HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2014-0814 - Misc1 116-04
September 9, 2014
Ginter & Associates, Inc.
Engineering Geology Consultants
27631 Durazno
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
ofc (949) 581-2363 cell (714) 478-1167
TSG Parcel 1, LLC September 9, 2014
2 Park Plaza #700 Project No. 116-04
Irvine, CA 92614
Attn: Mr. John Santry
Subject: 3rd Response to City of Newport Beach
Geotechnical Report Review Checklist
For Uptown Newport Project Phase 1,
4311 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA
Plan Check # 0733-2014
References: See attached References
This report has been prepared to provide the responses to the comments listed in the
Geotechnical Report Review Checklist by the City of Newport Beach’s Geotechnical Consultant, Ken Bagahi of
Bagahi Engineering, Inc. (Appendix I).
The following are the comments by the reviewer and our corresponding responses:
Comment #1: Page 11, Site Groundwater Conditions. A) It is stated thet the intermediate groundwater
(65-100 feet bgs) has been lowered by 25 feet from 1989 to 2010. Please evaluate time rate of primary
and secondary consolidation settlement from lowering of groundwater. Please clarify if any settlement
from lowering of the groundwater has impacted the site, and if so, if such settlement is ongoing.
Response: At a recent meeting with the reviewer on August 27, 2014 at the City of Newport Beach, various
aspects of the reviewer’s comments were presented. This firm indicated that there was no evidence of
settlement in the building slab, curbs and gutters, or parking lot. It was also discussed and agreed upon that a
review of well water data should be performed to determine that the site is part of a regional groundwater
lowering regime and that the site is not located at the edge of the groundwater lowering basin where
differential settlement could occur. The following narrative and well log data support our conclusion.
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The Orange County Groundwater Basin extends from the Prado Damn area in NE Orange
County S-SW to the coast along the Santa Ana River.
Well development and groundwater use within the Orange County Groundwater Basin has been undertaken
by all of the local water districts including the Orange County Water District (OCWD), Mesa Water District
(MWD), and Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD). This increased use of the aquifer of the Orange County
Groundwater Basin began in 1972, with wells by the OCWD. The other local districts followed suit with their own
water production wells: MWD (1977), and IRWD (1979). These production wells were drilled to reduce local
districts dependence on imported water from the Colorado River and Northern California sources. They have
been steadily drawing water from the aquifers in the Orange County Groundwater Basin. This change in water
supply resulted in a drop in groundwater levels from that time forward. Natural recharge of this groundwater
would normally occur along the Santa Ana River Basin, however, the completion of the Prado Dam in 1941,
while making the Santa Ana River flood plain safer, essentially cut off the vast majority of natural recharge.
The groundwater level data accompanying this letter is from the California Department of Conservation, and
confirms the steady draw down within the Orange County Groundwater Basin, and in particular, the area near
the subject site (Newport- Mesa area). Additionally, the data shows that the draw down measured at the
subject site appears to be in concert with several local wells and is neither anomalous, nor localized, and is not
at the edge of the basin where differential settlement may be an issue.
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Newport Beach Golf Course (Approx. 1 mile west of subject site)
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Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course (1.6 miles east of subject site)
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Santa Ana Country Club Well#1 (approx. 1.82 miles west of subject site)
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Santa Ana Country Club Well #2 (approx. 1.82 miles W of subject site)
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San Mateo @ Main (Approx. 2.25 mile N-NE of subject site)
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Jamboree NE of McGaw (Approx. 3 Miles N- NE of subject site)
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Carl Thornton Park (Approx. 3.8 miles N-NW of subject site)
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Costa Mesa Golf Course (Approx. 4.15 miles west of subject site)
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Mesa Verde Country Club (4.5 Miles N-NW of subject site.)
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East of Spirit Circle (Approx. 5.25 miles west of subject site)
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Comment #12: Appendix V. Liquefaction Analysis. Provide input data.
a) Minimum FS=1 is used in the analysis. Please revise to FS = 1.3
b) Provide basis for % fines used in analysis, and
c) Provide seismic induced settlement from combined saturated and unsaturated soils
(a) Liquefaction analyses are revised to FS=1.3 and the results are provided in Appendix I.
(b) Fines content were internally generated by the LiquefyPro program based on the
methods and correlations between Soil Behavior Type index (Ic) and Apparent Fines
Content suggested by Robertson and Wride (1998).
(c) All soil layers including saturated and unsaturated soils were considered in the seismically
induced settlement calculations.
Public Works Dept. Comment #10: Provide documentation indicating that the proposed grading
adjacent to Jamboree Road will not negatively impact the roadway. The geotechnical report should
clearly state the proposed grading will not negatively impact the roadway along Jamboree Road.
Response: Based on our stability analyses presented in our 4/2/14 report, and additional responses to
comments dated 5/23/14, the proposed grading adjacent to Jamboree Road will not negatively impact the
roadway, provided our recommendations are closely adhered to.
It should be noted that this firm will review the shoring design and provide recommendations as necessary
when they are available for review.
{Signatures on following page}
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