HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0237_20221019_WQMP Report dated 10-18-221 NON-PRIORITY PROJECT WATER QUALITY PLAN (NPP) For: 2252 MESA DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 Prepared for: 2252 Mesa Drive, LLC 2252 Mesa Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-999-5777 Prepared by: TOAL ENGINEERING, INC. 139 Avenida Navarro, San Clemente, CA 92672 www.toalengineering.com Contact: CALEB RIOS, R.C.E. 57587 (949) 492-8586 crios@toalengineering.com Prepared on: 10/18/2022 Version: August 16, 2011 PA2022-0237 2 Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan (WQP) Contents Section I: General Information………………..……….……………………………………..…3 Section II: Project Description……………………………………………………….………….5 Section III: Site Description………………………………………………………….………….7 Section IV: Best Management Practices (BMPs)………………….....................................8 Section V: Inspection and Maintenance Responsibilities…………………………….…... 15 Section VI: BMP Exhibit (Site Plan) ………………………………………………..…….…17 References: • Model Water Quality Management Plan (Model WQMP) • Technical Guidance Document • California BMP Handbooks PA2022-0237 3 Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan Section 1 – General Information See Technical Guidance Document Section 2.2.1 for additional information. Project Name 2252 Mesa Drive Project Site Address 2252 Mesa Drive Tract and Lot Numbers Parcel 1, PM_009_17 APN 439-061-10 Planning Area (if in Planned Community) West Bay Prepared For: Owner/Developer 2252 Mesa Drive, LLC Address 2252 Mesa Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone 949-999-5777 Fax Not Applicable Prepared by: Name Toal Engineering, Inc. Address 139 Avenida Dnavarro San Clemente, CA 92672 Phone 949-492-8586 Email crios@toalengineering.com Fax 949-498-8625 PA2022-0237 4 Owner’s Certification This Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan has been prepared for: 2252 Mesa Drive, LLC By: Toal Engineering, Inc. The plan is intended to comply with the Non-Priority Project requirements of the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) §A-7.5.1 as required in the Orange County Drainage Management Plan (DAMP) § 7.6.2. The undersigned, while it owns the subject property, is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this plan. Once the undersigned transfers its interests in the property, its successor-in-interest shall bear the aforementioned responsibility to implement the best management practices (BMP) described within this plan. A signed copy of this document shall be available on the subject property into perpetuity. Name Title Owner Company 2252 Mesa Drive, LLC Address 2252 Mesa Drive, Newport Beach CA 92660 Phone 949-999-5777 Certification I understand my responsibility to implement the provisions of this WQP including the ongoing operation and maintenance of the best management practices (BMPs) described herein. Owner Signature Date PA2022-0237 5 Section II: Project Description Please provide a detailed description of the project’s ownership, type of development project, amount of paved and landscaped area, and potential pollutants that may be generated by the intended development uses. See Technical Guidance Document Section 2.2 for additional information. Property Ownership 2252 Mesa Drive, LLC 2252 Mesa Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Project Description The project consists of the demolition of an existing ADU unit and adjacent hardscape. The demolished building and hardscape areas will be replaced with grass. The total disturbed area (Project Area) is 6,160. sq. ft (0.14 ac). Since there is no proposed addition of any impervious area (All impervious are in project is being replaced by grass) this project does not meet any of the threasholds requiring a priority WQMP. Paved Areas The total existing project impervious area is 6,160 sf (0.14 ac) while the post-construction impervious area is 0 s.f. (0 ac). All project impervious is being replaced by grass. PA2022-0237 6 Landscaped Areas New landscaped areas will be planted and well maintained by the owner or a contractor hired by the owner. Proposed grass area to be irrigated with smart irrigation controller.. Potential Stormwater Pollutants (see Technical Guidance Document Section 2.2.2) Suspended solids, nutrients, bacteria/virus/pathogens, trash and debris, and dry weather runoff. PA2022-0237 7 Section III: Site Description See Technical Guidance Document Section 2.3 for additional information. Address 2252 Mesa Drive Planning Area (if in planned community) West Bay Land Use Designation RS-D Single Unit Residential Detached Zoning N/A Project Site Acreage 0.14 ac. Predominant Soil Type Type C Drainage Conditions Please provide site drainage details, including how site drainage ties into adjacent property drainage patterns, local storm drain systems, and downstream receiving waters. Under existing conditions, the site runoff is collected by an existing drainage system that flows in a Northerly direction and onto the curb and gutter along Mesa Drive Drive where it enters the private community storm drain system. Post-development, on-site drainage improvements will collect and convey storm runoff to the existing storm drain system. 