuated in accordance with Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, Community Noise Control. 35. All owners, managers and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages. The certified program must meet the standards of the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service or other certifying /licensing body, which the State may designate. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 180 days of City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Paoe 9 of 12 the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Records of each owner's, manager's and employee's successful completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. 36. The type of alcoholic beverage license issued by the California Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control for the approved use shall be a Type 47 for full alcohol service for on -site consumption only, and only in conjunction with the service of food as the principal use of the facility. The consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be limited to the interior of the restaurant and the outdoor dining areas only. Any upgrade in the alcoholic beverage license shall be subject to the approval of an amendment to this application and may require the approval of the Planning Commission. 37. The alcoholic beverage outlet operator shall take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks and areas surrounding the alcoholic beverage outlet and adjacent properties during business hours, if directly related to the patrons of the subject alcoholic beverage outlet. 38. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under control of the ABC license. 39. No "happy hour" type of reduced price alcoholic beverage promotion is permitted except when served in conjunction with food ordered from the full service menu. 40. There shall be no exterior advertising or signs of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs that are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 41. The outdoor dining/patio areas shall be maintained as approved pursuant to plan check number 0761 -2005. Any change to the outdoor dining /patio areas shall require the prior approval of the Public Works, Building, and Planning Departments. The material and color of any awning or umbrella located on the outdoor dining /patio areas shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department No form of advertisement shall be placed on an awning, umbrella or elsewhere in the outdoor patio dining areas. The outdoor patio dining areas, including any awning or umbrella, shall be maintained in a clean orderly condition at all times. 42. All landscape materials and landscaped areas shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan, pursuant to plan check number 0761 -2005. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 10 of 12 shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 43. Prior to the issuance of building permits, Fair Share Traffic Fees shall be paid in accordance with Chapter 15.38 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 44. A total of 27 parking spaces shall be maintained and available for parking at all times. The location, and dimensions of the parking spaces shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan dated February 4, 2008. 45. The covered parking stall adjacent to the alley as shown on the floor plan shall be designated and signed as employee parking only. This parking space shall not be further enclosed in any fashion or made unavailable fur parking purposes. 46. Delivery vehicles shall not park on any public right of way while making deliveries to the site. 47. Outdoor storage of any kind is prohibited. 48. All utility connections shall be placed underground. 49. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, unless otherwise approved by the Building and Public Works Department, the applicant shall prepare a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying the Best Management Practices (BMP's) that will be used on site to control predictable pollutant runoff. The plan shall identify the types of structural and non - structural measures to be used The plan shall comply with the Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP). Particular attention should be addressed to the appendix section "Best Management Practices for New Development." The WQMP shall clearly show the locations of structural BMP's, and assignment of long term maintenance responsibilities (which shall also be included in the Maintenance Agreement). The plan shall be prepared to the format shown in Attachment C" of the DAMP title "Water Quality Management Plan Outline" and be subject to the approval of the Building and Public Works Departments. Building Department 50. All exits shall remain free of obstructions and available for ingress and egress at all times. 51. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building and Fire Departments. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City - adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Approval from the Orange County Health Department is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 11 of 12 52. The project will comply with the provisions of Chapter 14.30 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code for commercial kitchen grease disposal. 53. A grease interceptor of adequate size and design shall be provided pursuant to the requirements of the Building Code and Building Department. 54. A covered wash -out area for refuse containers and kitchen equipment, with minimum useable area dimensions of 36- inches wide, 36- inches deep and 72- inches high, shall be provided and maintained at all times, and the area shall drain directly into the sewer system, unless otherwise approved by the Building Director and Public Works Director in conjunction with the approval of an alternate drainage plan. Washing of refuse containers or restaurant equipment shall be prohibited in the parking lot and public alley. 55. Strict adherence to maximum occupancy limits is required. 56. The location of maximum occupancy postings in sections of the building/patios shall be maintained as approved by the Newport Beach Building Department to ensure the location is readily visible to employees, patrons and public safety personnel. 57. The proposed use of the site shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws regulating accessibility requirements for handicapped persons, including handicapped parking spaces, to the satisfaction of the City's Traffic Engineer and Building Department. These stalls shall be property labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. The number of handicapped parking spaces shall equal those required under California State handicapped provisions or other applicable laws or regulations. Fire Department 58. Portable propane heaters are not allowed on the outdoor dining patio areas. Any heating units shall be installed under permit in accordance with the California Electrical Code or California Mechanical Code, 2007 Edition. 59. All commercial cooking equipment that produces grease -laden vapors must be provided with fire protection. Hood and exhaust ducts must also be protected. Separate plans and permits approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department are required for the kitchen fire suppression system. Public Works Department 60. The project shall conform to sight distance standard 110 -L contained within the Newport Beach Design Criteria, Standard Special Provisions & Standard Drawings for Public Works Construction. Any change to the design of the project, as depicted on the plans date February 4, 2008, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. Paae 12 of 12 61. Any change to the final design of all on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation, as depicted on the plans dated February 4, 2008, shall be subject to the prior approval of the Traffic Engineer. Attachment No. CD 3 Plans robinson hill architecture, inc.C-23553C-20731Michael David Robinson:John Steven Hill:10.25.22Sheet No.:Date:Job Number:Rev.DescriptionSubmittal DatesOwnerDateSheet Title ConsultantStamp20RHA982.C6Project Info. AddressPALMILLA 3110 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PC SUBMITTAL 11.04.2207.31.23SITE MODIFICATION T0.1PROJECT INFORMATION VICINITY MAPPROJECT INFORMATIONSUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS FOR DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TOTHE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD WHO SHALL REVIEW THEM AND FORWARDTHEM TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITH A NOTATION INDICATING THAT THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND THAT THEY HAVE BEENFOUND TO BE IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN ANDSUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1.SIGNAGE2.FIRE ALARM3.FIRE SPRINKLERS4.WALK-IN COOLER5.STAIR SIGN PANELING6.HOOD FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM7.UNDERGROUND FIRE LINE8.STRUCTURAL MOD TUBE STEEL BY ROLLAMATIC9.GAS DETECTION SYSTEM FOR BEVERAGE DISPENSING SYSTEM10.DUMPSTER WILL HAVE A FIRE SPRINKLERSHOP DRAWINGS, SUBMITTALS AND SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO:DISCREPANCIES IN AND OMISSIONS FROM THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS,OR OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, OR QUESTIONS AS TO THEIRMEANING SHALL, AT ONCE, BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THEARCHITECT. ANY INTERPRETATION OF THE DOCUMENTS WILL BE MADEONLY BY ADDENDA DULY ISSUED AND A COPY OF SUCH ADDENDA WILLBE MAILED OR DELIVERED TO EACH GENERAL CONTRACTOR BIDDERRECEIVING A SET OF SUCH DOCUMENTS. THE OWNER WILL NOT BERESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OTHER EXPLANATIONS OR INTERPRETATIONS.SHOULD ANYTHING IN THE SCOPE OF WORK OR ANY OF THE SECTIONSOF THE SPECIFICATIONS BE FOUND TO BE IN ERROR, HAVE CONFLICTS ORDISCREPANCIES, SUCH INFORMATION SHALL BE PROMPTLY BROUGHT TOTHE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING DURING THE BIDPROCESS, UPON WHICH, THE ARCHITECT WILL ISSUE A BID CLARIFICATIONBY ADDENDA. QUESTIONS RECEIVED LESS THAN 48 HOURS BEFORE THEBID OPENING CANNOT BE ANSWERED. NOTWITHSTANDING THATDRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE INCOMPLETE IN CERTAINDETAILS, IT IS UNDERSTOOD BY CONTRACTOR THAT ANY WORK NOTEXPLICITLY SHOWN OR EXPLICITLY SPECIFIED THEREIN, BUTNONETHELESS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE AGREED CONTRACTUALINTENT OF PROVIDING A COMPLETE JOB, SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THEWORK.MOCK UPS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEWGENERAL NOTESINTERPRETATION OF THE DOCUMENTSNOTE: PLANS AND CALC'S SHALL COMPLY W/ ALL OF THE REQ. OF THE CBC 2019 EDITION.MEP ENGINEERDEFERRED SUBMITTALS- UNDER PC#0596-2022PROJECT TEAMROBINSON HILL ARCHITECTURE, INC.3195-B AIRPORT LOOP DRIVECOSTA MESA, CA 92626PHONE:714.825.8888CONTACT:ALEX ARIE- PRINCIPALMARIA HALLIMORE- PMTENANTARCHITECTPalmilla3110 NEWPORT BLVD.NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663SCOPE OF WORK3110 NEWPORT BLVD.STRUCTURAL ENGINEERSCOPE OF WORK- SITE MODIFICATIONSREMOVED ONE PARKING STALL, WITH A NEW TOTAL OF 26 STALLS. REPAINT EXISTING PARKING STRIPS, NEW ADA DRIVEWAY TO MEET NEWPORT BEACH STD. 160, NEW TRIANGLE PLANTERS, REPLANTING EXISTING PLANTERS, NEW LANDSCAPELIGHTING, NEW BIKE RACK UNDER STAIRS, NEW PATIO CANOPY AT ENTRY, NEW BUILT IN PLANTER ALONG BLDG. ENTRY,AND REPLACE EXISTING PARKING LOT LIGHT POTS FIXTURES HEADS.NOTE: THIS PLAN CHECK IS A CONTINUATION OF PERMIT NUMBER 0596-2022SITE AREA: 14,878 SFBUILDING SIZE: (E) FIRST FLOOR (N) PROPOSED ADDITION (E)SECOND FLOOR (E) AS BUILT ADDITIONAL AREA (RES, # 1754) FIRE SPRINKLERSOCCUPANCY TABULATIONSFICCADENTI WAGGONER ANDCASTLE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS16969 VON KARMAN AVE. SUITE 240IRVINE, CA 92606PHONE:949.474.0502CONTACT: MARK SCHROEDERFIRE ALARMDOORS, FRAMES, & HARDWARECONCRETE MIX DESIGNSTRUCTURAL STEELLIGHTING FIXTURES AND CONTROLSRESTROOM FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES FINISHESELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTWINDOWS & STOREFRONTMILLWORKWATERPROOFINGPLANTINGHEATERSKITCHEN EQUIPMENTWALK IN COOLERLINWOOD ENGINEERING, INC.2301 DUPONT DR., SUITE 150IRVINE, CA 92612PHONE:714.424.0001CONTACT:ADAM FRANKLIN LIGHTING CONSULTANTLIGHTING DESIGN ALLIANCE, INC.2830 TEMPLE AVE.LONG BEACH, CA 90806PHONE:562.989.3843CONTACT: KYLLENE JONESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTLANDCREATIVE, INC.3195-B AIRPORT LOOP DRIVECOSTA MESA, CA 92626PHONE:714.352.7573CONTACT: DAVID B. SALKOWITZKITCHEN CONSULTANTCLAY ENTERPRISES FOOD SERVICE DESIGN2961 W MACARTHUR BLVD., SUITE 126SANTA ANA, CA. 92704PHONE:714.429.9914CONTACT: ALBERT YANEZATELIER GULLA JONSDOTTIR666 N ROBERSTON BLVD.WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90063PHONE:323.822.5061CONTACT:GULLA JONSDOTTIRINTERIOR DESIGNERPROJECTPALMILLA3110 NEWPORT BLVDNEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663ANACAL ENGINEERING COMPANY1211 N. TUSTIN AVE.ANAHEIM, CA 92807PHONE:714.774.1763 x106CONTACT:GLEN A. GWATNEYCIVIL ENGINEERPERSPECTIVEPLUMBING FIXTURES CALCULATIONSGREG NEWMAN36 13TH CT.HERMOSA BEACH, CA 92627PHONE:310.374.3964CONTACT:GREG NEWMANADDRESS NUMBERS GOVERNING CODESCAL. BUILDING CODECAL. MECHANICAL CODECAL. PLUMBING CODECAL. ELECTRIC CODECAL. FIRE CODECAL. GREEN BUILDING