HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2022-0233_20221014_Geotchnical Memo for Temporary Tarping 2022-2023 Rainy Season_10-11-22 October 11, 2022 Project No. 121.1 Log No. 1063 Gerson Bakar and Associates c/o Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Ken Dressel Subject: TEMPORARY TARP PLACEMENT Coastal Bluff – Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California References: Attached Dear Mr. Dressel: In accordance with the request of Ms. Shawna Schaffner of CAA Planning, Rock Solid Geotechnical, Inc. has prepared this letter regarding temporary tarp placement on selected portions of the coastal bluff at the subject site. We understand Park Newport Apartments intends to place slope erosion protection tarps for the 2022-2023 rainy season. The subject natural slope is a coastal bluff that descends to Back Bay Drive along the eastern edge of Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach, California. The slope descends at slope ratios of 0.5:1 to 1.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) to locally vertical with a maximum height of approximately 90-feet. This coastal bluff was left in a natural condition at the time of grading/construction of Park Newport Apartments in 1969. The slope exposes 10 to 15-feet of Quaternary terrace deposits over Miocene Monterey Formation bedrock. Numerous older landslides that exist on this slope were identified by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, and since construction in 1969, the slope has been subjected to on-going erosion, surficial instability, rockfalls, and landslides. Due to the height, steep slope ratio, existing landslides, and poor quality bedrock exposed on the coastal bluff, factors of safety for gross and surficial slope stability are less than 1.5. The coastal bluff slope is considered grossly and surficially unstable from an engineering geologic and geotechnical engineering perspective. OCKSOLIDGEOTECHNICAL 949.558.9776 jamie@rocksolidgeotechnical.com www.rocksolidgeotechnical.com 333 Third Street, Suite 2 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 TEMPORARY TARP PLACEMENT Project No. 121.1 Log No. 1063 October 11, 2022 Page 2 There is an increased risk of impacts to Back Bay Drive and the public, if the slope protection is not installed prior to significant rainfall. From a geotechnical perspective, plastic erosion control tarps should be installed as soon as possible to reduce the risk to the public and Back Bay Drive. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, ROCK SOLID GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Jamie K. Fink President Professional Geologist 7626 Certified Engineering Geologist 2636 Expires 10.31.23 Sean P. Prenovost Senior Associate Engineer Professional Engineer 94193 Expires 12.31.2022 Distribution: 1-via e-mail Ken Dressel (Kdressel@gb-a.com) 1-via e-mail Shawna Schaffner (sschaffner@caaplanning.com) 1-via e-mail Ryan Dean (rdean@gb-a.com) 1-via e-mail Andy Dodge (adodge@gb-a.com) 333 Third Street, Suite 2Laguna Beach, CA 92651 REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 Log No. 1063 1. “Findings and Conditions of Approval for Coastal Development Permit No CD2021-001 (PA2021-099) 1 Park Newport”, by City of Newport Beach Public Works Department, dated May 17, 2021. 2. “Project Review Request, Community Development Department, Planning Division, Park Newport Slope Stabilization, 1 Park Newport”, notes by Tonee Thai, dated May 18, 2021. 3. “Notice of Incomplete Filing, Application No. Coastal Development Permit 2021- 001(PA2021-099), Park Newport” by City of Newport Beach Community Development Department, Planning Division, dated May 20,2021. 4. “Project Review Request, Community Development Department, Planning Division, Park Newport”, notes by Sergio Gutierrez, dated May 24, 2021. 5. “Response to Coastal Development Permit Comment, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, CDP-2021-001 (PA2021-099)”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated June 8, 2021. 6. “Temporary Tarp Placement, Coastal Bluff – Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California,” by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 22, 2021 7. “Bluff Stabilization Options, Coastal Bluff – Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California,” by Rock Solid Geotechnical, Inc., dated August 19, 2022. 333 Third Street, Suite 2Laguna Beach, CA 92651