1) Drain inlets.2) A drain line to pick up drain inlets that connects to existing drain line. Pre-Project Pervious Conditions Area (acres or sq ft) Percentage Pervious 0 0% Impervious 6,160 sq. ft. 100% Completed Project Pervious Conditions Area (acres or sq ft) Percentage Pervious 6,160 sq. ft. 100% Impervious 0 sq. ft. 0% Watershed Information Your local municipality stormwater program management staff may assist you with this information. PA2022-0237 8 Watershed Orange County Coastal Streams – Laguna Watershed Receiving Waters Pacific Ocean 303(d) Impairments None TMDLs None Known ESAs Pacific Ocean Known ASBSs Pacific Ocean Section IV: Best Management Practices (BMPs) Site Design BMPs Site Design BMPs reduce the volume of stormwater runoff generated on a project site as well as improve the quality of runoff that leaves the site, and are required for all proposed Non-Priority new development and significant redevelopment projects. Descriptions of the most common Site Design BMPs are provided in County’s Technical Guidance Document (see Technical Guidance Document Sections 3 and 4). A list of typically employed Site Design BMPs may be found in the California BMP Handbooks (California Stormwater Quality Association). The following table provides a list of Site Design BMPs that may be applicable for Non-Priority Projects. Please identify each Site Design BMP included for the project, briefly describe within the table, and provide GIS coordinates for Low Impact Development (LID) and Treatment Control BMPs. Site Design BMPs Name Check If Included Brief Description Hydrologic Source Controls Retention Grading Downspout Dispersion Downspout Infiltration Amended Soils Over Tight Underlying Soils Street Trees, Canopy Interception Residential Rain Barrels Not Actively Managed PA2022-0237 9 Site Design BMPs (continued) Name Check If Included Brief Description Infiltration Bioretention without Underdrains Rain Gardens Porous Landscaping Infiltration Planters Retention Swales Infiltration Trenches Infiltration Basins Drywells Subsurface Infiltration Galleries French Drains Permeable Asphalt Permeable Concrete Permeable Concrete Pavers PA2022-0237 10 Site Design BMPs (continued) Name Check If Included Brief Description Evapotranspiration Green Roofs, Brown Roofs, Blue Roofs Rainwater Harvesting Above-ground Rain Barrels Above-ground Cisterns Underground Tanks Biotreatment Bioretention with Underdrains Stormwater Planter Boxes with Underdrains Rain Gardens with Underdrains Constructed Wetlands Vegetated Swales Vegetated Filter Strips Compost-Amended Road Shoulders Proprietary (Ready-To-Install) Vegetated Biotreatment Systems PA2022-0237 11 SOURCE CONTROL BMPs Source Control BMPs, both non-structural and structural, are required for Non-Priority Projects where applicable to project features. Please identify each applicable Source Control BMP within the following tables. See Technical Guidance Document Section 6 for additional information. Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One Included Not Applicable N1 Education for Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants X N2 Activity Restrictions X N3 Common Area Landscape Management (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-73) X N4 BMP Maintenance X N5 Title 22 CCR Compliance (How development will comply) X N6 Local Industrial Permit Compliance X N7 Spill Contingency Plan (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-11) X N8 Underground Storage Tank Compliance X N9 Hazardous Materials Disclosure Compliance X N10 Uniform Fire Code Implementation X N11 Common Area Litter Control (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-60) X N12 Employee Training X N13 Housekeeping of Loading Docks (BMP Handbook SD-31) X N14 Common Area Catch Basin Inspection (BMP Handbook SC-74) X N15 Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots (CASQA BMP Handbook SC-43, SC-70) X N16 Commercial Vehicle Washing X PA2022-0237 12 Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One If not applicable, state brief reason Included Not Applicable S1 Provide storm drain system stenciling and signage S2 Design and construct outdoor material storage areas to reduce pollution introduction No Outdoor material storage proposed. S3 Design and construct trash and waste storage areas to reduce pollution introduction S4 Use efficient irrigation systems & landscape design, water conservation, smart controllers, and source control S5 Protect slopes and channels and provide energy dissipation Incorporate requirements applicable to individual priority project categories (from SDRWQCB NPDES Permit) Non-Priority Project S6 Dock areas N/A S7 Maintenance bays N/A S8 Vehicle wash areas N/A S9 Outdoor processing areas N/A S10 Equipment wash areas N/A S11 Fueling areas N/A S12 Hillside landscaping N/A S13 Wash water control for food preparation areas N/A S14 Community car wash racks N/A PA2022-0237 13 Source Control BMP Implementation Please describe implementation frequency and the party responsible for implementation of each Source Control BMP. N1- Property owner(s) shall read and be familiar with this WQMP. The owner and occupants shall take an active role in promoting water quality (i.e. proper disposal of trash/waste, avoiding non-stormwater discharges, etc.). For more information, visit: http://ocwatersheds.com/publiced N2 -Outdoor activities are anticipated to be limited at this site, but the following items shall be taken into consideration: - - N3- Property landscape management will be done under the supervision of the Operator. Plant material shall be selected with consideration taken for minimizing water and fertilizer requirements. Maintenance personnel shall be instructed to minimize irrigation, maintain the irrigation system in proper working condition, and keep inlet grates clear of debris. Maintenance shall be consistent with provisions of the Conservation Resolution and County Management Guidelines, EPA Preventing Pollution through Efficient Water Use, and Proper Use of Fertilizer and Pesticides. N11- Litter within the boundaries of the subject property will be cleaned up by the owner or contracted maintenance company under the supervision of the property owner. Collected debris