CODECAL. ENERGY CODETITLE 24 ENERGY STANDARDS2019 EDITION2019 EDITION2019 EDITION2019 EDITION2019 EDITION2019 EDITION2019 EDITION2019CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-BSPRINKLER SYSTEM: FIRE SPRINKLED THROUGHOUT W/ NFPA 13STORIES: 2 STORYZONING:CV (COMMERCIAL VISITOR-SERVING)ALLOWED FAR: 0.5EXISTING FAR: 4,049 SF/14,878 SF =0.27 (0.3)PROPOSED FAR: 4,420 SF/14,878 SF =0.29 (0.3)PROPOSED GROSS SF: =4,420 SFPROPOSED ADDITION: 236 SF (WALK-IN COOLER /STORAGE RM)PROPOSED ADDITION: 135 SF (AS -BUILT PATIO ENCLOSURE RES. # 1754)ALLOWED HEIGHT: (26'FLAT, 31' SLOPED)EXISTING HEIGHT: 25'-8"PROPOSED HEIGHT: 26'-0"HRS OF OPERATIONS: 9:00 am 2:00 am, DAILY (PATIO CLOSES BY 1:00AM, DOORS/WINDOWS/RETRACTABLEWALLS/ROOF CLOSE BY 10:00 PM DAILY)EXISTING INDOOR NET PUBLIC AREA: 1,349 SFEXISTING PATIO NET PUBLIC AREA: 310 SFPROPOSED INDOOR NET PUBLIC AREA: 1,349 SFNEW PATIO NET PUBLIC AREA: 153 SFPROPOSED LANDSCAPE: 689 SFPLUMBING OCCUPANCY FIXTURES3,353 SF236 SF3,589 SF696 SF135 SF831 SFSIGNAGEMIXED/SEPARATED OCCUPANCIES: A-2, B (2ND FLOOR OFFICE)NOTES1.AN APPROVED ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORKACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.2.AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALLNON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY.TOTAL 4,420 SFPATIO AREA: (E) FIRST FLOOR PATIO (E) SECOND FLOOR PATIO 310 SF211 SF521 SFSITE MODIFICATIONS AACBBCUP296 SFNEWPORT BOULEVARDCL31ST STREETCLALLEYCLALLEYCLAACBBCAACBBCUP3'-0"3'-0"3'-8"3'-8"87'-2 5/8" MAXIMUM DIAGONAL8'-0"9'-0"3'-0"(E) 10'-8"3'-8"9'-0"18'-0 5/8"(E) 8'-6" TYP.36'-8 1/2"(E) 8'-5 1/2"(E) 8'-6"(E) 8'-6"(E) 8'-6"(E) 8'-6"(E) 8'-6 5/8" (E) 8'-6 5/8"(E) 8'-6" TYP.(N) DRIVEWAY WIDTH(N) DRIVEWAY WIDTH17'-0" TYP.14'-7 1/2"(E) 17'-0" TYP(E) 17 '-0" TYP39 SF11/300 SF103 SF11/200 SF41 SF11/300 SF645 SF31/200 SF151/24 " LENGTH170 SF11/200 SF75 SF11/100 SF131 SF191/7 SF1121 SF751/15 SF60 SF11/200 SF114 SF11/300 SFBOOTH SEATING 110'-0" LF EA . BOOTH = 10 '-0 " / 2 '-0 " OCC .= 5 OCC. X 3 BOOTHS = 15 OCC .145 LN.IN.8145/18 IN.272 LN.IN.15272/18 IN.18'-0"17'-3 3/8"8'-5 3/8"(E) 8'-6" TYP.(E) 8'-6" TYP.(E) 8'-6" TYP.(E) 8'-6" TYP.(E) 8'-6" TYP.(E) 8'-6" TYP.2'-4 3/4"5'-0" TYP5'-0" TYPTYP.9'-7 1/4"(E) 17'-0"4'-0"4'-0"201/15 SF35'-0" SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN EXITS DOORS5'-0" TYP.5'-10 1/8" 26'-0" CLRABCDE123456786'-0"1'-3 1/4"5'-0"5'-0"9'-0"1'-0"1 1/4"1 1/4"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"9 1/8"4'-0"6"7'-0"6'-0"ST1.0PROPOSED EGRESS, OCC. PLAN & SITE PLANNOTES1/4" = 1'-0"02WOMEN'SRRMEN'SRRWALK-INCOOLERSTORAGEKITCHENPATIOSTORAGEDINING BARHALLWAYPLENTRYOCCUPANT LOAD CALCULATIONSEXIT / EGRESS REQUIREMENTSPLUMBING FIXTURES CALCULATIONS124567891018111213141516172524232221201926PLUMBING OCCUPANCY FIXTURES(N) STANDARD STALLNOT USED(E) PARKING STRIPING TO BE REPAINTEDTYPTYPTYP(N) BUILT IN PLANTER, REFER TO LANDSCAPE DWGS FOR MOREINFO.ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL FROM ADA PARKINGACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL FROM PUBLIC WAYACCESSIBLE EGRESS PATH OF TRAVELTYPSTORAGEWALK-INCOOLER(N) ACCESSIBLE RAMP, REFER TO CIVIL DWGS FOR MORE INFO.ACCESSIBLE RAMP HANDRAIL. REFER TO DWG #24 & 18 SHEET HC-1.02-NEW TWO WAY DRIVEWAY. REFER TO CIVIL DGWS FOR MORE INFO.PLPLPL3(N)TREE UPLIGHT FIXTURE , REFER TOLANDSCAPE & ELECTRICAL DWGS. FOR MORE INFO.(N)PATHWAY LIGHT FIXTURE, REFER TOLANDSCAPE & ELECTRICAL DWGS. FOR MORE INFO.(N)RECESSED IN GROUND LIGHT FIXTURE , REFERTO LANDSCAPE & ELECTRICAL DWGS. FOR MOREINFO.(N) LED EXIT SIGN WITH POWER BACK UP SUPPLY.SHALL BE INSTALLED AND COMPLY PER CBC 1013 .3&1013.6.3ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVELFROM THE PUBLIC R IGHT OF WAYACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVELFROM HC STALLSPROPOSED EGRESS, OCC. PLAN AND SITE PLAN1/8" = 1'-0"01KEYNOTESENLARGED RAMP PLANSS3SS3SS3SS3SS3(N)STRIP LIGHTING FIXTURE , REFER TOELECTRICAL DWGS. & LIGHTING FOR REF. ONLYTYPZERO CURB, PAVED WALKWAY. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DWGS FORMORE INFO.(N) PLANTER LIGHTING. REFER TO ELECTRICAL FOR MORE INFO.SIGN UNDER DEFERRED SUBMITTALTYPTYP2% MAX 2% MAXSLOPE 8.33% MAX(N)INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SIGN AT BUILDINGENTRANCE. MOUNTED @ +48" MIN. & 72" MAX, PER CBC 11B-216.6 & 21/HC-1(N)AREA FLOOR DRAIN, REFER TO PLUMBING DRAWINGS FORMORE INFO.SLOPE TODRAIN(E) CONCRETE WHEEL STOP TO BE REPLACED IF DAMAGED(N) POTTED PLANT, REFER TO LANDSCAPE DWGS FOR MORE INFO.