HomeMy WebLinkAbout03_Spanos Residence CDP_PA2022-0214 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT March 2, 2023 Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: Spanos Residence (PA2022-0214) ▪ Coastal Development Permit SITE LOCATION: 2761 Bay Shore Drive APPLICANT: Hayer Architecture OWNER: Dean Spanos PLANNER: Jenny Tran, Assistant Planner 949-644-3212 or jtran@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING • General Plan Land Use Plan Category: RS-D (Single Unit Residential Detached) • Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) • Coastal Land Use Plan Category: RSD-B (Single Unit Residential Detached) – (6.0 – 9.9 DU/AC) • Coastal Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant requests a coastal development permit to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residence and construction of a new 1,977-square-foot two (2)-story single- family residence with a 616-square-foot upper exterior terrace and attached 669-square- foot two (2)-car garage. The project includes a pool, 2,311-square-foot of landscape area, hardscape, walls, and drainage facilities. The project complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Coastal Development Permit (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Spanos Residence (PA2022-0214) Zoning Administrator, March 2, 2023 Page 2 DISCUSSION Land Use and Development Standards • The subject property is in the R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Coastal Zoning District, which provides for single-unit residential development and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A coastal development permit is required, and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area. • The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with an existing 2,200- square-foot single-family residence. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with one (1)- and two (2)-story, single-family residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development are consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development consistent with applicable development standards. • The proposed two (2)-story single-family residence with an upper exterior terrace and attached garage conforms to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. Table 1 – Development Standards Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front 10 feet 37-feet 6-inches Sides 3 feet 4 feet Rear 10 feet 10 feet Allowable Floor Area (max.) 5,440 square feet 2,646 square feet Open Space (min.) 408 square feet 1,589 square feet Parking (min.) 2-car garage 2-car garage Height (max.) 24-foot flat roof 29-foot sloped roof 17-foot 5-inches flat roof 26-foot 9-inches sloped roof Hazards • The development is approximately 155-feet from the Newport Bay and is separated from the water by Bayshore Drive and a row of existing residential developments. The project site is not protected by a bulkhead. • The finished floor elevation of the proposed single-family residence is 14.0 feet (NAVD 88), which exceeds with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD 88) elevation standard. 2 Spanos Residence (PA2022-0214) Zoning Administrator, March 2, 2023 Page 3 • The property is in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved before the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance. Water Quality • The property is not located on the shoreline nor is it located within 100 feet of coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on- site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. • A priority Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for the project by Thomas M. Ruiz dated, September 20, 2022. The WQMP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, the use of a LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQMP before building permit issuance. Public Access and Views • The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline in the private Bayshore community. The community was developed in 1941 as a 258- lot single-family gated community located on the Lido Channel southwest of Coast Highway and Newport Bay Bridge. The project replaces an existing single-family residence located on a standard R-1 lot with a new single-family residence. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density, or intensity that will result in increased demand for public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. • The project site is not located adjected to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal viewpoint is in Castaways Park and is not visible from the site. As currently developed, the existing property and other residences along Bayshore Drive are not located within the view shed of the park. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas; however, the project is located on an inland lot and will replace an 3 Spanos Residence (PA2022-0214) Zoning Administrator, March 2, 2023 Page 4 existing single-family residence with a new single-family residence that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. • No public vertical or lateral access is provided in the Bayshore community. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bayshore community at the Balboa Bay Club, approximately 1,400 feet west of the property. The project does not include any features that would obstruct access along these routes. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three (3) single-family residences and construction of up to three (3) single-family residences in urbanized areas. The proposed project consists of the demolition of one single-family residence and the construction of a new 1,977-square-foot two (2)-story single-family residence with a 616-square-foot upper exterior terrace and attached 669-square-foot garage and therefore qualifies within this exemption. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of this exemption. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the city website. 4 Spanos Residence (PA2022-0214) Zoning Administrator, March 2, 2023 Page 5 APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director by the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Program [LCP] Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: ____________________________ Jenny Tran, Assistant Planner LAW/jt Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans 5 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 6 01-10-2023 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2023-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENCE AND CONSTRUCT A NEW TWO (2)-STORY SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE AND ATTACHED TWO (2)-CAR GARAGE LOCATED AT 2761 BAY SHORE DRIVE (PA2022-0214) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Troy Weiland of Hayer Architecture, with respect to the property located at 2761 Bay Shore Drive, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. 2. The lot at 2761 Bay Shore Drive is legally described as Lot 22 of Tract No. 1014 Unit One of Bay Shores, in the City of Newport Beach. 3. The applicant requests a coastal development permit (CDP) to allow the demolition of an existing single-family residence and construction of a new 1,977-square-foot two (2)-story single-family residence with a 616-square-foot upper exterior terrace and attached 669- square-foot two (2)-car garage. The project includes a pool and 2,311-square-foot of landscape area, hardscape, walls, and drainage facilities. The project complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. 4. The subject property is designated RS-D (Single Unit Residential Detached) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Zoning District. 5. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is RSD-B (Single Unit Residential Detached) – (6.0 – 9.9 DU/AC) and it is located within the R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Coastal Zoning District. 6. A public hearing was held on March 2, 2023, online via Zoom. A notice of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing was given by the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303, Division 6, Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 2 of 9 01-10-2023 2. Class 3 exempts the demolition of up to three (3) single-family residences and construction of up to three (3) single-family residences in urbanized areas. The proposed project consists of the demolition of one (1) single-family residence and the construction of a new 1,977-square-foot two (2)-story single-family residence with a 616- square-foot upper exterior terrace and attached 669-square-foot two (2)-car garage. 3. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. By Section 21.52.015 (Coastal Development Permits, Findings, and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings, and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation is 5,440-square-feet and the proposed floor area is 2,646-square-feet. b. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 10-feet along the front property line abutting Bay Shore Drive, 3-feet along each side property line, and 10-feet along the rear property line abutting the alley. c. The highest guardrail is 17-foot 5-inches, less than the maximum allowed 24-feet, from the established grade (13.34 feet NAVD88) and the highest ridge is 26-foot 9-inches, less than the maximum allowed 29-feet from the established grade, which complies with the maximum height requirements. d. The project includes garage parking for a total of two (2) vehicles and a golf cart, complying with the minimum two (2)-car garage parking requirement for single- family residences with less than 4,000 square feet of habitable floor area. 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with one (1)- and two (2)- story, single- family residences. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development are consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 3 of 9 3.The development is approximately 155-feet from the Newport Bay and is separated from the water by Bayshore Drive and a row of existing residential developments. The finished floor elevation of the first floor of the proposed structure is 14.0 feet based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), which complies with the minimum 9.0-foot (NAVD88) elevation standard for new structures. The identified distances from the coastal hazard areas coupled with the 14.0-foot NAVD88 finish floor elevation will help to ensure the project is reasonably safe for the economic life of the structure. 4.The property is in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved before the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance. 5.The property is not located on the shoreline nor is it located within 100 feet of coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. 6.A priority Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for the project by Thomas M. Ruiz dated, September 20, 2022. The WQMP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, the use of a LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQMP before building permit issuance. 7.Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075. A condition of approval is included that requires drought-tolerant species. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. Finding: B.Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Facts in Support of Finding: 1.The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline in the private Bayshore community. The community was developed in 1941 as a 258-lot single- family gated community located on the Lido Channel southwest of Coast Highway and Newport Bay Bridge. The project replaces an existing single-family residence located on a standard R-1 lot with a new single-family residence. Therefore, the project does not involve 01-10-2023 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 4 of 9 01-10-2023 a change in land use, density, or intensity that will result in increased demand for public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited (appropriate height, setbacks, etc.) so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. 2. No public vertical or lateral access is provided in the Bayshore community. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bayshore community at the Balboa Bay Club, approximately 1,400 feet west of the property. The project does not include any features that would obstruct access along these routes. 3. The project site is not located adjected to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. The nearest coastal viewpoint is in Castaways Park and is not visible from the site. As currently developed, the existing property and other residences along Bay Shore Drive are not located within the view shed of the park. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas; however, the project is located on an inland lot and will replace an existing single-family residence with a new single-family residence that complies with all applicable Local Coastal Program development standards and maintains a building envelope consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment and the exceptions to the Class 3 exemption do not apply. 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit (PA2022-0214), subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director by the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 5 of 9 01-10-2023 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 2nd DAY OF MARCH, 2023. _____________________________________ Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Zoning Administrator 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 6 of 9 01-10-2023 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter the sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or storm drains or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. No demolition or construction materials shall be stored on public property. 3. The applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of native birds under MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one or two short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 4. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new coastal development permit. 5. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 6. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. A material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be caused by the revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 7. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 7 of 9 01-10-2023 operated or maintained are detrimental to the public health, and welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained to constitute a public nuisance. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 9. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought-tolerant plantings, non-invasive plant species, and water-efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 10. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained by the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 11. Before the issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 12. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 13. This Coastal Development Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 14. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements, and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Spanos Residence including but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit (PA2022-0214). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorney’s fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit, or proceeding whether incurred by the applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all the City's costs, attorney’s fees, and damages, which the City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions outlined in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City under the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 8 of 9 01-10-2023 Building Division 15. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHPs) shall be implemented before and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Erosion Control Plan. 16. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 17. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stockpiles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 18. Trash and debris shall be disposed of in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed of in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 19. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 20. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 21. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the final WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. The implementation shall comply with the approved erosion control plan and WQMP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the Building Division. 22. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays. 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 9 of 9 01-10-2023 23. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 24. The applicant shall provide a minimum of 3-foot-deep door landing on both sides of the entrance door. Public Works Department 25. No encroachments are permitted within the limits of the utility easement located at the rear of the property, including but not limited to, planters, gate swing, first floor eaves, and foundations. Fire Department 26. A fire sprinkler system shall be provided for the single-family residence. 27. A three (3)-foot wide walkway shall be provided on at least one side of the lot from Bayshore Drive to the alley for Fire Department access. 15 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 16 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit (PA2022-0214) 2761 Bay Shore Drive Subject Property Subject Property 17 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 18 SEPARATE PERMITS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE SEPARATE SUBMITTALS & NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT. SITE WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, TRASH ENCLOSURES, CARPORTS, SITE LIGHTING,TEMPORARY POWER POLES, EMERGENCY GENERATORS, GREASE INTERCEPTORS, &SPRAY BOOTHS REQUIRE SEPARATE SUBMITTALS, APPROVALS AND PERMITS. THESEITEMS MAY BE ON THE PLANS, BUT ARE NOT PART OF THE BUILDING APPROVAL. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM CAL-OSHA NOTES 1.A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IS REQEQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TRENCHESOR EXCAVATIONS WHICH ARE FIVE FEET OR DEEPER AND INTO WHICH A PERSON ISREQUIRED TO DESCEND, CONSTRUCTION OF ANY BUILDING , STRUCTURE,SCAFFOLDING OR FALSEWORK MORE THAN THREE STORIES HIGH OR THE EQUIVALENTHEIGHT (36 FT.), DEMOLITION OF ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR DISMANTLING OFSCAFFOLDING OR FALSEWORK SYSTEMS MORE THAN THREE STORIES HIGH, OR THEEQUIVALENT HEIGHT (36 FT.). OWNER: DEAN SPANOS2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PROJECT ADDRESS: BAYSHORES COMMUNITY2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 APN: 049-192-07 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 22 OF TRACT NO. 1014, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH,COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAPRECORDED IN BOOK 33, PAGE 31, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPSIN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. PROJECT INFORMATION AREA TABULATIONS SHEET INDEXPROJECT TEAM PROJECT DESCRIPTION VICINITY MAP SCOPE OF WORK:DEMOLITION OF EXISTING 2,200 S.F. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING.CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 1,977 SQ. FT. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGWITH A 669 S.F. ATTACHED 2-CAR GARAGE AND A 616 SQ. FT. UPPERLEVEL TERRACE. ASSOCIATED GRADING PLANS / SITE WALLS, FIRESPRINKLERS, AND SWIMMING POOL BY SEPARATE PERMIT. SWIMMING POOL & SPA ARCHITECT Hayer Architecture 445 Marine View Drive, Suite 280 Del Mar, CA 92014(858)792-2800 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER Coast Geotechnical Inc. 1200 W. Commonwealth Ave Fullerton, CA 90638(714)870-1211 CIVIL ENGINEER Thomas M. Ruiz, Civil Engineer 11 Thornbird Aliso Viejo, CA 92656(714)580-7455 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Garden Studio Design 2732 E. Coast Hwy Ste A. Corona Del Mar, CA 92625(714)334-0990 plan check no.: permit no.: PERMIT - S I T E A R E A 4,000 SF 0.092 ACRES B U I L D I N G A R E A I N T E R I O R MAIN LEVEL TOTAL HABITABLE GARAGE | MECH | STG G R O S S F L O O R A R E A E X T E R I O R 944 SF 1,977 SF 669 SF 2,646 SF 616 SFUPPER EXTERIOR TERRACE GRADING PLANS & SITE WALLS NORTHN.T.S. L O T C O V E R A G E 66.15% 1. SEE FIRE PROTECTION PLANS / SPECS UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. THE PROJECTSHALL BE 100% SPRINKLERED WITH NFPA TYPE 13D RESIDENTIAL SYSTEM AND/OR ASGOVERNED BY CURRENTLY ADOPTED CRC SECTION 313, CFC FIRE PREVENTION ANDPROTECTION CODE, AND AMENDMENTS AS LOCALLY ADOPTED.. 2. ANY REQUIRED APPROVALS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE FIRE AND HAZARDPREVENTION SERVICES BEFORE THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. 3.COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS;FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS, INCLUDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND WET & DRYSTANDPIPES; HALON SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL TYPES OF AUTOMATIC FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; BASEMENT PIPE INLETS; AND OTHER FIRE-PROTECTIONSYSTEMS AND APPURTENANCES THERETO SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO FIRE AND HAZARDPREVENTION SERVICES FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4. FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS AND WATER SUPPLIES FOR FIRE PROTECTIONSHALL BE INSTALLED AND MADE SERVICEABLE PRIOR TO AND DURING TIME OFCONSTRUCTION. (CFC 1408, 1410, 1412, 1413). 5. BUILDINGS UNDERGOING CONSTRUCTION ALTERATION OR DEMOLITION SHALL BE INACCORDANCE WITH CFC CHAPTER 14 (CFC 1401.1) 6. DECORATIVE MATERIALS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A FLAME-RETARDANT CONDITION.(TITLE 19, SECT. 3.08, 3.21; CFC 804). 7. FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFCSECTION 903. 8. AN APPROVED AUDIBLE SPRINKLER FLOW ALARM (BELL) SHALL BE PROVIDED ONTHE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING IN AN APPROVED LOCATIONN. (CFC 903.4.2). 9. ALL VALVES CONTROLLING THE WATER SUPPLY FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERSYSTEMS AND WATER FLOW SWITCHES ON ALL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SHALL BEELECTRICALLY MONITORED WHERE THE NUMBER OF SPRINLKERS IS 20 OR MORE (CFC903.4). 10. ADDRESS SHALL BE RROVIDED FOR ALL NEW AND EXISTING BUILDINGS IN APOSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTINGTHE PROPERTY. (CFC 505.1, FHPS P-00-6) 11.BUILDING NUMBERS SHALL BE EASILY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET ORROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. NUMBERS SHALL BE 4" MINIMUM IN HEIGHT AND OF ACONTRASTING COLOR. T1 TOPO 1 TITLE & INDEX TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY SITE GENERAL FIRE NOTES A1.0 GRADE ESTABLISHMENT DIAGRAMA1.1 SITE | FLOOR PLAN - MAIN LEVELA1.2 FLOOR PLAN - UPPER LEVELA1.3 ROOF PLANA2.0 BUILDING ELEVATIONSA2.1 BUILDING ELEVATIONSA3.0 BUILDING SECTIONSA5.0 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS L-1 HARDSCAPE PLANL-2 PLANTING PLANL-3 ELEVATIONSL-4 LIGHTING PLANL-5 IRRIGATION PLANL-6 IRRIGATION NOTES C2C4C5 PRECISE GRADING PLANEROSION CONTROL PLANGEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS 2,646 SF / 4,000 SF DEFERRED SUBMITTALS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE DEFERRED SUBMITTALS & ARE INCLUDED AS APART OF THIS PERMIT. PV SYSTEM IS A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND IS REQUIRED TO BE APPROVEDAND INSTALLED PRIOR TO BUILDING FINAL. IT WILL NOT BE UNDER ASEPARATE PERMIT. SOLAR INSTALLER WILL BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A FULLSOLAR SUBMITTAL ACCORDING TO NEWPORT BEACH SOLAR GUIDELINES. PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SPANOS RESIDENCE UPPER LEVEL 1,033 SF L A N D S C A P E A R E A HARDSCAPE SOFTSCAPE POOL T O T A L L A N D S C A P E A R E A 2,311 SF 1,027 SF 836 SF 448 SF GRADING EARTHWORK RAW CUT:50 C.Y.RAW FILL:15 C.Y. CONSTRUCTION NOTES ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS & INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH:THE2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE, CCR TITLE 242019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC)2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (CRC)2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (CEC)2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC)2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (CPC)2019 CALIFORNIA ELEVATOR SAFETY CODE2019 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE2019 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (CALGreen/ CGBC)2019 BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS (TITLE 24 PARTS 6 & 11)2019 CALIFORNIA REFERENCED STANDARDS CODE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) - MOST CURRENT EDITIONAND ALL OTHER AMMENDMENTS AND ORDINANCES OF LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. 1.IF THE CONTRACTOR PERFORMS ANY WORK KNOWING IT TO BECONTRARY TO SUCH LAWS, ORDINANCES RULES AND REGULATIONS, ANDWITHOUT SUCH NOTICE TO THE DESIGNER AND/OR OWNER, HE SHALL ASSUMEALL RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL BEAR ALL COSTS ATTRIBUTABLE THERETO.CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY DESIGNER AND/OR OWNER OF ANY VARIANCES IN THECONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THEHANDICAPPED AND OSHA MUST BE INCORPORATED IN THE WORK EVEN THOUGHTHEY MAY NOT BE LISTED INDIVIDUALLY AND SEPARATELY IN EITHER THEDRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS. 3. AT ALL TIMES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELYRESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONDITIONS OF THE JOB SITE, INCLUDING SAFETY OFTHE PERSONS AND PROPERTY AND FOR ALL INDEPENDENT ENGINEERINGREVIEWS OF THESE CONDITIONS. THE ARCHITECT'S AND ENGINEER'S JOB SITEREVIEW IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF THECONTRACTOR'S SAFETY MEASURES. 4. THE SOIL ENGINEER IS TO VERIFY THE SITE CONDITIONS ARE THE SAME ASASSUMED IN THE SOIL REPORT. THE SOIL ENGINEER NEEDS TO VERIFY THE SOILIS COMPACTED 90%. THE SOIL ENGINEER IS TO VERIFY THE FOOTINGS ARECARRIED TO THE PROPER BEARING STRATA. 1. BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREETOR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. 2. RESIDENTIAL TRASH RECEPTACLES TO BE LOCATED IN WALLED RUBBISH AREA. 3. COAST-BAYSHORE BUS TRANSIT STOP LOCATED .2 MILES FROM SITE. 4. NO BIKE RACKS OR LOCKERS OTHER THAN OWNER'S GARAGE STORAGE. 5. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE UNOBTRUSIVE AND SHIELDED SUCHTHAT NO LIGHT SHALL FALL EXCESSIVELY BEYOND SITE BOUNDARIES AND SHALLCOMPLY WITH LOCAL LIGHTING POLLUTION ORDINANCE & CGBC. 6. PROVIDE 1/4" PER FOOT (MIN.) SLOPE AT ALL UPPER ROOF DECKS. 