shall be placed in the appropriate waste container for off-site disposal or recycling. N12- All contracted landscape and maintenance personnel shall read and be familiar with this WQMP. A copy should be made available at time of hire, and subsequently accessible for the duration of the service contract. Discussions between property Operator and maintenance personnel, regarding onsite water quality expectations, shall take place on an annual basis. See also link in N1 above. N14- Drain inlets, catch basins, surface gutters, and outlets shall be inspected and cleaned prior to the rainy season (October 1st) each year. S1- Stenciling or labeling of all storm drain inlets and catch basins, constructed or modified, within the project area with prohibitive language and/or graphical icons, which discourage illegal dumping, shall be provided by the Operator or contracted personnel. Specifically, the Operator shall ensure that all catch basins are stenciled “No Dumping – Drains to Ocean.” S3- The ground around the trash area shall be kept clear of loose debris, and the lids to all containers shall remain closed when not in use. S5- All slopes and drainage channels shall be protected against erosion by providing adequate energy dissipation. Other BMPs Other BMPs or devices incorporated to remove pollutants from runoff leaving the project site, which may or may not include Treatment Control BMPs (see Technical Guidance Document Section 4.6), are not required for Non-Priority Projects though may be appropriate under certain conditions. Please provide details on any other BMPs selected for this project. PA2022-0237 14 PA2022-0237 15 Section V: Inspection and Maintenance Responsibilities BMPs implemented for Non-Priority Projects must be inspected and maintained post-construction for proper effectiveness into perpetuity. Please document BMP inspection and maintenance information within the table below. See Technical Guidance Document Section 7 for additional information. BMP Inspection / Maintenance BMP Reponsible Party(s) Inspection / Maintenance Activities Required Minimum Frequency of Activities N1 – Education for Property Owners Owner/Operator Owner and Operator must understand purpose of all BMPs and how they work. The contractor who installs the BMP shall educate the Owner and Operator and the Operator shall share the information with any maintenance personnel. Additionally, the Operator shall keep a copy of this WQMP. As required. N2 – Activity Restrictions Operator or contracted maintenance personnel Activities such as hosing down walkways and cleaning items with water in areas that discharge to the storm drain system shall be avoided. As required. N3 – Common Area Landscape Management Operator or contracted maintenance personnel Keep common areas clean, planted, and weed free. Weekly N10 – Uniform Fire Code Implementation Operator or contracted maintenance personnel Comply with Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code enforced by fire protection agency. As required. PA2022-0237 16 N11 – Common Area Litter Control Operator or contracted maintenance personnel Keep site clean of litter. Weekly N12 – Employee Training Operator Relevant employees/volunteers must understand purpose of BMPs and how they work. As required. S1 – Storm Drain Stenciling Operator or contracted maintenance personnel Ensure that drainage channels are stencilled “No Dumping – Drains To Ocean.” Once, and as required when stencilling becomes illegible over time. S3 – Trash & Waste Storage Area Operator or contracted maintenance personnel Keep trash storage areas clean and orderly. Weekly S5 – Protect Slopes and Channels Operator or contracted maintenance personnel Ensure that channels are free of loose debris. Weekly PA2022-0237 17 Section VI: BMP Exhibit (Site Plan) Include a BMP Exhibit (Site Plan), at a size no less than 24” by 36,” which includes the following minimum information: • Insert in the title block (lower right hand corner) of BMP Exhibit: the WQP Number (assigned by staff) and the grading/building or Planning Application permit numbers • Project location (address, tract/lot number(s), etc.) • Site boundary • Land uses and land covers, as applicable • Suitability/feasibility constraints • Structural BMP locations • Drainage delineations and flow information • Delineate the area being treated by each structural BMP • GIS coordinates for LID and Treatment Control BMPs • Drainage connections • BMP details • Preparer name and stamp Please do not include any areas outside of the project area or any information not related to drainage or water quality. The approved BMP Exhibit (Site Plan) shall be submitted as a plan sheet on all grading and building plan sets submitted for plan check review and approval. The BMP Exhibit shall be at the same size as the rest of the plan sheets in the submittal and shall have an approval stamp and signature prior to plan check submittal. Following approval of the Final WQP, three copies of the approved WQP (including BMP Exhibit, Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan, and Appendices) shall be submitted. In addition, these documents shall be submitted in a PDF format. Each approved WQP (including BMP Exhibit, Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan, and Appendices) shall be recorded in the Orange County Clerk-Recorder’s Office, prior to close-out of grading and/or building permit. PA2022-0237 13 9 A v e n i d a N a v a r r oSan Clemente, CA 926729 4 9 . 4 9 2 . 8 5 8 6www.toalengineering.comCIVIL ENGINEERINGL A N D S U R V E Y I N GSTORMWATER QUALITYWQMP LEGENDPROPOSED LANDSCAPEPROPOSED GRASSRUNOFF FLOW DIRECTIONPROPOSED STORM DRAININLETPROJECT AREA BOUNDARYUNDISTURBED AREAEXISTING STORM DRAINVICINITY MAPPA2022-0237