(N) 6" CURB PLANTER, REFER TO LANDSCAPE DWGS FOR MORE INFO.TYPTYP(E) COVERED EMPLOYEE PARKING, THIS PARKING MUST BEMAINTAINED CLEAR FOR EMPLOYEE PARKING ONLY. NO STORAGE/OBSTRUCTIONS ALLOWED.TRASHNOT USED(N)TRENCH DRAIN, REFER TO CIVIL FOR MORE INFO.(E) 10' REAR YARD SETBACK(E) 1,500 GALLON GREASE INTERCEPTOR TO REMAIN(N) HANDICAP STALL SIGN AND UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE SIGN TO COMPLY W/ SECTION11B-703.7.2.1, 11B-502.6. REFER TO DETAIL 02/HC-1(N) INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBIL ITY SIGN AT BUILDING ENTRANCE. MOUNTED@ +48" MIN. & 72" MAX, PER CBC 11B-216 .6 AND 21/HC-1(E) INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL MARK ING TO REMA IN . RE PAINT AS REQU IRED, TO COMPLYPER 05/HC-1.1.THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY (ISA) SHALL COMPLY WITH FIGURE 11B-703.7 .2.1. THE SYMBOLSHALL CONSIST OF WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE COLOR BLUE SHALL APPROXIMATE FS 15090 INFEDERAL STANDARD 595C . (11B-216.5,.6 ,.7,.8: 11B-703.7.2.1)2.DIRECTIONAL SIGN VISUAL CHARACTER SHALL BE 40 INCHES MINIMUM ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR OR GROUND(11B-216.3, 11B-216.6, 11B-703.5.6)3.WHERE BOTH VISUAL TACTILE CHARACTERS ARE REQUIRED , E ITHER ONE SIGN WITH BOTH VISUAL AND TACTILECHARACTERS, OR TWO SEPARATE SIGNS, ONE WITH VISUAL, AND ONE WITH TACT ILE CHARACTERS, SHALL BEPROVIDED. (11B-703.1)4.WHERE TACTILE SIGN IS PROVIDED AT A DOOR, THE S IGN SHALL BE LOCATED ALONG THE DOOR AT THE LATCHSIDE. WHERE A TACTILE SIGN IS PROVIDED AT DOUBLE DOORS W ITH ONE ACTIVE LEAF, THE S IGN SHALL BELOCATED ON THE INACT IVE LEAF. WHERE A TACTILE SIGN IS PROVIDED AT DOUBLE DOORS WITH TWO ACTIVELEAFS THE SIGN SHALL BE LOCATED TO THE RIGHT OF THE RIGHT AND DOORS. SIGNS SHALL BE LOCATED SO THATA CLEAR FLOOR SPACE OF 18X18 INCHES MINIMUM, CENTER ON THE TACTILE CHARACTERS, IS PROVIDED BEYONDTHE ARC OF ANY DOOR SWING. (11B-703.4.2, FIGURE 11B-703.4.1)5.TACTILE CHARACTERS ON SIGNS SHALL BE LOCATED 48" MINIMUM ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, MEASURED FROM THEBASELINE OF THE LOWEST BRAILLE CELLS AND 60" MAX. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, MEASURED FROM THE BASE LIE OFTHE HIGHEST LINE OF THE RAISED CHARACTERS. (11B- 703.4.1, FIGURE 11B-703.4.1)6.CORRESPONDING BRAILLE SHALL BE LOCATED BELOW CHARACTERS, 3/8"-1/2", CENTERED OR FLUSH LEFT.(11B-216, 11B-703.3.2)7.WHEN SIGNS IDENTIFY PERMANENT ROOMS AND SPACES OF A BUILD ING OR SITE, THEY SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC11B-703.1; 11B-703.2; 11B-703.3 AND 11B-703.5. WHERE PICTOGRAMS ARE PROVIDED, IT SHALL COMPLY WITHSECTION 11B-703.6 AND SHALL HAVE TEXT DESCRIPTIONS COMPLYING WITH SECTIONS 11B-703.2 & 11B-703.5.(11B-216.2)8.PROVIDE TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE AND IDENTIFY LOCATIONS ON FLOOR PLAN. INCLUDE S IGN ELEVATION ANDTYPICAL SIGNAGE TEXT PER CBC SECTION 1013.1 AT DOORS TO EXIT PASSAGEWAYS, EXIT D ISCHARGE AND EX ITSTAIRWAYS SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 11B-703.1; 11B-703.2; 11B-703 .3 AND 11B-703 .5. (11B-216.4.1)(N) TRUNCATED DOME DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICE , TO COMPLY PER 26/HC-1.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A DETECTABLE WARNING PRODUCT SAMPLE TO THEBUILDING INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL OF COLOR WITH FINISH SURFACE.VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE SIGN TO COMPLY W/ SECTION 11B-502 .6. REFER TOACCESSIBILITY DETAILS NO. 02/HC-1.UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE SIGN PER 11B-502.8 REFER TO 02/HC-1FOR SIGN DETAILS.6" CURB. REFER TO CIVIL DWGS FOR MORE INFO.(E) LIGHT POST TO REMAIN, (E) FIXTURE HEADS TO BE REMOVEDAND REPLACED. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DWGS. FOR MORE INFO.