7. ALL ROOF ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE CLASS A FIRE RESISTANCE RATED. general notes 1. AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLER(S) INSTALLED BY THE BUILDER SHALL BEIN PLACE FOR FINAL INSPECTION 2. CONTROLLERS SHALL BE WEATHER - OR SOIL - MOISTURE BASED THATAUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTS IRRIGATION IN RESPONSE TO CHANGES IN PLANT NEEDS ASWEATHER CONDITIONS CHANGE 3. WEATHER-BASED CONTROLLERS WITHOUT INTEGRAL RAIN SENSORS ORCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS THAT ACCOUNT FOR LOCAL RAINFALL SHALL HAVE ASEPARATE WIRED OR WIRELESS RAIN SENSOR WHICH CONNECTS OR COMMUNICATESWITH THE CONTROLLER(S). SOIL MOISTURE BASED CONTROLLERS ARE NOT REQUIREDTO HAVE RAIN SENSOR INPUT calgreen irrigation notes: UPPER LEVEL TERRACE FIREPIT BUILDING DIVISION NOTES The project shall implement the following: BUILDING DEPT NOTES 1.GENERAL PLAN LAND USE:RS-D2.ZONING DISTRICT:R-13.COASTAL LAND USE PLAN:RSD-B4.COASTAL ZONE DISTRICT:R-15. GROSS SQ. FOOTAGE:2,646 SQ. FT.6.PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT:26’-9”7.OCCUPANCY:R3 | U8.CONSTRUCTION TYPE:V-B9. FIRE PROTECTION:SPRINKLERED10.NUMBER OF UNITS:ONE11. NUMBER OF FLOORS:TWO12. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS:TWO13. PARKING SPACES:TWO OFF-STREET, ENCLOSED14. EXISTING LAND USE:ONE RESIDENTIAL UNIT15.PROPOSED LAND USE:ONE RESIDENTIAL UNIT FIRE DIVISION NOTES 1) Comply with liquefaction mitigation requirement.2) Comply with Pool/Spa Safety requirement.3) 3 feet minimum deep door landing required on both sides for doors. The project shall implement the following: 1) Fire sprinklers are required for the new residence2) A 3-foot wide fire department access way is required alongone side yard from the street to the alley BUILDABLE AREA: 80' X 34' = 2,720 SF FLOOR AREA LIMITATION: BA X 2 = 5,440 SF OPEN VOLUME REQUIRED: BA X 15% = 408 SF OPEN VOLUME PROVIDED: 1,589 SF PA2022-0214 ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - T1 GENERAL NOTES/ INDEX 19 BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE PROPERTYLINE OF LOT 22 HAVING A BEARING OF N19°50'58"E PER TRACT NO. 1014, M.M.33/31. VICINITY MAP BENCHMARK INFORMATION                                                                       TITLE REPORT/EASEMENT NOTES   NO TITLE REPORT PROVIDED LEGAL DESCRIPTION REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH,COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND ISDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 22 OF TRACT NO. 1014, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH,COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAPRECORDED IN BOOK 33, PAGE 31, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS INTHE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. LC EXISTING ELEVATION LEGEND ( ) AC ASPHALT PAVEMENT FOUND MONUMENT SEARCHED, FOUND NOTHING; SETNOTHING FS FL FINISHED SURFACE FLOWLINE FFG FINISHED FLOOR GARAGE CONCRETE SURFACE T.B.M.TEMPORARY BENCHMARKSET ON A FOUND NAIL & TAGSTAMPED RCE28329ELEVATION = 12.95 FEET HU N T I N G T O N B E A C H , C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 4 6 PH O N E : ( 7 1 4 ) 4 8 8 - 5 0 0 6 F A X : ( 7 1 4 ) 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 0 A P E X L S I N C @ G M A I L . C O M PAUL D. CRAFT, P.L.S. 8516 DATE NOTE: SECTION 8770.6 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODESTATES THAT THE USE OF THE WORD CERTIFY OR CERTIFICATION BY ALICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING OR THEPREPARATION OF MAPS, PLATS, REPORTS, DESCRIPTIONS OR OTHER SURVEYINGDOCUMENTS ONLY CONSTITUTES AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINIONREGARDING THOSE FACTS OR FINDINGS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF THECERTIFICATION AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE,EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. LICENSE RENEWAL DATE 12/31/22 PAUL DOMINICK CRAFTPROFESSIONALLANDSURVEYOR FF FINISHED FLOOR WATER METERWM EG EDGE OF GUTTER GAS METERGM CENTERLINE TC TOP OF CURB GRAPHIC SCALE SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER SHALL PERMANENTLY MONUMENT PROPERTYCORNERS OR OFFSETS BEFORE STARTING GRADING. PLEASE CALL PAUL CRAFT @ 714-488-5006 TO SCHEDULE. SURVEYOR'S NOTES BLOCK WALL NG NATURAL GROUND BENCHMARK NO: 3K-24A-82 DESCRIBED BY OCS 2002 - FOUND 3 3\4" OCS ALUMINUM BENCHMARKDISK STAMPED "3K-24A-82", SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETE BRIDGEDECK. MONUMENT IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THEINTERSECTION OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AND NEWPORT BAYCROSSING, 42 FT. SOUTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF PCH AND 37FT. EASTERLY OF THE WEST END OF THE SOUTHERN GUARD RAILALONG BRIDGE. MONUMENT IS SET LEVEL WITH THE SIDEWALK. ELEVATION: 19.353 FEET (NAVD88), YEAR LEVELED 2015 ACU AIR CONDITION UNIT CATV CABLE TV BOX WOODEN FENCE (WDF) GRASS SURFACE EVT ELECTRICAL VAULT CLM COLUMN PA PLANTER AREA TF TOP OF FENCE TW TOP OF WALL PAUL D CRAFT 1/17/2022 20 21 22 23 AA BB CCD 8" 60'-8 OSEDPROPPRINTFOOTILDINGOF BUI = 1 ' - 0 "A L E : 1 / 8 " S C A A1.0 GRADE ESTABLISHMENT ofofsheetsheet sheetsheet sheet titlesheet title key mapkey map statusstatus issue dateissue date ConceptConceptPreliminaryPreliminaryDesign Dev.Design Dev.ReviewReviewPlan CheckPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionConstructionOtherOther revisionsrevisions projectproject h a y e r h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V E445 Marine View AVES u i t e 2 8 0Suite 280 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.comarch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCERESIDENCESPANOSSPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVE2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORESBAY SHORES citycity -- NORTH 16 F T. 4 8 0 2 GRADE DETERMINATION FORMEASURING STRUCTURE HEIGHT A + B + C + D/ 4 = GRADE13.12' + 13.39' + 13.50' + 13.36' =53.37/ 4 = 13.34' LOT SLOPE LOW POINT = 13.12'HIGH POINT = 13.50'13.50' - 13.12' = .38'/ 60'-8" =.63% SLOPE GRADE POINTSINTERPOLATED FROM SURVEY A = 13.12'B = 13.39'C = 13.50'D = 13.36' 24 Garage 22'-0" x 21'-6" Golf Cart 12'-0" x 9'-6" 10'-0" rear SB 51'-6"10'-6"16'-0"1'-0"10'-0" front SB 9'-9" 40'-0" 100'-0" up 4'-0" 4'-0" cur b Breakfast Kitchen Dining Powdr Laund Media 18'-0" x 12'-0" Dining 18'-0" x 10'-0" Kitchen 18'-0" x 8'-0" Entry F.F. = 0'-0" (14.0') PooloPlooPloPoP 16'-0" x 28'-0"'-8x 2006 "08x'-01 -0280" 6'- Baja ShelffelhSajjBaBfeleShS aajBaB lfeShSaBajB dnnd FAUFFAAUUAFFAAUUAAFUAUAAAA StgStg ref range sink dw bar/ b u f f e t (N) 6' h. property line wallplaster over CMU Alle y Ba y s hor e D r i v e PatiotiPaaaatatitoPattttt 32'-0" storage w/d tv Pool EquipPoo Equpoo VaultVautVV centerline (N) 6' high wall w/wood siding & shapedwood cap to matchadjacent house Existing Residence all materials & details to be matched on new residence 1A2.0 trash 2A2.0 3A2.1 B A3.0 4A2.1 AA3.0 pool equipment must meetthe sound decibel ratingstandards of the city plantpocket 1'-0" (N) 66" h. gate tomatch landscapeelevation sheet L-3 (N) stone pavers (-1")s(1)verssp(onnnee paveeeeersess(-11)1 (N) wood deck (-1/2")Nwo dc (2see landscape sheet L-1eaaehtfor materialsr a r s (E) 6' h. property line wallplaster over CMUto remain (N) 60" h.wood gate(see landscape sht. L-3) 24" (N) plaster pilasters &wood infill tomatch landscapesheet L-3(3' high max.) HOA setback mailboxsee landscapesheet L-3 concrete pavingsee landscape sheetL-1 for materials wood trellisabove (N) 66" h. gate tomatch landscapeelevation sheet L-3 F.G. = -8" (13.3'), typ utilities easement hb plantpocket 3'-0 "- 3'-0 " S Y S B 3'-0 " S Y S B ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - A1.1 SITE| FLOOR PLAN - MAIN LEVEL 0 2 4 8 F T.NORTH MAIN LEVEL 944 SFUPPER LEVEL 1,033 SF TOTAL HABITABLE 1,977 SF GARAGE | MECH | STG 669 SFUPPER TERRACE 616 SF 25 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bath 1 Bath 2 Shwr 1wr 1Shw WC 1 clos clos hvac clos firepit Terracer +13'-3" (27.3')3 dn up 1A2.0 2A2.0 3A2.1 roof overhang +18" h. clad inflagstone +11'-3 1/2" (25.3') WC 2 Shwrhwhwh 2 2'-0 " ' 2'-0 " 2 hb 10'-0" rear SB 10'-6"16'-0"1'-0"10'-0" front SB 40'-0" 100'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 32'-0" 1'-0"utilities easement 4A2.1 AA3.0 2'-0 " 2'-0" 2'-0"- 3'-0" SYSB 3'-0" SYSB 32'-0"19'-6" A1.2 FLOOR PLAN - UPPER LEVEL 0 2 4 8 F T. ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - NORTH MAIN LEVEL 944 SFUPPER LEVEL 1,033 SF TOTAL HABITABLE 1,977 SF GARAGE | MECH | STG 669 SFUPPER TERRACE 616 SF 26 wood shake roofingwoodshakkerooofingoodkrngwhoooodkkkgggdddsowhrrroaoooiwwwohhhkooonooodkkkennngto match adjacenttoomatchadjacentmtcdacohenjjjctttthaaaeoccc cccnooomhhhaeeetooomdnnnmmmadddahouse installed asouuseinstaalledashensedauahndddaonnnsusssaaaauuusaaaluuueaaaeeeeeeeclass 'A' assemblyclass'AasseemblycasA'as mbysecccasbbbyaaasaaasyyysssssssesssAeeemAeeemAAAammm4:12 slope, typ.44:12sslope typ412pesy444ppp111eeet222sysssoyyyp4ssso4441e Belgard 'lagoon-e d o nend ilearkskin' porcelain taisknooctoorshemer Dex-O-Tex systeexestsxovoo1/4"/ ft. slope, typ.s1/4 t s ysse te +42" woodguardrail -painted whitepaintehite AC AC rooffhatchh PV solarPV laosVVpanel arrayyyraraarrarrlaaneneananpapaayayayrrraaaeennnaaa PV solarPV rPV solarPVrpanel arraypaeraypanel arraypaeray mechanical equip. to be screenedcqtbscenddpeeuunceoundo sofrom view & must meet themwmmmmvw&m&mm oe citydecibel rating standards of the cidenadtddhcodgedeeddbldfigii RecessedRdRRdeess Roof WelloWRoofWWofWW +26'-1"+26 1-2++++26222'(40.08')(400840)04444000008000( + 21'-9"(35.8') 19", typ.p 24", typ. + 13'-3"3+133 +9" wood cornice -w i9wodno+co -painted whitetwwnhi firepit +18" h. clad in8+1 h c daflagstoneggcoppergutters, typ. painted woodtrellis @ mainlevel below +16'-9"(30.8') A1.3 ROOF PLAN 0 2 4 8 F T. ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - NORTH 27 PR OPE R T Y L I N E 3' SYSB PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3' SYSB wood shakes installedas class 'A' assembly copper gutters &downspouts w/painted wood fascias DINING/ MEDIA PL. HT. (+12'-0 5/8" | 26.1') 6' high pool wallin foreground painted woodguardrail painted shiplapwood siding wood w/ aluminumcladding doors &windows *ALL MATERIALS& COLORS TOMATCH ADJACENTHOUSE paintedwood cornice STAIRWELL PL. HT.(+21'-4 1/8" | 35.3') TERRACE FIN. FLR.(+13'-3" | 27.3') 26'-9" painted woodtrim, typ. oil rubbed bronzelight fixtures recessedmechanicalwell beyond FINISH/ ESTAB. GRADE (-8" | 13.3') MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+0'-0" | 14' DATUM) PR OPE R T Y L I N E 10' F Y SB PR O P E R T Y L I N E 10 ' R Y S B DINING/ MEDIA PL. HT.(+12'-0 5/8" | 26.1') TERRACE FIN. FLR.(+13'-3" | 27.3') 26'-9" BA Y SHORE D R I V E ENTRY PL. HT. (+10'-0 5/8" | 24.1') UPPER LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+11'-3 1/2" | 25.3') BEDROOM PL. HT. (+21'-4 1/8" | 35.3') ALL E Y swimming pool beyond 19", typ.1 .. 24", typ. 12"11 FIN. GRADE (-8" | 13.3') MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR.(+0'-0" | 14' DATUM) RIDGE HT.(+26'-1" | 40.08') 17 ' - 5 " - 3'-0" 2'-9" 14'- 8 " - " 10'-0" rear SButilities easement 5'-9" EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS A2.0 1 ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - 0 2 4 8 F T. 20 2 4 8 F T. 28 PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3' SYSB PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3' SYSB MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+0'-0" | 14' DATUM) BEDROOM PL. HT.(+21'-4 1/8" | 35.3') 26'-9" FINISH/ ESTAB. GRADE (-8" | 13.3') ENTRY PL. HT. (+10'-0 5/8" | 24.1') UPPER LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+11'-3 1/2" | 25.3') 6' high propertyline wallsboth sides painted woodtrim, typ. wood gatesboth sides copperdownspout painted shiplapwood siding wood w/ aluminumcladding doors &windows wood & frosted glassoverhead sectionalgarage doors wood shakesinstalled as class'A' assembly painted woodtrellis & braces RIDGE HT. (+26'-1" | 40.08') DINING/ MEDIA PL. HT.(+12'-0 5/8" | 26.1') TERRACE FIN. FLR.(+13'-3" | 27.3') 26'-9" BA Y S H O R E D R I V E ENTRY PL. HT. (+10'-0 5/8" | 24.1') UPPER LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+11'-3 1/2" | 25.3') BEDROOM PL. HT. (+21'-4 1/8" | 35.3') PR OPE R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 10' R Y SB 10' F Y SB AL L E Y plaster pilasters &wood infill tomatch landscapesheet L-3(3' high max.)Y 6' high wood cladproperty line wallw/ porcelain tileon pool side swimming pool beyond EAVE HT. (TYP.) (+21'-9" | 35.8') pool vaultbeyond FIN. GRADER (-8" | 13.3') MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR.(+0'-0" | 14' DATUM) 17 ' - 5 " - 3'-0 " 14'- 8 " - " 5'-9" 10'-0" rear SButilities easement EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS A2.1 3 ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - 0 2 4 8 F T. 40 2 4 8 F T. 29 PR OPE R T Y L I N E 3' SYSB PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3' SYSB 26'-9" BEDROOM PL. HT.(+21'-4 1/8" | 35.3') GARAGE PL. HT.(+9'-10 1/2" | 23.9') UPPER LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+11'-3 1/2" | 25.3') Garage Mech. Well Bedroom 1 6' high propertyline wall painted shiplapwood siding wood w/ aluminumcladding doors &windows copperdownspout 2 x 6 wood studwalls w/ 5/8" gyp.bd. interior conc. ftg.per struct. EAVE HT. (TYP.) (+21'-9" | 35.8') wood shakesinstalled as class'A' assembly Bedroom 2 Carts FINISH/ ESTAB. GRADE (-8" | 13.3') MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+0'-0" | 14' DATUM) PR OPE R T Y L I N E 10' F Y SB PR O P E R T Y L I N E 10' R Y SB 26'-9" BA Y SHORE D R I V E AL L E Y PoolPPlPPooooPPoooolPPooooPPPPPPPPPPooooooooooooololPPPPPPPPPPoooPPPPPoooooooPoooooooooooooPPPPPPPPPPPPooooooooooooPPPPPPPPPoooPPPoooooooooollooolllllloooPPPooPPPoooPPPPPPooooooooooooooooooPPPoooPPPoooPPPPPP Dining| MediaMechGarage BEDROOM PL. HT. (+21'-4 1/8" | 35.3') ENTRY PL. HT. (+10'-0 5/8" | 24.1') UPPER LEVEL FIN. FLR. (+11'-3 1/2" | 25.3') FIN. SURFACE (-6" | 13.5', VERIFY) DINING/ MEDIA PL. HT.(+12'-0 5/8" | 26.1') TERRACE FIN. FLR.(+13'-3" | 27.3') 9" 3'-6" Mech. Well Terrace Bedroom 2 GARAGE PL. HT. (+9'-10 1/2" | 23.9') pool vaultbeyond MAIN LEVEL FIN. FLR.(+0'-0" | 14' DATUM) RIDGE HT.(+26'-1" | 40.08') T.O. GUARDRAIL (+16'-9" | 30.8') 21'-9" 10'-0" rear SButilities easement BUILDING SECTIONS A3.0 ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - 0 2 4 8 F T. B0 2 4 8 F T. A 30 9" 3'-6" -12NO SCALE TYP. WINDOW SILL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"02 TYP. WINDOW JAMB 03 -1 1/2" = 1'-0"05 -1 1/2" = 1'-0"06 -1 1/2" = 1'-0"07 -08 13NO SCALE- -1 1/2" = 1'-0"09 TYP. WINDOW HEAD 1 1/2" = 1'-0"04 -1 1/2" = 1'-0"10 -1 1/2" = 1'-0"11 DECK EDGE/ GUARDRAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"01 2" x 6" PAINTED WOOD CAP. SLOPE TO SIDES BEAM PER STRUCT'L *ALL EXTERIOR WOOD TO BE REDWOOD,PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE 2'-9 " 2" x 4" PAINTED WOOD RAIL 2" x 2" PAINTED WOOD VERTICAL(EVERY 3rd BAY) COPPER DRIP, TYP. @ ALLWINDOW HEAD TRIMS 2" x 8" PAINTED WOOD HEAD TRIM 2 1/2" x 1" PAINTED WOOD TRIM 3/4" PAINTED WOOD SOFFIT ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD POCKETING DOORSW/ KYNAR FINISH IN WHITE TO MATCHADJACENT HOUSE 3/4" PAINTED WOOD JAMB BEYOND 2" x 4" PAINTED WOOD RAIL 2" x 2" PAINTED WOOD VERTICAL(5 1/2" o.c. MAX.) 2" x 4" PAINTED WOOD RAIL 1" x 6" PAINTED WOOD BASE SKIRT PORCELAIN TILE PER PLANOVER DEX-O-TEX SYSTEM1/4"/ FT. SLOPE, TYP. (PROVIDE SLOTDRAIN ALONG EDGE) SHAPED WOOD CORNICE W/SLOPING COPPER CAP TOWARDSDECK 1'-2 34" 7" PAINTED CEDAR SHIPLAP WOOD SIDINGO/ B.P. TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE HEADER PER STRUCT'L *ALL EXTERIOR TRIM TO BE REDWOOD, PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE COPPER DRIP, TYP. @ ALLWINDOW HEAD TRIMS2" x 6" PAINTED WOOD HEAD TRIM 2 1/2" x 1" PAINTED WOOD TRIM ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS PERPLAN W/ KYNAR FINISH IN WHITE TOMATCH ADJACENT HOUSE 2" x 4" PAINTED WOOD JAMB BEYOND PAINTED CEDAR SHIPLAP WOOD SIDINGO/ B.P. TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE 5/8" GYP. BD. INTERIOR, TYP. *ALL EXTERIOR WOOD TO BE REDWOOD,PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS PERPLAN W/ KYNAR FINISH IN WHITE TOMATCH ADJACENT HOUSE(PROVIDE SILL EXTENSION) PAINTED SHIPLAP CEDAR WOOD SIDINGO/ B.P. TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE 5/8" GYP. BD. INTERIOR, TYP. 2" x 4" PAINTED WOOD SILL TRIM 2" x 4" PAINTED WOOD JAMB BEYOND 2 x 6 WOOD STUD WALLW/ 1/2" PLYWD. PER STRUCT'L *ALL EXTERIOR WOOD TO BE REDWOOD,PAINTED WHITE TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS PERPLAN W/ KYNAR FINISH IN WHITE TOMATCH ADJACENT HOUSE PAINTED SHIPLAP CEDAR WOOD SIDING O/ B.P. TO MATCH ADJACENT HOUSE 5/8" GYP. BD. INTERIOR, TYP. 2" x 4" PAINTED WOOD JAMB TRIM ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD SILL BELOW 2 x 6 WOOD STUD WALLW/ 1/2" PLYWD. PER STRUCT'L 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 112" 4" x 4" PAINTED POST EXTERIOR DETAILS A5.0 ofsheet sheet sheet title key map status issue date ConceptPreliminaryDesign Dev.ReviewPlan Check NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ConstructionOther revisions project h a y e r a r c h i t e c t u r e 4 4 5 M a r i n e V i e w A V ES u i t e 2 8 0 t 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 0f 8 5 8 7 9 2 2 8 0 2 arch@hayerarchitecture.com D e l M a r , C A 9 2 0 1 4 RESIDENCESPANOS 2761 BAYSHORE DRIVENEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 12/7/2022 CDP BAY SHORES city - 31 HARDSCAPE LEGEND 1. Concrete Paving, Smooth Sand Finish (Top Cast #3), Davis Color 'Miami Buff'2. 2" - 3" Capitan Cobbles, Stacked Pattern:a. Grout Color & Size: TBD3. Azek 'Weathered Teak' Wood Planks4. 4" Green Seam, See Sheet L-2 for Plant Material5. 28' x 16' Pool with 5' x 16' Baja Shelfa. Plaster: TBDb. Waterline Tile: TBDc. Coping: TBD6. 36" Ht. Pilaster and Fence, See Sheet L-3 'Pilaster and Fence Elevation'7. 36" Ht. Mailbox, See Sheet L-3 'Mailbox Elevation' 8. (2x) 18" Dia. Pot, See Sheet L-2 for Plant Material 9. Pool Equipment Vault Underneath Deck. Pool / Spa Equipment must meet theCity's sound decibel rating standards10. 