HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0232_20221013_Grant DeedRECORDING REQUESTED BY: WFG National Title Company of California AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Robert Pigneri 4 Poppy Hills Rd. Laguna Nlguel, CA 92677 Tille Order No.: 22-386983 .,.,.. Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder I IIIII I I IIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111 13-oo * $ R O O 1 3 7 8 6 8 2 0 $ * 2022000212181 3:10 pm 06/10/22 340 NC-5 G02 3 07 1571.08 1571.07 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Escrow No.: 04-46887-TLD GRANT DEED . THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $3,142.15 CITY TRANSFER TAX $ IQ l8l computed on full value of property conveyed, or D computed on full value less liens or encumbrances remaining at the time of sale. D unincorporated area: l8l City of Newport Beach FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, John R. Hankey, Trustee of the Haneky Revocable Living Trust dated March 5, 2008 hereby GRANT(S) to Robert Pignerl and Denise Pigneri, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants the real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof Commonly known as: 129 Via Jucar, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Parcel No. 423-203-02 Dated: May 12, 2022 Signature page attached hereto and made a part hereof MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN BELOW; IF NO PARTY SHOWN, MAIL AS SHOWN ABOVE PA2022-0232 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WFG National Title Company of California AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Robert Pigneri 4 Poppy Hills Rd. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER"S USE ONLY Trtle Order No.: 22-386983 _.... Escrow No.: 04-46887-TLD GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $3,142.15 CITY TRANSFER TAX $ IQ 121 computed on full value of property conveyed, or D computed on full value less liens or encumbrances remaining at the time of sale. D unincorporated area: 121 City of Newport Beach FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, John R. Hankey, Trustee of the Haneky Revocable Living Trust dated March 5, 2008 hereby GRANT(S} to Robert Pigneri and Denise Pigneri, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants the real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof Commonly known as: 129 Via Jucar, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Parcel No. 423-203-02 Dated: May 12, 2022 Signature page attached hereto and made a part hereof MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN BELOW; IF NO PARTY SHOWN, MAIL AS SHOWN ABOVE PA2022-0232 Title Order No.: 22-386983 Escrow No.: 04-46887-TLD APN: 423-203-02 Title of Document: SIGNATURE PAGE bxJd-'bad Date of Document: __ ........,,5',...____~'---'/ 2.,___ .... .,.J~~-=----------------- ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accurac , or validi of that document. · who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ~-ll~ l TAMI LEA DARLING Notary Public · California z Orange County ! Commission # 2239165 My Comm. Expires May 19, 2022 PA2022-0232 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 22-386983 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 710 AND THE NORTHEASTERLY 15 FEET OF LOT 709 OF TRACT NO. 907, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 28, PAGES 25 TO 36, INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING FROM$AIQ LOT 710 THE NORTHEASTERLY 10 FEET. APN: 423-203-02 VvFG Form No. 3151600 Cl TA Pieliminary Report F()f'lTl (00..05-14) PA2022-0232 Escrow No.: 04-46887-TLD BOE-502-A{P1) RE\/.16 (0$-21) PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT To l>a completed by the transferee (buyer) prior to a transfer of subject property, in accordance With section 480.3 of the Revenue and T axalion Code. A Preliminary Change of 0Wrl&t$hip Report rrust be filed wltb each conveyance In the CQ!lnty R!IWnler'• offk;e fQr' the county where the propel'!y i,, IQ~. NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF BUYER/TRANSFEREE (Make n&ees.sal)' com,ctions to the printed name and mallin(J addle$$) I Robert Pignert 7 L _J ASSESSOR'S PARCB. NUMBER 423-203--02 SEl..LER/rRANSFEROR John R. Hankey, Trustee of the Hankey Revocable BUYER'S DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER BUYER'S EMAIL ADDRESS STREET AOORESSOR PHYSICAL LOCATION OF REAL PROPERTY 129 Via Jucar, Newport 89ach, CA 92663 · ves · □ NO Tois-propertyts-intende<I al> my principal residence-, If YES, please iriaicate the date of occupancy Mo· -OAY YEAR or intended occupancy. D YES NO Are you a disabled veteran. or the unmarried ~ullliving spouse of a disabled veteran, who, due to a se!\/ice connected injury or disease, was either rated 100% disabled or oompensated at 100% due to unemployability b the Depaltmentof Veterans Affairs? MAIL PROP YT INFORMATION TO (NAME) Robert Plgnerl MAL PROPERTY TAX INFORMATION TO (ADDRESS) 4 POPPY HILLS RD CITY LAGUNA NIGUEL STATE ZlPCOOE CA 2677 PART 1. TRANSFER INFORMATION Please complete al statements. YES ~O □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ D □ This section contains possible exclusions from reassessment for certain types of transfers. A. This transfer is solely between spouses (addition or removal of a spouse, death of a spouse, divorce settlement, etc.). B. This transfer is solely l>atween domestic partners currently registered with the Galifomia Secreta,y of State (addition or removal of a partner, death of a partner, ~rmination sett~ment, etc.). • C. ihis is a transfer: 0 between parent(s) and child(ren) 0 between grandparent(s) and grandchild(ren~ Was this the transferor/grantor's principal residence? 0 YES O NO • D. This transfer is the result of a colenant's death. Date of death ___________ _ • E. This transaction is to replace a principal residence owned by a person 55 years of age or oldler. Within the same county? 