(N)PLANTING AREARAMP SURFACE SHALL BE STABLE, FORM & SLIP RESISTANT AND SHALL COMPLY WITHSECTION 11B-302.HANDRAIL EXTENSION RETURN BOTTOM SHALL BE 27" MAX AFF PER 11B-307.2GRIPPING SURFACES (TOP & S IDES) SHALL BE CONTINUOUS ALONG THEIR LENGTH ANDSHALL BE UNINTERRUPTED BY NEWEL POSTS, OTHER CONSTRUCT ION ELEMENTS, OROBSTRUCTIONS. BOTTOM OF GRIPPING SURFACES SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FORMORE THAN 20"OF THEIR LENGTH. ANY WALL OR OTHER SURFACE ADJACENT TO THEHANDRAIL SHALL BR FREE OF SHARP OR ABRASIVE ELEMENTS AND SHALL HAVEROUNDED EDGES SLOPE2% MAX" SLOPE2% MAX SLOPE2% MAX SLOPE2% MAX SLOPE5% SLOPE2% SLOPE2% SLOPE5% MAX"LEGEND(E)EASEMENT TO REMAIN. REFER TO CIVIL FOR MORE INFORMATIONSIGNS & IDENTIFICAT ION 1.CURB RAMP (11B-705.1.2.2)A.DETECTABLE WARNING AT CURB RAMPS SHALL EXTEND 36 INCHES IN THE D IRECT ION OF TRAVEL.B.DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP RUN LESS 2 INCHES MAXIMUM ON EACHSIDE, EXCLUDING ANY FLARED SIDES.C.DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE LOCATED SO THE EDGES NEAREST THE CURB IS 6 INCHES MINIMUM AND 8INCHES MAXIMUM FROM THE LINE AT THE FACE OF THE CURB MARKING THE TRANS ITION BETWEEN THE CURBAND THE GUTTER, STREET OR H IGHWAY.D.ON PARALLEL CURB RAMPS , DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE TURNING SPACE AT THE FLUSHTRANSITION BETWEEN THE STREET AND SIDEWALK.2.DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES AT HAZARDOUS VEHICULAR AREAS SHALL BE YELLOW AND APPROXIMATE FS33538 OF FEDERAL STANDARD 595C. (11B-247.1, 11B-705.1.1.3)3.DETECTABLE WARNINGS SURFACES AT OTHER LOCATIONS SHALL PROVIDE A 70% MINIMUM VISUAL CONTRASTWITH ADJACENT WALKING SURFACES. WHERE DETECTABLE WARN ING SURFACE DOES NOT PROVIDE A 70%MINIMUM CONTRAST, A 1 INCH WIDE MINIMUM VISUALLY CONTRASTING SURFACE SHALL SEPARATE THEDETECTABLE WARNING FROM THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACES AND VISUALLY CONTRAST WITH BOTH E ITHERLIGHT ON DARK, OR DARK ON LIGHT. (11B-247.1, 11B-705.1 .1.3)DETECTABLE WARNINGS(N)INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY COMPLY ING W / SECTION 11B-703.7 .2.1 .REFER TO ACCESSIBILITY DETAILS NO. 05,06 &07 SHEET HC-1.ACCESSIBLE PARKING ACCESS A ISLES TO COMPLY W/ SECTION 11B-502.3.3. REFER TOACCESSIBILITY DETAILS NO. 05,06 &07 SHEET HC-1.(N) CURB RAMP, REFER TO CIVIL DWGS.(N) LIGHT POST AND FIXTURE HEAD. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DWGS.FOR MORE INFO.ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL TO TRASH ENCLOSURE SLOPE2% MAX" SLOPE2% MAX SLOPE2% MAX" SLOPE2% MAX SLOPE2% MAX SLOPE2% MAX"(N)CANOPY ABOVE. REFER TO RCP FOR MORE INFO. SLOPE2% MAX"(N)SCREEN ATTACHED TO TOP OF (E) CMU WALL. REFERTO STRUCTURAL FOR MORE INFO. (SEE 14/S5.1)04A4.1(N)FLOOR DRAIN, REFER TO LANDSCAPE &PLUMBING DWGS. FOR MORE INFO.NOT IN SCOPEUNDER SEPARATE PERMIT0596-2022robinson hill architecture, inc.C-23553C-20731Michael David Robinson: John Steven Hi ll:10.25.22Sheet No.:Date:Job Number:Rev.DescriptionSubmitta l DatesOwnerDateSheet Title ConsultantStamp20RHA982.C6Project Info. Address PALMILLA 3110 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PC SUBMITTAL 11.09.2207.31.23SITE MODIFICATION PC CORRECTION 11.21.22(N)BIKE RACK. CAPACITY OF 5 BIKES- MANUF. PARK- ITPOWDER - COATED STEEL BIKE RACKS OR SIM.7SITE MOD- PC CORRECTION 11 .21.227(E)ASPHALT TO REMAIN FOR BIKE RACK PARKING77 UPUPABCDE123456781'-9" 2'-7" 1'-10"1'-0"2'-5"2'-11 " 4'-2"2'-2" 2'-2" 1'-8"4'-8"3' - 8 "3'-8"3'-0"3'-8"4'-0"2'-0" 3'- 9 "3'-0"2'-0" 1'-5" 3'-0"DNABC12345678robinson hill architecture, inc.C-23553C-20731Michael David Robinson :John Steven Hill:10.25.22Sheet No.:Date:Job Number:Rev.DescriptionSubmittal DatesOwnerDateSheet Title ConsultantStamp20RHA982.C6Project Info. AddressPALMILLA 3110 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PC SUBMITTAL 11.09.2207.31.23SITE MODIFICATION A0.0EXIT ANALYSIS /NET PUBLIC AREA PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"01FIRST FLOOR EXIT ANALYSIS/NET PUBLIC AREA PLANWOMEN'SRRMEN'SRRKITCHENPATIOWALK-INREFRIGERATORSTORAGESTORAGEDININGBARHALLWAYENTRY010203040506STORAGEWALK-INCOOLERA2.202A2.201A2.301A2.30202TYP02TYPNET INDOOR PUBLIC AREA (1,349 SF)APPROVED SIGN IN CONTRASTING COLOR FROM BACKGROUND THAT INDICATESTHE NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS PERMITTED IN ROOM PER USELINE OF 19" REQUIRED OFFSET FROM TABLE EDGE FOR MEASUREMENT OFPROPOSED AISLE WIDTH DIST. TO EXIT28'-7"DIST. TO EX IT34'-6"DIST. TO EXIT18'-7"DIST. TO EXIT15'-0"DIST. TO EXIT26'-8"ACCESSIBLE EGRESS PATH OF TRAVEL030303TYP02TYPTRAVEL DISTANCE TO AN EXITDIST. TO EXIT75'-8"DIST. TO EXIT74'-11"DIST. TO EXIT98'-2"DIST. TO EXIT48'-1"DIST. TO EXIT60'-2"ACCESSIBLE EGRESS PATH OF TRAVEL04APPROVED SIGN IN CONTRASTING COLOR FROM BACKGROUND THAT INDICATESELECTRICAL PANELS INS IDE 07APPROVED SIGN IN CONTRASTING COLOR FROM BACKGROUND THAT INDICATES "THISDOOR SHALL REMAIN UNLOCKED WHENEVER THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED"01KEY NOTES06APPROVED SIGN IN CONTRASTING COLOR FROM BACKGROUND THAT INDICATES "PAT IONOT FOR OCCUPANCY WHEN DOOR IS CLOSED"05LEGEND0707TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE. TO