5' Ht. Entry Gate, See Sheet L-3 'Pool Wall and Entry Gate Elevation'11. 6'-0" Ht. Property Wall to be Smooth Stucco Finish, Color: Omega #1012. Wall Mounted Art Piece, Designer to Source 13. Vine Espalier, See Sheet L-3 'Vine Espalier' Elevation14. Marathon II Sod15. 5'-0" Ht. Side Gate and Fence, See Sheet L-3 'Side Gate and Fence' Elevation A. Contractor shall examine the site of proposed work noting existing conditions and proposedwork as shown on the plans. Notify landscape designer of discrepanciesB. Contractor shall stake proposed work prior to construction for review by landscape designerC. Protect existing utilities, paving and structures from damage. Trenching adjacent to existing treedrip lines to be done by hand to avoid root damageD. Construction and installation of all landscape items shall be according to State, County, andLocal codes, Ordinances and up to CAL_OSHA safety orders regarding performance of workE. Contractor to obtain required permits and comply with applicable codesF. All Concrete edges to be 1/8" trowelG. All Stucco edges to be 1/8" trowelH. Contractor is responsible for damage to underground utilities and shall replace or repair samerequired at contractors expenseI. Contractor shall assemble material samples including: flagstone, gravel, DG, stains, Stucco, etc.for review by owner and landscape designer prior to constructionJ. coordinate electrical, low voltage, and irrigation conduit sleeves prior to installation of newpavement.K. Contractor to coordinate work with other tradesL. Verify grades and elevations in field and notify landscape design of discrepanciesM. Contractor to review site for proper drainage and report apparent problems to landscapedesignerN. Contractor to verify location of any surface drains in concrete surface prior to pour for locationverification by owner and landscape designerO. Contractor shall install thisproject utilizing the landscape industries B.M.P. Best ManagementPracticesP.Contractor to provide direct drainage, low voltage, and irrigation to all potsQ. Contractor to verify proper soil preparation specific to project climate, native soil, siteconditions.R. Contractor shall use Netafim drip irrigation for all planters and pots.S. Hardscape Contractor to install and coordinate built in low voltage lighting mounting hardwareand sleeves. For example, step lights, in ground lighting, wall lights etc.T. CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW, SIGN, AND APPROVE GARDEN STUDIO'S DESIGN/CONSTRUCTIONNOTEBOOK AND AGREES TO BUILD PER THE SPECIFICATIONS IN THE NOTEBOOK CONSTRUCTION NOTES SJ SJ SJ SJ RI RI M M M M M M M M M M M M BL1BL1BL1 RIS P P O BL1 O P OWB C1WBSYPOSYC1 O GB O RI RI S GB O LA LA ML ML ML ML ML MLSJ SJ SY SY P P SY P RI BL1 BL1 O O P P SJSJ SJSJ Media Dining Kitchen Entry Laundry Powder Golf Cart Garage Trash Storage BA Y S H O R E D R I V E 10' Front Setback10' Rear Setback 4' S i d e Se t b a c k 4' S i d e Set b a c k AL L E Y S 10' Rear Setback 2' HOA FrontSetback L-1 Hardscape Plan Contractor to Field Verify AllMeasurements and ConfirmDetails to Provide Accurate Bid 2732 East Coast Highway, Suite A Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949.673.5450 Date: Revisions: SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" 0' 2'4'8'16' 27 6 1 B a y s h o r e D r i v e , N e w p o r t B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 6 3 08.29.2022 - Initial Meeting Drawn By: Sheet: PM:Contact Email:ashley@gardenstudiodesign.com RP AS 08.23.2022 AR D E N STU D I O D E S I G N G 08.30.2022 - HOA Submittal 09.27.2022 - HOA Submittal10.07.2022 - Plant Update11.28.2022 - HOA Submittal12.15.2022 - HOA Submittal 3 1 2 2 5 4 8 1 9 7 6 6 10 11 1213 13 14 15 15 32 Westringia fruticosa 'Mundi'Low Coast Rosemary 5 gal.12M Olea europaea 'Montra'Little Ollie Dwarf Olive 5 gal.9O Westringia fruticosa 'Smokey'Coast Rosemary 5 gal.2S Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball'Golf Ball Pittosporum 5 gal.P 9 Rosa spp. 'Iceberg'White Iceberg Rose 5 gal.4RI Buxus microphylla ‘Green Beauty’ GlobeGreen Beauty Boxwood Globe 24" dia. 10 Lavandula angustifoliaEnglish Lavender 5 gal.2LA Rosa ‘Iceberg’ ClimbingIceberg Climbing Rose 15 gal.2RI Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Staked’ Star Jasmine 65 gal.SJ SizeTrees Quantity Shrubs Vines Groundcovers Plant Legend: Viola hederaceaAustralian Violet Dirt Flats 6 Gaura lindheimerii ‘Whirling Butterflies’Whirling Butterflies Gaura 1 gal.2WB 1 per Pot2 Total Pots Sesleria autumnalisAutumn Moor Grass 1 gal.40 Erodium reichardii ‘Album’White Heron’s Bill Dirt Flats Dymondia margarataeDymondia Dirt Flats 2 1 Crassula arborescens spp. undulatifoliaBlue Waves Jade PlantC1 Westringia fruticosa 'Grey Box'Dwarf Coast RosemaryGB Salvia yangiiRussian SageSY ML Citrus x meyeriMeyer Lemon 15 gal.6 1 gal.2 1 gal.3 5 gal.2 Azalea 'Gumpo White' Gumpo White Azalea 15 gal. Laurus nobilis ‘Multi’Bay Laurel 15 gal.6BL1 36" Maintained Ht 1 12" 24" 24" 36" 18" - 24" 36" 18" 12" 36" 30" 30" - - - 4" 4" 4" - Laurus nobilis Standard Bay Laurel 15 gal.2 Olea europaea 'Wilsonii' StandardFruitless Olive Tree 48" Box -- 1. Under no circumstances will there be any material substitutions, except with theexpress consent of the Landscape Architect/Designer. 2. The contractor is responsible for the costs associated with procuring the services ofa soil testing laboratory to perform an Agricultural Suitability Analysis for both nativeplants and traditional plant materials. Their recommendations are to be followed for soilpreparation and backfill amendment and procedures, and for maintenance fertilizerapplications. Two random samples shall be taken from each on-site stockpile of native soiland delivered by the contractor to the soils testing laboratory. 3. For bidding purposes only, the contractor is to assume the following amendmentfor soil preparation, and is to assume utilization of amended site soil for plant pit backfill:Incorporate into the soil the following materials, per procedures described in thespecification. Material amounts per 1,000 square feet: 3 cubic yards Nitrogen Fortified Wood Compost 2 cubic yards Organic Fertilizer 100 lbs. Gypsum 30 lbs. Commercial Fertilizer 4. For soils less than 6% Organic Matter in the top six (6) inches of soil, compost at arate of a minimum of four cubic yards per 1,000 square feet of permeable area shall beincorporated to a depth of six inches into the soil. 5. Backfill all Planters with B.D. White Top Soil Company 'Mixture 76', a LightweightBlended Soil for planters and rooftop planters.Contact: B.D. White Top Soil Co. Inc. 19205 South Prairie Avenue Torrance, Ca 90503 310.370.5511 6. A minimum three-inch (3) layer of mulch shall be applied on all exposed soilsurfaces of planting areas except turf areas, creeping or rooting ground covers, or directseeding applications where mulch is contradicted. 7. Class 1 Recycled Bark Mulch is required within planter areas at a depth of 3” forshrub planters where planting consists of 1 gallon or larger plants. Soil shall not be visiblethrough mulch. Keep mulch three-inches (3”) clear of tree trunks and plant stems. Prior topurchase or installation of the mulch, contractor is to submit a sample to the owner forapproval PLANTING NOTES HOA PLANTING NOTES 1. Plant material from the front yard setback to the 24" Zone may not exceed amaximum height of 36" and must be maintained at the 36" max. height. SJ SJ SJ SJ RI RI M M M M M M M M M M M M BL1BL1BL1 RIS P P O BL1 O P OWB C1WBSYPOSYC1 O GB O RI RI S GB O LA LA ML ML ML ML ML MLSJ SJ SY SY P P SY P RI BL1 BL1 O O P P Y WBW JJJJ SJSJ SJSJ Media Dining Kitchen Entry Laundry Powder Golf Cart Garage Trash Storage BA Y S H O R E D R I V E 10' Front Setback10' Rear Setback 4' S i d e Se t b a c k 4' S i d e Se t b a c k AL L E Y SS 10' Rear Setback 2' HOA FrontSetback Contractor to Field Verify AllMeasurements and ConfirmDetails to Provide Accurate Bid 2732 East Coast Highway, Suite A Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949.673.5450 Date: Revisions: SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" 0' 2'4'8'16' 27 6 1 B a y s h o r e D r i v e , N e w p o r t B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 6 3 08.29.2022 - Initial Meeting Drawn By: Sheet: PM:Contact Email:ashley@gardenstudiodesign.com RP AS 08.23.2022 AR D E N STU D I O D E S I G N G 08.30.2022 - HOA Submittal 09.27.2022 - HOA Submittal10.07.2022 - Plant Update11.28.2022 - HOA Submittal12.15.2022 - HOA Submittal L-2 Planting Plan 33 Contractor to Field Verify AllMeasurements and ConfirmDetails to Provide Accurate Bid 2732 East Coast Highway, Suite A Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949.673.5450 Date: Revisions: 27 6 1 B a y s h o r e D r i v e , N e w p o r t B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 6 3 08.29.2022 - Initial Meeting Drawn By: Sheet: PM:Contact Email:ashley@gardenstudiodesign.com RP AS 08.23.2022 AR D E N STU D I O D E S I G N G 08.30.2022 - HOA Submittal 09.27.2022 - HOA Submittal10.07.2022 - Plant Update11.28.2022 - HOA Submittal12.15.2022 - HOA Submittal L-3 Elevations 0' 1'2'4' SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" Legend Pilaster and Fence Elevation Scale: 12" = 1' 3 3' 2'- 9 " 4 1. Concrete Cap, SmoothSand Finish Topcast #3,Davis Color 'Miami Buff' 2. Pilaster, Smooth StuccoFinish, Color: Omega #103. 