0 YES O NO • F. This transaction Is to replace a prlnclpal residence by a person who is severely disabled. Within the same county? 0 YES O NO • G. This transaction is to replace a principal residence substantially damaged or destroyed by a wildfire or natural disasrer for which the Governor proclaimed a state of emergency. Within the same county? 0 YES O NO H. Ttis transaction is only a correction of the name(s) of the person(s) holding title to the properly (e.g., a name change upon marriage). lfYES, please explain: -------------------------------------- 1. The recorded document creates, terminates, or reconveys a lender's interest in the properly. J. This transaction is recorded only as a requirement for financing purposes or lo create,. terminate, or reconvey a security interest (e.g.-,--cos/fl'N'l1. lfYES;please1>xplain:· · -· --·--·-·-· - K. The recorded document substitutes a trustee of a trust, mortgage, or other similar document. L. This is a transfer of properly: 1. to/from a revocable trust that may be revoked by the transferor and is for the benefit of 0 the transferor, and/or O the transferor's spouse O registered domestic paltner. 2. to/from an irrevocable trust for the benefit of the 0 creatorlgrantor/trustor and/or O grantor's/truster's spouse O grantor's/truster's registered domestic paltner. M. This property is subject to a lease with a remaining lease term of 35 years or more including written options. N. This is a transfer l>atween parties in which proportional interests of the transfero,ts) and transferee(s) in each and every parcel being transferred remain exactly the same after the transfer. Q. This Is a transfer subject to subsidized low-income housing requirements 'Mth governmertally imposed reslricilons, or restrictlons imposed by specified nonprofit corporations. • P. This transfer is to the first purchaser of a new building containing a O leased O owned active solar energy system. Q. Other. This transfer isto ________________________ _ • Please refer 1o the instructions for Part 1. Please provide any other information that Wlll help the Assessor underntand the nature of the transfer. lHIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION PA2022-0232 Escrow No.: 04-46887-TLD BOE-502-A (P2) REV. 16 (05-21) PART 2. OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION Check and complete as applicable. A. Date of transfer, if other than recording date: ______ _ B. Type of transfer. ~ Purchase 0 Foreclosure 0 Gilt 0 Trade or exchange 0 Me!ger, stock, orparlnerahip acquisition(Fonn BOE-1QO.B) 0 Contract of sale. Date-of contract: ______ _ 0 Inheritance. Date of death:. _________ _ 0 Sale/leaseback O Creation of a lease O Assignment of a lease 0 Termination of a lease. Date lease began: ________ _ Original term in years (inc!udfng written options):__ Remaining term in years (including written options): ____ _ 0 Other. Please explain: _____________________________________ _ C. Only a partial interest in the property was translem,d. D YES O NO H YES, indicate the percentage transferred: ________ ....:.::% PART 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE Check and complete as applicable. $ 2.856l:$o I A. Total purchase plice -a:-Cash down paymentorvalm: ottradln,r exc11ange-excluding ciosing•costs C. First deed of trust@_% interest for ___ yeais .. Monthly payment$. _____ _ D FHA(_DiscountPoln!s) D Cal-Vet OvA(_DiscountPoints) D Fixed rate 0 Bank/Savings & Loan/Credit Union O Loan earned by seller D Balloon payment$._____ Due date: _______ _ D. Second deed of trust@__% interest for ___ years. Monthly payment$----~- -Amount~------ Amount$ /i 7®, DOD - 0 Variable rate Amount$ _____ _ 0 Fixed rate 0 Variable rate 0 Bank/Savings & Loan/Credil Union 0 Loan earned by seller D Balloon payment$ Due date: _______ _ E. Was an Improvement Bond or other public financing assumed by the buyer? 0 YES O NO Outstanding balance $ _____ _ F. Amount, if any, of real estate commission fees paid by the buyerwhich are not included in the purchase price $. _____ _ G. The property was purchased: 0 Through real estate broker. Broker name:_________ Phone number. ~~----0 Direct from sefler D From a family member-Relationship ________ _ 0 Other. Please explain: H. Please explain any special terms, seller concessions, broker/agent fees waived, financing, and any other information (e.g., buyer assumed the existing loan balance) that would assist the Assessor in the valuation of your property. PART 4. PROPERTY INFORMATION A. Type of property transferred Check and complete as applicable. ~ Single-family residence l['j Multiple-family residence. Number of units: __ _ 0 Other. Description: (i.e., timber, mineral, water rights, etc.) D Co-Op/Own-your-own 0 Condominium 0 Timeshare 0 Manufactured home 0 Unimproved lo! 0 CommerciaVlndustrial B. 0 YES P(No Personal/business property, or incentives, provided by seller to buyer are included in the purchase price. Examples of personal property are furniture, farm equipment, machinery, etc. Examples of incentives are club memberships, etc. Attach list if available. -·-· ---·-··---·---·· ----·-------· -------------------------------------------------------- 1rves,•~ tlleval~,<>flhe personal/blls111e!ispltiperly: '$ -1~v,1<is.$ ..... =.,....,..,..,,,..,,.....==- o. [) 'l'E$~Q Amatlllfacltlred ho~ts tn<:llldediitltheput<;!i*;pnce, llYt:.sr~,-thi:'v.a1ue.ariri6ute<1 fu'111e maniila®rei1J\.olriel · ,'$ . . ~§.+::~~-;:=-:"~~~~- lf.'\':ES:,th¢.~idrbr/l: ~rent 0c(llltract 0 ~.rig!# .OOlher: . ..,, .. --.-•··~· --,-,-,,,.,,,,.,..-,-----...... .......,_..,., § .. Jlie;pon~!)ff~P'PP'!trfy~tt!iei~~t~wa.s: )s].~ DA~9e; OP-00,f Pleas~.c:!~e;, alt infomlation heteon~ including any 11CCOmpanylng statemen~. or ~, Is t111e,and correct..to . DATE . 5/12/2022 5/12/2042 Th<,'~soffu;em,;yconlactyWfor·addilioria!inf6rma1Jonr89Wilit\g0!f1i!.~ PA2022-0232