COMPLY PER 11B-703.1, 11B-703.1, 11B-703.2 , 11B-703.3,11B-703.5 & 11B-216.4.1. SEE DETAIL 03 , 04, 08, 09, & 15/HC-11/4" = 1'-0"02 SECOND FLOOR EXIT ANALYSISOFFICEOFFICEOPENOFFICEHALLWAYSTORAGERESTROOMPATIOWAITINGAREADIST. TO EXIT43'-7"DIST. TO EXIT39'-0"DIST. TO EXIT28'-1"DIST. TO EXIT46'-2"DIST. TO EXIT26'-1"DIST. TO EXIT32'-9"0708(N) LED EXIT SIGN WITH POWER BACKUP SUPPLY. SHALL BE INSTALLED ANDCOMPLY PER CBC 1013.3 &1013.6.3NET OUTDOOR PUBLIC AREA (153 SF)HOSTESS AREA NOTPART OF NPAEMPLOYEE DRINK &FOOD PICK UP AREANOT PART OF NPAPOS AREA NOTPART OF NPAPOS STATION & PATHOF TRAVEL TO KITCHENNOT PART OF NPA60 SFPLANTER NOT PART OF NPABUILT-IN SEATING BACKRESTNOT PART OF NPAPLANTER AREA AREANOT PART OF NPAPATIO POTTING AREA NOTPART OF OUTSIDE NPALIGHT SCREEN SCULPTURE NOT PART OF NPATRASHENCLOSURENOT IN SCOPEUNDER SEPARATE PERMIT0596-2022NOT IN SCOPEUNDER SEPARATE PERMIT0596-2022 3110TOP OF (N) PARAPET26'-0" ( ELEV POINT 32.7)GROUND FLOOR0'-0"(E) CMU PARAPET21'-4" 5'-6"(E) METAL ROOF RIDGE23'-0" (30.53 ELEV. POINT)NATURAL GRADE6.7(E) SECOND FLOOR12'-0"GROUND FLOOR0'-0"NATURAL GRADE7.53MAX HEIGHT OF 26'-0" IS TO BE MEASURED FROM NATURAL GRADE (E) TOP OF PARAPET TO REMAIN 26 '-0" (NO CHANGE IN HEIGHT)ELEV POINT 33.533110GROUND FLOOR0'-0"(E) METAL ROOF RIDGE23'-0"(E) FINISH CONCRETE8.10(E) METAL ROOF LOW END18'-10"TOP OF (N) PARAPET26'-0" (ELEV POINT 27.28)(E) TOP OF PARAPET TO REMAIN 26 '-0" (NO CHANGE IN HEIGHT)ELEV POINT 33.53A2.0PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS robinson hill architecture, inc.C-23553C-20731Michael David Robinson:John Steven Hill:03.28.2022Sheet No.:Date:Job Number:Rev.DescriptionSubmittal DatesOwnerDateSheet Title ConsultantStamp20RHA982Project Info. AddressPALMILLA 3110 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PC SUBMITTAL 03.01.2207.31.23PC RE SUBMITTAL 05.20.22PC RE SUBMITTAL 06.27.22KEYNOTESSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 02PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATIONA3.001A3.003A3.002SYMBOLMATERIALCONTACTFINISHCOLORSIZEREMARKSMANUFACTURER / SPECPLPLASTERGLWDGLASSWOODCLEAR-TERRACOTTA-SEMI-SMOOTH SANTABARBARA STUCCOTEXSTON3-COAT EXTERIOR CEMENT STUCCO W/ ACRYLIC TEXTURE COAT SYSTEM--NATURAL-T.B.D.-SUSAN MCGARRYTYPECLEAR TEMPEREDCHALKY WHITE EXTERIOR PLASTERWOOD STICKS SCREEN-PRODUCT-T.B.D.T.B.D.WEIGHTTHICKNESS7/8"STEEL---T.B.D.-T.B.D.CORTEN-CSMATERIAL & FINISH SCHEDULEGLCSPLWDPLPLPLCSCSCSEFSSMPLWDWDCSCSPLCSPLCSCSCSPLPLCS010203(N) WINDOW REFER TO WINDOW SCHEDULE A7 .0 FOR MOREINFORMATION040506070809(N) STL. POST REFER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION1011(N) CUSTOM GLASS AND CORTEN STEEL FRAME DOOR REFER TO IDDRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION 01(N) STL. BEAM SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION(E) DOOR TO REMAIN REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE A7.0 FOR MOREINFORMATION(N) WOOD VINE SCREEN REFER TO ID DRAWINGS FOR MOREINFORMATION(N) PLANTER REFER TO ID DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION.(N) WINDSCREEN, REFER TO SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFORMATION(N) FRAMELESS GLASS NANA WALL SYSTEM.(N) CORTEN STEEL STAIR SCREEN. UNDER SEPARATE SUBM ITTAL,REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR FRAMING(N) WINDOW WITH CORTEN STEEL SCREEN REFER TO ID DRAW INGSFOR MORE INFORMATION1105040703050204081102020606070910040312(E) WINDOW TO REMA IN REFER TO WINDOW SCHEDULE A7.0FOR MORE INFORMATION13(E) ROOF DOWNSPOUT TO REMAIN.14(E) PIPE TO REMAIN.15(E) METAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN TO REMAIN.16(E) WOOD SHED TO REMAIN.17(E) STEEL BEAM RAIL FOR RETRACTABLE CANOPY ROOFBEYOND.18(E) METAL ROOF TO REMAIN.--WOOD STICKS FOR EXTERIOR SCREENS AND CANOPYEFEIFS COLOR TO MATCH TEXSTON EXTERIOR PLASTER-------EFEF1919(N) ADDRESS NUMBER. IT SHALL CONTRAST WITH THIERBACKGROUND. SIGN TO BE EXTERNALLY AND IN NO CASESHALL THE NUMBERS BE LESS THAN SIX INCHES IN HEIGHTWITH A ONE-INCH STOKE.111P.C. CORRECTIONS05.20.22SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 0111SSMSTANDING SEAM METALEXISTING------1PAINTED TO MATCH TEXSTON EXTERIOR PLASTER20LINE OF LOW END OF EXISTING STAND ING SEAM METALROOF.201PL11121LINE OF STRUCTURE BEYOND, REFER TO STRUCTURALDRAWINGS FOR MORE INFO.2121PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION22191(E) PARAPET TO REMAIN (NO CHANGE IN HE IGHT).2222122111NOTE: PATIO SHALL NOT BEENCLOSED, ANY COVERSSUBJECT TO PLANNING APPROVAL123REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR TUBE STEELCONNECTION.24(N) PLANTER, SEE LANDSCAPE DWGS.FOR MORE INFO.2324111NOTES:1."HEIGHT CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED"2.ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENEDFROM VIEW OF THE RIGHT OF WAYSAND RESIDENTIAL AREAS22222P.C. CORRECTIONS06.27.2222 GROUND FLOOR0'-0"(N) TOP OF PARAPET26'-0"(E) METAL ROOF RIDGE23'-0"(E) CMU PARAPET21'-4" 5'-6"15'-9"NATURAL GRADE7.53(E) CMU PARAPET15'-4"(N) CMU PARAPET13'-4"(E) TOP OF PARAPET TO REMAIN(NO CHANGE IN HEIGHT)26'-0"GROUND FLOOR0'-0"(N) TOP OF PARAPET26'-0"(E) METAL ROOF RIDGE23'-0"(E) CMU PARAPET21'-4"(N) CMU PARAPET13'-4"(E) CMU PARAPET15'-4"NATURAL GRADE7.53(E) TOP OF PARAPET TO REMAIN(NO CHANGE IN HEIGHT)26'-0"A2.1PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS robinson hill architecture, inc.C-23553C-20731Michael David Robinson:John Steven Hill:03.28.2022Sheet No.:Date:Job Number:Rev.DescriptionSubmittal DatesOwnerDateSheet Title ConsultantStamp20RHA982Project Info. AddressPALMILLA 3110 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PC SUBMITTAL 03.01.2207.31.23PC RE SUBMITTAL 05.20.22PC RE SUBMITTAL 06.27.22SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"01SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 02 PROPOSED EAST ELEVATIONPROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION01A3.0A3.003A3.002MTPLPLPLMTSSMPLCSWDPTPLMTPLCSMTPLKEYNOTESSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"MATERIAL & FINISH SCHEDULE010203(N) WINDOW REFER TO WINDOW SCHEDULE A7 .0 FOR MOREINFORMATION.040506070809(N) STL. COLUMN REFER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR MOREINFORMATION.1011(N) CUSTOM GLASS AND CORTEN STEEL FRAME DOOR REFER TO IDDRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION.(N) STL. BEAM SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION.(E) DOOR TO REMAIN PAINT TO MATCH BLDG. REFER TO DOORSCHEDULE A7.0 FOR MORE INFORMATION.(N) WOOD VINE SCREEN REFER TO ID DRAWINGS FOR MOREINFORMATION.(N) PLANTER REFER TO ID DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION.(E) GLASS PARTITION TO REMAIN.(N) WINDOW WITH CORTEN STEEL SCREEN REFER TO ID DRAW INGSFOR MORE INFORMATION.120613(E) ROOF DOWNSPOUT TO REMAIN.PAINT TO MATCH (N) STUCCO.1314(E) PIPE TO REMAIN.PAINT TO MATCH (N) STUCCO.15(E) METAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN TO REMAIN AND MODIFIED.14242316LINE OF (E) CMU COLUMN TO REMAIN.17LINE OF (E) STEEL BEAM RAIL FORRETRACTABLE CANOPY ROOF BEYOND.1115251324040718(E) METAL ROOF TO REMAIN.18PLPLASTERGLWDGLASSWOODCLEAR-TERRACOTTA-SEMI-SMOOTH SANTABARBARA STUCCOTEXSTON3-COAT EXTERIOR CEMENT STUCCO W/ ACRYLIC TEXTURE COAT SYSTEM--NATURAL-T.B.D.-SUSAN MCGARRYCLEAR TEMPEREDCHALKY WHITE EXTERIOR PLASTER--T.B.D.T.B.D.7/8"STEEL---T.B.D.-T.B.D.CORTEN-CS--STEEL--NATURAL-T.B.D.T.B.D.T.B.D.MT19202122(E) CMU WALL NOT ACCESSIBLE FOR REFINISHING DUE TO ADJACENTBUILDING.23(N) CMU WALL TO BE PAINTED. MATCH TEXSTONSANTA BARBARA PLASTER.23PAINTT.B.D.PTPREP SURFACE AND PAINTPT21201917WOOD STICKS SCREENWOOD STICKS FOR EXTERIOR SCREENS AND CANOPYEFEIFS COLOR TO MATCH TEXSTON EXTERIOR PLASTER-------EF-------SYMBOLMATERIALCONTACTFINISHCOLORSIZEREMARKSMANUFACTURER / SPECTYPEPRODUCTWEIGHTTHICKNESS(N) CORTEN STEEL STAIR SCREEN. UNDER SEPARATE SUBMITTAL,REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR FRAMING11P.C. CORRECTIONS05.20.22SSMSTANDING SEAM METALEXISTING------1PAINTED TO MATCH TEXSTON EXTERIOR PLASTER221(N) TRASH ENCLOSURE METAL DOOR.(N) 4X4 POST FOR METAL DOOR. PAINT TOMATCH BLDG. REFER TO STRUCTURAL FORMORE INFORMATION.HINGE TO BLOCK, REFER TO STRUCTURALFOR MORE INFORMATION .112512(E) WINDOW TO REMAIN REFER TO WINDOWSCHEDULE A7.0 FOR MORE INFORMATION.24(N) 8' H IGH METAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN PAINT TO MATCH BLDG .12512326LINE OF STRUCTURE BEYOND, REFER TOSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFO.26241(N) FRAMELESS GLASS NANA WALL SYSTEM.(N) WALK-THRU WELDED STEEL DOCKLADDER BY FS INDUSTRIES OR SIM. , PAINTEDTO MATCH BUILDING. GC TO VER IFY NUMBEROF REQUIRED STEPS.11111127LINE OF EXTENT OF (E) RETRACTABLE ROOF.2728(E) CMU WALL TO BE LEFT EXPOSED, DO NOTSTUCCO OR PAINT.29(E) CMU WALL TO BE STUCCO.282911130GC TO CONFIRM TERMINATION OF PLASTERFROM PUBLIC VIEW130A3.004NOTES:1."HEIGHT CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED"2.ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENEDFROM VIEW OF THE RIGHT OF WAYSAND RESIDENTIAL AREAS2222P.C. CORRECTIONS06.27.22