4" x 2" Reclaimed Wood Rail4. Finished Surface 1 2 6' 3'2761 Legend 1. Smooth Stucco Finish, Color: Omega #102. Custom Mailbox with House Numbers,Designer to Source3. Concrete Cap, Smooth Sand Finish Topcast #3, Davis Color 'Miami Buff'4. Adjacent Fence. See Pilaster and Fence Elevation5. Finish Surface 2 5 Mailbox Elevation Scale: 12" = 1' 431 Pool Wall and Entry Gate Elevation Scale: 12" = 1' 21 House Facing Elevation 6' Legend 1. 6' Ht Wall, Smooth StuccoFinish,Color: Omega #10 2. (3x) Water Weirs, Designer toSource3. Pool Below 4. 6" Vertical Wood Plank EntryGate 5. Finished Surface6. Tile Finish, Size & Color: TBD7. Adjacent Property Line Wall 3 4576 Vine Espalier Elevation Scale: 12" = 1' 1. Adjacent Wall2. Steel Wires withEye Hooks3. Vine, Ref. Sheet L-24. Finished Grade Legend1 4 3 2 Side Gate & Fence Elevation Scale: 12" = 1' 1. Wood Gate, 6" Vertical Paint GradeWood, Painted White2. Wood Fence, 6" Vertical PaintGrade Wood, Painted White3. Emtek 'Rectangular Helios Key inLeverset' Gate Lever with Latch and Strike Plate 4. (3x) Emtek 4" x 4" x 14" Heavy DutyBall Bearing Hinge5. Finish Surface Legend21345 5' 34 SJJ SJJ SJJ SJJ RI RI M M M M M M M M M M M M BL1BL1BL1 RIS P P IO BL1 O P OOWBWBW C1WBWBWBWWPSYSYWPOSYSC1 O GB O RI RI S GB O LA LA MLML MLML MLML MLML MLM GMLLMLSJSJSJ SJSJSJ RSYS OSYYSYSYYS P P SY P RIR BL11 BL1B O WBO P C1 PPS M MSJS SJSSJSJJSJSJ SJSJJSJSJ B OOP M M M M M M M M M M M MML ML ML ML ML ML SJ SJ SJ SJ Media Dining Kitchen Entry Laundry Powderr Golf Cart Garage Trash Storage B A Y S H O R E D R I V E 10' Front Setback10' Rear Setback 4' Side Setb a c k 4' Side Se t b a c k A LL E Y S 10'Rear Setback10 Rear Setback ML ML M ML ML LM SYYSY 2' HOA FrontSetback OOO RISOOP Lighting Legend: Symbol Description Product #Finish Type Qty Path Lights GSD-14-1-MBR Matte Bronze 12v LED 08 Regular Uplights GSD-11-1-MBR 05 Small Uplights GSD-11-2-MBR Matte Bronze Matte Bronze 12v LED 12v LED 06 Contractor to Field Verify AllMeasurements and ConfirmDetails to Provide Accurate Bid 2732 East Coast Highway, Suite A Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949.673.5450 Date: Revisions: SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" 0' 2'4'8'16' 27 6 1 B a y s h o r e D r i v e , N e w p o r t B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 6 3 08.29.2022 - Initial Meeting Drawn By: Sheet: PM:Contact Email:ashley@gardenstudiodesign.com RP AS 08.23.2022 AR D E N STU D I O D E S I G N G 08.30.2022 - HOA Submittal 09.27.2022 - HOA Submittal10.07.2022 - Plant Update11.28.2022 - HOA Submittal12.15.2022 - HOA Submittal L-4 Lighting Plan 35 Media Dining Kitchen Entry Laundry Powderr Golf Cart Garage s) Pits) Trash Storage B A Y S H O R E D R I V E A L L E Y KITCHEN BUTLER PANTRY DINING ROOM PAPAP W EXISTINGDOMESTICWATERMETER EXISTINGDOMESTICHOUSE LINE MV A A A F F F S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S A2 1" 1 HZ 285 SF A1 1" 7 HZ 1140 SF A4 1" 3 HZ 3274 SF A3 1" 3 HZ 2288 SF A5 1" 1 HZ 2114 SF A6 1" 1 HZ 279 SF A S S S S S S S S S S S S S S FF A A SLO-CLOSE SERIES BALL VALVE. SIZE per LINE A IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CONTROLLER LOCATION. POWERSUPPLY CONNECTION TO THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SHALL BE THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR. WATER METER EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER METER. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONAND ADEQUATE PRESSURE PRIOR TO COMMENCING IRRIGATION WORK. NO SYMBOL INSTALL WIRELESS RAIN-CLIK and CONNECT to CONTROLLER. INSTALLPER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. LASCO IRRIGATIONCONTROLLER HUNTER HEAVY DUTY HOSE BIB. PER CONTRACTOR. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TOCOORDINATE FINAL LOCATIONS WITH HOMEOWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.HUNTER PVC PIPE SCH. 40 SLEEVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE ORWIRE BUNDLE CARRIED - EXTEND 12" BEYOND EDGE OF PAVING &PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC.. 1 12" IRRIGATION PRESSURE MAINLINE SCH. 40 PVC - BURY MIN. 18"BELOW GRADE. with SCHEDULE 80 FITTINGS NON-PRESSURE LATERAL SCH 40 PVC with SCHEDULE 40 FITTINGSUP TO 1 12" - BURY MIN. 12" BELOW GRADE (SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN). AS APPROVED AS APPROVED AS APPROVED GPMVAL.# SIZE TYPESq. Ft. NO SYMBOL IRRIGATION UTILITIES & VALVES IRRIGATION CONTROLLER IRRIGATION PIPING VALVE KEY DRIPLINE AUTOMATIC LINE FLUSH VALVE. - PROVIDE SCH 40 SOLVENT- WELDBALL VALVE FOR FLUSH OFF OF PCV EXHAUST MANIFOLD PIPE, INSTALL FLUSHVALVE INSIDE 6" ROUND VALVE BOX, ONE AT THE END OF ANY DRIPLINELATERAL or PVC EXHAUST HEADER. MULTIPLE FLUSH VALVES MAY BEREQUIRED WITHIN DRIPLINE LAYOUT. ALWAYS INSTALL VALVES IN OPPOSITEDIRECTIONS OF THE PVC/DRIP CONNECTION MANIFOLD. USE HUNTER FITTINGS FOR CONNECTION BETWEEN PVC LATERAL LINES ANDDRIPPERLINE TUBING. NON-PRESSURE LATERAL SCH. 40 SUPPLY LATERAL. NOTE: EXHAUSTLATERALS NOT SHOWN. PLD-ARV-075 AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE INSTALLED with COMBINATION TEE AND A3/4" x 1/2" REDUCER BUSHING, INSTALL AIR RELIEF ASSEMBLY INSIDE A 6" ROUNDVALVE BOX AT THE HIGH POINT OF EACH PLANTER, MIN. 1 ARV PER 500' OFDISTRIBUTION TUBING. USING AIR RELIEF LATERAL, CONNECT AIR RELIEF VALVETO ALL DRIPPERLINE LATERALS WITHIN THE ELEVATED AREA. MULTIPLE ARV'S SHALL BE REQUIRED PER RCV WITHIN UNDULATING AREAS,VERIFY QUANTITY PRIOR TO STARTING WORK, FLUSH VALVES and AIR RELIEFVALVES SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY, INSTALL EMITTER BOX: 18" MIN. FROM PAVING/WALLS AND AT HIGH POINTS OFPLANTER AREA. PCZ-101 AND ACZ-075. 1" AND 34" ANTI-SIPHON REMOTE CONTROL VALVESFILTER SYSTEM. HUNTER - HDL-06-12 SUB-SURFACE DRIPLINE TUBING 0.6 GPH EMITTERS at 12"ON CENTER SPACING- ALL TUBING SHALL BE INSTALLED 4" MINIMUM BELOWFINISHED SOIL GRADE W/ 9" WIRE STAKES FIVE (4) FEET ON CENTER; VERIFYTHE LAYOUT AND 12" MIN. ON CENTER SPACING IN THE FIELD PRIOR TOSTARTING WORK. INSTALL SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM perMANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. A SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION PIPE SIZE BLANK TUBING or 1/2" PVC0 - 5 GPM ZONE FLOW 8.1 - 13 GPM 1 1/2" PVC 5 - 8 GPM 3/4" PVC 1 1/4" PVC13.1 - 22 GPM22.1 - 30 GPM 1" PVC LATERAL, MAINLINE & DRIPPERLINE SUPPLY/EXHAUST PIPE SIZING: HUNTER AS APPROVED NETAFIM HUNTER ICV-101G - REMOTE CONTROL VALVE with FLOW CONTROLHUNTER S S S S F AS APPROVED NON-PRESSURE UVR LATERAL SCH 40 PVC with SCHEDULE 40FITTINGS UP TO 1 12" - ON GRADE, PROVIDE PIPE STABILIZERS 10'O.C. (SIZE AS NOTED ON PLAN). INSTALL ALL NOZZLES AND BUBBLERS LISTED BELOW ON PRO-6-PRS40-CV FORTURF AREAS AND PRO-12-PRS40-CV FOR SHRUB AREAS. USE PCS SCREENSFOR HEADS WITH OVERSPRAY ONTO HARDSCAPE. ALL HEADS ON LOWESTPOINTS OF ZONES TO BE INSTALLED WITH HUNTER HCV CHECK VAVLES SPRAY AND BUBBLER IRRIGATION HUNTER PCB BUBBLERS - 2' to 4' RADIUS (0.5 GPM), INSTALL (2) BUBBLERS PER TREEHUNTER NO SYMBOL AS APPROVEDNO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL SPEARS DBY DIRECT BURIAL WATER-PROOF WIRE CONNECTORS FOR USE ON ALLWIRE CONNECTIONS IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14UF AWG DIRECT BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED) DS-400 PRE-FILLED WIRE CONNECTORS FOR USE ON ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS NO SYMBOL 3M FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEETS L-6 and L-7FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET L-8 REFERENCE NOTES IRRIGATION MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT EXISTING MAINLINE TO REMAIN MV HUNTER IBV-101G-FS MASTER VALVE Contractor to Field Verify AllMeasurements and ConfirmDetails to Provide Accurate Bid 2732 East Coast Highway, Suite A Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949.673.5450 Date: Revisions: 27 6 1 B a y s h o r e D r i v e , N e w p o r t B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 6 3 08.29.2022 - Initial Meeting Drawn By: Sheet: PM:Contact Email: ashley@gardenstudiodesign.com RPAS 08.23.2022 AR D E N STU D I O D E S I G N G 08.30.2022 - HOA Submittal09.27.2022 - HOA Submittal10.07.2022 - Plant Update 11.28.2022 - HOA Submittal L-5 Irrigation Plan 36 Contractor to Field Verify AllMeasurements and ConfirmDetails to Provide Accurate Bid 2732 East Coast Highway, Suite A Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949.673.5450 Date: Revisions: 27 6 1 B a y s h o r e D r i v e , N e w p o r t B e a c h , C A 9 2 6 6 3 08.29.2022 - Initial Meeting Drawn By: Sheet: PM:Contact Email: ashley@gardenstudiodesign.com RPAS 08.23.2022 AR D E N STU D I O D E S I G N G 08.30.2022 - HOA Submittal09.27.2022 - HOA Submittal10.07.2022 - Plant Update 11.28.2022 - HOA Submittal L-6 Irrigation Notes GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES 1. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PROCURE AN ORIGINAL SET OF THESE PRINTED IRRIGATION PLANS FOR BIDDINGAND CONSTRUCTION. COPIES OF THESE PLANS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION AS THEY MAY NOT SHOW IRRIGATIONSYMBOLS, LINE WEIGHTS, OR LINE TYPES CLEARLY. 2. ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL AND STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO ANY PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBYINCORPORATED INTO AND MADE A PART OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS, PROPERTY LINES, DIMENSIONS AND THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES,STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESEPLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THEOWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING ANDCOMMENCING WORK. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTURAL PLANS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 6. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHINPLANTING AREAS. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THATUNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BEBROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALLRESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. 8. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH LOCALCITY, COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. 9. ACTUAL LOCATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE AND THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER IS TO BE DETERMINEDIN THE FIELD BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. 10. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE TWO ADDITIONAL 'CONTROL WIRES' AND ONE ADDITIONAL 'COMMON' WIRE FROM CONTROLLER ALONG ENTIRETYOF MAIN LINE TO THE LAST RCV ON EACH AND EVERY LEG OF MAIN LINE. LABEL SPARE WIRES AT BOTH ENDS. 11. ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN SLEEVING TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. SEE LEGEND FOR TYPE. ALL WIREUNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE THROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BEINSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12" PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. 12. ALL QUICK COUPLERS TO BE INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUND COVER AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. ALL QUICK COUPLERS TO BE INSTALLED ASSHOWN ON THE INSTALLATION DETAILS. INSTALL ALL QUICK COUPLERS WITHIN 18" OF HARDSCAPE. 13. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN AND ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENTOVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN ORADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUSUNITS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE U.L. APPROVED GROUND ROD(S) AND/OR GROUND PLATE(S) WITH CADWELD ONE-SHOT CONNECTION PROCESSFOR CONNECTING THE CONDUCTOR WIRE TO THE ROD(S) AND/OR PLATE(S). 15. THE NUMBER OF RODS OR PLATES SHALL DEPEND ON THE CONDUCTIVITY OF THE IMMEDIATE SOIL SURROUNDING THE ROD(S) AND/ORPLATE(S). MAXIMUM GROUND RESISTANCE SHALL BE PER CONTROLLER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO IRRIGATION LEGEND FOR CONTROLLER TYPE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER AND ELECTRICAL POC SHALLBE CONFIRMED WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 17. MAINLINE SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL MAINLINE LOCATION TO BE WITHIN PLANTER, A MINIMUM OF 18" OFF ADJACENTHARDSCAPE AND OTHER OBSTACLES TYP. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ALL EXPOSED PVC PIPE WHICH IS ON-GRADE TO REDUCE VISIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC EYE AND IMPROVE THEAESTHETICS OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. PAINT SHALL BE AN OUTDOOR PAINT RESISTANT TO SUN EXPOSURE. CONTRACTOR SHALLCONFIRM PAINT COLOR AND TYPE WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 19. LATERAL LINES MAY BE SHOWN WITHIN PAVING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION TO BE WITHIN PLANTER. CONFIRM ALL LAYOUT IN FIELDWITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 20. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES AND ISOLATION VALVE LOCATIONS ON THIS DRAWING ARE APPROXIMATE. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALLSTAKE OUT EACH ELECTRICAL CONTROL VALVE AND ISOLATION VALVE LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ALL VALVES. FINAL LOCATION AND EXACT POSITIONING FOR ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES ANDISOLATION VALVES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. MINOR MODIFICATIONS OF REMOTE CONTROLVALVES AND ISOLATION VALVE LOCATIONS AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THECONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE PROJECT. FAILURE TO OBTAIN OWNER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION SHALL CAUSETHE CONTRACTOR TO MAKE PROJECT DIRECTED REVISIONS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. IN GENERAL, UNLESS OTHERWISEDIRECTED BY OWNER, ALL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THREE FEET FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, WALK OR CURB IN SHRUB PLANTINGAREAS. 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE PROPER GROUNDING TECHNIQUES FOR GROUNDING THE CONTROLLER AND RELATED EQUIPMENT PERMANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. MEASURING FOR PROPER GROUND AT LEAST ONCE ANNUALLY, AND NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS MADE TOCOMPLY WITH MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS IS RECOMMEND. PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION xxxxx IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SCHEDULE TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS: P.O.C. #FRICTION LOSS CALCULATIONS FLOW METER CONTROL VALVE MASTER VALVE METER ELEV.H.G.L. PSI PSI PSI PSI WATER METER NO.ELEVATION SIZE STATIC PRESS.HIGH LOWINFO. SOURCE:PHONE:DATE OF INFO. .433 =XREMOTE CONTROL VALVE No.SIZE MAX. DEMAND GPMELEV. OF HIGHEST HEADPRESS. AT RCV PSI QTY. SIZE PRESS. REGULATOR (FALL OFF)PSIWATER METER PSI BACKFLOW PREVENTER PSI GATE VALVE PSI MAINLINE PSIMAINLINEPSI MAINLINE PSI MAINLINE PSI LATERAL LINE LATERAL LINELATERAL LINE PSI PSIPSI LATERAL LINE PSIFITTING LOSS (10%) PSI ELEVATION CHANGE (+/-)PSI PRESSURE TO OPERATE HEAD PSI TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED:PSILOWEST STATIC PRESSURE AVAILABLE PSIPRE-SET REGULATED PRESSURE (IF REQ'D)PSI RESIDUAL WATER PRESSURE PSI - -3/4"N/A ±±---N/A---A1 1" 7-- 1 3/4" 3.5-- --- -1- 0.1 1- 0.5 1 LINE 0.5226 -2.2 --- --- ---11"4.1 ----1 1/4"- ±1"- ± 3/4"0.31.1 - 12.340 52.3-- 10-15 MAXIMUM DEMAND PLANT WATER REQ. A HYDROZONE TREE / SHRUB / GROUNDCOVER B REFERENCE PERIOD 31 DAYS C REFERENCE Eto 5.3 INCHES D LANDSCAPE CO: K 0.60 1PLANT FACTOR: K 0.60 2 VEGE. DENSITY 1.00 3 MICROCLIMATE 1.00 E LANDSCAPE ET 3.18 INCHES F AVERAGE DAILY ET 0.103 INCHES IRRI PERFORMANCE VALUE UNITS G PRECIP RATE 0.600 IN./HR. H DISTRIB. UNIFORMITY 0.65 DECIMAL I SCHEDULE MULTIPLIER 1.60 SCHEDULINGPARAMETERS J IRRIGATION INTERVAL 3.5 DAYS K WATER TO APPLY 0.36 INCHES L LOWER BOUNDARY 36 MINUTES M UPPER BOUNDARY 57 MINUTES N SELECTED RUN TIME 57 MINUTES O CYCLE STARTS: a TIME TO RUNOFF N/A OR b SITE CONDITION 2 CYCLES 1 SOIL CATEGORY 2 - 2 SLOPE 0 - 3 COMPACTION 0 - 4 SPRINKLER TYPE 0 - SUMMARY WATER APPLIED 0.36 INCHES INTERVAL 3.5 DAYS CYCLES PER DAY 2 MINUTES PER CYCLE 29 MINUTES THESE IRRIGATION SCHEDULES ARE FOR TWICE WEEKLY IRRIGATION PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REQUIREMENTS. THE UPPER BOUNDARY IRRIGATION RUN TIME HAS BEEN SELECTED FOR THE INITIALPLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD (MINIMUM ONE YEAR). ONCE PLANTS ARE ESTABLISHED THE RUNTIMES MAY BE SHORTENED TO THE LOWER BOUNDARY. ROUTINE PLANT OBSERVATION ANDMAINTENANCE ARE REQUIRED FOR OPTIMAL PLANT HEALTH. VALUE UNITS VALUE UNITS VALUE UNITS THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGN FOR A PRESSURE OF 65 PSI. IF THE WATER PRESSUREVARIES BY MORE THAN 20% THE CONTRACTOR SHALLCONTACT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ON HOW TOPROCEED. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL ALLREPAIRS/REPLACEMENTS ON THE RESPONSIBILITYOF THE CONTRACTOR. MAR.JAN FEB. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. DEC.AUG. SEP. NOV.OCT. = 45.4C.I.M.I.S. STATION: NEWPORT BEACHET DATA MONTHLYo 2.6 2.5 3.5 4.2 5.0 4.7 5.3 5.3 4.5 3.3 2.5 2.0 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SAMPLE: JULY 5.3 ETo for DRIP Hydrozones (by r.c.v. station): = (45.4) x (.62) [(0.55 x 960) + ((1-.55) x 0)]= M.A.W.A MAWA = (ETo) (0.62) [(0.55 x LA) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)]EAWU = (ET ) x (Plant Factor) x (Hydrozone Area) x (.62) Irrigation Efficiency (72% - 90%) E.A.W.U. - SEE TABLE BELOW o 14,862 gallons/year 14,579 gallons/year RCV STATION ETO PLANT FACTOR HYDROZONEAREA (SQ. FT.)CONV. FACTOR IRRIGATION EFFICIENCY Gallons/Year HZ1 45.4 140 0.62 HZ2 0.62SHRUB DRIP 0.4 81% 81% 1,751TREE WITH BUBBLERS WATER USE MED TOTAL 14,579 = 54645.4MED 0.4 6,830 HZ3 0.62TURF DRIP 81%27445.4HIGH 0.7 5,998 37